Annual meeting mLOCAL AND STATE looks back at 2002 Empty Cioset unveils Chuck Bowen gives GAGV's vision for She future online edition website The Empty Ooset will go online just Chuck Bowen sketched his vision By Susan Jordan in time for Pride. The online ver for the future of the Alliance, de~ Approximateiy 100 people were sion of the paper can be found at scribing the areas to be covered by present at the Gay Alliance's an
[email protected]. th« structural reo*-ganization: opera nual meeting at the Clarion River Advertising will eventually be sold tions/management, development, side Hotel on June 8 — coinci forthe online EC, and news articles community relations (programming) dentaliy, just about the same num^ can now l>e up<teted on a weekly or and communications. He noted that ber tfiat were present at the very daily basis. The GAGV website has the passage of SONDA will gjve the first meeting in 1973 of the group also been completely re-designed: that was to become the GAGV. Gay Alliance the task of educating visit Board member Evelyn Baiiey, k>cal businesses about how to be in Ribv* Ron HelvTts leaves who hmnds the 30th anniversary compliance with the state's new anti Ofsen Ai-ms ^fCC discrimination protections for Igbt celebration commit£e«, gave a On June 22, Rev. Ron Helms ended brief history ofthe Alliance, start people. SPECIAL PRIOE/HISTOilY ISSUE: Above: Our first cotor photo his seven-year ministry at Open ing with the events of Oct 3.