¦ "' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ s ' ¦ - - "" -' - - " . '.-' ; .r *"-. -' -' ¦ '--. - -- ..- ¦.- .. ...,.:_.. .. ' '" ' •- - ' ' — - * ' <.' >-j- -i- .i- .; . v; f i. tr _ il. i. 3Enmwnc«> MURDER. AND SUICIDE IN -jFomstf DREADFUL " ' finsburt. ,•;: FRANCE, Shortly after the opening of the Worship-street Friday morning, -an official communi- IfaBKBr^rUpon Friday, JL Gustavo de police-court on "rrr m cation was made to Mr. Bingham, the sitting magis- 1 ^nnnt's amendment although, compared with division, ol a ^ttounwu^ de Garni) of ^e most miik-aaci.Tratcr trate, bv Inspector Jervis, of the G which had been enacted in the J *Jl was rejected without even the ceremony frio-htfuf tragedv e e ter the court, ill the course oi tho pre- f T Sl-the <ihambiu'thusraiafyin*ithe act4)fthe neighbourhood of nHit, The inspector stated that about ten ¦P day. On Saturday the anti-indenmity cedin"- rions clock that morning information arrived at the po- Richard amendment was discussed and rejected. pi^ifii- o' was on - lice station in Featherstone-street, where he address was passed. The numbers Mondav the h Barry, surgical m- **' , 216 ; against, H^ duty, that a man, named Josep a- ftr {he address 33; majority, Mm 6 No. 4 . greater part of the left abstained fr om AND. strument iiialcer, residing at Lukof^, * ?*£ The . MTIONAL lMj)Ef iiight, murdered JOURNAL. duringthe precedmg ¦ Finsburv, had, »ti)tii>S- . T his wife, Marv Priscilla Barry, and afterwards de- ViV&sBSiAtios ov ihe Address.—LotJisPja-ruppE s • ' his throat with a razor. WrarasDiTNight TOL. VIIL NO. 377. - - ¦ stroved lihnsolf-. bv cutting «4it:--*--Pabis was of 2H, Tex O'CMGK.of — LOl^fc S^^ immediately proceeded to tne ya meeting' held Deputies ^JSZ^S^S^ He (thc inspector) i^da the ^ house, and, from inquiries, ascertained the following servative party, to express their confidence in, and crowds :—It appeared Lim of the people assembled in the public , g particulars of this dreadful occurrence „TT their determination to support the present plaees. Canalizo shut himself up in the Palace with HON met the captain of thc watch and we went to ether house were the man OUR TO T. S. BUNGOMBE, ESQ., M.P. to Kitty WMtes. We found the man sitting before a that thc onlv parties residing in the "r^j stry. The adhesion to Jfinisters of hitherto some 2,000 troops. Baranda, Rejon, and Salas, took ' Barry and his wife, both of whom were considerably members, were no less large fire ; I told thcin.ke ought not to be there, they ^^tjngStan the on than 47. Deputa- refuge with him. In the meanwhile, both the advanced iu years, and their youngest sou, a lad about meetingwaited Marshal Soult and Liberals and clergy in the capital united in A PUBLIC SOIREE will be held at the White Conduit House Tavern, Pentonville, on Monday Evening must get him to bed. Kitty said that she must have fifteen had been ^ij The two the him away. I said no, he must go to bed. The cap- yearn of ago. Tho wretched man iM^enr Guizot. lffiiiisteisrepliedtothede- revolutionarymovement , and began to make prepa- » ' ; evening previous to the meeting of Parliament, in hoaour of "the People's absent on business the day, and on representative.tLS i* S?The followingr« tain and I took Mm up stairs *. I saw him up stairs ; greater part of thc Hfflti otaiions, tliat undauntedly they would hold to Con- rations against the common enemy. Congress, as Members of Parliament are invited and expected to attend :-T. Waklcv, his _ return home, about ten o'clock at night, after principles, and iold to tbeirposiiionagainst well as the Ayuntamiento, succeeded J F eldcn Es< A M'oson, Esq., J. Hume Esq., W. S. Crawford Esq., J. saw hun in bed ; and ordered them to take care of company with ienervatrre , in spite of Leaj l^der'J', Esq.Z , ^h^ Y ' i ' **' - , l , f. sitting a short time in the parlour, in •n (U enposition. At half-past eight o'clock this even- Canalizo's decree, in having seeret circulars printed, J. Humphrey, Esq., and Sir B. Hall, Bart. , . *' hun, and I would pay them. Mrs. Nuttal came be- his wife, with whom he appeared to be on the best of President, Secretaries which were actively fore the board on Friday, and they ordered her injjj ihe , and Commission ap- disseminated among all classes. T. S. DUtfCOMBE, ESQ., M.P., WILL BE if terms, he told her to go up stairs to bed and that he to present the Address ofthe Chamber to the The Government troops about the Palace, seeing PRESENT . Is., and offered Kitty 2s. she would take care of would soon follow her. 'ihe woman complied with »oaointed Tea on the Tamve at Six O'Ciock Precisely. Nuttal. She said she could not, as she was ill herself iiiiffl" , repaired io the Tuileries, accompanied by a symptoms of the coming storm, began to waver. liis wish, and the husband remained below a consi- nnmlcr ofthe Conservative members. The fol- During the 4th and oth the excitement continued, 8*8 to S0 re si 1c s M <!ouble to admi a d gentle 2s, and had a sick child of her own to attend to, besides derabletime-after , apparently asleep in a chair by the ¦^^" open.JXv - . i ?~ 5 , ' } -, w > * % ?? man, 6d. The Ball Room will be the other lodgers ; so the guardians ordered me to Ling is the King's reply:— and on the 6th, multitudes of the people, armed, at nine o clock. Tickets for Ball only-single, Is. ; double, to admit a lady and gentleman, Is. Gd. side of tho fire ; but on being roused by Ms son, who ^ get some one. 1 tried. I applied to a pauper, but urged him to retire to rest, he started up, with a look '• ''54xssmt»5the D*-3--*-ms,—I*&ankyou-fortbis assembled at the Convent of San Francisco. Here Tickets may be obtained at the following places .-—Messrs. W. Balls, 49, Coppice-row * Thorhe 2 Pros- she refused to go; I tried again, but could not get It will contribute, with that force the members of Congress were assembled, and among pect-piace, Upper Barnsbury-street Clerkenw of peculiar wildncss in his eyes, and wishing him a iorovaf address. ; Mason, ell-green; R. Cameron, 12, Dorrington-street, any body. [Query—howfar did he try ?] I went to his sleeping apartment, ,(3jjjjieh attaches itself to everything that emanates them Generals Herrera, Garcia, Condo, and Cespedes. Brookss-market; J. Toome, 20, Guildford-street ; Stembridge, 12, York-street hasty good night, repaired to , City-road ; E. Medley, 42 Kitty and told her to get some one, and I would pay first floor. Shortly afterwards u tswd.the future against the dangers The wholebody marched from the Convent to the Bnck-lane, St. Lukes; Guemgault, 11, Lower\Vharton^treet,* Henley, Pultney-streefc, Islington ; Wcedon them. On Saturday morning they came and said he the front room on thc T&m J« » *° , , the son also went to bed in a room on thc story above, jdijdiich the blindnessof passion too often draws upon square in front of the palace, wWek is near the centre 68 Chapel-street, Pentonville ; Shaip, 47, Tabernacle-walk ; Coleman, 19, Aylesbury-street; R. Fuzzon, was dead ; 1 gave them an order for a coffi n and iMargavet-street ; Gabb and on awakening at nine o'clock the following morn- hthe people. A mutual regard for justice and for of thc city, and summoned Canalizo to surrender, etis, Swan Inn, Highbury ; Kennilworth Castle ; Hopkisson, Temperance Ooffce. dues. I went to the poor-house myself to order tlic surprised to him two hours to reflect. Canalizo prepared house, Little Saaron-liill; Taprell 14 ; ing aud proceeding down stairs, he was ijeij eacc presides over our relations with all foreign giving , , Smith's-buiIdings, City-road ; T. Barratt, Secretary to the Associated coffin ; looked over some coffins ready made, and had yet risen. He and the agreement sotoppOyandsohonoura- to attack the citizens, when one of Ms officers , irao.es ot Loudon, 20, Greenfield-street, Commercial-road;; Gamman, Secretary to the Cork Cutters sorted one to fit find that neither of his parents jawvers, ex- , 15, , and sent a man with it. I went to went up to their bed-room for ihe purpose oi calling jhjjr re-established between Prance and England claiming that he was the soldier of no tyrant, but of Northumberland-street, Marylebone ; Grassby, Carpenter, Running Horse, Duke-street, Grosvenor-square ; the church and ordered the grave-making. I then j J. Bush, Secretary them, but received no answer, and finding that iifitfttsisthe spirit of wisdomand of conciliation which tiie people, shouted ''Long live Hie Congress!" The to thc Carpenters, 1, York-street, York-road, Lambeth ; T. M. Wheeler, 2i3i, Strand ; went to the-'house and told them all was ready, and his fears became J. n atson, Paul's-aIley, Paternoster-row; Hornby, 16, Northaw-buildings the door was locked on the insido, iinjiianatesthe two Governments. Thankstoyourcon- cry was taken up by nearly all the troops, and , Somers Town : Brown's, Hope they might bury him as soon as they liked. Nuttal's through the keyhole in terror to his apartments. Before Coffee-house King-street, Snow-hill ; Colliver's Coffee-house, Holywell-etreet wife said greatly excited, and on looking nirarrence, to the support that you have lent my Canalizo f led ; W. Dear, 22, Fleet-lane: that Kitty White went to complain before discovering that the upper ,iaaiiks-to ihe stabilitv that the union leaving the Convent Gen. Herrera had prepared a lillman s Coffee-house, Tottenham Court-road; Dooley, Bell Inn, Old Bailev; Clark's Coffee-house, Edge- the magistrates on Saturday.
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