MINUTES AAA NSW Division Meeting

31 August 2017

Rydges Hotel Airport (Dreamliner Room)

Chair: Lindsay Mason

1. Intro, Apologies, Minutes and Chair’s Report – Lindsay Mason

Lindsay Mason, the AAA NSW Division Chair, welcomed members to the meeting and advised apologies had been received from:

 Julie Stewart  Geoff Smith  Brad Ferris

Attendees to the meeting are noted as listed on the final page.

Lindsay thanked the sponsors of the event, Smiths Detection, and their commitment to the AAA for their generous support.

2. State AGM – Election of Chair, Deputy and Secretary Commenced with election: Handed over to Simon Bourke to elect Chair, Deputy Chair and secretary. All positions declared vacant.

 Sought nominations for position Chair o Lindsay Mason nominated by Kel Gardiner. No further nominations received. Lindsay elected unopposed.

 Sought nominations for position Deputy Chair o David Costello nominated by Kel Gardiner. No further nominations received. David elected unopposed.

 Sought nominations for position Secretary o No nominations received for secretary so combined with Deputy Chair Role.

Both David and Lindsay accepted the nominations.

Thanked Kel Gardiner and Geoff Smith for contributions.

Positions are now for a two year term.


3. AAA Report Simon Bourke provided a general update on AAA activities. The main points Simon covered in the presentation include:  National Conference 13 – 17 Nov (Adelaide) o Major and Regional streams on day 1 and 2, with Technical and Professional Development on days 3 and 4. o AAA Strategic Plan (Includes 4 pillars) 1) Advocacy 2) Members 3) Industry Development and 4) People and Processes

AAA Major Projects 17/18  Airport Act Review. Preparation for productivity Commission Review in 2018. International Air Service Agreement negotiations.  Regional Airport Infrastructure funding campaign (briefings with Ministers for budget submissions). Engaged Capital Hill to help with stakeholder engagement and briefing Ministers for future budget.  AAA online education (ARO/Airside Safety/ Wildlife Hazard).  Launch of webinars  Airport Safety Week  Review of website and communication methods.

Planning and Airport Safeguarding  AAA publications  AAA / Air Services Noise Forum  Ongoing advocacy for State Government implementation of NASF  Stakeholder engagement (PIA, UDIA, ALGA, PCA)

CASA and Aerodrome Safety  Major focus on post implementation review of CASR and MOS139  AAA to consult widely and develop comprehensive submission  PFAS issues currently being investigated further

Aviation Security  OTS security forums are ASAF and RICM.  New security measures at major airports  Security review of regional airports commissioned by Minister Chester.

Border Processing  DIPB main forum in NPFC  Key issues o Standards for technology innovations – biometrics o Appropriate data and information sharing o TRS reform


4. Around the Tarmacs – Reports from member Airports Member Airports were invited to share updates on recent activity within their businesses, and were given verbally by the following airports:

 Narrabri – about to get return service to Sydney starting on the 13th September and looking at a possibility of building a new terminal.

 Newcastle – good PAX growth ~ 7% (1.25M), opened new international processing facility anmd building new 500 bay car park.

– advised they have steady growth, the $7.5M terminal upgrade is at design stage and the parallel taxiway currently being designed.

 Ballina – finalising the design for terminal expansion, restructure of staff following retirement of Neil and Graham and the results of staff recruitment to be announced shortly.

 Coffs Harbour – ~10% PAX increase (413K), lost Newcastle – Coffs service and growing car parking (now provide ticketless system).

 Moruya – $9.6M redevelopment underway

 Bankstown/Camden – no RPT services, GA starting to grow, with ~250,000 movements/year and commencing New Master Plan 2019

 Sydney – opening new plane spotters location, new Mantra Hotel has opened, 3.6% growth (mostly comprised international), baggage reclaim redevelopment, biometric trial with Qantas, $500M project to improve ground transport well underway and 200 additional train services to airport announced.

 Wagga Wagga – major airside works happening, terminal expansion project currently on hold pending clarification on future security screening requirements and Jetgo services to and Gold Coast going very well

– terminal expansion project under way, due for completion May 2018, bomb threat to inbound Virgin aircraft June 6, Jetgo services expanding to daily Brisbane Service and twice weekly Gold Coast service, PAX number up 6.5% (263K) and redevelopment of next 15 yr Master Plan about to commence.

 Bathurst – $5M to do parallel Taxiway, preparing for Supercar Races in October and PFAS issues currently being investigated

 Orange – review done on Master Plan, rejuvenation of Taxiways, fly Corporate commenced new service

 Dubbo – ~7% PAX growth (217K), capital works project – runway strengthening and lighting, Upgrade to GA area and aero medical and new airport manager

 Parkes – recently held emergency exercise with emergency services, finalised plans for $3.2M business park and new terminal been open for twelve months and it’s functioning well


 Scone – GA traffic continues to grow and now up to 10,000 movements, have detailed design for Warbird aviation centre, looking at runway plus airside upgrade ($20M), put in EOI for grant funding and successful in getting to the next stage in funding round. Also announced that the next Warbird show on 25 March 2018.

5. CASA Update – MOS 139 Darren’s presentation included:  Post Implementation Review (PIR) o 400 unique issues identified within regulation standards o 7 industry project team meetings held to date o Regulation has been redrafted o MOS 139 redrafted twice (chapter by chapter) o Preparation of NPRM package released on 28/8/17 and closes on 8/12/17

 Proposed Changes: o ‘Certain other aerodromes’ removed o Registered aerodromes transition to scalable certificate and will be required to have Aerodrome Manual o Certified aerodromes – scalable certificate and will provide online manual building tool (MAAT) although this is an optional requirement o Introduced new concept of ‘Accountable Manager’ o Existing facilities prior to make date (ie commence of new legislation) will be automatically grandfathered until upgrade or replacement o New compliance triggers based on passenger numbers and aircraft movements o Encourage everyone to read ‘Change Summary Document’ and draft Reg and MOS annexes’ for further detail.

6. Airservices Update – Including Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Services (ARFFS) and First Aid Services Justin Justin (Deputy Chief Fire Officer Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Services) presented on the following topics:  26 locations throughout Australia, 850 staff, 120 vehicles. Typically at aerodromes with >350K PAX  Provide aviation rescue first and foremost but also provide First Aid Assistance.

A summary sheet was also available to Members to take with them.

7. Corporate Member Updates A brief update was provided by the following corporate members in attendance:

Fulton Hogan, BMD, Global Airspace Solutions, Three Consulting, Avisure, Airport Consultancy Group, Boral, Arup, Aero Global, Downer, AVCRM, Airport Equipment, Vanderlande, Aileron Edge, ISS, L3 and Smith’s Detection.


NSW Chairman Awards  The Chairman acknowledged the longstanding contributions of Chris Gryllis and Kel Gardiner for their respective contributions to the aviation industry and the AAA NSW State Division. Each were provided with a certificate to thank them for their contribution.

8. Tourism NSW Briefing Anthony Laver, General Manager Marketing of Destination NSW, provided Members with a brief update, including:  NSW Government aiming to double overnight visitor expenditure by 2020 ($18B to $36B by 2020)  Have a range of domestic and international partner programs to help stimulate overnight visitation  Destination NSW also work strategically with airline partners to increase number of new services  Regional Tourism Fund ($13M over 4years) to support product development and marketing (up to 2019). Visit website for more information

9. Western Briefing Kim Forbes, Director of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement at the Department Infrastructure, provided Members with an over on the following:  Australian Government announced up to $5.3B over 10 years to fund Western Sydney  Airport at Badgerys Creek which is 50km from Sydney CBD  Construction start 2018 and will be operational in 2026  WSA will operate without curfew  WSA Co is a new Australian Government Company established to deliver Western Sydney Airport  Key challenge of WSA is flight path design process  FOWSA (Forum on Western Sydney Airport) is a community consultation mechanism to manage issues and community concerns

10. The Future of Illawarra Regional Airport John Barnden, Airport Manager of Illawarra Regional Airport provided overview and history of Illawarra Airport, including key points:  RPT been on and off over a number of years with last service back in 2008  Now working solidly to re-commence RPT services  Key destinations sought are Melb/BNE/OOL  Purchased temporary building to provide terminal for initial stage, whilst concepts developed for new terminal and RPT infrastructure  Submitted TSP / screening authority documentation  Jetgo to commence 30 Oct 2017, with 9 return flights/week to Melbourne (Essendon) and 6 return flights/week to BNE  Discussed future development plans

11. The Future of Illawarra Regional Airport Presentation postponed as Julie Stewart an apology.

12. Closing Comments Meeting closed at 2.10pm. The Chair thanked Smith’s Detection for their generous support of AAA NSW Division.


Attendee List

Ken Allcott Airfield Planning Manager Sydney Airport

Darren Angelo Senior Standards Officer Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Iain Bailey Aerodrome Inspector Civil Aviation Safety Authority

John Barnden Airport Manager Illawarra Regional Airport Shellharbour City Council

Philip Batty General Manager (Airports) Aust / NZ Vanderlande Industries Australia

Simon Bourke Policy Director Australian Airports Association

Leon Burger Airport Manager Wagga Wagga City Council

Gayleen Burley Business Enterprise Manager - Airport

Mark Cachia Commercial & Compliance Manager Coffs Harbour Regional Airport

Brendan Cook Operations Manager Newcastle Airport Pty Limited

David Costello Team Leader - Operations Albury Airport

Max Dallarmi General Manager Boral

Lee de Winton CEO

Ronan Delaney Global Aviation Skills Leader Arup Pty Ltd

Slavica Despotovic Aerodrome Inspector CASA

Bernard Drum Acting Manager Technical Services Bathurst Regional Council

Jeff Follett General Manager Avisure

Kel Gardner Commercial and Emergency Services Manager Orange City Council

Andrew Greenway Divisional Manager Eurobodalla Shire Council

Cr Chris Gryllis Councillor Orange City Council

Ballina Shire Council - Ballina Kylie Hardy Airport Security Supervisor Byron Gateway Airport

Rob Harvey Area Director South East Asia/ Pacific Vanderlande Industries Australia

Ben Howard Director Works and Services Parkes Shire Council


Ross Ioakim Sector Lead, LG & Airports Downer

Justin Justin Southern Operations Manager Airservices Australia

L-3 Security & Detection Stephen Maltby Sales Manager Systems

Lindsay Mason Director Corporate Services Narrabri Shire Council

Joanne McLoughlin Property & Business Coordinator Upper Hunter Shire Council

Hans Mitterlechner Partner three consulting

Tim Mooney Commercial and Emergency Services Manager Orange City Council

Kieren Moss Director Aileron Edge Pty Ltd

Adam Moxey Senior Airfield Design Officer Sydney Airport

Natalie Nissen Acting Airport Operations Manager Dubbo Regional Council

Isaac Palmer Client Support Manager AVCRM Products Pty Ltd

Sharnee Pardy Communications Manager Australian Airports Association

Jacki Parish Director Economic Development and Business Dubbo Regional Council

Jim Parsons National Airports Manager Fulton Hogan

Leigh Robinson Director of Marketing Airport Equipment Ltd

Sharon Ross Manager Support Services Parkes Shire Council

Fiona Ryan Director Aeroglobal

Jason Ryan Director JJ Ryan Consulting

Robin Schuck Manager Government Relations and Major Projects Sydney Airport

Global Airspace Solutions Pty Bas Smeulders Chief Designer Ltd


Deborah Stubbs Client Liaison & Strategy Manager ISS Facility Services

Darren Sturgiss Director Engineering Services Bathurst Regional Council

David Tansey Regional Airports Manager Australian Airports Association

Director of Sales and Marketing / Regional Sales Jordan Thrupp Smiths Detection Manager ANZ – Transportation

Strategy and Pre-contracts Manager - Southern John van der Merwe BMD Constructions Region

Alan Ward Councillor Parkes Shire Council

Samuel Wiggins - Vanderlande Industries Australia

Darryl Woods Manager Council Businesses Wagga Wagga City Council