A Program for Phototypesetting Chemical Structure Diagrams
Compw. Ckem. Vol. II, No. 4, pp. 281-297, 1987 0097-8485187 S3.00 + OAHI Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Journals Ltd CHEM-A PROGRAM FOR PHOTOTYPESETTING CHEMICAL STRUCTURE DIAGRAMS JON L. BENTLEY, LYNN W. JELINSKI and BRIAN W. KERNIGHAN AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, U.S.A. (Received 15 December 1986) AbatractxHEM is a language for typesetting publication-quality chemical structure diagrams. It attempts to capture the way that a chemist would describe a structural formula to a colleague over the telephone. CHEM is implemented as a PIC [Kernighan, Software--Procl. Exper. 12, 1 (1982)] prepro- cessor, and runs under the UNIX operating system. Its textual input makes CHEM input-device independent and does not require a graphics terminal. CHEM diagrams can be integrated with text, and can also be used to produce slides and viewgraphs. CHEM is best suited for organic chemists, natural products chemists, and polymer chemists, although it can also be used for inorganic structure diagrams. This manuscript describes the design of CHEM and provides a tutorial on its use. INTRODUCTION TROFF formatter. Because CHEM is a PIC prepro- cessor, the user can revert to PIC for constructing Chemists communicate their findings largely through unusual molecules that are not provided for by chemical structure diagrams, with such drawings CHEM itself. [For a survey of document preparation forming an integral part of manuscripts, lectures, and tools, including those of the UNIX system, see Fur- grant proposals. As the trend toward electronic uta et al. (1982). For a discussion of the UNIX manuscript submission increases, driven both by system, see Kemighan & Pike (1984).] efficiency and by reduction or elimination of page This paper is divided into four parts.
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