CRRF_AR_ENG 9/14/06 10:05 AM Page 1 2006 ANNUAL REPORT CRRF_AR_ENG 9/14/06 10:05 AM Page 2 VISION MISSION The Canadian Race Relations To build a national framework Foundation is dedicated for the fight against racism to bringing about a more in Canada and to contribute harmonious Canada, which to Canada’s voice (in the acknowledges its racist past, fight against racism) on the recognizes the pervasiveness international stage. of racism today and is We will: committed to a future in which all Canadians are treated • Shed light on the causes and equitably and fairly. manifestations of racism, • Provide independent, outspoken national leadership, and • Serve as a resource and facilitator in the pursuit of equity, fairness and social justice 5 Acting Chair’s Message 11 An Overview of the Strategic 29 Auditors' Report 6 Interim Chief Operating Officer’s Objectives 30 Financial Statements Message 12 Reviewing the Year 2005-2006 36 Notes to Financial Statements 7 The Board of Directors 24 Financial Management 40 Appendices 8 Committees of the Board Discussion and Analysis 10 A Snapshot of the Environment 28 Management’s Responsibility for 2005-2006 Financial Statements CRRF_AR_ENG 9/14/06 10:05 AM Page 1 FOCUS In fulfilling its mission, the CRRF focuses on eliminating racism against racialized groups and Aboriginal peoples, with a particular emphasis on education and employment. THE CANADIAN RACE RELATIONS 4576 Yonge Street, Suite 701 Toronto, ON M2N 6N4 Telephone: 416-952-3500 1 888 240-4936 Fax: 416-952-3326 1 888 399-0333 Email:
[email protected] Website CRRF ANNUAL REPORT 2005-2006 1 CRRF_AR_ENG 9/14/06 10:05 AM Page 2 MANDATE HISTORY The Canadian Race Relations Foundation In 1988, The Canadian Government reached Act is very specific about the functions the an agreement with the National Association Foundation is expected to perform in of Japanese Canadians (NAJC), acting on fulfilling its purpose.