Because of the Number of Articles Contained in This Work and Because They Span Both the Greek and Roman Worlds, We Ha
INDEX Nota Bene: Because of the number of articles contained in this work and because they span both the Greek and Roman worlds, we have made no effort to stan dardize the spelling of transliterated Greek names from one article to the next. Therefore we advise you to check under variant spellings as you seek something from this index. Ab-ad-Dud: 375 Alexander the Great: 304 n. 11, Abdera: 189, 2ll 307-8, 314 Abu Simbel: 239 Alexandra (Kassandra): 131-51 Abydos: 240 Alexandre (Amazonian): 137 Academy: 292 n. 34, 296-7 Alexandria (Egypt): 238 n. 27, 350 n. 44 Achaea: 118, 125, 137 n. 39 Alexandros (Hera): 136 n. 35 Achaemenes/ Achaemenids: 36, 30 l-14 Alexandros (Paris): 136 Achilles: 232 Alexida: 136 n. 32 Actium, Batde of: 102, 339-55 Allienoi: 235 Adeimantus: 38 n. 15 Allies, Greek, see 'Xenos' Aegean Sea: 187, 239, 241 Allies, Roman, see 'Foederatei' Aegina/Aeginetans: 35, 37, 39, 257, 307 Allotment: 197, 207, 215 Aegospotami: 324 al-Mgawga: 375 Aelius Tubero, Q: 99-102 Altar: 198, 204, 206, 261 Aeolians: 273 n. 5 Amaklaios (Apollo): 139 Aequians: II 0 Amasis: 238 Aeschylus: 34 n. 4, 293 Amazons: 137, 232 Mrica Proconsularis: 120 n. 28 Ambracian Gulf: 350 Agamemnon (hero): 131, 133-5, Amisos: 190 140-5, 148-51, 232 Amoibichos: 240 Agamemnon (Zeus): 135 n. 23 Amompharetus: 44 Agesilaus: 259, 293 n. 36, 301 Ampe: 182, 184 Agis: 285-6, 288-90, 294-5, 297-8 Amphiaraos: 136 n. 32 Agora: 120, 198, 200, 202-3 Amphictyonic League: 125 Agrippa, see 'Vipsanius' Amphinnes: 238 Agrippa Menenius: I 02 Amphipolis: 208, 293 Aigisthos: 147 n.
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