Inventory No. 1/1

Inventory of the archives of the Secretary, Council of Police, 1649 - 1795

Dr. G.C. de Wet

Cape Town Archives Repository ©2003 This inventory is written in English. 1/1 3


FONDS SPECIFICATIONS CONTENT AND STRUCTURE ...... 5 Context ...... 7 Biographical History ...... 7 Custodial History ...... 7 Content and Structure ...... 9 Scope and Content ...... 9 Appendices ...... 11 Concordance ...... 11

...... 79 Resolutions ...... 80 Draft Minutes ...... 89 Letters Received ...... 90 Letters Received: Nederburgh and Frykenius ...... 104 Annexures to Letters Received ...... 107 Petitions and Nominations ...... 115 Memorials and Reports ...... 119 Letters Despatched ...... 122 Journals ...... 135 Ship's and other journals ...... 145 Public Notices' Books ...... 148 Statues of India ...... 151 Instructions ...... 153 Declarations ...... 157 Oath Books ...... 166 Burgher Complaints ...... 167 Lease Conditions ...... 169 Diverse Records ...... 170 4 1/1 1/1 5


Title Archives of the Secretary, Council of Police

Period: 1649 - 1795

Fonds Code: 1/1

Extent: 95.65 lin.metre

Repository: Archives Repository

Creator(s): Council of Police

Abstract: Contains records covering the entire period of the VOC’s administration of the Cape, 1652 - 1795 and originating from the central ruling body, the Council of Policy. Records include the resolutions (minutes) of the Council; letters received; letters dispatched; journals of the Cape governors; journals of the magistrates of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein and of ; ships' journals; proclamations and instructions; affidavits; burgher complaints and lease conditions. 6 1/1 1/1 7


BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY The government of the at the Cape was in the hands of the Council of Policy under the chairmanship of the Commander, later the Governor. Initially, the Council consisted of three members, but in 1685 the membership was increased to eight.

Other members were the Secunde who was vice - governor and vice - chairman of the Council. The Fiscal was the prosecutor in criminal cases and the Chief of the Garrison was the Commander of the Castle and assessor member of the Council of Policy. The Dispensor's task was provision of and supervision over supplies while the Magazine or Store Master and the Factor also had seats on the Council. [2] The key figure was the Secretary, who as an executive official, was not initially a full member of the Council, having no vote. [3] When visits were received from high officials and ships' captains they had seats on the Council of Policy which then became known as the Broad or General Council. Until the Court of Justice was established in 1656, the Council of Policy was the only governing body and was invested with legislative, executive and judicial authority. [4] Other government offices such as the Orphan Chamber (1674), [5] the Landdrost at Stellenbosch (1685) [6] and later other magistrates' offices, in due course took over some of the duties of the Council of Policy. This body, however, fulfilled virtually all the most important governing functions to the end of the Dutch administration.

The Council of Policy legislated for the administration of the country, issued instructions on all kinds of matters, imposed taxes, made appointments, granted land, heard petitions and managed all military and naval affairs, etc. [7]

The government's functions were therefore centralised in the hands of a non - representative body - a situation that gradually led to increasing unrest and discontent which by the end of the Company's period had evolved into widespread resistance by the colonists (the Cape Patriots). [8]

Towards 1791, the once powerful Company had an enormous burden of debt and was faced with economic ruin. Two members of a commission from the States General, Nederburgh and Frykenius, came to the Cape in 1792 to try and salvage the deteriorating situation but succeeded only partially in doing so. [9] The British fleet which arrived in Simon's Bay in June 1795, and the subsequent military action, led to the formal surrender of the Cape to the British commanders on 16 September 1795. [10]

CUSTODIAL HISTORY On the whole, the documents of the different main series have remained fairly well preserved.

2. Theal: History, II, p.270. 3. Ibid. 4. A.J.H van der Walt and others: Geskiedenis van Suid - Afrika, II, p.27. 5. Ibid, p.34. 6. Theal: History, II, p.271. 7. C.F.J Muller, ed.: 500 years history of South Africa, p.92. 8. Van der Walt and others: Geskiedenis, p.29. 9. Ibid, p.31. 10. Muller, ed.: 500 years, p.81. 8 1/1

The entire archives of the Council of Policy is bound and in a very good physical condition. 1/1 9


SCOPE AND CONTENT Hiatuses are evident in the series of miscellaneous and diverse documents such as journals and memorials or petitions.

The series Resolutions (minutes or proceedings of the Council) is the main documentary series of the Council of Policy, as well as the most important and best preserved series of documents that originated in the Company period.

The series Journals records the daily events, weather reports, etc. at the Cape. Hiatuses in this series are covered by copies of the Hague texts which are available in the Verbatim Copies series.

The series Annexures was first described as annexures to the resolutions but with rebinding this was corrected and in the revised list described as Annexures to Letters Received.

Finding aids in the form of original registers and indexes virtually do not exist, and where registers do exist, they are incomplete. 10 1/1 1/1 11


CONCORDANCE The following chart shows the reference codes of the 2003 Inventory with the corresponding reference codes in the previous edition.

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 786/787 603 786/787 604 786/787 605 786/787 606 293/294 1231 293/294 1232 293/294 1233 566a 1773 566a 1774 566a 1775 566a 1776 566a 1777 566b 1778 566b 1779 566b 1780 566b 1781 566b 1782 574/575 1834 574/575 1835 652/653 2223 653/654 2224 654/655 2227 655/656 2229 656/657 2230 777/776 2308 716B 2328 716B 2329 716B 2330 716A 2331 716A 2332 723/781 2383 367/1 2513 367/2 2514 369/1 2519 369/2 2520 12 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 741A 2665 741A 2666 741A 2667 741A 2668 741A 2669 741A 2670 737/737 2681 797a 2744 797b 2745 795/796 2747 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 3 9 3 10 3 11 3 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 5 16 5 17 6 18 6 19 6 20 6 21 6 22 6 23 7 24 7 25 7 26 7 27 8 28 8 29 8 30 9 31 1/1 13

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 9 32 9 33 10 34 10 35 10 36 10 37 11 38 11 39 11 40 11 41 12 42 12 43 12 44 12 45 13 46 13 47 13 48 14 49 14 50 14 51 14 52 15 53 15 54 15 55 16 56 16 57 16 58 17 59 17 60 17 61 17 62 17 63 17 64 18 65 18 66 18 67 18 68 18 69 18 70 19 71 20 72 14 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 20 73 20 74 21 75 22 76 22 77 22 78 23 79 23 80 23 81 24 82 24 83 24 84 25 85 25 86 26 87 26 88 27 89 27 90 27 91 28 92 28 93 28 94 28 95 28 96 29 97 29 98 29 99 29 100 29 101 30 102 30 103 30 104 30 105 30 106 30 107 30 108 31 109 31 110 31 111 31 112 32 113 1/1 15

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 32 114 32 115 33 116 33 117 33 118 33 119 34 120 35 121 36 122 37 123 38 124 39 125 40 126 41 127 42 128 43 129 44 130 45 131 46 132 47 133 48 134 49 135 50 136 51 137 52 138 53 139 54 140 55 141 56 142 57 143 58 144 59 145 60 146 61 147 62 148 63 149 64 150 65 151 66 152 67 153 68 154 16 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 69 155 70 156 71 157 72 158 73 159 73 160 74 161 74 162 74 163 75 164 75 165 76 166 76 167 77 168 78 169 79 170 79 171 80 172 80 173 81 174 82 175 82 176 83 177 83 178 84 179 84 180 85 181 85 182 86 183 86 184 87 185 87 186 87 187 88 188 88 189 89 190 90 191 91 192 91 193 92 194 92 195 1/1 17

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 93 196 93 197 94 198 94 199 95 234 96 200 96 201 96 202 97 203 97 204 97 205 98 206 98 207 99 208 99 209 99 210 100 235 101 211 101 212 101 213 102 214 102 215 102 216 103 217 103 218 104 219 104 220 105 221 105 222 106 223 106 224 106 225 107 226 107 227 108 228 108 229 108 230 109 231 110 631 110 632 110 633 18 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 110 634 111 236 111 237 112 238 113 253 113 254 113 255 113 256 114 257 114 258 115 259 115 260 115 261 115 262 116 263 116 264 118 265 118 266 118 267 118 268 118 269 118 270 118 271 118 272 119 273 120 716 120 717 120 718 120 719 120 720 121 721 121 722 121 723 121 724 121 725 121 726 122 727 122 728 122 729 122 730 122 731 1/1 19

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 122 732 122 733 123 734 123 735 123 736 123 737 124 738 124 739 124 740 124 741 125 742 125 743 125 744 125 745 125 746 126 747 126 748 126 749 126 750 126 751 127 752 127 753 127 754 127 755 127 756 128 757 128 758 128 759 128 760 128 761 129 762 129 763 129 764 129 765 129 766 130 767 130 768 130 769 131 770 131 771 131 772 20 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 131 773 131 774 132 775 132 776 132 777 132 778 132 779 133 780 133 781 133 782 133 783 133 784 134 785 134 786 134 787 134 788 134 789 135 790 135 791 135 792 135 793 135 794 135 795 135 796 135 797 136 798 136 799 136 800 136 801 136 802 136 803 136 804 137 805 137 806 137 807 138 808 138 809 138 810 138 811 138 812 139 813 1/1 21

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 139 814 139 815 139 816 140 817 140 818 140 819 140 820 140 821 141 822 141 823 141 824 141 825 142 826 142 827 142 828 142 829 143 830 143 831 143 832 144 833 144 834 144 835 145 836 145 837 145 838 145 839 146 840 146 841 146 842 147 843 147 844 147 845 148 846 148 847 148 848 148 849 149 850 149 851 149 852 150 853 150 854 22 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 151 855 151 856 151 857 152 858 152 859 153 860 153 861 153 862 154 863 154 864 154 865 155 866 155 867 155 868 156 869 156 870 156 871 157 872 157 873 158 874 158 875 158 876 159 877 159 878 159 879 160 880 160 881 160 882 161 883 161 884 162 885 162 886 163 887 163 888 164 889 164 890 164 891 165 892 165 893 165 894 166 895 1/1 23

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 166 896 166 897 167 898 167 899 168 900 168 901 168 902 169 903 170 904 170 905 170 906 170 907 171 908 171 909 171 910 171 911 172 912 172 913 173 914 173 915 173 916 174 917 174 918 174 919 175 920 175 921 175 922 176 923 176 924 177 925 177 926 178 927 178 928 179 929 179 930 180 931 180 932 180 933 180 934 181 935 181 936 24 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 181 937 181 938 182 939 182 940 182 941 182 942 183 943 183 944 183 945 184 946 184 947 184 948 184 949 184 950 184 951 185 952 185 953 186 954 186 955 187 956 187 957 187 958 187 959 188 960 188 961 188 962 188 963 188 964 189 965 189 966 189 967 189 968 189 969 190 970 190 971 190 972 190 973 190 974 190 975 190 976 191 977 1/1 25

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 191 978 191 979 191 980 191 981 192 982 192 983 192 984 192 985 192 986 192 987 193 989 193 990 194 991 194 992 195 988 196 993 196 994 196 995 196 996 197 997 197 998 198 999 199 1000 199 1001 200 1002 200 1003 201 1004 201 1005 202 1006 202 1007 203 1008 203 1009 204 1010 204 1011 204 1012 205 1013 205 1014 206 1015 206 1016 207 1017 207 1018 26 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 207 1019 208 1020 209 1021 209 1022 209 1023 210 1024 210 1025 210 1026 211 1027 211 1028 211 1029 212 1030 212 1031 212 1032 212 1033 212 1034 213 1035 213 1036 213 1037 214 1038 214 1039 214 1040 214 1041 215 1042 215 1043 215 1044 215 1045 216 1046 216 1047 216 1048 217 1049 217 1050 217 1051 217 1052 217 1053 218 1054 218 1055 218 1056 218 1057 218 1058 218 1059 1/1 27

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 219 1060 219 1061 220 1062 220 1063 220 1064 220 1065 221 1066 221 1067 221 1068 222 1069 222 1070 222 1071 223 1073 223 1074 223 1075 224 1076 224 1077 224 1078 225 1079 225 1080 226 1081 226 1082 226 1083 227 1084 228 1085 228 1086 229 1087 230 1088 231 1089 232 1090 233 1091 234 1092 235 1093 235 1094 235 1095 236 1096 237 1097 237 1098 238 1099 238 1100 239 1101 28 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 240 1102 241 1103 242 1104 242 1105 243 1106 243 1107 244 1108 245 1109 245 1110 246 1111 246 1112 247 1113 247 1114 248 1115 248 1116 249 1117 250 1118 251 1119 252 1120 253 1121 254 1122 255 1123 256 1124 257 1125 258 1126 258 1127 258 1128 259 1129 259 1130 259 1131 260 1132 261 1133 262 1134 262 1135 262 1136 262 1137 263 1138 263 1139 263 1140 263 1141 264 1142 1/1 29

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 265 1143 265 1144 265 1145 266 1146 266 1147 266 1148 266 1149 267 1150 267 1151 268 1152 268 1153 269 1154 269 1155 269 1156 270 1157 270 1158 271 1159 271 1160 272 1161 272 1162 272 1163 273 1164 273 1165 273 1166 274 1167 274 1168 274 1169 275 1170 275 1171 275 1172 276 1173 277 1174 277 1175 277 1176 278 1177 278 1178 278 1179 279 1180 279 1181 280 1182 280 1183 30 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 280 1184 280 1185 280 1186 281 1187 281 1188 281 1189 281 1190 282 1191 282 1192 282 1193 282 1194 283 1195 283 1196 283 1197 283 1198 284 1199 284 1200 284 1201 284 1202 284 1203 284 1204 284 1205 285 1206 285 1207 285 1208 285 1209 285 1210 286 1211 286 1212 286 1213 286 1214 286 1215 286 1216 287 1217 287 1218 287 1219 287 1220 287 1221 287 1222 288 1223 288 1224 1/1 31

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 289 1225 289 1226 290 1072 291 1227 292 1228 292 1229 292 1230 295 1234 296 1235 296 1236 297 1237 297 1238 298 1239 299 1240 300 1241 300 1242 300 1243 301 1244 301 1245 301 1246 302 1247 302 1248 302 1249 303 1250 303 1251 304 1252 304 1253 305 1254 305 1255 306 1256 306 1257 307 1258 307 1259 307 1260 308 1261 308 1262 308 1263 309 1264 309 1265 310 1266 310 1267 32 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 311 1268 311 1269 311 1270 312 1271 312 1272 313 1273 313 1274 313 1275 313 1276 314 1277 314 1278 314 1279 315 1280 315 1281 315 1282 316 1283 316 1284 316 1285 317 1286 317 1287 317 1288 318 1289 318 1290 318 1291 318 1292 319 1293 319 1294 319 1295 319 1296 320 1297 320 1298 320 1299 321 1300 321 1301 322 1302 322 1303 322 1304 322 1305 323 1306 323 1307 323 1308 1/1 33

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 323 1309 323 1310 324 1311 324 1312 324 1313 325 1314 325 1315 325 1316 326 2391 326 2392 326 2393 327 2394 327 2395 328 2396 328 2397 328 2398 328 2399 329 2400 329 2401 329 2402 330 2403 330 2404 330 2405 331 2406 331 2407 331 2408 332 2409 332 2410 332 2411 332 2412 333 2413 333 2414 333 2415 334 2416 334 2417 334 2418 335 2419 335 2420 335 2421 335 2422 336 2423 34 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 336 2424 336 2425 336 2426 337 2427 337 2428 337 2429 338 2430 338 2431 338 2432 339 2433 339 2434 339 2435 340 2436 340 2437 340 2438 340 2439 341 2440 341 2441 341 2442 341 2443 342 2444 342 2445 342 2446 343 2447 343 2448 344 2449 344 2450 344 2451 345 2452 345 2453 345 2454 345 2455 346 2456 346 2457 346 2458 347 2459 347 2460 347 2461 347 2462 348 2463 348 2464 1/1 35

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 349 2465 349 2466 349 2467 350 2468 350 2469 350 2470 351 2471 351 2472 351 2473 352 2474 352 2475 353 2476 353 2477 353 2478 354 2479 354 2480 354 2481 355 2482 355 2483 355 2484 356 2485 356 2486 356 2487 357 2488 357 2489 358 2490 358 2491 359 2492 359 2493 360 2494 360 2495 361 2496 361 2497 361 2498 362 2499 362 2500 363 2501 363 2502 363 2503 364 2504 364 2505 36 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 364 2506 365 2507 365 2508 365 2509 366 2511 366 2512 368 2515 368 2516 368 2517 368 2518 370 2521 370 2522 370 2523 371 2524 371 2525 371 2526 372 2527 372 2528 372 2529 373 2530 373 2531 373 2532 374 2533 374 2534 374 2535 375 2536 375 2537 375 2538 375 2539 376 2540 376 2541 376 2542 377 2543 377 2544 377 2545 377 2546 378 2547 378 2548 378 2549 379 2550 379 2551 1/1 37

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 379 2552 380 2553 380 2554 380 2555 380 2556 381 2557 381 2558 381 2559 382 2560 382 2561 382 2562 383 2563 383 2564 383 2565 383 2566 383 2567 383 2568 384 2569 384 2570 384 2571 385 2572 385 2573 385 2574 386 2575 386 2576 386 2577 386 2578 387 2579 387 2580 387 2581 387 2582 388 2583 388 2584 388 2585 389 2586 389 2587 389 2588 389 2589 390 2590 390 2591 390 2592 38 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 390 2593 391 2594 391 2595 391 2596 391 2597 391 2598 392 2599 392 2600 392 2601 392 2602 393 2603 393 2604 393 2605 393 2606 394 2607 394 2608 394 2609 394 2610 395 2611 395 2612 395 2613 395 2614 395 2615 396 2616 396 2617 396 2618 396 2619 397 2620 397 2621 397 2622 398 2623 398 2624 398 2625 399 2626 399 2627 399 2628 400 2629 400 2630 401 2631 401 2632 401 2633 1/1 39

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 402 2634 402 2635 402 2636 403 2637 403 2638 403 2639 403 2640 404 2641 404 2642 404 2643 404 2644 405 2645 405 2646 405 2647 405 2648 406 2649 406 2650 406 2651 407 2652 407 2653 407 2654 407 2655 407 2656 408 2657 408 2658 408 2659 409 274 409 275 409 276 409 277 409 278 409 279 410 280 410 281 410 282 410 283 410 284 410 285 410 286 410 287 410 288 40 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 411 289 411 290 411 291 411 292 411 293 411 294 411 295 411 296 411 297 412 298 412 299 412 300 412 301 412 302 412 303 412 304 412 305 412 306 412 307 413 308 413 309 413 310 413 311 413 312 414 313 414 314 414 315 414 316 414 317 414 318 414 319 414 320 414 321 414 322 414 323 414 324 415 325 415 326 415 327 415 328 415 329 1/1 41

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 415 330 415 331 415 332 415 333 415 334 416 335 416 336 416 337 416 338 416 339 416 340 416 341 417 342 417 343 417 344 417 345 417 346 417 347 418 348 418 349 419 350 419 351 420 352 420 353 421 354 421 355 421 356 422 357 422 358 422 359 422 360 423 361 423 362 423 363 423 364 424 365 424 366 424 367 424 368 425 369 425 370 42 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 426 371 426 372 426 373 426 374 427 375 427 376 428 377 428 378 428 379 429 380 429 381 429 382 429 383 430 384 430 385 431 386 431 387 431 388 431 389 432 390 432 391 433 392 433 393 433 394 434 395 434 396 434 397 435 398 435 399 435 400 436 401 436 402 436 403 437 404 438 405 438 406 439 407 439 408 439 409 439 410 439 411 1/1 43

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 439 412 439 413 439 414 440 415 440 416 440 417 440 418 440 419 440 420 440 421 441 422 441 423 441 424 441 425 441 426 441 427 442 428 442 429 442 430 442 431 442 432 442 433 442 434 443 435 443 436 443 437 443 438 443 439 444 440 444 441 444 442 444 443 444 444 445 445 445 446 445 447 445 448 445 449 445 450 446 451 446 452 44 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 446 453 446 454 446 455 447 456 447 457 447 458 447 459 448 460 448 461 448 462 449 463 449 464 449 465 449 466 449 467 450 468 450 469 450 470 450 471 450 472 451 473 451 474 451 475 451 476 452 477 452 478 452 479 452 480 452 481 453 482 453 483 453 484 453 485 453 486 453 487 454 488 454 489 454 490 454 491 454 492 455 493 1/1 45

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 455 494 455 495 455 496 455 497 456 498 456 499 456 500 456 501 457 502 457 503 457 504 458 505 458 506 458 507 458 508 458 509 459 510 459 511 459 512 459 513 459 514 459 515 460 516 460 517 461 518 461 519 461 520 461 521 462 522 462 523 462 524 462 525 462 526 463 527 463 528 463 529 463 530 463 531 463 532 464 533 464 534 46 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 464 535 464 536 464 537 464 538 465 539 465 540 465 541 465 542 465 543 466 544 466 545 466 546 466 547 467 548 467 549 467 550 467 551 468 552 468 553 468 554 468 555 468 556 469 557 469 558 469 559 470 562 470 563 470 564 471 565 471 566 471 567 471 568 471 569 471 570 472 571 472 572 472 573 472 574 472 575 472 576 472 577 1/1 47

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 473 578 473 579 473 580 473 581 473 582 474 583 474 584 474 585 474 586 474 587 474 588 475 589 475 590 476 591 476 592 476 593 477 594 477 595 477 596 478 601 479 597 479 598 479 599 479 600 480 560 480 561 481 602 482 623 483 626 484 627 484 628 484 629 484 630 485 635 485 636 485 637 485 638 485 639 485 640 486 641 486 642 48 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 486 643 486 644 487 645 487 646 488 651 488 652 488 653 489 654 489 655 489 656 490 647 490 648 490 649 490 650 491 622 492 624 492 625 493 1317 493 1318 493 1319 494 1320 494 1321 494 1322 494 1323 494 1324 494 1325 494 1326 494 1327 494 1328 494 1329 495 1330 495 1331 495 1332 495 1333 495 1334 495 1335 495 1336 495 1337 495 1338 495 1339 496 1340 1/1 49

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 496 1341 496 1342 496 1343 496 1344 496 1345 496 1346 497 1347 497 1348 498 1349 498 1350 498 1351 498 1352 498 1353 498 1354 498 1355 498 1356 498 1357 499 1358 499 1359 499 1360 499 1361 499 1362 499 1363 499 1364 499 1365 500 1366 500 1367 500 1368 500 1369 500 1370 500 1371 500 1372 500 1373 501 1374 501 1375 501 1376 501 1377 501 1378 501 1379 501 1380 502 1381 50 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 502 1382 502 1383 502 1384 502 1385 502 1386 502 1387 503 1388 503 1389 503 1390 503 1391 504 1392 504 1393 504 1394 504 1395 504 1396 504 1397 504 1398 504 1399 504 1400 504 1401 505 1402 505 1403 505 1404 505 1405 505 1406 505 1407 505 1408 505 1409 505 1410 505 1411 505 1412 506 1413 506 1414 506 1415 506 1416 506 1417 506 1418 506 1419 506 1420 506 1421 507 1422 1/1 51

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 507 1423 507 1424 507 1425 507 1426 507 1427 507 1428 507 1429 507 1430 508 1431 508 1432 508 1433 508 1434 508 1435 508 1436 508 1437 508 1438 508 1439 508 1440 508 1441 508 1442 509 1443 509 1444 509 1445 509 1446 509 1447 509 1448 509 1449 509 1450 509 1451 509 1452 509 1453 510 1454 510 1455 510 1456 511 1457 511 1458 512 1459 513 1460 513 1461 513 1462 513 1463 52 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 514 1464 514 1465 514 1466 515 1467 515 1468 516 1469 516 1470 516 1471 517 1472 517 1473 517 1474 517 1475 517 1476 517 1477 517 1478 517 1479 518 1480 518 1481 519 1482 519 1483 520 1484 520 1485 521 1486 521 1487 521 1488 522 1489 522 1490 522 1491 522 1492 522 1493 522 1494 522 1495 522 1496 522 1497 523 1498 523 1499 523 1500 523 1501 523 1502 523 1503 523 1504 1/1 53

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 523 1505 523 1506 524 1507 524 1508 524 1509 524 1510 524 1511 525 1512 525 1513 525 1514 525 1515 525 1516 525 1517 525 1518 526 1519 526 1520 526 1521 527 1522 527 1523 527 1524 527 1525 527 1526 527 1527 527 1528 527 1529 527 1530 528 1531 528 1532 528 1533 528 1534 528 1535 528 1536 529 1537 529 1538 529 1539 529 1540 529 1541 529 1542 529 1543 529 1544 530 1545 54 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 530 1546 530 1547 530 1548 530 1549 530 1550 531 1551 531 1552 531 1553 531 1554 531 1555 532 1556 532 1557 532 1558 532 1559 532 1560 532 1561 532 1562 533 1563 533 1564 533 1565 533 1566 534 1567 534 1568 534 1569 534 1570 534 1571 535 1572 535 1573 535 1574 535 1575 535 1576 535 1577 536 1578 536 1579 536 1580 536 1581 536 1582 536 1583 537 1584 537 1585 537 1586 1/1 55

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 537 1587 537 1588 537 1589 537 1590 538 1591 538 1592 538 1593 538 1594 538 1595 538 1596 539 1597 539 1598 539 1599 539 1600 539 1601 539 1602 539 1603 539 1604 540 1605 540 1606 540 1607 540 1608 541 1609 541 1610 541 1611 541 1612 541 1613 541 1614 541 1615 541 1616 542 1617 542 1618 542 1619 542 1620 542 1621 542 1622 542 1623 542 1624 543 1625 543 1626 543 1627 56 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 543 1628 543 1629 543 1630 543 1631 544 1632 544 1633 544 1634 544 1635 544 1636 544 1637 544 1638 544 1639 545 1640 545 1641 545 1642 545 1643 545 1644 545 1645 545 1646 546 1647 546 1648 546 1649 546 1650 546 1651 546 1652 547 1653 547 1654 547 1655 547 1656 547 1657 547 1658 547 1659 547 1660 548 1661 548 1662 548 1663 548 1664 548 1665 548 1666 548 1667 549 1668 1/1 57

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 549 1669 549 1670 549 1671 549 1672 549 1673 549 1674 549 1675 550 1676 550 1677 550 1678 551 1679 551 1680 551 1681 551 1682 551 1683 551 1684 551 1685 552 1686 552 1687 552 1688 552 1689 552 1690 552 1691 552 1692 553 1693 553 1694 553 1695 553 1696 553 1697 553 1698 553 1699 554 1700 554 1701 554 1702 554 1703 554 1704 554 1705 554 1706 555 1707 555 1708 555 1709 58 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 555 1710 555 1711 555 1712 555 1713 556 1714 556 1715 556 1716 556 1717 556 1718 556 1719 556 1720 556 1721 557 1722 557 1723 557 1724 557 1725 557 1726 557 1727 557 1728 557 1729 558 1730 558 1731 558 1732 558 1733 558 1734 558 1735 558 1736 558 1737 559 1738 559 1739 559 1740 559 1741 559 1742 559 1743 559 1744 559 1745 560 1746 560 1747 560 1748 560 1749 560 1750 1/1 59

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 560 1751 560 1752 561 1753 561 1754 561 1755 562 1756 562 1757 562 1758 563 1759 563 1760 563 1761 563 1762 563 1763 564 1764 564 1765 564 1766 564 1767 565 1768 565 1769 565 1770 565 1771 565 1772 567 1829 567 1830 567 1831 568 1783 568 1784 568 1785 568 1786 568 1787 568 1788 568 1789 569 1790 569 1791 569 1792 569 1793 569 1794 569 1795 569 1796 569 1797 569 1798 60 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 570 1799 570 1800 570 1801 570 1802 570 1803 570 1804 570 1805 570 1806 570 1807 570 1808 570 1809 571 1810 571 1811 571 1812 571 1813 571 1814 571 1815 571 1816 572 1817 572 1818 572 1819 572 1820 572 1821 572 1822 572 1823 572 1824 572 1825 573 1826 573 1827 573 1828 574 1832 574 1833 576 1836 576 1837 576 1838 577 1839 577 1840 577 1841 577 1842 578 1843 578 1844 1/1 61

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 579 1845 579 1846 579 1847 579 1848 580 1849 580 1850 580 1851 581 1852 581 1853 581 1854 581 1855 582 1856 582 1857 582 1858 582 1859 583 1870 584 1871 584 1872 585 1873 585 1874 586 1875 586 1876 586 1877 587 1878 587 1879 588 1880 588 1881 589 1882 589 1883 590 1884 590 1885 590 1886 590 1887 591 1888 591 1889 591 1890 591 1891 591 1892 591 1893 592 1894 592 1895 62 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 592 1896 592 1897 592 1898 593 1899 593 1900 593 1901 594 1902 594 1903 594 1904 595 1905 595 1906 595 1907 595 1908 596 1909 596 1910 596 1911 596 1912 596 1913 596 1914 597 1915 597 1916 598 1917 598 1918 598 1919 598 1920 599 1921 599 1922 599 1923 599 1924 600 1925 600 1926 600 1927 600 1928 601 1929 601 1930 601 1931 602 1932 602 1933 602 1934 602 1935 602 1936 1/1 63

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 602 1937 603 1938 603 1939 603 1940 603 1941 603 1942 604 1943 604 1944 604 1945 604 1946 604 1947 604 1948 604 1949 604 1950 604 1951 605 2072 605 2073 605 2074 605 2075 605 2076 605 2077 605 2078 605 2079 606 1952 606 1953 606 1954 606 1955 606 1956 606 1957 606 1958 606 1959 606 1960 606 1961 606 2084 606 2085 606 2086 607 1962 607 1963 607 1964 607 1965 607 1966 64 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 607 1967 607 1968 607 1969 607 1970 608 2080 608 2081 608 2082 608 2083 608 2087 608 2088 608 2089 608 2090 609 2091 609 2092 609 2095 609 2096 609 2097 609 2098 609 2099 609 2100 610 1971 610 1972 611 2093 611 2094 612 1973 612 1974 613 1975 614 1976 614 1977 614 1978 615 1979 615 1980 615 1981 616 2101 616 2102 616 2103 616 2104 616 2105 616 2106 616 2107 616 2108 1/1 65

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 616 2109 616 2110 617 1982 617 1983 617 1984 618 1985 618 1986 618 1987 618 1988 619 2111 619 2112 619 2113 619 2114 619 2115 619 2116 619 2117 619 2118 619 2119 619 2120 619 2121 620 1989 620 1990 620 1991 620 1992 620 1993 620 1994 620 1995 620 1996 620 1997 621 2122 621 2123 622 1998 622 1999 622 2000 623 2124 623 2125 624 2001 624 2002 624 2003 625 2126 625 2127 66 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 626 2004 626 2005 626 2006 626 2007 627 2128 627 2129 628 2008 628 2009 629 2010 629 2011 629 2012 629 2013 629 2014 629 2015 629 2010 630 2130 630 2131 630 2132 630 2133 630 2134 630 2135 630 2136 630 2137 630 2138 631 2016 631 2017 631 2018 631 2019 631 2020 631 2021 632 2139 632 2140 632 2141 632 2142 633 2022 633 2023 633 2024 633 2025 633 2026 634 2143 634 2144 1/1 67

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 634 2145 634 2146 634 2147 635 2027 635 2028 635 2029 635 2030 635 2031 635 2032 635 2033 635 2034 636 2148 636 2149 636 2150 636 2151 636 2152 636 2153 636 2154 637 2155 637 2156 637 2157 637 2158 638 2035 638 2036 638 2037 638 2038 638 2039 638 2040 638 2041 639 2159 639 2160 639 2161 639 2162 639 2163 640 2042 640 2043 640 2044 640 2045 640 2046 640 2047 641 2164 68 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 641 2165 641 2166 641 2167 642 2048 642 2049 642 2050 642 2051 642 2052 643 2168 643 2169 643 2170 643 2171 644 2053 644 2054 644 2055 644 2056 645 2057 645 2058 645 2059 646 2172 646 2173 646 2174 646 2175 646 2176 646 2177 646 2178 647 2179 647 2180 647 2181 647 2182 648 2060 648 2061 648 2062 648 2063 648 2064 648 2065 648 2066 648 2067 648 2068 648 2069 649 2070 1/1 69

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 649 2071 650 2183 650 2184 650 2185 650 2186 650 2187 650 2188 651 2189 651 2190 651 2191 652 2192 652 2193 652 2194 652 2195 652 2196 652 2197 653 2198 653 2199 653 2200 653 2201 653 2202 654 2203 654 2204 654 2205 654 2206 654 2207 654 2225 654 2226 655 2208 655 2209 655 2210 655 2211 655 2212 655 2213 655 2214 655 2228 656 2215 656 2216 656 2217 656 2218 656 2219 70 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 657 2220 657 2221 657 2222 658 2231 658 2232 658 2233 658 2234 658 2235 659 2236 659 2237 660 2243 660 2244 660 2245 660 2246 661 2247 662 2248 662 2249 662 2250 662 2251 663 2254 663 2255 663 2256 663 2257 663 2258 664 2259 664 2260 664 2261 664 2262 664 2263 665 2264 665 2265 665 2266 666 2253 667 2252 668 2241 669 2242 670 2697 670 2698 670 2699 670 2700 670 2701 1/1 71

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 670 2702 671 2703 671 2704 671 2705 671 2706 672 2707 672 2708 672 2709 672 2710 672 2711 673 2712 673 2713 673 2714 673 2715 673 2716 673 2717 673 2718 674 2719 674 2720 674 2721 674 2722 675 2723 675 2724 675 2725 675 2726 675 2727 676 2728 677 2729 678 2660 678 2661 679 2662 679 2663 679 2664 680 2267 680 2268 680 2269 680 2270 681 2271 681 2272 681 2273 681 2274 72 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 681 2275 682 2276 682 2277 682 2278 682 2279 683 2280 683 2281 683 2282 684 2283 684 2284 684 2285 685 2286 685 2287 685 2288 686 2289 686 2290 687 2291 687 2292 687 2293 687 2294 688 2295 689 657 689 658 689 659 689 660 689 661 689 662 690 663 690 664 690 665 690 666 690 667 691 668 691 669 691 670 691 671 691 672 692 673 692 674 692 675 692 676 1/1 73

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 692 677 692 678 692 679 692 680 693 681 693 682 693 683 693 684 693 685 693 686 693 687 694 688 694 689 694 690 694 691 694 692 694 693 695 694 695 695 695 696 695 697 695 698 695 699 695 700 695 701 695 702 696 703 696 704 696 705 696 706 696 707 696 708 696 709 696 710 696 711 696 712 697 713 697 714 697 715 698 1860 698 1861 74 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 698 1862 698 1863 699 1864 699 1865 699 1866 699 1867 699 1868 699 1869 700 2333 700 2334 700 2335 700 2336 701 2337 701 2338 701 2339 702 2340 702 2341 703 2342 703 2343 703 2344 703 2345 704 2346 704 2347 705 2348 705 2349 705 2350 706 2351 706 2352 707 2353 707 2354 708 2355 709 2356 710 2357 711 2358 712 2309 712 2310 712 2311 712 2312 712 2313 713 2314 713 2315 1/1 75

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 713 2316 713 2317 713 2318 714 2319 714 2320 714 2321 714 2322 714 2323 715 2324 715 2325 715 2326 715 2327 717 2362 717 2363 717 2364 717 2365 717 2366 717 2367 718 2368 718 2369 718 2370 718 2371 718 2372 719 2373 719 2374 719 2375 720 2377 720 2378 720 2379 721 2376 722 2380 722 2381 723 2382 724 2297 725 2384 725 2385 725 2386 725 2387 725 2388 725 2389 725 2390 76 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 726 2746 727 2296 728 2748 729 2749 730 2770 730 2771 731 2769 732 2772 732 2773 733 2743 734 2750 735 2683 735 2684 735 2685 738 2682 739 2687 739 2688 740 2686 741 2673 741 2674 741 2675 741 2676 741 2677 741 2678 742 2689 743 2690 743 2691 743 2692 744 2693 744 2694 744 2695 745 2696 747 2751 748 2238 748 2239 748 2240 749 2760 750 2761 751 2762 752 2759 753 2754 1/1 77

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 754 245 754 246 754 247 754 248 755 249 755 250 755 251 755 252 756 2763 757 2755 758 2739 759 2740 760 2730 761 2731 762 2732 764 2734 764 2734 765 2735 766 2736 767 2737 768 2738 769 2741 770 2742 772 2298 772 2299 772 2300 773 2302 773 2303 773 2304 774 2305 774 2306 774 2307 775 2301 778 233 779 244 780 232 782 2361 783 2775 783 2776 784 613 784 614 78 1/1

Old Ref. No. New Ref. No. 784 615 785 616 785 617 785 618 785 619 788 239 789 241 790 240 791 242 791 243 792 607 792 608 792 609 793 610 793 611 793 612 794 620 794 621 798 2764 799 2765 800 2671 800 2672 801 2757 802 2753 803 2359 803 2360 804 2766 804 2767 805 2768 806 2752 807 2756 810 2758 811 2679 811 2680 1/1 79 1/1 80

RESOLUTIONS 1 - 231 Resolutions 1651 Dec - 1795 Sept Volumes C1 - C121 (previously C1 - C35) have been withdrawn from consultation. Please consult the published series Resolusies van die Politieke Raad, filed in the library of this office under the reference number 968.7 SOU. 1 1651 Dec 30 - 1659 May 27 Contains a petition from the free burghers re land dated 27 Aug 1657. 2 1659 May 29 - 1663 Dec 8 3 1664 Jan 22 - 1666 Jan 5 4 1666 Jan 16 - 1668 Mar 15 5 1668 Mar 29 - 1670 Jan 10 Contains a resolution of 19 Feb 1670 and a list of questions of Commissioner Mattheus van den Broeck for Commander Jacob Borghorst re conditions at the Cape and the answers of Commander Borghorst. 6 1670 Feb 14 - Dec 17 Contains a French letter of P Hackius and others dated 10 Nov 1670 together with a Dutch translation thereof. 7 1671 Jan 2 - 1672 Apr 11 8 1672 Apr 13 - 1673 Aug 31 Contains two letters dated 14 Nov 1670 and 17 Apr 1672; an agreement re transport work, instructions for the outposts and a list of duties for the officials dated 27 Jun 1672. 9 1674 May 2 - 1676 Sept 9 Contains an extract from the minutes of the church council dated 23 Nov 1674. The resolutions of Jan and Feb 1675 are not in chronological order. 10 1676 Oct 1 - 1677 Apr 12 11 1677 May 3 - Nov 23 12 1677 Dec 4 - 1678 Apr 18 13 1678 Apr 18 - Dec 21 Contains a draft minute of the meeting of the Council of Policy of 14 Jun 1678. 14 1679 Jan 1 - 1681 Feb 28 15 1681 Feb 28 - 1682 Jun 14 16 1682 Jun 19 - 1684 Apr 15 17 1684 Apr 18 - 1686 Mar 16 18 1686 Apr 25 - 1687 Feb 10 The resolutions in vols C18 - C23 are not in chronological order. 19 1687 Mar 6 - 1688 Apr 22 The resolutions in vols C18 - C23 are not in chronological order. 20 1688 May 19 - 1691 Feb 12 The resolutions in vols C18 - C23 are not in chronological order. 21 1691 Feb 21 - 1693 Jun 3 The resolutions in vols C18 - C23 are not in chronological order. 22 1693 Jul 20 - 1697 Oct 19 The resolutions in vols C18 - C23 are not in chronological order. 1/1 81

23 1697 Dec 2 - 1699 Dec 29 Contains a register on vols. C21 - C23. Includes an original resolution of 21 Aug 1696. The resolutions in vols C18 - C23 are not in chronological order. 24 1700 Jan 29 - 1705 Aug 31 25 1705 Oct 1 - 1707 Aug 28 Contains a protest of senior merchant JC D'Ableing dated 29 Aug 1707. The last part of the resolution dated 12 Oct 1705, which commences on p.5, continues on p.18. 26 1707 Aug 29 - 1709 Mar 18 Contains information re WA van der Stel's wine harvest dated 22 Feb 1708 and a resolution of a combined meeting dated 2 Apr 1708. 27 1709 Mar 20 - 1710 May 20 28 1710 Jul 1 - 1711 Apr 13 Contains a register on vols. C28 - C30. Also includes a protest of governor L van Assenburgh dated 13 Sept 1710. 29 1711 Apr 13 - 1712 Aug 12 30 1712 Aug 23 - 1713 Apr 3 31 1713 Apr 4 - 1714 May 1 Contains marginalia for vols. C31 - C33. 32 1714 May 8 - Aug 21 33 1714 Aug 28 - 1715 Sept 6 34 1715 Sept 10 - Nov 24 35 1715 Nov 26 - 1716 Feb 18 36 1716 Feb 25 - Mar 16 37 1716 Mar 17 - Apr 8 Contains marginalia for vols. C34 - C37. 38 1716 Apr 15 - Jul 28 Contains marginalia for vols. C38 - C41. 39 1716 Aug 11 - Nov 10 40 1716 Nov 17 - 1717 Feb 19 41 1717 Feb 23 - Mar 30 42 1717 Apr 13 - Aug 24 43 1717 Aug 30 - Nov 2 44 1717 Nov 16 - 1718 Jan 11 45 1718 Jan 18 - Mar 28 Contains marginalia for vols. C42 - C45. 46 1718 Apr 5 - Jul 12 Contains marginalia for vols. C46 - C48. 47 1718 Jul 26 - Nov 8 48 1718 Nov 22 - 1719 Mar 18 49 1719 Mar 21 - Aug 1 Contains marginalia for vols. C49 - C52. 50 1719 Aug 8 - Oct 11 51 1719 Oct 11 - 1720 Jan 12 52 1720 Jan 16 - Mar 22 53 1720 Apr 2 - Jun 25 Contains marginalia for vols. C53 - C55. 54 1720 Jul 2 - Dec 3 82 1/1

55 1720 Dec 10 - 1721 Apr 18 56 1721 Apr 20 - Aug 30 Contains a register on vols. C56 - C58. 57 1721 Sept 2 - Dec 2 58 1721 Dec 9 - 1722 Mar 24 59 1722 Mar 31 - Jun 16 Contains a register on vols. C59 - C64 60 1722 Jun 20 - Oct 13 61 1722 Oct 20 - Dec 13 62 1722 Dec 15 - 1723 Feb 2 63 1723 Feb 9 - 23 64 1723 Feb 23 - Mar 16 65 1723 Mar 23 - Apr 16 Contains a register on vols. C65 - 70. 66 1723 Apr 20 - Jun 29 67 1723 Jul 6 - Sept 8 68 1723 Sept 12 - Nov 16 69 1723 Nov 23 - 1724 Jan 11 70 1724 Jan 12 - Mar 24 71 1724 Apr 11 - 1725 Mar 31 Contains a register. 72 1725 Apr 4 - Jul 31 Contains a register on vols. C72 - C74. 73 1725 Aug 7 - Dec 29 74 1726 Jan 7 - Mar 5 75 1726 Mar 14 - 1727 Jan 22 Contains a register. 76 1727 Jan 26 - Apr 1 Contains a register on vols. C76 - C78. 77 1727 Apr 4 - Oct 14 78 1727 Oct 25 - 1728 Feb 23 79 1728 Mar 4 - Apr 27 Contains a register on vols. C79 - C81. 80 1728 May 4 - Sept 9 81 1728 Sept 16 - 1729 Jan 27 82 1729 Feb 1 - Apr 24 Contains a register on vols. C82 - C84. 83 1729 May 3 - Sept 8 84 1729 Sept 22 - 1730 Jan 10 85 1730 Feb 2 - Jun 18 Contains a register on vols. C85 - C86. 86 1730 Jul 18 - 1731 Feb 5 87 1731 Feb 27 - May 8 Contains a register on vols. C87 - C88. 88 1731 May 17 - 1732 Jan 22 89 1732 Feb 1 - Apr 30 Contains a register on vols. C89 - C91. 90 1732 May 8 - Nov 13 91 1732 Nov 14 - 1733 Mar 1 92 1733 Mar 12 - Apr 30 Contains a register on vols. C92 - C96. 1/1 83

93 1733 May 5 - Dec 3 94 1733 Dec 10 - 1734 Mar 8 95 1734 Mar 18 - Jul 1 96 1734 Jul 1 - Dec 31 97 1735 Jan 18 - Mar 8 Contains a register on vols. C97 - C101. 98 1735 Mar 21 - Aug 31 99 1735 Sept 13 - 1736 Jan 17 100 1736 Feb 7 - Jun 26 101 1736 Jul 5 - Dec 11 102 1737 Jan 14 - Mar 30 Contains a register on vols. C102 - C108. 103 1737 Apr 8 - Aug 13 104 1737 Aug 16 - Nov 26 105 1737 Dec 3 - 1738 Jan 28 106 1738 Jan 29 - Apr 3 107 1738 Apr 29 - Jul 29 108 1738 Aug 12 - Dec 9 109 1739 Jan 20 - Mar 13 Contains a register on vols. C109 - C112. 110 1739 Mar 21 - Jul 7 111 1739 Jul 18 - Oct 29 112 1739 Oct 29 - Dec 8 113 1740 Jan 5 - Mar 15 Contains a register on vols. C113 - C115. 114 1740 Mar 22 - May 24 115 1740 May 24 - Dec 27 116 1741 Jan 10 - Mar 14 Contains a register on vols. C116 - C119. 117 1741 Mar 21 - Apr 25 118 1741 Apr 25 - Jun 27 119 1741 Aug 1 - Dec 19 120 1742 Jan 1 - Dec 18 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 121 1743 Jan 1 - Dec 27 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 122 1744 Jan 7 - Dec 8 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 123 1745 Jan 5 - Dec 30 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 124 1746 Jan 4 - Dec 29 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 125 1747 Jan 12 - Dec 28 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 126 1748 Jan 12 - Dec 30 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 127 1749 Jan 9 - Dec 18 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 128 1750 Jan 8 - Dec 22 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 84 1/1

129 1751 Jan 12 - Dec 30 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 130 1752 Jan 11 - Dec 28 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 131 1753 Jan 9 - Dec 24 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 132 1754 Jan 10 - Dec 31 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 133 1755 Jan 4 - Dec 23 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 134 1756 Jan 7 - Dec 30 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 135 1757 Jan 11 - Dec 27 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 136 1758 Jan 10 - Dec 30 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 137 1759 Jan 4 - Dec 18 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 138 1760 Jan 8 - Dec 23 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 139 1761 Jan 1 - Dec 15 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 140 1762 Jan 5 - Dec 21 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 141 1763 Jan 6 - Dec 27 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 142 1764 Jan 6 - Dec 29 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 143 1765 Jan 10 - Dec 18 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 144 1766 Jan 7 - Dec 16 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 145 1767 Jan 2 - Dec 22 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 146 1768 Jan 8 - Dec 30 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 147 1769 Jan 4 - Dec 19 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 148 1770 Jan 9 - Dec 18 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 149 1771 Jan 5 - Dec 31 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 150 1772 Jan 6 - Dec 15 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 151 1773 Jan 5 - Dec 23 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 152 1774 Jan 11 - Dec 13 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 153 1775 Jan 3 - Dec 27 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 1/1 85

154 1776 Jan 2 - Dec 17 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 155 1777 Jan 14 - Dec 16 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 156 1778 Jan 15 - Dec 28 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 157 1779 Jan 5 - Dec 27 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 158 1780 Jan 4 - Dec 27 Vols. C120 - C158 each contain a register. 159 1781 Jan 9 - Jul 4 Contains a register on vols. C159 - C160. 160 1781 Jul 4 - Dec 31 161 1782 Jan 3 - Mar 5 Contains a register on vols. C161 - C163. 162 1782 Mar 5 - Jun 10 163 1782 Jun 10 - Dec 31 164 1783 Jan 3 - May 13 Contains a register on vols. C164 - C165. 165 1783 May 16 - Dec 26 166 1784 Jan 6 - Jun 8 Contains a register on vols. C166 - C167. 167 1784 Jun 8 - Dec 28 168 1785 Jan 4 - Jun 17 Contains a register. 169 1785 Jul 13 - Dec 30 Contains a register. 170 1786 Jan 6 - Feb 28 Contains a register on vols. C170 - C173. 171 1786 Feb 28 - May 30 172 1786 Jun 14 - Sept 29 173 1786 Sept 29 - Dec 27 174 1787 Jan 8 - Jun 20 Contains a register. 175 1787 Jun 21 - Sept 18 Contains a register on vols. C175 - C176. 176 1787 Sept 18 - Dec 19 177 1788 Jan 8 - Apr 4 178 1788 Apr 4 - Jun 24 179 1788 Jul 8 - Sept 16 Contains a register on vols. C179 - C180. 180 1788 Sept 16 - Dec 30 181 1789 Jan 13 - Mar 6 182 1789 Mar 6 - Jun 30 183 1789 Jul 7 - Oct 27 184 1789 Nov 13 - Dec 18 185 1790 Jan 5 - Mar 12 186 1790 Mar 12 - May 4 187 1790 May 4 - Jun 29 188 1790 Jul 1 - Aug 20 189 1790 Aug 20 - Sept 28 86 1/1

190 1790 Oct 4 - Dec 18 191 1791 Jan 5 - Apr 5 192 1791 Apr 9 - May 13 193 1791 May 13 - Jun 24 194 1791 Jun 29 - Jul 20 195 1791 Jul 20 - Aug 19 196 1791 Aug 20 - Sept 16 197 1791 Sept 16 - Oct 28 198 1791 Nov 1 - 29 199 1791 Dec 2 - 28 200 1792 Jan 3 - Feb 3 Vols. C989 - C1071 (Annexures to Letters Received, 3 Jan 1792 - 10 Sept 1795) can be consulted for annexures to the resolutions for the period Jan 1792 - Sept 1795. 201 1792 Feb 7 - Mar 6 202 1792 Mar 6 - 27 203 1792 Apr 3 - May 1 204 1792 May 4 - Jun 26 205 1792 Jun 26 - Jul 31 206 1792 Aug 3 - Sept 1 207 1792 Sept 1 - 29 208 1792 Oct 1 - 31 209 1792 Nov 2 - 29 210 1792 Nov 29 - Dec 28 211 1793 Jan 2 - 15 212 1793 Jan 15 - Feb 12 213 1793 Feb 12 - 27 214 1793 Mar 4 - 20 215 1793 Mar 20 - Apr 16 216 1793 Apr 16 - 30 217 1793 Jul 23 - Aug 28 Resolutions for the period May - June 1793 are missing. 218 1793 Aug 28 - Sept 30 219 1793 Oct 1 - Nov 22 220 1793 Nov 22 - Dec 31 221 1794 Jan 4 - Feb 4 222 1794 Feb 4 - Mar 31 223 1794 Apr 2 - May 21 224 1794 May 21 - Jul 16 225 1794 Jul 16 - Sept 9 226 1794 Sept 17 - Nov 11 227 1794 Nov 11 - Dec 30 228 1795 Jan 9 - Feb 20 229 1795 Feb 20 - Apr 10 230 1795 Apr 16 - Sept 10 The dates of this volume overlap with vol. C231. An undated resolution of which only the last two pages are preserved, appears between the resolutions of 29 Jun and 9 Jul 1795. 1/1 87

231 1794 Sept 17 - 1795 Sept 16 In addition to the ordinary resolutions for the period 11 Jun 1795 - 16 Sept 1795, this volume also contains nine secret resolutions dated 17 Sept 1794; 16 Feb 1795; 20 Feb 1795; 27 Feb 1795; 2 Mar 1795; 8 Apr 1795; 16 Apr 1795; 11 May 1795 and 24 Jun 1795. Also included are the following: Extracts from the secret resolutions of 8 Apr 1795 and 11 May 1795, a signed declaration by secunde van Reede van Oudtshoorn dated 14 Sept 1795 in which he states his reasons why he is not in favour of signing a cease - fire with the English dated 16 Sept 1795. 232 - 233 Register on Resolutions - 232 D-H 233 I-M 234 - 235 Register on Resolutions 1792 Jan 3 - 1793 Dec 27 Vols. C234 and C235 contain chronological registers which have been compiled from the marginalia of the resolutions. 234 1792 Jan 3 - Dec 28 235 1793 Jan 2 - Dec 27 236 - 238 Secret Resolutions 1789 Apr 3 - 1795 May 11 236 1789 Apr 3 - 1791 May 13 237 1791 May 13 - 1792 Feb 7 238 1795 Feb 16 - May 11 For the secret resolutions of 17 Sept 1794; 16 Feb 1795; 20 Feb 1795; 27 Feb 1795; 2 Mar 1795; 8 Apr 1795; 16 Apr 1795; 11 May 1795 and 24 Jun 1795 see volume C231 Resolutions for the period 17 Sept 1794 - 16 Sept 1795. 239 - 243 Extracts from Resolutions 1687 Jul 2 - 1795 Aug 12 239 Extracts from Resolutions 1687 Jul 2 - 1795 Aug 12 Contains extracts from the secret resolutions. Copies of two letters dated 4 Feb 1820 and 18 Feb 1820 with extracts from the resolutions of 22 Apr 1794 and 23 Oct 1794 attached, have been placed in the Miscellaneous archival group. 240 1753 Dec 13 - 1765 Mar 5 241 1756 Aug 31 - 1759 Oct 2 Vols. C241 and C242 are not strictly chronological and contain extracts from letters as well as from the resolutions of the Council of India. 242 1788 Sept 27 - 1790 Nov 2 243 1791 Jul 8 - 1794 Jan 17 Contains only extracts from the resolutions of the dispenser. 244 Index on Extracts from Resolutions - 88 1/1

245 - 252 Houglysche Resolutions 1794 Jan 15 - 1795 Dec 31 Since 1676 the VOC had a trading post in Hougly. These resolutions ended up at the Cape by mistake. Register available on vols. C245 - C248. 245 1794 Jan 15 - May 3 246 1794 May 3 - Sept 1 247 1794 Sept 29 - Dec 248 1794 Dec 12 - 31 249 1794 Jan 15 - May 3 Contains register for vols. C249 - C252. 250 1794 May 3 - Sept 29 251 1794 Oct 1 - Nov 15 252 1794 Dec 4 - 31 1/1 89

DRAFT MINUTES 253 - 273 Draft Minutes 1717 - 1795 Vols not always chronological and complete. Some of the volumes contain the prescribed prayer with which the meetings of the Council of Policy were opened. 253 1717 Nov 2 - 1722 Jan 6 254 1722 Jan 12 - 1724 Jun 13 255 1724 Jul 17 - 1733 Apr 30 256 1733 May 5 - 1738 Feb 6 257 1745 Jun 1 - 1749 Apr 2 258 1749 Apr 15 - 1754 May 28 Also contains draft minutes for the period 1778 - 1780. 259 1754 Jun 4 - 1759 Apr 4 260 1759 May 8 - 1765 Oct 15 261 1765 Nov 12 - 1773 Jun 10 262 1773 Jun 29 - 1779 Jan 19 263 1783 Sept 8 - 1786 Apr 29 For further draft minutes for the period 1778 - 1780 see volume C258. 264 1786 May 4 - 1788 Jun 5 265 1792 Jan 3 - May 14 266 1792 May 21 - Sept 13 267 1792 Sept 15 - Dec 28 Includes an extract from the resolutions for the Commissioners from the Court of Justice dated 27 Dec 1792. 268 1793 Jan 2 - Apr 8 269 1793 Apr 9 - Jul 2 270 1793 Jul 11 - Dec 27 271 1793 Oct 31 - 1794 Apr 22 272 1794 Apr 30 - Dec 30 273 Draft Minutes 1795 Jan 9 - Sept 16 90 1/1

LETTERS RECEIVED 274 - 64 Letters Received 1652 - 1787 274 1652 Apr 20 - 1653 May 31 The dating is based on the first letters received after van Riebeeck arrived at the Cape. This volume also contains records prior to this date, such as the "remonstrantie" of L Jansz and M Proot dated 26 Jul 1649 and van Riebeeck's commentary of Jun 1651; also extracts from letters, instructions, etc. The volume also contains a register on vols. C274 - C279 which was apparently compiled by Leibbrandt. See also Precis of Leibbrandt. 275 1653 Oct 29 - 1655 Jan 18 Letter no 54 is incomplete. 276 1655 Jan 12 - 1656 Jun 21 277 1656 Apr 12 - 1657 Jul 15 This volume commences with an extract from a letter dated 12 Apr 1656, presumably sent to the Cape for the information of van Riebeeck. Since the covering letter could not be traced, it was decided to leave it here. 278 1657 Jun 15 - 1658 Sept 2 This record which was numbered 158 originally, forms part of no 156 and was placed correctly. No 158 could not be traced. 279 1658 Oct 10 - 1659 Dec 27 280 1660 Jan 17 - 1661 Jan 7 This volume contains a register which pertains to vols. C280 - C288. 281 1661 Jan 7 - Dec 20 No 24 is a copy of a record which was originally dated 21 Aug 1660. It was copied on 18 Jan 1661 and filed under the latter date, for practical reasons. 282 1662 Jan 29 - Sept 18 283 1662 Nov 15 - 1664 Apr 29 284 1664 Aug 14 - Dec 22 285 1664 Dec 24 - 1666 Jan 30 286 1666 Mar 25 - Oct 23 Includes two letters dated 22 Aug 1668 and 3 Oct 1665, respectively. 287 1666 Oct 23 - 1667 May 14 288 1667 May 14 - Dec 23 289 1668 Jan 25 - 1669 Aug 22 The original p.146 could not be traced. 290 1669 Aug 24 - 1670 Nov 18 291 1670 Nov 24 - 1671 May 16 Contains unnumbered duplicates which were placed directly after the letters from which they were copied. 292 1671 May 23 - Nov 24 293 1671 Nov 26 - 1672 Jun 29 294 1672 Jun 29 - Dec 11 295 1673 Jan 5 - Mar 15 1/1 91

296 1673 Apr 7 - Oct 26 The first two pages of the last letter in this volume dated 26 Oct 1673, could not be traced. 297 1673 Nov 4 - Dec 30 298 1674 Jan 5 - Mar 8 The internal order of vols C298 - C347 was restored. The letters were placed in chronological order, according to their dates and the annexures were placed with the relevant letters. Where uncertainty occurred, an annexure was placed with the letter to which it had relevance. Annexures which could not be placed with applicable letters are in chronological order at the back of the volume. 299 1674 Apr 2 - Sept 15 300 1674 Oct 31 301 1674 Nov 26 - Dec 10 302 1674 Dec 20 - 1675 Jan 11 303 1675 May 13 - Jul 19 304 1675 Aug 10 - 1676 Jan 305 1676 Feb 9 - Sept 10 306 1676 Sept 10 - Nov 28 307 1676 Nov 28 - Dec 15 308 1677 Jan 20 - May 17 309 1677 Aug 27 - 30 310 1677 Sept 2 - 1678 Jan 27 311 1678 Jan 31 - Feb 16 312 1678 Feb 16 - Apr 22 313 1678 Jun 1 - Sept 12 314 1678 Nov 1 - Dec 29 The following records were placed in their correct chronological order in vol. C315: three petitions of free burghers of Mauritius to the chief thereat, two undated and one dated 23 Jul 1678; one letter of the captain of the Bode to the chief of Mauritius dated 21 Sept 1678 and one letter of Captain Frederik Janse Swart to the Chamber Amsterdam dated 18 Dec 1678. 315 1679 Jan 3 - Apr 9 See note under No 314. 316 1679 Apr 9 - Aug 15 317 1679 Oct 11 - Nov 21 318 1679 Dec 5 - 1680 Jun 20 319 1680 Jun 20 - Nov 9 Contains lists of navigational instruments and maps which were provided to ships in the . 320 1680 Nov 9 - 30 321 1680 Dec 5 - 1681 Jan 5 322 1681 Jan 5 - May 8 323 1681 Jul 10 - Nov 29 324 1681 Nov 29 - Dec 29 325 1682 Jan 8 - Jun 10 The register and annexures dated 9 Jan 1682, have been removed from vol. C414 (old number), since it was dated incorrectly 9 Jan 1681 by the author. 326 1682 Jun 8 - 1683 Jan 10 327 1683 Jan 10 - 30 92 1/1

328 1683 Mar 8 - 20 329 1683 Mar 20 - Nov 29 An annexure dated 12 Dec 1683 and which bears no relevance to the last letter, was placed at the back of the volume, since it was received from the same ship. 330 1683 Dec 7 - 8 331 1683 Dec 8 - 31 332 1684 Jan 5 - May 12 333 1684 Jun 7 - Nov 30 334 1684 Dec 11 - 20 The register and two annexures of 11 Dec 1864 were removed from vol. C416 (old number) and placed correctly in this volume. See also the second part of note under No. 335. 335 1685 Jan 2 - Dec 6 See note under No. 334. Nos. 18 and 19, annexures to no. 17, were removed from vol. C415 (old number) and correctly placed in this volume. 336 1685 Dec 10 - 1686 Mar 28 337 1686 Apr 20 - Oct 25 338 1686 Nov 2 - Dec 14 339 1686 Dec 14 - 1687 Feb 25 The first letter in this volume is undated, but since it is a duplicate of the last letter in the previous volume, it was dated 14 Dec 1686. 340 1687 Feb 28 - Dec 18 341 1687 Dec 19 - 23 A memorial dated January 1688 was removed from this volume and placed correctly in vol. C342. See second part of note under No. 342 and paragraph 2 of note under No. 344. 342 1688 Jan 10 - Mar 12 See note under No. 341. An annexure dated 1 Nov 1687, to a letter dated 12 Mar 1688 was removed from vol. C416 (old number) and placed correctly in this volume. 343 1688 Apr 1 - Oct 6 Contains a list of records dated 22 Oct 1688 which were sent to the Cape with the ship Tuymelaar. 344 1688 Oct 6 - Dec 16 Contains a copy of a record dated 25 Oct 1688 at the beginning of the volume. A letter dated 22 Dec 1687, was removed and placed correctly in vol. C341. 345 1688 Dec 27 - 1689 Jan 22 346 1689 Feb 15 - Nov 15 347 1689 Nov 16 - Dec 30 348 1690 Jan 4 - Nov 1 Vols. C348 - C406 could not be arranged internally, since the volumes were not rebound. Since the letters were not always arranged chronologically, the beginning and end dates of some of the volumes overlap. 349 1690 Jul 12 - 1691 Oct 1 350 1691 Jan 15 - 1693 Feb 19 351 1691 Oct 1 - 1692 Oct 20 352 1692 Apr 20 - 1693 Aug 19 1/1 93

353 1692 May 25 - 1693 Aug 19 354 1693 Jan 25 - 1694 Sept 21 355 1694 Jan 18 - 1695 Apr 15 356 1694 Aug 27 - 1695 Oct 15 357 1695 Apr 7 - Nov 30 358 1695 Apr 7 - 1696 Jun 15 359 1695 Apr 7 - 1696 Oct 24 Contains two letters received on 28 Oct 1697 and 27 May 1698, respectively. 360 1696 Sept 3 - 1697 Sept 7 361 1697 Apr 27 - 1698 Feb 3 362 1698 Feb 3 - Sept 18 363 1698 Jul 3 - 1699 Feb 14 364 1698 Jul 3 - 1699 Dec 6 365 1699 May 14 - Nov 24 366 1699 Sept 15 - 1700 Jun 5 367 1700 Apr 25 - 1701 Apr 13 368 1701 Jan 11 - Jun 25 369 1701 Mar 30 - 1702 Apr 13 370 1702 Feb 13 - Sept 30 371 1702 Aug 26 - 1703 Jun 20 372 1702 Dec 14 - 1704 Mar 3 373 1704 Mar 3 - Apr 27 374 1704 Apr 27 - Dec 19 375 1705 Feb 27 - May 5 376 1705 May 11 - Dec 8 377 1706 Feb 4 - May 4 378 1706 May 13 - Jul 26 379 1706 Aug 17 - Dec 12 380 1707 Feb 20 - Apr 16 381 1707 Apr 19 - Nov 7 382 1707 Nov 7 - 1708 Feb 15 383 1708 Feb 23 - Dec 24 384 1709 Jan 8 - May 5 385 1709 May 5 - Dec 19 386 1710 Jan 10 - May 7 387 1710 May 11 - 1711 Jan 14 388 1711 Jan 6 - Mar 20 389 1711 Mar 20 - Dec 6 390 1712 Jan 16 - Mar 23 391 1712 Mar 27 - Nov 21 392 1713 Feb 4 - 17 393 1713 Feb 17 - Apr 29 394 1713 Apr 29 - Oct 20 395 1714 Jan 19 - Mar 26 396 1714 Mar 16 - May 18 397 1714 May 18 - Dec 30 398 1714 Dec 30 - 1715 Mar 6 Contains an annexure dated 11 Oct 1713, which was delivered on 20 Mar 1714 by the Bergh, from Ceylon. 399 1715 Mar 8 - Apr 29 94 1/1

400 1715 Apr 30 - Dec 25 Also contains an extract from a resolution of the Council XVII dated 30 Oct 1713, which was delivered by the Rijksdorf on 18 May 1714. 401 1716 Jan 10 - 1717 Mar 17 From January 1716 the annexures form a separate series and are no longer lodged with the letters received. A few annexures remained with the latter, since the volumes up to C406 were not rebound. 402 1717 Mar 28 - 1718 May 26 403 1718 Jun 3 - 1719 Dec 26 404 1717 Jun 8 - 1719 Mar 13 All the letters in this volume are duplicates, except for one. 405 1719 Dec - 1720 Nov 22 406 1721 Jan 11 - Dec 21 407 1722 Jan 13 - Apr 11 From this volume onwards, the volumes have been arranged internally and the letters have been placed chronologically according to the date received. Letters on which the date of receipt was not indicated, have been placed chronologically according to the date of the letter. In some cases the date of receipt was traced in other sources such as the journal and placed correctly. Undated letters were placed at the back of the relevant volumes. Annexures and registers of annexures traced in various volumes were removed and placed chronologically in the series Annexures to Letters Received. 408 1722 Apr 12 - Dec 27 409 1722 Dec 29 - 1723 Apr 4 410 1723 Apr 5 - Jul 9 411 1723 Jul 11 - Dec 22 A letter from the chief and secunde of Rio de la Goa to the Governor and Council of the Cape, dated 10 Mar 1723 and received on 11 Jul 1723 was removed from vol. C124 (old number) and placed correctly in this volume. 412 1724 Jan 2 - Mar 13 An undated letter from the chief of Rio de la Goa was removed from vol. C125 (old number) and placed chronologically in this volume. 413 1724 Apr 2 - Sept 19 414 1724 Sept 19 - Nov 23 415 1725 Jan 7 - Feb 25 416 1725 Mar 18 - Jul 30 417 1725 Aug 3 - Dec 14 418 1725 Dec 19 - 1726 Jan 16 419 1726 Jan 16 - Feb 19 420 1726 Feb 19 - Aug 21 421 1726 Aug 22 - Dec 18 422 1726 Dec 26 - 1727 Feb 17 423 1727 Feb 17 - Jun 8 424 1727 Jul 4 - Sept 11 425 1727 Sept 23 - 1728 Feb 19 426 1728 Feb 22 - Jul 15 427 1728 Jul 25 - Dec 19 1/1 95

428 1729 Jan 7 - Feb 24 Contains a letter of the captain of the Steenhoven to Mr Muller dated 31 Jan 1729. 429 1729 Feb 24 - Jun 5 Contains a list of the deceased of the Pallas, which is an annexure to the letter of the ship's council of the Pallas dated 22 Mar 1729. 430 1729 Jun 8 - Nov 11 431 1729 Nov 13 - 1730 Jan 13 432 1730 Jan 20 - May 28 433 1730 Jun 10 434 1730 Jun 10 - Dec 15 435 1731 Jan 1 - Mar 23 436 1731 Mar 28 - Oct 17 437 1731 Nov 5 - 1732 Feb 17 438 1732 Mar 2 - Aug 16 439 1732 Sept 4 - Dec 25 440 1733 Jan 4 - Jun 19 441 1733 Jul 2 - 1734 Feb 23 442 1734 Mar 1 - May 22 443 1734 May 23 - Sept 8 444 1734 Sept 8 - Dec 31 445 1735 Jan 2 - Mar 12 446 1735 Mar 16 - Dec 23 447 1735 Dec 23 - 1736 Apr 29 448 1736 May 26 - Dec 23 449 1737 Jan 3 - Jun 20 450 1737 Jun 24 - Dec 13 451 1737 Dec 29 - 1738 Feb 18 452 1738 Feb 19 - Jul 22 453 1738 Aug 14 - 1739 Feb 26 454 1739 Mar 1 - Jul 7 455 1739 Jul 9 - Dec 9 456 1740 Jan 3 - Mar 31 457 1740 Apr 27 - Dec 25 458 1741 Jan 1 - May 2 459 1741 May 18 - Dec 18 Letters received from the Delft Chamber and from the chief and council, Canton dated 8 Nov 1741 and 24 Dec 1741, respectively were removed from vol. C461 (old number C448) and placed chronologically in this volume. 460 1742 Jan 7 - Apr 21 Contains a secret letter from the Council XVII dated 13 Dec 1741 and received on 13 Apr 1742. 461 1742 Apr 21 - Jul 7 Letters received from the Delft Chamber and from the chief and council, Canton dated 8 Nov 1741 and 24 Dec 1741, respectively were removed from this volume and placed chronologically in vol. C459. 462 1742 Jul 7 - Oct 18 463 1743 Dec 7 - 1744 Mar 27 This volume contains only two letters for 1743, both dated 7 Dec 1743. 96 1/1

464 1744 Apr 1 - Aug 6 Contains a secret letter from the Council XVII dated 17 Jan 1744 and received on 26 May 1744. A letter from the governor - general, Batavia dated 23 Jan 1744 and received on 27 Apr 1744 was removed from vol. C145 (old number) and placed chronologically in this volume. 465 1744 Aug 7 - 1745 Mar 21 466 1745 Apr 2 - Jun 3 467 1745 Jun 5 - Dec 31 468 1746 Jan 1 - Mar 24 469 1746 Mar 24 - Sept 19 470 1746 Oct 11 - 1747 Feb 13 471 1747 Feb 13 - Jun 17 472 1747 Jun 18 - Dec 19 473 1748 Jan 5 - Jul 15 474 1748 Jul 16 - 1749 Mar 5 475 1749 Mar 7 - Jul 16 476 1749 Jul 22 - Dec 29 A letter received from the Prince of Orange dated 30 Aug 1749, was removed from vol. C477 (old number C452) and placed chronologically in vol. C476. 477 1750 Jan 1 - May 14 See note under 476. 478 1750 May 14 - Sept 4 479 1750 Sept 4 - 1751 Feb 8 480 1751 Feb 10 - Jun 2 481 1751 Jun 6 - Dec 25 Contains an annexure to a letter from the minister of Drakenstein dated 1 Aug 1751. 482 1752 Jan 2 - Mar 26 483 1752 Mar 27 - Jul 1 484 1752 Jul 1 - Oct 16 485 1752 Oct 17 - 1753 Mar 21 486 1753 Mar 23 - Jul 15 487 1753 Jul 17 - Dec 21 Contains a letter from the magistrate of Swellendam dated 12 Dec 1753, which was removed from vol. C488 (old number C454). 488 1753 Dec 25 - 1754 Apr 13 See note under 487. 489 1754 Apr 16 - Aug 4 490 1754 Aug 6 - Dec 30 491 1755 Jan 5 - Apr 8 A report of the magistrate of Swellendam to governor Ryk Tulbagh dated 27 Mar 1755 was removed from vol. C156 (old number) and placed chronologically in this volume. 492 1755 Apr 12 - Dec 28 493 1756 Jan 1 - Apr 26 494 1756 Apr 26 - Jun 29 495 1756 Jun 30 - Oct 25 496 1756 Oct 25 - 1757 Mar 21 Contains a secret letter from the governor - general and council, Batavia dated 29 Oct 1756 and delivered by the Leijden on 17 Jan 1757. 1/1 97

497 1757 Mar 23 - Jun 24 498 1757 Jun 26 - Dec 8 499 1757 Dec 31 - 1758 Jul 29 Vols. C499 - C504 have not been rebound and are therefore not arranged internally. The dates of the volumes overlap and annexures are included. 500 1758 Jul 28 - 1759 Apr 3 501 1759 Mar 17 - Dec 20 502 1760 Jan 4 - Jul 15 503 1760 Jul 16 - 1761 May 1 504 1761 Apr 23 - Dec 28 505 1762 Jan 4 - May 24 506 1762 May 26 - Dec 31 507 1763 Jan 3 - May 3 508 1763 May 4 - Sept 15 Contains letters dated 20 Nov 1735; 14 Mar 1742; 19 Jan 1744; 17 Jan 1761 and 21 Jan 1761. 509 1763 Sept 16 - Dec 31 Letters dated 1 - 13 Jan 1764 were removed from this volume and placed correctly in vol. C510. 510 1764 Jan 1 - May 6 See note under 509. 511 1764 May 7 - Jun 13 Also contains letters between governor Ryk Tulbagh and secunde Pieter van Reede van Oudtshoorn whilst Tulbagh was on a journey into the interior between Jun - Jul 1764. 512 1764 Jun 15 - Aug 7 513 1764 Aug 21 - 1765 Feb 2 514 1765 Feb 8 - Jul 6 515 1765 Jul 12 - Dec 30 516 1766 Jan 1 - 1767 Jan 14 Vols. C516 - C517 have not been rebound and therefore were not arranged internally. The two volumes contain a few annexures. 517 1767 Jan 19 - Dec 21 518 1767 Dec 31 - 1768 Jun 14 519 1768 Jun 24 - 1769 Feb 2 520 1769 Feb 2 - Apr 25 521 1769 May 6 - Dec 22 Contains two French letters dated 20 and 24 Dec 1795 at the back of the volume. 522 1770 Jan 3 - May 7 523 1770 May 8 - Aug 19 524 1770 Aug 23 - 1771 Feb 23 525 1771 Feb 27 - Jul 1 526 1771 Jul 2 - Dec 23 A French letter dated 30 Nov 1771 was removed from vol. C527 (old number C463) and placed chronologically in this volume. 527 1772 Jan 6 - Apr 18 See note under 526. 528 1772 Apr 20 - Jun 20 529 1772 Jun 21 - Oct 10 530 1772 Oct 19 - 1773 Apr 8 98 1/1

531 1773 Apr 9 - Jun 27 532 1773 Jun 28 - Dec 31 Contains a letter from heemraad Cloete of Stellenbosch to Hoffman dated 23 Aug 1772, in which he reports a shipping disaster. A letter from the church council of Swartland dated 31 Dec 1773, was removed from vol. C533 (old number C464) and placed correctly in this volume. Also contains an undated French letter at the back of the volume. 533 1774 Jan 3 - Apr 25 See second paragraph of note under 532. 534 1774 Apr 27 - Jul 26 535 1774 Jul 28 - Dec 27 536 1774 Dec 30 - 1775 Mar 24 537 1775 Apr 5 - Jul 20 538 1775 Jul 22 - Dec 27 Contains an undated Arabic letter with a Dutch translation at the back of the volume. 539 1775 Dec 29 - 1776 Mar 19 540 1776 Mar 25 - Jul 10 541 1776 Jul 10 - 1777 Jan 17 542 1777 Jan 23 - Apr 24 543 1777 Apr 24 - Dec 27 544 1778 Mar 18 - Aug 20 545 1778 Aug 24 - 1779 Jan 14 Contains a circular received on 27 Dec 1778 which was removed from vol. C179 (old number). 546 1779 Jan 23 - May 24 547 1779 May 24 - Dec 21 548 1780 Jan 1 - Apr 12 Contains a circular received on 2 Jan 1780 which was removed from vol. C181 (old number). 549 1780 Apr 12 - Dec 5 550 1780 Dec 16 - 1781 Apr 14 551 1781 Apr 25 - Nov 15 Contains a letter from the skipper of the Zon dated 12 May 1781, which was received as an annexure to a letter from the post - holder in False Bay also dated 12 May 1781. 552 1781 Dec 29 - 1782 Jul 12 553 1782 Jul 14 - Dec 2 554 1782 Dec 2 - 1783 Apr 15 A letter from the Council XVII dated 30 Oct 1781 and two letters from the Chamber Amsterdam dated 2 May 1782, of which the exact dates of receipt during 1782 could not be established, were placed at the end of the Letters Received for 1782. 555 1783 Apr 21 - Aug 8 556 1783 Aug 8 - Dec 16 557 1783 Dec 31 - 1784 Jul 25 Volumes C557 - C559 have not been rebound and therefore not arranged internally. 558 1784 Jul 24 - 1785 Jan 25 559 1785 Jan 3 - Dec 5 1/1 99

560 1785 May 9 - 1786 May 15 Volumes C560 - C561 contain letters from the interior only, mostly from the post - holder in False Bay. 561 1786 May 16 - Nov 20 562 1785 Dec 31 - 1786 May 22 Volumes C562 - C564 have not been rebound and therefore not arranged internally. 563 1786 Mar 15 - 1787 Feb 3 The letters of 1787 are mostly foreign letters. 564 1787 Feb 6 - Dec 8 565 - 570 Letters Received: Interior 1786 - 1788 In volumes C565 - C602 the foreign letters have been separated from the letters received from the interior and as such indicated in the inventory. The annexures to the interior letters have not been removed from the covering letters. The annexures to the foreign letters have been placed in the separate series Annexures to Letters Received. 565 1786 Nov 13 - 1787 May 9 Also contains letters from N Goodale and B Carpenter dated 12 and 17 Aug 1786, respectively. 566 1787 May 10 - Aug 23 567 1787 Aug 24 - Nov 27 568 1787 Nov 28 - 1788 Jul 4 569 1788 Jul 5 - Oct 7 570 1788 Oct 9 - Dec 31 571 - 577 Letters Received: Forein 1788 - 1789 Volume C593 can be consulted for foreign letters received during 1788 and 1789. 571 1788 Jan 4 - Mar 28 572 1788 Mar 28 - May 27 573 1788 Jun 1 - Aug 26 Contains a letter received on 21 Apr 1788 and which was removed from vol. C189 (old number). 574 1788 Sept 5 - 1789 Jan 4 Contains a letter from the Chamber Delft dated 17 Oct 1787 and received on 12 Jul 1788 which was removed from vol. C189 (old number). 575 1789 Jan 12 - Apr 1 Letter no 1 received with the Wirstlust on 5 Feb 1789 was removed from vol. C190 (old number). 576 1789 Apr 1 - Sept 9 Letter no 1 received with the Faam on 18 Aug 1789 and letters no 1 - 2 received with the Luchtbol were removed from vol. C190 (old number). 577 1789 Sept 18 - Dec 20 578 - 582 Letters Received: Interior 1789 - 1790 578 1789 Jan 2 - Jun 6 579 1789 Jun 7 - Aug 13 580 1789 Aug 14 - 1790 May 13 100 1/1

581 1790 May 15 - Aug 1 582 1790 Aug 2 - Dec 27 583 - 588 Letters Received: Foreign 1790 - 1791 583 1790 Jan 2 - Apr 13 584 1790 Apr 13 - 29 Contains an original letter received on 19 Apr 1790 with the Meerwijk and which was removed from vol. C191 (old number). 585 1790 Apr 29 - 1791 Jan 8 Contains the following records which were removed from vol. C191 (old number): 1. Original letter received on 11 Jun 1790 with the Zeenimph. 2. Original letter received from Houghly on 28 Jul 1790 with the Haasje. 3. Original letter from the Chamber Seeland dated 31 May 1790 and received with the Vlijt on 5 Sept 1790. 4. Original letter from the Chamber Rotterdam dated 17 May 1790 and received with the Geregtigheijd on 12 Oct 1790. 5. Original letter no 1 received on 16 Oct 1790 with the Meermin.

586 1791 Jan 8 - Apr 12 Contains an original letter from the governor - general and council, Batavia dated 15 Jul 1791 and received on 12 Dec 1791 with the Texelstroom. This letter was removed from vol. C192 (old number). 587 1791 Apr 13 - Jun 4 588 1791 Jun 27 - Dec 22 Contains an original letter received on 19 Feb 1791 with the Maria Louisa and which was removed from vol. C192 (old number). 589 - 590 Letters Received: Interior 1791 - 1792 Vols. C589 - C596 have not been rebound and therefore not arranged internally. 589 1791 Jan 12 - 1792 May 10 590 1792 May 11 - Dec 26 591 - 600 Letters Received: Foreign 1791 - 1794 591 1791 Oct 16 - 1792 May 4 592 1792 May 31 - Jul 5 593 1792 Jul 5 - 1793 May 6 Also contains letters which were received during 1788 and 1789. 594 1792 Jan 1 - Aug 31 595 1792 Sept 18 - 1793 Sept 29 596 1793 Oct 15 - 1795 Mar 14 1/1 101

597 1793 Jan 18 - Apr 17 Contains a letter received on 31Mar 1793 with the Roosenburg and a letter from the governor of Ceylon received on 7 Apr 1793 with the Sibella Anthonetta. Both letters were removed from vol. C213 (old number). 598 1793 Apr 29 - Oct 15 599 1793 Nov 11 600 1793 Nov 11 - 1794 Jun 6 Two letters from the Chamber Amsterdam dated 2 Oct 1792 and 8 Dec 1789, but without date of receipt, have been placed at the back of the volume. 601 - 602 Letters Received: Interior 1793 - 1795 601 1793 Mar 17 - Nov 7 602 1794 May 10 - 1795 Jun 10 This volume has not been rebound and therefore not arranged internally. Contains mostly letters from the post - holder in False Bay. Also contains an extract from a letter from the Chamber Seeland to the governor of Ceylon dated 11 Jan 1794 and received on 6 May 1795. 603 - 612 Letters Received 1717 - 1795 The records in vols. C603 - C606 (previously in two volumes and described as Losse Stukken/Loose Records) have been arranged chronologically and all records which could not be described as letters received were placed in vol. C606. 603 1717 Aug 24 - 1783 Mar 25 A letter received from A de Neys dated 25 Mar 1783 was removed from vol. C771 (old number) and placed correctly in this volume. 604 1784 May 14 - 1792 Sept 21 605 1792 Oct 25 - 1795 Jul 17 Contains a few undated letters received at the back of the volume. 606 1740 Jan 14 - 1795 Feb 9 This volume contains undated letters received; petitions for the period May - Dec 1741; a memorial from TS and D Malan; a copy from the "Oude Wildschutte Boek" (Old Hunting Licence Book) dated 13 Feb 1741, an extract from the resolution of the Council XVII dated 29 Mar 1791; cash accounts for the period Aug 1794 - Feb 1795 and an undated record pertaining to the loan farm Verschefontein of D Malan. 607 1714 Mar 15 - 1792 Jun 8 Volumes C607 - C612 contain secret letters received, duplicate letters received and annexures. Annexures without covering letters have been placed chronologically according to the date. Vol. C607 also contains a petition from the Societeit der Bergwerken dated 19 May 1744 and a memorial from the Wurtemburg Regiment. A letter from prof van Roijen to governor Tulbagh dated 1 Aug 1770, was removed from vol. C607 and placed chronologically in vol. C653. 608 1792 Jun 18 - 1795 Aug 14 102 1/1

609 1768 Dec 22 - 1789 Sept 6 This volume contains the following records: an invoice of the cargo of the Zilvere Leeuw dated 22 Dec 1768; list of coaches, horses, etc 1773; a current account of the fiscal WC Boers, Jan 1781; a title deed issued to JJ Meyer, 1786; a copy letter of the Council of State of Holland, 1786; list of naval stores, 31 Aug 1788 - 31 Aug 1789; secret report pertaining to the fortifications at the Cape, Sept 1789 and an undated memorial of Francois du Pré. 610 1794 Jan 30 - May 27 611 1794 Jun 3 - 1795 May 6 612 1795 May 6 - Aug 31 The following records were placed at the back of the volume: enquiry regarding JEG Funcke dated 3 Sept 1793; report to the governor regarding experiments with heated shot, 1793; letter to the court of justice in Batavia dated Amsterdam, Apr 1794; financial statement of C van Citters, Dec 1794; diverse letters to various persons, Sept 1789 - Aug 1795; a debenture of JF du Toit to J Hoffman, Sept 1827; the surrender of the Cape, Sept 1795; letter to the governor - general and council, Batavia dated 10 Oct 1796. 613 - 619 Duplicate Letters Received 1659 - 1795 613 1659 Dec 15 - 1671 Mar 17 In front of this volume is part of a letter which was donated to the Cape Town Archives Repository by the Drostdy Museum, Swellendam. 614 1671 Mar 29 - 1690 May 21 615 1690 Sept 3 - 1695 Jan 22 Contains two undated annexures at the back of the volume. 616 1702 Sept 21 - 1711 Feb 25 617 1711 Feb 25 - 1713 Oct 30 618 1713 Nov 3 - 1714 Oct 12 619 1714 Dec 19 - 1795 May 6 Contains an undated annexure at the back of the volume. 620 - 621 Triplicate Letters Received 1668 - 1714 620 1668 Aug 22 - 1690 Sept 3 621 1692 Apr 20 - 1714 Oct 9 622 Letters re the sending of post to and from the East 1788 Nov 27 - 1792 Feb 29 Also contains extracts from resolutions, regulations and other records pertaining to the sending of post. 623 - 646 Secret Letters Received 1699 - 1790 623 1699 Mar 8 - 1730 Feb 25 This volume has not been rebound and therefore not arranged internally. The volume also contains annexures. Annexures without covering letters were placed chronologically according to the date of the annexure. 624 1716 Dec 23 - 1718 Dec 9 625 1719 May 1 - 1722 Jan 10 1/1 103

626 1724 Mar 8 - 1732 Nov 15 Contains secret letters pertaining to East - Indian affairs. 627 1731 Mar 28 - 1744 Feb 24 628 1744 Nov 17 - 1748 Aug 6 629 1748 Sept 23 - 1759 Feb 7 630 1760 Jan 17 - 1763 Feb 19 631 1755 Dec 20 Vols. C631 - C634 contain a secret circular from the governor - general and council, Batavia, regarding the establishment of the government at the Cape and further correspondence thereto relating. 632 1755 Dec 20 633 1756 Jul 9 634 1756 Jul 9 - 1757 Jan 17 Contains regulations regarding the keeping of commercial books at the back of the volume. 635 1763 Jan 11 - 1765 Mar 1 636 1766 Mar 4 - 1767 Mar 5 637 1767 Apr 2 - 1773 Oct 26 638 1774 Apr 24 - 1779 Oct 24 639 1780 Jan 18 - 1786 Oct 14 640 1787 Jun 16 - 1790 Jul 28 641 1764 Jan 13 - 1769 Jan 22 642 1769 Feb 19 - 1777 Feb 3 643 1777 Dec 31 - 1784 Mar 30 644 1784 Apr 3 - 1787 Feb 3 645 1779 Oct 23 - 1784 Aug 20 646 1788 Dec 7 - 1790 May 18 647 - 650 Letters Received from the Council XVII and Delegates 1781 - 1784 Vols. C647 - C650 also contain annexures. 647 1781 Feb 17 - 1782 Apr 14 648 1782 May 4 - Aug 9 649 1782 Sept 3 - 1783 Jul 19 650 1783 Sept 25 - 1784 Mar 30 651 - 656 Personal Letters to and from the Cape Governors 1747 - 1787 651 1747 Oct 9 - 1757 Mar 1 Contains a letter of J de Marre to Jacob Möller, harbour master at the Cape dated 9 Oct 1747. 652 1757 Mar 31 - 1766 Feb 1 653 1766 Mar 1 - 1776 Jun 15 This letter from D van Roÿen to R Tulbagh dated 1 Aug 1770, pertaining to plants, has been removed from vol. C792 (old number). Also contains an undated annexure at the back of the volume. 654 1776 Jun 24 - 1780 Oct 21 655 1781 Jan 6 - Sept 12 656 1781 Oct 20 - 1787 Dec 9 Contains an undated annexure at the back of the volume. 104 1/1

LETTERS RECEIVED: NEDERBURGH AND FRYKENIUS 657 Letters Received: Nederburgh and Frykenius: Register and synopsis 1792 Jun 20 - 1793 Aug 31 The annexures to the letters of Nederburgh and Frykenius have been bound with the relevant letters. 658 - 672 Letters Received: Nederburgh and Frykenius 1792 - 1793 658 1 - 15 1792 Jun 20 - Jul 20 659 16 - 39 1792 Jul 23 - Sept 21 660 40 - 52(hh) 1792 Sept 21 - Oct 15 661 52(ii) - 58 1792 Oct 15 - 25 662 59 - 73 1792 Oct 26 - Nov 21 663 74 - 78 1792 Nov 21 - 28 664 79 - 94 1792 Nov 29 - Dec 24 665 95 - 108 1792 Dec 26 - 1793 Jan 14 666 109 - 133 1793 Jan 15 - Feb 6 667 133 (u) - 148 1793 Feb 6 - 25 668 149 - 156 1793 Feb 26 - Mar 14 669 157 - 167 1793 Mar 14 - 19 670 168 - 187 1793 Mar 25 - Apr 22 671 188 - 207 1793 Apr 25 - Jul 20 672 208 - 225 1793 Jul 21 - Aug 31 673 - 715 Report with annexures: Nederburgh and Frykenius 1793 673 - 693 1st Part 1793 May 673 1st part, vol. 1 1793 May 13 Contains a register on the annexures, in front of the volume. 674 1st part, vol. 2 1793 May 13 675 1st record: 1 - 6 (B) 1/1 105

1793 May 13 Contains a register with index to vols. C675 - C693. 676 1st record: 6(C) - 9 1793 May 13 677 1st record: 10 - 17 1793 May 13 678 1st record: 17 - 26 1793 May 13 679 1st record: 26(A) - 40 1793 May 13 680 1st record: 41 - 55 1793 May 13 681 2nd record: 56 - 65(C) 1793 May 13 682 2nd record: 56(D) - 68 1793 May 13 683 2nd record: 69 - 75 (A) 1793 May 13 684 2nd record: 75 (B) - 75 (N) 1793 May 13 685 2nd record: 75 (O) - 75 (U1) 1793 May 13 686 2nd record: 75 (U1) - 75 (T2) 1793 May 13 687 2nd record: 75 (U2) - 80 1793 May 13 688 3rd record: 81 - 94 1793 May 13 689 3rd record: 95 - 107 1793 May 13 690 3rd record: 108 - 111 1793 May 13 691 3rd record: 111 - 114 1793 May 13 692 3rd record: 115 - 132 1793 May 13 693 3rd record: 133 - 145 1793 May 13 694 - 712 2nd Part 1793 Jul 694 2nd part, vol 1 1793 Jul 24 With register on the annexures, in front of the volume (1st; 2nd and 3rd record). 695 2nd part, vol 2 1793 Jul 24 696 2nd part, vol 3 1793 Jul 24 697 1st record: 146 - 158 106 1/1

1793 Jul 24 With register for 1st and 2nd record, in front of the volume. 698 159 - 173 1793 Jul 24 699 174 - 187 1793 Jul 24 700 187 - 203 1793 Jul 24 701 204 - 224 1793 Jul 24 702 225 - 250 1793 Jul 24 703 2nd record: 251 - 261 1793 Jul 24 704 262 - 279(A) 1793 Jul 24 705 279 (B) - 297 1793 Jul 24 706 298 - 316 1793 Jul 24 707 317 - 333 1793 Jul 24 708 3rd record: 334 - 353 1793 Jul 24 Contains a register for 3rd record, in front of the volume. 709 354 - 367 1793 Jul 24 710 368 - 393 1793 Jul 24 711 394 - 406 1793 Jul 24 712 406 - 413 1793 Jul 24 713 - 715 3rd Part 1793 Sep 713 3rd part: 1 - 13 1793 Sept 10 Contains a register on the annexures of the 2nd part, 3rd record (nos. 334 - 413) in front of the volume, as well as a register for the 3rd part. 714 3rd part: 14 - 24 1793 Sept 10 715 3rd part: 25 - 37 1793 Sept 10 1/1 107

ANNEXURES TO LETTERS RECEIVED 716 - 1071 Annexures to Letters Received 1716 - 1795 The annexures to a specific letter received were kept together in numerical order and placed chronologically according to the dates received. Annexures which could not be placed, can be found at the back of the volume. Letters received which were found in this series, were removed and placed in the series Letters Received, while annexures found with the letters received, were placed chronologically in the relevant series. For further annexures to letters received see vols. C274 - C406 Letters Received, 20 Apr 1652 - 21 Dec 1721. 716 1716 Jan 10 - Mar 10 717 1716 Jul 28 - 1717 Jan 18 In front of this volume are records of which the date of arrival and the name of the ship could not be determined, but which presumably came with the Elizabeth and Snijderbeek on 10 Mar 1716. 718 1717 Jan 18 - Mar 8 719 1717 Mar 8 - Mar 24 Contains a copy letter from the Chamber Amsterdam to the Cape Government dated 18 Sept 1716, no 5, per Linschooten on 17 Mar 1717. 720 1717 Mar 28 - Aug 25 721 1718 Jan 25 - Feb 22 722 1718 Feb 22 - Mar 24 723 1718 Apr 9 - Aug 24 724 1719 Feb 5 - 16 725 1719 Feb 18 - May 1 726 1719 May 12 - Sept 6 No 2 per Westerdijkshorn on 31 May 1719 is a copy letter from the authorities in Amsterdam dated 12 Dec 1718. No 2 per Spieringh on 19 Jul 1719 is a copy letter from the authorities in Amsterdam dated 12 Dec 1718. 727 1720 Feb 9 - 18 728 1720 May 6 - Jun 13 729 1720 Jun 15 - 1721 Jan 11 Contains an original letter from the Chamber Amsterdam dated 2 Jul 1720 received with the Gouda on 22 Nov 1720. 730 1721 Jan 11 - Feb 26 731 1721 Feb 26 - May 25 732 1721 Jun 1 - Nov 2 733 1721 Nov 2 - Dec 21 734 1722 Jan 13 - Feb 25 735 1722 Feb 25 - Apr 13 736 1722 Apr 13 - Jul 1 737 1722 Jul 1 - Oct 16 738 1723 Jan 4 - Feb 16 739 1723 Feb 16 - Apr 19 740 1723 Jun 24 - Sept 4 741 1723 Sept 16 - Dec 22 742 1724 Jan 2 - Feb 26 743 1724 Mar 2 - 10 108 1/1

744 1724 Mar 10 - 13 745 1724 Apr 25 - Sept 19 746 1724 Sept 19 - Nov 23 747 1725 Jan 12 - Feb 8 748 1725 Feb 25 - Mar 18 749 1725 Mar 18 - May 12 750 1725 May 12 - Jun 14 751 1725 Aug 3 - Dec 12 752 1726 Jan 7 - 16 753 1726 Jan 23 - 29 754 1726 Jan 29 - Feb 19 755 1726 Apr 8 - Jul 1 756 1726 Aug 21 - Oct 31 757 1727 Jan 4 758 1727 Jan 4 - Feb 17 759 1727 Feb 17 - 24 760 1727 Feb 24 - Apr 13 761 1727 Apr 16 - Sept 23 762 1728 Jan 13 - 27 763 1728 Jan 27 - Feb 14 764 1728 Mar 7 - Apr 19 765 1728 Apr 19 - May 2 766 1728 May 2 - Dec 10 767 1729 Jan 13 - Feb 25 768 1729 Feb 25 - Jun 4 769 1729 Jul 2 - Nov 28 770 1730 Jan 20 - Mar 18 771 1730 Mar 18 - Apr 21 772 1730 Apr 21 - Jun 13 773 1730 Jun 13 - Sept 3 774 1730 Sept 11 - Dec 15 775 1731 Jan 18 - Mar 22 776 1731 Mar 22 - 29 777 1731 Mar 29 - Jul 24 778 1731 Jul 24 - Dec 28 779 1731 Dec 28 780 1732 Jan 9 - Mar 2 781 1732 Mar 2 - May 8 782 1732 May 28 - Nov 13 783 1732 Nov 13 784 1732 Nov 13 - Dec 28 785 1733 Feb 9 786 1733 Feb 9 - Mar 1 787 1733 Mar 1 - 6 788 1733 Mar 9 - Jun 4 789 1733 Jun 4 - Dec 27 790 1734 Jan 3 - 14 791 1734 Jan 14 - Feb 23 792 1734 Mar 8 - May 3 793 1734 May 9 - 23 1/1 109

794 1734 May 29 795 1734 May 29 796 1734 May 29 - Dec 20 797 1734 Dec 20 798 1735 Jan 7 799 1735 Jan 7 - Feb 20 800 1735 Feb 20 - Mar 7 801 1735 Mar 7 - 12 802 1735 Mar 12 - May 7 803 1735 May 7 - Dec 22 804 1735 Dec 22 805 1736 Jan 6 - Feb 27 806 1736 Feb 27 - Jun 21 807 1736 Jun 23 - Sept 11 808 1737 Jan 12 809 1737 Jan 12 - Mar 30 810 1737 Mar 30 - Apr 5 811 1737 May 14 - Jun 20 812 1737 Jul 15 813 1738 Jan 2 - 18 814 1738 Jan 18 - Mar 22 815 1738 Mar 22 - Jun 21 816 1738 Jun 11 - Dec 15 817 1739 Feb 14 818 1739 Feb 14 819 1739 Feb 17 - Mar 21 820 1739 Mar 21 - Jun 24 821 1739 Jul 3 - Oct 15 822 1740 Jan 28 - Mar 3 823 1740 Mar 3 - 31 824 1740 Apr 27 - May 1 825 1740 May 1 - Oct 12 826 1741 Jan 25 827 1741 Jan 25 - Apr 13 828 1741 Mar 19 - Apr 13 829 1741 Apr 13 - Sept 15 830 1742 Jan 26 - Feb 20 831 1742 Mar 13 - Apr 21 832 1742 Apr 22 - Sept 30 833 1743 Jan 4 - Feb 12 Since the letters received of 1743 are missing, the annexures in volumes C833 - C835 could not be checked against the letters, but have only been arranged internally. 834 1743 Feb 12 - Mar 17 835 1743 Mar 17 - Dec 8 836 1744 Jan 9 - 28 837 1744 Jan 28 - Mar 4 838 1744 Mar 4 - 27 839 1744 Mar 27 - Oct 11 840 1745 Jan 1 - Feb 8 841 1745 Feb 16 - Mar 29 110 1/1

842 1745 Apr 4 - Dec 19 843 1746 Jan 1 - Feb 14 844 1746 Feb 14 - Aug 7 845 1746 Aug 7 - Dec 28 846 1747 Jan 8 - Feb 26 847 1747 Feb 26 - Apr 14 848 1747 Apr 20 - 28 849 1747 Apr 28 - Dec 7 850 1748 Jan 7 - Apr 7 851 1748 Apr 7 - Jul 2 852 1748 Jul 2 - Nov 20 853 1749 Feb 18 - Oct 22 854 1749 Oct 22 - Nov 29 855 1750 Jan 13 - Apr 7 856 1750 Apr 22 - Oct 13 857 1750 Nov 10 - Dec 26 858 1751 Jan 5 - Apr 27 859 1751 Apr 27 - Dec 25 860 1752 Jan 8 - Feb 11 861 1752 Feb 11 - Jun 3 862 1752 Jun 8 - Dec 19 863 1753 Jan 25 - Apr 23 864 1753 Apr 23 - Dec 13 865 1753 Dec 13 - 21 866 1754 Jan 7 - Apr 5 867 1754 Apr 5 - Sept 27 868 1754 Dec 17 - 30 869 1755 Jan 10 - Mar 27 870 1755 Apr 3 - Dec 20 871 1755 Dec 20 - 28 872 1756 Jan 1 - Jun 11 873 1756 Jun 11 - Dec 31 874 1757 Jan 17 - Apr 4 875 1757 Apr 4 - 5 876 1757 Apr 5 - Dec 8 877 1758 Jan 3 - 6 878 1758 Jan 6 - Apr 16 879 1758 Apr 16 - Dec 30 880 1759 Jan 4 - 22 881 1759 Jan 22 - Apr 7 882 1759 Jul 11 - Dec 10 883 1760 Jan 8 - Mar 18 884 1760 Mar 18 - Sept 21 885 1761 Jan 14 - Apr 24 886 1761 May 1 - Dec 30 887 1762 Jan 4 - Apr 10 888 1762 Apr 10 - Dec 31 889 1763 Jan 11 - 25 890 1763 Feb 19 - May 19 891 1763 May 19 - Dec 31 1/1 111

892 1764 Jan 4 - Mar 6 893 1764 Mar 13 - Dec 24 894 1764 Dec 24 895 1765 Jan 9 - Feb 20 896 1765 Feb 20 - Apr 30 897 1765 May 3 - Dec 30 898 1766 Jan 6 - Mar 26 899 1766 Mar 27 - Dec 31 900 1766 Dec 31 - 1767 Jan 18 901 1767 Jan 18 - Dec 21 902 1767 Dec 21 903 1768 Jan 2 - Aug 14 904 1769 Jan 9 - Feb 2 905 1769 Feb 2 906 1769 Feb 2 - Apr 11 907 1769 Apr 11 - Dec 27 908 1770 Jan 5 - 13 909 1770 Jan 13 910 1770 Jan 13 - Mar 27 911 1770 Mar 27 - Dec 26 912 1771 Jan 1 - Feb 24 913 1771 Feb 24 - Nov 20 914 1772 Jan 7 - Mar 31 915 1772 Apr 10 - Sept 4 916 1772 Sept 4 - Dec 30 917 1773 Jan 6 - Apr 9 918 1773 Apr 9 - May 18 919 1773 May 18 - Dec 23 920 1774 Jan 4 - Apr 25 921 1774 Apr 25 - Sept 6 922 1774 Sept 6 - Dec 31 923 1775 Jan 4 - Mar 17 924 1775 Mar 17 - Dec 30 925 1776 Jan 8 - Mar 16 926 1776 Apr 5 - Dec 31 927 1777 Jan 10 - Apr 15 928 1777 Apr 15 - Dec 26 929 1778 Jan 7 - Apr 26 930 1778 Apr 26 - Dec 30 931 1779 Jan 14 - Apr 12 932 1779 Apr 12 933 1779 Apr 13 - Aug 28 934 1779 Aug 28 - Dec 16 935 1780 Jan 12 936 1780 Jan 12 - Mar 23 937 1780 Apr 5 - 16 938 1780 Apr 16 - Dec 31 939 1781 Jan 8 - Feb 10 940 1781 Feb 14 - Apr 2 941 1781 Apr 2 - May 28 112 1/1

942 1781 May 28 - 29 943 1782 Jan 9 - Feb 13 944 1782 Feb 13 - Jul 15 945 1782 Sept 15 - Dec 2 946 1783 Jan 2 - 13 947 1783 Jan 13 - 15 948 1783 Jan 15 - Apr 28 949 1783 May 2 - Aug 8 950 1783 Aug 8 - Nov 11 951 1783 Nov 11 - Dec 16 952 1784 Jan 1 - Apr 24 953 1784 Jun 2 - Dec 22 954 1785 Jan 5 - Apr 17 955 1785 Apr 17 - Nov 20 956 1786 Jan 7 - Mar 17 957 1786 Mar 24 958 1786 Mar 24 - Aug 20 959 1786 Aug 20 - Dec 28 960 1787 Jan 17 - 24 961 1787 Jan 24 - Apr 27 962 1787 May 16 - Aug 14 963 1787 Aug 14 - Dec 4 964 1787 Dec 4 - 8 965 1788 Jan 4 - May 23 966 1788 May 27 - Jul 3 967 1788 Jul 3 - Aug 15 968 1788 Aug 15 - Dec 19 969 1788 Dec 19 - 27 970 1789 Jan 4 - 15 971 1789 Jan 15 - Feb 19 972 1789 Feb 19 - Mar 25 973 1789 Apr 1 - May 24 974 1789 May 24 - Jun 9 975 1789 Jun 30 - Nov 19 976 1789 Nov 19 - Dec 28 977 1790 Jan 2 - Mar 25 978 1790 Mar 26 - Apr 29 979 1790 Apr 29 - May 19 980 1790 May 19 - Jul 28 981 1790 Jul 28 - Dec 18 982 1791 Jan 5 - 21 983 1791 Jan 21 - Mar 1 984 1791 Mar 1 - May 30 985 1791 May 30 - Jul 10 986 1791 Jul 10 - Sept 9 987 1791 Sept 9 - 1792 Jan 1 988 1792 Jan 25 - Apr 16 1/1 113

989 1792 Jan 3 - 19 From Jan 1792 there are no longer annexures to letters, but annexures to resolutions. Dated annexures which could not be placed with resolutions, were placed according to the date they were presented. If the presentation date could not be established, the relevant annexures were placed at the back of the volume. 990 1792 Jan 19 - 31 991 1792 Feb 7 - 24 This volume could not be checked against the resolutions, since the latter could not be traced. 992 1792 Feb 24 - 28 993 1792 Mar 2 - 15 994 1792 Mar 15 - 27 995 1792 Mar 27 996 1792 Mar 27 997 1792 Apr 3 - 13 998 1792 Apr 13 - 27 999 1792 May 1 - 31 1000 1792 Jun 1 - 26 1001 1792 Jun 26 - 28 1002 1792 Jul 3 - 13 1003 1792 Jul 13 - 31 The first part of the "Consideratiën" on Instructions for the Commissioners of Justice dated 13 Jul 1792, is missing. 1004 1792 Aug 3 - 21 1005 1792 Aug 21 - 31 1006 1792 Sept 1 - 18 1007 1792 Sept 18 - 28 1008 1792 Oct 1 - 13 1009 1792 Oct 17 - 31 1010 1792 Nov 2 - 14 1011 1792 Nov 16 1012 1792 Nov 22 - 29 1013 1792 Dec 3 - 14 1014 1792 Dec 14 - 28 1015 1793 Jan 2 - 14 1016 1793 Jan 14 - 30 1017 1793 Feb 2 - 12 1018 1793 Feb 12 1019 1793 Feb 12 - 27 1020 1793 Mar 4 - 22 1021 1793 Apr 2 - 12 1022 1793 Apr 12 - 17 1023 1793 Apr 17 - 30 1024 1793 May 4 - 13 1025 1793 May 13 - Jul 11 1026 1793 Jul 11 - 18 See vols. C1027 - C1028 for annexures dated Jun 1793. 1027 1793 Jun 5 - 11 1028 1793 Jun 17 - 25 114 1/1

1029 1792 - 1793 Contains only correspondence regarding the hospital that could not be placed. 1030 1793 Oct 1 - 31 1031 1793 Oct 31 - Nov 15 1032 1793 Nov 15 - 30 1033 1793 Nov 30 - Dec 13 1034 1793 Dec 13 - 31 1035 1793 Jan 6 - Apr 7 Vols. C1035 - C1037 contain annexures to letters received from overseas. 1036 1793 Apr 7 - 29 1037 1793 Apr 29 - Nov 12 1038 1794 Jan 4 - 22 Annexures for the period 13 Nov 1793 - 3 Jan 1794 could not be traced. 1039 1794 Jan 22 - Feb 4 1040 1794 Feb 4 1041 1794 Feb 4 - 17 1042 1794 Mar 4 - 19 1043 1794 Mar 21 - Apr 4 1044 1794 Apr 11 - 22 1045 1794 Apr 30 1046 1794 May 9 - 30 1047 1794 May 30 - Jun 18 1048 1794 Jun 18 - 27 1049 1794 Jul 8 - 16 1050 1794 Jul 24 - Aug 15 1051 1794 Aug 15 - 30 1052 1794 Aug 30 - Sept 23 1053 1794 Sept 23 - 29 1054 1794 Oct 10 - 15 1055 1794 Oct 15 - Nov 4 1056 1794 Nov 4 - Dec 5 1057 1794 Dec 5 1058 1794 Dec 5 - 12 1059 1794 Dec 15 - 30 1060 1794 Feb 8 - May 20 Vols. C1060 - C1061 contain annexures to letters received from overseas. 1061 1794 Jun 6 - Oct 13 1062 1795 Jan 9 - 16 1063 1795 Jan 23 - Feb 13 1064 1795 Feb 13 - 20 1065 1795 Feb 20 - 27 1066 1795 Mar 6 - 27 1067 1795 Mar 27 - Apr 10 1068 1795 Apr 16 - 20 1069 1795 May 1 - 22 1070 1795 May 22 - Jun 25 1071 1795 Jul 3 - Sept 10 1/1 115

PETITIONS AND NOMINATIONS 1072 - 1226 Petitions and Nominations 1712 - 1791 Certain volumes in this series have not been rebound and therefore not arranged internally. Those which were arranged, were dealt with as follows: firstly, according to the date they were attended to by the Council of Policy; secondly, if the latter date is unknown, the records were arranged according to the date of the petition; thirdly, where no dates could be found, the records were arranged according to the numbers of the petitions. 1072 1712 Mar - 1716 Jan 1073 1715 Sept 3 - 1716 Mar 16 1074 1716 Mar 17 - Jul 7 1075 1716 Jul 14 - Dec 29 1076 1717 Jan 5 - May 15 1077 1717 May 25 - Aug 24 1078 1717 Aug 24 - 1718 Jan 11 1079 1718 Jan 11 - May 10 1080 1718 May 10 - Dec 20 1081 1719 Jan 17 - Jul 25 1082 1719 Aug 1 - Oct 3 1083 1719 Oct 6 - Dec 19 1084 1720 1085 1720 Dec 31 - 1721 Jul 8 1086 1721 Jul 15 - 1722 Jan 6 1087 1722 1088 1723 1089 1724 1090 1725 1091 1726 1092 1727 - 1728 1093 1729 Jan 20 - 1730 Jun 1 1094 1730 Jun 13 - 1731 1095 1731 - 1732 1096 1733 - 1734 1097 1735 - 1736 1098 1735 - 1736 1099 1737 - 1739 1100 1737 - 1739 1101 1739 - 1740 1102 1741 1103 1742 1104 1743 1105 1743 1106 1744 1107 1744 1108 1745 1109 1746 1110 1746 Also contains a memorial of the dispenser dated 31 Aug 1716, in which he requests the disposal of supplies. 116 1/1

1111 1747 1112 1747 1113 1748 1114 1748 1115 1749 1116 1749 1117 1750 1118 1751 1119 1752 1120 1753 1121 1754 1122 1755 1123 1756 1124 1757 1125 1758 1126 1759 1127 1759 1128 1759 1129 1760 1130 1760 1131 1760 1132 1761 1133 1762 1134 1763 1135 1763 1136 1763 1137 1763 1138 1764 1139 1764 1140 1764 1141 1764 1142 1765 1143 1766 1144 1766 1145 1766 1146 1767 - 1768 1147 1767 - 1768 1148 1767 - 1768 1149 1767 - 1768 1150 1769 - 1770 1151 1769 - 1770 1152 1771 1153 1771 1154 1772 Jan 7 - May 15 1155 1772 May 15 - Aug 18 1156 1772 Aug 18 - Dec 15 1157 1773 Jan 5 - May 28 1158 1773 Jun 29 - Dec 7 1159 1774 Jan 11 - May 4 1160 1774 May 4 - Dec 6 1/1 117

1161 1775 Jan 3 - Mar 28 1162 1775 Mar 28 - Sept 5 1163 1775 Sept 5 - Dec 27 1164 1776 Jan 2 - Apr 30 1165 1776 Apr 30 - Oct 4 1166 1776 Oct 4 - Dec 17 1167 1777 Jan 14 - Mar 18 1168 1777 Mar 18 - Aug 30 1169 1777 Aug 30 - Dec 16 1170 1777 Dec 22 - 1778 Feb 3 1171 1778 Feb 3 - Aug 18 1172 1778 Aug 18 - Dec 28 1173 1779 Jan 5 - Dec 14 1174 1780 Jan 4 - Apr 5 1175 1780 Apr 17 - Sept 5 1176 1780 Sept 5 - Dec 16 1177 1781 Jan 9 - Mar 20 1178 1781 Apr 4 - Sept 4 1179 1781 Sept 4 - Dec 31 1180 1782 Jan 18 - May 7 With index. 1181 1782 May 7 - Dec 31 Index in vol. C1180. 1182 1783 Jan 3 - Feb 25 1183 1783 Feb 25 - Apr 1 1184 1783 Apr 8 - Aug 12 1185 1783 Aug 19 - Nov 6 1186 1783 Nov 11 - Dec 26 1187 1784 Jan 6 - Mar 2 1188 1784 Mar 2 - May 25 1189 1784 Jun 8 - Oct 12 1190 1784 Oct 12 - Dec 28 1191 1785 Jan 4 - Feb 22 1192 1785 Feb 25 - Apr 28 1193 1785 Apr 28 - Sept 6 1194 1785 Sept 6 - Dec 13 1195 1786 Jan 6 - Apr 19 1196 1786 Apr 19 - Aug 18 1197 1786 Aug 26 - Dec 4 1198 1786 Dec 5 - 27 1199 1787 Jan 17 - Feb 14 1200 1787 Feb 14 - May 7 1201 1787 May 7 - Jun 29 1202 1787 Jun 29 - Sept 4 1203 1787 Sept 4 - Oct 10 1204 1787 Oct 10 - Nov 20 1205 1787 Nov 20 - Dec 30 1206 1787 Dec 7 - 1788 Feb 7 1207 1788 Feb 7 - May 2 1208 1788 May 2 - Aug 11 118 1/1

1209 1788 Aug 11 - Oct 14 1210 1788 Oct 14 - Dec 18 1211 1789 Jan 13 - Mar 6 1212 1789 Mar 6 - Apr 21 1213 1789 Apr 21 - Jun 27 1214 1789 Jun 30 - Oct 2 1215 1789 Oct 6 - Nov 27 1216 1789 Nov 27 - Dec 11 1217 1790 Jan 5 - Feb 23 1218 1790 Feb 23 - Apr 30 1219 1790 Apr 30 - Jun 1 1220 1790 Jun 1 - Sept 15 1221 1790 Sept 15 - Nov 19 1222 1790 Nov 19 - Dec 15 Also contains a petition of Sameda to Colonial Secretary Bird dated 11 May 1819. 1223 1791 Jan 11 - May 10 1224 1791 May 10 - Aug 19 1225 1791 Aug 5 - Oct 14 1226 1791 Oct 14 - Dec 16 1/1 119

MEMORIALS AND REPORTS 1227 - 1316 Memorials and Reports 1710 - 1791 Undated records and unplaced annexures were placed at the back of the volumes. 1227 1710 Aug 12 - 1726 Feb 23 1228 1726 May 25 - 1731 May 8 1229 1731 May 8 - 1735 Sept 13 1230 1735 Sept 21 - 1739 Mar 31 A copy of a memorial of CC Kounitz, Magistrate of Stellenbosch dated 30 Dec 1738, was removed from vol. C294 (old number) and placed in this volume. 1231 1739 May 30 - 1740 Jun 21 Vols. C293 and C294 (old numbers) overlap, but the records have been placed in the correct chronological order. 1232 1740 Aug 6 - 1741 May 7 1233 1741 Jun 19 - 1742 Dec 11 A copy of a memorial of CC Kounitz, Magistrate of Stellenbosch dated 30 Dec 1738, was removed from this volume and placed in vol. C1230. 1234 1743 Feb 14 - 1744 Oct 13 1235 1745 Jan 5 - 1746 Jan 18 1236 1746 Jan 24 - 1747 Aug 22 1237 1747 Dec 31 - 1748 Mar 12 Also contains two statements by EE Meyer and Dirk Marx dated 5 Sept 1747 and 10 Sept 1747, respectively. A memorial of JA Voltelen dated 31 Dec 1787, was removed from this volume and placed correctly in vol. C1296. 1238 1748 Mar 12 - Dec 30 1239 1749 Feb 6 - 1751 Oct 23 1240 1752 Feb 15 - 1754 Dec 18 1241 1754 Dec 31 - 1755 Aug 31 Contains a statement of revenue and expenditure for the period 1 Sept 1753 - 31 Aug 1754. 1242 1755 Sept 30 - 1756 Aug 31 1243 1756 Sept 4 - 1757 Nov 1 1244 1757 Dec 13 - 1758 Nov 30 Contains a statement of revenue and expenditure for the period 1 Sep 1756 - 31 Aug 1757. 1245 1758 Dec 12 - 1759 Oct 24 1246 1759 Nov 27 - Dec 10 1247 1759 Dec 11 - 1760 Sept 16 1248 1760 Sept 30 - 1761 Sept 22 1249 1761 Sept 22 1250 1761 Dec 15 - 1763 Feb 28 1251 1763 Mar 11 - Nov 22 1252 1764 Jan 16 - Sept 6 1253 1764 Aug 31 - 1765 Dec 10 1254 1765 Dec 31 - 1767 Mar 26 1255 1767 Apr 2 - Dec 21 1256 1767 Dec 28 - 1769 Mar 21 1257 1769 Apr 8 - Dec 19 120 1/1

1258 1769 Dec 31 - 1770 Jul 12 1259 1770 Aug 31 - 1771 Apr 6 1260 1771 May 14 - Dec 17 1261 1771 Dec 15 - 1772 May 10 1262 1772 May 13 - Dec 31 1263 1773 Jan 5 - Dec 15 1264 1773 Dec 27 - 1775 Jan 23 1265 1775 Jan 8 - Nov 3 1266 1776 Jan 11 - Jun 20 1267 1776 Jul 31 - 1777 Dec 10 1268 1777 Dec 13 - 1778 Feb 24 1269 1778 Feb 24 - May 11 1270 1778 Jun 4 - Dec 18 1271 1778 Dec 31 - 1779 Jun 1 1272 1779 Jul 17 - Dec 14 1273 1779 Dec 6 - 1780 Dec 4 1274 1780 Dec 13 - 1781 Jun 20 1275 1781 Jul 10 - Dec 31 1276 1780 - 1781 Contains only undated records from vol. C313 (old number). 1277 1782 Jan 8 - May 25 1278 1782 May 28 - Nov 12 1279 1782 Nov 22 - Dec 31 1280 1782 Dec 31 - 1783 Apr 10 Also contains three records dated 31 Aug 1782. 1281 1783 Apr 11 - Aug 10 1282 1783 Aug 31 - Dec 21 1283 1783 Aug 31 - 1784 Apr 5 1284 1784 Apr 13 - Nov 22 1285 1784 Nov 26 - Dec 7 1286 1784 Dec 31 - 1785 Apr 1 Also contains three records dated 31 Aug 1784. 1287 1785 Apr 12 - Sept 5 1288 1785 Sept 5 - Dec 30 1289 1785 Dec 31 - 1786 Apr 15 Also contains three records dated 31 Aug 1785. 1290 1786 Apr 19 - Aug 28 1291 1786 Aug 28 - Nov 15 1292 1786 Nov 15 - Dec 23 1293 1786 Dec 22 - 1787 Feb 28 An unplaced annexure dated 3 May 1787 was removed from this volume and placed in vol. C1296. 1294 1787 Mar 13 - Jun 29 1295 1787 Jul 6 - Dec 21 1296 1787 Dec 24 - 31 A memorial of JA Voltelen dated 31 Dec 1787, was removed from vol. C297 (old number) and placed in this volume. An extract from the criminal judicial rolls of the Court of Justice dated 3 May 1787, was removed from vol. C318 (old number) and placed in this volume as part of the unplaced annexures. 1297 1787 Dec 31 - 1788 Jan 28 1/1 121

1298 1788 Feb 5 - Jul 29 1299 1788 Jul 31 - Dec 4 1300 1789 Jan 5 - May 15 1301 1789 May 22 - 1790 Jan 8 1302 1790 Jan 5 - Mar 2 1303 1790 Mar 2 - Apr 27 1304 1790 May 4 - 5 A memorial dated 5 May 1790, was removed from vol. C323 (old number) and placed in this volume. 1305 1790 May 11 - Jun 27 A memorial dated 27 June May 1790, was removed from vol. C323 (old number) and placed in this volume. 1306 1790 Jul 1 - Aug 20 1307 1790 Aug 20 - Sept 15 1308 1790 Sept 15 - 28 1309 1790 Sept 28 - Nov 19 1310 1790 Nov 19 - Dec 30 Two memorials dated 5 May 1790 and 27 Jun 1790 were removed from vol. C323 (old number) and placed in vols. C1304 and C1305, respectively. 1311 1790 Dec 31 - 1791 Apr 30 1312 1791 Mar 27 - May 13 1313 1791 May 13 - Jun 29 1314 1791 Jul 8 - Aug 2 1315 1791 Jul 14 - Oct 15 1316 1791 Oct 8 - Dec 28 122 1/1

LETTERS DESPATCHED 1317 - 1828 Letters Despatched 1652 - 1795 1317 1652 Jan 12 - 1655 Apr 27 1318 1655 Apr 28 - 1658 Jul 17 1319 1658 Aug 1 - 1661 Feb 1 1320 1662 Apr 9 - 27 Contains a register on vols. C1320 - C1329. Also contains a later copy of a letter to the Council of XVII dated 3 May 1661. 1321 1662 Apr 27 - Oct 27 Not in chronological order. 1322 1662 Oct 27 - 1663 May 16 Not in chronological order. 1323 1663 May 16 - Sept 24 1324 1663 Oct 10 - Nov 21 Not in chronological order. 1325 1664 Jan 28 - Apr 15 1326 1664 Apr 15 - Dec 9 1327 1665 Jan 14 - 1666 May 16 1328 1666 May 16 - Jun 24 1329 1666 Jul 24 - 1667 May 18 1330 1668 Jan 20 - Aug 19 1331 1668 Aug 28 - 1669 Mar 22 1332 1669 Mar 22 - Jun 2 1333 1669 Jun 5 - Dec 3 1334 1670 Jan 6 - Mar 24 1335 1670 Mar 25 - Aug 29 1336 1670 Sept 3 - Dec 23 Also contains three French letters, received from Saldanha Bay dated 30 Aug 1670, 30 Sept 1670 and 1 Oct 1670, respectively. 1337 1670 Dec 30 - 1671 Mar 5 1338 1671 Mar 13 - May 30 1339 1671 Jun 2 - Dec 30 Contains a memorial of Jean du Pré dated 2 Sept 1671 as well as a report received from Coenraad van Breitenbach and Jan Wittebol re Hottentots Holland dated 30 Dec 1671. 1340 1672 Jan 6 - Apr 19 1341 1672 Apr 19 - Oct 29 1342 1672 Oct 29 - 1673 Jan 30 1343 1673 Jan 30 - Apr 14 1344 1673 Apr 14 - May 10 1345 1673 May 10 - Aug 16 1346 1673 Aug 31 - 1674 Jan 2 1347 1674 Jan 2 - May 20 A memorial dated 15 Aug 1703, was removed from this volume and placed in vol. C1430. 1348 1674 May 20 - Dec 16 1349 1676 Jan 1 - Apr 13 1350 1676 Apr 22 - Jul 6 1/1 123

1351 1676 Jul 27 - 1677 Mar 12 1352 1677 Mar 14 1353 1677 Mar 14 - Jul 3 1354 1677 Jul 6 - 1678 Mar 1355 1678 Mar 2 - May 18 1356 1678 May 18 - Jun 6 1357 1678 Jun 9 - Dec 21 Also contains the first page of a letter and the last page of a register dated 24 Apr 1678. 1358 1679 Jan 4 - Apr 18 1359 1679 Apr 18 - May 29 1360 1679 May 29 - Dec 23 1361 1679 Dec 23 - 1680 Mar 27 1362 1680 Mar 27 - Dec 14 1363 1680 Dec 19 - 1681 Mar 28 1364 1681 Mar 28 - May 26 1365 1681 May 26 - Dec 21 1366 1682 Jan 7 - Apr 23 1367 1682 Apr 23 - Nov 28 1368 1682 Dec 26 - 1683 May 28 1369 1683 May 28 - Jul 3 1370 1683 Jul 25 - 1684 Apr 15 1371 1684 Apr 17 - 30 1372 1684 Apr 30 - Jun 16 1373 1684 Jun 16 - Dec 26 1374 1685 Jan 5 - Jun 11 1375 1685 Jul 15 - 1686 Apr 12 1376 1686 Apr 12 - Jun 19 1377 1686 Jun 19 - 1687 Jan 2 1378 1687 Jan 2 - Apr 18 1379 1687 Apr 18 - May 20 1380 1687 May 20 - 1688 Feb 3 1381 1688 Jan 27 - Apr 26 1382 1688 May 3 - 1689 Jan 5 1383 1689 Jan 18 - Jun 6 1384 1689 Jun 6 - Jul 29 1385 1689 Aug 2 - 1690 May 28 1386 1690 May 28 - Jul 31 Two registers with letters to the governor - general and council, Batavia and the governor, Mauritius, both dated 24 Jun 1690 were placed at the back of the volume. 1387 1690 Jul 29 - Dec 29 1388 1691 Jan 2 - Jun 29 1389 1691 Jun 29 - 1692 May 26 1390 1692 Jun 22 - 30 1391 1692 Jun 30 - Dec 15 1392 1693 Jan 12 - Apr 12 Vols. C1392 - C1401 are not in chronological order. 1393 1693 Apr 12 - Jun 3 1394 1693 Jun 1 - Oct 13 1395 1693 Nov 7 - 1694 Apr 14 124 1/1

1396 1694 Apr 14 - Jul 18 1397 1694 Jul 18 - Dec 20 1398 1695 Jan 11 - Apr 7 1399 1695 Apr 7 - May 9 1400 1695 May 9 - 26 1401 1695 May 28 - Dec 29 1402 1696 Jan 23 - Jun 18 1403 1696 Jun 18 - Aug 1 1404 1696 Aug 1 - 20 1405 1696 Aug 20 - 1697 Jan 30 1406 1697 Jan 30 - Jun 30 1407 1697 Jun 30 1408 1697 Jun 30 - Sept 8 1409 1697 Sept 17 - 1698 Feb 17 1410 1698 Feb 19 - Apr 30 1411 1698 Apr 30 - Jun 10 1412 1698 Jun 11 - Dec 10 1413 1699 Jan 23 - Mar 18 1414 1699 Mar 18 - Apr 27 1415 1699 Apr 28 - May 30 1416 1699 May 30 - Jun 27 1417 1699 Jul 1 - Nov 17 1418 1699 Nov 18 - 1700 Mar 1 1419 1700 Mar 1 - 22 1420 1700 Mar 22 - May 25 1421 1700 May 29 - Dec 11 1422 1701 Jan 8 - Mar 14 1423 1701 Mar 14 - Apr 21 1424 1701 Apr 21 - Dec 29 1425 1701 Dec 29 - 1702 Mar 20 1426 1702 Mar 20 - May 16 1427 1702 May 16 - Sept 4 1428 1702 Sept 6 - 1703 Apr 1 1429 1703 Apr 1 - Jun 2 1430 1703 Jun 5 - Nov 28 A note to Hugo de Goyer re the sale of the farm of Hendrik Zeeger on 15 Aug 1703 was removed from vol. C1347 and placed at the back of vol. C1430. 1431 1704 Jan 27 - Mar 31 1432 1704 Mar 31 - Jun 2 1433 1704 Jun 2 - Oct 4 1434 1704 Oct 4 - 1705 Mar 28 1435 1705 Mar 28 1436 1705 Mar 28 - May 27 1437 1705 May 27 - Nov 6 1438 1705 Nov 6 - 1706 Mar 31 1439 1706 Mar 31 1440 1706 Mar 31 - Jun 26 1441 1706 Jun 26 - Jul 31 1442 1706 Jul 31 - Dec 14 1443 1707 Jan 3 - Apr 21 1/1 125

1444 1707 Apr 21 1445 1707 Apr 23 - Dec 14 1446 1708 Jan 14 - Apr 18 1447 1708 Apr 18 1448 1708 Apr 18 - Jul 26 1449 1708 Aug 10 - Dec 25 1450 1709 Jan 2 - Apr 15 1451 1709 Apr 15 - May 20 1452 1709 May 20 - Aug 26 1453 1709 Aug 26 - Dec 18 1454 1710 Jan 7 - 1711 Apr 15 1455 1711 Apr 15 - 1712 Mar 25 1456 1712 Mar 25 - 1713 Dec 20 1457 1714 Jan 9 - 1715 Dec 30 1458 1716 Jan 19 - 1717 Dec 30 1459 1718 Jan 4 - 1720 Dec 31 1460 1721 Jan 29 - Sept 27 1461 1721 Sept 27 - 1722 Apr 5 1462 1722 Apr 5 - May 31 1463 1722 May 31 - Dec 30 1464 1723 Jan 5 - Mar 20 1465 1723 Mar 20 - Jul 16 1466 1723 Jul 16 - Dec 24 1467 1724 Jan 4 - Dec 30 1468 1725 Jan 4 - Dec 29 1469 1726 Jan 5 - Feb 25 1470 1726 Feb 25 - May 12 1471 1726 May 12 - Dec 19 1472 1727 Jan 9 - 31 1473 1727 Jan 31 - Feb 19 1474 1727 Feb 19 - Mar 24 1475 1727 Mar 24 - Apr 9 1476 1727 Apr 9 - 28 1477 1727 Apr 28 - Jun 2 1478 1727 Jun 3 - Sept 30 1479 1727 Sept 30 - Dec 23 1480 1728 Feb 6 - Apr 21 1481 1728 Apr 21 - Dec 29 1482 1729 Jan 6 - Dec 14 1483 1730 Jan 11 - Dec 7 1484 1731 Jan 11 - Dec 19 1485 1732 Jan 6 - Dec 30 1486 1733 Jan 7 - Jun 6 1487 1733 Jun 6 - 1734 Feb 25 1488 1734 Feb 25 - Dec 31 1489 1735 Jan 1 - Feb 20 1490 1735 Feb 20 - Mar 11 1491 1735 Mar 11 - Apr 15 1492 1735 Apr 15 - Oct 13 1493 1735 Nov 14 - 1736 Mar 1 126 1/1

1494 1736 Mar 1 - Apr 1 1495 1736 Apr 1 - Jun 13 1496 1736 Jun 13 - Jul 12 1497 1736 Jul 12 - Dec 11 1498 1737 Jan 14 - Mar 5 1499 1737 Mar 5 - Jun 26 1500 1737 Jun 26 - Aug 16 1501 1737 Aug 16 - Nov 30 1502 1737 Nov 30 - 1738 Feb 15 1503 1738 Feb 15 - Mar 4 1504 1738 Mar 4 - Apr 5 1505 1738 Apr 5 - Jun 10 1506 1738 Jun 10 - Dec 30 1507 1739 Jan 2 - Mar 5 1508 1739 Mar 5 - Apr 7 1509 1739 Apr 7 - May 16 1510 1739 May 16 - Aug 6 1511 1739 Aug 6 - Dec 28 1512 1740 Jan 5 - Mar 5 1513 1740 Mar 5 1514 1740 Mar 5 - Apr 1 1515 1740 Apr 1 - May 11 1516 1740 May 11 - Jun 15 1517 1740 Jun 15 - Dec 13 1518 1740 Dec 19 - 31 1519 1741 Jan 2 - Mar 10 1520 1741 Mar 10 - Jun 1 1521 1741 Jun 1 - Dec 21 1522 1742 Jan 19 - Mar 15 1523 1742 Mar 15 1524 1742 Mar 15 - Apr 15 1525 1742 Apr 15 - May 5 1526 1742 May 5 - Jun 8 1527 1742 Jun 8 - 30 1528 1742 Jun 30 - Aug 14 1529 1742 Aug 14 - Sept 28 1530 1742 Sept 28 - Dec 13 1531 1743 Jan 8 - Mar 15 1532 1743 Mar 15 1533 1743 Mar 15 - Apr 11 1534 1743 Apr 11 - Aug 2 1535 1743 Aug 2 - 28 1536 1743 Aug 28 - Dec 27 1537 1744 Jan 1 - Mar 2 1538 1744 Mar 2 - 9 1539 1744 Mar 9 - Apr 15 1540 1744 Apr 15 - 28 1541 1744 Apr 28 - May 20 1542 1744 May 21 - Jun 24 1543 1744 Jun 24 - Sept 16 1/1 127

1544 1744 Sept 17 - Dec 27 1545 1745 Jan 5 - Apr 10 1546 1745 Apr 10 1547 1745 Apr 10 - May 15 1548 1745 May 15 - Jun 5 1549 1745 Jun 5 - Jul 3 1550 1745 Jul 3 - Dec 30 1551 1746 Jan 10 - Mar 10 1552 1746 Mar 10 - 23 1553 1746 Mar 23 - May 2 1554 1746 May 2 - Jul 23 1555 1746 Jul 23 - Dec 31 1556 1747 Jan 9 - Mar 10 1557 1747 Mar 10 1558 1747 Mar 10 - Apr 28 1559 1747 Apr 28 - Jul 1 1560 1747 Jul 1 - Aug 25 1561 1747 Aug 25 - Oct 30 1562 1747 Oct 30 - Dec 28 1563 1748 Jan 9 - Apr 20 1564 1748 Apr 20 - May 27 1565 1748 May 27 - Sept 26 1566 1748 Sept 26 - Dec 31 1567 1749 Jan 4 - Mar 21 1568 1749 Mar 22 - Apr 26 1569 1749 Apr 26 - Jul 5 1570 1749 Jul 5 - Oct 9 1571 1749 Oct 9 - Dec 29 1572 1750 Jan 1 - Feb 15 1573 1750 Feb 15 - Mar 10 1574 1750 Mar 10 - Apr 27 1575 1750 Apr 27 - Jul 4 1576 1750 Jul 4 - Sept 10 1577 1750 Sept 10 - Dec 19 1578 1751 Jan 9 - Feb 1 1579 1751 Feb 1 - Mar 1 1580 1751 Mar 1 - Apr 24 1581 1751 Apr 24 - May 15 1582 1751 May 15 - Jul 3 1583 1751 Jul 3 - Dec 14 1584 1752 Jan 5 - Feb 8 1585 1752 Feb 8 - Mar 1 1586 1752 Mar 1 - Apr 11 1587 1752 Apr 11 - May 6 1588 1752 May 6 - Jun 15 1589 1752 Jun 15 - Sept 30 1590 1752 Sept 30 - Dec 28 1591 1753 Jan 9 - Feb 13 1592 1753 Feb 13 - Mar 12 1593 1753 Mar 12 - 31 128 1/1

1594 1753 Mar 31 - Apr 25 1595 1753 Apr 25 - Jun 10 1596 1753 Jun 10 - Dec 24 1597 1754 Jan 4 - Feb 1 1598 1754 Feb 1 - 16 1599 1754 Feb 16 - Mar 18 1600 1754 Mar 18 - Apr 13 1601 1754 Apr 13 - 27 1602 1754 Apr 27 - Jun 7 1603 1754 Jun 9 - Aug 8 1604 1754 Aug 8 - Dec 19 1605 1755 Jan 3 - Feb 14 1606 1755 Feb 14 - Apr 1 1607 1755 Apr 1 - 29 1608 1755 Apr 29 - Dec 26 1609 1756 Jan 3 - Mar 1 1610 1756 Mar 1 1611 1756 Mar 1 - 19 1612 1756 Mar 19 - Apr 13 1613 1756 Apr 16 - May 18 1614 1756 May 18 - Jun 28 1615 1756 Jun 28 - Aug 12 1616 1756 Aug 12 - Dec 7 1617 1757 Jan 11 - Feb 25 1618 1757 Feb 25 1619 1757 Feb 25 - Apr 20 1620 1757 Apr 20 - May 6 1621 1757 May 6 - 25 1622 1757 May 25 - Jun 27 1623 1757 Jun 27 - Sept 21 1624 1757 Sept 21 - Dec 27 1625 1758 Jan 10 - Feb 25 1626 1758 Feb 25 1627 1758 Feb 25 - Apr 20 1628 1758 Apr 20 - May 13 1629 1758 May 13 - Aug 14 1630 1758 Aug 15 - Sept 16 1631 1758 Sept 19 - Dec 30 1632 1759 Jan 6 - Feb 25 1633 1759 Feb 25 1634 1759 Feb 25 - Mar 30 1635 1759 Mar 3 - Apr 13 1636 1759 Apr 13 - 20 1637 1759 Apr 20 - Jun 18 1638 1759 Jun 22 - Aug 14 1639 1759 Aug 14 - Dec 18 1640 1760 Jan 2 - Feb 15 1641 1760 Feb 15 1642 1760 Feb 15 - Mar 28 1643 1760 Mar 28 - Apr 20 1/1 129

1644 1760 Apr 20 - Jun 20 1645 1760 Jun 20 - Aug 2 1646 1760 Aug 2 - Dec 12 1647 1761 Jan 2 - Feb 25 Part of a letter to the governor - general and council, Batavia (including a register) dated 7 Dec 1762, a letter to the church council at the Cape dated 14 Dec 1762 and part of a letter to the magistrate of Stellenbosch dated 14 Dec 1762 were removed from this volume and placed chronologically in vol. C1660. 1648 1761 Feb 25 1649 1761 Feb 25 - Apr 28 1650 1761 Apr 28 - May 30 1651 1761 May 30 - Jul 17 1652 1761 Jul 17 - Dec 15 1653 1762 Jan 5 - 22 1654 1762 Jan 22 - Mar 1 1655 1762 Mar 1 1656 1762 Mar 1 - 22 1657 1762 Mar 22 - Apr 16 1658 1762 Apr 16 - May 11 1659 1762 May 11 - Jul 26 1660 1762 Jul 26 - Dec 15 See note under 1647. 1661 1763 Jan 6 - Feb 1 1662 1763 Feb 1 - Mar 1 1663 1763 Mar 1 - Apr 12 1664 1763 Apr 12 - May 4 1665 1763 May 4 - Jun 9 1666 1763 Jun 9 - Sept 26 1667 1763 Sept 26 - Dec 27 1668 1764 Jan 2 - 30 1669 1764 Jan 30 - Feb 7 1670 1764 Feb 7 - Mar 1 1671 1764 Mar 1 - 22 1672 1764 Mar 22 - May 4 1673 1764 May 8 - Jun 28 1674 1764 Jun 28 - Jul 10 1675 1764 Jul 10 - Dec 29 1676 1765 Jan 2 - Mar 1 1677 1765 Mar 1 - Apr 19 1678 1765 Apr 19 - Dec 12 1679 1766 Jan 3 - Feb 1 1680 1766 Feb 1 - Mar 1 1681 1766 Mar 1 - 17 1682 1766 Mar 17 - Apr 9 1683 1766 Apr 9 - 23 1684 1766 Apr 23 - Jul 19 1685 1766 Jul 19 - Dec 30 1686 1767 Jan 5 - 23 1687 1767 Jan 23 - Feb 5 1688 1767 Feb 5 - Mar 1 130 1/1

1689 1767 Mar 1 - Apr 1 1690 1767 Apr 1 - 17 1691 1767 Apr 17 - Aug 27 1692 1767 Aug 29 - Dec 27 1693 1768 Jan 2 - 20 1694 1768 Jan 20 - Feb 1 1695 1768 Feb 1 - 19 1696 1768 Feb 19 - Mar 8 1697 1768 Mar 8 - Apr 16 1698 1768 Apr 16 - Jun 29 1699 1768 Jun 29 - Dec 30 1700 1769 Jan 2 - Feb 4 1701 1769 Feb 4 - 13 1702 1769 Feb 13 - Mar 1 1703 1769 Mar 1 - Apr 1 1704 1769 Apr 3 - 28 1705 1769 Apr 28 - Jul 19 1706 1769 Jul 19 - Dec 30 1707 1770 Jan 10 - Feb 1 1708 1770 Feb 1 - Mar 1 1709 1770 Mar 1 - 17 1710 1770 Mar 18 - Apr 17 1711 1770 Apr 17 - May 11 1712 1770 May 11 - Aug 11 1713 1770 Aug 14 - Dec 19 1714 1771 Jan 4 - Feb 15 1715 1771 Feb 15 - Mar 1 1716 1771 Mar 1 - 20 1717 1771 Mar 20 - Apr 15 1718 1771 Apr 15 - May 10 1719 1771 May 10 - Jun 15 1720 1771 Jun 15 - Sept 14 1721 1771 Sept 14 - Dec 27 1722 1772 Jan 6 - 28 1723 1772 Jan 28 - Feb 22 1724 1772 Feb 22 - Mar 9 1725 1772 Mar 9 - Apr 25 1726 1772 Apr 25 - May 7 1727 1772 May 7 - Jun 17 1728 1772 Jun 19 - Jul 17 1729 1772 Jul 17 - Dec 20 1730 1773 Jan 10 - Feb 1 1731 1773 Feb 1 - Mar 1 1732 1773 Mar 1 - 29 1733 1773 Apr 1 - 22 1734 1773 Apr 22 - May 13 1735 1773 May 13 - Jun 28 1736 1773 Jun 28 - Sept 7 1737 1773 Sept 7 - Dec 22 1738 1774 Jan 18 - Mar 1 1/1 131

1739 1774 Mar 1 - 22 1740 1774 Mar 22 - Apr 6 1741 1774 Apr 8 - 30 1742 1774 Apr 30 - May 12 1743 1774 May 12 - Jun 15 1744 1774 Jun 16 - Sept 14 1745 1774 Sept 14 - Dec 30 1746 1775 Jan 3 - Feb 1 1747 1775 Feb 1 - Mar 1 1748 1775 Mar 1 - Apr 1 1749 1775 Apr 1 - 19 1750 1775 Apr 19 - May 20 1751 1775 May 20 - Aug 2 1752 1775 Aug 24 - Dec 30 1753 1776 Jan 4 - Mar 1 1754 1776 Mar 1 - May 14 1755 1776 May 14 - Dec 31 1756 1777 Jan 16 - Mar 1 1757 1777 Mar 1 - Apr 5 1758 1777 Apr 5 - Dec 31 1759 1778 Jan 4 - Feb 16 1760 1778 Feb 21 - Mar 2 1761 1778 Mar 2 - Apr 16 1762 1778 Apr 16 - May 9 1763 1778 May 9 - Dec 30 1764 1779 Jan 2 - Mar 1 1765 1779 Mar 1 - Apr 24 1766 1779 Apr 24 - May 22 1767 1779 May 22 - Dec 22 1768 1780 Jan 8 - Feb 14 1769 1780 Feb 16 - Mar 9 1770 1780 Mar 9 - Apr 22 1771 1780 Apr 22 - Jun 7 1772 1780 Jun 7 - Dec 16 1773 1781 Jan 8 - Feb 17 1774 1781 Feb 17 - Mar 3 1775 1781 Mar 3 - 31 1776 1781 Apr 1 - Jul 26 1777 1781 Aug 3 - Dec 7 1778 1781 Dec 11 - 1782 Apr 15 1779 1782 Apr 15 1780 1782 Apr 15 - May 17 1781 1782 May 17 - Oct 8 1782 1782 Oct 8 - Dec 30 1783 1783 Jan 2 - Feb 13 1784 1783 Feb 17 - Apr 12 1785 1783 Apr 12 - Jun 6 1786 1783 Jun 6 - Jul 22 1787 1783 Jul 22 - Sept 8 1788 1783 Sept 11 - Dec 9 132 1/1

1789 1783 Dec 9 - 27 1790 1784 Jan 6 - Feb 11 1791 1784 Feb 11 - Mar 15 1792 1784 Mar 15 - Apr 10 1793 1784 Apr 12 - May 5 1794 1784 May 5 - 29 1795 1784 May 29 - Jun 30 1796 1784 Jul 1 - 21 1797 1784 Jul 21 - Oct 1 1798 1784 Oct 12 - Dec 31 1799 1785 Jan 5 - 29 1800 1785 Jan 29 - Apr 4 1801 1785 Apr 4 - 9 1802 1785 Apr 9 - 20 1803 1785 Apr 20 - May 12 1804 1785 May 12 1805 1785 May 12 - 26 1806 1785 May 26 - Aug 23 1807 1785 Aug 23 - Sept 7 1808 1785 Sept 9 - Dec 2 1809 1785 Dec 2 - 31 1810 1786 Feb 3 - 20 1811 1786 Feb 20 - Mar 18 1812 1786 Mar 18 - Apr 3 1813 1786 Apr 3 - 19 1814 1786 Apr 19 - 23 1815 1786 Apr 25 - May 1 1816 1786 May 1 1817 1786 May 1 - 15 1818 1786 May 15 - Jul 1 1819 1786 Jul 1 1820 1786 Jul 1 - 8 1821 1786 Jul 8 - Aug 30 1822 1786 Aug 30 - Sept 19 1823 1786 Sept 19 - Oct 12 1824 1786 Oct 12 - Nov 2 1825 1786 Nov 2 - Dec 29 1826 1795 Jan 4 - Apr 16 The letters despatched for the period 1787 - 1794 could not be traced. Contains a letter to the president of the Orphan Chamber, Cape dated 27 Nov 1793. 1827 1795 Apr 16 - May 6 1828 1795 May 8 - Aug 18 1829 - 1831 Letters Despatched (Duplicates) 1783 1829 1783 Jan 2 - Feb 25 1830 1783 Feb 25 - Apr 12 1831 1783 Apr 12 - Jun 27 1/1 133

1832 - 1859 Letters Despatched (Secret Letters) 1708 - 1791 1832 1708 Apr 18 - 1713 Feb 4 Contains a copy of a letter to the governor - general and council, Batavia dated 18 Jun 1696, which was sent on 4 Feb 1713. 1833 1713 Apr 2 - 1724 Mar 31 1834 1724 Aug 23 - 1727 Apr 28 1835 1727 Apr 28 - 1734 Apr 20 1836 1748 Feb 19 - Dec 10 1837 1749 Jan 7 - 1751 Jan 9 1838 1751 Feb 1 - 1752 Dec 28 1839 1753 Mar 1 - 1755 Jun 17 1840 1755 Feb 1 - 1757 Jan 29 Part of the letter dated 1 Mar 1756 is missing. The first part of the letter dated 23 May 1756 is missing. Contains a letter from the magistrate, Swellendam, to the governor and council, Cape dated 24 Dec 1756, with an annexure dated 23 Dec 1756 and a letter from the governor and council, Cape to the magistrate, Swellendam dated 30 Dec 1756. 1841 1757 Feb 25 - 1758 Aug 19 Contains a letter from the magistrate, Swellendam to the governor and council, Cape dated 20 Jul 1757. 1842 1759 Jan 10 - 1760 Aug 2 1843 1761 Feb 25 - 1762 Mar 16 1844 1762 Mar 22 - 1763 Jul 1 1845 1764 Jan 7 - 1765 May 8 1846 1765 May 13 - 1767 Apr 17 1847 1768 Jan 9 - 1770 Mar 1 1848 1770 Apr 1 - 1771 Sept 14 1849 1772 Jan 27 - 1773 Apr 19 1850 1773 May 7 - 1775 Feb 1 1851 1775 Feb 6 - 1776 May 28 1852 1777 Jan 16 - 1778 Mar 2 1853 1778 Apr 1 - 1780 Apr 6 1854 1780 Apr 22 - 1785 Apr 9 Contains a letter from the governor and council, Cape to the directors of the Danish Asiatic Company, Copenhagen dated 28 Apr 1781. 1855 1785 May 12 - 1786 Jul 24 1856 1787 Feb 12 - 1788 Feb 27 1857 1788 Apr 30 - 1789 Dec 25 1858 1790 Jan 15 - 1791 Jan 27 1859 1791 Jan 28 - Dec 26 1860 - 1869 Letters from A.J. Sluysken to delegates 1793 - 1795 1860 1793 Oct 25 1861 1793 Oct 25 - Dec 6 1862 1793 Dec 6 - 1794 Apr 14 1863 1794 Apr 14 1864 1794 Jun 28 1865 1794 Jun 28 - Jul 30 134 1/1

1866 1794 Jul 30 - Oct 10 1867 1794 Oct 10 - 23 1868 1794 Oct 23 - 1795 Nov 11 1869 1795 Nov - 1796 May 5 The letter dated 5 May 1796 was written in Amsterdam. 1/1 135

JOURNALS 1870 - 2071 Journals 1652 - 1794 For microfilms of the journals for the period May 1662 - Sept 1666; May 1667 - Dec 1671; 1674; 1676 ; 1680 - 1683; 1687 - 1690; 1692 - 1696; 1698 - 1700; 1702 - 1711; 1713 - 1759 and 1761 - 1789 consult microfilms ZA 2/6/1 - 2/6/20. Verbatim copies of the journals for the years 1651 - 1687; 1689 - 1690 and 1691 - 1789 are also available in the VC series (VC 1 - 34). The journal for the period 14 Dec 1651 - 29 Sept 1666 has been published in full by DB Bosman and HB Thom (eds.): Daghregister gehouden by den Oppercoopman Jan Anthonisz van Riebeeck, 3 parts (Cape Town, 1952 - 1957) and AJ Böeseken (ed.): Dagregister en Briewe van , 1662 - 1666 (Pretoria, 1973). 1870 1652 Nov 14 - 1655 Dec The journal for the period 14 Dec 1651 - 13 Nov 1652 could not be traced. 1871 1655 Dec 12 - 1657 Dec 31 1872 1658 Jan 1 - Dec 31 1873 1659 Feb 1 - 1660 May 26 The journal for Jan 1659 could not be traced. 1874 1660 May 27 - 1661 Jul The last few pages in this volume are damaged and the end date is therefore illegible. 1875 1662 May 3 - 1663 Oct 18 The journal for the period Jul 1661 - 2 May 1662 could not be traced. 1876 1663 Oct 19 - 1665 Apr 22 1877 1665 May 23 - 1666 Dec 31 The journal for the period 23 Apr - 22 May 1665 could not be traced. 1878 1672 Jan 1 - Dec 31 The journal for the period 1 Jan 1667 - 31 Dec 1671 could not be traced. 1879 1673 Jan 1 - Dec 31 1880 1677 Jan 1 - Dec 1 The journal for the period 1Jan 1674 - 31 Dec 1676 could not be traced. 1881 1677 Dec 1 - 1678 Dec 31 1882 1679 Jan 1 - May 27 1883 1679 May 28 - Dec 14 1884 1684 Jan 1 - Mar 18 The journal for the period 15 Dec 1679 - 31 Dec 1683 could not be traced. Two letters from the governor of Ceylon and the commander of Gale dated 12 Jan 1684 and 16 Jan 1684, respectively were placed with the journal of 15 Mar 1684. A letter from the commanding officer of Robben Island dated 25 Dec 1685 was removed from vol. C590 (old no.) and placed with the journal of 26 Feb 1685 in vol. C1888. A statement by Willem Cornelisz dated 1 May 1686 was removed from this volume and placed chronologically in the series Affidavits. 1885 1684 Mar 18 - May 21 A copy of a letter from the governor - general and council, Batavia dated 18 Feb 1684 was placed with the journal of 21 May 1684. 136 1/1

1886 1684 May 21 - Jun 4 Two original letters from the governor - general and council, Batavia dated 8 Dec 1684 and 31 Dec 1684 were placed in the journal of 4 June 1684 and 27 Mar 1684, respectively. 1887 1684 Jun 5 - Dec 31 1888 1685 Jan 1 - Jul 11 An original letter from the commanding officer of Robben Island dated 25 Feb 1685 was removed from vol. C590 (old no) and placed with the journal of 26 Feb 1685 in this volume. 1889 1685 Jul 11 - Dec 31 1890 1686 Feb 16 - May 30 The journal for the period 1 Jan - 15 Feb 1686 could not be traced. 1891 1686 May 30 - Aug 9 1892 1686 Aug 9 - Nov 4 1893 1686 Nov 5 - Dec 31 1894 1687 Jan 1 - Feb 20 1895 1687 Feb 20 - Apr 21 1896 1687 Apr 21 - Jun 15 1897 1687 Jun 15 - Sept 19 1898 1687 Sept 19 - Dec 27 The journal for the period 1 - 20 Dec 1687 could not be traced. 1899 1689 Jan 1 - Feb 23 The journal for the period 28 Dec 1687 - 31 Dec 1688 could not be traced. 1900 1689 Feb 23 - Apr 27 1901 1689 Apr 27 - Dec 31 1902 1694 Jan 1 - Mar 15 The journal for the years 1690 - 1693 could not be traced. 1903 1694 Mar 15 - Jul 19 1904 1694 Jul 19 - Dec 31 1905 1696 Jan 1 - Mar 21 The journal for 1695 could not be traced. 1906 1696 Mar 21 - Jun 4 1907 1696 Jun 4 - Sept 20 1908 1696 Sept 21 - Dec 31 1909 1697 Jan 1 - May 12 1910 1697 May 12 - Oct 19 1911 1697 Oct 20 - 1698 Jan 18 1912 1698 Jan 19 - May 9 1913 1698 May 10 - Jul 4 1914 1698 Jul 5 - Dec 31 1915 1701 Jan 1 - Jun 24 The journal for the years 1699 - 1700 could not be traced. 1916 1701 Jun 24 - Dec 31 1917 1702 Jan 1 - May 7 1918 1702 May 7 - Oct 27 1919 1702 Oct 27 - 1703 May 19 1920 1703 May 19 - Dec 31 1921 1705 Jan 1 - Apr 18 The journal of 1704 could not be traced. 1922 1705 Apr 18 - Jul 12 1923 1705 Jul 13 - Nov 3 1/1 137

1924 1705 Nov 3 - Dec 31 1925 1707 Jan 1 - Mar 1 The journal of 1706 could not be traced. 1926 1707 Mar 1 - May 6 1927 1707 May 6 - Aug 28 1928 1707 Aug 28 - Dec 31 1929 1708 Jan 1 - Mar 7 1930 1708 Mar 7 - Jul 30 1931 1708 Jul 30 - Dec 31 1932 1710 Jan 1 - Mar 12 The journal of 1709 could not be traced. 1933 1710 Mar 12 - Sept 26 1934 1710 Sept 26 - 1711 Apr 8 1935 1711 Apr 8 - Oct 3 1936 1711 Oct 3 - 1712 May 22 1937 1712 May 23 - Dec 31 1938 1715 Jan 1 - Aug 22 The journal for the years 1713 - 1714 could not be traced. 1939 1715 Aug 22 - 1716 Feb 23 1940 1716 Feb 23 - May 30 1941 1716 May 30 - Aug 30 1942 1716 Aug 30 - Dec 31 1943 1717 Jan 1 - Aug 21 1944 1717 Aug 21 - 1718 May 13 1945 1718 May 14 - 1719 May 4 1946 1719 May 5 - 1720 Apr 20 1947 1720 Apr 20 - 1721 Feb 8 1948 1721 Feb 8 - Sept 7 1949 1721 Sept 8 - 1722 Mar 13 1950 1722 Mar 13 - Jul 15 1951 1722 Jul 15 - Dec 31 1952 1723 Jan 1 - Apr 15 1953 1723 Apr 15 - Aug 16 1954 1723 Aug 17 - Dec 31 1955 1724 Jan 1 - Jun 16 1956 1724 Jun 17 - Dec 4 1957 1724 Dec 4 - 1725 Aug 23 1958 1725 Aug 23 - 1726 Feb 17 1959 1726 Feb 17 - Sept 7 1960 1726 Sept 7 - 1727 Apr 21 1961 1727 Apr 21 - Dec 31 1962 1728 Jan 1 - May 20 1963 1728 May 20 - Oct 17 1964 1728 Oct 17 - 1729 Mar 31 1965 1729 Mar 31 - Oct 24 1966 1729 Oct 25 - 1730 May 11 1967 1730 May 11 - Dec 31 1968 1731 Jan 1 - Sept 22 1969 1731 Sept 22 - 1732 Apr 20 1970 1732 Apr 20 - Dec 31 138 1/1

1971 1733 Jan 1 - Jun 22 1972 1733 Jun 25 - Dec 31 1973 1734 Jan 1 - Jul 13 1974 1734 Jul 14 - Dec 31 1975 1735 Jan 1 - Dec 31 1976 1736 Jan 1 - Sept 27 1977 1736 Sept 27 - 1737 May 21 1978 1737 May 21 - Dec 31 1979 1738 Jan 1 - Jun 26 1980 1738 Jun 27 - 1739 Mar 29 1981 1739 Mar 30 - Dec 31 1982 1740 Jan 1 - 1741 Apr 25 1983 1741 Apr 25 - 1742 Apr 29 1984 1742 Apr 29 - Dec 31 1985 1743 Jan 1 - Jul 29 1986 1743 Jul 30 - 1744 Apr 22 1987 1744 Apr 23 - 1745 Feb 27 1988 1745 Feb 28 - Dec 31 1989 1746 Jan 1 - Dec 5 1990 1746 Dec 6 - 1747 Jun 3 1991 1747 Jun 3 - Nov 29 1992 1747 Nov 29 - 1748 Aug 22 1993 1748 Aug 22 - 1749 Jun 1 1994 1749 Jun 1 - 1750 Feb 16 1995 1750 Feb 16 - Dec 19 1996 1750 Dec 19 - 1751 May 11 1997 1751 May 11 - Dec 31 1998 1752 Jan 1 - Jul 28 1999 1752 Jul 28 - 1753 Mar 23 2000 1753 Mar 23 - Dec 31 2001 1754 Jan 1 - May 2 2002 1754 May 2 - Aug 29 2003 1754 Aug 29 - Dec 31 2004 1755 Jan 1 - May 18 2005 1755 May 19 - Dec 4 2006 1755 Dec 4 - 1756 May 4 2007 1756 May 4 - Dec 31 2008 1757 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2009 1757 Jun 30 - Dec 31 2010 1758 Jan 1 - Aug 9 2011 1758 Aug 10 - 1759 Jan 14 2012 1759 Jan 14 - Jun 24 2013 1759 Jun 24 - 1760 Jan 1 2014 1760 Jan 15 - Jul 14 2015 1760 Jul 14 - Dec 31 2016 1761 Jan 1 - May 28 2017 1761 May 29 - Nov 19 2018 1761 Nov 19 - 1762 Apr 22 2019 1762 Apr 22 - Nov 27 2020 1762 Nov 28 - 1763 Jun 30 1/1 139

2021 1763 Jul 1 - Dec 31 2022 1764 Jan 1 - May 24 2023 1764 May 24 - Oct 12 2024 1764 Oct 12 - 1765 Mar 9 2025 1765 Mar 10 - Aug 31 2026 1765 Sept 1 - Dec 31 2027 1766 Jan 1 - Mar 31 2028 1766 Apr 1 - Aug 20 2029 1766 Aug 20 - 1767 Jan 23 2030 1767 Jan 23 - May 12 2031 1767 May 13 - Sept 16 2032 1767 Sept 16 - 1768 Feb 13 2033 1768 Feb 13 - Jun 19 2034 1768 Jun 20 - Dec 31 2035 1769 Jan 1 - Jun 11 2036 1769 Jun 11 - Dec 31 2037 1770 Jan 1 - Apr 5 2038 1770 Apr 5 - Sept 30 2039 1770 Oct 1 - 1771 Feb 24 2040 1771 Feb 24 - Aug 14 2041 1771 Aug 14 - Dec 31 2042 1772 Jan 1 - Mar 31 2043 1772 Apr 1 - Jul 19 2044 1772 Jul 19 - Dec 25 2045 1772 Dec 25 - 1773 Apr 12 2046 1773 Apr 12 - Jun 30 2047 1773 Jul 1 - Dec 31 2048 1774 Jan 1 - Jun 18 2049 1774 Jun 18 - 1775 Jan 13 2050 1775 Jan 14 - Jul 8 2051 1775 Jul 9 - 1776 Jan 17 2052 1776 Jan 17 - May 22 2053 1776 May 22 - Dec 31 2054 1777 Jan 1 - Jul 6 2055 1777 Jul 6 - 1778 Mar 30 2056 1778 Mar 31 - Dec 31 2057 1779 Jan 1 - Aug 22 2058 1779 Aug 22 - 1780 Apr 9 2059 1780 Apr 9 - Dec 31 2060 1781 Jan 1 - Oct 28 2061 1781 Oct 28 - 1782 Jul 4 2062 1782 Jul 4 - 1783 Mar 3 2063 1783 Mar 3 - Dec 4 2064 1783 Dec 4 - 1784 Aug 22 2065 1784 Aug 22 - 1785 Jul 29 2066 1785 Jul 29 - 1786 Apr 21 2067 1786 Apr 22 - Sept 26 2068 1786 Sept 27 - 1787 Mar 27 2069 1787 Mar 28 - Dec 31 140 1/1

2070 1794 Jan 1 - Jul 19 The journal for the years 1788 - 1793 could not be traced. 2071 1794 Jul 20 - Dec 31 The journal for the period Jan - Sept 1795 could not be traced. 2072 - 2182 Duplicate Journals 1718 - 1784 The series is incomplete. 2072 1718 Jan 1 - 1719 Jan 31 2073 1719 Feb 1 - 1720 Jan 31 2074 1720 Feb 1 - Dec 31 2075 1721 Jan 1 - Oct 31 2076 1721 Nov 1 - 1722 Aug 31 2077 1722 Sept 1 - 1723 Jun 30 2078 1723 Jul 1 - 1724 Mar 31 2079 1724 Apr 1 - Dec 31 2080 1725 Jan 1 - Jun 3 2081 1725 Jun 3 - Oct 18 2082 1725 Oct 19 - 1726 Mar 31 2083 1726 Mar 1 - Dec 31 2084 1727 Jan 1 - Apr 4 2085 1727 Apr 4 - Aug 26 2086 1727 Aug 26 - Dec 31 2087 1728 Jan 1 - Aug 28 2088 1728 Aug 29 - 1729 May 22 2089 1729 May 23 - 1730 Mar 12 2090 1730 Mar 13 - Dec 31 2091 1731 Jan 1 - 1732 Jan 12 2092 1732 Jan 12 - Dec 31 2093 1733 Jan 1 - 1734 Feb 13 2094 1734 Feb 14 - Dec 31 2095 1735 Jan 1 - Aug 2 2096 1735 Aug 2 - 1736 May 31 2097 1736 Jun 1 - 1737 Mar 27 2098 1737 Mar 28 - Oct 22 2099 1737 Oct 22 - 1738 May 8 2100 1738 May 8 - Dec 31 2101 1739 Jan 1 - Jul 31 2102 1739 Aug 1 - 1740 Feb 29 2103 1740 Mar 1 - Aug 25 2104 1740 Aug 25 - 1741 Jan 31 2105 1741 Feb 1 - Jul 31 2106 1741 Aug 1 - 1742 Jan 31 2107 1742 Feb 1 - May 31 2108 1742 Jun 1 - 1743 Jan 21 2109 1743 Jan 21 - May 31 2110 1743 Jun 1 - Dec 31 2111 1744 Jan 1 - Jul 31 2112 1744 Aug 1 - 1745 Jun 30 2113 1745 Jul 1 - 1746 Feb 28 2114 1746 Mar 1 - 1747 Jan 3 1/1 141

2115 1747 Jan 3 - Aug 31 2116 1747 Sept 1 - 1748 Apr 25 2117 1748 Apr 25 - 1749 Jan 31 2118 1749 Feb 1 - Nov 10 2119 1749 Nov 11 - 1750 Aug 22 2120 1750 Aug 22 - 1751 Apr 23 2121 1751 Apr 23 - Dec 31 2122 1752 Jan 1 - May 22 2123 1752 May 23 - Dec 31 Contains a note re the sentence imposed on the slave Joumats of Macassar by the Court of Justice on 14 Oct 1752. 2124 1753 Jan 1 - Jul 31 2125 1753 Aug 1 - Dec 31 2126 1754 Jan 1 - Jun 29 2127 1754 Jun 30 - Dec 31 2128 1756 Jan 1 - May 31 2129 1756 Jun 1 - Dec 31 2130 1758 Jan 1 - Aug 6 2131 1758 Aug 6 - 1759 Jan 15 2132 1759 Jan 5 - Jul 7 2133 1759 Jul 7 - 1760 Jan 7 2134 1760 Jan 7 - May 23 2135 1760 May 24 - Sept 25 2136 1760 Sept 25 - 1761 Feb 18 2137 1761 Feb 18 - Jul 14 2138 1761 Jul 14 - Dec 31 2139 1762 Jan 1 - Jul 17 2140 1762 Jul 17 - 1763 Jan 27 2141 1763 Jan 27 - Jul 22 2142 1763 Jul 23 - Dec 31 2143 1764 Jan 1 - May 19 2144 1764 May 19 - Nov 4 2145 1764 Nov 4 - 1765 Mar 12 2146 1765 Mar 12 - Aug 31 2147 1765 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2148 1766 Jan 1 - Apr 24 2149 1766 Apr 24 - Oct 27 2150 1766 Oct 27 - 1767 Apr 15 2151 1767 Apr 15 - Aug 31 2152 1767 Aug 31 - 1768 Jan 14 2153 1768 Jan 15 - Jun 21 2154 1768 Jun 21 - Dec 31 2155 1769 Jan 1 - Jun 24 2156 1769 Jun 24 - 1770 Jan 12 2157 1770 Jan 12 - May 29 2158 1770 May 29 - Dec 31 2159 1771 Jan 1 - Apr 27 2160 1771 Apr 27 - Aug 26 2161 1771 Aug 27 - 1772 Jan 18 2162 1772 Jan 18 - Jun 3 142 1/1

2163 1772 Jun 3 - Dec 31 2164 1773 Jan 1 - Apr 28 2165 1773 Apr 28 - Oct 12 2166 1773 Oct 12 - 1774 Apr 27 2167 1774 Apr 27 - Dec 31 2168 1775 Jan 1 - Apr 29 2169 1775 Apr 29 - Oct 31 2170 1775 Oct 31 - 1776 Apr 13 2171 1776 Apr 14 - Dec 31 2172 1778 Jan 1 - Jun 30 2173 1778 Jul 1 - 1779 Jan 31 2174 1779 Feb 1 - Aug 10 2175 1779 Aug 11 - 1780 Feb 29 2176 1780 Mar 1 - Sept 30 2177 1780 Oct 1 - 1781 May 13 2178 1781 May 13 - Dec 13 2179 1783 Jan 1 - Jun 14 2180 1783 Jun 14 - Nov 30 2181 1783 Dec 1 - 1784 May 10 2182 1784 May 10 - Dec 31 2183 - 2222 Journals: Stellenbosch and Drakenstein 1729 - 1784 2183 1729 Jun 1 - 1731 Apr 30 2184 1731 May 1 - 1732 Apr 30 2185 1732 May 1 - 1733 Jun 30 2186 1733 Jul 1 - 1734 Sept 30 2187 1734 Oct 1 - 1735 Sept 30 2188 1735 Oct 1 - 1736 Dec 31 2189 1737 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2190 1738 Jan 1 - 1739 Mar 31 2191 1739 Apr 1 - Dec 31 2192 1740 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2193 1740 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2194 1742 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2195 1743 Jan 1 - Dec 31 The journal for Sept 1743 could not be traced. 2196 1744 Jan 1 - Dec 31 The journal for Nov 1744 has been removed from vol. C653 (old no) and placed chronologically in this volume. 2197 1745 Jan 1 - Dec 31 The journal of the magistrate of Swellendam for the period Oct 1745 - Dec 1783 has been removed from vols. C652 - C657 (old nos.) and placed in a separate series (see vols. C2223 - C2230). The journal for Sept 1745 has been removed from vol. C653 (old no) and placed chronologically in this volume. 2198 1746 Jan 1 - Oct 31 2199 1746 Nov 1 - 1747 Jul 31 2200 1747 Aug 1 - 1748 Feb 29 2201 1748 Mar 1 - 1749 Aug 31 2202 1749 Sept 1 - 1750 Dec 31 2203 1751 Jan 1 - 1752 Dec 31 1/1 143

2204 1753 Jan 1 - 1754 Dec 31 The journal for the period 15 - 31 Aug 1753 could not be traced. 2205 1755 Jan 1 - 1756 Dec 31 2206 1757 Jan 17 - 1758 Aug 31 The journal for the period 1 - 16 Jan 1757 could not be traced. 2207 1758 Sept 1 - 1759 Nov 30 2208 1771 Dec 1 - 1774 Feb 28 The journal for the period Dec 1759 - Nov 1771 could not be traced. 2209 1774 Mar 1 - 1775 Feb 28 2210 1775 Mar 1 - Jun 13 2211 1775 Jun 13 - Nov 30 2212 1775 Dec 1 - 1776 Aug 31 2213 1776 Sept 1 - 1777 Feb 28 2214 1777 Mar 1 - Nov 30 2215 1777 Dec 1 - 1779 Feb 28 2216 1779 Mar 1 - Nov 30 2217 1779 Dec 1 - 1780 Oct 9 Contains an original minute of a combined meeting of the magistrate and heemrade and the burger military council of Stellenbosch, dated 16 Jun 1780, at the back for the journal for Aug 1780. 2218 1780 Oct 9 - 1781 Mar 31 2219 1781 Mar 31 - Nov 30 The last page of an undated copy of a minute of a combined meeting of the magistrate and heemrade and the burgher military council of Stellenbosch can be found at the back for the volume. 2220 1781 Dec 1 - 1782 Aug 31 2221 1782 Sept 1 - 1783 May 31 2222 1783 Jun 1 - 1784 Feb 28 Contains a statement of revenue and expenditure of the magistrate and heemrade of Stellenbosch for 1783 at the back of the journal for Feb 1784. 2223 - 2230 Journals: Swellendam 1745 - 1783 2223 1745 Oct 1 - 1748 Nov 30 The journal for Nov 1745; Jan - May 1746; Jul 1746; Oct 1746; Dec 1746 - Jan 1747; Jul 1747; Dec 1747; Dec 1747; Jul 1748 and Oct 1748 could not be traced. 2224 1748 Dec 1 - 1752 Sept 8 The journal for Jan 1749; Apr 1749; Dec 1749 and Dec 1750 could not be traced. 2225 1752 Sept 8 - 1756 May 3 2226 1756 May 3 - 1758 Dec 31 2227 1759 Jan 12 - 1774 Jan 11 The journal for the period Jan 1760 - Jan 1771 could not be traced. 2228 1774 Jan 11 - 1777 Jun 18 2229 1777 Jun 18 - 1780 Jun 16 The journal for the period 1 - 13 Jan 1778 could not be traced. 2230 1780 Jun 16 - 1783 Dec 31 The journal for the period 1 - 7 Jan 1782 could not be traced. 144 1/1

2231 - 2237 Journals: Simon's Bay 1751 - 1778 Simon's Bay was used as a harbour during the winter months, only. The journal was therefore not kept during the summer months. 2231 1751 Jun 14 - 1753 Jul 31 2232 1753 Aug 1 - 1756 Jun 30 2233 1756 Jul 1 - 1758 Aug 24 2234 1759 May 15 - 1760 Aug 31 2235 1760 Sept 1 - 1764 Aug 31 2236 1765 Apr 14 - 1769 Sept 13 2237 1770 Apr 30 - 1778 Oct 9 2238 - 2240 Journals: Mauritius 1685 - 1688 2238 1685 Jan 1 - 1686 May 27 2239 1686 May 28 - 1687 Dec 31 2240 1688 Jan 1 - Dec 31 2241 - 2242 Travel Journals: HJ Wikar and J van Plettenberg 1778 2241 Travel Journal: HJ Wikar 1778 2242 Travel Journal: governor J van Plettenberg 1778 Sept 3 - Nov 26 1/1 145

SHIP'S AND OTHER JOURNALS 2243 - 2266 Ship's and other journals 1664 - 1794 2243 Ship's and other journals 1664 - 1665 Contains a later synopsis of the records in vols C2243 - C2246 and a later list of shipping journals for the period 1615 - 1793 (both English). Also contains a report of GF Wreede to Commander Zacharias Wagenaer re his voyage with the Pimpel to the islands Martin Vaz; maria d' Agosta; Trinidade and Acencam during the period 4 Feb - 19 May 1665. a Journal kept on board the Waterhoen, b Journal kept on board the Pimpel, 2244 Ship's and other journals 1677 a Journal kept on board the Voorhout, 2245 Ship's and other journals 1677; 1682 Contains a short description of the island Mosambiek. a Journal kept on board the Voorhout, b Journal kept during a vogage to Madagascar, 2246 Ship's and other journals 1682; 1687 - 1688 The journal kept during the voyage to Madagascar for the period 21 May 1682 - 10 Aug 1682 could not be traced. The first journal kept, on board the Centaurus is more complete than the second one. The second was signed by Rasmus Juiijaans. A part of the journal, dated 17 Sept 1715 - 29 Sept 1715 has been removed from vol C664 (old no) and placed at the back of this volume. The latter is possibly a part of a journal of Leijdsman which was sent to Madagascar for slave trade in 1715. a Journal kept during a voyage to Madagascar, b Journal kept on board the Centaurus, c Journal kept on board the Centaurus, 2247 Ship's and other journals 1707; 1713; 1731 - 1732; 1740; 1742; 1752 - 1753 Contains a later synopsis in English. a Journal of Jan Hartogh's Trade expedition, b Journal kept on board the Berbice, c Journal kept on board the Zeepost, d Journal kept on board the Brak, e Journal kept on board the Brak, f Journal kept on board the Schuijlenburgh, 2248 Ship's and other journals 1754 - 1755 Contains a later English synopsis for vols C2248 - C2251. a Extract from journal of the Geregtigheijt, b Journal kept on board the Schuijlenburgh, 2249 Ship's and other journals 1755 - 1757 146 1/1

a Journal kept on board the Schuijlenburgh, b Journal of the Voorsigtigheijt, 2250 Ship's and other journals 1757; 1759 - 1760 a Journal of the Voorsigtigheijt, b Journal of the Scholtenburg, c Journal kept on board the Neptunus, 2251 Ship's and other journals 1760 - 1761; 1769 - 1770 a Journal kept on board the Neptunus, b Journal of the Zon, 2252 Ship's and other journals 1773 - 1774 a Journal of the Snelheijd, 2253 Ship's and other journals 1773 - 1774 a Journal of the merchant FG Holzapfel, Copy. 2254 Ship's and other journals 1774 - 1775 Contains a later English synopsis of vols C2254 - C2258. a Journal of the Zon, b Journal of the merchant PJ Truter, 2255 Ship's and other journals 1775 - 1776 The second journal of merchant PJ Truter in this and the next volume, is a copy of the original journal which starts in the previous volume and ends in this one. Contains a resolution of the ship's council of the Zon, dated 30 Aug 1775. a Journal of the merchant PJ Truter, b Journal of the merchant PJ Truter, 2256 Ship's and other journals 1775 - 1178 The second journal of merchant C van Nult Onkruijd which starts in this volume and ends in the next one, is a copy of the original journal in this volume. Also contains a copy of a resolution of the ship's council of the Zon dated 30 Aug 1775. a Journal of the merchant PJ Truter, b Journal of the merchant C van Nult Onkruijdt, c Journal of the merchant C van Nult Onkruijdt, 2257 Ship's and other journals 1777 - 1778 a Journal of merchant C van Nult Onkruijdt, Journal of merchant C van Nult Onkruijdt and JM Cruijwagen, b Journal of merchant C van Nult Onkruijdt and JM Cruijwagen, 2258 Ship's and other journals 1/1 147

1780; 1788 The title page of merchant Dirk Westerhoof's journal describing his journey to Mosambiek and Madagascar, found in vol C663 (old no) has been placed at the back of this volume. The journal, however, could not be traced. a Journal of merchant C van Nult Onkruijdt and JM Cruijwagen, b Journal of the Duijfje, 2259 Ships' and other journals 1793 Contains a later English synopsis of vols C2259 - C2263. A part of a journal of a voyage, dated 17 - 29 Sept 1715 has been removed from vol C664 (old no) and placed at the back of vol C2246. a Journal of the Hilverbeek, b Journal of the Lugtbol, 2260 Ships' and other journals 1793 - 1794 a Journal of the Cromhout, 2261 Ships' and other journals 1793 - 1794 a Journal of the Vlijt, b Journal of the Haasje, 2262 Ships' and other journals 1793 - 1794 a Journal of the Washington, 2263 Ships' and other journals 1793 - 1794 a Journal of the Hertog van Brunswijk, 2264 Ships' and other journals 1794 Contains a later English synopsis of vol C2264 - C2266. a Journal of the Haasje, b Journal of the Onderneeming, 2265 Ships' and other journals 1794 - 1795 a Journal of the Buijten Verwachting, 2266 Ships' and other journals 1794 a Journal of the Standvastigheijt, 148 1/1

PUBLIC NOTICES' BOOKS 2267 - 2294 Placaat (proclamation) books 1652 - 1795 The proclamations are published in the Kaapse Plakaatboek, 1652 - 1795 (parts I - IV) by KM Jeffreys and SD Naude (Cape Town, 1944 - 1949). 2267 1652 Apr 9 - 1658 Dec 13 The proclamation of 9 Apr 1652 is in a poor physical condition and certain parts are illegible. The proclamation of 9 Oct is a later copy by GM Theal. 2268 1659 Feb 7 - 1667 Jun 2 Contains a register on a part of the proclamations in this volume and a part of the proclamations in vol C2269. Some of the proclamations are not in chronological order: the proclamation of 31 Oct 1660 has been bound in between those of 23 Jun 1660 and 5 Aug 1660; 15 Jun 1662, between 27 Jan 1663 and 31 May 1663; and 9 Sept 1666 between 24 Nov 1665 and 10 Aug 1666. 2269 1667 Jul 30 - 1675 Sept 28 Contains an undated oath for the burgher councils in front in the volume. The proclamation of 20 Feb 1670 has been bound in behind the proclamation of 23 Dec 1670. 2270 1675 Dec 30 - 1686 Apr 25 The last proclamation in this volume, dated 25 Apr 1686 has been cancelled. It was a copy of the first proclamation in the next volume. 2271 1686 Apr 25 - 1692 Jan 22 Not in chronological order. 2272 1692 Jan 22 - 1696 Feb 13 Also contains a criminal judicial roll, dated 17 Jan 1692, a notice, dated 28 Nov 1691, a copy of a proclamation dated 5 Oct 1701 and lease conditions, dated 9 Mar 1699. Not in chronological order. 2273 1696 Feb 23 - 1702 Oct 27 Not in chronological order. 2274 1702 Dec 1 - 1707 Jan 11 2275 1707 Jan 11 - 1710 Feb 26 Not in chronological order. 2276 1714 Jun 12 - 1719 Jan 24 2277 1719 Jan 24 - 1727 Feb 1 2278 1727 Feb 1 - 1728 Jul 3 2279 1729 Mar 22 - 1734 Nov 2 2280 1735 Jan 18 - 1740 Oct 11 2281 1740 Oct 25 - 1745 Nov 16 2282 1745 Dec 7 - 1753 Dec 24 2283 1754 Feb 26 - 1760 Jul 17 2284 1760 Aug 7 - 1765 Dec 10 2285 1766 Apr 29 - 1775 Feb 16 2286 1776 Oct 11 - 1781 Dec 18 2287 1782 Jan 18 - 1784 May 18 1/1 149

2288 1784 May 18 - 1786 Dec 27 A proclamation dated 27 Dec 1786 and announced on 1 Feb 1787 has been removed from vol C686 (new no 2289) and correctly placed in this volume. 2289 1787 Jan 17 - 1790 May 4 See note under 2288. 2290 1790 May 4 - 1791 Dec 28 2291 1792 Jan 3 - Sept 7 2292 1792 Sept 18 - 1793 Apr 22 2293 1793 Apr 30 - 1794 Feb 28 2294 1794 Mar 5 - 1795 Aug 19 2295 Extracts from proclamations 1652 Sept - Apr Includes a register. The extracts from the proclamations have been arranged alphabetically according to subject. Pages 114 and 125 - 126 have only been partly preserved. 2296 Proclamations re whale catching and private trade voyages. 1792 Sept 29 - Nov 21 Contains the conditions for free trade as stipulated by the Council XVII, dated 21 Mar 1793 and a proclamation re free trade by the Council of India, dated 7 Sept 1792, at the back of this volume. 2297 Regulations 1750 Jan 29 - 1785 Mar 15 Includes a register. Contains regulations and instructions re the various subjects which starts with the letter S. The regulations are mostly compiled from the resolutions of the Council of Policy. 2298 - 2300 Registers on proclamations 1637 - 1798 2298 A-H 1637 - 1798 2299 I-S 1637 - 1798 2300 S-Z 1637 - 1798 2301 - 2304 Registers on proclamations 1652 - 1806 2301 A-M 1652 - 1806 A copy of part A - M of the register on proclamations can be found in vols C2298 - C2300. 2302 A-G 1652 - 1806 2303 H-R 1652 - 1806 2304 S-Z 1652 - 1806 150 1/1

2305 - 2307 Registers on proclamations 1652 - 1806 The register on proclamations in vols C2305 - C2307 is a copy, with a few additions, of the register in vols C2302 - C2304. 2305 A-H 1652 - 1806 2306 I-R 1652 - 1806 2307 S-Z 1652 - 1806 2308 Statues of India A - Z 1652 - 1806 Contains a register on the resolutions of the Council of Policy for the period 1750 - 1784 at the back of the volume. The register mentioned was previously separately bound in vol C776 (old no). 1/1 151

STATUES OF INDIA 2309 - 2323 Statues of India 2309 A Contains a register on the statutes in vols C2309 - C2313. 2310 A-B 2311 B-C 2312 C-D 2313 D 2314 E-H Contains a later synopsis of the statutes in vols C2314 - C2318. 2315 H-J A few pages of the regulations pertaining to justice are missing. 2316 J-K 2317 K-M 2318 M-N 2319 O-P Contains a later synopsis of the statutes in vols C2319 - C2323. 2320 P-S 2321 S 2322 S-T 2323 T-V The first part of the statute before the statute re the vendue - master, and the last part of the statute re foreign Europeans are missing. 2324 - 2327 Statues of India Vols C2324 - C2327 contain copies of part of A - K of the statutes in vols C2309 - C2323. 2324 A-B Contains a list of abbreviations and a register on the statutes in vols C2324 - C2327. 2325 B-C 2326 C-H 2327 H-K 2328 - 2330 Statues of India Vols C2328 - C2330 contain the statutes and ordinances brought together and promulgated by governor - general Antonio van Diemen on 1 Jul 1642 in Batavia. 2328 - 2329 - 2330 - Contains a register on vols C2328 - C2330 at the back of the volume. 2331 - 2332 Statues of India Vols C2331 - C2332 contain the statutes brought together and promulgated by governor - general Antonio van Diemen on 1 Jul 1642 in Batavia. These are copies of part of the statutes in vol C2328 - C2330. 2331 - 152 1/1

2332 - The last few pages of this volume has been damaged and is barely legible. 1/1 153

INSTRUCTIONS 2333 - 2354 Memorials and Instructions 1657 - 1795 2333 1657 Apr 16 - 1662 Sept 22 Contains a register on the instructions in vol C2333 - C2336. 2334 1663 Apr 16 - 1671 Feb 23 2335 1671 Feb 23 - 1682 Apr 24 2336 1682 Apr 24 - 1685 Jul 16 2337 1673 Apr 19 - 1677 Mar 6 Not in chronological order. Also contains an instruction dated 20 Feb 1667. 2338 1677 May - 1682 Jul 8 Not in chronological order. Contains undated instructions to the captains of the Voorhout and Quartel re a voyage to Madagascar in front in the volume. 2339 1682 Aug 11 - 1685 Nov 3 Not in chronological order. 2340 1686 Jun 19 - 1707 Jan 18 Contains a register on vols C2340 - C2341. Abraham Diemen's report to governor WA van der Stel re the expedition against deserters, dated 23 Mar 1701 can be found in front in the volume. Also contains a report of Athanas Garel on Maskarene, dated 30 Oct 1691. The instructions dated 1 Apr 1699 has been found between those of 10 May 1699 and 27 May 1699. 2341 1708 Apr 19 - 1722 Dec 28 Also contains an instruction, dated 14 Nov 1705, which has been bound in after the instructions of Sept 1711. Not in chronological order. 2342 1747 Aug 22 - 1751 Apr 27 Contains a register on the instructions in vols C2342 - C2345. Also contains two extracts from the instructions of the Council of India for ships' officers, dated 3 Jul 1743 and an extract from the resolutions of the Council of Policy, dated 7 Nov 1748. Also contains the following undated records: an instruction for lieutenant Dirk Mol, commander of the Fortuijn; instructions for ships arriving in Table Bay; and the ships' signals used in Table Bay. 2343 1751 Jun 22 - 1752 Dec 18 Contains the following undated records: instructions to preserve bird carcases during ships' voyages. Arnoldus Maasdorp's instructions to determine direction; and regulations for explorers. Also contains an undated French record. 2344 1753 May 12 - 1758 May 9 Contains extracts from the instructions of the Council of India for ships' officers, dated 3 Jul 1743 and 7 Dec 1756 and from the resolutions of the Council of Policy, dated 7 Nov 1748. 2345 1758 Sept 9 - 1764 Dec 27 2346 1775 Jan 5 - 1777 Jun 28 Contains a register on instructions in vols C2346 - C2347. 2347 1777 Oct 14 - 1782 Dec 31 154 1/1

2348 1783 Jan 20 - 1785 Jun 3 Contains a register on instructions in vols C2348 - C2350. Contains a French record by governor Van Plettenberg and his council, dated 3 Apr 1784, as well as one dated 12 Jun 1784. 2349 1785 Sept 28 - 1786 Sept 9 Contains a French record, dated 3 Mar 1786. 2350 1786 Sept 11 - Dec 12 Contains three undated instructions at the back of the volume. 2351 1787 Jan 29 - 1789 Apr 9 2352 1789 Apr 15 - 1791 Nov 23 2353 1792 Apr 7 - 1793 Jun 25 Two undated instructions have been bound in between those of 8 May and 8 June 1792. 2354 1793 Jun 25 - 1795 Apr 16 2355 Instructions of commissioner HA van Rheede 1686 Jul 16 2356 Instructions of commissioner J van Steelant 1713 Apr 5 2357 - 2358 Instructions of commissioner GW van Imhoff with annexure 1743 Feb 25 2357 - With a register. Also contains annexures and a copy of Van Imhoff's letter to the Council XVII, dated 25 Feb 1743. 2358 - Copies of the instructions in vol C2357. Contains no annexures. 2359 - 2360 Diverse instructions and Proclamations 1732 - 1798 2359 1732 Feb 18 - 1793 Okt 23 Contains copies of proclamations dated 18 Feb 1732, 11 Oct 1740, 16 Nov 1762, 3 Sept 1771 and 23 Oct 1793 (with an English translations); an extract from the article letter of the VOC, dated 4 Sept 1742; an extract from an ordinance of the Council of India re judicial and notarial affairs, dated 26 May 1750; an extract from the instructions for the hail of commissioner Joan Gideon Loten at the Cape, 1750; instructions for the hail of the lord McCartney during his visit to the Cape, dated 24 Dec 1792. 2360 1798 Aug 20 Contains instructions for the Court of Justice in Batavia, dated 20 Aug 1798, as well as undated instructions for the town drummer and fragmentary instructions for the burgher watch, dated 5 Dec 1748 - 2 Nov 1774. 2361 Register on Instructions 1657 - 1784 Contains a register on the instructions in vols C2333 - C2347 and a part of the instructions in vols C2348 - C2350. Contains a synopsis which was compiled at a later stage. Also contains: a list of travel diaries of land and sea travels, 1655 - 1770; important records in the attestation books, 1652 - 1753; a list of important annexures to letters despatched, 1716 - 1763; a list of important annexures to letters received 1652 - 1715. 1/1 155

2362 - 2367 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1652 - 1766 2362 Chapter 1, Sections 1 - 11 Contains an alphabetical and subject register of vol C2362 - C2367. Contains a note of GH Goetz, dated 7 Nov 1795, in front of the volume. 2363 Chapter 1, section 12 - chapter 10, section 2 2364 Chapter 10, section 3 - chapter 17, section 1 2365 Chapter 17, section 2 - chapter 20, section 4 2366 Chapter 20, section 5 - chapter 26, section 1 2367 Chapter 26, section 2 - 13 2368 - 2372 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1652 - 1740 2368 Chapter 1, section 1 - chapter 6, section 4 On the title page of the contents of this volume has been incorrectly indicated as a register of records of the Secretary, Council of Policy. Contains a register of the records in vols C2368 - C2372. The instructions in this volume are copies of the instructions for the period 1652 - 1740 in vols C2362 - C2367. 2369 Chapter 6, section 5 - chapter 15, section 9 2370 Chapter 16, section 1 - chapter 20, section 3 2371 Chapter 20, section - chapter 25, section 2 2372 Chapter 26, section 1 - 11 Chapter 26, sections 12 - 13, could not be traced. Additions to the instructions from Holland and Batavia for the period 1740 - 1749 has been removed from vol C720 (C2377) and placed at the back of this volume. 2373 - 2375 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1652 - 1737 2373 A-C Contains an alphabetical register on vols C2373 - C2375. 2374 C-P 2375 P-Z 2376 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1749 - 1757 Contains an alphabetical register. 2377 - 2379 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1657 - 1786 2377 1657 - 1765 With an alphabetical register on instructions for the period 1757 - 1767. See note under 2373. 2378 1765 - 1772 Contains a register on the instructions for the period 1767 - 1777. Also contains an extract from a letter of the Council of XVII, dated 10 Oct 1754. 2379 1772 - 1786 Contains a register on the instructions for the period 1777 - 1786. 156 1/1

2380 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1602 - 1740 Contains an alphabetical register at the back of the volume. 2381 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1678 - 1760 With an alphabetical register at the back of the volume. 2382 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1749 - 1787 Contains an alphabetical register on the instructions in volumes C2382 - C2383. 2383 Instructions from Holland and Batavia 1749 - 1787 An alphabetical register on the instructions in volumes c2382 - C2383, which previously consisted of a separate volume (C781, old no), has been placed at the back of this volume. 2384 - 2390 Instructions for Bengal 1657 - 1743 2384 Chapter 1 - 4 1657 - 1743 Contains a synopsis and alphabetical register on the instructions in vols C2384 - C2390. 2385 Chapter 5 - 10 1657 - 1742 2386 Chapter 11 - 17 1657 - 1742 2387 Chapter 18 - 20 1657 - 1742 2388 Chapter 21 - 23 1657 - 1742 2389 Chapter 24 - 30 1657 - 1742 2390 Chapter 30 - 35 1657 - 1742 1/1 157

DECLARATIONS 2391 - 2659 Declarations 1652 - 1791 Records in this series have occasionally been removed from the volumes which they were bound in and chronologically placed in the correct volumes. The transfer of such volumes have not always been mentioned in footnotes, but supplied in a separate table (see Annexure 2). It was not always possible to place records in this series in chronological order. 2391 1652 Sept 4 - 1660 Feb 16 Also contains copies. 2392 1660 Mar 22 - 1662 Jul 24 Also contains copies which was compiled during the period 28 Dec 1659 - 7 Apr 1660 on board the Zierikzee. 2393 1662 Aug 3 - 1665 Jul 29 Contains two German records, dated 9 Nov 1663 and 24 Nov 1663. Contains a few undated records and fragments at the back of this volume. 2394 1665 Aug 31 - 1670 Apr 24 2395 1670 Jun 9 - 1671 Jan 16 Contains a few undated records from vol C327 (old no) at the back of this volume. 2396 1671 Jan 23 - Sept 1 2397 1671 Sept 2 - 1672 Jul 30 2398 1672 Aug 12 - 1673 Apr 13 2399 1673 Apr 21 - Dec 28 2400 1674 Jun - 1676 Jun 15 2401 1676 Jun 15 - 1677 Sept 16 2402 1677 Sept 28 - 1678 Dec 12 An undated record from vol C329 (old no) has been placed at the back of this volume. 2403 1679 Jun 16 - 1680 Jan 19 2404 1680 Jan 19 - 1681 Mar 17 2405 1681 Mar 25 - 1682 Oct 9 2406 1683 Jan 25 - Nov 10 2407 1683 Nov 12 - 1684 Dec 19 2408 1685 Feb 7 - 1686 Jul 11 Contains an undated depth sounding of Table Bay from vol C331 (old no) at the back for this volume. 2409 1686 Mar 18 - 1687 Mar 25 The first three declarations are similar. 2410 1687 Mar 25 - 1691 Jun 1 2411 1692 Jan 28 - 1695 Aug 1 2412 1695 Dec 12 - 1698 Aug 28 A few undated declarations from vol C332 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2413 1699 Jan 23 - Dec 30 2414 1700 Jan 12 - 1702 Apr 25 2415 1702 May 15 - 1706 Feb 15 A few undated declarations from vol C333 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 158 1/1

2416 1706 Feb 18 - 1707 Jul 19 Also contains the following: a note in English, dated 16 Jan 1912 re the contents of vol C334 (old no); a copy of a report of GM Theal, dated 4 Nov 1909 re certain records which have been donated to the Cape Town Archives Repository by the De Wet family and a French translation of the petition in favour of WA van der Stel, dated 18 Feb 1706. The original title page of vol C334 (old no) has been placed in front in this volume. 2417 1707 Aug 2 - 1708 Dec 14 Contains an English declaration, dated 22 Nov 1707, with a Dutch translation thereof. 2418 1709 Jan 4 - 1710 Mar 6 An undated petition together with its dated annexures and a later English translation of a part of a petition to the residents of Swellendam and Graaff - Reinet have been placed at the back of this volume. 2419 1710 Jan 25 - Sept 30 The declarations for the period 25 Jan - 6 Mar 1710 in this volume overlap with those in vol C2418. 2420 1710 Nov 3 - 1711 Feb 16 2421 1711 Feb 17 - Aug 17 2422 1711 Aug 27 - 1712 Apr 27 A few undated records from vol C335 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2423 1712 Apr 28 - 1714 Jun 30 2424 1714 Jul 4 - 1715 Jun 27 2425 1715 Jul 1 - 1716 Feb 28 2426 1716 Mar 6 - 1717 Jan 2 2427 1717 Jan 4 - Sept 24 2428 1717 Oct 4 - 1718 May 17 2429 1718 May 17 - Dec 31 2430 1719 Jan 11 - Jun 29 2431 1719 Jul 4 - Nov 30 2432 1719 Dec 1 - 1720 Apr 23 A few undated records from vol C338 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2433 1720 Apr 26 - 1721 Jan 16 2434 1721 Jan 21 - Jun 20 2435 1721 Jun 21 - Dec 31 2436 1722 Jan 3 - Jun 2 Contains a Portuguese report, dated Feb 1722 and two English records, dated 13 Apr and 20 Apr 1722 together with Dutch translations thereof. 2437 1722 Jun 10 - Sept 30 2438 1722 Oct 2 - 1723 Feb 23 2439 1723 Feb 25 - May 11 A few undated records from vol C340 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2440 1723 May 11 - Aug 25 Contains an English report by R Jenkins as an annexure to the report of A van Kervel and J Aldersz, dated 6 Jul 1723. 2441 1723 Aug 25 - Dec 23 2442 1723 Dec 23 - 1724 Apr 29 1/1 159

2443 1724 May 4 - Nov 20 Contains a French declaration by Jean Michel, dated 21 Oct 1724. 2444 1724 Nov 22 - 1725 May 24 2445 1725 May 25 - Aug 31 2446 1725 Aug 31 - Dec 29 Contains a copy of an English declaration, dated 28 Nov 1725 and a Dutch translation thereof. A few undated records from vol C342 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2447 1726 Jan 16 - Apr 30 2448 1726 May 4 - Sept 9 One undated record from vol C343 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2449 1727 Jan 13 - Feb 28 2450 1727 Feb 28 - Jul 30 2451 1727 Aug 5 - Oct 18 A petition of Abraham Ciljee to governor Caledon, dated 9 Jan 1811, from vol C344 (old no) has been placed at the back of this volume. 2452 1727 Oct 27 - 1728 Mar 22 2453 1728 Mar 24 - Jul 28 2454 1728 Jul 29 - Aug 31 2455 1728 Aug 31 - Dec 28 2456 1729 Jan 9 - Aug 31 2457 1729 Aug - Oct 13 2458 1729 Oct 15 - Dec 28 2459 1730 Jan 7 - Feb 28 2460 1730 Feb 28 - Jun 7 2461 1730 Jun 10 - Aug 31 2462 1730 Sept 1 - Dec 28 A few undated records from vol C347 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2463 1731 Jan 16 - May 31 2464 1731 Jun 1 - Dec 27 2465 1732 Jan 10 - Mar 27 2466 1732 Mar 31 - Aug 31 2467 1732 Aug 31 - Dec 12 A few undated records from vol C349 (old no), one in French, have been placed at the back of this volume. 2468 1732 Dec 30 - 1733 Apr 17 2469 1733 Apr 17 - Aug 31 2470 1733 Aug 31 - Dec 16 An undated record from vol C350 (old no) has been placed at the back of this volume. 2471 1733 Dec 18 - 1734 Apr 30 Contains a French record, dated 20 Feb 1734, with a Dutch translation thereof. 2472 1734 May 1 - Aug 31 2473 1734 Aug 31 - Dec 31 A fragment of an English petition by Jacobus de Buys, a burgher of Swellendam, has been placed at the back of this volume. 2474 1734 Dec 31 - 1735 Jun 15 2475 1735 Jun 21 - Dec 31 160 1/1

2476 1735 Dec 31 - 1736 Apr 21 2477 1736 Apr 23 - Aug 31 2478 1736 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2479 1736 Dec 31 - 1737 Jun 12 2480 1737 Jun 12 - Aug 31 2481 1737 Aug 31 - Dec 9 2482 1737 Dec 19 - 1738 May 2 2483 1738 May 9 - Aug 31 2484 1738 Aug 31 - Dec 30 2485 1738 Dec 30 - 1739 Mar 31 2486 1739 Mar 31 - Jul 31 2487 1739 Aug 1 - Dec 31 2488 1740 Jan 30 - Jun 30 2489 1740 Jul 2 - Dec 31 2490 1740 Dec 31 - 1741 Jul 20 2491 1741 Jul 31 - Dec 31 2492 1742 Jan 31 - Aug 31 2493 1742 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2494 1743 Jan 4 - Aug 28 2495 1743 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2496 1744 Jan 13 - Mei 5 2497 1744 May 5 - Aug 31 2498 1744 Aug 31 - Dec 31 An undated declaration from vol C361 (old no) has been placed at the back of this volume. 2499 1745 Jan 1 - May 26 Eight declarations and ships' resolutions re the Ketel dated 6 aug 1744; 16 Aug 1744 (2); 5 Jan 1745; 28 Feb 1745; 6 Mar 1745; 22 Mar 1745 and 6 Apr 1745 have been placed with a declaration of the captain of the Ketel, dated 6 Apr 1745. A declaration dated 8 Jan 1745 and a report re the silver mine at Simonsberg, dated 28 Feb 1745 have been chronologically placed in this volume. 2500 1745 May 31 - Dec 31 Reports re the silver mine at Simonsberg for the period Mar - Jun 1745 (dated 30 Jun 1745); Jul - Sept 1745 (dated 30 Sept 1745) and Oct - Dec 1745 (dated 30 Dec 1745) and 2 declarations dated 1 Dec 1745 and 31 Dec 1745 have been removed from vol C364 (old no) and placed chronologically in this volume. 2501 1746 Jan 5 - Apr 8 2502 1746 Apr 9 - Aug 31 2503 1746 Aug 31 - Dec 31 Contains an undated record from vol C363 (old no) at the back of the volume. 2504 1747 Jan 8 - Apr 30 2505 1747 May 15 - Aug 31 2506 1747 Aug 31 - Dec 31 Three undated records from vol C364 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 2507 1748 Jan 9 - May 18 1/1 161

2508 1748 May 20 - Aug 31 A survey of the damaged cargo from the Duijnhof's output by public auction dated 10 Aug 1748 has been removed from vol C366 (old no) and chronologically placed in this volume. 2509 1748 Sept 2 - Dec 31 2010 1748 Dec 7 - 1749 May 6 2511 1749 May 7 - Aug 31 2512 1749 Sept 2 - Dec 12 2513 1749 Dec 31 - 1750 Jul 2 Not in chronological order. Contains four French records, one dated 3 Feb 1750, the remaining three are undated. 2514 1750 Jul 9 - Dec 31 Not in chronological order. 2515 1750 Sept 30 - 1751 Feb 6 A ships' journal of the Amstelveen for the period 15 Jan - 15 Apr 1750 has been placed in front in the volume. 2516 1751 Feb 6 - Jun 30 2517 1751 Jul 9 - Dec 31 An undated petition of Jan Marchant with a few annexures in Portuguese and two undated records have been placed at the back of the volume. 2518 1751 Apr 24 This volume only contains a copy of the petition of JF du Faij re mutiny on board the Oosthuijsen on the anchorage of Paramaribo, with accompanying annexures. 2519 1751 Nov 5 - 1752 May 20 This volume has not been rebound, therefore the records are not in chronological order. Also contains a record dated 19 Oct 1750. 2520 1752 Mar 31 - Dec 27 This volume has not been rebound, therefore the records are not in chronological order. 2521 1752 May 31 - 1753 Apr 10 2522 1753 Apr 13 - Aug 31 2523 1753 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2524 1754 Jan 4 - Apr 17 2525 1754 Apr 19 - Aug 31 2526 1754 Aug 31 - Dec 31 An undated record from vol C371 (old no) has been placed at the back of this volume. 2527 1754 Dec 31 - 1755 Mar 24 2528 1755 Mar 26 - Aug 31 2529 1755 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2530 1755 Dec 31 - 1756 Apr 5 2531 1756 Apr 20 - Aug 31 2532 1756 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2533 1756 Dec 31 - 1757 May 21 2534 1757 May 21 - Aug 31 2535 1757 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2536 1758 Jan 5 - Mar 16 2537 1758 Mar 20 - May 13 2538 1758 May 15 - Aug 31 162 1/1

2539 1758 Aug 31 - Dec 15 2540 1758 Dec 31 - 1759 Apr 20 2541 1759 Apr 21 - Aug 31 2542 1759 Aug 31 - Dec 29 2543 1759 Dec 31 - 1760 Apr 1 2544 1760 Apr 4 - Aug 21 2545 1760 Aug 21 - Nov 14 2546 1760 Nov 18 - Dec 31 2547 1760 Dec 31 - 1761 Apr 24 2548 1761 Apr 28 - Aug 31 2549 1761 Aug 31 - Dec 28 2550 1761 Dec 31 - 1762 Mar 11 2551 1762 Mar 25 - Jun 12 2552 1762 Jun 30 - Dec 31 2553 1762 Dec 31 - 1763 Apr 6 2554 1763 Apr 6 - May 31 2555 1763 Jun 1 - Aug 31 2556 1763 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2557 1764 Jan 2 - Mar 28 2558 1764 Mar 31 - Aug 31 2559 1764 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2560 1765 Jan 3 - Apr 11 2561 1765 Apr 11 - Aug 24 2562 1765 Aug 26 - Dec 31 2563 1766 Jan 2 - Mar 7 2564 1766 Mar 7 - Apr 3 2565 1766 Apr 3 - Jun 2 2566 1766 Jun 3 - Aug 5 2567 1766 Aug 5 - Sept 3 2568 1766 Sept 3 - Dec 31 2569 1767 Jan 7 - Mar 31 2570 1767 Mar 31 - Aug 31 2571 1767 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2572 1768 Jan 2 - Mar 8 2573 1768 Mar 10 - Aug 31 2574 1768 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2575 1769 Jan 4 - Mar 1 Contains a French record dated 8 Feb 1769. 2576 1769 Mar 1 - May 9 2577 1769 May 10 - Aug 31 2578 1769 Aug 31 - Dec 31 Contains three undated records from vol C385 (old no) at the back of the volume. 2579 1770 Jan 9 - Mar 31 2580 1770 Apr 9 - May 31 2581 1770 May 31 - Aug 31 2582 1770 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2583 1771 Jan 1 - Mar 19 2584 1771 Mar 20 - Aug 3 Contains a French declaration dated 11 Jun 1771. 2585 1771 Aug 31 - Dec 31 1/1 163

2586 1772 Jan 4 - Mar 25 2587 1772 Mar 30 - Jun 1 Contains two French records dated 17 Apr 1772 and 25 Apr 1772. 2588 1772 Jun 1 - Sept 1 2589 1772 Sept 1 - Dec 31 2590 1773 Jan 6 - Apr 7 2591 1773 Apr 13 - Jun 1 2592 1773 Jun 1 - Sept 1 2593 1773 Sept 1 - Dec 31 2594 1774 Jan 8 - Apr 7 Contains two French records dated 10 Mar 1774. 2595 1774 Apr 8 - May 9 2596 1774 May 11 - Jul 5 2597 1774 Jul 14 - Sept 12 2598 1774 Sept 12 - Dec 31 Three undated records from vol C391 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 2599 1775 Jan 5 - Mar 1 2600 1775 Mar 1 - May 15 2601 1775 May 27 - Aug 31 2602 1775 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2603 1776 Jan 2 - Mar 11 2604 1776 Mar 14 - May 31 2605 1776 May 31 - Aug 31 Contains a French record dated 14 Jun 1776. 2606 1776 Aug 31 - Dec 31 Contains an English record dated 20 Dec 1776. 2607 1777 Jan 6 - Feb 25 2608 1777 Feb 26 - May 3 2609 1777 May 3 - Aug 31 2610 1777 Sept 1 - Dec 31 2611 1777 Dec 31 - 1778 Mar 2 2612 1778 Mar 2 - Apr 13 2613 1778 Apr 14 - Jun 6 2614 1778 Jun 6 - Sept 2 2615 1778 Sept 2 - Dec 31 Also contains three English declarations dated 4 Sept 1778; 20 Sept 1778 and 29 Sept 1778 with Dutch translations. 2616 1778 Dec 31 - 1779 Mar 5 2617 1779 Mar 10 - May 14 2618 1779 May 14 - Sept 1 2619 1779 Sept 1 - Dec 31 An undated record from vol C396 (old no) has been placed at the back of this volume. 2620 1779 Dec 31 - 1780 Mar 18 2621 1780 Mar 22 - Aug 31 A Danish record dated 14 Aug 1780 has been removed from vol C398 (new no C2625) and placed chronologically in this volume. 2622 1780 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2623 1780 Dec 31 - 1781 Mar 20 2624 1781 Mar 20 - Aug 31 164 1/1

2625 1781 Aug 31 - Dec 31 See note under 2621. 2626 1782 Jan 17 - Feb 28 2627 1782 Mar 1 - Aug 31 2628 1782 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2629 1783 Jan 15 - Aug 31 Contains one French record dated 3 Feb 1783 with a Dutch translation. 2630 1783 Aug 31 - Dec 3 An undated record from vol C400 (old no) has been filed at the back of the volume. 2631 1783 Dec 25 - 1784 Apr 13 Contains four French records, dated 8 Mar 1784. 2632 1784 Apr 27 - Aug 31 Copies of two French records, dated 15 Oct 1783 and 20 Aug 1783 have been bound in between the declarations of 17 and 21 Jun 1784. 2633 1784 Aug 31 - Dec 31 An undated record from vol C401 (old no) has been placed at the back of the volume. 2634 1785 Jan 4 - Feb 15 Also contains a French record dated 29 Jan 1785. 2635 1785 Feb 21 - Aug 31 2636 1785 Aug 31 - Dec 31 2637 1786 Jan 12 - May 5 2638 1786 May 8 - Aug 31 2639 1786 Aug 31 - Sept 4 2640 1786 Sept 20 - Dec 31 An undated record from vol C403 (old no) has been placed at the back of the volume. 2641 1787 Jan 2 - Feb 19 2642 1787 Feb 19 - May 24 2643 1787 May 31 - Sept 4 2644 1787 Sept 8 - Dec 31 A few undated records from vol C404 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 2645 1788 Jan 4 - Apr 15 2646 1788 Apr 17 - Jun 30 2647 1788 Jul 1 - Sept 30 Also contains a German record dated 2 Jul 1788. 2648 1788 Oct 3 - Dec 31 A few undated records from vol C405 (old no) have been placed at the back for the volume. 2649 1789 Jan 2 - Apr 21 An extract from the journal of the Schelde for the period 26 Dec 1788 - 23 Mar 1789 has been removed from vol C405 (old no) and chronologically placed in this volume. 2650 1789 Apr 23 - Sept 10 2651 1789 Sept 19 - Dec 31 Two undated records from vol C406 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2652 1789 Dec 31 - 1790 Mar 4 2653 1790 Mar 6 - Apr 13 1/1 165

2654 1790 Apr 14 - Jun 23 Also contains an English letter dated 19 May 1790. 2655 1790 Jun 25 - Sept 27 2656 1790 Sept 27 - Dec 31 Undated records from vol C407 (old no) have been placed at the back of this volume. 2657 1791 Jan 2 - May 6 2658 1791 May 7 - Sept 1 2659 1791 Sept 1 - Dec 31 A few undated records from vol C408 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 166 1/1

OATH BOOKS 2660 - 2664 Oath Books 1692 - 1795 2660 1692 - 1748 Contains the oaths of expiation, members of the council of policy, members of the court of justice, fiscal, orphan masters, commissioners of marriage and small business, burgher councils, magistrate and heemrade, secretaries of the council of policy and court of justice and the secretary of the orphan chamber. Also contains a synopsis of the oath in vol C678 (old no). 2661 1692 - 1748 Contains an oath for the secretary of the court of marriage and small business, secretary of the magistrate and heemrade and others. The oath for the notaries and the secret writer of the governor, which have not been included in the synopsis, can be found at the back of the volume. Amongst the latter mentioned is only one oath - taking dated 20 May 1780. 2662 1748 - 1795 Contains a register on the oaths in vol C679 (old no). The oath for the orphan masters also contains three oath - takings dated 1 Mar 1796, 5 Jun 1798 and 26 Mar 1800. 2663 1748 - 1795 Contains an index on the oaths in vol C679 (old no) after the oath for the burgher officers. The oath for the clerk of the vendue - master contains two oath - takings dated 1 Sept 1801 and 17 Jan 1802. 2664 1748 - 1795 A few oaths from vol C679 (old no) which do not appear in the register, have been placed at the back of the volume. Amongst the latter is a draft copy of a part of an oath of loyalty to King George III of Britain. The oath for the bookkeeper of the Loan Bank contains an oath - taking dated 10 Mar 1801 and the oath - taking for the messenger of the vendue - master dated 1 Sept 1801. 1/1 167

BURGHER COMPLAINTS 2665 - 2670 Burgher complaints 1716 - 1782 2665 1716 - 1782 Volume C741 (old no) contains handwritten copies of some of the published records in the Cape Disputes, C2689 - 2696. 2666 1716 - 1782 2667 1716 - 1782 2668 1716 - 1782 2669 1716 - 1782 2670 1716 - 1782 2671 - 2671 Diverse records re burgher complaints 1742 - 1788 2671 1742 Jan 26 - 1796 Oct 21 A few undated records from vol C800 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 2672 1780 Nov 2 - 1782 Apr 10 Contains only copies of records in the Cape Disputes. A few undated records from vol C800 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 2673 1777 Dec 1 - 1779 Oct 9 Volumes C2673 - 2678 (old no C741) mainly contain copies of records in the Cape Disputes. 2674 1779 Oct 9 - 1784 Dec 14 2675 1785 Mar - 1788 Jan 18 A copy of a record of the "Provisional Representatives" of the people of Holland, dated 29 Jan 1795, and a few undated records from vol C741 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 2676 undated Contains only undated records from vol C741 (old no). 2677 - 2678 Correspondence with burgher representatives 1779 - 1788 2677 1779 Sept 17 - 1786 May 5 2678 1786 May 5 - 1788 May 8 The first four pages of a letter of an unknown person to GH Meyer has been placed at the back of the volume. 2679 - 2680 Declaration re burgher complaints 1780 - 1781 2679 1780 Nov - 1781 Feb Not in chronological order. 2680 1780 Nov - 1781 Feb Not in chronological order. Also contains a letter of the Secretary of the Military Council, Stellenbosch to the burgher Jacobus van Aarde, dated 11 Jun 1778 at the back of the volume. 2681 - 2682 Burgher memorials 1779 - 1782 168 1/1

2681 1779 - 1782 Contains a print of the memorial which the representatives of the Cape burghers presented to the Council XVII on 16 Oct 1779 as well as two printed copies of the "Nadere Memorie" (Forthcoming memorial) dated Apr 1782. 2682 1782 Apr 17 Contains a handwritten copy of the memorial drawn up by Jacobus van Reenen and others, the representatives of the burghers and which was presented to the Council XVII. Two printed copies thereof can be found in C736 and C737 (old nos). 2683 - 2685 Report of Governor van Plettenberg re Burgher complaints 1781 - 1782 2683 1781 Mar 20 - 1782 Mar 20 2684 1781 Mar 20 - 1782 Mar 20 2685 1781 Mar 20 - 1782 Mar 20 Also contains a postscript dated 20 Mar 1782 at the back of the volume. 2686 Defence of OM Bergh re burgher complaints 1783 Jul 22 Also contains an annexure to the defence. 2687 Meetings of Burgher representatives: Resolutions 1784 Oct 1 - 1785 Jul 7 2688 Meetings of Burgher representatives: Draft Minutes 1784 Nov 3 - 1788 May 10 2689 - 2696 Cape Disputes 1779 - 1785 Volumes C2689 - 2696 contains copies of all records relevant to the complaints of the Cape burghers against governor Van Plettenberg and his officials, which were collected and printed on command of the Council XVII. 2689 Part 1 1779 - 1785 Also contains a synopsis of the record in vols C2689 - 2696 as well as annexures nos 1 - 3. 2690 Part 2 1779 - 1785 2691 Part 2 1779 - 1785 2692 Part 3 1779 - 1785 2693 Part 3 1779 - 1785 2694 Part 3 1779 - 1785 2695 Part 3 1779 - 1785 2696 Part 4 1779 - 1785 1/1 169

LEASE CONDITIONS 2697 - 2729 Lease Conditions 1687 - 1795 Gaps appear in this series as is evident from the dates. 2697 1687 Dec 31 - 1691 Dec 31 2698 1691 Dec 31 - 1696 Dec 31 2699 1696 Dec 31 - 1700 Aug 31 2700 1700 Aug 31 - 1704 Aug 30 2701 1704 Aug 30 - 1709 Aug 31 2702 1709 Aug 31 - 1714 Oct An undated record from vol C670 (old no) has been placed at the back of the volume. Lease conditions for the period 1714 Oct - 1727 Aug could not be traced. 2703 1727 Aug 30 - 1730 Aug 31 2704 1730 Aug 31 - 1733 Aug 31 2705 1733 Aug 31 - 1736 Aug 31 2706 1736 Aug 31 - 1739 Aug 31 A declaration re spoiled provisions on board the Linschooten, dated 10 Dec 1726 and a declaration re the death of a slave, dated 13 Jul 1728, have been placed at the back of the volume. 2707 1740 Aug 31 - 1742 Aug 31 2708 1742 Aug 31 - 1745 Aug 31 2709 1745 Aug 31 - 1748 Aug 31 2710 1748 Aug 31 - 1751 Aug 31 2711 1751 Aug 31 - 1753 Aug 31 2712 1754 Feb 1 - 1756 Aug 31 2713 1756 Aug 31 - 1758 Aug 31 2714 1758 Aug 31 - 1760 Aug 30 2715 1760 Aug 30 - 1762 Aug 31 2716 1762 Aug 31 - 1764 Aug 31 2717 1764 Aug 31 - 1766 Aug 30 2718 1766 Aug 30 - 1769 Feb 1 2719 1769 Aug 31 - 1771 Aug 31 2720 1771 Aug 31 - 1773 Aug 31 2721 1773 Aug 31 - 1775 Aug 31 2722 1775 Aug 31 - 1777 Aug 30 2723 1778 Aug 28 - 1780 Aug 31 2724 1781 Aug 31 - 1784 Aug 30 2725 1784 Aug 31 - 1786 Aug 31 2726 1786 Aug 31 - 1788 Aug 31 2727 1788 Aug 31 - 1790 Aug 31 2728 1791 Aug 27 - 1792 Dec 31 2729 1793 Aug 23 - 1795 Aug 19 170 1/1

DIVERSE RECORDS 2730 - 2734 Liquor Tax: Yearly returns 1717 - 1786 2730 1717 Sept - 1744 Aug Mainly pertaining to wine, brandy and malt beer. Also contains an undated and unsigned contrast for beer and wine leases. RLR vol 163 contains a similar statement of revenue for 1780 - 1793. 2731 1744 Sept - 1779 Aug 2732 1783 Oct - 1784 Feb 2734 1785 Sept - 1786 Aug 2734 - 2738 Cash Book 1785 - 1790 2734 1785 Sept - 1786 Aug 2735 1786 Sept - 1787 Jul 2736 1787 Sept - 1788 Jul 2737 1788 Sept - 1789 Aug 2738 1789 Sept - 1790 Feb 2739 - 2740 Storekeeper's Journal 1784 - 1793 2739 1784 Sept - 1785 Aug 2740 1792 Sept - 1793 Aug 2741 Income from taxes 1792 Sept - 1794 Aug 2742 Shipping Invoice Book 1781 Nov - 1783 Aug Contains invoices for goods shipped into Table Bay. Due to damage most of the pages are illegible. 2743 Contract with the 1786 Oct 1 Drawn up in French, with Dutch marginalia. A copy of the first four articles have been placed at the back of the volume. 2744 - 1745 Miscellaneous records from military commissioners 1783 - 1795 2744 1783 Nov - 1795 Oct Contains several French records and copies, as well as two German records dated 13 Aug 1789 and 6 Oct 1795. A few undated records from old vol C797a have been placed at the back of the volume. 2745 1795 Jun - Sept Inventory of military supplies provided. Also contains a copy of an instruction for assistant Van Beek, dated 16 June 1795 and a copy of a petition to AJ Sluysken dated 16 Sept 1795. 1/1 171

2746 Orders for the garrison 1786 Sept - 1791 Feb The instructions in vols C726 (old no) have been brought together in one volume by governor CJ van de Graaff in May 1791. Also contains undated loose calculations of the expenditure for the upkeep of an infantry battalion at the back of the volume. 2747 Diverse military records 1745 Feb - 1795 Jan An undated instruction for weapon drill which formed a separate volume, C796 (old no), has been placed at the back of this volume, together with undated records from vol C795 (old no) . 2748 Diverse letters of freedom and notices 1686 May - 1700 Jun Also contains a letter of freedom dated 20 Jan 1756, letters of freedom have not been bound in chronological order. Indexed. Also contains a few notices of sales of execution. 2749 Report by members of the Council of Policy in reply to suggestions by the Council XVII re future development at the Cape. 1717 MP de Chavonnes, A Cranendonck and others gave their opinions on the potential of the Cape re coal, silver, further colonialism, slaves, Groenekloof, etc. VC 59 contains an English precis translation. 2750 Extracts from the General Resolutions of the Castle in Batavia stipulations re the intrinsic value of the coins. 1768 2751 Appointments, promotions and dismissals of Company officials. 1783 Mar - 1789 Jul Also bears reference to ships officials and regiments. 2752 Lists of rankings 1786, 1793 2753 Draft letters and copies 1792 - 1795 Also contains an undated inventory for the Colonial Audit Office. 2754 Report to Commissioner AJ Sluysken re the Orphan Chamber. 1794 2755 Memorial of JD Herholdt to commissioner AJ Sluysken 1794 2756 List of names of free burghers 1794 Contains two copies. 2757 Remarks re the court case of Johannes Marthinus Horak. By J Horak Horak was a clerk in the Council of Policy who was guilty of theft in 1788. 2758 Report by Augustus Wolf re the administration of the VOC in Batavia. 1733 Dec 172 1/1

2759 Rules re the administration of the VOC settlements. 1753 - 1759 2760 Memorial of retiring governeur J Schreuder of Ceylon, to his Successor HJ van Eck 1762 2761 - 2762 Report on Malacca 1790 - 2762 2761 1790 2762 1791 2763 Guide for Batavia 1794 2764 Diverse records 1678 - 1795 Contains records re slaves, 1687 - 1791; exiles 1749 - 1761, church matters, 1753 - 1781 and ships, 1768 - 1795. 2765 Diverse records 1714 - 1795 Contains a few French records. A few undated records from vol C799 (old no) have been placed at the back of the volume. 2766 Diverse records re grain 1792 - 1795 Also contains an account for money due for building operations, 1 Dec 1787, a declaration re a fine for the ship Teilingen, 2 Apr 1792, a report re the appointments and dismissal of members of the Burgher Force, 20 Jul 1795. Records which date subsequent to the British occupation of the Cape on 16 Sept 1795, have been placed at the back of the volume, including a market report (English), 2 Dec 1831 and an account for the tax due, 31 Dec 1832. 2767 Diverse records re grains 1793 - 1795 A statement of grain harvest and grain supplies to bakers from the storeroom. 2768 Diverse records re wood 1773 - 1793 Contains one record dated 6 Sept 1709. A few undated records have been placed at the back of the volume. 2769 Correspondence re mining at Simonsberg 1743 Dec 18 - 1748 Sept 1 Correspondence between the Master of the silver mine at Simonsberg and the Directors of the Mine Company, Orphan Chamber and others. 2770 Prospects for mining at Simonsberg 1743 Dec - 1746 May 2771 Prospects for mining at Simonsberg 1746 Jun - 1748 Sept Contains a loose map of the silver mine. 1/1 173

2772 Diverse records re mining at Simonsberg 1743 Nov - 1750 Jan Contains minutes of meetings of the Directors of the Charted Mine Company for 30 Nov 1743 - 4 Jun 1748, reports of the "Bergmeester" FD Muller to the Directors for 29 Nov 1743 - 30 Sept 1748, letters and reports for 21 June 1745 - 29 Jan 1750 and undated records which have been placed at the back of the volume. 2773 Diverse records re mining at Simonsberg 1744 Apr - 1798 Jul Contains diverse records for 30 Apr 1744 - 6 Mar 1753, Cash - book entries for March 1743 - Jul 1798, pay - sheets for Sept 1743 - Dec 1747, diverse financial records for 23 Feb 1743 - 5 Jan 1748 and two unidentified undated records which have been placed at the back of the volume. 2774 - Vol no. 2774 has not been allocated. 2775 Records re shipping 1679 2776 Records re shipping 1680 - 1681