Proud to be a Teacher – Proud to be European Proud to teach European Citizenship1 , .eu – 12-17 April 2021

Venue: Chez LOUP & MOI Avenue Jean et Pierre Carsoel 5 – B1180 Uccle, BRUSSELS

Monday, 12 April 2021

14:00 => 16:00 : Welcome session – At LOUP & MOI - Ice-breaking activity: getting to know one another; Setting the objectives; Defining the working methods and the validation tools.

17:00 => 18:30 - Free tour of the House of European History (booked for our group)

Dinner and friendly welcome party

1 Except for pre-booked visits, the various activities can be adapted to suit the participants’ expectations 1 ELICIT – European Literacy and Citizenship Education – ID 147515 – [email protected]

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Europe in history. Building the : breaking or continuing the course of history?

9:00 => 12:30 How would you transform this visit into an activity for your pupils? European History and histories from various perspectives.

The impact of national histories on the current state of the EU. What national politicians should be aware of…

12:30 => 13:30 - Lunch

13:30 => 16:00 - Film: Royal Affair (2011, Nicolaj Arcel); or how the philosophical ideas of the enlightenment swept across the North of Europe and discussion about the film

16:00 => 16:30 : go to Parlamentarium

16:30 – 18:00 : Parlamentarium (pre-booked visit for our group)

Willy Brandt building, Place du Luxembourg / Luxemburgplein 100, B-1050 Brussels

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Intercultural Understanding in the European Union

9:00 => 12:30 : Intercultural approach to European identity; Understanding diversity. Europe’s major religions – Historical, cultural and moral approaches – The three cultures in Andalusia

How to fight against fanaticism and extremism ?

12:30 => 13:30 - Lunch

13:30 => 17:00 - Film : Al-massir (Le destin) 1997 by Youssef CHAHINE about the famous philosopher, AVERROES – The story is set in the 12th century in Arab-ruled Spanish province of Andalusia.

Discussion and practical activities

Intercultural competences, core objectives of the Erasmus+ programme; examples of school partnerships – pedagogical resources.

2 ELICIT – European Literacy and Citizenship Education – ID 147515 – [email protected]

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Europe, Opinions and the Media

9:00 => 10:30 - Decoding the Medias – Comparing the rendering of the same event in various medias, in various countries. Analysis and interpretation.

10:30 => 12:30 - No Hate-Speech Campaign =>

12:30 => 14:00 – Lunch

Europe and civil society

14:30 => 15:30 : European Economic and Social Committee, room JDE 3252, rue Belliard 99-101

16:00 => 17:00 – Euro-Culture tournament; at LOUP & MOI

Friday, 16 April 2021

European Citizenship

9:00 => 12:30 –.Being an articulate European Citizen: Understanding connections between the and the citizens – Citizen’s Agenda - How to launch a Citizens’ Initiative – practical task

The Common reference framework and the Portfolio of the European citizen. Understanding Lobbying.

13:30 => 14:30 – Visit at the European Parliament (time to be confirmed)

15:30 => 17:30 – Diversity; values and mutual development- Learning to guide our students in their approach of the present time, to help them to build their future.

• Knowledge of the institutions • Decoding the medias • Organising contradictory debates

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Feedback on the course: open discussion - Written evaluation questionnaire. Validation and certification : ERASMUS+ Certificate of Attendance EUROPASS and ELICIT Portfolio of the European Citizen. End of the course

3 ELICIT – European Literacy and Citizenship Education – ID 147515 – [email protected]