BEAN Eatepeaten
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The Weather To-Day: Generally Fair. SECTION 2— Pages 5 to 12. The News and Observer. VOL. XLVIII. NO. Id. RALEIGH. N. 0.. THURSDAY MO(USING, AUGUST 9.1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Leads all M©pth(Dar©lmaDaili®s inWews andGimilation Democrat who was associated with This year we have coming to us the might indicate that there were no regu- Ihe great leaders of the party in oth- people who now see. the dangerous lar troops engaged in the assault and er years, the Hon. David Turpie. It tendencies of the Republican party, that the rifle fire spoken of by Mr. Con- is although they did sec those ten- MESSAGE ger might be simply the sniping of dis- NOMINEES BRYAN the wish of every citizen of this SICK OF RANNA AND not A STERN Ktyte that this grand old man may dencies in 1896. We pointed out in gruntled irregulars who were engaged in yet be spared long- to serve bis coun- 1896 that if the Republican party guerilla tactics. try. You are in a city and in a State won it would have to give the trusts a Two dispatches were received during AND STEVENSON whose Democracy is true and is pre- HIS FREEBOOTERS chance to get back out of the people IS SENT Tfl CHINA Ahe day, one from Admiral Remey and pared to take its full part in the win- .the money they had contributed to the other from General Chaffee. Both I ning of the victory this year which the campaign fund. related to the fighting at Peit Sang. Ad- will make William Jennings Bryan the “It xvas strange that the people Partial Compliance With Ou; miral Remey’s dispatch stated specifi- NOTIFIED President of the United States. (Loud Mayor Harrison Predicts did see it but those who cally that the Americans xvere not en- ARE not could cheering). The Democracy of the not see it then now knoxv that it' you gaged and General Chaffee's dispatch State of Indiana with our faithful al- Election of Mr. Bryan. want to extinguish a trust you have Demands Won’t Do. explains how it xvas that they practically * The Ceremony Witnessed byr lies, the liberty-loving people of this got to take the extinguisher out of xvere out of it. They occupied the rear republic have come and are coming the hands of the trust. People who of the turning column. Owing to the a with us daily to march by our side did'not feel the iniquity of trusts have limited ground of operations which he Great Throng at the to win this victory. They are intense- ADVANTAGES OVER 1896 felt it since and all through this land OUR MINISTER IN PERIL mentions, it is probable that the Ameri- ly interested this year in the issues everyxvhere people are. coming with us cans could not be brought into the thick Military Park. that have arisen and they believe in this year because they see. that with of the fighting and they thus escaped reverncing the flag and also believe Democratic Control of Many Large the success of the Republican party No Effort by Pekin to Communicate without casualties. The fact that the in reverencing the Constitution and with the present tendency toward American troops did not have an appor- the principles of the Declaration of Cities WillPrevent Fraud. the concentration of wealth, it. is only With the Allies, tun’.ty to distinguish their,-selves xvas RICHARDSON’S ADDRESS i Independence, dear to every true u question of time xvhen the individual something of a disappointment to the American heart. They are for the will disappear. Hence the mothers I officials of the War Department, but of for for flag the Union and that and the fathers are thinking for their knowing General Chaffee as they do. which it stands, it SO DECLARES MR. BRYAN IN AN ADDRESS CO-OPERATION FOR MINISTERS’ SAFETY The Notification of Bryan Made the and believe that boys, and I challenge the Republican they are confident if his men were not 1 should be a constant reminder of the party to meet us on the trust question. engaged, because it xvas physically doctrine that all governments derive it was Occasion of a Binging J challenge it to condemn the young impossible to bring them into action. Demo- their just powers from the consent of People Are Not Leaving the Democratic Par'y men to perpetuaT clerkships under This is Insisted on at Washington. With the The continued brilliant xx-ork of the cratic Speech. the governed. They believe that the monopolies in this country. (Great present Administration is in favor of Year, Adds, Still Japanese, xvho seem to have borne the This He But Are Coming applause.) I believe that on the old Foreigners Under Fire at the Brit- brunt of the fighting at Peit Sang, as official and commercial supremacy and xxe are questions stronger this year well as at Tien Tsin attracts unstinted the advancement of business interests Back From Every Side. An Ad- than we xvere 1890. I ish Legation the Situation is Ex- in believe if praise for the doughty warriors of the ANTI-IMPERIALISM BRYAN’S KEYNOTE regardless of the Constitution and were no new would dress by Webster Davis. there questions, we Mikado’s realm. regardless of consequences which men- be able to wage a successful contest tremely Sombre ace peace prosperity Secretary Root said tonight that the the and of the (By the Associated Press.) against the Republican party. It is (By the Asociated Press.) country. They arc now ready to events of the day had caused no change The People Hang Breathless Upon the Words of Indianapolis, lnd., August 8. —Iu on the defensive on every question be- Washington, August 8. —The Chinese wage war for the principles which fore the American people. It pretends in the military situation so far as the this citytonight a meeting was held very by and the Great Nebraskan. Stevenson in His they entertain and which I believe w ill it xvants to discuss the money ques- situation is considered grave advance on Pekin was concerned no ladies and gentlemen, 1 extend to you at Tomlinson Ball which was pre- tion. 1 promise you that, before the the authorities in Washington. The re- additional orders had been sent to Gen- to the Gov. Thomas’ Speech lead us to victory in Again, eral Chaffee. Reply November. sided over by Mayor Carter 11. Harri- campaign is over the Republican lead- of the message from Air. Conger a welcome. I now ceipt hearty have the son, of Chicago, and addressed by ers will be as much afraid of the Sil- of Notification Handles the pleasure of introducing to you the Mr. laost night, which indicated a continua- Davis. The ver quesflion as they are of imperial- SAFE CONDUCT FOR THE MINISTERS. permanent chairman of the meeting, Bryan and Hon. Webster ism. (Great applause and cheers). tion of the firing upon the legationers Trust Evil Without Senator James K. .Tones, meeting was not called to order until of Arkan- There is not a question upon winch and the Chinese Government’s insistence A Reply to Conger’s Message is Forwarded to sas.” (Loud a Gloves. cheering). 6:30 o’clock but the hail, which is they dare to state their position and that leave Pekin, Senator Jones made no speech the Ministers should Pekin. upon large one, was filled an hour before invite the judgment of the, American (By the Associated Press.) taking the chair, but confined re- xvhieh Mr. Conger considered would mean his tha„ received, people. (Great applause). Why this (By the Associated Press.) Ind., August B.—Wil- marks to the simple introduction of time. Mr. Bryan was Indianapolis, the Republican party is not willing to take certain death, brought matters to an ¦.Washington. Auguslt B.—The speakers to the audience. with vociferous as he enter-, Cfaincs© liam Jennings Bryan and Adlai E. applause the people into its confidence on a acute stage. All day the Cabinet officers Minister has received a copy of the Im- Congressmen James D. Richardson, of ed. question now the who are in town hax-e been consulting Stevenson were today in this city, offi- single before Atneri- perial edict of August 2nd, xvhieh wa3 (Continued on Tenth Page.) In opening the meeting Mayor Har- with each other, and the President has cially formally notified of their (Continued on sixth page.) (Continued Sixth Page.) and rison made a brief speech congratu- been* communicated with by telegraph on nominations by the Democrats at the lating the Democracy upon the “prom- and over the long distance telephone. recent Kansas City convention, to the ise, yet, the assurance, of success of Secretary Root held two conferences with our ticket at the polls in November.” Attorney General Griggs and several offices respectively of President and He said the people had "tired BEAN gotten with Acting Secretary of State Adee, and of the BOERS Vice-President United States. Mark Hanna and his band of free- THE WIN AGAIN of OF EATEpEATEN their views xvere communicated to the A DAY DENIALS booters,’’ to The ceremony was made the occasion and were turning the President. As a result of these consul- of a demonstration with which the Democratic party for relief. Mr. Har- tations it announced officially at the in condemnatory was Democrats may be fairly said to have They Could Do Nothing With rison also referred Protnble Capture of Garrison close of the day that a message to the to the of trusts as Which is the Liar, Prewitt begun their national campaign.