Congressional Record. 865
··1875. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 865 The House divided; and the tellers reported-ayes_53, noes 92. By Mr. WHITEHEAD: The petition of citizens of Bedford County, So the House refused to adjourn. _ Virginia., for the establishment of certain post-routes, to the Commit· The Clerk then (at four o'clock and thirty minutes p.m.) resumed tee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. the readin(J' of the Journal, but before concluding- By Mr. WHITTHORNE: The petition of Bradshaw Gra.nge, Patrons Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. I ask that the reading of the of H nsbandry, Tennessee, for repeal of the tobacco tax, to the Com Journal be .suspended that I may move that the House do now ad- mittee on Ways and~ Means. jo~rn. • By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Massa-ehnsetts: The petition of H. 0. The motion was agreed to; and accordingly (at four o'clock and Houghton and others, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, for the restora forty minutes p.m.) the House adjourne~ until Monday next. tion of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties made in 1872, to the same committee. · . • PETITIONS, ETC. • The following memorials, petitions; and other papers were presented IN SENATE. at the Clerk's desk under the rules, and referred as stated: By Mr. ALBERT: The petition of Julia M. Colburn, a-dministra MoNDAY, February 1, _1875. trix, and Sophia E. Stimpson, for extension of a patent, to the Com The .VICE-PRESIDENT resumed the chair. mittee on Patents. Also, the petition of citizens of Elk Ridge, Howard County, Mary Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev.
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