Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2015 No. 146 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was 2015, more than any other country in It is on all of us to do better than called to order by the Speaker pro tem- the world. So far this year, we have thoughts and prayers. It is long past pore (Mr. SMITH of Nebraska). mourned nine parishioners who were time to take actions to reduce the f killed during Bible study at their threat of gun violence and to do all we church in Charleston, South Carolina; can to protect our constituents from DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO two women who were killed and nine the ravages of this epidemic. TEMPORE others who were injured at a movie Earlier this year I introduced a pack- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- theater in Lafayette, Louisiana; and a age of three bills to get to the core of fore the House the following commu- local television reporter and her cam- our country’s problem with gun vio- nication from the Speaker: eraman who died covering a story out- lence by focusing on keeping guns from side Lynchburg, Virginia. children, criminals, and those who are WASHINGTON, DC, severely mentally ill such that posses- October 6, 2015. But there were thousands of other I hereby appoint the Honorable ADRIAN victims of gun violence. Their deaths sion of a firearm would pose a threat to SMITH to act as Speaker pro tempore on this have garnered less media attention, themselves or others. day. but they too deserve to have their sto- The End Purchase of Firearms by JOHN A. BOEHNER, ries told. Dangerous Individuals Act, H.R. 2917, Speaker of the House of Representatives. In the United States this year, more requires that States provide informa- f than 10,000 people have died and more tion to the National Instant Criminal than 20,000 have been injured during an Background Check System on individ- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE uals who are committed to a mental in- incident that involved a gun. Each day stitution or make a threat of violence The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- an average of 92 Americans are killed to a mental health professional that ant to the order of the House of Janu- in an incident involving a gun. demonstrates that this individual ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- Yesterday the victims included the would present a danger to himself or nize Members from lists submitted by supervisor of a food market in Houston others if armed with a gun. the majority and minority leaders for who was killed by a disgruntled em- morning-hour debate. The Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act, ployee; a 21-year-old father of two in H.R. 2916, ends the practice by which The Chair will alternate recognition Louisville; and a 23-year-old man and between the parties, with each party Federally licensed gun dealers who lose an 18-year-old woman who were killed their licenses for misconduct can con- limited to 1 hour and each Member outside New Orleans during a drive-by other than the majority and minority vert their entire inventory to a ‘‘per- shooting. Altogether, nearly 1.5 million sonal collection’’ in order to liquidate leaders and the minority whip limited Americans have lost their lives to gun to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- it without conducting background violence since the year 1970. checks on their customers. Under the bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. Mr. Speaker, I have no doubt that law, such dealers could transfer their f every one of my colleagues in this inventory only to other properly li- Chamber has spent much of the last GUN VIOLENCE censed Federal gun dealers. few days thinking about and praying I also introduced a resolution, H. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The for the victims in Oregon and their Con. Res. 59, to support the goals of Na- Chair recognizes the gentleman from families. I know I have. tional ASK Day, which falls on June 21 Rhode Island (Mr. CICILLINE) for 5 min- But to put it bluntly, our thoughts each year. National ASK Day encour- utes. and prayers aren’t good enough, not for ages parents to ask other parents Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, last those who have already been killed and whether their children are playing in a Thursday, on the campus of Umpqua not for the 92 Americans who are going house with an unlocked gun. Community College in Roseburg, Or- to lose their lives today, tomorrow, In the United States, 1.7 million chil- egon, nine innocent men and women and every day until we do something. dren are in homes with loaded, un- lost their lives. They were killed, as so Thoughts and prayers won’t bring locked guns. This initiative is sup- many have been this year in commu- back the innocent men, women, and ported by Head Start, the American nities across our country, because a children who have been killed or heal Public Health Association, and the person with evil in their heart was able the families that have been torn apart. American Academy of Pediatrics. to get his hands on a gun. Thoughts and prayers are no excuse for In addition to these measures that I This horrific event was the 294th inaction and cowardice in the face of have introduced, I have also co-spon- mass shooting that we have seen in powerful special interests. sored the Large Capacity Ammunition b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6797 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:42 Oct 06, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06OC7.000 H06OCPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 6, 2015 Feeding Device Act to ban the sale of Assad, and certainly no plan to deal most dangerous positions in the bat- large-capacity magazines and Denying with Russia’s new very powerful ag- talion. Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous gression in many areas of the world. Known as mischievous, he brought Terrorists Act to prohibit individuals Assad must go. ISIS must be de- with him to Europe an Agfa Memo, a suspected of ties to terrorist organiza- feated. America must stand firm and contraband 35-millimeter camera that tions from purchasing a gun, and H.R. show the world that we are a force to fit right in the palm of his hand. Ito 2380 and H.R. 3411, which fix our broken be reckoned with, not to be trampled spent his deployment in Europe, start- background check system. on. ing in 1944 until the war ended, taking Any of these bills would immediately f pictures of his surroundings. improve public safety in this country, From playing chess during downtime CELEBRATING THE LIVES OF BEN a country that sees its citizens die at to posing with the Colosseum during KUROKI AND SUSUMU ‘‘SUS’’ ITO the hands of a loaded gun 297 times their trek into Rome, he spent the war more than in Japan, 49 times more The SPEAKER pro tempore. The revealing the daily lives of this little than in France, and 33 times more than Chair recognizes the gentleman from known mostly Japanese American in Israel. Hawaii (Mr. TAKAI) for 5 minutes. unit. Any one of these rational, common- Mr. TAKAI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today However, many of Ito’s pictures also sense proposals would immediately to celebrate the lives of two trail- accurately depicted the brazenness of make life safer for men, women, and blazers for the Asian American commu- war. The 442nd was one of the first bat- children in cities and towns across nity, Ben Kuroki and Susumu ‘‘Sus’’ talions to reach the Dachau Concentra- America; yet, we are going to sit on Ito. tion Camp, and Ito took pictures of our hands because Republican leaders After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, dazed prisoners leaving the camp for would rather genuflect before the Na- Kuroki and his brother were one of the the very first time. He also captured tional Rifle Association than do any- first Japanese Americans to enlist in the despair of his fellow soldiers as thing that could help save the lives of the United States Air Force during they rescued the Lost Battalion. thousands of Americans. World War II at a time when over After World War II and through the The last time this institution passed 100,000 other Japanese Americans were GI Bill, he started an extraordinary ca- a major bill to prevent gun violence forced into incarceration camps with- reer as a cellular biologist and became was November 10, 1993, when the House out due process under the law. a researcher and professor at Harvard approved the Brady Handgun Violence The need for aerial gunners was high; Medical School, where he worked for Prevention Act and President Clinton so, Kuroki applied for the job, was ap- over 50 years. signed it into law. proved, and was sent to a 2-week course Ito donated his vast collection, thou- Mr. Speaker, I will end by saying I do in Britain. Kuroki received on-the-job sands of images, to the Japanese Amer- not know what it will take for us to fi- training.
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