Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of West Stockwith Parish Council held on Thursday 13 th December 2018 at 7.30pm in the Gertrude Morris Hall.

Present: Cllrs Downes, J Ray, P Ray, Chair: Harford, DCllr Brand and Clerk: D Harford.

1. Apologies for Absence Cllr Beecroft (work commitments), Hauser (holiday), Houchin (holiday), Lynes (family commitment), Osborne-Woodham (work commitments), CCllr Taylor (other commitments), PCSO Airey (other commitments)

2. Declarations of Interest None

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting 3.1 Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2018 It was proposed by Cllr P Ray, seconded by Cllr Downes that the minutes of the monthly meeting held on 8th November 2018 be passed as a correct record. Resolution: Motion carried.

4. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings 4.1 Allotments Update 4.1.1 Clearance of Allotment Waste The clerk updated the council stating that he had contacted Hilltop Tree services but there had been no response to date. He will contact them again and update the council at the next meeting. Resolution: Clerk to update the council at the next meeting.

4.1.2 Number of plots owned The clerk stated that liaison was taking place with the chairman of the allotment committee to finalise the email to be sent out to the allotment holders which should be completed within the next couple of weeks. Resolution: Clerk to update the council at the next meeting.

4.2 Ownership of Car Park Opposite the White Hart Inn The clerk stated that there had been no progress on this matter. DCllr Brand asked whether anyone had been contacted in Bassetlaw DC, and she offered to assist in identifying the correct department. She also mentioned that it should be placed on the Bassetlaw DC Community Register. Resolution: Clerk to update the council at the next meeting Post meeting : DCllr Brand provided the following information. The freehold owner of the land is the Environment Agency. Bassetlaw DC has a lease of the land although there is no clear reason why the lease was taken. However, it does provide free car parking for the local community including the church and the pub. DCllr Brand suggested that the clerk contact the EA to see if it will donate the land to the Parish Council, with the same conditions as BDC's lease.

4.3 Commemoration Garden Plants The clerk confirmed that Cllr Houchin and himself had removed the cordyline from the garden, and the heathers will be planted in early spring. He also stated that during the process his spade and fork were damaged. Cllr P Ray proposed that the clerk purchase replacements which was seconded by Cllr Downes. Resolution: Clerk to purchase replacement tools.

Page 1 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 2 4.4 Lamp Post Poppies The clerk stated that Cllr Houchin and himself had taken down the poppies with 16 undamaged ready for next year. He also stated that several residents had mentioned that they would like the “soldier silhouette” to remain as a permanent fixture. After discussion, Cllr P Ray proposed that the silhouette be made a permanent fixture on the grass area, which was seconded by Cllr Downes. Resolution: Clerk to arrange work to be completed.

4.5 Christmas Tree 2018 The clerk reported that the tree had been erected and the lights placed on the tree. Cllr Downes reported that the Christmas event with the brass band had been a success. He also stated that there was a proposal to have the brass band back in the summer, further details will follow. Cllr P Ray stated that there was a gazebo available that the scouts use if required. Resolution: Closed.

4.6 Unsafe Wall on Canal Lane/Heckdyke Path/Canal Lane Footpath The clerk reported that the footpath on Canal Lane had been cleared by Notts CC. The footpath at Heckdyke had been sprayed and placed on the maintenance program in the spring by Notts CC. Resolution: Closed.

4.7 Notts CC Local Improvement Scheme, Capital Fund The clerk suggested that this could be used as a means of funding the “soldier silhouette” permanent fixture. The chair asked the clerk to progress and keep the council updated. Resolution: Clerk to update the council at the next meeting.

5. Correspondence 5.1 Bassetlaw DC: Achievers Awards The clerk reported that the above awards are presented to Bassetlaw people who serve the community by their efforts for charity, for individual achievements, for sport or group activities or to those who have overcome adversity to lead a normal life. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday 20th March 2018. DCllr Brand stated that she had proposed a member of the local community for the award. Resolution: Noted.

5.2 NALC: Annual Leave Entitlement The clerk reported that correspondence had been received stating that all councils should have a policy in place for carrying over annual leave entitlement. Since this was not applicable to the council, the chair asked the clerk to file the information. Resolution: Closed.

5.3 Merchant Navy Day: Commemoration Certificate The clerk reported that a certificate had been received for displaying in the noticeboard. Resolution: Noted.

5.4 Notts CC: Making Decisions About Paying for Care The clerk reported that correspondence had bene received stating that Notts CC are keen that everyone who funds their own care gets the financial information and advice they need. A flyer was also included in the package. Resolution: Noted.

5.5 Notts CC: Become a Professional Childminder The clerk reported that correspondence had been received from Notts CC giving details on how to become a professional childminder. Cllr P Ray suggested that an item should be included in the newsletter, which was seconded by the chair. Resolution: Clerk to include an item in the newsletter.

Page 2 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 3 5.6 Bassetlaw DC: Spring Clean: 1 st March 2019 – 31 st May 2019 The clerk reported that the dates had been set for 2019 as above. The chair asked the clerk to defer this item until the next meeting when all the councillors will be present. Resolution: Clerk to raise at the next meeting.

5.7 NALC: L09-18: New Regulations Re-Accessibility of Websites The clerk reported that advance details had been received stating that new regulations for website accessibility which do not come into force until 23rd September 2020. He stated that he will liaise with Sharpe Systems and keep the council updated. Resolution: Clerk to update the council as required

5.8 NALC: Are Councils Responsible for Councillor’s Actions The clerk reported that correspondence had been received regarding the above. The chair stated that all the councillors and clerk should behave appropriately when representing the council. Resolution: Noted.

5.9 Bassetlaw DC: Register of Electors Update The clerk stated that an updated register had been received. Resolution: Noted.

6. Other Matters for Consideration 6.1 Parish Council Newsletter – December The clerk presented the newsletter for agreement. After discussion, the chair asked the clerk to include the following: • Professional childminding • Reminder of the pantomime dates Resolution: Clerk to arrange printing of the newsletter.

6.2 Village Hall Defibrillator / Security Light The clerk stated that the condensation in the defibrillator cabinet had been dried and the thermometer had been reset. The light had also been reported to Dave Foreman and had been renewed. As a result of this, a complaint had been received from a nearby resident stating that it was too bright and needed the sensor re-setting. Following the meeting, the sensor was re- adjusted. The chair asked the clerk to update the resident. Resolution: Clerk to update the resident and close.

6.3 Car Parking on the Malt Kiln The clerk reported that a complaint had been received from a resident bringing to the council’s attention that two cars have been parked on the Malt Kiln car park for over two months and have not moved. Cllr Downes proposed that the clerk contact PCSO Airey to identify the owners of the cars to ascertain the situation and update the council accordingly. Resolution: Clerk to update the clerk at the next meeting.

6.4 Land behind Bus Shelter, Main Street The clerk reported that the builder of the house on Main Street had been in contact again regarding the land behind the bus shelter. Cllr P Ray confirmed that the previous response was still valid, in that the he builder bears the cost of solicitor’s fees for the transfer of the ownership of the land and provides a suitable donation to the council. This was seconded by Cllr J Ray and agreed by all present. The chair asked the clerk to respond accordingly. Resolution: Clerk to inform the builder and update the council at the next meeting.

Page 3 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 4 7. Planning 7.1 Applications for Consideration 7.1.1 PA/2018/2220 - Planning permission to change the use of land to a Gypsy/Traveller site, Fourways Fishery, Gunthorpe Road, Owston Ferry, DN9 1BG The chair thanked the councillors for their email responses to the clerk due to the tight timescales of the application. The clerk confirmed that a “refusal” letter had been sent to North council. Resolution: Noted.

7.2 Pending The clerk confirmed that there were no applications pending. Resolution: Noted.

7.3 Decisions 7.3.1 17/00379/RSB – River View – Outstanding Actions - Clerk • Installation of a dwarf wall on the front of the property leaving a 5m wide access with a dropped kerb, • Replace the front facing existing windows with timber box sash windows, • Replace the existing front door with a wooden one. The clerk stated that the council had asked him to raise this application at this meeting to monitor to confirm that the necessary actions had been completed. Cllr P Ray confirmed that the above actions had been completed which was seconded by Cllr Downes. The chair stated that this matter could now be closed. Resolution: Closed.

8. Highways 8.1 West Stockwith Traffic Issues 8.1.1 Traffic Monitoring in Village The clerk stated that this matter was still outstanding. Resolution: Clerk to update the council at the next meeting.

9. Financial Matters 9.1 Accounts for Approval and Payment 9.1.1 Doddington Farms LLP, Christmas Tree /Delivery / Erection BACS £187.00 Note: Pre-authorised by email by Cllrs Hauser, Harford, Lynes, J Ray, P Ray Confirmed by Cllr J Ray, seconded by the Cllr P Ray that the invoice has been paid. Resolution: Motion carried.

9.2 Income The clerk stated that there was no income to report. Resolution: Noted.

9.3 HSBC Loan Update 9.3.1 HSBC Bank plc – Playground Monthly Loan Payment – November 2018 £82.17 Proposed by Cllr Downes, seconded by Cllr J ry that the loan payment was correct. Resolution: Motion carried.

9.4 Accounts Check – November 2018 The Clerk presented the monthly reconciliation sheet for the finances of the Council. It was proposed by Cllr Downes, seconded by Cllr P Ray that the details were correct. Resolution: Motion Carried.

9.5 Playground Loan Update The clerk reported that there were now only 4 more payments to make on the loan. Resolution: Noted.

Page 4 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 5 9.6 Financial Estimates 2019/2020 The clerk reminded the council that the estimates will be discussed at the meeting in January and handed out a copy of the estimates for the councillors’ information. An updated copy will be available at the meeting in January. Resolution: Noted.

10. Health & Safety Issues 10.1 Playground Issues The clerk reported that there were no issues to report. Resolution: Noted.

10.2 Village Inspections The council stated that there were inspections to report. Resolution: Noted.

10.3 Footpath Walking Rota The council stated that there were footpath inspections to report. Resolution: Noted.

11. Reports 11.1 Meetings Attended 11.1.1 Huntington’s Charity Meeting, Monday 19th November 2018, West Stockwith The clerk reported on behalf of Cllr Downes and the chair. At the meeting, the eleemosynary grants were agreed. Also, the Wells charity has now been incorporated into Huntington’s Charity. Resolution: Noted.

11.2 Other Authorities 11.2.1 Crime Report: November 2018 In the absence of PCSO Airey, the clerk reported on the following: • The crimes of interest – incidents of burglary, criminal damage and thefts – reported for the beat area between 01/11/2018 and 30/11/2018 were: o Theft from dwelling – 1 (Hillsyde Avenue). o Theft Other – 2 (Haxey Road, High Street). o Theft from Shop – 3 (High Street x3). o Criminal Damage to a Dwelling (including Attempted) – 2 (Station Road, Wharf Road). Resolution: Noted.

11.2.2 Council: DCllr Brand DCllr Brand reported on the following: SCI CONSULTATION With the next round of consultation on the Bassetlaw Plan scheduled to begin in January, Cabinet has approved a period of consultation on a revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The SCI sets out the Planning Service’s approach to public consultation on preparation of new planning policy documents. (It also looks at how people are consulted about planning applications that the District Council is responsible for determining.) The SCI has been revised and updated to account for changing legislation, including the revised National Planning Policy Framework. This includes the requirement for SCIs to set out how the Council, as local planning authority, will support groups undertaking neighbourhood planning. The SCI will be out for consultation for eight weeks from January to March 2019.

Page 5 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 6 LOCAL PLAN The next phase of the development of the Bassetlaw Plan – the strategic plan, 2018 to 2035 – will be considered by Cabinet next week. Of importance to note are: • the number of dwellings Bassetlaw must provide (390 a year between 2018 and 2035) • the number of dwellings ‘allocated’ to each parish to enable the District Council to meet this housing target. There is no ‘housing requirement’ for West Stockwith and any development is capped at 20% of the number of existing houses, ie 29 • proposals for 2 new garden villages • 4 residential pitches are required for gypsies and travellers • 134 affordable dwellings are needed each year to 2035. Of developments of 10 houses or more (but sites of 5 or more in designated rural areas), this should be 10% on brownfield sites, and 20% on greenfield sites • a range of employment sites are required. It is proposed to make public developers’ viability assessments (where they claim that their developments are not financially viable and that they cannot, therefore, include affordable housing). The document can be found at http://data.bassetlaw.gov.uk/media/827069/CBEX181218non.pdf If there are any comment members would like me to make at next week’s Cabinet meeting, please let me know. RURAL CONFERENCE The next Rural Conference is on Thursday 17 January in Worksop Town Hall at 5.00pm. The Local Plan (above) will be launched on this date and 8 weeks allowed for consultation. Any interested members are welcome to attend. PLANNING ENFORCEMENT Over many months, members have been complaining about planning enforcement (as has a number of district councillors and parish councils). I submitted a motion for last week’s Council meeting calling for more resources for this function, but it was disallowed. However, there were three questions on enforcement, one by a member and two by members of the public. The Council Leader acknowledged that the service is under pressure (due to long-term sickness) but assured members that there have been no priority cases among the 245 outstanding referrals. Planning enforcement will be further considered. ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT PILOT The District Council is to have a one-year pilot project to use a commercial company to carry out its environmental enforcement function (littering, dog poo, etc). This will help to increase the visibility of enforcement throughout the District, particularly in the towns and parks. There will be formal consultation during the pilot period (in 2019), with a view to then tendering for a longer period if it is deemed a successful approach. The pilot project would be largely funded by income generated. Covering rural areas is a possibility if ‘hot spots’ are identified. ARMED FORCES COVENANT The Council has signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant in 2012. Actions taken include: • participation in the Armed Forces Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS), which encourages employers to support armed forces’ personnel. BDC has retained the silver award for its commitment to supporting serving and former armed forces personnel and their families • the Council has worked with the Royal British Legion to support the provision of advice sessions at its Worksop and Customer Centres • the Council is represented on the & Nottingham Civil Military Partnership Board, which is trying to establish the numbers of ex-forces personnel across the county • the Council has supported Armed Forces Day with events in Kings Park, Retford, and at Shireoaks • councillors have attended the ex-forces breakfast clubs and provided support for their activities • councillors and officers supported the Worksop and Retford Remembrance Day Parades and Services. The Council’s ongoing commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant was supported by Cabinet.

Page 6 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 7 GOODWIN CHARITY – HELP FOR THOSE OVER 60 This Charity has funds available for elderly people (aged 60 or over), who are needy and living within the former Retford Rural District Area. This includes Misterton and West Stockwith. Anyone needing financial assistance towards a specific item, such as disability aids, household goods/furniture, stair-lifts, bathroom aids, mobility aids etc - or know anyone who does - please contact the Administrator to the Managing Trustees. All applications are dealt with in the strictest confidence. Please note that applicants must wait for a decision of the Trustees before having work done or making a purchase as monies cannot be paid retrospectively. The Administrator to the Managing Trustees is Linda Dore, who can be contacted at: Democratic Services Bassetlaw District Council Queens Buildings Potter Street, Worksop S80 2AH Tel: (01909) 533249; e-mail [email protected] District Cllr Hazel Brand is one of the trustees and is happy to discuss, or help with, applications. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REORGANISATION County Cllr Kay Cutts, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, has decided that, as her view on local government reorganisation is not universally supported, she has withdrawn the outline business case from today’s County Council meeting. However, she acknowledged that there will be discussions with leaders and chief executives of district councils to work with us on the delivery of local services, giving more time to consider potential options. Cllr Cutts acknowledges that there is no simple solution to the significant financial challenges local authorities face, and savings will still have to be made to close the funding gap. Radical solutions, not just back office functions, need to be considered. This could include options such as: • harmonising bin collections for economies of scale • one organisation providing Trading Standards and Environmental Health services across the County • housing provision to ensure it meets the needs of a growing elderly and disabled population possible merger of (district) councils. NEXT SURGERY The next surgeries are on Friday 25 January in West Stockwith Village Hall from 9.00-9.45am, and The Misterton Centre & Library from 10.00-11.00am (ring 890646 for an appointment). Resolution: Noted.

11.2.3 Nottinghamshire District Council: CCllr Taylor The clerk stated that, in the absence of CCllr Taylor, there were no issues to report. Resolution: Noted.

11.3 Consultation Documents 11.3.1 Notts CC Government Re-Organisation Update The clerk reported on the following: Notts CC have produced 7 options for the consultation although they have already disregarded 2 of them in readiness for discussion at the council meeting in December. However, a letter has been sent from Bassetlaw DC asking the county councillors to reconsider the implications to Parish and Town councils. Post Meeting: The subject was withdrawn from the County Council agenda for discussion at a later stage. Resolution: Noted.

Page 7 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 8 11.3.2 Notts CC: Fair access Consultation The clerk reported on the following: Every Local Authority is required to have a Fair Access Protocol, developed in partnership with schools, to ensure that – outside the normal admissions round – unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are found and offered a place quickly. The aim of the protocol is to keep the amount of time any child is out of school to the minimum. (DfE Guidance, November 2012 – Fair Access Protocols: Principles and Process) Nottinghamshire County Council is carrying out public consultation regarding a draft revised fair access protocol. The protocol has been updated to reflect the publication of more recent legislation to which it refers and changes in the way of working for school locality panels across the primary and secondary phases. The consultation will run from 21st November 2018 to 15th January 2019. The chair asked the clerk to respond on behalf of the council Resolution: Clerk to respond in behalf of the council.

11.3.3 Notts CC: Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools 2020-2021 The clerk reported on the following: Notts CC is the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools. This means that we are responsible for the admission arrangements for these schools. This consultation covers the admission arrangements 2020-2021 for community and voluntary controlled schools within Nottinghamshire. These arrangements are relevant for children who will be starting primary school, moving to junior school, moving to secondary school and children transferring school during the school year 2020-2021. It covers the following: • Section 1 – the overall procedures and practices that are used to decide how places are allocated (oversubscription criteria). • Section 2 - proposed admission number (PAN): the number of places that can be allocated in the year group. • Section 3 - qualifying scheme: how we coordinate the arrangements for the admission of pupils to primary and secondary schools in Nottinghamshire. • Section 4 - how in-year applications are processed. The chair asked the clerk to respond on behalf of the council. Resolution: Clerk to respond on behalf of the council.

11.4 Other Matters 11.4.1 Website Update Councillor Emails The clerk reported that he was aware that some council emails were not being received by all councillors. The councillors present stated that they were receiving emails; however, Cllr P Ray suggested keeping this as an agenda item for the near future to confirm that the emails are being received. Resolution: Clerk to raise at the next meeting. Bassetlaw DC: PC Website Portals The clerk reported that Bassetlaw DC had created a website portal to ensure easy access to all parish council websites. The portal can be found at http://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/system- pages/parish-portal/ Resolution: Noted.

11.4.2 Publication of West Stockwith Heritage Trail on TrailTale App The clerk reported that there had been no progress on this matter. Resolution: Clerk to update the council at the next meeting.

12. Notices of Meetings/Events 12.1 Notts Police Rural East Bassetlaw Priority Group Setting Meeting, Retford, 9 th January 2018 The clerk stated that he will be attending this meeting on behalf of the council. Resolution: Noted.

Page 8 Filename: 1812 13th December 2018 Minutes K12 - 9 13. Emergency Issues 13.1 Resignation of C Osborne-Woodham - Clerk The clerk reported that he had received a letter of resignation from Cllr Osborne-Woodham. After further discussion, the chair reluctantly accepted the resignation and asked the clerk to write to Cllr Osborne-Woodham wishing her well for the future. Resolution: Clerk to write to Cllr Osborne-Woodham.

14. Date of Meetings 14.1 Monthly Meeting – 10th January 2019 Resolution: Noted.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.35pm.

SIGNED ……………………………………………..Chair

DATE …………………………………

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