
Bibliography of the Published Works of K.B. Radek on China and Literature about K.B. Radek

Published Works of K.B. Radek on China

– 1924, ‘Angliiskoe rabochee pravitel’stvo i interventsiia v Kitae’, Imperializm v Kitae, Leningrad. – 1924, ‘Bor’ba za vlast’ v Kitae’, Pravda, 1 September. – 1924, ‘Imperialisticheskaia interventsiia i grazhdanskaia voina v Kitae. Doklad t. Radeka v Bol’shom teatre’, Kitai v ogne voiny, Moscow-Leningrad. – 1924, ‘Rech’ t. Radeka’, Ruki proch’ ot Kitaia!, Moscow. – 1924, ‘Interventsiia v Kitae i ee tseli’, Pravda, 27 July. – 1924, ‘Kantonskaia pobeda’, Pravda, 30 August. – 1924, ‘Predislovie’, in G.N. Voitinskii, Chto proiskhodit v Kitae?, Moscow-Leningrad. – 1925, ‘Chto nado govorit’ krest’ianstvu o kitaiskoi revoliutsii’, Sputnik agitatora (dlia derevni), 2(21): 19–24. – 1925, ‘Czhan-Tszo-Lin’, Izvestiia, December 10. – 1925, ‘Fragen der chinesischen Revolution’, in Arbeiterbewegung und Revolution in China, Berlin. – 1925, ‘Garantiinyi pakt’, Izvestiia, October 25. – 1925, ‘Mezhdunarodnoe obozreniie. Itogi shangkhaiskikh sobytii’, Izvestiia, 11 Octo- ber. – 1925, ‘Novoe imperialisticheskoe nastuplenie na Vostoke’, Kommunisticheskii Inter- natsional, 1(38): 60–9. – 1925, ‘Predislovie’ in A.D. Popov, Kitai, Moscow. – 1925, Ruki proch’ ot Kitaia, Simferopol. – 1925, Sun Yat-sen i kitaiskoe revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie, Moscow. – 1925, ‘Sun Yat-sen i kitaiskoe revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie’, Ogonek, 21: 12–14. – 1925, ‘Taktika mirovogo imperializma v bor’be s kitaiskoi revoliutsiei’, Pravda, July 29. – 1925, ‘Voprosy kitaiskoi revoliutsii’, Krasnyi Internatsional Profsoiuzov, 10: 26–42. – 1925, ‘Vozhd’ kitaiskogo naroda’, Pravda, 14 March. – 1925, ‘Vstuplitel’naia stat’ia’, in Shpil’man, Krest’ianskaia revoliutsiia v Kitae: Vos- staniie taipinov (1850–1860), Moscow. – 1926, ‘God kitaiskoi revoliutsii’, Pravda, 30 May. – 1926, ‘Eshche o Kitaisko-Vostochnoi zh.d.’, Pravda, 2 February. – 1926, ‘Imperialisticheskoe nastupleniie na Kitai’, Pravda, 14 March; Leningradskaia pravda, 14 March. – 1926, ‘Interventsiia v Kitae i ee tseli’Pravda, 27 July.

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– 1926, ‘Istoricheskoe znachenie shangkhaiskikh sobytii. (Vmesto predisloviia)’, in Pavel Mif, Uroki Shankhaiskikh sobytii, edited by K. Radek, Moscow. – 1926, ‘K otsenke poslednikh sobytii v Kitae’, Pravda, 30 January. – 1926, ‘Porazhenie narodnykh armii v Kitae’, Pravda, 26 March. – 1926, ‘Predislovie’ in A.Ia. Kantorovich, Inostrannyi kapital i zheleznye dorogi Kitaia, Moscow-Leningrad. – 1926, ‘Rasstrely v Pekine’, Leningradskaia Pravda, 19 March. – 1926, ‘Sotsial’no-politicheskie idei Sun Yat-sena’, Pravda, 12 March. – 1926, ‘Zhizn’ i delo Sun Yat-sena’, in S. Dalin, V riadakh kitaiskoi revoliutsii, Moscow- Leningrad. – 1927, ‘Kitaiskaia revoliutsiia i anglo-kitaiskie otnosheniia’, Izvestiia, 30 January. – 1927, ‘Kitaiskaia revoliutsiia i politika angliiskogo imperializma’, Mirovoe khoziaistvo i mirovaia politika, 1: 8–16. – 1927, ‘Lenin i kitaiskaia revoliutsiia’, Pravda, 21 January. – 1927, ‘Novyi etap v kitaiskoi revoliutsii’, Novyi Mir, 3: 146–59. – 1927, ‘Osnovnye voprosy kitaiskoi istorii’, Novyi Vostok, 16–17: 1–53. – 1927, ‘Shanghai pal’, Izvestiia, 22 March. – 1927, ‘Sun Yat-sen’, Portrety i pamflety, Moscow-Leningrad. – 1927, ‘V Shanghae i Nankine’, Izvestiia, 21 March. – 1927, ‘Vo vtoruiu godovshchinu smerti Sun Yat-sena’, Izvestiia, 11 and 15 March. – 1927, ‘Vstupleniie’, in Voprosy kitaiskoi revoliutsii, (Volume 1), edited by K. Radek, Moscow-Leningrad. – 1927, ‘Voprosy kitaiskoi revoliutsii’, in Voprosy kitaiskoi revoliutsii, (Volume 1), edited by K. Radek, Moscow-Leningrad. – 1930, ‘Revoliutsiia v Kitae i ugroza imperialisticheskoi interventsii’, Izvestiia, 4 July. – 1930, ‘Voprosy kitaiskoi revoliutsii’, Izvestiia, 10 June. – 1930, ‘Zadachi kitaiskoi revoliutsii i bor’ba s likvidatorstvom’, Problemy Kitaia, 3: 10– 20. – 1932, Doklad komissii Littona, Moscow. – 1932, ‘The War in the Far East: A Soviet View’, Foreign Affairs, 10, 4: 541–57. – 1933, ‘Predislovie’ in O. Tanin i K. Iogan, Voenno-fashistskoe dvizhenie v Iaponii, Moscow. – [1934], ‘Japanese and International Fascism’, in O. Tanin and E. Yohan, Militarism and Fascism in Japan, New York. – 1988 [1927], ‘Tezisy po kitaiskomu voprosu’, Kommunisticheskaia oppozitsiia v SSSR, 1923–1927:IzarchivaL’vaTrotskogov chetyrekhtomakh, edited by Iu. Felshtinskii (Vol- ume 2), Benson, VT. – 1991 [1922], ‘Instructions for the Representative of IKKI [ECCI] in South China’, in Tony Saich, The Origins of the First in China: The Role of Sneevliet (alias Maring), (Volume 1), Leiden.

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– 1994 [1922], ‘Instruction for the Representative of ECCI in South China’, Republican China, XIX(2): 61–63. – 1995 [1934], ‘Japanese and International Fascism’, in The Making of Modern Japan: A Reader, edited by Tim Megarry, Dartford. – 1996 [1926], ‘Pis’mo K.B. Radeka v Politburo TsK VKP(b) ot 28 sentiabria 1926 g.’, VKP(b), Komintern i natsional’no-Revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie v Kitae, (Volume 2), edited by M.L. Titarenko, Moscow. – 1996 [1926], ‘Pis’mo K.B. Radeka v Sekretariat TsK VKP(b) ot 31 avgusta 1926 g.’, VKP(b), Komintern i natsional’no-Revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie v Kitae, (Volume 2), edited by M.L. Titarenko, Moscow. – 1999 [1927], ‘Perechen’ vazhneishikh sobytii v Kitae i ikh otrazhenie v nashei presse, dokladakh i pr.’, Arkhiv Trotskogo, (Volume 1), edited by Iu.G. Fel’shtinskii and G.I. Cherniavskii, Kharkov. – 2001 [1928], ‘Pis’mo [I.M.] Musinu [ot 8–12 iulia 1928]’, Archiv Trotskogo, (Volume 2), edited by Iu.G. Fel’shtinskii and G.I. Cherniavskii, Kharkov. – 2001 [1928], ‘Pis’mo [L.D.] Trotskomu [ot 14 iuliia 1928 g.]’, Arkhiv Trotskogo, (Volume 2), edited by Iu.G. Fel’shtinskii and G.I. Cherniavskii, Kharkov. – 2001 [1928], ‘VI kongresu Kominterna’, Archiv Trotskogo, (Volume 2), edited by Iu.G. Fel’shtinskii and G.I. Cherniavskii, Kharkov.

Autobiography and Memoirs by K.B. Radek

– 1989, ‘Avtobiografiia’, in Deiateli SSSR i revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia Rossii: Entsiklo- pedicheskii slovar’ Granat, Moscow. – 1926, ‘Noiabr’ (Strannichka iz vospominanii)’, Krasnaia nov’, 10: 139–75.

Literature about K.B. Radek

In Russian Annenkov, Iu. 1926, ‘Radek’, in Iu. Annenkov, Semnadtst’ portretov, Leningrad. Artemov, V.A. 1993, ‘Karl Radek: “Pust’ vremia i opyt pokazhut, kto i v chem oshibalsia …”’, in Istoricheskie portrety, edited by G.N. Sevostianov, Moscow. Artemov, V.A. 1999, ‘Karl Radek i Germaniia (1918–1919 gg.)’, in Istoricheskie zapiski. Nauchnye trudy istoricheskogo fakul’teta VGU, (4th edition), Voronezh. Artemov, V.A. 2000, ‘Karl Radek i voina s Pol’shei v 1920 godu’,in Rossiia v mirovoi istorii: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov prepodavatelei i aspirantov kafedry politicheskoi istorii, Voronezh. Artemov, V.A. 2000, Karl Radek: Ideia i sud’ba, Voronezh.

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Bukharin, N.I. 1924, ‘O tov. Radeke’, Pravda, 30 May. Bukharin, N.I. 1927, Voprosy kitaiskoi revoliutsii, Moscow-Leningrad. Drakon 1921, ‘Roman Karla Radeka s “poslednei kukharkoi”’, Sotsialisticheskii vestnik, 8: 29. Efimov, B. 1999, ‘Kto takoi Karl Radek?’, L’Chaim, 5(85): 25–27. Fel’shtinskii, Iu. 1997, ‘Byl li prichasten K. Radek k gibeli K. Libknekhta i R. Liuksem- burg?’, Voprosy istorii, 9: 3–35; 10: 3–33; 11: 3–24. Fel’shtinskii, Iu. 1998, ‘Byl li prichasten K. Radek k gibeli K. Libknekhta i R. Liuksem- burg?’, Voprosy istorii, 2: 3–29. Fel’shtinskii, Iu. and G.I. Cherniavskii, 2019, Karl Radek. Povest’ o beschislennykh obli- ch’iakh revoliutsionera, diplomata i politika, tsinika i ostroslova, oppozitsionera i kho- lopa, Moscow. Gorelov, I.E. 1995, ‘“VAnglii …Teper’ Reshaiushchii Boi”: Pis’moV.I.Lenina K.B. Radeku’, 1922 g.’, Istoricheskii Arkhiv, 1: 4–5. Grigor’ev, A.M. 1993, ‘Bor’ba v VKP(b) i Kominterne po voprosam politiki v Kitae (1926– 1927)’, Problemy Dal’nego Vostoka, 2: 123–34; 3: 112–28. Guseinov, E. and V. Sirotkin 1989, ‘Litso i maski Karla Radeka’, Moskovskaia pravda, 14 May. Khazanov, B.Ia. 1993, ‘Radek, Karl Berngardovich’,in PoliticheskiedeiateliRossii.1917:Bio- graficheskii slovar’, Moscow. 1988, Kommunisticheskaia oppozitsiia v SSSR. 1923–1927. Iz archiva L’va Trotskogo v chet- yrekh tomakh, (4 volumes), edited by Yu. Fel’shtinskii, Benson, VT. Medvedev, F.N. 1990, ‘Sof’ia Radek o svoem ottse i o sebe’,inTsena prozreniia: spetsial’ny korrespondent Ogon’ka beret interv’iu. 1986–1988, Moscow. 1995, ‘Naznachit’ revoliutsiiu v Germanii na 9 noiabria’, Istochnik, 6: 142–53. 2001, ‘Ne publikovavshaiasia rech’ I.V. Stalin o Kitae’, Problemy Dal’nego Vostoka, 1: 149– 59. Nikiforov, V.N. 1970, Sovetskie istoriki o problemakh Kitaia, Moscow. 1927, ‘O “puteshestvii” tov. Radeka po Kitaiu, ili “ser’eznoe revoliutsionnoe otnoshenie” k problemam kitaiskoi revoliutsii’, Pravda, 29 April. Pantsov, A.V. 2001, Tainaia istoriia sovetsko-kitaiskikh otnoshenii. Bol’sheviki i kitaiskaia revoliutsiia (1919–1927), Moscow. 1991, ‘Parallel’ny antisovietskii trotskistskii tsentr’, in Reabilitatsiia. Politicheskie prot- sessy 30–50-kh godov, edited by A.N. Yakovlev, Moscow. Pechenkin, S.V. 1999, ‘Karl Radek i “rozlamovskaia oppozitsiia” v SDKPiL’, in Rossiia i Germaniia v XX veke: Mezhvuzovsky sbornik nauchnykh trudov, Voronezh. Pechenkin, S.V. 2001, ‘K. Radek: Partiino-gosudarstvennaia deiatel’nost’, 1904–1936 gg.’, Ph.D. Thesis, Voronezh. 1995, Pis’ma I.V. Stalina V.M. Molotovu 1925–1936 gg. Sbornik dokumentov, compiled by L. Kosheleva et al., Moscow.

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1927, ‘Politicheskaia fizionomiia russkoi oppozitsii’, Kommunisticheskii Internatsional, 41(115): 10–24. Sokolov, M.V. 1988, ‘Voina i mir Karla Radeka’, Sobesednik, 48: 50. Stalin, I.V. 1953, ‘Beseda so studentami Universiteta Sun Yat-sena’, Sochineniia, (Volume 9), Moscow. Stalin, I.V. 1953, ‘Voprosy kitaiskoi revoliutsii. Tezisy dlia propagandistov, odobrennye TsK VKP(b)’, Sochineniia, (Volume 9), Moscow. Stalin, I.V. 1953, ‘K voprosam kitaiskoi revoliutsii. Otvet t. Marchulinu’, Sochineniia, (Volume 9), Moscow. 1937, Sudebnyi otchet po delu antisovietskogo trotskistskogo tsentra, rassmotrennogo Voennoi Kollegiei Verkhovnogo suda Soiuza SSR 23–30 ianvaria 1937 g. Po obvineniiu Piatakova, Iu.L., Radeka, K.B., Sokol’nikova, G.Ia. i dr., Moscow. Torchinov, V.A. and A.M. Leontiuk 2000, ‘Radek (Sobel’son) Karl Berngardovich’,in Vok- rug Stalina. Istoriko-biograficheskii spravochnik, St. Petersburg. Trotskii, L. 1929, ‘Po povodu tezisov t.[ov]. Radeka’, Biulleten’ oppozitsii, 1/2: 11–14; Ditto 1995, Pis’ma iz ssylki. 1928, edited by Yu. Fel’shtinskii, Moscow. Trotskii, L. 1929, ‘Radek i oppozitsiia’, Biulleten’ oppozitsii, 1/2: 10–11. 1994, VKP(b), Komintern i natsional’no-revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie v Kitae. Dokumenty, edited by M.L. Titarenko, (Volume 1), Moscow. 1996, VKP(b), Komintern i natsional’no-revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie v Kitae. Dokumenty, edited by M.L. Titarenko, (Volume 2), Moscow. 1927, XV konferentsiia Vsesoiuznoi Kommunisticheskoi partii (b). 26 oktiabria–3 noiabria 1926 g. Stenograficheskii otchet, Moscow-Leningrad. 1927, XV s”ezd Vsesoiuznoi Kommunisticheskoi partii (b), Moscow-Leningrad.

In Western European Languages Arenstam, A. 1937, ‘Karl Radek’, Living Age, April. Artemov, V.A. 1991, ‘Im Banne von Dogmen oder auf der Suche nach einer neuen Taktik (1918/1919)?’,in Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, (Volume 2). Balabanoff, A. 1938, My Life as a Rebel, New York. Becker, B.K. 1956, Karl Radek in Germany 1918–1923, PhD Thesis, Urbana-Champagne, IL. Becker, J., T. Bergmann and A. Watlin 1993, Das erste Tribunal. Das Moskauer Parteiver- fahren gegen Brandler, Thalheimer und Radek, Mainz. Borkenau, F. 1962, World : A History of the , Ann Arbor, MI. Brandt, C. 1958, Stalin’s Failure in China, Cambridge, MA. Broué, P. 1966, ‘Note sur l’action de Karl Radek jusqu’en 1923’, Les Annales ESC, XXI, 681–90. Broué, P. 1976, La Question Chinoise dans l’Internationale Communiste, Paris.

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Broué, P. 1977, ‘Karl Radek ou la Confusion des Genres?’, in Révolution en Allemagne (1917–1923), Paris. Broué, P. 1997, Histoire de l’Internationale Communiste, 1919–1943, Paris. Carr, E.H. 1971, A History of Soviet Russia: Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926–1929, (Volume 1, in 2 parts), London. Carr, E.H. 1951/52, ‘Radek’s “Political Saloon” in Berlin 1919’, Soviet Studies, III(4): 411–30. 1956–1965, The Communist International: 1919–1943: Documents, edited by Jane Degras (3 volumes), London. Collard, D. 1937, Soviet Justice and the Trial of Radek and Others, London. Cummings, A.J. 1935, ‘Karl Radek’, in Portraits and Pamphlets, by K. Radek, New York. Daniels, R. 1960, The Conscience of the Revolution: Communist Opposition in Soviet Rus- sia, Cambridge, MA. Deutscher, I. 1989, The Prophet Unarmed. Trotsky. 1921–1929, New York. Deutscher Oktober 1923: Ein Revolutionsplan und sein Scheitern 2003, edited by Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Berlin. Eudin, X.J. and R.C. North 1957, Soviet Russia and the East, 1920–1927. A Documentary Survey, Stanford, CA. Fanger, D.M. 1953, Radek’s Role in the Soviet Opposition, Master’s Thesis, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Fayet, J.-F. 2004, Karl Radek (1885–1939): Biographie politique, Bern. Foster, W.Z. 1937, Questions and Answers on the Piatakov-Radek Trial, New York. Frank, P. 1979, Histoire de l’Internationale Communiste, 1919–1943, (2 volumes), Paris. Franz, R. 1919–20, ‘Der Fall Radek in 1913’, Das Forum, 4(1): 389–93. Getty, A.J. and O.V. Naumov 1999, The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932–1939, New Haven, CT. Goldbach, M.-L. 1973, Karl Radek und die deutsch-sowjetischen Beziehungen 1918–1923, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. Gruber, H. 1969, International Communism in the Era of Lenin, New York. Gruber, H. 1974, Soviet Russia Masters the Comintern, Garden City, NY. Heisler, F. 1937, The First Two : Why? Chicago, IL. Heym, S. 1995, Radek, Munich. Kahan, V. 1976, ‘The Communist International, 1919–1943. The Personnel of Its Highest Bodies’, International Review of Social History, 21: 152–6. Kochanski, A. 1986, ‘Radek’, Polski Słownik Biograficzny, XXIX: 680–8, Kraków. Lazitch, B. with M.M. Drachkovich 1986, ‘Karl Radek’, in Biographical Dictionary of the Comintern, by B. Lazitch and M.M. Drachkovich, Stanford, CA. Legters, L.H. von 1959, Karl Radek als Sprachrohr des Bolschewismus, Berlin. 1937, Letter of an : A Key to the Moscow Trials, New York. 1938, Letter of an Old Bolshevik: A Key to the Moscow Trials, London. Lerner,W.1963, ‘Karl Radek and the Chinese Revolution, 1925–1927’,in Essays in Russian

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and Soviet History in Honor of G. Tanquary Robinson, edited by John Shelton Curtiss, New York. Lerner, W. 1970, Karl Radek: The Last Internationalist, Stanford, CA. Leviné-Meyer, Rosa 1977, ‘Radek’, in Inside German Communism: memoirs of Party life in the Weimar Republic, by Rosa Leviné-Meyer, London. Luban, O. 2000, ‘Karl Radek im Januaraufstand 1919 in Berlin. Drei Dokumente’, Inter- nationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbe- wegung, 3: 388–97. Micalef, C. 2004, ‘Le KPD et le Comintern (1919–1933)’, Le Bulletin de l’Institut Pierre Ren- ouvin, 20: 73–92. Möller, D. 1976, Karl Radek in Deutschland: Revolutionär, Intrigant, Diplomat, Köln. North, R.C. 1953, Moscow and the Chinese Communists, Stanford, CA. Pantsov, A. and G. Benton 1994, ‘Did Trotsky Oppose Entering the Guomindang “From the First”?’, Republican China, XIX(2): 52–66. Pawel, E. 1964–65, ‘Karl Radek and the German Revolution’ I–II, Survey, 53: 59–69; 55: 126–40. Saich, T. 1991, The Origins of the First United Front in China. The Role of Sneevliet (alias Maring), (Volume 1), Leiden. Schüddekopf, O.-E. 1962, ‘Karl Radek in Berlin: Ein Kapital deutsch-russischer Bez- iehungen im Jahre 1919’, Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 2: 87–166. Schurer, H. 1964–65, ‘Radek and the German Revolution’, Survey, 53: 59–69; 55: 126–40. Shaynfeld, S. 1954, ‘Der yunger Karol Radek’, Torne: Kiyum un Khrbun fun a yidischer shtot, Tel Aviv. Sheng Yueh 1971, Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow and the Chinese Revolution: A Per- sonal Account, Lawrence, KS. Steffen, J. 1977, Auf zum LetztenVerhör: Erkenntnisse des verantwortlichen Hofnarren der Revolution Karl Radek, Munich. Stratz, H. 1920, Drei Monate als Geisel für Radek. Persönliche Erlebnisse in der und Sowjetrussland, Berlin. 1937, Traitors Accused: Indictment of the Piatakov-Radek Trotskyite Group, New York. Trotsky, L. 1962, Problems of the Chinese Revolution, (2nd edition), Ann Arbor, MI. Trotsky, L. 1976, on China, New York. Trotsky, L. 1980, The Challenge of the . 1926–1927, New York. Trotsky, L. 1990, ‘Schriften’, (Volume 2), Űber China, Hamburg. Tuck, J. 1988, Engine of Mischief: An Analytical Biography of Karl Radek, Westport, CT. Vatlin, A. ‘Die Krise unserer Partei bedroht die Weltrevolution: Karl Radek zwischen sowjetischem Politbüro und deutscher Revolution’, https://www.degruyter.com/vie w/journals/frm/1/2/article‑p135.xml. Wehner, Markus 1992, ‘Karl Radek (1885–1939): biographische Notizen’, Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, 28(3): 395–406.

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Wehrlin Th. 1923, ‘Brief an Radek,’Das Tage-Buch, 29 September. Werner, A. 1973, Stillborn Revolution:The Communist Bid for Power in Germany 1919–1923, (2 volumes), Princeton, NJ. 1937, Why Did They Confess? A Study of the Piatakov-Radek Trial, New York. 1980, ‘The 14 November 1918 Teleprinter Conversation of Hugo Haase with Georgii Chi- cherin and Karl Radek: Document and Commentary’, Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 14(4): 513–34.

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