Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-21-1907 Journal Publishing Company

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Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-21-1907 Journal Publishing Company University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-21-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-21-1907 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-21-1907." (1907). abq_mj_news/4595 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TEN PAGES-PA- GES T TO G. MOBMING J ' : TWENTY-NINT- i3.Ví-."S2- PRICE 5 CENTS H YEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1907. "Z were made as comfortable as possi- the option was granted to Kdmund J. ble until the arrival of wrecking Burke, In 1901, on alt or the timber THIRTY-DU- trains from Saginaw, Detroit and lands of the territory, the board" of E DIE Grand Rapids made It possible to send lands was fully aware that the SAYS BARNES QUITS HñWLEY FLñYS SCHOT.IBURG fiubllewould be purchased by a com- them to lona and Detroit. The pany. twenty-eig- ht PUD dead bodies first taken were shipped to The developments in this case will from the wreck lona be watched with more than ordinary and the Injured were placed on two Interest, as it is believed that some of trains, one of which headed for De- the biggest land frauds In the history troit and the other for lona. There of this country are being unearthed. CATTLE FEDERITID FRIGHTFUL were about thirty-fiv- e Injured people TELLS ABOUT THE on each train. American Wedded In IjoihIoii. Later In the day he body of Ed London, July 20. An interesting Corwan, the head brakeman of the marriage ceremony was celebrated at passenger train, was taken out of the noon today at St. Margaret's chapel, wreck. Westminster, the scene of ' many Foreman Knowlea died on the re- IS LAUD American weddings.. HAS BEEN BOARD LEADERS RAILROAD lief' train en route to Detroit, bring- Mr. David Moffat Gillespie, son of ing the list of dead to thirty, with a the late William Gillespie, of New posslbllty that more bodies might be York, and nephew of David Moffat, found In the wreckage and thut sev- a Denver capitalist, was married to eral of the Injured may die.. Lillian, Brechemln, daughter of Lieu- Responsibility Is put squarely upon tenant Colonel Brechemln, of the ABLE OFFICIAL ENTERS DISASTER the crew of the freight train by offi- DEAL United States army. INJURED ADDRESS cials of the road. Officials who ar- GOVERNMENT SERVICE rived at the scene of the wreck soon Cleveland In Feeble Health. ' after the accident secured from the Princeton, N. J.. July 20. It Is crew of the rreignt tne oraers unaer stated here that Cleve- Takes Place in Forestry Byreau which It was running and which land, who had an in- In attack of acute Brings Suit for Libel Against Calls Upon Thinking Men to Crowded Excursion Train on clearly showed the position of the Rumored Santa Fe That digestion a few weeks ago,, has not re- Which Has Long Been Open passenger excursion train and that the covered as soon as expected. It Is Asking Vage War on Evil Influence -- Pete freight had encroached upon the oth- Gentleman From Trinidad hoped now that he will be able to go the Morning Journal for Him Leaves Splendid Marquette Road er running time. The special to summer New Hamp- train's his homo in - Controlling Mine Workers' Crashes Into Heavy Freight train was due at Salem at 9:10 a. m., Objects to Being Classed as shire by the first of August. the Court to Give Him $50,- in New' Mexico, and at Plymouth at 9:20 a. m. It Record Organization. , : on Down Grade, passed Salem on time. The time card a Conspirator, LIEUT. COLONEL AYERS 000 Damages, of the special was telegraphed to the clal Dispatch tha Morning JonraalV lb freight crew In the form of a train FORCED FROM ARMY Vegas. M., July 20 order, and this order, with the signa- RECITAL OF SIX COUNTS JEast Las N. "i WITNESSES FOR DEFENSE' MORE THAN THREE SCORE tures of the freight train crew at INTERESTINGDEPOSITIONS Harnea, one of the best known, by Retiring J tached, was recovered the officials SAID TO HAVE BEEN MADE Roan! Finita Him Physically EACH ONE WORTH MONEY citizens of New Mexico and who for BRANDED AS PERJURERS HURT; MANY FATALLY I of the road. The freight crew left the Disqualified for For) Iter Service. say the past year has rilled the responsible scene early, but railroad officials secretary they explained simply that they had position of of the territorial New York, July , JO. by A- cattle sanitary board, has resigned Prisoner Unmoved Listens to Frail Cars Crumple From Im- forgotten. Stated That' Principals in Publication of a Letter The collision occurred nt 9:13 Colonel Charles M. Ayers, of the from that ofilee to accept a very de- Fourteenth cavalry, la physically un- R, H, - Bitter Araignment of Himself Vic- o'clock andvthe freight train should Schomburg Deal Say Off- ttorney Hanna, on Trel- sirable position In the government ser- pact Catching Helpless reached Salem at 9:10 to be fit for active service In the army, ac- have ; vice. Mr. Harnea is to become 'Inspec within their orders. icials Knew All of cording to areport made today by ford Matter, He' Thinks as Murderous Conspirator tims in Hopeless Tangle of Ionia, About Plans surgeons. to ap- tor of grazing on forest reserves under The excursion train left the retiring board, forestry a ' with men, women and child- pointed to examine The the government bureau, Deserving of Gallows, crowded that officer.' AVorth to Him, isitloii for which his thorough acqiutint-'Xianc- e Wreckage, ren at 6 o'clock this morning It was Purchasers, surgeons said that Lieutenant Colonel $5,000 shopmen with the southwest and with all the annual excursion of the Ayers had a disease of the kidney Nldetalls of grazing Industry ad- - to Detroit. the By Morning Jonrnal gpwtat Laaaad Wlra of the road Special Dlanatch to the Morning Journal.) which will cauRe his death If he con acial nUpatel t tha llurnlnar Journal.) mirablv befits him l By Morolas Journal HiieoliU leaned W1r. Kvery family had Its lunch baskets, tlnues In active service. Santa Fe, N. M July 20. T. A Santa Fe, N.hff., July 20. The Hon- leaves i:n viable Record. Boise, July 20. James Hawlay, Salem, Mich., July 2rt! Thirty-on- e and many of them were eating whn "If I am ready to sacrifice my life,' Mr. together. The Schomburg T. C. Colo- Barnes has made an enviable leading counsel for the stftte of Idaho people are dead and more than seventy the two trains crashed and Graden, of Is there any reason why I should not orable George f Washington Prlchard, record as secretary of the cattle sani- Impact was terrific and a number of rado, have been here for some days. Colonel Ayers, attorney general of the territory of presenting the first of the argument Injured, many of them seriously, as passengers sitting the windows oí do so?" asked tary board. During his term all ol near Mr. Graden left this morning over the A member of the board said that New Mexico, recently appointed lo the cattle in the territory have been to the Jury In the case against Wil- head-o- n to- end of the undamaged the result of a collision the rear - registered win- Denver and Rio Grande for- his home Lieutenant Colonel Ayers owed a duty by acting governor, rebranded and the brands liam D. Haywood, spoke for nearly day coaches were thrown through the family preserve the oftlce the the In secretary's oftlce. To Mr. between this village and Ply- to the ground. There wag a Is engaged to his to his life. the eight hours, distributed dows In Durango, Col., where he Hondrable James Wallace . Raynolds. Is due of over'thtc mouth, when a, Pere Marquette excur- panic among the passengers In the un- The colonel insisted he was a victim Barnes much the work which In the mercantile business on a large of grossly unfair treatment. and who In his capacity as attorney has resulted In the new brand book sessiona of count even when the af- sion train bound from Ionia to Detroit, injured coaches for a few moments. general conducted the Investigation and the registry' system, which will ternoon session of today had extended Then, as the uninjured people real- scale. The visit of Schomburg and beyond the customary crashed Into a westbound freight In Into the charges of "cruel and Inhu- prove invaluable to .the Industry for far time limit, ized that they had not been hurt, they Graden' to this city was In connection years to come. To him also is due every seat In tho court room was oc- a cut located at a sharp Trel-for- d, curve of the rushed from the cars to the rescue of with the land deal which was made man trentment" against Arthur much of the credit for certain excel- cupied and remained so until the last Pere Marquette railroad, about a mile their friends and relations who were late superintendent of the terri- legislation word was spoken. ( pinioned among the wreckage ahead of orne three years ago and on account lent live stock which has fast of Salem.
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