Lincolnshire. Stoke Roc.Iiford

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Lincolnshire. Stoke Roc.Iiford DIBECfORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. STOKE ROC.IIFORD. 509 and clay. The chief crops are 'Wheat, barley, Qats and order offie& is at Woodhall Spa. The telegraph office mangold wurtzel. The area. is 2,357 acres; rateable is at Stixwould railway station value, £2,283; th& population in 1891 was 219. National School (mixed), erected, with teacher's reei- Pa.rish Clel'k, J ames Baines. deuce, in 1851 & enlarged in 1894• for go children; Post Office. Joames Baines, sub-postmaster. Letters average attendance, 70; George William Fairburn, arrive by railway from J.incoln. via StixwoOuld st-ation, certified ma.ster; Mrs. G. w. Fairbum, mistress at; 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 6.1o p.m. Postal orders Rail S . G s· · al'e issued here, but not paid. The nearest money way tahon, eorge 1mpson, station master Wilson Reov. Alfredl Ralph M.A.. Vic.rge Crow Richard, cowkeeper Longstaff Robt. farmer, Hallstead ball Akrill John, cowkeeper Fixter Eliza (Mrs.), grocer & draper '3tevenson Samuel. cowkeeper • Almond Edward, cottage farmer Gaunt Jesse, fanner Vamplew Joseph, cott~ farmer Baines J ames, shopkeeper, Post office Holland Thomas, cow keeper Vessey Wm.gamekpr. to E. Turnor esq Baines Mary (Mrs.), cottage farmer Hardwick John, wheelwright Young William, blacksmith Copping John, farmer EAST STOCXWITH is an ecclesiastical parish, dating from 1834. The Working Men~s Institute was formed Dec. 29, 1846, from Gainsborcmgh civil parish: e~ablished in 1892. There are allC>tments of about 25 ill C0115ists ol the rownships of East. Stockwith and acres, managed by a committee. The soil is alluvial Walkerith, and is pleasarntly situated on the east bank of and nich warp; subsoil, peat. The area of East Stook­ the river Trent, 2 mile-s east fr()m MistentC>n (N~tts) with is 454 acres; rateable value, £1,331; the popula­ station on. the Great Northern and Great Eastem joint tion in 1891 was 419 of the township and 497 in the railway, and 4 north-north-we!PI; fr~m GainsborC>ugh, in ecclesiastical parish. the West Lind.sey division of the cC>unty, wapentake of Walkerith rownship is 1 mile south, on the eut bank Corringham, union, petty seesional divisio-n and CC>unty of the Trent, which divides this county from Notting· C«>urt district. ol Gainsbooough, rural deanery of Corring- hamshire: there is a ferry. Its area is 254 aocres; rate­ llam, archdeaconry of St-ow and diocese of LineoJ.n. aelb value, £s22 ; the population in 1ag1 was 85. There is a ferry over the Trent for pa.ssengers and vehicles, to WeJi.t Stockwith, in Nottinghamshire, where At Ravensfleet, about half a mile north-east, close to is the 'basin of the Chesterfield canal. The church of the l'rent, i& the pumping station of the Morton Carr St. Peter, consecrated 6th July, 1846, is a small edifice drainage; and there are two farm-houses. d stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel Parish Clerk, John Marshall. and nave, and a turret with small spire containing one Post Office, Trent side.--Geo:rge Flower Bywater, sub- bell: ther& a1'8 six stained lancet windows : the oak postmaster. Letters arrive from Gainsborough at 9 reredos was placed in the church in 1882 and the lectern a.m.; dispatched at 4.15 p.m. West Stockwith i& the in 1892: the church is sootoo with open benches for 22:: nearest money order & Misterton the nearest telegraph perSQI18. The register dates from the year 1847. The office living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £246, with resi· Wall Let.ter Box, Walkerith, cleared at 4.30 p.m. on dence, in the gift of the Bishop C>f Lincoln, and held week days only ilince 1876 by the Rev. James Gurnhill B.A. of Em· A School Board of 5 members was formed 7 Feb. 18g6, manuel College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, for East Stockwith & Walkern; C. Parker, Edenholme, erected in 1838, and a Primitive Methodist chapel, built clerk to- th& board in 187o, end there is also a Wesleylllli chapel at Walkerith, Board School, built in 18g6 EAST S'DOCKWITH. :Maw John Whittaker, Ferry House Wilkinson Sarah Ann (Mrs. ),mkt.grdnr Gurnhill Rev. Jas.B.A.(vicar),Vicarage inn, & ferryman Willows George, farmer & grazier Hrbbard Mrs Morton Carr Drainage (the trustees of) Working Men'slnstitute(Cooper Slings- Palmer Richard, Rose cottage (Joseph Holmes, engine driver), by, sec) Skelsey Mrs Ravensfleet Wright George, farmel' Swift George, Manor house Pickard Charles, farmer Wright John, maJ'ket gardener COMMERCIAL. Pickering Samuel, farmer Andrews Goorge, market ga.:rdener Rose Thomas Henry, farmer WALKERITH. Earratt Henry, farmer Shaw Fredetrick, market gardener Belton Thomas, farmer Bywater Goorge Flower, grocer, Post Slingsby Cooper, wheelwright Benson David, farmer, Jubilee farm office, Trent side Smith John, keel owner & coal dealer Brock Frank B. butcher.&:; farmer Fisher John, assurance agent Snowden Ebenezer, farmer Cooper John, boat builder Forrington Charles Tom, farmer Steven90n James, market gaTdener Laught()n John, fa.rmer Hebden Amy Sarah (Mrs.),shopkeeper Waterhouse Thos. farmer, Ravensfleet Needham George, farmer Hoodless Joseph Benjamin, blacksmith White F. & Son, artificial manure Waterland Fred, ferryman Mitchell Robert, farmer manufacturers, Poplar manure W'l'ks Winn Elisha, farmer STOKE ROCHFORD is a. parish oompri.sfug the the church at North Stoke, and consisting of a large townships of North and South Stoke and Easton, united freestone slab, on which are cut in high relief effigiea for ecclesiastical but separate for civil purposes, of a knight and lady of the early part of the 14th century, in the South Kesteven dinsion of the county, parts of and represent John de Neville and his wife: in the Kesteven, Spittlegate petty sessional division, Grantham chancel is a brass, with effigies, to Henry Bochforth soke, union and county eo~ district, rural deanery of esq. ob. 1470, and his wife Elizabeth (Scrope), with five Beltisloe, and archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln. South sons and three daughters : another slab has a brass, Stoke is picturesquely .seated a short distance west of the with effigies, and inscription to Olyver Sentjohn esq. ob. Great North road, 2 miles 90uth-west from Ponton 1503, son of the Duchess of Somerset (who was grand­ station on the main line of the Great N'OT'Iihern railway mother of King Henry VII.) and to Elizabeth (Bygod) and 6 south from Grantham. The church of SS. his wife: a third brass is inscribed to Sibella. Seyntjohn, .:Andrew and Ma.ry, situated on a knoll, commanding a daughter of Oliver Seyntjohn, oh. 1493 : there are very pleasant view, ia a building of stone, chiefly ()f the various monuments to the Cholmeley and Turnor Perpendicular period, but with portions of Notman, families, including one of freestone, placed against the Early EngliS'h and Decorated work: it consists of chancel south wall of the south chancel chapel and erected by "Fith aisles. clerestoried nave of three bays, aisles, south Montague Cholmeley, in 1641, to his father and mother, porch and an embattled western tower with small angle Henry and Elizabeth, and o~hei members of his family; -pinnacles, oontaining 5 be~ls : there was formerly a church it is richly carved and gilt, and upon the base within at North Stoke, dedicated to St. Andrew, and on its arched recesses are kneeling effigies of the parents, demolition the cC>njoint title was given to this builcling, and in amaller recesses effigies of two sons; intermediate 'tormerly known as St. Mary's: the oldest features are the columns support a cornice of panel work, enriched with nave arcades, of rich Nlorman work, the north side being armorial bearings and ornaments: there are inc:criptions 'the older, and the Early English tower; the tower and to the Cholmeleys dating from 1631 to l8o3, and other some other portions contain Decorated work, but other- monuments of the same family to 188o: the Turnor wise most of the remainder of the edifice appears to be monuments .include one of black marble, attached to the Perpendicular: the south chancel chapel was built by north WAll of the north chancel chapel and inscribed to Ralph BochfOl'd and h:so wife,.Jn I448, and the opposite Sir Edmund Turnor, 1707, and Elizabeth, his wife, 1679 j one soon after by another mWm.ber of that family; in there are monuments to this family to 1853 : in 1896 a the south wall of the former is a plain piscina, and fine memorial t(}' Christopher Turnor esq. d. 1886, and below the easternmost arch of both chapel (\rcades is a La.dy Carolina (Finch-Hatton) his wife, was erected panelled altar-tomb, the southernmost having an arched against the east wall of the north chapel : the three eanopy; at the east end of the north chapel is a fine eastern windows. the west window and two in the south sepulchral memorial, said to have heen brought from aisle are !tained..£ the communion plate ia dated 1671; .
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