WHAT MATTERS ...... October 20, 2020 News from Your Synod and Ministry Partners

South-Central Synod of Wisconsin,ELCA/6401 Odana Rd./Suite 20/Madison, WI 53719/(608)270-0201/www.scsw-elca.org

Preparing our Hearts to Vote As Christians and leaders in our congregations, we have a responsibility to faithfully prepare our hearts and help others do the same in the final weeks before our election. Synod staff recommend the following resources:

ELCA Votes – Civic Engagement and Voter Guide

Message from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

As we prepare for the upcoming election season, I commend this guide to you and your congregation. This church understands government as a means through which God works to preserve creation and build a more peaceful and just social order in a broken world.

WE ARE CHURCH. Centered on the cross, nourished by word and sacraments, we find our life and strength. The ELCA social statement The Church in Society: A Lutheran Perspective guides our public speech and ethical actions as the church in the world. In it we commit to “work with and on behalf of the poor, the powerless, and those who suffer, using [this church’s] power and influence with political and economic decision-making bodies to develop and advocate policies that seek to advance justice, peace, and the care of creation.”

WE ARE LUTHERAN. As Lutherans, we affirm God’s presence in all realms of life, including political life. When we pray to God to give us our daily bread, Luther reminds us, this includes “everything that pertains to the regulation of our domestic and our civil or political affairs.” We understand that Christians are called to be stewards of our common life through serving as faithful and active citizens.

WE ARE CHURCH TOGETHER. As church together the ELCAvotes initiative serves to educate, equip and encourage discipleship through participating together in the electoral process. Casting our ballots is one way in which we live out our affirmation of baptism to “serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus.” We strive for justice and peace in all the earth and serve our neighbor by securing and expanding voting rights to ensure that all voices are valued, and every voice is heard.

WE ARE CHURCH FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD. The ELCA is a church called by Jesus Christ to be a public witness to the love of God poured out for all. In 2013, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly adopted a social policy resolution titled “Voting Rights to All Citizens.” This resolution calls on members, congregations and synods of the church to “promote public life worthy of the name” by speaking out as advocates, engaging in local efforts such as voter registration and supporting legislation to “guarantee the right to vote to all citizens.” We live out our mutual responsibility for one another by guaranteeing our neighbor’s right to vote and participate freely and fully in society.

This guide will be a useful tool for you and your ministries as you wrestle with faithful responses to difficult issues in this election cycle and those to come. Remember that voting is only one action toward faithful civic participation; many more opportunities to use your voice on behalf of those in need are available at www.elca. org/advocacy.

May the Holy Spirit guide you as you consider how to use the voice given to you by God and the vote given to you by this country.

God’s peace, Elizabeth A. Eaton Presiding Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in America http://bit.ly/ELCACivicEngagementGuide

Wisconsin Council of Churches Webinar: “An Evening With Diana Butler Bass 2 and Brian McLaren” Long-time friends Diana Butler Bass & Brian McLaren engage in an hour of conversation, touching on religion and politics, the upcoming election, and their hopes for the future. This conversation will encourage and invite you to think about the simple thing in front of you that can create a better world. It ends with a benediction for voting for our nation written by Brian and faith leaders from many different faith traditions. We invite you to view it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rHyjCoSnhI&feature=youtu.be

JUST LOVE FREE BIBLE STUDY FROM GATHER MAGAZINE 3 Session 1: “Just Love” in the Family: What’s Love Got to do with it? (John 11:1-6, 17-37) Session 1 focuses on what “just love” might look like in a family system. Using the story of Mary’s and Martha’s confrontations with Jesus in the aftermath of their brother Lazarus’ death, this session explores the role of anger in the pursuit of justice, including anger directed at God.

Session 2: “Just Love” in the Community: From Tree to We (Luke 19:1-10) Session 2 views the story of Zacchaeus through the lens of restorative justice. What does it mean to make amends for the harm we have caused? How does Je sus invite us into healing relationships that reconnect us to the communities from which we have been alienated?

Session 3: “Just Love” in the Nation: Giving Birth to Justice (Exodus 1:8-22) Session 3 challenges readers to examine what “just love” requires when injustice occurs at the highest levels of government. In the book of Exodus the midwives Shiphrah and Puah defy Pharaoh to save the lives of Hebrew babies. This session draws on understandings of formal and informal power and how we can use the power God has given us to effect change.

To obtain this bible study: https://www.gathermagazine.org/summer-2020just-love-by-gladys- moore-and-christa-compton/

4 “Lutheran World Federation Webinar “Truth-Telling and Resisting Disinfodemic: Promoting Media Literacy in Faith Communities” Tuesday, October 27 / 8:30 am CT To register: https://lutheranworld- org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OQPgqApCSYuUcg5jDq8W9Q

Rostered Women’s Gathering Zoom Thursday, October 22 9:00 am Contact Julie Krahn for the link: Julie Krahn [email protected]

Worship Offering for Synod Assembly

Thank you for your generosity to the synod assembly offering. This year, the offering was designated to be shared between the synod’s Latino ministries and our partner, the ELCA Caribbean synod. Many of you heard a word of greeting and thanks from Bishop Idalia Negrón Caamano for our ongoing partnership as she joined us virtually from Dorado, Puerto Rico during the bishop’s installation. In a conversation with her earlier in the week, she was excited to hear that a gift of over $800 would be sent their way. They were going to hold a reformation service that would celebrate the ordination of women and the service would be televised. Bishop Idalia shared, “It cost $700 to do this so your support will help with this evangelical event. God’s timing is perfect!” That conversation took place last week, so she will be ever more surprised to receive a check for $1,170.50 which is half of the offering that was given for these ministries. The other half will be gratefully received by Parroquia Santa Maria in Fitchburg and Parroquia San José in Beloit to support pastoral leadership and raise up lay leaders in these developing worship communities. Thank you!

ELCA CONFERENCE OF BISHOPS Holds Virtual Meeting – Ever Wonder What Bishops Talk About? Click on the link below to learn what is top of mind with our 65 bishops! The Conference of Bishops gathered virtually Oct. 1-2 for their bi-annual meeting, the first time ever held online. “In her report to the conference, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton emphasized the generosity witnessed throughout the church, as evidenced by the COVID-19 appeal, which raised $1.6 million to support ELCA ministries best positioned to help those in need during the pandemic. In addition, 200 congregations raised more than $313,000, including $100,000 granted through ELCA World Hunger Daily Bread Matching Grants.” “In key business, the conference approved the implementation of a revised first-call process for rostered ministry.” Click link above for more key business of the meeting.

300+ ELCA World Hunger Daily Bread Matching Grants Available – Apply Now!

Thanks to the generous response to the COVID-19 Appeal, ELCA World Hunger will be offering 300+ additional Daily Bread Matching Grants this fall. This article is to make sure that all of our congregations with a feeding ministry know about this opportunity and read on for more details:

Timeline: Details for applying via ELCA GrantMaker can be found on elca.org/dailybread and ELCA World Hunger’s social media. Approved participants will be notified shortly before the two-week fundraising period, which will take place November 8-22. Until then, interested congregations should email [email protected] and follow ELCA World Hunger on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for updates.

What’s A Synod?” Part 1 By Deacon Vicki Hanrahan Assistant to the Bishop for Synodical Life

Thirty six years ago when my husband and I were married and joined the Lutheran Church, someone with Lutheran roots asked me, “What synod are you in?” I remember thinking…Huh? What’s a synod? In my Lutheran infancy, I answered, “Well, I think the church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, so I know it’s not in the Missouri synod.” I still laugh when I remember that, and at the same time, I am and will always be in awe of the journey that God created for me, especially as a woman. Since 2016, after years of discovery, continuing education and on the job training, I became an ordained Minister of Word and Service to the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin of the ELCA. Isn’t it funny that my call includes synodical communications and life, teaching others what it means to be a part of a synod and the larger church. As others have taught me, so now, I am called to teach those in their infancy.

And that brings me to the point of this multi-part series on Synodical Life.

I hear it time and time again. “People don’t know where their mission support goes or how it is used. People don’t know what a synod is or what a synod does.” I believe this is less about a failure to communicate than it is about the reality of the journey we are on together. I would guess that most of the 2,300 readers of What Matters know that your congregation is one of 138 worshipping communities that make up the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and when you became a member of your congregation, you became a member of all three expressions of the church: local, synodical and ELCA churchwide. You are a subscriber of What Matters because you are an active, engaged member of your congregation. Or as a stakeholder in this good kingdom work, you walk with us as a partner ministry of our synod. Either way, you are further along in your understanding than most in our synod.

The reality is that there are members in your congregations with an infant’s understanding of this marvelous church just like I had 36 years ago. Some may have been attenders for a long time like I was and are now just beginning to engage in the life of your church. Some members have converted from other faith traditions, like I did, and are just beginning to understand what it means to interpret scripture through the Lutheran lens. It is our prayer that we can all work together to help them better understand that engaging at the synod or even churchwide levels can help their faith evolve into something far reaching. So as not to overwhelm them, baby steps are helpful. And here’s an example of what I mean:

Asking new Lutherans to understand for example the genesis of the ELCA would be like drinking from a firehose instead of a tippy cup. Just try telling them the history of the merger of the three ALC, AELC and LCA. You may try to impress them with remembering what the acronyms stand for… The , the Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches and the Lutheran Church in America. But try that and you’ll likely find that only a few find it interesting, and others’ eyes may glaze over as I’m sure did mine. It is good for us to remember that some younger members may just be at the point in their journey where they are simply figuring out how to belong and fit in. And others may only have the energy to attend worship to hear the good news and that is enough for now.

Instead, we encourage you to move into your new member primer an introduction to what it means to belong to the larger church. Let them know that when they became a member of your congregation, they automatically belong to a community of saints outside your zip code and there are members from other churches in 12 counties that want to meet them and walk with them! They belong to the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin of the ELCA. What is their first step to walking together with us? Go to the synod website and sign up for What Matters. Get to know us and receive the invitations to learn about, be inspired by and if they choose, to participate in our shared work.

There are nearly 87,000 members across our synod. The harvest is plentiful. In the next several issues of What Matters, I will give you information that you can share in your contexts to help others enrich their understanding of what it means to be walking together in this part of God’s kingdom and how getting involved in the larger church can change the trajectory of their life!

I invite you to actively participate in this series by sharing what you learn with others in your settings. If you write the newsletter for your church, or you lead committee meetings, or you teach new member classes, please share these issues of What Matters and invite others to send me an email to receive What Matters directly.

And if you will indulge me for a moment, I would like to thank two of the most influential people in my faith formation. I am grateful to the Rev. David Berggren, my pastor for 20 years, and Muriel Arms, Associate in Ministry (former deacon of our church) who worked tirelessly to make sure that we were all on a journey of love together. We were made to understand that we would find ourselves in different stages in our faith development, but no matter where we were, Jesus would meet us where we were at, and the point was that we all keep moving forward together. They loved this church and made sure we understood that we were part of something bigger than 550 Lincoln Drive in Sun Prairie. Being encouraged to appreciate the significance and wonder of that is why I am a called deacon in the church today.

Next week, we will share from people who say that engaging in synod life helped them to hear God’s voice as the master navigator of God’s plan for their lives along with some other interesting demographics about the synod in which we belong.

Invite New members to Sign up for What Matters today! https://scsw-elca.org/news/ or to send me an email and put “Add Me to What Matters” in the subject: [email protected]

Include a sign up sheet in your new member packets! Include a simple yes, no question:

Would you like to stay connected to our larger church through the synod’s e-newsletter, What Matters? We highly recommend it!

Curated Resources to Help You Faithfully Lead and Stay in Connected Community During this time of the Pandemic

Resources can also be found on the synod’s website: https://scsw-elca.org/community

ELCA Resource: Resuming Care-Filled Worship and Sacramental Time During the Pandemic:

Includes benchmarks for resuming in person worship, checklists for safety, planning for beauty, informing the congregation, singing & music, passing the peace, extending the table and so much more. Download this 36-page resource chockfull of helpful and thoughtful information: English Version: http://bit.ly/ELCAResumingWorshipDuringPandemic

Spanish Version: http://bit.ly/ELCAPandemicWorshipSpanish


Resources to help leaders and members stay connected and resilient during COVID-19 are available from the ELCA.

Many resources on this page are also available in Spanish. https://elca.org/publichealth/

Continue Your Vigilance - Churches are well positioned to take all the steps necessary to contain and mitigate emergencies including COVID-19. This includes the steps outlined above and knowing to contact their local health department at the first indication of illness. See this link to find yours. https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/lh-depts/counties.htm

Congregational Newsletter Editors - please include this text in your newsletters!

WHAT MATTERS - Stay Connected To Synod Happenings, News, & Events! Grow in your faith and leadership! Stay connected to exciting events and stories of our faith in action in our synod! To sign up for synod news, please email Assistant to the Bishop for Synodical Life, Deacon Vicki Hanrahan at [email protected] to be added to “What Matters.”

Do you have a link to the synod website on your website? If you do, thank you for your partnership!

If you don’t, please do add a link to the synod website to your website: www.scsw-elca.org

In 2020, the ELCA is celebrating the 50th anniversary of U.S. Lutheran churches' decision to ordain women, and continuing to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the ordination of the first women of color and the 10th anniversary of the ELCA's decision to officially ordain people in same-gender committed relationships. As part of this celebration, we are collecting stories from pastors who are women from across the church. We want to hear from you whether you've been in ministry for decades or for days. If you would like to participate, please send a story of no more than 1,000 words to [email protected] no later than Nov. 1, 2020. Please respond to one of these prompts: 1. What is a story from your ministry that you’d like to share? 2. When you think about your formation as a pastor, what is one experience that comes to mind? This could be from before ordination or many years into professional ministry. 3. What words of wisdom would you share with a woman or girl who is considering becoming a pastor? 4. What was considered "normal" at the beginning of your ministry that might surprise people today? After your story, please write a short prayer or benediction for the reader. Also include a one-sentence biography that includes the year of your ordination. The stories will be shared in a PDF collection that will be available for free at elca.org/50yearsofordainedwomen. For guidelines and copyright information, see below. Your ministry is valuable. We hope this project will be a way to share women's wisdom, witness and experiences with the church today and the church of the future. God's peace/Women's Ordination Anniversary Committee/Jessica Crist, Chair Additional resources for the 50/40/10 anniversaries can be found at https://elca.org/50yearsofordainedwomen. Guidelines: Stories should be no more than 1,000 words, submitted in an email or through an attached Word document to [email protected]. Writers will retain the copyright to their work, but the ELCA may lightly edit stories as needed. Please do not share names or stories of other people without their permission. If someone is being criticized by your story, please do not include identifying information. If the team is overwhelmed with stories, we will do our best to include as many as possible.

Each story should include: • Title • Story (indicating prompt number) • Benediction/prayer • One-sentence biography, including ordination year

Legal information: By submitting your story, you represent and warrant that it is true to the best of your knowledge. You represent and warrant that you will not submit any story that infringes the copyrights, right to privacy or other rights of any person. You understand that you will retain the copyright to your story, but you agree to give the ELCA any rights, permission and/or license required to reproduce the story in other publications and in all other forms of media into perpetuity. You further understand that the ELCA shall have the right to edit any stories submitted in any manner that does not substantially alter the meaning of the content. You understand that the ELCA cannot guarantee that all stories submitted will be published.

ELCA Announces 2020 Hein-Fry Book of Faith Challenge In an increasing polarized world, biblical citations do not always serve their primary intent of reflecting God's love. Under the theme "The Bible – Word, Not Weapon," the 2020 Hein-Fry Book of Faith Challenge will address how Bible verses taken out of context can become weapons that discredit others or justify cruel treatment of those portrayed as different. Presented by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the annual Hein-Fry Book of Faith Challenge seeks to enliven the biblical engagement of the whole church by encouraging the development of faithful, innovative and effective ways to teach and learn Scripture. The event is sponsored by the seven ELCA seminaries, the Hein-Fry planning team and the ELCA Book of Faith Initiative. Every year, one student from each seminary is invited to develop and present a class or series for people both familiar and unfamiliar with biblical texts. In follow-up, the students are invited to report their findings. This year the challenge will comprise four online events:

• Jennifer Garcia from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, Calif., will present "Sharing Our Faith in a Time of Social Distancing" on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 2 p.m. Pacific time. • Taylor Berdahl from United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, Pa., will present "Biblical Responses to COVID-19: Lament, Bodies, Breath" on Monday, Oct. 26, at 5:30 p.m. Eastern time. • Karl Anliker from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago will present "Look for the Women: A Virtual Bible Study in Search of Hope" on Wednesday, Oct. 28, at 2:30 p.m. Central time. • Christopher Shealy from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne University, Columbia, S.C., will present "How Scripture Is Weaponized, and What We Can Do About It" on Friday, Oct. 30, 2 p.m. Eastern time.

The Rev. Susan R. Briehl will serve as online host. The public is invited to attend these free online events, but registration is required for each of them. Registration information is available here. The Hein-Fry Book of Faith Challenge is an endowed theological lecture series established after the American Lutheran Church (ALC) and the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) merged into the ELCA in 1988. The series combines the ALC's Dr. Carl Christian Hein Memorial Seminary Lectures and the LCA's Franklin Clark Fry Theological Lectures.

Clergy Leadership Group Will Start Next Week! October 27 – Register With Dan Feaster The Samaritan Center of Southern Wisconsin, announces a Pastor Leadership Seminar for all area clergy. The Seminar's goal is to improve leadership skills for today's ministry. Clergy present case studies of challenging situations in their churches, which require their leadership. Participants then receive peer feedback for fresh perspectives. Some readings, specifically focused on pastoral leadership will be discussed. A Family Systems Theory Model will also be utilized. The agenda for the group includes case leadership presentation and book discussion along with other topics determined by the participants.

The leadership seminar will be led by Dan Feaster, executive director and pastoral counselor and ASSIST provider of the Samaritan Counseling Center. Sessions will be held on Tuesdays once a month, from 10 AM -1 PM (working lunch) for a total of eight sessions. The leadership group will start October 27. Fee for the leadership group is $300.

Some possible topics might include:

• How do I live with COVID? • What does the future of the church look like? • Will my congregation survive? • How do I deal with difficult members? • What are some effective ways of resolving conflict without being victimized? • How do I continue to pastor when I am running out of energy or becoming discouraged? • How can I better accept my limitations as a person? • How do I deal with my emotions when ministering in tragic situations? • How do I develop cooperative leadership strategies with my co-pastor? • What do I do when I am leading but few are following? • How do I survive in a system, which is consuming me? • How do I retire from a vocation?

For more information or to register contact: Dan Feaster Phone: 608-663-0763 ext. 200 E-mail: [email protected] Samaritan Counseling Center

ASSIST Counseling for Rostered Leaders and Families

Going through a rough patch? Need someone to talk to? All rostered clergy, deacons and their families are eligible for up to three complementary ASSIST counseling visits. If additional counseling is needed, health insurance will then cover.

To schedule a visit contact [email protected] or call 608-663-0763 ext. 100 and let them know this is for an ASSIST visit.

Mental Health in Pandemic

New Life Lutheran Church in Madison has recently released a series of videos about Mental Health during this pandemic. In this 5-video series, Pastor Heather Hayward and clinical therapist, CJ Webster (Stonetree Therapy in Waunakee) talk about the care of the whole person - mind, body and spirit. New Life has on their property an outdoor labyrinth, and because of that these discussions are connected to the three parts of how we walk the labyrinth - with a sense of releasing, receiving, and returning. Please feel free to come and utilize this labyrinth at any time! Here are links to each video: Introduction – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPL3AxpZHMc&t=174s Release – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J_-r-KuG90&t=22s Receive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx9Wx46vic0 Return – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLAPhsxF1yg Final Thoughts – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTVEADIOpqk

For more information, please feel free to contact Pastor Heather at [email protected]. Healthy blessings!

SYNOD ASSEMBLY OFFSET – We Are Still Receiving and Gratefully Accepting Donations To Offset Expenses for Assembly As we explained during assembly, when we were mandated to keep gatherings to 10 participants due to the pandemic, we moved from the 12 site videoconference that we had planned, to the completely virtual videoconference requiring advanced technology. Our costs jumped to $74/voting member, leaving us short by $44 per voting member. If you or your congregation is in a position to make a donation to help us offset these additional expenses, we would greatly appreciate it. Checks can be made payable to SCSW and sent to our office at 6401 Odana Road, Suite 20, Madison, WI 53719. Please put “Assembly Offset in the memo.” You can also TEXT “GIVE” to 608-571-1576 and choose Assembly Offset.

Does Your Congregation Have Handbells It No Longer Uses? St. Johns in Sauk Prairie is currently looking for a 3-octave set (preferably Malmark) in good condition. Please contact Ruellene Seymour at [email protected].

Positions in the Synod

We are happy to help promote your positions. Please submit 100 words or less to Deacon Vicki Hanrahan, Synod Communicator, email: [email protected] Please notify Deacon Vicki when the position has been filled so that we can keep this list current. Thanks!

NEW! Midvale Community Lutheran Church, Madison, To Hire One or Several Part-Time A/V technicians Technicians needed to operate the camera and sound system in the sanctuary for worship and other events. A full position description is available on the church website: https://www.midvalelutheran.org/welcome-midvale/work- midvale - to apply, please send a resume and cover letter to [email protected]. The position is open immediately. (10/13/20)

Business Administrator -First Lutheran Church, Janesville, WI First Lutheran Church is looking to fill our part time Business Administrator position. This is a part-time, professional administrative position, approximately 25-27 hours per week. The business administrator works with the Lead Pastor, Congregational Council, staff, and various boards in overseeing the day to day administrative operations of the church in financial reporting, planning, and facility requirements. Request full position description and email resumes to [email protected] by October 9, 2020. (09/29/20)

Associate Organist/Pianist - Grace (Dodgeville) Grace Lutheran Church is looking to fill our part-time (once monthly) Associate Organist/Pianist position. Under the direction of the Director of Music Ministries, the Associate Organist/Pianist gives leadership to the worship services of Grace Lutheran Church by guiding, equipping, and accompanying the congregation in the praise of God. Once monthly, the ideal candidate would play organ (preferably) or piano at the 8:00 AM traditional service and play piano for the 10:30 contemporary service as well as playing for occasional funerals. For a complete job description or to apply with a resume, contact Quinn Christensen at [email protected]. (07/28/20)

Children’s Ministry Coordinator - St Luke’s (Middleton) St. Luke’s is now hiring a part-time (20 hours a week) Children’s Ministry Coordinator. You will work primarily with children from Kindergarten age through 5th grade. The Coordinator’s goal is to facilitate Christian Biblical learning with fun and exciting programs such as Sunday School, VBS, family events, etc. that help children grow in their faith. For more contact or send resume to Jay Kiel- Children’s, Youth, and Family Minister at [email protected]. (07/20/20)

Choir Director – Bethlehem (Portage) Bethlehem Lutheran Church is looking to fill our part-time Choir Director position. The ideal candidate would be able to lead the choir, as well as play the organ for worship services, funerals and weddings, and lead the Praise Band. Previous experience preferred to include the ability to motivate choir members, read music and conduct; knowledge of liturgical flow and connection to worship; piano experience strongly preferred. Part-time September through May. Please send resume to Bethlehem Lutheran Church, W8267 Hwy 33 E, Portage. (03/11/20)

Wisconsin Council of Churches Employment Opportunities https://www.wichurches.org/resources/employment-opportunities/

Future Synod Gatherings/Meetings/Events:

Oct 22 Beaver Dam Conference Meets – 10:00 am Zoom Oct 22 Rostered Women’s Gathering – 9:00 am Zoom Oct 22 SCSW Children, Youth & Family Leaders Gathering – 10:30 am Zoom Oct 27 Clergy Leadership Group Starts with Rev. Dan Feaster Nov 11 South Jefferson/Walworth Cty Conference Meeting – 10:00 am Zoom Nov 14 Synod Council Meeting Nov 19 Retired Rostered Gathering via Zoom - 9:30 - noon. Nov 25 & 26 Synod office closed for Thanksgiving

Prayers - Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Team: • Terri Anne Duyser, Zion, Horicon, WI • Pastor Brenda Lovick, East Koshkonong, Cambridge, WI

Pastors and Congregations in our Synod: • Pastor Chris Enstad, Pastor Joe Brosious, Pastor Sheryl Erickson, and Pastor Dara Schuller- Hanson, Pastors and Members of Good Shepherd Lutheran, Madison and Verona, WI • Pastor Jennifer Jelinek, Pastor and Members of Grace Lutheran, Cambridge, WI

Neighboring Synods:

• Bishop Erik K Gronberg, the Staff, and the congregations of Rocky Mountain Synod

Churchwide Partners: • The Rev. Erika R Uthe, Director for Evangelical Mission – Southeastern Iowa Synod • The Rev. Joelle Colville-Hanson, Director for Evangelical Mission – Northeastern Iowa Synod

We give thanks at this time for the ministry of those who celebrate their anniversary of Ordination during this coming week: (Note, if you notice something that needs correcting, please contact Robyn Zimmerman as she manages the prayers and ordination information. [email protected])

o The Rev. John Worzala Dumke, October 21, 2012, Associate Pastor of Luther Memorial, Madison, WI [email protected] o The Rev Richard McLeer, October 21, 2012, Interim Pastor of St. John, Boscobel, WI [email protected] o The Rev. Duane Lokken, October 26, 1975, Retired Pastor living in Prairie du Sac, WI [email protected] o The Rev. Paul Markquart, October 27, 1991, Retired Pastor living in Oregon, WI [email protected]

May these leaders continue to be blessed for service.

Updates on Congregations in the Call Process and Rostered Leader Updates

Call process and roster changes are updated on the synod website monthly. Please keep these congregations and rostered leaders in your prayers.

Link: https://scsw-elca.org/transitions/

Like Us on Facebook and you’ll share in awesome ministry by congregations in your synod, share great ideas and be inspired with selected scripture from your synod staff. South-Central Synod of Wisconsin

Remember, when you see this symbol, this is a news item that should be put in your congregational newsletters! Thanks for your partnership.

Congregations can feel free to reprint these pages for your congregational use. Reprint permission provided by: South-Central Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA – 6401 Odana Road, Suite 20, Madison, 53719. Please reference as seen in Synod e-news, “What Matters” in your reprint. Questions can be directed to Deacon Hanrahan at the synod office: (608) 270-0201 or [email protected]

Share your news. If you have something you would like considered for publication in What Matters, send it to Assistant to the Bishop for Synodical Life, Deacon Vicki Hanrahan, at [email protected]. Visit our website: www.scsw-elca.org

Following Jesus, who commanded his followers, ‘Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another,’ and believing that all persons are created in the image of God, the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin, ELCA, strives to be fully inclusive for all. This synod welcomes people of every race, background, age, political affiliation, economic and social status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and mental and physical ability, while striving to enable all people to participate fully in the life and work of the church and its expressions.