APPENDIX H – Bibliography of ECOTOX Open Literature

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APPENDIX H – Bibliography of ECOTOX Open Literature APPENDIX H – Bibliography of ECOTOX Open Literature Refresh from 2012 Accepted by ECOTOX and OPP Reference List 1. Abbott, J. D.; Bruton, B. D., and Patterson, C. L. Fungicidal Inhibition of Pollen Germination and Germ-Tube Elongation in Muskmelon. REPSOIL,ENV; 1991; 26, (5): 529-530. Notes: EcoReference No.: 63745 Chemical of Concern: BMY,CTN,CuOH,MZB 2. Abney, M. R.; Ruberson, J. R.; Herzog, G. A.; Kring, T. J.; Steinkraus, D. C., and Roberts, P. M. Rise and Fall of Cotton Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Populations in Southeastern Cotton Production Systems. GRO,POP. Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. [email protected]//: SOIL,ENV; 2008; 101, (1): 23-35. Notes: EcoReference No.: 156197 Chemical of Concern: AZX,CTN,IMC 3. Al-Dosari, S. A.; Cranshaw, W. S., and Schweissing, F. C. Effects on Control of Onion Thrips from Co- Application of Onion Pesticides. POPENV; 1996; 21, (1): 49-54. Notes: EcoReference No.: 90255 Chemical of Concern: CTN,CYP,CuOH,LCYT,MLX,MMM,Maneb 4. Arts, G. H. P.; Belgers, J. D. M.; Hoekzema, C. H., and Thissen, J. T. N. M. Sensitivity of Submersed Freshwater Macrophytes and Endpoints in Laboratory Toxicity Tests. GROAQUA; 2008; 153, (1): 199-206. Notes: EcoReference No.: 108008 Chemical of Concern: ASM,CTN,FNZ,PCP 5. Aziz, T.; Habte, M., and Yuen, J. E. Inhibition of Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Leucaena leucocephala by Chlorothalonil. BCM,GRO,POPSOIL,ENV; 1991; 131, (1): 47-52. Notes: EcoReference No.: 92163 Chemical of Concern: CTN 6. Babu, T. H. Effectiveness of Certain Chemicals and Fungicides on the Feeding Behaviour of House Sparrows. BEHORAL; 1988; 26, (1/2): 17-24. Notes: EcoReference No.: 77673 Chemical of Concern: BMY,CTN,PNB,TDF,THM,TPE 7. Babu, T. R. and Ramanamurthy, G. Residual Toxicity of Pesticides to the Adults of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera). MORENV; 1999; 41, (4): 137-138. Notes: EcoReference No.: 92067 Chemical of Concern: ACP,AZD,CPY,CTN,CYP,ES,FNV,MZB 8. Baird, R. E.; Nankam, C.; Moghaddam, P. F., and Pataky, J. K. Evaluation of Seed Treatments on Shrunken-2 Sweet Corn. GRO,POP. Dep. Plant Pathol., Univ. Ga., RDC, Tifton, GA 31794, USA////: SOIL,ENV,MIXTURE; 1994; 78, (8): 817-821. Notes: EcoReference No.: 111316 Chemical of Concern: ACR,ATZ,CBX,CTN,CZE,Captan,EPTC,FNZ,ILL,MLX,TDF,THM 9. Bao, V. W. W.; Koutsaftis, A., and Leung, K. M. Y. Temperature-Dependent Toxicities of Chlorothalonil and Copper Pyrithione to the Marine Copepod Tigriopus japonicus and Dinoflagellate Pyrocystis lunula. BEH,MOR,PHY. [email protected]//Univ Hong Kong, Sch Biol Sci, Swire Inst Marine Sci, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Peoples R China //: AQUA; 2008; 14, (2/3): 45-54. Notes: EcoReference No.: 156432 Chemical of Concern: CTN 10. Bao, V. W. W.; Leung, K. M. Y.; Qiu, J. W., and Lam, M. H. W. Acute Toxicities of Five Commonly Used Antifouling Booster Biocides to Selected Subtropical and Cosmopolitan Marine Species. MOR,PHY,POPAQUA; 2011; 62, (5): 1147-1151. Notes: EcoReference No.: 156339 Chemical of Concern: CTN,CuS,DU,IRG,TBTCl,TBTO 11. Beauchamp, C. J.; Morrall, R. A. A., and Slinkard, A. E. The Potential for Control of Ascochyta Blight of Lentil with Foliar-Applied Fungicides. POP,REPSOIL,ENV; 1986; 8, (3): 254-259. Notes: EcoReference No.: 82945 Chemical of Concern: BMY,CAP,CBX,CTN,DINO,DOD,FRM,FUZ,Folpet,MEM,MZB,PCZ,PPCP,TPM 12. Belgers, J. D. M.; Aalderink, G. H., and Van den Brink, P. J. Effects of Four Fungicides on Nine Non-target Submersed Macrophytes. GRO,POPAQUA; 2009; 72, (2): 579-584. Notes: EcoReference No.: 108046 Chemical of Concern: CBD,CTN,FNZ,PCP 13. Bellas, J. Prediction and Assessment of Mixture Toxicity of Compounds in Antifouling Paints Using the Sea- Urchin Embryo-Larval Bioassay. GROAQUA,MIXTURE; 2008; 88, (4): 308-315. Notes: EcoReference No.: 114608 Chemical of Concern: CTN 14. Benson, D. M. Fungicides as Foliar Sprays or Rooting Cube Soaks in Propagation of Poinsettia. GROSOIL,ENV,MIXTURE; 1992; 27, (9): 1006-1008. Notes: EcoReference No.: 91954 Chemical of Concern: BMY,CTN,FTL,IPD,MLX 15. Bernard, M. B.; Cole, P.; Kobelt, A.; Horne, P. A.; Altmann, J.; Wratten, S. D., and Yen, A. L. Reducing the Impact of Pesticides on Biological Control in Australian Vineyards: Pesticide Mortality and Fecundity Effects on an Indicator Species, the Predatory Mite Euseius victoriensis (Acari: Phytoseiidae). MOR,REP. [Bernard, MB] Univ Melbourne, Dept Zool, Parkville, Vic 3010, Australia [Kobelt, A//: ENV,MIXTURE; 2010; 103, (6): 2061-2071. Notes: EcoReference No.: 156426 Chemical of Concern: AZX,BMY,CBD,CNOL,CTN,CYD,Captan,CuOH,EMMB,FDX,FRM,GYP,HCZ,IDC,IPD,KBC,M LX,MYC,MZB,PRC,SFR,SS,TDM,TFX,TUZ 16. Beuchat, L. R.; Smith, D. H., and Young, C. T. Effect of Foliar Fungicides on Aflatoxin, Oil and Protein Content and Maturing Rate of Peanut Kernels. BCM,GRO,POPSOIL,ENV; 1974; 25, 477-482. Notes: EcoReference No.: 62916 Chemical of Concern: BMY,CTN,TPTH 17. Bhattacharyya, S. K.; Singh, B. P.; Singh, P. H., and Ram, S. Retardation of Potato Late Blight by Fungicides with Eradicant and Protectant Properties. POPSOIL,ENV,MIXTURE; 1987; 5, (2): 169-177. Notes: EcoReference No.: 92221 Chemical of Concern: CTN,MZB,ODL,ZnS 18. Boman, A.; Montelius, J.; Rissanen, R. L., and Liden, C. Sensitizing Potential of Chlorothalonil in the Guinea Pig and the Mouse. CEL,GRO,PHYTOP; 2000; 43, (5): 273-279. Notes: EcoReference No.: 91957 Chemical of Concern: CTN 19. Bordoloi, D. K.; Paul, S. R., and Roy, A. Effect of Fungicidal Seed Treatment on Germination and Seedling Vigour of Sesame Seeds. GRO,POP,REPSOIL,ENV; 1997; 21, (2): 177-178. Notes: EcoReference No.: 91083 Chemical of Concern: CAP,CBD,CTN,Captan,MLX,MZB 20. Bowen, K. L.; Hagan, A. K.; Olive, J., and Foster, W. Application Rates and Spray Intervals of Ergosterol- Biosynthesis Inhibitor Fungicides for Control of Entomosporium Leaf Spot of Photinia. GRO,POPSOIL,ENV; 1994; 78, (6): 578-581. Notes: EcoReference No.: 92029 Chemical of Concern: CTN,FUZ,MYC,TEB,TEZ,TFR 21. Brammall, R. A. Effect of Foliar Fungicide Treatment on Early Blight and Yield of Fresh Market Tomato in Ontario. GRO,POP. Horticultural Res. Inst. Ont., Horticulture Exp. Stn., Box 587, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4N5, Can.//: SOIL,ENV; 1993; 77, (5): 484-488. Notes: EcoReference No.: 156692 Chemical of Concern: AZ,CPY,CTN 22. Brenneman, T. B.; Sumner, H. R., and Harrison, G. W. Deposition and Retention of Chlorothalonil Applied to Peanut Foliage: Effects of Application Methods, Fungicide Formulations and Oil Additives. ACC. Dep. Plant Pathol., Univ. Ga., Coastal Plain Exp. Stn., Tifton, Ga. 31793.//: SOIL,ENV; 1990; 17, (2): 80-84. Notes: EcoReference No.: 156233 Chemical of Concern: ALSV,CTN,CuOH,MOIL 23. Bringolf, R. B.; Cope, W. G.; Eads, C. B.; Lazaro, P. R.; Barnhart, M. C., and Shea, D. Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Technical-Grade Pesticides to Glochidia and Juveniles of Freshwater Mussels (Unionidae). GRO,MORAQUA; 2007; 26, (10): 2086-2093. Notes: EcoReference No.: 100597 Chemical of Concern: ATZ,CTN,FPN,Halides,NaCl,PCZ,PDM,PMR,PPCP,PRC 24. Bujulu, J. and Lotasarwaki, J. The Effect of Fungicides and Foliar Fertilizers on Bean Rust. POPSOIL,ENV; 1986; 52, (2): 112-121. Notes: EcoReference No.: 69321 Chemical of Concern: BMY,BTN,CTN,Cu2O,CuOH,MEM,MZB,OXC,TFR 25. Choate, J.; Wehtje, G., and Bowen, K. L. Interaction of Paraquat-Based Weed Control with Chlorothalonil- Based Disease Control in Peanut. PHY,POP. [email protected]//: SOIL,ENV,MIXTURE; 1998; 11, (2): 151-152, 191-195. Notes: EcoReference No.: 63773 Chemical of Concern: 24DB,BT,CTN,PAQT,PQT 26. Chongo, G.; Buchwaldt, L.; Gossen, B. D.; LaFond, G. P.; May, W. E.; Johnson, E. N., and Hogg, T. Foliar Fungicides to Manage Ascochyta Blight (Ascochyta rabiei) of Chickpea in Canada. POP. G. Chongo, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Sask. S7N 5A8, Canada//: SOIL,ENV,MIXTURE; 2003; 25, (2): 135-142. Notes: EcoReference No.: 81489 Chemical of Concern: AZX,CTN,MZB 27. Colbaugh, P. F. and Metz, S. P. Chemical Control of Algal Mats on Golf Course Greens. POPSOIL,AQUA,ENV; 1999; 64, (3b): 687-692. Notes: EcoReference No.: 109938 Chemical of Concern: AZX,CTN,CuOH,MZB,TZL 28. Cowgill, W. P. Jr.; Maletta, M. H.; Manning, T.; Tietjen, W. H.; Johnston, S. A., and Nitzsche, P. J. Early Blight Forecasting Systems: Evaluation, Modification, and Validation for Use in Fresh-Market Tomato Production in Northern New Jersey. POPSOIL,ENV,MIXTURE; 2005; 40, (1): 85-93. Notes: EcoReference No.: 104091 Chemical of Concern: AZX,CTN,CuOH,CuS,SFR 29. Culbreath, A. K. and Brenneman, T. B. Combining Center Pivot Irrigation Application of Chlorothalonil with a Moderately Resistant Cultivar for Control of Late Leaf Spot in Peanut. POP. Dep. Plant Pathol., Univ. Ga., Coastal Plain Exp. Stn., Tifton 31793-0748.//: SOIL,ENV; 1992; 76, (1): 29-32. Notes: EcoReference No.: 156719 Chemical of Concern: CTN 30. Culbreath, A. K.; Minton, N. A.; Brenneman, T. B., and Mullinix, B. G. Response of Florunner and Southern Runner Peanut Cultivars to Chemical Management of Late Leaf Spot, Southern Stem Rot, and Nematodes. POPSOIL,ENV,MIXTURE; 1992; 76, (12): 1199-1203. Notes: EcoReference No.: 92097 Chemical of Concern: ADC,CTN,FTL 31. Davies, P. E.; Cook, L. S. J., and Goenarso, D. Sublethal Responses to Pesticides of Several Species of Australian Freshwater Fish and Crustaceans and Rainbow Trout. BCM,BEH,CEL,GRO,MOR,PHYAQUA; 1994; 13, (8): 1341-1354 (OECDG Data File). Notes: EcoReference No.: 4442 Chemical of Concern: ACP,ATZ,CTN,CYP,CZE,FNT,MCPANa 32. Davies, P. E. and White, R. W. G. The Toxicology and Metabolism of Chlorothalonil in Fish.
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