Jarvis Family;
THE JARVIS FAMILY; THE DESCENDANTS OF THE FIRST SETTLEHS OF THE NA)rE I~ MASSACHUSETTS AXJ) LOXG IS~ASD, THOSt: \YHO HAVE MOUE llt:ct;.,.,.LY ,s!,.'TT!,Ell IX 0THt:R l'AKTS ut· TIIJ;: UNITED HTATE.,; AXI) BKITl:,<H .'l.llt:RICA. C''OLLJ!:CTt:D AND COXJ"IU:O nY GEORGE A ..JAR\.IS, w Nr,:n· Yo1:K; GEORGE .MlJRRA y JARYIS, OP OTTAWA, CAXAllA; WILLIAM JARVIS WETl[OHJ,;, ot· NEw YoRK: .ALli'RED fL\HDlNG, o, Biwc.Krsx, N. Y. IIAHTFOHD: Pm:ss OP TuF: c .. ~.:. LOCKWOOI) ,I; Bi:AlNAltll COMPANY. } Si !I. PREF.A.CE. ,\ HUl'T fin, yeal'l' have now cbpsed i-iuce we, first couceive,l the project of tmdng the gcm•alogy of tlw Jarvi,- Family in this country. Lc•tten; were written tn prominent men of the name in different parts of tht· l;nited State:< and British America, from many of whom favorable rcsponi:cs wen• r<ie<•iv, .. l. Severa! in Canada, Nova S<·otia, aml );',,w Bnmswick were highly intere:;ted, ofTning their valunhlc coll,•ction,-. to :Lid tht• entl'rprisc. Many, al"o, in the United· States were cqunl·ly intl're:,;tcd. nml oJicn.-<l their eull,-ction:,; an,i any aid within their powt•r. The addres..-<es of ,Iiffercnt members of famili,.,. were sought out and solicited, u.nd hundreds of letter.; written for :my records, ,:kl'tehcs, steel and lithograph engravings, or any items of history c~mnccted with the n:mw, worthy of being transmitted to posterity. :Many responded promptly; some, by indifference, delayed the work; while others ncgll'Ctcd lLltogcthl'r to notice our applications.
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