University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-12-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-12-1903 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-12-1903." (1903). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/479 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' ' ' ,, ,I,,H - n,(ll jyyy 7 j VOLUME 11 ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 12. 1903. NUMBER 103 visiting with relatives In St. Johns Alderman MoKeo presented n vigor-mi-s tho past mnntn and avoiding somo oi CITY COUNCIL kirk on the city light scrvlco; tho hot weather of tho Salt Hlver val- nnd Alderman Hubbs reported his I ley. lawn damaged by stray stock, and ex- ARIZONA TOWNS Julius Wotzlcr rcturnod from Lob pressed his desire that tho newspapers New Mexico Towns j Augolos. Concessions Granted to the warn the people Hint tho titrny stock Ed Ilargomnn camo In from the ordinance will te strictly enforced; Can- DEM.NG. hor Dny procession. It was tho first FLAGSTAFF. sovoral dayB in town from Grand tango this woel while the pound master complained Territorial Fair. time he over marflied aloro represent-lu- g yon. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Savage, thnt the dog tax was being shltked by From ilio Ouin. Mrs, Gcorgo U. Uarnoy and children From tho Graphic. that order (Hiring tho twenty-fiv- e on Thursdny. an olght-pour- d girl. ninny owners, and that many of tho Mrs. M. W. Mnyfleld years he been a member. Tho excavation fur the now bank returned homo from their outing nt Mother and child doing nicely. dogs wero as large as yearling calves returned from has oulldlng 13. Gosnuy on M, 0. A trip sort In tho nn extended visit to her parents in the At Do August uusincss meeting at of S. I.aroux ltnnch. of that Mrs. Julius Greer nnd daughter Des-sl- e ORDINANCE FOR VITRIFIED WALK and burd to catch. MlmbrcD Presbyterian Christian street wilt bo completed this week. mountains Is worth a dozen to tho wont to Flagstaff to take charge lower vnlley. the Endeavor Tho town council will convene on const. Mrs. John Allison returned from society, Mrs. L. ... nldioy wa8 unani- of a hotel. MRS. ANNIE M. BRADLEY. tlic 14th inst., which time It la fond-- 1 Andy Kllno nnd family of Flagstaff Dwyer where aha nnd been visiting mously el ctcd director ot music, at James Scorso wont to Flagatnff to The . Automobiles and Viaduct Dis Mr. practice will bo hciu this even- ly nntlclpatod that thoy will arrango loft for South Africa, whore thoy will work In tho Arlzonn Lumber com- her parents, nnd Mrs. Simeon l.rst to havo Btrcot lights. rc- sldo In the future. pany's saw mill. She Attacks Former United States Eby. ing nttcr prayer meeting In tho church Miss Mary Hlordan, tho oldosti Mrs, J' L. Jones and two children cussed by Aldermen. Senator Brown at Salt Lake City. Charles Hunbard and wire returned parlors. Every member who can pos- daughter of Mr. Mrs T. A. Illor-- , nro guosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It. Kit-da- Mrs. Annie M. Drndiey, who will be from their visit to Santa ltlta. Mr. sibly arrngo to do so Is urged to bo and FOR EL PASO. left for Phlladelphl, Pcnn., whoro goro, having nrrlved from Wlnslow. NEW RAILROAD remembered by the old tlmore of Al- Hubbard Is showing somo fine samples present. eho will enter school. Mr. Jones Is now engaged at Ash Fork FIRE CHIEF NASH TALKED buquerque as the wife of a former of high grade ore taxen from his mine Territorial tpcr-- aro reoucsied to Harry Pnlgo arrived In tho city from In painting and papering the Harvey A Charter Has Already Been Applied dentist of this city, has come to the In thnt district and thinks ho has mako a note of the fact tnat the ter- Noodles, Cal, Harry Is an nllround ball hr.uso. for by Pats City People. front again since leaving the Itlo something good up thero. ritorial insane hospital is crowded to player and will probnbly play with tho Miss Dllctto Duggoln camo In Inst Whllo It Is not generally known, The regular meeting of the city Ornnde valley, and this time figures Mrs, Haniia Moore, wire of Claienco Its utmost capacity. Thero ara now Fagstaff during tho carnival. Sundny evening from Proscott, whore yet It Is a fact, tnat within tho past council was held Inst ovcnlng Instead In nn umbrella and fist I. Moore of tins city, uled ot blood 115 patients at tho Institution, and hnvo Wo don't say that tho Abtiqucrquo nho had boon visiting hor aunt, Mrs. few dny, certain El Paso people of Monday evening, because oT Ijibor iigut with a man, the defeated hero poisoning Sunday afternoon at 4 thero Isn't a spare bed in iho building. Monday made application to ths state of Texas of tno encounter being former United af- Dally Citizen has tho big head, but will J. L Davis. She wns met hero Day celebration on tho latter date. o'clock and vn buried om the resi- It is Important thnt this state of return-th- o for a charter Tor a railway frdm El Drown or stato that It has a now heading, and , by hor father, with whom she Stntcs Senator Salt Lako dence Monday afternoon. Mrs. Moore, fairs bo known throughout tho terri- d Hubbs, pnper Is etilargod. to ed to tho Oi-an- Canyon. Paso to tlio state line, west of tho Aldormen Harrison, lloRira, City, Utah. Mrs. Ilrndloy was hero whoso Was Whlto, was n tory county .authorities be- Success tho UruiiHfeld, maiden nnnio and that Since tho big Hood spring, city. McKce and Heaven were about two years ngo, anil hor vonera-til- e or sending patients Cltlzon. last present. native tho stato ot A..chtgan aud fore to tho asylum Albuqucrquo will have tho biggest, which did ronRidorablo dnmago This line Is projected to run from EI In the absence of Mayor C. appearance would not indicate camo to Doming nbout elgnt years ago communicate wltu the authorities to Meyers, who Is visiting St. Ixnils, grandest nnd boit fair over held In throughout tho town, tho crossing of Paso to a connection with tho now mucii fight in her, However, she de- since which tlmo this has been her learn whetnor or not they can bo ad- be- President 0. V. presided. tho Duke City, nnd this is saying a Cataract crook on Williams avenuo Clifton & Durango railway, and Is Harrison monstrated her ability to slug, aa the home. mitted. The proceedings began with np n great deal. Tho fair will be hold this has not been tho best. This week a ing promoted by ccrtnin El Paso citi- the following article from a special A. M, Little and Ills niece, Miss Har A telegram was received here con- - pcaranco of O. N. Marron, president Olobo-Domocr- year Octobor 12, 13, 14, 15, 1C and 17. I forco of men havo been at work con- zens. to tho bt. Louis riet beano, returned from an overland veying tho sad Intelligence of tho , promoters of line been of the Territorial Fair nBsoelatlon. Wm. O'Connor of Lincoln. Neb., dls-- structing n nridgo over tno snmo un Tho tn. havo shows: trip to Silver City and Plnoa Altos, re death nt lxis Angeles, , of Mrs. U. who naked certain matters of ca' ti let deputy M. V. A. of America for figuring on It for several months, and for Salt City, Utah, Sept. C turning by wny of tho Mimbres valley s. Q. Todd, sister of Mrs. Schlrmer of Is now deemed necessnry to tho sue-c- o Arlzonn ia horo and will remain sov-- Halph Cameron, who Is running u It stated tnat their linnnces iioadod to desperation, ub she assorts, and making a visit at tho Homo ot . this city. aItb. Todd mado qulto a s of tho great enterprise. Among era) days. During his stay he will ccuplo of camps at dram! Canyon, ono nro nbout arranged, nnd it Is further ..y itiRiitts heaped upon her by tho II. l'aylor. Miss Scano who has been lengthy stny in this city something was the granting to' associa- tho first Modern Woodmen near the depot nnd tho other down at stated that when the Clifton & Duran these the ipnn who Is seeking to renounce and spending tho summer with her unclo, over a year ago and her numerous ono-hal- tion the privilege or closing lodgo In Arlzonn nt this placo. the Indian Gardens, thrco nnd f go line Is built, tho lino out of El Paso Fourth discard her to savo himself from occu expects to return to her homo In friends will bo much grieved to learn nnd Fifth streets, between E. II, Jonos, l.vlng nt Iiogcrs' Lake, miles down tho Bright Angol will nlso be oiuft. El I'aso Herald. Itallroad pying a cell In tho penitentiary, Mrs. southern Iuwn about tnc 27th. ot this of her sudden death. nnd Gold avenues, na a. nine miles went of hero, has sold his trail, was In town. Ho snys business location for Annie M.
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