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South Nottingham Ccgs Interim Strategic Estates Plan Page 2 of 27 South Nottingham CCGs Interim Strategic Estates Plan Version 2.2 NHS Nottingham North and East Clinical Commissioning Group NHS Nottingham West Clinical Commissioning Group NHS Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Group Contents 1. Executive summary ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4 3. National context ........................................................................................................................................... 5 4. Local context ................................................................................................................................................ 6 5. Estates overview .......................................................................................................................................... 8 6. Local estates strategies ............................................................................................................................ 10 6.1. NHS Nottingham North and East CCG ................................................................................................ 10 6.2. NHS Nottingham West CCG ................................................................................................................ 16 6.3. NHS Rushcliffe CCG ............................................................................................................................ 20 7. Next steps ................................................................................................................................................... 25 8. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 27 The priorities included in this document may change as the strategy develops. The NHS bodies involved understand and will comply with their statutory obligations when seeking to make decisions over estate strategies which impact on the provision of care to patients and the public. The priorities set out do not represent a commitment to any particular course of action on the part of the organisations involved. South Nottingham CCGs Interim Strategic Estates Plan Page 2 of 27 1. Executive summary NHS Nottingham North and East, NHS Nottingham West and NHS Rushcliffe CCGs have formed a Local Estates Forum (LEF) to plan and agree actions needed to produce this Strategic Estates Plan. A Strategic Estates Advisor has been identified from Community Health Partnerships and has confirmed the support available in developing the strategy. The intention is to work strategically on a South Nottingham unit of planning footprint with local estates strategies for each CCG as a subsection of the overall document. Initial local estates strategies are limited in scope to primary and community care estate, and non- clinical estate such as office and administration bases, and provide an overview of the current estate, with immediate priorities and challenges identified. The current priorities identified for each CCG are: Nottingham North and East: Hucknall Netherfield Byron Court Nottingham West: Eastwood Beeston Rushcliffe: Cotgrave Bids for feasibility studies to support these priorities are being made to the Primary Care Infrastructure Fund 15/16. The Strategic Estates Plan articulates the longer term aim to develop the LEF to integrate the estates strategies of local secondary and tertiary care providers and the wider public sector estate. This will create a firm basis on which future plans can be developed, covering the wider footprint of planning. The CCGs view this as ‘core business’ in order to achieve the efficiency requirements of the Five Year Forward View and have identified the Chief Finance Officer as the lead for developing the plan with support from individual CCG leads. South Nottingham CCGs Interim Strategic Estates Plan Page 3 of 27 2. Introduction This is the first draft of the South Nottingham Strategic Estates Plan for NHS Nottingham North and East Clinical Commissioning Group, NHS Nottingham West Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Group. It has been developed through the Local Estates Forum, membership of which includes the three CCGs, NHS Property Services (NHSPS), and Community Health Partnerships (CHP). The plan builds on previous strategies which have resulted in significant investment and improvement in the estate over the last 10-15 years. It deliberately focuses on the next one to four years. However, it is intended that the plan will continue to develop in line with emerging commissioning priorities and local need. Therefore future versions will focus on the mid-term (five to ten years) as well as including a longer-term vision. The plan focusses on primary and community premises and non-clinical administrative accommodation within the geographical areas covered by each of the three Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and implementation of the plan aims to ensure that: Utilisation of the existing estate is maximised The estate is configured to better meet future commissioning needs Surplus estate is removed from the system Patients’ experience of care is enhanced Running and holding costs are reduced Sharing of premises is maximised where this results in efficiencies The local estate delivers value for money There is effective future investment in the estate. The plan reflects the joint priorities of the three CCGs in South Nottingham and the wider South Nottingham health economy. It also includes a number of CCG specific priorities identified in order to meet local service changes or changes in demand and has links to existing Information Technology, commissioning and workforce strategies. It is intended that over time the Local Estates Forum will expand to include local provider organisations and the local authority, and that the Strategic Estates Plan will be extended to also incorporate secondary and tertiary care provider estate within the South Nottingham footprint, as well as local and central government estate. South Nottingham CCGs Interim Strategic Estates Plan Page 4 of 27 3. National context The NHS is facing extremely challenging times. Demand for services is rising faster than funding. The cost of drugs and new medical technology continue to rise. The population is changing, with an increasing number of older people, often with greater health and social care needs. The traditional approach of targeted service improvements and contract variations has in the main been successful to date. However it is now necessary to find new, transformational solutions to meet this unprecedented challenge. In October 2014 NHS England’s Five Year Forward View was published setting out a clear direction for the NHS in respect of whole system integration of services, implementation of alternative care delivery models, a greater emphasis on prevention and self-management, and improving the quality of services by using its resources more effectively. The ‘Forward View’ clearly set out the financial challenge facing the NHS and the actions required. In addition, NHS England’s ‘Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2014/15 – 2018/19 identifies GPs and other primary care providers being at the heart of integrated care. As the NHS works to redesign the delivery of services in response to the Forward View high quality local estates planning is crucial and will require all parts of the NHS to work together to enable system wide transformation. It will be necessary for the estate to be reconfigured to accommodate the associated increase in services in the community and to provide opportunities for greater integration. Although the benefits for patients and the NHS as a whole may be clear, implementation of the ‘Forward View’ will inevitably place additional pressure on existing primary and community services and the estate from which they operate. The NHS estate is therefore both a key enabler, and risk, to the delivery of the objectives set out in the Forward View through its impact on quality and patient experience and its potential to deliver efficiencies. In June 2015, the Department of Health (DH) issued guidance on the development of Strategic Estates Plans. A substantial improvement in the management of the NHS owned and occupied estate is required to respond to the challenges of the NHS Five Year Forward View. The NHS Constitution (Department of Health 2012) includes a requirement for health services to be delivered in fit for purpose, accessible, clean, and safe environments protected from risks associated with unsuitable and unsafe premises. South Nottingham CCGs Interim Strategic Estates Plan Page 5 of 27 4. Local context Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy The Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) brings together key local stakeholders including CCGs, local councils and the public with a shared aim of working together to improve health and wellbeing. The main responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board is to identify current and future health and wellbeing needs, and to develop a Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The most recent strategy was approved at a meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board in March 2014. In summary the strategy has four ambitions: A good start – for everyone to have a good start in life Living well
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