¦ "' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ s ' ¦ - - "" -' - - " . '.-' ; .r *"-. -' -' ¦ '--. - -- ..- ¦.- .. ...,.:_.. .. ' '" ' •- - ' ' — - * ' <.' >-j- -i- .i- .; . v; f i. tr _ il. i. 3Enmwnc«> MURDER. AND SUICIDE IN -jFomstf DREADFUL " ' finsburt. ,•;: FRANCE, Shortly after the opening of the Worship-street Friday morning, -an official communi- IfaBKBr^rUpon Friday, JL Gustavo de police-court on "rrr m cation was made to Mr. Bingham, the sitting magis- 1 ^nnnt's amendment although, compared with division, ol a ^ttounwu^ de Garni) of ^e most miik-aaci.Tratcr trate, bv Inspector Jervis, of the G which had been enacted in the J *Jl was rejected without even the ceremony frio-htfuf tragedv e e ter the court, ill the course oi tho pre- f T Sl-the <ihambiu'thusraiafyin*ithe act4)fthe neighbourhood of nHit, The inspector stated that about ten ¦P day. On Saturday the anti-indenmity cedin"- rions clock that morning information arrived at the po- Richard amendment was discussed and rejected. pi^ifii- o' was on - lice station in Featherstone-street, where he address was passed. The numbers Mondav the h Barry, surgical m- **' , 216 ; against, H^ duty, that a man, named Josep a- ftr {he address 33; majority, Mm 6 No. 4 . greater part of the left abstained fr om AND. strument iiialcer, residing at Lukof^, * ?*£ The . MTIONAL lMj)Ef iiight, murdered JOURNAL. duringthe precedmg ¦ Finsburv, had, »ti)tii>S- . T his wife, Marv Priscilla Barry, and afterwards de- ViV&sBSiAtios ov ihe Address.—LotJisPja-ruppE s • ' his throat with a razor. WrarasDiTNight TOL. VIIL NO. 377. - - ¦ stroved lihnsolf-. bv cutting «4it:--*--Pabis was of 2H, Tex O'CMGK.of — LOl^fc S^^ immediately proceeded to tne ya meeting' held Deputies ^JSZ^S^S^ He (thc inspector) i^da the ^ house, and, from inquiries, ascertained the following servative party, to express their confidence in, and crowds :—It appeared Lim of the people assembled in the public , g particulars of this dreadful occurrence „TT their determination to support the present plaees.
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