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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-23-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 07-23-1908 Hughes & McCreight

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J. A. Weinman Owner of Big Golden President Signs Executive Candidacy of Delegate En-dors- ed Rule Dry Goods Store and One of the Orders Making Important and Twelve Dele- g gates to Most In C h a.n e s In Vote for Him Prominent Merchants South- Reserves at Santa Fe west, Declares that Good Business Judgement Alone if Nothing More, DESIRE UNIFORM ADOPT RESOLUTION

Re-election-Wr- Entitles Mr. Andrews to ites ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS ENOORSING TAFT Letter to Citizen in Which he sssBsnss Effort Made to Have Approximate- County Convention Meets This Discusses Issue From Standpoint of ly j million Acres In Each Re- Afternoon and Selects Repre- Just Plain Business. serve but This Has Been Im- sentatives to Attend Terri- -- possible , In Some Cases torial Convention , 1 he Officers In Charge . August 18 THOSE WHO OPPOSE MAN WHO DOES THINGS Washington, July 23. The presi- Socorro, N. M July 21. (Special.) dent has slgnej The candidacy of Delegate W. 'ALSO OPPOSE INTERESTS OF CITY AND TERRiTORY just executive orders H. making important changes in the Andrews as delegate to Congress wis boundaries of practically all of the endorsed by the Socorro county Re- national forests In the territory of publican convention which was held New Mexico. This is another step in here this afternoon, and the twelra Declares There Must be Some Deep Personal Motive Behind the comprehensive plan of redisrict- delegates apportioned by tha territo- ing the national forest In all of the rial committee for this county were Few Individuals Who are Working Against western states. selected and Instructed to vote for No addition In forest area Is in- Andrews first. last and all the time.' Present Delegate has Done More for This City volved in the redisricting plan. The The convention adopted a resolution object of the work Is to equalise endorsing the Republican nominees and County All Comblned-J160.-0- the ' than Other Delegates 00 area of administrative units and to for the presidency and vice presi- In arrange tnoir boundaries In auch a dency, including In thi sresolutlon an Appropriations From One Session of Congress. manner as to promote most prac endorsement of the work that Dele- ths gate All of Which Will 1. O. M. Don lei. Nevr York Athletic club. 2. O. Galdslk, Chicago Athletic association. 8. Bud Gondwtn, tical and efficient administration of Andrews has done for the ter- be Expended In This City. Rit-U- , New York A. O. 4. U G. nrooklyn A. O. 8. A. M. Gowlin, Missouri A. O., St. IXHils. a. C. D. the forests. It will enable officer of ritory of New Mexico. The delegate Truhrnliach, New York A. O. 7. Harry J, Ilebner, Illinois A. C, Chicago. the forest service to give prompt at to the territorial convention were se- tentlon to all forest business and lected as follows: H. O. Rursum. W. July 13, 1808. further the Interests and add to the E. Martin, Harvey M. Richards, A. Editor of The Citizen. convenience of stockmen, lumbermen, C. Abeytia, S. O. Baca, E. A. Ortega, Anton Myer, Abeyta, Dear Sir: I PRINCE OF WALES HELPS POLICE AND CITIZENS THE BIG CORPORATIONS miners and other users or settler in Abrn James notice that the question of politics is beginning to plajr a the national forests. The New Mex- H. Wallace. Leandro Baca, Jose B. part in the matter of the nomination of W. H. Andrews for delegate to Con-gTe- sj. ico national forest which will be af- Torres and Francisco Chaves. It U not only good fected by this rearrangement are as a matter of politics but It Is a matter of gdod QUEBEC CELEBRATE BATTLE WITH THUGS WANT AI.1ERICAII business judgment to ct follow: and W. H. Andrews to Congress. STANDARD OIL CASE I am firmly convinced that Mr. Andrews has done more The Alamo national forest, compris- for Albuquerque ing an area of 1,164,8(18 acres, la un- in particular and New Mexico in general than any delegate we have ever ANNIVERSARY AT BOSTON WORK!,! der the supervision of Acting Super- WON'T APPEALED had. Now that the statehood bill will be a vital issue ,in Congress at the visor Arthur M. NeaJ, with headquar Bt next session, we should by all means return to Congress a man who has ters at Alamogordo. This forest Is a -- consolidation already shown us that he can do something. ' - of the old Sacramento It Will Not CJu to the SaprratA CVmrt, Guadalupe foraie.--- - t and national , Nor Will U He TrX-r- Itefora Albuquerque and Kernallllo county should support Andrews for renoml-Jtatlo- n Distinguished Visitor Is the One Desperado' Killed. One CoKe Company Places Orders i. What was formerly known as the Julgie IsumIIm. and election from that to' list, fchd should not allow any other com-ruuni- .y Center of Interest at Found- Captured. While 2 Citizens With Agencies for Citizens Qila (N) national forest la now the to take the lead In so doing. I write this letter as a business man Datil national forest,' with an area New York. July 2S. Tt was learned of 1,84s, 915 acres. Supervisor and not as a politician. ing Celebration are Dead, 1 1 Wounded of the United John today through sources Identified with States Kerr Is iu charge, with headquarter tne company The people of Albuquerque certainly know beyond any Standard Oil that tha doubt what Mr. at Magdalena. 129,000,000 case is not likely to go to Qila na- Andrews can do for them, and I agree most heartily with your statement NUMEROUS FOREIGN POLICE SURROUNDED STEAMSHIP LINES The IS) and Big Burros the supreme court of the United he-ar- tional have been made one that every man who has the good of Albuquerque at t should support forests States, nor Is It believed the case will REPRESENTATIVES THERE GANG IN forest and will be known as the Ulla Mr. Andrews against the field. To my mind. It would be the worst kind of CEMETERY NOTIFY FOREIGNERS be retried before Judge Landls, a national forest, with an area of tne Standard Oil company pro. politics and the poorest kind of business judgment for the people 1,762,81 acres. Aictlng Supervisor would of this test against It and ask that some oth- community and of New Mexico to turn down a man like Andrews after all Quebec, July 23. The arrival of the Boston, July 23. After three dead- Pittsburg, July 23. The Frlck W. H. Uoddard will be retained In er Judge charge, sit In the case. he has done and at a time when so much Is at stoke. prince of Wales was the signal for Jjie ly battles between three desperadoes Coke company, fuel end oX the Steel with headquarters at Silver Chicago, July 13. United State official opening today of the celebra- corporation, today placed City. Those opposing Mr. Andrews at this time are working absolutely against and the police and an army of cltl-sen- s, orders with District Attorney 81ms today an- tion commemorating the 300th anni- many employment agencies in Pitts Uy the consolidation of the Lincoln a the Interests of this city and this territory, and they show absolutely no versary the first encounter place cover- nounced positively that petition for of the founding of Quebec taking burg for men to work at the coke and Ualllnas national forests, rehearing In the case of govern- gratitude for what he has done for them. It Is hard for any one to under- by Cham plain. The prince presided ing an area of 696,603 acres, has been the last Tuesday night in a bar room, the ovens iu the t.'onnellsville Held. A slip ment against the Standard OH cotn-(an- y stand such people, and there must certainly be some deep personal motive over the opening exercises, receiving created what will be known as the for such opposition. second last evening in the streets of ulation that all must be Americans, of Indiana, decided adversely to foreign representatives at the foot of or at least must have been residents Lincoln national forest. Supervisor J. government by Judge Qroaseup The return to Congress of Mr. Andrews Is Jamaica Plains, and the third early the not a question of party, but the Champlaln monument and review- of the United Slates for a certain H. Kinney, with headquarters at Mag yesterday, would be filed. The peti- it Is a question of the good of this community and of ing a historical pageant reproducing today In a cemetery, one of the ban- dalena, Is in charge. the whole territory. dits wan riddled with number of years, brings out the sKict tion will be based on two alleged er- In the past I have been opposed to Mr. Andrews and worked against Quebec's history. bullets and corporation The Magdalena national forest is a him. but in view of his killed, a second believed to be wound- that the Steel has Joined rors In quoted portions of the opinion record and of the issues at stake, I could not con- The arrival of Champlaln and crew hunds with other concerns in trying consolidation of the Magdalena and of the court. fac-simi- ed, was being searched sistently oppose such a man, nor can any cltisen who wants to see on a le of the ship Don Dieu, for in the Kan Mateo national forests. This for- Oreater cemetery early today, while to do away with the illiterate foreign- Albuquerque and the state of New Mexico. I will do anything I can to as- In which Champlaln crossed the At- the third er. est Is In charge of Supervisor John sist in securing the return to Congress of Mr. Andrews, lantic, is set for 3 o'clock after- was taken last evening to the police Kerr, with headquarters Magda and I feel sure that this station. In the last week steamship agencies at the sentiment of a big majority of the voters In this city and county is over- noon, and a review by the prince will lena. The desperadoes left behind In in the Pittsburg district have cabled whelmingly for Andrews. All should turn out t the primaries and work follow. His highness spent the attorn- their to Europe Instructions to about 10,000 The name of the Manzano national trail of a mile and half two 587,-11- hard for him. ing returning naval visits and calls a dead be- forest is unchanged. Its area Is 0 IN BAD CONDITIO!! and eleven wounded. All are believed foreigners who went home at the IS These are the views of at least one business man In this city, I know of foreign representatives. of recent strin- acres. Acting Supervisor A. D. s and to bo foreigners. The man captured ginning the financial many othe-- who agree with me in this matter. If you care to give gency that they should not return. Head, with headquarters at Albu- this letter space in ttae columns of your paper, you are liberty is believed to be Gulseppe Devico. He querque, is in charge. at to do so. Is charged with murder, having They were told that those who for Lake Charles, La., July 23. Alder. Yours truly, CLAIMS THAT BRYAN been re- The Pecos River national forest is Identified by four men as one of years employed them would not nva:i John Shattuck returned yester- J. A. three i now known as the Pucos national for- WEINMAN, who "shot up" a saloon Tuesday employ in in. that their places were day from a tour of the flooded district Proprietor Golden Rule Dry Goods Co. to be filled with Knglish speaking est, and has an area of 430,880 acres. HAS "SHOWN" VOTERS night, killing one man and wounding Supervisor Ross McMillan, with head- along the Red river and declared con- The above letter Indicates very strongly the change In sentiment towards two. workmen, for whom cozy homes wer ditions there are pitiable. Practical, Mr. Andrews being quarters at Santa Fe, Is In charge. which has taken place generally over New Mexico and par- Being discovered last evening In built. ly every vestige of anything with ticularly .n this county. Some of the big concerns have The Carson national forest includes Calvary cemetery, Je-m- es which to life has been swept Mr. the desperadoes the Taos and that portion of the sustain Weinman needs no introduction to the people of this community, Milwaukee IHxnocratg Meet In ii tied through drawn plans for towns in which away many people facing Jamaica Plains, shooting i north of the Ciiama river, and anil are for he Is one of the best known and most highly respected of its citizens. mid Listen to Clialr. ou'ail sides. Eight persons, including houses will be rented to the .work- starvation. Sanitary coinl.tlons are Mr. Weinman no men, U sa'd the American is administered by Supervisor Ross takes Interest In politics further than that displayed iiuui's one woman, were shot. Passing Into it that headquarters serious owing to rotting vegetation. by any good citizen at time when It is vital to select right man for SjmIi. laborers are cheaper in the long run, McMilhtn, with at Santa the the Forest Hill cemetery the desperadoes Fe. The area of this forest is K66,-00- 0 highest electoral office In New Mexico. I that they work better. And In addi- encountered Watchman Herbert E. acres. The letter which is published above gives the personal views of Mr. Milwaukee. Wis., 23. T. M. tion they put some, of the money they July Knox, whom they shot, Knox dying The J erne national forest consists REPRESENTATIVE GLENN Weinman from the standpoint of a business man who wants to see Albu- Cleury, who was permanent chairman three hours afterward. The ceme- earn in circulation ometning me querque grow, who wants to see Mexico admitted to the Union who foreigner has not done. of that portion of the old Jemes na- and has of the Itemocratlu state convention, tery was surrounded with officers who tional forest south of the Chama river. property interests enough here to guarantee that his motives are entirely today In a speech declared Bryan had began at daybreak a sincere, search which ThLs forest, together with the Pecos, GETS MANY LETTERS succeeded in convincing the publio resulted in tne capture or one man by Supervisor Mr. Weinman views the matter purely In light of good NEW JERSEY POLICE will be administered the business that the policies of the Republican and the killing of another. Rosa McMillan, with headquarters judgment on the part of this city and territory, and he undoubtedly speaks party are at destructive and Its leaders Santa Kw. The area of the New Atlanta, July 23. Representative) for u lurge circle of the business people of the city. Willing tools of special privilege. There Is no questioning EBERHARD Jemez is 978,720 acre. Ulenn, who introduced a bill In the the fact tha Mr. Andrews, in securing for this The platform adopted endorses the BRYAN HAS RETIRED ARREST Georgia legislature to prevent city and county appropriations totaling 160,000 a single The forest service desires to reduce women from Bcsslon of national Democratic platform, espe- the area of the average administrative from wearing false charms, alleging Congress at a time when a filibuster by the Democrats had practically tied cially commends its declarations re- up leg. unlu to approximately 1,000,000 that by such devices men frequently all station, showed himself to be head and shoulders above any other specting tariff reduction, trust control, FROM THE COMMONER Young Man WuuU'd iu Connection were delegate to Congress Mexico acres. This was not possible in all entrapped into matrimony, Is New ever had. valuation of railroad property and Willi Murder Case at Is being All the delegates to Congress cases, as shown by the fact that overwhelmed with threatening In the past have not done for this com election of senators by 1m IVtind, Suffering under the plan of redlstrlctlng there letter from women in many parts of munity, collectively, as much as Mr. Andrews has done at one session of direct vote. Ho Won't He from Wound. Congress. ICHi.sililej for What will be 144 supervisors In the United the country. Some of the letters are The convention adjourned without Al-ar- s hi U Durtng States who will administer more than violent in tone. Three Atlanta letter In writing the above letter to the Citizen, Mr. Weinman Indicates that making the nominations. They will be Caniiaigii. New York, July 23. August Eber- - 16 7,000,000 acres of national forests. declare that Glenn ought to be killed. the business men of the city are awake to the value of Mr. Andrews' services made at the primaries. seems to seri fully appreciate what hard, the nephew of Ottlllle Kber Glenn rake the letters and he has accomplished and the great odds against T TO ously and has asked the House to pro. w hich he has been forced to work. Lincoln, July 23. Wm. J. Bryan hard, an Austrian woman who was T.1 ;KS to Saturday near WITH TIIH tect him. He wants a sergeant at arm At the next session of Congress a bill will YOUNG TELL has retired from active on shot death evening l'UKSIIKNT statehood for this territory TUSKS work the Hacketisack, N. J., was Oyster Hay, July 23. President as a regular escort. Glenn has got into come up. It is Imperative tha. a man of Mr. Andrews' ommonor 4ind will not be personally taken Into known influence and custody today by Pater-so- n, Roosevelt arrived here on the trouble with his wife since the bill ability shojld be In Washington to work for responsible for t lie the police of board the bill. matter appearing N. J. ICbei Mayflower morning. was Introduced. Xo man now before people go WANTS In It during campaign. hard was found lying this other the could to Washington anl do SULTANJHEIR the Charles on a lawn In front of a farm house "She is very peculiar and she ob. the work which Mr. Andrews Is capable of. ' He can absolutely W. Bryan will be the publisher and swing into In the Totowa section or the city. He Now York. July 23 William H. Jects to my receiving so many letters line the big Pennsylvania delegation, giving New Mexico more votes In Con- Kichard L.. Metialf the editor. All Taft Jersey from women." he says. "She doe y was suffering from a wound which arrived at city this after- gress are enjoyed by a large percentage IK'iiutiul K-J- prollis than of the states. In Klcvtii Itays ami from the Commoner until re- noon on his way to Oyst-- r Bay, not accept my explanation of how no man now thu police believe he might have where There is other before the people for delegate who could ThraUMi to Actl.m De- election will be turned over to the will Rooae-e- lt these letters come to me, I years Take if ceived at the time the woman was he confer with President don't command such Influence in of Congressional experience. !eiuocrutlc national committee. ad- ac- know what moment some vengeful county mands Are lU'fuswl. chot. The young man, It id said, regarding some points of his The I'.ernalillo delegation should be Instructed for Mr. Andrews, mitted his identity. ceptance speech. woman m.ty a'ternpt to kill me. I had and every one who has the good of this communi.y and of the territory at imv.vx woukivo no Idea women had so much venom in heart should work for Mr. Andrews at the polls. Liondon, 23. A dispatch hard I July from T GKT NrXiltO VOTE N IS KIIJ.K1) MA XV NKW IIAXKS IV KANSAS. them until introduced the bill. I The selection of Mr. Andrews for delegate to Congress at this time Is Monastir, European Turkey, says a SKM It the allegations Fairview, Juiy 23. The Topeka. Twenty-eig- ht take that regarding not a matter of politics. It Is purely a ma'ter of good business judgment, young party determina- ON NKW HATTLIXIUI July 23. corsets, committee of the Turks tion of Democrats to capture the Newport, I., 23. new In pads, etc, are true, or the statehood for Vew Mexico and the local Interests of this city to repre- - the It. July Joseph J. banks have started business and of this has sent a memorandum a negro vote was emphasised today Henry, an ordinary seaman, powder In Kansas during the past women would not be so angry." county. The Citizen believes that In supporting Mr. Andrews it advocates entative of the sultan, selling forth i'x months when Bryan told a delegation of ne- passer on a one-ha- lf what a large majority of the voters of this county favor. demanding board the new battleship with capital stock of about ISKGIV WORK ON ft.MKI.TKU. the party's wishes and a groes from Lincoln it was his desire Mississippi, was killed during gun million dollars. Not very many There Is no opposition to Mr. Andrews In this county, except In the case reply In eleven days. If the porte re- Socorro, N. M., July 23. Workmen that they should get In touch with! drill in one of the forward tur- lianas were started during the punio of a few individuals who have personal reasons for desiring his defeat and fuses the demands the committee an- their everywhere, particular- today beyan unloading material and or anything proposed by Republican brethren rets today. His neckerchief caught tne first few months of the year. The supplies to be used In the defeat of anybody the party. nounces It will seise the municipal ad. ly In Ohio, and agree upon line of in cogs gun constructing the Every thinking person will Mr. Andrews, a the training of tha and last bank statement showed that the j new 140,000 smelter place. calm admit that and he alone, ministrations of Monasiir and estab- campaign In beha!f of the Democratic be was drawn the machinery, depositors at this is at this time the logical candidate for delegate to Congress. lish a parliament. Into liu had returned their money Work of construction is to begin at tltkst. ntck was broken. to the banks. once. tAOK TWO. ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN. TlimSDAT, JULY 28, 100(1. THE ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN HAPPENINGS PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY ARIZONA ; 87 the Citizen Publishing Company of Albuquerque, New Mexico. baseball team at Holbrook ! been slugged and robbed was left un- The iat Improving. In a practice game last conscious on the railroad track players hit Phoenix, but the engine that struck Gi?ss one of the almost Kelly Sunday & W. S. STRICKLER WILLIAM P. BROGAN the ball. him merely rlpp' d his shirt up the MANAGING EDITOR back and pushed him off the right of PRESIDENT The Pioneer celebration at Safford way. (Incorporated) July 24 promise to be well attended, and will draw crowds from all parts - great program "The- leader of one of the snwdurnos uatks. of the territory. A big day's political parties has determined not has been arranged. to accept any campaign contribution One ycwr by nvtll In ndvnnce. 95.00 re- - Eiks are figuring on organ- for a greater um than $10,000," One nwMitli by nmil .50 Bisbee rmirka tl... Il.ilhrook ArEUS. "Till r marching in which every One ikmiIIi by iwrrk-- Willi In dtjr limit 60 izing a club part will not affect"' lortgu .n the territory will be repre- decision on his con- u any, for that is all we intended HnM-rc- d M'omil-t'bt'- INiHUifflcc N. M., sented. It is to attend the next as matter at tin' of Alliwiiirrqii, to give In tlie first place." ander Art of Outgrow of Marvii S, 18ff. vention at Los Angeles. A coyote two men A woman at Phoenix w ho was Jeal-ou- a rabid attacked JU I I I Wholesale Hie only Illustrated dally In Now Mexico mid the be husband s stabbed who were sleeping outdoors near niettliim of tin" tMinihwcst.nmr of her charms of them, one in him five times with a penknife last Bonln and bit both the none and the other in the hand, j ITTIZKN IS: Saturday. The knife blade was too THK AUil'Ql'KllQl'K damage he will The next day the animal returned and Tlw loading lUiHiblUwn dully and weikly f tlo Southwest. short to do much and iiohht probably recover. boldly entered a home, but was killed! Grocers Tlie mlviMiile of Republlcim principle mid tlie "Square Deal." before it could bite anyone. The twoi something bitten have gone to the Pasteur insti- AIiBt'QCF.RQl'E CITIZKN II AS: There mut be attractive THK A man there tute at Chicago. HiiOHt dopui-tinn- t In New Mexico. about Bisbee. arrested T1e rqnlMtl Job g'ven the of working Tlie luttwt by Amooiiitod Iress and Auxiliary News Service. and alternative The of romance it'iiorts sixty-fiv- e days or leaving the town, culmination a chose to remain and officiate on the which began at Holywell, Wales, oc- THK NKW8 days-ago- , "WE Glir nitST." rock pile. curred at Prescott a few v. hen Miss Margaret J. Griffith and MEXICO" Wool Hide and Pelt STATEHOOD FOR NEW The government is using 76,000 feet John Edward Eans were married at of lumber in building a new dredger the home of the bride's sifter. The canal, to replace the couple recently came to the United n the Arizona live Dealers ohc which has been in use so long the States from Wales. They will memory of man runneth not back at Prescott. that far. D. W. Hawkins, who is sentenced, subjects of the mi- to be hanged at Tucson August 14, Business ffien and Gndrevos Nine stalwart n to (lovernnr kado who tried to sneak across the hn written lfttet The Citizen today acknowledges receipt of a letter from Mr. J. A. Wein- Mexican line, but were picked up by Kibbcy, requesting him to pay no at- owner of dry goods store, one of largest and flneHt sent tention to any petition that may be man, the Golden Hule the immigration officials, have been presented asking tucked establishment In the southwest, in which Mr. Weinman discusses from Tucson to San Francisco and Unit his sentence be Albuquerque and Las of Mr. candidacy standpoint of a business man. transportation commuted to life imprisonment. He tire matter Andrews' from the will be furnished free says It is well known that two years ago Mr. Andrews had no stronger op- back to that Oriental land whence he prefers to dlu. His wife Is Vegas gave money In circulating a petition to be presented ponent than Mr. Weinman, who bo h time and an honest they came. governor. effort to defeat Mr. Andrews for to the Mr. Weinman makes no secret of the fact, because at that time he felt ' A government expert la working at be sea In to find out The heroine In a stock company that Mr. Andrews should not elected. the Salton an effort playing Now, however, he Is more than satisfied .that It. would be little less than the amount of evaporation from a at Prescott made tuch a hit to down man Buch such as body water In a given time. The with' some young men who were wit- foolish turn a with a record and with influence of nessing box possesses, does not to take just as Arm a stand result of his experiments Is calculated the performance from a 7 I air. Andrews and he hesitate a few nights ago they began to lor Mr. Andrews as, two years ago, he took against him. to be of great aid to engineers who that on was are called on to map out water sup- tell her how well they thought of her. The Citizen has asserted several occasions that Mr. Andrews She objected etronger now than he has ever been, and that If the Republicans support plies. and when the smoke walkaway cleared away the box party was pick- aim as his record entitles him to be supported, he will have a ing , Itself up from sidewalk In coming campaign. Railroad locomotives are consider- the la the ate In Arizona. A native who had front of the theater. Gi?oss Nothing better Illustrates the change In sentiment towards Mr. Andrews Kelly & than the letter which Mr. Weinman has addressed to the Citizen and which la published on page One Of this edition. Bhe replied. "I've never fainted In As a business man and as a citizen Mr. Weinman has . reputation for my life but. of course, there Is al- (Incorporated) Integrity and good judgment, which has won him high standing in the social ways a possibility. And and " aind business world. I DAILY SHORT STORIES At this point she could think of no He is in no sense a politician, but takes the same Interest in politics other good points on which to com- which all good citizens should manifest when the question of public good ment, so. In order not to say any- is concerned. ' thing blunt, she commented Imper- I.KSS BLUNT. Mr. Weinman's letter is called to the attention' of all readers of the sonally, "It's rather warm this even- Hazen, when was arrested. highest by business Interests of ing, Neaman Citizen as worthy of the consideration the Isn't it?" The device Is described as a mir- Albuquerque and Bernalillo county. (By Frank H. Williams.) Jimmy was still joyously holding Is being per oity county already acle of Ingenuity. It not Over eighty cent of the voters of the and have the girl when suddenly her father ap- shown to outsiders, as It is nut the igned petitions demanding the and of Mr. An- Mr. H. R. Armitage gazed over peared at the end of the hall. Mr. government's policy to public county will his let the drews, jnj .he delegation, from this be Instructed to that end, spectacles at his pretty daughter. Armitage surveyed the couple for a know how counterfeHing machines if the will of the majority prevails. "My dear," he said, "I wish that moment In silence, and then, with are manufactured. It Is known, how- As Mr. Weinman states, he voices the sentiment of not only himself, you wrath in his gait, he hastened toward ever, shave city, urges could be a little less blunt In that the machine would but of a number of other leading business men of this when he your conversation. You know, while them. on the two faces of a gold piece al- that Mr. Andrews be returned to Congress In the interests of Albuquerque, may be "What does this mean, sir?" he to paper. But generally. it perfectly true that some most the thinness of Bernalillo county and New Mexico woman's hat Is a fright, it does not cried. "What kind of action Is this?" little would be left exceot tne g "Father," said the girl, "why don't TONIGHT feel particularly stamp. gold coming make her happy to you you The Several days ago the Citizen published an editorial entitled "THE PEO- have you say so the moment she asks practice what preach? Was from the center would be melted up you e PLE WANT ANDKEWS." which embodied a copy of a resolution adopted you It. And Is surely a that a tactful thing for to say? sold as bullion, and empty-spac- about there I and the MMMhxMMBM by the Republicans of McKlnley county. The editorial was copied in se- more way of telling a young Since only got In this position filled by a piece of copper. The tactful through doing you to, ver! of the territorial papers without credit and the latest appearance was man that his call comes at an inop- as wanted me edges would be covered with gold leaf in the New Mexican of July 22. where it was finally credited to the Carlsbad portune time than to say that you've you ought to do something to smooth anu finished off so that no man on After you have finished the day's Argus. The Citizen takes no offense, because at all events the editorial )n got to work to him to go matters over, It seems to me." could tell the Inside was of and ask Mr. Armitage grunted. earth question does no more than place In words the true sentiments of a large home. I wish, dear, you could learn base metal. work, eaten dinner, and settled majority of the voters of New Mexico, and while li to credit to see wisdom of picking out "Well," said he, grudgingly. "I sup- Operative Hazen says the ma- the the pose If satisfactory you that for the authorship of editorials. In this case anything that will help the good good points of everything re- It's to I'll chine is an absolutely new Invention. yourself a pleasant evening at and have to be satisfied. But is It satis- work along is all right with the Citizen. marking about them not the bad Nothing like it was ever before dis- home you will features." factory to you, or Is It only your de- covered by the secret service. need to make the Carlsbad Argus: "It does not matter whether the Republicans of the "But, father," said the girl, sire to please me that has gotten you "her lr. this position?" evening's pleasure complete with a territory nominate Andrews or some other good man, Larrazolo la. not of hat was a perfect fright and Jimmy HOTKli AltlllV.M.S. sufficient calibre to command the confidence of a large majority of the clti-en- s care I By this time the girl had freed her- didn't that sent him home way up copy of of the Sunshine territory, but the Argus predicts that Andrews will be he would rather I'd do that way than self and run a little the Alvaraio. the man to again demonstrate the fact to those who Imagine Mr. Larrazolo to let him stay and be bored to stairs. W. A. Eldrldge, ; J. H. Is Uie 'only' one." death." "What shall It be?" she asked, "a Johnson, Denver; H. E. Oast, Toledo; "Yes, try my way, you, tactful or a blunt answer?" Mrs. M. E. Coller, City; L. S. but won't . Kansas The Las Vegas Optic Is far more of a success as a story teller than as dear," pursued Mr. Armitage, "for a "Any kind," cried her father. Knapp, Kansas City; Manuel Salze, an opponent of W. M. Andrews for delegate to Congress. The first Install- while, at least?" "Well," said she, blushing and Topeka; C. Baker, Chicago; O. M. ment of "rattling the bones" is very creditable to its authorship and about "All right," replied the girl. shooting an enigmatic glance at her Mills, Peoria; M. U Orear, Kansas father. still likely to faint any ..The.. expresses the Citizen's idea of the result which C. A. Spless will secure at Shortly after that she heard Jimmy "I'm at City; L. H. Dally, Denver; C. J. tlie Santa Fe convention next month maybe. running up the steps. She greeted time and I would hite to fall." Franklin, Springs; F. C. him at the door and shook his hand. And then, in a moment, she had Garllngton, Las Vegas; Geo. Hersch, Mr. La Follette's physical condition may prevent his taking any active Jimmy, young and Impetuous, held raced up the stairs, out of sight. Cincinnati; E. E. Mills, Denver; A. part in the campaign, though he Is not seriously 111. Since the Impression th hand longer than was necessary, N. Earchilleyer and Wife, Boyd Spen- "Law-fo-lay- ," C. v pronounces his name he seems to C. H. E has gone abroad that he and then commented on the fact. cer, W. Simms, Dayton; ening i MACHINE FOR nave lost some Interest in the game. "You don't mind my holding your CAPTURE Phillips. Los Angeles; B. A. Schmudt, hand, do you?" he questioned, teas-Ingl- y, Chicago; L. Brown, Topeka; J. A. per appropriations totaling Figure out the proportion Individual of those expecting the girl to make an ALTERING COINS Bittel. Chicago; L. A. Bland, Kansas 3110,000, now being expended In this city, and you will have some I4ea of angry retort. City. what a man like W. H. Andrews means to Albuquerque as a delegate In "Of course, there's one good thing Congress. about It," she said. "If I should have Sturgea. Citizen a sudden fainting spell you could ii.ona niTU-t'i-- Have What Tliey E. L. Pierce. St. Louis; E. F. Pelsh-e- r, The Citizen will not be found boosting the campaign meetings of Mr. hold me up. Of course, there's noth. Consider Motd Iteinarkablc In- Trenton. Mo.; J. L. Todd, La Laxraaolo, as Is being done by the Morning Democrat. This paper Is sup- Ing more remote I should vent ion Yet I'oiunl In Junta; H. W. Webb, Kansas City; J. Albuquerque's leading home than that K.iile, Gallup; W. H. Dicker, Long port, ng the Republican party and not carrying water on both shoulders for faint, but I have the consolation of Ttutt Line. 1. newspaper the paper prints the emoluments thereof. , ' knowing that I'll not fall, anyhow." Beach, Cal.; H. Newman, Guam; A. that P. Moore, Denver; C. F. Spaden, Emboldened by her unexpectedly A machine that agents for the ' all the news of the day imme- The way the American athletes took all the honors In those Olympic lenient words, Jimmy drew her near- ' Bernalillo; O. D. Bryan. J. O. Mitch- I'nlted Sta;es secret service declare ell. Denver; W. S. Heed, Oklahoma; diately after it occurs. Do games was enough to make the rest of the contestants ashamed of them- er and In a moment his arm was Is most ever not the remark ible invention C. H. Larsen, Denver. selves for even entering. around her waist. . devised for the altering of coins is wait for tomorrow morning's pa- "Now. dear," cried --Jimmy, exult- now at office of States balking over a the I'nlted Savoy. per to get today's news, Everybody who has ever tried to drive a burro mountain antly, "just see how much safer you I)istrict Attorney Alexander In this Chip- but read a job Bryan is having with the Democratic donkey. F. D. Cook W. L. Earhart. trail knows just what are than you were before. Now you ci;y. says the Arizona Gazette. This pewa Falls; H. H. Sheppard, Denver; the news tonight, while fresh. you it's can faint all want to and I'll machine will take a $20 gold piece C. n. Johnson, Temple, Tex.; G. W. The average man finds continuous wonder In the manner In which both guarantee that you'll not fall." itnd leave nothing but a shell of pre The evening paper covers the Bryan keep wives from talking too much. Hilton, Amarllta. Taft and their The girl was blushing furiously, hut cious metal. The outside of the coin field accurately but briefly while sue had promised her fa. her to pick will look Just as perfect as It ever did couples are unhappy, according to the St. Grand Central. Seven out of eight married ut the good thing in everything and will weigh the sime when the W. N. Cobb, El Paso; A. W. Cooley, it is still news. The morning pa- Louis Times. Well it's not bad as we thought, after all. you say Is trup," "What perfectly renter hn liaon fille.l with pnnner Pine Top; Wm. Donds and wife, Sac- per simply elaborates. 1 was mane by ramento; A. get up every year tie machine Freii Chester, Donds; F. When a husband refuses to morning in the and cook Wleland, who Is now In Jail at Doug- - Youngston, J. MltcheH, Las Vegasr L. Is unsympathetic." his own breakfast, he called t las. His brother Charles and his It. Piatt, Beman. To keep posted up to the minute brother-in-la- Ed Neaman, were his read the Evening Citizen. The The building of the Albuquerque Eastern railway is now assured. The Uantual confederates In the conspiracy. Albuquerque estate. Craig, wise man is buying real The machine was captured at Globe L. n. Beal. St. Paul; J. A. McNeil, Citizen is printed at 5 o'clock and " by secret service operative George W. Louis. worry so they forget today they ft. delivered to your home Some people much that what worried Constipation by the . j bout yesterday. It migh; be worse.. , time you are ready for it. for 60 I lay bopcrmaiwtiljy oercom by proper The New York "400" is to give way to the America "1000". Son, personal efjovts vntKlKe oStoStance cents a month. It you do not read ev4ls spread slowly but surdy. of the one truly Ijencjicial Ifmative The Citizen your are not getting remedy, opifjS and" YXmv afSmtie., BANK ? COMMERCE Bryan will probably know what that Colorado Springs conference was Syruj all that is coming to you - - - - - bout, some time this fall. wruch. enables one 10 Jorm refcufar 1 kabttji daily so that assistance To na- Bernalillo county Is f ir W. H. Andrews for delegate to Congress, and ture mav he tra OF ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. UNow no other candidate need apply. is the Time to Subscribe wVen ho (onfSpr needed o$tke oestof Home one proposes Castro for president of Haiti. Now, which one "f remedies, wKci. required, ore to assist DO IT NOW the two is that fellow mad at? tiaure awi not to supplant the htW. ci functions, iYu4 must depend, ulti DEPOSITORY A. T. & S. F. RAILROAD CO. Paying as you go Is a very goo mo to, but still It's always w to have .e , enough to get back on. tnately upon proper tioui-islitnent- proper effor ts,ant npKt living genr rally. Most men have so r..any good hahl's that the few bad ones stand out To get its oenejicial effects, always strongly by contrast. buy the genuine REPORT OF CONDITION JULY 6, 1908. stockings Is drudgery most Exactly Everybody pull together and the Irrigation congress will be the greatest RESOURCES. LLVBILTTTE. Darning Just RlgttC any time, but much more so during "I have used Dr. King's New Life Loans and discounts 965,048.84 Capital, surplus md hot weather. Tou can avoid a good Pills for several years, and find then devlllsh-lookln- g by buying our "Black Just exactly right.' says A. A girl's Idea of real romance Is an elopement with a real Cash other $231,247.06 deal of this Mr. A. and dut frem profits Cat's hosiery, because It wears so Felton, of Harrlsvllle. N. T. New Life California banks 384,837.78 Depislts I,093I0.90 splendidly. All sizes for men, women Pills relieve without the least discom- ITio Sykup Co . only Prices rang from H fort. Best remedy for constipation, Bernalillo county Is for W, II. Andrews, first, last and all the time. All other resources- - 26.20Q.0q All ither Liabilities - 5?,528,66 and children. II SOLO BVALLLEADINC DRUGCmS to SO cents. C. May's Shoe Store, 114 bllioumess and malaria, ste at ali only, tyrants than athletes. ouue rur price aOf Bottle West Central avenue. de,r jjju".Ttia John Bull raises better . , $1,376,086.62 $1,376,086.62 THJUBB. inrrnsoAY. 3MX- - as, 'ALBUQTJEKQTJE CITIZEN. PAGB

an Ideal existence. She hunts like any be kept alive, thla city and the San' grown-u- p and drives her team of Bernardino ralley, with Its numerous J ENGLISH WOMEN Shetlands In tandem fashion. She cities and towns, has Just held the! III "THE EARTH" gives a brilliant annual fancy dress first of what will be an annual event; uall at Easter time to which more the Festival of the Arrowhead. I a Little In lhe Citizen than 400 ot her young friends are In- The people of the valley Joined In ANT AD great 7 vited. a four daya' celebration which In the matter of youth, however, attracted visitors from every part of TELEPHONE 15 Witt BOOST Lady Beaumont must yield to Baron- the state. The festivities Included the ess Clifton, who was born in 1900. crowning of a queen and king of Fun She is the daughter of the late Earl land, floral, Industrial and other pa- mm of Darnley Is rades, races, court balls, car- and the seventeenth chariot N holder of the barony. She was but nival balls. Fun and pleasure ran CONGRESS LORDS 9 months old when her father died riot. Over 40,000 visitors were In the1 and left her the youngest peeress In city at the time of the festival. Great Britain. Gall for Convention To Issue Edition Showing I Right of Several to Par-Hel- p Tentorial he SAN BERNARDINO What irrigation Will do a 10 In Parliament Is A Republican terrLorlal convention of old CELEBRATES FESTIVAL la hereby called by order of the Re for the Territory Hundreds Years publican committee to be held at' Santa Fe on the 18th day of August, A. D. 1908, at the Capitol building, Fte July 22. English The Santa magazine, "The London, Fourteen Old Indian Ijegonds Are Renpnimlble for the purpose of nominating a can- KuutiaIii-uioiit- g Earth." wlU boost the Sixteenth Na- women possess the right to ait on the for Mew Series of didate for uelegate to the sixty-fir- st tional Irrigation congress to the ex-te- nt crimson leather bunches of the House In California Town. Congr"s to represent New Mexico, of a special edition which will ior Lorus. Although no one baa any The several counties of the territory will be entitled to rept cost In the neighborhood of 14,000. idea of enforcing the rights of these San Bernardino, Calif.,. July 23. Mentation as "' follows: . 1 - peeresses About h thousand years before Chris- w Jixff- JTlie edition w ill be devoted to the In their own right, atteo was Counties. Delegates. At haa JU8t been by topher Columbus ever heard of interests of New Mexico, containing tlon ' directed land-grabbi- Bernalillo learned professor to in before too greedy, pale- u Special articles on the subject of irri the fact that rug- Chaves 4 years gone by their female ancestors face ever even dreamed of the gallon and what u has done and what ged mountains and green valleys of Colfax j it can Jo tor the territory. In a re- did sit and did legislate, although t"e a, Dona Ana g major. ty exer Callforn there lived In tho valley cent edition The Earth says of irri- of them preferred to of Eddy cine their privilege by proxy. San Bernardino a tribe of led men I gation projects: who could hot have picked out a Urant. . . . a "Few people In this country realize Probably the most Interesting of Guadalupe the women who hold the right to sit more delightful spot if Uuy had Put- ( the extent to which artlicial irriga ter sense. The valley supplied, all Lincoln , k tlon has supported and built up the ln thB Ur'Usn Hous .f Lord l Luna . the ancient conveniences, euch as r,h-- ri,r.h nnn.. Kinlosa, a great pal of the king-- and Kmain. in in,ii. in shady forests, running water In the McKlnloy. . Out) acres of land are under irriga- - eldest daughter of the late duke of way Buckingham and Cnandoa. By the of babbling brooks, both of Mora 11 YkA la ""'vaya? tlon; in Italy, 3.50U,00U; in Spain and 1 vrs ' which were well stocked In Otero a wl11 ot much-marrie- d Henry this turn with w fs lielglum, nearly all cultivated land la Vll. venison and trout. The squaw ladies Quay II IJT ess should now be sltUn on the II M tinier irrigation; France has large of the tribe, being expert huntresses Rio Arriba 10 l mm? Ger-- throne of England. That monarch l tracts of irrigated lands; so has I and fisherwomen, to say nothing of Roosevelt g many. Austria, Turkey, i limited the succession, falling issue ot China, Japan ' clever woodchoppers, found market- Sandoval I! Greece. his daughters, to the Issue of his sis- - 7 end ing a very simple duty, while the gen- San Juan 4 Sa j ter Mary by Charles Brandon, duke M m Irrigation "The idea of artificial tlemen members had nothing on their San Miguel 14 seems to originated In Egypt, of Suffolk, of w hom Lady Kinloss Is have minds but their coarse black hair Santa Fe 10 works have the direct heir. For reasons which and and for that Duroose possibly a feather or two. Sierra 4 ls, they deemed sufficient the Suffolka ft been traced back to the time of Peace and quiet reigned supreme Socorro. . . . ; 1,400 waived their claim and awore allegi- jj or years before Christ, ln this practically undiscovered par- Taos g and It was on account of her irrigat- ance to the Scottish line nominated adise, by Elizabeth on her deathbed. where everybody worked but Torrence . 5 ing ditches that Egypt became the the fathers, and things might have Union. . a granary and garden of the old world. Lady Kinloss is the owner of Stowe House, a great pile buildings once been going on the same old way until Valencia. "Cultivation of lands under irriga- of now had not Satan happened along it tion la by no means new in this coun- among the finest country seats in , IT England. The glories of the place de. one fine day, and after taking one Total 180 I) try. There are Irrigated farms In peep at the grandeur of the valley, be 300 parted In 1848 when most of the art Notice for precinct primaries shall New Mexico that are known to decided to have the place for him- be given rears old, and also in New Mexico treasures were sold, following upon at least five days In advance the financial crash in the of self. of holding same. there are remalna of Irrigating works affairs Hu strulghtway went to the chief if) built by that race whose existence Is the second duke of Buckingham, part County conventions shall be called consequence lib- of the red men and delivered him- by the county chairman except only known by the enduring works ly In of his reckless self In erality in entertaining the French ref- thuawlse: "You and your bunch such counties as have no county which it constructed. will have to duck out of here at once. "The women of the Pacos valley ugees. The house was at various chairman. In which case a member occupied by de Paris, I like the joint and I'm going to build of the territorial v unite in saying," as was said of the times the Comte my committee of such ex- summer residence here. I don't county shall make t tirst Eden, "It is good.' They know Louis XVIII. and other Bourbon care where you go, you the call hereunder; C more BOO but advise provided, In that In the golden climate of the blue- - iles. The gardens, than once, that the county of Ber in extent, to been to beat It so hurry on your way, nalillo the call for county Vaulted southwest there la life and acres are said have little one." the conven. healing and happiness, and in many the finest in the world and they still tlon and rules regulating and govern- retain of former glory, al- With much dignity, the chief of the ing the procedure Instances they know that they owe much their tribe arose, and, giving his blanket and method of con. their continued existence, aa well as though the coffers of the house are wraps ducting the primaries In the aald magic. none too well lined. Chandoa House, three hasty around him, said: county of Bernalillo that of their loved ones, to Its "Nix on the uncouth, old pal. We've shall be called Hare indeed Is It to find a woman the London residence of the family, got and made by a commission composed was years ago to a squatter's right to this territory little want ad, day by day, who would 'go back east to stay.' some sold that we're going my of three electors of said county ot h American peeress, Cora, countess of and to stick. That's Bernalillo to be There Is a subtle fascination that personal ultimatum. I might add, sleeted In accordance Does the work you the pay. creeps Into one's veins, a feeling of Strafford, and she has since made It with a resolution adopted by the Re- draw princely entertain- however, that If you feel Inclined to ownership in the whole Including all the scene of her scrap for the property I am willing publican executive commute at Al- It sees the people you don't know, , the advancement and prosperity. One ments. go buquerque, N. M., July 10, 1908. Lady de Ros, who Is the wife of the to to the floor with you, and, county joins forces with his neighbor and what's more, I'll lay you 80 deerskins All conventions shall be And helps you make your ' rejoices In his achievements. The Hon; Andrew Dawson, youngest held not later than August 15, 1908, business grow. Dartrey, holds against a ton of coal that I win." pride of the Pecos valley people is brother of the earl of dodged and the chairman of the several coun. the premier barony of England. It The devil it. "I don't care ty honest, genuine and withal just and to engage in combat with you," he committees are requested to reasonable. They are glad in the Joy dates back to the year 1264 and in Its promptly advise the undersigned or said, "but I'l tel you what I'll do: 1 11 ;y of wholesome living, and they want Journey down the centuries has passed you craps the secretary of the committee the many Of shoot for the valley and all the world to know it. and more- through vicissitudes fortune. lay names of the delegates selected at all the .300 are In excep- No English peerage' has been half of Hades against It" Where- hitters that the over to share with them their other upon he produced the "bones" which such couniy conventions in order that game now. tional blessings knowing there is held by. so many heirs female, the the same may be entered upon having worn by no fewer the chief at once guessed were not on the Stone of St. Louis and Terry Turn- HAVE YOU enough to go around and to spare. title been the square. temporary roll. A unwarrantable, almost than five women at different times. er are close to the .300 mark, being Failure here is "Nothing doing," said Indian. Proxies for delegates will not be .21)9. If a man or woman The present baroness is a the recognized tied at while Gessler has batted lrexcusable. come except when held by per- Is-b- of that duchess of "You down to my wigwam and .297, McConnell .296. Mullln .294, will listen to the honest advice and ut sons residents of the county gave ball I'll play you freeze-o- for the same from .289 and Stovall .284. counsel that will be generously prof- Richmond who the famous stakes." which such delegates may have been ROOM RENT? on eve battle of Waterloo Manager Lajole TO fered by those who have succeeded the of the selected. has taken another on At poker Old Nick was the goods. en equal success Is bound to follow" andand who is said to have buckled Delegates to the conven- decided slump in his stick work and Wellington's upon He could skin the cards off the top territorial is hitting away below figure thatU the duke of sword or out of tion heretofore elected by the county the his departure for the front on the the middle of the deck, and Is expected ot the man who used to OR A " HOUSE? 4 occasionally pull an conventions of th counties of Sierra SEAL AGENTS ARE memorable day. She Is the twenty-fift- h could ace or two fences. Still Larry out of his boot or from under his and Roosevelt will be recognized and break down the holder of the title. no Is one of rive players that has made who, horns. The old Indian chief, however, additional convention shall be Baroness Wentworth, before go held in such counties hereunder, over eighty hits this year, the others Do you know that people are almost fighting MAROONED ON ISLAND she succeeded to the title, was known could further, and before long Sa being Cobb, Stone, Crawford, and tan was down to his last bean. Incl legislative Nominations. as Lady Mary Milbanke, derives her Hemphill. At gait Crawford- - Is quarters right here in Albuquerque, dentally, he was becoming more and In all Legislative districts composed the or and now? peerage from her father, who was of counties or more hitting he will soon have hid 100 safe Washington, July 23. Seal Agents Inher- more vexed as the trimming process three the Joint "An ad like this the Earl of Lovelace and who continued. membership of the delegates selected ones. Judge and Clark, who have been on ited the barony of Wentworth from Three tigers carry off the honors Prlbylov Judge two years Then came the last hand. The best hereunder from the counties of said island for his mother, the only daughter of the Legislative districts shall meet as run getters, Crawford and Mcln-tyr- e and Clark for one are due to come poet Byron. Like her card the devil held 'was the ace of and as. her father and spades, while Mr. Redman turned semble not later than the 20th day being tied at 56, while Schaefor liome, but there Is no vessel availa- r, Baroness Went- over four kings. "You beat the devil of August at Santa Fe, N. M., and has scored 64 times. Fielder Jones ble to bring them to the mainland. worth has real literary ability, and 51, 47 -- hold district pur- is there with Stone with and The are depart- is, musi- ror noiumg, screamed satan in a conventions for the FOR RENT Large, well furnished, niei anxious and the moreover, an accomplished towering taking pose of nominating Legislative Cobb with 47. Ganley Is still the boss ment of commerce and labor has been Her is one of bril- rae, and the spade candi- well ventilated front room, modern cian. mother the ace tossed it violently through the dates, provided, that said Legislative sacrifice hitter, while Pat Dougherty puzzled. The problem has worried group Stuart-Wortley- e, chil- and sanitary. OO Blake St. liant of wigwam entrance. As nominations may be aa soon leads In stolen bases. He has pur- Aasslstant Secretary Wheeler and dren of a famous recorder of London it left his hand made as It assumed the shape of a white-h- ot practicable after the adjournment of loined 24 sacks, with Chase and 1 nearly all the other officials In the in the Victorian era. Schaefer tied at 22 and Hemphill y department. The families of Judge interesting arrowhead, growing larger and larger the territorial convention, at which One of the most of those as it sailed final meeting all of the counttea of fourth with 21. (Mark to see them, private theoretically a In throtifh the air. It said and want who have seat the ly struck against the mountain side Legislative districts shall be given op. Despite the batting spurt of the business matters demand them. I'pper British Legislative chamber Is boring Tigers, the Browns now lead the placed The department has official revenue an immense hole in the solid portunity to be present and partici- in The Albuquerque Citizen will secure the youthful Baroness Beaumont. She rock, into which the Evil One jumped. pate. league In team batting averages, hav. cutters patrolling Behring sea. and It was only 7 years old when King Ed Immediately, at the point of the im By order of the territorial commit- lng a mark of 262, Detroit being sec- you a tenant at the small cost of ias expected that one of these would ward was crowned, and was the sec- printed ond with 254. Boston third with 2(1 off agents, arrowhead, boiling hot water tee. H. O. BURSUM. take the seal but pelagic ond youngest peeress to don her robes gushed forth, to snu Cleveland fourth with 246. New are very Is de- and still continues Chairman, sealers active and it and appear in the great procession. bubble from a number of springs, York, Washington, Philadelphia and creed tha; of cutters can w In 3 35cM 6 neither the She is born 1894. and when only w hich Satan use as an outlet for his Chicago follow In order. times for or times for 50c. be spared from 'patrol duty long years of age the title which, on the boiling rage. has Bcored 3 SO runs and to TY COBB MAKES Detroit enough steam from Prlbylov island, ueath of her father, had lapsed for So legend. St. 2119. New York has stolen miles, runs the Or at least Louis 800 to Valdez, which would want of a male heir was called out of the gist 124 bases. Washington 94 and Cleve- a week.. that's of it It la one of take Neither ran a irnnhvit. abeyance In her favor by Queer) Vic- many old talea accounting ONE HUNDRED HITS land 92. Cleveland has made 121 on patrol for the also duty, be spared fur this toria. The title carries with It the strange arrowhead scar covering sev- sacrifice hit and Chicago 111. J . service. ownership of a splen..U country seat en acres on the side of one of the Detroit Has a big lead in extra The latest tenta;lve plan la to have In Yorkshire, called Carlton Towers, mountains encircling the San Bernar- Cleveland, July 23. Tyrus Cobb of bases gathered on long hits, Us rec- a, revenue cutter take them to which Is to be the absolute property dino valley. But scant vegetation will Detroit, the champion ba.sman of ord being 224. Cleveland and St. Convenience - Comfort - Security where a mail steamer will of the youthful peeress when she be- grow on the arrowhead, which 1s a 1907, is the first American leaguer to Louis tied for second honors with 178 I pick up Se- them and carry them to comes of age. There she and her freak of nature that attracts hun- make 100 hits this season, he having extra bases. Detroit has made thir- Rnii Vk'hn Id a ward, whence regular steamers will muthpr ulster VAnr hor dreds of visitors every year. touched the century mark In the teen home runs, St. Louis ten, New take them to San Francisco. Junior, live the year round, enjoying That these old Indian legends may t?ame with Boston last Tuesday, his York nine and Cleveland eight. 100th hit being a home run. Cobb has torn off 51 extra bases, The telephone make the The telephone sr Cobb is still the logical leader of Including three homers 10 triples and duties lighter, the cares leas your health, prolengs yovr AS A SHERLOCK HOMES SHE iiAS THE WORLD BEAT the league batters, although the fig- 22 doubles. Crawford has made five and the worries fewer. and protects your home. ures still place Criss of St. Louis at four-sacker- Nlles four and Williams the top with Thomas of Detroit sec- four. ond. Crlsa has a mark of .355, The White Sox's long suit Is their YOU NEED A TELEP HONE IN YOUR HOUR jj Thomas .340 and Cobb .330. Inas- fielding, they having, an average of much as Cobb his played regularly .961. being two points ahead of Phila- V he must be considered the real league delphia and three points ahead of THE COLORADO TELEPHONE CO. leader. The other .300 hitters are Cleveland and St. IjouIs. Cleveland ax wt mi wt m (lanaoanav wii) cm r iwwaQatjatiwjataiww Schweitzer and Delehanty, two play- Is a close second to St. Louis In pull- ers that are out of the game, and ing off double plays nd that Is where Kossman of Detroit, the latter' mark Terry Turner has been missed the tielng .305. Thus Detroit really has most. J. D. Eakln, President Chas. Msltnt, Secretary G. Oloml. Vice President. O. Baehechl. Treasarer.

No woman can be happy Consolidated Liquor Company iHJ'A'JUftJJL'aCJ without children; it is her accessor ta nature to love them as much M ELI XI EAKIN, and HAC1IECIII UIOMJ so as it is the beautiful and HMOUMtr OKALKftm IM pure. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass is so full of dread that the thought fills her with apprehension. Wines, Liquors and Cigars There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either very Wu kp vrythlog la $lok lo tatfit tb painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend prepares the system most tattldlout bar atmpUt for the coming event, and it is passed without any danger. This Hate been aixlntl exclusive agtiu In the HouUtwest for Jus. a. remedy applied externally. s'hliti. Win. I and hu Louis A. B. t'. Breweries; Yeileatoaa, is Green River, V. II. Mo Ilrayer's CVlar llrttuk, Ixinls Hunter, T. J and has carried thousands of Monarch, and other brands of uhlNklc too numerous ui uientloa. women through the crisis WE ARK NOT COMPOCNDERS with but little suffering. y-- e But sell the straight article s received from, the Mat Wineries Booa containing lururmsuoa or value 1 1 : In n to all expectant ujuthern mailed frou. I g bistillerle and Breweries t United States, call and Inspect our Stock and pricea. or write (or Illustrated Catalogue and Price wr BRAOriELO REGUL TOR OO. r I -d List. Issued to dealers only tAGK FOim. AtBCTQUEHQUE CITIZEH. Tnt'BSDAY, JULY tS, 108.


M I, MALOY'S 10 STRIKE STORY KxHlcr. SANTA EE CONVENTION St. Louis, July 23. Spelter strong, ATTENTION $4.35. Just received a fresh stoc of Mr. Nccnmllcr M)n Hp lld Not Ask Santa l and Santa Pc Central An- Hoy to SHI Pot Kitsusivrly, W. Ijoii Is Wool. nounce Phi-c- Affecting Ail Parts but Ohjci-tw- l to Action of St. Louis, July 23. Wool firm, of tlie Territory. 3 OLIVES a Xnw IKwIer, The Santa Fe has announced a fare The Metal. of one and one-thir- d for the terri- and Editor of The Citlsen: August your New York. July 23. Lead steady, torial convention at Santa Fe Dear sir: Believing in own $4,454(4.50, luke copper 18, Fe Central has Is- to firm, 12bf and the Santa HUNTERS! PICKLES loyalty truth ami to the spirit of first-cla- ss 13c; silver, 52 'c. sued a circular announcing one luir play, I ask you to publish this for the round trip. The communication exactly es here writ- fare In bottles and in bulk Money Market. rate applies from the following We arc just in receipt of a Carload of Ammunition,$and ten, and thut aflorcJ all the people places: Antelope, Hianca, Camcleon, of Albuquerque, as well as yourselves, New York, July 23. Money on call easy, 1H per cent; prime mer- Cedarvale, Clark, Dibert, Donaclana, are now prepared to fill your orders for an opportunity to understand the lti Mori-arlt- y, a fine and cantile paper, 3 Hi 4 per cent. Estancla, Kennedy, Mcintosh, We carry complete truth of the matter and to "see the 4 Progresso, Stanley, Torrance, line of nigger In the wood pile." Vega Blanca, Wlllard And Williams When 1 became the local agent of (ruin and Provisions. Chicago, July 23. Wheat July, Spur. Dates of mile, August 16, 17 Shot Gun Shells the Denver Post 1 secured and trained and 18, 1908. Transit limit, contin- LUNCH AND PICNIC to cflicieney a group of boys living In 90 o; Sept.. VUTfeC. developed Corn July, 76 c; Sept., T6V4c. uous passage each direction. Final Black GOODS ibis city in time It has return limit, August 21, 1908. Loaded with or Smokeless Powder. that now, for quite a period, the boys Oats July, 66 Vic; Sept., 45 H who sell on tne streets the Denver 45 Kc. paper are the Identical boys who sell Pork July, $15.55; Sept., $15.67tt. It will rain again and you will need Drop or Chilled Shot also each and all of the Albuquerquj Lard July, $.2t; Sept., $.$2ftp a pair of rubbers. We have all sizes d.. ly papers, and 1 have never ob- 9.J5. for men, women and children. Prices MALOY'S jected to their doing so, and do not Rib July, $8 67 ',,; Sept., $8.82 run from 60 to 85 cents. C. May's SEE OUR ASSORTMENT AND GET OUR PRICES now. Shoe Store, 314 West Central avenue. All my Olilcno Livestock. PHONE 72 relations have always been I ICRS - Chicago, July 23. Cattle Receipts .or PON '8 J FA agreeable- and pleasant with the reg- FARM ular and well established news stand 6.500; steady; beeves, $4,2518.00; Mat-son'- Texans, $3,70 4(6.60; westerns, $3.90 Pl'RE ICE CREAM. departments of this city, such as s, lm Huston's, Hawley's, etc. Hut a (jr 5.90; stockers and feeders, $2.75 co. HEW MEXICO few ago 4.65; cows and heifers, $2.00ij6.00; Mcintosh GOURDS weeks a newcomer started 7.25, 44 hardware another news stand In this c'ty, secur- calves. $5.750 ing daily supplies of my paper from Sheep Receipts 12.000; weak; ACADEMY westerns, $2.75 u 4.60; yearlings, $4.40 ST. VINCENT j myself. In a short time 1 found the ' ARE ENJOYING LIFE (if 5.10; western lambs, $4.35(6.25. newcomer was endeavoring to T my salesboys to sell upon stroot BOARDING AND LAY SCHOOL the Now York Slocks. Private Ambulance other Denver papers and such out-of-to- AT papers as he kept on his stand, New York, July 23. Following For Younjr Ladies and Misses. Amusements F. H. Strong LEONjPRIIIGS offering, as an offset to my expected were closing quotations on the stock Supt. Falrvlew and objection, to supply my boys with my exchange today: In Charue of the Santa Barbara paper himself out of his daily stock Amalgamated Copper, ex. dlv... 7S Funeral Director and Embalmer Cemeteries secured by him from me. Atchison 87 H SISTERS OF CHARITY f Many Drills and Long March- do. preferred 92 JULY Office Strong Block 2nd and To this 1 emphatically objected, and Corner 6th St. and New Yoik Ave CRYSTAL Lady upon his continuing in his underhand- New York Central 109 H 23 tj 29 Copper Aftnue. Ttltphoncsi Pennsylvania 125 Office 75, Resident 106. es are Training Them In ed sol. citation ot my boys I refu-te- For Particulars. Address Attendant my paper. Bouthern Pacific 93 to further supply him with X SlSTFIt SlPK.RlOB. Rattling Comedian, the Arts of War a Rain Impressed upon my boys that Union Pacific 1544 That they could not sell my papers and United States Steel 45 tt ('HAS. IWKIIOLTOV, the do. preferred 108 Man In Camp Leon newcomer's rival sheets at the "Tlio White." In at Springs. July same time. GIVE US A CHANCE 10. After a week of marching But one of my boys has reached KnnmiH City Livestock. Just Off the Orpheum, through Texas the New Mexico fruards that particular age and size at which Kansas City, July 23. Cattle Re- THK lil'.I.LKI'OXTS. ceipts 6,000; slow to steady; southern ED. FOURNELLE To figure on that bill of lumber. sure Inclined to believe that what Gen. ! an elder a"d a """"'"ess man." a Novflty Acrobats and Hand to Hand I steers, $3.25 r 4.30; southern cows, Our lumber comes from our owa Sherman "merchant," etc., can, If he wishes, Bulancers, Including said about war on a certain by flattt.ry patronizing and $2.00i'4.00; stockers and feeders, mills located In the best body of Is any- 3.00Tr6.00; Mile. Marie ItellcftMit. In New occasion the truest thing he or - treatment, blind and confuse his boy-ko- bulls. $2.22(5.42; rnlves. Carpenter timber Mexico. else ever said. There is no offl-- Ish Judgment as to right and wrong, $3.006.25; western steers, $3.75 The Most Perfectly Developed Woman A large stock of dry spruce cial record of how much of thu great etc., and that boy, In time, has so 6.60; western cows. $2.25 4.00. and Builder In the World. dimension on hand. Why not buy sniull-lze- de-lie- Hogs 8,000; high- state the d army camp worked upon the others they re Receipts 6ri0e the btut when It Is as cheap? in that m;v TIH KSOAY Just has covered, but the National elded that they wanted to sell not er for good hogs, others weak; bulk PMTritKS !D It will pay you to look into (fS Jobbing Promptly At ended ti this guards, who are not used to such only my paper and the local dallloJ. of sales, $6.30i6.65; heavy, $6.60 MOXDAV. strenuous walking, are inclined to be- - but also all other papers offered 6.72 H: packers and butchers, $6.40 3 Phones: Shop 100."); 5T2 lleve they have visited every section them. 6.60; light, $6.45(8 6.55; pigs, $4.40 Residence RIO GRANDE Ll'MBbH GO. 2K rf tht state except the coolest. I When I learned this I simply r5- - 6.80. 9R SRFJF JR1 BssW..SPV.V lu spitu of the drills and hikes, the fused to let them sell my paper Sheep Receipts J.000; steady; Shop Corner Fourth St. and Copper Jve. Phone Cor. undr $5.00ff!) 8. 3rd and Marquette tot sun and the dust, the New Mex- - uch conditions, and decided to o.-t- co muttons. $4.00(fr4.50; lambs, battalion Is more than pleased Eunize and train a new crew of boy, 6.25; range wethers, $4.25 4.60; fed ALBUQUERQUE, i. M. Colombo Theater with the encampment and will regret 1,ut the attempt to make the public ewes, $3.75 4.10. to leave. The guards have learned believe that I do not allow hoys to 416 XOHTH SECOND ST. ' snore about the sell my paper and paper . How's This? soldier business in the local als 471. "OLD RBLIABLB." ESTABLISHED 1171. I week here than most of them ever to the publishers of the local We offer One Hundred Dollars Re Phone knew to Relieve ward for any case of Catsrrn that can- t before, and the experience they dailies that, and to create not be cured by Hall s Cure. have gained will Impression my boys Catarrh L. &. I do them more good the that hav J. 6r LU Toledo, U. Up-T- PUTNEY t. chukex o Date Moving Pictures . than a year's drill in their armories "struck," etc., etc., and that I am We. the undersigned, have known f at home. mean grasping my J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be EX JURI INS and and unfair to lieve nno perfectly nonorauie in an and Illustrated Sxir gs. The prograrm here for each and boys, and bo bigoted end narrow as buslnes transactions and financially THE WHOLESALE GROCER j every day is drill, and then more to antagonize the selling of our cP.y able to carry out any obligations made oy nia nrm. drill, with a hike across the country dailies, etc., etc., is the thing I am twiiMyvn at FLOUR, GRAIN AND whenever Is to, vvAuuiftu, hahvin, PROVISIONS there a few minutes to objecting and is the matter which Wholesale I u!t.'(., t).. A GYPSys RLVENGE ; spare from drilling. Some of the boys I herein seek to correct, and at t'qa Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tsken Internal Carries the largest and Most Exclusive Stock ot Stapl woo got same ly, acting directly upon the blood and ISoston, Mass., and return. $82.35, Grsceries la never acquainted with the time show the public the truth mucous of system. Testi- A PHLEGMATIC GENTLEMAN the Southwest. ua 8 surfaces the July 29th to August 3d, final limit until along about or 9 o'clock ' tha matter. monials sent free. Price V6c per bottle. In the morning are out to meet it! Appreciating your kindness, I am onia oy an uruggis-s-. August 19th. Limit can be ex;ended every morning now, yours Take Hall's family Pills for const! VIDI0S ACR03ATIC SKATERS . and they seem s'neerely, pation. to September 16th. FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS to enjoy the experience. There isn't C. C. SEEMULLER. very much daylight spread out around ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. THE DYNAMITERS over Texas when the Chicago and return, $55.65, dally soldiers roll out' " of the straw In the morning and the 60Y IS FOR RALE Crabapples at Foraker's until Sept. SOth, final limit Oct. 31st. i work ot the day has had a good ranch, 2 cents a pound. start NEW SONGS by the time' the sun peeps up over j FOR SALE 4 rooms, closet, pantry, the horizon. RECOVERING FAS, city water, porches screened, $1050. Kansas City and return, $40.65. The New Mexico guards are mak Hasy payments like rent. Elder, dally until Sept. 30th, final limit Oct. MATINEE SUNDAY 3 P. M. ing a record for efficiency. They are 9 Armljo Bldg. 31st. 0t FOR SALE 5 room brick, large lot", 00U004KsXJKMJCssX.' mart? in Jim ' 17 ?ftl0nal Operation Will Not lie Xeocary ill MONTEZUMA TRUST CO. Highlands, $1700. Elder. 9 Armljo Bldg. St. IauIk and return. $49.65, daily thruTa hvw , Old 14U1. Injured byVail. day. Many comments have Sept. 30th, final Oct. 3 1st. M I ... . SALESMEN AND AGENTS $ $ $ until limit All ITIHHa fk Ha u imnri ... ,i ill Our Prices bargains : , Arthur Hull, the boy of $50.00 per week and over can be ALBUQUERQUE general t Vi X .. . . NFW MEXICO fnr enrv, nf. ... MllV on i A Si I'lOinui' uvi-nii- u h, i.,... made selling New Campaign Nov- Team Harness, all leather. $18.60 : I ... guards by the hundreds of visitors . , .. ,.. ' ,. .. .. Denver and return, $23.70 dally who camp u-- - k s,vu v.vsa aai; v elties from now until election. Sells Team Harness, Concord 24.00 visit the each day, and the day by a fall tree only to stores, county fairs, plcnlrs and until Sept. 30th, final limit Oct. SOth. : 1ody of men picked to represent New from a and Team Harness, Concord heavy. 29.00 last week recovered consciousness. private families. Complete line of Team Harness, double buggy, : ...... Capital and $100,000 is caiauitBiiuiK a HiKn siuiiaara samples, charges prepaid, for 60c. to surplus, COU'dnt Cme l Colorado Springs and return, $20.75 $10.00 $24.00 e "ut have to an operation, as Order today. Chicago Novelty Co., .Single Surrey Harness 17.00 to 20.00 60 Wabash Ave., Chicago. dally un:ll Sept. SOth, final limit Oct. Single 8. ThereIThasn't been any serious sick- - able Busgy Harness 60 to 20.00 'k 1' nV" 3 1st. Single Express Har- nr.. m the and the New Mex-- ,n"w' ,thne, Do yon SO paralysis which made "F? of know that we operas ness 13.00 to 28.00 inn hnu. kL. .in.. machines In plant every day? iate I.?1 expressionless is disappear. our Celebrated Askew Sad- AmJ'lT" - Z7:Z'r iniT. That's why we can make and sell Special summer tourist rates to nu. derfully long dles 4.60 to 40.00 under the stimulus of The first thing boy window frames for hrick at tl.HO; merous other points on application. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS walks and hours of sleep every night that the said screen Best grade of leather In all harness after he awoke from his long sleep doors at Il.OO: porch swlnva saddles. and no one has to be urged to be at $5.00. Superior Planning T. E. PURDY, Agent. and was "Give me some crackers." Since Mill. Parts of harness kept In stock. present when the bugler sound mess saying call. The army's backbone beans, this he has been talking quite Unless you trade with us we both bacon, freely. A week ago he could not lose money. coffee Is a big Item here, but speak only "omcmcymomamomomotORomoRO it IS only a small part of the and had control over the what right side of his body face, Indi- camp consumes. Fresh meat Is de--' and THOS. F. Kr LEBER d every cating that there was a slight pres. EVERY liven day and the variety of sure on RETAIL MERCHANT vegetables exceeds anything In the brain. It was then 408 West Railroad Avenue the thought it be necessary to boarding j that would house line at Albuquerque, cut a hole In eggs -' the skull and remove v Fruit and can be had occasion- the pressure. ould do we.l to consider the good points in the ally, and by contributing to fund1 Dr. Hust, the attending Hational a Fiist pnysician, said ' ot two to the menu now and then. With the skull would not now STATEMENT LEDGER SYSTEM ,.. m. .v- .- j"" The boy will recover .,,r.nti. and regain all his faculties. AllVlh Tllf" iMilt... lllut an Id . (.wwu, J U.I k IKCiV i Bank U...4 n..I . t.n .n..iiffK .b,it wi.u n.. ...will 1 1 1 been neard of the food, except CELEBRATE ARRIVAL ALBUQUERQUE, JY. M. someoody is lata and do enough. t The lack of sUknegd In due to the OF BIG IRON H. O'RIELLY & excellent sanitary condition of the UGO Jrfci J. CO. vamp. Every detail has been looked WHOU&ALL AMI) RLTAJL WUGGbTS A MUTf WLOtM after, and in addition to learning how jxi 1 .mi), lull., Join in Capita ana to march and drill and shoot, tne Welcoming United States kt-ep- lug Ntnv guards have learned how to 1 of Industry Which Will Surplus themselves and their xurrouiidings (iic Work to Many. Depository clean under conditions to which theyj are not usually subjected. liury. Ind.. July Wnen ""tne 3'',copvaJHr $250,000 The camp is spread out the steamer E. H. with the first our cargo of Iron ore plain in an apparently endless row of with which the UK 0J4rOCKsot0030 great steel mills will soon IOX'T DEPRESSED tents, fdth in line with the oiher, and her begin when your bread Isn't up to your ex- m-a- t operations, entered New to-- d Is a looking c ly. There Harbor te uie .y pectations on baking day. about 15.000 soldier here. Tegular the American Hag was run up women in town are not worried with BUILDERS' AND FINISHERS' SUPPLIES and National guanl.s. and ihey repre- on a high staff at the harbor entrance baking bread when they can get such e. an,, sent nearly every brunch of the iter-vlc- salutes were tlrej from three gov. white ' delicious and untrlttous bread and Chicago Lumber, Including infantry, cavalry, f clj eirunent vessels. from Pioneer bakery, an well as rich, Native stierw Paint Noas Bet artillery, signal corps and medical As soon as the harbor was reached ornamental and fancy cakes, rolls and ter. Building Paper, Plaster, Lime. Cement, Glass, Saab. Doors, corps. The drills mid maneuvers of formal exercises the speakers pastry. EM., Etc the various branches of the service '.aiklng from the steamer's bridge. The are Interesting and Instructive and BUest of honor was John W. Kern. z z i r when the New Mexico boys are not lemocratic candidate for the vice J. C. BALDRIDCE 423 South First working they can usually be found presidency. Following the exercises Pioneer Bakery, around some of the regular troops, there was an exhibition of rapid work getting pointers about the work. , I of unloading the vessel. Before the 207 South Firtt St. W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. II New Mexico close of navigation it is expected 1 The guards expect to! II Itave fur home July 125, having spe- million tons of ore will oe unloaded a Evening cial train, as the) did on the trip from vessels here. Blateiuents always ready for customer. Duplicate copy of stutenient tfu scribe for The Cltiien UVKRT. SALE. FEED AND D and get the news. (!on here. The Albuqueryue boys, retained for rufarvuoe N'o over-tim- e lalMr ''isiBtim;" at end of month TIUNUTJt STABLES. are hoping new armory will be EVERYBODY READS AL-- the THE Klimiiiating chance for kicks. Call us up and we will show you further. ready for them thortly after they ar- BCQUERQUE CITIZEN BECAUSE It Is not what you pay for advertis- Bj I DENTISTS I dorses and Mules Beugnt ana rive, and with suitable quarters and WE GET THE NEWS FIRST. PHONK 924 ing, but what advertising PATS ouangsd. i YOU. that makes it valuable. Our the experience Ihey have gained here Room ,12 . they expect to be the crack company You can save money on that bill of ' 11, BOOK rates ars lowest (or equal service. of S. LITHOOW, BINDER BEST TODBJJOUT8 IN THB the territorial guards. lumber if you buy from the Superior RUBBER BTAMR MSKMR The place to get seasoned lumber. Clt A OUABDSMAN. Lumber and Mill Co. Second BTet betwssn Central a Superior Lumber and UUI Co-'-s plant. Cosssr Arsons. N T. Armijo Bldg TircKSDAT, JVLY 2S, 10O. ALBUQUEItQUfc CITIZEK. TAGS FIVB

WELL KNOWN RESIDENT SAYS MANNING WAS PLEADED GUILTY QUICK CLEARANCE Hotels and Resorts . DIES AT SANITARIUM '". IN TROUBLE BEFORE HOUGH INNOCENT For Information concerning any of the placM n.4var Uacd In descriptive literature, this column and for r Advertising Ftnn-- r ! Awarding Artaiia PaiK-- lie Nar- - jhhj Ho call at The Cltlsen offlca or writs to tha KniHe of Woolen Mills and jtin bald Would Bather VJ OUT-DOO- R Manager, Alb-nuer- Cltiaen. Albuauerque. N. M. of Ttlinhlo aiul Vminjr hue rovtly 1mimhI Trouble In That m Fine Tlian to 6tay la Jell OF cum tig to igihenniKwls. Territory. Iiurtng the Day. ' Lait evening at the St. Joseph's That James Q. Manning, who U in Rather than remain in jail until S ' . . v. sanitarium occurred the death of J. thu county Jail awaiting the action of ' I u I n mK nf. uviuva Klivi liuuil, nuvu I AONEW SANITARIUM, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA D. Ostendorf, a resident of this city the grand Jury on the charge of ob- fleer who arrested him would be up. FURNITURE U no o, Handsomest and best equipped establishment of Ita kind In the west, offer for the past three and a half years. taining money under preienawt, John Doe, an employe of the Alva-rad- every respect and He was 39 years age Is sur- tftranger to money difficulties seems at reasonable rates accommodations which ara auperlor In of and who said that he was afraid he ( home. 8a n Diego la noted for Its vived by his wife, who Is now In Cin- evident from a clipping taken from lose position, pleaded guilty combine the comforts and luxuries of the published would hi balance of our stock ol Ten climate tha year arond. Write for particulars or secure pamphlet at cinnati, Ohio, to which place the the Arlsona Uasette, at TIIE body to- Phoenix. The. Uaxette Bays: Furni-- , i The Citizen Office. will be sent for Interment guilty of and paid a fine of 1 10. Torch and Lawn morrow evening. "About two months ago a smooth The charge was that of being drunk Mr. Oatendorf resided at 1115 North young man who gave his name as J. and disorderly. Doe waa brought be- ture Rockers, Chairs, Settees, RARAOISE VALLEY SANITARIUM' Second street, but about a week ago, d. Burroughs put up at the Adams fore Police Judge Craig with another in Old Hickory, Arts and Crafts, surgical establishment like BATTLE seeing that his condition was getting hotel and proceeded to do business man beating wife. A well equipped medical and company arrested for his CREEK SANITARIUM. Absolutely the only sanitarium In Southern Cali- worse, he was advised to go to the for an eastern mining he The wife beater was sentenced to pay Hentwood and Willow, will be OVER-LOOKIN- Q represent. even went having a cool summer climate; every day delightfully sunny. sanitarium, where after a week's suf- claimed to He a fine ot $10 or work ten days on the sold fornia mo Orljalva mine, this week at the Greatest SAN DIEGO BAT AND THE PACIFIC. Booklet at Citizen offlca fering he passed away lasj evening, far as to buy the street gang. Doe pleaded not guilty City, Calif. tuberculosis being the cause of hi near Wlckenberg, from Uoldberg to the charge of being drunk and dis- Bargain Prices yet. or by writing H. W. Lindsay, Manager, National out death. He was formerly employed at Bros. But it later turned that he orderly and appealed to the court for Furnish the Albuquerque woolen mils In this did not have enough money to pay leniency. He said that he would ac- your porch and SAN DIEGO SEMINARY SAN D1KGO, CALIF. city, which position he held for two his bill at the Adais hotel, where he knowledge that he took a few drinks lawn attractive'y and comfort- A select School for Girls and Young Women. Prepares for grade years, later accepting a position as and his wife were putting up. He and that he might have been talking Colleges and Universities. Superior advantages In Voice, Music, Art. Elocu- bookkeeper for the W. L. Trimble gave a check on an Iowa bank which a little loud. ably with high-grad- e furniture tion, Languages, Athletics Swimming Gymnastics etc. A most superb home Livery company, for whom he worked turned out to be worthless, and he "Put him back in the cell," was the with prices less than usual prices with attractive grounds. School opens Sept. 16th. Write for catalogue. Mrs, a year and a half. The body la In was arretted. Later his wife paid the command of the court. F. A. Woodin Bus. Mgr. the undertaking parlors of F. H. bill and he was released. It appears When Doe was back in the cell he 1 g of inferior makes. Strong, where It may be viewed by. that Burroughs, under the name ot told the officer that he would rather friends before being shipped to his Manning, went to Albuquerque and pay a fine than to remain In Jail all and See Our Line former home In Cincinnati. operated there along the same lines day. He said that he was afraid he Call mini m..Mi.r N - V as here. But he did not get off so would lose his job. ' STONE HOTEL easily there." He was brought back into the court 11 ALBUQUERQUE GIRL room and pleaded guilty. JEMEZ HOT SPRINGS "Ten dollars or ten days," said ALBERT FABER PRUNE REGULATION Judge Craig. fi MARRIES AT LOS ANGELES Doe emitted a noise of protest, fay- ing never been In Jail be- V gv PLEASES SAILORS that he had ORIGINAL IHt In life. He paid the fine. fore hla ymomomosomcmcmomomomoA BATH HOUSES AiinnnncviiK'iit of Wedding or Mix. J ''.3 Dixon nnd .Mr. Seymour Received WHAT WILL BE SKEN ( -I In Ration U Hailed WIUi VV- ) Stage line from nernalillo by PrieiulH Here. t'hanne the TONIGHT. u Delight by Seu 1'igliUng irce. AT THE CltVSTAL DR. CHAS. A. FRANK, to Jemez Hot Springs in The very excellent bill that Just Albuquerque friends have received 13L.DO. ' ii one day. Stage leaves Ber- announcements marriage In New York. July 23 Sailors and closed at the Crystal last night won ROOMS 4 AND 5 HARNETT of the a many nalillo Tuesday & Saturday Los Angeles of M)s Eva Dixon, marines at the Brooklyn navy yard for the little vaudev'ile use daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie heard with great nulisfactlon yester- new friends and patrons, and all navy con- these, along with vaudeville's ever to 1 1 A.M. 2 to 5 P.M. 7 to 8 P.M. 1 J Dixon, formerly of this city, and Wes- day that the department - Hours9 TICKETS SOLD AT ley Seymour, of Los Angeles. The templates a change in the enlisted large crowd of followa.- In Albu- marriage took place July 16. Miss man's rations so far as concerns querque, will be attracted there again num- prunes. It has been learned by the during the week that starts tonight TELEPHONE 1079. A. OTERO, W. L. TRIMBLE'S Dixon lived In Albuquerque a J. Pro. ber of years and had a large number department's food sharps that the to witness another clever program. of friends and admirers here. Until prunes now served out are by no. The Bellefonts, European hand-to-han- d J novelty acrobats. AN IDEAL SUMMER AND HEALTH RESORT. recently she was a "hello" girl at the meang what they ought to be. balancers and central telephone office. Miss Dixon Therefore the specifications for the Including Mile. Marie Bellefont, the acquainted Mr. Seymour new prune contract are to be so most perfectly developed woman In Ciiffdene-on-thePec- os became with prunes 50c 50c 50c aoout a year ago, when he also was changed as to require fifty the world, will be the feature of the ONE MONTH pine-cla- d to the gallon instead of seventy as week, and a great one. These people FOR Located among hills on the Pecos river, IH miles from Rowe a resident of Albuquerque. Miss v station on the main line of the A. T. & S. F. Good hunting and Ashing Dixon went to Los Angeles about two heretofore. are an Orpheum act and would be CLAIRVOYANT DeWItt T. Courtney makes this the most delightful resort In New Mexico. We meet Wed- months ago to friends, so she The navy's prune eaters are antici- featured on any bill. Mile. Bellefont's trains visit ap- The moHt eminent, accurate anil reliable Trance Clairvoyant ta the nesday and Saturdays. coming on days not stated kindly write me. girls telephone of- pating the arrival of the new article, work simply has to be seen to be Parties told the at the ex- permanently located In your cllj, and If you are In or Hates per day. $8.00 per Is wed- with interest and delight. They preciated, as no description will do world has doM week. Meals 60c. Transportation from atatlon fice, but It believed that the trouble call rind see him. He jrlvcs ndvice upon all affairs of 11.00. Mrs. H. E. Bergmann. Rowe. N. M. ding had been planned previous to pect to be served with prune stew of It Justice. such a character that the mainstay Charley Carrolton, the Jolly black Ijove, Law, Marriage, Divorce, Mining. Real Estate and change of all that time. Miss Dixon's parents re- - kinds. One vMt will convince yon of the powers of this wonderfulf cently moved to Tueumcari, N. M. of the dish can be found In all Its face comedian, will also appear. Mr, Integrity and stabbed with a fork in- Carrolton has a way all his own and man, and that yon can obtain happiness, contentment and sureties stead of coming upon them In a jokes and parodies that are strictly throuKh following his advice. 803 V. Central Avnue. Rooms 3 and B HOLLENBECK con- Honrs, to 11 s. m., to 8 p. m, I'll one 749. HOTEL TEMPERANCE UNION hashed state and susceptible ot his own. He is said to have a finish- I t 4. C. Bilicke LCS ANGELES John S. Mitchell venient handling only with a ladle. ing song that usually commands six "Spar-Hee- l" Jackson, the receiving to ten curtain calls. WILL GIVE A MEDAL ship Hancock's expert on this brand Some ot the finest new specimens TWO NEW ELEVATORS new furniture; of food, gave It as his opinion that of moving picture photography now riRE-PROOriN- the new regulation prune after a along with NEW O new plumbing out are promised the proper course of treatment could be vaudeville, and a new Illustrated song Fifty Thousand Dollars Worth of Improvements made this season for One IHiy or Moiinmliialr Will He De- readily adapted as a projectile for the will be sung. ce, Ccn-fort- . and Safety. voted to Temnorunce Cauxe and rapid firing guns. He predicted also Orators Are Invited. that by a slight change In the cook'a Headquarters New Mexico preliminary maneuvers these prunes for may be turned out of the galley In- WOODMEN OP THE WORLD. One day of the Mountalnalr Chau- Meet Every Friday Evening Electric Cars to and from Railway Depots, also Beach and Kcuttain Re- assembly flated In a way to stir' the hearts of " Hotel tauqua will be devoted to among crew. At Sharp. Phone sorts, stop at our deer Tb HcUtafcccl: cafe is More hcpular 1 ban fcver the cause of temperance the football heroes the and a medal Upon the advent of the raw prune FOREST IN ELKS' THEATER. will be given in oratory. Those who Id. F. No. 74. con- rules now in course of formulation desire to participate are asked to prune eat- E. W. Moore, C. C. Mrs. Strumqulst, Is will be put into force for a sult John who ing contest with official handlcappers D. E. Phillips, Clerk. Your Goods superintending the arrangements. Her trusty 402 West Lead Ave. REASONS WHY telephone number is 1468. and a force of watchers. VISITING SOVEREIGNS WEL-- Delivered YOU SHOULD PATRONIZE THE For the lct work on shirt walt COMB. patronize Ilulihs Laundry Co. ly Occidental Life Insurance Co. "MACBETH" Of New Mexico and Arizona W ill He Given at Hie Skating Kink Peerless Iceland Freezer Tonight. f It is a home; industry. "Macbeth," Shakespeare's sublime "Makes the best erade of Ice Creaml1 It keeps the money at home and makes it available to pro- tragedy, will be fully presented by ii oving pletureg at the skating rlnic New York Central Lines of stime mote local enterprises. ;on!ght, in addition to the program in the least amount It wrote more business the first year than was expected. of moving pictures, Illustrated songs TO It has paid all of its obligations. and skating. "The Little Chimney 1 QUART Sweep" and "Locked Up" are other SIZES FROM It is an Old Line Legal Reserve Company. p ctures worth Beeing. Two illustrat- TO 12 QUARTS It writes the standard policies established by t the Laws of ed songs. "Tell Me Why, Little Girl, ' New York, the most exacting ever enacted. and "Honey Time," will be sung. Boston and Return VIGIL SIES STltOt'I'. j Joshua S. Raynolds, J H.O'Rielly, Eslavlo Vigil, superin- -' REFRIGERATORS President, Sec'r and Gen. Mgr. teiulrnt of schools, versus Andrew B. Every Thursday Stroup, county superintendent, Is the Until eptember 24th Inclualvo title of a suit filed In the Bernalillo Ice Tongs, Ice Picks, Ice Chisels, county district court today, In which the plaintiff asks to recover $2,080.75,' Refrigerator Pans, Lemon Squeez- which the defendant Is alleged to have1 I Albuquerque foundry and Machine Works unlawfully collected from the county From Chicago $29.35 ers, Ice Cream Dishers, etc.,' etc. . MALL, of Bernalillo as fees and emoluments It. of the office of county superintendent Pullera, s. Babbit Metal; Columns and Iron Fronts for VIA i 0ie Bindings. of schools. The law tirm of Baca & j Cvatxasja; Ore, Lougheiy appears as attorneys for the 'LAKE SHORE" Iron and Bras Coal and Lumber Cars; Shaftings. plaintiff. ABE & m A H r JW'sJnf mmd Mill Mmchlnmry tpmclmlty OR R MAUGER Ltf ' i Foudry atct Ct rsXrobl track. Albuquerque, N. M. Help tor Thotte Who Iluve Ruiuiai j U5-H- 7 N. FIRST ST. Trouble. I "MICHIGfVN CENTRAL After doctoring for about twelv , years for a bad etomach trouble, aad spending nearly five hundred dollar THE for medicine and doctors' fees. 1 pv From St. Louis Albuquerque Lumber Co. chased my wife one box of Chamoe $33. Bargains I Iain's Stomach and Liver Tabl VIA I Lommori & Co. I which did her so much good that Bargains! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -- continued to use them and they hav BIG FOUR ROUTE", 323 S. Second St. Phons 791 done her more good than all of ta These llgftt paydays It will pay you medicine I bought before. Sam u to look for bargains, and right hers Lumber, Glass, Cement and Rex Flintkote Roofing you Boyer, Folsom, Iowa. This msdloia I Good for return 30 days Is where will find the biggest Is for sale by all druggists. Sampiv bargains hundreds of them. First and Marqtsette Albuquerque, New !Vixic 25c sun bonnets 15c NEW STORE S1.I5 shirt waists 8o Our shirt and collar work s per- Correspondingly low fares to 60c girls' dresses. NEW STOCK fect. Our "DOMESTIC FINISH Is $1.75 men's shoea Sl.St race, J. C. Carpenter, of Cornell, the proper thing. We lead others $3.09 ladles' oxfords $1.2$ UNITED KINGDOM came In first. A sensation was cre- follow. Canada, Adirondack Mountains and St. 4 large boxes matches c Groceries, Vegetables ated when the officials declared It IMPKKIAL LAUNDRY CO. Loose raisins, lb c & Froitt no race on the ground that Carpenter Lawrence Piver Large cans tomatoes 10c Men's Furnishings TAKES FEW PRIZES had "bored" (pocketed) Hallswelle, Mace an ad. In The Citizen and And hundreds of other bargains at Genuine Imported No. 1 Lucca Olive the English runner. Matthew F. walrii it Mork for you. EDWIN TEARS, Colorado Passenger Agent CASH Halpln, manager of the American BUYERS' UNION Oil. Guaranteed PURE J jt jt American Won 400 Meter Race, Hut team, says the Americans will not Tlie rapid IncreaNe in our 1017 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colo. 122 Nnb iieood run the race over. Is due to good work and fair treat- it wa IHxhtrvd Oil Ewry Wins ment of our patrons. Jlublut Laun- yiU. DOLDE. Prop lllgb Jnwp. dry. The Remedy Ttiat Dot. WARREN J. LYNCH, Passenger Traffic Manager. CHICAGq 408 Wmtt RsUromd Attnut HOTEL DENVER "Dr. King's New Discovery la Uu Are you looking for something? Re- London, July 23. The final In the wane 4 Corner Second and CaaL remedy that does tha healing; otaert member the columns of The Don't Forget The r 200 meter race was won by Kerr, of promise but to perform," says Evening Citlsen are for your especial Best $1.60 pt-- day bouae la fall city j low ratea, Canada, with Cloughen, of the Irish-Americ- Mrs. E. R. Plerson of Auburn benefit. It talks to the people and ALBUQUERQUE PLANING MILi est week or Centr month. Auierteu plan. Aooncn- - 4 Athletic club, second and Pa. "It Is curing me of throat Sb they talk to you. lung TIIK 4 nuMlatlona tip top. Coot. N. ot University of trouble of long standing ta OLDEST MILL IX THE CITY. J. Carinell. the other treatments relieved only teas Want ads printed In the Cltiaen When lit need or door, frame, Pennsylvania, third. Time, 12 5 porarlly. New Discovery la doing as w 111 bring reuultjL etc. Screen a .pccialty, 400 seconds. so good . bouUi much that I feel confide GOOD ICE CREAM AND H. COX, The llrst iict i. Tcdci.lioiie 461. The final of standing high FEE'S Plumber Klo tiirauile Valley ImoA Oo. tha Its continued use for a reasonaAj. WALTON'S jump was won by Ray C. Ewry. of length me ICE CREAM SODA. of time will restore to DRUG Th-'- flr ti!l mnnfhji of JOHN the New York Athletic club, with 6 feet ThU renowned voaga STORE. BORRADAILE health." PLUMBING, HEATING, GAS AND STEAMFITTING ah-a- J us 'Kill feet Z Inches. remedy Is White native bran rlclief bran ht maih.r of and It and cold sold at all deader ever 1.75 per hundred. Clean. yru to Invust In The final of catch-as-catch-c- sold, f a pair of our Ileal Estate and InveMmeataH the 60c and 11.00. Trial bottle tree.. 003-60- heavyweight up to 111 pounds was et milling wheat. E. W. Fee, 4 Climax Garden Hose, guaranteed the most durable. cool low shoes. We have a fine as- Connect Kent of City Healty King- S. 1st. l'lione 16. . . . sort nunt of snappy, te styles Office, Corner won by O'Kelley, of the United Doctor Nacamuli will be back from Latest things in Enamel Bathroom Fixtures. you Third aad Gold dom, who Qunderson, of Europe September and can get Jost what you want Ma Alboaoerqaet defeated in and will be at CE CnHt.M SODA. WALTON'S at the price you are willing to pay. K. M Norway. hia office In the N. T. Armljo building STORE. 1020 401 West Ave. C. : JltlO Phone Central May's Bboe Store, $14 West Cen. Our la ibe final of the 400 meter flat about September 16, 10S. FEE'S GOOD ICE CrtEAM AND work Is RIGHT every de- trJ arenas. partment. II uboa Laandry Oo. VAGE SIX. 'AIUQITERQrK CTTTZFV TIICRSOAY, JULY 23, lt08. Deep In the workings of the Oro tun- nel the long-expect- bonanza vein THE CRAZE FOR NOVELTY DEVELOPEMENT or pay ore has at length been encoun. tered and proves to Lie of extraordi- "OR PAX.S0LS nary richness. It is stated that the LIKE THIS- - vein Is of enormous width, but that Its exact proportions have not yet ARIZONA been ascertained. The high grade of of the ore will permit of its being ship- Mr. ped direct to Denver for treatment. Business Man Vancouver, H. C, July 23. John Let us tlrant, a pioneer mining man and present a few facts on the subject MIS former mayor of Vancouver, expects some notable results from the exten- of advertising for your consideration sive gold-dredgi- operations soon to be begun along the Stewart river In Since Two QueensGroupto be the Yukon territory. He states that Giaht HATS Next to having goods of merit to sell is the importance of the gravels of these fields are Un- letting the ; Producers-Ne- ws - WHY NOT Heavy of frozen, and that he has very positive public know that you have them. Here is where careful thought evidence to show that they contain BiG, should Western Properties gold values running Into the high fig- enter into. the proposition. Much money is wasted by the thoughtless ures. He also advances the theory that the Stewart river placer beds choice of advertising mediums. In every city is the clever solicitor for Phoenix, Ariz., July S3. Among heve been the dumping ground for the important stockholders' meetings untold ages for gold brought down programs, calendars, handbills, and all sorts of schemes in which your ad arieduled to take place here In the from the higher levels by the action may look pretty, but where it is Mr future Is that of the Central of nature. Operations at Lake creek, not read, and consequently b :ngs no Mining and Development company, a tributary of the Stewart, have yield, well-know- returns. When you buy newspaper space you derating the n Two Queens ed as high as $20 per cubic yard, are sure that your advertise In county, A. group Pinal T. The an. neighboring creek bottoms show -- ment will go into the homes of the meeting is booked for the first week Off subscribers and will be read by them, results almost equally as good. The HUC,E In August, nd It appears likely that Tukon Basin Gold Dredging company and, if you have what they want, they will come to your store and buy - wl vigorous policy will be inaugurated, U now Slipped- - about to undertake the opera- -- cvpeclally in view of the very encour. tion of these placers on a large enormous The same good judgment should govern in your of scale, S- choice newspapers. PUKSE- -- aging reports that have been coming and much machinery has already J -- V forward concerning the rich values been taken to the property, which Is We maintain that the evening paper is the better medium, because it goes shown up through recent development said to be of enormous extent and operations. It is stated that at the richness, to the home at a time when the entire family has time to read it and plan econd level the vein has Just been a shopping trip for next day nt at depth of 300 feet beneath Boise, Idaho, July 23. Appreciable he surface, showing a width at this progress a is being reported In the A1 10 point of not less than six feet. As operations at Jupiter Judged by surface essays, this vein MONSTER prove heavy mountain, and Indications are favor- MY! ahould undoubtedly a able for encountering big BLOUSES - Wouldn't $hl Look WFrYJN THE. An equipment the ore - producer. extensive bodies at a very early date. Robert far- WHOir outfit? ban been Installed at the Two Queens well-know- McKinley. the n local on- - The Albuquerque Citizen v which. In addition to its high assays gives good promise erator, Is in charge of the work. The In K.Ji. of making recent rich strike at the Hig Giant Mr. Adams' first perfect head of a vermanent copper producer es came to In 1904 mine a few miles northeast of Boise wheal realization Goes into the home in the evening and is read there where the whole fam- depth is reached. has been from an experimental plant of the " ''-- attracting much attention. ADAMS I, ' "i The vein was cut at a point about 450 spring of that year. This one head ily has a chance to see it. A morning paper is often carried to the office 1'entennlal, Wyo., July 23. An ex- feet below the surface and appears FIB he planted that fall as winter wheat traordinary amount of publicity has to be of enormous proportions. The and the next year he secured seven by the man of the house, who does not have time to read the ads, but only rlch-is- i pounds of seed from that planting. recently been gained by the tonnage at the Big Giant had already skims over the news headings. t he placer gravels along Douglai been figured at 2 000,000 tons; but PERFECTS From the seven pounds, planted in the esv-e- k, spring of 1906, he harvested 1,545 in Albany county of this state, the recent strike would seem to Indi- We have a large number of letters giving the opinions of ant indications point to some impor- cate the need of a revision of this pounds, an increase of over 222 times, big advertis- developments in vicinity dur- estimate. The Jupiter mountain for or a basic principle of 222 bushels to tant the re- ers who use evening papers almost exclusively. We will publish these ing the present seasorr. The Amer- mation bears a striking similarity to the acre. Here comes another story of wonderful ican Gold Placer company, a dredging that at the Big Giant, and geologists WHEAT markable this letters from day to day. Their views are valuable. enterprise by strong ' state as a matter of fact two wheat. The 1,545 pounds were sowed backed financl. that the in th, full an1 Ihut uilmmer there Smerests in the east, Is said to be formations are practically identical. I w ere w put taking a leading part In the work of terrific hail storms hich blue-ste- m sol demonstrating the possibilities of the the club and wheat Montezuma, Colo., July 23. Monte- of Experiments by much to the bad that many llciusi ROTIISCHILP CO. 'strict. This company has Just zuma appears to be on the point of Result JOS. HOME CO. pKiced heavy equipment were never harvested, yet from the Chicago. a fulfilling some of the optimistic fore- Man Watched Wuh wheat plots' was gath- my evening Pittwburg. n its property, and the actual re- Idaho Alaska there "It Is opinion that the "In case of special to casts that were made for it a few ered a crop which threshed out 63,-00- 0 papers thoroughly In. sales mate covery of gold In quantities is expec- are more read them effective, news pub- months back. The great Silver Wave Interest Everywhere pounds. This when all other the home and this Is the aim of the the must be ted to at once. Both flour gold ac- lished In large space start mine is looking better than ever, w was practically worth- the afternoon nuggets been be heat rendered advertiser." FRED A. before." and have shown to cording to the engineers at work in less. Adv. Mgr. GEORGE HAMMOND. carried in the gravels; and .some 1.280 the tunnels; and the ore bodies are Washington, July 23. If someone Adv. Mgr. acres are to be operated by this one proving to be even more massive than At about this time the Idaho sta were to tell the average wheat farm- BAILEY CO. SIMPSON-CRAWFOR- company. anticipated. A prominent state geol- tion became Interested In the wheat TIIE D CO." Ad- ogist says examining er that it was possible to raise a and asked to make a test. Mr. . Cleveland. New York City. that after 'a "Evening by means. Eighty number of the properties here he be- wheat crop on United States farms ams carried a sample to the station ail "We consider the evening paper the Jerome, Aria., July 23. The fact at Moscow, a most thor- per cent of department store custom- Cleopatra company, operat- lieves the district deserving of even in one year of five billions of bush- and after best medium for department store that the ough test received the following re ers are women. They read th even- advertising." ing in the near vicinity of the United better report than he had Intended els, he would brand hid informant us ing papers." A. B. PECK, giving it. is expected the pre- pure simple, yet had Adv. Mgr. Verde mine, has recently opened up It that a liar and and J. S. M'CARRENS. Adv. Mgr. a rich ore body Is regarded as of more liminary work for the installation of the farmers in America planted a ' "Regarding the analysis made upon t lo- -' the new tramway will start at once. wonderful new wheat seed that has the sample of Alaska wheat which THE BENNETT CO. than ordinary significance among FAIR" cal operators. It Is also noted that There Is every reason to expect that been perfected by Abraham Adam you brought to this laboratory, I have THE Ouialia. regular shipments from the Silver of Jullaelta, Idaho, that la just what this to say: The kernels from the Cincinnati. "The evening paper Is beat! 8ure!" the property of the Verde Qrande "Best results from evehlng papers. company is now brought Into very Wave and other leading mines will the yield would have been this sea- fall sown wheat were plump and WM. KLUNE, JR., Adv. Mgr. begin over the tramway by fall, the son, based upon the probable crop sound and doubtless will grade as The only time I use a morning paper favorable light, as the Verde Grande Is Sunday, Monday's businew. Bal- lies practically in a midway position ore being already on the dumps and of the year. No. 1. Judging from the chemical for CALLENDER, M'ACSLAN A TROCP ( blocked out in the workings awaiting Connected with this assertion U the and physical condition of this sam- ance of the week the evening papers CO. between the United Verde and the do the work to my entire satisfac- Cleopatra. With enormous ore bod- proper facilities for handling. greatest wheat story that has ever ple I will say it will probably take Providence m tion." W. H. SCHRADER, In evidence on either side, Is been told, far greater than the wild- rank with the best grade of blue-ste- "We consider the evening' paper ies It op- Adv. Mgr. as lielleved that the Verde Grande stands Xogales, Ariz., July 23. Local est dreania of the wheat king, in the for flour making purposes. The sam- better a general thing, for It proving up erators are reported as well pleased, security of his vast domain and the ple grown from spring sown wheat usually the home paper." an excellent chance of to WM. C. Mgr. "best expectations of Its backers. with the recent heavy sales recorded demand for his golden harvest. The showed by chemical analysis a some- LEASIKE BROS. ELLIOT, Adv. tiie copper ac- Is well richest in the market and much United States paid eighty million of what higher protein content (this be- Erie. It understood that the tivity Is reported, notably "We evening paper strikes In Jerome have been made af- at the dollars for Alaska, and yet the great ing an Indication of its probable consider the WM. HENGERER CO. Mansfield mine, which is now being gold payment strength for making purposes). best by ail means, finding by Inquiry cutting through a. cap-ston- e of Alaska has returned bread Buffalo. ter In com- people do Iron, which is precisely the sort of put shape for heavy production In sinks into insignificance when I am inclined to think that the wheat that the not have time or "We do most of our advertising In formation now being penetrated at view of the improved conditions. pared with Farmer Adams'' Alaska you have here Is equal if not the su- take time In the morning to look a the evening papers." Verde Grande. wheal, which In the fields of Idaho perior of our blue-ste- m for flour-makl- paperhrough." H. T. - DE F. PORTER, Adv. Mgr. the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. he has gradually brought to perfec- purposes. I should like to tion given to world make a mill test you can , .Sheridan, Wyo., July 23. With a until he haa the whenever Department of the Interior, U. 8. a wheat that will grow under average send sufficient quantity for that pur- powerful equipment on the ground, pose. Including ingenious devices especially Lend Office at Santa Fe, N. M., conditions 200 bushels to the acre. Very truly, July 8. 108. This is a large assertion, and hard- "J. S. JONES, adapted for the separation of the ly Cold from the magnetic lron sands, believable were it not for the fact "State Chemlat." Notice Is hereby given that Robert that it is backed up by surveys of tne Gold Standard management Is In appearance the standing wheat Is now practically ready opera- Thompson, of Casa Blanca, N. M., land and output of threshers, and the for the yield and quality up by strong and vigorous, with a corn-lik- e Genuine American Block tion of their extensive placer prop- who, on June 19th, 10I. n,ade Home, bucked the growth. Application, No. 7M4 Idaho experimental station at Mos- Its head in the bearing part ALL KINDS erty on a large scale. ' Among local stead (serial is about four inches long to over Ton number 0179), for NW14 NW14, Btt cow, Idaho, and being followed up by that, $6.50 per operators the success of the compa- eager ' to a and an inch to an inch and a half operations U generally NW 14 and NE14 SW14. Section 14. other stations, all make FARM MACHINERY ny's conceded. test to see if they can beat the yield broad at its broadest part. The ker- Handscreened Cerrillos Lump view the thorough of Township 8 N Range f W.. N. M. P. nel Is In of character of the-- originator. The yield is only about four times the size of the preliminary work end the high Meridian, has filed notice of Intention hard wheat, and a clear, light cream $6.50 per ton ' Five-ye- a part of the great discovery, for assays to make Final ar Proof, to this frrade of the obtained, there Alaska wheat Is both a winter and color without a dark spot, as clean Is little question as to the mineraliza- establish claim to the rand above as hulled peanuts In color. It Is al- Qaalltylaad Quantity Cuaraot0d described, George spring wheat, and when planted as tion of the gravels and the possibi- before H. Pradt, either Is a hard wheat will grade most absolutely frost protected and WRITE, FOR CATA lity of gold recovery In paying quan U. 8. Court Commissioner, Laguna, that It would be a at as No. 1. Imagine winter hard frost that would AND WHOLESALE a hard -, Pfil : BMN tities. Recent tests of the gravels N. M., on the 4th day of August. wheat for the great soft wheat belts touch It. Its sturdlness makes It lm- allowed twenty colors to the shovel, 1908. pervious to ordinary storm or light WOOD of the country which, with this new which is taken to Indicate that the Claimant names aa witnesses: hall. It Is originally grown on high TELEPHONE 1. R. wheat, can compete with the hard AND values near bed rock are likely to G. Marmon, of Laguna, N. II.; Louis wheat lands of the great northwest. dry unlrrigated land, and will stand prove up In Qorl-bl- drought as no the bonanza class. The Kowunl, of Casa Blanca, N. M.; o A brief history of this almost mi- known wheat will. Add company Is stated to be planning the all these qualities to Its enormous H. IIAHN Kowunl, of Casa Blanca. N. M.; raculous seed U given In a few words OLD W. & 00. Installation of a large amount of ad Levantonlo Sarralino, of Paguate, by Its modest originator, a plain man yielding propensities and it must be ditional machinery at an early date. N. M. MANUEL OTERO, who admitted that the world has been R. farms In a plain way, but who topsy "FOR CASH ONLY" Register. all his life old age turned turvy so far as wheat Breckenrldge, Colo., July 23. Most until has lived raising HICKORY with fi- is concerned. progress by and for his wheat and has satisfactory is reported Just received a carload of glass. Let nally given world the greatest gift management of the Wellington us the California, where so much soft the qnote you prices. Superior Lumber any one man haa ever been responsi- is grown, lead and zinc mine of Breckenrldge Mill wheat is beginning to take and Co. ble for. up the Alaska wheat, for they see the mm P.MATTEUCCI MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND J J CHILDREN'S SHOES.- BALLOONING IS THE REAL -. SPORT Flae Repairing A Specialty. 2(2 North 103 NORTH FIRST STRICT J. Korber & Co. SeconJ Street

THORNTON THE CLEANER opportunity of a hard wheat yield. bushel. The old gentleman did not Farmers in Missouri, and the east and prize tho money. He only wanted to in the south, where soft wheat is all be sure that some attach was not that can be raised with success, Cleans any and everything and doe are striving to get away some of his seed. it right. beginning to think of what is In store He required a contract that the state The heat In the southwest. for them when some neighbor con- All he asks Is a trial. Clothes cleaned, would not dispose of any wheat used repaired vinces them by making a first trial in upon and pressed. Just call up the test, and securing that SO. Works, 737 that the wonderful Alaska wheat sent the seed asked for. Now the 8. Walter. story Is not as much a fabrication as experimenter be- United States are Hair bretwer and Cti Import!. the first story of seedless oranges was coming interested, and next year's re- thought to be. Mrs. Bamoini, at ner pariors ap- The wheat world U port will have much to aay about posite the Alvarado t trembling on new-er- and next door the verge of a Abraham Adams and his wheat, and SturgeV cafe, is prepared to g:v one In which the man with a the old gentleman will at one step thorough scalp treatment, do hundred acres suddenly finds his farm come as much Into prominence a dressing, treat corns, bunions and 1a Increased in area to a thousand acres Burbank, although ac- growing nails. She gives ms-sa- by Luther who, treatment and manicuring the discovery of one old farmer complishing hundreds of miracle away out In Idaho. bambini's own preparation of con w ith growing things, has been eclipsed plexlon cream build up the skin aa As a last test, Mr. Adams has sent by this man who has done what the improves the complexion, and U single heads of wheat to other parts average farmer will believe Is an guaranteed not to be Injurious. Bk of the country where he had men he also prepare a hair tonic that cure, could trust to plant and ascertain and prevents dandruff and hair fa.l the result. Reports are coming ing out; restores life to dead ball, Just removes moles, warts and uprfluoi to him and he finds that In other Take a Vacation. hair. Massage treatment by states his Alaska wheat does better Now la the time to take a vacation, machines. For any blemish of tp. than on Its home soil. In Alabama a get out Into the woods, fields and 'ace call and consult Mrs. Bamouii hea.l was planted December SI, was mountains and visit the seashore, but up January SO, waist high April 1, do not forget to take a bottle of BEST THE WOHI.D AFFORDS. with leaves 7-- 8 of an Inch broad, and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D- "It give me unbounded pleasure to July 7 was harvested. It showed to iarrhoea Remedy along with you. Bucklen'a be quality, It recommend Arnica Salve." hard wheat of a fine and is almost certain to be needed and say J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. the one head yielded the same as the cannot be obtained on railroad trains C. "I am convinced It' the first head planted In best salve Idaho. or steamships. It Is too much of a the world afford. It cured a felon on One Oregon experimental station risk for anyone to leave home on a my thumb, and it never fall to heal offered the originator IS for a pound Journey without It. al by all every sore, or YOU MAY BE DRAGGED THR OUGH A LAKE AND BUMPED INTO A FEW THINGS, BUT IT'S GREAT, ANYWAYI For burn wound to which of hU wheat, a rate of over SJQO a rgista. It 1 applied. 25c at all drug siorea, JY, JULY 88, l08. ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN. PAGE BE Wei aaaaaaae4asesaatta,ttfta,tttttttttttrttttttttttttttt t e t6Maaaaaaaeaaeaeaaaeaaasaaaaeaaen ee-- ftatsAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAa. aaaaaaaaA. a. .SV AAAAA .4...... --ttt . . . . . a Some U LEAGUE BASEBALL A. Reasons CLASSIFI EJ3 D S 1r SCORES Why THEY REACH MORE PEOPLE DAILY THAN, YOU CAN SEE IN A MONTH HOW THEY STAND. ; MtMmmtm4tttms4tstee Mtt6tMeea4i4att.t1ttltttttttMlt)(lttltM)MMIg American League. eeeeeeeeeess it Clubs Won. Lost. P. C. Detroit 61 34 .800 WANTED PERSONAL PROPERTY LO.NS St. Louis 4 17 .bit FOR RENT nummminimmiw PHYSICIANS Chicago 47 .$53 4 .64$ FOR RENT Saddle ponies. Arch F. WANTED Sewing by the day by an Cleveland 88 DR. SOLOMON L. BURTOM Philadelphia 41 41 .buo Wilson, 401 S. Edith. Tel. 1694. experienced seamstress. Address MONEY to LOAN Davis &Zearing B. D. C lioaoin 39 4 7 .462 FOR RENT Large, cool, furnished On Furniture, Pianos, Organs Horses, Physician and Bargee. Washington 33 60 .3kt rooms, 612 N. Second St WANTED Ladles to can and see our Wagons and other Chattels also on The Complete Highland office SewOi Weftt-- sj New York 32 63 .373 FOR RENT Nice, large furnrlahed r.ew styles In millinery at reduced SALARIES AND WAJlEHOUSffl RE- Street Phone tit rooms. 809 S. Broadway, prices. Crane M.lllnery and Dress- CEIPTS, as low aa $10 and as high as !$. The Cltiaen li $900. Loans quickly made and House Furnishers DHJS. National League. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, making Co., corner Firth and Cen- in BROXSON A BRONSOX borne paper. It la either C. strictly private. Time: One month Clubs Won. Lost P. use of bath, central. 410 East Cen- tral avenue. Ladles' tailoring and to one year given. Goods remain In 20B W. Oold Avm. AeUvered by carrier at Pittsburg 63 33 613 dressmaking. Apprentices wanted. Ilomeopathie Physicians sat tral avenue. yout possession. Our rates are reas- Have the finest thing in the oven M Ceone, the bowse a Is carried Chicago 43 36 .673 onable. Call see us before tor-rowin- g. Ore Venn's Drug piu. 4 and line for a gas gasoline . K New York 49 36 .683 FOR RENT room furnished cot WANTED Anthracite coal miners at or stove. hem by the Duainesa Madrid, Mexico. Mines work- Call and let ua show them you. C Offloe 111: Cincinnati 45 42 .617 tage, dose to shops. 117 Atlantlo New nocsEnoLD co. to Residence man when his day's work Apply on ing full Apply to James niK loan !$. Ph.ladclphia 43 38 .626 avenue. premises. time. Steamship tickets ta and from all PRICE ia oMe and H STAYS 38 48 .462 FOR RENT Large cool rooms for Lamb, superintendent. parts of the worll. $2.25 Boston Rooms and 4, Grant Bldg. DENTISTS thkric A morolnf pa- Brooklyn 30 61 .370 housekeeping. Rent reasonable. WANTED For U. 8. Army: Able I0IH West Railroad Ave. miimiimitTiiiiiiTfLi per la sumally carried St. Louis 30 64 .357 Cail at rear. 624 W. Central Ave. bodied unmarried men between PRIVATE OFFICES ages DR. J. E. KRAFT down town by the bead of 18 and $6; citizens of Open Evenings. Western League. FOR SALE United States, of good character OCXXXXXXXXXXXJLKJLX. OOCOCOX) of the family and bar Clubs Won. Lost P. C. and temperate habits, who can FOR RENT 21 room room- Dental Surgery goods ev Miscellaneous Hocena and S, Barnet rledljr Omaha . 49 36 .676 FOR SALE Household of peak, and write English. ing house, new - t , read For guaran- and modern; ..m 1 a n Sioux City 49 88 .663 ery description cheap. 200 South Information apply AGENTS WANTED To sell ready "OS. v ninjj s isng Bvssek to Recruiting Of. will be about Sept, 1, Apfwsntinenu f Denver 60 43 .638 Broadway. fleer, SOI E. Central Ave., Albu- teed aafety raior; prlsa 80c; big RENT S store rooms, made by Bases I FOR PtMMui Lincoln 46 41 .629 FOR SALE 25 canary birds. Apply querque. N. H. profit;; every man who shaves buys sise 2.1x50 ft.; good location. tee 38 60 .682 one. Standard Supply Co., S017 Pueblo Old Town P. O. FOR ALE Rooming house, EDMUND J. ALGER, IX IX Dea Moines 31 65 .3(6 Whitman St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 28 Booms,f doing; good & I KOK SALE Best transient and SALESMEN ex. business; rooming house In the city. Inquire WANTED Agents, either-s- earn centrally located; reasons for Offloe hours, a. nv to s per ex- I3:M YEbTKRDAYS UAMKS. Box 44. WANTED Capable salesman to cov $50 to $100 week selling selling;. $.30 to p, m. quisitely embroidered pongee allk FOR RALE Modern 8 room Apolnunente FOR SALE Fine buckskin driving er New Mexico with staple Una. patterns, patterns, made by The Cltiaen la not read American League. horse, buggy cheap. High commissions, with $100 waist dress rtwlilrnee, brick, good location, SOO Wee Central Avenue. and harness drawn work waists. National Im- on terms or cash; 94,000. hurriedly, bat thorough- At Boston R. H. E. 1 5 South Edith. monthly advance. Permanent posi- St. Louis 4 9 2 porting Co., Desk D, (91 Broadway, Get a Travelers' Accident and ly, so that all advertise. FOR EaLE Team, and cov- tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Boston 2 6 1 harness Co.. Detroit. Mich. Naw York. Health Policy. Money to Loan. LAWYERS teats receive their ahara Batteries: Dineen ered spring wagon, cheap. Inquire most rapid M. L. SCHTJTT, and Blue; Clcotte L. Oberg, 1210 Broadway. AGENTS wanted for the of attention. It present and Carrlgan. A. South WANTED Live, energetic men for selling household necessity an 910 South Second Street. R. W. D. Bryan FOR SALE modern cottage; exclusive territory agency of "In- exxxxxxx. the store new a little earth. Every woman buys one on Attorney at At Washington R. II. E. full lot; cement walks; Highlands; dex" Kerosene Burner convene sight Send 10 cents for sample Ie ahead, giving the pros- 12,000.00; payment, bal- coat oil Into gas gives one hun- Washington 0 6 2 small cash and full Information to Sales Man Offloe, First National Rank BaiMtaajb pective purchaser time to ance like Why pay dred candlepower burns on man-H- e Detroit 6 12 0 rent rent? ager, 11$ Brlnckerhoof Ave., Utlca. Albuquerque, N. ML plan a shopping tonr for Batteries: Hughes, Keely and Street; Elder, 9 Armljo Bldg. instantaneous seller. Write at New Tork. MORE BARGAINS IN RANCHES. LE once. Lighting Company, next morning. Muilin and Schmidt, FOR-SA- A fine Hardman piano, Coast tlie 92n Tesler Way, Seattle. HONEST AGENTS II days' credit. E. W. DOBSON At Philadelphia R. H. E. good as new, beautiful ton. A New circular ready. Soaps selling 4 2 acres eery good Cleveland 8 chance to possess an Instrument of SALESMAN First class all round better than ever. W.lte. Parker Fifteen of land Attorney at Lew Philadelphia 8 11 0 unexcelled make at Just half what hustler to cover unoccupied terri- Chemical Co., Chicago. under Irrigation, fonr Bailee storth BatteridB: Bemis; Whlt-ton- 'i Liebhardt and It Is worth. On exhibit at tory selling staple line to retail $1.:; WORD Insurte classified of town, well fenced with barbed Office, Cromwell Block v Dygert and Schreck. 124 Sec- PER M- Music Store, South trade. Technical knowledge un- In $ leading papers In O. Albuquerque, N. - ond street. Albuquerque. ads. wire and cedar poets; $750.00 National League, necessary. Permanent to right for list The Dake Advertis- T w cash. IRA M. BOND brand-ne- man. $30.00 weery. ad- At Pittsburg E. FOR SALE At a bargain, a Expenses ing Agency, 417 South Main street, R. H. shotgun, never vanced. R. Jennings, Sales Pittsburg 2 8 2 Stevens been Frank Los Angeles. Attorney at Law Wise advertisers patron -- A high thorough- Manager, Chicago. Brooklyn 1 4 1 fired. grade and your peo- ly gun. MARRT choice. Particular lie .Tlie Citizen becauae Batteries: Camnilz Gibdon modern Inquire at The ONE exclusive agent every ple, everywhere. with- Pensions, I.anil Patents, l"i Igasal and Citizen office. for town Introduced tliey know their adver-IM'imen- W Wlllielm and Berger. to take orders for made-to-measu- re out publicity; no fakea; details free. Fifty acres first class Irrigated Caveats, Letter Patents, Trade. are seen and I"OR SALE EverythlnsTlnu go suits for men and women; $100 Address, A. C., box 133$, Los An- - land, three milee from the city, Mark, Claims. '' At Chicago R. H. E. of cost before July 20. I monthly or more earned; galea, Oal 311 V Street, N. M Washington, Bv. 4K read at the homes In the Chicago easily under high suite of cu"'vatlon, 2 10 4 need the money and the room, as I sample outfit, $60 styles newest AGENTS Introduce SOPASTB to evening, if they Boston 2 6 2 fenced with barlietl wire large THOS. K. D. MADDISON. and are mill leave on that date tor New woolens. In handsome carrying case, factories, railroad shops, etc. Re- an.i offering something worthy Batteries: Overall and Moran; Fla- York to purchase a complete new free of cost. Opportunity cedar posts; prit-- e per acre. S73.0O. herty to estab- moves grease dirt quickly; Immense Attorney at Law of haa and Graham. stock of fall and winter goods. This lish prosperous and growing bust- - sales; amasing profits. attention, their ad Is your elm buy Parker 1 nee to new stylish . In- accompliNlied Ita mission. At Cincinnati nest without Investment. Full Chemical Co., Chicago. Office 117 West Gold A -- R. H. E goods at your own price. E. Mahur structions with every Apply Cincinnati 1 5 g outfit. MARRT your choice peo. am, (It Went Central. today. Tht Eagle Tailoring Co., Particular About 100 ncTci. of II mt cUum Philadelphia 2 6 1 pie, everywhere, Introduced without ARCHITECT Dept 37, $1$-$1- 3 Franklin St.. Chi- Irrigated land, lncaiiHl four miles Batteries: Ewlng and Schlei; Sparks cago. publicity; no fakes; details free. Ad- ana Doom. BARGAINS IN ACRE PROPERTY dress, A. C, bog 1$$$, Los Angeles, north of town, ftO acres under F. V. SPENCER AMBITIOUS MEN WANTED Why Calif. cultivation (Ihmi was planted . I Western League. jear Architect a 16 work for small salary? Tou can1 AGENTS We In- 43 At Sioux City R. H. In i and acre tracts, within twt WANTED want life In wlieet), well fenced with four E. miles city limits, $20 to $76 earn $25 to $160 per day; others surance agents at various points In Sioux City 0 10 4 of the at wires and cedar posts, main ditch 1221 South Walter. Phoate per Also acres, are doing It; you can do likewise. territory. experience Pueblo 6 acre. a ranch of 1500 the Previous Tlie Citizen haa never 6 0 all valley land, $30 per acre. If you desire to Increase your sal- not necessary. This Is an agent's runs through I.hmI. title perfect. Batteries: Starr and Henry; Gal- - at given premiums to sub- ary and elevate yourself, write for company and every aecnt h't nn Price for the whule tract, for a INSURANCE gano and Mltze. 10 our scribers, la subscribed ACRE TRACTS free book, "How to Become a equal chance, liberal contract nnd short time only Tills but On Fourth street, at $50 per acre. Professional Auctioneer.' Address to paid for on Its At Lincoln R. H. E. no barriers to recognition of merit la a snap for somebody. ti. A. 6LYSTKR and Other small tracts at proportional Chicago School of Auctioneering, and Industry. We provide r: news showing Lincoln prices. Money to loan on approved B"vc Bldg., Chicago. tV merits, Denver .382 efficient and only practical Insurance, Real Estate, Notsari. that Its subscribers have 0 6 0 security. Address systam assisting agents. Batteries: Johnson and Sullivan Felipe WANTED High class salesman for of Publie money J. Gurule, New Call on or write Southwestern Un with which to buy Bohannon and McDonough. 19, 304 West Era aafety accounting systems - Room Armljo Block, Co., Agents, Oc A. Rooms 12 and 14, CrorowefT- wluU they want from Albuquerque. M. for hanks, merchants and profes- derwriters General MONTOYA Central Avenue, N. cldental Life Building, Albuquer Albuojuerque, N. M. Phone 1M legitimate nts. sionals. Wonderful opportunity. RerJ Estate and Loans. Notary merebi BALI PLAYER MARRIED Plew A Motter Co., $516 Wabash que, N. M. , Public. 11$, W. Gold Ave. A. E. WALKER Tliese are tlie people Ave., Chicago. to ENGLISH UNITE MALE The Cftlzra Invites WANTED A real genutne salesman, HELP Fire Insurance & your store. IHEN JOINED HIS TEAM a man who has ability and who will ASTHMA, hay fever sufferers, I have A little forethought may aavs you Secretary Building us - Mutual TO FIGHT RATS work for as hard and conscien- found a liquid that cures. If you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes SIT West Central Avenue. tously as he would for himself, to want free bottle send six cents In It a rule to keep Chamberlain's Collo. The Gunie Was Lost, But it Wasn't represent us exclusively In Arlsona stamps for postage. Address T. Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy at VETERINARY Ills ia ult, and It Didn't Mur and New Mexico. We have a large. (iorham, Grand Rapids, Mich. 476 hand knowa this to be a fact. For t'liinpuitiii of Extermination Will Be well tli Celebration. In known and In every way first Shepard Bldg. sale by all druggists. g.n October and Various clasa line ef Calendars, WILLIAM B ELD EN z Will Compete. Advertis Traveling men solici- Clubs ing Specialties Druggists WANTED and and La tors calling on druggists, confection- Veterinary. Duluth, Minn., July 23. One-ha- lf bels and Boxes, and our line la so Tlie Citizen employs ' a hour standing London, July 23. England Is to ers, etc., covering Albuquerque ana Surgery and DentlaUry a Speesaitak". aner before the altar begin wur on its 56,000,000 on attractive and varied that each and .surrounding territory and states, to " of Hyman, "Jose" Krlck, rats every business In every 402 South Erfuli Pneae 4aw man whom business It Is alar pitcher October 1. On that date the society town In the carry our celebrated line of choco- of the Northern league, faced the country, without regard to slae, can to look after your adver- for the destruction of vermin, of lates on good commission basis. BY MAIL,lalV XPRtSS OoUc, batsmen of the Brandon, Canada, Crlchton-Brown- be aucceaefully solicited. Our good Chamberlain's Outer tising wants. He will which Sir James e Is Bowes Allegrettl, 34 River 8t Chi- J Remedy team and pitched a game of ball that president, will Initiate competitions are very attractive, but no more so cago. arrboe Would Uaee t write your copy If you was lost In the Inning, than our prices, we Saved 111m $100.00. ninth through among all the existing sparrow and reasonable and WANTED By Jobbing houseTmen not, will errors by his own teammates. know from the experience to 1902 wish. If lie see rat clubs, which they hope to organ of others sell rugs, linoleum, etc., on commis- "In I had a eery severe enact tliat your axis are "net Krlck married Miss Dorothy Bess ize Into one body. "All clubs with a who have been and are now In our of diarrhoea," says R. N. Ferrer Kord. an actress, employ any sion. Men calling upon small trade weaeaai up" to look their beat known to footllght membership of twenty will be eligible that bright huMlng preferred. Comparatively little Cat Island. La. "For several fame as Dorothy Dayne. She 1 the for the competitions," an official of man who haa good average ability I was unable to do anything. Obb and lie will attend to daughter of a San weight or bulk to sample. Care sa Francisco minister. the society told a reported this week. and Is wiling to work can make room 1201, No. 108 March 1$, 107, I had a simile litem from day to day. The ball player Is a us $50 "Linoleum." nay member of the "The club which kills the greatest with from to $1S0 per week. Fulton street. New Tork: tack. an J tcok Chamberlain's Co Duluth White Sox team. He met number of rats will receive a prlxe Must be ready to commence work Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy whists Miss Ford In Chicago a year ago. He at onre. Commlsslona liberal. Our WANTED Salesman, experienced In gave ma prompt relief. I consider SS of ten guineas, and there will be two any line, to aell general trade In wooed and won the fair girl and when other prizes of five and three guin company waa organised In 1$$1. We one tUt bast medicines of Its steal she came to Dulu.h for a are capitalised $100,000. New Mexico. Liberal commissions la the world, had I used H week's In addition there will be offered for We with $3$ weekly end in vaudeville, "Jose" pop- state simply to show we advance. One 1M1 sellers it would have saved ass fifty prizes of one guinea each to In this that salesman earned 11,153 IS, his first E ped the question. divlduals who can prove big bags. are responsible and mean business. a nunorea aonar doctor's bllL" SeM two months with us. The Contin- He was accepted. They were sooji prize will be given If you do, It 111 pay you by all druggists. "No to an indi to write ental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio. hurrying to the court house, where vidual who has destroyed fewer than Slee Manager, Merchants Publish Are you advertising In ' Twenty-Fiv- e they were married by the probate 300 rats. The entrance fee for clubs ing Co., Kalamaaoo, Mich. .Enclose It Can't Be neat. Cente Ie the Price asl The Cltiaen T Your com- Judge. Then Krlck and hla bride will be slO. For the county clubs this advertisement with your appll The best of all teachers Is experi- Peace. petitors are, and are jumped Into a watting carriage end there will be offered five prizes of cation. ence. C. M. Harden of Silver City, The terrible Itching and amertra were driven pellmell to the ball park. guineas North Carolina, says: "I find Elect- Incident to certain skin diseases. Se profiting by It, Do you ten each and ten prizes of Instantly Mrs. Krlck .sat In the grand stand five guineas each for the fifteen clubs under cultivation ric; Bitters dors all that's claimed almost allayed by applyaaef think conaervatlve busi- in the British Isles, Chamberlain's Salve. Price, $1 and cheered her husband. None of providing the largest bag. We est! and, merely for the sake of calcula- for It. For ato.nach, liver and kidney NOTICE. eenaa. ness men are spending his teammates be I For sals by all druggists. , knew that he was a mate that the champion club should tions, we put one rat on each acre. troubles it can't beat. have tried Notice is hereby given meet- game. It and find It a most excellent that a money where tliey are neneaict unt.l arter the Then show a bag of 10,000 rats. In our in Each rat can do one pound's worth medi ing of the stockholders of The Albu- tney celebrated, despite the defeat, j vestigations we have low damage cine." Mr. Harden Is right; It's the not getting results? Get taken the of per annum. querque Eastern Railway Company, An Clta-- 41 Mrs. Krlck has gne to the Pacific eat passible basis. We estimate May best of all medicines also for weak advertisement In The In tlie sulm and watch that "In next the society will hold on September 1, 190$, at I o'clock sen is an Invitation extended coast to fill theatrical engagements. there are flfty-sl- x millions of acres an exhibition In which will be shown ness, lame back and all run down p. m., ts your business grow. conditions. Best too at the general office of all our readers. We Invite not only the hls:ory of the war on for chills and the company in the city of Albuquer- malaria. Sold under guarantee by all large majority of the people se S rats, which dates back to ancient que, New Mexico, haa beeD called by your store. e Egyptian and Etruscan times, but the dealers. BOc. the Board of Directors, for the pur- with ample means andiunsurpassed facilities most modern methods of exterminat pose of taking into consideration an ing these and other pests. " agreement of consolidation and merg. er of the Santa Fe Central Railway 9 m. N the; It is not what you pay for advertis- Company and The Albuquerque East, 4 Very Serious Resolved that all orders toe m ing, but what advertising PAYS em Railway Company, and taking a supplies of any or U a very vote, by and all klade m BANK COMMERCE YOU, that makes it valuable. Our It serious matter to ask ballot, for the adoption or and for all purposes be made omt si OF LDUQUEKQUE. N. M. rates are lowest for equal service. tor one medicine and have the rejection of the earns, and for the on the regular requisition blank m wrong one given you. For this transaction of any ther bualneas that of the Irrigation CongTeas pro-- may be brought before the meeting. Is the Best Extends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation reason we urge you in buying vlded for that purpose, and said 41 W. E. HAOAN, requisition must be signed by SI and Solicits New Accounts KILL to be careful to get the genuine Secretary. no thGUCH 4) chairman of the auditing com- - ) CURE the LUNGS e mlttee, or In hla absence by the Q Advertising BuCTaugHT acting chairman; that all bills SB CAPITAL. S150.000 4) Incurred must be - properly sB WITH Br. King's Uver Medicine voochered before payment end m 4 audited any meeting Medium The reputation of this old, relia- at ef the J orrtccRs and ASOCLAILD e) auditing by SB director ble medicine, for constipation, in- committee, the SOLOMON LUNA, President New Sscovor? digestion and Uver trouble, is firm ADVERTISING CLVB5 chairman of said committee, or S ly established. It does not imitate B w In his absence by the acting in W S. STklCKLER, Vice President and Cashier rmcE CFArtERICA CONVENTION chairman. C (...00. other medicines. It is better than D BIRO-HOL- W. J. JOHNSON, Assistant Cashier Trial SiUI Fret others, or it would pot be the fa- KMSA5 CITY SPITZ. SJ Armu'Jir, Chairman. SB C. au THncm troubles. vorite liver powder, with a larger William Mcintosh, J. Baldridge, sale than all others combined. D. MACVHBRSON. a) Albuquerque A. M. Blackwell. O. E. Cromwell. OOAKANTEr tAJIdi AOXOH OEOROI ARNOT. ,OB rfGNEY ' VUlfDED. 3 SOLD Cf TOWN P$ m PAGE) EIGHT. ALRtlQUETUjUK riTIZKN".


10 GN Ouir;Vait Experience in the BIDING SALE STILL Optical Profession ON! III ( kMislmiitioii of pw l'clTal Assures you absolute comfort in Glasses Ground amlFitted by us Building Cauwd by Oniiphleiiews Vhl(4i BEBBfcR With Govern mont At. OPTICAL CO., EXCLUSIVE OPHCIANS U'nds to Detail. 110 South Second Street. Established 1!K4 E. W. Roberts, superintendent of Our Green Tag Sale has been as success- Lense Grinding Done on the Premises construction for the new federal SHOES building In this city, has returned ful as ever, but owing to a heavy stock we OF QUALITY, from Santa Fe, where he went to su- perintend the laying out of a park have plenty of goods lett. on six N. J. Sandoval of Albuquerque re- about acres' of ground belong- ing to the government. The work STYLE AND FIT. turned yesierday to his home from ' PERSONAL Jemei, he disposed will cost In the neighborhood of where of the wool 11,000. clip of his father's sheep. The aver-g- e GREAT BARGAINS price received was 11 per Many inquiries have been made of A K A cents Mr. as to P GRAPHS pound and a Utile higher than wool Roberts when work on the Equal in importance with quality, are Stylo and Fit. No was a go. federal building here would be re- In Suits, Trousers, Underwear, Shirts and month There have been sumed. work was suspended matter how good shoes are, they will not be satisfactory un- Before you get Hungry pteca an or heavy rains in western Sandoval When as . result of an additional appropri- Hosiery are etill here in large varieties. less they please the eye and feel comfortable. In work shoes der with the Richelieu Grocery. county and the range and water sup- ply ation for an additional story having well-fittin- V. for live stock are now the style mint be governed by foot-for- m lasts of H. Deamtyne of the Petere Pa- abundant. been secured by Delegate Andrews, per company Id Santa Fe New Mexican. ease and comfort and the finer grades by decrees of fash- of Denver, In the city it was expected a short time the on business. that but ion as well. At the home of Mrs. J. H. Hoi man would be necessary to change the J. O. Mltchner of Denver Is In the yesterday afternoon the ladies' aux- plans and resume work. Rob- Our shoes cover all these Kinls thoroughly, from well-fittin- g M. WE CAN SAVE the city for e few days looking after iliary of the Brotherhood of Locomo- erts says, however, that It takes much YOU work shoe to the natty styles for the most fastidious business matters. tive Engineer gave a dime social, work and consequently considerable or conservative dresser. Inspect our stock and let us prove When you go on that trip to the the proceeds of which go to the home time to redesign the building, and this ! to you its intrinsic value in Quality, Style Bnd Fit. mountains buy your lunch goods at for disabled railroad men at High- Is causing the delay. MONEY the Richelieu. land Park, a suburb of Chicago. The work on the building was sus- Aoout eighty gues;s were pended May 7 U C. Bennet, of Gross, Kelley & entertained last owing to the fact On all your purchases now, as we during the afternoon. The social that the plans had to be redesigned,, are deter- Shoes and Oxfords for Men, $1.50 to $5.00 Co., returned last night after a short was one business trip to Estanola. of a series being given by both exterior and interior, and to do mined to close our entire stock the members of the ladies' auxiliary. great of Shoes and Oxfords for Women, 1.50 to 5.00 Mrs. this necessitates a deal of time. J. II. Blnkert, who ha been Then the engineering work under Summer Goods. Shoes and Oxfords HoVrf ,.. 1.00 to visiting her home in Pennsylvania for Mrs. Annie Carter de Lujan brought 2.50 past suit in the district court this morning which comes all structural features, the month, returned to the city such as thickness of walls and the last night. for a divorce from her husband. Clsl-mi- ro Lujan, alleging desertion .and sizes and shapes of the structural Bread six , from bakeries at the The plaintiff allege Iron work, which comprises built up Richelieu grocery. columns, plate girders, roof trusses that she and the defendant were mar- I Miss floor Clara Wilson returned home ried at Chilill, N. M., April 16. 190S, and all construction of beams this morning from a three weeks' vis. and that the defendant and channels, must also be revised. deserted her I SIMON MILLINERY! Mag-dalen- a, consid-- STERN it with relatives and friends In August 25 of the same year, and Then it must be taken Into i Socorro nd other points. that he has not contributed to her eratlon that at the present time there appropriations over E00 gov A muss meeting of citizens Is to be support since that time. Modesto Or- are for The Central Avenue ernment buildings now at Washington Clothier held at Winta Fe tonight for the pur- tiz appears as attorney for the plain-t'f- f. draughting su- Regardless of Cost pose of arranging to care for the del- and the division of the egates to the Republican convention The pervising architect's office has, as a Jaffa Grocery company of this 25 to 30 drawings on which meets August 18. city Is In receipt rule, from the of the laruest con boards at one time. Consequently, We arej going to close out our entire stock of SUM- Governor CuFry and A. F. Potter. signment of ripe olives ever brought MER chief of graxlng to city. when a change takes place on a build. MILLINERY and the prices will be the most unus- of the forest service, this The fruit arrived yes- Ing already In course of construction, ual ever offered before went to San Miguel county yesterday terday and is temptingly put up, In to our customers. to Inspect a part glass as in this particular case, these of the Pecos forest Jars and tins. The consignment changes are consigned to a chief GOOD REASONS and the lands proposed contains over one to be added hundred Jars and draughtsman, who has from four to WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THE Most pleasing array of Fashionable and Seasonable to the re,serve. They will return to tins'. It Is a queer fact that ripe ol .Santa today. six draughtsmen under him, who Millinery now on display Absolutely inthing exempt in Fe ives are gradually gaining over the out changes. they green ones In work these Where this wholesale reduction of prices. ). A. Matsun returned to the city popularity, they being are so great it effects a whole much healthier. Since that GREA T lust night troni a weeks outing at the arrival of building, it takes from two to four MAJESTIC Camp lienile In Hell canyon.' Mrs. the ripe variety the green olive trade has months' time to do the work. Matron and Mr. and Mrs. Walter diminished to a great extent. again In govern- These olives Then the slowness THE GREAT, MAJESTIC. MALLEABLE AND Conni ll of Los Lunas are sojourning are packed in Redlands, ment work Is also accounted for s CHAR. Miss Lutz at Camp Bornlo. Cal., and are of extra fine quality. follows: Of all material, such as sand, COAL IRON RANGE 208 South Second Street Why be bothered cooking this warm Mrs. L. J. Ruinmell, of 222 West cement, aggregate (broken stone or H avenue, Is a eat her when you can secure already Silver spending the day gravel), brick, stone facing, structural jjj Lasts Longer, prepared cooked roast pork, pork with Mrs. Ernest Zweiger. of Helen. terracotta, structural steel, tyle for Heats oaf, veal Two members of the county More loaf, boiled eggs, cottage board roofing, Interior finish wood, interior III IMJCSTIC . MJCSTIC 0 Water, Heats it cheese, tongues, potato salad from the niet at the court house this morning plnster, marble, paint, varnish and all ma. ca. (ggp Sun Jose Market. to sit as a board of equalization In steam plumbing, samples must first 3 " IT.IMIS. Quicker, Uses Less Fuel, a " I Lou A. Schoenecker Is enjoying a hearing of the case of the Monte- be submitted to Washington for Iab-rato- ry Bakes Better, DOVE SEASON zuma Trust company, and gives vls.t from his sister and nephew, Mrs. but owing to test. The approved samples Orrin Taylor and son Orvile, who the absence of Chairman Grunsfeid are then returned to the superintend- better general satisfac- - and arrived yesterday from Uolton, Kan. the attorney for the trust com- ent of construction, who uses them tion than any other range They expect to remain In Albuquer- pany the hearing was postponed un- for reference when building Is erect- til que a couple of months. tomorrow afternoon. The hearing ed. This consumes , great deal of on the market. IS NOW ON! The funeral services for Dr. Strause Is one in which the trust company time. The best material of the kinds will be held at French & Adams' i asked to show why it should not supplied by contractors is used in chapel pay taxes on Its full capital Saturday afternoon at 4 stock. government work, and every care and O M you w'll call at "our Get one of our Game Law Cards. o'clock. Rev. McCain will officiate. An "tacky party" precaution Is used to see that only The body will be shipped Sunday was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and the best material Is used. store, we will prove We carry all Popular Brands of morning to the former home in Mrs. Charles Gibson, 723 West Mar- Besldea being inspected by the local thase facts to you. quette avenue, last evening, the event superintendent, the building Is in THE GREAT MAJESTIC. SHELLS AND SHOT GUNS The Woman's Christian Temperance being in honor of Mrs. Gibson's birth- spected at different periods of con Have you seen the nsw Remington? union will meet in the parlors of the j day. The dnvitatlons were written In struction by traveling Inspectors, who Presbyterian church, corner Fifth pencil on coarse brown paper and tied go from place to place where govern and Silver, Friday. July 24, 3 p. with coarse, heavy ment buildings are being erected, on 15-1- 7 & at m. twine, while the J. L. BELL CO. FlrttSt. Topic, 'Sclentlflc Temperance," in- garments worn by the guests looked Inspection tours. Great care is taken Wagne Hardware Co cluding health culture, as though they may have seen better to see that ample strength is secured tobacco and cigarettes why objec- days, and the design and cut was very and all engineering work is based on I tionable. Leader, Mrs. S. C. Miller. much on the ancient order. Music, the factor of safety of from 6, 7 and CENTRAL AND FOURTH Everybody invited to attend. games and! dancing were enjoyed by 10, according to the part In the build- of- Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Llthgow enter-tatin- ed those attending and an ing In which it Is to go. In the i Montezuma Grocery & Liquor Co. a few friends at their home on supper served in an fice of E. W. Roberts may be seen South Walter street Monday evening. way completed a most pleasant even- over thirty-fiv- e scale drawings of the COPPER and THIRD A short musical program was given ing. building, showing both Interior as and various amusements were enjoy- About seventy-fiv- e couples attend- well as exterior views in detail, five Imported and Domestic Groceries and Liquors ed. Light refreshments were served. ed the dance at the Elks' hall last sheets of miscellaneous drawings, be The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. evening under the auspices of the sides large, actual size drawings of Hopping. Mr. William Bryce, Mrs. C. Modern Brotherhood of America. Aft- work on the building, some measur- : Pure Lucca Olive Oil a Specialty, Liquor by the Casey, Miss Mata Tway, Mis Ger- er the grand march, led by Dan ing as large as twelve feet square. have just received a carload of trude Hopping, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Phillips, dancing We i Glass or Gallon, Ber by the Bottle or Case, Family commenced which The we so Llthgow. lasted until 2:30 In the morning. reason do much ROUGH Trade Solicited satisfaction Guaranteed. K. Wadsworth Roberts, the super- Light DKY work is because we do it right refreshments consisting of and at price you cannot afford to vising architect sent here by the gov- punch and cake were served during the t Call, Phone or Send for Solicitor. ernment to superintend the building the evening. have It done at home. Carriages Phone 1029 This is the first event IMPERIAL LAUNDRY. : Oi Albuquerque's new federal build- of the kind held by the newly organi- ing, returned yesterday from Santa zed Modern Brotherhood and It was Fe, where he was sent to investigate such a success that already prepar- and Top Buggies some proposed work. The govern- ations for another event of the same ment proposed to spend nature are being Highland Livery LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE about $1,000 planned. The music PATTFlKlIM In parking the bix acres of grounds lust evening was furnished by Cook's I1AMRROOK BROS. I 3U-3I- 3 surrounding Wl LlAJlll Witt Sllwr Mvtnua the federal building at orchestra, consisting of five pieces, Phone 586. 112 John St I Light Spring Wagons TKLKPHONKrll37 Albuqutrqu; N. M. the Capital city. and their excellent music added much turnouts. Best drivers Na.ihan Harth, the sheen raiser, ar to the evening's pleasure. In the city. Proprietors of Sadie," rived from Grants, N. M., this morn- - j A tin shower was given Mrs. Julius the plcinc wagon. As we arc crowded for floor space Ing to retain an attorney to defend Mandell Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. we are making him in a suit recently brought by a' M. H. Woods at the home of the lat- niece and nephew, who ask for an ter at 510 West Tljeras avenue. accounting of their father's estate. Enough tin was brought together by SPECIAL LOW PRICES The estate was probated In the pro- the Invited guests to completely stock MID-SUMM- I THE GREAT ER bate court of St. John's, Ariz., where a small tin store, and gifts ranged ! all the records concerning the admin- from a tin mixing spoon to a family New Rink We can save vou money on any style or grade vehicle yoo want. istration of the estate are said to be size dishpan. The guests were all found. It has been over twenty years members of the Wednesday Afternoon since the will was probated. 000 club, and this card game was Best Miss Most Halle Huns acker, who Is at played during the afternoon. The Popular SH Peter Shuttler Wagon Made St. Joseph's hospital very 111 with prize of the afternoon, a mixing bowl l CLEARANCE SALE erysipelas, was somewhat improved of beautiful design, was won by Mrs. Place in Town this morning after a very bad night. Mandell, In whose honor the event She was so Hi last night that It was was given. Even the lunch was served ALBUQUERQUE she would not recover. Miss In tin dishes and the event was one Couples' Night CARRIAGE CO. Hunsacker became Infected with the of the most successful of its kind ever AINU 1 UtKAj is in full swing. Genuine bargains are disease, she believes, through a mos- attempted In this city. Those present TONIGHT quito bite received while camping two were the following: Mesdames Slg. being given to the public on all SUMMER- weeks ago in the mountains. The Grnnsfeld, Mike Mandell. Sol. Benja- inflammation started Just back of the min, Fred Fleischer, C. A. Frank, W. New -WEIGHT , Moving Pictures CLOTHING for Men left ear, and spread first over the Hallet, Guy Gate-hell- Cobert. M. H. and Boys. We advise an early pur- head. Then It started down the back. Woods, Joe Frledberg, Bessie Chap- Good She grew better when the disease be- man and Charles Wright. MACBETH Standard chase as the best patterns will not gan going down the back, but the re- lief was only temporary. However, STAGR TO JEMKZ LEAVtS 211 THE C IMNEY SWCEPER ROOM and BOARD last long. It was believed this morning that she WKST GOLD EVERY MOHNLNG AT Plumbing and would ultimately recover. 5 O'CLOCK. LOCKED UP $4.00 a Week Up Heating Co. MRS. M. E. NORRIS 412 West Central Ave. Good PHONE 61 EXTRA SPECIAL! Music 110 East Coal Avenue CHAFING DISHES OPEN MORNING, AFT- 100 Boys Wash Suits, Sailor and Russian ERNOON and EVENING Just received a large shipment. Haveu't room for them, B. N. Briggs & Co. THIRD STHEET Blouse Suits, Worth $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 and are making special low prices this woelt to move them The Diamond IHTT" Cential Ave. Meat Market Palace lVL-IVl-L?Cn I Ice DRUGGIST Albuquerque Finest Cream A. 11 Your Choice $1.25 I KfciiU of Fresh and Salt Meat. Steam Saiuaga Factory. and Coldest Soda ALVARADO PHARMACY EMOi KLEIVWOKT Maaualo Bulltllng. (7 A A. 4 4 m . North Thlr4 Strew. E. L. ror T?rirsi siass Iffworn and Prompt Ueliveryvk. in the City Corner Gold Ave. and 1st St. WASHBURN CO. HIGHLAND PHARMACY KOCGH DRl. 122 5. Second 119 W. Cold A Do you know wat t&u maaT If HUBBS LAUNDRY CO Vann Drug Co Occidental Building not ask our driver to iplalo M ta oocxxxxxxxxrcxccx Bring U Your Prescription IMPERIAL LAUJTDHT.