Typesetting with TEX and LATEX Alan Hoenig 17 Bay Avenue Huntington, NY 11743
[email protected] (This presentation appears in a considerably ex- TEX in the public domain. The logo ‘TEX’ is related panded form as chapter 1 of my book TEX Unbound: to the Greek root ‘τχ’ from whence come words LATEXandTEX Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, and like ‘technology’. If pronounced properly, the face More published just this year by the Oxford of your listener may become slightly moist (but no University Press.) one complains if you say ‘tek’). By typesetting, we mean the ability to place el- The purpose of this survey is to acquaint read- ements of a document on a page according to gen- ers with the aspects of the TEX cycle necessary to erally accepted principles which most people seem produce handsome papers and books. This presen- to agree look best and make it easiest to read and tation should not be regarded as a be-all-and-end- comprehend the document. It’s surprisingly diffi- all tutorial, since (like many other mature and so- cult to do that — a typesetter has to decide how phisticated software systems) lengthy books are not best to break paragraphs into lines, how to hyphen- enough to do full justice to it. ate words, how to leave space for footnotes, how to prepare indexes and the other detritus of scholarly The TEX production cycle publishing, and provide the optimum space between Why is ‘typesetting’ not the same thing as ‘word elements on the page (among many other things).