University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-23-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 07-23-1908 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 07-23-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2822 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER F0RECA7 No. i P No 4 5. 50 p. m. No. 5 s p. m. 710. 23.-- No. 8 6 p. m. 01 Diimr, Colo.. July 1"' 40 Tinlghl Friday. No. 1 45 p. m. mmm iri ir , 91 Album"WE GET THE NEWS FIRST" VOLUME 23. ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. THURSDAY, JULY 23. 1908. NUMBER 175 PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN A Group of American Swimmers at the Olympic Games NEW MEXICO NATIONAL SOCORRO COONTY HAS FORESTS HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED FOR SAYS ANDREWS AGAINST FIELD REOISTRICTEO W. H. ANDREWS J. A. Weinman Owner of Big Golden President Signs Executive Candidacy of Delegate En-dors- ed Rule Dry Goods Store and One of the Orders Making Important and Twelve Dele- g gates to Most In C h a.n e s In Vote for Him Prominent Merchants South- Reserves at Santa Fe west, Declares that Good Business Judgement Alone if Nothing More, DESIRE UNIFORM ADOPT RESOLUTION Re-election-Wr- Entitles Mr. Andrews to ites ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS ENOORSING TAFT Letter to Citizen in Which he sssBsnss Effort Made to Have Approximate- County Convention Meets This Discusses Issue From Standpoint of ly j million Acres In Each Re- Afternoon and Selects Repre- Just Plain Business. serve but This Has Been Im- sentatives to Attend Terri- -- possible , In Some Cases torial Convention , 1 he Officers In Charge . August 18 THOSE WHO OPPOSE MAN WHO DOES THINGS Washington, July 23. The presi- Socorro, N. M July 21. (Special.) dent has slgnej The candidacy of Delegate W. 'ALSO OPPOSE INTERESTS OF CITY AND TERRiTORY just executive orders H. making important changes in the Andrews as delegate to Congress wis boundaries of practically all of the endorsed by the Socorro county Re- national forests In the territory of publican convention which was held New Mexico. This is another step in here this afternoon, and the twelra Declares There Must be Some Deep Personal Motive Behind the comprehensive plan of redisrict- delegates apportioned by tha territo- ing the national forest In all of the rial committee for this county were Few Individuals Who are Working Against western states. selected and Instructed to vote for No addition In forest area Is in- Andrews first. last and all the time.' Present Delegate has Done More for This City volved in the redisricting plan. The The convention adopted a resolution object of the work Is to equalise endorsing the Republican nominees and County All Comblned-J160.-0- the ' than Other Delegates 00 area of administrative units and to for the presidency and vice presi- In arrange tnoir boundaries In auch a dency, including In thi sresolutlon an Appropriations From One Session of Congress. manner as to promote most prac endorsement of the work that Dele- ths gate All of Which Will 1. O. M. Don lei. Nevr York Athletic club. 2. O. Galdslk, Chicago Athletic association. 8. Bud Gondwtn, tical and efficient administration of Andrews has done for the ter- be Expended In This City. Rit-U- , New York A. O. 4. U G. nrooklyn A. O. 8. A. M. Gowlin, Missouri A. O., St. IXHils. a. C. D. the forests. It will enable officer of ritory of New Mexico. The delegate Truhrnliach, New York A. O. 7. Harry J, Ilebner, Illinois A. C, Chicago. the forest service to give prompt at to the territorial convention were se- tentlon to all forest business and lected as follows: H. O. Rursum. W. July 13, 1808. further the Interests and add to the E. Martin, Harvey M. Richards, A. Editor of The Citizen. convenience of stockmen, lumbermen, C. Abeytia, S. O. Baca, E. A. Ortega, Anton Myer, Abeyta, Dear Sir: I PRINCE OF WALES HELPS POLICE AND CITIZENS THE BIG CORPORATIONS miners and other users or settler in Abrn James notice that the question of politics is beginning to plajr a the national forests. The New Mex- H. Wallace. Leandro Baca, Jose B. part in the matter of the nomination of W. H. Andrews for delegate to Con-gTe- sj. ico national forest which will be af- Torres and Francisco Chaves. It U not only good fected by this rearrangement are as a matter of politics but It Is a matter of gdod QUEBEC CELEBRATE BATTLE WITH THUGS WANT AI.1ERICAII business judgment to ct follow: and W. H. Andrews to Congress. STANDARD OIL CASE I am firmly convinced that Mr. Andrews has done more The Alamo national forest, compris- for Albuquerque ing an area of 1,164,8(18 acres, la un- in particular and New Mexico in general than any delegate we have ever ANNIVERSARY AT BOSTON WORK!,! der the supervision of Acting Super- WON'T APPEALED had. Now that the statehood bill will be a vital issue ,in Congress at the visor Arthur M. NeaJ, with headquar Bt next session, we should by all means return to Congress a man who has ters at Alamogordo. This forest Is a -- consolidation already shown us that he can do something. ' - of the old Sacramento It Will Not CJu to the SaprratA CVmrt, Guadalupe foraie.--- - t and national , Nor Will U He TrX-r- Itefora Albuquerque and Kernallllo county should support Andrews for renoml-Jtatlo- n Distinguished Visitor Is the One Desperado' Killed. One CoKe Company Places Orders i. What was formerly known as the Julgie IsumIIm. and election from that to' list, fchd should not allow any other com-ruuni- .y Center of Interest at Found- Captured. While 2 Citizens With Agencies for Citizens Qila (N) national forest la now the to take the lead In so doing. I write this letter as a business man Datil national forest,' with an area New York. July 2S. Tt was learned of 1,84s, 915 acres. Supervisor and not as a politician. ing Celebration are Dead, 1 1 Wounded of the United John today through sources Identified with States Kerr Is iu charge, with headquarter tne company The people of Albuquerque certainly know beyond any Standard Oil that tha doubt what Mr. at Magdalena. 129,000,000 case is not likely to go to Qila na- Andrews can do for them, and I agree most heartily with your statement NUMEROUS FOREIGN POLICE SURROUNDED STEAMSHIP LINES The IS) and Big Burros the supreme court of the United he-ar- tional have been made one that every man who has the good of Albuquerque at t should support forests States, nor Is It believed the case will REPRESENTATIVES THERE GANG IN forest and will be known as the Ulla Mr. Andrews against the field. To my mind. It would be the worst kind of CEMETERY NOTIFY FOREIGNERS be retried before Judge Landls, a national forest, with an area of tne Standard Oil company pro. politics and the poorest kind of business judgment for the people 1,762,81 acres. Aictlng Supervisor would of this test against It and ask that some oth- community and of New Mexico to turn down a man like Andrews after all Quebec, July 23. The arrival of the Boston, July 23. After three dead- Pittsburg, July 23. The Frlck W. H. Uoddard will be retained In er Judge charge, sit In the case. he has done and at a time when so much Is at stoke. prince of Wales was the signal for Jjie ly battles between three desperadoes Coke company, fuel end oX the Steel with headquarters at Silver Chicago, July 13. United State official opening today of the celebra- corporation, today placed City. Those opposing Mr. Andrews at this time are working absolutely against and the police and an army of cltl-sen- s, orders with District Attorney 81ms today an- tion commemorating the 300th anni- many employment agencies in Pitts Uy the consolidation of the Lincoln a the Interests of this city and this territory, and they show absolutely no versary the first encounter place cover- nounced positively that petition for of the founding of Quebec taking burg for men to work at the coke and Ualllnas national forests, rehearing In the case of govern- gratitude for what he has done for them. It Is hard for any one to under- by Cham plain. The prince presided ing an area of 696,603 acres, has been the last Tuesday night in a bar room, the ovens iu the t.'onnellsville Held. A slip ment against the Standard OH cotn-(an- y stand such people, and there must certainly be some deep personal motive over the opening exercises, receiving created what will be known as the for such opposition. second last evening in the streets of ulation that all must be Americans, of Indiana, decided adversely to foreign representatives at the foot of or at least must have been residents Lincoln national forest. Supervisor J. government by Judge Qroaseup The return to Congress of Mr. Andrews Is Jamaica Plains, and the third early the not a question of party, but the Champlaln monument and review- of the United Slates for a certain H. Kinney, with headquarters at Mag yesterday, would be filed.
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