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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-12-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-12-1903 T. Hughes

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visiting with relatives In St. Johns Alderman MoKeo presented n vigor-mi-s tho past mnntn and avoiding somo oi CITY COUNCIL kirk on the city light scrvlco; tho hot weather of tho Salt Hlver val- nnd Alderman Hubbs reported his I ley. lawn damaged by stray stock, and ex- ARIZONA TOWNS Julius Wotzlcr rcturnod from Lob pressed his desire that tho newspapers New Mexico Towns j Augolos. Concessions Granted to the warn the people Hint tho titrny stock Ed Ilargomnn camo In from the ordinance will te strictly enforced; Can- DEM.NG. hor Dny procession. It was tho first FLAGSTAFF. sovoral dayB in town from Grand tango this woel while the pound master complained Territorial Fair. time he over marflied aloro represent-lu- g yon. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Savage, thnt the dog tax was being shltked by From ilio Ouin. Mrs, Gcorgo U. Uarnoy and children From tho Graphic. that order (Hiring tho twenty-fiv- e on Thursdny. an olght-pour- d girl. ninny owners, and that many of tho Mrs. M. W. Mnyfleld years he been a member. Tho excavation fur the now bank returned homo from their outing nt Mother and child doing nicely. dogs wero as large as yearling calves returned from has oulldlng 13. Gosnuy on M, 0. A trip sort In tho nn extended visit to her parents in the At Do August uusincss meeting at of S. I.aroux ltnnch. of that Mrs. Julius Greer nnd daughter Des-sl- e ORDINANCE FOR VITRIFIED WALK and burd to catch. MlmbrcD Presbyterian Christian street wilt bo completed this week. mountains Is worth a dozen to tho wont to Flagstaff to take charge lower vnlley. the Endeavor Tho town council will convene on const. Mrs. John Allison returned from society, Mrs. L. ... nldioy wa8 unani- of a hotel. MRS. ANNIE M. BRADLEY. tlic 14th inst., which time It la fond-- 1 Andy Kllno nnd family of Flagstaff Dwyer where aha nnd been visiting mously el ctcd director ot music, at James Scorso wont to Flagatnff to The . Automobiles and Viaduct Dis Mr. practice will bo hciu this even- ly nntlclpatod that thoy will arrango loft for South Africa, whore thoy will work In tho Arlzonn Lumber com- her parents, nnd Mrs. Simeon l.rst to havo Btrcot lights. rc- sldo In the future. pany's saw mill. She Attacks Former United States Eby. ing nttcr prayer meeting In tho church Miss Mary Hlordan, tho oldosti Mrs, J' L. Jones and two children cussed by Aldermen. Senator Brown at Salt Lake City. Charles Hunbard and wire returned parlors. Every member who can pos- daughter of Mr. Mrs T. A. Illor-- , nro guosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It. Kit-da- Mrs. Annie M. Drndiey, who will be from their visit to Santa ltlta. Mr. sibly arrngo to do so Is urged to bo and FOR EL PASO. left for Phlladelphl, Pcnn., whoro goro, having nrrlved from Wlnslow. NEW RAILROAD remembered by the old tlmore of Al- Hubbard Is showing somo fine samples present. eho will enter school. Mr. Jones Is now engaged at Ash Fork FIRE CHIEF NASH TALKED buquerque as the wife of a former of high grade ore taxen from his mine Territorial tpcr-- aro reoucsied to Harry Pnlgo arrived In tho city from In painting and papering the Harvey A Charter Has Already Been Applied dentist of this city, has come to the In thnt district and thinks ho has mako a note of the fact tnat the ter- Noodles, Cal, Harry Is an nllround ball hr.uso. for by Pats City People. front again since leaving the Itlo something good up thero. ritorial insane hospital is crowded to player and will probnbly play with tho Miss Dllctto Duggoln camo In Inst Whllo It Is not generally known, The regular meeting of the city Ornnde valley, and this time figures Mrs, Haniia Moore, wire of Claienco Its utmost capacity. Thero ara now Fagstaff during tho carnival. Sundny evening from Proscott, whore yet It Is a fact, tnat within tho past council was held Inst ovcnlng Instead In nn umbrella and fist I. Moore of tins city, uled ot blood 115 patients at tho Institution, and hnvo Wo don't say that tho Abtiqucrquo nho had boon visiting hor aunt, Mrs. few dny, certain El Paso people of Monday evening, because oT Ijibor iigut with a man, the defeated hero poisoning Sunday afternoon at 4 thero Isn't a spare bed in iho building. Monday made application to ths state of Texas of tno encounter being former United af- Dally Citizen has tho big head, but will J. L Davis. She wns met hero Day celebration on tho latter date. o'clock and vn buried om the resi- It is Important thnt this state of return-th- o for a charter Tor a railway frdm El Drown or stato that It has a now heading, and , by hor father, with whom she Stntcs Senator Salt Lako dence Monday afternoon. Mrs. Moore, fairs bo known throughout tho terri- d Hubbs, pnper Is etilargod. to ed to tho Oi-an- Canyon. Paso to tlio state line, west of tho Aldormen Harrison, lloRira, City, Utah. Mrs. Ilrndloy was hero whoso Was Whlto, was n tory county .authorities be- Success tho UruiiHfeld, maiden nnnio and that Since tho big Hood spring, city. McKce and Heaven were about two years ngo, anil hor vonera-til- e or sending patients Cltlzon. last present. native tho stato ot A..chtgan aud fore to tho asylum Albuqucrquo will have tho biggest, which did ronRidorablo dnmago This line Is projected to run from EI In the absence of Mayor C. appearance would not indicate camo to Doming nbout elgnt years ago communicate wltu the authorities to Meyers, who Is visiting St. Ixnils, grandest nnd boit fair over held In throughout tho town, tho crossing of Paso to a connection with tho now mucii fight in her, However, she de- since which tlmo this has been her learn whetnor or not they can bo ad- be- President 0. V. presided. tho Duke City, nnd this is saying a Cataract crook on Williams avenuo Clifton & Durango railway, and Is Harrison monstrated her ability to slug, aa the home. mitted. The proceedings began with np n great deal. Tho fair will be hold this has not been tho best. This week a ing promoted by ccrtnin El Paso citi- the following article from a special A. M, Little and Ills niece, Miss Har A telegram was received here con- - pcaranco of O. N. Marron, president Olobo-Domocr- year Octobor 12, 13, 14, 15, 1C and 17. I forco of men havo been at work con- zens. to tho bt. Louis riet beano, returned from an overland veying tho sad Intelligence of tho , promoters of line been of the Territorial Fair nBsoelatlon. Wm. O'Connor of Lincoln. Neb., dls-- structing n nridgo over tno snmo un Tho tn. havo shows: trip to Silver City and Plnoa Altos, re death nt lxis Angeles, , of Mrs. U. who naked certain matters of ca' ti let deputy M. V. A. of America for figuring on It for several months, and for Salt City, Utah, Sept. C turning by wny of tho Mimbres valley s. Q. Todd, sister of Mrs. Schlrmer of Is now deemed necessnry to tho sue-c- o Arlzonn ia horo and will remain sov-- Halph Cameron, who Is running u It stated tnat their linnnces iioadod to desperation, ub she assorts, and making a visit at tho Homo ot . this city. aItb. Todd mado qulto a s of tho great enterprise. Among era) days. During his stay he will ccuplo of camps at dram! Canyon, ono nro nbout arranged, nnd it Is further ..y itiRiitts heaped upon her by tho II. l'aylor. Miss Scano who has been lengthy stny in this city something was the granting to' associa- tho first Modern Woodmen near the depot nnd tho other down at stated that when the Clifton & Duran these the ipnn who Is seeking to renounce and spending tho summer with her unclo, over a year ago and her numerous ono-hal- tion the privilege or closing lodgo In Arlzonn nt this placo. the Indian Gardens, thrco nnd f go line Is built, tho lino out of El Paso Fourth discard her to savo himself from occu expects to return to her homo In friends will bo much grieved to learn nnd Fifth streets, between E. II, Jonos, l.vlng nt Iiogcrs' Lake, miles down tho Bright Angol will nlso be oiuft. El I'aso Herald. Itallroad pying a cell In tho penitentiary, Mrs. southern Iuwn about tnc 27th. ot this of her sudden death. nnd Gold avenues, na a. nine miles went of hero, has sold his trail, was In town. Ho snys business location for Annie M. llrndley last evening assaul- month. Alvln Prlco wns lound guilty of lar the carnival company Mr. Marron' ranch, crops, etc., to Mcsrs. Vol I & has been exceedingly good nnd tho THE FALL CARNIVAL. ted former United Stntcs Senator Ar- In county nro ceny In tho police Judgo also city Tho bent riders Luna court nnd Mack. Mr. Jonos and wlfo will return future prospects nro bright. asked that tho furnish thur Drown In his office nt 212 South going to cownoy tournament Woostcr sent him up for thirty days. twelvo additional arc IightB during enter tho to tholr old homo In Pennsylvania Mr, and Mr3. W. H. Webb nrrlved Flagstaff Will Hold a I wo Days Car Main street, striking him several nt Territorial fair Albuqucrquo Ycstcrdny, Prlco, who was staying fair week, the samo to bo placed tho in at about tho litst of this month, where hero from Fresno, Cal., nnd aro tho nival of Sport, Races and Base Ball. at stunning blows In the faco with her 12 to Tills Is not tho Central, stole $10 trom a room of tho (".Iscretlon of mo octobor if. sur they will spond their declining days. guests of Mr. and Mrs. O, W. Martin. Flagstaff will hold a carnival of association; and umbrella and following this up with prising. there is good sport the house. In the evening the marshal no licenses bo granted When Mr. Webb wns somo years slnco an sports for two dayB, Friday and Sat- thnt for shows her fist. going on ono usually the Luna captured tho hombre, who declared ho engineer or other entertainments whllo finds From tho Sun. out of this point but is now urday. September 2T and 20. The tho fnlr Attaencs of tho office soon forced county mnn at tho front, and thoro Is had but 75 cents on nis person, A running nnd Bakors- - continued. Alderman Orunsfeld mov Miss Magglo Illckel, who has been botwoen Fresno events will bo horse rnclng such as the little woman to desist her attack, certainly going to be good sport in Al- search however disclosed thj fact that 111 - field. They havo vlaltcd canyon ed, and the council passed tho motion,. with tho typhoid fovor Is convnlos- tho freo for all race), one-hn- mllo nnd but not beforo she had disfigured her buquerque during noxt he had a $10 bill In tho lining requests bo fair week of his IDg. nnd on tholr way .homo will stop oft at quarter mile cow that these granted. enemy to tho extent of breaking sev- one dashes, horse Hill tlflf month. Tho horso racing alono will hat. Price then fessed up. He told a polnta old Affftr - llallilt'-- V nt rtlultna. ... 1 11 U n.,l J. II Qolstlng, who has been to San various to renew friend rnccs, relay races, pony nnd burro " ' ' VI, ().. eral ot his front teeth. No arrests be worth going many miles to see, nnd nnrd luck story and got oft easy. ships. accounts had been presgc5?fL,and rp-- worn Ttanclsco, Cat., for tho purpose of .,,,. J races. mnile. nnd nvenr effort wn mnrln tournament 1 to, bo The asylum mot Secretary trrred to thu;pproprlnto confmlltel'i?? sura lard nt undergoing a surgical operation, re- To thoro Will (o keen the affair froni "becoming pub a warm C. Hall, who has Brunswick's officii this morning and a communication was read from the number. C turned, much Improved trrhealth, the WINSLOW. be several games between the clubs lic property. In Doming Is managing auditing bills Mid ordering war Santa Fo Hallway company, asking lots of friends attr operation having boon successful. from Williams, Wfnslow, Aim Forks The assault and tho Incidents at cowboy tournament en- rants drawn for payment, pro thnt the city sign a contract tor tho uid that their Tho trustees of tho public schools From tho Mall. and Flagstaff, and they will be Inter tho tending It are the culmination of a sures It. ceeded to tho discussion of Improve placing of a sewer under tho railway have had tho belfry on tho school Mrs. A. A. A outing gnmes. very unfortunate case ot marital Into ments at tho asylum. Tho directors villa has returned from tracks un the Mountain road. On mo houso extended to tho height of tho a visit at Iledondo, Cnltf. The Indian panics by a band of liclty and alliance. In which Senator SILVER CITY. will soon visit the asylum with a vlow top of tho building. Tho bolfry Is sur- Navajo tion of Aldcrmun llcnvan tho contract Hrown and two women have been lu Miss Sarah E. Ausotuus, tho popu Indians from the reservation signed. to making changes In tho building so mounted with n flagstaff from which promises to bo one of .no chief attrac wub volved, and which hna been aired in Independent. as to permit better lar school teacher, has returned from A notice ordinance was passed rrom tho the classification old glory will float during tho sessions a trip. tions of the carnival. or the courts and otherwlso several times Tdg day's enrollment nt tho of patients, in line with recommenda- vacation aering the laying of a vitrified brick first of school. Mrs. 0. Corrlgan, formerly a res The log sawing contest between tho during the past Tdw years. Normal s'chool was 122, which Is being tions of the medical superintendent. A J. sidewalk on the west sido of Oeorgo McCormick was arrostod on Ident of Wlnslow, now of Moron best log sawyers In tho mountains will South Recently suits on statutory charges dally. cement wnlk was ordered laid In but Urondwny, between Silver Coal increased front a chargo of illegally branding calves. cl, was hero for a part of tho week be a lively and good naturcd contest and were brought by tho state against repairs being mnda of tho administration building as avenues. An ordinance was Introduc- Somo needed are a An examination wns hold Leforo Jus- calling on old friends. for tho championship. Drown on account of his rclatioua county hospital, au ap means to prevent tracking mud her ed nmendlng Section 9 on tho Grant tho of tice Quintan, who held McCormack Mrs. Ellzaboth Hathaway, Don On Friday evening n grand ball wl.. of ordinance with Mrs. Uradley. The encouutcr is something Into of Mi. 7, and providing propriation ot over $300 the Institution. under a $500 bend to appear boforo nellBon, Iown, ocon visiting be given. Music will bo by that neither nn echo of theso. who has furnld horse, bicycle nor avlng been made by tho county com tho next grand jury. Bond wti3 fur son, L. tho A. L. & T. Co. during uutomobllo shall be her Dr. C. Hathawav. loft with band tho arlven within city missioners for that purpose. New ap BERNALILLO BREVITIES. nished. Mm. Downs for California. Thoy will carnival. tho limits at Secures Contract. greater rate of speed than eight proaches to bott. front verandas, paint Thoro nro a number of territorial visit tho Interesting places of South A number of horsemen who have miles Santa F.o Architect Chas. F. Whit Ing of samV, walks, etc., aro being put an hour, under a fine of $25 costs Santa Ana Indians Interesting Per- - rangers In this county looking after cm California before returning. inst animais nnvo signmed In- and tlesey returned yesterday from Sliver tnoir for the first offense. Other provisions In. sonal Paragrahphs. tho Interests of tho cattlemen, and Tho Order of American Boys held a tention of entering tho races, and a City, where ho spent n few days In Light arranged an ex of the ordinance uad reference to Professor has Special Correspondence already they havo discovered a num moetlng for tho election of officers, nil couple of races mado by horsemen bo conference with tho management of course for tho stops leaving horses to stand upon tho ccllcnt Normal lecture ber of violations of tho law and of which wero with tho ox- tween tholr horses will ccmo off dur tho Silver City NormnI school. Mr, present year, composed of foreign and Hernnllllo, N. M Sept. 8. Tho San-t.- a punish culprits. streets not properly hitched, to pas- will bo taken to tho coptlon of Itobcrt Hill, who resigned ing tho carnival. ' Whittlesey has secured a contract for local talent. Tho first address will bo Ana Indians havo finished threshing David Floyd passed a check on one sing tho intersection of streets at a I from tho office of treasurer. Tho offi Tho banta Fe railroad has made furnishing plans for a $20,u)0 dorm mado by ftov. J. O. Harshaw on Thurs. their wheat. A farmer from tho great of our morchants which proved to bo cers higher rate of speed than tour miles tory building to be built as an addition nro: Captain. Harry vaughan: roducod rates tor tho occasion and a per dny, , who will tnko for wheat bolt of tho United States would Floyd stranger vlco-captal- hour and to prohibit automobiles worthless. is a horo WIIllo Allen; secretary, Inrgo attendance Is expected for both to the normal school. Iho now dor his subject: "Uetting On m This bo astonished at the primitive method And as soon ho passed the use of the Coal nvcnuo viaduct. rs tho check AlfonBO Dunklin; treasurer, Elmer days of thd carnival. Flagstaff Sun mitory will be built of brick and en World." omployed. Tho grain Is flr3t cut with town. A was sworn out Tlio last niause produced considerable 1 loft warrant Jonos; counsellor, Mrs. A. L. Dunklin. rely modern In construction. Dr. medical director of St, a sickle, then hauled to tho threshing capturod discussion. City Attorney Stlugle Bullock, for his arrest ai.d ho was nt Last Sunday nulte a number mado GOT WHAT THEY WANTED. Joseph's sanitarium of this city, has ground. This has been prepared by Gallup will bo - gnve the legal opinion city and returned hero for u trip Into th- country to see tho fos that tho FARO BOX. making n floor ot adobo mud boat- bad tho undoubted right to prohibit recently been honored with Invitations and trial. tlvitlea of tlio Navajos which took General Manager Wells Gives Boiler. Philadelphia Comity ing It with poles until It Is hard. Tho 0. M. Zandor and wlfo to automobiles from using tho viaduct, to address tho returned place nenr 0. W. Adams' trading post. makers an Increase In Pay, It Can Bb Used for Other Purposes a meeting to bo threshing floor Is surrounded by cir- tholr homo In Phoenix. Mrs. Zander and Alderman Harrison wns or Meutcal society, at a Tho principal feature was omitted by It was a well satisfied tho Than Card Drawing. upon tho subject of cular fenco of jtolus ropes. has been spending tho summer horo committee of samo opinion. Alderman McKco heia next month, mado and tho Indians tho corn dance but thoy bollormakorB that returned from Ixis Normnri Travis was put under bond tho treatment ot tuberculosis In this After sovoral wagon loads of wheat with hor Bister, Mrs. L. D. Ycngcr, doubted tho city b right in tho prcra-lac- amused tho spectators with chicken Angolos nftor nearly two weeks' nb this morning charged with assaulting cllmato Dr. tliillock will leavo early havo been stacked in the middle of tho nnd Mr. Zandor has beon enjoying racing. Navajo Alderman Heaven declared the pulling and horao Tho scenco , ovory dny of which was spent Joe Snnte, "Klondike" dealer at tho In October to fill tho engagement. floor, forty or fifty horso aro brought tho delights of Flagstaff summor ell ponies wero pretty fleet nnd some outo to be more dnngcrous than the St Elmo, with a faro box. Travis and mato for tho paflt two weeks. Ho is In long deliberations with General street car, because tho goes jnmi P.. Thwalts, Jr. , and Miss and driven around and around, tramp- coin .changed hands on tho raco be latter Snuto had words over money mat lu marriage dollghtcd with Flagstaff and its Bur Manager Wells, says tho San Bornnr- straight mi end nnd tho former Pearl Arthur were united ling out tho grain. This la afterward tween town horres and tho ponies, tho often tors. Santa arsnultcd Travis with 'l-- dlno Sun. A settlement of tho wago at Pinos Altos, o groom Is a sue wlnnowod by tossing It up with pitch-fork- roundings, and thinks It an Ideal place getting end of tho wobbles. Alderman Hubbs attributed to Indians tho best differences wan reached, and tho com words, which tho latter rcronted ccssful young stockman of tho Whlto so tho chaff aud straw will bo to spend tho Bummer months. deal Tho only unpleasant fentura of this eccentricity of motion to tho driv- strenuously. Saute suffered with a knowledgo from signal district. Tho brldo Is tho blown away. Tho women complete tho days' sport was hoavy rain. mlttoo returned of er's having indulged in .Monogram pevero by tho a Hcalf wound Inflicted a steel daughter of Mrs. ' Price of this lu KINGMAN. - hnvlng completed a task which for rye. Finally tho ordinance was J. task by tossing the wheat baskets, Dr. Oeorgo ?. Sampson went to Hoi- referr- taro box, hurled liy Travis, Tho caso young lady weeks has beon looked forward to ed to tho grievance re- city, aud a most estimable removing tho Inst hits of chaff, then brook, his mission being connected commlttco for wl'l como up In poilco court tomor ' From tho Minor. with a fooling of susponsa that was port at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Thwatts wi mako their washing tho grain and drying It in. tho with tho county board of health. Ho row morning. placo Tho Elks building Is going up nt a closely nkln to dread. Tho city mnriiaiB report showed homo at Whlto Signal, at which sun. conforrcd with tho othor members of a and reception was tendered rapid rato and already tho walls pro Supervisor and Tho commltto is not giving to tall; for tho month of August 122 arrests, danco Mrs. O. M John has gono to Puublo, tho board, Dlvolbcss Left for Deadwood. to them Thursday evening, atttended bent a nlco nppcaranco. Attorney Dr. Samp- ing of its accomplishments, but tho 31G menls sorved, and $535 collected F. Colo., to spond a fow weeks with hor District Moran. Dr A. Jones, world's fair com by qulto a number or Silver City Mrs. J. W. Tuck and sou, who havo son Is prcsidont board and ho members of tho union who havo hoard In lines, The city treasurer reported sister. of tho mlsslnnor nnd superintendent ot tho friends. been visiting with Mrs. A. II. Smith states that ho will fulfill his duties of tho agreement which has beon 111,684 In the treasury at tho close of territorial fair mining exhibit, left Inst Miss Afrla Tnloya and Eaden Joncn In Kingman, departed for tholr homo strictly according to A vigor- roachod nro loud In praiso of tho com- tho month, 'ino city clerk roported of Corrales wero married In llcrnallllo tho law. night for Deadwood, South Dakota LAS VEGAS. In Needles. ous crusado will bo started to provent mittee's work. Said ono of tho boiler-maker- s: for August a collection of $825.50 where ho goes an a delegate from Now . Fathor Condert perform Ollvor AugJahl, who went to Los from licenses, oi which $101 was coremony. dlseaso, nnd tho first stops to bo taken "Tho commlttco and General from Mexico to tho National Mining Con Laura Miller, the vocalist, Is cd tho Angolcs about ten days ago for tho up agreed tho dog tax fund. Miss pjubllo ecf.oous opened today will bo to sea that denning of back Manager Wells havo at last gross. After nttonding tho congress suffering from an attack ot tonallltls Tho benefit of his health, is reported to bo onco, 30 por Hesldes theso matt of ono hundred pupils In at- yards Is commenced at tho to a ralso of conls day, which business, Dr. Jonos will go to Chicago and St. so aggravated as to confine her to tho with almost In ono of tho hospitals of Tlfat city suf- garbngo, Htagnant dally wago of tho remainder ot tho evening was tak- of will incroaso tho tho Louis. At Chicago the doctor will look bed. tendance. ferlng from pnoumonln. IUb many en up In kicks complaints, V. Albu- pools of water and anything that helps botlermakors from 3.C0 to $3:80 por and 't he nftor mnttors pertaining to mining; was Mr. and Mrs. P. Metcalf of s Tho Cnthollc fair which to havo ft lends in this county hopo for his to dlsoako. stop pawn-broker- leu with a communica guests ot Mrs. Lund bred day, and this Is a great to a scalo ni St. Inilfl his mission will bo mat- been given during tho present month, querque wero tho early rocovory, but his Hto In tho Hum-mono- tion asking tnat . llcenso Uudortnker W. A. Parr was of $4 por day, which tho mon will in elr be re ters In regard to tho Now Mexico ex- postponed until November on Sunday. dosort unfits him for n Imttlo with to Wodnosday night duced from dO to $60, and as been Holbrook tlmo bo receiving. thnt tho hibit at tho exposition nnd tho New good having tho af- Tho mother guporlur and Sister this dread dlseaso lu a humid climate. proparo sum of $200 bo returned to 10, by tho ladles to embalm and for burial tho "I nra not nt liberty to stato whether broknrs Moxlco building slto. Ho will bo ab- chargo. Mary Hcrnard of St. Cathoriuo's James McQrcgor, who for years ro E. Burko, Mr. Burko who hnd paid the larger sum. fair In remains of Ross wo dologatcd to tho commlttco tho The sent from tho city sovoral weeks. Qosser was tho only repre school in Santa Fo visited tho sisters sldod in Eldorado Canyon, Novada, ro- - by falling from No, 2 petition was reNirred to tho flnnnco G. A. met his death power of signing n contract for tho International Cigar of Lorotto. Thoy returned to Santa turned from a two months' visit at his 2 o'clock Wednesday morning. committee. sentative ot tho nbout union boforo tho men havo Anally MINING DEAL NEAR GOLDEN. In - Fc Monday morning. old homo in Scotland. Ho also visited - Makers' Union In America tho la- No ono witnessed him fall and his dls- passed on tho matter, but you may ineu camo nro unici isasn In a Ireland, England nnd Franco. Whllo in nppcaranco was not noticed until verbal report, claiming de- later htato thnt so far thero has not been tho flro Interest In Lucas Claims Sold to Leon New York ho saw tho second race be on. It was supposed ho had stoppod partment to bo In a very lnd way, tho tweon Ilollanco and III., in found ono of tho mon to ralso a kick 3. Greswald. Shamrock at Holbrook, About 9 o'clock In tho city virtually having no flro alarm sys John P, formerly of Ooldon, which tho Ilollanco won by ono minute against tho settlement, and tho mattor Olrard. morning ho was found In a dying con tern, wlillo equipment was Insufficient, In tho southern part ot Santa Fo and ntnotoon Mr. McGregor is now a thing of tho pasL Wo aro seconds. dltlon by a roction foreman and tho men employed too fow and their county, has sold twonty flvo eighths is a truo bluo Amorlcan cltlzon and Is fully satisfied, and what's more, nono wages brought Into Holbrook. Ills Injuries too small. Chairman Hubbs of of ml min- willing -- us supposed at any tlmo that any the Illinois no in tho Placer to spond tho nmalnilor of his wore serious and boyond all medical of tho flro commltteo agreed with Chief ing mortgngo days a satisfactory arrangomont would district and assigned a under tho bluo skies of the dosort skill, nnd death relieved him of Buffer' but Nash and contended that Instead of to country. como of tho matter. Oonoral Manager rrndo him by Jamos M. Lucas on the ing. Tho remains woio sent to Los ten alarm boxes as now, tho city Illinois, Illack Prlnco and Ohio mines, Angolos, accompanied by Mr. Wells throughout tho discussion horo should not lmvo less eighteen. cCos Parr. than for $1,500, to Leon S. Groswald ot Dos Le Strauss WILLIAMS. as a gentleman and gavo uh hlmsolf In fijet ho placed tho needed outlay at ton, Mass., assignment being re ho and tho com- - tho Copperrive"tcd HOLBROOK. all to understand that $1,500. Alderman Orunsfeld thought corded In tho county offlco nt From tho Nows. pany to do tho right thing. I dork's wanted tho council should movo slowly In tho Santa Fo yostorday. Tho prlco paid M!b Ella Drown arrived In tho city From tho Argus may truly say that at no tlmo has there faco of so largo an expenditure. Other from tho west. displayed for tho interest in tho Illinois mlno 1S Mr. nnd Mm. Oeorgo Lewis of Mosa, been tho loast harshness members took a hopeful view Overset! of tho wns $1,700, These properties constl Charlld Kirch hag been spending i Ariz., roturnod home. Thoy have boon olthcr by tho mon or tno omciais. situation, ana but no action was had tuto tho well known Luca mines.

$ grcnt nnd powerful gifted mny All...... i.. nnd ho $100 REWARD, 5100. pcrtod was 1299,351,033; In 1003 tho cenfor with tha agents, ho, lint tliero Is scarcely anyone local Allison For DrunkwinMt, Opium, tho iccctrlc light plant who Tho readers of this paper will Iks llguros had nmcunted to $375,150,947. prop- aro oelng mad will If it lianchor, and look over tho Merphlrw nd Is . & AicOKBIUMT. contend that. each citizen would pleased to learn that thero Is nt least In 1870 only 10.65 per cent of our im- erty and It tho Intention of too com- iHKS Publishers. perform in which tho compnny Is Interest- other Drug Utino, pany the simple nnd nppnrcnt duty ono dreaded dlscaso that Bclcnco has ports consisted of raw materials; In ed. having this In chargo to have which lui ran easily do, civilization been nl.le In IhtTolmecoHsbll their llgnt plant, steam Subsfiptl" Rates. to cure nil Itn stages nnd 11103 tho proportion wm 36.58 per cont. ilo met a numbor of tho mombors of laundry, and Dully per IC.00 would i npld 'y ndvanre, tho world Unit Is catarrh, andNtiiriithtnls. Iro plant In runrf iig order by Decem- :iti'tt. nail's Catarrh Cure his party and very quietly Cmt-pniu- I discussed THE KEELEY tWel.iv . heroine better, and lire for a. grow Is tho only positlvo now ber. The plant, When .tvn. ymr 2.00 euro known political stuto-mont-s completed, will iht more W. J. Hanna, water scrvlco mnn on matters. Ho mado o beautiful. There Is hut ono euro to the medical fraternity. be - INSTITUTE, cost something 'Arer $25,000. Catarrh tho ltlo Ornndo division, arrived for publication, 011101- to incur lit Ycsterdny was n red loiter day for way or reforming tlie world, ing from than CotHMidtL Dwhjht, Ilk A Joint depot and that n constitutional dlsensc, requires Snn Mnrclul fcay may for tho Santa Fo, E. organized In this morning. tnat whoever bo tho nomlnco c the United States. is !y eneh one contrlmitlng his mlto, n constltutlonnl treatment. Una's Ca-- ! P. N. E., Itock island nnd of tho New Mexican republicans in 431 and improvements Choctaw which .n tii"o win nccoinpllsn won- tnrrh Cure Is tnken Internally, acting at $23,835.Thoro rnllronds Is contemplated, also Joint FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS. 1004 for delegate to congross will bo nro 1,187 tow.i lots with n valuation l.ot'B keep cool nnd settle labor trou-Ide- s ders directly upon the blood nnd mucuu roundhouses nnd shops for all of theao elected by a majority of at least 7,500. oi $55,089 nnd tho Improvements nro in Albuquerque In a sonslhlo nnd of tho rysKm, thereby tie-- 1 roaus. Approached upon tho statehood ques- nssossed $14J,C38. fctiBlncKH llko mnnncr. PILQIIIM MEMORIAL. Htroylng the foundation nt tho dls- A Boost for These Springs From on El at Thero nro 137 Tucumcnrl Is destined to bo tho ' tion, ho announced thnt hu wr.s work- mllos In Tho first landing of Pilgrims was ensc, nnd Riving tho patient strength Paso Man. of rnllroad tho county with commercial nnd rnllrond center the ing strongly for statehood for Now nu assessed of Is - by up vnlnatlon of $900,583 on eastern China Jmt as liberal as our Amor not In Plymouth, ns Ib commonly sun- building tho constitution and O. II. Haum, proprietor and presi- Mexico, nnd and central Now Mexico, and that the territory Is well tracks nnd rolling stock nnd $14,-C3- 9 lean saloon system. She promises to ! posod, hut upon Cnpe Cod at Province-kee- Assisting nature In doing Itn work. dent of Uio Troy sioam laundry, re- of na tho most desirable location of any ' entitled to admission singly. Ho on buildings, tools nnd machinery. town nlong two oiMin ooors. town. Important steps aro IioIiik taken i .io proprietors have so much faith In turned a few days ago from nn ex- to rccognlzo the llock Island railroad tho question of Joint Mines nro nssessod nt, $2.1,385 nnd of In Now Mexico. to erect n lilting memorial In coinmom Its enroll poweis. that they offer1 tended stay in tho Fay wood Hot statehood with Arizona ns a j "llvo tho flouring nnd other mills nt $11,500. Now conies a condensed milk true t. ornMon of tho hours passed nt this one hundred dollars for nny ense thnt Springs hotel, located In the hills of Bnylng that when thnt point cnme Hook accounts nro listed nt $5,900. with n capital of Jl.DUO.uoO There point hy tho pilgrim hand heforo they U lulls to euro. Send for list of tost!-- ! Ornnt county, says tho El Paso Hor-ol- prominently Notice of Cult. boforo tho peoplo for solu Thoro nro 4,4iU horses vnluod nt $40,-00- 3; he Dual Plym- - monlnls. Address i . & In can't nnicft wnter in that stock. set sail for their landliiK at J. CHENEY Mr. llaum was pretty bad Hon would bo nmplo 17(5 Tcrritbry or Now Moxlco, ' tlmo to discuss mules in $3,087; 15,023 bond . i outn. CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all drug. shape when ho went up to tho resort, county of nnd detormlno It., of cnttlo nt $ir,!,808, 18,540 shcop nt llernnlillo. If. remained for tho lisping pnrn - .Mnsachu;tt has appropriated Rist, "he. hardly nhln to hold a pen In his hnnd In ' Upon tho probnble nppolnteo ns $20,540; 5.028 the District nurt. f'2C.O()0 tho Ronts nt $5,028; 725 emptier "f the Kansas City Star to )o-- j for thU purposo, provided nn Hnll's Family Pills nre tho best. Irom rheumatism, but ho Is now great-I- ) Mnry A. Johnson Judgo of tho Fifth Judicial district, swlno nt $1,775; CO burros nt $200; clnre that the "situation qunl iimount ho vecured from prlvnto o Improved ; tho hot wnter baths. vs. at I'annnm Mr. Htibbol) was ovon moro non com- while tho totnl vnluntlon of nil kinds Isthmiisged up More two-third- s conslderahly." 'nurces. than of this EDITORIAL NOTES. In speaking of tho marvoious powers mittal thnn on the other questions, nnd of Is $13,001 William A. Johnson. 1)111 vehicles and saddles nnd i )a been nlniady raised. A Is of the hot springs, Mr. Ilaum said If To William A. Johnson, he hns nny knowledgo of whom the hnrness is $7,210. Tho vnluo of o defendant: The populist lo-- 'or Introduction In congress pro-w- a 6'.'. Is strango mo people You nro hereby state convention in N''b' aucd Ho will bo retired In 1015. "It to that tho president will appoint ho gave no Is $03,750. Fnrmlng Imple- notified tnat tho nbovc was hy vl'Hw; tlu.nno for tho same purposo. $nO,0Oi).U00 of El Paso not been moro appre- attended eight delegatus. More than is Invested In have of IL ments nro valued nt $17,039 nnd entitled cause Is now pending In tho The other of "lmn l,k0 conditions, ciative of Fay wood tho tnemhrr the party In the America's yachting (lout, nnd of this tho Hot Springs. Upon ono mnttor ho wns posIHve, fixtures of stores nnd othor plnecR of said court. Tho plaintiff, Mary A. state wns l.y ,8 proposed to erect a huge innnu- - Few know It Is or Johnson detained sickness, " fully $40,000,000 Is Invostcd In stemn of them whnt whoro nnd thnt was thnt ho wns very grently buslnosB nt $3,205. Thero Ib $2,0ii0 In seeks to obtain by said suit ment which may ho seen for thirty I Is yachts. Tho number mora than It Is, but tell you it ono of tho most Impressed by his visit to this nionoy nnd tho an nbsoluto dIVoreo from you, Will-ln- m In ItR latter section nluntlon of tho bonds, ThoiiRh your friends mny try np. miles out to sin, nnd to have COO marvelous springs for rheumalllc A. Johnson, on to vcbsnis. of tho territory, It bolng his first trip. pte., held Is put nt $350, whllo tho val-u- o defendnnt. tho pear structure rocks from nil tho states In In ground Interested, yot they don't like to troubles the country. ho vnl-11- of cruelty and drunkenness; Thu Record rays It would bo Thnt considers tho country n fine of Jowolry. etc , Is $1,390. Tho 0 (he union Ono of tho most notable that Is cura- nnd you dear you telling your troubles; so "It simply wonderfiil what ono, Cnrls-bn- d unless enter your nppenranco ' meet and proper for Itoswell to have future proRpocts rosy, nnd of household furnlturo Is $19,844. spare yourself things connected with this first Innd-- i tive powers it Peoplo go In said on and, above all, your nn excellent nirplay has. thoro nnd ItoswoM thriving, progressive Tho vnluo of shares In corporations Ib suit or before tho 20th day Iiik of tho pilgrims wns that hero they nt tho territorial up nwny A. ti lends. all crippled nnd como In n nnd enterprising towns. put nt $0,000 and 26 of October, I). 1903, a Judgment by drew up nnd sinned the compact which fair, which Is to be held at Albuquer- tho vnluo of tho few weeks almost henled. Tho spring Further, he sec- - tons liny defnult will bo entered ngnlnst Edward que next mouth. announced that this of nnd nlfnlfn on hand March jou, lrof. S. P. KatiRley has Kverott llaln declares to If In the top of a con'cnl hill about tlon of wns 1 $216. nnd tho plaintiff will be entitled to manufactur- i. org-e- tho territory properly on nt Tho totnl nssossed vnluo of tho " ns Judge Cray of Do.awnre, who Is d 1 n HvillL' I as importnnt tho declaration of 400 high, Bhouh' v, Tor com-plnln- ed ninchlnn wlllrh twtralutnnf feet and has titled to n sixth dlsrlct, nnd that ho nil Kinds of property Is $2,189,899, and relief nsked In tho bill of t. - and Its forerunner." as tho dcmo"rntlc nominee for pres- refuses to fly, and tho national treas- - been thero for ages. Tho hill, it seems would do what ho could to sccuro Its tho exemptions nnd '"'l''-' nls" ident In l!'0t, lias been In public life reductions amount ury has parted with GU,000 In gold l('r Pronounces this to me, wns formed from tho doposlt of establishment. to $112,200, loavlng W. E. DAME. "one of the great noncon for more than twenty years. Ho Is nvnllnblo for tnxes coin to construct It. coMact the mineral matter of tho spring, as It He left for his nome In Albuquerque proporty to tho nmount $2.077,C99. Clerk of said Court j lifihts, ono now i4 years of age. of tno Rrent historic fncts Is of a sort of spongy, porous rock, this morning. Carlsbad Argus, FHANK ACKBRMAN, I ratlin- '"t Ollfiht tO bo PUt side by Side Wltll They do some tilings on n largo scale which looks n doposlt Attorney Tim - n.nnr.l l,B like formntlos'. Ed-wa- for Plaintiff. ,...' - Department Commnnder J. W. of America hy Colum- It. j !ho In Itussla. The 500,000 per la a grass Address: cd atxiut a second a year for the Inst ""wnr tact that beautiful covorcd knoll OCAL PARAGRAPHS. Is In receipt of a letter from Wil- Albuquerque, N. M. luty years, if tnls rate Is kept up rons are on a strike In tho southern and tho water bolls up at a tompern First publlcntlon heptembcr i, 1903; for In liam Ijoy, son of tho Orand Army vet- i!00 years Tho association having charge part of country Is a rnthor por- - ture of 100 degrees Inst publlcntlon September 2C. 1903. about the trotter will be that almost Fahronholt. Hill Slowlwy says eran who lost his mind In this city along this monument Justly states that "Am- lontlous circumstance. Cno can boll an In tho spring, ho cannot see thnt will do a mllo In "Icsb than orr Wnat good It does to nnd wns found wandering south of no erican liberty wns horn In thnt little Lost week tne Carlsbad Argus ls-- j which Is about twenty feet across advertise, NOTICE OF SALE. time." and He says It's money away; town, and after being brought to tho crowded cnhln of tho Mnyflowor, as It page twcnty-ilv- o thrown sued a sixteen sheet. Carlsbad somo feet deop In most city wns cared for by Mr. In the District Court of tho County ot rodo nt nnchor in tho harbor of Prov-Incetow- A prnctlco silly nnd unwise. Edwnrds. No single Industry is developing ban not prospered much Blnco It chnng j places. Of course Uio bottom has been young man Heniallllo, Territory of New Moxlco. November 11. 1G20." His growing rival up tho street Tho writes that he is vory man-ufactur- c ed Its nnmo o Dutch, but tho Argus sort of n loo. with greater rapidity than Is tho cementod nni a tank mndc. money grateful to Mr, Edwards, and also npponrps to bo prosperous. Is Puts Into proper space. of cement. From n total pro- - hut tho center practlcallly bottom states thnt his father never recovered Tho Hank of Commerce et nl., plain- LAS CRUCES. report A pipe Yet mil can't seem to understand ductlon In 1802 of ,08,021 barrels tho The of tho commissioner of esc. was once sunk 600 feet his coat and .'est which wa's lost tiffs, vs. John A. Johnson nnd Julia pensions government In Why ho Is losing In tho race. business has grown to a production of shows that tho tho center and no bottom wns horo. Tho vest had $100 In paper Johnson, defendants. No. 5771. the Citizen . nt Is Exchange. ,43,80 barrels in 1002. (From rolls are bolnR rapidly depleted by rue'.:. The wnter piped down from money sewed In tho lining. Notlco Is hereby given that under I Mrs. (Jeorgo Frenger left for St. death, thero being n decrease of near- the spring to tho bath houses, whoro and by virtue of the decree of John A. Itoss, n well-know- said Louis on n visit to her parents. Sho ly 41.000 names during fho past year. thero Is also somo cold wntor. which Is railroad court In tho nbovo The Durnngo Democrat snys thnt official of Lns Vegas, Is in tho city. STRIKE IN GRANT COUNTY. entitled caiiBO, wns accomiuinled by her son and Mr. Thro'URh energy pl.nod down fram cold under-signe- the prevailing Industrial In tho and cnthuslnsm a water medici- unted December 15, 1900, the d troubles F. II. A. Sleyster, attorney nnd speclnl J. Ihman's little son Elmer. ot Alderman Grnnsfeld, tho city snved nal spring a few miles distant nppolnted In o Colorndo arc directly duo to the mis- ngent for tho Atlns Society Fine Deposit of Gold Found Near Sil- Mnster sold John It. l)o..iler nnd family lett for $43 during the recent Hood excite- "Tho hotel accommodations ore ex- Insuranco for tho purposo of executing take of the unions in bestowing their of Ixindon, England, will leave tomor ver City. tho tehlr new homo In Alnmogordo. Mr. ment, that nmount being cut down cellent and when 1 left tho hotel there snmo will on Wednesday, tho 30th oiaccB upon, and trusting trslr leader- row on nn extended trip throughout Nows comos Horn Grant county of a ship De.Mlcr and family hnvo lived In this Irom the bills presented to the council. wero flomo E Paso people there, day of September. 1903, nt 10 o'clock to hoclnl:stic RglUtors. tho territory, for tho purposo in- rich gold striko which boon valley a number of years and will be Why not appropriate this sum to re- nmong them bc'ng Mrs. J. S. Dodgo of, has mado n. m., of snld dny, front door specting the company's ngcnclcs. In the Oold Gulcn, near Sliver City, in nt the missed by tnelr many friends, who pair tho Alameda uylto? nnd family. of the Court House of Hernallllo coun- Captain Richards Ohio won Tho Denver Is caus- of tho wish tnctn happiness nnd prosperity Since tho passage of tho natlonnl "Fourteen miles from tho springs Is Field and Farm has n tho Santa Hlta district, which ty, Now Moxlco, in Old Albuquerque, cup at the Sea Girt Now Jersey ahoot-in- g splendid cut of Guenon'B Lad 54422, ing great excitement among Silver in their new homo. irrigation law tho Importance of the th Santa Rita mining district, whore N. M., offer for snlo nnd Boll to Uio competition. were 113 com- calved on the Jersey, City mining men. There Sister M. Yostlna, who for more nntlonnl Irrigation congroso hns come the extensive copper mines of tho Snn Island of March. highest bidder for cash tho property petitors, whom twenty 10. luOl. A great grand on was weok prospect- ench of fired than twenty years hns been nn in- to bo moro gonornlly recognized tn mta Mining compnny nro boln sire both it mado last and horolnaftcr described, to satisfy at 1,000 yards, Cnptaln sire nnd dam's was ors nro going tho sots IUcftards structor nt tne Ixirctta academy here, throughout the cart. This Is evidenced worked night and day. Farther on Is sld' Golden Lad Into tho mountains in Indebtedness decreed to bo due ninety-on- e 1242 to fold made a score of of p H. whllo his grand droves. Numbers of.clnlma havo al- out a was recently promoted to tho prlncl-palshl- by tho lively Interest prominent men tho Hanover district, where tho C dam was Hank of Commorco from snld defend- possible one Pholpi-Dodg- the famous cow Blnebelle 4j07 H. C. ready changod hands. nundrc. of one of tho largo parochial of the cast are taking In tho coming e & Co. mines nro located. ants, to-wl- t: $1,340.90 principal, nnd Guenon's Lad. while owned by Ore was found whlc assayed from schools In El I'aso. Her many friends session and by tho fact that thirty or j near Flerro, This country is nil high tho $130.00 tax os paid, together with In- Kentucky experiment station, defeat- two to twenty-on- e ounces of gold nnd Business, not patriotism, hns often regret her departure, but wish her sue-ccs- b rorty wnsnington coritspondentH nro Iv mlncrnllzc.1 nnd produces Iron, si! terest thereon nt the rnto of 1 per ed the winner of from eight to ounces of sli- been a motto of English .merchants, in Ifer now position. Sho wns well on tholr way to attend tho congress to ver. gold, cooper, turquoise nnd other tho fourteen cent por month from tho of at the fair In ver to the ton. date said and thero Is nothing particularly sur- liked hero nnd will bo greatly missed. be held nt Ogden this month. mlntrnls. Tho cattle around Santa interstate Louisville decree, (December 15, 1900) until pall, nnd wns later sold to E. F. Lndd of It Is claimed the find wns In n prising In the dlscovercy thnt the Tho town of IXwa Ann hns been Tho recent advanco In silver nnd tho Hlta nre In flno condition. that together with costs of said suit, in- Orojrnn tor $4,350. This Jer- place which had boon unsuccosofully rlfleB used In lighting the British by stripped of two of Its oldest relics prospect of a further advnnco will be "They hnvo hail good rains nil famous cluding nn attorney's ton of $150. nnd sey huh Is tho father of Guenon prospected numerous times. the Mad Mullah nre being supplied two bells, ono named 1j do Nucstra welcomed by all who understand tho through that cr untry nnd tho Rrnss Is Lad which Indebtedness was by told de- No. 3, owneo by rinlry-ma- n, lnm uy a cmdon firm. Senora do purchased In Importance mining Industry. fine. Santa Is In n sur- Olecklnr, the cree adjudged Cnndelnrm, of the lllta basin, residing to bo a first lien upon 1850, and one named La. do Nucstra In recent years tho nnnunl silver pro- rounded bv hllU nnd mountain chains. near Old Albuquerque. Tho Albuquerque Citizen camo out snld property, nnd which Indebtedness In some parts of China the punish- Senorn del Carmen, purchased In 1861, duct hns averaged about $33,000,000. ThU forms n vast territory which Ik Tuesday enlarged and Improved. It will on snld day of Bale aforesaid, with ment for murder Is denh from sleep- The bells hnvo ieen sent to El Pnso to a considerable Item In tho country's compopo'I of ranches nnd llttlo farm. POSTS. Is easily tho best paper printed In Now Interest, nmount to tho sum of lessness. The culprit is kept awake bo sold for old metal. Those bells arc resources, but n smnll figure compared The cnunfrv r ns yet undoveloned. Mexico, and tho fact that It has escap- together with said costs or by ueatlng tho soles of his feet, nnd said to have been cnat In Dona Ana with tho product of fifteen years ago. but l Is one of tho greatest possibili- The General Staff of the Army Con- ed the contaminating Influences of tho suit anil costs of sale; nnd said de- gang Is sufficient this treatment continues until he dies. nnd conTnln considerable gold. Thus Tho forty-firs- t anniversary of tho ties." sidering the Rehablltatlon of Numer-- . evidence to commend fendants having made default in tho It to tho peoplo of Now Mexico. At tne end of nine or ten days the two old Innd mnrks have neen removed battle ot Antli-tn- Is to bo observed .ous Old Forts. It payment of said Indebtedness on or A dispatch Is tho only dally in territory victim brenthes his Inst and plunges from one of tho oldest towns In tho on the 17th of this month by the un- DEMING. from Washington to tho tho that heforo ninety days after tho dato of Globe-Democr- had for into the gloom of eternal nlijht. territory. veiling of a monument on tho St. Louis asserts that sufficient icepect deconcy and tho rendition of said decree, nnd erected humanity nn unhampered Held to the New Jersey soldiers who From the Headlight. the war department Is disposed to to voice which snld Indebtedness stIN remains opinion on tho asylum outrages, "For tho first time since 1S0C tho Fiom the Republican. fell there, and President Koosovelt S. Elndnucr and son Herman return- the old army posts In bo leccnt duo nni! nnpnld. Tho property to bo country, some it Is tho only dally In tho torrltory postolllce depnrtment, with the Is- Miss Fa mi lo French has been em- will deliver the address. ed from Los Angeles. Mrs. Goldsmith of them abandoned long sold Is described ns follows: ago, that owns Its own soul, and docs not suance of the new series of stamps In ployed as teacher of tho Mcsiltu Park Tho mnn who belloves In fnllure, nnd her grandchildren will remain in rather than establish now posts. Lot No. 8, In niocK No. 19, In tho Tho dispatch says: maintain a fluctuating policy to bo preparation will make uso of the Am- school for the coming yenr. who thinks of continually California In order that the children Now Mexico Town Company's Addi- fniluro and guided from Santa Fe. Laa Vegas Ad erican Mag In one of the designs. This Ilarbaro Luccro nnd wife, Mrs. L. who Is afraid of failure, will never mny go to school. "The general staff of tho army Is tion, as snld Ixit and Block nro known considering tho nu- vertlser. dcslgnntod upon Map will be a pnrt oi tho two cent stamp lielnhnrt und son, returned Irom a make a success 111 advertising or any- Archie Sprague, son of Mr. and Mrs. rehabilitation of nnd th of said merous which by way will two weeks' visit to relatives In Mexico. thing olso. Ic porslst-cut- , Wm. Spragno of this city, arrived in forts nnd posts In various Addition made by M. J. Mack. C. E. tho bear little It tho positlvo, parts to tho ono now current. Mrs. Morris Frcuiiaenthnl and Mrs. Implacable buslnoss man who Doming from San Francisco and Is of thee ountry, but mainly In tho WITHIN SIXTY DAYS. nro Mod In tho office of tho Probnto west, Alfred Hnnsen, who hnvo been spend- his way In overcoming with his parents for tho first tlmo In whlcvh havo been abandoned for Clerk nnd Recorder of tho wins tho wrld, yycars. Solomon frankiy confessed, says ing severnl weeks visiting relatives In obstacles and using them to mount twelve years. A party In ihs honor was ninny ncrore tho war with W. R. Stubbs Will Resume Work on County of Bernalillo on tho 29th tho Spain army Chicago Trlbuno, tnero were somo Solomonvllle Arizona, return'cd to Ias highor In tho scnlo of nchlovcraont. given at his father's house. Mr. tho had run down to less the Choctaw Extension. dny of December, 1882, nnd nelng situ- thnn 25,000 In thing ie dlu not know, and wns care- Cnices. Wherever King Edward goes nowa- Sprague mny mako Doming his home. men of all branches of tho It has been positively uuiounccd by ate tlie City of Albuquerque, in ful to specify tnem. "The way of an Theodore Schmidt of y spent days Tie Is vccmpanled by his own Billy Ilaker and Louis Holtzmnn, of service. Tnero was no use for many tho W. It. Stubbs Construction com- snld County of Bernnllllo, New Mox- of th posts lco. eagle In the air, the way of a serpent the past two weeks hero visiting his coffeo maker, an Egyptian nnmed Em- tho customs guards nt Columbus, camo which had been occupied. pany, who havo tho contract for the Now army Amnrlllo-Tucumca- Said snio will l!o upon a rock, the way of a ship In tho relatives, the May nnd Sellgmnn fam- ir. Abraham, who serves his rotund up, bringing two Chinamen found on that the consists of nearly r! extension of the subject to approval 70,000 men, It by midst a sea, and way a man ilies of Mn ltiiccb, nnd tho Andrews majesty with beverage In the wrong sldo of tho lino. Doth Mr. hns been discovered that Choctnw ra'irond, thnt worn will bo nnd confirmation snld District oi the of the small tho posts with a maid." Solomon might have family In El I'aso, cups. Tho attendant, uf course, ap- linker and Holtzman will appear as which havo been kept in resumed ngnln within CO days, nnd all Court. repair nro not largo THOMAS 8, added to his category tho way of a Another yenr has nlout passed pears In all the glory of Orlontnl cos- witnesses In th trial of 1'csqunl Torres, cnugh to accom- suhcotitractms who wish to finish up HUBBELL. Mnster. millionaire with his millions. around nnd tno Methodist Episcopal tume arrested by lr. Holtzman about fen modate tho troops comfortably and their contract at this point havo so Dated this 27th day of August. 1903. church, south, is nbout to hold Its an- Consldorln:? tho recent enormous days ago for smuggling horses out of thnt nthor new posts will havo to bo been notified, says a dispatch from CStnnllshCd or tho old ones Tne ointlKtlcal Abstract shows a re- nual conference, and as no ono knows shrlnkago In tho vnluo of securities In Mexico. The Chinamen will nlso bo rennlrml. Tucumcaii. Most of the subcontractors E.E. SURLINGAME & CO., whnt will become of a Methodist Epis- . tried while these witnesses nro here. Tho latter proposition strikes tho hnvo shipped out among markable decline ot railway rates In Wall street, which affected unfavora-- of hore whom ASSAY OFRCE-- ory thu between nnd copal church preacher alter tho bly tho whole business tho res- Torres Is an old offender in this sec- members of then tnff as tho moat eco- aro J. W. Powell and Jerry Connelly, United States lb!l fabric, nomical." 1003. lletwuen 1801 and lSUf. the cost It mlgnt bo well to rovlew toration of confldcnco nnd pnrtlal re- tion nnd Is well known to many of our who have securedwork In Missouri l!lbllih( J la Colorado, 18G6. Stmplet by mall or tiprcM will recti v prompt and cartful altentiop of carrying a of lillghtly from tho siandpolnt of nn out- covery In tho prices of nnd citizens ns n horstthict of no smnll for a couplo of months. As soon ns bushoi wheat from stocks fold fc Slim IiIIIm o"dp"oRcdH2iVord Chicago to Now Yor by lako and sider the last year's work hy thnt bonds hat boon no less than phenome- repute In days gono by. OFFICIAL MATTERS. tnls is finished, they will return hero In town. youngsters Doming CttUMfritlM Ttttt 100 Jba. or car load loti. canal was from 2C',d to 20V4 cents; by cnurch this There hns been nal. Tho of have baon and finish up their contracts with tho Wrlle tor termt. a, rail 4t cents lly 1881 the rail rnto Junior nnd Senior league organized The money occiimulated from thr quite busy of late swinging to the Iron Territorial Trtasuror J. H. Vnughn Choctaw. I736-I73- B Lawreaaa St., Denver, Colo.' wns 14 4 cents, and In 1002 It was 8.75 both with a fair niumebrshlp. There snlo of public lands In the nrld states nwnlng posts on Gold avenue by ono ha tecolvod from tho colloctor and ox' This follows upon tho heels ot tho cents. For domes. tc consumption, has been a very good nttendnnco nt and territories lo he appllod to penornl hnnd nnd trying to sea wno enn go olllclo tronsurer of Grnnt county, John announcement of tho trackage alli- howevor, It wns a little higher. church service nearly every Sundny Irrigation work by tho nntlonnl gov- nround tho farthest In this manner. W FlemmltiK. funds to tho nmount of ance between tho llock Islnnd, Sniua nnd it looks as though the Iter, Goo. ernment nmounted to Jiri.000.000 up to About it o'clock Thursday ovenlngr HD9.G0, taxes for 1302. Fe, and B. P. & N. E. rnllronds, and it It would be a distinct uonetll to the F. Campbell would go to conference July 1. tho annual receipts hnvlng Thursday evening Frank Lester Pottorrice Discontinued. is nlso nnnuonced th- -t the Helen cut w ith a very good steadily fouru Hint no could go off will science of sociology If Its apostles reiort from Las Inemafod. farther Tho postollico at Albemnrle, Sando- lie Instantly pushed to comple- CAVEATS, RADE MARKS, Criicos His friends will be giad to sco Governor Drodlo Arlzonn nn was really good o him. In fact tion. w iuu!d be dlvnsted of tho misleading of has com. val county, has been discontinued. COPYRIGHTS AND RESIGNS. Idea that "education" 1b the one pana- tin Her Campbell returned to Lns pleted lils nnnunl report to tho secre-- ! ho went so far that ho landed In the Mnll for Albemitrlo will go Tucumcnrl will uerlvo a great denl Bend jrour tmalncaa illrrrt to Wnalilneton, horcaftor tlmn, cost Iraa, cea every HI Cruets tor at least another year tnry of tho Interior. It consists of 700 street and broke his arm at tho wrist. to Illnnd. of honorlt from this now deal, us In ad anrri butter scrTlcn. for moral mankind is heir Mr iSn cloM ta V. S, hint Offltt. TBtE pnbala. to. Thero Is no more mischievous doc- typo written embrnclng 110 sub- 80 don't try 1. any moro, boys, or you Bulletins on Eddy County dition to tho regulnr Santa Fo trnlilc arr iaaUAitil0ai &t4. Aitr'i Im sal da, uui MUal lwcs, Sent Out. U-- cmi rCKSON AL ATTENTION OIVEN la YEARS whole nst falla- jects nnd contains seven Illustrations, may break your nrms In like manner. Tho burenu of Immigration which will go over tho mnln lino of tho ACTUAL EXriaimoE rauau . trine in the of human today u., trM. lul "InUrtUlla, v Young Lester was Into Hal fataala ero4 Urtatlt t. fUi.r, cies. Studouts ot the hlghor ciass, of trn't mlnlnrr ncenos carried the club sent 2,000 copies of tho now rovlsod llock Island irom Hutchinson, Knns., nttlia lattlal nalfca, wHatat ir, in ttf course, know that "ecucatlon ' does This Benson's Turkey Thanksgiving rooms and Dr. Cassels called, who nnd enlnrgod edition of Its publica- to Llano, and thence to Albuquerque, INVENTIVE AGE. soon set bone. boy Helen, BooUlj-'-TTti- lli m, nut rid the heart of lis evil passloiiB Jctes nro substantially tho snmo ns tho fractured Tho tion doscrlptlvo of Eddy county to F. via tho business of tho South- IUuttat4 7ir-m- It a rrA during was then to his home Is now O. ern KaiiBiiB and propensities, nnd that Illiteracy ench season tho Inst forty taken nnd Tracy, prosldent of tho Pecos Irrlga-tlo- n branca of the Santa Fo on recovery, and crime ure by no means convertible Kodol vrnrs, except that tho nclrut Incident tho road to company M Carlsbad, for dlstrl-butio- n will como tinough Tucumcarl, over M mi lMUiallVWKBHinuTUrl U. C. ) terms. hns rolonsed tnom somowhnt earllr and f.,000 coplos to Don A. tho Choctaw, by way ot Amarlllo, Tex., As bo Dyspepsia 0ur than usual. POLITICIAN WAS HERE. Sweet, trntflc manauor of tho Pecos tals will a division point for tho of) YKARS 1.000.000 Although Secretary Hitchcock, like Over acres of public lands Valley & Northoastorn railroad nt Choclnw and llock Island, It will EXPERIENCE in Mexico up during Hon. F. A. Republican doubtless bo J'ostmautor Payne has been Digests what yoi;i ca Jow were tnken Hubbell, Chair- Amarllla, Tex., for similar uso. Thoro tho same for tho Santa the past yenr. man, Visits Carlsbad, 1.1 Fe, means unoer fire from the dumocratic press This preparation contains all of thi Threo thousand home- a great domnnd for thoso bulletins it that Tucumcarl wul havo dlgeoU steads wore by nctunl Hon, Frank A. Hubboll, chairman ot nnd 10,000 print-o- a imputation or six lo eight over since the luvcstlgntionn of the dlcestants and nil kinds ol locnteil settlors. copies havo Just boon d thousand food. It Rives iiisLnit relief nnd never New Mexico cortnlnly entitled to tho territorial republican central com- by peoplo within the next two grafting In the postal nnd de- ii tho bureau for distribution by or three interior fails to cure. 1 1 allows you t cat all mittee, was in Carlsbad yostordny. Ho years. partments, (Tic moiitiilngs I'tntehood. railroads, by iho Pecos Irrigation com- had little tlio food you want. Tlio g rooit ti risltlvo Don't forgpt thnt every dollnr you passed up tho road Monday, accom-pnnln- pany by cltlzons of Eddy county and Although tho town Is at prejent effect upon the poslmasler general, rtoniaclis can Uy Its usu many I. take it j.ny to your homo morchnnts mny two of his sons nnd, several by dull, dut to tho Btoppago l.CZ v than to mahc him thu more thousands of dyspeptics bavo burn tho biiroau Itself. ot work on OrSIQNS further somo day wnv you, boys from northorn part of -, to turn the rascals out," cured nftcrevcrythlcg olso fulled. Is fln.l Its back to other the Dona Ana 1003 Assessment Rolls. tho Choctaw; thoro has been moro ryf CCVMICK-- determined of you It Military biillulng Anrona irndliis akeirh an I d crlr " m ni uncqiiiiliec: for tliu Child- whereas send to tho life city tno territory to tho Instltuto Territorial Auditor W. S. Sargont going on than over A U and tie has succeeded in weedlug out stomniii. before, q il If It urormlii cat HHtihiii frco win' r u. ren with weak stomach thrive on lb. von simply kls if nn eternal goodbye. In noBwcll. Ho saw thorn safely lodg- has rccolvod tho rolls of number of handsomo cottages nro Iiu.-iilln- a irulalilr luiipniablfl. C innuuni'a, tho corrupt nnd dishonest subordi- assessment tnnjurlrtlr roNtVlnitlnl. lln1lffi"i I'nti ,, Flrot doso relieves. A diet unnecessary Tho Imports rnw ma- ed thoro and then returned to Carls- Dona fol- going up In Ircw, (l , posl-Ito- Incronso of of Ana county for 1003. The tho HuBsell addition, and "'it ileii agrnrf for nmrlug mi- nates, most of wnom have held I'litruta A terials for tho uso of manufacturers bad, stopping hero yesterday. lowing a great many moro taken tfirouah iluim Ox ?c fw Hmny years. nro tho figures given: Thoro aro contemplated. frMlnolbV, without etiarao. III lb Cures all stomgoti trcttMos In this country is ncglnnlng to attract Mr. Hubbell is vlco prosldont of tho nro 39,747 ncmn of agricultural Innds Work was started last weok on a Albii-quorqu- 'Hi. l only by E. O. DtWlrr A Cx. Chicago the attention of foreigners, who eno In Montor.uma Trust company, ot e. assessed nt $3,725.05, and t?io Improve- handsomo $8,000 brick school building It Is fcard)yrllkcly that the current ThuH.bottfecoDtJlDiSH times tbi-M- iliu. tho rnnld expansion part our a corporation having sovoral A liandanmpljr lllnatratml wetklr. I,nrcf rlr of this of ments of some aro placed at $125,494, and work will bo started in October culatloil nt hnr rltnmn livirnnl, worW's aff&lra can bo greatly J H. O'ltl.'lly t: Co. and 11. H. ..11 'mnn, itf the Importing trndo llttlo to appreciate. thousand dollars of loans on Cnrlabnd Tho pnstoral lnnds nro put 71.G45 somo tlmo on a $25,000 Tltart four mrtiillia. tl l.v no man, however lirlgSB & Co. at court houno, .1 iiJiauril In 1000 tho value of raw materials im- - property, nnd was hero primarily to acres; tho nescBsod valuation la $103,-- and a $5,000 Jnll. 'iho big honor's to; MUNN & ew Yor& Brunch OH. fl6 V HU Waalianuik ill)

'.ksu. ai4v of Milkweed Springs, Posey county, in Mora county nnd Is accompanied by PLAQUE to firing up teamsters, THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, OF THE NIGHT. El Paso some BOOSTED THE FAIR. Indiana. Ills addiess was a mastorly her Ilttlo nlcco, Adeletn Ortiz, daugh- Mr. Trimble said there wns not a word ettort mitt In appreciation ot bis abil- ter of I'nlcmon Ortiz ot wiorn. Keep Thousands of People In Albu- of truth In tho report, oven If a num- ities tho degrco of II. F. D. was con- Mrs. J. 11. urozlor of Uotmr, Is the querque Awake, ber of the strlKera did go to the train ferred upon hlru. Immediately guest of Mrs. Cnnrlcs L. illshop of this a Million Acres in This Terri- after Keeps you awake; sleep for tho piirwe of meeting .no El Sheriff Tfios, S, Hubbell Talked Fair im ttio camo tho recep- city. Mrs. wns formerly con-- can't a exercises nlutnnl Grozier wink. I'nso contingent. tion. nected with tho United States Indian It may lie nuded that no complaint tory Entered During Fiscal Year, t Hnd enough if you loso your rest. While at El Paso. school nt Coclntl and una many friends boon by Hut It's harder still to bear at work. hns hoard The Citizen from I In Snnta Fe antt vicinity, any SOCORRO FIRE. Hrecds misery day by day, profani- merchnnt concernlnit the service Mr nnd Mrs. W. II. Jack of Silver now being rendered by the several INTERESTING FIGURES PRESENTED ty at night. VERY COMPLIMENTARY WHITE UP. ' City, are In cown cn route to the ex- companies, Residence of Dominic Tabacchl Burn-e- d Know transfer tensive cattle ranches of th Crowfoot what It is? Work of an Incendiary, Tho bane of all clo. ties of people . Cattle compnny in Colfax unty nnd During the fiscal year ended Juno 30, Tho wild ot tho lira bull Itching piles. Team Drivers' Card. One ot the most Individuali- of which Mr. .Inch Is manager. Mr. distinct 1003, tbnro woro entered undur tho roiiBoil tho citizens of Socorro from Itch, Itch, itch. Nearly you To whom tuny concern: Jack Is In town intending to huiiio busl- - drives it Iicnl ties nnd most pleasing personalities In federal land l.iws 1.0S2.128 acres ot their slumbers at about 1 o'clock Sun- crazy. Union No. ISO, Tenm Drivers' Interna- rays We seldom fenr n ncss reuuired of him as president of tho Boclnl and political life of New In day morning, tho Chieftain. Tho Hard to ucar, hard to walk, bard to tional Onion of alhuqticrquo, desiro to tho public do nm In New Mexico, nn danger that we cannot , tho Cnttlo Growers' asso' intlon of lesldonco of Dominic Tnbnsshl in tho sit down. Iny before tho public the causes which Mexico aro combined In the popular area oxco5dlii3 thai of iho stnto of sec. The danger of kow Mexico. western part of tno city, recently fin- being n Itching away, In any position, any led to tho present strugglo botween tho sheriff of Ilornalulo county, Captain rundown by j Tno ,, ncw of , dcMh of Mr8i Ilhoilo Island nr.d nltnost oqunllng that ished nnd newly furnlsliod, was seen union nnd tno two principal trnnsfor Thomas S. Hubbell, who for tho pant onTtoeveVvbo which o. curred nt time. years of tho stato of Delaware, Of his area to bo In Hmnoa. Tho hoso company SU Don't stand It nny longer. companies of this W. 1. Trlmblo ton fins served his county n8 1 ed city I mnr- ncl nt Mt. I'leasnnt, hi, was Is wag Quickly at tho sconq, It was danger of being - McSpnddcn-Sprlngo- r shcrirf, nnd he ono of tho most cnpa IG8.100 were tnken up under but I Tnoro's n relief for everyone, prompt & Co.. and tho actus tho by a microbe eclcved hero this morning by her bio and popular In the terri- then discovered tho wroncnes had 1 olllcors homestenu act, representing over 3,000 thnt doe not trouble us. ilauuhtor. Mrs. Samuel O. C'artwrlcht. anil permanent. rnnsfer Co. been taken from their plnco on tho ouco. Tno condition whlc.i led to tho or tory, suys tlfo El Paso Times, Sep- entries. Under tho land net And yet the minute mi. nuwB was unexpected nnd a great Doan's Ointment relloves at desert hino enrt. This caused considerable The wns tember U. 7I.G85 acres were taken up; undor lien crobe is more dangerous to Mr9. cartwrlght who leavM Dunn's Ointment cures permanently. ganization of tnu union most delay result wns tho houso and the wildest horse. Cnptatn Tom Hubnoll has no coun- selections, 377.B90 ncros; nnd tho than Piles, cczma and nil skin dlsenscs. acute nt Trimble's stublos whore tho undor tho wcro practically ruined. v. The onlv neonle who enn for Mt. Pleasant to attend tho tuncral. terpart in New Mexico. He Is ono ot 2,408 nlso tho bnrn Rend what n loeni citizen says: mon literally ate and slept with tho mineral land net, ncros; under nfford to I sunny opMsmlstlc 1 he loss is only partly covered by In- not fear the mi. wnges ranged 70c those dispositions commutation, 3 CS0 acres, "H J. Johnston, macnlnlst in tho Santa miliums. The from while tho nil worso 13J1 crobes of disease are those VEQA8. thnt noes only the hi'irht sldo of life; surance. Tho seems tho 'I Lt Fe It. it. sllop8, resldcnco 005 South to 11.00 n dny with food supplied territorial solectlons nmountcil to 1G7,. JK who keep their blood puya . ho Is nn from tho fact that Tabacchl by dint of " street, tayB: man hns Tood of a quality not lit for human Inexhaustible reservoir of 008 ncrs. Tho Hoswoll land district and rich. These are prac First "When a good Industry muT economy hnd Just fin- I Mrs. 11. Hrnsh entertnlned her two beings mon having privilege humor, charged with n degrco of leads with 035,810 ncres taken up; tho ticnllv immune from lbs itching hemorrhoids commonly called the the ished nnd furnished tho house, in fnct attacks of most microbes. nephews, Robert and Snmuel Koto-wlt- z, piles and he has to work every day of sleeping with the .itirsos or room- porsonal mngnetlsm thnt Is delightful, Clnyton district Is second with 202,498 bohlnu h was at Cat mountain, where ho hnd Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov-er- y for several days tnis wiei;. the annoyance becomes positively n ing up town as fancy ns tho poor stnto tint this pleasing personality ncros, tho Santa Fo district third with Is gono to fetch his wife to tho now purifies and enriches the blood, and Mm .1 13. tlnrlnv. who rernlvoil plnguo t of llnnnoos an Individuality a llxod and deter- 120,822 ncros, while tho Las dis- nnd he Is moro than nnxtous thoir should dictate. Since Cruces gives the body a vigorous vitality. It , ,mlch goclnl during stay mined ns fate Itself and so forceful Is homo, when tho flro occurred. Tho ' courl(.sy hor get riu of it. When Donn's Ointment tho organization of the union some Im- trict last with 03.789 acres. cures scrofula, eczema, bolls, pimples , ,.nvo , .. ,. ns to make rout Httbiiull a powerful flro wns plnlnly the work of Incend-- ' lipll ,hn lrf, tnr- llrst enmo to my notlco I wrote to provements navo been mndo nt thoir Among tho counties Chnves lends nnd other eruptive diseases wh nri. "" iplluenre In des- Inrlos. Tho csillns, wnlls nnd floors of i.omo In '1 opeka the manufacturers of for n box nnd stnhle. Wo Invito tho Interested public shaping the political with 354,131 ncros segregated 'rem caused by impure wool. tinies ot Now Mexico. Ho laughs tho rooms woro thoroughly, snturntcd "I livl been troubled for uliotit four yearn with It. J. Tatiport left lor Colutnbln City, used It as directed. It stopped the at- to Inspect the nccnmmodniious offer- and tho public domain; whllo Union Is sec- of vlows with conl oil. Tho hoso enrt hnd also mem, or nkltl iliae, wtilcli at timr wai Ind., by sudden dcaiu ot hln 1 Jollies those opposing Into n milx-iunbl- called the tacks. not ed. Tho men themselves condemn ond with 147,449 ncros and Kddy a almmi it wouM itch so," write have the slir litest hesita good boon tampered with to mako tho de- Mrs. Clugston. Hut a fow days Al- A utiiuor whllo no lends them to 1 17,440 Mr. John Larinou. of 115 St., DatUa, sister, tion In advising all residents ot thorn ns wholly unlit. committee closo third with acres. Thon T.--a. " I concluilnl to try I)r. the goal in possesses struction sum Such occurrences hnvo Pierce' OoMen bo. ore word wns received tho lady buquerque If r.tinoycd In any way with from tno Contrnl Labor union 11ns giv- he i.ns view. He como the othor counties In tho follov- - Medical Ditcovcry. anil ller mine fire bottlea tho happy faculty of appearing to fol- boon quite ton common In Socorro of fouml that I traa entirely cured, l'leaie accept was In robust health. hemorrhoids or piles to go to tho en a like report and wo submit thnt ing order; Iloosovolt. 114,202 acres; many fie Ica.iltip. Into for a fooling of pence nnd securi th.inki." The prairie schooner Is nn uncom- Oint- nro tho low where is Colfax, 09.C05 acres; Quay. 44.2C2: Lin" no Med- Pharmacy, buy Doan's theso not conditions that ty on tho part of tho avorago citizen. Accept substitute for "Golden mon enough s.ght in Las Vegas to bo Hut Captain Tom Hubbell Is no no- coin. 34.250; Taos. 30,589; San Miguel, ical Discovery." There is nothing "just ment, tnke a courso of tho treatment should surround the lives of American vestcr-da- y li. .cnl snifter; he makes his fights in good " considc-'ct- l of sonto Interest and the annoynnce will cense." citizens; that thoy are calculated to ai.oG; otero, 23,350; Mora. 21.C05; as for diseases of the blood. the open nnd is loyal to his friends. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets cure cou-tipati- evening n tour hnrso tenm draw- For snlo by all dealers. Price CO dogrado rather than ciovnto men; thnt Grant, 18,031; l.eonnrd Wood, IH.SRj; Ho does not forget them after election and its consequences ing a large nnd somewhat dilapidated cents. h'oster-Mllbur-n uo., Duifalo, N. thoy lower rather than raise the moral Socorro. 13,537; Valencia. 10,590; San-t- a Take I.uxnllvo Ilroutn Quinine Tablets. reached tho foV day. '1 no only objection Hint enn pos- Fe, 5,859; Dnnn Ann, 5,250; All druuglstH refund the money if It canvas houso on wheels V., solo ngents tho United States. and Intellectual stnndnrd of citizen- Sierra, by W. R. sibly bo offered to the populnr shorlff .189; Wo falls to cure, K. W. rove's s'gnnture ton ones aro always proforable, excopt city. The outllt wns driven Remember "io name Doan's and ship; that men cannot under such con- Arriba, 4,499; Ilcrnnllllo. a of Hernallllo county, N. 1.1., Is for persons who Buffer from perspira- Allen ot Cottonwood Falls, Kas., who take no substituior 28 ditions, make permanent homes here that ho Lunn. 2,094; Snndovnl, 2,477; San Is a reptilTCan; that Is, he Is a repub- Passing of the Town of Paraje. tion. was neconlpniilcd by his wife and aev. nnd thnt under such conditions nro n Juan, 2,040; MoKlnloy, 1.270. The lican In New Moxlco, but when ho town of Pnrajo will soon Don't wear tight, stiff or oral children. The trip from eastern having been rejected becauso of his blot upon tho fnlr nnmo of our city. As to homestead Intlds tnkon up. the Tho ancient comes to domocrntlc El Pnso ho Is as o occupied several weeks. order of tho counties Is not quite tho bo a thing of the past. Tho morenn-tll- Bhocs or boots. Thuy aro tbo common Knusns had color both In Chlcngo and Denver. The members of our union are Mr. Allen said the only dlillculty Amorlcnn good a democrat ns any In Toxns' dom- nmo Iloosovelt loads with 80,042; interests of Mr. A K. Houlllor nro causo of corns, causing prussuro or that "Hut," snld Mr. Horden, "as there as citizens whom experienced wns m crossing the ltaton uocency Is ocrntlc bunch, it Is necessary to tho Chaves coming second with 07,749 to bo transferred to this Bldo of tho friction on tho projections of tho In ngrectnent I signed sense of shocked nt.such In fairly noiiiing tbo welfare of the country that a few good ncres, and Kddy third, 49,511, rlvor nnd iocnted at tho settlement of bones. mountains. His horses were wanton disregard of comfort nnd Indif- with ...... I ...t,nn concerning tno employment of union men like Tom Hubbell be In nM.lltl.. nil.. ference to tno woltaro of those who soould found ncros Thon como tho othor counties Cnnta Redo, Contracts liavo been let Don't wear rubber overshoes tho later exclusively, 1 havo no apprehen Tho destination is Y,,,,":, ,, wo upon who dOBlrc to in tho republican party, At present 42.-70- tho and laying of tho house. Removo them once. Thuy reached. toll and cail all as follows Union, 47,038; Quay, for mnkln? nt slou of trouble be Is In El Pnso whero ho has ndobes of whlcn tno wnlls of the largo Interfere with tno proper ventilation of Hill, where Mr. Allen will take charge boo Justice dune to help us gain tho hosts Colfax, 28,800; Otero, 18.258; W. II. Springer nssured the reporter of friends among people of both polit- 17.905; Btructuro will bo composed, nnd tho tbo feet, as thoy nro ulr-tlgh- t. If worn of tho Adnma' snw mill. slight advance in wages which we Mora, L'ncoln, 15. 445; Grnnt. thnt he hiut not been seriously affect- ical creeds, ho Is particular fa- on dizzi- Warden W. B. Martin of the territor- uempnd nn Incrense of from 25c to nnd a 15.150, Snn Mlguol, 15.145; U'onnrd other material Is being hauled tho too much they cause tender feet, ed by the walk-out- . Ho had been nnd penitentiary, who enmc over from BOc day. allowing vorite with tho Elks ot tnls city. Wood. 15.000: Socorro. 10.819; Valen- ground. Tho Pnrajo storo has always ness and hendtu'ho. ial still wns able to meet all tho demnnds a 75c a day for Santa Fo yesterday and Assistant Captuln lirfubell, wherever, ho goes, cia. 9 171; Snntn To, 5.698; Slorra. been nn oxteoslvo concern, but tho Don't Bpnud so much tlmo learning mndo upon lilm his patrons, Dirt to board. F. H. mndo trip to iy talks and wonts for ..ibuquerque, his Dona 4.090; 4.-- Cnnta Redo undertaking Is on n much tho art of manicuring that there Is no Wnrdon Pierce, a The wages wo ask as compareo with Ann. Itlo Itrrlba. uo this iiotu tie and his brother were homo town. Ycsterdny hi- wjs around 2S2, 3,071; Inrger scale nnd bettor Iocnted to ac- opportunity to practice pedicuring. the convict camp this morning. A those of other trades nnd wltn our) Ilcrnnllllo, Luna, 2,400; (Living. The reporter noticed that among El Paso's business men whoop-u- p th- - growing trado of tho a lessons nn expert pleasant feature of tho visit wns tho own trade in other cities Is very low Ban Juan. 1.900; McKlnley, 1.03G; Ta commodate Tnko few from Mrs. Springer was seated at the oltlcu Albuquerque s inlr, which begins 320; 308 ranchers, tho sheepmen nnd tho cattle- chiropodist. release of thrco prisoners who had nnd the hours long. os, Sandovnl, doBk. on October 12 and runs until the night men tributary t that locality. Canta Don't attempt to a corn with- completed their time. The odious strip- Whllo our iiomnndft nro reasonable, Wsod llos In thrco districts, treat W. 11. Halm wns Interviewed Speak-In- g men given and wo regret of tbo 17th of the same month. of Clnyton, To Hos-wo- l' will nlso bo tho headquarters unthlug tho In warm es wore removed and tho deeply any Inconvenience tboso Snntn and Redo out first feet staled that two of his drivers Joined to a crown In tho Zelger hotel In of tho extonslve stock interests of Mr. each n good suit ot clothes, tho usual thnt havo been caused tho pul-ll- e Tho following counilos llo water. the strikers tnls morning by falling to about the Captain Hubboll two Houlllor. Snn Mnrcinl Instead of La- uso a ot amount of pocket money, brought to by our refusal to longer nccept tnlr, said: land districts: Colfnx, Mora and Dou' the chisel when bit report for duty. o also said that "It will be bigger than ever Snn Mlguol In Iho va will bo tho shipping point of Mr. putulca stono will answer tho purpose. tho city nnd restored to their cherish- coniiitious wulcu must appear unfair this Clayton and Santn they never stnted to him tnnt they hnu year nnd wo shall expect El Paso to Fo In Houlllor nnd his business nssodntes Don't cut tin round. Make ed liberty. Mr. Martin expressed tho to all d persons. We have districts; Hcosovclt tho Clnyton mils a grievance, but that tney went out send a good crowd. Vou havo to fill In when tho chnngo of location Is mndo. square. 1 llko finger highest degree of satisfaction with the exhausted every honornblc means of nnd Hoswoll rtlFtrlets; Socorro tho them nrounucd without warning. "Hnd thoy como to Char-H- e work on tno as Vegas end of reaching n couple of coaches. My friend Snntn Fo nnd Las Cruces districts; Tho Iivn postofflco will bo discontin- uniis there Is danger of thoir growing dono mo and told me what thoy wanted," nn amicable settlement with e Zolgor here, who has taught your In ued In n fow dr.ys, nnd similar action painful tho Scenic Route. Atiotit twenty-fiv- our cmployors nnd resort to a strike Valencia tho Snnta Fe nnd Iloswell In, nnd nothing Is moro than continued Mr. Hnhn, "1 would havo people to enjoy good eating drink- with tho Pnrajrt oftlco Is only a ques- Ingrowing men are at worK and excellent pre only when nil other means hnvu failed. and districts; Otero In tho Los Cruces and an nnit. clono everything In my power to meet ing, wns ono of the llrst men to put up Ilonwo.1 tion of n months. Snn Mnrdal go bod cold or damp grcss Is mnklDg. Wo stand ready to submit our dltfer-oiicc- s districts Of the othor coun ftv Don't to with reasonable demnuds." lie nlso stated money for a talr at Albuquerque, and Union In Deo. you presorvo your to nny just tribunal nnd abide ties nnd Quay nro tho Clayton feet, if wish to that twice representatives of tho Cen- wo want him tr be with us this year. Ar-rlb- a, n hygcnlc point of view by Its flnlllngs. district; nornallllo, McKlnley, Itlo health. From STRIKE SITUATION. tral union had called upon him to sign "This year wo will navo the finest Sandoval, Snn Fo FIRE FIENDS AT WORK. n bo loss shunned Wo only ask that those In sympathy Juan, Snntn nnd wet back should a scale of wages, the scale containing racing meeting over held In tho terri- Tnos, tho Snntn Fo Dona wet or cold feet. with us use thoir Inltuonce to per- district; Ana than a acncdulo of nil hauling. 'This he re- tory. Twclvo thousand dollars In cash Sierra, Half a Dozen Small Fires Saturday any length suade our employers to grant our do- - Luna end Grant In tho Lns Don't stand for of time fused to do on the ground thnt he had purses navo been hung up nnd some Chaves, Kddy Night and Yesterday Morning. on lco or cold ground. mnnns. Cruces district; and IJn snow or tho Plain Statements of Facts in Team hut ono kind of hauling mm that was of the swiftest horses In the west have In Roswoll Is Albuquerque to h offer another epi- Many may bo to cold ve hnve no wish lo Interfere in any coin tho district diseases traced iucI. Ho did not, therefore, think ho already been entered. Tho racing Although land demic ot tiros similar to that which oc- suddenly applied wny with the imslncss ot our employ alono the ontrles during tho to tho feet. Drivers' Walk-ou- t. linn the rlgut to sign a scale ns to year curred last sprlugh, and destroyed ers. We simply assort the rlglu to set will be worth going to Albtiqucrquo Inst flscnl amounted to over a Don't think that a foot Is beautiful what other men should pay for thoir to see. Then arrangements have been million ncres, ot tlfty much valuable city proprrtyt It is It bo In pro- a price upon our labor. nlmost million becauso small. must hauling. During the forenoon Mr. made for tho biggest cowboy tourna- acres of tho public In New Haturnay night seven tires wcro portion tho stnturo tho instep mod Exectitlro Committee domain to DELIVERY OF GOODS BEING MADE, Hahn swore out warrants against l.ou of Mexico still remain opon entry. started In tho vlclulty of tho anntn Fo erately high, toes regular, heol TEAM DRIVERS' INT. UiVlON. ment and exhibition broncho bust to the tho Wnrdrll and Ed Rose, his two striking Ing ever witnessed In tho somnwest. Nevertheless, "tho tlmo Is mensurably yards and under circumstances sim- nonprotrudlng end tho general outllno drivers, for breach of the pence, In The cash prizes ottered nro largo when tno splendid public ln ilar to thosu which surrounded tho grncoful. I distant new y they had made against HIGHLAND HO EL. tires of tho former enrnnge. One, which The features of the strike that threats enough to attract tho best riders will have passed Into private Ramon Callogos, another driver, who might have proved most disastrous, wcro not numerous but quite In- Now Mexico, Arizona and Colo- ownership or bo Included In forest or Diplomacy. refused to strike, It Has Been Leased by S. R. Symonda reserves. was in tho warehouse of Gross, Kelly teresting. Two of tho conl-ten- div- rado. All the champions win no there. other The plump Indy scrambled into tho rJ. .M. Milliard, treasurer of 1.10 Cen- of Chicago. If present rate segrega- & Co., and six in Santa Fo rolling Yes, baseball will also constitute an tho of tho front sent of a suburban car. ers in tho employ ot W. II. Halm, the tral union and llnanclal secretary of Raynolds, president tion of tho public domain Is kopt up stock. Tno first mentioned did little Joshua of the attractive sporting fouturo ot the fair. Tho sent facing forward was filled, East Railroad r.venuo dealer, went 1.10 Federation 1. Lnbor, Is employed It will bo less than fifty years boforo dnmnge, but for the accidental discov- First National hank, which Institution "And wo aro going to have an ex containing six women nnd ono man. .ho was in Mr. Halm's otHce. From hull Tho Now Moxlco put up sign. ery of it mndo by A. W. Qoodrldgo, out; nnd Teamsters' union owns the Hlgnland hotel, said this hibit of fruit that will mako Califor- must tho So the newcomer hnd to sit on tho Citizen lenrned ant tho onjoctlon urg- morning No moro froe homesteads " bookkeeper for tno nrm, no telllns supplying drivers for John S. Deavcn. that bo had closed a deal nia green with envy. hls exhibit other scat, facing the entire car load ed ny borne against tho schedule of Chicago, leas- what CTie conflagration might liavo A Citizen representative called at with S. It. Symonds of and our mineral exhibit nro being pre. of passcngors, prtcea presented by tho Teamsters' ing Highland You Know What You Are Taklnt, been and the amount of the losses sus- Mr. Heaven's ollloo, First street, Just tho latter the hotel for a pared especially for tho World's fair, As tho conductor's bell rang Its union Is that It makes 110 difference period two years. op- When you tnke Grove's Tasteless Chill tained. below tho viaduct, and found his yards of but your people will uo given an stnrtlng "ding dong," nnd tho motor-ma- n in the wages of competent and incom- Highland now Tonic, because tho formula is plainly It Is very unusual that any employe presenting a busy scene. Mr. Heaven The hotel, conducted portunity to see them beforo they aro turned on tho current, tho plump petent men. tho latter receiving the as a rooming house, under tho now sent to St. Ixniis, I want to you printed on every bottle showing it of Oross, Kelley cv. Co. should bo nt keeps no teams of his own, but Trim- tell thnt woman said eevoroly to tho solitary same pay as the former. A stranger, management, be on you Is simply Iron and quinine In a taste. tho business house on Saturday night, ble & Co. have been doing his hauling win conducted another aecret: If would see tho man occupying a plnco on tho othor wuolly unacquainted with the town tno European plan. Mr. Symonds very less form. No euro; no pay; 50c. and It Bcems nn net of Provi- under contract. Tho strike lett him lluest oxhlbit of thoroughured llvo sent nnd therefore necessarily much slower hopes to liavo running by moot o dence that Mr. Goourldgo wont thero without union teamsters. He pre- It in order stocK me at tno fair grounds In Kendallvllle Academy Commence "1 think you might havo boon nt ferring class of lnlwr, tho strik- in delivery, must be paid tho same Septcmbor 16. Tho now proprietor Albuquerque any day from tho 12th to Saturday night. However, his going enough n to that ment Exercises. lenst of gentleman to offor ers were engaged this morning in sup- wages as a man who lias been her' for comes well recommended and it Is tho l.tli ot next month. I tell you there Is proimbly responsible for tho change plnco with mo!" Tho commencement exercises ot the saving ot many plying his wants as far as they could years nnd Knows tho location of every hoped that ho will nchlevo success In the whole show Is going to be the big thousands of dollars "I hnd carefully considered mat no Kendallvllle academy, commercial worth of property. that secure wagoiiB. use. his new venture. gest thing thnt ever nappened In this tor, mndam, Vcforo you spoko," wag Mr. Milliard school, normal and collegiate Insti- Ho was crossing In Mr. Heaven's yards, the reporter It nlso lenrned from section of tho United States. the railroad tracks tho man. earnestly, "and had arc two great tute were held nt tho Congrcgntloral on Raiiroad avenue, when on looking saw J. J. Ryan, financial secretary that thero labor federa. Tho Snntn Fo completed tho pur- "Albuquerque hns always stood decided thnt for the good of all, wo had tltms in the uniteu States, with one ready to help Paso; largo church Friday evening Inst. A largo to tho Orost,, Kelly & Co. warehouse, and treasurer of -0 Teamsters" union, chase of flvo ncros of ground alongside El sho sent remain as wo aro. would bo nearly all mld-winto- r and reprosontativo audience was pres ho hotter It who stated thnt thero wns nothing new or die othor ot which labor Its tracks in Argentina, Knns., and bo- delegations to your carni- noticed Jinnies or tho reflection of nn Insult to passengers back of us organizations nro 'lhcy nrc ent, In splto of tho threatening weath names through tho window glass. tin on their sldo ot tli' question; that nfllllntcd. tween Argontlno nnd Turner. Tho val au I wnnt 10 see nliout 2,000 El for mo to sit facing thorn nnd showing Tho American Federation of Iibor, people our next month, or, to hear tho productions ot tho class Running ofllco Mr. flood-ridg- e they were confldent of success, and price paid was 3,7Ii0. No announce- Paso at fair to tho front my homely features nftor they had headquarters Washington, I). of of 1903. Promptly at 8:15 tho collego opened tno door that tnoy intended to conduct the at C, ment wns mndo ns to tho use to The Elks are going to keep open botween the caught oven a gllmpso of your pro- which Mr. liompers Is president; nnd procession entered the benutlfully dec- - waroroom nnd ttio ofllco looking strlko exclusively along peaceful lines. which tho ground would bo put, but it during tho fnlr and any who call on us and comolliieBS. Thoy would ro-se- nounced the American Uitxir union, headquar- scnii-omclnll- aro going to be given time ot orated building. First ramo tho class some soventy-flv- o leet between tiers Mr, Hynn also stated that whllo there wns stnted that now tho their 11 tho substitution nnd possibly do ters at Ilutte, .tiout., of wlncii Dnulfl nt vo graduates, then n representn of lioxcs of canned goods ho could had been no meeting of the Central tracks would bo laid In the near future lives, and their friends will bo treated vlolonco to both of us do you undor. McDonald Is president. Tho lattc: Is way." tlvo ot tho junior class. Following sec tho Uames leaping celt-lu- Labor union slnco tho strike wns or- nnd ndded to tho prosont yards. Tho the same toward tho stnnd?" socialists, whllo theso ranie the dignified members ot Ho telephoned dered, yet tho teamsters had been as- under control of tho Santa Fo Is badly in nood of much ad- Captain Hubboll intended to return tho alarm nnd with "Perfectly, my dear sir." replied sno. the former, according to tho utteranc- tho faculty with Dr. Saucers nnd Hon. a bucket of water attached tno flro. sured of the moral and, if necessary, ditional trnck room nnd tho purchaso homo Friday night, but somo ot hla a smllo, "nnd I wish to Imploro o- - J. P. Llckladdcr bringing up tho renr. with support ot Central es (lumpers, believe In keeping tho of this land will mnko It posslblo to EI Paso friends suggested that tho Al- Tno department arrived and tho flro your pardon for having so underrated tho financial tho or As tho Imposing procession moved up was easily extinguished. union, this Ixnly representing unions out politics. Tho unions lay trncks where thoy nro badly need- buquerque ball team would havo no- A small hole your gallnntry." Rnltimoro American. here nro alllliated wltn the American tho alslo and took their placos on tho in the heavy tno twunty-tnre- e different unions in ed. body here to root for them and that pino tloor and notr.o Federation of and according to platform there was a generous out charred timbers aro tho only marks ot tho city. In fnct Mr. Ryan expressed he (Captilr. Hubbell) was running Strike La tho constitution of all defeat-ed- . burst of applnuso. tho flro remaining damago Is at Junta. himself as of tho opinion that the thnt order REMNANTS DEFEATED. uwny to avoid seeing his boys and tho nt Snnta Fo no passed on Wash- Tho program, typewritten on paper very small. It was announced the teamsters havo the sympathy of all strikes should at That with the genial Al gonernl offices nt Topoka Saturday ington boforo they aro ordoro- -, whllo bags had been distributed among tho Tho dross, Kelly & Co. warehouso union labor !n Aitmqucrquc, The Albuquerque Browns Win by hs buquorquo sheriff. Ho declared thero that tho Snntn Fo shopmen hnd again nn union 'ess than twclvo months' old bo roc-o- audience nnd wus anccesfully perform was at one tlmo tho old Santa Fe II. U, Horden & Son were seen, and Close Score of 3 to 2. Bhould nt least ono uuterrillcd r gono out on a strlko. This tlmo thoy and no mourner ot less than twelve tor Albuquerque tho grand od. The snlutntory waa pronouueed by freight depot Mr. Horden Btated so far ho had o in stand, and stands about thrco n company re- that At El Paso yesterday tho Albuquer-qu- Miss Amelia Johanna Snowball mado demand thnt tho by strlko, and months' membership can recolvo aid and that motor bad money to say that feet from tho ground of pilings, Tho dis- not been affected tho doteated tho Pass City a union man who hnd been from national federation. As tho Hrowns any-thin- g. Needless to say, she ncqultcd herself Arc manir.c, no Is instate Having signed the scalo ot wages, he tho Aiouquorquo could not bo bent at for doubt thore one, charged when this was reftisod Is something less itomnants, In a very spirited game of with credit. could easily and did not anticipate having nny trouble. Teamsters' union crawl undor tho building they walked out. It is probable that mouths old, they will bo baseball, by a scoro or 3 to 2. It was Miss Patience Desiro Qoodbopo then liavo plenty It Is true tlult ne has In bis employ than thrco anti of room to start a Oenornl Manager Mudgo will go to dependent upon tho local Central ..10 best gamo of a series ot threo, tho rend In a pleasing manner tho extra' flro. Thero is every ono teamster, a very valuable man, On Friday evening, a sheep border uvldenco thnt tho I.n In n fow days lo innko nn union any llnanclal aid thoy may former games being won by the Pass ordinary history of tho class. A bril flro wns tbo work of a Junta who Is not a memuer of tho union, for named Gil Rivera, whoso homo Is at fiend and that effort to settle the trouble. need. Those aro facts about union la- City team. Rhodes did tho pitching liant oration was then delivered by tbo flro was sot from beneath tho yesterday and was Invincible. He Santa, Fo and who was hording shcop Archibald Algernon lllgglnbotham, bor organizations o wnlch many aro ot tho uuildlng. DrjiitK prcrnrntlons simply dovel. changed his tactics of Saturduy, when four miles from Morlnrty, this terri- and tho class poom wns read by SANTA FE. ignorant, tory, wait killed by lightning, Ho was op dry catarrh; tlioy dry up tbo secret iotia, After many efforts tho roportor suc- ho used a speedy ball, to a slow ball, Cathorlno Wilmahlno Dcwdrop, At BEAUTY DONT'8. which adhere to tbo rnembrano and decotu. lying In his tent at tho time. When In catching W. 1 Trlmblo at nnd tho cnango proved cffoctlvo. Tho s point in tbo exercises, tho aud Fom the New Mexican. pose, causing a far moro srIous troublo thnn ceeded found ono dog was dead by his sldo, 11 11 of tho gnmo woro several ar-riv- his stables ring tho noon hour. "I features ience was favored with two selections For Women Who Want Nice Trim Mrs. A. P. nurlolgh of Iloston, tbo ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. by whllo another was keeping watch ov ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and siiuLh havo nothing to any," said Mr. Trlm- brlllant doublo ;iays mado Cavan. on tho violin by Prof. Robert Ulalr, In Santa Fo nnd will make thi Vor-lie- cr tho remains, which had boon fear Feet which is nothing atigh, Vorhos and Helwogg, with s rendered In his usual pleasing lilannor. city ITomo for a time. and uso that cleanses, soothes ar.d blo; "becauso tliero new. tully Don't neglect tho caro ot tho foot. her heals, Ely's Cream Halm U such n roniedy ns .a pivot. Tbo scoro was as fol- burned from tbo waist downward. Hn-utor- Wo are mooting all tho demands mado Junior, Miss Dcsslo Blossom Uloom Is an bo- Mrs. U d Prince and son W. Thoro Ultimata connection and will euro catarrh or cold in the hend upon us by out' patrons, tho samo as lows; old distributed appropriate gifts to tween comploxlon. D. Princo lott lor Colorado Springs A bo tho foot and tho It easily anil pleasantly. trial sizo will tho strike, and wo expect to 1 2 3 4 6 0 7 8 3 Frank Farquaharton, for years the ho graduates, after which tho collego Is t'.io good where W. 11. Princo will enter collcog. mailed 10 cents. All druggUts sell tbo aeforo only when former aro In for doing so. Somo ot us aro Albtiqucrquo 0 1 0 0 0 foreman ot tbo machlno shops at Rat rchostra played a selection In splon-- Mary Ursula, former superior 50o. sizo. Ely Brothers, f0 Warren St., N.Y. contluuo ....002 03 condition that a woman looks hor best. Sister driving oursolves, but El Paso 0 011, has resigned that position, and his - this city, is at tho The Holm euros without pain, doei nut doing a Ilttlo 0100100 02 Id fashion. Attor tho ablo valedlc- Don't fait to put on a fresh pair ot ot St. Vincent's in not Tho El Pasrt team will play in Al- - successor' Is Goorgo L. Rowon. Mr. ory by Phlneas Meazor sanitarium, bno is now at the mother irrltato or canae sneezing. It spreads iUulf that is not hurting us and It will Hunnlcut, istocklngs dally. A single night's over an irritated and angry surface, rellov. long." buquorquo during tho fair, and com. Farquahnrsou, boforo boltig transferr- resident Squecr eloquently Intro to air Is Insufficient to free houso at Cincinnati. last tho ing immediately the painful Inflammation. When asked concerning tho report poto for tho Fair associations hand ed to Raton worked for a number ucod tbo commencement spoaker, stockings ot moisture. Mrs. Binjamln M. Road has return Ely's Halm you With Cream aro armed ho had telegraphed his brother at somo baseball purse. ot years In tho local railway shopt. Ion. John Philander Jay Llckladdcr, Dont wear woolen stockings. Cot ed from an extended visit to her father against Kasal CaUrrli ami Hay Fever. that Try a bottle! Is dewn tho Illnomflcld canyon and camp ' fat; tho rango has feed in plenty, of the bltirri ed at tho lowr ditch for midday meal. the tint time nnd tho brsvcB and their families can yo'u mach It Tho modo of locomotion was by bi- Uliordrrrdorif lay around tho hogans nil winter and Mi busy-bod- cycles, upon which thoy carried bcd.l yonrllvrr line feast. Now, If somo with provender. live. You'll be bettering conditions CRUTCH, cooking utensils nnd Tho lilrased with Intentions of tho PRINTING A POOR women woro Chihuahua hats, sweat- t h e result. It of tho Indian with "hot air" does Experience is n denr teacher, ns those who inn their po Itlve y com ers and bisected pantalettes. Mnk-- 1 not fill their heads with tho Idea that faith to Mercury find ont sooner or later. This power- proceed-- 1 trading post n hold-u- game Thoro nrc different kinds, to bo sure. Moreover tho lug a few purchases hero they Slomach' tho Is ful poison combined with l'otns , is the treatment u4 n ' Sour ed on their Journey. and thoy nro a much persecuted race, nlity of stock on which is dono must ho considered if erally prescribed for Contagious Ltood Poison, but I iluie jiff qtl it Sick Headache the Indians will onjoy a season of con- and disappointment in the invariable icttitlt. Tin se 1 t it you would create n good impression of yourself amongst crals drive in thesorcs and eruptions, and apparently the SAN fA FE. Poor Appetite, tentment nnd plenty. Speaking of tho your You would not mnko trading post, there are many Instances customers. might think it disease is K c nud tnc patient believes flic cine pctiuu-- Constipation! any (hffcroiiee, but public on point wns nent. hut soon learns better when the old suuptotus' Thc wedding of MIbs Halllo I). Van whero tho trador has been more than a if opinion that Dyspepsia end find is draw- return almost ns soon ns the treatment is left oft You Arsdcll and W. IL Waiioco of Don--J frlond to tho Indian and kept hunger weighed you would thnt it quite a factor in must either keep the system saturated with mercury or endure the tortures vcr, took place at tno l'rcsbyterlai Ihdigestlon. awny from tho hogan, whllo red-tnp- c ing trode. .Don't bo behind the times. If you want to of sore mouth, ulcerated throat and the mortification that one naturally ehiireh at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday nt Washington held back his rations keep pneo with civilization, you must follow customs' I d feels when the body is covered disgusting sores, rashes, copper-colore- night. Tho ceremony was performed Wlnslow Mall. s, with which is naturally tho greed of every man, now-n-day- splotches and other aggravating symptoms of this vile disease. by tho Itev, W. Hayes Moore, pastor1 pean as well iw American tonguo anil who lias is some- Mercury and Potash arc poor crutches, and their use cven'ually breaks of the Prcsnyterlan congregation of his opinions wero quoted with author- NOTICE OF SALE. genuuto prido. Tho art of printing down the constitution, ruins the digestion and cause the bones to deenv. th's city. The attendants wero Miss ity In every scientific scnool of stand-- 1 Whereas, W. C. Huttmnn and thing that fow peoplo can acquire. Thoy may print, but b. i. h.,n guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, is the AI.illo Palmer and W. L. Van Arsdcll,: Ing In tho world. Chorles 11. Howe, doing business un- the art is not present. Again, tho nrt may bo there, de- A- only antidote for Contagious Wood Poison. It a brother of tho brldo. Thcro were ; der the firm nnme and .style pf the but tho stock on which the printing is dono is of tho stroys every of the deadly virus, overcomes the guests witness-- i Child Up lbuquerque Hrlck Compnny, did, on the ntm unite a number of who Coughs Wrench Swallowed poorest quality, which obliterates tho nrt that bail effects of the mercury ami cleanses the blood and ed tho ceremony. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wal-- , Months Ago. 13th day ot October,. A. D, lbiiii, exe- entirely system Craw-for- would otliorwifco bo apparent. Then ngain, tho quality so thoroughly that never after nrc any signs lace will make this city their homo, i Hlght months ago little ICthel cute and deliver to the First National of the disease seen. Nor is the taint ever transmitt- - to others. Dr. John A. llrlnkioy of Kansas the dnughter of J. J. Hank or Albuquerque their certain of ink and nicely and distinctness of color used are We will send free our book on Contagious Mood 1' on, which is inter- City, who has been In Santo Fe for Crawford of hi I'aso, swallowed a chattel mortgage ot that date, which something that counts in bringing ont beauty of into and full Medical art esting contains ditvetions for treating yoursei ' home. sovora. weeks past as a rheumatic pa-- ' smaii monkey wrench, which wns stUd chattel mortgage was on the lfith . display. Tho C1TTZUN printing department carries advice or nuy special information desired given" without arge. contemplates spending among tho toys given -- her Inst Christ- day of ISlt'J, duly recorded In tlent, a few October, tho weeks nt New mas. Since at time she been Volume F Mortgages, pago nothinj but best quality of stntiouory, such hp letter THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. Mexico's noted Sulphur has of Chattel springs. under tho caro of physicians and 1!) (reference to which Is hereby made bonds, note heads, bill heads, etc., as well ns tho finest A farewell reception was tendered treated for asthma. Wednesday, dur-- and mado a part of this notice, and of inlf , and turns out daily evidence of tho finest work-man- sl TERRITORIAL BOARDS, Maudo Uogcr have gono to Silver City ' IU Mrs, Ing a of g where they nre nttondlng tho normal. tno residence of Mlza Call on violent lit coughing tho flttlo thereby, then and there, conveyed to p in tho city. If you want cheap, tacky-lookin- Washington nvenue to Mrs. one cougried up tho small toy, Han1: ot Albu- Doputy Sheriff .1 W. Collier of Grant llessle which the said First National print! g, go to the places whero you can obtain it; but Wise, who loft over tho Denver & Hlo had evidently been lodged In her bron- querque, all the sheds, buildings, boil- county arrived Wednesday first-clas- hero lust if vol, ant s printing, send it to Tho CITIZI-L- Custodian Committee and ovcnlng with Honry Moore, who Is Grande for Arroyo Hondo, where she chial tubes since last Christmas. Tho ers, engines, brick machines, nnd oth- Capitol caso print! g department, or telophono to and wo will caII wanted on a churgo of cattic larceny. will have charge ot tho Presbyterian has excited much Interest nmonr er appliances for tho manufacture of us de- physicians. hrlck situat- Territorial Land Board Meet, Moore gave th required $500 bond for mission school. The evening was and other clay products, nnd 3 i. your order. his appearance at tho next term of voted to vocal and instrumental mu- ed upon the tract of land leased by Mary 13. court. Colllor found his man near sic. WORKING ON DALLAS LINE. said Huttman nnd Howe trom Mrs. M. A. Otero and Miss Howe, situated In the County or nerns-llll- o THE LAND COMMISSION. Whlto Oaks. Nina will It of Now Mexico, Nestor Nohlo. n vomer. Moxlcan from Otero leave tor Chicago, Satur- Till Is Ready the Rock Island Will nnd Territory day or Sunday next. Thoy will ac- Use Fe nud as of Lot got n gay Wednes- Santa Tracks. known all that p'tlnn RULING the Placors, llttlo company MIbs Hergcro or (5), Town-sni- p The capltol custodian coinniltfoo day svcnlng and created a disturbance Anita as far as Work on the Dnllas extension of tho Four (I) Section Five Chicago, thereafterne latter will go Hock Island railroad from Fort Worth Nine CO North, Hnngo Three (3) accom- met at tho capltol in regular monthly ninong the fcmnlo Inhabitants on Para-dls- requires an exactness that is much admired when to tho Mother Hourflof the Sisters of has been A big Knst, which lies east ot the Atchison, ycsslon. There were present: Judge hill. Constahlo Cliavos was noti- resumed. forco of men plished. If your blank books nro ruled properly they Charity Clo-m- Solicitor-Gener- of St. Joseph at ML St. accompanied by a regular work train Topckn and Santa Fe Hnllrnad; which first-clas- N. H. Uiughlln, president; fied of tho affair and promptly bagged will always look neat, if in the hands of a s book- near Clnclnnti, Ohio, where she Is mnklng on said chattel mortgage was given to e 12. L. Hartlett ami Land Com- the young fellow. Ho was arrested on beidwny tho approaches will resumo her studies. Mrs. Otero to It wns a certain promissory note of even keeper. If they nro not ruled with exactness they will missioner A. A. Keen, secretary. n charge of disturbing tho pcaco. Af- Dallas. announced recently nnd Miss Otero will remain a few tho Itcck Island would temporari- dnte therewith tor the sum of FUteen novcr look 'neat, even though handled by an artist in Monthly accounts were audited and ter spondlng the night In Sheriff Kah-ler'- s that days In Chicago, one day book-keepin- g. approved. '1 nc work or repairing the thence returning to ly uso tho Santa Fo track In getting In Hundred Dollars, due after To bo exact requires skill and patience, sanitarium, bo was taken boforo this city. the date thereof, with Interest trom capltol building and painting tho samo Judgo Smith's court, whero bo was nnd out of Dallas. This wns confirmed which is ncquircd by long experience and porsoverencc. Ho-vcy- . date at the rate of twelve (12) per pre- . by General Superintendent L. D. Is nearly finished and the building fined $1 and ccf-ts- When a person possesses it, his services aro in demand in a very hnudsoniu appearance. New Assemblies Next Summer. Uso of tho tracks means nlBO cent per annum until paid, with ten sents first-clas- s Thr? CITIZEN" has a first-clns- s Several now assemblies nro pro- tho Santa Fo station Is to bo per cent additional on amount unpaid any bindery. The Inside repairs to the basement are QUAKER REFLECTIONS. that progressing and tho supply of bricks jected for noxt summer. Congrcga used. It placed for collection In the hands of bindery and therefore employs tho best skill. for tho flooring Is now awaited. tIot)nllsts have Just decided to estab- nn attorney; and Hill heads, letter beads, note heads, vouchers, invoices right to If you Is The board decided to Invite olds for It's all have a hobby, lish ono and thcro Is n possibility that PLANT LOCUST TREES. Whereas, said promissory note and blanks of every description aro ruled with tho samo keep It to yourself. long past due and there Is now due the repairing of the roof ot the capltol Episcopalian ! may do tho same. Many skill and neatness ns tho finest blank book that was ever building and also determined to have Hanking institutions have no use people express prefcrenco for morn- Pennsylvania Modifies the Western thereon the sum of nttccn Hundred fo man. Dollars, together as turned out. you want such work telophono to The the buttresses In the front of- - tho the "no nccount" ing study during tholr vncatlon, rather Catalpa Plantation Idea. with Interest If Is posslhlo to with- ot building examined and the necessary It raise a check than for plnco whero thoro Is nothing In recent years tho railroads of tho aforesaid from the 13th day March, CITIZEN. out tho aid ot a derrick. 1U03, together with, attorney's fees as repairs made. but Idloncss. Tho Congregational von-tur- o country have entered Into nil manner of somo people Tho education li comes from tho west, nnd is now of enterprises, with a vlow to arorosald; and more ornamental outsldo United States Land Commission. than useful. searching for a location whero land bettering their conditions, physically Ailerons, the said First National The reed bird season opens, where- Hank, under terms nnd conditions Tho United Htntes land commission can bo bought and buildings crcctod. nnd otherwise, but tho latost of theso the at the hum li 3 spanow trembles. o. said mortgage, has tnken posses- ordl-nnr- y BINDING met In regular monthly session In the Systematic lllble study and mission- ventures Is attracting more Tho fellow who ncs money to burn than sion of the above described property capltol. There were present: Gov. M. ary propaganda aro to bo tho two attention In rntlroad world. Is generally sure of meeting his match. tho for the purpose of selling the same in A. Otero, president; Solicitor-Genera- l topics upon which emphasis will be was given out yester- A man may he much sought after, Tho Information accordance the terms or said is everlasting when properly done. Every business man B. i. Hartlett, and Surveyor-Genera- l Is expected system even though he Lq n fugitive from laid. It that Methodist day that tho Pennsylvania had mortgage; would liko to preserve his books, but bo cannot do it M. O. Llewellyn, as secretary. Sev- Protestants nnil UnPod Brethren, tho docldcd to supply Its own material for Justice. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby giv- when thoy are in a dozen pieces after ho uses them up. eral selections ot land tor territorial two bodies with whom Congregation-allst- s nnd In Actions may speak louder than railroad tics, with this end view en thnt on Snturday. the 2ith day of Institutions made by Locating Engi- aro seeking will como ar- lie does not want them to break, neither docs ho want words, but money often tr.lks louder to unit" tho construction department hnd Septemner, 11)03, n't neer David M. White wero approved the hour of ten them to bo tight in tho fold, so, thoy him great than either. Into tho now summer assembly plan. ranged to cultivate 60,000 young locust In upon if cause nnd ordered sent ta tho secretary of o'clock the lorenonu, the No, Maud, dear; there is no similar- Tho location of the now grounds Is trees along tho right of way of tho above described premises, the under- inconvenience. There is much in tho way a book is interior for consideration ap- com-ran- the and ity a likely, It Is said. ts ho In Michigan or middle division of tho rond. Tho y sowed. is sowed properly tho of a proval. Otncr selections were between falrwcathcr friend and a signed wilt sen the above described If it not breaking ordered. ruin Indiana. owns a large number of trncks of personal property public Judge Henjamln S. Maker appeared beau. at auction to single thread will occasion au entire section of twenty You can never say of au egg land nlong Its tines In tho mlddlo divi- hlghrst before the commission and ndvocatcd that the and best. hltVler for cash. pages to como out, necessitating tho rcbinding of tho It's too fresh. There Ac to tic two ships - -- not one, sion, both cast and west ot Pittsburg, In accordance with the terms of snld the selection of certain public lands, dele-gatcst- prop-cr- y book, causing loss timo Wlgg "Sec sign: "Blocked as first planned to enrry the o nnd It Is the Intention that this mortgnge. purpose of and inconvenience. If you which will he brought under Irrigation that chattel and for the While i ou WaftY". Wagg "Yes, the world's Sunday school shall bo used in tho raising of of paying the amount due on said want a good blank book you should got ono with a pnteit by the proposed reservoirs to tie built what does It mean, tints or trolley convention, to be held In Jerusalem. timber for tho uso of tho road. promissory note ns nrnresald, together fiat-openi- back, thereby In tho Tiilarosa canon In the Sacra- enabling you to utilize nil tho cars, ' Hoth nro to 'jo large ships, tho Gros- For soveral years tho railroads havo with the costs and expenses ot mento mountains. W. Greer, man- adver- space in tho fold, that you would otherwise not bo able il. Tim dyspeptic philosopher remarks ser Kufust and the Bismarck, been confronted by a shortage ot wood" tising and snle of said property. ager of tho Victorlo & Cattle Furst to do. Then the quality of paper used is just as essential tnat it Is better to toxe pains with and ono will carry tho American dele- en tics, nnd tho problem has grown so FIltST NATIOtNL HAWK OF ALttU-ObtCKsnJ- company, was also ncrore the hoard as n your diet than to tako pains after- - gates and sail from New York on rerlous that many of the roads havo in turning out fine book ns is tho workmanship. Tho to the selection of In certain lands wurd. 18 carry In Hy CITIZEN carries a full stock of tho finest ledger paper Grant county. March next nnd the other win discussed tho matter their annual McMnlcn nnd itaynolds, tho ICngllsh delegates und sail from reports. Tho forestry commLalon has its Attorneys. manufactured. When you want tiny kind of a fine blank AZTEC. Liverpool on April 1 next. Interest complained that tho destruction of tho book telephone to Tho and representative The Territorial Land Boa re'. ' CITIZEN our In tne project Increases on botn Bides forests of tho country has resulted In MARKET LETTER. will call. Tho territorial land board was In organizations Base Ball Club -A Unique ; drouths nnd various session at tho capltol. Thcro were i. 11 i. havo Insisted that the forests bo present Gov. M. Touring Party. bpeclal Correspondence. A. Otero, chairman; tbot n few vacancies In stato quotas but at tho same tlroo they Solicitor-Genera- l K. L. From tho Indax. Knnsas City, Mo., Sept. 7. Itecelpts Hartlett and aro to ho had. Tho Canadian quota havo falied to show tho railroads en- Land A. A, JJ. G. Brewer's brick kiln north of at Kansas Cuy last week were 53,811 Commissioner Kien. Is tilled. The route of these ships, gaged In extending and Improving au- town was fired. Ho wlil burn about cattlo and 7,202 calves, against 50,131 Advertising Monthly accounts were presenteu, apart from tho visit to tho Holy Land lines how they can get necessary dited und paid. Negotiations 13S.000. their cattle and 8,285 cnlves tho samo week ordered Is exceedingly attractive, and sessions material without destroying the trees, lor the rental of tho present postolnco Ilobeit Huchcmtu sold his ranch iat year. Proportion of quarantines The word itsoF is exhilarating to a man that has n of the convention nre to bo held on wns post-ofllc- o near Hill this to light, helping market for butcher for another erni ot years for Cedar week Androw hoard. Outsldo the walls of tho Holy high ambition, whether socially, financially or other- J. Davis. $3,200. MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS. cattlo on native side. Fnt steers sold purposes by tho government Consideration, City a tent win bo pitched and hero wise. is tho samo with a business mnn. has to G. well all week, nnd a gain. It Ifo were oponed and It 1b Lclleved will be O. Hrower wns awarded tho con will bo held regular mado small the convention Young Lady While Visiting In El Paso Top ftft steers brought S5.C0. obtain advertising in Bomo way boforo ho will bo success- carried to a successful Issue. Im- tract for finishing tho court house, the of Sunday Good school workers ot tho Suddenly Vanishes, cows sold 10 20 provements to the cost of are bid being 7C0, Work will be com nnd cents higher, but ful. Tlico nro different degrees of success. Tho more J3.000 world. Yesterday a great excitement was shelly to be made and the postofllco Is to he menced at once. cancers remain low. Most advertising you got tho greater amount of business you caused by the suddon and mysterious grass S2.7G, up In Fnrmtugton Times nnd Hustler cows brought 2.25 to Veal tltted the most modern and ap Tho MEN FROM KANSAS CITY. disappearance of a young lady, says transact, n"foct that admit themsolves. proved stylo, ap have been hyphenated and horeafter calves are still at the nigh point. All tub loard also the El Paso rimes. Tho lady In ques- kinds of "All things do not como unto man." Ho has to go after proved the assignment of a number of Udltoru Prewltt and Hutlor will occu Blockers and feeders above Go Tucum-car- tion arrived In Kl raso Sunday night common them. ho wants advertising ho pnys for it just tho leases and pnssed resolutions favoring py tho samo desk. They West to Work cn l the grades had a good week, If Line. from the Whlto Oaks country with and prices stiffened up notnblo on tho samo as any commodity. You may Bay somo men obtain tho construction of large Irrigation Manager Dulf Is In communication her-sci- r. Sixty experienced two girls a few years older than best demand ot season. works In Dona Amv county which are with the managers of Aztec, Durango tracklayers wero the Seven advertising for nothing, but tho don't. Thoy pay for it from Tho thrco wero to return homo hundred iwenty-tlv- e cars went out being constructed by private parties. nnd Pagosn Springs for games at sent Kansas City to Amarlllo, and in nn not a way. Thus every man yesterday, having purchased round to country feed lotB. indirect, if direct Upon Information from reliable per Farmlngton during fair. Texas, last night by tho Hock Island Attendance of the says trip tickets for this purpose. Howev- country buyers was excellent, and an pays lor his share. Tho world owci. a man a living, but sans tho board called tho attention of A report was somo railway, tho Kansns City Times, current horn time er, none of them -- avo started back, ho has to and a wants advertising ho the United attorney Theso men will Join a construction assured corn crop of from 0 to 80 enrn it, if man must States district to ago that A. Vlllman, who formorly -- rrcw which Is pothering at Amarlllo to as the two now hero iavo ueen wait- per cent in nil tho states in Kansas pay for it. It is bettor to pay in n direct way and obtain depredations being committed by var- lived here, but now of llotchklss, Colo., ing for friend who cannot bo parties upon re-u- work on the Hock Island cut- their City territory supports a firm market more results than to pay in an way and obtain ious ashool lands, sec. had burned out Prlco Walters re- found nigh or low, Tho latter Is tho indirect IB off from Amarlllo to Tucumcarl, Work Choice feeders gained 15 to 25 cents tlons and 30, and asked him to well-know- n ceived a letter from him nnd uo men- daughter of a n citizen of Majority fewer results. Tho direct way for business man to prosccuto the some under the vns suddenly ordered discontinued on of sales are from 13.25 to United tion of n burning was made. Now Mexico and last night a wlro was 3.75 - advortiso is to talk to tho peoplo through nn advertising Htntes law and the tt.rltorlal attor this lino a !o7 weeks ngo and It wns for westerns. Today's run Is 20,- Judgo Pendleton received a letter sent to her father advising him of his 000 hend, prices to 10 medium hns n placo by the uresido of ovory ney of the Second district was also rumored thnt the road would not bo ami are steady thnt homt from U W. Cuss throo weeks ago, ' daughter's disappearance. Ho la ex- lower. directed to prosecute nil persons com built. No reason was ever assigned cents Host fat cattlo nro steady, within his field for business. Tho CITIZEN has that stating that ho was packing up his pected in Kl i'aso today. Tho police cows cut--I aro lower, and Blockers nnd mlttlng depredations upon timber or well-borin- for discontinuing tho work. Tho place and will nlwnys have It. machinery and would be wero notified and thougn- - the young feeders are about steady, being sup other lands bo.oiigrtig to the territory off Ir 112 mlhs long. It will ho scv- - tho hero soon. Nothing has boon heard lady hau gone over to Juarez, but dili- ported by de- - If ability of its renders to buy articles of luxury for tho benefit Of the ornl months before tho Is ready the usual good Monday's" vailous Institu from him since. road gent Inquiries In both cities failed to a as well as articles of necessity is questioned, then forever tions. for operation. in mi from speculators. Miss Ttoso I llyda mado proof on ho' e.idt any Information as to her where- Sheep run last week was tho Inst will Tho CITIZEN dofend thorn. Regarding tho com- dosort clnlm of 320 acres, below Fruit-ltnd- . abouts, and ns a consequence her of tho season ngalnst HILLSQORO. GONE TO COLORADO. st 3J,83 head, parative vnluo of morning nnd evening papers, it is n boforo tho probato clerk Mon- friends aro very anxious. When sho .15,1.18 snmo year. head week last Lib thnt n morning is boforo ita renders nn day. Girge K. GUlfln nnd W. L. Ken- left them sho offered no explanation eral fact pnper but for New Mexico Scientist Accepts Posl orders lor ceding sheep nnd A Cattle Thief A Younn Fellow DIs- - nedy woro Miss Mnmlo or excuse nnd it was then thought that lambs helped hour or so, whilo an evening paper is boforo tho public her tlon Centennial State. the market, and all turbed the Ladles. Harvood them for tho in Bho would Immediately return. gradps of sheep were steady. from T o'clock until bedtime, nnd is rend by men who Prof. T. D. A. Cockorell, Now Mex- - Lambs From tho Advocate. pleasure of the trip. A singular coincident Is that a gained 11) 1(1 weights Ico's foremost sc.cntlst. recognized In to cents for over lnbor nil dny nnd who hnvo not time to rend tho morning fa. Alexander returned tho early At a meeting of young man or th.s city is also miss- (iO pounds, tho Artec baseball biological circles as tho leading au- but others woro wcaK. Tho pnpors; Thoroforo tho suporior vnluo of an evening pnrt of the wock from Socorro. club Wednesday evening Hnrloy Pool ing and somo entertain tho opinion Austen lambs, from Soda Springs, sold thority In America on scalo Insects. they ha.-- e gono off together to pnper over tho morning paper ns nn advertising medium William Farlsh Is ropalring tho wHC-cm- i marngor. wns con thnt nt .i.40 for tho killing end, nnd feed mere hUB Rono to (jorndo 8prlngs to nc- - get is Hopper residence preparatory to mov siueramo ontnusiasm exiiiuited uy married. Tho only ground for Ails Ing end brought 13.30. Feeding lamlis quilo evident. ccpt a p0suion In tho biological de--j supposition Is tnat they wero wcil ing therein. members, nnd from tho lino of work i pnrtment brought 14.10, and breeding ewes of Tho CITIZEN is n homo pnpor. Why? Bccnuso of tho coilego there. Tho nud disappeared about tho Mr. nnd Mr. II. A. Hlngor loft for mapped out the hoys will navo no e good quality continue higher thnn fat tho residenco portion of tho being not than loss to Now Mexico Is great, as Pro- samo time, city more Terro, Mo., whom they oxpoct tile for awhile. Daily practlco will he one report is that tno owes, tho latter bringing 3.00, and fessor Cockorell by ills voluminous and s parents ton minutes' walk from tho business center, tho business to a few I girl wero opposed to tho breeding ewes 3.25. remain months. the order from nuw on. exact writings did much to advance Feeding buyers man has nmplo timo to read tho evening pnpor boforo Miss Tlpp Netl, who visit- A unlquo match, whllo another Is that tho took about 18,000 run laBt has been tcurlng pauy passed the Interest of biological sclouco In young head oi tho ing her nunf, Mrs, H, J Fender, hag re Aztec Tuesday afternoon northward people woro mere 'rlends and week, or nearly half, Indicating the going to lodgo or to tho club, nnd ho docs so. When ho now Mexico hcorc the cyeB of tho never Intended anything serious. turned to hor homo at Sliver City bound. The party consisted of three scientific world. The gentleman's strengi i they loud to tho general mar- - hns finished rending his pnpor it is left nt homo and Miss Blanche Lemmons and MIfs ono mnn and two women. They came - Ket. thoroughly rend by tho othor members of his fnmily. writings wero printed In every Euro- Navajos All Right. Trade In horses last week was most Tho Indies of Albuqucrquo rond Tho CITIZEN, nnd Tho agitators who aro continually ly In rangers, 550 being head sold ns contninB stirring up strife about t ho "poor In- ..ore at retail, principally for crmntry it nil tho nows, both foreign nnd locnl, why dian" and holp tho yellow Journals to points, quality was ordinary general should it not command tho circulation thnt it docs ? If up Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic fill columns with harrowing tales ly. and prices wero from $25 to $35. you wnnt results advortiso in tho tke test 25 vears. Average Annual One mi4 Million of tho Indians' distress cannot very Tho largost salfr of rango hcrses of Saks over a Half wed Inflict upon tho public nuy such tho season nt Aansns City will bo held I frottlet. tom this record of merit atfeaJ to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. stuff this winter, for material will bo today, when M)0 to 1,000 head will be every wmk m m e pacKago ot trovers mock Jioot uvtr m, very short. Tho Navajos havo crops disposed of at auction. A good lino of The Daily Citizen eMHMelaelB that will yield abundantly; their stock buyers Is In auondauco. HOLD-U- of tbo company nnd will bo nblo to Incss was exceedingly good at Fay-woo- d to bo tho best year for tho farmers C r months water that wns unfit for THAT P SCARE, READY FOR ONE STATE. keep up llio regular output of tho during tho past summer, and m ten years past. use. The representatives of mines. thnt many who visited tho resort WEEKLY CROP Santa Fe U. S. Weather Hureaur the water company, however, showed "So far wo havo not found It nccca-aar- pretty well r'ono up with rheumatism, Light showers at station with somo thnt tbo excessive uso by consumers - fecial- Officer McEvoy Recites His to tako oft any of tbo train crows returned to their homes much Im good rains In vicinity. Iito penches of Irrigation water was tho cause of New Mexico Willing t9 Join Wltn on, tho lino from this cnuso, as thcro proved In health, Mr. McDcrmott nlso BULLETIN ripening; yield light but quality will the unclean condition of tho drinking Suspicions, ban not been nt nny tlmo any reduc- deals in cnttle, nnd ho reports his bo exceptionally good. Corn maturing water, and promised that tno com- Arizona Says Major Llewellyn, tion In tho output. Yesterday tho stock In flno condition. His sons, rapidly; Irrigated licids very good, pany would make extensive Improve- Agrlcul mines turned out forty-cvo- n cara of Clarcnco nnd Chnrles, hnvo dovolopod Urltcd States Department of but unlrrlgatcd very short. Irrigation ments to InOtnse and purify tho wa- Crop llullctln o READY FOR THE ROBBERS. coal and forty-zl- x cars of com." Into typical cowboys, and they like to ture, Climate and wnter not sufficient for all needs. ter supply. MINOR DETAILS TO SETTLE. rldo tho ranges nftor mavericks. the Weather Bureau. New Mexico Highest temperature, 82; lowest, 51; INVESTIGATING IMPORTATION. Section. rain, 0.2G. KISLINQBURY WAS ENGAGED. D. McEvoy, doputy Watrous M.' O. Nccdham: Warm Moxi-fo- , a sheriff of Death of Mrs. Jack White. Santa Fe, N. M., Sept. 8. The wca-thc-r MnJ. W. H. Llowdilyn, of New county special and dry; rnngo conditions not good. and offlcer on tho Department Special Agent Will Ascer- Last night, Jack White, In t..o em-- : during tho pnst week was charac- Brakemsn Who Committed Suicide was In Washington yesterday on ita Ko l'oclfl'! with headquarters Stock In prlmo condition but outside at tain If Brought Over From Mexico. ploy of tho American Lumlier com- terized by warm days nnd cool nights, Left His Fiancee in El Paso, But bis way to Now ork on ottlclal buslr-nos- s, Is In tolo-gra- Water boles aro dried up. Second cut btn. tbo city today, and ha rc Tho mnttor of tno alleged romoval pany, received tho snd news by with scattered nnd generally lnsuin-cle- She Has Cone to Blsbee. says tbo Washington Post. Tho n, of alfalfa not yet In stack. Irrigated tantly statod tho reasons for tho of stono from ove.' tho Mexican border of the death of his wife at Jop-.- showerB. Over tbo northwestern It develops that Walter F. Klsllng-bury-, major reports nil Now Mexico hold up fields of oats, corn wheat are that fin scaro noar lalcta lust by Contractor Wnllaco for uso on tho Mo. Mr. Whlto left lor Joplln this quarter of tho territory tho ahowcrs tho brnkeman on tne Northeast- l up over prospects fair. Highest temperature, 87; low- worked tbo ot a nday night, or early Mouday morn boulhern Pacific cut-of- f In Now Mexi- morning. Tho deceased was a most have lxon copious nnd frequent, nnd ern railroad, who committed sulcldo runuwnl light est, 17; rain, none. of tho for statehood at co a fow mlics northwest of this city, estimable lady, and before her mar-rlag- e present conditions nro qulto good, with In El Paso last Wednesday night, was tbo coming sots'.uii of congress. "The McEvoy H. M.-- HAHD1NUE, Mir, lioiloves that vlgllnnco tins again been opened by tho treasury was a Miss -- lannlton. Mrs. good prospects for fall nnd winter feed to have been married in n short whlto peoplo Section Director. of Now Mexico,'1 said ho, "aro hla part anil that of Station Agent department, snys tho El Pnso News. of this city, Is a sister. for stock. Tho rains havo been Infre- nnd thnt his afllanccd was In tho city not In favor of Joint statehood with hnco of Islota only provontcd a hold it will bo remembered that Customs quent and Insufficient over other sec- nt the time of his death, says tno Her- Arizona. Thoy want statehood for Now for throe men, till strangers nnd Inspector Kctchum inado tho discov- tions, there nro many localities whero Horses for Cowboy Tournament. ald. "Albuquerque Athletic Club." W. H. Greer, manager Mexico nlono. However, If slnglo state- splcloiis looking, woro In evidence, ery t..nt tho stono had been taken ov- grnzlngns sennt nnd stock wnter dried of tho Vlctorlo She left the city, however, for Ills-be- coming "Albuquerque Athletic Club" sounds Land Cattle company, ono ot tho hood cannot be secured at tho d their horses wero bitched nlong a er tho New Mexico lino from Mexico up. All reports Indicato that at pre- where she announced thnt sho session of tho congress, nnd a bill ad- good, nnd no douot It will no oh good largest rattle enterprises In New Mex- nrby convenient ncequln. nnd that bo tiled a claim with cus- sent all kinds of stock nro In very would locate, sno was a Mrs. It. A. mitting Arizona and Now Moxlco as gov- ns It sounds. Jnek Watklns of Salt ico, tho ranges being m tho Doming 'Last Saturday night," said Mr. Mo- - toms collector nt this port for tho good condition, but In many places, Davis and had neon living In tne city stato, can Do passed, I Lnko City, the light weight cham- district, but who with Mrs. Greer will otio beilove tho voy, "jtiRt ns tho No. 1 passenger ernment for duty on the stuff. and on the northeastern ranges In par- for several months. Klailngbiiry had majority of tho cltlzons of New Mox- pion or Colorado and Utnh, 1b now en- spend the winter In Alhuquorque, 1b aln pulled In from tho east, going Air, Garrett a dematiu tor the ticular, water and grass aro scarce, called on llor qnilo frequently during lco will accept It. will requlro a gaged In organizing tho club and will Inking quite nil activo Interest In tbo It Ht, I notlco'l a strnngo man, well duty nnd tbo contractor refused to pay and ns grass Is curing rapidly under nls residence iere ami a tcr ha secur- campaign ot to l.e Its director. He Is well known ns cowboy feature ot tbo approaching ter- education la- - alleging that It' tbo stono was from Influence of tho dry, bright weath- ed a divorce irom his wife a . moved - ng up sued, walking tbo track toward an nccoinpllshed boxer and a success- tho ritorial fair. them to this point, as thoro tn. On up to I the Mexican sldo, the customs unicorn er tberj mny bo a shortago of good hero fron Alnmogoruo, and would o questions affecting pub-.- .' coming the station ful instructor, not nlone In boxing but haB somo vic- ninny the should have so Informed him while Irrigation wa- nir. Greer unusually have soon It ho nad iked him 'where ho wns going' nnd In physical generally. fall and winter feed. lived. debt, tho distribution oi tho public culture ious horscF, one especially nnmcd i ho was removing It. ter Ir still generally sufficient owing Bhc cou. no reason as to why public Insti- remarked that bo was looking The new club will be homed In tin "Star," which has never been ridden lands, nnd tho location of Tho matter waB then referred by tho to rains nbout the headwaters of tho ho comn. 'tcd tno rash act nnd said satlsfac-"Ml- y ir n placo to put up for tho night. Sunnysldo Inn, Old Aiiiuqticrquo, of for seven consecutive by nny tutions that muet be settled collector to District Attorney Llew- streams, In some localities tho minutes tbnt ho uan apparently happy the lntit said ha enmo In on No. 1, but got which Hilly Uerry hnB Just tnken pos- but one. beforo ouch a proposition will ellyn of Now Mexico, for collection and of 'ion of theso horses, ho proposes time she ynw him. nt .lurr's station. An tho train In tact, city will bo In- water Is scarce for this season tho ho accoptcd. he to treasury depart- session. tho to bring to the fair and enter for the aea not stop Hnrr'a and tbo reiorted tho to hi year, and good rainB nro badly needed "Tho peoplo of Now Mexico sustain nt tbnt debted in for this addition to Its cowboy tournnment. oxcitlng ef- j ment. Instructions then enmo from to Insure a continued supply. Corn Is homo Coac'Jutor to Bishop Potter. Pelogato Ilodey In his courso on tbo alu bnd not been llnggcd, I then attractions nnd resources. forts In "broncb busting" may bo the treasury department to Colonel crop will It seeing to be settled n cond- - j now tho man wns lylnu. 1 con- - will pay maturing rapidly; tho bo us that strtehood flght, and tho sentiment of that Jos. F, Evans, special agent this The members of the club Jutor to llls' lined to quiz him, nnd bis talk was at monthly dues, receiving therefor tno ually very good on trrlgnted lands, but jp Potter will bo elected. the Republican of the territory Is point, to Investigate the mnttor and, unlrrlgatcd fields aro greatly dwarfed, Tho comcntion of tho diocese of New strongly In favor of his retention In ary suspicious. On getting him a advantages of a llrst class club as well It Is amusing to Albuquerquenns to In company with Collector Garrett and generally will bo only fod- York will meet tho end Septem congress. Ho fight In )om, 1 continued to engage him In as a thorough and systematic courso and lit for at of has tho well Inspector Kctchum the colonel left tb& see tho Interest nnd wonder manifest- ber. The Indefatigable Hivortmtlon, from of In boxing de- der. In tbo colder valleys of north iiloccto la. by fnr, the largest liniul, has been nn nnd tbo drift of his cut-of- Instruction and other ed by tbo peoplo from tho cast In today for the f and tho quarry to east crop will be short owing to far In tho Episuupal church In America, worker, and has given nil of hla onls I was convinced that bo was partments of phyBlcal culture. It In the nnd Investigate make a report. ear-l- y tho Pueblo woniGn children, who and Mr. purpose to Keep In the continued cold weather of tho having 80,000 communicants, and con- tlmo and best ability to tho Interests stock thief or tho ring leader of a If It proven was Watklns closo can bo seen daily in front of tho is that the stono spring. Third nlfalfa is gcnernlly tributing $3,000,000 a yenr, or one-fift- h of tho territory." ang desiring to hold up a train. He touch with tho lending sporting papers Thcro 1b ono llttlo chap, evi- taxou from tho Mexican sldo of tho qulto promising. latest ifdvlccs Indi of tho sum contributed by nil Smith Won Over. as anxious to know tho running of oi tno enst, thereby securing a good dently not 3 yenrs old, over whom border tho treasury department will cate hat fruits In northern orchnrds dloceaca per year Efforts nave, been Other roports from Now Mexico and le trains? nnd tho surrounding coun- - deal of advertising tor this city. somo of the good ladles mado ns great Instruct Mr. Llewellyn to file suit for are very Irregular, but as a rule tho mndo to divide tho dlocco but senti- Arizona Indicato that much of tho op y. of ndmlrntlon as though thoy bad pre- tbo collection the duty. fc quality wilt bo exceptionally good. ment la found to bo ngalnst plnn. position manifested thcro ngaalnst a "I then Informed Sheriff Hubboll and Hon. II. H. Fetgusson was a passen- viously supposed Indians wero this following are extract- that It la considered likely divis- Joint statehood measure has dlsap io railroad oiriclals of my suspicions, ger for Santa Fe yesterday morning. The remarks grown. also that Narrow Escape From Drowning. correspon- born full ion la Impoaslblo ppcarcd. Marc Smith, late detegato llicit wero llkowlso shared In by Sta ed from the roports of without Anthony Lawson of Central, hnd a no- from Arizona, who was most bitter ll Agent I roturn-- dent; of tho dloceao of Albany, and n Nance, nnd when narrow cscnpo trom drowning lost In his fight against tho proposed con- I POLICE COURT, Ablqulu Henry Grant: Warm days LETTER FROM ROSWELL body believes tl.nt can bo obtained. to Isletn Sunday afternoon found Monday, says tho Silver City solidation of tho territories In ono anmo with cool nights, Tho long continued Indeed, It Is now held to bo out of tho io mnn there, with two othors, hntcrprlso. Stow-ar- stato, has publicly declared within a Lawson nnd Itccco t drought wns broken on the 30th by a question over to recast tho diocesan Iso strnngors. Tho first man had wero working on tho now dam near week that bo will favor a Joint bill nt bin cloudburst. Third alfalfa w.lll soon be divisions of tho Btnto of Now York. Ivan companions supper each, and tho pump liouso Clean Up Your Rubbish-Fin-ed for tho coming session, with tho provision at Fort Ilayard, at a ready to cut. sheep nro In Will Have Cadets and Probably Ball Tho salary of Illahop Is tbo o (lashed up qulto a roll of money, depth ot Cattlo and Potter thnt Arizona mny petition congress to thirty feet below tho surface. good condition. largest paid to any bishop In lono of the men, as far ns seen, had men were Keeping Disorderly House. tho bo orcctod Into a soparnte stato when Tho short oi mortar and Team From Military Institute. now world, viz: $15,000 a year, and uns on then. Shortly nttcr entlng Stewart went to tbo top to get some. Albert it. M. Hanson; Hot, dry sho has a population of 300,000. This two with ono or two oxceptlons tho high- io last two men went nwny, going As ho reacned tho surfneo, bo -- aw a weather continues. Ono or llgjit was ono of tho propositions mado In showerB enough be of ap- est salary paid to any ecclesiastic In p tbo accqula back of tbo railroad largo volumo of water coming down LIVELY FAMILY QUARREL. but not to tho compromlso measure presented WHAT SUPERINTENDENT WILSON SAYS. nny religious body. In to bo un- ump house, and whom, ns was found tho bed ot tho stream. Ho yelled to preciable bcnellt. Grass Is drj and It said In tbo courso of tho fight at tho last likely bo ut Inter, their horses were hitched, Lawson and at tho samo tlmo lowered crisp, and tho season Is now so far that a cholco will mado of session, but which waa opposed by unday night I ngaln met first Judgo police court, advanced that Improvement enn hard- nny mnn outsldo of tho dlocoso. Sov-er- Senator Quay nnd tho advocates of tho tho bucket. In tho mcintlme, Lawson Crawiord of the Hon. Thos. Hughes, Albuquerque, New inn nnd I lead him to bnllcvo that nnd been caught by tbo flood, out bo had qulto a varied docket before him ly be expected. All crops are light nnmes aro mentioned for tho tho omnibus statehood bill. Mexico: condjutnrshlp, ono suc- was n ranchman, wbnn ho oponod fortunately gti nold ot tho bucKct, and this morning. First wero Ave men on this year, and tho supply of winter but tho consldored Deiogato Wilson, Mr. Smith's Imself nnd talked about tho train rob" wltn somo assistance which luckily the charge of having their back prom- feed for stock is nono too liberal. Iloswell, N. M., Sept. 7. Your let- most likoly to bo united on is that of cessor from Arizona, la also reported good cries of California, snylng that If ho nappened to bo close at hand, Stewart ises littered with rubbish. They all Stock generally in condition, ter regarding tho sending of tho Uos-we- the Itov. Dr. Ds.vld H. Greer, rector as being favorable to tho Joint state- Highest temperature. !'(i; D8; of St, Van-dcrbl- lt Ho recently participat- 'Ver held up a train ho would never succeeded In bringing nls companion claimed tho ruboish wns thcro when lowest, fair, ns Dartholomow's parish, the hood measure. 0.33. enr to tho Torrltorlal leading cit- o caught, for ho would liavo things out of danger. Lawson was ex- they rented and that tho landlord bad rain, one, Itself tbo largest parish, ed in n conforonco of tho much well oh a detachment of Nov Mexico roll cs-ap- frequently promised to remov- Andrew's A. S. Warren:, and from tho point ot financial Income, of izens of the two tJrrltorlcn, held at planned toforo hand for bis hausted and could not havo lasted havo It Hot Military Institute cadets, delivered by longer. ed, out had not done so. Tney were dry; wells nnd springs drying up. Un- nny In America. Phoenix, Ariz., and wan won over to He tbon left nni. 'saupearcd muc your suggestion re- comec soon Cadet Kunz, nnu tho argument in support ot a Joint town tbo ditch toward his compan- given tlmo to boo their landlord again. less rain there will be com garding tlio appointment of a A BACHELOR. statehood proposition. Doth of tho Ho then put In nnothor appear-,nc- o CROSS CASE DECIDED. Mrs. Smith ot North Fourth streot, much suffering. REFLECTIONS OF ies. mittee consisting of Cnpt. Lea, U. A. territories will send delegations to Just as No. 1 Sunday night reach-i- d was before the court, charged with Arabela A. M. lllchardson: Show- Cahoon and Will Prnger, compiled old mnid be well Wnahlngton to work for separate stato Islcta, and bad two pistols buckled Judgment Rendered in Favor of keeping a disorderly house. Sao an- ery tho past week but not enoifgh to An should shaken Grant with. hood, but It Is expectod that they will n his person. Ho walked along tho County Commissioners. nounced her Intention of giving bond mako outside stock water on the before taken. taking Tin Bbovo named gentlemen are It takes a woman to marry a man finally unlto upon a compromlso meas- On Wednesday of ter- nnd an nppeai. In tho absence prairie. Vegetation, however, was re- o rock west of Uleta, when Mr. Nanco last week tho now work on and It pos-slbl- favora-lil- n ot tno city attotney, who was detained at tho matter Just to sec what kind ot a ausband ho ure, If thoy aro convinced that ind myself noticed tho otlier two men ritorial supremo court handed down vived, but tno ground Is so dry that will tuo baseball by ofllclnl business, no case was post send cadet will turn out to action car. bo secured upon such tutting nround tho station to Join him. an opinion In tho appeal of the loard docs but llttlo good. Tho season Is tenm to tho fair. You will moro than poned till 3 p. in. Mrs. Smith left, but Most men begin to economize on a proposition. i'ho conductor on No. 1 wns then of county cofiTmlssioncrs of Grant now so lato that the showers nro of or our eam as be- soon changed her mind paid likely think srnc.t their own spending by cutting down MnJ. Llowollyn yesterday received ami tho train pulled out of county ngalnst Frank W. Cross, which after and llttlo benefit io ne stock range ns far ing incapable of doing tho regulation fine. lljht end fast their wife's allowance. notlco from tho department of Justice sleta for tho west, nt a lively speed. mnrks tho termination ot a lltlgntlon as mnKlng grass Is concerned. High wero It net great Two living on bouth work, but for tho A man enn make up his mind that thnt Judgo Parker, of the Third Now ! which has over tucu Second est lempcrntus.;, DO; lowest, CO; rain, "Fearful that tho men would switch extended more than dlst ;n"c ncccsBnry to travel In order Mexico district, had been designated six years. street, not far from tbo railroad shops, 0.70. be loves a woman a good deal quicker icmsolvos from west to south, when to loach your town, wo would Bhow than ho can ho wants to marry to hold court In Lincoln county, In the In reviewing ono keeping a rooming bouso upstairs, Folsom Locnl-thun-dc- r thnt hc train for 121 Paso arrived the con- the case, tho Silver Jackson Tnlxir: peoplo that n irilltri training from which Judgo McMillan City rJntcrprlae says: and tho other a saloon down stairs, In vicinity, very her. district ductor was alio Informod. Ho told tho showers but llttlo scho'l of lit) CMlcts can turn out a wns recently removed, In September. In May, 1807, but each using tno samo back yard, jnssongors, who hid nwny their vn.u- - Cross Instituted suit rain here. To the south and cast tho tenm capable of coping with nny non- Is monn Judge Mc- ngalnst county camo beforo tno Judgo in a tamlly Policy of the New Pope. This taken to that ibies, anu, wun District Attorney tho board to enforce rains havo been copious. Second professional team In tho west. I do Millan's successor will not bo appoint payment of a county quarrel. Tho stepsons of tho saloon growth promises good Thoso who claim to know him de Mlnnz-t- ? hnnvllv npmiirl t rntln fin IhA warrant for tho of nlfalfa d not suppose it wtl le possible for us man, uged U 11, wero charged clare that tho new popo will not ap- ed until after tho president returns sum of il,24d.lM, which hnd been Is- and yield, and wltn continued showers to bring our t.i pdrt nglno qulto r. distance south from Is wltn using opprobrlcus epithets to tbo endct coipB that point a socrctary oi stato for somo from Oyster Hny. No court has boon sued April 11, 1388, to A. U. Laird, the there will be good winter feed on the of tcultory until wo a railroad etn. I undorstnnd Judgo naker and rooming houso man, whllo tho boys the gt tlmo. Just nt present, it Is said, tho hold lu tho district for moro than a then sheriff. Plaintiff alleged that the range, thcro Is ilttlo fruit this sea- across tho county, but when wo do Ipthor ofllclals o Albuquorquo, on their chnrgeu him wltn having" pelted them pepo wishes his policy to bo frco to year, nnd sovctal hundred prisoners warrant had become his property and son but what there Is Is of good qual- you will sco one ot the best drilled to Lob I.unas, were also on tlio with rotten eggs. Each of tno men develop Itself nnd ho wishes to bo ore lying In Jail awaiting trial. nnd never been paid. The lonrd Inter- ity Highest temperature, 90; lowest, body of young men ever turned out Ivny nnd wo would surely bnvo sov-or- Candidate for Judgeship. posed tho defense of tho statuto mndo up tn fluency of speed, what r.0, rain, 0.3C. In bis dealings with tho men. If tboy bad attempted a of from a school. Thcro has been no Intimation of limitations by a demurrer and dis- they lacked In distinctness of utter i rultland Cyril J. Collyer: Show- governments. Until ho hns had hold up, a warm recaption." the Although the Institute hnB only been who will bo soloctcd to succeed Judgo most trict court sustained this nnd dismiss- ances. Finally, his honor, tbo Judge, ery with cool nights. Uartlctt and tlmo to study tho situation thorough- Mr. McEvoy toys tho man, open a few nnys this session, wo have McMillan. Nuw Moxlco peoplo aro all first n gavo both of men a lecture, telling ly ed the nctlon. The case wns then ta.i-e- tac Flemish Beauty pears and Crawford ns ninny cndct3 as can ho will mako no selection, but will Iwhom bo considered tho ringleader, man ho bo matriculated urging that a roaldent of tho territory upon wit of error to tho supremo tho saloon that would bold peaches on the mnrKct. Third alfalfa be are now refus- be. In effect, his own secretary. The Havo his nnmo to him ns Dlrch, was a responsible for step- nccouimotlatcd and bo nppolnted, r.nd a dozen candidates couit nnd there tho Judgment oi tno tho conduct ot nls Is knee high. Corn hardening nul Is ing applications on account of limited personal leanings nnd known ten- hlx-footc- slightly built, dark complox- - sons, Bliotild ho fail to make them be aro In tho Hold, Including Capt. W. C. lower court was affirmed, tho opinion a good crop. Hange and pastures still quarters. dencies of cortnln cardinals might, Judgo Free- on, black moustache, wns well dress-nl- , have themselves; and requiring tho Heed, of lloowell; A. A. doing handed down in beptembcr, ires. i and good. Plenty of wator In Trusting the commltteo will be ho fools suro, embarrass him In the Mnj. and displayed n roll of money In rooming houso man let tho boys that man, of Carlsbad, and Clancy, ot 189?. io the river. Highest temperature, 98; successful and a few ot our ca- oyes ot European rulers, nnd especi- laying for meals. alone but to report to tho court any Albuquorquo. In tho niontn of November following, lowest, 39; rain trace. dets will be ablo to attend tho fair, I ally In thoso ot countries now per- leading will bo remembered a pnssen misdemeanors which they might bo The members of tho territor- It that Mr. Cross brought another suit In tbo oi Galllnas Springs Jns. H. Whltmore: am, very respcctfiilly, secuting his church. In this country prominent gor was up fow years ago puilty towards him. Then tho Judge ial bar nnd citizens of the train hold a district upon tho samo Dry here but showers In vicinity. thoro Is somo satisfaction satis-fle- warrant. This JAS. W. WILLJsON, felt that dcclaro they will bo d between nnd Helen, and In oxhortea them to go dome and live district thnt Islcta that was contested warmly for several Stock doing welt although rain Is Superintendent. Cardlnnl Sntolll Is not chosen It Is with tho appointment nny of Doputy yenrs. like good neighbors, nnd dismiss of the tho Pursuit aftor tho robbers, 'ihe Iward raised many points 'bus needed to malto surfneo wnter. Most now snld to bo cortnln that a consist- local candldntea, but nro unanimous Sheriff Vigil was shot nnd killed. In eu them, ot defense, the chief of which was that the unlrrignted corn Is being cut ory will bo bold at tho end of this 1 nthelr Insistence they not The cases oi Joo Santo nnd Norman up POINTED PARAGRAPHS. that win tho former suit, having determined for fodder ns It will not mako a month, but thoso best Informed doubt wolcome nny man sent to them, from -- .avis closed tho docket. It was prov- low- COAL MINE INSPECTOR. tho controversy, wns a bar to tho sec- crop. Highest tompcraturo, 91; that American clalmi to moro cardi- nnothor stnldT ond action. Yho plaintiff, however, on that Santo mado an assault with est, 05; rain, 0.04. No man la tho worse for knowing representation worst nal will bo considered I strenuously words on Travis becnuto tbo latter Glencoc E. tho of hlmscir. Joe Sheridan to Investigate Coal Mine Insisted tflftt tho merits Annie and Wilbur F. at this time. Tho Donvor Itopubllcan says that not been pre- wouTd not lend him a dollar; and that Coo: A woninn'8 tonguo Is n strenuous Fire at Dawson. had determined In tho Gcncrnliv dry but with ono good Presldont Frank Trumbull nnd General vious caso and thnt It was no bar. Travis retaliated by striking Santo shower. Farmers aro busy in tbo thing that no mnn can tame. Joo Sheridan, tho torrltorlal mlno In Tho somo Retiring Allowance Plan. Manngor Herbert of tho Colorado & district court finally over the left eyo wuta a tnro box, Holds. Haiti badly un- Somo pictures aro like people spector, with hondquartors at Silvor adopted tho vlows is needed, nnd Tho Episcopal dlocoso of Mas- Southern railroad roturnod to Donvor. of tho plaintiff and gave Judgment un ugly wound. Tho court less It comes soon thcro Is likely to be Is too good for them. LCIty, passed up tho road for Dawson for losing sachusetts has adopted n retiring al- Mr. Trumbull has boon nbroad for tho him on December 5, 1901. Tho amount lined Saute 9141. nnd iTnvU $10 and shortago of winter feed for stock. Tho tlmo of tho horao Isn't I ins morning, no goes io invcsugnio money lowance plan for Its clergy. Tho plan last two months and his rugged anil of tho Judgment wns 12,268.20. From costs. Stock now In good condition. to tlio mnn who bets on him. tho coal mlno flro at Dawson. ensy grew out of discussions nnd enact healthy appearance was grently plena-lu- g this tho board took an appeal to tbo Laguna Gus. Weiss: Several good It's nn matter to Interest somo II W, It. Mnrtln, gor.ornl mnnagor of lawyers In a caso of champagne. ments In 1901 and 1902, nnd tho re- to tho friends that crowded his of- supremo court and this appeal la that IRRIGATION CONGRESS. d bowers this week but moro Is needed. I tlio El Paso & Northeastern rallwny, No woman Is bnppy unless sho can port of the first yenr of trial of It has fice. Ho himself says thai he never which has Just been decided. The su- Stock Is In prlmo condition; grass Is ,1ms Just roturnod to El l'aso, and this get her nnmo nnd her front nnlr In Just been mnde. Tho canon provides felt In bettor health and la full of premo court rovlows tho wholo con- to In Og-de- good; springs running plenty. what tin .flvii nVimi, llin illanRtnr. Delegates Appointed Meeting papers. that any ciorgymnn, resident canonl-call- y praise for tho Carlsbad waters troversy, I- -a S. tno and I sustains tho contentions of Utah. Luz Ernest Swift: Hot nnd returned from Dnwuon, Homo snylngs would 1111 or actually, nnd having labored physicians. Tho families of tho ex- "I havo Just tho Judgment In V. dry. Cloudburst men's ninny board and enters Its Dr. Georgo Harrison, acting in tho mountains e which point 1 reached last Saturday volumes and their doings wouldn't llll for twenty-fiv- yenrs In tho dlocoso, ecutives nccompanled them from Now tnvor. mayor of tho city, last evening ap- tilled tho uitca near tho ucadgato and night. flro Is only In ono mlno a postal card. may, upon roachlng tho ngo ot sixty-flv- o York In tho prlvnto car Colorado. Mr Tbo From a legal standpoint, tno case pointed Georgo L. Ilrooks and F. A. cut off our water supply. ' Is not with ntso-lut- o It's almost as hard for somo men to make application for retirement to nnd while It known has been ono of tho hnrdest fought In Hubbel. as delegates from Albuquer- Las Vegas Wm. CurtlB Ualloy: Trumbull declined discuss business tho live up to doings as It is for and shall bo entitled to nn nnnual trip. In Now York," snld cortnlnty Just what causod tho history of local litigation. Tho que to tho national irrigation congress, conditions fair; no damaging agents their or his "Whllo ! by A stipend of $500. Only ono flro In tlinuclit to liavo started board was by excepting High- outers to live theirs down. ponslonor Mr. Herbert, "wo nttetuleil a mooting I represented Frank J. to meet next Monday at Ogduti, Utah, lack of sufficient rain. 'minor llin nnmn of hla Inmn Tho man who would rotaln his has applied and been nut on tho list. lnttlnc Wright, Esq., at'd Percy Wilson, Esq., Judgo u. S. linker uppoluted Herman est temperature, "8; lowest, 48; rain, of tho road's oxecutlvo board. Tho ventilating friends should not full to remember Tbo canon requlroa tho $500 to bo of come In eontact with tho nnd Mr. Cross by Oscnr A. Appcl, Esq., Illueher and Solomon I.una to repre- only mntter iruportnnco discussed tbnt thcro aro a great many things ho raised by a pro rata assessment on was curtains In ono of tho drifts. Tho men and Itlchmond P. DnrnoB, Esq. Tho sent the Commercial club of which Las Vegas (Mora ltond): Leon J. tho report of tho president, which as should forget. Chicago News. tho current expenses of nil parishes, public very shortly. wore all taken out of tho mlno suit was closely nnd ably tried by tbo the Judge is pr siuent. lnornhlll: Continued dry, with high will bo mndo It Including salarlea. To pay tbo nllow-auc- o along quickly ,nB possible, and on chocking attorneys on both sides, nnd attracted Governor M. A, Otero, appreciating wlnda tbo latter part of tho week, and will bo Interesting nnd tho lines In wo GAVE duo tbo cue pensioner all par- ono yenr. A marked foa ,up tho list of employes tho mlno much attention, especially from mum-her- s tho Importance of congress to cold, cloudy nights. Com crop will bo IMPURE WATER. of tho last this tho paid promptly. found that nil wero presont oxcopt two of tho bar. development of Now Mexico, very light in this part of the county. ishes tholr assessments turo will bo tho showing mado ot the has ouly ono having Mexicans, who wo afterwards learned n largo delegation of leaning Mcsliia Park II. II, Hart: Dry City Council at Santa Fe Scares Wa- Tho Hay Stato is tho prosperous conditions during parts ot In operation. wont to Sprlngor In a buggy, so thoro Here frow faywood. citizens from tno vnrious parts of tho week, with hot days and cool nights. ter Company by Thftat to Revoke such n plan tho year. This Is particularly truo ot was really no cno caught In tho mlno. territory, Delegato 11. S. Hodoy being Third alfalfa coming on nicely. Peach Contract. tho last few mcntlia." "Ab soon ns posslblo tho ontranco of Manager McDennott Passes Through nt tho head of tho list, It la his pre- season about ended. Irrigation water A special dUpatch from Santa Fe croaso tho bollcrmakers, machinists ' tho mlno wns Mugged up air tight and for Eastern Cities. sent purposo to leave hero tomorrow Is plentiful, highest tempcrnturc, to the Denver ttows, dated Septembor nnd blacksmiths at tho local shops H. W. Loomls and wife left Alamo-gord- o nnd points west of Colorado on tho now In Sierra , In tho courso of about two or three T. 0. McDormott, manager and ono morning for Ogdcn, taking with hlui 97; lowest, So; no rain. 8, says: for tuclr homo proper will ,1 weeks wo can again open It and o tho owners of tho Faywood Hot tho proxies of such delegates from OJo Cnllontc A. Josoph: ltecent Stops wero to bo taken by tho city Santa Fo Knrcafter draw Madro and Sonora, Moxlco. Mr. $3.70 per day In & work, by that tlmo tho flro Springs rosnrt, Grant county, passed this county ns shall II ml It Inconven- copious rains ln this section have council at Its meeting last ovcnlng to 37 cents an hour or lioomls has been with tho EI Paso is $3.50, Topeka will havo burnod out. up the rond for Chicago tElc morning, ient to nttenu. started tho grammn grass, and good revoko tho contract of tho city with placo of Tho men nt Northeastern in tho legal department 34 tils "Until tbo flro In tbo mlno Is ex- llcforo returning to tho territory ho It Is understood that Delegate Hodcy winter feed on tbo range Is now as- tho Santa Fo Water & Light company, will hereafter draw cents nn hour at this placo and both he and wire In- mlsse'il many hausted wo will keep tho full forco of will visit Dcs Moines, Iowa, and cer favors El Paso as the place for tbo sured. All standing crops look well. because tho latter and furnished td or $3.40 In placo of $3.20. Tho will bo badly by their during past few crease la effectlvo Soptomber 1. friends at Alamogordo. . men nt work In tho othor four mines tain cities In Mlnnosota. Ho says bus next annual meeting of tho congress. Fronuprcsent conditions this promises consumers tho this city lienry Williams Is now a ISstancIa, Valencia county, and nt Un- prosperous cattleman near DaTII. Hoj due, Quay county. has just leased four alternate sections 1 of railroad land for grazing purposes. UNITED STATES CA8ES. g.ailroa.d I'rnfes-o- r re- Topics and Mrs J. t Oarrera, Chi- PRINTING turned to their homo In Imh Criiccs. Convictions Found at Demlng Airs Carerra came up last week to at- nese to be Deported. The. king of Greece hns ordered a not easily settled It Is expected that tend tho funeral of her father, F A. Assistant United States Attorney W. Tlicri! arc dilTcrcut kimlf, to lo sure. --Moreover tlio Bcnool of a final will bo by member of the lloullcs aKreement reached Katr.ensteln. l'rofpssor t arrera Is In- C. Held arrived Sunday morning from charge weok. qtiitlity of stock on which it is dono must ho coiifidurcd if Art to assume of tho the end of the terested with .Max n. Fitch of tills city Demlng, where on Satun.ny he attend- special you Mould emtio it good impression of yoursplf amongst Interior decoration of tlio train In some promising mining properties ed prollmlnnry United States proceed- is now Inslng In 13 LOVELL You muko which constructed APPOINTED? In tnls vicinity. ings In cases, PaBqtiol Torres of Mexi- your customers. might think it would not Paris for tils persond use. Company It Is now supplied with co, charged with smuggling horses nny difference, but if public opinion on thnt point Mils The first months of this year Says He G. R. threo Railroad Gazette is thoroughly equipment. Tho ncross the border, and a Chinaman weighed you M'ould find that it is quite n factor in drivi- M)0 peoplo In- killed and 2,t34 Henderson's Successor, company's armory Is a very Interest chargca with being in tho Unltod jured In trnln nucldonts. Other kinds "Alfred ixvoll, assistant superin- ng tnulo. Don't bo behind tho times. If you want to ing plate to visit. There nro to be seen j States unlawfully. The proceedings Including power, ap- keep pace M'ith civilization, you must follow-- of accidents, thoso sustained tendent of motlvo has been rllles. the latest crea- wcro brouglit lcroro United States customs' by employes whllo work, run up pointed superintendent iow-e- r. now-n-dny- s, at the of motive tions In touts and blankets, and a Commissioner II. Y. McKoyca and tho which is naturally tho greed of every man, total casualties to 87 killed and 11,' In place of G. It. ilondorson, re- be- camp stove that Is a marvel of Ingen- cases terminated in the Chluamnn M'ho has genuine pride. The art of printing is somo-t'lin- g Injured. signed. Tho headquarters of Mr. Imv-el- l WHEN BABY be- 41 uity. It Is expected tno company ing ordered deported and Torres few Topoka Journal says; will bo Topekn. Knn." that that pooplo can acquire. They may print, hut Tho State at will hold an onrnmpment In the near! ing hound over to tho United States K. or firm of Lnn-tr- y regarding nbovo tho art is not present. Again, tlio art may bo there, Charles lantry tho When asked tho future. tS COMING court. Ac Sons, contractors, was In To-pek- a from (lie last Issue of the Hallway CI a. Attorney Ileid left for Santa Fe Sun- but the stock on which tlio printing is dono is of tho yesterday. Air Lantry's i.nn has aetto TopeKn Soma Vo officials denied USE day night nnd will attend Unltod Fearful Odds Against Him. poorest quality, which entirely obliterates tho art that tho contract for tiic ..ulidlng of tho that Mr. I.ove.. has l)eon appointed States court .ncro tomorrow. Mould bo cut-of- Italrlddcu, alouc and destitute. otherwise apparent. Then again, tho quality Helen f in Now Mexico ior the HUpiTlntendeni of motlvo power to sue-coe- d Such, In brlof was tho condition jf nn of ink and nicoty and distinctness color used Santa !'o. but the work on that Mr. Henderson. It Is truo that Mother s Friend Devoured by Worms. of aro old soldier by namo of J. J. Havens, j has been stopped, as have soveral weeks ngo n circular wan Is- Children cry, from pain, something that counts in bringing out beauty of art into Versailles, O. For years he was trou- often not several other improvements that the sued stating that In the ansonco of a greatest dream of acd from hunger, although fed abund- display. The CITIZEN' printing department carries bled with klduoy disease and neither Woman's bcautv but Santa Po had under construction. lORtilar superintendent Mr. Kovoll glory i when nature has chosen ncr to antly. Tho entire trouble arises from doctors nor medicines gave him re--. nothing but tho best quality of stationery, such as letter This action is in accordance with wonli. handle tho busluoss of that e become a mother Kvery faculty is keenly Inanition, their food Is not nsslml-lotc- d, Her. At length he tried Uloctrlc Hit- -' heads, note heads, bill heads, etc., as well as tho finest the instructions of Third VIco Presi- I ne llnllway GaitottJ says defi- alert as the foresees the joy, ambition, but devoured by wormB. A fow tors. It put lilm on In or- - j success nnd life-lon- g satisfaction com- - work-iiutn- sl dent Kendrlck, who thinks that the nitely that Mr. l.ovon has rocolvod his feet short the of Vermifuge of ink , nnd turns out daily evidence of tho finest now ne Mjf nearer, by day, in near doses White's Cream expenses of the road Bliotilil bo ' ier and testifies: "I'm on tho day uic and q the city. tacky-lookin- g the appointment. ' Innocent being so soon to see light, and will cuasc them to cease crying and in If you wnnt cheap, The work on tho lloion cut-of- road to comp!eto recovery." Host on the uncertainty whether she shall bee a j begin to thrlvo at onco, very much to prititi g, go to tho places whoro you can obtain it; but howovor. may ho resumed shortly. Mr. earth for liver nnd Kidney troubles and ' The Proper Treatment for a Sprained weet girl or a brave boy face beside her the surprise nnd Joy of tho mother. first-clns- s all forms of stomach bowel com-- i if yot ant printing, send it to Tho CITIZEN Jantry was quoted In a recont newspa- Ankle. and on tho tiiliow ndds mt to her expectancy. 2Cc at J. II. O'Kielly Drug Co. plaints. Only 60c. by nil printl g department, or telephone to us and we will call per Interview as snyhiK tnat the work As a rule a man will feel well satis-fle-d Guaranteed Mother's Friend applied externally o druggists. i will relieve on that Improvement would be resum- If ho can hobblo around on throughout jircjjtmucy the BEAT THE LAWYERS. and g v your order. ed c soon as possible. crutches two or three weeks pain of parturition, and no mother and after child can fail 1 3 b'.-- healthy, lienrty, strong, spraining his ankle, and It is usually hOSEBER OFFERC PRIZES. clear complcxioucd, pure blooded aud Santa Fe Claim Agent Settled With THROUGH TRAINS. two or thrco months beforo bo has cheerful in disposition, who arc mutually Injured Passengers. fully recovered. This Is an unneces- English Earl Will Give Medals for Influenced by the continued .isc of this Tho Santn Fo claim ngent played MOTII1-K- Dig sary loss of time, for in many cases Best Railroad Essay. great liumiciil, 1'IUKND. terprlso wreck jesterday, says tho Km RULING To Los Angeles Arranged by Four Buy of dru rui'.ts, i oo per bottle. Km-poil- Railroads. In which Chamberlain's I'aln Halm haa The Karl of Itoseherry mis offered to f terprlse wreck yesterday, says tho n promptly nnd frcoly give annually gold medal to em- Our treatise " Motherhood" mailed free. is accom- big u mid-dl- o been appllod. a a the Gazette, Tho wreck as reported requires an exactness that much admired when Four of tho railroads tho 11 IRnFlEL0 REGULATOR CO.. Atltnli. C. west have arranged to run through completo euro has been effected in less ploye of the Great Northern railway, In last night's Gnzetto occurred oarly plished. If your blank books aro ruled properly they than ono week's time, soma In Knglnnd, who will write tho best cars to 1ms Angelas on tho Santa Fo and in yesterday morning. Tho claim agent will look tho hands of a first-clas- s hook Imj feature of tho services, as tho always neat, if in uvorland nest wlntor, says tho Ims cases within threo daya. For sale by essay on a railway subject. The gen a hiked out from Topekn ns soon ns tho manager best vocal talent In town will nsslst keeper. If thoy are not ruled Mit' exactness thoy will Angeles Herald. Ai. four lines will all druggists. eral Is o select each year a word reached heailqunrtors, nnd wns --o- with singing. he-fo- look even though handled by an in radiate from St. l'nul. Tnoy aro tho list of 12 subjects, to be Issued on July the among tho sick nnd Injured nlmost never neat, artist 1. Knight of Albuquerquo book-keepin- g. Wabash, Western, GIRLS MUST GO. In order to give opportunity to nil Col. Scott they were dug out of tho cnr. Rail To bo exact requires skill anil patience, Ureal Milwaukee has taken the road with his special car & St. ami llnrllnirtmi cars departments of the service, there wllll road men who camo back with tho which is acquired by long experience and perseverence. 'lho for purpose of advertising the will ho picked Northwestern Railroad Decides to bo a wide rango of subjects. Tho offic- tho claim agent yesterday say that ho mot of thoso several lines to ho held In Albuquerquo When a person possesses it his services are in demand in Abolish Female Clerks. ial circular Issued" by the railway com- lair with nil kinds of success Mr. J. Koch-onve- r, tip by tho Santa Fo overland nt Kan fnst-elas- first-clns- s pany provides Oetoiicr 12th to 17th. Urt's of peoplo any s bindery. The CITIZEN hns a Has City and through to There Is consternation among tho as loilows: "Kmployos who sustained a broken collnr carried In Martial knows Scott and ho Angeles. In same way they will be women employes of tho Northwestern of tho Grcnt Northern company, whoso ban bono nnd internal Injuries settled for bindery and therefore employs tho best skill. the will a royal welcome when he taken back. railway. Hy a general order of tho ngc does not exceed 35 nt the date of receive S7fi. nnd Mrs. Munn of Glnsco, settled Jiill heads, letter heads, noto heads, vouchers, invoices company publication year's will arrives next week with his crow of bill in- The arrangement Is expected to be tho employment of women tho of each list, for $50. They wore tho two worst and blanks of dvery description aro ruled with tho sumo In nny capacity on system Is bo eligible to compete, and they may posters. jured. conrpo bo-for- o come offectivo October 1. General Pas- tho entire Of this all happened skill and neatness as tho finest blank book that was ever barred. Slnco tho Issunnco of this or select as a subject any one (but not any lawyers reached the injured, senger Agont Dyrne of tho const lines turned out. want such work telephone to The says that all tho railroads nro looking der the women stenographers in the! moro than one) of the 12 Issued an- A Purgative Pleasure. II Is nlwnys a raco between tho claim 3f voti for n largo coast business next winter, general olllccs of tho company hnve nually, In addition .o .e gold mednl, If you ever took DeWltt's Little agent and tho lnwyers when there Is n CITIZEN. nnd tho nrrnngemeut that has Just suddenly acquired domestic tastes and n silver medal nnd diploma will b KnrI Itinera for biliousness or consti- railroad accident. beon completed with tho four lines matrimonial proclivities formerly un- given to the author of tho best essay pation you know whnt a purgative on remaining sub- pills mentoned Is in anticipation of heavy expected. Nono of tho young women each of the eleven pleasure is. Thoso famous little croup. travel from the various points touched have been discharged, but they ad- jects. Tho essays will be Juuged by tho cleanso the liver and rid the system Usually begins with tho symptoms by Dyriio mit nn uncomfortnblo feeling of not general mnnager. If technical works of ail bllo without producing unpleas- of a common cold; there Is chilliness, BINDING these roads. Mr. does not think that tho heavy travel to tho being wnnted. PersonnI stenographers are rororred to or quoted, the author's ant effects. They do not gripe, sicken sneezing, soro throat, hot skin, quick to ofllclnla relegat- nnmo must be given. The subjects for or weaken, but give tono nnd strength respira- coast this month, on account of tho various havo been pulse, hoarseness and Impeded is everlasting when properly done. Every business man yenr 1903 Per- organs Dnl-lard- 's Grand Army encampment will affect ed to the outside omccs among tho the are as follows: (1) to tho tissues and Involved. W. tion. Glvo frequent small doses of mnln-tennnc- -- of- way, e; says: would like to preserve his books, but ho cannot do it tho tourist travel next rail and win- general clerks. Tho is rthwestcrn manent construction and H. Howell, of Huston, Texas, Horenound Syrup (the child will ter. Most of thoso who have come out ficials aro not adverse tc tho soften- (2) electrical traction for "No better pill can bo used than Littlo cry tor It), nnd nt the first sign of a when thoy are in a dozen pieces after ho ufcs them up. (3) Hal-lard- 's here this summer arc peoplo who can ing nnd renning Influences of women railways; light railways as feeders Bnrly lllscrs for constipation, sick croupy cough, npply frequently He does not want thorn to break, neither does he want personally regret to main lines; (I) compound and sim- headache, etc." Sold by D. W. Brlggs not get away at any other time in tho nnd nfe said to tho Snow Liniment externally to the them to bo tight in tho fold, if so, thoy cause him great ultimate loss of tho women stenogra- ple locomotives compared; (C) work- & Co. nnd S. Vann c Sons. throat. 50c at J. H. O'ltellly Drug Co. year.whilo thoso who will como In tho inconvenience. There is much in tho way a book is winter nro that class which annually phers, but nuslness Is business, they shop practlco In a railway workshop; o o nr-- ( vac- soM'ed. is sowed a strive to escape tho raging of w'Inter, sny, and It s been decided that the relative cost and cniclency of L. A. Falrcs, who resigned one of MUST BUY NEW WATCHES. If it not properly the breaking of women go. uum anil pressure brakes; (7- - econo- nnd can lenvo without seriously In- must tho Pullman runs between El Paso single thread will occasion an entire section of twenty terfering with their business. Tho reason for this decision Is mical working of a passenger and and Albuquerque, a few months sluco New Order by Manager Herbert pages to como out, necessitating tho robinding of tho goods traffic; (9) The Santa Fo expects to rcslore tho found partially in the pension system, economic basis of to accept a position In tho storo of Makes Engineers Very Mad. book, loss railway (10) law rail- & Is under- causing of timo and inconvenience. If you dally running achedulo oi tho Over- which naturally carries with It civil rates; the on Leo Loewensteln, at San Marcinl, has Tho Colorado Soiithorn al- ways in the Kingdom; (11) want n good blank book you snould get one with n pntcat land Limited November 1. This train service. Women stcnogrnpherB aro United decldeded to tho employ of stood to bo fnce to faco with a strlko Is now making tho trip Chicago ways women stenographers, It U tho function of railways In relation to tho Pullman company. Ho will move by tho engineers on that road unless a g back, thereby enabling you to utilizo all tho from commerce; (12) to this city only threo times n week, claimed, unlcHs they get married, and trade aud general his family from San i.Iarclal to Albu- recent action of J. M. Herbert, tho vico space in the foul, that you would othcrwiso not bo ablo principle mnnngor re- ns the travel in tho summer time are not fitted for promotion under civil of accounts of a railway." querquo when tho necessary arrange- president nnd genoral Is to do. Then the of used is as essontial o quality paper just r. service rules In on railroads with ments nro scinded. It is reported thnt chnngo does not warrant running tho train lorce made. n fino book is pension systems. Oil Reservoirs. In tho wntch inspectors recently took in turning out as tho workmanship. Tho Tha Santa Fo company followed hy CITIZEN" carries a full stock of tlio finest ledger paper Mr. Ilyrne is In receipt of a railroad has 21 vsars a Dyspeptic. plnco and thnt this was lettter decided to construct two oil condemning nil of the from 11. Fulton of Flagstaff, rhona, The Secret of Success. reservoirs H. U Foster, 218 S.2d St., Salt Lake an ordor manufactured. When you want any kind of n fino blank Flagstaff. They will bo by engineers, It Is suggesting that It would be a good "Get something tho peoplo need. at located east City, wrrites: "I have been bothered watches used tho book telephone to Tlio CITIZEN and our representative of yards place to buy a cer- Idea to Inaugurate an automobile lino Then let tho pooplo know you'vo got their at this and each with dyspepsia or Indigestion for 21 said, were then Instructed will n In will call. havo capacity of 50,000 barrels. f; wntch which Is manufactured between Adainar.a and petrlllcd It." Is plain prescription years; tried many doctors without re-llo- tain the That tho talk will bo con- This tho largest storage of oil Hor-bin- e. St. Louis, Tho cost of tho watches forests. A stngo lino is now lolng oper-ate- d recently i got a bottlo of for business success given by Mr. II. at any point nnd Is bo $0,000, between thoso two points. Mr. between Wluslow tho Ono bottlo cured me; I am now demned snld to nbout L. Kramer, tho famous creator and ad- coast. onglneorh havo protested Ilyrne thinks tho Idea a good one, aud tnpering ott on the second. I havo rec- and tho vertiser of Cascarets, Candy Cathartic, Only one reservoir will no construct- against being icquired to spend their he has written Mr. Fulton suggesting ommended It to my friends; it Is cur- A dvertising which In a few yonra have developed ed at Williams nnd nono nt Wlnslow, monoy now watches. that he make arrangements for on au- ing them, too." 60c at J. II, O'lllelly for 15 whllo FlagstatT gets two. lodged tomobile sorvlce with Mr, a salo of a million boxes n month. v. These two Drug Cc, A complaint wns with tho Stevenson, will bo completed days mnnngemont engineers The word itself is exhilarating to a man that has a who has tho contract for running cry reader of this nowspapor knows within thirty In which tho tho will why high whothor socially, financially or other- stage line. that tho manufacturers of CnScareis and nftcr completion It requlro CHRISTIAN SCICNCE. deslro to know their watches ambition, two mon U run tho pump, as it will bo had nil been condemned nnd defied is M'ith a havo persistently used newspaper ad- wise. It tho same business man. Ho has to run day and night. Editors Citizen. Mr. Herbert to show whero thoy had obtain advertising in somo way boforo ho will lo success- His Life Saved by Chamberlain's Colic, vertising to "let tho people know" and It will require a mrgo torco of kcop men Uoston, Mass., Aug. If. In your o over fallod to correct tlmo. This Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. the results havo shown Maj. Kra- mat-to-r ful. Thovo nro different degrees of success. Tho moro thnt and about th.rty teams to construct of July 14, you quoted comments apparently had no effect, so tho "13. L. Dyer, a well known cooper of need- you get tho amount of business you mer "got something tho peoplo tnese two resorvolrB within tho tlmo on the teaching of Christian Science, was taken up hy tho cnglnoors ns advertising greater this town, says he believes Chamber- ed." It Is a great object lesson In tho prescribed In tho contract Flagstaff nn organization. Sovoral conferences transact, n fact that admit themselves. lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoen sotting forth tho proposition thnt dis- school of business. Gem. bo havo been hold without result, and It Hemedy saved his llfo summer. ease is 'not actual" nnd cau cured "All things do not come unto man." Ho has to go aftor hut by "discharging In It." is reported that the head ofUcorB of Ho had been sick for a month with tho belief It is them. If ho wants advertising ho pays for it just tho 'the San Mnrclal Deo says: Mrs, I SAN MARCIAL. added, "Thereforo, Christian Scien- tho Brotherhood of Ixicomotlvo Kngin what the doctors call bilious dysen- IT. same as any commodity. You may Bay somo men obtain Morris returned to Dodgo City, tists repudlato medical science and 're ocra will from now on conduct tho ne tery, and could get nothing to do him Kansas, where hor husliand Has the From tho Hee. gotlntlons. advertising for nothing, but tho don't. Thoy pay for it nny good until he tried this remedy. It fuse such treatment, not only to their rosponslblo position of trainmaster. Miss Lizzie Hockctt is ofllclntlng as own detriment, but thereby endanger- in nn indirect, if not a direct May. Thus overy mnn gave him immediate relief," says D. T. Wo have uotnlng ngainst Dodgo City, deputy postmaster, and gives promise ing the lives of others anu of tho pub- Raised From the Dead. pays for his share Tho world om'cs a man a living, but Little, inerchani, Hancock, Md. For yet moro nre quite a large number of o. proving nn etllcleut servant of C. W. Orien- the lic health In general." Lnndls, "porter" for tho ho sale by all drugg'sU. people hero who envy that city Its government. tal hotcd, Chnnuto, Knna,, Bays: "I ho has to earn it, and if a man wants advertising must o Actual statistics will not corrobor- obtain good luck In securing ns residents A. I. Houlllor of I'arajo was In town ate this assumption, 'thousands of know whnt It was to suffer with neuj pay for it. It is better to pay in a direct way and BOILERMAKERS' CONFERENCE. such highly esteemed peoplo ns Mr. two or three days this week. Ho also persons nro alive and well today who ralgla; deed I did, and I got a bottlo moro results than to pay in an indirect way nnd obtain and Mrs. Morris. paid a visit to tho county seat. had, previous to taking up this scienco of Ballard's Snow Liniment and I wns fewer results. Tho direct way for n business man to Santa Fe Coast Employes After Mrs. Hd. Me-mi- ls I Line Mnrtln nnd Mrs. J. J. exTTnusted all hopo of recoW;ry. 'ralBod from tho dead.' trlel to get advertiso is to tnlk to tho people through nn advertising More Pay. SOCORRO. of Hoseilnle, arrived hero to 1 some moro, but beforo I had 'deposed' think It Is sofo to assume that tho medium that has a placo by tho fireside of every home For the past ten duys a committee call upon their friends and do some largest per cent of tho Christian of my bottlo, I was cured entirely. I ii iioilormakors from tho local shops From tho Chieftain. shopping. Science denomination Is made up of nm tollln' do truth too." 25c, 60c nnd ivithin his field for business. The CITIZEN has thnt has been In I,os Angeles In dally con- John Hunter returned from a short Miss Mnbel Tweed has returned to peoplo who had already been allotted 11 at J. II. O'lllelly Drug Co. placo and will always havo It. ference with General Manager Wells visit In Moxlco. hor home In Alamorgordo, followjng a to tho grnvo yards. This being true, o the ability of its readers to buy articles of luxury and Acting Superintendent of Motive Mrs. F. O. Il.irtlott and son Sidney welcome visit with her grnndpnrentH If It might bo said that whatever of de- Funcs Received: as well as articles of necessity is questioned, then forever Powor I.ovall with regord to tho for- returned from n trip to Magdaieun. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henderson. pendence tho world nt largo has made Territorial Treasurer Vaugnn hns now says Mrs . N. t defend thorn. tho com-pnnMi- mation of a contract, the J. Strickland returned home Dr. Crulkshnnk was summoned to upon Christian Science has resulted in received trom tho collector and oxoftl-- 1 will Tho CITIZEN Eegnrding San Hornardino Sun. Wneu the last from a VTsit of two weeks with friends Fnlrvlow to attend Mra, V. W. Kads, clear gain. Thcro Is certainly littlo clo treasurer of San Juan county, A. valuo of morning nnd evening papers, it is a strike was settled at tho shops a con- In Albuquerquo. tho wife of a blacksmith. Tne Indy wob risk on tho part of tho patlont who ; O. itlnck, tho following funds, JISCCI, fact that n morning paper is beforo its roadors but for nn tract was drawn up between tho com- Mrs. C T. Krown and sons arrlvtd dead when tho doctor arrived, taxes year 1902 tho has already been pronounced Incura- for the hour or so, wliilo nn oven ing paper is boforo tho public pany nnd tho men with the under- at home from a visit of s cveral weeks cause of death being an overdose of ble, If ho casts his lot with Christian Diego from o'clock until bedtime, nnd is read by mon who standing that at the oxplratlon of the in San and other Pacific co.ict morphine, taken to relieve pain. Scientists; for irom a medical stand- SELL THEIR MINES. f agreement the officials would "do tho summer resorts. Frank Selman camo In from Itose-dal- o point ho must uie, whllo from the labor nil day and who hnvo not timo to rend tho morning right thing" by the mon In a second F. D. Hates, a young man from late last He Is feeling wcok. BclcntiBts point of view ho mny live J. G. Hilzenger, Roxlo Loomle, and pnpnrs. Thcroforo tho superior vnluo of an ovoning contract. 1 io old contract oxplreil Denver, arrived to Join tho ranks of stronger ami In better spirits than nt through tho oltlcacy of their faith. Others, Dispose of Claims Near 8an-- j paper ovor tho morning paper as an advertising medium and It is for tho purposo students at tho School of Mines, Mr. any time slnco his illness an assumed Furthermore, Christian Science has ta Rita, N. M. is quito evident. of arranging the second agreement Hates will tako tho courso In assaying ncuto form. - dono much toward minimizing conta- j Tho Kmplro group of lying In tho present meetings nre being and mining engineering. expects mines Tho is n homo paper. Why? Eccauso that Tho editor of tho Deo to glonhccauso la tondency to destroy tho Santa ltlta district havo been sold CITIZEN held. That tho company la not submit- Doctor Hufus at. Hagg, wife, lit-ti- e journey and eastward In a day or two, fear, to Chicago peoplo for a consideration the residenco portion of tho city boing not moro than ting to tho demands of tho men with- dnughter nrrived in toeorro. Doc- making lirlof stops I at Denver, Omaha, Tnls scienco hr proved ns effica- of 1 10,000. This group Is composed of ten minutes' walk from the business contor, tho business out a tsrugglo nnd that tho men are tor Uagg will occupy tho chulr of y Chicago and Detroit, en routo to Tor- cious in healing ;tnidren as In rellov-- twenty-tw- o j claims and whllo they mnn hns nmplo timo to rend tho evening pnpor boforo not getttltig ail that they would like nnd petrography nt tho School onto, Mrs. will j Canada. Howard see Ing adults. It Is not strange that thoso uuvo not rimy developed lino Is by tno of Mines. Ho Is a graduato Am- mnko going to lodge or to tho club, nnd ho docs so. When ho to hove evidenced fact that of to It that tho paper makes Its usual who havo only a superficial Knowledge showings of coppor. ten days have elapseu and the end is herst nnd Johns Hopkins, overy Saturday. hns finished his is loft nt homo nnd apiearance of this subject should nssumo that a Thoso properties were formorly own- reading paper it not yet. Although the comiulteemen W. H. Dasher and sister, Mrs. Nora J. M. Harlan, of tho son Mr nnd Mrs. dopomlcnco upon God to tho exclusion ed by Iloxlo O. Hllzln-gc- r thoroughly rend by tho other members of his family. to regarding what Is being Plerson, havo returned to Soclrro A. nnd J. refuse talk J. Harlan, gladdened tho heart of medluclno la a neglect rather than a and ot'acr El Paso peoplo, Tho ladies rond Tho nnd prlvnto conference from a visit of tho cummer In of Albuquerquo CITIZEN, dono nt tho months of his loving mother by wiring tho help, y but Christian Scientists who A man has secured a sixty-da- loaso ns it contains all tho news, both foroign nnd locnl, why and tne ofliclals, It Is Ing Vegas and points In Colorado. mcdl-clu- o them news that his examination for havo formerly depended upon on ono of tho In Gold gulch, tho company has conced- Mr. Drasher Is Improved In mines should it not command tho it docs ? learned that health. as a cadet to the Iloswell mili- and nro now relying upon this tho now Cripple Creok, tho circulation thnt If day '1 ney will now just boforo ed tho bollcrmakcrs M a Instead remain permanently In tary academy wa over and ho stood sciouco are convinced that in so doing strike was you wnnt results advortiso in tho now caso. Is homo mado, has threo shifts at of 3.76, as is the This, it Socorro and aro at at Hycsts' O. K. they have chosen tho better part. work taking gold ore without trou- place near spring. out tho richest said, wan obtained much tho Archbishop J. M. Kendrlck will xs ALFHHD FAIUX)W. lias over boon shipped of question regarding the Mrs.. Henry Williams daughter thnt out ble, but the and In San Morcial , and Grant county and as his lcaso Is of handymen and tho proper of DatU aro visiting Mrs. Williams' will rights of hold sorvlccB in Christ church Poitofflcet Established. such short duration ho Is rushing work The Daily Citizen In'tho shop are parents, Mr. A. H. place for and Mrs. Potter, of morning and ovonlng. Pino music will Post office i havo oeen established at to tho limit. Ho tho Domocrat wns mis-tske- n now trainmaster nnd his recommenda- MURDERED, posal of ony of tho pueblo properly MALLEN TALKS states that THE OLD TYPOS, ROBBED AND KILL APPEAL TO CONGRESS to a wnlto, rule has never been In saying that tho government tion to tho general superintendent will 1Mb confirmation, vlolnteu and today, with this partial-la- r Intended to havo a branch Innd office probably receive been asso exception, Is still held Invlolnto horo, nnd no regrets that ho was mis- ltnlnmastcr Short hns Fo In numerous Car-Atroc- ays his son, ciated with the Santa ious Re- ) tholr action when a general coun- Fifty-Ce- nt quoted. Mr. Otero Few Interesting Facts of the And Led in Crime ave Pueble Indians Right to Dis- Says the Dollar Soon 21 began cil or pueblos wan held. Horatio W. S. Otero, has been appoint- capacities for years, ho bis ati the be- "Wo expect to tako this matter to ed United States court commissioner Printers Twenty Years Ago. training on tho ccntrnl division vealed by Discovery. pose ot Property to White Men? come a Reality, Going congrcsB have body pass on for tho Socond district, stationed here, tween Kraponu nnd Nlckerson. and that punched It. Wo will send a joint delegation to for tho purposo ot making applica- thenco to tho main lino ho ten years between Kansas Washington this winter for wo aro tions nnd proofs In Innd matters. THE SMALL POX EPIDEMIC, tlckots for ON FREIGHT TRAIN, QUESTION IS UNIQUE, MEYICO CITY IS KEPT CLEAN, finally PUTRIFYINB CORPSE anxious to nffvo tho question settled. City and Topokn. His ability Iowa, as train- Wo have determined that now Is tho Scratch, scratch, scratch; unnblo to landed him In Madison, ho wns trans- time to find out 'whero wo aro at.' Wo attend to business during tho dny or The typos ot Albuquerque, with an master, from whenco lody of a, man who May an Indian dispose of his prop Hon. Francisco Million, Mexican con Increasing valuo ot The drenmposeu cannot put up with tho present con- sleep during tho night. Itching pllos, Intermission ot only several years, ferred here. Tho must have been murdered nt Fort Mad- ty to a whlto man? euI In 101 I'nso wlio has Just returned company demands tho dition oi affairs nny longer." uorrlblo plague. Doano's Ointment havo bven working under a dinner tho American ison, la., , was found In a question Is of paramount lm from a month's business trip to Mex- nny drug Typo- wliolo nttontlon of a carctul, sagacious This Isleta pueblo Is a village of some euros; novor fails. At store, grnntou by tho International r frdgnt car at Haton on Sunday. brtance to the PuobloB and has In- - l.fiOt) people. Tho l'ueblos ore farmers ico City, tnys ho thinks It will bo but 60 conts. graphical Union since October, 1881. , , t Tho car was In a through freight we very thrifty una Industrious. a his country tins o tnoKO unys oi Aiuuquerquu loaded with Iron pipe, and con ed become national, ns congress will "il short tlino until in to assume complete management ot Its train r.n ' m mo worus or Aiioytn iciiow HIBDARD'8 PROMOTION. n town about a year old there was signed to Snn Francisco. Tho find n.Url o ntMin thn mooted "ino adopted a monetary sustcm based on nffnlrs. 1 who work this pueblo don't omy of enough jfilnt. Tlio representatives of the var-- don't in tho gold doilur, says tho 131 a handful printers, Just wns made by a car Inspector, who Ins Now Mexico l'ueblos have already U" place." l'aso News. He Will Succeed Beamer as Superin- tn orgntilzo and hold the offices,, nnd round the wheels nt one end ot tho car ' California. they Owes His Life to a f.elghbor's Wood sited Washington and conferred Consul Malk-11- . howovor, did not tendent Southern met nnd soon thereafter the first covered with and a terrlblo - Wells, Includ- Itli tho comlssloner of Indian affairs; "I havo been troubled with iz.' stom- how soon this woui' be. The General Manager A. G. of tho labor union of tho southwest, stench coming from within. Tho seal Is awaiting ach for past four years," says D. Santa Fo coast linos, Is at tho Alvara-do- , ing New Mexico, Arizona and HI l'aso, Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known WI, i.,.,,,. nn.i t,n enr nntorod. when it Commissioner Jones tho Mexican congress opens tho lfith of - j - by family. throughout Mercer nnd Sumner coun- ad-tle- t, o decision of the federal courts. A L. lleach, of Clover Nook Farm, Green- September nnd It Is' very probable accompanied his Tho sprung Into existence. tne gwoiien jy 0I a rann in an morning In meeting West Vn., most likely owes his waa clslon defining tho powers of pueblo field, Mnss. "A few days ago I was that tho mnttvr will then only bo Wells party arrived this At the first ot tlio typos tho Vftnccd stneo of dccomposltlbn ' of a neighbor. Ho rlghtB Is expected soon. duced to buy n box of Chnmborlaln's prlvnte car No. 223 and will be in tho position ot president wns tendered to llfo to tho kindness f0Und, touched upon, as Flnnncc Minister wns almost hopelessly nflllllcted with Tho uuestlon Is unique. The Indiana Stomnch and I.Ivor Tablets. I havo In city a couplo of days. W. T. McCrelght, who has staid by tho investigation revealed that he had who has tho commission dlnrrhoen; was attended by two phys-- , determined upon action and nn taken part of thorn and feel a great hardly report Mr. Wells snld to a representative of city ever since, but ho declined In fav- llPl,n sl)ol thrco tlme8 in tno rlgut g,j0 five chnrgo, can beforo that who gavo him little, If any re--! definition of the rights and liml-- , deal better." If you havo any troublo Thu Citizen this morning thnt Superin- or ot Thus. ''lynn. n much older nnd Iclnns jlin bolow tho collar 1)On0i mg wtttcn tart session of congress, and, of course, a neighbor learning If his Hons rulo" will bo Insisted wltn your stomach try a box of theso tendent I. L. HIbbnrd, of the a moro experienced printer nt thnt lief, when hn(, ccn cut ,rom ltl0 clmin and notn. of "homo tho mntter must remain unsettled. hot- - would prob-nbl- y McCieight, wns serious c nditlon. Drought him a on nIg Kin. They want tho question settled tablets. You arc certain to bo pleased As far as1 tho prosperity of Mexico division, time. Mr. however, m of vaUl0 wn8 founJ poraoI(. di- tie cf Ca.atierlnln s Colic, Cholera liiw arid for nil time. A "hie council" i with tho result, Pr'co 25c. For Balo by Is concerned, tho gold dollar go to the Southern California cccted treasurer, and Charles Lyons a letter found In his coat, evidently nnd Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured ,rom hlg wng muiregsed in liomi hnlil nn.' n rniirnit decided all dntSRlStS. will mako little difference, tho desired vision succeeding Superintendent wns chosen recording nnd flnnnclnl wt0i iO J. O. him in loss than twenty-fou- r hours. ,, mn. I stnndard being simply to nld foreign- llenmer, recently resigned. secretary. Oscar Harold, a swift com- inmnr .KnCu "Mama and tlabr." ' re- For snlf ty nil druggistt This it a brief history of tho troublo. To Store Water, ers and Mexicans purchasing from Ho refused to subsUtntlnto tho positor, wns n member of tho execu- Tho letter wiva from narvey, ..1. A ' o Wciis-Fnrg- inn Hulr In an Indian and n resident M. C. Illndorllder of tho reclamation In having n on port that Trnlnmnstor T. J. Gibson, tive committee, llkewlso "Shorty" receipt for a grip, dated ' outsldo countries basis tho Isleta pueblo. Kills rented hla service returned from northern Now which to pny their Indebtedness, thiiB of tho Albuqiierquc-Wlnslo- division, i.cwls nnd "Shorty" Hvnns. OLD AGE. Chicago, September 1, from J. O. Pal- )usc to a white, A. II. Decker, by Mexico, whero ho made surveys nnd avoiding tho jicsslhluty of being com would succeed Superintendent 'lib-bar- At tho next regular meeting Flynn mer, and consigned to himself at Fort inc. This act wns in violation of Uio inap of posslblo rusorvolr sites and polled, sixty days aftor dato of pur but as Mr Wells wired Mr. Gib- rrsfgnod. and McCralght was chosen Comes to Everyone, But Its Visits May Mndlson, In., was also found. Tho car ws, or "rules," of the pueblo. Tho otabllshed tanging stations on tho chase, to pay an exchange rate which son to meet him nt tho Alvnrado and president Ce Postponed. In which thu body wns tound was re lw.t, In Atlnn. If ift Everything went along smoothly a Is of years. company vcrnor of tho pueblo Immediately Mora river at Cuova aim Webor, might have rben many points higher aimn Old age not a question ceived by tho Santa Fo from la pro--; yenr, smnu-po- aced Kulz under arrest nnd lodged on tho Snpollo river at Alamos. thnn on (Into ot dollvory of goods. Tho fair to presume that Mr. Gibson's except :'n occnsionni Some men nre old nt forty, others the Rurllngton at Fort Madison, Sep 1 case among in the cnlaboose pending the fix-- nnd on tho Gnllluns Las Vegas Hot gold dollnr basis obviates this motion wns the subject of discussion. tho printers, until tho nrc at sixty. tember 2. lni ai no In spring 18S3 n g of his punishment by tho council Springs. Tho objoct of tho dopart- - end mnkes all prlcos fixed and pay- r. Glbjon's advancement will of wnen half dozen It's a mighty nnrd proposition to ihoso power In matters of loral gov-- In oRUibllBhlng thoso gauging ments equitable, each party receiving nccord with tho wishes of tho train printers wero stricken down with look young, no matter how young you Under 910,000 Btll. m0nt small pox, among thorn Con Agnrs, your nment hna always been regarded as (stations Is to ascertain the dally fluciu actually a vnlun of UO cents for each men of Albuquerquo nnd nt Wlnslow. reel tr your hair Is falling out and W. L. McFaddcn, who shot and kill Harry Howe, solute. For threo days Kulz remain- - ntlons of tho water In tho rivers, and Mexican dollar. "Kid Eckdnll, and head becoming bald. ed Pedro Gallcgos and Joso Ignnclo Georf,o Washington. pox lneffec-tun- In tho pueblo Jail, but on the fourth, thcroby determine tho atallablo supply Mnny millions of dollars In Ameri- Don't delay a mlnuto. Cholcrn In Smnll was Perhaps you ro tired trying l Noyola Lujan at Salt August 11, raging up nnd down vnlloy d before tho council had met, his Ior storage. All of tho gauging sta- - can moifby aro expended annually In fantum, dysentery, diarrhoea come tho that remedies for this evil. was admitted to ball In tho sum of - spring, nnd printers lease was eiiTcted. Kills had manag- tlonn named aro on tho Daca and Las Mexico and when this basis Is finally suddenly. Only snfo plan Is to have tho lost sovernl Wo don't blnmo you If you nre. $10,000 nfter a three days' preliminary . members fiorfi tlio loathsome disease. not try nn effective ono for a - to get his caso Into tho territorial Vegas land grr-nts- Theso grants, glv-- adopted tho Incentive to Incrcnso the Dr. Fowler's Kxtract of Wild Straw Whv hearing boforo Green of 8ocor- boys a Jude urts and had Instituted habeas cor- - pn by tho Mexican government boforo Influx will bo greatly added to, as tho berry always on hand. Tho had few dollars In tho change. treasury pst-hous- o - r. s proceedings. This proved a "flank tho Mexican war. convoyed something capitalist will know exactly just what o and cstnbllshcd a Nowbro's Herplcldo Kills tho dan- nenr Atlantic & hospital, lvcment" In truth, nnd one for which M,, 750,000 acres. Tho streams aro ho Is doing. DEATH FROM YELLOW FEVER. tlio Pacific .uruff g rm which Is the cause of tho Distress After Eating Cured. Dr. Aubright being placed In o govcrnos and his counlcl wero to- - now very low, practically dry, hut aro When asked about tho progress of charge wholo trouble. Judgo W. T. Holland of Qreensburg, Oenrgo Washington wns turn- lly unpiepared. Kills, too, wns thor-- subject to tremondous floods from Mexico, Mr. Mallen nld ho was glad When "Destroy tho cause you remove tho La., who Is well and favorably known, ( oy Roberts Died August 27 at Sallna pesthouso giuy awaro no nnu me particularly spring to sec so much progress nnd so mnny ed out of the cured, ho was effect." says: "Two years ago I sufferod tnni vioinieu cloudliursts, in tlio Cruz, Mexico. ns r, s.nt to Valencia county a deputy Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c cred customs of tho puoblo In taking of tho year. The lilea of tho govern-mntte- Amoricnns In thnt country and was It Is with regret that tne many greatly from Indigestion. After eating, Inn- - United States marshal to servo somo In stnmps for sample to Tho Herplcldo purely local In Its character, tnent Is to toro theso flool waters, surprised to hear tho English Irlends of Hoy Huberts In Albuquerquo great distress would Invartbly result, papers against violators of tho Ed- Co., Detroit, Mich. my an outsldo court for dijudication; which now go to wnsto. gungo so universally spoken. Ho said ill of tho young mnn's untlmo- - lasting for on hour or bo and learn munds law and he nover returned to & t he determined to piny the gamo to J Mr Hlndorirdor says tho soli In no never saw (Jen. Torflrlo "Dins look bav-- il, tl. Drlggs Co., Special Agents. nights wero restless. I concluded to try that death at Sallna Cruz, Moxlco. tho city alive bones were found o finish, Ills next move wns to suo section Is vory fine, a rich, dark, sandy ing In better health, and thnt tho grand Ills Kodol Dyspepsia Curo and It cured ng succumbed nfter five days' Illness n few mouths near a smnll e pueblo for damages for false lm- - loam, capablo of producing splendid old Napoleon of rnnnco novor scorned itlcr ton What Is Life7 mo entirely. Now my sleep Is refresh- Ith yellow fever. In tlMt c . iBonment. The case came to trial In crops, but tho whole country Is bar-- o to bo In thn least fntlgucd with the on August 27, but 'ty. In tno ihbi uimlysla nobody knows, ing and digestion perfect." Sold by B. ( Death occurred After tho pox ci.'dcmlc had courts of Bernalillo county and compared lo Colorado. Tlio water cares of state regulations nunl but wo do know It is under strict W. Drlggs & Co. and 8. Vann & Sons. ion on nccount of quarantine . printer nklj e.l uni that o plaintiff wns awarded 1200 dam- - J Is If Mr. Mallen hns a bronzn llfo-slz- o in"'! Abuso ev-- n slightly, rupply far Inferior, but sufficient tho news waB not received here by with what llttie funds ho had collect- law. that law cs. pucuio immediate- - can country suscepti- - bust of President. Dins, which ho do- - Irregular living SCHOOL BOARD. 'roe defendant bo stored tno is Mrs. C. II. Koberts, mother of tho ed, tnklng rent nnd somo ot the pain results. means appealed. is victor tompor- - brought from Moxlco, which Is a flno the Ruiz the lo of romarkablo development... ceased, until yesterday. union's Important pnpors, and this derangement ot tho organs, resulting lly, bu a victor without tho spoils. News. p!eco of work constipation, or Meeting Night Chil lonver It camo In the following iciegrnm: v. by headache liver Interesting Last j is followed tho union Meanwhile tho quotsion Involved "I think," said Mr. Mallen further, -- trouble. Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills be vaccinated. "Regret to ndvlso Roy Roberts died A fov. jour It .'ns dren Mutt In measure, us purelj lo-- I por tho financial condition of roy yet lost. a over amy rear "thnt August 27, and among the now chnrter member! quickly readjusts tills. It's gentle, Tho Albuquerquo bonrd ot education Li a more scr-- 1 country needs no comment, as It shows night In regular phne and has assumed An old and wc4l tried remedy. Tho young man waB 21 years old n'so appeared tho name of W. T. Mc- thorough. Only 26c at all druggists. met last sosslon with re- - get 50 Ins aspect. Tho pueblos bitterly Mrs. winslow's Soothing Syrup baa for Usolf. and though wo tho and resided In Albuquorquo mnny Crelght. o P'osldent Hopkins, Trustees Newman, term, In- - It will bo to ns what they unwarranted j,een geij f, r over Bxty yoarB uy m. cent dollar. ears, and was n graduate of tho pub In year 1883, tho swiftest hand Of Local Interest. Alger, Pratt, Dlcckmann, Superin Int. govern-- , our foreign friends In mon- the of the territorial inn. of mothers for their children slst their lic High School. Previous to going petting compositors of tho Pacific Sister Alexandrine, superior of St. tendent A. R. Stroup nnd Clerk M. in pueblo nffnlrs. Nor Is tho teething porfect etary troubles, and this wo arc ready Moxlco n year ago ho was E. Hickoy present. ' wha with succesi. to about coast wero hero In Albuquerque. Thero Joseph's, AJhuqucrquo, accompanied Iont pueblo In tight nnd willing to do. alone this The It fi()0thes tho child, boftens the gums, employed at the clothing storo of M. wero Oscar Harold, Frank Wnndress, by Sister Alphonse, is visiting with tho It being tho first meeting after tho ., -- .,.. "As city of Mexico, It Is pros - pciBion or tne court was soon Known nilav. ftlI w,., mnd for tho Mandrill On nccount of tho qunran- Joe Prentls, Thos. lluchanan, Georgo sisters at St. Vincent's sanitarium. opening of tho schools, much Import? Iroughout pueblos in valley , poring. Four American banks now the of lho bcBt romedy for diarrhoea. Is tlno restrictions tho remnlns cannot lleach, "Kid" McLaughlin, W. T. Mc- Mrs. Thomas Mooro and Miss Tere nnt business was transacted. A . graco many corpora of tho city le Klo Grande. "great council" was npn.,,n. hn taut. Si.M l,v drue- - as and be removed frcm Mexico. Crelght and others, and they all held sa Rowers of Albuquerque, havo re It was decided that tl.o law passed Lllcd was des- - , . nro hnndllnc upwards of a million dol- and San Felipe pueblo evor- - ...rt the worM cases on tho old Albuquerque Journal. turned home after spending tho past by tho recent territorial legislature ueprn- - dally. They aro sound nnd strong nateu as tno meeting pwe. WHntv.nve cents a (Kittle. Its value lars A Remarkable Record. It was no uncommon sight to boo nny week very pleasantly with friends In compelling children to show health "head-men- " Mexico City tho best rntnttve from the various ,. nrBrlliai1i n nr n,l ask for lv backed. has ChamberUln s Cough Remedy has a of hang string measuring tho city. and vaccination certificates Issued by lighting plant In world, tho abovo a lieblofl. which Included Sandla. Saiito Mrgi s 8oothlng Syrup, and electrle tho remarkablo record, has been In use on the Cnptaln Swayno S. Dcaty and wife roputablo physicians, would bo rigidly winsion car system and it lfi.000 ems brovior, fat barred, nmingo, aan aihoiiio, .in. oan ,,.,, , u tho best electric street for over thirty years, during which hook nfter a night's typesetting. left yesterday to spend a tew weeks in enforced In tho Albuquerque public In at- - drainage, all tho work of sov. tillpo, Isleta and Cochltl, were n tho best tlmo many million liottlcs havo been Beach was tho swift man from Gal Albuquerquo for tho benefit ot the schools. decld-- . on years. nro all paved Concerted action wns HERE FROM MOUNTAINAIR. Her streets sold and used. It has long been the Toxas, and was on his way to health of Mr. Rcaty, whoso physicians Tho vacancy caused by tho resigna asphalt nnd kept scrupu1oi;-l- y veston, upan and the original Intention was with stnndard and main reliance In tho set typo against Arnsberg. ono of the recommended him to try tho effects tion of Mtss Francis Graves is filled Washing- - . . -- clean, and one sees no signs of dirt send four delegations to cm a n.n.m treatment of croup In thousands of swiftest In tho United States, nt Den of a lower altitude. New Mexican. by Miss Mnrgarct Hartman, elected - ' . them, ts nnv accumulations am In. This plnn. however, wns abnndon- Th. Mornl' about homes, yet during all this tlmo no ver. All through Texns Bench boat last night. nn nn.nttil tt thn .ivtw.nKn ttivnlv. Immedlntolv nicked up hv cleaners, nl Tho board also decided that tho sav United States Land Commissioner caso haa ever been reported to tho all comers. He dropped Into Albu A Woman's Complexion. a .,,, i., i... ,t, ttnvR ftnndlne nv for thnt purpose." ings bnnk system, which has been tin- - W Mountalnalr, Valencia manufacturers In which It failed to querquo nnd on n wngor set type It Is rank toousnness to attempt to I'dorsment of nil, was selected. This Corbntt of or greoslncss of dor consideration soveral montliB, will was In the city night on effect a cure. When given na soon as agalnRt Hnrold nnd McCrelght. Hnr removo sallowness ..legation was composed of Juan Do-- eont'' last A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. tho skin by tho use of cosmetics, or Gypsum Beds. . tho child becomes hoarso or oven as old tackled him tho first night, nnd The Pah-- sinc8 an.i .eit morning on n s expecting him treatment, by Abcyta, governor of Isleta, With family around soon as tho croupy cough appears, It defeated Reach by 900 ems. Mc "local" as advocated the Close to Wlnslow thero Is gypsum In - home. Commissioner Coruott 18 beauty only Ilngo his secretary and chief ad- to dlo, and a son riding for life, prevent attack. Is pleasant Crelght was pitted against Reach tho doctors." The safe and grcnt quantities, tho heds extending n",",e from Abo country through Discovery will tho It sure way that a woman can improve and Vigil Antonio, who Is one of miles, to get Dr. King's New many like It. It con- second night nnd downed tho Texas for miles. Theso deposits will In courso i W, to tako, children her complexion Is by purifying and en lo council of tno Sandla pueblo. I'nb- - """ for consumption, coughs and colds, sub- by 1,300 of tlmo be tho means of bringing much Snnta Fo cut-of- Ho says thnt work tains no opium or othed harmtul wondor ras. riching tho blood, which can only be Abcytn also acted ns Interpreter. II. Drown, of Lccsvillo, Ind endured ! wealth to thoso who havo located Is a standstill, but stance and may bo given ns confident Tho nverngo of the typesetters accomplished by keeping tho liver one of the most prominent men on tho new rond at death's agonies from asthma; but this le is con- - ly to a baby as to an adult For Bale those races wns 11,885 ems, and Frank healthy and active. Tne liver la tne claims. nf- - MC of gavo nong the publos so far as Indian lni 8o"f wonderful mcdlclno Instant relief by all druggists. Hall, well known tnroughout tuo coun seat of disease and blood pollution Experiments are being mauo by " m " " Ho Irs aro concefrica and Is tho chief ' , "T and soon cured him. writes: o as "Kicker" Halljoo Prentls nnd Char Green's August Flower acts directly on which gypsum enn ho worked to a or secretary oi statu, of tho '"" "- - - " now sleep soundly ovory night." Llko the liver, cleanses and enriches the lnrgo profit and In tho not remote llvser. Ore Pan. ley Hoover, (ho city circulator of tho Iotas. Abeyta Is a well man ""' n marvelous cures ot consumption, pneu Greasy blood, purities the complexion. It also will educated lue" pantentees of this Improved old Journal, won $25 each from T3ench. future a plant bo erected hero. nd spent somo years or "U'"K '"' " V"V monia, bronchitis, coughs, coulds and Tho cures constipation, biliousness, nerv A party wero has twelve In i ..i, Mm Editor Rurke. of tho Democrat, waa of enstorn capitalists " in nnhln li oro nnd washing pan, being desirous ousness, refreshing sleep, ore In tho Uigllsh Bchools of Albu--.'ftnuMA. M""""-uu- ; " grip prove Its matchless merit for all and Induces hero this weok who aro largely Inter- nl of Introducing It among tho miners of on the old Journal then, nnd after tho A slnglo bottlo ot August Flower has lorque. He Is also a graduate of St. c?n'on. nn'J thct , throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed ested In gypsum. They wero out tho surrounding enmps, havo forward- second night's rnco walked Into tho been known to curo the most pro taken Ichoel's college Santa Fe. " , ' , , " bottles COc and J J . 00. Trial bottles trco to (he beds by a prominent citizen , ed a sampio pan to tho San Marclal composing room nnd said: ''Roys, nounced and distressing cases of dys Wo havo recently returned from w K vu,, at all druggists. nnd thoy expressed themselves ns well lleo olllco, whore It mny bo seen ann you will havo to tako a yard stick to pepsin and Indigestion. New trial size I'nshlngton." said Pablo Abeyta, '"" ," o 25 regular 76 cents, pleased with tno prospects. , T C good investigated any measure tho winner s string tonight.1 bottle, cents; size, u ' " Its points at In- nd got :ittlo or no satisfaction. The ,k" . , V DOING GOOD WORK. Rench did not continue his trip to At all druggists, u. u. Green, Wood The gontloinan who gnvo us this r 1 ' " :"- - 1 tlmo. isc was laid boforo tho commlssonor , "'f" Denver. Ho returned to Galveston bury, Now Jersey. J. II. O'RIelly & formation known whnt he Is talking Mr- - " ' " In using this pnn you fill with dirt Indlnn affairs, but ho would not "m r" 'V'" of old days CO. nbnut. and ho emphatically states that "'' i L. W. Gallcs' Insurance Donation to nnd then with wntor. Then thorough Theuo nro somo tno of n .w.lntfl nt .n.l I, ns re. u1ul-iu,- ...uuis o In somo great things kisa thn Iriio K- - are tho near future wcrk most nny tlmo. New Railroad Crawling Up. illsonlvn Mm dirt as usual, and all tho typos of Albuquerquo, and CONDUCTORS rred the whole matter to tho courts. nt Day REINSTATED. may bo expected from theso eastern L. W. Galles, Now Moxlco ngent for of tho gold will scttie at tho bottom J lulled down to suit Labor inci we want Is a definition ot our people. Wlnslow Mall. .'hat tho Stnto Llfo Insurance Company, of of tho pan. You can then dnsh out nil dents. ghts wo wrnt this mntter not The Pleasure of Eating. They Were Let Out by the Work of and Indlnnn, who a couplo of wooks ngo of tho dirt at once over tho larger rif ed. Ati you know we havo "rules" Persons suffering from Indigestion, "Spotters." bo Into tho schools. wns called to Denver to nttend n moot fle pocket. Then roverso nnd Genuine vs. Counterfeits. not Introduced pueblo. rules co dyspepsia or othor stomach troubol, and tho The Chnrles Rrawn, ono ot tho oldest Suporlntondent Stroup reported that lvcrning tho These ing of tho wostorn agents for that com wnsh over tho smaller riffle. You will spond to your statutes anil tho laws will find thnt Kodol Dyspepsia Curo 1 ho genulno Is nlwnys better than a conductors or, tho Kansas division of thn would open this morning pnny, has returned. Mr. Qallos return then havo but a small quantity of dirt - schools your municipalities. This digests what you eat and mnkes tho counterfeit, but tho truth of this state- tho Union Pacific, who with sovoral n bright prospect n successful ivernlng ed In rnthor a circuitous route, taking finish up ovor the wlro riffles or with for icblo Is moro than two hunder years stomach sweet. This remedy is a never mop is nevor moro forcibly realized other conductors wns lot out during term. In Koswell, Alamogordo nnd El Paso smooth side of tho pan. If desired. Bhnpo up d were granted us failing curo ror lnaigesuon anu uys--f or mor thorougniy appreciated than tho lost year, hns rosumed nndi theso lands Ho reports a good business for tho With this pan any ono can pan out The Enrollment. Spain, and with It tho right of local pcpsla and nil complaints nffectlng tho when you comparo tho genulno Do his old run again on through train Enrolling nnd assigning to classes month of August nnd hns tho honor of five or six times faster than with thn 4 I ivrrnmont. Thn Mexican and United glands or membranes of tho stomach Wltfa Witch Hazel Salvo with the Nob. and 5. Mr. Brown has bcon took place up tho forenoon In tho - Arltlng tho second most Insurnnco for old one without n possibility of losing tatos governments have subsequent- - or digestive tract. When you tako Ko- many counterfeits nnd wor'.htcss sub Moxlco for soveral months nnd return schools. This aftornoon the regular ' Llfo ngonts. Ac gold, you can contlnuo wash dol Dyspepsia Curo everything you eat August of nil State nny and stitutes thnt nro on tho markot. W. D ed to Kansas City yostordny. Conduc- confirmed theso grants and theso 10 finish-- . work wnB taken up. At tho afternoon n cording his ngrcemont to glvo ing as long ns you wish boforo - tnstcu good, and ovory bit of tho nutrl-ike- to Lcdbetcer, ot Shroveport, La., says tor Hersholl Wilson nlso resumed his ghts. Wo havo In no Instnnco under- Is great saving session tho teachers of the different Is ns- - per cent of his premiums toward tho Ing up, which a of tlmo, using numerous other remedies old run on I nnd 5 on tho west ond to exercise any Judlclnl author)-- 1 mcnt that your food contains "After wards reported the following enroll- Albuquerquo Enstorn rallwny subscrlp nnd that moans money. Any ono with Inst nl,"lit. Tlio of In criminal cases, and in all In- - si mliated and appropriated by tho without benefit, ono box of DoWltt'n reinstatement Brown ments: tlon fund tho month of August ho will this pnn enn make good wngos from mo." Wilson complotes work of re whero tho laws of tho torrl- - blood and tissues. Sold by K. W. Witch Hazel Salvo cured For and tho Ward Mrs. Mutts 75, Miss innccs turn Into lund moro than $160, d'rt at 5 cents a pan nml placing nil old who First transgresocd by nny Drlggs & Co. and 8. Vann & Sons. thnt l.llnrt ' lilnnillnir tth nt nrnturllnr tho conductors VII!o 3S, Miss 02, iry have been of Wltllo In El Paso, Mr. Gallcs did This pan Is nlso best for dry wash-- ,,',. , Hazeldino Miss o ' ftm,ni in imwiii's were let out last fall on account of ur people, wo hnvc conscientiously I - pnn lilmvlnp : . . Rrndrord 34. a good business In an Insurance way ...,,...... , nn vnn flu lull tin liv uy ...w, work of a "spotter." ided authorities In oringlng tho A Wanted. '.wnen iinzei saive. eoia u. tho underhnitil Socond Ward Miss Keepers 40, tho Daby Show and n'so did somo fair missionary over mo wiru ruiio in umiuiii m imn, lias been relnstntod but to In such matters ns Albuque'iuo Clllson says thnt IlriggB & Co. nnd 8. Vaun & Sons. Jamos Fields Miss Adams 30, MIsa MoFIo 50, Miss cused Justice. Tho work. Ho says that El Paso will send on account of nn accident nt Kansas bncern thn administration ot the pit City has moro babies this year o Preston 26. " a good crowd to the fair. A llttlo llfo may bo sacrificed to a City In which ho loBt a foot ho wns bio's nffalrs, however, we claim tho any othor town." C. L. SHORT RESIGNS. Third Ward Miss Tway 35, Miss than territorial sudden nttack of croup If you don't unnblo to go back to his old duties lo nnd absolute right. This was a A premium should bo offered nt the Elder 13, Miss Thomas IV, Miss Hunt Bueklln's Arnica Salve. hnvo Dr. Thomns' Kclectrlo Oil on and Is now engaged In conducting th IghL licquenthed us by our fathers coming territorial fair to tho tewn that Former Topeka Man Quits Santa Fe 33. Miss Custers 46, Mr. McFarlaml world-wld- o rnmo for marvelous bend for tho emergency. Brunswick hotel at Hays City. James us by tho nntlonnl gov-rnnie- up tho most babies. It might tiaa 32. nd conceded shows any salve, After 24 Years. Follow and Dan Curtnln wero relnstat 'right of homo rulo' Is nwnken an Injerest and mako an ex- curcr. It surpasses other Fourth Ward Miss Flora Hartman The balm for cuts, Trustee Appointed. Trainmaster C. L. Short today for ed somo tlmo ago and thoy hnvo been no of tho precious lcgncles of Abra- - hibit that Novt Moxlco would bo proud lotion, ointment or 41. Miss Edith Evoritt 40, Miss Moon hollo, sores, felons Governor Otoro hns appointed O. N. warded his resignation to tho Santa running trains for soveral months. am Lincoln to tho Indian. Tho his- - of. Ijis Crueoa Citizen. corns, burns, 88. Mr. Sellero 00. fovcr sores, Marron' of Albuquerquo, as trustee of Fo olllcials at Topeka, says n dispatch Curtain is on tho night trains, 1 nnd ry of the. frihious conference of 18G3 ulcers, tetter, salt rhoum, Central Schools High school, tea- eruptions; Infal tho Territorial Reform school at El In tho Chanuto News. 2. and Folleris has his old run on tha known to us nnd to our children, Dad blood and Indigestion nro deadly chapped hande, skin chers. Principal, J. A. Miller, Miss for piles. Curo guarnntoed. Only Rlto. Mr. Marron will succeed Anton- Mr. Short will bo rollovcd somo day trains All of theso conductors aro ho gold-heade- cano taht Lincoln nn enemies to good health. Burdock llblo Leavltt. Miss ilewltt and Mrs. Roberta 25c nt druggists. io Joseph of OJo Callente, who was time In October but will remain In old timers and the traveling public nro presented to our govern- - J niood Dlttors destroys thorn. all 71, Miss King 33. Miss Mnrgorot Hart- lint occasion o appointed and failed to quality. Tho Chanuto superintending his oil Intcrots greatly pleased to see thorn again on Is in great- - o 31. Mrs. LaRar 28, Miss Coltrane. lor, Simon Zunl, still held appointment Is for threo years from In tho American company. Speculation tholr old runs. Topeka Journal. man uy nnu tsyuncy w A Correction. 1,014, t roveronco us is prcsenteu Mrs. uockcii rciurncu August 11, KlKt. Is rlfo ns to who will bo his successor, Total enrollment as Mnrclal a vory pleasant visit Hon. M. R. Otoro, register of tho our successlvo chief executives Snn from Chief Dispatcher LTonln Js In direct I. A. Shapo. superintendent of yark of olhco. Superintendent nnd Mrs. F. J. United Stntcs Land Office at Santa V G. Chaves, tho live stock ap- tflth Notary Appointed, line for tho position but It Is stated bridges nnd buildings on tho Albuquer- - Joso 'No whlto man has evor hold tltlo Lns Vegas. In Mr, Basley s nnd his daughtor, MIsa Virginia Otoro, praiser of tho Rio Grando division of liisleivof Maestas of Jemez postofflce, that tho promotion will bo tendered quoAVInsIow division of tlio Santa Fo, a foot of tho property wo claim as private car tno party toured Colorado and Oscar Otero, grandson, camo In Gcnaro Santa Fo, wag In tho city yester- has been uppolnted notary public for an Arcentlno man. Supt. Dames Id was an Albuquerque visitor over Sun tho rs. From tlmo out of mind thero has all tho chief points of interest from Santa fo Baiurnay nignt. air. hla homo In Valencia county. and Sandoval county. concerned chiefly In tho iclectlon ot day. day from itcd that 'rulo' forbidding tho dls- - wero visited. Otoro will return to Snntn Fo tonight.

1 fw. District eeurt for Clfx,eunty,,wlU.r. KMrM' dtUi, ,Uoif evsr, u ItU'taaJl.lKjiUMky, lB,t4i"Ur ,tuW.Tlw . i,WMl tl

slope to oast nnd distance Is nn ordeal which has learned that ilaptlst sentiment la ISLAND, tho tho MAYOR G, F, MYERS. all ovangollstlo SANTA FE ROCK would bo something llko 300 or 400 women approach with la favor of work. This sentiment docs not, It Is said, favor miles nhortor, nnd tho cold northern mCMMIBK & McCREIGHT, Publishers. BECOMING indescribable foar, for In tho employment ot professional evan- routo would jo avoided tho winter. nothing compares with ovan- - Should this arrangement bo perfected Subscription Rates. gelistic, but It favors rather QetallS Of tl)6 AlliailCG BelWdGn the He is Interviewed on Albuquerqi the pain and horror of gcllsm. Tho plans aro now formulat- nearly all tho travol of about eight Oaly Cltisen, per year $6.00 child-birt- A MOTHER Thethouffht ing for work, and It will bo con- - fjrflg montliB In tho yenr would como over Louis, Weekly Citizen, per year 2.00 this Jflfl RallW3Si While Visiting St, ml tba mtUrlng and danger In store for lior, robs tho cxpcctiint mother sldcrcd by tho Homo Mission mana- - ' this routo, ns llkowlso tho shlpmont f ail pleasant anticipations of the coming cvont, and casts over her a gcrs at a meeting to bo hold on tho ot much fruit nnd other llko character DRAKEMAN'8 DEATH. express kadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women 14th. It Is Bald also to bo certain that of nnd freight. ADOPTED EXCHAN6E.0F REPRESENTATIVES, ENTHUSIASTIC OVER CITY. kTA faunii tkat ihn nut nt Mnthar'a Prlenrf ilnrinrr nnminnrv mtu no elaborate machinery will bo pro-pare- Shotlld such arrangements ho 'per Charles E, Pitts nun Over by Train' confinement of all pain aad danger, and insures safety to life of mother but that rather existing agen- fected tho citizens ot this place will I , : locn-- And Soon F.xpred. i,:i.i ., i I . a i . n offer n largo bu.'.ua to secure tho ! Ulobo-Ho- mu uawe ft.:.a uie siuiiviiiu iiuimuut i. n uu'wtiu ij ail TTUtllCU HI .1..IIIV cies will bo employed. It is reports! vn excellent authority In Sunday b St.. Iritis I evening a Unit r. ::t0 while n tlon of tho round houses. Tho railroad Atl time of their most critical trial. Not only docs Mother's Friend that tho Hock Island Interest will soon appears :i Ualf tono cut of Clif.rl'f & Harrlshnrg frelgnt peoplo ngrco bore Is tho host crut Galveston train carry women safely through tho perils of child-birt- but its use Surprise Party. bo represented on tho Atchison that lionnd, was pulling out ot Tabor water on tho plains, and It Is shallow, F. Myors, who with his wlfu, la vlsltl vest prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning A delightful surprlso party was giv- board of directors, nnd that tho Atchi- water tank, about 280 miles cast ot Ssntly being only sixty foot doop, nnd rulntlvos and flcnds In tbut clly. T and ether die- - en Monday night In honor of Mr. son will namo 11 couplo of directors on hero, Hrakemnn Chnrlcs iv, Pitts, who Ulobo-Democr- artlclo reads Frank 1'almur'a twenty-Ara- l birthday, the Hock Island lionrd, snys a dispatch running along side, of tho comforts of this period. MkMM0fM aTafE was uio .11 druggist, nt his homo, No. 501 North First Btroc.' Chicago. It Is tho understanding follows by at f ftom Volls-Farg- tnUn releasing the air, slipped and fell fold - 11 I Altnoigh tno o company Aftni-1 itnlnvnlilii wnrn nlnvnil , nn.1 n Until will Myors, a reside per bottle. Book tWlJ ffl . tl.,,.ill.ll. ...c ... Mnnrnj ...... II "1 ... Charles F. former under tho train. Roth his legs wero f fftLfl O has secured tho rlgn.s of operntlng tho guests wero treated to watcrmel bo tho Hock Island representatives In of tliU c.lty, but now of Albuquorqu cut off anil an- containing valuable information free. tho express business on between tho knees tho ons and fruits. Mrs. J. F Palmer also the Atlilcor. ctmiirtiv. tho Kl Paso Bra-fie- tjrOttCtk & N.M.,of which city ho Is mayor, is ho ami soon died. Southwestern, so far tno company kles be The ld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ca. entertained her Sunday school class, Is tho Hock d It m li'llrvol that not been nbln to nrlvl, Mr. MyorB Is a Conductor Walters hau ehnrgo of present wero: Mr. and Mrs. W. k Atchi- has noeiirn tin. visiting old friends. Those party tci to control tho ! IIIU UUI11 ..HUH IIIU I.I.V - un- lego of operating over tho Cnnanen, 01 trnn mill llll'llt Mont , and pro- Chlcngo, who, so snys Mr. Ilordcrs, J. Marsh, Dr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Convor, son, bpt tnc Moure syndicate 'a t,tU,, oxampio tne successful l)ciiod, ho 'ed from Port Perk. wired Superintendent V. Mngglo Itcckor, bought largo ' moted from $1 200 to $1.50(1 Is oxpected to arrive horo tomorrow Misses ilillnbrnn, derstood to hnvo a a . . J Plontod St. Loulsnn, and whllo ho stil Hawkcs. advising him of tho accident Maymo V Territory to Supreme Court. night. Iena Fnbor, Cora Myors, Pratt' ninpunt of Atchion stock nnd to bo . . . ,.n u ..M.I.I Dim, .u.o J - nnd asking for Instructions, lie was Appeals - mi Appeals lime been grnnlod In the Tho deceased Is well known not only Vldn nnd Mabolio Plnnoy, Ulaiiclio Ful f'l'lv entitled tu rcpioscnuitlon !n tho uJv viS , L iVel"!F,l,rS0 !otn- heart, ho says that Albuquerque Is tl immediately Instructed to cut nut the ,,n tbero , , of New Mexico Li this city, hut In Santa Ko and Bland ler, Annie Snmpson, Elizabeth Ileald, management. Tho twi rodi have . grcntest city tu tho world." tni! u amr tirliiR tho Injured man Into case of tho torltory looked over the field with n view to. vs. (Julterrez nnd Sanchez., county ho residing nt both places for a num- Myrta Marsh, Junnlta Hnnkln, Kthel filendly trafllc iirianR"nients nnd serve "It is inorougiuy Ainoricanizou nia 101 Paso hh soon as jvohhIMc, and In a HunUInger, management making arrangements with the rail- commlpslnnorx do facto of Hcrnalllln ber of years. His first wife rosldcs at Fluke, Hobo Flossie tho same territory. The up to date, and lucre Is not a hcalthN few minutes tho light engine nnd o way company to securo tho prlvllego Mex- Fo, ho being divorced her. Mltchner nnd Miss Potter Messrs. figures that It Is better for thorn to place on tho face ot the globo," Is til In- county ami the territory of Now Santa from operating started to K1 Paso with tuo Clydo Hopping, Fred Hopping, Louis operate on friendly terms thnn other-Trip- of over that. line. til ico ox nil.. J. M. Kndoval vs. Georgo A fow years after coming to this way ho expresses his opinion of jured man. Lnwronco Dry, Clarenco Hcald, ' meeting of tho com nxocutlvl F Albright, do facto assessor of llor-nnllll- o city ho was mnrrled to Mrs. Frank wlso. Tho annunl city of which ho Is tho chief w'iillo tho train was passing Mnrfa, Ony Hogers. Wllllo McClollan, Oeo, In ASSESSMENT ROLLS. county. The records In tho Oarrott, who then conducted tho Ar-- pany will bo hold Dccombor. Mr. Myors loft this city In 1887, nif Mr. Pitts, who had bcou suffering Sutherland, Herman Snyder, Frank Tho report of nn nlllonco between aro now nolng prepared nnd , llngton rooming house Sho survives grcstlv from nts wounds, expired. The ras"s Palmer, fleorgo Fabor, Harold Marsh, tho Hock Island and Santa Fo rnll-road- s Auditor Sargsnt Has Received Chaves ,,, i. im.i i.nnn those will he heard nt tho sessions of. him ,,nHrn en,! remains were brought Into Kl Paso George and Cbarlcy Fluke. Chnrloy has boon confirmed by tho of- un.l.Y Ho ah supremo court In Jan- A short tlmn ago. while In 131 l'aso, . . tho hordworo business horo. and turnod over to Nagloy & Carr, the Carson, Chnrloy Hanghnrt, Ilert Skin- ficial announcement of tho president it'miunui Auuiior Horgcm una ro- - , . , , , aii... Goodwin lost his mind. On roturnlng 11.. . miUULMI u lltllMWiiiv niuiu ..I. "iw"1!" who are preparing them for shipment, uary next. Haldrldgo, Ooorgo & Northwestern rail- .... ' ner, Kenneth Tarks. of tho El Paso , mo and his success was almost ll which will bo made to Savnnnmi, Go., to this city ho never Improved; In fact, vVr 190,;. Tho following aro tho road, which 's a part of tho Santa Fo mc,,,nt0- - grow nnd wnB finally sent to l his old home, whero Interment will Capitol Custodian Committee. worse system. Ho snys an agreement has flPirca B'von ,t occur-ro- d LUMBER CAMP TRAGEDY. Kl the sanitarium, whoro his doath Twonty-sove- n thousand six hundred ,.. ie made. Iaso llernlu. Tho cnpltol custodian committee been perfected vhcroby tho Rock IB L nn,1 f 1 inuuuuui.iuu yesterday morning as montloned nbove. .... iv,iva wi llfel 111 iilUUB met nt tho capital Island will get n western outlet for Its ."I' "nl" Mr- - yesterday, "and Former Citizen of Silver City Loses nt - I "r." Progress of Albuquerque, and thoro was practically nono other Pacific const business from I.lnno via assessed Jmn'-- lmpro,vo- today recognized as tho groatel Life. T B. a considered. Tho ELDRIDGE CONFESSED. Albuquerque. In tho Santa Fo mo'its of $131,080; A mnnMnwl J. Smith, prominent railroad thnn routine bodiless From parties coming In from tho return wool center In tho world. Lib-ora- l, lands, 153,200 acres $153,514 man of Albuquerque, Is In town nnd work of renovating tho exterior of tho is tn get trnckago privileges from at and tho there who does not own 25,000 hend Chrlcnhuas this afternoon tho Pros- Improvements nt $11,118. nro stopping nt the Sheldon, sayB tho Kl cnplto building and tho sinking of A Santa Fe Employe at Needles Gets Kansas, to Llano. There sheep Is not considered to hnvo nnj pector lenrns that n fatal accident oc- 4,057 town lots valued $155,187 J'aso Times. Speaking or tho progress tho well on tho cnpltol grounds was di- Himself In Trouble. Tho Santa Fo Is now building a lino at and thing, nnd somo own many more. curred nenr Hoggs' sawmill a few days ho Improvoinonts nt $105,108. There of his section, Mr. Smith said: rected to bo continued. After author- A. K. Eltlrldge, a young man who cast from Albuquerqito to connect with know any number of mon who hov since In which a mun named Sharp nro 34 mllen of telegraph and tolo- - "1 ha've lived In Allmqucrqiic for the ising the payment of monthly claims employed In tho bridge and tho Hock Island system. It. Is nlso "ri.OOO pounds of wool nt each clti I has been lost his life, says tho Tombstono Pros- phono lines nnd tho assessed valuation past twenty years, and novcr during presented 01 1110 building a lino southwest fr6m Hutch- ping. Wo hnvo gas, water and olectrl which were tho committee Minding department oiuccs pector. of tho snmo Is $2,700, that time has she tnken such strides adjourned. past year inson, Kns, to Llano, which will glvo whllo tho 37 llcht plants. Then wo have a woo Santa Fo at Needles fontho Sharp was managing tho brako on miles of railroad, rolling stock, ma forward as she Is at present making, under Superintendent W. Wood of It n much shorter routo to Albuquer scouring mill which employs nbc J. a largo load of which was be- chinery, etc., nro nssesscd nt a valua- wit a tho now railroad, the Santa Fe department, himself In the lumbor que and avoid tho steep grades across 200 men, nnd woolen mills omploylr AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. that found ing mill tion of $122,000. In tho county thoro Ccntrnl which Is coming tnrough tliero clutches or tho law this wcck, says handled down from tho for tho Raton and Glorlcttn mountains. twice that number, to sny nothing shlpmont to Dcuglns, when, In snmo Is nro fi.OSO horses vnlucd nt $8G,5CG; 5C2 and tho now saw mlllR, which nre tno Needles Eyo. Suspicion 01 some- President Hlpioy of tho Santa Fo numerous lessor concerns. Just noi Has Opened Up for Season -- List of mules nt $10.!i0h; (0,490 head of cnttlo shortly to bo built, sho Is destined to thing wrong camo to tho cars of tho mnnnor, tho brnko refused to work In New York, nnd It Is bolloved thnt thoy nro Installing a big saw mill, tl? Teachers. ut $SG8.727; 171,577 sheep ot $250,-40- take on still more I1T0 and Import- company days ago Traveling and, In stopping over to sco what was he went there to perfect tho dcnl with output of which will bo 150,000 fetl some and 1.105 goatn at $1,083; 1,401 swine ance." Spoclnl Correspondence. Georgo O. Montgomery the matter, Sharp fell off, nnd beforo tho Rock Island peoplo. por day, and, cutting on this basis, tn Accountant nt $5,120; J 81 burros nt $300; and tho N. Sopt 9. ho could get cut of tho wny tho rear Tho Rock Island has boon UBlng the owners havo n tract of timber whlc Mosllla Pnrk, M.. Tho was sent hero to Investigate. As soon total valuation of tho vehicles of all 150,000 TOURISTS. past three days have been lively ones as Mr. Montgomery nrrlved, Eldrldgo wheel passed diagonally across his Southern Pacific as Its outlet to Cali- will take them twonty-flv- o years ti body badly crushing the Intestines fornia, but tho line Is not ns short or kinds nnd of harness and saddles Is at tho Collego of Agriculture and Me- evidently saw it was tlmo to mako his $3C,180. clear. bivaklng tho polvls bono. ns satisfactory as It will bo In con- Tho nsscssod valuation of "For peoplo affected with lung tro Santa Fe Making Great Plans for chanic Arts cf this place. The en- escape; ho consequently drow his and tho merchandise Is $157,280. Is Sharp lived but a fow moments nection with tho Snnla Fo. Tho El There bio our cllmnto Is very benoflclol. California Business. rollment of those three uays lias far time and n pass and started cast. He n valuation of $0,429 glvon for tho Kingman Tho unfortunnto man had Paso K Northwestern v.ill contlnuo to nro 5,000 feet above-- tho sea level, nn-- Assistant vlenernl PcsEongnr Agent surpassed tho first three days of Inst was first apprehended nt farming Implements and of $11,- - sawyer In some bo the route of the Rock Island to that tho air Is perfectly puro, We nlso havl Pnrkyns of tho Southern Pnclflc and year The total enrollment at tho nd later nt Hockberry, whoro Deputy boon a tho mill for 078 for tho fixtures of tho storos and of Mohavo tlmo. Ho formerly lived at Lordsburg Mexico, and It is understood that this hopes of raising n grade of tnbncc tho ofTlclnls of tho Fo, who close of business today was lftO, Sheriff Walter Ilrown other places $90,-24- 2 Santa routo will also be used by tho Santa of business. Thoro is which will rival any Cuban growt have becomo past masters In study agnlnBt 103 last year. Thoro nre county, had located him. Ho was nnd Silver City, New Moxlco. In monoy tho if Fe for Its Mexican business. nnd tho valuation of the Tests hnvo shown that our soil Is Jml of passenger hutlnosB, mnko astonish- qulto n number who hnvo not ontored brought to Needles by OfTlccr J. C. Jewelry, etc., Is put at $4,900. while was. Jus-tlc- o whnt Is needed. Thoro seems to ho ing predictions for coming winter. yet, thoro not being time them to I.ano and examined before GOLD GULCH EXCITEMENT. household furniture Is valued at $18,-33- the for Terminals. mlsapprohonslon In this section nborJ They don't stop nt figuring out a small do so todny. Tho .students come fror.i h. V. Hoot on tho cnargo of Mutt Increase Tho total nssossed valuo of all monoy by says; Mexicans. The nntlvo element at Ai n false pretense. Tho The San Francisco Examiner 110,000 tourists ns tho guests of south-or- all parts of New Mexico. Snntn Fe "A Second Cripple Creek" Near Silver kinds of property Is $2,939,012, nnd flno as defendant mace no pretext of covering Two mun of great promlnencu In tho buqiicrquo aro as citizens pel California, but dcclaro that from sonds quite n delegation. So does Al- City, New Mexico. tho exemption and reductions amount sons would (Wire to meet, Thoy up his 'muds nna made a clear state- railroad world ut present, D. G. Rood, to $113,851, leaving arl 120.000 to IG0.G00 persons will como buquerque, Union, Socorro, Kelly and Several oales navo been reported at tho valuation for Intelligent, cloan, thrifty and hones I ment 01 whnt ho had done. board, and W. 11 west to this section I cforo' tho many of the northern towns. Ohio, Gold Gulch, Grant county, whero the chalrmnn of tho taxable purposes, $2,825,101, nnd Tho clrcumstunceK aro last Island nnd their children nro given ovorl Is over. That figures aro South Carolina, Michigan, Illinois, that recent big gold strike was mntio and Leeds, prosldont of tho Rock winter their April, ono Ocorgo Foster had worked way ndvantago ot a good education, W Arl-- mining men aro dally going out to In road, aro on tholr to California MOUNT SORATA. teken seriously Is evinced In tho Inrgc Kansas, Colorado, Indiana. Texas, .. hnvo four wnrd schools and two nil two and onc-ha- days for tho pom- - Fe. It Is said they want preparations which both companies zonn, California, Manitoba have all vestigate tho properties with tho Idea over tho Santa nexes, nlso a high school and tho un pony nt Sellgman. and was then In- to Inspect tho terminals of ho Santa Dr. Tight aro making ti handlo tho winter sent representatives. All this prom- of, If possible, purchaAng some ot tho Suffered a Headache in His crslty of Now Mexico at Albuquoil jured by nccldcnt nnd oont to tho hos-- ' Fo San Francisco and Angeles, trnfllc. Tho rallronds aro mnklng pre ises a great and successful year for surrounding claims. at sii Climbing. quo. and tho .Muxicnn cniiurcn ari pltal nt I os Angeles. After tho in- ns well as ho main Ih.o ot road. west York 1,000 1, the collego. IlesidcB great influx The section and mines so far opened The New Herald of September tuug'it English, whllo tho Amorlcal parations to hnndlo from to this iKioks by con-alde- r spection of tho time Mr. up have been thoroughly oxamtned by from Albuquerque. Railroad men I contains half tone cuts of Dr. W. O. r00 pasgoogors dally, that Is to Bay, of students 'Ms faculty has been en- Eldrldgo gives Mr. Foster a children nro taught Spanish In all r Wood, some of the best mining experts In this trip ot Reed and Leeds of Tight nnd Miss Annlo S. Pock, who their trains dally passing through San larged to meet tho needs. full month on tho May tlmo hook un- It is thought tho schools." the southwest and their report, which nrcat significance, nnd H ft this country Bomo tlmo ago to City Is Republican. Bernardino nnd Colton for Los An- Dr. John H. Macarthur, the now pro- der another gang of men and marks It in nb Is looked upon a very reliable, Is very It may finally usult either tho climb Mount Surnta In Rollvla. Tho Myers ho entered polltlcl geles will ho capahio of carrying that fessor of English, nrrlved last week omitted tlmo from April. So on May Fo by tho Rock Mr. lays promising, ns they prcalct that tho sorption of tho Santa Herald says nbout two years ago. Albuquerque ll number of passengors. to take up his work. Mr. Mucarthur 2G, after working only two and one-ha- lf yenr or In section will develop into ono of the Island before the end of tho Simultaneously with tho (olographic Republican and Mr. Myers wns eloctel was educated at Manitoba collego and days for tho company. Eldrldgo agreement by which tho Rock biggest gold producers since the Crip- an report printed in tho Harold that Miss opponent by 2 votes to 1 an I Fine for Rheumatism. university, Manitoba, Canada, and was issues a dischargo (Jieck to Foster to this over his ple Creek strlko. Island can run Its trains west iVnnlo S. Peck hns Just successfully as 87 ovor. ofllco of mnyor Is purell Mrs. C. Kelly has been much Im for Bovernl years a lecturer In French amounting to nbout 70 and of this Angolos over tho Tho Sovcral leases have been secured by city nnd Los tracks cended Mount Sornta, Ip Bolivia, a let nn honorary ono. as Is no proved In henlth by her sojourn nt nnd other modern languages and amount Eldrldgo got $30 according to Albuqiiorquo. there salarl parties here, who aro putting forces of tho Santa Fo from ter has been iccolvcd In this city In Jomez Hot Springs. Sho says this Is In Manitoba university. Ho his own statement. Ho further ad- Is run trnln attached. of minors to work nna Oold Gulch If tho Rock Island to its which tho Inrcpld mountain climb are fighting statehood now, nn Ideal place for thoso who suffer took his degroa of doctor of phl.'csophy mits that the schomo was first thought it Fo tracks, It is Wo for tho present time is nn active mining hero over tho Santa or tells, In quick, Mr Myers, "anil I think we wll with ihoutnatlsm, nnd tho health giv- last .In no nt tho Chicago university. ot by himself and that ho afterwards by Santa Fo and her characteristic said camp admitted both tho way. sight get It. I don't enro whether It cornel ing qualities of tho springs aro re- Ho camo highly recommended and ho approached Foster and made tho deal peoplo tha't more of her llr3t of tho Andean Southern Pacific peak, hlghost on western singly or combined with Arizona, Jus markable. Tho peoplo there nre very has already won n place In tno esteem with him. Eldrldgo was hold to an- sldetrncks will havo to bo built on tho tho tho contl COAL MINE FIRE. ncnt, a height heretofore unattnlnod. sc ns wo got atatohood." courteous and mnko the visitor's stay nnd confidence ot thoso who have met swer before the superior court with Tchachapl mountains Tietween Rakers-flol- d Sho Mr. Myors with wlfo Is slopping wltl a pleasant one. Wlnslow Mali. lilm by his mo&t pleasant manner nnd iall placed nt $l,00u, which has not and Mojavo for tho safo passage writes: 1- In -a Pas, Ro- frlouds Delmnr boulevard. TheJ evident fitness for tho position which been yet furnished. Tho defendant Three Miners Perish, Explosion Drives of oh Increased nvmber of trnlns. Tho Grand Hotel Gulbcrt. llvla, July 22, 1903, Wo arrived bore will spend a week here. OFFICIAL MATTERS. ho has come '1 1111. claims to have spent several years at Back Rescuers. Santa Fo Is using tho Tchachapl por tho Whlttler school. Last Friday nftornoon mlno No. 1 Pacific tinder a today about 1 p. in. I havo boon to the Mrs. Abblo I.. Dlngcss, professor ot tion of tho Southern ADDITIONAL MAIL SERVICE. land bonrd nnd the ninety-nin- o Harvard observatory and tested my The territorial Instrumental music, conies from of tho Dawson Fuel company caught year Joint trackage loose United States land commission wero ..o pumps, Hllls-bor- o Is says baromotors, finding thorn exact. Dr. Jamestown, O., and has an unusuul When It comes tho fire and still burning, a dis With tho advent of Rook Island Railway Mall Clerks to Be Placed oJ in regular monthly session at Santa Oold Mining MIIHng company patch Sprjngor. room 8 Tight was anxious to como up nt once, successful career as a teacher Mrs. t from In No. trains, tho yard facilities of the Santa the Santa Fe Trains Nos. 1 and 8. Fo yesterday nfternoon. says Hills-bor- o So, contrnry to my own Judgniont, '1 Dlngess received her musical educa- peoplo nro out of luck, the ot tho mlno Soraplo Ragol and Miguel Fo at Point Richmond will hnvo to bo A railway mall clerk Is to oe sts they had no- - freight camo, ns Mngutcnar. also stronly ad tion under tho direction of the well Advocate. weett Salazar, both of Old Mexico, and a materially increased, and tho tloned on trains No. 1 from tho casl to Irrigation now pump vised. Delegates the National known pianists and critics, Dr. Wil- tho Ustortune to break a gro known ns Phil, perished. Soraplo and passongor ferry service between and No. 8 from the west on tho Atchll recently put In pump-- bo "Wo hnd duo day Intorcstlng Congress. liam Mason nnd Dr. J. 8. Van Clove, they had at tho leaves a widow and n mother. A cur hero nnd Point lllchmond must a and son, Topoka & Santa Fo railway. ThlJ now very The president ot th'o Santa Fo board together with many other of nntlonal lug station on tho Pcrcha to furnish tain caught flro and from this tho flro strengthened. It Is bolloved tho rldo. Dr. Tight was busy oxnmln Improvement of tho service wns td Iiub appointed wator In Heady Pay freight nt Ing goologlcnl hub of trade I. Sparks and roputntlon. For two years sho was nn for tholr mill started. tormlnal of tho Santa Fo tho formations, havo gone Into effect Immediately bul Joy Turloy city delegates Gulch. Another pump wns installed China nasln, now rapidly approaching reaching dlvldo, 14.0CC feet of that as of Mr. Van Clovo's In tho Saturday evening thu siiporlnton after tho tho railway company is unablo to sup congress assistant It foiled to withstand rho high complotlon. will bo ndeqnato for tho gave up to tho national Irrigation nt Vv'csloyun collego nt Cincinnati, nnd but dent of tho mlno with a party started ho to a sovero hoadacho, from ply tho necessary railway mall ser Ogdon. pressure work necessarily Imposed business of tho two roads in enso tho yet ontlroly recover thoso students who take tho work sho to rescue those inside and put out tho which ho has not vlco cars In less than rlx months. upon It nnd gave out. However, tho Rock Island secures trackago rights though go sea level offers will bo quite fortunnto In hav- flro. Tho fnnB wero working nnd when ed, hotter. To from F. A. Putney ot Denver, chief clorw lirst pump Installed wilt bo repaired from tho Santa Fo west of Albuquer 14.GGG Surveys Ordered. ing her as an Instructor. tho forco was qulto a distance Inside to fuet within thirty hours ot tho railway mall .service between mln In a few days nnd then the mill will que. would any ono, ho Orders have been Issued for tho Miss Nona Murphy, who has tho n terrlblo explosion took placo, throw tax and doubtless Choycnno, Wyo., and El Poso, Texas! oral survey of Hie ATlmlrnl group com- I start up. ing come of tho thorn as far as thirty was tho worse for It, though ho thinks arrived In Santa ro on Saturday evl vocal music In charge. Is a graduato May at prising tho Dowey, Sampson nnd llluo . camo out Connect Hereford, Texas. ho would hnvo hnd tho headache any onlng nnd ..mndny evening left ovci of tho Conservatory of Music at Den-- 1 feet All scorched and Dromldo Evangelistic Work Thoro is a rumor horo to tho effect way us I railway Hell lodes sltunted in tho ver. and comes well recommended. scratched nnd somo badly hurt. Tho rest of stood It well. the Santa Fe Central to rcl HIo county. The plan of tho Presbyterian Evan that tho Hock Island will soon run into boon porfertly woil oxcopt a port upon the advisability ot giving district. Ariibn The claim She has nlrenly appeared boforo a Ono Italian working In room No, 22, havo for Is Gold nnd Copper gelistic committee are to bo radically this placo ovor tho Pecos Valloy rail Monday night. mall contract lo company for thil ant tho Admiral number of audiences In tho territory crnwied on his hands and knoes the light hondncho that N'. 11. changed. Last year Its work, under way from Amaillla, snys a dispatch Eslnnclnl Mining company. Knughlln, Is - nnd when ho reached "Todny I see Sornta In tho distance, mall to Kennedy. Morlnrty, and has been enthusiastically recolv- tho Rev. J. Chapman, wns entire distance the attorney. Wilbur ontranco was exhausted from tho from Hereford, 'tox. It tins been known It Is magnlflcnet. All covered with Torrance and such through mall ail od. Her coming will glvo now life to largely Independent of control ot local tho for somo of smoke. tlmo thnt tho Rock Island snow. LauCor, tho guldo, who Is used will mnko better tlmo via the Hock Isl singing tint) chorus work tn this Insti- presbyteries. This coming year tho effects tho road wanted a moro direct and moro Land Office Buslnsst, No blamo is attachod to tho com- to Alplno peaks, says It looks formida land nnd Santa Fo Central. With thd tution. general assembly commlttco will con-lin- o southern routo from California to tho The following homoHtead entries pany for tho accident. ble: moro so than ho expected. Ma establishment 01 this service, Santa All tho departments arc getting their its work to tho largo cities, where cast, and has been filling up several Fo wore made Antonio Vigil of Ocnte, Tho bodies of tho doncl minors hnvo gulgnaz, tho chief guldo, is stolid. will have ten outgoing mails ami quota of tho students. Tho agricul It will hold evangelistic meetings, gaps, ono of v.hlch was stoning n ten Incoming malls this winter. 1G0 aoros located In Mora county, be- at- not recoveicil nnd as tho mine will roach tho summit whothor anyono tural and engineering courses aro presbyteries and Presbytcrlun pas been grado from Amurllla to Tucumcnrl, N. postofllco ing S. Vt NV7. M. section 20, and way 01 reaching does not,' says ho. I say noth Tho department hns notil the tnictlng a goodly number, as Is also! tors whllo tho work in Is on flro thoro Is no M., to connoct the Choctaw lino with else ar Dologoto 80, 21 N., H. 21 Ing. fled R. 8. Hodov: "That ths S. N. Vi. section T. In country tbem. Wo may be delayed a long tlmo tho courses domestic science. Tho ' the sections will bo given tho Rock Island. This grade, howevor, lost Investigation as to frco delivery n. stenography department wilt bo one under chargo ot presbyteries wholly. This Is tho first nccldont that has oc has been nbnndouod. It Is now reported by tho snow." require! J. All. son of Hosn, lf0 acres expedition, of which Miss Pock at Santa Indicated thnt tho Thomas of tho best both In point of number Presbyteries will havo their own ovan curred nt Dawson. that the Rock island and tho Santa Fo Tho m qts or department In San Juan county, belnc Is Is purely a scientific tho as to sldol located and tho Individual mako up of tho gcllsts, In some cases with a synodlcal havo perfected trackago arrangomonts tho leader, walks and tho num .erlng ot the W. NW. U and N. Vt, SW. V. MATTERS. ono, out primarily by the Outlook houses 1, mcmbors. Thoro nro coming from all director. Tho Rev. Dr. J. Wilbur OFFICIAL whoreby tho Keck Island will uso the sont has no been compiled with, nnd nnl section 27. T. 32 N . It. C W. com pnny, and the discoveries that will parts of tho Unltod States and from . Chapman, tno corresponding secretary track of tho Pecos Valloy a port of adverse roport was made." A reln4 following final homestead entry Notary Appointed Territorial Funds bo mado and the Investigations record Tho ovory section of tho territory. of tho assembly commltteo, will go tho Sontn Fo system) from Amnrllla voBtlgatlon has ber-- asked for byl was Maximo Gonzales. Chnvo", Turned Into Treasury. It oved, will bo of oxtrcmo mado: Tho general rccoptlon to the new soon to California to Inaugurate the through this placo south', and as was rd, is bel Delegate Hodey anrt hns boon ordered! 1C0 acres located In San Miguel coun- L. L. Wood of Cloudcroft has been Value to world of sclonco. studonte and now members of tho far - work, and Jt is also to bo takon up In formerly Intondod by tho Santa Fe, tho and It Is hoped by,tho tlmo this lnvcs-- being 20, T. 13 nppolntod notary public for Otoro ot ty, the NV. section ulty will bo given nt tho girls' dormi- Oklahoma, a new ono for Prcsby a the Rock Isiand will now build west The chief companion Miss Peck tlgntlon Is mado that there will be all 21 15. county by Otero. N., K. tory this coming Friday night. torlans, Tho Rev. Dr. J. M. aray of Oovornor from some point at or noar Hereford on tho expedition Is Professor Wm last a good pavement In tront of thcl Transfer of Superintendents of In- Boston has boon engaged to visit all Territorial Funds Turned Over. to n connection with tho road nt no-Io- n, G. Tight, or tho Univorslty of Now postofftcc. dian Schools In New Mexico. prominent cities and hold Dlblo confer- Territorial Treasurer Vaughn h'ns re- - N, M., south of Albuqiiorqnuo, Tho Mexico. superin THOMAS A. GOODWIN. Hormcno In Tho following transfers of ences Intended to lend up to evangolls colvod tho following funds: filling of this short gap would Hon. Pedro Peren Is fn Dolon attend treas n tendents of Now Mexico Indian schools tic services to follow. D. Raca, collector and mako now routo from tho Pnclflc Citizen want mis bring results. Ing to business matters this week. Jiave been ordered by tho Indian His Death Occurred on Tuesday, Sep- Although plans nro not yet ready urer of Socorro county, 1180.90; Eugo James A. Carro'l, superintend. tember 8. It can bo stated ns certain that nlo Komoro of San Mlguol county, ut at Moscalcro. ot Jl,r,00. has been ThomaB A. Gpodwln, a well known Daptlst evangelistic movement will bo $183.74: Manual Baca, of Sandoval HMMie superintendent at Plerro, S. D tlnnor nnd plurxbor of this city, died Inaugurated. Two conferences of dis- county, $11.80, nnd tho amounts bolng Cure Grip at salary; J. C. cunning, nqw at tho St. Joseph sanitarium Septem- trict and other secretaries and leaders Ux collections for 1802. From J. A. To Cure a Cold in One Dav la Twvbeyt, te:iBio t w sHMiRtesdent at iMnvnjo, n. sue-nnn,i- ber 8 from a complication of diseases havo now been hold, ono In New lork La Rue, secretary of tho cnttlo sani- . v v -- $1," Un- Rur-su- ran na'rrell. being promoted from and tho body was turnod over to and tho other In Chicago, and the tary board, $1,000, and from H. O. jaxauve Dromo quinine TaUtts js pi A oa every m 4m' ii.i-W-, and to In turn euccocd dertaker Border. It Ib bolng hold American Daptlst Homo Mission so- convicts' earnings, amounting to Seven Million bosei toU U fmH 13 neatfcs. ?jCfr - TVt lpMtwa, BOX.25C ett W KMtlHHQ Perry, who Is Irausfer- waiting tho arrival of a sister from ciety .under which the work wns placed $1,321.30.