¦ "' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ s ' ¦ - - "" -' - - " . '.-' ; .r *"-. -' -' ¦ '--. - -- ..- ¦.- ...... ,.:_...... ' '" ' •- - ' ' — - * ' <.' >-j- -i- .i- .; . v; f i. tr _ il. i. 3Enmwnc«> MURDER. AND SUICIDE IN -jFomstf DREADFUL " ' finsburt. ,•;: FRANCE, Shortly after the opening of the Worship-street Friday morning, -an official communi- IfaBKBr^rUpon Friday, JL Gustavo de police-court on "rrr m cation was made to Mr. Bingham, the sitting magis- 1 ^nnnt's amendment although, compared with division, ol a ^ttounwu^ de Garni) of ^e most miik-aaci.Tratcr trate, bv Inspector Jervis, of the G which had been enacted in the J *Jl was rejected without even the ceremony frio-htfuf tragedv e e ter the court, ill the course oi tho pre- f T Sl-the S- . T his wife, Marv Priscilla Barry, and afterwards de- ViV&sBSiAtios ov ihe Address.—LotJisPja-ruppE s • ' his throat with a razor. WrarasDiTNight TOL. VIIL NO. 377. - - ¦ stroved lihnsolf-. bv cutting «4it:--*--Pabis was of 2H, Tex O'CMGK.of — LOl^fc S^^ immediately proceeded to tne ya meeting' held Deputies ^JSZ^S^S^ He (thc inspector) i^da the ^ house, and, from inquiries, ascertained the following servative party, to express their confidence in, and crowds :—It appeared Lim of the people assembled in the public , g particulars of this dreadful occurrence „TT their determination to support the present plaees. Canalizo shut himself up in the Palace with HON met the captain of thc watch and we went to ether house were the man OUR TO T. S. BUNGOMBE, ESQ., M.P. to Kitty WMtes. We found the man sitting before a that thc onlv parties residing in the "r^j stry. The adhesion to Jfinisters of hitherto some 2,000 troops. Baranda, Rejon, and Salas, took ' Barry and his wife, both of whom were considerably members, were no less large fire ; I told thcin.ke ought not to be there, they ^^tjngStan the on than 47. Deputa- refuge with him. In the meanwhile, both the advanced iu years, and their youngest sou, a lad about meetingwaited Marshal Soult and Liberals and clergy in the capital united in A PUBLIC SOIREE will be held at the White Conduit House Tavern, Pentonville, on Monday Evening must get him to bed. Kitty said that she must have fifteen had been ^ij The two the him away. I said no, he must go to bed. The cap- yearn of ago. Tho wretched man iM^enr Guizot. lffiiiisteisrepliedtothede- revolutionarymovement , and began to make prepa- » ' ; evening previous to the meeting of Parliament, in hoaour of "the People's absent on business the day, and on representative.tLS i* S?The followingr« tain and I took Mm up stairs *. I saw him up stairs ; greater part of thc Hfflti otaiions, tliat undauntedly they would hold to Con- rations against the common enemy. Congress, as Members of Parliament are invited and expected to attend :-T. Waklcv, his _ return home, about ten o'clock at night, after principles, and iold to tbeirposiiionagainst well as the Ayuntamiento, succeeded J F eldcn Es< A M'oson, Esq., J. Hume Esq., W. S. Crawford Esq., J. saw hun in bed ; and ordered them to take care of company with ienervatrre , in spite of Leaj l^der'J', Esq.Z , ^h^ Y ' i ' **' - , l , f. sitting a short time in the parlour, in •n (U enposition. At half-past eight o'clock this even- Canalizo's decree, in having seeret circulars printed, J. Humphrey, Esq., and Sir B. Hall, Bart. , . *' hun, and I would pay them. Mrs. Nuttal came be- his wife, with whom he appeared to be on the best of President, Secretaries which were actively fore the board on Friday, and they ordered her injjj ihe , and Commission ap- disseminated among all classes. T. S. DUtfCOMBE, ESQ., M.P., WILL BE if terms, he told her to go up stairs to bed and that he to present the Address ofthe Chamber to the The Government troops about the Palace, seeing PRESENT . Is., and offered Kitty 2s. she would take care of would soon follow her. 'ihe woman complied with »oaointed Tea on the Tamve at Six O'Ciock Precisely. Nuttal. She said she could not, as she was ill herself iiiiffl" , repaired io the Tuileries, accompanied by a symptoms of the coming storm, began to waver. liis wish, and the husband remained below a consi- nnmlcr ofthe Conservative members. The fol- During the 4th and oth the excitement continued, 8*8 to S0 re si 1c s M * % ?? man, 6d. The Ball Room will be the other lodgers ; so the guardians ordered me to Ling is the King's reply:— and on the 6th, multitudes of the people, armed, at nine o clock. Tickets for Ball only-single, Is. ; double, to admit a lady and gentleman, Is. Gd. side of tho fire ; but on being roused by Ms son, who ^ get some one. 1 tried. I applied to a pauper, but urged him to retire to rest, he started up, with a look '• ''54xssmt»5the D*-3--*-ms,—I*&ankyou-fortbis assembled at the Convent of San Francisco. Here Tickets may be obtained at the following places .-—Messrs. W. Balls, 49, Coppice-row * Thorhe 2 Pros- she refused to go; I tried again, but could not get It will contribute, with that force the members of Congress were assembled, and among pect-piace, Upper Barnsbury-street Clerkenw of peculiar wildncss in his eyes, and wishing him a iorovaf address. ; Mason, ell-green; R. Cameron, 12, Dorrington-street, any body. [Query—howfar did he try ?] I went to his sleeping apartment, ,(3jjjjieh attaches itself to everything that emanates them Generals Herrera, Garcia, Condo, and Cespedes. Brookss-market; J. Toome, 20, Guildford-street ; Stembridge, 12, York-street hasty good night, repaired to , City-road ; E. Medley, 42 Kitty and told her to get some one, and I would pay first floor. Shortly afterwards u tswd.the future against the dangers The wholebody marched from the Convent to the Bnck-lane, St. Lukes; Guemgault, 11, Lower\Vharton^treet,* Henley, Pultney-streefc, Islington ; Wcedon them. On Saturday morning they came and said he the front room on thc T&m J« » *° , , the son also went to bed in a room on thc story above, jdijdiich the blindnessof passion too often draws upon square in front of the palace, wWek is near the centre 68 Chapel-street, Pentonville ; Shaip, 47, Tabernacle-walk ; Coleman, 19, Aylesbury-street; R. Fuzzon, was dead ; 1 gave them an order for a coffi n and iMargavet-street ; Gabb and on awakening at nine o'clock the following morn- hthe people. A mutual regard for justice and for of thc city, and summoned Canalizo to surrender, etis, Swan Inn, Highbury ; Kennilworth Castle ; Hopkisson, Temperance Ooffce. dues. I went to the poor-house myself to order tlic surprised to him two hours to reflect. Canalizo prepared house, Little Saaron-liill; Taprell 14 ; ing aud proceeding down stairs, he was ijeij eacc presides over our relations with all foreign giving , , Smith's-buiIdings, City-road ; T. Barratt, Secretary to the Associated coffin ; looked over some coffins ready made, and had yet risen. He and the agreement sotoppOyandsohonoura- to attack the citizens, when one of Ms officers , irao.es ot Loudon, 20, Greenfield-street, Commercial-road;; Gamman, Secretary to the Cork Cutters sorted one to fit find that neither of his parents jawvers, ex- , 15, , and sent a man with it. I went to went up to their bed-room for ihe purpose oi calling jhjjr re-established between Prance and England claiming that he was the soldier of no tyrant, but of Northumberland-street, Marylebone ; Grassby, Carpenter, Running Horse, Duke-street, Grosvenor-square ; the church and ordered the grave-making. I then j J. Bush, Secretary them, but received no answer, and finding that iifitfttsisthe spirit of wisdomand of conciliation which tiie people, shouted ''Long live Hie Congress!" The to thc Carpenters, 1, York-street, York-road, Lambeth ; T. M. Wheeler, 2i3i, Strand ; went to the-'house and told them all was ready, and his fears became J. n atson, Paul's-aIley, Paternoster-row; Hornby, 16, Northaw-buildings the door was locked on the insido, iinjiianatesthe two Governments. Thankstoyourcon- cry was taken up by nearly all the troops, and , Somers Town : Brown's, Hope they might bury him as soon as they liked. Nuttal's through the keyhole in terror to his apartments. Before Coffee-house King-street, Snow-hill ; Colliver's Coffee-house, Holywell-etreet wife said greatly excited, and on looking nirarrence, to the support that you have lent my Canalizo f led ; W. Dear, 22, Fleet-lane: that Kitty White went to complain before discovering that the upper ,iaaiiks-to ihe stabilitv that the union leaving the Convent Gen. Herrera had prepared a lillman s Coffee-house, Tottenham Court-road; Dooley, Bell Inn, Old Bailev; Clark's Coffee-house, Edge- the magistrates on Saturday. I asked them what he was horror-struck at G(Sove-n*ment ware-road ; parts of the sheets and bed, which stood close against jf the powers has given to our institutions, our letter. wMchhe now sent to Canalizo, requesting him Green , Saville House, Leicester-square ; Rogers, Cooper, LanrtJeth-walk ; J. G. Dron, Oaklcy- they wanted. They said they had been badly treated ;>f " street ; Simpson, Elm-cottage, Cainberwell the window, were completely saturated witn blood. ijof-Hintry, protected by Divine Providence, enjoys that M order to spare the effusion of blood, to recognise ; J. Sewell, (opposite the Elephant and Castle), Kent-road *, by me, and had nothing, and wanted to . state of extreme terror, to which Packer, - JSews-agent, Harrow-road-j J., Bushby, Cheshire; Cheese,' Grosvenor-row,- " Chelsea ; Brown, Little their grievances. I told the Magistrates that the He instantly hastened in a . state ij^-ays-increasmg p-rosperity constitutes the the government of the Constitution and of Congress, wliich was occupied by-Ms two elder and to allow it to exercise its full powers. To this Coram-street; and at. the Bar -of the' White Condilit'- House Tavern. woman had been begging, and thoy would not hear the next house, i-idoiy of my reign, and, if I may be' permitted to say *, brothers, and on apprising them of what he had just my personal consolation. And instead of seeing Canalizo returned, in quick succession, the following N B-t-AII persons holding B*dl 'fickets will be aUowed the privilege her. Considerable conversation ensued 'as to the iitit, the and i of entree to hear the speeches after witnessed they ran back with hun and burst open the mtne^ibouringnations fear that force power answers :—"Exmo Sr :—In order to avoid any unfor- the^ tea-tables, shall be cleared. The Gallery will also be thrown open to those who cannot attend the Tea, propriety ot having such cases sent to. the vagrant- or office bed-room door, where they found their parents ex- ij faf Frsncemay be employed in the ravagesof -war or tunate scenes or events in this capital, I am ready may not be desirous of attending the Ball, at the charge of three-pence. Soiree Tickets admit to both Tea , which is kept by a master and matron, paid throats cut from the poor-rat tended side by side on the bed, with their ipipn-ipagation of revolutionary anarchy, we have in- immediately to deliver up the command, and-to and Ball. es, and was instituted as a place of and both of them apparently evacuate this place at once, if guaranteesare conceded refuge for the destitute ; and particularly to prevent in a horrible manner, lE-jspirediheniwMijvist confidence that our resources lifeless. On recovering from thc shock produced by laand our iwwcr shall be for them, as for ourselves, a to me. God and . Liberty. National Palace of when the Weavers must declare whether they were contagion. Heaton said it was unlikely that such dispatched ' White complained about the man being neglected o g , while certain members of the such an appalling sight a messenger was iabledge of peace and security" Mexico, December 6, 18M, half-past two o clock in willing to part with their protection, and as a conse- , cases sh uld o there in Paul-street who soon the afternoon.—Valentin Canalizo.—To Ms Excel- Bnd said he was lost for want. Heatonsaid she and the jury were decidedly of opinion that this was the for Mr. Hall', a surgeon, , SPAIN. quence with their trade, for the free importation of other lodgers mi ht after attended ; but, on examining the bodies, he de- lency, General of Division, D. J. Joaquin de Herrera." corn. He would leave that question with —¦ g attend to him. Heaton came on proper and appointed place, and that it was the duty , Tkaitoe Pbol—The Madrid Gazette of the them. Saturday, after the man was dead about f clared his inability to render the slightest assistance Tbs In half an hour afterwards, General Canalizo sent Mr. John West then moved thc first resolution— two hours, o Heaton to nave them taken there at once when b Jlfjih ult. publishes the following Koyal decree, grant- and said, you have killed the man. I said found to be ill ; that if tMs had been done, there as both the man and his wife had evidently een dead Prim;— another dispatch, as follows:—"Exmo Sr :—The " That tMs meeting is of opinion, that unless steps to him,, indeed you for some hours. The inspector, accompanied by police- -jjintr a pardon to General , effectually e as have killed liim by neglect.— would have been no necessity for their begging. thc exercise of Hie prerogativegranted to me guarantees of which, I spoke in my last dispatch, be taken to circulate more th v t mass Robert Pan*, husband of the The investigation constable Eames, G 104, who arrived at the house "In wMch I Lave just sent are that passports to leave of wealth wMch our country at present contains, that former witness, cor- commenced at a quarter past one made a minute ihc 46th articleof the Constitution, and by the , , roborated the principal portions of Ms wife's evidence. at noon, and was not finished until half-past seven in directly after the surgeon had left it, Ibv the Republic shall be given to myself, to the four that wealth, so far from proving a benefit, will prove examination of tiie room in which the shocking oc- aadvice of my Council of Ministers, I remit the 116 further stated cM&m facts, showing the brutality the evening, when the following verdict was re- which Mgjor-General Don Juan Prim, Ministers, and to the Commandante General. God a decidedinjury, aud hasten our downfall as a nation : of the relieving-officer. Ann currence had taken place, anil, on searching the floor i penalty tw and as the productive classes are and ever must be Malley, ««ervant to corded— " Died from natural causes, but the jury are both of them ( Reus, was condemned by a court-martial and Liberty. National Palaee of Mexico, Dec. 6, , the Kitty White and Julia QMnwick, as a washerwoman, of opinion that death was accelerated from want ot at the foot ofthe bed found two razors, Count de 1844, three o'clock in the afternoon. Valentin true circulating medium of every country, it is our , one lying close to the composed of General Officers. gave similar evidence Ellen Nuttal, wife of the de- proper sustenance and attention," open and covered with blood < Canalizo.—To the Senor General of Division, D. J. decided opinion that protection lor labour should be ceased said left foot-post of tho bedstead, and the other -• Given at the Palace on the 18th of Jan., 1SH5, , , we came from Manchester ; my husband AwfUi BoniER. Explosion. — On Monday after- ' Joaquin de Herrera." afforded them, as it would enable them, by increased was 24 years of age but between the opposite vallancc and the wall adjoining and signedwith the Queen s hand." After receivingthese notes, Gen. Herrera- withhis g , to give employment to those that are idle • , by trade a biscuit-maker, noon last, a tremendous explosion of a steam boiler Tiempo ofjhe 19th ult. states, that an extra- wa es could get no employment • I applied to Heaton, the thc window. Beside thc spot where the first Ei troops forced their way into the palace, seizcd'Canalizo and thus, by increasing the productive labour ot the took place at the Cinder Hill Colliery, near Notting- razor was discovered thc officers found a chair, on i ordinary tourierhad been despatched from Madrid to relieving-oihccr, before my oluld died, for some assist- ham, by which one unfortunate man lost his life, and and detained Mm with Salas prisoners in the palace, country, render us independent of foreign trade." ance ; he said he could do nothing which was placed an open razor-case, greatly dis- < «imniunicate the Queen's pardon to General Prim, Department for us; he gave several others wem severely wounded. The awful "p.'ooc.one nV liln/vljr finoroi'Q • confined at the Castle of St. Sebastian, at the Ministeis of War and the Home Mr. West supported the resolution in a long speech, me nothing. After the cliild died I went to him coloured With rt-Cft»!"- " who is being released on giving security, and Rejon and in wMch he gave the Leaguers a severe castigation.— event is supposed to have been caused by «. deficiency and it was, therefore, supposed that after cut- Cadiz. Madrid has teen assigned to the General as again ; he gave me a note for a coffin .and the burial of water in the boiha*. The engine-house was com- one of the razors, Baranda making their escape. Gen. Herrera- then Mr. D. Rowbotham, an old veteran in the weavers' On Fri ting his wife's throat with his place of residence. dues; day, when my husband was ill, I again pletely levelled, for such was the terrific force of the had returned to the case for the issued thefoUoiriflgimportant proclamation .' —"Jose cause, seconded the motion, which was earned applied to Heaton for some one to assist in carrying the wretched man Akeest asp Murder of Zubeiko.—3fowg of the Joaquin de Herrera, President of the Council of Govern- unanimously.—Mr. S. Bentotemoved the second reso- steam that the top of the boiler was projected into second weapon, and, getting into bed with it, after- of 2urhano was received at Paris on Saturday. my child to the grave, but he would do nothing for the air almost as liigli as the tall chimney, and was in the same manner. From arrest ment to the Inhabitants oftheCap ital. Mexicans,—A lution— " That a committee of mquiry be appointed me. On Saturday 1 applied to hhn again ,* he said wards destroyed-himself He was arrested ou the 19th at Logrono, and shot at blind and audacious government Lad violated the to collect evidence of the rate of wages, and the re- thrown into an adioiuing field. A lad, named George the unruffled appearance of the bed-clothes, and the Lours. The following we did not belong here, and he would not visit my Sanders, a whether Le was urgedto tLe revolt wMcL Soon after, Don Benito Quijano, Governor of Vera Death fhom Destitbmov at Ht/nw-RsriELn.--On George's in the East, which was let out to several has cost Limself and femOy so dear b were in great distress and very poor ; had nothing to Richard Carlile. y Lis own Test- Cruz, pronounced against Santa Anna, and in favour Sunday last an inquest was held before George pay for lodgings with: she had kept them from poor families. Smoke issuing out of the second floor less ambition, or lrytkepiaseeutionsoftJieGovern- of the Congress, and immediatelyall was excitement ment Dyson, Esq., coroner, at the Globe Lin, King-street, sympathy. She then corroborated the evidence front, caused some persons to make the discovery. and rejoicing. The populace first tore the portrait of Huddersfield, on view of.the body of James Nuttal, previously givenas to the relief, the raving of Nuttal, Upon entering the apartment, the bed was found in LONDON. SWITZERLAND. tiie Dictator into tatters and then burned it in the a hawker, lying dead at the lodging-house kept by his desire to go to Manchester to hiB father a complete blaze, and a little girl, about four years of Walworth. ' Th , and said —At a public meeting, held at the e Rascally. Jesuits.—We quote the following public square, after wMch they proceeded in crowds Kitty White, in Watergate. Catharine Parrwas the that when the man left her house, s i ly age, burnt in such a dreadful manner that she ex- Montpelier-tavern, on Monday e g a frran the of were he immed ate venin , Janu ry HelveUe tiie 21st ultimo :— toward the houses of several citizens who first witness called.—She said : l ama lodger at went to inform the chief constable, who sent pired shortly afterwards. The flames were even- 26th, on the motion of Mr. Richard Sewell, d obnoxious from their known friendsMp for Santa seconde " Several ruanifestationshave been made at Ge- Kitty WMte's ; I have been there more than a fort- her to the overseer, who told her that the tually confined to the room in question. The origin by Mr. John Simpson, the following resolution was neva against Anna thirsting for vengeance, and threatening to night ; the deceased James Nuttal, his wife, and child, new Poor Law had taken the power entirely out ofthe outbreak is unknown. k can-ied unanimously :—" That wo have heard with the Jesuits. Popular meetings haw take their lives. Owing to the efforts ofthe Com- been held. A came to lodge thero about a fortnight ago. He then of Ms hands, and directed her to go to Heaton, Fatal Accident to a Guard upon the Railway astonishment and regret the charges brought forward petition, invested with 2,500 signa- mandante General their lives were spared, he ; the child was taken ill of tures, has been addressed to the Grand Council, and appeared in good healih the relieving officer. She went, but could not —On Monday night, Gardener, the guard upon the by Peter Murray M'Douall against Feargus O'Con- referred promising the populacethat all those who had made the small-pox, and died about ten days ago. They find Mm. She had done all she could, hut the whichreached Witham at thirteen nor, Esq., and wc are of opinion that such charges to the Council of State. The speeches deli- themselvesinimic al to the best interests ofthe people down mail train, vered by the President of f he Grand Council and by applied to Heaton, the relievingofficer , for relief, but authorities would not assist her. She went to lay minutes past ten, p.m., was, on the arrival of the are unfounded ; that we express our entire confiden ce rac fist Syndic should be banished the city. On thc following day he reihsed any, and told them he could give none, as her case before the magistrate, but Heaton went up train there, missing, and from information received in Feargus O'Connor, and anxiously hope that 110 at the ceremony of Dec. 31, leave no order was completely restored, thc citizens in the " uonbt of the oppositionof the two first bodies of the they did not belong them, and refused to give an before her and said sometliing, and the magistrate from, a policeman in the service of tho company, who slander, however malicious, will drive him from the sate meantime forming themselves into militarybodies to order for medical relief, stating that the town's refused to hear her at all, -Thomas Heaton exa- guidance of the movement. to thc introdnction of the Society of Jesus into Santa was in one of the carriages, it was conjectured that he " the canton resist any attempt that might be made by doctor would not attend, as they belonged to another mined ; I am the relieving officer for Huddersfield. had fallen off near Boreham, about four miles from of Lucerne, and we Lave every reason to Anna, and his friends. On the evening of the Pith oepei-snadedt hatwhen the moment shall have conie, place. They obtained an order to the Infirmary, and On Wednesday week Mrs. Nuttal applied to me and the station. A messenger was immediately dis- wnera of December, the tragedy of Brutus, or Rome made was ordered medicine, but no food, or money to obtain said her child was ill of the small pox. She wanted patched along the line in search of him, and he was j Fovttj tomtitg <£i)avtm -JlS &tiitg** will not be the last to adopt, and even to Free, was performed at the theatre in honour ofthe solicit, the necessary decrees it. There was no one to assist at the funeral of the some relief. I asked her if she had a husband ; she found lying across the rails in a state of insensibility. tor keepingthis scourge revolutionists. At PueblatLerising was unamimous. answered yes, he was hawking a few ai a distancefr om Switzerland." child. On Friday, the father being taken ill that nuts and oranges. By this time an engine sent back on the arrival of the Crrr. of London.—At tho Hall, 1, Turnagain-lane, TLe statue of Santa Anna was tumbled from its morning, aud not able to see his child interred, appli- I said it was strange theyshould want relief when he train from Colchester had come up and proceeded at on Sunday morning next, February 2nd, at half-past 1-at eb News.—Ixcreasog Exchemes-t.—The pedestal, and Lis portrait torn into shreds. At lus trade. She said they were atest cation was made to Heaton for assistance to carry the was following not a rapid pace to Chelmsford, where the assistance of ten o'clock, the following subject will be discussed :— * accounts from Switzerland report that Jalapa & few persons were killed, and this is the only child to the grave, which he refused to grant. Mr. solely without money, but she wanted a doctor to Mr. Lovell, surgeon, was procured, Gardner having " Is it wise and politic in the Irish Repeal members to Onutby to be in a state of increasing agitation.to At bloodshed during the entire revolution, so far as yet they were Sissona, the Infirmary doctor, called to see Nuttal on attend her child. I said the town's doctor would not been in the mean time removed to the Cook public- absent themselves from the Imperial Parliament ?" ^govie making preparations attack appears. Santa Anna himself was at Queretao, the Tuesday following : he cut his hair off and nut a attend, as they were not paupers. On Thwaday werealso to houso at Boreham. On examination thc unfortunate A special meeting of shareholders will be held in the -^cerne.Attempts making induceother I wherehe had about 2,500 men; and even uponthese blister oi^his head. He got worse, pulled the blister Nuttaland Ms wife came tome and said tlmiv child man appeared to be lifeless a death-like coldness Coifec-room at the same hour. In the **&.ohs they call it is most likely he can place but little reliance, His , afternoon , at to join some confederation wMch off, and got out of bed raging. His wife could render was dead, and they had no means of burying it. • I prevading-his whole frame, and although only slight three o'clock, the Metropolitan District Council will •^yPoh.pnlarnelvefiqiie Association. of" Theto Council chance of escape seems but small. It is said that reat distress. On Satur- gave them a note for a Las fay nine four no assistance ; they were in g coffin and the dues. They cxtcrnal injuries were apparent, he remained in a meet. In the evening, at seven o'clock, Mr. W. ^«uric resolved a majority to Congress has outlawed him unless he surrendersat day his wifewent to Mr. Schwann's; he gave her went away quite satisfied. The same night I called # 3 f the state of insensibility until yesterday morning, at one Matthews will lecture. if *-, ederal commissioners to Lucerneto insist upon once. It is further stated that the new Government one shilling and sixpence, and told her to go to the at the Cherry Tree Inn ; the woman was then shewing o'clock, when he expired. From the statement of propriety their receiving Jesuits—to p y g p Somers Town.—Mr. M'Grath will lecture at the of op- offers him no terms short of his a in u the twelve relieving-omcer. She said she had been, and he the burial certificate. The landlord said shehad been the policepian, it would seem that deceased descended £^^?*Reformation of theireecorps , while at the same millions of dollars ofthepublie money he is charged would do nothing for her. He told her to go again, applying to him for relief to bury the Bricklayers'-arms, Tonbridge-street, Cromer-street, child with. I from his seat with a viewto speak to some one in the on Sunday evemng next at half-past seven. ^-•j interferencebe; into theirbe affairs hyby other cantons with having uselessly squandered or appropriated to and if he then reiused to let him know. I went with asked her if she was not the same woman Iliad given , ^"*» promised put down f orce train, when he accidentally missed his footing and fell. ifneces-1 his own private purposes. This condition it ean her to Heaton's house. His wife said he was not the order for a coffin to; she denied it. I asked her He was a fine young man, about 28 years ot age, and A harsiootc MEEnira will be held at the Cheshire* scarcely be possible to execute, and in default of com- there, but if her husband was Cheese, Philip's-buildings, on Monday evening next, " there, but at Ms office. Mrs. Nuttal went not outside the door ; she said has left a widow., who was in attendance upon hini UNITED STATES, plying with it, he is threatened with death. Should nothing. On the Monday she went again ; her yes. I went out and brought him in, and he said at eight o'clock. it is fot when he died, and two children.—Chelmsford Chro- j . BE Asti-Rest Le succeed in escaping from the country, usband was then delirious, and continued so up to they were the same, but they had no money, and nicle, Southwabk and Lajibeth.-t-Mi*. T. Clark', will Wis.—Maech of Aosasiasisu.— whei- 0 Monday Evening, a very rumoured that he will proceed to Cuba, e, with his death. Heaton came on the Wednesday to see were compelled to beg to get sometliing to eat. I lecture in St. George's Temperance Hall, Blackfriar-a. aS* * Jan. 27.-By his princely revenues, he can still live in his ac- h made inquiry, Accidest os the Great Western Railwat.—On £Pia passage of the sMp Sea Capt, Edwards, him. Mr. White told him she could not do wit and found they had been at several Thursday morning an accident occurred upon this road, corner of Webber-street, on Sunday evening , we customed splendour. His private fortune is estimated for shops in New-street. „/,V^York papers of the llth inst. The Sea Nuttal any longer, as she .was getting nothing I mentioned the case to the line of railway that will probably be attended with a next, February 2nd, at seven o'clock. . • "> to at some four millions of dollars. him, and lier other lodgers were leaving on account Board of Guardians on Tuesday, S^the passage from New Yorkof Holyheadin who said they both fatal result. A goods train left Paddington at half- Wesimlvsteb.—A meeting will be held at the days. The proceedings Congress are of his illness. Heaton refused to send any one to desemd taking before the magistrates. On Satur- pa ' ' Jj ^ day she app st four o clock in themornin g, and stopped at the Clock-house, Castle-street, Leicester-square, on Sun- w oDy devoted to discasaons of annexation look after him, or give his wife any money. Heard lied at my house, but only saw my wife. West London Junction at Wormwood Scrubs, to day evening next, at half-past seven o'clock. A *b1pm v Evatoetf J»o&?fflgmg. Kitty White say she bad not had one penny. On On Monday she saw me, and said her husband was attach another carnage. One ofthe guards tifemf aese are so TarioBS a*5 to drf? ^y very ill ; , named special meeting of members-of - the Westmins ysation. There seems Friday Heaton came again, and Mrs. White said she this was at the relieving office. I told her HoratialNelSOn Tolverner, descending f orthe purpose Joint Stock Company will be held on Tuesday even- ene^i -^ to be aTery jNT he that I must Lr; opuiion^ that no measure of annexation is BabsseetWeavebs.—TheLinenWeavers of Smithy would not let uttal stay any longer unless come and see lies, for shehad. imposed on of attaching the connecting chain or driving bar, had ing, at the above place. ^^y to pass iLis session. -Mills having opened a branch lodge of the Barnsley (Heaton) would send some one to look after Mm. On me before. Isaid, as soon as I have done paying I will imprudently ventured in between the train and the Linen Weavers' Union, take this opportumty of Thursday deceased got out of bed, came down stairs, come and see him. About half-past two I Spitalfiei.ds.—A meeting of the members of the went to stationary truck whilst the former was in the act of Chartist locality meeting at the Standard of Liberty, 013 MEXICO. invitingaU Weaverswho have not yet joined, to do so got to the door, and would have gone out, but we my dinner, from there I went to Birkby, to visit backing mto the " siding" where that truck stood. 5>o>o of e HDers will be held on Sunday evening next, at eight o'clock, ¦J^ si*nos -45D Baxishmesi Sakia as soon as possible. Erevented Mm. He struggled with us nearly an sop P,;* > ai»d about three o'clock I called at The consequence of such an imprudent step was, that ^e got Kitty White to consider the Executive address ; and also, to choose- , ii *~"".rahJave one day's later news from Meaco Gbeat-Pcbuc MEEinte of ihe Silk Weavers our ; he had neither shirt nor clothes on; we 's; saw there was no imposition, and as the man stooped to adjust the chain his head be- . h, ''/rf5Sfea Santa Annais him from the quite ex- relieved Nuttal and a Council for the locality. »hav^ ' - therepresented ax Macclesheid, us favour of Pbotectiox.—A door, aud set him in a chair, his wife with two shillings • I came jammed between the buffers ofthe last truck in Tower Hamlets.—A meeting of the" General *5 ^Po^ »db4nished by ascendant publiemeeting of the Silk Weavers of this town was hausted. In a short time he got up again, and said called the mistress ofthe house down stairs, and told thc goods train and the stationary one. The unfor- in the Tower Hamlets and *w^f m- her she must take Councillors, residing , the jj * Mfiaeo. The following details of the held on Mondaylast , at tLree o'clockin the aft ernoon. he would jm to Manchester. Mrs. WMte came in care of him and I would get her tunate man dropped instantly, lie was picked up late committee for the relief of Mrs. Ellis, will be j *? important ev-ints that Lave transpired in The meeting, w was o " Rights and said, if he is determined to go let him, as I am anythmg she wanted. She said she could not attend immediately in a senseless state with thc blood bera Mch c nvened by the h being , held at the Crown and Anchor, Cheshire-street, 'Jhul'*ti °°Py -from the New Orleans Bee and of-Ihdustry" Society was announced to take place ai quite tired of these disturbances ; clothes to im, unwell. . On Wednesday, the man's wife pouring from his ears. He was removed to St. issued but put his and Kitty White Waterloo Town, on Sunday evening, at five o'clock —" Li the city of Mexico it seems that on -twelveo 'clock, on the Park-green; but the dreadfnl on. They then dressed him, and he went out ; his came to me and wanted some more George's Hospital, where, upon examination, it was to take into consideration thc ^ l^- *o^nj festo rehet ; 1 said they calumnies contained in Eg ^^-^ was protest state of the weather made it necessary to adjourn to wife went with him. It was about five in the evening; had come too soon ; as they a'stertained that he had received a severe fra cture at a letter in Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper, o e st the had already had two shillings considered f th 26th, ltu^H- «ie orders issuedfor by not Santa Anna, and a large factory, wMch was also found to be inconve- the mistress's son and a lodger went with them to I should not give her the base of the skull, and the injury was agaiust the body of Chartists in tho Tower Hamlets. (^/^ Government Laving deposed o e was ultimately Heaton's house to anything ; but if she would call again on Thurs- of so extensive a nature that his recovery was Tras si Ly on nient f r th purpose, and themeeting entreat of Mm to give them some day :I would Maotlebose Locality.—A members, meeting t%ht^ gned fi%-five depHties the held in the large open space on the Sand-brow, thc relief. He was brought back by a watchman about dye her another shilling. On thought uncertain. . ' pothers Thursday she did not come; I will take place on Tuesday evening, February - 4th, v$r ' on tiie 2d,and aU tiiesenators except speakers addressingthe meeting through the factory eleven o'clock that night ; Mrs. White refused to let went to the house MrsiERious Death at Camden Town.—On Thurs- 1845, at the 3rdj and found- thei man worse ; I e Coachmakers' Arms, Circus-street, Si a Ssmta Anntf's general, Canalizo, windows. Mr. Simister was called to the chair ; and Mm in again. The watchman insisted, and the door ;. gave th m one day Mr. Wakley, M.P., and a most respectable jury, New-?oad, on business of importance. i*&»" ^e iee dissolving Congress—Santa -^.nna Mr. Hunsworth, detailed the result of was opened. Heaton came in soon after ; he called the shilhug, .and ordered the- woman to come before Elephant and Castle King s-road, a?«!th ? the secretary, assembled at the Oaj iberweix Asr> Waiwohth. be ^L\ e head of 8,000 men on Ms march against interviews with the borough and county members, mistress and lodgers all sorts of foul names; he gave the board on Friday. I said you ought to keep him Camden Town, to investigate the death ot Mr. —In consequence drf intense ht be cl n' ittj' said his wifo would not do for him. I aged 64, house and land agent, the soiree in honour of T. S. Buncombe, Esq., M.F\, ^fme t™ /alisco- The decree createds who were all favourable to any plan that mig them no money. Mr. Sissons came to see him ; until M T i ij Anthony I'ortington, Mex,"e CoiigressmadetLi-aEi^rotests deemed protection to the working said 1 told you I would pay you or any one you liked of Oxford-crescent, who was found drowned in the meeting will be held at the Montpelier Tavern, td a-Tt ij °. practical, to afford Mr. Tatham eanuv he was seen every day either by e No. 1, E !ss to tIle 12 l they could lan the society had in one doetor or the other. ? F. \ ° look aft«r 1"hi. I went from home that dav, the Regent's Canal, on thc morning of Tuesday last, Walworth, on Tuesday evening, February 4th, at «Si 2 CaPeop * . >at before classes. After detailing the p Heaton called on the Fri- ei ht to®^ nalizo closed all the printing view, that of local Boards of Trade, by which prices day evening ; he said they were a lot of scamps ; he and did not return until near eleven at night: When under very mysterious and suspicious circumstances. g o'clock, instead of Monday. -W-, */ I. got home my wife told me that Nuttal and liis wife JS »»s «S^ i t of and fcrbade afl pubUcations. man, as well as all other disputes, he said Mr. in-law, poorhouse-keeper at Alnioridbury), who called , , on Tuesday J«rary measuresinereased the excitement, Broeklt-hurst had told him that the time was C0111C lliem Irish sluts, iuid|abused them very much. Kitty f or me nearly an hour. I went down the street, and dence to show. next, at eight o'clock precisely. ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ' « • Februa ry l» Aie,,, . . . . - THE NORTHE RN STAR. ^ 2 : —- ¦ „ ,-•-¦ weight would have been, perhapsperhaps, r">» 1 — ' WEST™, m RIDING«tt^txt« OF/* YOvAu.ir.QnmT!.KKSlIlRb). I , 20020ft twon*. T^ -, LABOUR DEFENDED. too, top weight. It;may be also-ob-^rH without obtaining a clear and suffi- GREAT MEDICAL BOON. thin g Uke attention , , January 18, 1845, is published, No. 1, it having been generaUy stated Thefollowing Books are publishedat the NorthernStar of his ver *. LIFE. THIS DAY WAKE FIELD ADJOURN ED SESSIONS. that the ft M cient estima te ofthe construction and laws HEALTH , STRENGTH , be continued weekly), of the TRI - length of the Great Britain would me lehadof aU Book- price 2d. (to IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Christmas cause W i **$e ef ice, 340, Strand,and may cula r tongue."—LeedsTimes. enjoyment of health may be secured JOURN AL of the RIGHT S of INDUSTRY ; NOTICE West heavily in a rough sea by her being of the THE true and long BUNE and General Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace, for the or™ • ^ar sellers and News Agents. " A concise philosophical and lucid exposition theiise of-the.olaest ' Dest Discussion of the - for all the^^ afflicted by , conta ining a- full Examination ami County; of Yoi*k,£wffl be held hy adjo urn , on two or more seas at one time M ¦ prin ciples on which the language of Milto n and Shak .- remedy;of the age^ " ~s ' - Na- Ridi ng of the **% ¦ tried, and most successfu l Plans before the Public for the ; removal of the House of Cor- of course the attention of all on board alte eare rests."—Bradford Observer. ¦¦' ' " " ^ var ious ment in the Committe e-Room, at . at 1m ? t sp pillsU: "L >;|' j the proceedings of Trades Societies and Day that coiM attend to such matters, ' tll0s Cloth, is calculated to give the idea of dr.|^]^aring3s tioniU'Distress rection, at Wakefield, : on Thobsdax , the Thirteenth was drain ? e Complete in one VoL, neatly Bound in "It student a correc t of effecting Social Imp rove- it was found that in t!)i ago, Mainwari ng earned [f f &mi other Bodies for the purpose 'clock in tlic Forenoo n, point ; but no one insh 5 "WORK. OH SMAIA FARMS, Grammatical construction —of the analogies of the lan- Nearly two centuries : People tipon the of Febhuar y next, at Eleven e A PBACTIC AX greater than Abern ethy by his rap id and certain cure s of ments, and th e Employment of the ting the Ridin g Prison (the said such the case, as the Great Bri tain was guage ^—and ofthe nature of the various par ts of speech. for the purpose of inspec ash *"* ftieo Two Shillings and Sixpence. all thes« afflioling complaints, which arise from derange- the Accounts of and easy as any other sliip under 8 ;L "Want It is simple, but not diffuse ; and House Of Corre ction), and for examini ng im mean ; clear , bnt not ment of that vital organ , the Stomach, such as Indiges- Our Opening Address ;- the Ini quity of 8 o' COSKO B, IS«. No! 1, contai ns the said House of Cor rection , making stances. It has been also stated that " thc -* BT FEARGU S there are few works in which the first princip les of Gram- causing Head-ach e, Dimness of Vision, Giddiness , Trades ; Emigra- the Keeper of r^- furnish a valu- tion, the Game Laws ; Duncombe and the the Officers and Servan ts position of the propeller so far aft would at desire of the author has been to mar are better explained or more ably followed up."— Fulness at the Pit of the Stomach , Wind , Heartburn, Enquiry into the conduct of ven i THE enable the Tropics ; Address to Trades Unionists , and all subject to be frequently lifted out of ' '1 ahlecompendium at such a price as would Tori: Chronicle. Water Brash, and Difficulty of-Swallowing. Costiveness, tion to belonging the same ; and also into the behaviour of the the wiS ii. ' , Labour.; the Land ; a Remedy for Nationa l not*to every worttog man to become possessed cf*t It conta uis attended with Dry ness of Skin, Flushes of Hea t and Cold who live by Prisoners, and then - Earnings. in practice it has been found be tlic cas,. 'M " — The method he has adopted to convey his les- Affections, having a s all for the Best ; a Pen and Ink Sketch of ¦ instruc tions, togeth er vnt h Plates de- and tendency to Apoplexy. Bilious Distress ; It' C. H. ELSLEY , is fully confirmed by the regularity with '• ah the practical sons is the least repulsive to a learner that we have yet the Heart , with to the Trades fronra Shoemaker , -£• Offices , Tank, Farm -yard, 4c. ; tendency to Jaund ice ; Palpitation of the Present System ; , Clerk of the Peace. the engines worked throughout the passage. scribing Far ovhouse, seen, not exceptin g the whole and tendency to Dropsy, Affeetions ot the Tl ¦' ion requ isite for carrying out all that of Air. Cobbett Swelling of Legs not the case with the paddle-wheel, Xi with particular inform at Cough, Phlegm, and tendency to which Clerk of the Peace's Office, Wakefield, from the com seems to be intend ed as a mental machine to abbrevi- Lungs, with short , dry Office, 40, Holywell-street , Strand , London ; to variation of the depth at which it the operations. 1 Consu mption. - - - - ¦ ¦- ¦ - ^ 28th January, 1845. is immersed in r ate the labour of the mind. *—GlaMOt i* Liberator. „ , , „^ Orders for the pap er and commu nications for the e above -nror S may still he procured in num- Mainwaring 's work on " The Means and Method of Pre- all water, a circumstance which not unfrequcnth- J H.B.—The be addre ssed. serving Health," together with his system ot curing dis- Edito r must the engines altogether, whilst the next 5 bers, price 6d. each. the TO SUFFEEERS—INSTANT RELIEF FROM minute 1V Price One Shilling. eases, have caused him to be quote d and followed by Sold by all Booksellers. are running beyond their usual rate, thereby ,, -ty "I have, with in the last few months , visited every part first medical men of the presene day, who hereby admit PA IN. reo PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES , selected with great ing tho greatest attention to avoid of Fra nce, and I declare that I have seen more -misery in that the wisdom and experience of the shrewd Mainwa r- JEAN LEPAY ' S GRANDE POM MADE. accidents to ft and adapted to the Rules and Obser vatio ns respec- machinery ; besides which, thc want of one street in Dublin than in all France ; the people are care, ng has stood the test of nearl y NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. uuitbrinitv • tively contained iu his Fifteen Lessons on the Analogy THIS extraordinary preparat ion cures , in most cases their operation reduces the speed, indepcnuentlv ' wen claa, veU fed, and merry ; they are aR employed on OF EXPERIENC E. CHANGE OF THE MINERS ' HOUSE OF CAM,. and torme ntin g • and Syntax of tlic English language , and in his Rational TWO CENTUR IES by one application , those form idable the strain that is thrown upon the vessel. Shavl Fa wh of their own, or on equitable takin gs !" — TIN JUDE begs most respectfull y to inform his and It wasv' School Grammar. By \Yn. Hill. Third edition, revised prescription has been long in MAR maladies, ticdoloreux, gout, rheumatism , .lumbago , nerally admitted, and particularly by Tide Lord Cloncurry ' s Letter in Horning Cironiele, Oct. Mainwaring 's inestima ble friends and acquaintances that he is about to RE- Capt. rj 0Uf and corrected. private hands unt il the steady, certain, and permanent all painful affections of the nerves , giving instant relief in 5ft , 184*3. Tuns to the Sun Inn , Side, a few that had a paddle-wheel vessel been in company 3 cures effected by ^his Tills have forced them into pub lic MOVE from the Three the most severe paroxysms. Patients who for years had , printe r of the 3/inci**' the Great Britain during the gale that she cxperiiJS Those persons desirous of bettering their conditi on and Price Sixpence. USG> doors below Mr. Thomas Dodds's drawn on a miserable existence by being deprived of sleep fully explained for the benefit of as usual , with in the British Channel, that she could not have hriS of becoming "Independent Labourers " by entering the Mainwaring 's system is Advocate, where he hopes to be honoured , from acute pain, ami many that had lost, the free use of THE GRAMMATICAL TEXT BOOK, for the use of the amlcted in a small pamp hlet, given gratuitousl y by the that they shall be tne slightest way witu ner, as tne sea that was "Productive-labour"' - Market , --HI do -well to read "A their compa ny, and lie assures them their limbs from weakness caused by paralysis and rheu- thl Schools, Children , or Private Students. agents. All applications for agencies , on the usual terra s, and at the re- running would have caused tho paddles io Practical Work on Small Farms," hy Feakcus O'Connor , supp lied with articles of first-rate qual ity, matism to the astonishment of their medical attenda nts be S In this little book the nriiwipltt of Grammar , expressed must be made to Cleave , 1, Shoe-lane, Fleet -steeet, Lon- , frequently out of water by the rolling of the vesJ Esq. It contains much useful information , invaluable to don ; and Heywood Oldh am-street , Manchester. gular trade prices. and acquaintance , have, by a few rubbings , been restored with the utmost possible conciseness, are exhibited for the , number of excel- Under ordinary circumstances, this is prevented j : the parties for whom it was written ; and Old Farmers N.B.—M. J. also intends fitting up a to health strength , and comfor t, after electricity, galvan- memory. It contains , in a few pages, the pith aud mar- N.B,—These Pills ar« carefull y prepared according , setting canvas with thc view of stead will finil many useful lessons in the new system of hus- lent beds, and other accommodat ion, for persons from the , ying the shir,; the receipt , under the directions of Dr. M 'Douall , 52 Wal- ism, blisteri ng, verat rine, colchicum , and all the usual oandry, hava yet to learn. The work displays row of the whole science of Grammar. , but, from the violence of the gale, it'ifc had been 4' which they cot-square , Lambetli , London. country. remedies had been tried and found worse th an useless. So much are the princi ples of this important science coffee made to order, on the in this instance, it would, in all probability, grea t practical knowledge, and is wri tten so that any one Steaks, chops, tea and Its surprising effects have also been experienced in its ' l^ O'Connor seems not to simplified in these little works, that by the use of them a done as much harm as good, hy depressing the who reads may understand. Mr . shor test notice. rapid cure of nervous affections of the heart , palpitation , £ having no previous knowledg e of the subject , may, P.OWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL. 3r d of February. wheel, and consequently causing the .weather ont have used either the old or ' new nomenclature ' in this parent , The Removal will take place on the difficul ty of breathing, pains of the loins, sciatica, glandu- -j "work ; he lias not buried his Tneaning in chemical techni - in one week, be qualified to instruct his children without PATRONIZED by her Maiesty the QUEEN , his Royal be whirling round in the air , touching only the toi lar swellings, and weakness of the ligaments and joints. few und erstand , hut which most other assistance. Higeness PRINCE ALBERT , the ROYAL FAMILY CHOICE OF A SITUATION of the waves as they passed along the side : of coun calities, wliich very It may be used at any time by the most delicate person writers on agriculture seem so desirous of using. Perlinps and NOBILITY , and the several Sovereigns and Courts the setting of canvas upon thc Great Britain aa-] All fhe abo ve works may be had at the Northern Star Domestic Bazaar, 326, Oxford Street, corner of Re- with the greatest safety, requiring no restraint from busi- they do not understand the practice of Farming so well as throughoutEurope. —This Elegan t, Fragrant, and Pellucid similar effect of causing the vessel to hee! over, office, 310, Strand , London. Of John Cleave, 1, Shoe- in Oil, its preservativ e, restorative , and beautifying qualities, gent Circus. ness or pleasure, nor does it cause any eruption on the the theory; and, therefore , mystify that which they cannot from the propelling power being in the precise lint,^/ lane, Fleet-street ; James Watson , Paul 's-alley, Paternos- is unequalled over the whole world. It preserves and re- for Large and Small Families, most tender skin. explain , hy some long chemical term , whicli the plain WANTED, a number her keel, and ultimately, taken up on a point . near, ter-row ; H. Hetherin --;ton, 40, HolyweU-street , London. produces the hair, even at a late period of Ufe ; prevents it of FEMALE SERVANTS of every description Sold, by the appoin tment of Jean Lefay, the inventor , reader may pa ss over as a " hard word," hard to pro- , in the centre of gravity, it has no effect in causing hjj Of A. Heywood, 58, Oldham-street , Manchester ; J. from fitUing off, or turning grey ; restores grey hair to its This demand is created W, Sti-iling and harder to understand when it is pronounced. original colour; frees it from sen rf and dandri -f, and ren- with straigh tforward characters , by his sole agen t, J , , pharmaceu tical ch e- to steer wildly, or otherwise to act prejudicial!-, j nounce, Guest, Binningham ; Messrs. Paton and Love, Glasgow ; ' - The read er wiU find that Mr. O'C onnor has avoided aU ders it soft, silky, curly, .and glossy. Facts abundantl y through the arrangeme nts being highly approve d by the mist, So. 8G, High-street , Whitechapel, London, in metal- the vessel. At one o'clock r.M. on Friday, J. nobson, Market-walk, Huddersfield ; and of aU book- Captaj those hard names, and suited the language to the toil- proved by innumerable testimonials , wliich are open for Nobility, Gentry, and the Public generally. Ladies aro in lic cases, at 2s. 9(1. and 4s. Gd. each. Hoskon set No. 4 spencer and the square mainsa? sellers and news-a gents , who can procure them to order. inspection at the Proprietors. To Children , it is especially attendance to engage Domestics from Ten to Five o'clock N.B.—A post-office order for 5s. will pay for a 4s. 6d. ing labourer, whose college is generally the workshop , recommended as forming the basis of ¦ and with this canvas, at 8.45, passed thc Long Shi-; or, at best, the SnnOay School. Though the work is da ily. ' There are Booms for waiting in to be hired ; not case and its carriage to any part of the united kingdom. After the. last-mentioned time [3-15 p.m. on Fri-^ A BEAUTIFUL HE AD OF HAIR!!! any charge made until engaged if preferred. To thosewho It can be sen t to any part of London , carriage free. ' written for holders of Small Farms , yet no Allotment BERGER'S ENGLAND. ' the wind became light, and all sails were taken £ Tenant ought to be without it; the valuable information Trice 8s. 6d.—7s.—Family Bottles (equal to 4 small), will take places of All Work no charge whatever. Ser- and , strange to relate , this mighty structure Just Publishedj-beautiful ly printed in 8vo., with two en- 10s. Cd. ; and doubl e th at size, 21s. ^ it contains respecting tilling and cropping is alike useful vants from the country are much inquired for. There TO MR. PROUT, 229, STRAND, LONDON. driven by its small propeller to thc Needle Hocks K gravings, No. 1, price 2d., ofBerger's cheap, elegant , CAUTION —Each genuine bottle has the words ROW - ave always a few vacancies for Footmen and Grooms. to alL "—Extractfrom a Farmer 's Letter. „ . Wednesbury, Sept. 2, 1844. 1.30 r.M. on Saturday, a distance ot 174 miles. ]j and correct edition of LAND'S MACASSAR OIL engraved in two lines on the N. B. Upon apply ing do not stand about the doors or " This really useful littl * volume ought to be in the Wrapper ; and on the back of the Wrapper nearl ,—I have been an agent for BLAIR'S GOUT and show the perfect command this ponderous body \4 y 1,500 windows unnecessarily. SIR T hands of every one at all connected with agricultural HTJ3IB AND SMOLLETT'S HISTORY of ENGLAND , times, containing 29,028 letters. upwards of four years ; during under, she steamed through the Isecdlcs against • RHEUMAT IC PILLS ' pu rsmts."—-Lloyd's Wcddy London Newspaper. with above 150 superb engravings and portraits , Sold by the Proprietors , A. ROWLAND and SON, 20, that period very many cases of cure by their use have spring ebb tide with the same case and conif oit tit- being the cheapest and most beautifull y embellishe d his- Hatton Garden; London , and by 'Chemists and Perfumer s. EXTRAORDINARY ! NEW CASES !! one of the smallest vessels would have done. ' " Although we feel no desire, in Hie langua ge of the been effected and come under my notice in this town and The,- tory ever published. A number every Saturday, in a * # All others are FRAUDULENT COUNTERFEITS !!! ' • Attesting that there is health for all. is also a very prominent fact - worth y of proud Peruvian , in contemplating what we hope to rejoice * , neighbourhood , which has secured to them a celebrity recoraiK stances operate upon his or their minds, E. Hollier , Dudley. Company 's Service, and who had resided for the last rheumatic gout the Great Britain again got under weigh! Whom; the influence dressed to those suffering from the Destructive Conse- dreadfully painful diseases, gout, , rheu- and effect of which would De str onger than any abstract Seventeen Years in differen t parts of India, where his Margate it came on to blow a furious gale quences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive matism, lumbago, sciatica, ifcc., is so fully manifested by from ta notions of justice . For instance, if a commun ity Tipton , Staffordshire. constitution had become much impaired from the in- the' increa sing , and the testimony of thousands in north-east. Abreast thc Nore Light a small .=taisj] of la- Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; terminating sale houring men purchase a quantity , fluence of the climate, and the injurious effects of power- every rank of life that those who aro aware of the exist- was seen about three miles aheau\ and in one of land, and hire hu in mental and nervous debilit y, local or constitutional I Joshub Ball, hereby testify that I had been dreadfully , iio3 Dour for its cultivati on, however just their inten tions and afflicted with Rheumatic Gout for seventeen years, so that ful and frequent doses of that dan gerous min eral , Calomel , ence of such a remed and have not availed themselves and a quarter the Great Britain was along weakness, indigestion , insanity, and consumption ; in- y, sis pure their motives, they -wall nevertheless feel themselves I have, at times, kept my bed for months together , and which, together, made such inroads on his consti tution as ing its efficacy, cannot trul be objects of sympathy. This vessel proved to be the Water 'Witch cluding a compreh ensive Dissertation on MARRIAGE , of try y , nmniii justified in raising the price of the land, according to the couid not get anything to do me good till I took Parr' s to oblige him to return home to England , and on his ar- The testimonials of the astonishin g effects of this medi- between Hull and London , and considered to be with directions for the removal of Disqualifications, and u f« improved valu e conferred upon it by the labour of the Life Pills, which I am very happy to state have nearl y rival he placed himself for some time under the care of a boat. On entering the River, . was found remarks on the Treatment of Gonorrhoea , Gleet, Stricr eiue are universally accompanied by the fact tha t no in- it to « iired workman. Thi s power of steadily trenching upon restored me to perfect health. As witness my hand , this Medical Practitioner , but received no benefi t from that convenience of any soi't attends its administration , but exceedingly crowded with vessels, and the wind in- tuvc and Syphilis. Illustrated with Cases, &c. ¦ the rights of others is one of the greatest disadvantages llth day of September, Joshua Bali.. gentleman 's treatment. He was then advised by a friend that the patient, without feeling the operation of the me- still blowing terrifically. On approachin g I'.rpvosd, against which the labourer ha s 3 LUCAS ASD CO., COXSCLri TSG SORGEOK S lOSDOS ; (who had tried this medicine) to go through a proper so numerous were the colliers lying ther e, to contend ; and those BT G. , , To the Public. — No sooner is a medicine well esta- dicine, is universally left in a stronger and butter state of that m hired by a community, at the end of twent y years would course of ; Holloway 's Tills, which he did, and in about passage was visible for the Great Britain. i>he TIIE NINTH THOUSAND. blished in public favour, than a host of imitators arise, health than experienced previous to being afflicted with *;] he in no bett er condition than they were at startin g, Four Months his formerly shattered frame was so com- pursued her course 'however while who, for the sake of gain , not only wrong the proprietors this disease ; and in all cases of acute suffering , great re- , , at full speed , and mi fhe communit y of proprietors would have increa sed the be had ofthe Authors , 60 Newman-street Oxford- pletel y invigorated as to enable him to prepare himself lief is experienced in a few hour s the strength of the flood-tide rumiin *- May , , ofthe genuine medicine , but inflict a serious injury onthe , and a cure is generally , ae! Talue of their again for his immediate return to India, whither he will property twenty-fold: that is, they would Street , London ; and sold by Brittan , 11, Paternoster-row -; unwary purchaser of their base counterfeit trash. These effected in two or three days. threaded through them all like a cutter , witlitlic u, hare robbe d those labourers , by whose industry th e embark early in the coining Spring of next year , 1S45. ¦ value J. Gordon, 146, Leadenhall-street ; G. Mansell , 3, lung- observations appl y with increased effect to the medicine Sold . by Thomas Pr out, JUS' , Strand , London, price ccption of one bri g, which vessel, from breaking ia was increase d, of nineteen shillin gs in the pound. " G. This gent)eraan is now residin g in Regent' s-park , where street , Southwark ; AVesterton, Knightsbridge ; II. which is now so well known as " Parr' s Life Pills." This 2s« 9d. per box ; and , by his appointment , by Heaton , sheer, came in contact with the side of the Grai " These remarks are powerful ar guments he is well known in consequence of his opulence and in the sphere Phillips, 2C1, Oxford-street ; Hannay and Co., 63, Ox- famous remed y has been established by undoubted proofs Hay, Allen, Land, Ilaigh , Smith , Bell, Townsend, Baines Britain , and thereby lost her bowsp rit. The .10& 3n which they are written , and if examined in liberality. . :. their rela- ford-s treet ; Huet , 37, Princes-street , Leicester-square ; of its efficacy, and by a mass of evidence.ftnd testimonials and Newsome, Smeeton ; Heinhardf , Tarbottoin , and Hor- ship came up to Woolwich at the former rato , wla tion to the universal , they confirm thc 'testimon y that Chancery -lane London Noble, 114, , ; J. Buckton , Book- which no other medicine ever yet called forth . These Immense 'Demand for HcRoicay' s Pills in the East Indies. ner, Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis aud Son, Burdc- she slackened her speed from that port to BIkcM , " The eart h is the lord' s, and all that therein is; Briggate, Leeds : TV . Langdale reachin g seller, 50, , Kn aresbro ' and facts have had the effect of producing a very large sale— . Extract of a letter dated 20th of September , 1842, from kin, -Moxon, Little , Hardman , Linney, and Hargrove , tlic latter place at a quarter to four pa the round world and they that dwell th erein ; for, Journal Office Wakefield AV. Midgley, " Harroga te; , ; more than 15,000 boxes per week. - When this lar ge sale Messrs. S. Ferdinands . and Son (Agents for the sale of York ; Brooke aud Co., Walker and Co., Stafford , Paulk- In her progress up the River she was cheered Iji after partaikin g freely of what is good for each order of 23 Mar lj et-place of un Halifax ; J. Noble, , , Hull; W. B. John- came to|the ^knowledge some principled persons , who •Mftriloway 's Medicine," in the Island of Ceylon. These ner, Doncaster ; Judson, Harrison, Linney, Ripon ;. Fog- great number of persons who, anticipating her arriu!, creation, any self-appropriation , by whatever parties in- son, Beverley ; "W . lawson , 51, Stone-gate , York ; W. gentlemen state— gitt, .Coatcs assembled at the wharfs ' for the sake of gain to themselves , and reckless of the " AU classes of people here are desirous , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley, Easingwo ld j , and thus welcomed Jicr. . : dulged in, is from evil, and will produce its congGquonco, , , , Sheffield Bavraolough 40 Fargate ' T. W all, Wigan ; injur y it may do to others , are attempting to foist on the to purchase your wonderful Medicines , and we regret tiiat England , P ell, Spivey, Huddersfield ;. Ward , Richmond ; lU&ckwall the Railwa y-pier was crowded tts exces-. namely, vice, crime, and misery. f . Wm. Harrison Batcman , Preston ; , Ripon ; Thomas incautious various imita tions, and in order , that pur we have now scarcely any left to meet the immense de- Sweeting, Xnaresborough; Pease, Oliver, Darlington : more so than it has been known to be for vans, li "yfe can strongly recommend Mr. O'Connor 's work to Courier Office , 3, St. AnnVsquare Sowler, , Manchester; chasers may be able to detec t these frauds , care must be mands that ave daily made upon us for them. We enclose Dixon, Metcalfe, Langdale, Northallerton ; Rhodes, Blackwall-st*urs, and . on every point and whaH it our readers , containing a gieat amount of ' practical infor- G. Harrison , Bamsley ; William Howell, 75, Dale-street , taken to look at the (J oi-eritw ent stamp pasted round each you. a testimonial from J. Davison , Esq., the superinten - Snaith ;. . Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogerson , Cooper, the vincinity, spectators assembled. Tho Watei "Witch, mation on agri culture, which should be most popularly TY. Wood, 78, Hi h-street Birmingham Wf, ' 4 Liverpool ; g , ; box-j and be sure it has the words " Parr ' s Life Pills " in dant of Lord Elphinston 's Sugar Estate , at Caltura , Cey- Newby, Kay, Bradford ; -Brice , Priestley, Ponfefrac t; whicli the Great Britain . pass ed, did not ai. -v. Also, price is. Cd., Second Edition storation. The evils to which the book adverts are ex- STEAM SHIP. would be much approved in high quarters, tnai To Messrs. Ferdinands and Son , Holloway's Agent for hope such a measure will eijfc A SERIES OF LETTERS FROM FEARGU S O'COX- tensive and iden tical in their secret and hidden origin , and Under the distinguished patronage of His Majesty the _ mis stupendous iron steamer, which.;lor a long be adopted. Buri ne NOR, ESQ., BARRISTE R the Island of Ceylon, Colombo. months, in wliich the vessel was te be seen at &•$ AT LAW, TO DAXIEL there are none to whom, as parents , guardians , heads of King of Prussia , and of the Nobility and Clergy of the time past has occupied so much ofthe public atten- O'COXXELL , ESQ., 3LP. ; -.._ Time should not be lost in talcing this remed y for any of at one -shilling per head the receipts avcra rcd B families, and especially of public schools, is confided tiie United Kingdom, and especially recommended by the tion, is at length arrived in the river Thames, from , the Mowing diseases :-— . ' ... . poi' day, and there is little doub t that with iiieffi* Containin g a review of Mr . O'Connell' s conduct during care of young peojile, who ought to remain for a moment Faculty. Bristol, and moored off the Blackwall Pier. It is not _ the agitati on Ague Fem aleTrregulari- Retention of the venience the railwa y affords for passengers coris of the questio n of Catholic Eman cipatio n; devoid of that information and those salutary cautions on account of her immense burden alone that she has together with KEATIXG'S PECTORAL COUGH down, the receipts in London will be very Ito *, is an analysis of his motives and actions since this work is intended to convey. Not only are the most Asthma ties Urine attracted so much attention : important scientific he became will, , amply sati sfy the direc tors for hdl a Mcinbt -r of Parli ament. The wholeforms - a delicate form s of generative debility neglecte d y the LOZENGES. Bilious Complaints Fevers Rheumatism principles are involved in the experiment : and the wc trust b given the large •complete key to the political acti ons of Mr, O' Conn ell Blotche s on Skin Fits Scrofula success of this splendid ship will be justly regarded as population of the mclvooolW a chsS , anil fnmay physicu m, huHhey r C(iuii'e for Qicir safe manage , COUGHS , COLDS, and CATARRHS have been so aggra- reconciles all thc appar ent ' Bowel Complaints Gout Stone and G ravel tiie perfection of steam gation. In her of seeing her. contr adictions in the acts of nient the exclusive study of a life entirely abstracted from vated by the severity and variableness of the season, navi passage one of the greatest agitator s to thc Thames ofthe present day. | the routine of general practice , and (as in other depart- that the consumption of these Lozenges is now unprece- Colics Headac he Soro Throat s , so many and various have been the This «Ktion.contains th e indigestion Tic Doloveux opportunities for thoroughly confir mation of T. Attwoo B, ments of the profession ) attentively concentrated in the dented. The proprietor , however, respectfully informs Consti pation developing her qualities H Esq., of the Mu. '.Benjamin - Wood Soutky' .ug-- pri ncipal charg e brought by Mr. O'Connor daily and long-continued observation requisite for the cor- the public , that though the demand is so enorm ous lie Consumption Inflammation Tumours and capabilities as a sea boat and as a steam-vessel, , M. P. roi>. f agains t Mr . , O'Connell. rect treatment of sexual hifinnities. Debility Jaundice Ulcers that an account of her trip thither cannot fail to be We arc requested to state that this §cntlcm!ir^ S takes care to keep a constant supply on hand ; and he Iu a veiy ' ' ¦¦:£ begs leave to observe that he is dail y receiving from' Dropsy ; Livor Complaints Weakness from interesting to practical men ; for it has boon admitted .dangerous state from the eitoets of . s "If we consider the topics touched upon either in a every ; par t of the kingdom testimonials of their efficacy in Hie Dysentery Lumbago whatev er cause by all on board this mighty fabric that if she were to tuck of paralysis, and no hopes ave citcviamoAt- All persons desirous of completing their sets of the moral or social view, we find the interests and welfare of ' alleviation and cure of all pulmonary complaints. Er ysipelas Tiles Worms , all kinds ^ plough the seas for a century she could have no better ultimate recovery.—Correspondent. . LANCASTER TRIALS, may yet do so, as a few copies mankind seriously involved. The effects of licentious, Th-jse trul y invaluable Pills can be obtained at opportunity of testing her capabilities. On Thursday ' Still remain on hand. indiscriminate , and secret indulgence in certain practices , It is worth y of remark that these Lozenges are patro - the esta- afternoon A Veteran.—Thirty years have now ncari* -'-; blishment of Professor Holloway, hear Temple Bar. , about half-past three, about forty gentle- " arc described with an accuracy and force which display nised and strong ly recommended by the faculty. Tq the where their couro since tlie.return of " gentle peace, f; POKIR jnS OF POP CLAR CHAHACrE BS. advice may be had gratis , and , of. men embarked at Bristol, at the Cumberland Basin, ' at once profound reflection and extensive practical ex- attendants on Public Worship they will be invaluable , more most respectable Yen. we arc frequently called upon to record the d.«j? i „ Portraits ofthe following distinguished ders of Medicine, throughout this '. civilized world , at tho on board thc Samson steam-tug, and proceeded down persons, from perience. "— Lite' Planet. especially at this season of the year , when the extreme to King Road away of the remains of the warriors who sb-'*-; j steel engra vings and executed in beautiful style following prices. —Is. l^d., 2s. Sd., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and , where the Great Britain lay with her 1 , , may be prev alence of Colds and Coughs is a sourc e of constan t steam up, in readiness to start on her trial trip tlic dangers of thc angry period of the i'l --""*! had at the Northern Star Office, 340, Strand :—Large sizcf— " The best of all'friends is the Profe ssional Friend , and annoyance , not only to the individual sufferers 83s., each box. There is a considerable saving by takin g to the , but to Thames. All matters havin g been arranged twenty-five years. As the face becomes s 'sK-!| T. S. Duuconib e, Esq., 3I.P., Richard Oastler , Robert in no shape can he be consulted with greater safety and thc minis ter and congregation. the larger sizes. " , Capt. peculiar interest who renn-m Hoskon got the.vessel under weigh, and after attaches to those -fl Emmett , John Fros ^-Br.-M-Bouall , and Fear gus O'Con- secrecy f hsmin ' Lucas on Manly Vigour. ' The initiation some we believe lew have seen more active scivifv- -g Prepared and- sold, hi boxes Is. lLj ,, and tins 2s. 9d. delay in fording an anchor and some wreck j nor ; plate of the Trial of Frostand others at Monmouth ; into vicious indulg ence^—its progress—its results in both 2s. Sd., 4s. fid., and lis. each box ; or, post free, 3s., 5s., , she difterent clinics, than the humble individual sexes are given with faithful , but alas ! for human na- is. Gd., and 10*. Gd. eaeh, by THOMAS KEATIN G. gale fairly started onher passage atseven p.m. The wind /^l plate of the Firs t National Convention , and plate ofthe , and 12s. at- career we are about to notice. Andrew llov.it' ;?| Procession accompanying the National Petition of 1812 to ture, with afflicting truth. However , the authors have Chemist, it*., No. 1'J , St. Paul' s Church-yard , London . .this time blew a hard gale to the southward. The COPAIBA AND CUBEBS ENTIRELY continued all Thursday night objeet of the following sketch, in early lite s-'-'^ ! fhe House of Commons. The price ofthe above portraits not exposed the evil without affording a remedy. It shows , and up to five o'clock SUPERSEDED. the next morning, at which time th e ship was off apprenticeship in the Edinburgh Advertiser oftcc^'J and plates is one shilling each. how 'Manly Vigour ' temporaril y impaired , and mental Importan t Testimonial from Mr, J, B. Blane and friends, shortly aterf , in the year 1792 , he enlisted rf?M , produced by uncontrolled in- WRAY'S BALSAMIC PILLS , a certain , safe, and the Mucom.bc, when the wind suddenly chopped round Half-length portraits of the followin g distin guished and physical emasculation 52, Old Compton-street , London , .Dec. 81, 1844. 42nd lioyal Highlanders, wliich corps the ieil»^*| can be restored ; how the suf- most speedy remedy ever, discovered for . the per- to the northward and westward, blowing most characters may be also had at the Star office, price six- dulgence of th e passions , Dear Sir,—I canno t leave Eng land withou t ackno w- year joined the allies' in Flanders under thc manent aud effectual cure of strictures , seminal weakness, furiously. Several heavy seas struck the ship i)^| pence each:—And rew Marvel , General Arthur O'Connor , ferer, who has pined in anguish from the consequences of ledging the benefit I have received from your invaluable with York during a pains in the loins, affections of the kidneys , gravel, rheu- great violence, and in consequence , and shared in all the fatigues, Wifliam Cobbett, Henry Hunt *-, Richard Oastl er, Thomas early indiscretion—a fraid almost to encounter Ids fellow- of being light she retr eat fM*'|^p Cough Lozenges. matism , lumbago , gonorrhoea , gleets, local debility, irrita . rolled most awfully and very quick, of unusual severity, of the memorable Attwood , James Bronterre O'Brien , and Sir "Wflliam man, can regain the vigour of health and moral courage. knocking furni- by C&' -'i Having been afflicted for the last thirteen years with tion of the bladder or urethra , ture about below, Holland and Germany, so ably conducted Holesworth, Bart. The workis written hi a concise and perspicuous style, and other diseases of the and extensively damaging the in daily frequent and severe attacks of Asthma and short breath urinary passages. The unprecedented success that has crockeryware. At the time the Sir David Dundas and Harcourt, «^| The above por traits have been given at differe nt times displaying how often fond parents are deceived by the wind changed the in nll (particularly in winter time ), I sought, for three years, attended the adm inistration of these pills, since they were vessel maintained her speed of with an enemy greatly their superior |' '' |i to subscribers of the Abrftern Star, and are allowed to be outward physical appea rance of their youthful offspring ; from four-and-a-half to for a remedy at the most renowned apothecaries in made public, has acquired for them a sale more extensive five knots an hour against under the famous Mai-shalsPichcjrruiindAlaw^ril the most complete collection ever presented with any how the attenuation of the frame, palpitation ofthe heart , the gale, the engines acr; London—but in vain—I could find no relief whatever .; than any other proprie tary medicine extant , and the cir- working with great uniformit y at from 10 to It was during this retreat that thc 42nd -newspaper . derangement of the nervous system, cough, indigestion , 12 the red plume for recovering, after a fierc e «?g tion or when fortunately I met with your establishment , 70, St. cumstance of their entirely obviatin g the necessity of strokes per minute. At 10 a.m., when off and a train of symptoms indicative of consump ge- Lundy two guns lost by tho llth Light Dragoons, at '5 Paul' s Church-yard , and as soon as I made use of your having , recourse to those disgusting, nauseous, and in Island, the sea was what nautical men 13 Price Two Sniffings. neral decay, are often ascribed to wrong causes ; and in- term a ennaslcn , in Holland , for .which serv ice SiV ' ' incomparable lozenges, the expectoration was dislodged many cases highly injurious medicines (as copaiba , cubebs , " short cross and nasty" one stead of being the natu ral results of congenital debility or , and at this time the Dundas conferred this bad honour on th * ,, FIFTEEN LESSONS on the ANALOG Y and SYNTAX without pain, and my breath became entir ely free ; and Ac ) , has obtained for -them a reputation unequ alled in jib and foresail were set. It should ge of v disease, are the consequences of an alluring and pernici- _i' »_ i_ » here be remarked, Of the ENG LISH LANGUAGE, for the use of il. ii. -n it- * i • • n .. ' the llth, which they have since yielded to &?. adult per- alike destructive to the mind and bod " by taking only one or two at bed time, my sleep was never the annals of medicine. Prior to being adverti sed, these tiia i diic area -c isriiain naYiug six masts of a peculiar sons who have neglected the stud ous practice , y. — In 1798 the subject of our narrative was at the tJ *| y of Grammar. By TVar. Messenger, once disturbed during tiie whole night. Therefore I am pills were employed in private practice in upwards of 1,800 rig, the two' foremost are called fore and main, and Him.. . Bell's New Weekly of Minorca . In 1801 ho was present at the to per fectly convinced that I owe my existence to your fa- cases, many of them most inveterate —in many thousand the other four are numbered respectively one, two, ^ Fifth edition , Alexandria , and , during the action, direc ted ti^ revised and amended . " Although a newspaper is not the ordinary channel for mous lozenges. cases since, and in no one instance known to fail , three, four ; thc mainmast only has yards. or to There tonti6ii of Major Stirlin g to a stand of colony The Lessons in these works are intended solely for the the expression of opinion upon the merits of a medical friends are now your customers produce those unpleasan t symptoms so often experienced was a splendid trial of the capabilities of this mag- " Many of my , and the possession of a small body of Invinciblcs, wjf ( ; use of natives. They are divested, therefore , work, this remark is open to exception in any instance while taking copaiba , and that class of medicin es nificent ship. With three sails set and with a heavy of aH those undersigned willingly add their names to this certificate usuall y pent themselves up in a comer of Cleopatra 's 1*3 hair-breadt h distinctions and unnecessar y subdivis ions where the public, and not tiie isolated and exclusive mem- - in in testimony of the benefit which they also have derived resorted to in these complaints. The proprietor pledges cross sea, running six points on the bow, she main- Ileal" Alexandria; tiie nia ior . sans eeremoakiMi Analogy, which, if at all useful, can only be useful to fo- bers of the profess ion, are the parties addressed, Upon himself tha t not one particle of copaiba either vesin tained a speed of six and a half knots. We have from the use of your lozenges. , or , a speedy capture of the colours, abou t which ^-i reigners. The science of Grammar is disent angled in that which is directed to men indiscriminatel y, the world balsam, cubebs , or any deleteriou s ingredien t, enters their before remarked" that several heavy seas struck the I remain, dear sir, yours trul y, subsequent dispute took place ; he was alsoj ^f them from the folds of mysticism which have so long en- willform its own opinion; aiid will demand that medical compositio n. Copaiba and cubebs have long been the ship with great effect, but about noon she encountered • J. B. BliANE advance to Grand Cairo , -ln'1802 he returnc ^ | shrouded it. The absurd and unmeanin gtechnicalities works for popular study should be devoid of that myste- . most commonly employed medicines in the above one so terrific that many thought on board the * To Mr. Keating, 79, St. Paul' s. com- dischar ged, after having seen, in the course -- . is the true basis on which all literature ought to lYigom, Mr. B. H. Barnish, Druggist ; to need comment) , or any of laying it before the public, it remains test" Messrs, Lucas and Go. are to he daily consulted from ten Barton, Druggist ; other medicine in pr esent use, markable, 39 showing the superiority of the screw ¦ ¦ —BishopLawi h. Kirkman Bennett and may be justl y —Edinburgh Advertiser. ' j till two, and from five till eight in the evening, at their Leigh, Mr. James , Chemist ; Hudders- considered the only safe and elficaeious over the paddle wheels, she actually produced tMs •' .Mr. Hffl is evidentl Chemist , Market-place ; Mr. H. remedy in all stages y an original thinker . He attacks , residence, No. 68, Newman-street, Oxford-street, Loudon. f ield, Mr. Jacob Fell, : . ;of those disorders. In addition to result without one iota of additional steam, thus Holloway's Pills and ,Oistjibst.*j A? with abilit yand success, the existin g Chemist New-street ; Burs lem, Wm. Pearson these advanta ges system of En glish Fryer, , , , th' aat m a { . he a fee of £1, without Dewsbury, T. S. Brooke ; Wakefield , J. Dawson and S. medicine venders in town S-mooUre clear'Sei and, ' ™V*S<* f r * cases the most inviolable and country. horo it may he added that the propeller of 18th of October she was " .* comprehensi ve view of the struct ure of their application ; and in aU this vast of May ; on the aan in of Sidney, Chemists ; To»*, W. D, Seholefield , Chemist •, Patients in the remotest partk of tha countr y ean be , TT &Und secrecy may be relied on, « body, of 3,500 tons, measures only 16 feet in diameter, Professor Holloway's establishment w-^j M Eome and all respectable Medicine Tenders in the United treated successfully, on describin g minutel y Wc w 2b2£Cao oratew^ orks."-—Literary Gazette.* ™5 thoir caso, by 2 feet 3 inches fore and aft length, weighing only wrapped in a blanket, not being a ^jrt ^ Sold by Mr. Joseph Buckton , Bookseller, SO, Briggate ; Kingdom. and inclosin g a remittance for medicine «> c **" discI,ai , which can be for- 3 tons, which placed at the very bottom of the vessel, even put a shoe or stocking on. In m Sea U« ^k with consid erable Mr. W. Lawson , 51, Stoncgate York ; by whom this Sold Wholesale by THOMAS BYRE and Co,, Druggists , warded to any part of the world ^ , amJtSKiity ^and'^ fno , , secur ely packed , aud acts more as ballastfthan otherwise ; whereasjjhad'the radically cured by means ofthe OmtmW person can pera se his books with work is sent (post-pai d) in a sealed envelope, for 3s> 6d. Hverpool, carefully protected from any- observation. Great Britain been fitted with paddle wheels, the Is.not this troly.wonderful ? f fEBMARY 1, J845. ••-" ---, ! - ^ ^ m. ikyil R sfAR.- heroic -£*i!r g. , and eloquent apostle of equalitv, Si. Just, who * THE CHRONICLES OF THE BASTILE. J. C. with the benefi t of his own 'discovery : this, of course; was leytar P-Hotd Lambert, Ma- gave up Ms life for the many at :; La Concaratcha, Dy , mt -Btte. the age of Newby, 72, Mortimer-street, Cavendish-square. a priv ate resoluti on. Latrcaumont, the Pretendress, CHAETBB AND NO UK EKDER twenty-six. And last, not least, the mightiest thilde, &c.T-Dramas— IHE , S R ! tm-opean ( Continued from the Januar y 25.) Well, Monseigneur , I know of two punishments , that and several dramas of great effect , produced ' in con- man of his day, " Robespierre, thc incor- Northern Star of ' CURIOUS EPITAPHS. lords ofthesoil claim the poor man 's toil to an hone st man , are worse than either hanging or the cert with Messrs! Diiinux and Logouve.—Philosophi- : The ; ruptible ; who, before he was thirty-fivevears of ace, We resume our notice of this excellent "publication, ' Bis lahour to them is given had achieved the ' which we find Bastiie, He paused. . ca l-. and Social Romances—The M ysteries of Pans, EPilAI'H IS ST. MICHAEL S CnURCn- TARD, CROOKED " dictotoivdiip of France, and aname on further perusal to exceed our most Name LAKE. Tor a crust of brea d and a straw -roofed shed, which is yet, and will sanguine expectations when reading the first number. them ! name them! exclaimed D'Argenson , im- and the Wandering Jew*. ' for ever be, the hate and patiently. a spirit Here lietb, wrapt in clay, Tho ugh lileak as the winds of heaven. terror of aristocrats. The author, whoever he is, need not hesitate to assert The earliest w-orlcs of Eugene'Sue announce Tlic his claims ' . The first, Monseigneur, is the being an honest man , free from prejiidice—an ardent'ahd sympathising na- The body of William Wray. To sow and till, so that valley and nHl stranger and Coxixgsbv part, but first— to popularity with the best writersof the and in the ' pay of .his most Christian Majesty 's lieutenant ture. In the midst ofthe fancies of the story-teller— I have no more to say, -May yield up their fertile store, I long to see your mare again , day. His port rait s are drawn with gre at ability ; " said Coningsbv. She of police ! The second—agaiu he. paused. often side by side with the paradoxes—we still detect t the toiler slave, and at last receive seemed to me indeed we know nothing superior to his pictures of OX A 000D WIFE. Hos so beautiful. ' Well, ' Sieur Jacques , observed D'Argenson , growing the keen observer, wlib sees the evil around him and ' She D'Argeksox, the infernal Lieutenant of'Police to The husks, when his labour s o'er. is not only of pure - race , said the stranger , but of pale : and-the second?- ¦ ' . . arrests the triumph of perfidy and of violence.' In the Here lies my poor wife, much lamented ; the Louis XIV. ;. Jacques, the spy, the hero of the highest and rar est breed in Ara bia. Her name is Is th e being his most Christian Majesty 's lieutenant of thoughtless romancer, there is always a vague senti- She's liappv, and I'm contentod. In the gloomy mine, where no light doth 3hine " The work; Maitre Quixault lood-stained usurer; Dau ghter ofthe Star. " She is a foal of that famous , the b police, retorted Jacques , bowing ; aii d gatherin g his wrongs. At length Save the ray from the miner's lamp— Sr. Marc , the gover nor of the Bastiie ; and Madame ment of social , thc instinct of a WADDIXOTOX CHURCH-YARD , YORKSHIRE. mare which belonged to the Prince of the Wahahees ; and lar ge cloak about him IX There oppression 's slave finds an early gra ve, , slowly quitted the apartment , generous sold inspired M. Eugene Sue with thc idea to possess which, I believe, was one of the de Maintexox, the consort and ruler of Lows Qua- When I was like you, Consum'd by the blighting damp. princi pal causes TOnzE. Tho dialo slackens. leaving his disconcerted employer foaming with indigna- of his great, work—the Mysteries of Paris. M. Sue Of war between that tribe and the Egyptians. The Pach a gue is pointed, and never tion has repeated a hundred times that he owed the first For years not a few, The author is evidentlv well read in French histoiy, ocean I have toil'd. Bnt whatreckthe great for the sufferer 's fete, of Egypt gave her to me, and I would not chan ge her for This is too much, exclaimed the latter, as soon as he conception of that work to the counsels of a 'friendl On the and paints the as though y line I have broU'd. Thoug h they torture his life away! her stat ue in pure gold, even carved by Lysippus. Come Paris of the 17th century, could command his feelings sufficien tly to give them utter - criticism . This admission is a rare instance of nio'- O n the he were now an actor in the scenes he describes. shiver 'd; Yfhcn their -victim bleeds, thus their conscience round to the stable and see her. ance ; but it will be mi/ turn next. T hou shalt not beard desty and generosity. Thc fact is, that, from tho In Greenland I've Thc copious foot-notes will be found Yalue deliver , pleads— The of .to the me. with "impunity ; tonnerr e dieu . ' Let us reflect let us fi h before any voice had raised itself in Now from hards hips 'd .Daughter oftlie Star bounded awav with the student in history, while they serve to authenticate ; rst c apter, " 0, his was but vulgar cl-ir." reflect ; continued he, speaking to himself ; ' tis time I writer he produced , in the analysis of Capsized by old death , " Wandering Jew," as if she scented the air of the the fri ghtful revelations of these " Chronicles." The praise of tho , should act! yes ! yes ! I'll not trust thee any longer , " Chourincur," the proof of high now- I've suvrcnderM my breath ; Then the millocrat pr oud proclaims aloud desert from wliieh she and her rider had alike length of the two extracts given below leaves us no the fall of the Maitre Jacques : thou art growing troublesome ! in league Perhaps there is not, in thc whole And now I lie snug, That " bread should to all be given :' -* sprang. room for further comment this shall ers of criticism. week, but we too with the baron ! oh ! I have not done with thee, yet! a more profound study than that ; there As a bug in a rug, Vet his slavish thrall must , aboce litemaU , The day after his adventure at the Forest Inn, return to the work again. ' of the work, CastsGsss arrived hut—we must wait—we must wait ! The Bastiie is not is none which exposes more wisely the vice, of exist- Fuller tlic well-known British Wor- For vengeance appeal to heaven. at Beaumauoii*. He had not The following fri ghtful scene is extracted fro m , author of " visited the family of his friend for some vcai-s bad enough for thee, eh? . norhanging ! ah! ah! ah ! ing society, or wnich offers, a clearer indication ofthe thies," wrote his own epit aph, as it appeal's in West- , and Part VII. J ulie de St. Auney, daug hter of the 0 God! must the poor , wron gs like these endure now experienced thou art difficult to please , sang dieu . ' but I have not true reform. At the moment when the author of the minster Abbey. It consists of only four words, but a most affectionate reception. At Baron be St. Acsey, imprisoned in the Bastiie by At the hands of the pam pcr'd few ? the dinner done with, thee yet! and easing his mind, at . intervals , Wandering Jew is about to enter upon tlic question of speaks volumes :— table of the noble host ile encounters a the monster D'Akgexsox, is taken bv Sr. Ma iic, thc ' Must they toil and bleed, and yet vainly plead Mr. Eustace Lyle with such 'exclamations as these, D'Argenson. resumed the organization of labour, he will only have to place Here licS Fuller 's euvHi. , a Roman Catholic, and the richest governor, and his nephew b to seo the (liferent For the right that to them is due '. Cor e, his labours , nor ceased them until long past the hour figure of the Chou- commoner in the county. After dinner, when the dungeons of the fortress view of before him this first draught of thc ladies had withdra , uo doubt with th e of midn ight. rineur. M. Eugene Sue inhabits, in ' the heights of OX A TOJin-STOXE IX ESSEX. In a Christian land ' must the million "- stand wn, and the usual political conver- terrifyin g her into compliance with the accursed the Faubourg St. Honore, a little mansion covered Here licth thc man Richard , Enshrouded in pauper gloom, sation had commenced, the New Poor Law was the designs entertained against her. She is take n to the THE THRE E IMPOSTORS. Dundee : J. Mylcs, with creeping plants and flowers , which over-arch the And Mary his wife ; Till their hearts decay, and their soulless clay principal subject of discourse. We have before inti- dungeon of the ditch of one where she of the towers , 201, Over gate. London : Wat-son ,. Paul 's-allcy. cave of love Tbisu * surname was Vrioh&rd. Is housed in the pauper 's tomb ? mated that the Duke (Rutland).was a supporter of beholds peristyle, His garden is laid out with thc This is a translation from the Fr ench; of a work —fresh and perfumed. A fountain plays in thc midst They lived without strife : the New Poor Law, though not harshly so; on tho THE MANIAC OF THE BASTIIE. 3o! let us once move, as in days of yore, published at Amsterdam in 17TC, but supposed to be- lants. A long closed gallery, walled And the reason is plain— other hand, Ms "Whig son-in-law, Lord Everingham, a It was an arch ed vault , about twelve feet square, reek- of rocks and sea p By our Charter -nrmlystand , long originally to a much earlier period. The ques- with sculpture and plants, leads from the house to a They abounded in riches , clear-headed, cold-blooded man, looked upon the New- ing with niephitic vapours, with only the sinallestpossi ble -firm, when it braves the storm tion of its antiquity is. amply discussed in th e body of little outer gate—quite hidden under an artificial They no care had , nor pain , like the rock as Poor Law as another Magna Charta. Opposed to aperture to admit air - the stones under foot were covered , the work , and constitutes one of its most interesti ng rock very small apait* And the wife wore the breeches. That breaks ou our sea-girt strand this last, was Lord Henri/, son of the Duke (Lord with a layer of slime, half an inch thick : the walls, too, . The interior is composed of and attractive features. The publisher says ; " The ments, somewhat confined, and rendered obscure by "While a hope remains , let us cast our chains John Manners), who would not Men to the Statis- dri pp ed with moisture , and large unsightly masses of IX LLAI'MMIECK. CIIURCU-YAR D, MONTGO MERYS H IRE , tics, Dietary Tables, and Commissioners' Reports. edition from wluch the present is translated, was the creepers and flowe*.*s hanging down the windows. At the feet of thc tyrant band fungii greiv from - them , luxuriating in the unwho lesome brought me frorngParis by a distinguished defender The furniture is crimson, with golden nails ; the Here lies John Thomas, * And our watchword be " Man's equality . He went fiir higher than his father ; for deeper than atmosphere , and mingling with it their own pestilential of civil and religious liberty : and as my friend had ghter and of a blue colour. And his three children dear , And the right to our fatherland!" his brother-in-law. He represented to the Duke that brea th. sleeping-chamber alone is li th e The furniture very.numerous is mixed, not without Two buried at Owestry, Cor be, an anxiety, from a thorough conviction of its interest , , Stamford-street Leeds. David Boss order of the Peasan tr y was as anci ent, legal, and rccog- He's only been here twenty -five years , observed and value to see it published in the English There is a littlo And one here. nised an order as the elevating his torch and cer- , language, confusion, with massivie drapery- order of the Nobility : that it had , pointing with his finger to a I have, from like reelings, brought it before the pub- of every style—Gothic, Renaissance, fantastic French. distinct rights and privileges , tho ugh for centuries they tain part of the dungeon. lic, as I am convinced that it is an excellent antidote The drawing-room is shelled. The walls are hid by Napieb axd Caesar.—It is a common idea that the SONNETS. had been invaded and violated, and permitted to fell into Who ? ejaculate d Julie , in a scarcel y audible voice ; no military dispatch ever issued was that one can live here ? to superstition and intolerance, and eminently calcu- works of art, paintings and sculpture, various curio- most laconic " Man 's inhumanity to man desuetude. He impressed upon the Duke that the paro - , family portraits master-pieces, works of mo- sent by Csesar to the Horse Guards at Rome, con- He does again remarked Corbe ; look yonder ! lated to promote the cause of freedom, justice, and sities , - Hakes countless tho usands mourn. "—Burns. chial constitution of this country was more important , morality." We recommend tin's work to all free in- dern artists, his friends. Precious vases, gifts of taining the three memorable words, " Vcni, vidi, than its political constitution ; that it was more ancient , Impelled by a feeling she could not resist , the aftrighted 1 stood (a stranger) in the City's mart, quirers and searchers for the truth. female friendship, cover the mantel-shelf. One of vici ;" and, perhaps, until our own day, no like in- more iiniversal in its influence ; and that this paro chial girl followed the direction of her guide 's hand, but no Where all the sons of toil and trade were met ; them is the respectful homage of a royal hand. Glo- stance of brevity has been found. The dispatch of constitution had already been shaken to its centre by the sooner beheld the spectacle that presented itself than she And there I saw what my rious names shine in every part : Delacroix, Gudin, Sir Charles Napier, after the capture of Scihde, to , poor sicken'd heart, New Poor Law. He assured his father that it would never uttered a suppressed scream of horror that ought to have THE WORLD WITHIN. By the Rev. J. E. Smith, long as it throbs with life will ne' Isabey, Vernet, &c. In a frame, is seen a drawing Lord Ellenborough, both for brevity and truth, is, , er forget. be well for En gland until this order of the Peasantry was touched the Governor 's heart—hadhepossessedone—and M.A. B. D. Cousin's, Duke-street, Lincoln's-inn- The storm was howling—darkness veil'd the skies— of Madame de Lamartine, and some ' verses of thc however, far beyond it. The dispatch consisted of restored to its pristine condition : not merely in physical covering her face with her hands attemp ted to reascend fields. And there I saw, stand shivering in the storm illustrious poet. One picture occupies a privileged one emphatic word, "Peccavi," "I have Scinde" , comfort for that the stairs leading from the dungeon. This little book professes to be a description of the beings,lifting up their eyes , must vary according to the economical place, upon canvas, in the midst of the coquettries (sinned). Toor human circumstances of the time, like tha t of every class ; but to Go ou further , exclaimed St. Marc , barring her egress ; interior of the earth, with its inhabitants, cities, For bread to succour famishM ones at home 1 of the drawing-room. It is an anchorite of Isabey, day a gentleman of the its condition in all those moral attributes which make a he won't hurt thee. temples, and basilicas, social and domestic institu- Refinement.—The other The blind and lame came halting through the crowd- of terrible effect, forming a remarkable contrast in daughter writing to an old family recognised rank ia a nation ; and which, m a great de- There was no alternative , for he advanced to the door tions, with other curiosities never before heard of in press, seeing his Youth, manhood , and " the man of hoar y head. " that little temple of .luxury. On every side issues a and being asked if ho had anything to say, gree, are independent of economies, manners , customs , of the den, and effectuall y closed the passage against her. this world without. The author narrates that when connection, Some lohisper 'd of their ills, some mourn 'd aloud, sweet odour, in which mav be distinguished the ; tell him I still continue to waste ceremonies, rights , and privile ges. Thc light from Corbe 's torch fell full upon an object- at Smyrna he resolved to visit the ruins of Ephesns, replied, " 0, yes And craved , for heaven' , healthy smell of the Russian leather. Tho favourite oil." The dear little creature instantly s sake a crust of oread! Henry thinks , sai d Lord Everin gham, that the people human in form—that sat huddled up, all of a heap, prop- and that on hisjourney to the famous city of Diana the midnight 1 far.- the rich man pass unheedin g horses and dogs of M. Eugene Sue (pa'uitcd by him- and wrote in the most delicate by— are to be fed by danci ng round a May-pole. ping up his face with his hands , in a remote comer of the he encountered a party of Turkish travellers, with new-nibbed her pen, , self, or by M. Alfred Dcdreux), keep him company " Papa presen ts his kindest regards , and bids Pnfelt by him their griefj unheard by him their cry. But ivill the den ; two planks , placed transversely across a couple of whom he took up his quarters at a caravansary. . hand, people be more fed because they do not who caressed them formerly, and recommended consume thc niid« dance round a May -pole ? urged Lord Henry. iron bars cemented into the waU, served him for a bed : a After their repast the Turks commenced smoking and me say that he still continues to Is this, thought I, egualiiy and right! themselves to his friendly remembrance. In the night camphino." Can ench a system dignif y our land ? Obsolete customs; said Lord Everingham. litter of straw, wet and rotten , for a pillow ; an old rug chewing opium, of which last enjoyment the author weapons and trophies for covering ; his fcet and legs were bare, as likewise liis vestibule, in the midst of the 's Choice.—" Gentlemen and ladies," said is Uils the libertyfor whichwe fight ! And why shoulddancin g round a May-polebe more partook, ignorant of the nature and effects of that ofthe chase, a stuffed wolf and a uird of prey, for- Hobson arms, whilst the remainder of his body was enveloped iu remarkable stimulant. The consequence was that thc facetious Beau Nash, the then master of the cere- 0, sheath your swords , and nerveless be each hand. obsolete than holding a Chap ter of the Garter ? asked , merly tamed and loved, live again in the house of Thou monster Man! I blush to call thee brother. LordHe ury. a coarse blanket that scarcely served the purpose for whicl^ he in a very short time swooned away, becoming dead monies for Bath, introducing a most lovely woman their master. At the end of the garden are lodged into thc ball-room, " This is Afe. Hobson. I have The reason which thou boast'st of damns thee more : The Duke, who was a blue ribbon , felt this a home it was intended. to all mundane impressions, or rather the world be- with care two magnificent beagles the present He was an old man—with grey hair , which hung over , of of Hobson's choice, but never had the Pride, wealth, would even make thee scorn thy mother , thrust. I must say, said his Grace , that I, for one, came dead to him, he being as lively as ever, and as Lord Chesterfield, Beautiful pheasants and fowls often heard And stain thy fingers with a brother 's gore ! deeply regret that our popular customs have been per- his shoulders in long matted shocks , and his beard had happy and frolicsome as if he had been transported pleasure to view it till now, and you must coiucidc walk freely upon the turf of the garden, and come ects credit on his taste." li cannot last for ever. Vengeance burns mitted to foil so into desuetude. grown to such a prodigious length that , as he sat, it to heaven itself. In this state lie finds himself trans- every night to roost under the garden window and with me that it refl Around the tyrant The spirit of the age is against such things , said Lord reached the ground. His eyes were hollow, but bright— ported to the interior ofthe earth, where he beholds Dhath from Excess of Joy.—Last week a poor , and his power shall fall ; under the balcony—winged guaruhuia of the put oh oUop Everingham. although nearly concealed by the shaggy brows above the wonders wliich form the subject of these revela- house. In travers- woman, named Lucy xoiu.g, ttI«. Uor * ~ ii*tio When Justice to her ancient seat returns , elegant and gentle friends of the _ in her payments, was And Tru ths ' immor tal light is shed on aU: And what is the spirit of theage ? asked Coningsb y. them—and remained fixed in one direction , notwithstand- tions. He is guided during lus visit by one of the a friend opened in Eastbourne, and was behind ing this mansion, which the hand of settlement by Mrs. Ilavies Then tyrants ' chains from Britons shall be liurl'd , The spirit of utility, said Lord Everingham. ing the attempt Corbe made to attract his notice , by female inhabitants, so beautiful that even Tom Moore 's absence, wc detected so overjoyed at their to us during the proprietor o and shortly expired. And J ustice, Love, and Truth shall govern all the And you think , then, that ceremony is not useful ? waving the torch so as to cast its light upon him. could not adequately describe her charms ; the author many traits of character ; a passion for luxury and Gilbert, that she went int a fit world. Tate. urged Coningsb y, mildly. By his side stood a pitcher , and a lump of bread , on adds, that compared with his subterranean guide, strong emotions, with a re-action towards retire- Fete for ihe Holy Garments.—Coblentz, Ja>*. 8. It depends upon circumstances , said Lord Everingham. which a troop of rats had just been feastin g, for two or the Venus of Cleomexes was but a poor, ordinary- ment and meditation ; an enlightened taste for the Bishop Amelde has issued an ordinance to his There are some ceremonies , no doubt , that are very pro- three stUl remained , in spite of the Governor , who in vain looking creature , and not fit to hold a basin of water fine aits, a disposition for refined obscurities—thc clergy announcing that he is resolved to institute a ZUbkios per, and , of course, very useful. But the be5t thing WC tried to scare them hy stamping his foot, and striking his to wash the fingers of the perfect-creature who offi- love of animals and of plants. We were guided by a special holiday in honour of the holy garments of can do for the labouring classes is to provide them with cane upon the ground . Had he known they were the ciated as his cicerone. •* domestic, Laurent, who during fifteen years has not our Saviour, and thc other valuable rebes, namely, work. prisoner's daily companions—that he had accustomed to For the wonderful things shown and told by this an equal praise of the nails and the spear. That this fete shall be G09I5GSBT ; or, THE NEW GENERATION. quitted M. Eugene Sue : perhaps But what do you mean by the labour ing classes, Ever- feed from his hand—he would have killed them outri ght more than Venus, we must refer our readers to the thc man and of the mast er. celebrated on the Wednesday following the third Bv B. D'Iseaeli, Esq.," LLP.—London : Colburn, ingham ? asked Lord Henry. Lawyers are a labouring —but he did not, and so they burrowed in the straw be- book itself. The name of the author is sufficient gua- Sunday after Easter. Great Marlborough-street. class, for instanc e ; and , by the bye, sufficiently provided neath their master . rantee that what he has written lacks nothing in re- The Poet Thom.—The following appears in a pro- the Million.—A young lady afe Star of Janu ary 25th.) The feeling now uppermost in Julio's breast was com- Grammar for f Continued from the Nortliern with work. But would you approve of Westminster Hall gard to originality ,* and we may add that both in- vincial paper :—" By the bye, you know Thom, the school, engaged in the study of grammar, was asked being denuded of all its ceremonies ? passion , not horror ; she could even bear to look at that struction and amusement will be found likewise. y , , as Punch calls him, thc ' Weaver Having attained his eighteenth year, Coningsby Inverar' Poet or if " kiss" was a common or proper noun. After some leaves Eton, and. Ms first visit is to Beaumanoir. And the long vacation being abolished 1 added Co- unfortunate , and the large tears fell from her eyes as she 'Tis a pity for Mi*. Smith but that he had flourished Bard. ' He is in London just now, and comes out in hesitation, she replied, "it is both common and On Lis way he makes the acquaintance of a mysteri- ningsby. gazed upon his emaciated form. in a less sceptical age than the present ; born a few the first literary circles. The other night he was at proper." Theresa brin gs me terrible accounts of the sufferings Tou may speak to him, said St. Marc ; he won't under- his visions would have been swal- ' and tins evening he ous personage at a wayside inn, whither lie IS driven hundred years ago, the Countess of Blessington s, Calumny.—Mr. Porter, the of the poor about us, said the Duke, shaking his head. stand you ; he has not spoken to anybody for years : be- a e a ce s. I have had him dining here Above the reach of for shelter by a sudden storm, while traversing on lowed as gospel truth, nd hims lf h d a fair chan goes to Mr. C. Hall' , a c p , in Tobasco, in "Women think everything to be suffering ! said Lord sides, he's mad. Mahomet. and he is coming again to-morrow. United States Consul at Gu dal u e foot one of the ancient forests of the midland coun- of rivalling the great once already, a letter lately laid before the Congress.says, in refer- ties, where, in days of old Everin gham. The man looked round , and his unearthly eyes flashed He sings an excellent song, and plays the flute re- , Norman kings hunted, and fire , hut that was all the notice he took of the group, un til ence to a Mr. Patterson, that " he stands so high Saxon outlaws plundered. The scene is beautifully How do you find them about you, Mr. Lyle % continued THE MEDICAL ARGUS. Johnson, CO, St. Mar- markably well. His appearance has lost none of its Julie, stepping forward , addressed him : - in thc estimation of the respectable portion of the described, and the emotions of the hero of the story the Duke. tin's-laHC. eccentricity." cahiminators cannot touch him I have revived thc monastic custom at St. Genevieve, May God in his mercy, said she, forg ive thy persecutors , community that lus graphically pourtrayed. We give Coxixgsby's first This is a new metropolitan weekly medical journal, witli a ten-foot pole!.'" interview with said tiie young man , blushing very much. There is an and soon call thee to his bosom ! • This shall be my prayer the interests of the general intended to advocate A BOWL OF " PUNCH," FRESH BREWED. ~A young minister in a coun- SID0J -IA.. almsgiving twice a-week. for thee. practitioners of medicine, surgery, and midwifery. . A.v Exiinguisher. The man listened to the gentle tones that fell upon his y parish, who prided hunself on speaking the purest Tfcewina howled, the branches of the forest stirred The first number contains articles on Sir James Gra- A " Leader " tost. . tr , Lord Henry objects to the working classes being ear, and two larg e tears rolled down his cheek ; he heaved English, told his servant to extinguish the candle. and sent forth sounds like an incantation. Soon' might ham's Medical Bill, and the financial accounts of tho Lost, a Donkey off Westminster Common—a kicker called "labourers," and insists that their rightful a deep sigh, muttering in a voice that was awfull y distinct, " What's your will, sir V said Jenny. " Put out the he disti nguished the various voices of the mighty trees , Royal College of Surgeons. There are also reports Whether going with saddle , cart, pannier, or pack : title is "the peasantry," to deprive them of which is at the same time bending his gaze full upon Julie. candle," said the minister. A few days afterwards, as they expressed their terror or their agony. The oak of some most' interesting medical cases and lectures, Is slow in his paces, was formerl y quicke r— to wrong them. We dissent from this view. The Heaven , then, has come at last ! 0! I have prayed for when he was entertaining some friends at dinner, the beech shrieked , both at home and abro ad. - very fain t 1(,F, hack , roared, the elm sent forth its deep name of " peasant" is associated with all that is it night and day ! no! aU night—ther fi's no day here ! Has a mark, , of Oft iUS. she should extinguish the cat. and lo££-dra wn groan ; while ever and anon , amid a mo- Jenny asked if serfash and slavish in the tewial system. YV lvnCSS the Siveet fthgel ! God's messenger ! Back, back ! Don't Is supposed to be stolen—for , lately, a lad mentary pause, the passion of the ash was heard in Tmj Mormonites.—This singular sect of Ameri- state ofthe peasantry of this country centuries ago ; come nearer! I am of earth ! thou art of heaven ! a spirit With some chaff in his hat was seen trying to catch moans of thr j nlng anguish. Coningsby hurried on • the THE TRIUMPH OF TRUTH ; OR, A COMMON- can fanatics have installed themselves in Theobald's- those of France previous to the revolution ; and those from paradise ! Ah! all ! ah! they thought to keep me him ; forest became less close. SENSE VINDICATION OF THE LAWS OF road, where on Sunday evening " Elder E. II. Davis," of Russia in the present day. On the other hand, her e for ever ! but I prayed to die ! and heaven has come NATURE. The lad' s out of place—is weU known, wears a plaid— styling himself companion and intimate friend of the A plac e of refuge was at hand: screened from his first " labourer" is in our view an honourable title—a at last! Twenty-five years ! But I hav e notforgotten it! This small tract contains an exposition of thc sci- And for cunnin g and mischief uobody can match him. elm trees , the ascending smoke now be- - late martyr, Joseph Smith, delivered the first of a glance by some view shared in by the great William Cobbeti ; who, They want to Mil mc, hut I won't die ! I have sometliin g ence of medical botany , as taught by Dr. Coffin, of tra yed a roof which Conin gsby If slray'd , it is hoped , before long he'll be found course of lectures on their particular views and reached before the tempest when persecuted by the base Whigs, proudly claimed yet to tell ! 0! 0! a tale of blood ! my poor master ! Leeds, and detailed hi a series of lectures delivered brake. Thc forest inn was also a farm -house. There , , In good working condition , improved in bis paces, opinions. , the appellation of "labom ei" ashis class^lesignation. But I know wher e they buried him ! Yes ! Old Jacques by him in several parts of Yorkshire : also, answers to was a comfortable-lookin gkitchen enou gh but the ingle For his owners would like to be earn ing a pound We might as ; Mr. D'Israeu favours a return to the almsgiving Morin knows !—ha! ha! ha! the objectors to the Doctor's theory. The tract may Ax American Editor remarks—" nook was foil of smokers , (Or , at least, hear him bray) at next Westrainstei in a quart cup as to , and Coningsby was glad to avail system as a means of alleviating the wants of the The state of surprise into which this unexpected speech be had for a penny on app lication to the Doctor , at well try to confine a thunderbolt "~ Races. " himself of the only private room for the simple meal poor. Here is a picture of threw both St. Mare and Corbe was probably the reason 16, Trafalgar-street, Leeds. cramp W genius j it's rising like a bowl of yeast. . which they offered him. Only eggs and bacon "bnt very (Signed) Jamb? QorroCK ; THE ALMS GIVING AT ST. GENEVIEVE, that neither attempted to stop him ; but perceivi ng that , welcometo a pedestrianand a hungry one. Good Advice.—A West Indian contemporarypub« Par as tiie eye could reach there spread before them a he was likely to make some awkward disclosures, the 28th January. Westminster Crier As lie stood at the window of his little apartment THE TRUTH-SEEKER, AND TEMPERANCE lishes this pithy and unquestionable axiom :— , savage sylvan scene. It wanted perhaps undulation of Governor took Julie by the arm , and pushed her out of ADVOCATE. Murder lv Sponr.—From tho statement of Mr. watching the large drops that were the heralds of the surfaee T but that deficiency was greatl y leaving The man that in this world would rise , compensated by the dungeon, Corbe to close the door upon the old This is a new monthly publication devoted to the Grantley Berkeley, it seems that the killing of game, coming hurricane , and waiting for his repast, a flash of the multi tude and prodi gious size of the trees ; they were man, who was StUl inutterhi s when they Quitted his pre- on the part of anybody but the proprietor, IS nothing Must take the news and advertise. and a horseman advocacy of Total abstinence principles, and the lightning illumined the whole country, the largest indeed that could be well met with in England, sence. more nor less than murder. Could not the honourable " Foigh a Ballah."—These words, whicli mean at Ml followed by his Water Cure, under the management of Dr. F. R. Lees speed, groom , galloped up to the and there is no part of Europe where the timber is so , gentleman take a rather more lenient view of the " clear the way," were addressed to the 87th Royal d'abqexson and the spr—coming events cast their late Editor of the National Temperance Herald . Thc door. huge. The broad mtewuinable glades , the vast avenues , matter, and make it game-slaughter ? It would be l , by Major Sir Hugh Gough in 1811, SHADOWS BEFOIt E proposed to be discussed in this publication, Irish Fusi eers . The remarkable beauty of the animal so attracted the quantity of deer browsing or boundi ng in all directions , . subjects rather hard to hang a poor labourer for shooting a at the battle of Barossa. The French were making I hear there is much discontent amongst the besides Teetotalism and the Water Cure, are Educa- Goiung aby's attention , that it prevented him catching the thickets of yellow gorse and green fern , and the people , hare, even though he committed the act with hun Dietetics, Physiology, Social Eco- ger a furious onset, when the Major uttered this rally* even a s-J impse of the rider , who rapidl y dismounted and breeze that even in the stillness of summer was ever play- Jacques, remarked D'Argenson , after a pause ; hast thou tion, Chemistry, prepense. Mr. Grantley Berkeley, p and the Fusileers reversing then*muskets' and Moral Philososphy and we resume, will ing cry, , enterefi the inn. The host shortl y after came in and ing over this table land all produced an animated and heard or perceived anything of the sort ? nomy, Intellectual Logic, maintain that shooting at game with intent to lull dashed in amongst their enemies , Criticism and Christian Theology ; including , , literally " clearing asked Coningsb y whether he had any objection to a renova ting scene. It was like suddenl y visiting another I have, Monseigneur, replied the spy, sternly. Biblical whether you hit it or not, is the next thing to mur- " e j c e c the way. gentleman, who was driven there hy the storm , sharing living among other manners Hast thou learnt the cause ? asked the lieutenant of defences of the latter from th ob e tions of sc pti s, der. If so, and could his views become law, what a country, , and breathing and examinations of the most celebrated writers Our Allegiance.—A good deal of conversation; lus room until it subsided. The consequence of the another air. They stopped for a few minutes at a pavi lion police. number of cockney sportsmen would be transported There are many against Christianity. has arisen on thc subject of our removal within the immediate assent of Coningsby was, that the landlord built for the pur poses ofthe chase, and then returned, all causes, Mn useigueur, responded merelyfor wasting powder and shot ! We shouldlike d in several quarters whether we Jacques , elevating Ms voice • heavy imposts—low wages The first number contains several able articles, some City, and it is aske Ifdreuj and soon returned , ushering in an individual, who gratified by this visit to wha t appeared to be the higher to know whether Mr. Berkeley, considers a clerk, from the pens of eminent men. The well-knowntalent or shall pay our allegiance to Gibbs. We beg to say, though perhaps ten years older than Coningsby, was regions ofthe earth. —dear food—scarci ty of employment—unequal laws— a madical student, who dines oft jugged hare at an that we respect the City sovereignty, stffl , according to Hippocrates an over-bearing clergy—an oppressive aristocracy— of the editor is sufficient promise of the ability with once for all, , in the period of lusty As they approached the brow of the lull, that hung over eating-house, an accessory after ' the fact'; and also, and to him who is, de facto, the Cockney King, we th. He was above the Bah ! ejaculated D'Argenson impatiently : it was the which this publication will be conducted. Differ from you middle height, and of a dis- St. Genevieve, they heard the great bell sound. , whether he looks in the same light at anybody who at is due to same years ago. him we do widely, on many points ; but we cannot, are prepared to render the homage th tinguished air and figure ; pale, with an impressive brow, What is that ? asked the Duchess. , Sups on a poached egg-, Gibbs something, and wg and dark eyes of great intelli gence. And may be for to on that account, withhold this just tribute to his him. We feel that we owe It Is almsgiving- day, replied Mr, Lyle, looking a little , years come, Monseigneur ; but it l'ovEuir REWARDKn.—• The Hampshire Telegraph pay liim off. —Punch. wiU have an end .* the people— ' merits. trust we know how to The stranger belongedto th at faith embarrassed , andfor the first time blush ing. The people boasts a paragraph which we have read with a de- "the Apostles The people ! reit erated Elopement Extraordinary.—Mr. Smith's cafc professed before they followed their Master ; of the parishes with which I am connected come to St. the lieutenant of police con- licious thrill of the heart-strings. One Ann Abra- " he temptuousl y ; the MEMOIR OF EUGENE SUE. with Mr. Jones's dinner.—Punch. thereforeconrteonsly declined to Genevieve twice a week at this hour. people indeedl Bah ! ham, aged upwardsof 90, has received at the West assist Comngsbt in You may affec t to the demolishing of a dish of eggs and bacon. Con- And what is your system ? inquired Lord Everingham , despise fhe people, Monseigneur ; but At a moment when the " Mysteries of Paris" and of England Agricultural Meeting, as the reward of A Wife io " Look *cx» to."—There is now resid« beware how you trample on their feelinga— versationwas , however heartil who had stopped, interested by the scene. What cheek the "Wandering- Jew" are exciting so much interest fifty years' faithful servitude, the sum of .£2—yes ing in Cinoinnati a young lady from Kentucky, whose , y engaged in by both Bah ! again ejaculated the , arties, and CoMNo have you ! . former , apparentl y endea- in this country, our readers will be pleased to leam a forty shillings—a very handsome recompense, though height is six feet eleven inches. She is stout in pro- p smrTrasencnantcabytheastonish- vouring to divest liimself of the idea that this porti on lmjinformatioii, and original thought The rectors of the different parishes grant certificates of few particulars of their author, wliich we find in a certainly not at the rate of twelve-pence a year. She portion to her altitude. , of his compa- the community possessed sueh a commodi ty nion. The age needsgreat men ; and to those who in tbeir 'belief merit bounty according to the ; the scum ! French publication, Le Courrier de VEurope :— has, moreover, received—" A handsome testimonial "Appropri Title. A gentleman, of the , according to Hold, Monseigneur ! exclaimed An ate — Sidonia, they exist not, rules wliich I have established. These are again visited the spy, glowing with Eugene Sue was born at Paris, the 10th of Decem- from the society, bearing the signature of the Mar- times thrown from or have not as yet shown anger ; I am one of the people ; I am sprung from th at name of Pepper had been several themselves; " the age does not believe in great men by my almoner , who countersigns the certificate , and then ber, 180*1. The Empress Josephine and her son, quis of Lansdowne, and which, being framed , and was relating the circum- , very scum, and will not hear it debased in silence. ' and a spirited young horse because it does not possess any : the spirit they present it at the postern-gate. The certifi cate ex- Prince Eugene Beauharnois, were his godmother and glazed, now forms an elegant decoration to her cot- at the same time observing that ofthe age This to aw, Sieur Jacques ! observed D'Argenson stance to a friend, is the very thing that a great man plains the nature of their necessities , and my steward -acts , as- godfather. The Sue family is very ancient, and. has tage." Ann Abraham has not touched the fortv his horse a name. "I think, changes." The tounded at that individual' s boldness. he had never given : " stranger asserts that on his discretion. been established for many years at Lacolme, near sliillings. No ; she has left the money " to provide you should call him Pepper- almost everything great that Why not to thee ? resumed the latter with animation replied his friend, " ias been done, has been done by youth. In proof of Hamma , I see them, exclaimed Lady Theresa. ; Cannes, in Provence. It is still represented there by for her burial, without burdening the parish." .Really, caster. " would'st thou deny me freedom of thou ght and speech ? M. Sue, a retired officer of high rank this he eloquently runs over the Perhaps your Grace may think that they might be re- , and great uncle there is a fine spirit of economy animating these s first I have only told thee truth ! It is perhaps unwelcome, to the author. The great grandfather of Eugene Method ik Mad.vess.—In George the Third' ACHIEVE HEiTS OF XOCKG MEN , lieved without all this ceremony, said Mr. Lyle, extremely rewarding societies. For instance, the poor man will who was a clergyman entered Monseigneur ; but 'tis truth notwithstan ding. Sue, Peter ; liis grandfather, Joseph ; and his father, illness, when. Willis, , Don John, of Austria , won Iiep auto at tiventy-five,— confused. But I agree with Henr y and Mr. Coningsby keep out of the workhouse—will starve with a fine e, who was a cler- # # # * Jean Joseph, were all surgeons and physicians of great the room, the King asked him if h the greates t bat Qe of modern time :—had it not been for that ceremon y is not , as too commonly supposed , an idle heroism for fifty yeaiis, so that at the end of the half exercising such s, I have known the truth prove a sure passport to thc celebrity. Joseph bueleftextensiveanatomicalworks, gyman, was not ashamed of himself the jealous yof Philip, the next year he would have been form ; I wish the people constantly and visibly to compre- century he may obtain thc rewarding forty shillings. profession ? " Sir," said Willis, " our Saviour him- Bastiie , Sieur Jacques, said he; mort ^ie**.' We ftaue and to him the French Medical School owes the intro- lie obtain it No Emperor of Mauritan L Gaston de Fois was hend that pro perty is their protector and their friend. ? ; his corpse obtains it, for he does ," an. only twenty- arrived at something indeed. duction of the pathology of Gaubius, which succeeded aolf went about healing the sick." "Yes two" when he stood a victor on the plain of Kavenna. My reason is with you, Mr. Lyle, said the Duchess, as not touch the money, leaving it that it may save his '• a-yeac 'l is guite a matter of taste, retorted that unimpres- that of Boerhaave. Joseph and Jean Joseph swercd the King, but he had not £700 Ever y one remembers Conde well as my heart. both remains from the' obloquy of parish deals. By such " , andRoeroy at thesame age. sionable individual *. the Bastiie, where one may speak the graduated at the Edinburgh University, and made for it. Gustams Adolphus uietl at thir ty-eight. look at his They came along the valley, a procession of nature , sweet bribes (not forgetting the " handsome testimo- truth, to walls that can't hear it—or liberty, without the known to their country, in numerous translations Late Edmu. nd Kea.v. —Duri ng Captains : that wond erful Duke of "W whose groups an artist might have studied. The old , nial, framed and glazed,") the poor are not only Anecdote of the eimar , only thirty- pri vilege of speaking it at all—or only to those that jcou't. the works of the Scotch School of Medicine. eii- man, who loved the pilgrimage too much to avail himself ' Our tempted to starve through life, out to bury them- the recess which followed Kcan's first triumphant whei he died. Banier himself, with all lus miracles, I don't think there 's a pin to choose. author's father also published numerous works play died 3t-"orly--5ve. Cortes waslittle mor e than thirty whan ofthe privilege of a substitute accorde d to his grey hairs : , and selves when starving has done its worst. How must season at Drury Lane, he accepted an offer to This was said with an air intended to imply an opinion, made some curious researches into the punishment b he gassed upon the golden cupolas of Mexico. - When he came iu person with his grand-child and his staff. y the father of hypocrisy have chuckled and rubbed at Portsmouth. He had then become the " Great on the part of the speaker , that the turn of the scale, if decapitation, and upon the effects of galvanism. He in his own chariot, gave Maurice of Saxony died at thirty-two aU Europe acknow - There also came the widow with her child at the breast , his iniquitous hands, as he read the " handsome Mr. Kean," travelled any, was rather in favour of the Bastiie, and his convic- was chief physician tothe Imperial Guard in the Rus- testimonial" made by arisaical benevolence to aged splendid dinners, and was an honoured guest at the ledged the loss of the greatest Captain and pro foundest and others clingin g to her form ; some sorrowful faces, After, Ph and some pale ; many a serious one ; and now and then a tion tha t it was a very comfortable sort of place, of which sian campaign. : , : the Restoration, he became penury ! board of every manage r. On the morning of the Statesman ofthe age. Then there is Nelson, Clive—but he was perfectl y ready to become an inmate , if it would frolic glance;many a dame in her red cloak, and many a physician to the king. He lived in intimate friend- day on whichhe was to make hisappearance at the these axe warriors, and perhaps you may think there are at aU accommodate the views of the functionary in whose ship witli'the Empress Josephine, , Massena, greate r things than war. I do not maiden with her light basket, curly-headed ur chins with Franklin Suicide nr a Dog. — On Saturday last, a fine, Portsmouth theatre, the manager and two or thaee ; I wor ship the Lord prese nce he stood. Not that he felt "any real desire that Moreau, and all the great personages of the consulate handsome ef Hosts. Bnt take the most illustrious achievements demure looks, and sometimes a stalwart form baffled for , and valuable black dog, of thc Newfound- friends invited Mr. Kean to take a glass of Madcria of way—but he knew that by assuming an indifference to the epoch. He made a generous bequest to the Academy land species, belonging d at one of the principal hotels. The civil prudence. Innocent IIL, the greates t of the Popes a time of the labour which he desired. But not a heart to Mr. Floy , solicitor, Holm- and a biscuit, , fate with which he was indirectl y menaced would have of the Fine Arts of a magnificent collection of firth , committed suicide by drowning itself in the party entered the hote l and seated tnemse lves. The was the despot of Christendom at thi rty-se there that did not bless the bell that sounded from the * ven ; John de the effect of renderin g his employer equally lukewarm to comparative anatomy and objects of natural histoiy, river wliich flows at the back of its owner' and biscuits were brought, , Medici was a Cardinal at fifteen , and Guicciar oini tells tower of St. Genevieve ! s habita- and the landlord inflic t it—a line of policy, whose efficacy he had tested on formed in his own family byfour generation's of physi- tion. For some days previous the animal seemed wine" albeit a great man," could not do less for such a tk, baffled with bis state-craft Ferdinand of Arragon him- A beautiful picture is thc above, but when we have several critical occasions. cians. This museum, , constitutes ! self, of great value less animated than usual, but on this particular guest as Mr. Kean, than wait upon him in person. lie was Pope, as Leo X., at thirty -seven; Luther said that, that is all we can say. Pretty the thing The theory propounded by Jacques start led D'Argen- a gallery in the Palace of the Fine Arts. Eugene than rob bed occasion he was noticed to throw himself into the Kean had no sooner perceived the . landlord, even him of his richest province at thirty-five. reads in print—pretty would the scene be on canvas, son, not less than his tacit defiance of a power which he Sue himself, according to the wishes of his father, water and endeavour to sink by preserving perfect dartin g upon him one of those soul-searching looks Take "Ignatius Loyola and John Wesley, they worked with but for a reality, the scheme—if it can be so digni- wielded to the terror of all classes. entered upon a medical career. He was, in the qua- stillness of the legs and feet. Being dragged out of for which no was so celebrated, he exclaimed, " Stop yoacg brains. Ignatius was only thirty when he made fied—would be a mockery to meet the end designed. * * # * lity of a surgeon, attached to the military suite of the the stream , said the land- ins pagrima ge , the dog was tied up for a time, but had —is not your name ?"—" Yes, sir ". , and wrote the " Spiritual Exercises." Privatebenevolence is exemplary; and so long as rich But whatever were the feelings of D'Argenso n on this king ; then to the staff of the army in Spain in 1823 ; no sooner been released than he again hastened to lord, astonished at his looks, and at the tone in Pascal wr ote a great work at sixteen, the greatest of and poor exist, those of the former, who from their latter score—and that they were bitte r enough , the sequel then, ln thesamecampaip.to the Tth regiment of ar- said Mr. Kean, fren chmen the water and again tried to sink, and was again got which he addressed him. " Then," , and died at thirty-seven • Ah! that fetal superfluities give aid to their unfortunate fellow- will prove—he was too cunning to allow Ja cques to per- tiheiy. ; He was present at the siege of Cadiz, at the any times until at length the " I will not eat nor drink in your house ; Eight thirty-seven out. This occurred m , , which reminds me of Byron , greater even as creatures, will naturally, and rightly command ad- ceive what passed within his mind—thoug h even some- taking of Tro cadcvo , and at that ' of Tarafa. In 1824 animal with repeated efforts appeared to get exhausted, years ago I went into your coffee-room, and modestly a man than a writer. "Was it experience that guided miration for their good deeds. But to seriously re- thing of that might have been gathe red by watchi ng the he quitted the land service for the naval. He made Biirveyed me from top the per cH and by dint of keeping his head determinedly under requested a glass of ale ; you of Raphael when he painted the palaces of commend a system of almsgiving as a means of deal- convulsive twitchings of his mouth and eyebrows—and several voyages in the Atlantic : and after bavins water for a f ew minutes, succeeded at last in obtain- to toe, and having done sb, I heard you give some Heine ? He died, too, at thirty-seven. Richelieu was ing with the " Condition-of-England Question" is for the present confined himself to remark ing. in answer traversed the West Indies, he returned to the Medi- ing his object for when taken out this time he was d irections who presented me with •Secretar y , to your waiter, of State at thirty-one. VVeH, then, there arc preposterous. Besides, such a return to monastic to the £py's last observation , that , perhaps experience terranean, visited Greece, and, in 1828, was present, indeed dead. The case is worth recording, as afford- the glass in one hand , holding the other for the Bolinglsroke and Pitt, "both Ministers "before other men mummeriesas above pictured, is hardly in accordance ml-jht teach hini better. m the ship Breslau, at the battle of Navarino. . Re- ing another proof of the general instinct and sagacity money ; I paid it, sir, and then lie relinquished liis leave o£* cricket. Groiins was in great practice at seven- shrug of ¦ ¦ ¦ with—need we say is utterly opposed to—the present To this the spy retorted only by an expressive turned from that campaign, and . having.renounced of the canine race.—Leeds Intelligencer. • ; hold of the glass. I am better dressed now—I can tfttJ j aid Attorney-General at twenty-four . And Acgua- enlightenment of the labouring classes. It is. not a the shoulders. the navy and medicine, which had no charms for him, Something Wonderful.—We have been called drink Maderia—I am waited upon by the landlord ^ira—Acqua viva was General of the Jesuits , ruled every return to the " good old times" when the baron and Well, well, Maitre Jacques , continued D'Ar genson, he took up his abode at Paris, where, thanks to the in person--but I am the same Edmund Kean as cab hnit upon by Mr. J. M. Edgar, of the Inch, in Cannobic, in Euro pe, and colonized America nefore he was or the parson and the squire, we differ both in taste and political creed ; but I would handsome income which he enjoys as a paternal wno has left with us a crab laced in the Carlisle I-wa s then ; and bad not Edmund Kea n then the the priest, J werc the in- , to be p "-hirty-sfiven. But it is needless to multiply instances. local gods in every town and hamlet , that is now caution thee not to make open confession of thine. heritance, he\was enabled to lead a happy and bril- being one of six which came into his pos- same feelings ' that he has now? Away with ypu, The Museum, iirtor jr of heroes is fhe "history of youth. wanted to regenerateEngland. TYhat is needed ia a just I have, Monseigneur ; and do. I would not con- liant life. His favourite occupation, alter the pur- session under the. following singular circumstances:— sir. A vaunt ! your sight pains me !" And having To whom mi ht be added the g a recognitionof the rights, social and political, of the ceal my opinions , even from his most Chri stian Majesty. suit of pleasure "was at this time.paintihg, which he A pig was slaughtered about four weeks ago on'tlic said this he took his hat and hastily left the apart- g i nts ofthe French ' D'Ar. •¦ itevomiion—might whether for good or evil :— wealth-producers, guaranteeing to them the fruits of Maitre Jacques, thou art going too far, resume d studied at his friend Gudin's. In 1830 an ' old com- premises of Mr. Edgar, and its stomach' thrown into ment. ••' Now," said Kean, when they had quitted y, thou must honest fellow aIochs ; the pacifi- their toil. Too long have the working classes been genson , very rapidl y noting the spy's words ; rade of the artillery remarked to M. Eugene Sue, the dunghill. On the-day following. Mr. Edgar was tlic house, " I will take you to an , who the conqueror of the Austrians, the worst misfortune. ??tor of La Vendee, Kapoleoj-j died at j the dupes and slaves of the system expressed in keep that democratic spirit within bounds , or " The romances of Cooper have made the sea popu- removing a portionjof-the heap, and,.happened to turn was kind to me in my days of " They the rival of be thine. house, and having ordered some thirty-three years of age. Napoleon himself had DiCKEXs' Chimes ;—* of punishments , short of hang ing, will ultimately lar-; you ought to write us your recollections of the up the stomach of the pig with his gripe ; . in doing entered a third-rate And what may that be ? asked the spy, with an ironi- sea, and create the maritime romance " stomach, mid wine, desired to see the landlord ; he came, but it wormed Toulouse, won tie battles of Lodi and the occupations , of France. this he burst the skin or covering of the " Oh, let us love our cal smile. The idea pleased our author.' He quitted the paint- six small crab-fish, was not the host of Kean's recollection : he was xyraniids; achieved the first eonsulship of the re- Bless the squire and his relations , to his utter amazement out tumbled Wi „ The Bastiie, Sieur Ja'cquas , the Bast iie ; sang dieu ! _ ing-brush, took up the pen, and published " Kernock and one ortwo crab-shells containingyoung ! Ihcse dead. There was, however, a sort of half-waiter, blic: destroyed that Republic and made himself Live upon our daily ra tions, ^ Janperor It has no terrors for me, Monseigneu r ; I have nothin g the Pirate." .Finding the tiling amusing, and en- have all been carefully preserved, and have been a half-potboy, who _ had lived at the house when of thc Gauls ; placed Ms brothers on the And always keep our proper stations!" some, thrones to lose. By the worst of punishme nts, I tho ught couraged by success, he continued to write, following subject of wonder in the whole district, we have no Kean frequented it, and was a great favourite of of Europe; surpassedon ILlvxibal; and gained of the crab-fish his master. Kean -^ crowning victory the lains of Ansterlitz, But the reign of that system is drawing to a close.' thin g even wors e was in store for me! a lively and fertile fancy. Thus appeared in succes- doubt.*'- How to account for the fact , with a tear in his eye, inquired p ; worse than sion ."bread-basket" of the about the family of the deceased landlord, and, on o«befoi*ehewastnu*ty-sevenyearsofage. Nor should The working classes—alreadypartiallyenli ghtened as Ah! exclaimed the lieutenant of police numerous works, which may be put in the fol- finding'-their way into the or than the Bastiie ! Worse lowing order¦:-— :¦ . ¦ , at a place thirteen mite from salt water, leaving the house, asked the waiter what o' we forget fhe legislativechiefs of that revolution:— to their real value in society, the causes of their that ? worse than han ging, > - . poorgrunter clock it than -the Bastiie , Maitre Ja ques ? ventre bleu ! flomances.—Kernock the Pirate to .those who are. better initiated than our- was. " I will see, sir,-" running to the stairs, ??*a£4U» the wonder of Ms age, who died at forty- -wrongs, and the neeessary remedies—will not much Sea , Plick and we leave at the Worse than either Monseigueur worse than the one Plock, Atar-Gall into! the mysteries of ichthyology and pork. head of which stood a clock. " Have you no watch ?" ™«rfie terrible Dakios, who died at thirty-four; longer submit to the brutalities of a Poor Law ; and , ; , the Salamander, the Watch of selves first and the other after, Koatwen. Maritime History— French Mr. Edgar is a highly respectable man, and speaks, said Kean. " No, sir." " Take that and buy one, l«e brilliant, but unfortunate, Camiixe ItesMocLn-s, Mr. D'lsBAEumayb e assured will be as little inclined , — Histoiy of the again ejaculated the other in a tone that expressed Marine we have no doubt, what he believes to be the truth ; and whenever you look at it, think of your late whose reply to the RevolutionaryTribunal , when re- to go back to the slavish, debasing system of monastic Ah.' , under-Louis IV., Abridgment of the Military great doubt as to their existing anythin g worse, and Marine of every people.—Historical Romances—La- and if the facts be as stated, certainly we are bound master." The noble hearted actor nut five pounds qmreato state hisage wfflnot be forgotten—" Thirty- relief. Justice, not charitv, is the requirement of the , great curiosity to be made acquainted with the secret, in treaumont, Jean , the. Com- to agree with the poet that " truth is stranger than in ihe hands of who remained mute witk e e Sans-cvMoteJews Christ,when he present age. With these remarks we close tne first Cavalier, Letorieres the waiter, am;M?p,» ?9 °f *h . >/-/ ^/i/t>liM- flf//VWWII *^/j L>A'y^/^.^.^.- from theirbacks—their iors " frocksbeing theonly covering. understand all abont them ; I'll make Feargus prove are told to " follow the example of their super , delegates in maturing their plan for a National Con- rescript. Leach ajw M'Douall, —Just as we were going to pivsi Their bodies resembled in eoldui* and appearance that I am in the pay.of the League , as he said I was." look upon the period of " prosperity" as the time ference, when three, or twelvedele gates, if necessary, The Times designates the letter of Dr. M'Hale as on Friday morning, we received the decision of ile marble statues rather than those of living men. I pressed him to say whether he intended to meet you, calculated to give most weight to their proceedings. shall be sent to represent the Miners' body ; as they a " simple declamation," without argument or point, Manchester Council in the above case, accompani ed Nothing,according tothe statement ofthe survivors, with a report , together with a balance sheet could exceed the kindness or not ; and his answer was, " I tvUl send the Council Moreover, the Trades, schooled in adversity, have pre-eminentl while our contemporary, mcasur iii- of the good Captain hail the projected movement as one y at the same time, labours four feet four inches hi length , closely-written in douW* Theobald. He caused their bodies a letter in two or three days." I then informed him comfort to be nibbed Avith learned to distinguish between permanent calculated to insure for the industrious of all classes industriousIy,;but Ineffectually, to meet his Grace's columns, with a request to insert all this week , camphorated spirits; he fed them sparingl , wUkb. y at first that his expenses should be paid by the Council. The and mere casual relief. They know that the passing charge we would gladly do if at all in our power , bat.whicli we and only allowed theni a pint of water daily until that share of the country's ' prosperity' to which by a " counter-thrust." Dr. M'Hale traces Council hare resolved that the case shall be heard on gleam of " p y" may quickly change into the are compelled to overhold till next week. they began to improve under his hands, when he rosperit they are pre-eminently entit led." the immorality of society in general to the con- Sunday, the 9th of February. It is requested by the dark cloud of adversity. To the third objection we A Done fob. Chambebs to Pick. —The folloiringcomer , gave them a more generous diet. Our excellent Resolved as we were to abstain from any comment tamination of a church whose clergy owe their aU townsman, Charles Ware, who has always a hand Council that this letter be inserted in the Star of Satur- answer, that the Conference ie not premature. Better sation recently took place between Mr. O'Connor aud an on the comparative merits of the several Trades, we to the countenance of the State. To these, the Irish labourer, who had been reared up under his family, open as melting charity for merit, in whatever shape day next. ca b or even two years before in such ses to e a year, had however a lurking notion that the Miners' at- Times replies, that the barbarous —Mr. O'Connor : Well, Nicholas, have you the pound a. he find* it, has opened a subscription at his office , I remain , yours, , , murders com- Waterloo-road, for the relief the time, than one day " after the fair!" True, the underground strugglers would mitted in Ireland, if not week yet ? Nicholas : "Wisha, I haven 't tliis long time, of the unfortunate John Suits. torney-general and his sanctioned by the Roman Captain Philbrook. The amount alread y exceeds awe inspired in the Government by the very shadow —Mr. O'Connor: How did you lose it? Xicholas : Why, be the first among the foremost to join in a social Catholic priesthood, are at least tolerated, because your honour , a fellow that I knew in Leeds £25, and jt promises to be more substantial. It Manchester, January 28, 1845. of such a following substance may cause the Home , came up •ought to be SQ.^-Uverpool Chronicleof Saturday. struggle for those social advantages to which they not prevented. Tliis, in our opinion, is expecting too here looking for work, and I got him a job in my own Secretary to postpone or altogether forego his evil shop; and when he found out what I had justly think they are My entitled Hero, then, is much from outlawed " surpliced ruffians ;" and too , I'U engase Horbioaxe is th e Jm EmrEBRAx -sAX.—The Journal intentions, and then the Conference, as far as Go- he never stop't till he rooted me out.—Mv. 0'Counor. des Debate publishes ihe followin g extract from a the unquiet underground rumble, spreading ovei lih© littVvftoiu the spang arm, of that law which is the How was tliat ? Nicholas THE N ORTHERN STA R vernment is concerned, will have secured prevention, : Why, he tould the oversea letter dated Hyeres ;-^-''_A most violent bumcane SATURDAY face of the earth, demanding justice for all ; and we right arm of the State Ohm-cL We have before that he'd take my job for fifteen shillings; and 1 got , FEBRUARY 1, 1815. instead of waiting to burst over the harbourof llye??!during the night of administer the cure. are not sorry that our old and dear friends tho asserted, and we now repeat it, that nearly every act the sack.—Mr. O'Connor : Well , Nicholas , are you it«. tiie 14th. inst. Of fifty snips anftlior-jH in the port totaller yet ? Nicholas: Wisha, I' Government is secret in its councils, and rapid in Miners, have been the first to flash light upon the of barbarism'perpetrated by the Irish people is a m not, then.-Mr. every one experienced serious injury." The same MINISTERIAL CHANGES . con- Q'Connor ; Po you drink, then ; and what made jw its execution ; and if apprised of the intention of the benighted surface. To the Miners we say, sequence of oppression journal states that the violent south winds wLieli The Times of Thursday has the following. We and misrule, and not a Cha- give it up i' Nicholas ! Why, don't you know I nera nave prevailed for done good " and to all some time have caused consi- give it here without comment :— Trades to wait for the first manifestation of hostili- " Well , and faithful men,; racteristic of the [Irish people ; oppression and mis- was a pledged.member ; but when I left that place , I derable damage to the port of Toulon. The jetty at was a teetota Uer two years ; and then T wont to work Althoug h several important changes in the present Ad- ties, the more active assailants would surprise the others we Say, " Go, and do likewise.''' The result rule which toay be dated from the hour when a pol- Castsgneauhas been thrown into the sea, its quays in Mr. Somers' granary, the corn-factor,, and his men ministration have, for some time past, been much dis- more sluggish enemy, and laugh their best endeavours proper exertions will be a happy land from an ag- ' . much injured , and a batter y of four pieces of cannon cussed and confidentl antici of luted State Church was " established by law," and used to be paid every Saturda y night, in a pat jic. y pated, the appointments 1 entirelydemolished. Aletter dated Cette, lGtli ult., which are at this time understood to be determined on, to scorn. Moreover, as Mi. Dmmr has well laid it gregate of happy homes—peace through prosperity- allowed to draw its resources from a hostile people, house of his own ; and sixpence would be stopped frra publishedin the Journal des Debuts, and still more the secession from the Government of one *, contains the fol- down in his letter, the Trades have more to appre- prosperity through industry — and contentment over whom it had achieved a sacrilegeous triumph. every man's wage, whether he'd drink or not sol lowing statement :—"About ten o'clock this morn- of its most active and intelligent members , are for the declare , after having it stoppedfor a great many weeks; most part unexpected by the public. Of these occurrences hend from the assaults of griping Capitalists, than through the administration of justice. And it is now rather too great a draw on the patience ing, tiie sun shimng brightly,a terrific phenomenon at lust J thought I might as well toe sometM na foi'it, anj made its appearance. A the most unforeseen and significant is the resignation and even from the machinations of Governments. and subserviency of the meteor having the appear- retirement of the Presiden t of the Board of Trade. Mr. " To Roman Catholic priesthood, but I took my whac k as well as the rest of them ; mi ance of a star, shining in the midst of the heavens Gladstone 's name has been connected , from the moment be forewarned is to be forearmed ;" and hence we THE CRASH. to expect that they should act the part of " good- I believe that there would be many a teetotaUer if it and flying in the direction from north to west of his first appearance in the world ' , de- , with opinions of a aver that the present is the fitting time for action. natured tranquillizers" of ..those irritated feelings wasn't for scheming and getting on like that , by them Eeribedinitsrap id course a segment of a luminous very decided character on several very highly important From the moment that our representative system that has something to do with public-houses. —To offer questions concentrated by centurie s of State Church inrele. Having reached the limit of the horizon the wliich have no reference whatever to his parti- To the fourth objection we answer, it is not a Chartist was remodelled to suit the growing genius of a people oppresl a word on the above would but tend to weaken the cular duties as the commercial Minister of the Briti sh em- meteor terminated in the for m of a pear , and then its move, further than the impossibility of separating the who had progressed beyond all others in the art of sion . simple narrative ofthe dependant working man. We brightnessassumed an unearthl pire , liut these speculative opinions are reported to have y appearance. The divided the hon. gentleman from his colleagues on some of principles of justice from the rights of Labour. This wealth-creating, it was easy to foresee that ex- The bold, the manly, and the truly Catholic pos| . presume that the mechanics of one shop, referred to tase wasfrin ged with small globes of a silvery white, the most important matters likely to be brought before is a bugaboo, always paraded, and not unfrequently tion assumed by Dr. M'Haile, by the Messrs. Chambers , as supporting a public -house, and contrasted in a striking manner with die species Parliament ; and we hope we may infer that those mea- clusion from political power would lead to open rup.- however the Times were " crimped" in the first instance , like poor Nicho- perform ance may sneer at his reasoning, of tube formed by the flaming train, which was ofthe sures will prove to be of such moment to the welfare ofthe successfully, to scare the timid from the ture between represented idlers and unrepresented is likely to have its due las : and as one word brings on anoth er , one potbriu ge " United Kingdom , and especiaUy to the tran quillity of the ' bri ghtest red. of their own work. The Colliers' strike was not a weight on the Catholic mind of Ireland ; for already on another ; and so, by the first false step into which most agitated portion of it, ".that they tvill afford a suffi- slaves. The true and veritable meaning of Reform Storm at Ltvebpool.—Moxdat.-—We were visited cient compensation for the loss of so active a public servant Chartist movement ; nor did any speaker on the was the just and convenient distribution and proper we leam that the chapels of Archbishop Crolly, the labourer is forced by the master , the rac e of dissi- on Saturday night almost without intermission as 3fr. Gladstone. Archbishop Murray, pation is started , and the onus of disgrace falls upon , and The vacancy thus arising at the head platform ever attempt to mix up the two questions : application of the newly-created property of the and Dr. Denvier, the three bi- the victim, instead of until an advanced horn* yesterday morning, with a of the Board of shops upon the bvute who debvacta Trade will be iUIed by Lord Balhousie, now the Vice- but the several delegates who assembled in London country to its legitimate purposes ; and had such an " bequeathed" to the English Minister, have him. Note. The Mr. Somers spoken of by Nicholas il dreadful gale from the north-west, Hie violence of President of that department but without a seat in the , become vacant, while the flocks have refused any a Leaguer, and a loud brawler for " cheap bread " and which, as it hoivled along the streets, strongly re- Cabinet. Mr. Cardwell , the member for Clitheroe , is and elsewhere, were proud to bear honourable testi intention manifested itself in the acts of those who named as the successor of Lord Dalhousie in) the Vice. portion of their fleece for the " feee trade "—in coi'ii, but hot in swipes !—that yea minded us of the memorablestorm in January, 1839. mony to the valuable support they received from thc acquired power through popular confidence and fury, sustenance of their " Presidency of the Board of Trade—an office which is shepherds. Could any must not be "free " to trade in, or not, as you like, but The damage in Liverpool has been, comparatively Chartist body. The recent" strike of the Building the people, ever patient under suffering, would have circumstance impart a stronger you must pay whether it suits speaking, of trifling extent, the vessels in port having usually accompanied with a seat in the Privy Council. or unsuits! These The vacancy occasioned by the resignation ofthe Secre- Trades in Manchester was not a Chartist movement ; rested satisfied with such progressive improvements respect for the principle of popular election, or at all League-men have oneer notions. ridden out the gale gallantly. Several of thosein the tar yship of Ireland by the present Lord St. Germans, . events of popular control ? A control in which the ijj Prince's and George's docks have been chafed and upon the death offals father , and his consequent accession and yet the Chartists were foremost in the battle of as were warranted by prudence, by circumstances, Ma. West, Ahbweb to the "Trick y Toot. " -— Mr. filled by Sir ThomB S Fren -tantle. English Minister sees danger West, who now resides at Macclesfield following his otherwise slightly injured , but, with this exception, to the peer age, will be right SSSMlst Slight ! Jndecd. although charged with or even by a timid caution, They would, in fact, have , and to possess himself , who succeeded Sir Henry Hsrdin™ !2St spring Secrel trade as a weaver , has sent us the following, in rep ly » they have escaped without damage. In the town a as the crime of " obstruction," we may proudly assert, of wliich is the ultimate aim and object of those tin- used as a blacksmith' tery at "War. Mr. Sydney Herbert takes the War -office, resisted any violent change calculated to unsettle that the J esuitical and "fair " letter from Mr. T. Falvey, the "small building, s shop, in Par- with a seat in the Cabinet and the Earl of selled honours whicli he would now, through policy, liament-street ; Lincoln also that while Chartism has and ever will " obstruct" all state of things in which they saw their own interests, hired spouter for the enemies of Labour , inser ted in ouf , opposite St. Barnabas' Church, was enters the Cabinet , retainin ghis present office at the Board confer upon the Catholic hierarchy of Ireland. last :— " Sir,—Your remarks on Mr. Falvey '-- letter , jbjpwndown, a large wooden paling, erected in the of Woods and Forests . The retirement of Sir John humbugs, yet has it never, by*an indiscreet use of its rights, and privileges, even faintly recognised. Barrow , 's yard of the Fever Hospital, Mount-pleasant, was and the promotion of Mr . Sydney Herbert , leave both the power, extended injudicious aid to an section , of So long as the Catholic priesthood of Ireland de- respecting the Rotherham discussion, in last Satu rday " The non-adoption, therefore, of a timely soothing Star, has left me -but little to say ; and I should not carried away, and sundry slates and chimney tops Secretaryshi ps of the Admira ltyat .the disposal of the labour struggling for its rights. The Trades will pend for sustenance upon the wholesome vigilant con- were conveyedto considerable distances by the im- Government ; and we trust they will be filled in such a policy has converted political rancour into social have troubled you with this letter , but that I fear ed, if petuosity of the gale. But, if we have escaped manner as to meet all the claims of that most important find Chartism, as all others seeking for their rights and we behold, as it were not only a house trol of those to whose protection they are appointed, . I remained silent, a wron g, construction might be put so department, and to deserve the confidence of the country. ferocity, , fortunately here, we fear that the accounts this week have found it,—a zealous co-operator, a steady friend, so long will, their church stand all the attacks of upon it. I was certainl y anxiou s to soe what Mr. Mr. Corry has been mentioned as Mr. Sydney Herbert' s divided against itself, but every section of the house- conscious will convey melancholy intelligence of the loss of life successor. and uncompromising advocate. In fact, Chartism is foreign and domestic foes : but the moment that con- Falvey's corrections would amount to, as I was a e d a o g hold in open rupture, the one with the other, each that the report was substantially correct , the whole «t and property in the Ch nn l an l n the coast. As The Standard ofthe same day (Thursday) has the the evil-doer trol is transferred to a political yetwe have only heard of the loss of one vessel, the a terror to , and a tower of strength to struggling to hold its position, or to break that fall Prime Minister, that the arguments, if not tfte eaoct tooi'da, being given; M following is -Manchester, of London, Hall master, which sailed :— the righteous. threatened by its own intemperance. Everything moment must every vestige of her former struggles now that his letter is before mc, I must confess it from Liverpoolfor Calcutta on Saturday last, with a Pboj i a Cobres pom>e*vt—. TTe understand that the re- and triumphs be buried under its own quite a ' gem' in its way. Mr. Falvey will be doing iu> port of the Ministerial chan ges announced in the Times So far we have stripped this magnificent national we see, everything we hear, everything that we ruins. Having forwar d a general cargo, and went down on Holy-bank. The recognised the titles of the act of injustice to posterity if he does not following letter on the subject was posted in the this morning is, to say the least, premature. Mr. Glad- figure of thc old bugabooism—Chartism. And now read of, presents to the eye and to reflection the Irish hierarchy, we have ' true copy ' to Mr. D'IsraeU , to enrich the next edition of stone, whatever may be his intention , has not yet resigned very little doubt that the next ' There is however, one XJndereriters'-rooms yesterday:— office. There is, however , no doubt hut that Sir Thomas we would advert to those subjects which must be elements of a struggle, the result of which, step will be to intro- his ' Curiosities of Literature. , duce them thus er ror j/ou have fallen into, which I hasten to correct , >i Sunday morning , half-past Ten. Fremantle succeeds Lord Eliot (Earl St. Germans) in eventually diseussed and legislated on by the Trades. " Come it slow or eome it fast'"— , tinselled with the trimmings of the important office of Chief Secretary of Ireland. Mr. Falvey is so sensitive about names. His uame'* Sir,—About half-past eight a.m. , I observed a vessel Ministerial debauchery, to Firstly, the question of restriction ; and how f ar, if there must produce such a change as no country has ever the House of Peers, thero Timothy : the initial , therefore, should have been T.. coming on shore on "West Boyle. I immediatel y ordered No doubt the " correspondent" knows all about the are three hundred persons in one trade earning a cer- yet witnessed. We have observed, andthe Times has to sit in conclave with their State Church brethren and not J., as you have it. Tliis I deem important, ie» tne life-boat out and to proceed to Old Hoyle. At this , matter; and he does not contradict the statement oi in order that the Mr. Falvcy 's ' modesty, '' delicacy, ' aud 'honou r ' (I «* time a boat left the -vessel and reached the Old Hoyle with tain amount of wage for'twelve hours' labour per day, strengthened the justice of our conclusion, that the present controversy may be trans- . the Times as to the " intention" of Mr. Gladstone to not say anythin g about ' honesty '), should suffer by the all her crew, thirteen in number , and, with the exception and one hundred become either by the " prosperity" furnishes our ferred from the wide world of jealous " surplus," present period of calm watchfulness to mistake. Mr , Falvey says the report was an * euormo i» of the lad and two others , all are comin g round ; and every retire. The Times, therefore, " speaks by the book," the navrower application of machinery, foreign competition, or cautious Minister with incalculable advantages, and sphere of apostolic reasoning, in thc fabrication. ' I only wish that the ' Leaguers ' wobw atten tion is paid to the above three , who, I have no doubt as may be gathered fromthe followin g announcement , ; how unheeded, unintei-rupted, and un- hope of eliciting Ministerial give me such a • fabrication :' for I appeal with C0I>' in a few hours wfll be better. The vessel is the Ma n- slackness in trade , in such case, a restriction of may enable him, dogmas capable of by the Standard itself :— d fidence to the chairman , or any other person who ^ chester , of London , Captain Hall, bound to Calcutta ; the hours of labour to eight hours, instead of twelve, checked, to pass measures which, under contrary pro ucing due effect upon English No-Popery TVehav e reason to believe that , although itis highly pro- present at the discussion, to say whether the report- general cargo. She is on fhe N.ff.W, point of the bank feeling. , bable that the abilities and services of Mr. Cardwell will shall turn the idle " surplus" into active labourers, circumstances, would not be tolerated. Had the Pending this schism in the Catholic as a whole,was not a correct and impartial one. I "i" and is going fast on her beam -ends. In haste appointment of , lam, sir, be secured for the Government in some and still preserve the same amount of wage—not the present schism in the rival churches of Ireland—the Church of Ireland, the Protestant notice Mr. Falvey's corrections. His not coming directly your most obedient servant importanc e, yet the anno uncement that Mr. Cardwell is parsons, acting , B. SHERWOOD . suspicions of the landlords of both countries—the upon Mr. O'Connell's policy of from thc south is, as you 6ay, a mere evasion ; fof "' destined for the Vice-Presidency of the Board of Trade is same amount that the two hundred received to be making Ministerial W Promsubsequent telegraphiccommunications at least premature. told me himself, that ' when he came from the south , it ap- divided amongst the three hundred ; but the same deadly warfare raging in the bosom of our State weakness subservient to Irish purposes, have, tit- peared that tiie barque capsized and disappeared at was sent expressl y to Rotherham to deliver two . for Church at home—the increasing cupidity of our with characteristic effrontery, wisud$ 9 a.m., and that the whole of the crew were landed amount of wage for each of the three hundred arrayed themselves turos. * So much for his ' honesty. ' The slight eight hours' work that each of the three hundred re- hostility of our landlords to a pro- in open hostility to the principle of National I feU into respecting the chairman ' s name , shows to safely on East Hoyleb y the Holylakelife-boat. The THE TRADES CONFERENCE. capitalists—the ' what * shifts ' Mr. Falvey has been driven to .' fish on' Liverpool life-boat went out to render assistance, but ceived for the twelve hours' work. This question of perty tax—the aversion of our traders and shopkeepers Education ; declaring, with the coolest auda- 5 Dy the time -shehad arrived the vessel had sunk The Trades having selected a period of comparative objections. If any one had a right to complu '", fy* ' , and restriction is one—is the one—upon which the most to anincometax—co-existedwith that national d&con- city, that teaching and education should come acted as chaire d the crew were saved. The Manchester was a fine " prosperit y" as the time for holding a Conference , Mr. Evans— (who, I may here state , interested discussion will take place : and for this tent which preceded the present "prosperity "—the in- from what they are pleased to term the " National" in the most impartial manner ). My friend Mr . Sissotf "new barque. Two other vesselssailed with the Man- wherein the several matters interesting to their body ht M chesteronSat urday—theIxrchinvar reason ; in many trades, where there is divisions of faction would have insured an easy Church of Ireland ; thereby meaning the Church of whose name was printed Zessons, had an equal rig , for New Orleans, , have at least purged their proceed- no great ternal complain ; but really such ridiculous stuff does nst iff and the Valparaiso, for Valparaiso. Both havesince can be discussed the Twentieth of the population, receiving nearly l can move the " surplus," the false notion willbe entertained that triumph to thc Working Classes : and, therefore, we serve serious consideration. As to the chairma n * returned to Liverpool. Testerday morning, some ings of all suspicion that hunger a one two millions a restriction of labour in such cases must result in a must presume that their present contentment is re- annually from the sweat of the Catholic letter , deny ing that he charged Mr..F alvey with in" * "time aftershe wasdue , the Iron Duke steamer arrived Working Classes. True, when the people were poor people. The fr om Dublin. She experienced a reduction of wages. It is, in truth, from such feel- lied ou as the most fitting time to adjust the party " noble army of martyrs" in the ducing ' extraneous matter ,'he will .perhaps rocolW" __ dreadful night, and and hungered, Chartismwas described as " the howl of that , when Mr. Falvey commenced his on diocese of Ardagh have been the last to second attac k during the height of thc gale one ofher ings that our only doubts arise : from squab bles of the high er classes. Those who would pronounce paddles sus- never denied the assertion ; but, the apprehen- the Chartists, I rose and asked him * «#* tained some injury, and one of the sailors on the hungry." We against the " national system ;" and aa the devi* whether we board sion that much personal interest, or even sectional in- found their opinion of Ministerial strength upon more met to discuss the merits or demerit s Tra de, nad ins leg broken. Ihe Maggie, on th« contrary, admitted that social suffering and quotes scrip s s of Erce of London, came terest, may be mixed np with the general questions, or English " prosperity," are but ture when it serve hi purposes, to avoid and whether extr aneous matt er was to be allowed W up the Merseylast evening, with loss of her main- inequality always led to political discussion. And question of English ' politicians. Every great change that all charge of selfish interestedness, the " defenders be introduced '.' and the chairman said, and the m«* topmast and both her anchors and cables, and with le, the the labourer s fair share of nationalwealth , and na- naiTOW-minded « ' out of those discussions has arisen a princip of the faith," and so f orthhave ing responde d to it, that the questiou to be discuss** some injury to her stern. On Saturday evening the tional improvement. has been effected in the policy of our rulers has been , ventured on the ' justice of which is so strongly impressed upon the na- was Free Trade. ' Mv. Falvey bowed to the dccisvo» ° Athlonesteamer sailed for Belfast, and had amongst them eitherfrom abroad or from without : selection of some verses from Deuteronomy to aid e now no reason to quarrel If, however, we start difficulties, we strengthen the forced upon the chair man . When Mr . Falvey went to the trou U her passengers the celebrated pianist, M. Thalber», tional mind, that we have them in their opposition. We not from abroad, by the extension of Democratic princi- trust that we shall of writin g to the chairman , why did ha and the equally celebrated vocalists, Miss Birch, Miss either with the past suffering or with those who cha- necessity for a Conference of those who will better un- the Dolby, Mr. John Parry, and ples ; or from without, by the effect Which foreign cir- not be deemed " heretical" if we take the whole of get him to confirm his statemen t,, tha t Mr. Calkin. Miss racterised our movement as a hungry howl. Satisfied derstand them than ourselves, and aro therefore more report was an ' enormous Fa 1"?, Birch's mother, and Mr. Calcott, the manager of the cumstances have had upon the national mind. Hence the injunctions contained in the chapters from fabri cation ?' Mr. then, aa we were, even with a bad state of things that capable of adjusting them. Another question will be, best knows the reason why.. The real ' socret »* musicalcompany, were also on board. The party e seen a tyrant Monarch and a slavish Cabinet which they had selected then which led to the best mode of relieving those in full employment we hav ' " exclusive title," in Mr. Falvey 's chagrin is, that there was a repor t at a«; lad performed at two grand concerts in Liverpool, induced thought and discussion the order to the second of which came off humbled by the declaration of American independence ; expose the convenient and interested inter- Had the discussion been conflned to the room , he wiff* on Saturday morning, almost universal adoption of a great principle, we are from the competition of an unemployed " surplus," ho' and were proceedingto Belfastfor the we have seen the loss of Ireland threatened, and all pretation put even upon Holy Writ, when State then have gone up and down "bouncing ' (as he purpose of per- muchbetter satisfied with the prospect of forthcoming or of the necessity of so far supporting them in idle- done on ' me ' formingat a concert ofthe PHlharmonic Society of but effected , by the French revolution ; and we have Church puiposes are to be served. form er occasions) that he had 'floore d . events, which are not shadowed forth in squalid ness, as to guard against their competition. Now these but now the people can judge for themselves, »*»* r that town to-night. About five o'clock last evening form' though resisted for nearl half The-title "" two questions of " restriction" and " surplus" are seen "Re ," y a upon which the Ardagh parsons would them I am content to leave the question . As t0 * the Athlone returned to Liverpool, and immediately wretchedness and misery. 1 century, carried by what is called the " three glorious establish the exclusive rights of sneer about myself I leave that as it stands , reittin^** after M. Thalbergand Ms friends drove to the Adel- The " howl of the hungry" for food is a dangerous those which must be promptly met and vigorously the Church to teach, r ; are selected from the Mr. Falvey th at if he lays claim to ' delicacy, ' * modest*' Ehi Hotel, where they described the sufferings they by the Trades of this country. If such a days" of July 1830 ! fourth chap, of Deut., 0th and « assailant: but may be met by the crushing force of dealt with honour ,' and -hone sty,' the two lidter are atstal*•' *? ad undergone durin g the night as being of the most h Judging, then, from tho past, we must take the llth verses, the sixth chap, and 7th verse. Let us Painful -natare. It appears that they had succeeded organised authority, to the total subversion of the channel can be opened for the "surplus'' of eac see at Blackburn he challenged me to discus ' . present stateof America ; the present position of Gui- what those verses really' 1 in steaming in the teeth of the gale as far as the Me •"ordinary law." When what is called a " mob," trade as will relievethe employed from their competi- are, and whether or not there question with him at Manchester and Mac clesfie'- * of Man, but that they zoi, the slavish Minister of a wily Monarch,who holds was any other condition annexed ACCEPTED TH &T CHALLENOE : but US yet I '** , found it impossible to proceed clamours for food, and assumes a threatening-aspect, tion, the principle of restriction, mainly superinduced to this exclusive bow*'-' * further, and for four hours the captain considered the his crown upon the continuance of European peace, right. The 9th verse says, not beeu "hble to prevail on him to fulfil liis ' necessity" for instant suppression binds every by the necessity of supplying work for the unem- ' haft so» safety of the vessel in imminent periL The party the " however ignominiously purchased ; we must include Perhaps his ' delicacy ' and ' modesty •seemedto Lave givenup allhopes of ever faction in the State together: and under their com- ployed, may then assume the character of positive " Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, tilin g to do with this funking : but if ho cau '#" ^ seeing land hemmed-in position of his Holiness the n again, and expected every moment to go to the T»t- of negative evil. If the the Pope, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have his coura ge to the sticking place, ' as I ai» bined influence, striking examples and prompt bar- good, instead of, as now, seen-! and tom. Their joy at reaching their comfortable quar- not who would extend his circle of dominion, by narrow- and lest they depart from thine heart all the days living in Maeclesfieldj let him name his tune barity are represented as the perfection of humanity. surplus" were provided for, the employed would tn • ters in the Adelphi Hotel last night was unbounded. " of thy life ; hut teach them, thy sons, and thy so s- will find ine ready. We can then meet among to restriction to protect ing, contracting, and enslaving the minds ofthe Irish n ch»r Thejr congratulated each other on their truly provi- The inevitable tendency of sueh a reverse is to then be compelled to resort sons."— who know us both well, and where our relative , dential escape, and immediately but in such case Oiitholies : nor can we, in our catalogue of Minis" 'hoBCi despatched lettersto dispirit, weaken, convulse, and ultimately destroy the themselves against competition ; llth verse— ters for ' delicacy, ' modesty,' 'honour,' and : "^ theirfriends in London and on the continent terial difficulties , omit the impregnable position I am g°n , to ac- Movement Party. On theotherhand, men who leave they may use restriction as a means of balancing ac. as- can bo properly appreciated. Though •anamtthem of their safety. Theyhave, fer the And ye came near and stood under the mountain ; I cau always afford - to spare a day to a? ,, pre- er and employed . Thus : they sumed by the Irish people : a position of masterly my loom, seni we understand, given up their intention of their homes in obedience to the summons of their counts between employ and the mountain burned with fire unto the midst of humbug and delusion. . Yours, respect fully. visitins Ireland. hostilit y to tall the powers at the disposal of the heaven , with darkness fellows in times of comparative " prosperity," with may establish the day's labour at the number of , cloud s, and thick darkne ss. West. -f^bbuaiiy 1, 1845. THE NORTHER N STAR. 5 "fewsrAJ EB, Mb. Joh -s Watkixs, Mb. Wm. Cab - it:" He wfll give yon an opport unit y ,TfAT • to prove what of all opin ions and of all countries should be united in ¦^ UI Accident. as» O'Cossob.—For some time past the you hav e promulgat ed regardin g •»* - —Three Lives Lost.— and about a foot beyond that a large-sized and well- long been in the habit of taking opium * ^ t e b 3^ him : and if you neg- the good work, we have for sometime past laboured to Manchester^ , Tuesday Noon.—This morning a fri , which the *Ej/ Bonds ' WeeBg Newspaperliave teemed with lect to embrace an d use such opportunit y ght- finished pocket-pistol, with percussion lock, the surgeon had refused to let her have, but he. wasde- of to the full of effect a better understanding between reformers of all iul and ,melancholy accident occurred on the Man- -^ atroc ious and infamous libels on Mr. O'Con- your power , you will add one more laurel hammer of which was down, and whicli had evidently termined to give her some. This was between seven te most of Mr. John (of the sort) nations. We possess neither wealth nor station, chester and Leeds Railway; by which three unfortu- **- t the pen Waflrins , who has con- to the many with which rank, , been very recently discharged, as'it smelt strongly of and eight" o'clock' oii Saturday evening: - HeT-'then ^m your brows are already consid ere d so necessar y in thi s age to comman d success ; nate men lost their lives. The accident is in ^ ' most invetera te and rancorous hatred to- graced . The observatio n th at " itself towder. About half-past two in the morning-witness served liim with :a shilling botih*, which he labelled e& ihe men who are but We believe We have espoused the cause of right; we 01 a very extraordinary nature- and at present quite tlmt gent leman, oecause he would not aid hhn ttlWpari llO of the ir abuse of others are rst saw the prisoner at the police-station * he had " laudanum, poison." The bottle was produced and ll! ^ most desire to do something to aid it, and think we deser ve Unaccountable to scientific men in this town. f^ uiiprincipled, ana scandalous attempt to sensiti vethemselv es," is to ns then on over the dress he now wore a white apron, identified by witness. It was found in deceased's bed. mean, peculiarly rich : for we the allianc e of all th ose who believe that our object is About four o'clock this morning several work- for himsel f a trade, as publisher and book- hap pen to know how sparing upon the right side of which Serjeant Shaw and the The jury, after a short consultation, returned a ver- tjlfld up the Northern Star has been good. We remain , your brothe rs in the str uggle of men in the service of the company arrived at witness observed several ing, on the rain of old establishedof traou desmen; and of this same Mr. Carpenter , and we cannot help hut the station spots of Wood. Oil being dict of—Temporary Insanity. no this humanit y, " The Democrati c Friends of all Nations. " , and proceeded to the engine-house to furnish ^now omits opportunity j etting spite ful contras t our treat ment of Mm with to caUed upon an explanation ofthescappear- the treatmen t Signed on their behalf, L. Obobs ki Chairman , Charles prepare engines for the early trains. Amongst Coroxer's IxQUEsr.—On Tuesday afternoon Mr. hitte r malignity on the head and name of he has th ought it , ances, the prisoner replied, " I don't know that there venom and proper to ado pt towards Mr . Schapp eb, Hon. Sec 2i the number were the three unfortunate sufferers. W. Carter coroner for East Surrey, arid a'respectable O'Connor. , , King-str eet, Soho. are any spots of blood upon it, and if there are , -jjenian whom he formerly bepraised and beslavered Some time ago Mr. Car penter " went in " They were all three attached to the Irk, which , I iury, assembled at the Duke of GloccsterJ Union-row, as partne r Wabnin g to those intending to Bmiobate. —State can't account for them." The witness here produced nausea, when he was trying to wheedle Mm to the with another person , as proprietors of th e op was station ed in one of the sheds belonging to Newington and wero engaged nearly five hours in- Southern Star. New Zea land .—"We find the foUowing in the rtmes the pistol, tho two pattens, and the p o ' , cavportofms nefariou s purposes. These libels haT e Tor that paper Mr . O'Connor— " thief , the company erected on the line, The. stoker or ris ner s vestigating the circumstances attending the death of almost au manner ol shapes : in peculator , and j ux-olves. Of Wednesda y :— "E xtract ofaletter , dated Wellin gton , ' apron. The weapon was such as thc witness had appeare d m in letters " as he was—was solicited fireman put on his fires, and got the steam up about a a e , aged 53, who, it was alleged, had letters signed "An to become suret y Oct. 10, 1844 :—I need not tell you that receiving news described it, somewhat large for the pocket, and M rg ret Jon s ^aed "Ii ctor f Inde pendent by both " partners ," Mr. Carpenter as half-past five o'clock. The engineer, who has been died from the effects of violence received at the hands well as the from home gives me no small share of consola tion, and next in size to a duelling pistol. The latter was an Char tist;" in pre tended letter s from Northampton , other. He consented. He did more : he distinguished as a steady workman, of her husband. Mary Ncwliuid , of 2,' Potts-place , particularly under my present circumstances , for tilings was also on the ordinary workman's apron, and spots of blood were jj gned " Old Chartist f in letters to Feargus O'Con - aided the parties to th e full extent of his means in spot superintending the preparation of the engine had known the deceased have come to such a state here , that we are all on the plainly visible- upon it.—Serjeant Shaw stated that Newington , said, that she in lett ers to " T. S. Bunc ombe, M.P. f in " Ad- their desperate ventur e. In a short time the two which was to have taken out the train that leaves for h living in the same house nor f point of starvation. I have made application to several he had that morning been at the London Hospital, three years, throug dresses from tbe Independent Chartist s of Mar yle- " partners" quarrelled. Deadly was the contestbetween here at a quarter before seven o'clock. captain s of vessels to aUow me to work my passage Everything where he had seen the dead body of the young woman. With her. Last Saturday week, about 11 o'clock at ¦bonefin" Addresses of the Independent Chartists to them . "We know not, nor care not, what was the appeared to be in good order, and the engineer and night were quarrelling, home, but could not succeed, not being able to perfo rm On examming the upper part of her person, he ob- , the deceased and her husband S. Duncombe, M.P. f * the whole and several of cause of-quarrel: only that each party -rowadiy accused fireman were examining the workin at the noise as of T. a seaman ' s duty. Wh at t g machinery of served in the throat a small hole, which was perfectly close of wluch the witness heard a , withou t a single exception the other of " doing " the " concern " but I am to do God only knows, the engine, mem, , being the produc tion ; we have to do for I according to the usual custom, and in ' - d one of them having thrown sometliing at the other. with this fact that the one partner cann ot get employment , and I am sorry to say I black in appearance, an manifestly caused by the of the defeated assassin of tradesmen 's credit , Mr. John , " " sent statements compliance with the express directions of tho com- Shortly afterwards husband say, of the am not the only one. My part ner , poor fellow, is perforation of a bullet, wliich must have been dis- witness heard the Wa ttan s. In these productions aU sorts of crimes have tre atment he had received at the hands of Mr . ' pany. Just as the clock struck six, George Mills D—n you Bving with th e Moure es in the most miserabl e state ; , the charged from the direction of the deceased's side, as , is that what you mean ?" Sounds of -peen laid to Mr. O'C onnor 's charge. With falsehoods Carpen ter for insertion in the Northern Star, in wMch engineer, and William Allcock, the fireman, were both blows and cries of and for myself, I am walkin g the beach , not knowing it had completely cut through the jugular vein. " Murder!" followed. The de- ihemostgross; with fabrications thc most wicked ; with he accused him of theft , of swindlin g, and of almost under the engine oiling and examining the works ceased then went how to procure a meal' s victuals : we have been com- , There was no corresponding orifice on thc other side into the passage, where she re- rversi ons the most horrible ; have they been stuffed. every conceiveable crim e of wMch a tradesman can be when at that moment the roof of the fire-box burst, mained some time. TVitncss pe pelled to seU the land we purch ased to get us food, and ofthe deceased's throat, and from that circumstance could then see that them Mr. 0 Connor is directly charged with guilty ; not one word of which was inserted. We were at , with a most terrific crash, blew the eilSmo deceased had a dreadful black eve. and she com. In all events in tiiat case for £6, land havin g decreased in value about 100 per the witness considered it evident that the ball must SnaTery ; -with "hypocrisy ; with deceit; with cheater y; " sparin g" of " abuse" towards through the roof of the shed, which is not less than plained oi a pain in the head. cent. ; and i expect in a short time people will he able be still lodged either in her throat or head.—William She was never able pecu lation ; -with breach of trust; -Kith theft ; with Mr. Carpenter; and dea rly we have had to pay for it, sixty feet high, carrying with it upwards of twenty to follow her occupation after the nith to get it for 5s. per acre . The land claims are almost Slater, a weaver, living in South Conduit-street, Saturday in ques- trea sonab le practices; and even with jlin-kii.lis g not only in the present orafefulreturn by Mr. Carpenter yards of the roof) and breaking it all to shatters. tion, but died on 1*riday last. Other evidence in the same state as they were before the arrival of our Stated, that he had been well acquainted for some havimr himself, but in envenomed and bitter hatred of the The engine became detached from the tender , anil Mr. W. B. Boddy, SiAf ! Sow, though the public generallywould know new Govern or ; he ha3 not done the least tiling to time past both with the prisoner , and the young been given, surgeon, of Saving the -worth of such statements , when " partner " whose " abuse?' we then "BURKED!" Fr om did it no material injury. Tho engine , Walworth, said he was called in to iiov to estimate benefit the place; if anything , he has made it worse. , prior to the woman he was accused ol having murdered. At row see deceased tftat moment that man became a deadly enemy. Up to accident, was on the middle line of rails, e e on Monday week. He sent her medicine. proccediugfromMr. -John WatKns in his own name,— The greater part of our gentlemen home insid th about half-past twelve o'clock on the preceding night She was that lime, every line, and every word , that he had sent are returning , shed, with the fire-door towards the west, but when quite sensible, and made no complaint against tbey having had some opportunities of judging of his very much dissatisfied with the will say he was standing on the door-step of his father's her to the Star had been inserted ; most of them paid place. You it leu to the ground it alighted on the outside rails at husband. After death witness had opened tho bod y, probityand honour,—the case is somewhat different tliis is a very short house , where he lodged, when he saw the prisoner for at a dear rate. The " abuse" of Mr. Carpenter was letter ; but my mind is so distress ed a distance of twenty-two yards from its former posi- and found that thc cause of death was water on when they appear under anonymous signatures, in a at having to -write home such an unfavourable account and the deceased walking together towards the upper the to the multitude , -would the first syllableofthe " partner 's" productions that was tion, with the fire-box end toward s the east ; having, brain, and not, in witness's opinion, any injury. The ¦mdiBy circulated paper , wliich, of myself and the place that I caimot possibly find end of thc street. They appeared to be in close "BUBKED-'byus : and that "burkin g"Mr . Carpenter 's , in fact, turned a complete summerset in the ascent. room having cleared of strangers teem to have no interest in damaging Mr. O'Co nnor 's words to mak e conversation, and the prisoner had one of his arms been , the jury, after " partner " " it more length y , &c." .j The roof of the shed was cast into the fame, or in resorting to unfair and disreputable means never forgave 1 Thatwas the cause of all air, and large round the young woman|s neck. Witness watched consulting, returned a verdict—" That deceased died Despotism -versus- Constitutionalism. — Austr ia and fragments of it were found at a a to run him dow n. Accordingly Mr. O'Connor has felt the ill-feeling ; the rancorous antipath y; the embittered considerable distance. them in the same position as far as the t'rst a natural death from effusion on the brain , and not that the " England Contrast ed.—The following paragr aph has The poor fellows who were under the engine from himself brand to notice the continued torrent of libel- venom, partner " has since exhibited. To were turning in the street, and then went up stairs to the effects of violence." The husband is at? tMs week appeared in the daily papers :—" Most of dreadlfully mutilated and both killed lous slander which the conductor of HouoF s Weekly this we have to add the heart-burnings , the feuds, and , on the spot : bed. lie had not been present under remand at Lambeth Police-court, on , the 'in his bed-room more than six Newspaperhas permitted the former ruthless assailer the divisions caused in the ranks of the movement persons who had been found guilty of political and William Stone, one of the inspectors of the en- or seven minutes, when he heard the loud report of a the charge of haying murdered the deceased. conspiracy in Austrian Galicia, in 1840, have just been gines was also killed. Four other men of the characters of his intimatefriends party, consequent on such piqued feeling; and theprice , were seri- gun, or pistol, sounding close at hand, and of such most dear and pardoned by the Emperor of Austri a. The punishme nt ously scalded. James Neilson dangerousl The Late Fatal Accident at Astlet's. — On »o pour out from behind the screen: and the manner we have had to pay for being "sparing" of " abuse" y ; John extreme violence as to shake everything in the house. Monday afternoon an adjourned inquest of of those who were condemned to death has been com- Wainright, very niuchscalded and bruised ; John Hall, was held such as will to Mr. Carpenter has indeed been enormous! He has, The report was so alarming that he instantly hastened before Mr. Carter noticehe has properly determined shall be however muted to imprisonment. " How different the conduct scalded and bruised ; and another was also injured. , at the Windmill, High-street, enable the dastards who malign him to prove the , now taught us a different lesson. We shaU to both the front and back windows of tho room, and Lambeth " " of the Austrian despotism to that of the " constitu- On examining the engine, it was found not very , relative to the death of William Blake, tenth of their infamies , if they are at all able. In ap- not he sparing again ! and though we shall not looked into the street and garden, but was unable to tional" Governmen t of England ! Louis Phili pp e, much damaged the whole of the working parts be- aged 58, a supernumerary engaged at Astley's Ampi- pealing to the law he had three courses open. He " abuse," we shall tell of him as he is! , discover anything, and therefore retired to rest. traitor and tyrant as he is, has on more than one oc ing uninjured, except the fire-box and the tubes im- — theatre. It appeared from the evidence adduced at proc eeded hy oriminal information ,—and if MAKCHEST E-a ConBEs ros-oEST.—5fo room this week. ^ William Whiter, the brother of deceased, who keeps could lare casion exliibited Ms clemency to his bitterest political mediately over it, wluch it is said -£250 will repair. this, and on the former inquiry, that the deceased, deserved tha t process y the present one is Thos. Webb, Stock port.—We believe the charge for a , , a beer-shop in Brick-lane, Spitalfields, stated, that ever case , surel enemies. The King of Prussia has done the same; The copper-plates and the fire-box , which appear to with a number of other supernuniaricB, were required summons is correct. Another Is. for serving it at ten o'clock on the preceding night the prisoner that case, as far as the author and the inserter of the , Is., the Austrian despot follows their example. Cut not SO be vent asunder, are live-eighths thick, and of veiy to go on in one of the comic scenes at Astley's m the atrocious articles are concerned could they have, been can also be char ged. The whole question Of Magis . came to his house, in company with the deceased. , the liberal Queen of England. In tlriB country felons good material. The bodies of the three unfortunate pantonine of Harle quin and Johnny Gilpin, or the readi ed. But, Hough before a criminal information ba tes' fees is likely, however , to come before the legis- The latter went into the back parlour, while the pri- have been libera ted from the hulks, hut no mercy has men presented the appearance of Africans, as they Black Witch of Edmonton. The " fiat," or scene at couldbe obtained it would be necessary that every alle- lature. soner went into the tap-room, and both of them re- the back of the stage, represented a tailor's shop,, . been experienced by political offenders. On the con- lay in the room where the inquest is to be held * they mained in the house until twelve o'clock, when they gation complained of should be denied on oath by the T.B., Stockpoet.—Mr. Pitkeithly 's address is Buxton - trary, the English Government appears to have been were burned quite black. and in order to' render the action the more ludicrous, seeking the protection ofthe law ^ left together,—Mv, Bingham : Did they annoar to partie s , and by those road, Huddersfield. actuated by as revengeful a spiri t as that whicjli in- ADDlTiONAh Vautioulahs op ihe Boiler Explo- the parties who were dressed as COStermongers, -trio were conversant -niththefacts, stiUit would not he you to be on good terms with each other ?—Witness %. B, HVHrHB IES, UoTTlXGHAM. —It 13 OUt of our power spires the Pope and his precious protege, Madam sion.—Mr. Faivbairn tailors, hshwomen, &c, were tripped up as they en- t for the defendant to plead, or pro -re, the , the machine-maker, who had Yes, sir, perfectly so; I observed nothing to the Competen ttesweek.' Munoz , to the commission of the bloody deeds by them been sent for, arrived at the spot about eleven o'clock, tered from the " wings," or side scenes, by means of IBCTH of his statements in justification of bis course ; contrary.—Police-constable Johnson, 296 iv, said a cord held by Mr. T. Barry, the clown. The deceased , A Six Teabs ' Sdbscbibeb .—If he be able to prove the perpetrated. If the Government of this country have and inspected the engine, which is to remain in the that shortly before three o'clock that morning the nor show that , being true , he was rendering a service to fact of adultery, he is exonerated from the charge of not carried their vengeance to the same extent , it has same position, until after it has been seen b who was labouring under hernia on both sides, and therefore , that y the father of deceased and his surviving daughter came society hy exposing the wrong doer : maintenance ; but . a refusal to work would not so been because both law and public opinion was opposed coroner and his jury. Mr. Fairbairn expressed his who wore a truss, made his fall as usual, but imme- course was out of the question. An indictment might exonerate him. A man to him while on duty in Thomas-street, Bethnal- diately after complained of pain in his bowels. He takes a wife to "keep"—not to them so doing. But that they are moved by the opinion, that, on one side of the fire-box, there had green have been preferred, to which the defendantmight plead " " , and stated that he wished hhn to apprehend the was taken home, and subsequently attended by Mr. to work, either for her own livelihood or Ms. same spiri t is too evident , when the torturings of the been an old fracture. Perhaps a short notice of the prisoner the tru th of the libels, and show that the publication of H. AirES , as he strongly suspected that he had caused Jeffrce , a surgeon , to whom , as well as his wife, he , EnrsBUBC H, had better transmit by letter or imprisoned Chartists , and thc continued persecution engine may be useful, for purposes of reference. The the death of his daughter. He accordingly accompa- than was calculated to be of general benefit; and this circular thc substance of his communication , to the of Frost and his fellow sufferers are remember ed. Irk engine, No. 27 of those belonging to the company, stated that Mr. Barry had " done for him," and that would be now held—thanks to Sir John Campbell's late nied the father to the house ofthe prisoner in Manches- he had held thc rope higher than usual, members of the club for whom it.is intended , It is Despotism is a bitter curse ; but the mockery of consti- was made by Messrs. W. Fairbairn and Co., and was in order to law—an answer to the complaints of the plaintiff , ter-place, Bcthnal-green-road, where they found hini increase iibel hardly matter for publication. tutionalism , and the humbug of liberalism , is a generally considered as ©ne of the best on the line, the force of his fall. This was distinctly and a ba r to a verdict against the defendant ; but still drewed and seated in a chair belund the door in the denied by several witnesses who took part with the Fb ^scis Ssirra , Cossop Coixiebt. —We dare not pub - thousand-fold more detestable. doing its duty with less fuel than others. It was kitchen. In reply to a question from the father, the if such plea should be made , and the defendant /ail in lish his communica tion. In the first place he is a deceased in the scene, and who clearly proved¦ ¦ that John Ley, Cabbin gton. — The difficu lty he speaks of placed on the line in January, 1841, in which month prisoner stated that he had been with the deceased i l._ 1!„ _ 1 ' .,11,-.. " -, ... establ ishing it, it is held hy the law to be a gross aggra- perfect stranger to us; and although aU he says of the it ran 112 miles ; and, in the four years it had been .wie line or corn was not nciu ny :\ir. Uarry higher inal offence, and in variahly calls down does exist. The shares could not be transferred with- till twelve o'clock on the night before, aud that they than " -ration ofthe orig Church-parson and his doin gs may be perfectly true , in work, it had run an aggregate distance of 76,860 ' usual. On a post mortem examination Mr. ihe marked rep robation of the court in additional pu- out a stamp, i. e., if the erection was made by a com- then parted from each other in the Bethnal-green- Jefirec ascertained that, although deceased must yet he has given us no means of ascertainin g that such pany of shareholders. But the difficulty may be got miles. The following aro the dbnensions, die, of its road. The prisoner had on at that time an apron, nishment : and the punishment , in case of a conviction , is the case : and the expenses we have been put to, in principal parts :—Its cylinder, 14 inches in diameter, have laboured for some years under glandular disease, must he either imprisonment for any period not exceed- over by the parties forming themselves into a Benefi t which was afterwards taken from hhn at the police- yet the immediate cause of death was the fall, from warding off prosecutions for libel in similar cases make Building Society, and enrolling their rules. Then no and lS-inch stroke ; boiler, 8 feet 5 J inches in length, station.—Thomas Whiter, the father ofthe deceased ing three years ; or a fine ; or both ; at the discretion of us now- hesitate long, and have perfect satisfaction , the injuries tho intestines had received. Mr. Carter stampis required on the transfer of a share. and 3 feet 0i inches diameter; S7 tubes of 1-1 inch, an elderly, grey-headed man, of respectable appear- ike court. I: also happen sthat the only party that Mr. that we are justified hy fact "before we insert sueh com- and six li inch tubes. The dimensions of the fire- then read over the depositions, and the room having O'Connor can reach in this case Is ihe party least to James E. Duncan , and G. Cowley.—Received. ance, who wasfo iTOcrly a licensed victualler, but now been cleared of strangers, thc jury, without hesita- plaints. box are 3 feet 5 inches by 3 feet 31 inches ; height a silk-manufacturer, repeated the constable's testi- blame for the publication of the libels. He can only S. Jacobs , Bbistol. —The publication of the plan would Mas. Ellis' Committee .—All friends desirous of assist- above the bars, 3 feet 4* inches ; area of the fire- tion, returned a verdict of " Accidental death." Mr. -proceed against the proprietor or publisher of the news- ing this law-made widow, and her bereaved orphans mony as to" his application to take the prisoner into Carter, addressing Mr. Barry, said, thc jury entirely be premature. The first thing to effect is to get aU the , grate, 11.24 ; area exposed to radiant caloric, 52.87 ,* custody; and stated that paper in which they appear. Mr. LIoydisboth proprietor Trades to movefor a conference. Get all of them or the are respectfiul y solicited to forward their contributions , upon entering the kitchen exonerated him from any blame whicli might have* , area of tubes in the surface exposed to the contact ol' of the prisoner's house, he found him seated at a table, and publisher. Therefore he is the only person that major portion of them, to take up the questionin earnest t O Mr. T. M. Wheeler, General Secretary, National the heated air, 416.42; dimensions of steam-way to been imputed to him. There is reasou io belieTe tha t he has looking exceedingly pale, and with his head resting can be got at. —and to determine to be represented in the conference. Charter Association ; or Mr. Benjamin Newley, Tre a- cylinder, 11 inches by li inch. The two driving Mu-iier.—For several days, not knowingly sanctioned the inserti on ofthe atrocious surer, 12, White-street on his hands. Witness asked him what he had done The Yarmouth or Then, when this is done, the subjects that ought to be , Bethnal-green-road , London. wheels were 5 feet 6 inches, and-ihe four supporting with his daughter, when the prisoner positively de- perhaps a fortnight, great exertions have been made falsehoods and fabrications complained of ; but that considered on by such conference should be mooted , wheels 3 feet (1 inches each. The engine, in working to find a little girl ofthe name of Meliish, who was he has left the " getting out " of his paper in the nied that he had seen her, either on that night or , and canvassed by the different Trades , thatinst ructions order, without tender, weighed loi tons, and cost the preceding one. Witness then asked him if he said to have told a woman in Yarmouth that she was land of Ms editor , wlto does know the alleged facts to be may be given to the delegates, when chosen , how best MONIES RECEIVED BT MR. O'CONNOR. £1,430. It had, as usual, two safety valves, one at going past Mrs. Candler's house at thc time of thu untrue, scandalous, and malicious;and who therefo re is as knew anything of her, and the prisoner answered to compass the desired ends. An object of paramount executive. £ s. d. the command of the engineman, and the other hini in the same positive way that he did not. Wit- murder, and that, hearing a voice inside, she went much to blame- for inserting the productions as their importance with such conference will be a plan of con- A New Tear 's Gift from the female Cha rtists of placed beyond Ms controul. On examination after and peeped through the keyhole of the door spiteful and venomous author in writing them. Still Mr . ness then observed that that was very strange, and , where solidated organisation ; and any suggestion how this is Rochdale 1 10 Q the accident, the former was found in working order ; taxed him closely on the subject, upon which the pri- she could clearly see what was done inside, and that lloyd is the only party that can he made answerable : to he accomplished will be of aid and service : but we SuBBCHlPTION S. but the spring-box was broken. The other was she clearly saw Royal aud Mapes there. The keyhole and to place Mm iu a position From Kilmarnock soner retracted all that he had previously stated, and where he would have apprehend the framin g of the plan itself should be left , per James Cathey .. ..050 fast ; but this might have been the result of a blow. e y tried by thc magistrates and it to answer with his pers on would be what no man of From Newport , Isle of Wight .. 0 5 7 acknowledged that' he had been in the deceased's has been car full , , to the delegates when assembled. Of course , par ties in Probable Causes of the Accident.—As the nature and company up to half-past twelve o'clock at night, and was found that from the keyhole might clearly be honou rable feeling would attem pt if there was any all parts ofthe country can pre pare what may seem to victim fund. probable causes ofthe accident muat be inquired into, seen what was done inside in tiie direction of the other course open less harsh less harassing in its PromNewyort , Isle of Wight ...... 0 2 10 that he had then parted with her at the corner of , , them thebestp lans for accomplishing such object, and and will, no doubt, be thoroughly investigated, wo Mape-street an murdered woman ; but Meliish, who was only eleven consequences, and more effective for his own purpose,— RECEIPTS PER GENERAL SECRETARY. , d knew nothing further about submit them to the conference : but we respectfully may venture to intimate what appears, from hasty her. Witness was so satisfied of the falsehood or twelve years of age, could nowhere he found. Her the justification of his own character. That course is suggest that harmony and co-operation will be best SL'BSCaiPTION. examination, to be the probable cause ofthe explosion. s. d. s. d. of this declaration that he determined upon giving father, it seems, is an umbrella-mender, and travels open : and Mr. O'Conn or has determined to avail him- secured by refraining from the pub lication of any plan It appears, from an examination of thc copper roof of the county for this purpose commonly bivou acking self of it. He can brin g an action at " emV law ; and Crown and Anchor 0 2 0 Tr uro...... 030 him into custody, which he accordingly did. , until the conference is assembled. We wish to put it Alar ylehonc. ..037 the nre-box, that it must have been red hot, either at to that action the defendant may plead and prove the Manchester.. ,.240 Richard King, a tailor, living in Beckford-strcet, with the cadgers. 'Ike girl, when in Norwich, called. out of the power of any querulous parlies to raise the Norwich .. .. 010 0 Rochdale .. ..088 the time when the accident occurred or at some truth of Ms statements Bethnal-green, stated that he was acquainted with at the station-house, and, telling a tale of great if he cau. If he does so, it is a cry afterwards that the conference was only called to- Colne 0 7 6 Oldham .. ..071 former period. At all events, it has the appearance temporary relief and though complete answer. He has not to show the prisoner, and was in his company one nieht last distress, obtained some , , as in the case gether to give consent to a plan " ready cut and dried" Burnle y .. ..0 9 9J WaterheadMill .. 0 2 6 of having been burned, and there is also tlio further every lodging-house in the city, and many in the 31 tuat pub lication tended to general Mar sden .. .. 060 Heywood .. ..021 week at the Rising Sun public-house, in Waterloo » of an m-ficufi* *! to their hand. It wiU have far more weight with the appearance of an old crack at the place where the Town when a pistol similar in size and appearance county, have;since been visited, and rewards offered that what he has said Barnoldswick ..010 Todmorden .. .. 0 IS 0 , benefit; he has barely to prove Trades generall y, if what is done is wholly and solely fracture commenced, We cannot help thinking that to that produced by serjoant Backhouse was handed to produce her, she could not be found till Friday is true: and if he does so, the plahi Sff Is dris -en out of fhe act ofthe delegates, after collecting all information CARDS and JJoOKg , eleven square feet of flat surface BunuV card .. -J g •} a sjJt with iiet exclamation that "Mr. Carpenter has a daring, mind, and resou rces tendent Taylor stated that he was prepared to prove nounced by the house-surgeon to have expired. Wit- v«lsl audanum.-Mr. F. obje ct let but the same a poison, and that that pmson early on Tuesday morning, by a young man, named j ?S« of Ms own to refute anyth ing capable of refuta- warred with tyranny, and so often seven cases against the prisoner, whose practice h d ness then returned back te the-spot where the woman ¦chemist and druggist, Week-street : wMch have so often Buchanan, James «»-»•, HVI| pre- : W Tapping, a lover ofb hers• ,j now in«¦• custodyVMUWVM J on.WU . °n; and by going to law he would show that he can- be once morally applied been to get admission into different houses, by had been originally found, ailu, on examining it with himself, but Mr. Jenkins been worsted in the conflict , her- Did not know deceased the charge. The inquest room was crowcrnwidedtted almodmostst to defendin himself by argument.' " He would surely armies, and dungeon s will tending that she was cold, and wanted to warm his lantern, he discovered -a large pool of blood ex- -had some conversation in my ii that of he and directed, and Tatadels, knew him, and they to suffocation . Several witnwitnesses -weM^elj^anwldL «¦-. ^•J . the matter ABsmuNCE and beass had Convin ced tha t the sub- self; and on those occasions she had generally con- tending three yards in length down the pavement, rald his object in coming there wjpe**^Snrafai. soon lose their power for evil. shop together. He and after a lengthened inquirylquiry ^th/ ^ on.ee been beat? however Mr. Carp enter , you are above all trived to steal sometliing. The charge was ittfly in the midst of ' , for a female pauper who ^thii^-iSVeOTft^^'fr-IiHA^Wdn. ft For once, , jects upon which we have add ressed Jwhich lie found a woman s patten wasi forborne laudannm , had journed to Monday • J °W hnpudtn ceyiSi willdo that good men proved, and the prisoner committed for trial-. patten next. '• ' * fail you. Mr, O'Con nor " national, sectarian, or party viewe, and aboinVeightor nineinches -further on, another , ¦ [/^^j £^' 3** ' " ~~^';^":*^- ~"" -""- "" ""' ' """ '" ¦¦¦ ¦ . 7' 7' _ ."; .- . . -. ,v. - . ', .. . .. ',-. :¦ .- ¦- :,: .v- : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ Tt 1fl .^, T •r,ml'-b ' • ' ' FEBRUARY V , Nl K ' iSV: ' - . ' ¦ / -/ . - " ¦—¦ "*' " ! ":-' '*' THE NO RTHER N STAR. J *!* ^-5 Town.—On Sunday evening last, Mr. John PRESTON. prevent it. Feeling that there was but one proper Somers At a meeting ofthe Chartists' death, terminatingin paroxysms, which rendered was preparing her master's bed-room fire, heard the Messrs. Sewell lectured at Mr. Duddridge's, Tonbridge- 5 Council of p of .course' for us to adopt, we handed the letter of .The lecturer held on Sunday evening; January 26th if „.„, ®\ 3a&eM& agfoiwc& _ &mt&& »« restraint necessary, and lie was accordingly removed deceased scream, and found her, on the second land- and the receipt strect - Mr. John Hornby in the chair. The nurse-maid was so ' ter- Bell and Hirst over to the Executive : constitutions mously agreed to-" That, taking mto UuV to the Lunatic Asylum at Sutton. There he remained ing, a sheet of flame. communication from our hands was the first delivered a very able address on the const 0 OF past the deceased, without at- of their -which gave great satisfac- the serious charges brought by Dr. M'Doual mtlos - Tffll SlATFOnDSHIEE MUKDE H. — ExBCUTXOX _ afew months, and at the expiration ofthe time came rified, that she ran intimation tliey had that any party, even the most of England and America, Mr. Feargus O'Connor Stafford Saturday Evening. out apparently quite recovered and resumed his avo- tempting to render her assistance. Thc poor creature crowded audience. An unanimous vote ot , we recommend Dowu-aro asd Powts.— , , slender, felt the slightest objection to the course duty tion to a Council to institute th ^t communicataon having been received this morn- cation. He was, in fact, so far restored, that he had followed her down stairs imploring her fellow servant awarded to the lecturer, and the meeting chester an investigation iu 11, —A bad called on them to adopt. Other parties, how- thanks was , believing such charges 0 ing by the authorities, to the effect that the Queen got rid of some eccentricitiesb y which he was pre- to save her, and the latter only escaped being caught , separated. case calculated to -to- •"*-• ot the and ever, did not so act * probably they were not imbued to the Chartist cause if not <,„j having been pleased to respitethe execution viously distinguished, and an opinion was enter- by the deceased by running out ofthe hall door, and bicker- Jan. 28.—A special speedilvntl ?% purpose ot then ran down with a similar desire .to prevent divisions, TunNAOAix-LAKE.— Tuesday, decided." Justly prisonersuntil the 25th instant, for the tained by his friends that a radical cure had been shutting it after her. The deceased ing Useless contests in the Chartist ranks. meeting of the members ot this locality was decision of the judges, housemaid was at work. s, and general gutnuttingacrown case for the effected. His business increased, and for a few weeks into the scullery where the Bell and Hirst had the gratification to know field this evening ;" Mr. G. H. Tucker in the chair. NOTTINGHAM. ahdthat deeision lmving been against the prisoners, This vmmff woman immediately commenced quench- Mcssre. g resolution nothing particular was observable in his manner. that their complaints against the head-officers of their Tho following resolutions were adopted, viz. : — The followin was passed at a no further instructionswould be given to the sheriff. About three months ago Mr. 0. Walker, of Round ing the fire with a wet mop, and it was ultimately put meeting of the Seven Stars locality. ec a o clock to-day for society — and respecting conduct, too,; which has " That the citv locality, in public meeting assembled, Nottinr»l,7 ' ! The sheriff, therefore, fixed twelve Hills, Aston, became possessed of the Rainbow pub- out- by Mr. Ward wrapping a door-mat around the hi in -Feargus January 24th, 1845 ; resolved-" That prisoners were folly apprised, by tliis time had secured general approbation and admiration—werc place the most implicit confidence this aft "* the execution. The lic-honse, at the corner of Adderley-street, Deritend, unfortuuatc woman. The deceased they were in the hands of those officers to despite of the wicked and wilful lies and having heard with regret the ill-treatment arrival of the respite, that they would be except a very small nrint before O'Connor, vbM\f' -sincethe and wMch was formerly occupied by Mr. Minclun. every bit of clothing burnt off, thev ought to have been sent direct. Un the calumnies that have been heaped upon hffil by O'Connor has received at the hands of Dr w % poatrreiv executedthis day, unless a farther respite ' and her screams were heart-rend- whom foul 11 Some alterations being deemed necessary in the pre- portion of her stays, question itself we shall oidy say, that had the Execu- money-mongcring and mushroom Chartists j and and others, feel themselves called upon to ^ or reprieve arrived. The convicts manifested no ing. She was got to bed under Mr. Ward's direc- t ev! ' mises, Mr. Bunny was employed to make them, and, tive consisted of more seekers after ofhee, personal that we tender him our sincere thanks for his inde- their entire and unbounded confidence In him i 8 alarm when apprised, at five o clock, that they would g loyment at the house, became ac- tions, and that gentleman dispatched a mounted has proved himself to be a public s crime of which they had been foundguilty durin his emp at- interest would have led them to act in a far different fatigable exertions in behalf of the working millions. instructor, a wa expiate thc quainted with the barmaid, an interesting-looking servant for Dr. Parrot, at Clapham-common , who Instead of endeavour- hearted philanthropist, and an 1111* by an ignominious death upon the scaffold this day, at in lus power, manner than they have done. " That in the opinion of this locality, it would be ever-detcrniimj and agreeable woman, named Sarah Turner, about tended, and rendered every assistance at the wishes of the minority, they, if were the Executive ponent to tyranny and oppression. That ' twelve o'clock. _ At an early hour thismorning the sen-ices were unavailing, the unfortunate ing to arrive better for the cause of Democracy wc are r 34 years of age. Mr. Bunny being also a well- but his anxious for dissension, would have allowed the dis- of by the Covention." ther resolved, never to withdraw that reverendchap lain visited the unhappy men, and con- e , d woman dying at five o'clock on the succeeding morn- elected bv the members instead confide, looking man, a courtship ensu d an he was puted question to have remained unsettled, until it it advisable to hold a Convention from him while he continues to pursue that tinned with them up to the last moment. Although constant in lus attendance at thc house, comport- ing. The jury returned a verdict of Accidental " That wc deem strni*? ie affectionatelyadmonished them of their near ap- became impossible to agree upon a satisfactoiy mode this year." forward course which he has hitherto so nobit-fi ing himself in sueh a manner as to preclude any death. the Executive body for the ensuing year. lowed ,* aiul wc trust that thc ingratitude" . proach to death, and of the necessity of confessing a.— of electing GRENWICII. a their -ans suspicion that he was, or ever had been, labouring SraciBE at Tin-. Duke of NoaTiuMuuuLMro Having now dealt with the two charges upon which Mr. M'Grath de- intrigue which has been resorted to to CitlmnJf , yet they continued to reiterate the decla- under anything like an aberration of intellect. A man named Holliek, in the service of Mr. Hughes, Lecture.—On . Tuesday evening ration of their the Executive have been arraigned, let us turn for er a ecture 'to . a numerous audience in tho As- and destroy his character, by those whom he k? innocence ofthe crime of murder. At After the lapse of a short time, he made an offer of upholsterer, of Piccadilly, and who was employed liv ed l 3 eleven o'clock they received the holy sacrament in a moment to a consideration of thc manner in which sembly-room of thc George and Dragon Inn. Mr. humanely succoured when in distress, may tern] I maraage to Miss Turner, which was accepted, and with others in preparing the mansion of the Duke of that # awaken the working classes to a sense of the chapel withthe chaplain and govcYnor, and paid was thc Executive have discharged the duties of Sawyers occupied the chair. At thc termination of their k' they then entered into an agreement with Mr. Northumberland for the reception of the family, office to whicli thev were appointed. They have been the unani- and beget a determination to beat down that o|, marked attention to every part of that impressive Walker to rent the Rainbow, and carry on the busi- on Saturday morning, discovered by his fellow-woik- the .lecture, many parts of wliich elicited -.j^' sei-vicc. After leaving the chapel they returned to in now in office for nearly a year and a half. They en- mous approbation of the meeting, the chairman, ac- sion against whicli their champion has so arde^' ness on their own account, in the event of their get- meu to have committed suicide by hanging liimself f i h aud manfully struggled." ' J then- room, accompanied by the reverend chaplain, de- tered upon their unct ons under t e hot fire of a cording to our usual custom, invited discussion ; no ting married. Tliis agreement, wc believe, was duly one ofthe water-closets. For some days past the disappointed faction ; and it appears as if they are who continued his exhortations to their repentance. signed, and was to come into operation on Monday ceased had been labouring under a depression of opponent presenting liimself, the following resolution Delegate Meeting.—At a town and county^ Ju thc to close them under the pop-gun discharge of indi- Abbot and course of the morning Downing said, in reply next. In the interim the marriage of the unhappy spirits, but he had frequently expressed the greatest was ably moved and seconded by Messrs. gate meeting, held iu the Democratic Chapel, o^ toa questionputby lhcreverendgentlemaii, "1 have viduals who are determined to live, though Chartism Morgan :—Resolved, that it is the opinion of this 19th ult., it was unanimously, resolved that a k^,,; couple was arranged to take place on Tuesday last, abhorrence at persons committing suicide. Executive have la- spoke thc truth; it's a hard thing to suffer for other should perish. Thc , one and all, meeting that tho Northern Star and National Trades' one penny per member per month bo paid for tln^ and, pursuant to agreement, they repaired with then Awful Visitation.-—Saturday morning, between an earnestness a zeal, and an activity, folk's deeds ; the lad and mc is as far from it as the friends to Aston church, where they were married ; boured with , Journal, is the only portion of the British Press that pose of defraying the Local Victim Debt. bible is." He afterwards said, in the course of con- ten and eleven o'clock, a young man, a compositor, deserving of the highest praise. From the first hour honestly expounds nothing whatever occurring to indicate an approach of St. fearlessly exposes the wrongs, and versation, " If we suffer wc shall sutler wrongful. We in the employ of Messrs, Saville, tiie printers, of their assumption of office , they have buckled on , tkerelorc, ot LANCASHIRE. towards the return of that terrible disorder from Woodborry, whilst work- thc rights of labour ; this meeting is could na' help what folks said agen us, or thejury which the unfortunate man had formerl Martin's-lane, named John . the armour of agitation, and have traversed the three opinion that every friend of the interest of labour— South Lascasiuiu- Delegate Meetixg. — j-, y suffered. ing at his case and talking to a brother.workman, bringing us iu guilty ; but wc are as innocent as a After the ceremony they returned to tho Rainbow, kingdoms, ably expounding the objects of their mis- every lover of liberty—should rally to the support of delegates from the various localities in South C child unborn;" and Powys, in reply to the reverend suddenly fell down speechless. He was removed with sion. They have allayed those differences under its esta- cashire, in connection with thc National Cl, and in the course of the-followingda y he was observed where he shortly so valuable a journal, and bail with delight *£ gentleman, said, "I am innocent of it." After the all speed to Charing-cross Hospital, wliich they found the cause tottering. By self devo- blishment in the metropolis ; and, furthermore, this Association, met in the Garden-street lecture to be particularly gloomy; but this was attributed to afterwards expired. The medical men attribute liis i^' unhappymen were pinioned, the chaplain asked them excessive drinking, in which he had indulged a lew tion they have inspired a largo portion of the meeting hereby expresses their unqualified confidence Bury, on the morning of Sunday last, Januar$ whether cither of them had any request to make days previously. On Thursday he complained of his death tp apoplexy. community with a like good feeling for the cause. in Feargus O'Connor, Esq., the proprietor of tho 1815, when delegates from the following nV: with respect to their relations ? They both desired head, and walked out seven or eight miles in the Fiue sear Bagxioou-Wells-roap. — On Sunday They have sought for no repose. They have pre- •Star, for the unexampled zeal, energy, and disinter- were present : viz., Manchester, Rochdale, 01#C him to inform their friends that they hoped they country, for the purpose of recovering himself, and morning-a ' fire broke out in the house of Mi*. John sented no anomalous item in their accounts. They estedness which have, up to the present time, cha- Heywood, Bury, Watcrhead-mills, r ° ., to the. . t**rE nocent ; but I can forgive." Downing ascended the man immediately rushed up stairs, and hearing Mrs. turday, about eleven o'clock at night, at one of the agitation. We will venture to assert, that lecturers a conference to be holden at Leeds. On the Sunday delegate meeting." " That Messrs. Rankinyg drop with a hasty step, and placed himself imme- Bunny screaming for help, he tried, but in vain * of the Maison Centrale at Caen. Tin? third traversing the country upon their own account, have evening Mr. Mitchell read Mr. O'Connor's letter ad- Nuttall be the auditors." " That our secrct diatel , to wings arv^l y under thc fatal beam ; and, whilst the execu- force open the door. He then ran into thc street and and fourth stories gave way, and fell upon thc second received larger contributions as their share of agita- dressed to the Manchester Council, when it was re- to thc Star, informing the Chartists of vl tioner was adjusting the rope, said—" Gentlemen, made an alarm, and presently Mrs. Bunny was seen floor, breaking the main beam of that also. The tion, than those supplied for otherwise carrying out solved to wait thc report or decision of that body, empire that the South Lancashire dc!o«ate- *J iere is two chaps going to be murdered ; -we are going more acknow- to at thc bed-room window, calling for assistance. A room contained many old men, one of whom was the whole movement. We have seen wliich wc hope will be speedily given. about bring out a Chartist Ilynin Book ; anljpj to die as innocentas child unborn; we are free fr-om ledged in one week for such services, than has been wish, if possible, that it should contain y ladder was immediately procured and placed against killed,' and two were severely injured ; but thc rest BIRMINGHAM. onl gil it." Powys then ascended the scaffold, aud whilst the window remitted to thc Executive for six weeks together. compositions of an elevating kind. Anv , and Mr. Bunny instantly made his ap- were able to save themselves by hurrying out of then- the Ship Inn, Clianl'l the executioner was mittimr the rone round his neck. pearance, and descended the walls. In We have known A B C D, or E, during a moment of 'Sim* Localitt.—At a meeting at wishing to aid their efforts, would oblige the rll'i by the ladder into thc street, beds and placing themselves close to in the chair, the fol- said "Don]t put the rope so tight; I can't breathe." half dressed, with his throat cut and his person lite- this state of terror they remained for fifteen hours, excitement, to receive more money for their indivi- Steclhousc-lane, Mr. Bcntly gates by sending their contributions to the mxi£M The chaplain then shook hands with Downing, and dual services in one week, than the Executive have lowing resolution was agreed to :—'' That this meeting gratis, on or before tho last Sunda y in rally covered with blood. He was received at the the time required to release tliem , although a great made on Mr. Feljittr i exhorted Mm in thc most solemn manner to tell thc bottom of the bidder by a tho poor received in six ; and we have invariably found that having heard with regret of the attack oonniDtttioiis stiouia uc sent auaresscd to Mr whole truth youth named Samuel Ste- many workmen wore employed. Several of cannot remain silent on thc occasion, Ri^l , as he was about to leave the world; to phens, who conducted him into the shop of Mr. old men arc ill from the effects of the fright. this system of poaching has ended in the denuncia- O'Connor, Radford, 8, Violet-street, Wcleombe-street, Urfe! which Downing replied, "I am not guilty." The tion ofthe Executive, the Northern Star, and Feargus liaving the greatest of confidence in thc honesty of Manchester." " That the Victim Fund Fletcher, a butcher, within a few doors of thc Rain- Fall of a Mouxiaix.—Java papers, of Sept. 28, the men of Man- Coimig-«| chaplain having also shaken hands with Powys, and bow. Here his appearance and conduct left no doubt O'Connor; whenever the " supplies" were likely to that gentleman. And we trust that be requested to publish a balance sheet of thrirVi repeated the exhortation, Powys said state that in the residency ofthe Pranger Regencies, chester will in conformity with Mr. O'Connor's wishes, come and expcnditiu-e from the , "We are of the state of his mind, and, in order to prevent fttr- district gave way run short. last sittiii"- oflil gomgto die for a tiling we know nothing about, and part of a mountain in the Kavang The people have thc corrective for this m their afford the fullest inquiry into the charges preferred Convention : and that the same"bo : ther mischief, Mr. Fletcher had him well secured in and buried several houses with thc inhabi- reqiiettei f S I hope tlic Lord in Heaven will protect us." Down- suddenly, own hands ; let them unsparingly apply it. If they against him ; this meeting not doubting but that the appear in the Star previous to thc last his shop by his neighbours, and he then proceeded to tants under the masses of earth and stone. Consi- the unjust SuucWi ing further said, " I hope it will come out, and that the house of the unfortunate do so, all the mercenary and designing will bundle inquiry will terminate in the disgrace of February." " That the county secretary corro>Hii man, and up stairs to derable portions ofthe Kwassen and Bandjar districts " Tlic Testimonial to T. the country will know that we are innocent, and that his bed-room door. This he found locked, and so out of the ranks, and the principled and devoted and ungrateful slanderer. with those localities who have no delegate preier'P our friends will be released of it." After the caps of the Kahepatjang residency were flooded over about alone will remain. S. Duncombe, Esq., was next considered, and some securely fastened inside, that it was not until after the same period, and 600 houses totally destroyed by in order to ascertain whether thev will go oi^M had been drawn over their faces, and whilst the several efforts by liimself and the servant subscriptions were handed in. Thc following reso- local lecturers' plan." " That tlic next ; of the fire near Diocjokarta. the sub- (lfe l chaplain was proceeding with tiie burial service, house that they succeeded in forcing an entrance. Since the foregoing was in type, wc have received lution was unanimously passed :—''That meeting be held in Ashton-under-Lyne, ou tlitVJIl both the criminals prayed aloud 1 a g scription to the Duncombe Testimonial be kept open and apparently with When, however, they did get in, a scene of the a long letter from Mi . Smith, of Glasgow, det ilin Sunday in February, in the Chartist Room. Cfef great fervour. While they were so engaged, the drop most horrifying description presented itself. thc whole of his conduct from the moment that he until the IGth Feb., and that all persons feeling desi- to be taken at ten o'clock in the forenoon." '%«$ fell, Mis. <8\)mi$t intelligence. are particularly re- aud theworld closed upon their presence. Down- Bunny was leaning against a side wall in her night heard that Dr. M'Douall was to visit Scotland to the rous to contribute to the fund , the levy for the county fund be discontinued fotiai'-l ing ceased at once to live, but Powys struggled for dress, which was saturated from top to bottom end of the " strange meeting ;" a report of which we quested to send their contributions to Mr. J. Smith, month." The thanks of thc meeting in THE EXECUTIVE. were ito/lf several minutes. blood, flowing from a number of wounds in various inserted last week. In that letter Mr. Smith shows Shin Tavern, Steelhouse-lane, Birmingham." given to Mr. Rankin for his able services kiM Executioj " or W.m. Howell for Muhder.—Ips- parts of her body. 'The bedclothes, curtains, and " Can' t you let the litlle creature pull your hair ?" that the act for which he has been so vehemently Lecture.—On Sunday evening last Mr. I nomas chair, and the meeting broke up about four o'efeil wich, Saturday, Evening.—This wretched man ex- floor equally presented a most frightful appearance. blamed by those whose publicly expressed opinions he Olark delivered a highly interesting lecture in the in the afternoon. " m iated bis offence on the " Once upon a time" a very affectionate mother merely reported, was one which duty called on him p scaffold in front of Ipswich She was immediatelyput into bed, and in a few minutes She Democratic Chapel, Thorp-street, to a respectable and Buuy.—The funeral sermon of Mr. John ima gaol, at twelveo 'clock to-day. ITis two companions Mr. Archer, was nursing a baby suffering froin teething. to perform. It is not in our power to give thc letter attentive auditory. surgeon, was in attendance.-and on ex- had another cliild about five years of age, to play with late lecturer for the Miners' Association , aud -A; in crime, Walter Howell his brother, and Israel amining her person he found not less than seven at full length • and this is tho less to be regretted, whom was the baby's greatest delight. One day BRADFORD. lost his life by an explosion of fire damp in a coal-f- Shipley, were respited on Friday; a special messen- severe wounds, which had been inflicted with a knife. because most of the points and facts contained in it at Radcliffe-bridge, baby laid fierce hold on its brother's hair, whereupon, were set forth in the report of the Glasgow meeting, ay was preached on Sunday fe ger from thc Home Office arrived at half-past two Thc poor woman's threat was dangerously cut ; there Ox Sund the members of the General Council in thc Garden-street lecture room o'clock in the moming, thc sufferer having extricated himself from the hands to wliich we have referred. There are, however, one met in their room, Butterworth-buildings, to arrange , to a crnH and delivered the important was a great gash on her left cheek and a deep wound and respectable audience, bv Mi*. W. Dixon, of .% document to Mr. Johnson, the governor. The llev. on her left side, of liis juvenile tormentor, and run away, baby cried or two falsities contradicted in it, which wc must the votes of the members of the Chartist Association and four other wounds on her arms, most lustily; when thc mother exclaimed : " you Chester. Mr. Dixon selected for his text tilt Ik Mr. Pa«rc has becu nuremitting in his attention to back, and legs. He immediately rendered the neces- notice, as wc . happen to know that they have been resident in Bradford and tho out localities. When clause of the fourth nasty little brat .' how cross you are .' can't you let most industrio " in the hope verse in the llth chapter s the condemned criminals, all of whom have conducted sary assistance, and was incessant in his attention usly " whispered about, this was done, it was unanimously resolved—" That Hebrews—" He being dead themselves in an exemplary the little creature pull your hair ?" The foregoing that the " sly insinuation," uttered with " bated the present Executive nauiclv, Feargus O'Connor, , yet spcaketh ; " m manner. When the until he found that there was no immediate danger , which ho spoke for upwards of au hour, during elder Howell (William) entered the gaol about five bears sueh a striking similarity to the good-natured breath," would prejudice the parties who showed a Esq., Philip M'Grath, Thomas Clark, Christopher * , of death. He then visited tho unfortunate husband, yielding expected front ourselves and the Executive time both speaker and hearers werc dcoplv afftcid months since, he was not able to read or write, nor in Mr. Fletcher's house, and found a wound upon his disposition to prefer publie good to individual predi- Doyle, and T. M. Wheeler, be nominated as fit and did he know a syllableof the Lord's-prayer, but by Council of the Chartist Association, that wc consider lections. The letter of Mr. Smith is addressed to proper persons to serve as an Executive for the ensu- i CARLISLE. throat, which he secured, and also some other cuts of it a suiting preface lor what we have to say on the I the excellent regulation of thc prison he had made minor importance, which he dressed ; after whicli, Mr. R. G. Gammage, secretary of the neiv locality at ing year." It was also resolved—" That the thanks Meetlyg of the Couxcil of tub Cuautist As! himself a tolerablyplain scholar, by a close applica- subject of that division, the success of wliich was Northampton, in answer to a note from that gentle- of tliis meeting arc tendered to the Executive Com- ciatiox—On Sunday last Mr. Bunny was removed to thc prison in More-street, built upon the hope of placing us and the leaders of thc above body held tfcai tion to the books that were furnished him by the and there secured. At eleven o'clock Mr. Archer man, as sub-sec, to Mr. Smith, which said note will mittee for the praiseworthy manner in which they | usual weekly meeting in their room, No. 6, lok-f visiting; justices and the chaplain. On Friday- he attended before the magistrates the movement in the situation of the little " cross let the reader know the nature of the said " whispers." have performed their duty, and this meeting pledges street, CaJdewgate, when, after the subscript^ , and stated that brat" who would not stand to have his hah1 pulled to saw his mother and sister, in tiie presence of thc go- there could not be the least doubt of the man's in- Here it is :— to support them to the utmost of their power." wore paid in from the different districts, Mr. ik-| vernor and another officer, and tbe scene that ensued please the baby. Resolved—" That this meeting has implicit confi- Gatie was called to the chair. Mr. sanity ; that he was evidently in a state of great Some weeks ago, there appeared in our columns an Crispin-street, Northampton, Jan. 20, 1S15. O'Connor's leifel may be more readily imagined than described. He excitement, and must be taken care of. In a short Dear Sir,—A resolution was passed by our Council dence in Feargus O'Connor, Esq., and sincerely ten- was road from the Star ,* also, the report of teg addressed them in a religious and penitent manner. extract from a letter mitten by Mr. Smith, of Glas- ders hun then" thanks for his untiring zeal in the Glasgow proceedings, which caused no small time after, Mr. Redfern having additional proof of gow, secretary to the Chartist Association, to one of last night, instructing mc to write to yo u, requesting to deael The chaplain was engaged with him in prayer the necessity of prompt attention to the unfortunate know whether the extract that appeared from your letter couse of the working classes of this country ,* and are of surprise amongst the meeting. The election c/fi-J throughout the whole day, ' the Executive Committee, and deemed by that body not only surprised but shocked at the revelations forthcoming Executive was' also brought bcfo;&| aud from nine o clock man, he applied for and obtained an order for his to be of sufficient importance to warrant publication, in thc Star, was indeed your writing ? Wc take an interest omul nearly eleven thc three criminals were allowed removal to thc workhouse. A car was accordingly iu the affair between the Executive and Dr. M'Douall ; made in the letter of Mr. O'Connor in last Satur- meeting; and Mr. Lomy gave , notice that on ai to meet each other, aud they freely ga e and as well for the defence ofthe character of the Execu- day's Star." The meeting adjourned to Sunday Sunday he would move, " That the Executive ve v nt to their procured, , in company of Spittle and two other tive, as for the protection of the Chartist cause. The and not wishing to entertain un unworthy prejudice against Iscf distressed feelings, after which they entered upon officers, he was conveyed to Lichfield-street, where, either party, we have determined on sifting the matter, iu next, at two o'clock in thc afternoon, when it is pointed by thc different localities, and not by tlicC&| their spiritual devotions. William Howell impres- with much difficulty, extract contained information wliich to withhold requested every councilman will attend, as business ferenee." After some other matters were fafell he was strapped and properly might have subjected the Executive to a charge of order to fiud out the truth. We have some ground for be- sively addressed his brother, and exhorted hini to secured. Indeed, during the drive to the workhouse Ikeing that the extract that appeared from your first letter was of importance will bo brought before tho meeting. over, the council adjourned until the Moral be penitent adding that he should very serious neglect. In a week or two subsequent Sunday. 1 , die happy. the men had great difficulty .in keeping him in the to the puljhcation of the extract referred to, the Exe- not aU of yours. An answer, therefore, to the above ques- Lectuke.—On Sunday evening a lecture .was deli- The prisoner throughout his confinement has pro- car, and preventing liim from further injuring him- tion- will much oblige yours, on behalf of the Council of vered by G. White, on the People's Charter. The Meetiso of the Working Men's Menial k| tested his innocence, cutive, liaving been for a length of time beset with and on Thursday night he self. In thc course of the day Mrs. Bunny was so applications for the substitution of a ' more demo- the new locality, H. 6. Gammage, Sec. audience was respectable, and at thc conclusion pnov-eMEM Society.—The 'members composite tm slapped Turner, one ofthe turnkeys, on the shoulder, far recovered as to be able to state some particulars cratic mode of electing the Executive than that at 3?.S.—Didyou virile to Mr. Clark to the effect that there highly applauded the lecturer. A vote of confidence society held their meeting as usual in the Assta-S and remarked, " I know I deserve to die for thc many ' wag of the unfortunate occurrence. It appears that about present practised, submitted the disputed point to the leas-no necessity for iniMis/uM youv second letter?—R. G. 6. in the Executive unanimously adopted. The tion-room, John-street ; but there being no spe«l| offences 1 have coimuitted, but I declare to God i five o'clock in the morning her husband got out of letter of Mr. O'Connor, in the Star of Saturday, question before them, the evening was passed ova i«| never steeped my hands in human blood. judgment and decision ofthe whole Chartist body; let Mi'. Smith's replies to these very pointed but very " Soon after bed hastily, and locked thc door. In his doiiur so she us now see how those two questions have been was read, and a vote of thanks to Mr. O'Connor, for desultory conversation. It was agreed to, that t^ he observed, " There is a man in thisprison who could s , strange questions are most direct and most conclusive. his past services, and implicit confidence iu him wa awakened and presently heard him say, " My dealt with, as well by ourselves as by persons profess- strange ones, because they iniply , was next Sunday, Feb. 2, at six o'clock, a meetingsIior#| save my life if he liked." This was in reference to a dear, we have lived together, we have loved together, Wc call thc questions carried bv acclamation. be held, with a view to an exposure of the vilkf * smuggler lately apprehended ing strong admiration of Chartist principles. With that either Mr. Clark or the Executive committed -^ , and whom all the con- and we shall die together." He had no sooner, how- as it was our Dr. Handyside, of Edinburgh, who gave his '*K| | demned criminals addressed a letter to respect to tho first matter, we published, forgery and stated direct falsehoods, and that Mr. KETTERING. , which they ever, uttered these words than he seized hold of her ly i d d c ed d g of testimony before the commissioners in that citr.iky entrusted to the reverened chaplain to deliver. On in thc bed, cut her on the throat du to do as the recogn se an ac r ite or an Smith tamely submitted to their doing so. But here Important Meeting.—-At a meeting of the Char- ' , and began to stab her communication for thc Chartist body, the address of arc his replies. In answer to the first query he a man could live on sixpence a week ; and that tmU another occasion he observed, " That man ought to with a large clasppocket-knife in various parts of the tists of this town, held on Tuesday evening last, Mr. his wife, and four children, could live on two s5fv arrival of thc reverendgentleman dispute : wc spoke disparagingly of no one ; we rightly hts of industry, , Turner, the turn- -suicide. It appeals that Mr. Goulding, lighterman left the subject in the hands of those to whom it be- with nearly all communications ; but if I could furnish the rig and a traitor to his country, cality provide a comfortable private lodging io*'-3 key, mquiredif thc prisoner would have any break- and corn-factor, of Hoi*selydown, has a residence at him with a copy of it, he would cheerfully corroborate it. unworthy of being ever again recognized by the town, where the lecturers can regularly resort t« fast, but he declined doing so. The chaplain longed. But did other parties act towards us in such people." , having Olapham-Rise, and a considerable number of servants; manner and spirit ? Were they contented with thc I wrote hun in answer that I had resolved to give myself where the little means thev havo can he maA f ?| remained about an hour-witli'tiie culprit, next pro- amongst tliem was Eliza Daniels, wbo lad been in no more trouble with Dr. M'Douall ; and aU I was sorry to the best advantage. The Dundee Countu Bj opportunity wc afforded them to set themselvesright , . BRADFORD. ceeded to the chapel to prayers, where all the con- that gentleman's service about six or eight months , for was, that I had given myself so much already. I also also done something more than agree to such b^I victed prisoners were already assembled and then when they had done so, to leave tho re- The Executive.—At a meeting of the Chartists of , including as housemaid. She was about 25 years of age, of spective statements of the respective parties in thc stated, that I understood the Doctor had written a private mendation. They have acted on it themselves, ^i Walter Howelland Israel Shipley. The prisoner p p s s g s ppe letter in which he had made au unwarrantable attack on this town, held at Butterworth's-buildings, on Sun- therefore they otfe- re o ses in manner aud a arance, and had been hands of the public, to be decided on as judgment , day evening last—Mr. are in a condition to sayto ' | Joined in the devotional servicewith great earnestness, highly recommended to Mrs. Goulding. During the my private character ; and this was my reason for being Jackson , in the chair—Mr. "Go and do likewise.'' I .and ai the conclusion partook of the sacrament ; his and discrimination should direct ? No. This course,— White delivered an address in defence of the Execu- time she had been in tiie establishment, her conduct the only proper one as far as we can sec,—was grossly regardless whether my second letter was published or brother, Walter Howell, and Shipley also partook oi had been excellent and even up to Wednesday ni not, tive, and the general policy pursued by the Chartist NORTHAMPTON. , ght departed from : and the manner of that departure, body; and concluded b Hie sacrament, and betrayed great emotion and peni- nothing had occurred to excite suspicion. She that y moving the following resolu- Old LocAnrr.—As we have not reported (rf tence. The prayers having been ended with the circumstances connected with it, induces Surelv that question is settled also. And now, wc tion, wliich was seconded bv Mr. Cole, , the two night went to bed late, and about two o'clock on more than belief that and carried ceedings lately, it perhaps mav be thought lff *£ Howells and Shipley, accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Ja something more than mere think, we are fairly entitled to ask Mr. Gammage unanimously—" That the Chartists of Bradford have ' Thursday morning Mrs. Goulding was disturbed by personal vindication was intended. h gave him ground for belief" that that we are dead ; but though we have been re Page, went into thc rev. gentleman's room, which is w o it was that " full confidence in the present Executive, being fully we have not been have cstaw&J a strange noise proceeding from Daniels's room. On In our last number we gave an account of some the Executive were forgers and Mr. Clark a story- satisfied with the zeal and apathetic, for we adjoining- ihe governor's house, at the eastern end procuring a light and going up stairs, a frightful industry they have dis- a school to educate the rising generation ; Wj most extraordinary proceedings at Glasgow, whither, teller. Mr. Gammage don't like " private-letter" layed in discharge 1 of the convict yard. Here it was that they tooktheir scene met her view. The floor of tho room was p the of their duties ; we also con- have devised means to commence a Co-opefj : final leave, and a most distressing scene it appears to us, Dr. M'Douall had repaired, not with writing : will he publish the " private letter" on sider them justified in calling on thc members for ensued. deluged in blood, and the clothes of the girl, who was a view so much of Store in connection with the Association, and J* -From eleveno clock the bell of St. Margaret's Church arraigning Mr. Smith, as to have wliich he and his friends in Northampton founded their vote respecting the Conference." The general in a comer of the room, were likewise satur ated with a shot at thc Executive and thc Northern Star. Why their to Mr. Smith ? We think he is bound fund to supply any of our members with small^j struck at short intervals up to twelve a solemn queries feeling was in favour of liaving the Conference held o« V it ; and there were suspicious marks about the room, this course should have been adopted, wc own our- to do so, in justice to those therein charged with at Leeds. money, instead of their beinsr imposed f death-knell for the criminal, and about the latter which led to subsequent investigation and discovery. pawnbrokers, or any other grasping capitaf'¦ selves at a loss to imagine, viewing it in connection 'forgery, falsehood, and pusillanimity. LEICESTER. hour tiie awful procession was discovered merging Mrs. Goulding, in great alarm, having called for as- with any supposable honest intention. bare justice to Mr. Smith last Monday evening the following rcaolnh* out of tie door-way of the governor' purpose or fair As an act of , we must s house, and sistance, a groom was dispatched for Mr. Dodd, of What the Star had done in this matter, that could at say that the statement of facts he has sent us, is Discussiox.—A meeting of the Hampden locality proposed by Mr. Pebardy, seconded by Mi-. 0on wending its slow progress across thc garden to the Stockwell, surgeon. In the meantime it was dis- all warrant its most jaundiced envier to ask for a certified by every member of the Glasgow Council. was held at Mr. Oades' Room, on Sunday last, for carried unanimously—" That this meeting «L gate-keeper's lodge, in front of which the gallowswas covered that the unfortunate woman had made no vote .of condemnation thc purpose of discussing the question announced that Feargus O'Connor is a hearty and sincere ' -, erected. The Rev. Mr. Pagcwalkedinfront reading , is past our comprehension ; Thc facts generally arc those detailed in the speeches , less than three deep wounds in her throat, from which and why the Executive were to be censured for set- of Messrs. Colquhoun and Sherrington at the recent in last week's Star. The meeting was not so nu- of thc working classes, and that he has don«'^ the burial service, followed by the culprit, who the blood was gushing in streams. Mr. Dodd ting themselves right with the Chartist body, as to merously attended as on some former occasions ; but utmost of his power to emancipate them WL walked with a firm step, and with his eyes turned Glasgow meeting. The P. S. of Mr. Smith's letter attended in a very short time, and having sewed up the nature of thc connection between them and a it being a necessaiy explanation to set him- the best spirit prevailed throughout. At the close of evils under .which they now sutler; that «ev upwards, repeatingin a loud and audible voice thc we give, treact^j . the wounds, Daniels was placed on a bed, and another certain party who they had more than reason to self right with the public, on a point of which dex- the meeting it was agreed that the subject fer next thise with him under the calumnies and prayers. He was a robust young man, 28 years of servant placedby her side for fear she might attempt Sunday evening's discussion should be on " Teetotal- his and our pretended friends ; and wc a«»L age, and stood nearl believe was thwarting and undoing what they had in terous use has been made :— ; y six feet high. He appeared to to open the wounds. Mr. Dodd, on ^examination their judgment deemed it essential for the good of the ism versus Chartism." sec thc determination he has eome to in h'# be in good bodily health, although lus face was palid, P.S. I perceive certain parties are busily engaged in calumnies set at rest. of the deceased's bed, discovered what had before Chartist cause to do, U also most puzzling. However Shakesperean Locality—On Sunday evening last investigated, and thus and to have mwspsspil p-mat. lilivsipjil nmrm TIa wat been suspected that she had delivered herself of a discovering the proper meaning of that portion of iny , so it was. The Glasgow, people were asked to do Mr. Bairstow gave an animating and interesting lec- . TAVISTOCK. ,. dressed in a smock frock, corduroy breeches, and child, which he found rolled up hi the bed-clothes, letter, on the correspondence with Dr. M'Douall and the these things. They pvoperly refused : and so far the ture on " Poverty, Parsons, and Piofitmongers, " The Chartists of Tavistock are of opinion - long leather gaiters. On either side of him walked and quite dead. It was a fine female child, and there purpose failed. Executive, wherein I state my letter to Mr. Clark to have which gave satisfaction to a-crowded meeting. After -^ the governor and thc executioner, the under-sheriffs appears little doubt that it was bom alive, and been 'written unguardedly: for their benefit, and in justice Executive Committee should be chosen by t^'.y So much for thc first branch of our subject ; and the lecture, the propositions of the Executive were Chartist body; and that no tp l and other officers bringing up the rear. On entering liaving been made away with, the mother made the now for a word with respect to to myself, I inform them, that in private as well as public lecturer ought ^ \ the several proposi- discussed and decided on. Our numbers arc weekly tenanced by the Chartist Council a I*' the lodge the prisoner knelt down iu the centre before desperate attempt on her own life. On searching the tions referred by the Executive letter writing, I, on all occasions, write the truth : aud the increasing who is not to the Chartist body. passage referred to is, that had I intended member of thc Chartist body. a stool, and the chaplain continued reading prayers. room, one of Air- Goulding's razors was discovered on There is no question that has given rise to so much meaning of the PLYMOUTH. The culprit during this time prayed with liis hands it for the press, I would have made a better selection of | a wash-liand stand. Mr. Dodd was unremitting hi debate among a veiy important body of the Chartists " The League"—We had another ofthe periodical TRURO. -upraised and clasped together iu a firm but aggrieved his attention to her, but she expired about two as the mode of electing words,—bearing the same meaning,—than those in which the Executive, It is well That was the onl matter I was exhibitions of this body on Friday evening last, Lectuue.—According to public annoum'*t ione. Calcraftpinioned his aims while he was kneel- o'clock on Sunday. The oidy reason that can at pre- known that the decision of thc last h my letter was couched. y Conference, t at sorry for. J. Smith. accompanied by the usual twaddle of tho immense lecture was delivered in the United Ins!f, - ing. He took no notice of those who smTounded sent be assigned for thc desperate act is the fear the Executive should be elected by the Delegates advantages that would t occur from " Free Trade." Truro, on Wednesday evening, Januaiy ns him,hut ascended he ladder unassisted, and with a which operated on the mind of the deceased at the annually assembled, failed to give general satisfac- LONDON. The lecturer, G. . Calcraft having adjusted the fatal noose, exposure. An inquest was holden on Monday before Soltan, Esq., on this occasion halt-past seven o'clock, bv Mr. W. M'Gratn- , firm step. | tion ; and that many times and oft has the question Metropolitan District Council, January 2Gth ; tacking " National Education" to thc usual meeting was well ' W and drawn a cap over his face, he continued to move Air. Carter, coroner, at the Bedford Anus Tavern, been mooted in the several ' nostrum, attendcd by thc sons of localities, to theovcedhlii Mr. Mills in thc chair.--Mc3sra. Simpson and anxious to make his audience believe that that good sprinkling f ^ his hands and pray aloud. Immediately before the Clapham-Rise. The facts of the case having been of much contention and no little division feeling. would of the middle classes. >- ; 'k of Wheeler reported from the Duncombe Testimonial be a consequence of " Free Trade 1" The lecture Skewes, jun., or to t»' > drop fell, he said with great emphasis to the mob, deposed to, Mr. Dodd, thc surgeon, in answer to a Anxious that thc opinion of the majority of the , of Camb ne, was called committee ; the report was received. Reports were in tact, was anything but a lecture on " Free Trade." and opened the business with an excellent -H j " Sly dear friends, I die innocent ofthe crime laid to question from one of thejury, said, " I am of opinion Chartist body should be taken directly on "this par- also delivered from Hammersmith , Somers Town, The lecturer stated that " the abundant harvest had Mr. Longmaid followed with a stirring me; that is all I wish to say to you." The drop that the sufferings ofthe mother, added to the shame ticular - and important matter, they suggested that Westminster, - and Camberwell, all in favour of elect- apl'%^ and the wretched man was launched into and remorse, produced frenzy, during which she per- caused a'lull in Free Trade agitation." We presume townsmen to be up and doing in the cause "'" j , then tell, the several localities should call special meetings to ing thc Executive by thc whole people ; and all, etenuty'without making scarcely a perceptible strug- petrated the murder of her infant, and afterwards this is to account for their not holding any meetinc- of Mr. M'Grath being next introduced, dfaPv 1 Bpecially consider tho point ; and after due delibera- except Camberwell, werc of opinion that it was not late de,/The body having been suspended an hour, was cut destroyed herself." During the course of the pro- tion, come to a decision which should be binding on , although on occasion of the preceding meeting moat able lecture,-eliciting tremendous wf 'J advisable to hold a Convention at present. The they pompously Cabmc'- {, -down, and buried within the precincts of the gaol. ceedings, Gibbons, thc summoning officer , informed all concerned. It is almost impossiblo to imagine Council then adjourned. announced in their organ " the Mr. Waddington, a journeyman defeat of the Chartists." Alas! spoke after lied-0 It was calculated that there were above 12,000 spect- the coroner that the father of thc infant was in at- how exception could be taken to such a course : and another such a Mr. M'Grath, and was rep l.^. ators present, a majority of whom were females and tendance. The jury said it was unnecessary to ask yet we regret to find that it is even week Little Town.—The Chartists of this locality held victory on their part, and they will be no more. Tliis gentleman, to the sat isfaction - of the w« Jfi so. Last their weekly meeting as usual on chairmi« boys'. the father any questions, as he knew nothing of the Mr. Wm. Bell of Heywood, and Mr. Ambrose -Hirst Monday evening. was all but verified.on Friday last, when, after Messrs. vote of thanks to the lecturers and The. members present gave in their votes as directed Robertson, Smith Ml-MIER — dreadful transaction. The Coroner summed up, and of Oldliam, sent to us a commumeation, complain- , Blackmore, Giles, and Lockwood eluded the proceedings. ATTRXfPTEn AXTfl SUICIDE AT BinMLVGHAM. returned a verdict—That the mother, Eliza by the Executive ; after wliich thc affair of Dr. had replied to the fallacies of On Friday morning, between five and six o'clock, the jury ing that the Executive had manifested a desire to the Free Traders, ", destroyed herself in a fit of insanity. M'Douall and Mr. O'Connor was introduced to the the chairman at the conclusion rose ST. IVES. the inhabitants of Deritend werc alarmed by an Daniels collect and act on public opinion, and treating it as consideration of the , arrogating to Death of a Servant by Fire.—On a gross breach of duty. Now we do hot say that members, which ended in a vote himself praise for the'' impartial manner" in which he Lkczuke. — On Tuesday afternoon Mr* .^Lp attempt made by Mr. Bunny, a carpenter, to hill his Dreadful- of confidence in F. O'Connor Saturday afternoon an inquest was held at the Falcon these two gentlemen had not a right to think , Esq., with a determi- had always acted in the chair, gravely announcing at addressed between five and six hundred Fy wifeand afterwards destroy liimself. The unfortu- nation to stand by him and the Star of pest la? nate man, it a , Wandsworth-road, before Mr. Carter, upon the as they did : but : we do say, that to send Liberty, so the same time that for the future he would exert his the wharf, who listened with the dee ^] ppears, is a native of Coleshill, but has Inn ; long as they continue in their straightforward influence to his exposition wrongs ot *» ;$ -•resided mBinnmghammany years as a small master body of Mary Spencer, cook in theservice of William such a commmucatvon to us, or to any public course, stop these proceedings. The humbugs of the rights and " labouring in the cause of Labour's ri dare not hear Labour. At the conclusion it was annoP" S carpenter. He rented some shopping at the rear of Ward,. Esq., an East India merchant, residing in newspaper, was most , improper. These parties ghts. the truth. , w f j whose death was oc- had a right to take exceptions if they thought proper : Stkatf oni>. —Mr. Wheeler lectured second lecture would be delivered at the / -Mr.i Blissfa, Spread-eagle, ,in Smceal-strect; and Lavender-sweep, Battersea, on Tuesday DERBY. weatne'f a although it was known her clothes being set on fire by the spirit but they ought to have sent their complamts to evening, to a good audience, at the Temperance at six o'clock in the evening. The to some of his customers that casioned by Thc following resolutions mido he waso ccasionally of unsound mind, he was never- of camphine, which she had incautiously ignited. It the public body whose policy and acts they called in Coffee-rooms, Stratford. The chair was ably filled were passed at a general unfavourable, Mr. Tabbert, a lcf'^ by Mr. meeting held at Chester's Coffee-house, Market for thelessena bled,by attention and that adroitness with appears from the evidence adduced, that on Wednes- question. We presume their object to have been to Charles. At the close of the lecture an ad- Omaston- granted the use of thc Corn 0*^ dition road, Derby, on the 26th of Jan. :—" First. That it notwithstandmgthe inclemency otw t which persons labouring under his unfortunate day ni°ht week, about ten o'clock, the deceased cause further deliberation on the matters they spoke was made to the members of the locality. which, ^ malady concealtheir poured some of: and .this could not be best is the opinion of this meeting the Executive Commit- was excellent. Mr. Guscott, of ?cm infirmity, to command a very having no candle to go to bed with, ' secured by sending Saffron Hill.—At a meeting held at Hopkinson' ^j kt$ •rood trade, and enjoy their complaints tlirough s tee should be elected by the members of the Associa- pointed tothe chair, who ha-vingin aniasw f a the esteem of those who knew spirit of camphine into a tea-cup, and placed a thin the columns of a. news- Coffee-house, Little Saffron-hill , on Sunday, it was -^ bwx. la the summer of 1813, he ana was , instead of directly to the tion. Second. That it is requisite to hold a Convention opened 'the business of the meeting, , however, became floating wick therein. Tliis she lighted, paper parties whose atten- resolved unanimously— " That tins meeting bavin" -^ hof] much^ worse, and conceived the notion that he had proceeding pirit suddenly tion was sought. If controversy, and not deliberation this year ; and that the place of its sitting ought to came forward, and spoke for upwards or' cf I up stairs, when the s , for a number of years placed the greatest confidence be London. been poisoned by some person, and could not live. caught fire, and the deceased, in endeavouring to put was aimed at, there was a certain mode to secure it: m Feargus O'Connor Third. That we, the Chartists of Derby, the principles of the Charter. A 1 « ,{»| ••The result , Esq., can see no reason for will not receive was »»" of this idea was a constant apprehensionit out, set fire to licr clothes. The nurse-maid, who if it was not wanted, there was as certain a mode to withdrawing that confidence." any lecturer except he be a member National Charter Association | of thc National Chartist Association." a- auspices favourable to its future prospw l845 ' vnassm h - THE NORTHERN STAR. ' 7 attti former experiment, and mixed Ireland, and only a moderate display of beang iedtuve f&otftctttttt ts with saw-dust in below it. The workmen proceeded almost inch by fabric of Protestant ascendancy. If you mean t, as in and thc majority of their brethren, might be successively or peas,, aqr Oblong heaps—a method by ^ the quantit offering which an equal quantity inch, ..stopping down the quicksand the instant it policy as wellas justice y5 sll arrive. A careful eye will have detected the saw-dust may be converted into this useful manure at tions by the telescope, so as to ascertain thc conditions her rightful title. Of what inconsistency and confusion others, in the pit, and had made a large excavation '- ^ under a bed of coal and also were removing the top Scotch Angus 22 24 Potato 24 26 ennptoms which indicate some unsoundnessat the thc rate of ab mt one penny per bushel. of different parts with respeet to the frequency of the is not bigotry productive ? You would fain confer on , Irish White 20 22 Black 20 22 ji\, stars. The result has been a conviction, that as the or soft coal from above, as a preparation for blasting L and all plants showing .suchsymptoms should be A New Bakust.—In July, 183S, Mr. Noble observed some of our bishops a Parliamentary jurisdiction which Pev 2801h. net. s s Per 280 lb. net. s s isoked out aud re-potted. Set the plants, when re- planets are parts of solar systems, so are solar systems with gunpowder, but before all was in readiness the Town-made r'lour ... 42 44 Norfolk & Stockton 33 34 a single ear of barley in a field of theDunlop species, , you are incompetent to give, and deprive others of their h they saw it 1) i«ttcd, in the most favourable position for light and parts of what mav be called-astral systems : that is, apbstolicar jurisdiction, whicli. you are as incompetent to portion of coal gave way, and althoug Esses and Kent .... 34 35 Irish S- 30 wliich, from its marked difference from those around systems composed of a multitude ofstars, bearing a cer- coming, it fell upon the three ill-fated men and free. Bond. air, and for some time water sparingly. The green- it, as well as from any in the f. take away *, and, by way of indemnifying the one for the neighbouring elds, he tainrolationto each other. The astral system to which crushed them to death ; the other three escaped unhurt. Foreign. ' ' s s s ioase may be freely vcntDated every day while the supposed might turn out indignity of master slaves, to which you labour to degrade Flower Gar- to be a new species. When we belong 15 conceived to be of an oblong flattish -form, In as short a time as possible they werc got out, but Wheat, "ilant sic, Koni-p-burg, &c 52 (10 3fi 40 Tcather continues open and mild. The ripe this car was secured, and the following years them, you give them a ministerial license of making a —Marks, Mecklenburg 48 54 32 35 „*&.—Continue to plant out evergreen and deciduous with aspace wholly or comparativelyvacantin the cen- similar invasion on the apostolical ri were quite dead sw\d much mutilated. Two of the " the grain was sown in a garden, when it was found ghts of their and havelcftwivesand families; Danish, llolstein, and Friesland red 44 47 2S 30 snubs, roses, &c. The pruning also of all thc orna- tre, whilethe extremity in one condition parts into two. brethren. You expect that they will do all this to prolong sufferers wercmarried, , Hard 44 40 Soft ... 44 47 2G 28 that tiie produce retained all the peculiarities of the The stare are most tliickly sown in the outer parts of tbe other was unmarried. A young man named -Russian mental shrubs, roses, he surface of the beds are dry fasten the plants. which remains up to the time of ripenmg without pursue a wavy course round the ring/com west to east, was otherwise dreadfully bruised, but fortunately tolerably numerous, yet thc beef trade, was in a very - the least tinge of brown, a colour, more or of the disorders into which a privation of that light which Journal. . sluggish state, at a decline in the currencies obtained fliBOT Fhot ASH jklTCfiEX Gab-bex.—The late crossing and rccrossing the middle 01 the annular issues from the Apostolic See has so long plunged the none werc killed.— Worcester rains have been "favourablefor newly-planted less observable in all the other varieties; 2nd, the e s on this day se'nnight, of 2d. per Sib., the highest quo- heavy circle. " Some stars will depart mare, others l s , population of England. If so, then we should hail such tation obtained for the best Scots not exceeding 4s. ireeC by washing down the liner particles of soil from strength oft he straw, which is much greater than in from either side of the equilibrium, according to thc the common kino's; and 3rd, the greater distance of a feeling, and help their faint and tottering steps in re- _uinltnipt0f •&(¦? per Sib. As might bo expected, tho imports of live ihe surface amongst the fibres. In the Kitchen-gar- places in which they are situated, and according to turning to the light and merciful consolations of that pa- den proceed with the usual routine of trenching and the_ grains from each other than in the ordinary the direction and the velocity with which they are stock from abroad continue small, they having varieties; so that, for example, an ear of the new ternal home from wliich they have been so long straying. BANKRUPTS. amounted, during the week, to only thirty beasts.and prejs iriiig for spring-c-rops. Earth up peas slightly put in motion Our snn is probably one of those Oh! no; it is the envious feeling of the fallen spirit at ss they apuear above the ground. Seakale and sue- varietywith 12 grains on each side, will be found whicli depart furthest^ from it, and descend furthest (Fr om Friday' s Gazette. Jan. It.) sixty-two sheep from Holland. To-day only a few fullytl u*ee-quartersof an Inch longer than one with the happiness springing from truth and union ; and their William Dettmcr , Upper Srary lebonb -street , jdanoforte- head were on sale here, and which were in middling coiT jiiay be taken up and put in any dark place to into the empty space within the ring." According to tongue, like his strives to dart forth in glozing flattery * y of the same number of grains in either the Chevalier or this view a time may come when we shall be much , manufactnrer—Henry Isaacs, Yarmouth, Norfolk, wool- condition. From Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Cam- forward and branch. Lose no opportunit , the venom of destruction. They may spare themselves raper—George Hawkins Colchester clothier—Iional living full air to young lettuces and cauliflower early English barley. The advantages of this barley more hi the thick of the stars of our astral system len-d , , bridgeshire, there were received oOO Scots and home- are its superior productiveness; its length of straw ; their officious solicitude about the conduct of the Catho- W-itling, Cilbert-streetj-Hanover-square, butcher—Samuel ta-ft-As *, tvo\ft liwcoliwluYc, Ij cicestershh-e, and Nor- plants in frames or in hand-glasses. Guard the than we are now, and have, of course, much move lics of Ireland. In thc fight for their faith tho Irish Sinoetou, West Smithfield, cattle-salesman—Joseph E vans, former from birdswhen the sashes arc off;^ and young its tillering properties ; the distance from each other brilliant nocturnal skies ; but it may be countless Boui'ton-on-the-IIill, Gloucestershire, innkeeper. thamptonshire, GUO short-horns ; from the western at which tbe grains are placed in the ear which is Catholics ave no raw recruits. Thanks to the persecu- DIVIDENDS. and midland districts, Soil Hcrcfords, runts, Devons, crops from slugs. Ac. , ages before the eyes whicli are to see tliis added ting policy of England, and thc atrocious code of her san- a recommendation in damp climates, as the moisture resplendence shall exist.— Vestiges of the Natural • Feb. 14, J. Overington, Arundel, plumber—Fob. 14, J. il'c.; from other parts of England, 400 of various Potatoks.—1 have" observed lately, says a corres- guinary edicts, the Irish Catholics, in defending their Burgess, Cratfiehl, Suffolk, farmer—Pub. 14, T. Sherwood, breeds-; and from Scotland, 190 horned and polled -pondent of the Observer is not so easily retaiued as in a compactly constructed History of Creation. , thc result of some experi- ear. faith, have been made the most practised champions Tilch urst, brickmaker—Pcb. 15, C. Tap'p, Wigmore-strcet, Scots *. the remainder- of the bullock supply being ments which had been made in raising potatoes; and upon earth ; and they have not combated so triumph- Marylebone, coachmaker—Feb. 14, J. T. Maund, Birming- chiefly derived from the neighbourhood of the metro- Extiiaordixabv IV..—A fine pig, of the small ham' lacemtin—Peb. 19, .1. L. Heathorn, Abehurcli-Inue, Mia trials which I have also made, I entertain no THE IKISII MOVEMENT. antly and so long without . the conviction that they , polis. The numbers of sheep were* only moderate, doubt but- that planting whole potatoesof a middling breed, belonging to William Hornsey, of Ingleby hs to their unexampled fidelity City, shipowner—Feb. 14, W. Broome and W. Hardy, Ox- ' owe their signal triump foru-strcct, drapers—Feb. 18. W. Morrison, Globe-street, for all.breeds we had an improved enquiry, at fully, size is bymuch preferable to those which are cut. In Greenhow, aud bred by Sir Wiliani Foulis, Bart., TO THE BIGHT 1SQX. SIR 1M>H*EIIT PF-i'I/, LAItT. to that holy chief whom their Master placed over the weigh- Wapp ing, cooper—Feb. 18, J. W. llobey, Upper John-street, but at nothing quotable beyond, last week's prices. dry ground, or in ordinary seasons, thc latter, no was slaughtered on Tuesday, the 7th instant, St. Jnrlath-'s, Tuam, Feast of St. Timothy, 1845. church for their guidance. They will then cling—as Fitzroy-squarc, builder—Feb. 20, J. and S. Owen Shef- ly of which was small, ing the astonishing wei ht of 52 stones 14lb. to the , Calves, the supp met a firm doubt, grow very well, but there is always a loss g , Sin,—Wliilstyou survey nftii singular satisfaction the their pious ancestors have done—to thc rock of field, merchants—Fob. 0, M. Scary, Swrdur , Flintshire, demand, at fully last Monday's quotations. Prime by cutting in pieces the large potatoes, while thc stone. wide extent of spiritual bondage over Great Britain, you Peter; they shall labour, too, for thc peaceful recovery of maltster—Feb. 14, E. Davies, Great Crosby, Lancashire, small pigs sold readily, other kinds slowly, at- late others are ready,arc not so valuable, and have thc skin are doubtless mortified by the painful contrast of the spi- all those rights of which , on account of their attachment black smith . BANKRUPTS. rates. entire. In damp or wet ground not thoroughly Science att « ritual freedom of Ireland: and, -insious for the diffusion to the chair of Peter, they have been deprived ; nor shall Bv the quantities oi'Slb., sinking the oflal. drained, or in cold backward seasxm-*, where vege- ant * of this religious thraldom, you fear that its reign cannot they suffer any power of Parliamentary creation to inter- (From Tuesday' s Gazette.) s. d. s. d. tation is checked, thc cut sets parch and never Allen Hurrcll, Park-place, St. John's Wood, wine-mer- , EnncATiox i>- the East Indies—At a late meet- be permanent or secure until thelight of its Catholic faith cept one particle of thai homage wc all owe bis Holiness, Inferior coarse beasts . . . 2 8 2 10 grow, so that blanksof some yards are very visible; or of that spiritual jurisdiction of which he is the best chant—Charles Moore, St. John-street. Clcrkenwell, carver .Second quality . . .' 3 0 3 4 " ing ofthe Statistical Society, Colonel Sykes, F.R.S., is extinguished in a country so contiguous as to be likely William Smith and Robert Smith, Jlow-lano, City, ware- , • (J whilst the drills planted withwhole potatoes are as to become contagious. It is not the first time that Ire- guardian. And, allow, me to ask you, who are they who — Prime large oxen . . 3 o 8 Vice President, in the chair, the chairman read a housemen—Charles Bun-age, Kcwgatc-mnrliet, enrenss- Prune Scots, &c. . - ¦ . 3 10 4 0. closeas a hedge. I have also made some experi- land, an exception to the swrwwlmg servitude, TOusea in reality are maldng inroads on the power of tbe Pope, bu tcher—William Fairclough, Liverpool, victualler — • • ¦ ments as to the bestand easiest paper respecting the statistics of the Educational Coarse inferior sheep . . . 2 10 3 0 mode of Ticcping Institutions of the East India . the. envy ofthe despots who doomed its liberty to destruc- and striving to make a mockery of his jurisdiction ? Is Charles Maxwell Wilkinson, .Ulvcrston, Lancashire, wine- Second quality 8 2 3 0 ihe one crop of potatoes in a proper state for use Company in India. merchant — John Kelsiill, Hanley, Staffordshire The institutions date from comparatively so recent a tion. Such was the policy which, we are told by Tacitus, it we, who constitutionally labour for the repeal of thc , fish- Prime coarse woolled . . . 3 . 8 40 until the following crop is ready. Persons residing .Agrippa had in contemplation. Bequests Act, which is repugnant to the canons of the monger. Prime Southdown . . . . 4 2 4 1 period that the Hindoo College at Calcutta, the most lie despaired of esta- DIVIDEND in thc country who have frames of glass, can have blishing the dominion or' the imperial arms over Britain church, and not in accordance with the principles of the . Large coarse calves . . . . '18 4 0 ancient amongst them, with the exception of the eb. 20, ft. 0. Smith Ken sington builder. potatoes veiy early; and -they can also have old pota- and Galedouia as long as Irish freedom was, in the lan- Catholic religion, or those who, without consulting the 1' , , Prime small 4 8 4 10 Sanscrit College at Benares, was only in its twenty- UXLESS CAUSE BE SII OV- .V each .- . . 13 0. 30 v toes kept in pits in the earth, &c; bntpeople resid- guage of the ancient historian, mthin view ; and you Holy See, strive, tyrannically, to enforce so penal an enact- CEKT IKIOATES TO JIE GItAXTED , Suckling calves, the lower classes eighth year In lS-M, and that many of them are only TO TIIE OO.VTKAKV ON THE DAV OF MEETING. Large hogs ...... 3 « . 4 0 V*g in towns, especially, have no of two or threeyears too, improving on liis policy, despair of perpetuating the ment ? Before the commission was named wc sought, Xeat small porkers ... 4 2 4 »; inch conveniences. Li the spring, when the potatoes ' standing. The materials used Peb.-lS, It. Cohnan and. E. 11. Hull, Colchester, iron- by Colonel Sykes were derived from the official worse despotism of heresy under wliich the once favoured as was the duty of Catholics, that this questiou should be founders—Pcb. li), T. G. Martin , Cold Harbour-lane, Cain- Quarter-old store pigs, each . . 10 0 20 l> begin to grow, they send out long;shoots , and when land of England groans, as long as the light and freedom referred to the decision of the Holy Father. . We were bevwell, -.vine-merchant—Feb. 18, J. Stephenson, Bradford, HEAD OF CATTLE OK SAtE, ' theseave removed others succeed—the root all the reports of the several boards of. education to their . respective governments, for the years 1S4I to 1844, of the Itomaii Catholic faith burns with such steady told, why refer to the Holy Father a question regarding Yorkshire, macMncinnlcer—Feb. 19, W. S. Drury, Chester, (From the Books off lie Clerk of flic Market.) zluie shrJvellini? and wasting its substance. An strength and lustre in the neighbouring Island. mere temporalities ? Such was the .unceremonious way ironmonger—Feb. IS, A. W. Pollock, Liverpool, commis- way inclusive. The vernacular languages taught in the sion-merchant—Pel). 20, E. X. Wilson, Hatley Chit, York- Beasts, 3,032—Sheep, 24,420-Calves, (il— Pigs, 370. effectual of kBlmg the vegetativepowers at that respective schools appear to Hence the untiring exertions of that Protestautasceu- in which the authority of Rome was treated. The people period (and no sooner!,occurred to me. Theheat of be Oordoo, Hindoo, shire, common-brewer—Feb. 10, E. Hemming, Astwood- Bengalee , dancy, still so hostile, to extinguish a religion which is a meet, resolve, denounce the unconstitutional encroachment hank Worcestershire manufacturer—Feb. Hay Markets.; —Smithfielu.—Course meadow boiHngwaterbeing 312 degs., and thrceniinutesbeing , Ooreah and Burmese. Of .the several , , needle- IS, J. £¦! institutions, the Medical CoUege presents the unex- living reproach to the revolting errors that disfigure the on their civil rights. They are told that they violate the d. Webb, Rosamond-buildings , Islington , lninera l-water- hay, £6 10s to £4 I0s ; useful ditto, 12s to £5 3a; mfiicient to boil an egg, the question came to be, how face of England. W'itness the lamentable fruit of those obedience due to their spiritual superiors by their deli- inanufacturcr—Feb. 18, 1). Jones, Birmingham, victualler. lino upland ditto, £5 4s to &o Ss; clover hay, £i 10s short- a time would effect the present object ; and an pected and singular feature of turning out accou- cheurs, surgeons, and anatomists from almost every errors in Die entire disorganisation of what is termed the berating and resolving on a matter which they should DECLAKATIO SS OF DI VIDENDS. to SO; oat straw, .€1 12s to £1 lis ; wheat- straw, immersion till aperson could count six/seems amply Church of England, and in the hideous intestine discord leave to a spiritual tribunal. Thus the Pope must not de- It. Williams, Famngdon, Berkshire, grocer, first divi- £1 14s to £1 10s per load . A moderate supply, and caste, and Mahoiumcdans as well as Christians, ' sufficient. This might betcsted exactly, and be done wluch Colonel Sy by wliich its crazy .frame is falling asunder. Witness, cide, because it is a temporal matter ; the people must not dend of Is -3d in the pound, any Wednesday, at the o/lice a^sluggish demand. en a large scale wifJi a copper and netted bag. Pota- kes states, is to him, " with his forty of Mr. Follett, Sanibrook-court, Hasinghall-strcet. " years' knowledge, a marvellous change the natural too, the dreadful immorality which is their offspring^ and decide, because it is a spiritual concern ; and during tliis Whiteciiapel.—Course meadow lmy, £3 10s to toesso serred keep for many weeks quite plump and , unprinc ipled and sophistical shifting, S. Sly, Kouverie-street, Fleet-street, engraver, linal di- as well as religiousrepugnance which must have been the prevalence of those unprovoked and gratuitous crimes the prophecy of a vidend of 3Jd in the pound, anyAYednosdiiy, at the ofiiee M- l°s j useful ditto, -6-i 12s to £5 ; fine upland ditto, fre-h, and until new ones could be got in the -market overcome in these castes bearing which, in despite ofthe insolence of its journalists and the celebrated writer is sought to be realised by Ihe erection of Mr. Follett Suinurook-eourt, liasinghall-street. £5 .'fs to £5 Ss; clover hay £4 Us to -C6 ; oat- straw, at a reasonableprice. This strong testimony to , plan may also be USCfili the changes that can be effected homage which wealthy nations are sure to extol, even of a ministerial and political Papacy in our own kingdom, J. Smith and II. Titford, lung-street, Snow-hill, engrav- .-£1 I2s ; to £1 14s ; wheat' - stra w, £1 14s to for preservingthem longer fit for use in the native at sta, where mind." The Bhagulpore Hill School, which was unto the palliation of their vices, have made the moral directed by the nod of the Premier, disregarding on one ers, first dividend of 4Jd in the pound, any Wednesday, at £1 10s per load. Trade on tho Avhole, dull, at the vegetablesave not to be had. condition of England a word of hand the authority of the Pope, and on the other striving the office of Mr. Follett, ' Snmbrook-court, Bnsuigh.ilf- established to improve thc moral character ofthe warning over the civilised ; .. .. -. above quotations. world. Are yoa ambitious to to crush the religious and political rights of the people. strcet. ScBsnTCTK tor Hat.—Tiie writer of a letter from rude tribes of these hills, has been eminently suc- 'sink Ireland to the level IT. Titford, King-street, Snow-bill, engraver, first ilivi. Meat Mabreis.—Sobtiuix, Jan. 29.—Although Newtown, near Worcester, says—"As every proprie- cessful, although it had to contend with the difficulty of the same degrading social materialism ? Should you Whoever reflects on the career of Mr. Anthony Blake, dend of 2s id in Uiu pound, any Wednesday, at tlio office the supply of stock here this morning was seasonably- tor of c-attk*13 anxious at the present crisis to make of the people having n language of their own, and succeed, instead of the occasional oii'I/i'MiRs of revenge his evidence before a committee in the House of Com- of Mr. Follett, Sanibrook-court, liasiiighail-street. . good, the demand was tolerably steady, and last j ic most of his prorenda', and as some of your agri- the necessity of first teaching them Hindoo. Col. which humanity abhors, and which would have been fre- mons, and his being a member of this commissi on, roust B. Brigh t, Y?igmorc-sircet, licensed victualler, first divi- week's quotations were supported, llcef, from 2s lOd cultural readersmay not- lie aware of the advantage Sykes considers tliat the opinions expressed in the quent, were it not for the incessant influence of religion (unless the commission be speedily dissolved) entertain dend of 2s Cd iu the pound, any Wednesday, at thc office to is ; mutton , 3s lOd to 4s 'Id ; veal, 3s 8d to is Sd ; serious fears for the continuance.of thc Pope s substantial of Mr. Follett, Samhrook-eourt, Basinghall-stveet. ' of mixing turnips and turnip-leavesor tops with straw reports alluded to, that the Mahommedan population and its priesthood, you would witness a fierce spirit of ' ' City, merchant second divi- and pork, 2s lOd to 4s id per Slbs. Supply :—beasts, national indi gnation which not two nor al) tbe spare authority in Ireland. When I consider that he has been 11. Mitchell , Lime-street, , tjtaff, 1 talcc the liberty of calling the attention of are averse to receive European instruction, are not , , dend of 9d in the pound, any Saturday, at the ofiicc of Mr. 40 : sheep, 1,200; calves, 41 ; pigs, oi. ri-osc who are at fault for Lay, and arc fortunate borac out in the number of the returns. The total legions within your command, could repress. Ho much Is the old advocate of Ihe veto, and of every measure for fet- Green, Al derm anbury. llosiFOun," Jan. 2!}.—Prime mutton and veal conxr ta&ugh to hare a few turnips, io" the subject, as I pre- number of students is 8281 ; there are 1653 Mahom- the tranquillity of the country and the stability of the tering the fr eedom of the Catholic church , the pliant,and R. lletheringtoii, Ellen-grove, Cumberland, tanner, fi rst nianded a steady sale, at full prices ; but otherwise sume they would find it answer very wefi as a substi- throne beholden to the pious and disinterested exertions dexterous follower of every successive Administration, and final dividend of 4s 2d and eight-fifteenths of a penny the trade ruled dull. Beef, from 2s Sd to 4s ; mutton, medan students to 6035 Hindoo students. Some , tute for hay. I have adopted fhe plan of cutting up have calculated the Maliommedaii population as low of its calumniated priesthood. whether.Whig or Tory, the self-appointed patron of May- in the pound , any .Saturday at ihe office of Mr. Baker 2s lOd to 4s Cd ; veal, 3s Sd to 4sSs ; and pork, 2s lOd riirai Ihe lamentable state of social disorganisation to which 1100th College, in order to project, I suppose, with jrr. Xewcastle- tipoii-Tync. ':10s p-icaves with a chaff-engine, and mixing it with as one in 14: Hindoos, while the highest estimate, he J. Parker, Manchester, - coach builder, fi rst aud final to -is -id per Slbs. Suckling calves, 18s to ; quar- chaff; during the last month when I have alluded is felt and deplored by many of the English Thomas Wyse, how far it may be feasible, by a little do- igs ICs to 18s ; milch cows with their , and I find that, believes, docs not equal one in nine. In either case, ' dividend of 10s in the pound, any Wednesday, at the offic e ter-old store p , , straw-chaff is mixed with about one-third its ouautitv the proportion of the Mahommedan students far ex- prelates, who confess they are unable to apply a remedy • mestic concordat, to effect some change in the system of of Mr. Pott, Manchester. small calf, £10 to £10 each. ef leaves so cut, store cattle cat it with avidity, and ceeds the proportion of the Hindoo students re- witness, for example, thc ludicrous embarrassment of his the teaching of its faith, for an increase in its finances ; in J. Metcalfe, Liverpool, grocer, first dividend of Is Cd in short the cpccoction of a scheme of a Royal commission at the office of Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool Coux Market.— Monday, Jan. 27.— do -remarkablywell with it. If the roots are reduced latively to their respective populations, being about Lordship of Exeter—to-day issuing his episcopal .man- , tho pound , any Thursday, With a liberal supply of Hour, we have to report a to small particles, and mixed with the chaffy it au- 1 in -t# of the whole students. Five-eighths of the dates for ecclesiastical uniformity, and revoking them of: bishops to .manage the payment of the Catholic clergy, Liverpool. again, it is said, at the imperious and to inflict, penalties of misdemeanour on the others J. and J. Gale, Lovclane, Shadwoll, vopomalcere, divi- lair arrival of wheat, oats, and oatmeal IVom Ireland, iwers a still better purpose. When the turnips are whole students learn English; a comparatively small requisition of thc Minis- % on account , to new proofs are otherwise ol small ter ofthe Crown. Such of the who should not yield to the usurped powers of political dend of Cd in the pouud, , any but the week's imports of grain, &e., , and but few grown, it would be advisable, in number leam Sanscrit—viz., 426 ; while 572 learn members of that body as Wednesday! at the office of Mr, Follett, Sanibrook-court, small amount. No change has occurred m thc duties pracr to make the most of them, not to pull them Arabic, and 801 Persian. Benegalee has the greatest possess a tolerable share of learning, whose intellect bishops of the Parliamentary commission—when I consi- Basingliall-street. der how on that occasion he trifled with the authority of on foreign produce. The course of thc trade has oelore the end of March or the beginning of April, number of students—viz., 270G, followed by Hindoo, ranges beyond the small pale of the Anglican establish- E. Conden, Mitton-street, Dorset-square, builder, second the Pope, recommending a course of penal legislation, of bid in the pound, any Wednesday, at the offi ce varied little, if at all, from that wliich has marked it as they would then produce a good deal of top when 1TTI , and Oordoo, 1-KJ4 ; these languages being ment, and the brief period of its disastrous schism, sur- . dividend for some weeks past. Wheat in limited demand, but » vrould veying the social happiness enjoyed by the nations when and then leaving the Pope to shift for his own authority of Mr. Follett, Sambrook-court, llasinghall-Strcet. lie most useful. There may be many leaves chiefly spoken under the Agra government. There Jfortliumberlanii, powner holders firm and prices steady. Flour has moved fathered the church was not the chained handmaid ofthe Crown the best way he could—when I reflect that much of what J. IIcl-Oll, South Blytli, shi , , _ for present use, without taking the main are 248 Christians m the Schools, and 197 who arc , first dividend of 9d in the pound, any Saturday, at the slowly, at previous rates. At Friday's market, oats Wat or injuring urn ps, provided -they are are in a condition the most pitiable. "While their zeal is has been suggested has been already done in establishing Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ; the t i neither Christians, Maliommcdans, nor Hindoos. the commission of the Bequests offi ce of Mr. Baiter, wore offering at id. to Id. per bushel below Tuesday's woken off an inch or two from the stem. If the tops These are chiefl or low castes animated by the heroic fortitude ofthe ancient champions Act, I am only consoled W. Bearup, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, joiner, second and y Buddists at Moulmein, by the reflection that the mischievous projects of the man rates, and few could be sold ; very good mealing were are Merably large, an aerc will produce three or four of the Bhagulpore hills. Out of 2420 students under ofthe freedom of the church, tncy fancy for a time that final dividend of 4d and three-tenths of a penny in the per 45lbs. No alteration is example. No sooner, will be defeated by tliejiious zeal of the Catholics of Ire- pound, any Saturday, at the office of Mr. Baker, Newcastle- disposed of at 3s. Id. eart loads; but if thev are allowed to remain, a thc Agra government, 2378 receive gratuitous in- they can imitate their however, do ¦ quotations for oatmeal, but this article freafer they engage in the attempt than they are obliged land in procuring a total repeal of . the law ; and wcreit upon-Tyne. . ' made in tho part of them will tall off, and decayJ round thc struction, and only 43 pay. In Bengal only 1572 to own Northumberland, shipowner, also lias met a dull sale. In barley, beans, aud peas oal 1" that from the establishmentpiiough retaining some ofthe not for this their zeal, I fear that as a public and political E. Heron, South Blytli, students pay, aud 4289 receivem -atuitousinstruction. character, history would have to record, first dividend of Od in the pound, any Saturday, at the of- there has been little passing. IHt0HD material features of a church, the spirit that animated that since the dis- fice of Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. « £f -cfa81 Sheep.—The carcass of the sheep This is questionable policy, and the Bengal govern- astrous event of Protestant ascendancy a worse importa- Manchester Corn Market.—Friday, Jan. 25.— of the ment are desirous of modif ing it; and thc Bombay and informed it is gone : and instead of the holy vigour lt. Beesley, Wells-street, Oxford-Street, wine-cooper, vv ^" " Aew -0cvon" breed, was lately ex- y tion, or . one more fatal to the Catholic religion, than this the pound, on Monday next and fol- The trade throughout the week has been generally of hibited in Exeter cattle market eovenmicnt have found advantage in imposing a of an Ambrose or an Ansehn, who arraigned the cruel first dividend of Is in , and was the admi- delinquencies of Royalty itself, they are silent on the 6ame Mr. Anthony-Blake, was never wafted back to Ire- lowing Monday, at the office of Mr. Alsager, Bircbin-lane, a lifeless character, the transactions in all articles ration of hundredsof agriculturists, butchers, &c, school fee of trifling amount. Of the orphan schools, To Lord Stanley this gentleman would , the purchases made by neces- whocrowded crimes of the nation, because they must regulate by the land. be a most City. having been confined to that part of thc market for the purpose charitable institutions, and niissionary schools, valuable acquisition in the colonies. How humiliating T. H. Whitmavsh, George-street, Hanover-square, hotel- sitous buyers for the supply of . their immediate 01seeing it. It was pronounced one ofthe Colonel Sykes had no means of giving an account. nod of a political Minister the nature of their pastoral keeper, first dividend of Ss in the pound, on Monday next mostper- instructions. the prospect ofthe once glorious church of Ireland, when wants, without material variation from the previous leet sheep ever shown in this part of the kingdom, rs allow their holiest rights and following Monday, at the office of Mr. Alsager, At our market this morning a very lan- itwas Researches ix Souin America.—M. J. Linden, No doubt you arc anxious to bring about a similar re- its pasto and duties to he in- Birchin-lane, City. currency; a wether, yeaned, bred, and fed on the farm of vaded and usurped by such scheming political adventu- , City, colonial broker, first divi- guid inquiry was experienced for wheat, and) except Ah*. Thomas Kingdom acelebratedBelgiantraveller , has returned to Brussels form in the Catholic church in Ireland. If so, you must J. Avery, Mincing-lane of Chapel St. Martin, Thor- withina few days past. He left Belgium in 1S41. rers. dend of 4id in the pound, on Monday next and following for the choicest rims, the rates of this day se'nniglit Terton. This extraordinary sheep, remarkable for expect it will be productive of the same disastrous results Alsager, Birchin-lane, City. business passing. He has explored successively, in three years and a upon morality and order. It is as a step to this complete I cannot, therefore, but deplore the misdirection ofthe Mondav, at the office of Mr. were not obtainable in the limited lis smahness of bone, colour, and handsomeness, was A. Goodevc, Aldermanbury, City, wavchoufifoian , first sale, and barely supported the half, the Republicof Venezuela and New Grenada, subjection of the Catholic church to tlic state, which no patriotic feelings of some ardent Irishmen combating pound, on Monday ne-;'.• *— women, and he believed a man, came after hhn, and . and when daylight dawned it became obvious that almost immediatel y afterwards received a blow on the twenty minutes; he attempted to bleed her, and could get never washed himself. They found him sitting on some tho rope been a hempen one, tho result might have nothing but some congealed black thick blood. I assisted rubbish which had formed the materials of a bed. T here devastation had been widely at work in the shape COVENT GARDEN THEATRE. head whichstretched him on the ground insensible and been the same. But we beg to observe to a discern- A play iu five acts called Honesty, written by a gentleman dead-h ouse at Lambeth Church , was nothin g on his person but an old jacket and he had this difference—this very material differ- of smashing chimney cans, tirling the roofs of houses, bathed in blood. Me believed he was taken into a public- to car ry the body to the , ing public, more particularly old tenements, «fec. One corner of of fortune named Spicer , was produced at tliis theatre on house, and that tbe landlord sent for a police-constable. where it at present awaits the coroner 's inquest.—TV, suffered his hair , beard, and nails to grow for years , ence, between a hempen rope and a wire rope for Monday night, we are glad to add , with complete success. whicli him a hideous ' St. .Michael's Church lias been a good deal damaged, The plot and detail s room to He could not recollect any thin g very clearl y; all he could Hull, L 88, has known the prisoner for five years. He is gave appear ancc. There was uot these purposes. When, tho former is overstrained, of the piece we cannot afford the son of the deceased , whom he has been in the habit a vestige of furniture in the room , but the entrance was both as regards thc lead and slates : and in the case describe this week. Tho acting of Miss J. Vandc nhoff , as say further was, thathe missed his pocket -book, to get at and unable to perform the work to which it is ap- I)* ' policeman stated that about nearly blocked up by rubbish. The stench was quite of the latter, a heavy fragment descended with such the heroine, was truly beautiful ; there can, indeed, -which his coat must have been unbutt oned, and the top of of cruelly ill-using. —Another plied, the outer strands first exhibit symptoms of highest force that it cleft an upright tombstone into two little doubt that thisit young is lady isto fast attaining the of his diamond pin, worth £2, which had been torn from his two o'clock he saw the priso ner making for the rive r, overpowering, and the wretched man had remained in weakness; and the cracking noise occasioned by the point ^excellence possible achieve ; The fidl the near Lambeth-stairs , when he stated that he had de- this horrible place during the whole of the late severe separation of the innumerable fibres of which it is parts. In the country the woods have again suffered , stock.—Inspector Plume said the complainant was not and even in our own vicinity not a few trees have curtain was followed by unmeasured applause , and Van- stroyed his mother, and he should find a place of rest for weather without any fire, and was scantily fed by hits composed, from each other, gives, in most cases, timely denhof fand bis daug than they sober when he came to the station-bouse. He believed been broken or blown down, including a venerable hter no sooner appeared -the complainant said something abou t havin g liimself. The prisoner endea voured to get away from sister. Mr. Warlters added that a more appalling sight warning of what is about to take place, and thus were literally pelted with bouquets. Mr. Yaiidcnhofi, taken the saugh at Tinwald Downs, containing ei so the police, and ran towards tbe river , but was overtaken, it was impossible to conceive, and that unless theM welling there is a very material chance of preventing the ghty cubical it appeared , was labourin g under ill health—so much prisoner into a public-house and treated her with a glass of feet of timber. On the coast the turmoil was literally that he thought it curtain had and charged on suspicion of causing the death of his mo- was cleansed and fumigated he was afraid some conta- sacrifice of human life : besides the men—the banks- due to the author , after the -wine.—The complainant said he had no recoll ection of , deafening, the sea-birds , startled from their holes fallen , to state as much to the public. There was little istrate was informed by Mr. Inspec tor gious disease would be engendered. He understo od tbe men especially, have an opportunity of discovering a "having done anything of the sort. In fact he had not a ther. The mag among the rocks, uttering wailing cries in necessity for this , for he bad been frequentl y applau™1 Evans that there was ajier son at the coffee-shop who heard brother of the cowkeeper was the owner of estates in Lei- failing part of a hempen rope, and of report- every di- on?, veryclear recollectionof what really had occurred.—Mr. rection. This morning the scene changed during the evening ; but the impulse was a gra ceful prisoner exclaim " Keep your legs out of the way." cestershire, which realised a considerable income, but the ing its inefficiency in due time to prevent many entirely ; and the Hogws Maltby said he feared that the imperfect idea which the the , when few expected such a visitation apolo gy elicited renewed applause. Mr . This took place in the passag e, and it is supposed that man, who had become imbecile, denied himself the com- accidents : not so with the wire rope—there the , the ground was and Mr. Archer also well acquitted themselves. The tt- complainan t had of the whole occurr ence would prevent found covered with snow, the pri soner, who was then very drunk , was ill-using the mon necessaries of life. The deceased Mrs. Cha pman wear is internal ; the insidious defect is pro- and trees and bushes suit has been a grand trium ph for the author , who, at tw a jury from convicting the prisoner on his evidence. The . beautifully frizzled beyond expression ; conclusion , was loudl fort hcom- poor old woman. The prisoner denied having stated was for some time preceding her death in a similar gressive and unseen ; wire after wire yields but as the y called for, bu t he was not prisoner was then discharged. barometer ia atill falling it seems ing, aud the. disappointed audie nce relapsed very uiwu* that he said he had destroyed the old woman , and said filthy state , though she was enabled to comman d luxu- to the unequal task to wliich it is' assigned—the exte- the reverse of pro- "Wedkt sdat. —Night Bobb ebus.—Mr. Hardwick re- bable that this new variety lingly into silence.* that he had no quarrel with his mother on Saturday night ries. She neVer paid any attention to personal cleanl iness, rior is so besmeared with grease and dirt as to defy of livery ofthe winter will ceived the following letter yesterda y, in relation to that be of lengthened continuance. DRURY LANE THEA TRE. Mr. Henry directed that Dr. Jeffery might be sent for, and when she died had nothing on her person but an old the detection of injury, until the.to o-confiding Miner On inquiry we learn class of robberies committed at night in the less fre- that two of our coasters On Friday night we witnessed the 107th perfor man ce« and the pr isoner was remanded to await the result of tbe gown and a bit of flannel, not worth sixpence, which is launched in a moment into eternity! Had the are missing, and one of them, the grand and deservedl the JJofccnu" * quented streets at the West-end , by men who act in con- a regular trader, had not been heard y popular opera of inquest. had been her dress for some time. He asked the cow- Durham Special Jury beflta practical Miners, instead of for a fort- Girl, Miss Rainforth , , played tho part of tw certwith women of the town, a number of which cases night. The owner as usual Thdbsda y.—Death of a Wive fbom thi almged keeper how he came to let his brother and sister remain of special protectors of Mining Capital, these facts , in fact, is beginning to lose hope heroine most nat ura lly and delightfully, her per foiwanw have received publicity from this court:— of the safety of his'vessel. exciting the lause?1 Itt-TB EAT«ENT OF HER HOBBAND.—Thomas Jones , a in such a miserable condition , and he replied in a surly would have been known to them. It is high time -—Dumfries Courier of Mon- oft-renewed and most enthusiastic app day. the audience. Mr. * and Mr. n- TO KB. HASDWICK , HAGISTBATE. who has been in custody since Friday manner that his brother had Bovrani , as Coun t -4riifccim , job bing carp enter, property of his own, and that public opinion was brought to bear upon this Harrison adpiira b .' . Sib,—Seeing in the police reports that a woman was death of his wife , as Thaddeus , performed their parts last, on a charge of having caused the , that he would not have kept him so long but for his sister. subject, to prevent the future sacrifice of human life Thu Weather in Cumberland .—During the whole and were rewarded with the mosthcarty approba tion . -Mf- taken up for a robbery on a barri ster, in Regent-street , 1 Margaret Jones , by violence, was broug ht before Mr. He then asked him if he should appl y to the parish au- at the shrine of insatiable monopoly.— Correspond ent. curt ail wishto inform you, for the benefit of the pub lic in general , of Friday last the state of the atmosphere in the Stretton, as DeviVs-Uof , also played well. Tho Henry for further examination. Brooks, the beadle thorities, and he said his brothe r must go somewhere, for neighbourhood of Keswick, says our correspondent, descended amidst universal applause . The pant omime« that this system is now arrived at such a pitch that unless Fire. — On Saturday week an alarming fire I it be checke dby prompt measures , no person by-and-by of the pa rish of St. Mary 's, Hewington , was in at he would not keep Mm any longer. Mr . Warlters added gave indications of an approaching storm : the Robinson Crusoe closed the evening 's entertainme nts. , about half-past four o'clock, on the pre- wind ' willbe able to walk about fhe streets without being robbe d tendance , and informed Mr. Henry that since the last ex- that the cowkeeper was ninet y years of age, and his broke out continued howling and roaring through the valley, Royal Polvt bchnic Institution' .—On Thursday, Dr. mises of Mr. Webb, a broker and auctioneer, residing ' lled and maltrea ted as this gentleman has been. The pur port aminati on of the prisoner an inquest had been held be- bro ther was between seventy and eighty, and such was and at night the rain descended in torrents, which John Ryan , the Professor of Chemistry at tin s exce of this letter is to let yon know where he, for the ends of in Peter-street, Whitechapel. As a man named Wil- institution, delivered a lecture on fir e purp ose 01 " fore Mr. Ca rter , the coroner ; and Mr. Body, the sur geon, the deadly hatred they bore to each other , that it was seemed to increase as dayli ht approached. , &r the , justice , is to be found. He is however, very reluctant to mot was passing, he erceived smoke issuing from g The . noticing an apparatus recentl y invented by Mr. l l'' *L')!' , who had made a post mortem examination, having ex- likely murder would be committed if they p pest' ' e pros ecute, though he has been very badly used, his mouth were not parted. tem , which continued during the whole of Satur- of Bloomsbury-square , called the Fhe Annihila tor. T''. be his opinion tbat the deceased' thc grating over the kitchen window, and saw a large very much cut , a tooth knocked out , his eye bruised , and pressed itlo s death was His object in calling the magistrate 's attention to the day, became extremely violent about four o'clock in name is certainl y a comprehensive one, hu t the e.vptr'* the result of naturalcauses , and not produced by violence, subject was to save the brother body of flame. He at once raised an alarm, and the the afternoon ments of Dr. Ryan proved that the machine fully deserrt * his clothes cut about. of the cowkeeper , who inmates were with much difficulty made sensible of , when it raged with awful fury, forcibly the jury had returned a verdict to that effect. The beadle was living in a state unfit for any human being. The reminding the inhabitants of the eYer-memorable it. Dr. Ryan commenced bis lecture bv stating, tha t cm The writer concluded by giving the address of the injured their perilons position. Fortunately the flames was added that, notwithstandingthis , he felt it to be his duty subsequent inquiries > of the police officers more than storm on the morning of thc of January, of the great objects of the Polytechnic Institutio n " par ry.—Mr. Har dwick remarked to Mr. Superintenden t 7th 1839, bring before tbe public eye experiment to cause the attendance of all the witnesses who had been confirmed Mr. Warlters ' statement. had not reached thc first floor, so that they were , and to illustrate hy Beresfo rd, who had come into court on business, that it The case is under and continued increasing in violence till about five and models, the discoveries of scientific men. 5 on the former day, as well as two young women, enabled to make, their escape through the hall. IJ ^J app eared to him a necessity existed for adopting stronger examined the investigation of the parish officers. o'clock on Sunday morniiio-, when it may be said to however , he entere d upon the subject of tlic Fire Ann* the deceased by a forme r husband. In less than five minutes after, all the lower theot; -measures to put an end to this increasi ng class of roh- the daughters of have reached its climax. At that period the tempest Iator he should endeavour to explain the Phlogiston These two young women wer e examined , but were not part of the building was one body of flame. of the earlier chemists, and the more modern views of I> beri es. From the complaints made to hhn in his judicial became most destructive : a great number of large * able to spea k to anything that happened for some days Ireland.—Elopemexi.—A . painful fact has oc- By tins time several engines from the ad- trees, on the estate of Sir John Woodtord, at Der- voisier and others. The Doctor proceeded to prove , by cap acity it would app ear there was a particular set of stations were in attendance and succeeded number of experime nts cir pre vious to the death of their mother , as they were not curred in this country within the past few days,wliich jacent , wentwater Bay, werc. levelled to the earth. Two , that combustion under all j loose women, confedera ted with thieves, who contrived to the fire to the lower part of the premises r cumstanccs is the result and companion of cheirit '' , but deposed to the general iU-treatment which has brought indelible disgrace on a lady of rank in confining , very large spruce fir-trees fell upon the cottage of waylay or other wise induce persons of respectable appear- at home , the greater portion of wliich, as well as a large quan- action. A considerabl e period of the lecture was aft * their moth er had experienced at the prisoner 's hands. mother of a large family, and her paramour,' an the Alexander Macready, Sir John's wood-ranger ; but ance, especially if these persons had the appe arance of furniture which was stored there, was totally wards devoted to the consideration of supporters and ni** The prison er was again remanded. officer in a cavalry regiment. Lady Georgiana fl- tity as they both fell against the gable end of the cottage, supporters of combusti on which -of intoxicatio n, to accompany them into some dark In-Jessthan half an hour the firemen had , or to thos e conditions Fbidat. —This day Thomas Jones was again brought is connected with several noble families in England destroyed. the damage occasioned was but trifling. A number arc necessary either to maintain five or to prevent $. or unfrequented str eet, and, when there, to com- succeeded in subduing the flames, as to banish action. He more before Mr. Henry for final examination , and discharged. Her unhappy husband is a stipendiary magistrate of so far of stacks were also capsized, and heavy showers of especially pointed out the effects f{ mit robbe ry with violence by the help of the a midland county, and was formerly a ca apprehension with respect to the remainder of the hail occasionally fell during thc whole of Sunday. volumes of pure nitro gen or pure carbon ic an-1 fhe women were leagued. An in- CLERKENWELL. ptain in the , or the adjacent premises , which at one tune upon the flame of coal gas cf* men with whom army. His elder brother is a Companion ofthe Bath house It is worthy of remark that this destructive tempest ; and , after showing tha t stance had come und er his notice of a friend whosepocket Monda y.—A Bbutal Schoomasteb. —Michael Dono- were in imminentdanger. Unfortunately, Mr. Webb bustlC-ll instantly ceased- in an atmos phere con W"^ ' Alovsius Roman Catholic —an honour conferred upon him for his services came In tJiesame direction as thc great storm of had been dexterously picked by a woman who accosted van, schoolmast er at the St. was not insured. but a small per centage of these gases, he proceede d to <* during the jfenmsular war. Captain and Lady 1839. Yesterday both the mountains and low plain that Mr . , a moment in the street The gentleman shortl y School, Granville-street , Somers Town, appeared upon Philli ps used a mixture of coke, nitre a" him for a Georgina II-— had thirteen children, ten of The Alleged Murder and Suicide at Lambeth . grounds in the neighbourhood sulphate of lime F' woman again and, on taxing remand to answer the charg e of violently assaulting whom of Keswick were co- , with a small quantity of water- } the afterwards met with the , are living, and they were heretofore Friday afternoon Mr. W. Carter held an inquest , vered with snow. ducts of its ignition were , c Cavanagh , a boy of nine years, one of his pupils. — a most interest- On — Cumberland Racquet. princi pally fire, nitrog en , her with the theft , two men came np and began a quarrel James ing and happy famil bonic acid, and water y eflicW to expose his back ; he y Lady H-— has, in an evil adjourned iroin Wednesday last, at the Henry the vapour. To illustrate.the with hhn.-—The Superintendent said he was quite aware Mr. Greenwood directed the boy The Storm.— Disastrous Accident at Derby, of this apparatus , which, for a large the ^ l shocked at tbe specta- hour, left her home and family, and formed a criminal Eighth, High-street, Lambeth, on the body of Diana — house, is only that robberie sby persons of the character described were did so, and every one present was connection with Lieut. M On Saturday night last this town was visited b of _ a small stove, Dr. Ryan kindled a fire of wo0*' *1 some of fhe witnesses , , who is in his 2oth Campbell, aged 60 years, who it was alleged had y a ^ just now hy no mea ns unfrequent. He had taken care, cle.—Mr. Crouch cross-exam ined year. He possesses propert very severe gale of wind, which did considerable spirits of turpen tine in an iron house , and when thc tui% boy's back had been much y of the value of about died from the effects of injuries received at the in- aud combusti on a sW however, to have addi tional policeplaced in those districts and attemp ted to show tbat the 000 a year y- jury to various buildinga, and was thc were most perfect he introduce d , bottom of the bed, when £15, , in a count adjoining that in which hands of her own son, now in custody, charged with occasion of a apparatus , not holding more than two ounces of the "" these offences'were usually committed , and several injured by robbi ng against the most disastrous occurrence in u where the family resided whose peace and happiness he has having caused the death of deceased, and also with Bourne-street, by which tonal, and in half a minute the fire was letoly « " specia ll appointed to look after creeping under it ; but this supposit ion was distinctl y comp »» constables had been y destroyed. Legal proceedings have been commenced attempting to drown himself. Mr. Jeffery, five houses were almost totally destroyed, and another guished , auiid the applause of a numerous audie nce, negatived by aU the witnesses.—The prosecutor admitted who was those women who were suspected of being concerned with against liim, and the damages laid at £20,000. The called in, and who Bad subsequently made a post very greatly damaged. Our townsmen, the Messrs. were naturall y interested in an experiment invc-lvinSV end that he had been well fed, and comfortabl y clothed and sW thieves in night robberies. Tie best way to put an case, it is said, will be brought before a jury in the mortem examination of the body, said he Holmes, coachmakers, had just completed the erec- security of life and pro perty. As the apparatu s is J but said, "Brother Luke," as weU*as theprisouer , found an ex- and actton to this offence would be for gentlemen to avoid speak ing lodged ; month of May next. tensive wound over the left orbit, tion of a large and lofty chimney on their premises may be kept charged , and only requires the unkind to him. His mother was dead , and his and several injuries , a trigger on the alarm of fire it maybe carr ied to-'" *, to or walking with women of tha t low class by which had been the head, caused b for the purpose of having steam a, , in Bristol.—Mr. Br oad, a surgeon , living in Murderous Affray about y some blunt instrument, or applied to pwUf. part, and immedia tely used. In our opinion it were committed. The oruinary way in fattier lived a. Killaloe—A. desperate their extensive «n}fZi such robberies 's back from falling upon some hard substance—most pro- establishment, the building of wliich of vast utility in ships. It may be placed in thc hold, '•' was this :—As soon as GosweU-street , stated that the marks on the boy conflict, attended with loss of life, took place near the which such robberies were effected bably the latter. The immediate cause of had been entrusted to Mr. Edwin Thompson. This in case of a fire in any part of the shi the trigg er W). must have been caused by brutal treatm ent. If injuries town of Killaloe, between twelve and one o'clock on death was p 1