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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86059-8 - The Cambridge Companion to the Arthurian Legend Edited by Elizabeth Archibald and Ad Putter Index More information INDEX Accolon 210 nineteenth 6, 15, 28, 108–17, 120, 166, Agravain 189 177 Alain of Lille, commentary on the Prophecies twentieth 28, 94, 120 of Merlin 4 twenty-first 128 Alcock, Leslie 31 claim to Rome 178 Alfred, King 222 conception and legitimacy 42, 85, 177 alliteration 88 coronation 191 ‘Alliterative Revival’ 78 court of 9, 14, 42, 49, 53, 73, 74, 97, 139, Alnwick 219, 224 142, 143, 154, 156, 160, 163, 172, amplification 70 175, 207 Amr/Anir 23 crown of 15, 231–2 Anderson, Dennis Lee, Arthur, King 126 daughter – see Gyneth Anderson, Graham 30 death of 15, 41, 59, 104, 180, 203, 204 Andreas Capellanus, De Amore 10, dog (Cabal / Cafal) 23, 24, 37 141–2 dux bellorum 22, 23, 222 Anjou 174 emperor 11–12, 40, 87–8, 112, 164, Annales Cambriae 25, 33, 223 171–86, 178–9, 221 Apollinaire, Guillaume, L’Enchanteur geography associated with 15, 163–5, pourrissant 132–3 218–33 archaeology 30, 225, 232 English traditions 220 Archer, James 115 French traditions 219–20 Ariosto, Ludovico, Orlando Furioso 104 linguistic demarcation within 219–20 Armes Prydein 26 rivers 222–4 Armstead, H. H. 115 grave of 15, 31, 84, 96, 104, 228–30, 233 Arnold, Matthew, Tristan and Isolde heir 198 117 historicity 23, 25, 32, 53, 92, 230, 232 art 16n7, 115, 176 homosexual 130 Arthour and Merlin 62, 70, 85, 103 incest 191–2 Arthur, King marginalised in legend 140, 197 adultery of 13, 190–200 military icon 104
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