Ian Ballantyne
BOOK REVIEWS Ian Ballantyne. Killing the Bismarck: journalistic history. Ballantyne buttresses Destroying the Pride of Hitler’s Fleet. his narrative with passages, mostly brief, by Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Pen & Sword British eye witnesses drawn from letters, Books Ltd., www.penandsword.co.uk, 2010. published sources and websites. He was 301 pp., illustrations, maps, appendices, end also able to interview 11 participants, 50 notes, bibliography, index. UK £ 25.00, years and longer after their involvement in hardcover; ISBN 978-1-84415-983-3. the epic pursuit of the German battleship. He explains that he wanted to portray, “The whole operation, moreover which among other things, how a spirit of culminated in her destruction is of vengeance after the loss of the battle-cruiser exceptional interest…in point of dramatic HMS Hood to Bismarck’s guns on 24 May reversals of fortune, of the frequent animated the British fleet. Ballantyne also alternation of high optimism and blank wanted to reveal the “necessary brutality of disappointment, of brilliant victory followed the Bismarck episode’s finale” (p.15). quickly by utter defeat, it is probably unique The narrative is supported by on warfare.” These words are from Captain informative endnotes (which, however, do Russell Grenfell’s The Bismarck Episode not provide page numbers for references (1949), the first authoritative book on the cited) and five pithy appendices on topics attempt by a powerful new German such as the myths that have circulated about battleship to break into the Atlantic to the sinking of the Bismarck and whether attack Allied merchant shipping in late May Hood, before being blown up, had 1941.
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