FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 QUOTE OF THE DAY: "This will make us a brain gain state, not a brain drain state." - Gov. Walker on Foxconn project TWO SECTIONS — VOL. 120 — NO. 128 FROM THE GROUND UP TOTAL WASHOUT Several northern areas close due to flood damage MADISON (AP) — Some areas of state and federal properties in northern Wisconsin have been closed to the public as officials assess damage from recent flooding. Several state parks' trails, bridges and beaches have been damaged, the Wisconsin Public Radio reported. and were among the areas severely hit by flooding. All of the trails at Pattison State Park are closed and some are under- water. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is working with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to deal with the significant damage inflicted on a dam

Staff photo by Kevin Harnack Staff on Interfalls Lake within the park, accord- Steve Schmuki, of Waukesha, holds up a sign in Mount Pleasant's Smolenski Park on Thursday in protest of ing to Missy Vanlanduyt, section chief for the $10 billion factory complex Foxconn Technology Group is building nearby. recreation partnership at the DNR. "We need to repair that by putting in sheet Trump, Walker attend ceremony piling, and, in order to do that, we need to draw down the lake," she said. "We're going marking start of Foxconn work to be drawing it down to do repairs on the dam and repairs to the Highway 35 bridge." Nate Beck be its harmful effects on the environment Vanlanduyt said the repairs may take four [email protected] and the $4.5 billion worth of taxpayer sub- to eight weeks. President Donald Trump and Gov. Scott sidies the company could receive if it hits More than 50 miles of road and trail at the Walker grabbed a pair of golden shovels on certain hiring and spending goals. Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest have Thursday and began moving piles of dirt Among the hundreds who gathered on also been damaged, but all of the park's under the hot June sun to mark the start of Thursday at Mount Pleasant's Smolenski campgrounds are open, said Linda Parker, work on the Foxconn Technology Group Park were the Democrats Matt Flynn and public information officer with the forest's project. Mahlon Mitchell, who are both running in a incident management team. The long-planned groundbreaking took crowded race to win their party's nomination Areas of Bayfield County near Drummond place in front of a massive American flag to take on Walker in the fall. saw up to 15 inches of rain and had the held aloft by a pair of construction cranes Flynn has promised to challenge the Fox- worst damage and washouts, Parker said. at Foxconn's factory site in Mount Pleasant. conn deal in court if he's elected. "We're also working on a reroute of the Trump and Walker were joined by Foxconn "We can't have weakness with these peo- because that's a popular CEO Terry Gou, House Speaker Paul Ryan ple," he said on Thursday, referring to Fox- trail and Rainbow Lake Wilderness Area is a and the first Foxconn employee from Wis- conn. "We're going to pollute lake Michigan, popular place for people to recreate and we consin, a man named Christopher Murdock. they have filled in wetlands, they didn't have want to make sure there's a reroute option Miles away, in downtown Mount Pleasant, to file an environmental-impact statement for them in that area," said Parker. protesters, including Democrats hoping to and they are exempt from the court of ap- The North Country Trail runs through 200 unseat Walker this fall, gathered to disavow miles of northern Wisconsin and spans from the project — decrying what they said would Please see TRUMP, page 3 New York to North Dakota.

PARKS' PLACE TAXING QUESTIONS After legal foray, Perplexed by the recent STORE IT AWAY Berghammer president changes to federal tax BIds are due at 7 p.m. Aug. 14 for finds fulfillment in law? Let our special the construction of a maintenance construction. section help you sort and storage building for the town of things out. Lakeland. PAGE 4 PAGE 2 PAGES 12 - 17 PAGE 2 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 ON THE LEVEL | JIM PARKS PARKS' PLACE Berghammer president finds fulfillment in construction

following foray into law photo by Kevin Harnack Staff

Dan Shaw [email protected] his taste. Parks said that most of the check up on projects’ progress “I ended up in more of a contractors he initially talked to and meet with owners and their Jim Parks knew when he start- general-practice setting,” Parks about job possibilities no doubt representatives. ed getting knots in his stomach said. “I wasn't developing an considered him vastly over- It could have gone on forever on Sunday afternoons from expertise, and I felt that clients qualified. He was convinced had it not been for what, in most just thinking about the coming were paying me to learn about that company officials were circumstances, would have been workweek that being a lawyer specific aspects of the law. I looking at his CV and thinking: an unfortunate event: Parks had was not for him. didn't feel comfortable with “This guy seems like he's too helped submit a bid proposal for Now president of the general that.” much of a risk.” a building project only to see contractor Berghammer Con- After three or four years of “I got a lot of thanks but no the job abandoned by its owner, struction, Parks can look back practicing law, Parks decided he thanks.” the metals distributor and pro- and say his foray into the law had had enough. But what to do Park’s big break came when cessor Russel Metals. was the result of two possibly next? he approached J.P. Jansen, a After that deal fell through, irreconcilable goals: He wanted Parks said he had always been commercial contracting and Parks got a call from his coun- to make money but he also attracted to construction work. engineering company out of terpart at Berghammer, which wanted to avoid settling down Sick by that time of legal ab- Milwaukee. He was hired into a had also submitted a bid. The into an actual job by embarking stractions, he was eager to do business-development position. man mostly wanted to grouse on what he called “an expensive something that would have him “I took a step backwards about the money the two compa- reality-avoidance program.” getting in the field and produc- financially,” Parks said. “But I nies had wasted trying to win a Unfortunately, that program ing tangible results. But would was fortunate to find a company contract that was never awarded. led him to a career that he construction companies even that would take a chance on me But at the end of their chat, the quickly discovered was not to consider hiring an ex-lawyer? because I had never been in the man wondered aloud – almost as construction business before, an aside - if Parks would con- except for summertime work.” sider working for Berghammer. Parks rose quickly at Jan- Parks brushed the remark off, sen, becoming an estimator thinking it was probably meant Bonding and eventually president of the as a joke. But then he began company’s general-contracting to wonder: If the man wasn't division. He couldn’t have been serious, then why bother saying Relationships. happier with the work. anything? He had finally found some- “Now my head is spinning,” thing that didn’t make him Parks said. “I had just bought dread having to get out of bed into Jansen and then this guy in the morning. And although asks me this question.” his duties had him desk-bound He decided to test the waters at times, he still was getting by sitting down with the then- out frequently to work sites to Please see PARKS, page 3 READER RANKINGS 2017 GETTING TO KNOW PARKS

The Daily Reporter: What surprises you most about your job? Parks: The level of precision that a skilled tradesperson can achieve repeat- BEST BONDING edly when performing his or her work. & INSURANCE FIRM TDR: Which living person do you most admire? Parks: My wife. I marvel at her discipline, persistence and consistency in everything that she does. TDR: What is your greatest fear? Parks: Someone getting seriously injured on one of our projects. Construc- tion can be a dangerous business in spite of all the safety training and precau- tions that we mandate on projects. TDR: What is your greatest extravagance? Knowledge. Parks: We don’t travel often but when we do, I spare no expense. irect flights, top-notch hotels, fun rental car, great restaurants. If I am going to treat Experience. myself, I treat myself right. TDR: What would you never wear? Trust. Parks: I’m not a jewelry person. Other than my wedding ring and a St. Chris- topher medal I got as a gift about 30 years ago, I don’t wear jewelry. TDR: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Parks: I would ask for more patience. I like to answer questions and get things resolved quickly. Sometimes I wish I could exhibit more patience with Surety Bonding & Insurance people in particular. Wisconsin’s Largest Independently Owned Surety Bonding Agency TDR: What would your colleagues be surprised to find out about you? Parks: I am fluent in Spanish ( I have 3 adopted sisters from Quito, Ecuador) Phone 262.781.3714 and I watch Spanish soap operas to practice my Spanish. FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER PAGE 3 Foxconn scales back size of screens it will make

TRUMP, from page 1 peals' jurisdiction. I will go in and stop it." Democrats gained one more reason last week to criticize Fox- conn. In an interview with BizTimes, Louis Woo, special assistant to Foxconn chairman Terry Gou, said the company will be scaling back the size of the screens it will produce at the Foxconn plant. Although Woo said the company would not abandon its intention of spending $10 billion in Wis- consin, analysts say the company seems to have moved away from its previous plans to produce so- called Generation 10.5 screens in Wisconsin. The company is more likely to make Generation 6 screens, which can be produced using smaller sheets of glass.

Mitchell, for his part, said Photo/Evan Vucci AP Foxconn has a "shady " past. He President Donald Trump takes part in a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday marking the start of work on Foxconn's $10 billion wouldn't be surprised if the com- factory complex in Mount Pleasant. He is seen at the site here with Foxconn Chairman Terry Gou (middle), and Speaker of the pany fell short of its $10 billion House Paul Ryan. spending goal. "I don't hope for anything to offered more than Wisconsin to people in general like the idea of Steve Anderson, who lives fail," Mitchell said. "I think attract the Taiwanese manufactur- more jobs. near the Foxconn site, said on Foxconn's a bad deal, no doubt. er, saying that Wisconsin merely And former Republican Gov. Thursday that he's trying to keep I would never have given $4.5 put enough on the table to win. Tommy Thompson said, "You can't an open mind about the project. billion dollars to a company with Walker also cited a Metro- do anything without opposition." Anderson attended a rally that at- a checkered past. But you never politan Milwaukee Association of Earlier in the day, protesters tracted hundreds of opponents of want anything to fail, right? Commerce study that estimated had gathered as Trump traveled the project. Back at the groundbreaking site, the development will add $51 bil- to the groundbreaking site from a Anderson, a 63-year-old substi- Walker and his allies contended lion to Wisconsin's economy over fundraiser held Thursday morning tute teacher, said he thinks Fox- the Foxconn project will trans- the course of the 15 years that the at the Pfister Hotel in Milwau- conn "definitely would be a major form the state's economy. Walker state pays incentives to the com- kee. Chants of "Hey, hey, Ho, boost economically." He said his said, "This will make us a brain pany. ho. Donald Trump has got to go" top concern is air pollution. gain state, not a brain drain state." Wisconsin Assembly Speaker were heard outside the hotel. Patrick Schelble of Milwaukee Speaking earlier in the day on Robin Vos said Democratic op- About 50 people walked from a came to the rally carrying a sign WTMJ radio, Walker said Fox- ponents of Foxconn are trying downtown park to stand as close that said "People and planet over conn Technology Group's $10 to score political points against as they could get to the Pfister, corporate profits." He says the billion investment in southeastern Trump and Walker. which was roped off. An even Foxconn deal was reached behind Wisconsin will turn the area into U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman, bigger protest took place later in closed doors. a global center for advanced man- of Wisconsin, said, "There are the day in Mount Pleasant, where ufacturing and high-technology people who are against any de- not all residents have embraced - The Associated Press contrib- innovations. He said other states velopment whatsoever." He says the project. uted to this article.

On the Level Within 10 days, Parks had decided to leave years ago, Parks stepped into more of a PARKS, from page 2 Jansen. He started at Berghammer on June leadership role. He became president about 7, 1999. a year and a half ago. president of Berghammer, a man named For nearly the next 20 years, he worked Parks now runs the company with four Leif Nesheim. Parks left their several-hour closely alongside Nesheim and another other partners. They do anywhere from long chat deeply impressed. partner, getting out to job sites, meeting $85 million to $90 million worth of busi- "What really struck me how deeply en- with owners and developers and working to ness a year, which Parks reckons makes the gaged he was in every aspect of his busi- expand the company. One of their biggest company big enough to take on well over ness, attending every interview, helping accomplishments was to push Berghammer 95 percent of the projects that are commis- with project management," Parks recalled. past its initial specialization in industrial sioned in the Milwaukee area. "I said, 'My God, this guy has his fingers in and distribution buildings and win contracts Having found a career he loves in con- everything. He's a dynamo.'" for medical, school, senior-living, office struction, can Parks look back and say any- Nesheim made his offer of a job doubly and residential projects. thing good about his time in the law? attractive by saying he would immedi- When Nesheim slowly started relinquish- "Well, I met my wife in law school," he ately make Parks a partner in the company. ing some of his daily duties five to seven said. "So it was worth it."

Associate Publisher/Editor Joe Yovino, 414-225-1829 Entire contents copyright 2018 by The Daily Reporter The Daily Reporter is a member of The Associated Press, Managing Editor Dan Shaw, 414-225-1807 Publishing Co. Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays, National Newspaper Association, American Court and Commercial THE DAILY JobTrac Manager Rich Holevoet, 414-225-1822 New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Newspapers and Wisconsin Newspaper Association. Ad Director Susan Quinn, 414-225-1844 Thanksgiving, the Friday after Thanksgiving and Christmas. Under no condition will any judgment, decree or other Regional Office Manager Bonnie Porter, 414-225-1804 Periodical postage paid at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. matter of record be withheld from publication. Advertiser’s sole and To re-deliver a missing or damaged newspaper copy, POSTMASTER: Electronic Address Change Service Requested, exclusive remedy against The Daily Reporter for claims for loss and call, 414-225-1801 REPORTER Send address changes to: PSA, Attn: Terri Coates, damage resulting from any cause, including — without limitation — l 800-508-3800 2406 Reach Road, Williamsport, PA 17701 A newspaper of general circulation devoted to the publication of errors, omissions, misruns and delays in publication, shall be either ISSN # 0749-7113 / USPS # 565-720 fax: 414-276-8057 l email: [email protected] news and intelligence of a general character, The Daily the publication of corrected material once without additional charge or 225 E. Michigan St., Suite 300, Milwaukee WI 53202 Reporter is the official publication for the Circuit Courts — First One Year Print and Online: $239, One Year Online: $199 a refund of the amount paid for the initial publication. In no event shall Judicial District (Milwaukee County). The Daily Reporter is the One Year JobTrac and Daily Reporter Combo: $625 The Daily Reporter be liable for incidental, special or consequential official newspaper for the city of Milwaukee. To subscribe: call 877-615-9536 damages, or for any other loss, damage or expense of any kind. PAGE 4 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

TODAY’S BIDS powered by: COMPLETE BID DATABASE IS ONLINE AT DAILYREPORTER.COM/JOBTRAC. Contact ANN to list your bid notices: 414-225-1822 COMPLETE BID DATABASE IS ONLINE AT DAILYREPORTER.COM/JOBTRAC Contact RICH to list your bid notices: 414-225-1822

— Bid Package 06A - Architectural Work (Core and Shell - Building Enclosure and Interiors) — Bid Package 23A - Mechanical, Plumbing, Fire Protection Work — Bid Package 26A - Electrical Work — Bid Package 32A - Landscape Work (Bids will be accepted electronically through the bidders Prequalification Account at www. You must be prequalified with M+W/Gilbane prior to submitting a bid Developer: Foxconn Technology Group, 2 Donghuan Road, Longhua Shenzhen, China environmental engineer: The Sigma Group, 1300 W. Canal St., Milwaukee, WI 53233; (414) 643-4200, Fax (414) 643-4210 Engineer/architect: CH2M HILL, Inc., 135 S. 84th St., Honey Creek III, Suite 400, Milwaukee, WI 53214; (414) 272-2426, Fax (414) 272-4408 Project manager: M+W Gilbane, 101 W. Pleasant St., Milwaukee, WI 53212; (414) 287- 2600 Contracts Let: Elevators Otis Elevator Co. Milwaukee Concrete Work Superior Masonry Builders Inc. Butler Bids Wanted Landscaping Bright View Landscape Services Milwaukee Precast Work INFRASTRUCTURE Spancrete Industries Inc. Waukesha Southeastern Wisconsin Mechanical, Plumbing and Fire Protection Total Mechanical Inc. d Mount Pleasant/Foxconn Highway Projects Pewaukee Structural Steel and Misc. Metals Project: Foxconn Related Highway Project, Mt Pleasant, Racine and Milwaukee Counties Merrill Steel Inc. Bids due: July 24, 2018 at 9:00 a.m., Bids will opened in 4th Floor South, Room S437 of Schofield the Hill Farms State Transportation Building on the following projects:— No. 1 in Racine & Architectural Work Milwaukee Counties: N-S Freeway, CTH G to College Avenue(All bids must be submitted The Boldt Company electronically via Bid Express. To request an exception to this requirement, contact the Appleton Chief Proposal Management Engineer at (608) 266-3721) Electrical Delivery: Request For Bids Pieper Electric Inc. Owner: Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Transportation System New Berlin Development, Bureau of Project Development, 4802 Sheboygan Ave. (53705), Room 601, P.O. Box 7916, Madison, WI 53707-7916 Contact: Michael Pyritz, Regional Communications Manager 262-521-5373 or [email protected] INFRASTRUCTURE Bids to: Owner Plans and specs: Electronic plans and proposals can be obtained by clicking on the Southeastern Wisconsin applicable month listed on the Bid Letting Schedule page: Use the following link: http:// The Department has d Mount Pleasant/Braun Road Transmission Main hard copy plans and proposals available for office examination in the Bureau of Project Development in Madison and in the respective regional offices where the work is located. Project: Village of Mount Pleasant, Braun Road Transmission Main, Mount Pleasant, To be listed as a plan holder or eligible bidder you must submit a completed DT1633 Racine County, #Project No. W-18-6 form using the online proposal request application ( Bids closed: May 24, 2018 at 3:00 p.m., (Extended from 10:00 a.m., May 23, 2018) and users guide. This form must be completed and submitted no Owner: Racine Water & Wastewater Utilities, City Hall Annex, 800 Center St., Room 227, later than 11:45 a.m. on the last business day preceding the letting. NOTE: Information Racine, WI 53404; (262) 636-9187, Fax (262) 636-3933 regarding the confidential bidder option can be found on the HCCI home page: http:// Municipality: Mount Pleasant Village Hall, 8811 Campus Drive, Mount Pleasant, WI 53406; (262) 664-7800, Fax (262) 554-6785 Bid bond: With each sealed proposal, the bidder must include a properly executed bid Engineer: Ruekert & Mielke Inc., W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway, Waukesha, WI 53188- bond or a cashier’s check, certified check, bank’s check, or postal money order in the 1020; (262) 542-5733, Fax (262) 542-5631 amount designated on the Highway Work Proposal made payable to the Department. Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Park, MN Certified checks shall be drawn on the account of the bidder submitting the proposal. 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, [email protected], Assistance with The bidder may also satisfy the proposal guaranty requirements by having a properly our services is available by phone or email executed annual bid bond on file with the Department.For electronic bids submitted on Contract Let: the Internet, the bidder must satisfy the proposal guaranty requirements by having a Fischer Excavating Inc. properly executed annual bid bond on file with the Department Freeport, IL...... $7,361,460.00 Prevailing wages: Required Pre-bid meeting: There is a MANDATORY pre-bid meeting on July 12, 2018 from 9am d Racine/International Drive Water Main to 11am at the Oak Creek City Hall Council Chambers 8040 S. 6th Street, Oak Creek Prequalifications: Unless otherwise specified in this advertisement, the Department will Project: Racine Water and Wastewater Utilities, International Drive Water Main 8022- issue bidding proposals only to those who have established their qualifications for the 10024.200, Racine, Racine County, #Quest No. 5605229 work to be bid upon. Any prospective bidder who has not established their qualifications Overall cost estimate: $2,200,000 must file a sworn statement with the Department not less than TEN business days prior Bids closed: April 19, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., (Extended from March 22, 2018) All Work is to the time set for submitting bidding proposals on a form furnished by the Department. included in a single prime contract The Department will evaluate this statement and will issue bidding proposals as it deems Owner: Racine Water & Wastewater Utilities, City Hall Annex, 800 Center St., Room 227, warranted Racine, WI 53404; (262) 636-9187, Fax (262) 636-3933 Contact: Keith E. Haas Notes: Contractors should attend the Contractor workshop: that will be held on June 28, Engineer: Ruekert & Mielke Inc., W233 N2080 Ridgeview Parkway, Waukesha, WI 53188- 2018 FROM 10am - 12pm at the Zoo Interchange Field office - Fox Room 2424 S. 102nd 1020; (262) 542-5733, Fax (262) 542-5631 St, West Allis Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Park, MN Scope: The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is advertising a bid oppor- 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, [email protected], Assistance with tunity on the I-94North-South project northern package from County G in Racine County our services is available by phone or email to College Avenue inMilwaukee County.Work involves reconstructing and expanding Contract Let: 7.5-miles of freeway and includes reconstructing theinterchange at 7 Mile Road and con- A.W. Oakes & Son Inc. structing a new interchange at Elm Road. Other work includesdrainage, grading, paving, Racine...... $1,378,070.00 traffic signals and structures.

Bids Awarded See for yourself at: BUILDING Southeastern Wisconsin —— d Mount Pleasant/Foxconn’s Industrial Construction Work Phase 1, Bid Release 2, Multipurpose Building FIND YOUR NEXT PROJECT Project: Foxconn’s Industrial Construction Work Phase 1, Area 1, Bid Release 2 - Multipurpose Building for Wisconn Valley Science and Technology Park, Mount Pleasant, Racine County, #Job No. V08108 Bids closed: June 12, 2018 at 5:00 p.m., on the following: Subscribe today! — Bid Package 03A - Concrete Work — Bid Package 03B - Precast Concrete Work — Bid Package 05A - Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Metals Work FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER PAGE 5

d Waukesha/UWW Fieldhouse proposal may be obtained by contacting General AHU-6 #64630 the Purchasing Department Office, see Toki & Associates Inc., 7100 W. Fond address information above. All requests du Lac Ave. Suite 201, Milwaukee, WI Bids Wanted Project: Waukesha County UWW will be fulfilled via email 53218; (414) 463-2700, Fax (414) 463- Fieldhouse AHU-6 #64630, Pre-bid meeting: Pre-proposal Meeting 3366, [email protected] BUILDING Waukesha, Waukesha County, - One MANDATORY pre-proposal meet- #PW-UWAHU6-0-2018/JH ing to discuss the project will be held on Southwestern Wisconsin Southeastern Wisconsin Bids due: July 12, 2018 at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday June 27, 2018, at 10:00 am. (oral, faxed or e-mailed bids will be All participants will meet and sign in at d Janesville/Exterior Wall d Milwaukee/Classroom Expansion rejected) the City’s Fire Station 51 located at 1601 Restoration - GPC Delivery: Request For Bids Underwood Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI Owner: Waukesha County Department 53226. The purpose of this meeting will Project: Exterior Wall Restoration at Rock Project: General Prime Contractor Bidders of Administration Purchasing Division, be to respond to questions and provide County Correctional Facility, Janesville, for, Classroom Expansion Northwest 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Receptionist’s any needed additional information to ven- Rock County, #Bid No. 2018-28 Quadrant Children’s Center University Desk, Room 310 Administration Center, dors for their submission of their proposal Bids due: July 17, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Waukesha, WI 53188; (262) 548-7888, Prequalifications: Required, see docu- Owner: Rock County Purchasing Milwaukee County, #11C2L-04 GPC Fax (262) 548-7668 ments for more details Department, Courthouse, 51 S. Main Overall cost estimate: $600,000 Architect: Angus-Young Associates, 555 Notes: Questions concerning this proposal St., Janesville, WI 53545, Fax (608) Bids due: July 25, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., S. River St., Janesville, WI 53545-4827; will be received through July 3, 2018 757-5539, (Extended from June 13, 2018) This proj- (608) 756-2326, Fax (608) 756-0464, by 12 noon. Submit questions to Laurel Purchasing/Purchasing.htm Contact: ect is being let using a new single prime Schleimer, Purchasing Coordinator at Jodi Millis, purchasing manager, e-mail: bidding and contracting process. (See bid Plan Distribution: DemandStar by Onvia, [email protected] [email protected] documents for more details) is a Service offering Free subscription to Scope: The City of Wauwatosa is request- Bids to: Owner Addenda: Addendum No. 3 has been access bids from agencies, participating ing proposals from qualified and expe- Plans from: Owner Issued in (WAPP); (800) 331-5337, Registration rienced contractors to perform removal Plans and specs: Information may be Delivery: Request For Bids Website, and replacement installation of two (2) obtained at the office of Rock County Owner: Department of Administration, Home page : existing Thermal Solutions, 850,000 Purchasing listed above. Project may also Division of Facilities Development, 101 Bids to: Owner BTU, standard efficiency boilers located be found at and click E. Wilson St., 7th Floor Reception Desk, Plans from: Demandstar at City’s Fire Station 51, located at 1601 on Departments, then on Purchasing, Madison, WI 53703 Plans and specs: This package can be Underwood Avenue, Wauwatosa, WI then on bid number Architect: Quorum Architects Inc., 3112 downloaded from Onvia DemandStar on 53226 Pre-bid meeting: A pre-bid conference W. Highland Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53208; our website at will be held on June 18, 2018 at 10:00 (414) 265-9265, Fax (414) 265-9465 Completion date: October 30, 2018 d West Allis/HVAC Replacement - a.m. Meet in lobby of the Rock County Bids to: Owner Bid bond: Bid security shall be by a quali- GPC Sheriff’s Office and Jail, 200 East US Plans and specs: Bidding documents fied surety in the form of a bid bond, in Hwy 14, Janesville, WI. (drawings, specifications, and addenda) the amount of ten percent (10%) of Bid Project: General Prime Contractor Bidders Notes: All questions concerning this bid may be obtained only as electronic files amount for, HVAC Replacement Tommy G. must be submitted in writing to Jodi Millis. (in PDF format): as a downloadable Performance bond: 100% Thompson Youth Center State Fair Park Questions may be faxed to (608) 757- file from the Division’s Projects Bidding Payment bond: 100% West Allis, West Allis, Milwaukee County, 5539 or e-mailed to Jodi Millis by 12:00 website (see website address below) Insurance: Required #15C2F GPC p.m., June 25, 2018. Submit 2 copies and/or on compact discs or DVD by Pre-bid meeting: MANDATORY Pre-Bid Overall cost estimate: $325,000 of the response (one original marked as ordering from the Construction Project meeting and walkthrough on June 20th, Bids due: Aug. 2, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., This such, and one copy). Responses must Bidding Opportunities webpage. Bidding 2018, at 10:00 AM. Meeting location is project is being let using a new single remain in effect for 60 days after due date documents may also be seen at various Maintenance Building, 1500 University prime bidding and contracting process. Builders’ Exchanges. Additional project Drive, Waukesha, WI. Enter and park in (See bid documents for more details) d Madison/Security System bidding information, including plan hold- either Lot #5 or Lot #7, place business Delivery: Request For Bids Upgrades - GPC ers lists are available on the Division of card in dashboard of vehicle. Please be Owner: Department of Administration, Facilities Development public website: on time as no accommodations will be Division of Facilities Development, 101 Project: General Prime Contractor Bidders made for late arrivals. NOTE: This will be E. Wilson St., 7th Floor Reception Desk, for, Security System Upgrades State ities-development. After opening the web the only opportunity for a walk through, Madison, WI 53703 Capitol Department of Administration page, select Current Construction Project therefore, be sure to bring all poten- Engineer: Henneman Engineering, Madison, Madison, Dane County, Bidding Opportunities at the bottom of tial subcontractors. Vendors are also Inc, 20855 Watertown Rd Suite 170, #17D1F GPC the screen. Bidder shall identify the divi- reminded to review all Bid Documents, Waukesha, WI 53186643; (262) 901- Overall cost estimate: $690,000 sion of work they are bidding on when drawings, etc. prior to arrival 0626, Fax (262) 901-0627, www. Bids due: Aug. 14, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., This requesting Bidding Documents online Prequalifications: Required, see docu- project is being let using a new single Bid bond: 10% ments for more details Bids to: Owner prime bidding and contracting process. Prevailing wages: The 2017-2019 Notes: Bidders shall agree to not withdraw Plans and specs: Bidding documents (See bid documents for more details) Wisconsin State Budget (2017 Wisconsin the bid for a period of sixty (60) days after (drawings, specifications, and addenda) Delivery: Request For Bids Act 59) repealed Wisconsin’s prevail- due date of bids may be obtained only as electronic files Owner: Department of Administration, ing wage laws. Effective September 23, Scope: The work includes, but is not limited (in PDF format): as a downloadable Division of Facilities Development, 101 2017, state prevailing wage requirements to, the following areas: Building Work: file from the Division’s Projects Bidding E. Wilson St., 7th Floor Reception Desk, on state building projects no longer apply. 1). Mechanical Piping Systems: (a). Hot website (see website address below) Madison, WI 53703 These changes take effect for projects Water Heating System including piping, and/or on compact discs or DVD by Engineer: Henneman Engineering Inc., advertised for bid after September 23, valves and hydronic specialties as speci- ordering from the Construction Project 1232 Fourier Drive, Suite 101, Madison, 2017. This change does not affect the fied and required for a complete system. Bidding Opportunities webpage. Bidding WI 53717; (608) 833-7000, Fax (608) Federal Davis Bacon Act requirements 2). HVAC (a). New package roof-top unit documents may also be seen at various 833-6996 Pre-bid meeting: A prebid tour will with filter racks, cooling coils and associ- Builders’ Exchanges. Additional project Bids to: Owner be conducted on site at University of ated air distribution systems and exhaust bidding information, including plan hold- Plans and specs: Bidding documents Wisconsin - Milwaukee Northwest systems; (b). Air distribution systems ers lists are available on the Division of (drawings, specifications, and addenda) Quadrant Complex (NWQ-C and NWQ- including ductwork, supply grilles, and Facilities Development public website: may be obtained only as electronic files D), 2025 E. Newport Avenue, Milwaukee, diffusers, balancing and control dampers, (in PDF format): as a downloadable Wisconsin on Thursday, May 3, 2018 and related accessories. 3). Mechanical ities-development. After opening the web file from the Division’s Projects Bidding at 9:00 am. Location: UW-Milwaukee insulation for piping systems, duct- page, select Current Construction Project website (see website address below) Campus, NWQ - Children’s Learning work, and equipment as specified. 4). Bidding Opportunities at the bottom of and/or on compact discs or DVD by Center lobby. Learning Center entrance Complete controls and instrumentation. the screen. Bidder shall identify the divi- ordering from the Construction Project is on 1st 43 floor C Building (see sheet 5). System startup, testing, adjusting and sion of work they are bidding on when Bidding Opportunities webpage. Bidding A002, Campus Key Map). Contact Brian balancing. 6). Piping and duct cleaning requesting Bidding Documents online documents may also be seen at various Scotty, Quorum Architects, Inc. at 414- and pressure testing. 7). All pressure and Bid bond: 10% Builders’ Exchanges. Additional project 265-9265, [email protected], temperature instrumentation not a part of Prevailing wages: The 2017-2019 bidding information, including plan hold- with questions regarding the prebid any control system. Equipment sched- Wisconsin State Budget (2017 Wisconsin ers lists are available on the Division of Prequalifications: Mandatory prequalifi- ules are provided as a convenience to the Act 59) repealed Wisconsin’s prevail- Facilities Development public website: cation requirements. See project docu- Contractor, but do not relieve him of his ing wage laws. Effective September 23, ments for complete details responsibility to furnish all items shown 2017, state prevailing wage requirements ities-development. After opening the web Scope: In general the work consists of on the Drawings and indicated in the on state building projects no longer apply. page, select Current Construction Project minor demolition and remodeling of the Specifications. Coordination with other These changes take effect for projects Bidding Opportunities at the bottom of ground floor of a portion of the C build- trades. Touch-up painting of damaged advertised for bid after September 23, the screen. Bidder shall identify the divi- ing in the Northwest Quadrant (NWQ) materials furnished by this Contractor 2017. This change does not affect the sion of work they are bidding on when portion of the campus at the University of and damaged by this Contractor. Each Federal Davis Bacon Act requirements requesting Bidding Documents online Wisconsin - Milwaukee to create expan- Contractor shall be responsible for Pre-bid meeting: A non-mandatory, high- Bid bond: 10% sion classrooms for the recently com- replacement/patching of all finish mate- ly-recommended, pre-bid tour will occur Prevailing wages: The 2017-2019 pleted Children’s Center. Work includes rials which have been disrupted and/or on 06/27/2018 at 10:00 AM. Meet in the Wisconsin State Budget (2017 Wisconsin - but is not limited to - removal of selected damaged as a result of their construction front lobby of the Tommy G. Thompson Act 59) repealed Wisconsin’s prevail- Interior Architectural elements along with procedures. All materials shall match Youth Center, 640 South 84th Street, ing wage laws. Effective September 23, portions of existing Plumbing, mechanical original and all work shall be done by Milwukee, WI, 53214. Agency Contact is 2017, state prevailing wage requirements and Electrical systems, rough and finish experienced field tradesmen. One year Jeff Jacobson, 414-266-7084 on state building projects no longer apply. carpentry, sealants, doors, door frames, labor and equipment guarantee on com- Prequalifications: Mandatory pre-qualifi- These changes take effect for projects hardware, new windows in new win- pleted installation. Cleanup associated cation requirements. See project docu- advertised for bid after September 23, dows opening ins exterior wall, steel stud with work of respective trades. Flushing, ments for complet details 2017. This change does not affect the and gypsum board wall systems, interior cleaning, and pressure testing of installed Scope: In general the work consists of Federal Davis Bacon Act requirements finishes (painting, tiling carpet, resilient systems. No asbestos-containing materi- replacing major components of (5) aged Pre-bid meeting: A pre-bid tour will be base and accessories, suspended ceiling als or materials capable of discharging air handling systems. All systems will conducted at the site Wednesday July 11, tile and grid systems), toilet accessories, lead into potable water or air systems receive new outdoor air-cooled condens- 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Participants should fire protection equipment, fire protection shall be used ing units, indoor air handler cooling coils, meet at The State Capitol Building; systems, plumbing, mechanical, electri- refrigerant piping, and return and outdoor visitors/tour desk on the Ground Floor, cal, communications, security and sur- d Wauwatosa/Boiler Replacement air dampers. The Lobby AHU will be Madison, WI where they will be escorted veillance equipment, and door access upgraded to a single-zone VAV system throughout the project areas by facil- control, exterior play area surfacing and Project: City of Wauwatosa Fire Station 51 with demand-controlled ventilation and ity staff. All bidders are highly encour- regrading at new window opening. The Boiler Replacement, 1601 Underwood provided with digital-scroll cooling and aged to attend this Pre-bid Conference / project will need to comply with DFDM Avenue, Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County a new controller. The Office AHU will be Building Tour and no separate tours will Sustainable Facilities Standards Bids due: July 13, 2018 at 11:01 a.m. upgraded by giving it digital-scroll cooling be conducted. Contractors interested in Plan Holders: Delivery: Request For Proposals/Quotes and a new controller. The remaining (3) attending the Pre-Bid tour shall provide General Owner: Wauwatosa Purchasing cooling systems will be replaced in kind. the required information to facilitate back- Toki & Associates Inc., 7100 W. Fond Department, City Hall, 7725 W. North The (2) failed building relief fans will have ground checks for attendees in advance du Lac Ave. Suite 201, Milwaukee, WI Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213; (414) 479- their motors and bearings replaced and of the meeting. Please provide Full Name 53218; (414) 463-2700, Fax (414) 463- 8958, Fax (414) 479-8989 building pressurization controls will be (include full middle name) and Date of 3366, [email protected] Bids to: Owner implemented Plans and specs: Copies of the request for Plan Holders: PLEASE SEE PAGE 6 PAGE 6 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 (Quest eBidDoc #5840231) for a fee of THROUGH QUESTCDN IS THE ONLY rials and information to be included: $15.00, file size is 10.3 Mb WAY THE BID WILL BE ACCEPTED Continuous poured concrete footings Birth for all attendees to James Rydmark Bid bond: No bid shall be received unless Delivery: Request For Bids with proper reinforcing. Poured concrete at [email protected] no accompanied by a bid bond equal to five Owner: Manitowoc City Hall, 900 Quay St., foundation wall with proper reinforcing. later than 3 days prior to the walkthrough percent of the bid, payable to the City Manitowoc, WI 54220; (920) 686-6950 Wall to extend to 16 inches above floor. Prequalifications: Mandatory pre-qualifi- Performance bond: 100% Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Sealed 6” poured concrete slab with cation requirements. See project docu- Payment bond: 100% Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring proper reinforcing. Fiber mesh is pro- ments for complete details Insurance: Required Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, hibited in all concrete. Exterior wall to Scope: This project provides security sys- Pre-bid meeting: A MANDATORY Pre- [email protected], consist of 2” x 6” wood studs at 16” o.c., tem upgrades for the State Capitol’s Bid conference has been scheduled on Assistance with our services is available 1/2” wall sheathing, weather barrier and security surveillance / cameras system. 7/10/18 at 9:00 a.m. at 2625 E. Glendale by phone or email 26-gauge vertical metal wall panels with The existing analog camera system at Ave Appleton WI 54911 Bids to: Quest exposed fasteners. Stud cavities to be the State Capitol will be upgraded with Prequalifications: No bid will be Plans and specs: Detailed specifica- filled with minimum R-19 batt insula- new IP digital cameras and new data opened unless the “Bidders Proof of tions, with form of contract are avail- tion, covered with 6 mil vapor retarder cabling. There are approximately 58 Responsibility” is filed in the office of able for a non-refundable fee of $45.00 and 26-gauge vertical metal wall pan- cameras and associated cabling that the City Clerk not later than July 12, through Quest (project #5842888). els from top of concrete wall to ceiling. require replacement. Additionally, a new 2018. Forms are included in specifi- SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE Engineered wood roof trusses at 2’-0” Exacq Vision video management soft- cations, and are also available at the FOR DOWNLOAD AT QUESTCDN. o.c. with 4/12 roof pitch, covered with 5/8” office of the City Clerk. The document ware and server storage will be provided COM OR WWW.MANITOWOC.ORG. roof sheathing, 40 mil adhered underlay- for the State Capitol is available on the City website as noted (QUEST PROJECT #5842888) below and is included within the bid doc- ment and 26-gauge metal roof panels. Plan Holders: Bid bond: A bid bond or Surety 2000 in the Trusses to include 12” energy heel. Attic General uments. showdocument?id=240 [bidder’s proof of amount of 5% of the bid insulation to be combination of batt and Toki & Associates Inc., 7100 W. Fond Pre-bid meeting: There will be a blown-in insulation for minimum R-value du Lac Ave. Suite 201, Milwaukee, WI responsibility form] Scope: Work consists of existing building MANDATORY Site Visit on July 5th, of 50. 6 mil vapor retarder. Ceiling fin- 53218; (414) 463-2700, Fax (414) 463- 2018 (2:00-3:00 p.m.) ish to be 26-gauge metal ceiling panels 3366, [email protected] renovations primarily to the Mens and Womens Locker Rooms. Renovations perpendicular to roof trusses. Roof truss Northern Wisconsin bearing at 16’ above floor. Three (3) 14’ Central Wisconsin include demolition and replacement of ceiling, wall and floor finishes, plumb- wide x 14’ high insulated garage doors d Lakeland/Maintenance and with operators. Six (6) 4’ wide x 3’ high d Appleton/Locker Room Remodel ing fixtures, light fixtures, portions of the existing sanitary lines, water supply Storage Building fixed fiberglass windows. Three (3) per side. Minimum of two (2) 3’ wide x 7’ Project: City of Appleton, MSB Locker lines and water heaters. In addition to replacement of fixtures and finishes, an Project: New Town of Lakeland high pedestrian doors with appropriate Room Remodel, 2625 E. Glendale Ave, Maintenance and Storage Building, hardware. One unisex toilet room. Bidder Appleton, Outagamie County, #Quest approximately 700 square foot area of Lakeland, Barron County will be responsible for plumbing, HVAC No. 5840231 the Mens Locker Room will be gutted and renovated. Renovation work includes Bids due: Aug. 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., Bids and electrical work. Plumbing waste con- Bids due: July 17, 2018 at 1:45 p.m. will be received for the following Work: Delivery: Request For Bids demolition of/ and new concrete floor slab nected to municipal system. Water ser- — 1. General Contract (all trades) Owner: Appleton City Center Building, City and c.m.u.walls vice connected to well. Provide properly Delivery: Request For Bids Hall, Sixth Floor, 100 N. Appleton St., Plan Holders: sized water service. Lighting fixtures to Appleton, WI 54911; (920) 832-6443 General Owner: Lakeland Town Hall, 791 29 be LED. Bidder will be responsible to fur- Contact: Steve Schrage, e-mail: steven. Miron Construction Co. Inc., 1471 McMahon 11/16th Ave., Barronette, WI 54813 nish and install all miscellaneous materi- [email protected] Drive (54956) P.O. Box 509, Neenah, WI Bids to: Owner als as necessary for proper installation of Architect: Chet Wesenberg Architect LLC, 54957; (920) 969-7000, Fax (920) 751- Plans and specs: Contact Lakeland Town equipment and materials. Bidder will be 240 Algoma Boulevard Suite A, Oshkosh, 8150, [email protected] Hall for more details. See address infor- responsible to coordinate requirements WI 54901; (920) 230-4900 Cardinal Construction Co. Inc., 1183 mation above for Owner’s equipment. Bidder will be Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Industrial Parkway, P.O. Box 564, Fond Completion date: December 21, 2018 responsible for all State, County and Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring du Lac, WI 54936-0564; (920) 922-4446, Bid bond: Bid security shall be submitted local document submittals and permits Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, Fax (920) 922-1455 with each bid in the amount of 5 percent for all trades. A licensed professional will [email protected], of the bid amount be required for submittal to State and Assistance with our services is available d Manitowoc/Lincoln Park Field Performance bond: Required supervision by phone or email House Re-Roofing Payment bond: Required Bids to: Owner Insurance: Required Out of State Plans and specs: Digital bidding docu- Project: City of Manitowoc, Lincoln Park Prequalifications: Required, see docu- ments may be procured on-line from Field ments for more details d Duluth, Minn./Salt Storage Shed Quest Construction Data Network. House Re-Roofing, Project #WB-18-16, Notes: No bids may be withdrawn for a Bidders need to access the Quest CDN Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, #Quest period of 60 days after opening of bids Project: City of Duluth, Salt Storage Shed website at and fol- No. 5842888 Scope: Project consists of a 60’-0” x 80’-0” at Lund Toolhouse, 2407 Commonwealth low the instructions. You may download Bids due: July 11, 2018 at 4:00 p.m., wood frame maintenance and storage Avenue, Duluth, St. Louis County, a digital copy of the bidding documents ONLINE ELECTRONIC BIDDING building. The following building mate- Minnesota, #Bid No. 18-0123E


2018 american family insurance amphitheater headliners:

6/27 Imagine Dragons with Grace VanderWaal 6/28 James Taylor & His All-Star Band with Bonnie Raitt & Her Band 6/29 Halsey & Logic with NF

6/30 Florida Georgia Line with Bebe Rexha 7/1 Dave Matthews Band 7/3 J. Cole with Trippie Redd 7/4 Journey & Def Leppard 7/5 Shawn Mendes with Charli XCX

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PROUD SUMMERFEST STAGE SPONSORS: American Family Insurance Amphitheater • Miller Lite Oasis • BMO Harris Pavilion • U.S. Cellular® Connection Stage • ULINE Warehouse Harley-Davidson™ Roadhouse • Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard • Johnson Controls World Sound Stage • Klement’s Sausage & Beer Garden


Bids due: July 19, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., Bids Plan Holders: may be submitted electronically through A.W. Oakes & Son Inc., 2000 Oakes Road, Bid Express at until Racine, WI 53406; (262) 886-4474, Fax Plan Rooms 2:00 p.m. local time on the bid open- (262) 886-1897 ing date. Electronic bids are preferred; Stark Pavement Corp., 12845 W. Burleigh a daily listing of new projects available at plan rooms suppliers wishing to submit a paper Road, Brookfield, WI 53005; (414) 466- bid must contact the purchasing office. 0644, Fax (262) 784-6841 builders exchange of wisconsin l appleton 866-367-2994 E-MAIL BIDS OR BONDS WILL NOT BE Poblocki Paving Corp., 525 S. 116th St., Location Date Time Project Name ACCEPTED Milwaukee, WI 53214; (414) 476-9130, Milwaukee 7/5/2018 02:00pm CST Jones Island Water Reclamation Facility - Delivery: Request For Bids Fax (414) 476-9132 D&D Dryers 1 5 8 and 12 Induced Fan Owner: Duluth City Purchasing Department, Ductwork Repairs City Hall, 411 W. First St., Room 100, d Merton/Dorn Road / Bark River Kenosha 7/5/2018 10:00am CST Joint and Crack Cleaning and Sealing Duluth, MN 55802-1189; (218) 730-5340 Culvert Replacement Kenosha 7/5/2018 10:00am CST Downtown Parking Lots Plan Distribution: Info Tech Inc. (Bid Brookfield 7/5/2018 10:00am CST Golf Pkwy Extension Phase 2 Express), 5700 SW 34th St., Suite 1235, Project: Town of Merton, Dorn Road / Milwaukee 7/5/2018 02:00pm CST DC0503 Diversion Gate Replacement Gainesville, FL 32608; (352) 381-4400, Bark River Culvert Replacement, Merton, (Rebid) Fax (352) 381-4444, www.Bidexpress. Waukesha County, #Quest No. 5838316 Frederic 7/5/2018 10:30am CST 2018 Sidewalk Project com Bidders will be required to create an Bids due: July 12, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. Franklin 7/5/2018 11:00am CST Historical Barn Reconstruction Info Tech Digital ID in order to bid, which Delivery: Request For Bids Port Washington 7/12/2018 02:00pm CST 2018 Sewer and Water Extension can take up to five (5) business days Owner: Merton Town Board, Town Hall, Eau Claire 7/10/2018 02:00pm CST North Side City Dog Park to process. Please allow ample time to W314 N7624 Highway 83 P.O. Box 128, Mount Prospect 7/12/2018 10:00am EST CVS Specialty Interior Remodel 48031 obtain your digital id prior to the bid dead- North Lake, WI 53064; (262) 966-2651 Ames 7/9/2018 10:00am CST USDA Removal of Waste Burial Troughs line. Bid Express does charge a nominal Engineer: Kunkel Engineering Group LLC, (Ames IA) fee for bid submission. More information 107 Parallel St., Beaver Dam, WI 53916; Marinette 7/19/2018 02:00pm CST Exterior Metal Wall Panel Replacement at can be found at https://www.bidexpress. (920) 356-9447, Fax (920) 356-9454, Community Sports and Events Center com/vendor_resources Madison 8/2/2018 03:00pm EST Walter Street Restroom Building Bids to: Owner Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Replacement Plans and specs: Specifications may be Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Milwaukee 7/10/2018 10:30am CST Paving Work 90-2018 viewed and downloaded at no cost at Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, Milwaukee 7/11/2018 10:30am CST Sewer and Water Mains Bioswales Bidders must cre- [email protected], 92-2018 ate a free account with Bid Express; and Assistance with our services is available Eau Claire 7/17/2018 02:00pm CST City Wide Sidewalk and Curb and Gutter login to search for city projects (search by by phone or email Repair “City of Duluth” or bid number). Bidders Bids to: Owner Milwaukee 7/13/2018 04:00pm CST NIDC 2522 West Auer Avenue General will be required to create an Info Tech Plans and specs: Complete digital proj- Repairs Digital ID in order to bid, which can take ect bidding documents are available at Kenosha 7/24/2018 02:00pm CST Kenosha SWEF Inspection Bay Refinish up to five (5) business days to process. You may download Fort Mccoy 7/26/2018 02:30pm CST Construct Sleeping Addition on B1680 Please allow ample time to obtain your the digital plan documents for $25.00 Madison 7/25/2018 02:00pm CST Hoofers Boat Dock and Deck digital id prior to the bid deadline. Bid each, non-refundable by inputting Quest Replacement - MEP Express does charge a nominal fee for Project No. 5838316 into the website’s Madison 8/8/2018 02:00pm CST Hoofers Boat Dock and Deck bid submission. More information can Project Search field. Bidding documents Replacement - GPC be found at are also available for pickup from Kunkel Milwaukee 7/18/2018 02:00pm CST Air Duct and Dryer Vent Cleaning at UW vendor_resources Engineering Group, See address infor- Milwaukee Performance bond: 100% mation above, upon a non-refundable South Milwaukee 7/24/2018 09:00am CST N-S Freeway, South Milwaukee Roadway Payment bond: 100% payment of $50.00 per set / Mainline; N-S Freeway, Elm Road Insurance: Required Bid bond: Bids shall be accompanied by a Interchange - WisDOT 1 Prevailing wages: Not less than the mini- Certified Check or Bid Bond payable to Green Bay 7/11/2018 01:30pm CST Request for Proposal NWTC HD Plasma mum salaries and prevailing wages as the Town of Merton in an amount equal Table set forth in the contract documents must to 5% of the Bid be paid on this project Performance bond: Required Notes: Please submit any questions regard- Payment bond: Required unless other arrangements are made by Throughout the contract term, Contractors ing this project via e-mail to purchasing@ Insurance: Required the contractor. For general questions, call are required to regularly provide timely Notes: No bid may be withdrawn for a (414) 286-3314 payment information in the City’s con- Scope: Construction of a salt storage shed period of 60 days after the scheduled Completion date: All work on this contract tract compliance software. PAYROLL at Lund Toolhouse 2407 Commonwealth time for opening bids shall be completed by Aug. 31, 2018. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: The Avenue, Duluth, MN Scope: The principal items for which pro- This contract has 15 contract workdays prime contractor awarded this project is posals are invited are: Replacement of Bid bond: Bid Security Required: Bond required to participate in training on the steel plate arch culvert with 16’-10” span (either Electronic through Bid Express city of Milwaukee’s LCP Tracker Labor INFRASTRUCTURE x 8’-3” rise Aluminum Plate Arch Culvert or Paper) Certified Check, Cashier’s Compliance Software after the date of Check or Cash to accompany bid: 10% contract award. Throughout the contract Southeastern Wisconsin 54’ long complete with footings and con- crete wing walls. Reconstruction of 300 of Contractor’s Base Bid. For those bids term, contractors are required to regu- being submitted through BID EXPRESS larly provide timely payroll information d Kenosha/Downtown Parking Lots LF HMA paved approach roadway. Steel Beam Guard Replacement. 1,200 LF 4 and using a Paper Bond, the contractor via LCP Tracker. Contact the DPW office may fax a signed/executed copy of the with concerns or questions regarding the Project: City of Kenosha, Project 18-2100 Ft Roadway Widening with HMA Curbing bid bond to the Department of Public training or reporting process (414) 286- Downtown Parking Lots, Kenosha, Works Contract Office at (414) 286-8110. 3314. Contractor must comply with all Kenosha County, #Quest No. 5835559 d Milwaukee/Paving Work HOWEVER, THE FAXED COPY OF provisions of the CITY OF MILWAUKEE Bids due: July 5, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. THE BOND MUST BE RECEIVED BY GENERAL OFFICIAL NOTICE TO Delivery: Request For Bids Project: City of Milwaukee, Paving Work, CONTRACTORS, published in the City Owner: City of Kenosha, Department of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, #Specific NO LATER THAN 10:30 a.m. ON THE of Milwaukee Official Notices Section in Public Works, 625 52nd Street Room Official Notice No. 72-2018 SAME DATE THAT THE BIDS ARE 305, Kenosha, WI 53140 Contact: Kristin Bids due: July 13, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. DUE FOR THAT SPECIFIC OFFICIAL The Daily Reporter and at http://mpw. Brown, e-mail: [email protected] Owner: City of Milwaukee Department of NOTICE, or the bid will be considered Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Public Works, Room 506, Frank P. Zeidler non-responsive. The original bid bond Scope: CONSTRUCTION OF 7” Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Municipal Building 841 N. Broadway, document will then need to be submitted CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT, Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, Milwaukee, WI 53202; (414) 286-3314 by the contractor to the Department of INSTALLATION OF PERMEABLE [email protected], Bids to: Owner Public Works Contract Office, Room 506, PAVERS, VARIABLE THICKNESS Assistance with our services is available Plans and specs: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Municipal Building, immediately upon ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT by phone or email The Invitation to Bid, all bid documents being notified that they are the apparent (1/2), VARIABLE THICKNESS Bids to: Owner and the plans and specifications for the low bidder ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT Plans and specs: The Department of listed project(s) are all available elec- Liquidated damages: $1,000.00 per diem (3/8), VARIABLE THICKNESS Public Works is in partnership with Quest tronically on the DPW website AS WELL Notes: The SBE requirement for this proj- CONCRETE WALKS AND/OR Construction Data Network. This is a web AS on the Bid Express Website. At ect is 25% of the contract base bid. For CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, REMOVE based initiative that will deliver our con- this time, Bids can be submitted using a complete listing of City of Milwaukee AND SALVAGE GRANITE PAVERS, struction project advertisements and bid either Bid Express OR by purchasing certified SBE firms, see the Office of CRACKING AND SEATING CONCRETE documents to you in a more timely and and submitting paper bids in the usual Small Business Development’s (OSBD) PAVEMENT, CONCRETE AND OTHER cost effective way. To obtain bid docu- manner. However, bidders are strong- website at REMOVALS, SEWER WORK, ETC.; ments go to click on ly encouraged to utilize the electronic Directory/OSBD. If there are any ques- Located at: ST212140103 - Alley Departments, then click on Public Works, and/or Bid Express methods of obtain- tions regarding SBE firms, please contact Bounded By: W. Fairmount Ave., W. under IN THIS DEPARTMENT click on ing bid documents and Bid Express for the OSBD office at (414) 286-5553. The Villard Ave., N. 51st Blvd., and N. 53rd St. Project and Maps then scroll to “Click submitting bids, as in the near future residency requirements for these projects (Permeable Alley); ST212160101 - Alley here to access the Public Works projects the Department of Public Works intends are 40% of all hours worked on the proj- Bounded By: W. Auer Ave., W. Hopkins currently out for bid” to go to Quest’s to have bid documents available only ect. One quarter of these hours must be St., N. 23rd St., N. 24th St. website. A fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00, electronically and through Bid Express, attributable to residents living in the fol- See public notice: June 29 and July 2 file size is 23.9 Mb.) will be charged once and to accept bid submittals only via lowing zip codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, plans are downloaded. No fee is charged Bid Express. Electronic documents can 53208, 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, d Milwaukee/Paving Work to view the plans be obtained via http://mpw.milwaukee. 53233. The apprenticeship requirements Prequalifications: The form provided for gov/bids/docs/72-2018. The Bid Express for this project are: N/A. If this contract is Project: City of Milwaukee, Paving Work, “Bidder’s Proof of Responsibility” shall be website is located at www.bidexpress. awarded at $500,000 or higher, 25% of all Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, #Specific completed and returned to the Director com. Any required addenda or response apprentice labor hours must be worked Official Notice No. 71-2018 of Engineering not less than five (5) related to listed projects will be posted on by apprentices certified for participation Bids due: July 12, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. days before the date of bid opening. both the DPW and Bid Express websites. in the Residents Preference Program and Owner: City of Milwaukee Department of Bidders can examine and obtain this form At this time there are still a limited num- 40% of all apprentice labor hours must be Public Works, Room 506, Frank P. Zeidler by going to ber of hard copies of the bid documents attributed to apprentices living in the fol- Municipal Building 841 N. Broadway, imageS/public-WOTkS/pennitSw forms- available at the address listed below. IF lowing zip codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, Milwaukee, WI 53202; (414) 286-3314 applications/PWE007 - Bidder’sProofotR YOU ONLY PRINT THE DOCUMENTS 53208, 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, Bids to: Owner esponsibilitypdf or access the link to the FROM THE DPW WEBSITE PLEASE 53233. The contractor shall specifically Plans and specs: IMPORTANT NOTICE: “Bidder’s Proof of Responsibility” form CALL (414) 286-3314 TO HAVE YOUR note the SBE, residency, and appren- The Invitation to Bid, all bid documents under “Permits, Forms and Applications” COMPANY’S NAME AND CONTACT ticeship forms for this project. If the and the plans and specifications for the Scope: The project includes spot repair of INFORMATION PLACED ON THE PLAN forms are not filled out properly, it will be listed project(s) are all available elec- sidewalks, updating ADA ramps at inter- HOLDER’S LIST. Paper copies: Plans cause for rejection of the bid. PAYMENT tronically on the DPW website AS WELL sections, removal and replacement of and project manual will be furnished to MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: All AS on the Bid Express Website. At curb and gutter, replacement of driveway the prospective bidders upon payment of Contractors awarded a contract val- this time, Bids can be submitted using approaches, storm sewer repairs, crack- a $10 nonrefundable fee in Room 506 of ued at $25,000.00 or more are required either Bid Express OR by purchasing filling and sealcoating, HMA overlay, the Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building, to participate in training on the City of and submitting paper bids in the usual parking lot lighting, restoring landscaping 841 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Milwaukee’s B2GNow contract com- manner. However, bidders are strong- and any other incidental items necessary A $10 per set additional nonrefundable pliance software. Contractors must ly encouraged to utilize the electronic to complete said work as shown on the fee is required to obtain bid documents complete the training no later than 30 plans and these specifications by mail. Plans are sent via U.S. mail days after the date of contract award. PLEASE SEE PAGE 8 PAGE 8 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 with concerns or questions regarding the Plans and specs: Bid documents are avail- respond training or reporting process (414) 286- able through the following website: www. Scope: Work includes public construction and/or Bid Express methods of obtain- 3314. Contractor must comply with all Interested parties may projects (demolition, public paving, public ing bid documents and Bid Express for provisions of the CITY OF MILWAUKEE view bid documents without registering. storm sewer, public sanitary sewer and submitting bids, as in the near future GENERAL OFFICIAL NOTICE TO Ordering print copies or electronic files of public water main) the Department of Public Works intends CONTRACTORS, published in the City the bid documents requires registering. See public notice: June 8, 11 and 18 to have bid documents available only of Milwaukee Official Notices Section in For print copies, there will be no charge electronically and through Bid Express, The Daily Reporter and at http://mpw. for the first set per registered plan holder Southwestern Wisconsin and to accept bid submittals only via entity (whether an individual or a busi- Bid Express. Electronic documents can Scope: CONSTRUCTION OF 7” ness); plan holder entities may order d Dane/High Street Water Main be obtained via http://mpw.milwaukee. CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT, additional sets at their own expense. For Replacement Project gov/bids/docs/71-2018. The Bid Express VARIABLE THICKNESS ASPHALTIC print copies, a separate non-refundable website is located at www.bidexpress. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (1/2), shipping charge will be billed to the recipi- Project: Village of Dane, High Street Water com. Any required addenda or response VARIABLE THICKNESS ASPHALTIC ent ($10.50 for local delivery; $35.00 if Main Replacement Project, Dane, Dane related to listed projects will be posted on CONCRETE PAVEMENT (3/8), copies need to be sent via UPS); print County, #Quest No. 5829337 both the DPW and Bid Express websites. VARIABLE THICKNESS CONCRETE copies may also be held for pick-up by Bids due: July 17, 2018 at 11:00 a.m., At this time there are still a limited num- WALKS AND/OR CONCRETE recipient. Electronic files may be down- The Village of Dane will ONLY receive ber of hard copies of the bid documents DRIVEWAYS, REMOVE AND SALVAGE loaded from the website at no charge to and accept bids through QuestCDN. available at the address listed below. IF GRANITE PAVERS, CRACKING AND the recipient. For both print copies and com via the online electronic bid service YOU ONLY PRINT THE DOCUMENTS SEATING CONCRETE PAVEMENT, electronic files, no deposit is required. For (QuestvBid) FROM THE DPW WEBSITE PLEASE CONCRETE AND OTHER REMOVALS, additional information about the website Delivery: Request For Bids CALL (414) 286-3314 TO HAVE YOUR SEWER WORK, ETC.; Located at: ST and obtaining print or electronic docu- Owner: Dane Village Hall, 102 W. Main, COMPANY’S NAME AND CONTACT 212070113 - Alley Bounded By: W. Forest ments, contact Steve Wellman of A/E Dane, WI 53529; (608) 849-5422 INFORMATION PLACED ON THE PLAN Home Ave., W. Ohio Ave., W. Oklahoma Graphics Inc. at 262-649-3965 Engineer: MSA Professional Services Inc., HOLDER’S LIST. Paper copies: Plans Ave., S. 43rd St., S. 44th St. - City Limits; Pre-bid meeting: A pre-bid conference is 1230 South Boulevard, Baraboo, WI and project manual will be furnished to ST212160109 - Alley Bounded By: W. planned for June 20, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.. 53913; (608) 356-2771, Fax (608) 356- 2770, Contact: Chuck the prospective bidders upon payment of Hayes Ave., W. Lincoln Ave., S. 7th St., Meet at Westlawn Gardens Midrise Apt. Bongard, e-mail: [email protected] a $10 nonrefundable fee in Room 506 of S. 8th St.; ST212160108 - Alley Bounded Building, 5555 N. 62nd St., Milwaukee, Plan Distribution: Quest Construction the Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building, By: W. Hayes Ave., W. Lincoln Ave., S. WI. 841 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 8th St., S. 9th St.; ST212160107 - Alley Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Notes: Where appropriate, the bid- Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, A $10 per set additional nonrefundable Bounded By: W. Cleveland Ave., S. 15th der must comply with Executive Order fee is required to obtain bid documents [email protected], Pl., S. 16th St., KK River 11246, Federal Labor Standards, Equal by mail. Plans are sent via U.S. mail Assistance with our services is available See public notice: June 28 and 29 Opportunity requirements, and relat- unless other arrangements are made by by phone or email ed program requirements as detailed the contractor. For general questions, call Bids to: Quest d Milwaukee/Public Construction for in the Contract Documents. Technical (414) 286-3314 Plans and specs: The BIDDING questions regarding the plans, speci- Completion date: All work on Project ID Housing Project DOCUMENTS may be examined at the No. ST212160108 shall be completed by fications, and scope of work may be offices of MSA Professional Services, August 18, 2018. All other work, on this Project: Public Construction Phase 1 at directed to William Fears of Torti Gallas Inc., See address information above. contract, shall be completed by October Westlawn Gardens Phase 2, Milwaukee, & Partners (301) 588-4800, ext. 2254 or Complete digital project bidding docu- 13, 2018. This contract has Thirty (30) Milwaukee County, #Official Notice No. [email protected]. Administrative ments are available at www.questcdn. contract workdays 57856 questions regarding bidding and con- com. You may download the digital plan Bid bond: Bid Security Required: Bond Bids due: July 13, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. tract requirements may be directed to documents for a fee by inputting the (either Electronic through Bid Express Owner: Housing Authority of the City of David Flores of the Housing Authority Quest Project on the website’s Project or Paper) Certified Check, Cashier’s Milwaukee, 650 W. Reservoir Ave., (414) 286-2936 or david.flores@hacm. Search page. This is Quest Project Check or Cash to accompany bid: 10% Milwaukee 53212 org. Administrative questions specifically No. 5829337, Download delivery fee is of Contractor’s Base Bid. For those bids Plan Distribution: A/E Graphics Inc., 4075 about Section 3 and Emerging Business $30.00, file size is 16.4 Mb being submitted through BID EXPRESS N. 124th St., Brookfield, WI 53005-1832; Enterprises (EBE) may be directed to Bid bond: No proposal will be accepted and using a Paper Bond, the contractor (262) 781-7744, Fax (262) 781-4250, Gabriel DeVougas [email protected], unless accompanied by a certified check may fax a signed/executed copy of the (414) 286-2940. This solicitation is a or bid bond equal to at least 5% of the bid bond to the Department of Public Bids to: Owner Section 3 Covered Contract, and Section amount bid, payable to the OWNER Works Contract Office at (414) 286-8110. Plans available: Beginning June 11, 2018 3 Business Concerns are encouraged to Prevailing wages: The minimum wages to HOWEVER, THE FAXED COPY OF THE BOND MUST BE RECEIVED BY NO LATER THAN 10:30 a.m. ON THE SAME DATE THAT THE BIDS ARE H ATTENTION: BIDS WANTED: DUE FOR THAT SPECIFIC OFFICIAL MINORITY NOTICE, or the bid will be considered MBE/WBE/DBE/SBRA SBE/WBE/MBE non-responsive. The original bid bond BIDDING document will then need to be submitted Subcontractors and Suppliers Subcontractors & Suppliers by the contractor to the Department of Kruczek Const., Inc. for the following project: Public Works Contract Office, Room 506, OPPORTUNITIES is looking to solicit bids on Municipal Building, immediately upon the following project: Diversion Gate being notified that they are the apparent A LISTING OF MBE, SBE, DBE, WBE, EBE low bidder Replacement DC0503 Liquidated damages: $1,000.00 per diem SERVICES AND OPPORTUNITIES 2018 Street and Utilities 200 West River Woods Notes: The SBE requirement for this proj- Improvements Parkway and Jones Island ect is 25% of the contract base bid. For CONTACT JENNY TO ADVERTISE D&D Dryer Duct Repairs a complete listing of City of Milwaukee (800) 508-3800 EXT. 15803 Bid Date: Milwaukee, WI certified SBE firms, see the Office of July 2, 2018 at 10:00AM Small Business Development’s (OSBD) BID DATE: July 5, 2018 website at Directory/OSBD. If there are any ques- Bids to us on or before: tions regarding SBE firms, please contact ATTENTION: June 29, 2018 by 5:00PM BIDS ACCEPTED UNTIL: the OSBD office at (414) 286-5553. The DBE July 3, 2018 at 2:00 PM residency requirements for these projects Kruczek Construction Inc. are 40% of all hours worked on the proj- J. F. Ahern Co. ect. One quarter of these hours must be Subcontractors & Suppliers Attn: John Kruczek attributable to residents living in the fol- Vinton Construction Company 3636 Kewaunee Road 855 Morris Street lowing zip codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, is requesting quotes for the Green Bay, WI 54311 P.O. Box 1316 following projects: 53208, 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, Phone: 920‑863‑6841 Fond du Lac, WI 54936 53233. The apprenticeship requirements Ph: 920‑921‑9020 for this project are: N/A. If this contract is WisDOT Letting on July 10th, 2018 Fax: 920‑863‑2771 awarded at $500,000 or higher, 25% of all Project #2 Mount Horeb ‑ Madison, Fax: 920‑907‑5819 apprentice labor hours must be worked “An Equal Opportunity Employer” #10 Waukesha Bypass, #13 by apprentices certified for participation “Minority Bidding Encouraged” in the Residents Preference Program and Waupaca ‑ Northland USH 10 Off “We are an Equal Opportunity 40% of all apprentice labor hours must be Ramp, and #18 Sheboygan Utility Employer” attributed to apprentices living in the fol- Corridor Multi‑Use Path ATTENTION: lowing zip codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, 53208, 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, If you are interested in quoting this DBE/WBE/MBE/SBE 53233. The contractor shall specifically work and need any assistance, ATTENTION: note the SBE, residency, and appren- please contact our office: Subcontractors & Suppliers MBE/WBE/DBE ticeship forms for this project. If the Stark Pavement Corporation forms are not filled out properly, it will be is requesting quotes for the cause for rejection of the bid. PAYMENT Subcontractors & Suppliers Vinton Construction following proj­ects: MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: All Rock Road Companies, Inc. Contractors awarded a contract val- Company will be bidding on the ued at $25,000.00 or more are required PO Box 1987 Various Wisconsin following project: to participate in training on the City of Manitowoc, WI 54220 DOT Letting Projects Milwaukee’s B2GNow contract com- Ph: 920‑682‑0375 July 10, 2018 Various Wisconsin DOT Projects pliance software. Contractors must Fax: 920‑682‑2838 at the July 10, 2018 Letting complete the training no later than 30 If you are interested or need days after the date of contract award. Throughout the contract term, Contractors “An Equal Opportunity Employer” assistance in quoting this work, If interested or need assistance are required to regularly provide timely please contact our office: contact our office: payment information in the City’s con- tract compliance software. PAYROLL MONITORING REQUIREMENTS: The Stark Pavement Corp. Rock Road Companies, prime contractor awarded this project is 12845 W. Burleigh Rd. Inc. required to participate in training on the Brookfield, WI 53005 PO Box 1818 city of Milwaukee’s LCP Tracker Labor Ph: 414‑466‑0644 Compliance Software after the date of Janesville, WI 53547 contract award. Throughout the contract Fax: 262‑784‑6841 Ph: 608‑752‑8944 term, contractors are required to regu- larly provide timely payroll information “An Equal Opportunity Employer” “An Equal Opportunity Employer” via LCP Tracker. Contact the DPW office FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER PAGE 9

be paid on the project shall be in accor- instructions to register your company and tion area tor, subcontractor, or supplier if they want dance with Federal Davis Bacon Wage yourself. You will be asked for a pay- Plan Holders: this information posted on the project Rates. Federal wage rates can be found ment subscription preference, since you General Plan Holders List at may wish to bid online someday. Simply J.P. Cullen & Sons Inc., 330 E. Delavan Bid bond: The Bid must be accompanied Be aware that project Administrators, choose the method to pay on a ‘per bid’ Drive P.O. Box 5957, Janesville, WI by Bid security in electronic form made Bidders, and Contractors are required to basis. This requires no payment until / 53547; (608) 754-6601, Fax (608) 754- payable to OWNER in an amount of 5% use the latest federal wage rate available unless you actually bid online. You can 9171 of the Bidder’s maximum Bid price at the time of bid opening also choose the monthly subscription Miron Construction Co. Inc., 1471 McMahon Pre-bid meeting: A prebid conference will Notes: No bidder may withdraw his bid plan at this time. You will, however, be Drive (54956) P.O. Box 509, Neenah, WI be held at 9 A.M., local time, on July 17, within 60 days after the actual date of the asked to provide payment information. 54957; (920) 969-7000, Fax (920) 751- 2018, at 1085 Camp Street, Platteville, opening thereof. This project anticipates Remember, you can change your prefer- 8150, [email protected] WI 53818. Bidders are encouraged to use of Wisconsin DNR Safe Drinking ence at any time. You will then be able to Joe Daniels Construction Co. Inc., 919 attend and participate in the conference Water Loan Program OR Clean Water complete your free registration and have Applegate Road, Madison, WI 53713; Scope: The Work includes abandoning Fund Program funding. We encourage full access to the site. Your free access (608) 271-4800, Fax (608) 271-4570 existing Well No. 4, drilling new Well No. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises does not require completion of the ‘Digital J.H. Findorff & Son Inc., 300 S. Bedford 6, and providing site and facility modifica- (DBEs), including Minority-owned ID’ process, so you will have instant St. (53703) P.O. Box 1647, Madison, WI tions to tie Well No. 6 into the existing Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women’s access for viewing and downloading. To 53701-1647; (608) 257-5321, Fax (608) Well No. 4 site Business Enterprises (WBEs), and Small be prepared in case you ever do wish 257-5306 Businesses in Rural Areas (SBRAs) to bid online, you may wish to establish (attn: Jason Ng) Central Wisconsin to submit bid proposals. A municipal- your digital ID also, since you cannot ity, in awarding prime contracts, and bid without a Digital ID. If you have any d Middleton/Road Work d Bloomer/Road Work the primary engineer and primary con- problems with the free registration pro- tractor, in awarding subcontractors, are cess, you can call the bidexpress help Project: City of Middleton, Westchester Project: Town of Bloomer, LRIP Project, required to make a good faith effort to team, toll free at 1-888-352-2439 (option Drive Mill and Overlay Project No. Bloomer, Chippewa County achieve a combined minimum goal of 1, option1) 18-104b, Middleton, Dane County, Bids due: July 9, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., Bids 15% participation for MBE/WBE utiliza- Start date: August 30, 2018 #Quest No. 5830738 will also be accepted at 7:30 P.M. at the tion in accordance with s.NR 162.09(3), Completion date: September 20, 2019 Overall cost estimate: $287,000 beginning of a special Town of Bloomer s.NR 166.12(4), and s.NR 167.18(4) Bid bond: All bids, sealed or electronic, Bids due: July 12, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., Bids board meeting to be held on July 9th at Wis. Admin. Code. If a subcontractor must be accompanied with a Bid Bond will be revived through QuestCDN online the Bloomer Town Hall, located at 21281 awards subcontracts, these requirements equal to at least 5% of the bid or a bidding only State Highway 40, Bloomer, WI when the shall apply to the subcontractor. The Certificate of Annual/Biennial Bid Bond bids will be opened Contractor shall conform to the “Use of Delivery: Request For Bids or certified check, payable to the City Delivery: Request For Bids American Iron and Steel” provision of Owner: Middleton City Hall, 7426 Hubbard Treasurer Ave., Middleton, WI 53562; (608) 827- Owner: Bloomer Town Board c/o Gary H.R. 3547 Consolidated Appropriations Nehring, town chairman, 13841 235th Act, 2014, section 436, including all iron Performance bond: Required 1070 Contact: Shawn Stauske, e-mail: Payment bond: Required [email protected] Ave., Bloomer, WI 54724; (715) 933- and steel products used in the project. 2289, [email protected] Bid Proposals may be denied if the Insurance: Required Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Pre-bid meeting: PRE BID CONFERENCE Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Bids to: Owner requirements of this section are not met Plans and specs: Contact Bloomer Town and waivers are required. EPA guidance at (9:30 A.M.) JUNE 13, 2018 OR JUNE Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, 27, 2018 for assistance in filling out the [email protected], Board c/o Gary Nehring, town chairman for the use of American Iron and Steel for more details. See address information (AIS) can be found at http://water.epa. various SBE forms. The City of Madison Assistance with our services is available above gov/grants_funding/aisrequirement.cfm is conducting two (2) Pre-Bid Walk by phone or email Insurance: Required Scope: The work for which bids are asked through sessions at Olbrich Botanical Bids to: Quest This is LRIP Project. You may con- includes the following: Village street reha- Gardens, 3330 Atwood Ave., during the Plans and specs: Complete digital proj- Notes: bilitation and utility installation including bidding period of this contract. All con- ect bidding documents are available at tact Gary Nehring at 715-933-2289 or 10,200 SY asphalt pavement/base pul- tractors are invited to attend a short intro- the City of Middleton web site (www. by email at [email protected] for verizing and asphaltic overlay, 3,500 l.f. ductory meeting, a short guided tour of or through the Quest information and any questions bidders ductile iron water main, 250 l.f. sanitary the project area, and then will be allowed Construction Data Network (www. may have sewer, sanitary sewer spot repair, sup- to more thoroughly review the project You may download the Scope: The project will include a hot mix plemental base course, curb restoration area at their own pace. These are the digital Bid Documents for Quest project resurfacing (overlay) on asphalt pave- and turf restoration only times contractors shall be allowed #5830738 at a cost of $20.00, file size ment starting at the intersection of 148th access to non-public areas of the project is 7.3 Mb St towards 222nd Ave, approximate d Lewiston/Road Work area. You may review Public Areas at Start date: August 15, 2018 length of 2112 ft. Also applying a hot mix any time during normal operating hours. Completion date: October 15, 2018 resurfacing (overlay) on 222nd approxi- Project: Town of Lewiston, Road Work, 1. Wednesday June 13, 2018 from 9:30 Bid bond: No bid will be received unless mately length of 300 ft. Bids will need to Lewiston, Columbia County AM to 11:00 AM, meeting is tentatively accompanied by a surety in a form include shouldering on both roads. Roads Bids due: July 12, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. scheduled to begin in “The Commons”. acceptable to the City equal to at least will be marked. The hot mix should be Bids open: July 12, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. 2. Wednesday June 27, 2018 from 9:30 5% of the maximum Bid, payable to the compressed asphalt with a depth of 2 Delivery: Request For Bids AM to 11:00 AM, meeting is tentatively OWNER 1/2” in and a width of 20 ft. All mailboxes Owner: Lewiston Town Board c/o Thomas scheduled to begin in “The Commons” Performance bond: 100% and driveways shall be winged out with Klappstein, town clerk, W11040 Big Prequalifications: PREQUALIFICATION Payment bond: 100% asphalt. Quote price per ton, tonnage, Slough Road, Portage, WI 53901; (608) APPLICATION DUE at (2:00 P.M.) JULY Insurance: Required and total cost 981-2776 5, 2018. Forms are available on our web- Scope: This will be a resurfacing of Bids to: Owner site, Westchester Drive and all connecting d Curran/Chip Seal Coating of Town Plans and specs: Contact Chairman pw/forms.cfm. If not currently prequalified courts. The project will also include curb Roads Thomas Klappstein at (608)981-2776 for in the categories listed in Section A, an and gutter as well as ADA ramps additional specification details or with amendment to your Prequalification will Project: Town of Curran Chip Seal Coating questions need to be submitted prior to the same d Platteville/Well No. 6, Contract of Town Roads, Curran, Jackson County Completion date: September 30, 2018 due date. Postmark is not applicable 14-18 Bids due: July 9, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Insurance: Required Notes: SBE Goal: 8% Delivery: Request For Bids Scope: The Town of Lewiston, Columbia Scope: This contract is for work being Project: City of Platteville, Well No. 6, Owner: Curran Town Hall, W15204 State County is seeking sealed bids for the done at Olbrich Botanical Gardens, 3330 Contract 14-18, Platteville, Grant County, Highway 95, Taylor, WI 54659 following project: Clean, tack, and the Atwood Ave. Madison as described #Quest No. 5832244 Owner’s representative: Town of Curran, installation of 1 1/2” hot mix asphalt, 5MT below: The Learning Center is a two Bids due: July 24, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. Town Chairman, N8644 South Adams 58-28 mix, overlay wedge and 1.5’ lime- story structure of approximately 9200 Delivery: Request For Bids Road, Hixton, WI 54635 stone shoulders on Muskrat Road begin- square feet. a. The first floor will contain Owner: Platteville City Department of Bids to: Owner’s representative ning one half mile north of CTH X and ter- a single large open classroom that can Public Works, Municipal Building, 75 N. Plans and specs: Contact Curran Town minating at Corning Road, approximately be partitioned into 2 or 3 separate class- Bonson St., P.O. Box 780, Platteville, WI Hall for more details. See address infor- 9,979 feet long by 20 feet wide. The bid rooms as needed; an outdoor learning 53818; (608) 348-9741 mation above shall include price per ton of asphalt and space; mechanical space; elevator; and Engineer: Strand Associates Inc., 910 W. Notes: For further information, please con- limestone, the amount of tons needed stair. i. Selective demolition of the exist- Wingra Drive, Madison, WI 53715; (608) tact Dwight Swenson, Town Chair, (715) for the project, and the total project cost. ing Lobby exterior wall will provide con- 251-4843, Fax (608) 251-8655 Contact: 963-2014 or by email: dswen son118@ Weight tickets will be required necting access to the Learning Center. b. Laura Roberts, e-mail: laura.roberts@ The second floor will contain the Learning Scope: Work consists: Taylor Road con- d Madison/Gardens Expansion Center staff offices as well as a pub- Plan Distribution: Quest Construction sists of .99 miles Green Acres Road lic observation deck accessible by the Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring consists of 0.80 miles Big Slough Road Project: City of Madison, Olbrich Botanical interior stair or an exterior stair. c. A Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, consists of 1.4 miles Pierce Road con- Gardens Expansion Project 1, Madison, 60,000-gallon concrete cistern below the [email protected], sists of 1.46 miles East Adams Road Dane County, #Contract No. 8162 first floor will collect rainwater as part of Assistance with our services is available consists of .72 miles North Adams Road Bids due: July 12, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., Bids the Storm Water Management require- by phone or email consists of 1.2 miles to be submitted online at www.bidex- ments for this project. The rainwater Bids to: Owner will be recycled as plant water for the Plans and specs: Complete digital Project d Manitowoc/Diesel Exhaust Tank Bids open: July 12, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. Conservatory and Greenhouse providing Bidding Documents are available at www. Installation, Project #WB-18-15 Addenda: Addendum No. 2 was issued approximately 90% of the annual indoor or at June 27 watering needs. d. Due to existing soil Download the digital Bidding Documents, Project: City of Manitowoc, Diesel Exhaust Delivery: Request For Bids conditions the foundation will be set on file size is 31.4 Mb for $30 by inputting Tank Installation, Project #WB-18-15, Owner: Madison City Department of Public helical piers. e. Much of the garden paths Quest project number 5832244 on the Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, #Quest Works, Engineering Division, 1600 Emil and patios will need to be relocated website’s Project Search page. Bidding No. 5829542 St., Madison, WI 53713; (608) 267-8679 due to the construction or construction Documents may be reviewed and paper Bids due: July 11, 2018 at 4:00 p.m., Plan Distribution: Info Tech Inc. (Bid access. The existing Greenhouse, slab, copies may be obtained from the Issuing ONLINE ELECTRONIC BIDDING Express), 5700 SW 34th St., Suite 1235, and foundation will be demolished and Office which is Strand Associates, Inc., THROUGH QUESTCDN IS THE ONLY Gainesville, FL 32608; (352) 381-4400, removed. A new Greenhouse of approxi- See address information above. A non- WAY THE BID WILL BE ACCEPTED Fax (352) 381-4444, www.Bidexpress. mately 11,000 square feet shall be con- refundable fee of $100 will be required Delivery: Request For Bids com Bidders will be required to create an structed in approximately the same loca- (shipping and handling fees included). Owner: Manitowoc City Hall, 900 Quay St., Info Tech Digital ID in order to bid, which tion as the existing structure. a. The Overnight mailing of Bidding Documents Manitowoc, WI 54220; (920) 686-6950 can take up to five (5) business days greenhouse will be divided into 4 differ- will not be provided. All Bidders submit- Plan Distribution: Quest Construction to process. Please allow ample time to ent growing zones (Production, Tropical, ting a sealed Bid shall obtain the Bidding Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring obtain your digital id prior to the bid dead- Intermediate Orchid, Cool Orchid) of dif- Documents from or from Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, line. Bid Express does charge a nominal ferent sizes. The entire existing Olbrich Strand Associates, Inc. Bidders who sub- [email protected], fee for bid submission. More information Botanical Gardens campus will receive mit a Bid must be a Plan Holder of record Assistance with our services is available can be found at https://www.bidexpress. fire protection upgrades through sprin- at the Issuing Office. Bids from Bidders by phone or email com/vendor_resources klering and rated doors as indicated in who are not on the Plan Holders List may Bids to: Quest Bids to: Owner the plans and specifications. The Olbrich be returned as not being responsive. Plans and specs: Detailed specifica- Plans from: Bid Express Botanical Gardens Horticultural Staff will Plan Holders are requested to provide tions, with form of contract are avail- Plans and specs: You can access all City be responsible for all landscaping associ- an e mail address if they wish to receive able for a non-refundable fee of $45.00 of Madison bid solicitations for FREE ated with this contract. The Contractor addenda and other information electroni- through Quest (project #5829542). at Click on the shall be responsible for striping, stockpil- cally. Plan Holders are requested to des- “Register for Free” button and follow the ing, and returning topsoil to the construc- ignate whether they are a prime contrac- PLEASE SEE PAGE 10 PAGE 10 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Pre-bid meeting: A pre-bid tour will be held her at mail to: townofstephenson@cen- lump sum bid for All Work in the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Delivery: Request For Bids SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE Point Heating Plant Superintendent’s Notes: For more information on the project, Owner: Department of Administration, FOR DOWNLOAD AT QUESTCDN. office at 9:00 AM on 7/11/18. Please contact Craig Baeten at 715-923-3760 Division of Facilities Development, 101 COM OR WWW.MANITOWOC.ORG. contact: Marty Zblewski: Power Scope: The Town of Stephenson is request- E. Wilson St., 7th Floor Reception Desk, (QUEST PROJECT #5829542) Plant Superintendent 715-346-3276 ing bids for cold mix, wedging, overlay, Madison, WI 53703 Bid bond: A bid bond or Surety 2000 in the [email protected] and possible sealing, per spec sheet, of Engineer: I & S Group, Inc., 400 AMS amount of 5% of the bid must accompany Prequalifications: Mandatory pre-qualifi- approximately 2 miles of Parkway Road, Court, Green Bay, WI 54313; (920) 434- each proposal as a guaranty cation requirements. See project docu- south of County Road X 2128, Fax (920) 434-2112 ments for complete details Bids to: Owner d Mauston/Kennedy Street Scope: In general the work consists of: d Trade Lake/Local Road Plans and specs: Bidding documents Improvements Repair of deteriorating concrete in Improvement Project (drawings, specifications, and addenda) bunker. Infill of four existing hatches. may be obtained only as electronic files Project: City of Mauston, Kennedy Street Removal and replacement of existing Project: Town of Trade Lake, Road (in PDF format): as a downloadable Improvements, Mauston, Juneau County, asphalt topping and waterproofing in Grinding/LRIP Project, Trade Lake, file from the Division’s Projects Bidding #Quest No. 5804187 drive aisle above bunker with improved Burnett County website (see website address below) Bids due: July 24, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. grading for drainage. Provide flashing at Bids due: July 11, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. and/or on compact discs or DVD by Delivery: Request For Bids interface to new building as required to Delivery: Request For Bids ordering from the Construction Project Owner: Mauston City Hall, 303 Mansion provide complete waterproofing system Owner: Trade Lake Town Hall, 11810 Bidding Opportunities webpage. Bidding St., Mauston, WI 53948; (608) 847-6676 Town Hall Road, Frederic, WI 54837; documents may also be seen at various d Consulting Engineer: Davy Engineering Sturgeon Bay/Lift Station (715) 488-2694, Fax (715) 488-2601 Builders’ Exchanges. Additional project Co., 115 Sixth St. S. P.O. Box 2076, La Replacement Bids to: Owner bidding information, including plan hold- Crosse, WI 54602-2076; (608) 782-3130, Plans and specs: Contact Trade Lake ers’ lists is available on the Division of Fax (608) 784-6611, Project: STURGEON BAY UTILITIES Town Hall for more details. See address Facilities Development and Management Plan Distribution: Quest Construction - Tacoma Beach Road Lift Station information above public website: Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Replacement, Sturgeon Bay, Door Prevailing wages: The bidders attention is Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, DoingBusiness/StateConstProjs.aspx. County, #Quest No. 5840614 called to the fact that this project is sub- After opening the web page, select [email protected], Bids due: July 23, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. ject to prevailing wage rate determination Current Construction Project Bidding Assistance with our services is available Delivery: Request For Bids which has been issued by the State of Opportunities at the bottom of the screen by phone or email Owner: Sturgeon Bay Utilities, 230 E. Vine Wisconsin and that the prevailing wage Bids to: Owner St., P.O. Box 27, Sturgeon Bay, WI rates and hours of labor set forth in this Bid bond: 10% Plans and specs: Bidding Documents are 54235; (920) 746-2820 Contact: Clifford determination shall be applicable to this Prevailing wages: The 2017-2019 on file with the City Administrator, City of White project Wisconsin State Budget (2017 Wisconsin Mauston, Wisconsin.Bidding Documents Engineer: McMahon, 1445 McMahon Notes: Please contact Joe Hein, Town Act 59) repealed Wisconsin’s prevail- are available at Project Bidding on http:// Drive 54956 P.O. Box 1025, Neenah, WI Road Mtc. at 651-332-9201 with any ing wage laws. Effective September 23, Youmay 54957-1025; (920) 751-4200, Fax (920) questions. The Town of Trade Lake 2017, state prevailing wage requirements download the complete set of digital bid- 751-4284, Contact: reserves the right to accept or reject any on state building projects no longer apply. ding documents for $20.00 by entering Anthony S. Kappell, e-mail: akappell@ or all bids or parts thereof, waive any These changes take effect for projects #5804187 asthe Project Number. Hard informalities in the bidding process and advertised for bid after September 23, copy Bidding Documents may also be Plan Distribution: Quest Construction to accept the bid proposal or portion of a 2017. This change does not affect the obtained from Davy EngineeringCo., See Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring bid proposal deemed most advantageous Federal Davis Bacon Act requirements address information above, upon receipt Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, to the town. Email tradelakewi Town of Prequalifications: Mandatory pre-qualifi- of a nonrefundable $40.00 per set [email protected], Trade Lake, 13021 W. Bass Lake Rd., cation requirements. See project docu- Bid bond: A certified check payable to the Assistance with our services is available Grantsburg, WI 54840 ments for complete details City of Mauston or bid bond executed by by phone or email Scope: The Town of Trade Lake is accept- Scope: In general, the work consists of the bidder and a licensed surety com- Bids to: Engineer ing sealed bids for grinding Lundeen Rd. the supply of one new D-Style 60,000 lb/ pany in an amount equal to at least 5% Plans and specs: The Project Documents from Hwy. 48 to Freedom Dr hr package boiler with economizer. The of the maximum bid are on file for inspection atthe offices of new boiler will be capable of burning Prequalifications: Bidders are to fill out McMahon Associates, Inc., See address d Webster/Hot Mix Asphalt Paving both natural gas and fuel oil. Installation Bidder’s Qualification forms furnished information above. In order to be a ‘Plan on Bass Avenue of the equipment will be completed by a with the Bidding Documents. Forms are Holder’ or ‘Bidder’, each firm or organiza- separate contract to be submitted separate from bids for tion shall download Bidding Documents Project: Village of Webster, Hot Mix Asphalt review at bid opening from the McMahon Associates, Inc. Paving on Bass Avenue, Webster, Burnett Notes: No bid shall be withdrawn after the website ( utilizing County, #MSIPLT PROJECT #14205 opening of bids without the consent of QuestCDN eBidDoc. Complete digital Bids due: July 11, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. the City for a period of forty-five (45) days Bidding Documents are available at Delivery: Request For Bids Bids Received after the scheduled time of closing bids or www.questcdn. Owner: Webster Village Hall, 7505 Main Scope: Major Bid Items: LS - Clearing com. Digital Bidding Documents, file size St. W. P.O. Box 25, Webster, WI 54893; and Grubbing; 840 sq.yd - Pulverize is 5 Mb may be downloaded for a non- (715) 866-4211, Fax (715) 866-4863 MISCELLANEOUS Existing HMA Pavement; 2,320 cu.yd. refundable $50.00, by inputting Quest Bids to: Owner - Excavation; 1,260 ton - Breaker Rock; Project No. 5840614 on the website’s Plans and specs: For more information on Southeastern Wisconsin 1,410 ton - Aggregate Base; 1,270 lin. Project Search page specifications, contact Jay Heyer, Public ft. - Curb and Gutter; 520 ton - HMA Bid bond: No Bid shall be received unless Works Director at 715-866-4211 d Milwaukee/Lightning Protection at Pavement; 150 cu.yd. - Topsoil Borrow accompanied by a Certified Check or Insurance: Required Water Reclamation Facility (LV); 1 ea. - 12”x4” Wet Tap Water satisfactory Bid Bond payable to the Scope: Paving will consist of 2,487’ x 20’ Service; 35 lin.ft. - 4” DIP Water Service; Sturgeon Bay Utilities in an amount not approximately 6,077 SY of hot mix to Project: Jones Island Water Reclamation 1 ea. - 8”x4 Service Saddle; 50 lin.ft. - less than 5% of the maximum Bid an average com-pacted thickness of 2 Facility in Milwaukee, D & D Lightning 4” PVC Service Riser and Lateral; 250 Performance bond: Required inches. Dimensions will also include fine Protection System Replacement sq.yd - Erosion Control Mat; 750 sq.yd.- Payment bond: Required grading, water and compact as needed. (Rebid), 700 East Jones St., Milwaukee, Hydroseed Insurance: Required Also includes Intersections, Driveways Milwaukee County, #Bid No. 39915A Notes: No Bid shall be withdrawn for a peri- and Kick-outs Bids closed: June 27, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., d Stevens Point/Coal Bunker od of 90-days after the scheduled open- (Extended from June 20, 2018) Bids Structure Repair ing without the consent of the OWNER to be submitted electronically through Scope: The work shall consist of modifi- SERVICES QuestCDN at Project: Coal Bunker Structure Repair cations at the Tacoma Beach Road Lift Owner’s representative: Veolia Water University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Station, including demolition of the exist- Southeastern Wisconsin Milwaukee LLC, 700 E. Jones St., Stevens Point, Portage County, #14G3G ing vacuum primed Pump Station and d Milwaukee, WI 53207 Overall cost estimate: $100,000 appurtenances, and construction of a Waukesha County/Consulting Plan Distribution: Quest Construction Bids due: July 31, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. new integral valve vault-type submersible Services for Data Access Data Network, P.O. Box 412, Spring Delivery: Request For Proposals/Quotes Lift Station using the existing wet well, Governance and Document Park, MN 55384-0412; (952) 233-1632, Owner: Department of Administration, including all General, Mechanical and Capture Solutions [email protected], Division of Facilities Development, 101 Electrical Work; complete and ready for Assistance with our services is available E. Wilson St., 7th Floor Reception Desk, operation by the Sturgeon Bay Utilities, Project: Consulting Services for Data by phone or email Madison, WI 53703 City of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Access Governance and Document Bids Received: Engineer: Oneida Total Integrated Capture Solutions in Waukesha County, Enterprises (OTIE), 5100 Eastpark Northern Wisconsin Butters-Fetting Co. Inc. Waukesha County, #Bid No. 1834 Milwaukee...... $105,000.00 Boulevard, Suite 300, Madison, WI Bids due: July 19, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. 53718; (608) 243-6470, Fax (608) 241- d Dovre/Shouldering Work Next Electric Inc. Delivery: Request For Proposals/Quotes Brookfield...... $160,000.00 3914, [email protected] Owner: Waukesha County Department Bids to: Owner Project: Town of Dovre, Shouldering, of Administration Purchasing Division, Plans and specs: Construction bidding Dovre, Barron County 515 W. Moreland Blvd., Receptionist’s documents (drawings, specifications Bids due: July 10, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Desk, Room 310 Administration Center, and addenda) may be obtained only as Delivery: Request For Bids Waukesha, WI 53188; (262) 548-7888, downloadable electronic files (in PDF Owner: Dovre Town Hall, 304 25 1/2 St., Fax (262) 548-7668 Bids Awarded format) from the Division of Facilities Chetek, WI 54728; (715) 237-2530 Bids to: Owner Development website. Construction Bids to: Owner Plans from: Owner INFRASTRUCTURE bidding documents may also be avail- Plans and specs: Contact Dovre Town Plans and specs: Documents may be able at various Builders’ Exchanges. Hall for more details. See address infor- obtained at https://purchasing.wauke- Southeastern Wisconsin Additional project construction bidding mation above, or by calling (262) 548- Insurance: Required information, including plan holders list, 7888 d Milwaukee/Lead Service Line is available on the DFD website. Please Scope: Work consists: Shouldering - 3/4” note that a WisBuild login and password Gravel, 2-foot wide shoulders;compact Replacements are required to download bidding docu- when complete COMMODITIES ments. Interested parties may request a Project: City of Milwaukee, Lead Service WisBuild login and password at the DFD d Stephenson/Roadwork Southwestern Wisconsin Line Replacements - Various Locations, website - allow 2 days to process login Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, #Specific and password requests Project: Town of Stephenson, Roadwork, d Madison/Boiler Purchase Heating Official Notice No. 101-1-2018 Prevailing wages: The 2017-2019 Stephenson, Marinette County Plant Boiler - Rebid Overall cost estimate: Engineer’s Wisconsin State Budget (2017 Wisconsin Bids due: July 2, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Estimate: $475,000.00 Act 59) repealed Wisconsin’s prevail- Delivery: Request For Proposals/Quotes Project: Boiler Purchase Heating Plant Bids closed: June 14, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. ing wage laws. Effective September 23, Owner: Stephenson Town Board, (mailing Boiler Replacement Mendota Mental Owner: City of Milwaukee Department of 2017, state prevailing wage requirements address) W9484 County Road X, Crivitz, Health Institute Department of Health Public Works, Room 506, Frank P. Zeidler on state building projects no longer apply. WI 54114; (715) 854-2942 Services Madison Rebid, Madison, Dane Municipal Building 841 N. Broadway, These changes take effect for projects Bids to: Owner County, #17C1U-01REBID EQUIP Milwaukee, WI 53202; (414) 286-3314 advertised for bid after September 23, Plans and specs: For spec sheet / bid Overall cost estimate: $1,200,000 Contract Let: 2017. This change does not affect the sheet, please contact ElaineOlson at Bids due: July 12, 2018 at 2:00 p.m., Base M.J. Construction Inc. Federal Davis Bacon Act requirements 715-854-2942 or 715-927-8476 or email- Bids will be received as follows: A single Milwaukee...... $408,765.00 FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER PAGE 11 PAGE 12 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER PAGE 13 Tax Reform & The Construction Industry

A Special Advertorial by Wipfli ly, providing an opportunity for By now you have certainly seen businesses to change their meth- the headlines about the Tax Cuts ods to defer taxable income and and Job Act (the “TCJA”): free up cash flow, especially con- struction-related businesses. • Most significant changes to U.S. tax law in over 30 years Overall method of accounting • Corporate income tax rate re- Previously, a flow-thru entity duced from 35% to 21% could only use the cash method • Bonus depreciation allows of accounting if they weren’t re- 100% write-off of new and used quired to account for inventory. qualifying assets They were required to account for inventory if their average But at the end of the day, what gross receipts (“AGR”) did not you really want to know about exceed $1 million ($10 million in

the TCJA is, “How will it spe- Deposit Photos certain industries). In addition, C cifically impact my business and corporations could only use the what can I do to maximize the relative benefit of being taxed as cash method if their AGR didn’t benefits?” Let’s focus on two a C corporation. Factors favoring remaining exceed $5 million in any prior strategies to help answer that The business does not generally a flow-thru year, regardless of whether they question: choice of business make distributions to owners, but While switching from a flow- had to account for inventory. entity and choice of accounting instead reinvests most of its cash thru to a C corporation is gener- Under the TCJA, the threshold method. flow back into the business. Distri- ally nontaxable, tax-free basis, for having to account for inven- Choice of Business Entity butions will be taxable to the own- switching back from a C corpora- tories increased from $1 mil- Whenever there is a signifi- ers, resulting in a combined rate on tion to a flow-thru entity is gener- lion/$10 million to $25 million. cant change in income tax rates distributed earnings of 39.8%. ally taxable. Plus, other non-tax The threshold for C corporations related restrictions may make the increased from $5 million to $25 switch back impractical. million, and only tests the three C corporation losses cannot be prior years. While we wait for further guidance to flesh out the passed-thru to its owners to off- practical details of the statutes rushed through set their other sources of income. Accounting for With new NOL rules, carrybacks long-term contracts Congress in the final days of 2017, businesses shouldn’t aren’t allowed and the NOL de- Previously, taxable income wait to consider ways to either increase the benefits of duction is limited to 80% of tax- from a long-term contract gen- able income. erally was determined using the the new law or minimize the negative impact. A flow-thru is often more use- percentage-of-completion method ful than a C corporation for gift (“PCM”). An exception was pro- and estate planning purposes. vided for a small contractor, de- A flow-thru offers more flex- fined as a business with AGR of between corporations and indi- The owners don’t plan to sell ibility on the sale of the business $10 million or less for the three viduals, it is wise to re-evaluate the business in the foreseeable and can even result in a higher prior years. A small contractor whether your business entity is future or the business doesn’t sales price. could use the completed contract the most tax-efficient type. The have significant appreciation in method (“CCM”) with respect to TCJA slashed corporate rates its assets, either hard assets or in- Choice of Accounting Method contracts expected to be complet- from a high of 35% to a flat 21%, tangibles like goodwill. While media attention focused ed within a 2-year period. while reducing the top individual The owners expect these new on tax rates and deductions, there Under the TCJA, the AGR rate from 39.6% to 37%. If your income tax rates to remain con- wasn’t nearly the same buzz sur- threshold is increased from $10 business is currently a flow-thru sistent for the foreseeable future, rounding the new rules on meth- million to $25 million. In ad- entity (S corporation, partner- despite the sunset of most indi- ods of accounting contained in dition, the repeal of the corpo- ship, or LLC), with income taxed vidual provisions in 2026 and the the TCJA. Yet those new rules rate Alternative Minimum Tax at individual tax rates, an analy- results of future elections. are exceedingly taxpayer friend- (“AMT”) means that corporate sis of whether to convert to a C contractors who are using the corporation could makes sense. CCM for regular tax purposes will Determination of the “right” en- no longer have to deal with the tity is dependent upon numerous significant swings in tax liability tax and non-tax factors, which from year to year, caused by the will be unique to each business. required use of PCM for AMT. While every business should While the individual AMT was consider whether to switch by not repealed, the exemptions and doing “what if” modeling, most phase-out limits were increased will conclude they should remain significantly and the elimination a flow-thru. of personal exemptions and the new $10,000 cap on the deduction Factors favoring conversion for state income and property tax- to a C corporation es reduce the likelihood of having The business consistently gen- an AMT liability. erates significant taxable income. The 20% deduction on flow- Conclusion thru business income is not avail- While we wait for further able or is limited because the guidance to flesh out the practi- business is a specified service cal details of the statutes rushed business or the owners’ income through Congress in the final days level exceeds certain thresholds. of 2017, businesses shouldn’t If the 20% deduction is fully al- wait to consider ways to either lowed, the effective rate on flow- increase the benefits of the new thru income would be 29.6%, law or minimize the negative im- rather than 37%, reducing the pact. PAGE 14 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

New Tax Law. Experienced Tax Lawyers.

Terri S. Boxer, Robert E. Dallman, Thomas P. Megan K. Courtney A. J.D. J.D., LL.M. Guszkowski, Heinzelman, Hollander, J.D. von Briesen’s team of experienced tax J.D., LL.M. J.D., LL.M. lawyers, many of whom have advanced designations, help businesses and individuals navigate the new tax law.

Megan L.W. Thomas J. Benjamin D. Marcus S. Loden, Thomas A. Myers, The bottom line? We get results. Jerabek, J.D. Kammerait, LaFrombois, J.D. J.D., LL.M. J.D. J.D., CPA To learn more about our Tax Law Section and the services we offer, please contact Robert Mathers, Tax Randy S. Nelson, Timothy A. Katelyn A. Thomas J. Phillips, David J. Roettgers, J.D., CPA Nettesheim, Pellitteri, J.D. J.D., LL.M. J.D., CPA Section Chair, at Robert A. Mathers, J.D., LL.M. J.D., CPA, [email protected]. Section Chair

John A. Sikora, Steven M. Robert B. Teuber, Daniel S. Welytok, Peter J. White, J.D. Szymanski, J.D. J.D., LL.M. J.D., CPA J.D., MBA

At von Briesen, we’ve transformed the traditional law firm into a modern platform for legal innovation. Combining our industry leading expertise with innovative technology, we take a collaborative and creative approach to problem-solving the most complex matters.

The result? Game-changing advantages for our clients.

To learn more about our Construction Law Team, please contact Roy Wagner, Construction Section Chair, at [email protected] or 414.287.1250. Roy E. Wagner, Construction Section Chair FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER PAGE 15 What the Building Industry Needs to Know about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Robert A. Mathers and Courtney A. Hollander von Briesen & Roper, s.c.

On December 27th, 2017, President Trump signed into law the most consequential tax reform in thirty years – the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Act”). The Act included a substantial revision to the tax laws governing businesses, including those businesses concentrated in the construction industry. Some of the business changes are permanent (i.e. corporate tax rate), while others are temporary (immediate expense treatment for capital expenditures).

Flat Tax Rate The Act creates a flat 21% income tax rate for C Corporations to replace the marginal rate bracket system which had imposed tax rates between 15% and 35%. Deposit Photos first placed in service), a technical correction will contractors who also engage in real property as New Qualified Business be required to provide qualified improvement a trade or business. It may result in refinancing Income Deduction property with a 15-year depreciable life. With a some business assets and restructuring how con- To address the disparate effects of the flat 21% 15-year depreciable life, qualified improvement tractor’s business entities are operating. C corporation income tax rate, the Act allows property would be eligible for increased acceler- owners of pass-through entities and sole pro- ated depreciation. Expanded Methods of Accounting prietorships a deduction equal to 20% of their Construction contractors will be able to accel- Prior to the Act, construction contractors with “qualified business income” subject to certain erate depreciation like never before, providing gross receipts in excess of $10 million were limitations. The calculation of what constitutes increases to the rate and amount of cash flow to required to utilize the percentage of completion the qualified business income deduction amount their business. accounting method for contracts not completed is complex as are the applicable limitations. within a 2-year period from the contract com- Generally, the deduction is available only to Increased Expensing of Business mencement date. The Act increased the threshold nonservice businesses with the exception of Capital Assets from $10 million to $25 million, allowing more engineering or architectural service businesses. Section 179 allows a business to deduct the freedom in choosing an accounting method. The The 20% qualified business income deduction is cost of certain "qualifying property" in the year of increased threshold applies to the cash method of not applicable in calculating Wisconsin state tax purchase in lieu of depreciating the expense over accounting as well, again increasing the freedom liabilities. time. The Act allows a year of purchase deduction of taxpayers to choose the most beneficial ac- Because construction and real estate businesses of up to an inflation indexed $1 million (increased counting methods for their business. will generally qualify for this deduction, qualify- from $500,000) with a total capital investment This is a beneficial change for construction ing businesses should expect an increase in tax limitation of $2.5 million. While these changes contractors, particularly when it is combined profits available for the owners of real estate and provide businesses with increased deductions, with a solid analysis of their choice of business construction businesses. Likewise, for design they have little meaning given the new 100% year entity – e.g., C Corporation versus pass through. build firms, the separation from the construction of purchase deduction for capital expenditures entity may be a wise way to look at business available under amended Section 168(k). Construction industry taxpayers should also restructuring. be aware of those provisions of the Act which Limitation on Business Interest will directly impact their client’s development Increased Accelerated Depreciation Net business interest will not be deductible in projects and their own succession planning. The Act allows a Section 168(k) 100% de- excess of 30% of the "adjusted taxable income" • We expect to see an increase in the buying duction of the basis of “qualifying property” of a business. For 2018 through 2021, adjusted and selling of businesses as a result of the Act. acquired and placed in service after September taxable income will be determined without con- This is likely to create more construction proj- 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023. Qualifying sideration of depreciation, amortization, deple- ects as buyers implement strategic initiatives property generally includes depreciable tangible tion or the 20% qualified business income deduc- following a transaction and sellers reinvest sale property with a cost recovery period of 20 years tions. In 2022 and thereafter, the 30% limit will proceeds. or less. As construction businesses tend to be be applied to taxable income after deductions • Tax incentives to purchase qualifying proper- capital intense, the ability to accelerate deprecia- for depreciation and amortization. An exemption ty may directly lead to an increase in real prop- tion will be particularly beneficial. As a planning from the 30% limitation exists for taxpayers with erty construction. opportunity for contractors, creating a leasing annual gross receipts (determined by reference to • Higher gift and estate tax exemptions now entity may result in additional accelerated tax the three preceding years) of $25 million or less. make the transition and valuation of many con- deductions with this new law. Please note that Disallowed business interest can be carried for- struction businesses much more flexible and can the accounting standards associated with capi- ward indefinitely. If a taxpayer's full 30% adjust- help with family business transitions. tal versus operating leases have also changed ed taxable income limit is not met with respect to • Section 1031 exchanges are now limited to recently. The combination of these two recent one business, the unused limitation amount can real property. Previously section 1031 allowed changes should be reviewed as part of a contrac- be applied to another business of the taxpayer taxpayers to defer gain on both real property and tor’s banking and capital budgeting processes. which otherwise would have excess interest that non-real property assets. The bonus depreciation deduction is reduced to is nondeductible after application of the 30% • The mortgage interest deduction has been 80% in 2023 and drops by an additional 20% adjusted taxable income limit to that business. A limited to acquisition debt of $750,000 and the after each subsequent two-year period until dis- “real property trade or business” may elect out of interest deduction for home equity indebtedness appearing entirely for periods beginning January the 30% limitation. Such an election is irrevoca- has been eliminated. The Act limits the deduc- 1, 2027. The Act also allows used property to ble and requires that the taxpayer utilize the alter- tion for state and local taxes to $10,000. qualify for the deduction. native depreciation system. A real property trade The Act creates many new planning opportuni- While the Act created a new “qualified im- or business includes real property development, ties in the construction and real estate industries. provement property” category (any improvement redevelopment, construction, rental, management From inception to implementation, the Tax Attor- to an interior portion of a building which is non- or leasing businesses; among others. neys of von Briesen & Roper, s.c. are available residential real property if such improvement is This law change, and its election out, may cre- to assist you in applying the Tax Cuts and Jobs placed in service after the date the building was ate a planning opportunity for some construction Act to your construction business. PAGE 16 THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018


SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN’S OUTSOURCED ACCOUNTING TRUSTED TAX ADVISORS FOR TAX PLANNING: State & Local, Federal, THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY International, Private Client Whether you need professional services or AUDIT, ASSURANCE & REPORTING entrepreneurial experience and insight, our firm of forward-thinking professionals always rises to a ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGY: Software & Consulting, Cloud & Infrastructure, spectrum of challenges. From managing your accounting Security & Compliance to being an accountable resource for your staff, Sikich Business Succession offers a wide range of solution-focused services. ADVISORY: Planning, Human Resources, Public Relations, Marketing, and More


SKCH Daily Reporter Tax Reform Full Page Ad 06-18.indd 1 6/26/18 3:39 PM FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER PAGE 17 Sikich Series on Tax Reform: Tax Reform Changes Impact Construction and Real Estate Businesses

The recently enacted “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (The Act) features numerous tax provi- sions impacting businesses in all industries, including construction and real estate. One of the main goals of the new law was to promote economic growth and create jobs. The following are selected changes from the Act that impact construction and real estate businesses.

TAX RATE Reductions For Corporations. The Act drops the top corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, removes the lower graduated corporate tax brackets, adopts just a 21% flat rate for cor- porations, and repeals the corporate AMT. For Pass-Through Businesses. The Act provides a 20% deduction for “qualified business income” for pass-through busi- nesses. The new tax law, however, added a limitation to this 20% deduction that is set as the greater of: 50% of the wages paid by the business; Or, 25% of the wages paid by the business plus 2.5% of its cost of property used in Deposit Photos the business. This new 20% deduction is available for income from construction businesses. The FINANCING COSTS several of which will likely impact construc- new deduction may also provide opportuni- Business Interest Expense. The new law tion and real estate businesses. Some of ties for certain real estate businesses that will limit the deductibility of business in- these include: incur limited wages, but are capital intensive terest to 30% of Adjusted Taxable Income NOLs. The Act restricts the use of NOLs and have plenty of property cost. This could (ATI). ATI is essentially taxable income of by only allowing NOLs to be carried for- result in a sizable non-cash deduction for the business before the deduction for interest ward, and will no longer permit any NOL certain real estate ventures. expense, Net Operating Losses (NOLs), and carrybacks. This change first applies for depreciation/amortization. This applies to C NOLs generated in tax years beginning after Corporations and pass-through businesses 12/31/2017. In addition, any NOLs generat- and their owners. Any disallowed interest ed in 2018 and after can only offset 80% of expense under this new 30% limitation car- a company’s taxable income in subsequent This new 20% deduction is ries forward indefinitely. There is a general tax years. Limitation on Large Excess Losses for available for income from exception for a “small business” (business with gross receipts of <$25MM average of Individuals. A $500,000 limitation (and construction businesses. The prior three years’ gross receipts), and also $250,000 for a single taxpayer) applies per new deduction may also provide a special exception available for any trade year for all business losses the owner may or business involved in real property, which have. The balance of the excess loss will opportunities for certain real covers certain activities. This special election carry forward and be treated as a NOL. estate businesses that incur for real estate business is elective, but if the Owners should be aware that they might not business makes this election (for purposes be able to fully utilize these tax losses in tax limited wages, but are capital of this interest deduction limitation) it is not years 2018 and after. intensive and have plenty of allowed bonus depreciation on its otherwise New Limitation on Deduction for Meals and Entertainment Expenses. Under the property cost. This could result in qualifying additions. Act, entertainment expenses will no longer a sizable non-cash deduction for ACCOUNTING METHODS be deductible; business meals remain 50% certain real estate ventures. Any contractor with less than $25MM in deductible; and company picnics and holi- gross receipts would not be forced to use the day parties are 100% deductible. Effective percentage-of-completion method for it long- for amounts paid or incurred after 12/31/17. term contracts. Contributions to the Capital of a Cor- The new provision requires an accrual meth- poration. The Act preserves the provision INCENTIVES FOR FIXED ASSET od taxpayer subject to the “all-events test” that a corporation’s gross income does not ACQUISITIONS (“CAPEX”) for an item of gross income to recognize such include contributions to capital. It further There are several enhancements in the income no later than the taxable year in which provides, however, that the term “contribu- Act to the tax incentives for “bonus depre- such income is taken into account as revenue tions to capital” does not include: ciation” and Section 179 expenses. in an applicable financial statement or another Any contribution in aid of construction 100% Bonus Depreciation. This doubling financial statement. This new provision, how- or any other contribution as a customer or of the percentage from 50% to 100% for ever, also provides an exception for taxpayers potential customer; and bonus depreciation applies for new or used without an applicable financial statement. Any contribution by any governmental en- property for contractors and real estate enti- A portion of the advance payments for an tity or civic group (other than a contribution ties for property acquired and placed in order is recognized in the year of receipt, and made by a shareholder as such). service after September 27, 2017. the balance of the payments would be included Section 179 expensing rules also in- in taxable income in the subsequent year. In summary, impacted construction and creased from $510,000 to $1MM in 2018, real estate businesses should analyze their with overall additions of $2.5MM. The Sec- LIMITATIONS ON CERTAIN LOSSES particular tax situations with their tax advi- tion 179 definition was expanded to cover AND DEDUCTIONS sors and see what opportunities might still roofs, HVAC, air conditioning, fire protec- The Act offers several limitations and re- exist. Please contact a Sikich tax advisor tion, and alarm systems. strictions on certain losses and deductions; with any questions: [email protected]. PAGE 18 | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

THE DAILY PUBLIC NOTICES CONTACT BEN TO ADVERTISE (414) 225-1801 REPORTER CITY OF MILWAUKEE near future the Department of Public The residency requirement for this GENERAL OFFICIAL NOTICE Works intends to have bid project is 40% of all hours worked on TO CONTRACTORS documents available only electroni­ the project. One quarter of these Separate sealed bids for each project will be received until 10:30 A.M. of the bid cally and through Bid Express, and hours must be attributable to opening date at which time bids will be publicly opened and read for furnishing all to accept bid submittals only via Bid residents living in the following zip l l l material and doing all work for each project in accordance with the requirements of Express. Electronic documents can codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, 53208, the respective Official Notice on the bid form furnished in accordance with plans, be obtained via: 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, 53233 specifications, contract documents, and proposed form of contract on file in the of­ The SBE requirement for this WHAT IS A fice of the Department of Public Works, Municipal Building, 841 N. Broadway, Room bids/docs/71‑2018. The project is 25% of the contract base 506, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53202. Bid Express website is bid. Public Notice PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE TO CAREFULLY EXAMINE AND REVIEW ALL located at Any For a complete listing of City of CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN SAID OFFICE BEFORE SUB­ required addenda or response Milwaukee certified SBE firms, see Our pages include a wide variety MITTING BID. related to listed projects will be the Office of Small Business Devel­ of notices required by state and AFFIDAVITS OF NO INTEREST MUST ACCOMPANY THE BIDS, AND THE FAIL­ posted on both the DPW and Bid opment’s (OSBD) website at URE OF PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS TO COMPLY WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS Express websites. At this time there federal statutes and regulations. MAY DISQUALIFY THE BID. are still a limited number of hard OSBD. If there are any questions These notices include proposed THE CONTRACTOR/LESSEE AGREES TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE copies of the bid documents regarding SBE firms, please contact REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990, 42 available at the address listed below. the OSBD office at 414‑286‑5553. city and county ordinances, tax U.S.C. § 12101, ET. SEQ. THE TDD NUMBER FOR PUBLIC WORKS IS (414) IF YOU ONLY PRINT THE DOCU­ The apprenticeship requirements and budget information, tavern 286-2025. MENTS FROM THE DPW WEBSITE for this project are: N/A. If this applications, foreclosures, As part of the bid each bidder shall submit a list of anticipated subcontractors and PLEASE CALL 414‑286‑3314 TO contract is awarded at $500,000 or the class of work to be performed by each, which list should not be added to nor HAVE YOUR COMPANY’S NAME higher, 25% of all apprentice labor summonses and public bid altered without the written consent of the Commissioner of Public Works. AND CONTACT INFORMATION hours must be worked by All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are required to furnish or have on file a invitations. PLACED ON THE PLAN HOLDER’S apprentices certified for participation certificate of insurance in accordance with the insurance provisions of the General LIST. in the Residents Preference Program The Daily Reporter also Specifications. PAYMENT MONITORING and 40% of all apprentice labor publishes notices from state and Corporate surety will be required on performance and payment bonds for all REQUIREMENTS: All Contractors projects listed in the following Official Notices. All applicable charter and Statutory hours must be attributed to local agencies, including the state awarded a contract valued at apprentices living in the following zip provisions and ordinances, all the provisions of this official notice, invitation to bid, $25,000.00 or more are required to Department of Transportation, general and detailed specifications, special provisions, proposal, schedule of fixed codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, 53208, participate in training on the City of prices, addendum and plans for this project and all other contract documents set 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, 53233 the Milwaukee Metropolitan Milwaukee’s B2GNow contract forth in the invitation to bid will be incorporated and made part of the contract as if The contractor shall specifically compliance software. Contractors Sewerage District, the Milwaukee therein set forth in full. note the SBE, residency, and All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) must adhere to the City of Milwaukee’s must complete the training no later apprenticeship forms for this project. Public Schools, the Milwaukee Contractor Code of Conduct: than 30 days after the date of If the forms are not filled out Area Technical College and other contract award. Throughout the properly, it will be cause for rejection %20Harrassment%20Policy.pdf local governments in southeast 2017 Prevailing Wage Repeal: contract term, Contractors are of the bid. Contractors working on local governmental unit projects with prevailing required to regularly provide timely Bid Security Required: Bond Wisconsin and across the state. wage rate determinations, with RFPs or contracts executed prior to January subcontractor payment information in (either Electronic thru Bid Express or 1, 2017, must continue to pay employees the appropriate prevailing wage and the City’s contract compliance Paper), Certified Check, Cashier’s maintain required prevailing wage payroll records. software. Check or Cash to accompany bid: For example, If a contractor is working in 2018 on a public works project with Please contact the Office of Small 10% of the Contractor’s Base Bid. a project determination issued prior to 2017, then the contractor is required Business Development (OSBD) at For those bids being submitted to comply with the “old” prevailing wage rate law (§66.0903, Wis. Stats.). After 414‑286‑5553 should you have any through BID EXPRESS and using a WHAT WE January 1, 2017, the City of Milwaukee/DWD will continue to enforce prevailing questions or concerns regarding the Paper Bond, the contractor may fax wage requirements for projects with DWD prevailing wage determinations is‑ training or reporting process. a signed/executed copy of the bid Publish sued under the “old” prevailing wage laws for contracts executed prior to Janu‑ PAYROLL MONITORING bond to the Department of Public REQUIREMENTS: The Prime Works Contract Office at ary 1, 2017 (§§ 66.0903 & 103.49, Wis. Stats.). l First Publication notices are Projects with Federal Davis-Bacon wage rate determinations must remain in Contractor awarded this project is 414‑286‑8110. HOWEVER, THE compliance with these wage rates regardless of the date of execution. required to participate in training on FAXED COPY OF THE BOND arranged in the following Copies of the actual work classifications and wage and fringe benefit rates en­ the City of Milwaukee’s LCP Tracker MUST BE RECEIVED BY NO order: forced on this project are available in Room 506 of the Municipal Building. Labor Compliance Software after the LATER THAN 10:30 A.M. ON THE Tie bids, when the lowest ones, will be decided by the Commissioner of date of contract award. Throughout SAME DATE THAT THE BIDS ARE Public Bidding Ads, City of Public Works. the contract term, Contractors are DUE FOR THAT SPECIFIC Milwaukee, Lawsuits required to regularly provide timely The Commissioner of Public Works reserves the right to reject any or all bids. OFFICIAL NOTICE, or the bid will & Credit, Probate, and Signed: Ghassan Korban, payroll information via LCP Tracker. be considered non‑responsive. Commissioner of Public Works Please contact the DPW The original bid bond document will Family notices, followed by Countersigned: Michael Daun, Contracts Office at 414‑286‑3314 then need to be submitted by the Miscellaneous. Deputy City Comptroller should you have any questions or contractor to the Department of concerns regarding the training or Public Works Contract Office, Rm. reporting process. opment’s (OSBD) website at 506, Municipal Building, immediately l Sheriff’s Sales (Foreclosures) Plans and project manual will be upon being notified that they are the appear on Fridays. furnished to the prospective bidders OSBD. If there are any questions apparent low bidder. upon payment of a $10.00 regarding SBE firms, please contact IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Invi­ non‑refundable fee in room 506, the OSBD office at 414‑286‑5553. tation to Bid, all bid documents and Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building, The apprenticeship requirements the Plans and Specifications for the CITY OF MILWAUKEE 841 North Broadway, Milwaukee, for this project are: N/A. If this listed project(s) are all available elec­ SPECIFIC OFFICIAL NOTICE NO. Wisconsin 53202. For general questions­ contract is awarded at $500,000 or tronically on the DPW website AS 71‑2018 call 414‑286‑3314. HOW TO PLACE A higher, 25% of all apprentice labor WELL AS on the Bid Express Sealed bids will be opened on A $10.00 per set additional hours must be worked by Website. At this time, Bids can be Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 10:30 non‑refundable fee is required to Public Notice apprentices certified for participation submitted using either Bid Express A.M. for PAVING WORK, in the obtain bid documents by mail. Plans in the Residents Preference Program OR by purchasing and submitting following locations: are sent via U.S. mail unless other We can accept your notice and and 40% of all apprentice labor paper bids in the usual manner. CONSTRUCTION OF 7” arrangements are made by the hours must be attributed to However, Bidders are strongly legal information in the following CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT, contractor. apprentices living in the following zip encouraged to utilize the electronic ways: VARIABLE THICKNESS Contractor must comply with all codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, 53208, and/or Bid Express methods of ASPHALTIC CONCRETE provisions of the CITY OF 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, 53233 obtaining bid documents and Bid l In person, or by mail, at our PAVEMENT (1/2), VARIABLE MILWAUKEE GENERAL OFFICIAL The contractor shall specifically Express for submitting bids, as in the THICKNESS ASPHALTIC NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS offices, 225 E. Michigan St., note the SBE, residency, and near future the Department of Public CONCRETE PAVEMENT (3/8), published herein and at: apprenticeship forms for this project. Works intends to have bid Suite 300, Milwaukee, WI VARIABLE THICKNESS CONCRETE WALKS AND/OR If the forms are not filled out documents available only electroni­ bids_home 53202 CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, properly, it will be cause for rejection cally and through Bid Express, and Signed: REMOVE AND SALVAGE of the bid. to accept bid submittals only via Bid GHASSAN KORBAN, P.E. GRANITE PAVERS, CRACKING Bid Security Required: Bond Express. Electronic documents can l E-mail: Commissioner of Public Works AND SEATING CONCRETE PAVE­ (either Electronic thru Bid Express or be obtained via: 11578704/6‑28‑29 [email protected] MENT, CONCRETE AND OTHER Paper), Certified Check, Cashier’s REMOVALS, SEWER WORK, Check or Cash to accompany bid: CITY OF MILWAUKEE bids/docs/72‑2018. The ETC.; 10% of the Contractor’s Base Bid. SPECIFIC OFFICIAL NOTICE NO. Bid Express website is l Place in our drop box at the Located at: For those bids being submitted 72‑2018 located at Any Milwaukee County Courthouse, ST 212070113 ‑ Alley Bounded through BID EXPRESS and using a Sealed bids will be opened on required addenda or response By: W. Forest Home Ave., W. Ohio Paper Bond, the contractor may fax Friday, July 13, 2018 at 10:30 A.M. related to listed projects will be 901 N. Ninth St., Room 104, Ave., W. Oklahoma Ave., S. 43rd a signed/executed copy of the bid for PAVING WORK, in the following posted on both the DPW and Bid Milwaukee, WI 53233 St., S. 44th St. ‑ City Limits bond to the Department of Public locations: Express websites. At this time there ST212160109 ‑ Alley Bounded Works Contract Office at CONSTRUCTION OF 7” are still a limited number of hard copies of the bid documents By: W. Hayes Ave., W. Lincoln 414‑286‑8110. HOWEVER, THE CONCRETE ALLEY PAVEMENT, l l l Ave., S. 7th St., S. 8th St. FAXED COPY OF THE BOND INSTALLATION OF PERMEABLE available at the address listed below. ST212160108 ‑ Alley Bounded MUST BE RECEIVED BY NO PAVERS, VARIABLE THICKNESS IF YOU ONLY PRINT THE DOCU­ MENTS FROM THE DPW WEBSITE By: W. Hayes Ave., W. Lincoln LATER THAN 10:30 A.M. ON THE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE Please be sure to include a Ave., S. 8th St., S. 9th St. SAME DATE THAT THE BIDS ARE PAVEMENT (1/2), VARIABLE PLEASE CALL 414‑286‑3314 TO ST212160107 ‑ Alley Bounded DUE FOR THAT SPECIFIC THICKNESS ASPHALTIC HAVE YOUR COMPANY’S NAME contact name and phone By: W. Cleveland Ave., S. 15th Pl., OFFICIAL NOTICE, or the bid will CONCRETE PAVEMENT (3/8), AND CONTACT INFORMATION number. We’ll handle typesetting, S. 16th St., KK River. be considered non‑responsive. VARIABLE THICKNESS PLACED ON THE PLAN HOLDER’S Time for Completion: All work on The original bid bond document will CONCRETE WALKS AND/OR LIST. scheduling and provide a proof of Project ID No. ST212160108 shall then need to be submitted by the CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, PAYMENT MONITORING publication and affidavit. be completed by August 18, 2018. contractor to the Department of REMOVE AND SALVAGE REQUIREMENTS: All Contractors All other work, on this contract, shall Public Works Contract Office, Rm. GRANITE PAVERS, CRACKING awarded a contract valued at be completed by October 13, 2018. 506, Municipal Building, immediately AND SEATING CONCRETE PAVE­ $25,000.00 or more are required to This contract has Thirty (30) contract upon being notified that they are the MENT, CONCRETE AND OTHER participate in training on the City of workdays. apparent low bidder. REMOVALS, SEWER WORK, Milwaukee’s B2GNow contract For rates or further Liquidated Damages, per diem: IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Invi­ ETC.; compliance software. Contractors $1,000 tation to Bid, all bid documents and Located at: must complete the training no later assistance on how to The residency requirement for this the Plans and Specifications for the ST212140103 ‑ Alley Bounded than 30 days after the date of publish a notice, project is 40% of all hours worked on listed project(s) are all available elec­ By: W. Fairmount Ave., W. Villard contract award. Throughout the the project. One quarter of these tronically on the DPW website AS Ave., N. 51st Blvd., & N. 53rd St. contract term, Contractors are please contact hours must be attributable to WELL AS on the Bid Express (Permeable Alley) required to regularly provide timely residents living in the following zip Website. At this time, Bids can be ST212160101 ‑ Alley Bounded subcontractor payment information in Public Notice Coordinator codes: 53204, 53205, 53206, 53208, submitted using either Bid Express By: W. Auer Ave., W. Hopkins St., the City’s contract compliance Ben Wubbels at 53210, 53212, 53215, 53218, 53233 OR by purchasing and submitting N. 23rd St., N. 24th St. software. The SBE requirement for this paper bids in the usual manner. Time for Completion: All work on Please contact the Office of Small (414) 225-1801 project is 25% of the contract base However, Bidders are strongly this contract shall be completed by Business Development (OSBD) at bid. encouraged to utilize the electronic August 31, 2018. This contract has 414‑286‑5553 should you have any or toll-free (800) 508-3800, For a complete listing of City of and/or Bid Express methods of Fifteen (15) contract workdays. questions or concerns regarding the Ext. 15801. Milwaukee certified SBE firms, see obtaining bid documents and Bid Liquidated Damages, per diem: training or reporting process. the Office of Small Business Devel­ Express for submitting bids, as in the $1,000 PAYROLL MONITORING FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 19

REQUIREMENTS: The Prime enforced by garnishment or seizure communication is from a debt 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL Contractor awarded this project is of property. collector. am on July 27, 2018. If you do not CENTER in the Small Claims Court required to participate in training on MESSERLI & KRAMER PA Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 appear, a judgment may be given to of MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th the City of Milwaukee’s LCP Tracker Electronically signed by: Attorneys for Plaintiff the person suing you. (A copy of this St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI Labor Compliance Software after the Jillian N. Walker, #1066378 WI Heuer Law Offices, S.C. claim has been mailed to you at the 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 date of contract award. Throughout June 22, 2018 Jonathan D. McCollister, State address above). am on July 27, 2018. If you do not the contract term, Contractors are 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 Bar No. 1037740 We are attempting to collect a appear, a judgment may be given to required to regularly provide timely Plymouth, MN 55441 9312 W. National Ave. debt. Any information obtained the person suing you. (A copy of this payroll information via LCP Tracker. cc‑[email protected] West Allis, WI 53227 will be used for that purpose. This claim has been mailed to you at the Please contact the DPW Ph#: (763) 548‑7900 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 communication is from a debt address above). Contracts Office at 414‑286‑3314 Fax#: (763) 548‑7922 11578427/6‑29 collector. We are attempting to collect a should you have any questions or 11579524/6‑29/7‑6‑13 PUBLICATION SUMMONS Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 debt. Any information obtained concerns regarding the training or PUBLICATION SUMMONS Small Claims Case Number Attorneys for Plaintiff will be used for that purpose. This reporting process. Small Claims Case Number 18SC15641 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. communication is from a debt Plans and project manual will be 18SC15631 AMY C. KROLL Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. collector. furnished to the prospective bidders SHANNON E. REED 2804 W. STATE ST. 1050583 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 upon payment of a $10.00 5931 N. LOVERS LANE RD., #104 MILWAUKEE, WI 53208 9312 W. National Ave. Attorneys for Plaintiff non‑refundable fee in room 506, MILWAUKEE, WI 53225 You are being sued by AURORA West Allis, WI 53227 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. Phone: (414) 224‑3500 Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building, You are being sued by AURORA HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. 11578506/6‑29 841 North Broadway, Milwaukee, ADVANCED HEALTHCARE, INC. in AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL 1050583 Wisconsin 53202. For general questions­ the Small Claims Court of CETNER and AURORA ADVANCED PUBLICATION SUMMONS 9312 W. National Ave. call 414‑286‑3314. MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., HEALTHCARE INC. in the Small Small Claims Case Number West Allis, WI 53227 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 A $10.00 per set additional Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A Claims Court of MILWAUKEE 18SC15663 11578353/6‑29 non‑refundable fee is required to hearing will be held at 8:30 am on County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, VERONICA ADAMS obtain bid documents by mail. Plans July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will 42360 N. TEUTONIA AVE. PUBLICATION SUMMONS are sent via U.S. mail unless other a judgment may be given to the be held at 8:30 am on July 27, MILWAUKEE, WI 53209 Small Claims Case Number arrangements are made by the person suing you. (A copy of this 2018. If you do not appear, a You are being sued by AURORA 18SC15698 contractor. claim has been mailed to you at the judgment may be given to the person HEALTH CARE METRO INC DBA AISHA E. YOUNG Contractor must comply with all address above). suing you. (A copy of this claim has AURORA SINAI MEDICAL CENTER 3640 N 38TH ST provisions of the CITY OF We are attempting to collect a been mailed to you at the address and AURORA ADVANCED MILWAUKEE, WI 53216‑3412 MILWAUKEE GENERAL OFFICIAL debt. Any information obtained above). HEALTHCARE INC. in the Small You are being sued by AURORA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS will be used for that purpose. This We are attempting to collect a Claims Court of MILWAUKEE HEALTH CARE METRO INC. F/K/A published herein and at: communication is from a debt debt. Any information obtained County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, AURORA UW ACADEMIC collector. will be used for that purpose. This Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will MEDICAL GROUP INC. in the Small bids_home Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 communication is from a debt be held at 8:30 am on July 27, Claims Court of MILWAUKEE Signed: Attorneys for Plaintiff collector. 2018. If you do not appear, a County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, GHASSAN KORBAN, P.E. Heuer Law Offices, S.C. Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 judgment may be given to the person Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will Commissioner of Public Works Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. Attorneys for Plaintiff suing you. (A copy of this claim has be held at 8:30 am on July 27, 11579522/6‑29/7‑2 1050583 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. been mailed to you at the address 2018. If you do not appear, a 9312 W. National Ave. Jonathan D. McCollister, State above). judgment may be given to the person West Allis, WI 53227 Bar No. 1037740 We are attempting to collect a suing you. (A copy of this claim has Phone: (414) 224‑3500 9312 W. National Ave. debt. Any information obtained been mailed to you at the address 11578334/6‑29 West Allis, WI 53227 will be used for that purpose. This above). PUBLICATION SUMMONS Phone: (414) 224‑3500 communication is from a debt We are attempting to collect a 11578424/6‑29 collector. debt. Any information obtained AMENDED SMALL CLAIM Small Claims Case Number 18SC15634 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 will be used for that purpose. This SUMMONS PUBLICATION SUMMONS MARCELLA L. WEHLAND AKA Attorneys for Plaintiff communication is from a debt Case No. 2018 SC 018612 Small Claims Case Number MARCELLA L. BUSKO Heuer Law Offices, S.C. collector. STATE OF WISCONSIN ‑ 18SC15646 3128 S. INDIANA AVENUE Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 CIRCUIT COURT ‑ CIVIL DIVISION SEFORA S. CARRANZA MILWAUKEE, WI 53207 1935 S. 6TH ST. 1050583 Attorneys for Plaintiff SMALL CLAIMS ‑ MILWAUKEE You are being sued by AURORA 9312 W. National Ave. Heuer Law Offices, S.C. COUNTY MILWAUKEE, WI 53204 ADVANCED HEALTHCARE, INC. in You are being sued by AURORA West Allis, WI 53227 Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. Myosha Veal Phone: (414) 224‑3500 the Small Claims Court of HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A 1050583 7335 W. Marine Drive MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., 11578477/6‑29 9312 W. National Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53223 AURORA ST.LUKE’S MEDICAL Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A CENTER and AURORA MEDICAL PUBLICATION SUMMONS West Allis, WI 53227 You are being sued by AAA hearing will be held at 8:30 am on Phone: (414) 224‑3500 GROUP INC. in the Small Claims Small Claims Case Number Checkmate, L.L.C. in the Small July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, 11578319/6‑29 Court of MILWAUKEE County, 901 18SC15681 Claims Court for Milwaukee County, a judgment may be given to the N. 9th St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI LYDIA R. RIVERA PUBLICATION SUMMONS Wisconsin, Room 400, before Court person suing you. (A copy of this 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 700 W. LAYTON AVE., LOT D7 Small Claims Case Number Commissioner Rosa M. Barillas, at claim has been mailed to you at the am on July 27, 2018. If you do not MILWAUKEE, WI 53221‑2451 18SC15700 the Milwaukee County Courthouse, address above). appear, a judgment may be given to You are being sued by AURORA CARLA HAMMOND 901 North Ninth Street, Milwaukee, We are attempting to collect a Wisconsin 53233. A hearing will be debt. Any information obtained the person suing you. (A copy of this HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A 3202 N. 40TH ST. held at 8:30 o’clock A.M. on July 19, will be used for that purpose. This claim has been mailed to you at the AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 2018. communication is from a debt address above). CENTER and AURORA MEDICAL You are being sued by AURORA If you do not appear, a judgment collector. We are attempting to collect a GROUP INC. in the Small Claims HEALTH CARE METRO INC DBA may be given to the person suing Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 debt. Any information obtained Court of MILWAUKEE County, 901 AURORA SINAI MEDICAL CENTER you. (A copy of the claim has been Attorneys for Plaintiff will be used for that purpose. This N. 9th St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI and AURORA ADVANCED mailed to you at the address above). Heuer Law Offices, S.C. communication is from a debt 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 HEALTHCARE INC. and AURORA Dated this 22nd day of June, Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. collector. am on July 27, 2018. If you do not MEDICAL GROUP the Small 2018. 1050583 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 appear, a judgment may be given to Claims Court of MILWAUKEE STEVEN L. STOLPER 9312 W. National Ave. Attorneys for Plaintiff the person suing you. (A copy of this County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, Plaintiff’s Attorney West Allis, WI 53227 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. claim has been mailed to you at the Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will 740 North Plankinton Avenue Phone: (414) 224‑3500 Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. address above). be held at 8:30 am on July 27, Suite 336 11578312/6‑29 1050583 We are attempting to collect a 2018. If you do not appear, a Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 9312 W. National Ave. debt. Any information obtained judgment may be given to the person (414) 270‑0505 PUBLICATION SUMMONS West Allis, WI 53227 will be used for that purpose. This suing you. (A copy of this claim has Small Claims Case Number State Bar No. 1016512 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 communication is from a debt been mailed to you at the address 18SC15152 11579136/6‑29 11578367/6‑29 collector. above). ELLIOT R. SEALS PUBLICATION SUMMONS Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 We are attempting to collect a SUMMONS 3124 N PALMER ST Attorneys for Plaintiff debt. Any information obtained Case No. 18CV3028 MILWAUKEE, WI 53212 Small Claims Case Number 18SC15657 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. will be used for that purpose. This Case Code: 30301 You are being sued by AURORA Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. communication is from a debt STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT HEALTH CARE METRO INC DBA DAWN MARIE BENSON 517 CLARK AVE 1050583 collector. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY AURORA SINAI MEDICAL CENTER 9312 W. National Ave. Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 Ally Financial Inc. c/o Messerli & in the Small Claims Court of SOUTH MILWAUKEE, WI 53172‑4031 West Allis, WI 53227 Attorneys for Plaintiff Kramer PA 3033 Campus Drive MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., Phone: (414) 224‑3500 You are being sued by AURORA Heuer Law Offices, S.C. Suite 250 Plymouth, MN 55441 Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A 11578342/6‑29 Jonathan D. McCollister, State Plaintiff, vs. ANTON J JOHNSON hearing will be held at 8:30 am on HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL PUBLICATION SUMMONS Bar No. 1037740 1330 N 40TH ST MILWAUKEE, July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, 9312 W. National Ave. WI 53208 Defendant(s). a judgment may be given to the CENTER and LAKESHORE Small Claims Case Number MEDICAL CLINIC LLC and 18SC15688 West Allis, WI 53227 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN person suing you. (A copy of this Phone: (414) 224‑3500 AURORA HEALTH CARE METRO JEFFREY P. GOLDSCHMIDT To each person named above as a claim has been mailed to you at the 11578456/6‑29 Defendant(s): address above). INC. D/B/A AURORA ST. LUKE’S 3261 S 54TH ST You are hereby notified that the We are attempting to collect a SOUTH SHORE in the Small Claims MILWAUKEE, WI 53219 PUBLICATION SUMMONS Plaintiff named above has filed a debt. Any information obtained Court of MILWAUKEE County, 901 You are being sued by AURORA Small Claims Case Number lawsuit or other legal action against will be used for that purpose. This N. 9th St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A 18SC15719 you. The Complaint, which is communication is from a debt 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL TANYA K. MIRANDA attached, states the nature and basis collector. am on July 27, 2018. If you do not CENTER and AURORA MEDICAL 1913 S 29TH ST of the legal action. Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 appear, a judgment may be given to GROUP INC. in the Small Claims MILWAUKEE, WI 53215‑2229 Within forty (40) days of June 22, Attorneys for Plaintiff the person suing you. (A copy of this Court of MILWAUKEE County, 901 You are being sued by AURORA 2018, you must respond with a Heuer Law Offices, S.C. claim has been mailed to you at the N. 9th St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A written answer, as that term is used Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. address above). 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin 1050583 We are attempting to collect a am on July 27, 2018. If you do not CENTER and AURORA HEALTH Statutes, to the Complaint. The court 9312 W. National Ave. debt. Any information obtained appear, a judgment may be given to CARE METRO INC. D/B/A AURORA may reject or disregard an answer West Allis, WI 53227 will be used for that purpose. This the person suing you. (A copy of this SINAI MEDICAL CENTER and that does not follow the requirements Phone: (414) 224‑3500 communication is from a debt claim has been mailed to you at the AURORA MEDICAL GROUP INC. in of the statutes. The answer must be 11578360/6‑29 collector. address above). the Small Claims Court of sent or delivered to the court, whose PUBLICATION SUMMONS Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 We are attempting to collect a MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., address is Milwaukee County Circuit Small Claims Case Number Attorneys for Plaintiff debt. Any information obtained Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A Court, 901 North Ninth St., 18SC15628 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. will be used for that purpose. This hearing will be held at 8:30 am on Milwaukee, WI 53233 and to CAROLYN LLOYD Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. communication is from a debt July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, Messerli & Kramer PA, Plaintiff’s 4175 N. 35TH ST., #8 1050583 collector. a judgment may be given to the attorney, whose address is 3033 MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 9312 W. National Ave. Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 person suing you. (A copy of this Campus Drive, Ste. 250 Plymouth, You are being sued by AURORA West Allis, WI 53227 Attorneys for Plaintiff claim has been mailed to you at the MN 55441. You may have an HEALTH CARE METRO INC. F/K/A Phone: (414) 224‑3500 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. address above). attorney help or represent you. AURORA UW ACADEMIC 11578498/6‑29 Jonathan D. McCollister, State We are attempting to collect a If you do not provide a proper MEDICAL GROUP INC. in the Small PUBLICATION SUMMONS Bar No. 1037740 debt. Any information obtained answer within forty (40) days, the Claims Court of MILWAUKEE Small Claims Case Number 9312 W. National Ave. will be used for that purpose. This court may grant judgment against County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, 18SC15659 West Allis, WI 53227 communication is from a debt Phone: (414) 224‑3500 you for the award of money or other Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will GARY D. BROOKS collector. 11578443/6‑29 legal action requested in the be held at 8:30 am on July 27, 2247 S 16TH ST Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 Complaint, and you may lose your 2018. If you do not appear, a MILWAUKEE, WI 53215‑2619 PUBLICATION SUMMONS Attorneys for Plaintiff right to object to anything that is or judgment may be given to the person You are being sued by AURORA Small Claims Case Number Heuer Law Offices, S.C. may be incorrect in the Complaint. A suing you. (A copy of this claim has HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A 18SC15693 Jonathan D. McCollister, State judgment may be enforced as been mailed to you at the address AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL KIMBERLY SANDERS Bar No. 1037740 provided by law. A judgment above). CENTER and AURORA MEDICAL 4133 N 84TH ST 9312 W. National Ave. awarding money may become a lien We are attempting to collect a GROUP INC. in the Small Claims MILWAUKEE, WI 53222 West Allis, WI 53227 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 against any real estate you own now debt. Any information obtained Court of MILWAUKEE County, 901 You are being sued by AURORA 11578434/6‑29 or in the future, and may also be will be used for that purpose. This N. 9th St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A PAGE 20 | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

PUBLICATION SUMMONS Heuer Law Offices, S.C. PUBLICATION SUMMONS 7335 W. Marine Drive SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Small Claims Case Number Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. Case No.: 18CV3714 Milwaukee, WI 53223 CASE NO. 18SC13440 18SC15647 1050583 Case Code: 30404 and 30304 You are being sued by Brother STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT KYANA S. CRAWFORD 9312 W. National Ave. Foreclosure of Mortgage and Refor­ Loan & Finance Co. in the Small COURT SMALL CLAIMS 5828 N. 92 ST. West Allis, WI 53227 mation of Mortgage Claims Court for Milwaukee County, DIVISION MILWAUKEE COUNTY MILWAUKEE, WI 53225 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Wisconsin, Room 400, before Court Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. c/o You are being sued by AURORA 11578297/6‑29 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Commissioner Rosa M. Barillas, at Messerli & Kramer PA 3033 MEDICAL CENTER GRAFTON LLC PUBLICATION SUMMONS BMO HARRIS BANK N.A. f/k/a the Milwaukee County Courthouse, Campus Drive Suite 250 & AURORA ADVANCED Small Claims Case Number HARRIS N.A., successor by 901 North Ninth Street, Milwaukee, Plymouth, MN 55441 Plaintiff, vs. HEALTHCARE the Small 18SC15666 merger to OZAUKEE BANK Wisconsin 53233. A hearing will be JOANNA ROGERS 3525 N 57TH Claims Court of MILWAUKEE MICHAEL W. BAUERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION f/k/a held at 8:30 o’clock A.M. on July 19, ST MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, 2878 N 59TH ST OZAUKEE BANK 770 North 2018. Defendant(s). Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will MILWAUKEE, WI 53210 Water Street Milwaukee, WI If you do not appear, a judgment THE STATE OF WISCONSIN: be held at 8:30 am on July 27, You are being sued by AURORA 53202 Plaintiff, v. ROBERT M. may be given to the person suing To each person named above as 2018. If you do not appear, a MEDICAL GROUP the Small KRAFT 1925 North Water Street, you. (A copy of the claim has been Defendant(s): judgment may be given to the person Claims Court of MILWAUKEE Unit 203 Milwaukee, WI 53202 mailed to you at the address above). You are hereby being sued by suing you. (A copy of this claim has JANE DOE SPOUSE, unknown Dated this 22nd day of June, Capital One Bank (USA), N.A., in the been mailed to you at the address County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will spouse of ROBERT M. KRAFT 2018. small claims court for Milwaukee above). 1925 North Water Street, Unit 203 STEVEN L. STOLPER County, Room 400 of the Milwaukee We are attempting to collect a be held at 8:30 am on July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, a Milwaukee, WI 53202 ZIEGLER Plaintiff’s Attorney County Courthouse, 90 I N. 9th debt. Any information obtained BENCE PARTNERS 5 LLC a/k/a 740 North Plankinton Avenue Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A will be used for that purpose. This judgment may be given to the person suing you. (A copy of this claim has ZIEGLER/BENCE PARTNERS 5, Suite 336 hearing will be held at 8:30 AM on communication is from a debt LLC c/o Jeffrey Ziegler, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 Wednesday, July 18, 2018. If you do collector. been mailed to you at the address above). Registered Agent 5582 County (414) 270‑0505 not appear, a judgment may be Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 Road Z West Bend, WI State Bar No. 1016512 given to the person suing you. (A Attorneys for Plaintiff We are attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained 53095‑9224 RIVERBRIDGE 11579125/6‑29 copy of the claim has been mailed to Heuer Law Offices, S.C. CONDOMINIUM OWNERS will be used for that purpose. This PUBLICATION SUMMONS you at the address above.) Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. ASSOCIATION INC. a/k/a communication is from a debt Small Claims Case Number MESSERLI & KRAMER PA 1050583 RIVER­BRIDGE CONDOMINIUM collector. 18SC15694 Electronically signed by: 9312 W. National Ave. OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Gina C Ziegelbauer, #1083227 WI West Allis, WI 53227 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 KIMBERLY T. FORD c/o Prospect Management LLC, June 19, 2018 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 Attorneys for Plaintiff 8538 N. 107TH ST., #3 Registered Agent 224 North 76th 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 11578400/6‑29 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. MILWAUKEE, WI 53224 Street Milwaukee, WI 53213 Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. You are being sued by BURNHAM Plymouth, MN 55441 PUBLICATION SUMMONS MILWAUKEE COUNTY CLERK cc‑I [email protected] 1050583 4401 LP D/B/A DEER RUN APART­ Small Claims Case Number OF CIRCUIT COURT c/o County Ph#: (763) 548‑7900 9312 W. National Ave. the Small Claims Court of 18SC15149 Clerk 901 North 9th Street Fax#: (763) 548‑7922 West Allis, WI 53227 MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., BONNY M. HAYWOOD Milwaukee, WI 53233 Defendants. 11579194/6‑29 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A 3172 N 14TH ST THE STATE OF WISCONSIN TO: 11578487/6‑29 hearing will be held at 8:30 am on SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION MILWAUKEE, WI 53206 ROBERT M. KRAFT PUBLICATION SUMMONS July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, CASE NO. 18SC15900 You are being sued by AURORA 1925 North Water Street, Unit 203 Small Claims Case Number a judgment may be given to the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT MEDICAL GROUP INC. in the Small Milwaukee, WI 53202 18SC15702 person suing you. (A copy of this COURT SMALL CLAIMS Claims Court of MILWAUKEE JANE DOE SPOUSE, unknown DAREN B. JASOUROWSKI claim has been mailed to you at the DIVISION MILWAUKEE COUNTY County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, spouse of 1567 N. PROSPECT AVE., #107 address above). Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. c/o Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will ROBERT M. KRAFT MILWAUKEE, WI 53202 We are attempting to collect a Messerli & Kramer PA 3033 be held at 8:30 am on July 27, 1925 North Water Street, Unit 203 You are being sued by AURORA debt. Any information obtained Campus Drive Suite 250 2018. If you do not appear, a Milwaukee, WI 53202 MEDICAL GROUP INC. and will be used for that purpose. This Plymouth, MN 55441 Plaintiff, vs. judgment may be given to the person You are hereby notified that the AURORA ADVANCED communication is from a debt SHALANDA S HALBERT 3707 W suing you. (A copy of this claim has Plaintiff named above has filed a HEALTHCARE INC. and AURORA collector. GOOD TIOPE RD APT 17 been mailed to you at the address lawsuit or other legal action against HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 MILWAUKEE, WI 53209‑2362 above). you. The Complaint, which is also AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL Attorneys for Plaintiff Defendant(s). We are attempting to collect a served upon you, states the nature CENTER. in the Small Claims Court Heuer Law Offices, S.C. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN: debt. Any information obtained and basis of the legal action. of MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. To each person named above as will be used for that purpose. This Within Forty (40) days after June St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 1050583 Defendant(s): communication is from a debt 29, 2018 you must respond with a 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 9312 W. National Ave. You are hereby being sued by collector. written Answer, as that term is used am on July 27, 2018. If you do not West Allis, WI 53227 Capital One Bank (USA), N.A., in the Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin appear, a judgment may be given to Phone: (414) 224‑3500 small claims court for Milwaukee Attorneys for Plaintiff Statutes, to the Complaint. The the person suing you. (A copy of this 11578409/6‑29 County, Room 400 of the Milwaukee Heuer Law Offices, S.C. Court may reject or disregard an claim has been mailed to you at the County Courthouse, 90 I N. 9th Jonathan D. McCollister, State Answer that does not follow the 45‑DAY SUMMONS address above). Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A Bar No. 1037740 requirements of the statutes. The Case Number: 18CV003715 We are attempting to collect a hearing will be held at 8:30 AM on 9312 W. National Ave. Answer must be sent or delivered to Case Code: 30101 debt. Any information obtained Friday, August 17, 2018. If you do West Allis, WI 53227 the Court, whose address is: Personal Injury – Auto will be used for that purpose. This not appear, a judgment may be Phone: (414) 224‑3500 CLERK OF COURTS STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 11578462/6‑29 communication is from a debt given to the person suing you. (A Milwaukee County Circuit Court COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY collector. copy of the claim has been mailed to PUBLICATION SUMMONS 901 North 9th Street TWANA M. BURRIS, Plaintiff, Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 you at the address above.) Small Claims Case Number Milwaukee, WI 53233 UNIT­EDHEALTHCARE OF Attorneys for Plaintiff MESSERLI & KRAMER PA 18SC15633 and to Plaintiff’s attorney, whose WISCONSIN, INCORPORATED, Heuer Law Offices, S.C. Electronically signed by: LAURA P. PARRINO BYXBE address is: MOLINA HEALTHCARE OF Jonathan D. McCollister, State Gina C Zieglebauer, #1083227 WI 1124 W. HOLT AVE. KRAWCZYK, DUGINSKI & WISCONSIN, INCORPORATED Bar No. 1037740 June 22, 2018 MILWAUKEE, WI 53215 ROHR, S.C. and TWIN CITY FIRE 9312 W. National Ave. 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 You are being sued by AURORA 16620 West Bluemound Road, INSURANCE COMPANY, Invol­ West Allis, WI 53227 Plymouth, MN 55441 MEDICAL GROUP INC. and Suite 500 untary Plaintiffs, v. AMERICAN Phone: (414) 224‑3500 cc‑I [email protected] AURORA ADVANCED Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005 FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE 11578468/6‑29 Ph#: (763) 548‑7900 HEALTHCARE INC. and AURORA You may have an attorney help or COMPANY, S.I. and AILEEN M. Fax#: (763) 548‑7922 HEALTH CARE METRO INC D/B/A SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION represent you. BRAUN, Defendants. 11579278/6‑29 AURORA ST LUKE’S MEDICAL Case No: 18 SC 20328 If you do not provide a proper THE STATE OF WISCONSIN TO: CENTER. in the Small Claims Court STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Answer within Forty (40) days, the AILEEN M. BRAUN SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION of MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Court may grant Judgment against 401 East Beaumont Avenue CASE NO. 18SCI4758 St., Room 400, Milwaukee, WI BLUE RIBBON SUITES MASTER you for the award of money or other Apartment 206 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 TENANT, LLC Plaintiff, v. legal action requested in the Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 COURT SMALL CLAIMS ASHLEY’S BAR‑B‑QUE, LLC And am on July 27, 2018. If you do not Complaint, and you may lose your YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED DIVISION MILWAUKEE COUNTY DARNELL ASHLEY, Defendants. appear, a judgment may be given to right to object to anything that is or that the plaintiff named above has Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. c/o THE STATE OF WISCONSIN the person suing you. (A copy of this may be incorrect in the Complaint. A filed a lawsuit or other legal action Messerli & Kramer PA 3033 To defendants, Ashley’s claim has been mailed to you at the Judgment may be enforced as against you. Campus Drive Suite 250 Bar‑B‑Que, LLC and Darnell Ashley: address above). provided by law. A Judgment Within forty‑five (45) days after Plymouth, MN 55441 Plaintiff, vs. You are hereby notified that the We are attempting to collect a June 29, 2018, to respond with a DEBORAH JOHNSON 7850 N plaintiff named above has filed a awarding money may become a lien debt. Any information obtained written demand for a copy of the 107TH ST APT 32 MILWAUKEE, lawsuit or other legal action against against any real estate you own now will be used for that purpose. This or in the future and may also be Summons and Complaint. The WI 53224‑3133 Defendant(s). communication is from a debt you. Within 40 days after June 29, enforced by garnishment or seizure demand must be sent or delivered to THE STATE OF WISCONSIN: collector. of property. the Court, whose address is: To each person named above as Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 2018, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the Dated this 21st day of June, 2018. Clerk of Circuit Court Defendant(s): Attorneys for Plaintiff KRAWCZYK, DUGINSKI & Milwaukee County Courthouse You are hereby being sued by Heuer Law Offices, S.C. complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose ROHR, S.C. 901 North 9th Street Capital One Bank (USA), N.A., in the Jonathan D. McCollister, State Attorneys for Plaintiff, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 small claims court for Milwaukee Bar No. 1037740 address is 901 North Ninth Street, Electronically Signed by: And to plaintiff’s attorneys, whose County, Room 400 of the Milwaukee 9312 W. National Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233, and to By: /s/ Brian A. Romans address is: County Courthouse, 90 I N. 9th West Allis, WI 53227 Fox, O’Neill & Shannon, S.C., the Brian A. Romans Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A Phone: (414) 224‑3500 plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is State Bar No. 1064372 111 East Kilbourn Avenue hearing will be held at 8:30 AM on 11578437/6‑29 622 N. Water Street, #500, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202. You P.O. ADDRESS: Suite 1100 Wednesday, July 18, 2018. If you do PUBLICATION SUMMONS may have an attorney help or KRAWCZYK, DUGINSKI & ROHR, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 not appear, a judgment may be Small Claims Case Number represent you. S.C. You may have an attorney help or given to the person suing you. (A 18SC15643 If you do not demand a copy of 16620 West Bluemound Road, Suite represent you. copy of the claim has been mailed to DON E. STEPHENS the complaint within 40 days, the 500 If you do not demand a copy of you at the address above.) 8940 W. HUSTIS ST. court may grant judgment against Brookfield, WI 53005 the Complaint within forty‑five (45) MESSERLI & KRAMER PA MILWAUKEE, WI 53224 you for the award of money or other Phone: (262) 827‑5800 days, the Court may grant judgment Electronically signed by: You are being sued by AURORA legal action requested in the Fax: (262) 827‑5809 against you for the award of money Gina C Ziegelbauer, #1083227 WI MEDICAL GROUP INC. and complaint, and you may lose your Email: [email protected] or other legal action requested in the June 20, 2018 AURORA ADVANCED right to object to anything that is or KRAWCZYK, DUGINSKI & Complaint, and you may lose your 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 HEALTHCARE INC. and AURORA may be incorrect in the complaint. A ROHR, S.C. IS A DEBT right to object to anything that is or Plymouth, MN 55441 HEALTH CARE METRO INC. D/B/A judgment may be enforced as COLLECTOR. THIS IS AN may be incorrect in the Complaint. A cc‑I [email protected] AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL provided by law. A judgment ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT judgment may be enforced as Ph#: (763) 548‑7900 CENTER and AURORA HEALTH awarding money may become a lien AND ANY INFORMATION provided by law. A judgment Fax#: (763) 548‑7922 CARE METRO INC. F/K/A UW against any real estate you own now OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR awarding money may become a lien 11579214/6‑29 ACADEMIC MEDICAL GROUP INC. against any real estate you own now or in the future. and may also be THAT PURPOSE. IF YOU HAVE Publication Summons and Notice in the Small Claims Court of or in the future and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED A (Small Claims) MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY OF Case No. 2018SC015717 Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A of property. Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin THE UNDERLYING DEBT, THIS STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT hearing will be held at 8:30 am on this 26th day of June, 2018. COMMUNICATION SHOULD NOT DATED at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, . If you do not appear, COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY July 27, 2018 FOX, O’NEILL & SHANNON, S.C. BE CONSTRUED AS AN ATTEMPT this 25th day of June, 2018. a judgment may be given to the Plaintiff(s): CAVALRY SPV I, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff TO HOLD YOU PERSONALLY HUPY AND ABRAHAM, S.C. person suing you. (A copy of this 500 SUMMIT LAKE DR STE 400 BY: /s/ LAUREN E. MADDENTE LIABLE FOR THE DEBT. Attorneys for the Plaintiff, claim has been mailed to you at the VALHALLA NY 10595 ‑vs‑ LAUREN E. MADDENTE 11579514/6‑29/7‑6‑13 By: James R. Shilobrit address above). Defendant(s): VEDA MCNEAL State Bar No. 1101188 State Bar Number: 1013680 We are attempting to collect a AMENDED SMALL CLAIM 5909 W CALUMET RD P.O. ADDRESS: Post Office Address: debt. Any information obtained SUMMONS MILWAUKEE WI 53223 Fox, O’Neill & Shannon, S.C. 111 East Kilbourn Avenue will be used for that purpose. This Case No. 2018 SC 018612 Publication Summons and Notice 622 N. Water Street, Suite 500 Suite 1100 communication is from a debt STATE OF WISCONSIN ‑ CIRCUIT of Filing Milwaukee, WI 53202 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 collector. COURT ‑ CIVIL DIVISION SMALL TO THE PERSON(S) NAMED (414) 273‑3939 (414) 223‑4800 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 CLAIMS ‑ MILWAUKEE COUNTY ABOVE AS DEFENDANT(S): 11579878/6‑29/7‑6‑13 11579511/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Attorneys for Plaintiff Myosha Veal You are being sued by the FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 21

person(s) named above as 2018 at 8:30 a.m. If you do not Complaint, and you may lose your North 9th Street, Wisconsin, 53233, Attorneys for Plaintiff Plaintiff(s). A copy of the claim has appear, a judgment may be given to right to object to anything that is or and to Bryan M. Becker, Mawicke & Heuer Law Offices, S.C. been sent to you at your address as the person suing you. (A copy of the may be incorrect in the Complaint. A Goisman, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorney, Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. stated in the caption above. claim has been mailed to you at the Judgment may be enforced as whose address is: 1509 North 1050583 The lawsuit will be heard in the address above). provided by law. A Judgment Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, 9312 W. National Ave. following small claims court Deborah Krusche Bruck awarding money may become a lien Wisconsin 53202. You may have an West Allis, WI 53227 MILWAUKEE County Courthouse Bar Code: 01010658 against any real estate you own now attorney help or represent you. Phone: (414) 224‑3500 Telephone Number of clerk of court: BRUCK LAW OFFICES, S.C. or in the future, and may also be If you do not demand a copy of 11578491/6‑29 414‑278‑5100 Sixth Floor enforced by garnishment or seizure the complaint within 40 days, the Summons and Complaint Courtroom/Room Number: 400 322 East Michigan Street of property. court may grant judgment against Small Claims Address: 901 North 9th Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 Dated this 14th day of June, 2018. you for the award of money or other Case No. 2018SC017541 Milwaukee WI 53233 (414) 223‑3335 Edward J. Bruner, Jr., legal action requested in the Claim for money ($10,000 or less) on the following date and time: 11579394/6‑29 Attorney for the Plaintiff Complaint, and you may lose your 31001 7/16/2018 at 8:30 a.m. State Bar No.: 1001362 right to object to anything that is or PUBLICATION SUMMONS STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT If you do not attend the hearing, Bruner Law Offices, S.C. may be incorrect in the Complaint. A Case No. 18SC017449 COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY the court may enter a judgment 827 Main Street judgment may be enforced as Our File #926078 Plaintiff: Impressive Commercial against you in favor of the Racine, WI 53403 provided by law. A judgment STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Cleaning Corp. 2677 E. Holmes person(s) suing you. A copy of the (262) 636‑9691 ‑ phone awarding money may become a lien COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Ave. Cudahy WI 53110 ‑vs‑ To: claim has been sent to you at your (262) 636‑9957 ‑ fax against any real estate you own now DISCOVER BANK C/O DISCOVER Defendant(s) Prava Design Build address as stated in the caption 11579508/6‑29/7‑6‑13 or in the future, and may also be PRODUCTS INC Plaintiff, vs. enforced by garnishment or seizure Inc. and Daniel St. James Perez above. A judgment may be enforced PUBLICATION SUMMONS AVERIE L ANDERSON of property. 2910 4 Mile Road Racine, WI as provided by law. A judgment Case No. 18CV003216 Defendant. Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53404 awarding money may become a lien Our File # T918239 TO: AVERIE L ANDERSON this 18th day of June, 2018. If you require reasonable accom­ against any real estate (property) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 3445 S 32ND ST MAWICKE & GOISMAN, S.C. modations due to a disability to you own now or in the future, and COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY MILWAUKEE WI 53215‑4203 Attorneys for Plaintiff participate in the court process, may also be enforced by ENTERPRISE RENT‑A‑CAR You are being sued by: By: /s/ Bryan M. Becker please call 414‑985‑5757 at least 10 garnishment or seizure of property. COMPANY OF WISCONSIN, LLC DISCOVER BANK C/O DISCOVER Bryan M. Becker, SBN 1025404 working days prior to the scheduled You may have the option to Plaintiff, vs. TRAVIS HARDY PRODUCTS INC in the Small P. O. ADDRESS: court date. Please note that the court Answer without appearing in court on TELICHA CONNER Defendants. Claims Court of MILWAUKEE 1509 North Prospect Avenue does not provide transportation. the court date by filing a written THE STATE OF WISCONSIN County, located at 901 N 9TH ST Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 SUMMONS Answer with the clerk of court before TO: TRAVIS HARDY MILWAUKEE WI 53233. 414‑224‑0600 ‑ Telephone To the Defendant(s): the court date. You must send a 2931 N 47TH ST A hearing will be held at 8:30 a.m. 414‑224‑9359 ‑ Facsimile You are being sued as described copy of your Answer to the MILWAUKEE WI 53210 on July 24, 2018. If you do not [email protected] ‑ Email below. If you wish to dispute this Plaintiff(s) named above at their TELICHA CONNER appear, a judgment may be given to 11579507/6‑29/7‑6‑13 matter: address. You may contact the clerk the party suing you. A copy of this 4944 N 27TH ST You must appear at the time and of court at the telephone number amended summons along with the MILWAUKEE WI 53216 SUMMONS place stated. above to determine if there are other summons and complaint is being You are hereby notified that the CASE NO: 18CV003932 If you do not appear or answer, methods to answer a Small Claims mailed to you. Plaintiff named above has filed a File No. WI180024 the plaintiff may win this case and a complaint in that county. Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin lawsuit or other legal action against Honorable Stephanie Rothstein judgment entered for what the If you require reasonable accom­ this JUN 18 2018. you. The Complaint, which is also Foreclosure of Mortgage:30404 plaintiff is asking. modations due to a disability to KHON LAW FIRMS S.C. served on you, states the nature and STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT When to Appear/File an Answer participate in the court process, BY: /s/ Joseph R. Johnson basis of the legal action. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Date July 12, 2018 Time 8:30 am please call 414‑278‑5100 at least 10 JOSEPH R. JOHNSON Within Forty (40) days after June Freedom Mortgage Corporation 907 Place to Appear/File an Answer working days prior to the scheduled Plaintiff’s Attorney 29, 2018, you must respond with a Pleasant Valley Avenue – Ste. 3 Milwaukee County Courthouse court date. Please note that the court State Bar No. 1053052 written answer, as that term is used Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 Plaintiff 901 N. 9th Street Room 400 does not provide transportation. 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300 in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin vs. Jamie M. Petersen Heather C. Milwaukee, WI 53233 Date 6/18/18 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Statutes, to the Complaint. The court Petersen Unknown Tenants, if any COMPLAINT Keith Shindler (414) 276‑0435 may reject or disregard an answer 3971 E. Fitzsimmons Road Oak Plaintiff’s Demand: State Bar Number: 1017819 11579297/6‑29 that does not follow the requirements Creek, WI 53154 Defendant(s) The plaintiff states the following Shindler & Joyce of the statutes. The answer must be THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To claim against the defendant(s): 1990 E Algonquin Rd Ste 180 PUBLICATION SUMMONS sent or delivered to the court, whose each person named above as a 1. Plaintiff demands judgment for: Schaumburg, IL 60173 Case No. 18SC013799 address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT Defendant: Claim for Money $ See Attached. (847) 537‑1000 Our File # 925340 COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, You are hereby notified that the 2. Brief statement of dates and 11579505/6‑29 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI Plaintiff named above has filed a COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY facts: Please See Attached SERVICE BY PUBLICATION 53233 and the Kohn Law Firm, lawsuit or other legal action against DISCOVER BANK C/O DISCOVER Complaint. CASE NO.: 18SC019048 Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address you. The complaint, which is PRODUCTS INC Plaintiff, vs. See attached for additional Plaintiff File No.:264500 is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300, attached, states the nature and basis RAMON L RIVERA Defendant. information. Provide copy of attach­ STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may of the legal action. TO: RAMON L RIVERA ments for court and defendant(s). COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY have an attorney help or represent Within forty (40) days after June 3370 S 8TH ST 2ND FLOOR Verification: Under oath, I state CHIROPRACTIC COMPANY, S.C, you. 29, 2018 you must respond with a MILWAUKEE WI 53215 that the above complaint is true, Plaintiff, vs. JASMINE M JAMES If no Complaint accompanies this written demand for a copy of the You are being sued by: except as those matters stated upon 3444A N NEWHALL ST Summons you must respond within complaint. The demand must be DISCOVER BANK C/O DISCOVER information and belief, and as to MILWAUKEE WI 53211 Defend­ the said 40 day period with a written sent or delivered to the court, whose PRODUCTS INC in the Small those matters, I believe them to be ant(s). demand for a copy of the Complaint address is 901 N. 9th Street, Claims Court of MILWAUKEE true. I am attorney for the plaintiff You are being sued by CHIRO­ by mailing or delivering said written Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1458 and to County, located at 901 N 9TH ST Date 05/09/2018 PRACTIC COMPANY, S.C in the demand to the court and to the Plain­ James A. Hiller, Plaintiff’s attorney, MILWAUKEE WI 53233. Aaron Dekosky Small Claims Court for Milwaukee tiff’s attorneys at their respective whose main office address is 925 E. A hearing will be held at 8:30 a.m. State Bar Number 1081404 County, Wisconsin, 901 North 9th addresses listed above. 4th Street, Waterloo, IA 50703. You on July 12, 2018. If you do not Padway & Padway, Ltd. Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425. If you do not provide a proper may have an attorney help or appear, a judgment may be given to 633 W. Wisconsin Ave. A hearing will be held on July 20, answer to the Complaint or provide a represent you. the party suing you. A copy of this Suite 1900 2018 at 8:30 a.m. If you do not written demand for said complaint If you do not demand a copy of amended summons along with the Milwaukee, WI 53203 appear, a judgment may be given to within the 40 day period, the court the complaint within forty (40) days, (414) 277‑9800 summons and complaint is being the person suing you. (A copy of the may grant judgment against you for the court may grant judgment 11579950/6‑29 mailed to you. claim has been mailed to you at the the award of money or other legal against you for the award of money Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin PUBLICATION SUMMONS address above). action requested in the Complaint, or other legal action requested in the this June 25, 2018. Small Claims Case Number Deborah Krusche Bruck and you may lose your right to object complaint, and you may lose your KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. 18SC15632 Bar Code: 01010658 BRUCK to anything that is or may be right to object to anything that is or BY: /s/ JOSEPH R. JOHNSON ERIC C. RATZMANN LAW OFFICES, S.C. incorrect in the Complaint. A may be incorrect in the complaint. A JOSEPH R. JOHNSON 7969 S. MAIN ST., #304 Sixth Floor322 East Michigan Street judgment may be enforced as judgment may be enforced as Plaintiff’s Attorney OAK CREEK, WI 53154 Milwaukee, WI 53202 provided by law. A judgment provided by law. A judgment State Bar No 1053052 You are being sued by (414)223‑3335 awarding money may become a lien awarding money may become a lien 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300 LAKESHORE MEDICAL CLINIC 11579391/6‑29 against any real estate you own now against any real estate you own now Milwaukee, WI 53202 or in the future, and may be enforced or in the future, and may also be LLC in the Small Claims Court of SERVICE BY PUBLICATION (414) 276‑0435 by garnishment or seizure of enforced by garnishment or seizure MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., CASE NO.: 18SC019059 11579527/6‑29 property. of property. Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A Plaintiff File No.: 265565 hearing will be held at 8:30 am on PUBLICATION SUMMONS Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin Dated: June 25, 2018 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT If you do not appear, Case No.: 2018CV003649 June 21, 2018. THE SAYER LAW GROUP, P.C. July 27, 2018. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY a judgment may be given to the Classification Code: 30301 KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. Plaintiff’s Attorney CHIROPRACTIC COMPANY, S.C, person suing you. (A copy of this “The Amount Claimed is BY: /s/ Joseph R. Johnson James A. Hiller Plaintiff, vs. VELVED D claim has been mailed to you at the in Excess of $10,000.00” JOSEPH R. JOHNSON State Bar No.: 1016709 STEVENSON 901 W address above). STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT State Bar No.1053052 925 E. 4th Street WINNEBAGO ST #302 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Attorney for Plaintiff Waterloo, IA 50703 We are attempting to collect a MILWAUKEE WI 3205 Educators Credit Union 1326 Willow 11579513/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Phone: 319‑234‑2530 debt. Any information obtained Defendant(s). Road Mt. Pleasant, WI 53177, Fax: 319‑232‑6341 will be used for that purpose. This You are being sued by CHIRO­ PUBLICATION SUMMONS Plaintiff, ‑vs‑ Lisa M. Pesqueira E‑Mail: [email protected] communication is from a debt PRACTIC COMPANY, S.C in the Case No.: 2018 CV 4069 3820 S. 35th St. Milwaukee, WI The Sayer Law Group, P.C. is collector. Small Claims Court for Milwaukee Case Code: 30301, 30404 53221 Defendant(s). attempting to collect a debt and Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 County, Wisconsin, 901 North 9th STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, to any information obtained will be Attorneys for Plaintiff Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY LISA M. PESQUEIRA named above used for that purpose. If you have Heuer Law Offices, S.C. A hearing will be held on July 20, FIRST‑CITIZENS BANK & TRUST as a Defendant: previously received a discharge in Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. 2018 at 8:30 a.m. If you do not COMPANY, SUCCES­ Lisa M. Pesqueira you are hereby a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, this 1050583 appear, a judgment may be given to SOR‑IN‑INTEREST TO NORTH notified that the plaintiff named communication should not be 9312 W. National Ave. the person suing you. (A copy of the MILWAUKEE STATE BANK, 8200 above has filed a lawsuit or other construed as an attempt to hold West Allis, WI 53227 claim has been mailed to you at the West Brown Deer Road, Phone: (414) 224‑3500 legal action against you. you personally liable for the debt. address above). Milwaukee, WI 53223, Plaintiff, v. 11578326/6‑29 Within 40 days after June 29, 11579512/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Deborah Krusche Bruck ALL SAINTS FELLOWSHIP 2018, you must respond with a SMALL CLAIMS PUBLICATION Bar Code: 01010658 CHRISTIAN CHURCH, CORP., PUBLICATION SUMMONS written demand for a copy of the SUMMONS BRUCK LAW OFFICES, S.C. 1923 North 12th Street, Small Claims Case Number Complaint. The demand must be Case Number: 18SC019625 Sixth Floor Milwaukee, WI 53205, ODELL B. 18SC18562 sent or delivered to the Honorable STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 322 East Michigan Street JOHNSON, 1646 North 17th TONY D. KINSELLA Clare L. Fiorenza, Milwaukee County COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Milwaukee, WI 53202 Street, Milwaukee, WI 53205, 3520 N. 93RD ST. Courthouse, whose address is: To: Randy Bash (414) 223‑3335 LIFETIME DOOR CO., 1645 West MILWAUKEE, WI 53222 Milwaukee County Courthouse Townsend Street, Brookfield, WI You are being sued by GERHARD 1741 South 71st Street 11579396/6‑29 Attn.: Honorable Clare L Fiorenza 53005, CITY OF MILWAUKEE, VON DER RUHR C/O BIECK Milwaukee, Wl 53214 SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Br. 03 200 East Wells Street, Milwaukee, MGMT. INC., AGENT in the Small You are being sued by Plaintiff, CASE NO.: 18SC019060 901 North Ninth St. WI 53202, Defendant. Claims Court of MILWAUKEE Marathon Commercial Services, Inc., Plaintiff File No.: 263048 Milwaukee, WI 53233, THE STATE OF WISCONSIN County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, in the Small Claims Court for STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT and to Bruner Law Offices, S.C., To each person named above as a Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will Milwaukee County, Milwaukee COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is: Defendant: be held at 8:30 am on July 27, County Courthouse, Courtroom 400, CHIROPRACTIC COMPANY, S.C, Bruner Law Offices, S.C. You are hereby notified that the 2018. If you do not appear, a 901 North 9th Street, Milwaukee, Plaintiff, vs. RYAN HYNEK 2332 Attn: Edward J. Bruner, Jr. Plaintiff named above has filed a judgment may be given to the person Wisconsin 53233. A hearing will be NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE 827 Main Street lawsuit or other legal action against suing you. (A copy of this claim has held at 8:30 a.m. on July 27 , 2018, MILWAUKEE WI 53211 Defend­ Racine, WI 53403 you. been mailed to you at the address before a Small Claims Commis­ ant(s). You may have an attorney help or Within 40 days after June 29, above). sioner. If you do not appear, a judg­ You are being sued by CHIRO­ represent you. 2018, you must respond with a We are attempting to collect a ment may be given to the person PRACTIC COMPANY, S.C in the If you do not demand a copy of written demand for a copy of the debt. Any information obtained suing you. A copy of the claim has Small Claims Court for Milwaukee the Complaint within 40 days, the Complaint. The demand must be will be used for that purpose. This been mailed to you at the address County, Wisconsin, 901 North 9th Court may grant Judgment against sent or delivered to the court, whose communication is from a debt above. Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425. you for the award of money or other address is: Clerk of Circuit Court, collector. LAW OFFICE OF JAMES T. A hearing will be held on July 20, legal action requested in the Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 MOCZYDLOWSKT,LLC. PAGE 22 | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

By: James T. Moczydlowski judgment may be enforced as OH 44124 ‑vs‑ Defendant(s), Claims Court of MILWAUKEE 1333 College Avenue, Suite K provided by law. A judgment Floyd T. Clayton, 1105 S. 11th County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, South Milwaukee, Wl 53172 awarding money may become a lien Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204. Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will (4r4) 766‑9490 against any real estate you own now Publication Summons and Notice be held at 8:30 am on July 27, Attorney for the Plaintiff. or in the future, and may be enforced of Filing 2018. If you do not appear, a 11579287/6‑29 by garnishment or seizure of TO THE PERSON(S) NAMED judgment may be given to the person ABOVE AS DEFENDANT(S): Notice and Order for Name SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION property. suing you. (A copy of this claim has You are being sued by the Change Hearing CASE NO. 18SC19167 Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin been mailed to you at the address person(s) named above as Case No. 18CV005174 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT JUNE 26, 2018. above). Plaintiff(s). A copy of the claim has STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT SMALL CLAIMS KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. We are attempting to collect a been sent to you at your address as COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY DIVISION MILWAUKEE COUNTY BY: JOSEPH R. JOHNSON debt. Any information obtained stated in the caption above. IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME NCB Management Services, Inc. as State Bar No. 1053052 will be used for that purpose. This The Lawsuit will be heard in the CHANGE OF Olesya Mariya successor in interest to Citi Finan­ Attorney for Plaintiff communication is from a debt 11579965/6‑29/7‑6‑13 following Small Claims court: Motovylyak cial Auto c/o Messerli & Kramer collector. Milwaukee County Courthouse. Tele­ By (Petitioner) Olesya Mariya PA 3033 Campus Drive Suite 250 SMALL CLAIMS AMENDED Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 phone number of Clerk of Court: Motovylyak Plymouth, MN 55441 Plaintiff, vs. SUMMONS Attorneys for Plaintiff (414) 278‑5362 Courtroom/Room NOTICE IS GIVEN: LUCAS SIEHR 1328 S 91ST ST Case No. 18SC001524 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. Number: Room 400 Address: 901 N. A petition was filed asking to MILWAUKE WI 53214 Defendant(s).­ Our File #T916779 Jonathan D. McCollister, State Ninth St. Milwaukee WI 53233 On change the name of the person listed THE STATE OF WISCONSIN: STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Bar No. 1037740 the following date and time: July 20, above: To each person named above as COURT RACINE COUNTY 9312 W. National Ave. 2018, 8:30 a.m. From: Olesya Mariya Motovylyak Defendant(s): PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSAL West Allis, WI 53227 If you do not attend the hearing, To: Alice Motovylyak You are hereby being sued by INSURANCE COMPANY AS Phone: (414) 224‑3500 the court may enter a judgment Birth Certificate: Olesya Mariya NCB Management Services, Inc. as SUBROGEE OF ZACHARY 11578421/6‑29 against you in favor of the Motovylyak successor in interest to Citi Financial BARBEE Plaintiff, vs. CHELSEA person(s) suing you. A copy of the PUBLICATION SUMMONS IT IS ORDERED: Auto, in the small claims court for K AYERS Defendant. This petition will be heard in the claim has been sent to you at your Small Claims Case Number Milwaukee County, Room 400 of the TO: CHELSEA K AYERS Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, address as stated in the caption 18SC15145 Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 1731 E MORGAN AVE State of Wisconsin: above. A judgment may be enforced ATASHIA M. HALL N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE Wl 53207 Judge’s Name Kevin Martens as provided by law. A judgment 4532 W CAPITOL DR A hearing will be held at 8:30 AM on You are being sued by: Place 901 N. 9th Street Room 403 awarding money may become a lien Friday, August 17, 2018. If you do PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSAL MILWAUKEE, WI 53216‑1543 Date 8/9/18 against any real estate you own now not appear, a judgment may be INSURANCE COMPANY AS You are being sued by WEST Time 9:00 am or in the future, and may also be given to the person suing you. (A SUBROGEE OF ZACHARY ALLIS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: enforced by garnishment or seizure copy of the claim has been mailed to BARBEE in the Small Claims Court D/B/A AURORA WEST ALLIS Notice of this hearing shall be of property. you at the address above.) of RACINE County, located at 730 MEDICAL CENTER and AURORA given by publication as a Class 3 You may have the option to MESSERLI & KRAMER PA WISCONSIN AVE RACINE WI MEDICAL GROUP the Small notice for three (3) weeks in a row Answer without appearing in court on Electronically signed by: 53403. Claims Court of MILWAUKEE prior to the date of the hearing in the the court date by filing a written Gina C Ziegelbauer, #1083227 WI A hearing will be held at 8:30 a.m. County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, Daily Reporter a newspaper Answer with the clerk of court before June 20, 2018 on July 12, 2018. If you do not Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will published in Milwaukee County, the court date. You must send a 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 appear, a judgment may be given to be held at 8:30 am on July 27, State of Wisconsin. copy of your Answer to the Plymouth, MN 55441 the party suing you. A copy of this 2018. If you do not appear, a BY THE COURT: Plaintiff(s) named above at their cc‑[email protected] amended summons along with the judgment may be given to the person Rebecca F. Dallet address. You may contact the clerk Ph#: (763) 548‑7900 summons and complaint is being suing you. (A copy of this claim has Circuit Court Judge of court at the telephone number Fax#: (763) 548‑7922 mailed to you. been mailed to you at the address Date 6/19/18 above to determine if there are other 11579234/6‑29 Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin above). 11578370/6‑29/7‑6‑13 methods to answer a Small Claims this JUNE 11, 2018 We are attempting to collect a Publication Summons complaint in that county. KHON LAW FIRM S.C. debt. Any information obtained Case No. 2018SC019526 If you need help in this matter BY: JOSEPH R. JOHNSON will be used for that purpose. This STATE OF WISCONSIN : CIRCUIT because of a disability, please call: Plaintiff’s Attorney communication is from a debt Miscellaneous COURT : MILWAUKEE COUNTY 414‑985‑5757 State Bar No. 1053052 collector. SMALL CLAIMS Date 6/25/2018 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 Andrew Steven Ward Electronically Signed By Dana R. NOTICE OF HEARING Milwaukee, WI 53202 Attorneys for Plaintiff 10535 W. Bradley Road Holle CCAP No.: 2018TP000140 (414)276‑0435 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. STATE OF WISCONSIN*CIRCUIT Milwaukee, WI 53224 State Bar Number 1101412 11579154/6‑29 Jonathan D. McCollister, State COURT*CHILDREN’S DIVI­ You are being sued by Deidre N. Yost & Baill LLP Bar No. 1037740 SION*MILWAUKEE COUNTY Perkins in the small claims court for Small Claims Publication 2675 N. Mayfair Dr. Ste. 600 9312 W. National Ave. In the Interest of: DL Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, Summons And Notice Milwaukee, WI 53226 West Allis, WI 53227 Date of Birth: 05/26/2017 Room 400 of the Milwaukee County Case No. 18SC15124 414‑259‑0600 CCAP No.: 2018TP000140 Courthouse, 901 North 9th Street, STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT 11579925/6‑29 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY 11578450/6‑29 A Child Under the Age of 18 SMALL CLAIMS PUBLICATION To:Dominique Lumpkin be held at 8:30 o’clock a.m. on July Plaintiffs, Progressive Universal SUMMONS PUBLICATION SUMMONS 812 S. 57th St 26, 2018. Insurance Company, 5920 Case No. 18SC16833 Small Claims Case Number West Allis, WI 53214 If you do not appear a judgment Landerbrook Dr. Mayfield Heights STATE OF WISCONSIN 18SC15649 The Mother may be given to the party suing you. OH 44124 ‑vs‑ Defendants, CIRCUITCOURT‑SMALL CLAIMS DARIN T. CULLEN “Jordan” A copy of the claim has been mailed Wilson Sanchez, 2415 S. 17th MILWAUKEE COUNTY 1124 E. CHAMBERS ST. The Alleged Father to you at the address above. Street, Apt B Milwaukee, WI To: Refessa McAllister MILWAUKEE, WI 53212 Any Unknown Fathers Dated: June 25, 2018 53215. 6234 N 91st St. You are being sued by WEST Information regarding the QUARLES & BRADY LLP Publication Summons and Notice Milwaukee, WI 53225 ALLIS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. above‑named child is as follows: Patrick J. Schoen #01016173 of Filing You are being sued by Plaintiff D/B/A AURORA WEST ALLIS Name: DL 411 East Wisconsin Avenue TO THE PERSON(S) NAMED Ronald & Dana Swinney in the Small MEDICAL CENTER and AURORA Date of Birth: 05/26/2017 Milwaukee, WI 53202‑4497 ABOVE AS DEFENDANT(S): Claims Court for Milwaukee County, ADVANCED HEALTHCARE Place of Birth: Milwaukee, WI (414) 277‑5665 You are being sued by the Milwaukee County Courthouse, the Small Claims Court of Date of Conception: Attorneys for Plaintiff person(s) named above as Courtroom 400, 901 North Ninth MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., 7/29/16‑9/27/16 11579972/6‑29 Plaintiff(s). A copy of the claim has Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A Place of Conception: been sent to you at your address as PUBLICATION SUMMONS 53233. A hearing will be held at 8:30 hearing will be held at 8:30 am on Unknown stated in the caption above. Case No. 18CV003020 am on 7/16/18 before a Small Claims July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Lawsuit will be heard in the Our File #T921939 Commissioner. If you do not appear, a judgment may be given to the at a regular session of the Circuit following Small Claims court: STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT a judgment may be given to the person suing you. (A copy of this Court of Milwaukee County, Milwaukee County Courthouse. Tele­ COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY person suing you. A copy of the claim has been mailed to you at the Children’s Division, to be held on phone number of Clerk of Court: PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSAL address above). July 25, 2018 at 8:30 a.m., Br. 14, (414) 278‑5362 Courtroom/Room claim has been mailed to you at the INSURANCE COMPANY AS We are attempting to collect a Vel R. Phillips Juvenile Justice Number: Room 400 Address: 901 N. address above. SUBROGEE OF GLORIA Ronald & Dana Swinney Center, located at 10201 Watertown Ninth St. Milwaukee WI 53233 On debt. Any information obtained VANSCYOC Plaintiff, vs. LUIS S P. O. Box 250538 Plank Road, City of Wauwatosa, the following date and time: July 20, will be used for that purpose. This SOTO Defendant. Milwaukee, WI 53225 County of Milwaukee, State of 2018, 8:30 a.m. communication is from a debt THE STATE OF WISCONSIN 11567578/6‑29 Wisconsin, there will be a hearing on If you do not attend the hearing, collector. TO: LUIS S SOTO a Petition for Termination of Parental the court may enter a judgment PUBLICATION SUMMONS Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 2103 S 10TH ST Rights on the following: Dominique against you in favor of the Small Claims Case Number Attorneys for Plaintiff MILWAUKEE WI 53215 Lumpkin, mother; “Jordan”, person(s) suing you. A copy of the 18SC15690 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. You are hereby notified that the allegedfather; and any unknown claim has been sent to you at your DESHAWN SYKES Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. Plaintiff named above has filed a father(s) of DL. address as stated in the caption 9567 N. 48TH ST. 1050583 lawsuit or other legal action against If you fail to appear at such above. A judgment may be enforced MILWAUKEE, WI 53218 9312 W. National Ave. you. The Complaint, which is also hearing, an order may be entered as provided by law. A judgment AND West Allis, WI 53227 served on you, states the nature and terminating your parental rights to awarding money may become a lien 8914 N 96TH ST #5 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 basis of the legal action. the above named child. against any real estate you own now MILWAUKEE, WI 53224 11578406/6‑29 Within Forty (40) days after June You have the right to be or in the future, and may also be You are being sued by TRI CITY 29, 2018, you must respond with a PUBLICATION SUMMONS represented by an attorney; and if enforced by garnishment or seizure NATIONAL BANK in the Small written answer, as that term is used Small Claims Case Number you cannot afford an attorney, one of property. Claims Court of MILWAUKEE in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin 18SC15660 may be appointed by the State You may have the option to County, 901 N. 9th St., Room 400, Statutes, to the Complaint. The court TIFFANY CORBY Public Defender’s Office by Answer without appearing in court on Milwaukee, WI 53233. A hearing will may reject or disregard an answer 9613 W ARCH AVE contacting said office at (414) the court date by filing a written be held at 8:30 am on July 27, that does not follow the requirements MILWAUKEE, WI 53224‑2711 266‑1210. Answer with the clerk of court before 2018. If you do not appear, a of the statutes. The answer must be You are being sued by WEST If the court terminates parental the court date. You must send a judgment may be given to the person sent or delivered to the court, whose ALLIS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. rights, Notice of Intent to Pursue copy of your Answer to the suing you. (A copy of this claim has address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT D/B/A AUROR WEST ALLIS Relief from the Judgment must be Plaintiff(s) named above at their been mailed to you at the address COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, MEDICAL CENTER and AURORA filed in the trial court within thirty (30) address. You may contact the clerk above). 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI ADVANCED HEALTHCARE days after the judgment is entered of court at the telephone number We are attempting to collect a 53233 and the Kohn Law Firm, the Small Claims Court of for the right to pursue such relief to above to determine if there are other debt. Any information obtained Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address MILWAUKEE County, 901 N. 9th St., be preserved. methods to answer a Small Claims will be used for that purpose. This is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300, Room 400, Milwaukee, WI 53233. A Petitioner’s Attorney: Jenni Spies complaint in that county. communication is from a debt Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may Karas If you need help in this matter collector. hearing will be held at 8:30 am on have an attorney help or represent Assistant District Attorney because of a disability, please call: Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 July 27, 2018. If you do not appear, you. State Bar No. 1059550 414‑985‑5757 Attorneys for Plaintiff a judgment may be given to the If no Complaint accompanies this 10201 Watertown Plank Road Date 6/25/2018 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. person suing you. (A copy of this Summons you must respond within Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 Electronically Signed By Dana R. Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. claim has been mailed to you at the the said 40 day period with a written Telephone No. (414)‑257‑7725 Holle 1050583 address above). demand for a copy of the Complaint WITNESS, the Honorable Christo­ State Bar Number 1101412 9312 W. National Ave. We are attempting to collect a by mailing or delivering said written pher R Foley, Branch 14, of the Yost & Baill LLP West Allis, WI 53227 debt. Any information obtained demand to the court and to the Plain­ Circuit Court of said County, at 2675 N. Mayfair Dr. Ste. 600 Phone: (414) 224‑3500 will be used for that purpose. This Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, this 25th tiffs attorneys at their respective Milwaukee, WI 53226 11578303/6‑29 communication is from a debt day of June, 2018. addresses listed above. 414‑259‑0600 collector. Josh Steib If you do not provide a proper PUBLICATION SUMMONS 11579920/6‑29 Dated this 21st day of June, 2018 Assistant Chief Deputy Clerk of answer to the Complaint or provide a Small Claims Case Number Attorneys for Plaintiff said Circuit Court written demand for said complaint Small Claims Publication 18SC15138 Heuer Law Offices, S.C. 11579510/6‑29 within the 40 day period, the court Summons And Notice KATHERINE L. KING Ryan M. Peterson, State Bar No. may grant judgment against you for Case No. 18SC19621 1625 S 94TH PL 1050583 NOTICE OF HEARING the award of money or other legal STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT WEST ALLIS, WI 53214 9312 W. National Ave. CCAP No.: 2018TP000141 action requested in the Complaint, COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY You are being sued by WEST West Allis, WI 53227 STATE OF WISCONSIN*CIRCUIT and you may lose your right to object Plaintiff(s), Progressive Universal ALLIS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. Phone: (414) 224‑3500 COURT*CHILDREN’S DIVI­ to anything that is or may be Insurance Company, 5920 D/B/A AURORA WEST ALLIS SION*MILWAUKEE COUNTY 11578387/6‑29 incorrect in the Complaint. A Landerbrook Dr. Mayfield Heights MEDICAL CENTER. in the Small In the Interest of: BJ FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 23

Date of Birth: 09/02/2017 Re Small Claims, Eviction Securities Corporation, Home Gray & Associates, L.L.P., plaintiff’s CCAP No.: 2018TP000141 This matter will not be adjourned Equity Mortgage Asset‑Backed attorney, whose address is 16345 A Child Under the Age of 18 by the court except upon formal Pass‑Through Certificates, Series West Glendale Drive, New Berlin, WI To:Laqueta M. Jamison motion for good cause or with the 2006‑KS2 c/o Ocwen Loan Serv­ 53151‑2841. You may have an 3129 North 24th Place specific approval of the court upon icing, LLC 1661 Worthington attorney help or represent you. Milwaukee, WI 53206 stipulation by all parties. Road, Suite 100 West Palm If you do not demand a copy of Any Unknown Fathers PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Notice to Creditors Beach, FL 33409 Plaintiff, vs. the complaint within 40 days, the Information regarding the Attached is a list of damages filed by (Informal Administration) Minerva Perez a/k/a Minerva court may grant judgment against above‑named child is as follows: the plaintiff. If the defendant is Case No. 2017PR001272 Martinez 1639 S 11th St you for the award of money or other Name: BJ contesting this amount, a written STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT Milwaukee, WI 53204‑3340 John legal action requested in the Date of Birth: 09/02/2017 answer outlining the reasons why COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY Doe Perez 1639 S 11th St complaint, and you may lose your Place of Birth: Milwaukee, WI he/she is contesting the amount IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Milwaukee, WI 53204‑3340 Adan right to object to anything that is or Date of Conception: must be filed with the Court with a OF RUTH M. BARTEK Deceased. Martinez 1639 S 11th St Uppr may be incorrect in the complaint. A 11/20/16‑1/19/17 copy to the plaintiff ON OR BEFORE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Milwaukee, WI 53204‑3340 Jane judgment may be enforced as Place of Conception: the above court date and time. 1. An application for informal Doe Martinez 1639 S 11th St Uppr provided by law. A judgment Unknown Please be advised that the administration was filed. Milwaukee, WI 53204‑3340 State awarding money may become a lien NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN defendant does not have to appear 2. The decedent, with date of birth of Wisconsin, c/o Attorney against any real estate you own now NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at at the above court date IF the April 24, 1937 and date of death July General 114 East State Capitol or in the future, and may also be a regular session of the Circuit Court answer is filed prior to the date. The 17, 2017, was domiciled in Madison, WI 53703 City of enforced by garnishment or seizure of Milwaukee County, Children’s court will set the matter for hearing Milwaukee County, State of Milwaukee 200 E Wells St of property. Division, to be held on July 20, 2018 upon receipt of the defendant’s Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: Milwaukee, WI 53202‑3515 Dated this 18th day of June, 2018. at 8:30 a.m., Br. 46, Vel R. Phillips written answer. Failure to timely file 3811 East O’Brien Road, Oak Creek, Defendants. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Juvenile Justice Center, located at an answer may result in judgment Wisconsin 53154. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Attorneys for Plaintiff 10201 Watertown Plank Road, City being granted to the plaintiff for the 3. All interested persons waived To each person named above as By: William N. Foshag notice. of Wauwatosa, County of Milwaukee, amount of damages plus costs. The a defendant: State Bar No. 1020417 4. The deadline for filing a claim State of Wisconsin, there will be a plaintiff is not required to appear at You are hereby notified that the Case No. 18‑CV‑002850 against the decedent’s estate is hearing on a Petition for Termination this hearing. plaintiff named above has filed a 16345 West Glendale Drive September 23, 2018. of Parental Rights on the following: Personal Service must be made in lawsuit or other legal action against New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 5. A claim may be filed at the Laqueta M. Jamison, mother; any order to obtain a money judgment on you. (414) 224‑1987 Milwaukee County Courthouse, unknown father(s) of BJ. damages. Publication may be neces­ Within 40 days after June 29, Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. If you fail to appear at such sary. 2018 you must respond with a attempting to collect a debt and any Electronically signed by hearing, an order may be entered For further information, please information obtained will be used for Jeaneen Mardak written demand for a copy of the terminating your parental rights to contact the small claims calendar that purpose. If you have previously Court Commissioner amended complaint. The demand the above named child. clerk at 262‑548‑7557. received a discharge in a chapter 7 Date: 06/20/2018 must be sent or delivered to the You have the right to be If you require reasonable bankruptcy case, this communication Attorney Lawrence J. Haskin court, whose address is 901 N. Ninth represented by an attorney; and if accommodations due to a should not be construed as an Bar Number 1017416 Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425 you cannot afford an attorney, one disability in order to participate in and to Gray & Associates, L.L.P., attempt to hold you personally liable may be appointed by the State the court process, please call Haskin & Karls 7300 South 13th Street, Ste. 104 plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is for the debt. Public Defender’s Office by 262‑548‑7525 at least 10 working 16345 West Glendale Drive, New 11579506/6‑29/7‑6‑13 contacting said office at (414) days prior to the scheduled court Oak Creek, WI 53154 (414) 762‑5105 Berlin, WI 53151‑2841. You may 266‑1210. date. Please note that the court have an attorney help or represent If the court terminates parental 11579517/6‑29/7‑6‑13 does not provide transportation. you. rights, Notice of Intent to Pursue Waukesha County Circuit Court Notice to Creditors If you do not demand a copy of Subsequent Relief from the Judgment must be Date: June 21, 2018 (Informal Administration) the amended complaint within 40 filed in the trial court within thirty (30) 11579967/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Case No. 18 PR 000 991 days, the court may grant judgment days after the judgment is entered Publications STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT against you for the award of money for the right to pursue such relief to COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY or other legal action requested in the be preserved. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Petitioner’s Attorney: Matthew amended complaint, and you may OF WILLIAM D. SCHWEBKE lose your right to object to anything Westphal PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Assistant District Attorney that is or may be incorrect in the 1. An application for informal amended complaint. A judgment State Bar No. 1071292 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION administration was filed. 10201 Watertown Plank Road In accordance with the provisions may be enforced as provided by law. 2. The decedent, with date of birth A judgment awarding money may PUBLICATION SUMMONS Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53226 of State law, there being due and April 19, 1934 and date of death Telephone No. (414)‑257‑7725 unpaid charges for which the under­ become a lien against any real Case No. 18CV002898 April 6, 2018, was domiciled in estate you own now or in the future, Our File # T919444 WITNESS, the Honorable David A signed is entitled to satisfy an owner Milwaukee County, State of Feiss, Branch 46, of the Circuit Court and/or manager’s lien of the goods and may also be enforced by STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: garnishment or seizure of property. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY of said County, at Wauwatosa, hereinafter described and stored at 9526 West Arthur Avenue, West Wisconsin, this 26th day of June, the Life Storage location listed Dated this 19th day of June, 2018. ARTISAN AND TRUCKERS Allis, WI 53227. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. CASU­ALTY COMPANY AS 2018. below. 3. All interested persons waived Josh Steib And, due notice having been Attorneys for Plaintiff SUBROGEE OF LARRY M notice. By: Patricia C. Lonzo TAYLOR Plaintiff, vs. CALEB J Assistant Chief Deputy Clerk of given, to the owner of said property 4. The deadline for filing a claim said Circuit Court and all parties known to claim an State Bar No. 1045312 ADAMS Defendant. against the decedent’s estate is Case No. 18‑CV‑004042 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN 11579529/6‑29 interest therein, and the time September 18, 2018. specified in such notice for payment 16345 West Glendale Drive TO: CALEB J ADAMS NOTICE AND ORDER OF 5. A claim may be filed at the of such having expired, the goods New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 7741 W GLENBROOK RD HEARING Milwaukee County Courthouse, will be sold at public auction at the (414) 224‑1987 MILWAUKEE WI 53223 (For Publication) Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. below stated location(s) to the Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is You are hereby notified that the Case No. 18‑TP‑10 Nicole Robbins highest bidder or otherwise disposed attempting to collect a debt and any Plaintiff named above has filed a STATE OF WISCONSIN — Probate Registrar of on Wednesday July 18, 2018 @ information obtained will be used for lawsuit or other legal action against CIRCUIT COURT — Date: 6/15/18 9:00 AM 4565 N. Green Bay Ave that purpose. If you have previously you. The Complaint, which is also WASHINGTON COUNTY Attorney Anthony J. Staskunas Milwaukee WI 53209, 414‑264‑7777. received a discharge in a chapter 7 served on you, states the nature and In the Interest of Cecilia A. McKee Bar Number 01012780 319‑Carl Hayes‑Household bankruptcy case, this communication basis of the legal action. To: Jackie L. McKee 10701 West Lincoln Avenue Goods/Furniture Tv/Stereo should not be construed as an Within Forty (40) days after June 7008 W. National Avenue West Allis, WI 53227 Equipment attempt to hold you personally liable 22, 2018, you must respond with a West Allis, WI 53214 414‑541‑9440 143‑ Tinna Clark ‑Household for the debt. written answer, as that term is used and any unknown parent at 11579518/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Goods/ Furniture 11579516/6‑29/7‑6‑13 in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin unknown address. 175‑ Dante Boston‑ Household Statutes, to the Complaint. The court IT IS ORDERED: PUBLICATION SUMMONS Goods/Furniture Tv/Stereo may reject or disregard an answer This notice be published advising Case No. 18‑CV‑002850 Tools/Appliances that does not follow the requirements you that a petition for termination of The Honorable 228‑ Andrew Jeff ‑ Household of the statutes. The answer must be your parental rights to the above Ellen R. Brostrom Goods/Furniture sent or delivered to the court, whose named child be heard at the Wash­ Case Code 30404 333‑ David Nash ‑ Household address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT ington County Courthouse, West (Foreclosure of Mortgage) Goods/Furniture Bend, Wisconsin, Rm./Br.‑address The amount claimed exceeds COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, 522‑Sheila Butler ‑ Household 432 E. Washington St., Room 1254 $10,000.00 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI Goods/ Furniture on July 17, 2018, at 10:15 a.m. NOTICE STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 53233 and the Kohn Law Firm, R113 ‑ Emerald Carter‑ Couch You have the right to have an NOTICE PURSUANT TO COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address sectional cabinet attorney present. If you desire to SECTION 200‑26‑5 OF THE Deutsche Bank National Trust is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300, R114 ‑Household Goods/Furniture contest the matter and cannot afford MILWAUKEE CODE OF Company, as Indenture Trustee Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may T108‑ Katherine Hamilton an attorney, the state public ORDINANCES: for Argent Mortgage Loan Trust have an attorney help or represent Tools/Appliances bags defender may appoint an attorney to AN APPLICATION FOR A 2005‑W1, Asset‑Backed Notes you. Y110 Clark Barton‑Household represent you. PERMIT FOR THE DEMOLITION Series 2005‑W1 c/o Ocwen Loan If no Complaint accompanies this goods/furniture tv/stereo equipment If you fail to appear and the court OF 2400 N FARWELL AV HAS Summons you must respond within tools/appliances office furni­ture/ Servicing, LLC 1661 Worthington terminates your parental rights, BEEN RECEIVED ON 6/21/2018 BY the said 40 day period with a written machines/equipment account Road, Suite 100 West Palm either a motion to seek relief from THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE demand for a copy of the Complaint records/sales samples golf, clubs, Beach, FL 33409 Plaintiff, vs. the judgment or a notice of intent to DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBOR‑ by mailing or delivering said written tents beta tapes, clothes, books dvd, Bryant A. Riley 2811 W Bobolink pursue relief from the judgment must HOOD SERVICES. demand to the court and to the Plain­ cd’s Ave Milwaukee, WI 53209‑4245 be filed in the trial court within 30 11579521/6‑29 Jane Doe Riley 2811 W Bobolink tiff’s attorneys at their respective 11579533/6‑29/7‑6 addresses listed above. days after the judgment is entered, NOTICE Ave Milwaukee, WI 53209‑4245 in order to preserve the right to NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION The United States of America, If you do not provide a proper NOTICE PURSUANT TO answer to the Complaint or provide a pursue such relief. In accordance with the provisions SECTION 200‑26‑5 OF THE Internal Revenue Service c/o US If you need help in this matter of State law, there being due and Attorney 517 East Wisconsin written demand for said complaint MILWAUKEE CODE OF within the 40 day period, the court because of a disability, please call unpaid charges for which the under­ ORDINANCES: Avenue #530 Milwaukee, WI (262) 335‑4334. signed is entitled to satisfy an owner 53202 & c/o US Attorney General may grant judgment against you for AN APPLICATION FOR A the award of money or other legal BY THE COURT: and/or manager’s lien of the goods PERMIT FOR THE DEMOLITION 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Rm Honorable Todd K. Martens hereinafter described and stored at B‑103 Washington, DC action requested in the Complaint, OF 2421 W FOND DU LAC HAS and you may lose your right to object Circuit Court Judge the Life Storage location listed BEEN RECEIVED ON 6/25/2018 BY 20530‑0001 Milwaukee City a/k/a BRADLEY S. STERN, below. City of Milwaukee 200 E Wells St to anything that is or may be THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE incorrect in the Complaint. A County Attorney, And, due notice having been DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBOR‑ #205 Milwaukee, WI 53202‑3515 Bar Number: 1031134, given, to the owner of said property American Family Mutual Ins Co judgment may be enforced as HOOD SERVICES. provided by law. A judgment 432 E. Washington St., Ste. 3029, and all parties known to claim an 11579519/6‑29 c/o James Eldridge, Registered West Bend, WI 53095‑7986. interest therein, and the time Agent 6000 American Pkwy awarding money may become a lien 262‑335‑4780 specified in such notice for payment Madison, WI 53777‑0001 John against any real estate you own now 11576064/6‑29 of such having expired, the goods Doe Riley 2811 W Bobolink Ave or in the future, and may be enforced will be sold at public auction at the by garnishment or seizure of Notice of Hearing Milwaukee, WI 53209‑4245 below stated location(s) to the property. Case No: 2018SC002122 Defendants. highest bidder or otherwise disposed Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT THE STATE OF WISCONSIN of on Wednesday July 18, 2018 at June 11, 2018. COURT WAUKESHA COUNTY PUBLICATION AMENDED To each person named above as 9:00 AM 420 W. Saint Paul Ave, KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. The Brittany Parkside, LLC vs. SUMMONS a defendant: Milwaukee, WI 53203. BY: /s/ Joseph R. Johnson William Stehling Case No. 18‑CV‑004042 You are hereby notified that the Jimetris Patterson 1146 JOSEPH R. JOHNSON This case is scheduled for: The Honorable plaintiff named above has filed a Household Goods/Furniture, State Bar No.1053052 Return date Timothy M. Witkowiak lawsuit or other legal action against TV/Stereo Equipment Attorney for Plaintiff Date 07‑16‑2018 Case Code 30404 you. Beverly Osby 1167 Household 11575581/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Time 09:00 am (Foreclosure of Mortgage) Within 40 days after June 29, Goods/Furniture Court Official Martin Binn The amount claimed exceeds 2018 you must respond with a PUBLICATION SUMMONS Serria Matthews 6058 Household Location $10,000.00 written demand for a copy of the Case No. 18CV4207 Goods/Furniture C266 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT complaint. The demand must be Hon. WILLIAM SOSNAY Theresa Merriweather 3071 515 West Moreland Boulevard COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY sent or delivered to the court, whose Case Code: 30301 Household Goods/Furniture P.O. Box 1627 U.S. Bank National Association, as address is 901 N. Ninth Street, STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 11579531/6‑29/7‑6 Waukesha WI 53187‑1627 Trustee for Residential Asset Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425 and to COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY PAGE 24 | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

AURORA MEDICAL CENTER NOTICE OF RECEIVERSHIP, BAR this May 30, 2018. the award of money or other legal answer within 40 days, the court GRAFTON LLC & AURORA DATE FOR FILING CLAIMS, AND KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. action requested in the complaint, may grant judgment against you for MEDICAL GROUP INC. & INJUNCTION BY: /s/ Joseph R. Johnson and you may lose your right to object the award of money or other legal AURORA ADVANCED HEALTH­ Case No. 2018‑CV‑5020 JOSEPH R. JOHNSON to anything that is or may be action requested in the Complaint, CARE INC. & AURORA HEALTH Case Code: 30304 State Bar No. 1053052 incorrect in the complaint. A and you may lose your right to object CARE METRO INC. D/B/A STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Attorney for Plaintiff judgment may be enforced as to anything that is or may be AURORA ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 11571253/6‑15‑22‑29 provided by law. A judgment incorrect in the Complaint. A CIBM BANK, Petitioner, v. awarding money may become a lien CENTER PO BOX 343910 SUMMONS judgment may be enforced as APISCENT LABS, LLC, Debtor. against any real estate you own now MILWAUKEE, WI 53215 Plaintiff, Case No: 18 CV 2628 provided by law. A judgment TO: CREDITORS AND OTHER or in the future, and may also be vs. JILL E. KIRCHNER 3612 W. Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure awarding money may become a lien INTERESTED PARTIES enforced by garnishment of property. EDGERTON AVE. GREENFIELD, Honorable Marshall B. Murray against any real estate you own now PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Seth Dated: June 12, 2018 WI 53221 Defendant. Case Code: 30404 or in the future, and may also be E. Dizard has been appointed MUELLER, GOSS & POSSI, S.C. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT enforced by garnishment or seizure Receiver over the assets of Apiscent Attorneys for Plaintiff each person named above as a COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY of property. Labs, LLC f/k/a SFM Investments, BY: /s/ Defendant: Federal National Mortgage Dated June 12, 2018. LLC, (“Apiscent”), 4170 S. Nevada Kevin T. Roach QUARLES & BRADY, LLP You are hereby notified that the Association (“Fannie Mae”), a Avenue, St. Francis, Wisconsin State Bar No: 1022457 Plaintiff named above has filed a corporation organized and existing /s/ Patrick J Schoen 53235, by Order of the Circuit Court P.O. ADDRESS: lawsuit or other legal action against under the laws of the United Patrick J Schoen #01016173 for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, 10425 W. North Avenue, Suite 248 you. The complaint, which is also States of America P.O. Box 2008 411 E Wisconsin Ave and in proceedings pending in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226 Milwaukee, WI 53202‑4426 served on you, states the nature and Grand Rapids, MI 49501 Plaintiff Circuit Court for Milwaukee County, PHONE: (414) 278‑0303 (414) 277‑5665 basis of the legal action. Vs Jorge Colon Ocasio 5205 N Wisconsin. Seth E. Dizard is the 11571471/6‑15‑22‑29 Attorney for Plaintiff Within forty (40) days after June 55th St Apt 1 Milwaukee, WI 22nd 2018, you must respond with a Receiver of all of the property and 11571255/6‑15‑22‑29 assets of Apiscent, and the Court 53218 Marisol Pabon 5205 N 55th 45‑DAY SUMMONS written answer as that term is used St Apt 1 Milwaukee, WI 53218 Case Number: 18CV003420 PUBLICATION SUMMONS in chapter 802 of the Wisconsin stat­ has vested with Seth E. Dizard all of the powers of the Receiver pursuant Unknown tenants 728 South 23rd Case Code: 30107 Case No. 18CV003346 utes, to the complaint. The court Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 Personal Injury ‑ Other Our File #T918744 may reject or disregard an Answer to Chapter 128, Wisconsin Statutes. All creditors of Apiscent are Honor Finance LLC 909 Davis STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT that does not follow the requirements Street Suite 260 Evanston, IL COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY of the statutes. The answer must be required by Order of the Court entered in these proceedings to 60201 Marine Credit Union 811 TRACI S. LEE, Plaintiff, STATE OF PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSAL sent or delivered to the court, whose Monitor Street La Crosse, WI WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE COMPANY AS address is 901 N. 9th St., file their verified claims with the Milwaukee County Circuit Court, 54603 Defendants HEALTH SERVICES and BLUE SUBROGEE OF SHALONDA L Milwaukee, WI 53233, and to the THE STATE OF WISCONSIN CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF THOMAS Plaintiff, vs. JERRY offices of Heuer Law Offices, S.C., the Honorable Clare L. Fiorenza presiding, Milwaukee County To the following party named as a WISCONSIN d/b/a ANTHEM KIRKWOOD Defendant. Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address defendant herein: Jorge Colon BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD THE STATE OF WISCONSIN is 9312 W. National Ave., West Allis, Courthouse, 901 N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53233 on Ocasio and Marisol Pabon Involuntary Plaintiffs, v. ABC TO: JERRY KIRKWOOD Wisconsin 53227. You may have an You are hereby notified that the INSURANCE COMPANY (An 3856 N 36TH ST attorney help or represent you. or before September 17, 2018. Those failing to timely file their plaintiff named above has filed a Unknown Insurance Company), MILWAUKEE WI 53216 If you do not provide a proper lawsuit or other legal action against and STEVEN M. SIMON, Defend­ You are hereby notified that the answer within forty (40) days, the claim with the Court will be precluded from participating in you. The Complaint, which is also ants. Plaintiff named above has filed a court may grant judgment against any dividend in this matter. served upon you, states the nature THE STATE OF WISCONSIN TO: lawsuit or other legal action against you for the award of money or other You are further notified that on and basis of the legal action. Within STEVEN M. SIMON you. The Complaint, which is also legal action requested in the June 18, 2018, the Court entered 40 days after June 22, 2018, you 13017 West Forest Drive served on you, states the nature and complaint, and you may lose your an Order enjoining any must respond with a written answer, New Berlin, WI 53151 basis of the legal action. right to object to anything that is or proceedings by creditors against as that term is used in Chapter 802 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED Within Forty (40) days after June may be incorrect in the complaint. A Apiscent other than the filing of of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the that the plaintiff named above has 22, 2018, you must respond with a judgment may be enforced as claims in these proceedings. complaint. The Court may reject or filed a lawsuit or other legal action written answer, as that term is used provided by law. A judgment Apiscent, its officers, agents, disregard an answer that does not against you. in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin awarding money may become a lien employees and directors are also follow the requirements of the Within forty‑five (45) days after Statutes, to the Complaint. The court against any real estate you own now enjoined and restrained from trans­ statutes. The answer must be sent June 22, 2018, to respond with a may reject or disregard an answer or in the future, and may also be ferring or encumbering or otherwise or delivered to the Court, whose written demand for a copy of the that does not follow the requirements enforced by garnishment or seizure disposing of any of the assets of address is Summons and Complaint. The of the statutes. The answer must be of property. Apiscent. Milwaukee County Clerk of Circuit demand must be sent or delivered to sent or delivered to the court, whose We are attempting to collect a Dated this 18th day of June, 2018. Court the Court, whose address is: address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT debt. Any information obtained O’NEIL, CANNON, HOLLMAN, 901 North 9th Street Clerk of Circuit Court COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, will be used for that purpose. This DEJONG & LAING, S.C. Milwaukee, WI 53233 Milwaukee County Courthouse 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI communication is from a debt Receiver for Apiscent Labs, LLC and to Riad El‑Azem / BP 901 North 9th Street 53233 and the Kohn Law Firm, collector. /s/ Seth E. Dizard Peterman Law Group LLC, plaintiff’s Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address Dated this 18th day of June, 2018. Seth E. Dizard, Esq. attorney, whose address is: And to plaintiff’s attorneys, whose is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300, Attorneys for Plaintiff State Bar No. 1025871 BP Peterman Law Group LLC address is: Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may Heuer Law Offices, S.C. [email protected] 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Hupy and Abraham, S.C. have an attorney help or represent Ryan M. Peterson (State Bar No. P.O. Address: Brookfield, WI 53005 111 East Kilbourn Avenue you. 1050583) O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & You may have an attorney help or Suite 1100 If no Complaint accompanies this 9312 W. National Ave. Laing, S.C. represent you. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 Summons you must respond within West Allis, WI 53227 111 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite If you do not provide a proper You may have an attorney help or the said 40 day period with a written Phone: (414) 224‑3500 1400 answer within 40 days, the court represent you. demand for a copy of the Complaint 11575575/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202‑4870 may grant judgment against you for If you do not demand a copy of by mailing or delivering said written the award of money or other legal the Complaint within forty‑five (45) demand to the court and to the Plain­ SUMMONS Telephone: 414‑276‑5000 action requested in the complaint, days, the Court may grant judgment tiff’s attorneys at their respective Case No, 18CV3027 Facsimile: 414‑276‑6581 and you may lose your right to object against you for the award of money addresses listed above. Case Code: 30301 11576347/6‑22‑29/7‑6 to anything that is or may be or other legal action requested in the If you do not provide a proper STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT PUBLICATION SUMMONS incorrect in the complaint. A Complaint, and you may lose your answer to the Complaint or provide a COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Case No. 18CV002633 judgment may be enforced as right to object to anything that is or written demand for said complaint Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. c/o Our File #925615 provided by law. A judgment may be incorrect in the Complaint. A within the 40 day period, the court Messerli & Kramer PA 3033 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT awarding money may become a lien judgment may be enforced as may grant judgment against you for Campus Drive Suite 250 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY against any real estate you own now provided by law. A judgment the award of money or other legal Plymouth, MN 55441 Plaintiff: vs. CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORPO­ or in the future, and may also be awarding money may become a lien action requested in the Complaint, BRITTANY LOWE 3141 N RICH­ RATION Plaintiff, vs. TAMARA enforced by garnishment or seizure against any real estate you own now and you may lose your right to object ARDS ST MILWAUKEE, WI VIRGHES Defendant. of property. or in the future and may also be to anything that is or may be 53212‑2157 Defendant(s). TO: TAMARA VIRGHES Dated this 18th day of June, 2018 enforced by garnishment or seizure incorrect in the Complaint. A THE STATE OF WISCONSIN: 3470 N 98TH ST Riad El‑Azem / BP Peterman Law of property. judgment may be enforced as To each person named above as MILWAUKEE WI 53222‑3414 Group LLC DATED at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, provided by law. A judgment Defendant(s): You are hereby notified that the State Bar No. 1097620 this 20th day of June, 2018. awarding money may become a lien You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 HUPY AND ABRAHAM, S.C. against any real estate you own now Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against Brookfield, WI 53005 Attorneys for the Plaintiff, or in the future, and may be enforced lawsuit or other legal action against you. The Complaint, which is also 262‑790‑5719 By: James R. Shilobrit by garnishment or seizure of you, The Complaint, which is served on you, states the nature and BP Peterman Law Group LLC is State Bar Number: 1013680 property. attached, states the nature and basis basis of the legal action. the creditor’s attorney and is Post Office Address: Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin of the legal action. Within Forty (40) days after June attempting to collect a debt on its 111 East Kilbourn Avenue June 11, 2018. Within forty (40) days of June 15, 15, 2018, you must respond with a behalf. Any information obtained Suite 1100 KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. 2018, you must respond with a written answer, as that term is used will be used for that purpose. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 BY: /s/ Joseph R. Johnson written answer, as that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin 11575572/6‑22‑29/7‑6 (414) 223‑4800 JOSEPH R. JOHNSON in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the Complaint. The court 11576341/6‑22‑29/7‑6 State Bar No.1053052 Statutes, to the Complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer SUMMONS Case No: 18CV000898 PUBLICATION SUMMONS Attorney for Plaintiff may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the requirements 11576304/6‑22‑29/7‑6 that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. The answer must be STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Case No. 2018CV003934 of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose COURT WAUKESHA COUNTY Foreclosure: 30404 PUBLICATION SUMMONS sent or delivered to the court, whose address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT I‑CON CONTRACTORS LLC a Honorable Mary Triggiano Case No. 18CV003676 address is Milwaukee County Circuit COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, domestic corporation Plaintiff, vs. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Our File # T926258 Court, 901 North Ninth St. , 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI MIKE REWASIEWICZ 628 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Milwaukee, WI 53233 and to 53233 and the Kohn Law Firm, Hawthorne Avenue South Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity, Inc COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Messerli & Kramer PA, Plaintiffs Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address Milwaukee, WI 53172 Defendant. 3726 North Booth Street PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSAL attorney, whose address is 3033 is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300, THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Milwaukee, WI 53212 Plaintiff, vs. INSURANCE COMPANY AS Campus Drive, Ste. 250 Plymouth, Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may TO EACH PERSON NAMED Tashana W Prescott 2908 North SUBROGEE OF NATALIE MN 55441. You may have an have an attorney help or represent ABOVE AS A DEFENDANT: 5th Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 PERKIC Plaintiff, vs. RODERICK attorney help or represent you. you. YOU ARE HEREBY notified that John Doe Prescott 2908 North 5th WALLACE Defendant. If you do not provide a proper If no Complaint accompanies this the plaintiff named above has filed a Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN answer within forty (40) days, the Summons you must respond within lawsuit or other legal action against Defendants. TO: RODERICK WALLACE court may grant judgment against the said 40 day period with a written you. The complaint, which is also THE STATE OF WISCONSIN 3418 N PORT WASHINGTON RD you for the award of money or other demand for a copy of the Complaint served on you, states the nature and To each party named above as a APT 1 legal action requested in the by mailing or delivering said written basis of the legal action. defendant: MILWAUKEE WI 53212 Complaint, and you may lose your demand to the court and to the Plain­ Within 45 days after the 15th day You are hereby notified that the You are hereby notified that the right to object to anything that is or tiffs attorneys at their respective of June, you must respond with a plaintiff named above has filed a Plaintiff named above has filed a may be incorrect in the Complaint. A addresses listed above. written answer, as that term is used lawsuit or other legal action against lawsuit or other legal action against judgment may be enforced as If you do not provide a proper in chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Stat­ you. The complaint, which is also you. The Complaint, which is also provided by law. A judgment answer to the Complaint or provide a utes, to the complaint. The court served on you, states the nature and served on you, states the nature and awarding money may become a lien written demand for said complaint may reject or disregard an answer basis of the legal action. basis of the legal action. against any real estate you own now within the 40 day period, the court that does not follow the requirements Within 40 days after June 18, Within Forty (40) days after June or in the future, and may also be may grant judgment against you for of the statutes. The answer must be 2018, you must respond with a 22, 2018, you must respond with a enforced by garnishment or seizure the award of money or other legal sent or delivered to the court, whose written answer, as that term is used written answer, as that term is used of property. action requested in the Complaint, address is Waukesha County Court­ in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin MESSERLI & KRAMER PA and you may lose your right to object house, 515 W. Moreland Boulevard, Statutes, to the Complaint. The Statutes, to the Complaint. The court Electronically signed by: to anything that is or may be Waukesha, Wisconsin 53184, and to Court may reject or disregard an may reject or disregard an answer Jillian N. Walker, #1066378 WI incorrect in the Complaint. A MUELLER, GOSS & POSSI, S.C., answer that does not follow the that does not follow the requirements plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address requirements of the statutes. The of the statutes. The answer must be June 10, 2018 judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment is 10425 W. North Avenue, Suite answer must be sent or delivered to sent or delivered to the court, whose 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 awarding money may become a lien 248, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226. the Court, whose address is 901 address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT Plymouth, MN 55441 against any real estate you own now You may have an attorney help or North 9th Street., Milwaukee, WI COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, cc‑[email protected] or in the future, and may be enforced represent you. 53233 and to the undersigned 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI Ph#: (763) 548‑7900 by garnishment or seizure of If you do not provide a proper attorney. You may have an attorney 53233 and the Kohn Law Firm, Fax#: (763) 548‑7922 property. answer within 45 days, the court help or represent you. Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address 11571259/6‑15‑22‑29 Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin may grant judgment against you for If you do not provide a proper is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 25

Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may Statutes, to the Complaint. The court P.O. Box 24330 Oklahoma City, address is: Notice and Order for Name have an attorney help or represent may reject or disregard an answer OK 73124‑0330 Plaintiff Vs Rose Attorney Evan N. Claditis Change Hearing you. that does not follow the requirements T. McCulloch 1733 West McKinley Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Case No. 18CV004844 If no Complaint accompanies this of the statutes. The answer must be Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53205 111 E. Kilbourn Avenue, Suite STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT Summons you must respond within sent or delivered to the court, whose Unknown Spouse of Rose T. 1100 COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY the said 40 day period with a written address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT McCulloch 1733 West McKinley Milwaukee, WI 53202 IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME demand for a copy of the Complaint COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53205 You may have an attorney help or CHANGE OF Elise Sophia Mundt by mailing or delivering said written 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI Unknown Tenants 2945 North represent you. By (Petitioner): Miranda Lee demand to the court and to the Plain­ 53233 and the Kohn Law Finn, Plain­ Sherman Boulevard Milwaukee, If you do not provide a proper Richter tiff’s attorneys at their respective tiff’s attorneys, whose address is 735 WI 53210 Margaret Rose Alefsen answer within forty (40) days, the NOTICE IS GIVEN: addresses listed above. N. Water St. , Suite 1300, 2943 North Sherman Boulevard court may grant judgment against A petition was filed asking to If you do not provide a proper Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may Milwaukee, WI 53210 Veronica W. you for the award of money or other change the name of the person listed answer to the Complaint or provide a have an attorney help or represent Robinson 1733 West McKinley legal action requested in the above: written demand for said complaint you. Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53205 complaint, and you may lose your From: Elise Sophia Mundt within the 40 day period, the court If no Complaint accompanies this University of Wisconsin Credit right to object to anything that is or To: Elise Sophia Richter may grant judgment against you for Summons you must respond within Union 3500 University Avenue may be incorrect in the complaint. A Birth Certificate: Elise Sophia the award of money or other legal the snicl40 day period with a written Madison, WI 53705 Neighborhood judgment may be enforced as Mundt action requested in the Complaint, demand for a copy of the Complaint Improvement Development Corpo­ provided by law. A judgment IT IS ORDERED: and you may lose your right to object by mailing or delivering said written ration, Inc. 809 North Broadway, awarding money may become a lien This petition will be heard in the to anything that is or may be demand to the court and to the Plain­ Third Floor Milwaukee, WI 53202 against any real estate you own now Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, incorrect in the Complaint. A tiff’s attorneys at their respective Midland Funding LLC 3111 or in the future, and may also be State of Wisconsin: judgment may be enforced as addresses listed above . Camino Del Rio North, Suite 103 enforced by garnishment or seizure Judge’s Name Stephanie G. provided by law. A judgment If you do not provide a proper San Diego, CA 92108 LVNV of property. Rothstein awarding money may become a lien answer to the Complaint or provide a Funding LLC 3033 Campus Drive, DATED at Milwaukee, Wisconsin 901 N. 9th Street, Room 404 against any real estate you own now written demand for said complaint Suite 250 Plymouth, MN 55441 this 14th day of June, 2018. Milwaukee, WI 53233 or in the future, and may be enforced within the 40 tiny period, the court University of Wisconsin Hospital & Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Date: July 13, 2018 by garnishment or seizure of may grant judgment against you fix Clinics Authority 600 Highland Attorneys for Plaintiff Time: 9:00 am property. the award of money or other legal Avenue Madison, WI 53792 By: /s/ Evan N. Claditis IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin action requested in the Complaint, Defendants State Bar No.: 1029666 Notice of this hearing shall be June 14, 2018. and you may lose your right to object THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Post Office Address: given by publication as a Class 3 KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. to anything that is or may be To the following party named as a 111 E. Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 1100 notice for three (3) weeks in a row BY: /s/ Joseph R. Johnson incorrect in the Complaint. A defendant herein: Margaret Rose Milwaukee, WI 53202 prior to the date of the hearing in the JOSEPH R. JOHNSON judgment may be enforced as Alefsen, Rose T. McCulloch, (414) 223‑4800 Daily Reporter a newspaper State Bar No.1053052 provided by law. A judgment Veronica W. Robinson, and 11574069/6‑22‑29/7‑6 published in Milwaukee County, Attorney for Plaintiff awarding money may become a lien Unknown Spouse of Rose T. State of Wisconsin. 11575576/6‑22‑29/7‑6 against any real estate you own now McCulloch BY THE COURT: PUBLICATION SUMMONS or in the future, and may be enforced You are hereby notified that the Stephanie G. Rothstein by garnishment or seizure of Case No. 18CV003677 plaintiff named above has filed a Circuit Court Judge property. Our File # T890682 lawsuit or other legal action against Dated: June 7, 2018 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin you. The Complaint, which is also Notice and Order for Name 11568787/6‑15‑22‑29 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY JUNE 11, 2018. served upon you, states the nature KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. Change Hearing PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSAL and basis of the legal action. Within BY: /s/ JOSEPH R. JOHNSON Case No. 18CV5003 INSURANCE COMPANY AS 40 days after June 15, 2018, you JOSEPH R. JOHNSON STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT SUBROGEE OF NYISHA GRAY must respond with a written answer, Miscellaneous State Bar No. 1053052 COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY Plaintiff, vs. OLIVIA DENNEY as that term is used in Chapter 802 Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME Defendant. of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the 11576254/6‑22 Notice of Motion and THE STATE OF WISCONSIN complaint. The Court may reject or CHANGE OF CHARLOTTE CHARMIAN BUHRANDT Motion to Change: TO: OLIVIA DENNEY SUMMONS disregard an answer that does not Legal Custody 1554 S 9TH ST Case No. 18‑CV‑003277 follow the requirements of the NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to Physical Placement MILWAUKEE WI 53204‑2835 Case Code: 30106 statutes. The answer must be sent Case No.: 2010PA001102 You are hereby notified that the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT or delivered to the Court, whose change the name of the person listed above: STATE OF WISCONSIN — Plaintiff named above has filed a COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY address is CIRCUIT COURT — lawsuit or other legal action against CATHERINE RICE 4111 N. Milwaukee County Clerk of Circuit From: CHARLOTTE CHARMIAN BUHRANDT MILWAUKEE COUNTY you. The Complaint, which is also Elmhurst Road Milwaukee, WI Court To: CHARMIAN BEATY IN RE: THE PATERNITY OF LNC served on you, states the nature and 53216, Plaintiff, v. GATHAN 901 North 9th Street BUHRANDT Petitioner/Joint Petitioner A basis of the legal action. ANDERSON 2048 N. 24th Place Milwaukee, WI 53233 Cinthia N. Covarrubias Within Forty (40) days after June Milwaukee, WI 53205, and PEC Birth Certificate: CHARMIAN and to Riad El‑Azem / BP 3725 West Ryan Road 22, 2018, you must respond with a LTD. c/o Evette Childs PEC Ltd. BEATY BUHRANDT Peterman Law Group LLC, plaintiff’s Franklin WI 53132‑9525 written answer, as that term is used 5918 W. North Avenue 5 IT IS ORDERED: attorney, whose address is: ‑vs‑ in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI 53208, and This petition will be heard in the BP Peterman Law Group LLC Circuit Court of MILWAUKEE Respondent/Joint Petitioner B Statutes, to the Complaint. The court EVETTE CHILDS 5918 W. North 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 may reject or disregard an answer Avenue 5 Milwaukee, WI 53208 County, State of Wisconsin: Joseph J. Paradinovich Brookfield, WI 53005 Judge’s Name William S. Pocan 8490 West Old Loomis Road that does not follow the requirements and INNER CITY DEVEL­ You may have an attorney help or of the statutes. The answer must be OPMENT PROJECT, INC. c/o Place Milwaukee County Franklin WI 53132‑9731 represent you. Courthouse 901 N. 9th St. RM 401 The State of Wisconsin (Child sent or delivered to the court, whose Amun Bordain 7844 W. Appleton If you do not provide a proper address is: CLERK OF CIRCUIT Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218, Date July 26, 2018 Support Agency) is a party to this answer within 40 days, the court Time 1:45 pm action. COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Defendants. may grant judgment against you for 901 N 9TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI THE STATE OF WISCONSIN If you require reasonable accom­ NOTICE OF MOTION the award of money or other legal modations due to a disability to TO: Joseph J. Paradinovich 53233 and the Kohn Law Firm, To each person named above as action requested in the complaint, Plaintiff’s attorneys, whose address a Defendant: participate in the court process, You are notified that at the and you may lose your right to object is 735 N. Water St., Suite 1300, You are hereby notified that the please call (414) 985‑5757 at least following date and time: to anything that is or may be Milwaukee, WI 53202. You may Plaintiff named above has filed a ten (10) working days prior to the Before HON. ANA incorrect in the complaint. A have an attorney help or represent lawsuit or other legal action against scheduled court date. Please note BERRIOS‑SCHROEDER you. you. The complaint, which is judgment may be enforced as that the court does not provide trans­ Location 901 N. 9TH STREET, If no Complaint accompanies this attached, states the nature and basis provided by law. A judgment portation. ROOM 707 Summons you must respond within of the legal action. awarding money may become a lien IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 the said 40 day period with a written Within 45 days of receiving this against any real estate you own now Notice of this hearing shall be Date 06‑11‑2018 (FCC5) demand for a copy of the Complaint summons, you must respond with a or in the future, and may also be given by publication, as a Class 3 Time 2:15 a.m. p.m., by mailing or delivering said written written answer, as that term is used enforced by garnishment or seizure notice for three (3) weeks in a row or as soon as the matter may be demand to the court and to the Plain­ in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin of property. prior to the date of the hearing in the heard. tiff’s attorneys at their respective Statutes, to the complaint. The court Dated this 13th day of June, 2018 Daily Reporter a Newspaper I will be asking the court to addresses listed above. may reject or disregard a response Riad El‑Azem / BP Peterman Law published Milwaukee County, State change the existing order in this If you do not provide a proper that does not follow the requirements Group LLC of Wisconsin. case as indicated below. answer to the Complaint or provide a of the statutes. The response must State Bar No. 1097620 BY THE COURT: If you object to this motion, you written demand for said complaint be sent or delivered to the court, 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 HONORABLE JUDGE WILLIAM need to appear and say so. Other‑ within the 40 day period, the court whose address is Milwaukee County Brookfield, WI 53005 S. POCAN wise, the court may proceed without may grant judgment against you for Courthouse, 901 North 9th Street, 262‑790‑5719 Date 6/13/18 you and grant the request. the award of money or other legal Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233, and to BP Peterman Law Group LLC is 11574826/6‑22‑29/7‑6 You may contact the Circuit Court action requested in the Complaint, Attorney Jessica Roulette, plaintiff’s the creditor’s attorney and is Commissioner for more information Notice and Order for and you may lose your right to object attorney, whose address is 230 West attempting to collect a debt on its on modifying and enforcing court Name Change Hearing to anything that is or may be Wells Street, Room 800, Milwaukee, behalf. Any information obtained orders or judgments. Case No. 18CV005189 incorrect in the Complaint. A Wisconsin 53203. You may have an will be used for that purpose. MOTION judgment may be enforced as attorney help or represent you. 11572181/6‑15‑22‑29 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT 1. MODIFY as follows: COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY A. Physical Placement Order(s) provided by law. A judgment If you do not provide a proper PUBLICATION SUMMONS awarding money may become a lien response within 45 days, the court IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME (time with children) for the following Case Number: 18‑CV‑3286 CHANGE OF Marteisha Shantaye against any real estate you own now may grant judgment against you for STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT children: LNC (D.O.B. 04/19/2010) or in the future, and may be enforced the award of money or other legal Dunson Hollis To require placement with her COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY By Marteisha Shantaye Dunson by garnishment or seizure of action requested in the complaint, GWENDOLYN F. WARD Plaintiff, father ‑ Joseph J. Paradinovich be property. and you may lose your right to object Hollis supervised. STATE OF WISCONSIN NOTICE IS GIVEN: Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin to anything that is or may be DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH B. Legal Custody (decision June 14, 2018. incorrect in the complaint. A A petition was filed asking to making) for the following children: SERVICES Involuntary Plaintiff, v. change the name of the person listed KOHN LAW FIRM S.C. judgment may be enforced as AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL LNC (D.O.B. 04/19/2010) BY: JOSEPH R. JOHNSON provided by law. A judgment above: To sole legal custody with her INSURANCE COMPANY, S.I. From: Marteisha Shantaye State Bar No.1053052 awarding money may become a lien RICHARD R. BETKER, Jr. mother ‑ Cinthia N. Covarrubias Attorney for Plaintiff against any real estate you own now Dunson Hollis I will be able to provide docu­ Defendants. To: Abigail Hollis 11574212/6‑22‑29/7‑6 or in the future, and may also be THE STATE OF WISCONSIN TO: mentation to the court that enforced by garnishment or seizure Birth Certificate: Marteisha supports my request. PUBLlCATION SUMMONS Richard R. Betker Jr. Shantaye Dunson Case No. 18CV003268 of property. 1509A S. 77th Street NOTICE: Both parties must Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, IT IS ORDERED: bring a fully completed, dated, Our File #T924144 West Allis, WI 53214 This petition will be heard in the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT this 6th day of April, 2018. You are hereby notified that the and signed Financial Disclosure /s/ Jessica Roulette Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, Statement to court. COURT MlLWAUKEE COUNTY Plaintiff named above has filed a State of Wisconsin: PROGRESSIVE UNIVERSAL Attorney for Plaintiff lawsuit or other legal action against This request is based on the State Bar Number: 1022431 Judge’s Name William S. Pocan following substantial change in INSURANCE. COMPANY AS you. The complaint, which is also Place Court house 901 N. 9th St. SUBROGEE OF NANCY AVILA LEGAL ACTION OF WISCONSIN, served upon you, states the nature circumstances that have occurred INC. Rm 401 since the entry of the prior court DIAZ Plaintiff, vs. EMILIANO and basis of the legal action. Date 8/10/18 GUITIERREZ Defendant. 230 W. Wells Street Within forty (40) days after June order in this case. Room 800 Time 8:45 am Her father ‑ Joseph J. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN 22, 2018, you must respond with a IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: TO: EMILlANO GUITIERREZ Milwaukee, WI 53203 written answer, as that term is used Paradinovich has not seen nor Phone: (414) 278‑7722 Notice of this hearing shall be 2126 S 29TH ST in chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Stat­ visited the child for five years. Fax: (414) 278‑7126 given by publication, as a Class 3 MILWAUKEE WI 53215 utes, to the complaint. The court /S/Electronically 11575590/6‑22‑29/7‑6 notice for three (3) weeks in a row You are hereby notified that the may reject or disregard an answer Roberto R. Ledesma, Attorney for prior to the date of the hearing in the Cinthia N. Covarrubias Plaintiff named above has filed a SUMMONS that does not follow the requirements Daily Reporter a Newspaper Case No: 18 CV 2416 of the statutes. The answer must be 2/21/2018 lawsuit or other legal action against published Milwaukee County, State you. The Complaint, which is also Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure sent or delivered to the court, whose A copy of this Notice of Motion of Wisconsin. served on you, states the nature and Honorable William S. Pocan address is: and Motion must be served upon all BY THE COURT: basis of the legal action. Case Code: 30404 Clerk of Circuit Court other parties at least 5 business HONORABLE JUDGE WILLIAM Within Forty (40) days after June STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Milwaukee County Courthouse days before the date of the hearing. S. POCAN 22, 2018, you must respond with a COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 901 N. Ninth Street If service is by mail, it must be Date 6/19/18 written answer, as that term is used U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for Milwaukee, WI 53233 mailed at least 8 business days 11575421/6‑22‑29/7‑6 in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin LSF9 Master Participation Trust and to Plaintiff’s attorney, whose before the date of the hearing. See PAGE 26 | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

the Service Packet (FA‑5000) for BERG, S.C. death APRIL 4, 2018, was domiciled 12700 W. Bluemound Road, Suite 24, 2017. more information. Bar Number: 1029531 in MILWAUKEE County, State of 125 5. A claim may be filed at the Dated this 22nd day of February, 2525 North 124th Street, Suite 101 WISCONSIN, with a mailing address Elm Grove, WI 53122 Milwaukee County Courthouse, 2018 Brookfield, WI 53005 of 2364 S. LENOX ST, 262‑432‑0671 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. BY THE COURT: 262‑784‑2511 MILWAUKEE, WI 53207. Bar Number 1016379 Date 21, 2017 Electronically signed by Ana M. 11575573/6‑22‑29/7‑6 3. All interested persons waived 11575588/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Nicole Robbins notice. Probate Registrar Berrios‑Schroeder, Family Court NOTICE TO CREDITORS Amended Order Setting Time to 4. The deadline for filing a claim Michael P. McClone Comm In the Matter of the Mario Fiorelli Hear Petition for Administration against the decedent’s estate is 1845 N. FarwelI Ave., #314 11560405/5‑31 and Mary Fiorelli Revocable Trust and Deadline for Filing Claims September 4, 2018. Milwaukee, WI 53202 created by Mario Fiorelli and Mary (Formal Administration) 5. A claim may be filed at the 414‑276‑2880 Fiorelli, dated December 14, 2004. Case No.: 18‑PR‑0961 MILWAUKEE County Courthouse, 11396416/8‑28/9‑5‑11 Mario Fiorelli, whose date of birth STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Amended Notice to Creditors was May 12, 1923 and date of death Electronically signed by IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE (Informal Administration) was May 11, 2018 died domiciled in Jeaneen Mardak OF ARTHUR RICKERT Case No. 18PR0579 Milwaukee County, State of Probate Registrar LEIN SALE NOTICE A petition for formal administration STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT Wisconsin, with a post office address Date 06/01/2018 DATE 6/18/2018 was filed. COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY of 1820 E. Tesch Avenue, St. ATTY MARY A. ROTH STORAGE MASTER THE COURT FINDS: IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Francis, Wisconsin 53235. SBN: 1025005 2601 South Moorland Road The decedent, with date of birth OF ALICE M. SOPKE D.O.D. In accordance with section 2314 N. GRANDVIEW BLVD. #205 New Berlin, WI 53131 06/16/1920 and date of death 02/04/2018 701.0508 of the Wisconsin Statutes, WAUKESHA, WI 53188 NAME – Abdul‑Haaq, Daniel 05/10/2018 was domiciled in PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: please take notice that all creditors’ Telephone 262‑424‑0288 UNIT #972 SIZE 10x30 Milwaukee County, State of 1. An application for informal claims must be filed with the trustee 11571479/6‑15‑22‑29 DATE OF AUCTION‑ July 6th, of the above‑named Trust on or Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: administration was filed. 2018 before October 15, 2018, at the NOTICE OF HEARING 1527 W. Goldcrest, Milwaukee, WI 2. The decedent, with date of birth AUCTION ONLINE following address: Mario Fiorelli and (Probate) 53221. 08/04/1927 and date of death WWW.BID13.COM Mary Fiorelli Revocable Trust, Attn: Case No.: 16‑PR‑1592 THE COURT ORDERS: 02/04/2018, was domiciled in ENDS @ 1pm CST Attorney William J. Lyne, 500 W. STATE OF WISCONSIN — 1. The petition be heard at the Milwaukee County, State of ALL SALES FINAL Silver Spring Dr., Suite 200, CIRCUIT COURT — Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: TERMS: CASH ONLY Glendale, WI 53217. MILWAUKEE COUNTY N 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 3864 E. Martin Ave., Cudahy, WI Couches, Boxes, Bins, Coolers, 11571949/6‑15‑22‑29 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Room 206, before Circuit Court 53110. Mattresses OF Marie Jones Judge/Circuit Court Commissioner 3. All interested persons waived 11575574/6‑22‑29 Amended Notice to Creditors D.O.B.: 10/18/1942 David Borowski, on 07/26/2018, at notice. (Informal Administration) Hearing on Petition for: Discharge 10:00 AM. 4. The deadline for filing a claim Case No. 18PR850 for Special Administrator. You do not need to appear against the decedent’s estate is STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT Date: 07/26/2018 unless you object. The petition September 21, 2018. COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY Time: 2:00 PM may be granted if there is no 5. A claim may be filed at the IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Location: 901 N. 9th St., #207 objection. Milwaukee County Courthouse, OF CAROL A. FOX Room 408 2. The deadline for filing a claim Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. 2nd Amended Notice Setting Time PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Milwaukee, Wl 53233 against the decedent’s estate is Electronically signed by to Hear Application and Deadline 1. An application for informal Commissioner Patrice A. Baker 9‑15‑2018. Nicole Robbins for Filing Claims administration was filed. ll you require reasonable accom­ 3. A claim may be filed at the Court Commissioner (Informal Administration) 2. The decedent, with date of birth modations due to a disability to Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 Date: 06/18/2018 Case No. 18‑PR‑342 07/14/1941 and date of death participate in the court process, N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PAUL T. EBERHARDY STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 02/09/2018, was domiciled in please call (414) 278‑4444 at least Room 207. Bar Number 10453404 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Milwaukee County, State of 10 working days prior to the 4. Heirship will be determined at EBERHARDY & EBERHARDY, LLP IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: scheduled court date. Please note the hearing on petition for final judgment.­ 4600 S. Packard Ave., Ste. #3 OF HOWARD C. BROCKEL 2619 W. Wells Street, Milwaukee, that the court does not provide trans­ 5. Publication of this notice is Cudahy, WI 53110 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Wisconsin 53208. portation. notice to any persons whose names 414‑744‑1283 1. An application for informal 3. All interested persons waived James E. Biese or addresses are unknown. 11575582/6‑22‑29/7‑6 notice. administration was filed. Boller & Vaughan, LLC BY THE COURT: Notice to Creditors 2. The decedent, with date of birth 4. The deadline for filing a claim 605 West Main Street, Electronically signed by Honorable against the decedent’s estate is (Informal Administration) 07/19/1924 and date of death Madison, WI 53703 David Borowski Case No. 17PR1252 02/04/2018, was domiciled in September 18, 2018. Telephone Number Circuit Court Judge 5. A claim may be filed at the STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT Milwaukee County, State of 608‑268‑0268 Date 06/19/2018 COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 Bar Number (if any) Robert J. Welcenbach N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 4213 North 47th Street, Milwaukee, 1079751 Bar Number 1033091 OF John R. Wahn. Wisconsin. Room 207. BY THE COURT: 933 N. Mayfair Rd., Ste. 311 Electronically signed by PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 3. The application will be heard at Electronically signed by Patrice A Milwaukee, WI 53226 1. An application for informal the Milwaukee County Courthouse, Jeaneen Mardak Baker 414‑774‑7330 Court Commissioner administration was filed. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207, Court Commissioner 11575592/6‑22‑29/7‑6 2. The decedent, with date of birth Date: 06/15/2018 06/05/2018 before A Deputy, Probate Registrar, Order Setting Time to Hear 9/2/37 and date of death 7/18/17 on July 25, 2018 at 2:45 p.m. Ashley E. Lillesand 11568407/6‑15‑22‑26 Bar Number 1063235 Petition for Administration and was domiciled in Milwaukee County, You do not need to appear NOTICE TO CREDITORS Deadline for Filing Claims State of Wisconsin with a mailing unless you object. The application 20855 Watertown Rd, Suite 210 Waukesha, WI 53186 (Informal Administration) (Formal Administration) address of 3374 W. Kimberly Ave. may be granted if there is no Case No.: 18PR861 Case No.: 18‑PR‑0911 Greenfield, WI 53221. objection. 414.409.7306 11575579/6‑22‑29/7‑6 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 3. All interested persons waived 4. The deadline for filing a claim COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY notice. against the decedent’s estate is Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 4. The deadline for filing a claim September 18, 2018. (Informal Administration) OF ROBERT R KRUGER OF TILLIE M. SALATY against the decedent’s estate is Nov. 5. A claim may be filed at the Case No. 18PR809 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: A petition for formal administration 24, 2017. Milwaukee County Courthouse, STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT 1. An application for informal was filed. 5. A claim may be filed at the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY administration was filed. THE COURT FINDS: Milwaukee County Courthouse, 6. This publication is notice to any IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 2. The decedent, with date of birth The decedent, with date of birth Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. persons whose names or address OF JAY ALAN HEGERTY DECE­ 02/17/1921 and date of death 8/17/1920 and date of death Date 21, 2017 are unknown. DENT 05/14/2018, was domiciled in 4/03/2018 was domiciled in Nicole Robbins Electronically signed by PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: MILWAUKEE County, State of Milwaukee County, State of Probate Registrar Jeaneen Mardak, 1. An application for informal WISCONSIN, with a mailing address Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: Michael P. McClone Court Commissioner administration was filed. of 10100 W WISCONSIN AVENUE 5515 W Coldspring Rd, Greenfield 1845 N. FarwelI Ave., #314 Date 06/15/2018 2. The decedent, with date of birth WAUWATOSA, WI. WI 53220. Milwaukee, WI 53202 LAW OFFICES OF RICK D. STEIN­ FEBRUARY 27, 1946 and date of 3. All interested persons waived THE COURT ORDERS: 414‑276‑2880 notice. 1. The petition be heard at the 11396416/8‑28/9‑5‑11 4. The deadline for filing a claim Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 Notice to Creditors Official Publication against the decedent’s estate is N 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, (Informal Administration) SEPTEMBER 10, 2018. Room 408, before Circuit Court Case No. 2018PR000905 5. A claim may be filed at the Judge/Circuit Court Commissioner STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT Class A Malt & Class A Liquor License MILWAUKEE County Courthouse, Baker, on July 23, 2018, at 2:15 pm. WIDMANN, Michael J, Agent 1110 Corp 1110 W Greenfield Av 12 W320 S COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, Room You do not need to appear IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 3738 Kamps Ct 207. unless you object. The petition Class B Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer’s License OF Janis Beth Wolf Electronically Signed by may be granted if there is no PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: RESCH, Eric A, Agent Giri Corporation 158 S Barclay St 12 4712 N Bartlett Nicole Robbins objection. Av 1. An application for informal Court Commissioner 2. The deadline for filing a claim administration was filed. Class B Tavern License Date: 06/07/2018 against the decedent’s estate is GUDIEL, Byron F, Agent Siervito Properties LLC 1629 S 10th St 12 2200 S 2. The decedent, with date of birth ATTORNEY JOHN E TALSKY September 9, 2018 June 2, 1948 and date of death May 12th St SBN: 1015829 3. A claim may be filed at the LEON SANTOS, Miguel, Agent Taqueria La Sierrita LLC 2689 S 13th St 12 14, 2018, was domiciled in 7111 W EDGERTON AVENUE Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 Milwaukee County, State of 2671 S 15th St SUITE 102 N. 9th St. Milw., Wisconsin, Room. TURNER‑VERGARA, Kimberly, Agent Mahij LLC 161 S 1ST St 12 4715 N Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: GREENFIELD, WI 53220 4. Heirship will be determined at 9279 N. Port Washington Rd., Apt 100TH St #111 414‑421‑7070 the hearing on petition for final judgment.­ GERSONDE, Aaron R, Agent Movida LLC 524 S 2ND St 12 8684 N E‑1, Bayside, WI 53217. 11576216/6‑22‑29/7‑6 5. Publication of this notice is 3. All interested persons waived Seneca Rd notice to any persons whose names Notice to Creditors notice. PETRAKIS, Heidi M, Agent Aramark Corporation 1201 S 2nd St 12 2027 or addresses are unknown. Superior St (Informal Administration) 4. The deadline for filing a claim Case No. 18PR968 BY THE COURT: against the decedent’s estate is KRESSIN, David G, Agent Noble Provisions, LLC 704 S 2nd St 12 1111 S DAVID BOROWSKI STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT September 10, 2018. 4th St Circuit Court Judge COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY 5. A claim may be filed at the HO, Tony W, Agent Momo Mee INC 110 E GREENFIELD Av 12 2004 Atty. Frederick F. Klimetz IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Milwaukee County Courthouse, Capella Ct Bar Number 1003315 OF RENAE ANN O’KEEFE Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Room 207. EHLERT, Kevin J, Agent Wisconsin City and Country Club LLC 6200 W 9130 W. Loomis Rd. #550 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Electronically signed by Good Hope Rd 9 N65 W15786 Fox Meadow DR Franklin, WI 53132 1. An application for informal Nicole Robbins RASOO, Jason K, Agent Apple Hospitality Group, LLC 270 W Holt Av 14 414‑427‑7700 administration was filed. Court Commissioner 7126 W Garfield Av 11575584/6‑22‑29/7‑6 TAYLOR, Daniel R, Agent WELLS‑JEFFERSON CORPORATION 795 N 2. The decedent, with date of birth Date: 06/07/2018 JEFFERSON St 4 3229 N GORDON Pl April 30, 1970 and date of death Notice to Creditors Attorney Paul A. Maranan HACKBARTH, Paul C, Agent Camp Bar Inc 131 N Jackson St 4 3901 N April 12, 2017, was domiciled in (Informal Administration) Bar Number 1003212 LAKE DR Milwaukee County, State of Case No. 17PR1252 4111 S. Howell Avenue KOPLOWITZ, Ira E, Agent Bittercube LLC 4828 W Lisbon Av 15 2226 S Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT Milwaukee, WI 53207 Allis St 2010 W. Vista Bella Drive, Oak COURT, MILWAUKEE COUNTY 414‑483‑4400 STOJSAVLJEVIC, Milan, Agent IZIDORA, LLC 5701 W OKLAHOMA Av 11 Creek, WI 53154. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 11574811/6‑22‑29/7‑6 8010 W WHITAKER Av 3. All interested persons waived OF John R. Wahn. MAYER, Susanne M, Agent Evolution of Milwaukee LLC 1023‑27 N Old notice. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: World Third St 4 9733 W RYAN Rd 4. The deadline for filing a claim 1. An application for informal SCHNECK, Stephanie L, Agent Saz’s Catering Inc 2155 N Prospect Av 3 against the decedent’s estate is administration was filed. W267N6608 Lakeview Ct 9/21/2018. 2. The decedent, with date of birth BLUETHMAN, Matthew J, Agent UNIVERSITY CLUB OF MILWAUKEE 5. A claim may be filed at the 9/2/37 and date of death 7/18/17 924 E WELLS St 4 2233 N Summit Ave Milwaukee County Courthouse, 901 was domiciled in Milwaukee County, PUBLICATION SUMMONS SHOWERS, Nathan S, Agent Wild Rogues LLC 1111 N Water St 4 1827 N N. 9th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, State of Wisconsin with a mailing Case No. 18‑CV‑003378 4th St Room 207. address of 3374 W. Kimberly Ave. The Honorable Class C Wine Retailer’s License Electronically signed by Greenfield, WI 53221. Glenn H. Yamahiro RESCH, Eric A, Agent Giri Corporation 158 S Barclay St 12 4712 N Bartlett Jeaneen Mardak 3. All interested persons waived Case Code 30404 Av Court Commissioner notice. (Foreclosure of Mortgage) 11578690/6‑28‑29/7‑2 Date: 06/18/2018 4. The deadline for filing a claim The amount claimed exceeds Attorney James A. Guyette against the decedent’s estate is Nov. $10,000.00 FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 XXXDAY,THE MARCH DAILY XX, 2017REPORTER THE DAILYWNAXLP REPORTER | PAGE 27

STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT judgment may be enforced as E Wisconsin Ave Milwaukee, WI Dated this 7th day of June, 2018. Within 40 days after June 22, COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY provided by law. A judgment 53202‑4500 c/o US Attorney Gray & Associates, L.L.P. 2018 you must respond with a Deutsche Bank National Trust awarding money may become a lien General 950 Pennsylvania Ave Attorneys for Plaintiff written demand for a copy of the Company, as Trustee, in trust, for against any real estate you own now NW Rm B‑103 Washington, DC By: Mark A. Clauss complaint. The demand must be the registered certificate holders or in the future, and may also be 20530‑0009 Carmel Financial State Bar No. 1055102 sent or delivered to the court, whose of First Franklin Mortgage Loan enforced by garnishment or seizure Corp. a/k/a Aqua Finance 1 Case No. 17‑CV‑013430 address is 901 N. Ninth Street, Trust 2006‑FF5, Mortgage of property. Corporate Dr Ste 300 Wausau, WI 16345 West Glendale Drive Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425 and to Pass‑Through Certificates, Series Dated this 15th day of June, 2018. 54401‑1724 State of Wisconsin New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Gray & Associates, L.L.P., plaintiff’s (414) 224‑1987 2006‑FF5 c/o Select Portfolio Gray & Associates, L.L.P. c/o Attorney General 114 East attorney, whose address is 16345 State Capitol Madison, WI 53703 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Servicing, Inc. 3217 S. Decker Attorneys for Plaintiff West Glendale Drive, New Berlin, WI Defendants, Geraldine M. Wolter attempting to collect a debt and any 53151‑2841. You may have an Lake Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84119 By: Patricia C. Lonzo information obtained will be used for 2315 E Morgan Ave Milwaukee, attorney help or represent you. Plaintiff, vs. Jamie M. Ealy 4227 State Bar No. 1045312 that purpose. If you have previously WI 53207‑3754 Added Defendant. If you do not demand a copy of W Bonny Pl Milwaukee, WI Case No. 18‑CV‑003378 received a discharge in a chapter 7 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN the complaint within 40 days, the 53216‑3506 Mark A. Ealy 4227 W 16345 West Glendale Drive To each person named above as a bankruptcy case, this communication court may grant judgment against Bonny Pl Milwaukee, WI New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 defendant: should not be construed as an you for the award of money or other 53216‑3506 Asset Acquisition (414) 224‑1987 You are hereby notified that the attempt to hold you personally liable legal action requested in the Group LLC 6825 E Tennessee Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is plaintiff named above has filed a for the debt. Ave Ste 525 Denver, CO attempting to collect a debt and any lawsuit or other legal action against 11571254/6‑15‑22‑29 complaint, and you may lose your 80224‑1628 Defendants. information obtained will be used for you. right to object to anything that is or PUBLICATION SUMMONS may be incorrect in the complaint. A THE STATE OF WISCONSIN that purpose. If you have previously Within 40 days after June 15, Case No. 18‑CV‑004308 To each person named above as received a discharge in a chapter 7 2018 you must respond with a judgment may be enforced as The Honorable provided by law. A judgment a defendant: bankruptcy case, this communication written demand for a copy of the William S. Pocan awarding money may become a lien You are hereby notified that the should not be construed as an amended complaint. The demand Case Code 30404 against any real estate you own now plaintiff named above has filed a attempt to hold you personally liable must be sent or delivered to the (Foreclosure of Mortgage) or in the future, and may also be lawsuit or other legal action against for the debt. court, whose address is 901 N. Ninth The amount claimed exceeds enforced by garnishment or seizure you. 11574960/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425 $10,000.00 Within 40 days after June 22, and to Gray & Associates, L.L.P., STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT of property. 2018 you must respond with a PUBLICATION AMENDED plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Dated this 13th day of June, 2018. written demand for a copy of the SUMMONS 16345 West Glendale Drive, New Ditech Financial LLC f/k/a Green Gray & Associates, L.L.P. complaint. The demand must be Case No. 17‑CV‑013430 Berlin, WI 53151‑2841. You may Tree Servicing LLC 345 St. Peter Attorneys for Plaintiff The Honorable sent or delivered to the court, whose have an attorney help or represent Street St. Paul, MN 55102 By: Patricia C. Lonzo Glenn H. Yamahiro address is 901 N. Ninth Street, you. Plaintiff, vs. Michael M. Zilavy 313 State Bar No. 1045312 Case Code 30404 Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1425 and to If you do not demand a copy of S 61st St Milwaukee, WI Case No. 18‑CV‑004308 (Foreclosure of Mortgage) the amended complaint within 40 Gray & Associates, L.L.P., plaintiff’s 53214‑1816 Jane Doe Zilavy 313 16345 West Glendale Drive The amount claimed exceeds days, the court may grant judgment attorney, whose address is 16345 S 61st St Milwaukee, WI New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 $10,000.00 against you for the award of money West Glendale Drive, New Berlin, WI 53214‑1816 BMO Harris Bank, (414) 224‑1987 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT or other legal action requested in the National Association successor in 53151‑2841. You may have an Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY amended complaint, and you may interest to M&I Marshall & Ilsley attempting to collect a debt and any attorney help or represent you. Bank of America, N.A. 400 National lose your right to object to anything Bank 111 W Monroe St Chicago, If you do not demand a copy of information obtained will be used for Way Simi Valley, CA 93065 Plain­ that is or may be incorrect in the IL 60603‑4096 Defendants. that purpose. If you have previously the complaint within 40 days, the tiff, vs. The Estate of James F. amended complaint. A judgment THE STATE OF WISCONSIN court may grant judgment against received a discharge in a chapter 7 Newman, Deceased 2315 E may be enforced as provided by law. To each person named above as bankruptcy case, this communication you for the award of money or other Morgan Ave Milwaukee, WI A judgment awarding money may a defendant: should not be construed as an legal action requested in the 53207‑3754 The United States of become a lien against any real You are hereby notified that the attempt to hold you personally liable complaint, and you may lose your America acting by and through the estate you own now or in the future, plaintiff named above has filed a for the debt. right to object to anything that is or Secretary of Housing and Urban and may also be enforced by lawsuit or other legal action against 11574071/6‑22‑29/7‑6 may be incorrect in the complaint. A Development c/o US Attorney 517 garnishment or seizure of property. you.

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Our asphalt plant is accepting clean broken asphalt slabs Estimator/Project Manager Call New Berlin and asphalt millings. We’re paying $3.00 per ton for the Grading material. Any loads that contain dirt, fabric, sod, or other Kruczek Construction, Inc., a Green Bay based Sewer and Water (262) 542‑1772 debris will not be accepted. Any unacceptable loads Utility Contractor is accepting applications for employment to fill the that are dumped will be re‑loaded at a cost of $150 per load. position Estimator/Project Manager. Candidates will be expected to For additional information please contact our office: bid sewer, water, storm sewer and all other subcontract work CONSTRUCTION, involved with Municipal contracts, WIDOT contracts and private REMODELING, WINDOWS development contracts. Candidates will need to manage and N56 W12828 Silver Spring Road | P.O. Box 1087 complete projects on time, negotiate contracts and change orders Wanted! 20 Homeowners Menomonee Falls, WI 53052 while being knowledgeable with project specifications. who need new windows or Office: 262.781.6555 a new bath. 60% Off Labor. Forward your resume’ to John Kruczek, No Payments, No Interest Kruczek Construction, Inc. at [email protected]. until 2019! Contact Mad City Cell Phone 920‑655‑3801. Windows at 262.581.4404 An Equal Opportunity Employer. (CNOW)


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53215 53216 53223 Sheriff’s Sales for: 2401 W Grant St 4104 N 50th St 6010 W Calumet Rd Unit C July 23, 2018, 10:30 a.m. Joseph L Fields Richard Yang Estate of Vera J Bryant Gray & Associates, L.L.P. O’Dess and Associates, S.C. Husch Blackwell LLP Sales are listed in order by zip code. Sheriff will sell the described 53215 53217 53224 premises at public auction in Room B-12 (Level G) of the Safety 3402 S 39th St 411 E Bradley Rd 6466 N 84th St Building, 821 W. State Street, in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Patricia J Holland Buyers Edge LLC Earl Brooks County, Wisconsin. Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, Schmuki, Rondini & Plum SC Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, LLC 53110 Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC 3711 E Adams Ave LLC 53218 53224 Daniel Mulcahy 53216 5848 N 78th St 6475 N 105th St # 6477 BP Peterman Law Group 53207 3343 N 38th St Silveria L Leclaire John Timothy 159 W Crawford Ave Charles E Cornelius Kohner, Mann & Kailas, SC 53132 Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. Brent Bouvat Gray & Associates, L.L.P. 6548 S 122nd St BP Peterman Law Group Angelique S Seidler 53218 53233 BP Peterman Law Group 53216 6221 W Leon Ter 53209 2314 W Wells St 3254 N 30th St Dante Phillips 4642 N 40th St Mu Investments, LLC, 53204 Marilyn D Paty Codilis, Moody & Circelli, PC Marshall A Barlow Eustice, Laffey, Sebranek & Auby, 200 S Water St Unit 302 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Andrew Hollis Gray & Associates, L.L.P. S.C. 53218 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. 53209 53216 8142 W Scranton Pl 53235 53206 4579 N 24th St 3368 N 45th St Ronda R Vaughn 2720 Hidden Dr Unit 61 2602 N 9th St Clara Mallett John Edward Sokoly Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, Hidden Ponds Condominiums, LLC Joseph S Walker Gray & Associates, L.L.P. O’Dess and Associates, S.C. LLC Joseph E. Fenzel

QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2903 W PROPERTY ADDRESS: THIRTEEN (13), IN TOWNSHIP Roosevelt Dr Milwaukee, WI 2828‑2830 N 37th St Milwaukee, WI Sheriff’s Sales SEVEN (7) NORTH, RANGE TWEN­ 53216‑1837 53210‑1821 TY‑ONE (21) EAST, IN THE CITY DATED: June 29, 2018 DATED: May 30, 2018 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE action on January 30, 2018 in the OF MILWAUKEE, COUNTY OF Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Docket No. 181074 amount of $148,537.93, I will sell at MILWAUKEE AND STATE OF Attorneys for Plaintiff Attorneys for Plaintiff Case No.: 17‑CV‑011956 public auction in Room B‑12, Level WISCONSIN. 16345 West Glendale Drive 16345 West Glendale Drive Case Classification: G, of the Safety Building, located at Street Address: 2658 N. Sherman New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Foreclosure of Mortgage 821 W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 224‑8404 (414) 224‑8404 Case Code: 30404 53233, on Tax Key No. 327‑1321‑4 Please go to www.gray‑ to Please go to www.gray‑ to STATE OF WISCONSIN : CIRCUIT August 6, 2018 New Tax Key 3271321000 obtain the bid for this sale. obtain the bid for this sale. COURT : MILWAUKEE COUNTY At 10:30 AM, all of the following THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is JOHNSON BANK, Plaintiff, vs. described premises, to wit: AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY attempting to collect a debt and any attempting to collect a debt and any DEBORAH J. BENKOWSKI a/k/a LOT 2, IN BLOCK 8 IN GOLDEN AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, information obtained will be used for information obtained will be used for DEBORAH BENKOWSKI, GATE, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER that purpose. If you have previously that purpose. If you have previously UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF THE NORTH WEST 1/4 OF THE LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. received a discharge in a chapter 7 received a discharge in a chapter 7 DEBORAH J. BENKOWSKI a/k/a NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASH­ bankruptcy case, this communication bankruptcy case, this communication DEBORAH BENKOWSKI, and AND PART OF THE NORTHEAST IER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED should not be construed as an should not be construed as an JOHNSON BANK, Defendants. 1/4, SOUTHEAST 1/4 AND THE FUNDS (10% down payment at sale, attempt to hold you personally liable attempt to hold you personally liable By virtue of a Judgment of foreclo­ SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTH­ balance due within ten (10) days of for the debt. for the debt. sure made in the above‑entitled EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, IN Court approval; down payment to be The above property is located The above property is located action February 5, 2018, in TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH, RANGE 21 forfeited if payment not received at: 2903 W Roosevelt Dr at: 2828‑2830 N 37th St Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, in the sum of EAST, IN THE CITY OF timely). Buyer to pay applicable Milwaukee, WI 53216‑1837 WI 53210‑1821 $85,703.19, I will sell at public MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax 11568028/6‑29/7‑6‑13 11568029/6‑29/7‑6‑13 auction in Room B12 of the COUNTY, WISCONSIN. in addition to the purchase price. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Depart­ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Street Address: 7020 North 98th /s/ Richard R. Schmidt Case No. 2015CV009731 ment, Safety Building, located at 821 Doc# 180952 Street, Milwaukee, WI 53224 Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Docket No. 181023 West State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Case No. 17‑CV‑001992 Tax Key No. 1116‑0113‑0 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Wisconsin, 53233, on Monday, Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT New tax key 1160113000 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY August 13, 2018 at 10:30 a.m., all of Attorneys for Plaintiff COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD CIVIL DIVISION the following described premises, to 50‑17‑00054 The Bank of New York Mellon FKA AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY NORTH MILWAUKEE STATE BANK wit: The above property is located The Bank of New York as Trustee AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, n/k/a FIRST‑CITIZENS BANK & Lot One (1) and the North at: 2658 N. Sherman Blvd., for registered Holders of CWABS SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff, vs. One‑half (1/2) of Lot Two (2), in Milwaukee, WI 53210 Inc., Asset‑Backed Certificates, LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. JAMES E. CANADY, EVONE Block Two (2), in Krueck, Wertel, TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASH­ 11577436/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Series 2006‑23 Plaintiff, vs. and Grobschmidt’s Subdivision in the Vernita Brooks, Juanita Brooks, THOMAS, CANDELL IER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PROPERTIES, LLC, JANE DOE, Northeast One‑quarter (1/4) of FUNDS (10% down payment at sale, The Bank of New York Mellon Section Two (2), Township Five (5) Doc# 180948 CITY OF MILWAUKEE, UNITED balance due within ten (10) days of FKA The Bank of New York as North, Range Twenty‑two (22) East, Case No. 18‑CV‑000652 STATE OF AMERICA, Court approval; down payment to be Trustee for the Certificate holders in the City of South Milwaukee, STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Defendants. forfeited if payment not received of the CWABS Inc., Asset‑Backed Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY By virtue of a Judgment of Fore­ timely). Buyer to pay applicable Certificates, Series 2007‑7, Tax Key Number: 724 0124. U.S. Bank National Association, as closure entered in the above entitled Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax Froedtert Memorial Hospital, Ford The property will be sold subject Trustee for Citigroup Mortgage action on the 11th day of June, in addition to the purchase price. Motor Credit Co, State of to all legal encumbrances. Loan Trust 2007‑WFHE2, 2018 in the amount of $609,740.65, I /s/ Richard R. Schmidt Wisconsin, Department of Terms of Sale: Ten (10%) percent Asset‑Backed Pass‑ Through will sell at public auction in Room Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Workforce Development, Kevin R. of the successful bid must be paid to Certificates, Series 2007‑WFHE2 B‑12 (Level G) of the Safety Wisconsin Ball, Wisconsin Electric Power Co the Sheriff at the sale in cash, Plaintiff, vs. The Estate of Mary E. Building, located at 821 West State Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. a/k/a WE Energies and CR Social cashier’s­ check or certified funds Ashe a/k/a Mary Ashe, Deceased, Street, in the City of Milwaukee, Attorneys for Plaintiff Neighborhood Improvement Development Commission (personal checks cannot and will not Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, on 50‑17‑02116 Development Corporation and Defendants. be accepted). The balance of the the 30th day of July, 2018, at 10:30 The above property is located Midland Funding LLC Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by successful bid must be paid to the o’clock a.m., all of the following Clerk of Courts in cash, cashier’s at: 7020 North 98th Street, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Milwaukee, WI 53224 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on January 25, 2018 in the described mortgaged premises check or certified funds at the time of to‑wit: the Court’s confirmation of the sale 11579509/6‑29/7‑6‑13 entered on April 23, 2018 in the amount of $124,960.47 the Sheriff amount of $18,347.80 the Sheriff will will sell the described premises at The East 93 feet of Lot 1, Block 8, or the ten (10%) percent down NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE sell the described premises at public public auction as follows: in Continuation of North Avenue payment is forfeited to the Plaintiff. Case No. 2017CV005768 auction as follows: TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Park, being a subdivision of part of Dated this 29th day of June, 2018. Docket: 181055 the East 47 acres of the West 100 Richard R. Schmidt TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. TERMS: Pursuant to said STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT acres of the Southeast ¼ of Section Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee TERMS: Pursuant to said judgment, 10% of the successful bid COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 13, Township 7 North, Range 21 County, Wisconsin judgment, 10% of the successful bid must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Wilmington Savings Fund Society, East, in the City of Milwaukee, Drafted by: must be paid to the sheriff at the sale in cash, cashier’s check or certified FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Tax Attorney Lori J. Fabian in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds, payable to the Milwaukee Individually but as Trustee for funds, payable to the Milwaukee Key No: 326‑0511‑1; Property Hippenmeyer, Reilly, Blum, Ventures Trust 2013‑I‑H‑R, A County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Schmitzer, Fabian & English, S.C. County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal checks cannot and will not be Address: 2679 North 30th Street, Delaware Trust Plaintiff, v. The checks cannot and will not be Milwaukee, WI 53210. 720 Clinton Street, P.O. Box 766 Estate of Welford G. Sanders; et. accepted). The balance of the Waukesha, WI 53187‑0766 accepted). The balance of the successful bid must be paid to the TERMS: A down payment by al. Defendant(s). successful bid must be paid to the cashier’s check, certified check or Telephone: (262) 549‑8181 By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s Facsimile: (262)549‑8191 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds no later than cash in the amount of 10% of the sure made in the above‑entitled check or certified funds no later than [email protected] ten days after the court’s total successful bid is required to be action on April 2, 2018 in the amount ten days after the court’s paid to the Sheriff at the time of sale. The above property is located of $115,258.09, I will sell at public confirmation of the sale or else the at: 600 North Chicago Avenue, confirmation of the sale or else the Balance due within 10 days of confir­ auction in Room B‑12, Level G, of 10% down payment is forfeited to South Milwaukee, Wisconsin 10% down payment is forfeited to mation of sale. Purchaser shall be the Safety Building, located at 821 the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as 53172. the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as responsible for payment of all real W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI is’ and subject to all liens and is’ and subject to all liens and 11578092/6‑29/7‑6‑13 encumbrances. estate transfer and recording fees. 53233, on encumbrances. Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE August 6, 2018 PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West June 15, 2018 Case No. 2017CV011868 At 10:30 AM, all of the following State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, RICHARD R. SCHMIDT, Docket: 180972 described premises, to wit: WI WI Acting Milwaukee County Sheriff STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED DESCRIPTION: Lot 21 in Block DESCRIPTION: Lot 6 in Block 4, By: Attorney Michael T. Schoendorf COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY REAL ESTATE IN MILWAUKEE 35 in Residence Park No. 2, being a in CITY VIEW, being a Subdivision Walden & Schuster, S.C. U.S. Bank National Association COUNTY, STATE OF WISCONSIN: of a part of the Southeast ¼ of Subdivision of a part of the 707 West Moreland Blvd., Suite 9 Plaintiff, v. John R. Lemberger; et. LOT TWENTY‑ONE (21) IN Section 1, in Township 7 North, Northwest ¼ of Section 13, Waukesha, WI 53188 al. Defendant(s). BLOCK THIRTEEN (13) IN THIRD Range 21 East. Said land being in Township 7 North, Range 21 East, in Phone: (262) 547‑5517 By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ CONTINUATION OF BOULEVARD the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee 11578086/6‑29/7‑6‑13 sure made in the above‑entitled PARK, IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE County, Wisconsin. County, Wisconsin. PAGE 2 B | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

confirmation of the sale or else the PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Southwest 1/4 of Section 1, in Town­ 10% down payment is forfeited to virtue of a judgment of foreclosure ship 7 North, Range 21 East, in the Sheriff’s Sales the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as entered on April 17, 2018 in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee is’ and subject to all liens and amount of $70,423.74 the Sheriff will County, Wisconsin. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE this 29th day of June, 2018. encumbrances. sell the described premises at public PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4160 N Doc# 180950 Richard R. Schmidt, Milwaukee PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West auction as follows: Sherman Blvd Milwaukee, WI Case No. 17‑CV‑013082 County Sheriff State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. 53216‑1517 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Prepared by: WI TERMS: Pursuant to said DATED: May 30, 2018 judgment, 10% of the successful bid Gray & Associates, L.L.P. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Attorney James P. Riebe SBN: DESCRIPTION: LOT 9, IN M A JORDAN CO’S SUBDIVISION NO 1, must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Attorneys for Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bank, NA Plaintiff, vs. 1063674 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PART in cash, cashier’s check or certified 16345 West Glendale Drive Michael A. Heise, Marsha D. Niebler, Pyzyk, Carrig, Jelenchick OF THE SOUTHWEST ¼ OF funds, payable to the Milwaukee New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Heise a/k/a Marsha D. McDonald, & Hanley LLP Discover Bank, Midland Funding SECTION 26, IN TOWNSHIP 8 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal (414) 224‑8404 P.O. Box 444 NORTH, RANGE 21 EAST, IN THE checks cannot and will not be Please go to www.gray‑ to LLC, Equable Ascent Financial Menomonee Falls, WI 53052‑0444 LLC, Comenity Bank FKA World CITY OF MILWAUKEE, accepted). The balance of the obtain the bid for this sale. Phone: 262/251‑5330 MILWAUKEE COUNTY, successful bid must be paid to the Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Financial Network Bank, Unifund Fax: 262/251‑1823 Corporation and National WISCONSIN. clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s attempting to collect a debt and any The above property is located at: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5680 N check or certified funds no later than information obtained will be used for Collegiate Student Loan Trust 5138 N. 37th Street, Milwaukee, 2007 4 Defendants. 57th St Milwaukee, WI 53218‑2415 ten days after the court’s that purpose. If you have previously Wisconsin DATED: May 31, 2018 confirmation of the sale or else the received a discharge in a chapter 7 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by 11578315/6‑29/7‑6‑13 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Gray & Associates, L.L.P. 10% down payment is forfeited to bankruptcy case, this communication entered on April 24, 2018 in the NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Attorneys for Plaintiff the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as should not be construed as an amount of $140,222.73 the Sheriff Doc# 180958 16345 West Glendale Drive is’ and subject to all liens and attempt to hold you personally liable will sell the described premises at Case No. 17‑CV‑012427 New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 encumbrances. for the debt. public auction as follows: STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT (414) 224‑8404 PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West The above property is located TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Please go to www.gray‑ to State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, at: 4160 N Sherman Blvd TERMS: Pursuant to said Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC obtain the bid for this sale. WI Milwaukee, WI 53216‑1517 judgment, 10% of the successful bid Plaintiff, vs. Milton D. Krause and Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is DESCRIPTION: Unit 3, in Building 11568372/6‑29/7‑6‑13 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Margaret E. Krause Defendants. attempting to collect a debt and any 9, together with the use of Parking NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE in cash, cashier’s check or certified PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by information obtained will be used for Space 3, and so much of the Doc# 180947 funds, payable to the Milwaukee virtue of a judgment of foreclosure that purpose. If you have previously undivided interest in the common Case No. 17‑CV‑003548 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal entered on January 29, 2018 in the received a discharge in a chapter 7 areas and facilities appurtenant to STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT checks cannot and will not be amount of $80,889.37 the Sheriff will bankruptcy case, this communication such unit in the percentage specified COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY accepted). The balance of the sell the described premises at public should not be construed as an and established in the hereinaf­ U.S. Bank National Association, not successful bid must be paid to the auction as follows: attempt to hold you personally liable ter‑mentioned Declaration, in a in its individual capacity but solely clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. for the debt. condominium commonly known as as trustee for the RMAC Trust, check or certified funds no later than TERMS: Pursuant to said The above property is located Rivers Edge Condominium Homes, Series 2016‑CTT Plaintiff, vs. ten days after the court’s judgment, 10% of the successful bid at: 5680 N. 57th St., Milwaukee, WI created under the Unit Ownership Javed Raza, Nighat Raza, HSBC confirmation of the sale or else the must be paid to the sheriff at the sale 53218‑2415 Act of the State of Wisconsin by Mortgage Services Inc. and 10% down payment is forfeited to in cash, cashier’s check or certified 11567984/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Declaration dated May 12, 1977 and Wilmington Savings Fund Society, funds, payable to the Milwaukee recorded in the Register of Deeds the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, as County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Office for Milwaukee County, on May is’ and subject to all liens and Doc# 180961 Indenture Trustee, for the CSMC encumbrances. checks cannot and will not be 13, 1977, on Reel 1013, Image 2017‑1 Trust, Mortgage‑Backed accepted). The balance of the Case No. 17‑CV‑011009 1925, as Document No. 5099605, PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Notes, Series 2017‑1 Defendants. State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, successful bid must be paid to the and by Amendment to the original PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Declaration, recorded on April 4, WI Embrace Home Loans, Inc. Plaintiff, virtue of a judgment of foreclosure DESCRIPTION: The East 65 feet check or certified funds no later than 1978, in the Register of Deeds Office entered on April 23, 2018 in the ten days after the court’s vs. Samuel T. Liegler, Jane Doe of Milwaukee County, on Reel 1099, of Lots 10 and 11, in Block 3, in Liegler and State of Wisconsin, amount of $130,718.73 the Sheriff Kurth and Lers’ Subdivision in the confirmation of the sale or else the Image 286, as Document No. will sell the described premises at 10% down payment is forfeited to Department of Children and 5199258. Incorporated herein by this Southeast ¼ of Section 4, in Families, Bureau of Child Support public auction as follows: Township 6 North, Range 21 East, in the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as reference thereto is the real estate TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. is’ and subject to all liens and Defendants. described in and subject to said the City of West Allis, Milwaukee PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by TERMS: Pursuant to said County, Wisconsin. encumbrances. Declaration which is located in the virtue of a judgment of foreclosure judgment, 10% of the successful bid PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1981 S PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee entered on February 26, 2018 in the must be paid to the sheriff at the sale 77th St West Allis, WI 53219‑1110 State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, County, Wisconsin. The Post Office in cash, cashier’s check or certified amount of $106,226.19 the Sheriff DATED: May 30, 2018 WI address of the above Unit is 4000 funds, payable to the Milwaukee will sell the described premises at Gray & Associates, L.L.P. DESCRIPTION: Lot 20, in Block West Rivers Edge, Unit 3, Brown County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal public auction as follows: Attorneys for Plaintiff 3, in Longwood Parksites No. 4, Deer, Wisconsin. checks cannot and will not be TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. 16345 West Glendale Drive being a Subdivision of a part of the PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4000 W accepted). The balance of the TERMS: Pursuant to said New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Southeast ¼ of Section 33, in Town­ Rivers Edge Cir Unit 3 Brown Deer, successful bid must be paid to the judgment, 10% of the successful bid (414) 224‑8404 ship 8 North, Range 21 East, in the WI 53209‑1128 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Please go to www.gray‑ to City of Milwaukee, County of DATED: May 30, 2018 check or certified funds no later than in cash, cashier’s check or certified obtain the bid for this sale. Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. ten days after the court’s funds, payable to the Milwaukee Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is PROPERTY ADDRESS: 8134 W Attorneys for Plaintiff confirmation of the sale or else the County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal attempting to collect a debt and any Eggert Pl Milwaukee, WI 16345 West Glendale Drive 10% down payment is forfeited to checks cannot and will not be information obtained will be used for 53218‑3648 New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as accepted). The balance of the that purpose. If you have previously DATED: May 31, 2018 (414) 224‑8404 is’ and subject to all liens and successful bid must be paid to the received a discharge in a chapter 7 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Please go to www.gray‑ to encumbrances. clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s bankruptcy case, this communication Attorneys for Plaintiff obtain the bid for this sale. PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West check or certified funds no later than should not be construed as an 16345 West Glendale Drive Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, attempt to hold you personally liable New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 ten days after the court’s attempting to collect a debt and any WI for the debt. (414) 224‑8404 confirmation of the sale or else the information obtained will be used for DESCRIPTION: Lot 20, in Block The above property is located Please go to www.gray‑ to 10% down payment is forfeited to that purpose. If you have previously 2, in Hill Rose Subdivision, being a at: 1981 S 77th St West Allis, WI obtain the bid for this sale. the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as received a discharge in a chapter 7 subdivision of Lands in the 53219‑1110 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is is’ and subject to all liens and bankruptcy case, this communication Northwest ¼ of Section 14, in Town­ 11568042/6‑29/7‑6‑13 attempting to collect a debt and any encumbrances. should not be construed as an ship 7 North, Range 21 East, in the information obtained will be used for PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West attempt to hold you personally liable AMENDED City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee that purpose. If you have previously State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, for the debt. County, Wisconsin. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE received a discharge in a chapter 7 WI The above property is located Case No. 17CV1308 PROPERTY ADDRESS: bankruptcy case, this communication DESCRIPTION: Lots One (1) and at: 4000 W Rivers Edge Cir Unit 3 Case Code: 30404 2930‑2930A N 56th St Milwaukee, should not be construed as an Two (2), Block Twenty‑five (25), Brown Deer, WI 53209‑1128 Amount exceeds $10,000.00 WI 53210‑1527 attempt to hold you personally liable Addition No. 2 to the Townsite of 11568055/6‑29/7‑6‑13 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT DATED: June 29, 2018 for the debt. South Milwaukee in the Northeast COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Gray & Associates, L.L.P. The above property is located One‑quarter (1/4) of Section Eleven APEX MORTGAGE CORP. Plaintiff, Doc# 180941 Attorneys for Plaintiff at: 8134 W Eggert Pl Milwaukee, (11), Township Five (5) North, v. CEDRIC R. HORTON, LA NEKA Case No. 15‑CV‑3088 16345 West Glendale Drive WI 53218‑3648 Range Twenty‑two (22) East, in the S. HORTON, and C‑NOTES STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 11568377/6‑29/7‑6‑13 City of South Milwaukee, Milwaukee (414) 224‑8404 UPSCALE SPORTS LOUNGE, County, Wisconsin. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY LLC, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Columbia Savings & Loan Please go to www.gray‑ to PROPERTY ADDRESS: 602 obtain the bid for this sale. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, by virtue Doc# 180954 Michigan Ave South Milwaukee, WI Association Plaintiff, vs. Tracey L. of a Judgment of Foreclosure made Case No. 18‑CV‑000602 Pope, City of Milwaukee a/k/a Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is 53172‑2725 attempting to collect a debt and any in the above‑entitled action on the 1st STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT DATED: May 30, 2018 Milwaukee City and United States day of May, 2017 in the amount of COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY of America, Internal Revenue information obtained will be used for Gray & Associates, L.L.P. that purpose. If you have previously $58,048.36, I will sell at public The Bank of New York Mellon f/k/a Attorneys for Plaintiff Service Defendants. auction in Room B‑12 of the Safety The Bank of New York as PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by received a discharge in a chapter 7 16345 West Glendale Drive bankruptcy case, this communication Building located at 821 W. State successor trustee for JPMorgan New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233, Chase Bank, N.A., as Trustee for entered on July 27, 2015 in the should not be construed as an (414) 224‑8404 attempt to hold you personally liable on the 30th day of July, 2018 at the benefit of the Please go to www.gray‑ to amount of $116,742.58 the Sheriff 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon of Certificateholders of Popular ABS, will sell the described premises at for the debt. obtain the bid for this sale. The above property is located that day, the real estate and Inc. Mortgage Pass‑Through Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is public auction as follows: TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at: 2930‑2930A N 56th St mortgaged premises directed by said Certificates Series 2006‑D attempting to collect a debt and any TERMS: Pursuant to said Milwaukee, WI 53210‑1527 Judgment to be sold and therein Plaintiff, vs. The Estate of Roy information obtained will be used for judgment, 10% of the successful bid 11567981/6‑29/7‑6‑13 described as follows: Lee Lattimore, Deceased and that purpose. If you have previously must be paid to the sheriff at the sale DESCRIPTION: Unifund CCR Partners received a discharge in a chapter 7 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE in cash, cashier’s check or certified South 45 feet of Lot 11, in Block 1, Defendants. bankruptcy case, this communication Doc# 180949 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by funds, payable to the Milwaukee in Assessor’s Plat No. 105, being a should not be construed as an Case No. 17‑CV‑012387 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal part of the Southwest ¼ of Section attempt to hold you personally liable STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT entered on April 25, 2018 in the checks cannot and will not be 36, in Township 8 North, Range 21 for the debt. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY amount of $92,694.89 the Sheriff will accepted). The balance of the East, in the City of Milwaukee, The above property is located Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. sell the described premises at public successful bid must be paid to the Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. at: 602 Michigan Ave South Elizabel Rodriguez, John Doe Address: 5138 N. 37th Street, auction as follows: clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s Milwaukee, WI 53172‑2725 Rodriguez, The United States of Milwaukee, Wisconsin TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. check or certified funds no later than America, acting by and through 11568034/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Parcel Identification No.: TERMS: Pursuant to said ten days after the court’s the Secretary of Housing and 208‑0010‑4 judgment, 10% of the successful bid NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE confirmation of the sale or else the Urban Development, American Terms of sale are 10 percent must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Doc# 180957 10% down payment is forfeited to Family Mutual Ins. Co., Kimberly (10%) of purchase price due at time in cash, cashier’s check or certified Case No. 17‑CV‑013759 the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as Hart, Capital One Bank USA NA, of sale in cash, cashier’s check or funds, payable to the Milwaukee STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT is’ and subject to all liens and Midland Funding LLC, certified funds with the balance due County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY encumbrances. Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin upon confirmation of sale. Sold “As checks cannot and will not be Towne Mortgage Company d/b/a PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West LLC and Rivers Edge Homes Is” and subject to all legal liens and accepted). The balance of the AmeriCU Mortgage Plaintiff, vs. State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, Association Inc. Defendants. encumbrances. Buyer to pay appli­ successful bid must be paid to the Adam M. Poehlman, Jane Doe WI PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by cable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s Poehlman and Rivers Edge DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, in Block 1, virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Tax. check or certified funds no later than Homes Association, Inc. in Sher‑Lake Park, being a entered on April 17, 2018 in the Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin ten days after the court’s Defendants. subdivision of a part of the amount of $79,720.95 the Sheriff will FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 3 B

ten days after the court’s New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal confirmation of the sale or else the (414) 224‑8404 checks cannot and will not be Sheriff’s Sales 10% down payment is forfeited to Please go to www.gray‑ to accepted). The balance of the the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as obtain the bid for this sale. successful bid must be paid to the sell the described premises at public Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is’ and subject to all liens and Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s auction as follows: Attorneys for Plaintiff encumbrances. attempting to collect a debt and any check or certified funds no later than TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. 16345 West Glendale Drive PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West information obtained will be used for ten days after the court’s TERMS: Pursuant to said New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, that purpose. If you have previously confirmation of the sale or else the judgment, 10% of the successful bid (414) 224‑8404 WI received a discharge in a chapter 7 10% down payment is forfeited to must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Please go to www.gray‑ to DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH 5 bankruptcy case, this communication the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as in cash, cashier’s check or certified obtain the bid for this sale. FEET OF LOT 10 AND ALL OF LOT should not be construed as an is’ and subject to all liens and funds, payable to the Milwaukee Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is 11, IN BLOCK 5, IN MINER’S attempt to hold you personally liable encumbrances. County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal attempting to collect a debt and any SUBDIVISION, IN THE for the debt. PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West checks cannot and will not be information obtained will be used for NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, The above property is located State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, accepted). The balance of the that purpose. If you have previously TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 22 at: 8620 N Servite Dr Milwaukee, WI successful bid must be paid to the received a discharge in a chapter 7 EAST, IN THE CITY OF WI 53223‑2514 DESCRIPTION: Lots 13 and 14, clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s bankruptcy case, this communication MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE 11568375/6‑29/7‑6‑13 in Block 7, in Layton Park in the check or certified funds no later than should not be construed as an COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Northwest ¼ of Section 7, in NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ten days after the court’s attempt to hold you personally liable PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1112 N Township 6 North, Range 22 East, Doc# 180943 confirmation of the sale or else the for the debt. 22nd St Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1004 and in the Northeast ¼ of Section Case No. 18‑CV‑000383 10% down payment is forfeited to The above property is located DATED: June 29, 2018 12, in Township 6 North, Range 21 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as at: 215 W Vienna Ave Milwaukee, East, in the City of Milwaukee, Attorneys for Plaintiff COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY is’ and subject to all liens and WI 53212‑1586 Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. 16345 West Glendale Drive Ditech Financial LLC f/k/a Green encumbrances. 11568381/6‑29/7‑6‑13 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2436 S New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Tree Servicing LLC Plaintiff, vs. PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West 31st St Milwaukee, WI 53215‑2855 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE (414) 224‑8404 The Estate of Antony Witzmann, State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, DATED: June 29, 2018 Doc# 180960 Please go to www.gray‑ to Deceased a/k/a Antony K. WI Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Case No. 17‑CV‑012472 obtain the bid for this sale. Witzmann, Jesusa General DESCRIPTION: Unit 17, in Attorneys for Plaintiff STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Witzmann, Midland Funding LLC, Building 8, together with an COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 16345 West Glendale Drive attempting to collect a debt and any City of Milwaukee and Landmark undivided interest in and to the The Equitable Bank, S.S.B. Plaintiff, New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 information obtained will be used for Credit Union Defendants. common elements and facilities set vs. Tommy R. Ugan, Dana L. (414) 224‑8404 that purpose. If you have previously PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by forth in the Declaration of Lessila a/k/a Dana L. Lissila‑Ugan Please go to www.gray‑ to Condominium for Rivers Edge received a discharge in a chapter 7 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and TD Bank USA NA obtain the bid for this sale. Condominium Homes, a bankruptcy case, this communication entered on April 23, 2018 in the Defendants. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Condominium declared and existing should not be construed as an amount of $62,568.74 the Sheriff will PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by attempting to collect a debt and any under and by virtue of the Condo­ attempt to hold you personally liable sell the described premises at public virtue of a judgment of foreclosure information obtained will be used for minium Ownership Act of the State for the debt. auction as follows: entered on January 29, 2018 in the that purpose. If you have previously of Wisconsin, according to the The above property is located TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. amount of $120,182.28 the Sheriff received a discharge in a chapter 7 Declaration of Condominium at: 1112 N 22nd St Milwaukee, WI TERMS: Pursuant to said will sell the described premises at bankruptcy case, this communication recorded in the Office of the Register 53233‑1004 judgment, 10% of the successful bid public auction as follows: should not be construed as an of Deeds on May 13, 1977 on Reel 11568378/6‑29/7‑6‑13 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. attempt to hold you personally liable 1013, Image 1925, as Document No. in cash, cashier’s check or certified TERMS: Pursuant to said NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE for the debt. 5099605, and as amended. Located Doc# 180959 funds, payable to the Milwaukee judgment, 10% of the successful bid The above property is located in the Village of Brown Deer, Case No. 17‑CV‑010979 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal must be paid to the sheriff at the sale at: 2436 S 31st St Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT checks cannot and will not be in cash, cashier’s check or certified 53215‑2855 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4050 W funds, payable to the Milwaukee COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY accepted). The balance of the 11567991/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Rivers Edge Cir Unit 17 Brown Deer, County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal PHH Mortgage Corporation Plaintiff, successful bid must be paid to the WI 53209‑1154 checks cannot and will not be vs. Santoasha D. Washington, clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DATED: June 29, 2018 accepted). The balance of the John Doe Washington, Servite check or certified funds no later than Doc# 180944 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. successful bid must be paid to the Woods Homes Association, Inc. ten days after the court’s Case No. 18‑CV‑001113 Attorneys for Plaintiff clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s and The United States of America confirmation of the sale or else the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 16345 West Glendale Drive check or certified funds no later than Defendants. 10% down payment is forfeited to COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 ten days after the court’s PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as U.S. Bank National Association, as (414) 224‑8404 confirmation of the sale or else the virtue of a judgment of foreclosure is’ and subject to all liens and Trustee for the Residential Asset Please go to www.gray‑ to 10% down payment is forfeited to entered on January 29, 2018 in the encumbrances. Securities Corporation, Home obtain the bid for this sale. the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as amount of $111,165.76 the Sheriff PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West Equity Mortgage Asset‑Backed Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is is’ and subject to all liens and will sell the described premises at State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, Pass‑Through Certificates, Series attempting to collect a debt and any encumbrances. public auction as follows: WI 2005‑KS10 Plaintiff, vs. Sarina information obtained will be used for PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. DESCRIPTION: The North 15 feet Bao Xiong a/k/a Bao Yang and that purpose. If you have previously State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, TERMS: Pursuant to said of Lot 23 and the South 26 feet of City of Milwaukee Defendants. received a discharge in a chapter 7 WI judgment, 10% of the successful bid Lot 24, in Block 3, North Milwaukee PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by bankruptcy case, this communication DESCRIPTION: Lot 19 in Block 8 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale should not be construed as an Improvement Company Subdivision virtue of a judgment of foreclosure in Blue Mound Vista No. 2, being a in cash, cashier’s check or certified No. 1, in the Southeast ¼ of Section entered on April 23, 2018 in the attempt to hold you personally liable subdivision of a part of the funds, payable to the Milwaukee for the debt. 2, Township 7 North, Range 21 East, amount of $99,873.72 the Sheriff will Southwest 1/4 of Section 30, in County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee sell the described premises at public The above property is located Township 7 North, Range 21 East, in checks cannot and will not be County, Wisconsin, excepting the auction as follows: at: 4050 W Rivers Edge Cir Unit 17 the City of Wauwatosa, County of accepted). The balance of the East 3 feet reserved thereof for alley TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Brown Deer, WI 53209‑1154 Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. successful bid must be paid to the purposes. TERMS: Pursuant to said 11568044/6‑29/7‑6‑13 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 11918 W clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4308 N judgment, 10% of the successful bid Dearbourn Ave Wauwatosa, WI check or certified funds no later than NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 49th St Milwaukee, WI 53216‑1310 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale 53226‑3913 ten days after the court’s Doc# 180962 DATED: June 29, 2018 in cash, cashier’s check or certified DATED: June 29, 2018 confirmation of the sale or else the Case No. 18‑CV‑000669 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. funds, payable to the Milwaukee Gray & Associates, L.L.P. 10% down payment is forfeited to STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Attorneys for Plaintiff County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Attorneys for Plaintiff the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 16345 West Glendale Drive checks cannot and will not be NRZ REO V‑2 CORP Plaintiff, vs. 16345 West Glendale Drive is’ and subject to all liens and New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 accepted). The balance of the The Estate of Cecilia L. Turner, New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 encumbrances. (414) 224‑8404 successful bid must be paid to the Deceased and City of Milwaukee, (414) 224‑8404 PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West Please go to www.gray‑ to clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s acting through its Department of Please go to www.gray‑ to State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, obtain the bid for this sale. check or certified funds no later than City Development Defendants. obtain the bid for this sale. WI Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is ten days after the court’s PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is DESCRIPTION: Unit 8620 in attempting to collect a debt and any virtue of a judgment of foreclosure attempting to collect a debt and any Building 16 together with said unit’s confirmation of the sale or else the entered on April 25, 2018 in the information obtained will be used for undivided appurtenant interest in the information obtained will be used for 10% down payment is forfeited to amount of $25,311.23 the Sheriff will that purpose. If you have previously common elements and the exclusive that purpose. If you have previously the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as sell the described premises at public received a discharge in a chapter 7 use of the limited common elements received a discharge in a chapter 7 is’ and subject to all liens and auction as follows: bankruptcy case, this communication appurtenant to said unit, all in bankruptcy case, this communication encumbrances. TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. should not be construed as an Servite Woods Condominium should not be construed as an PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West TERMS: Pursuant to said attempt to hold you personally liable Homes, a Condominium declared attempt to hold you personally liable State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, judgment, 10% of the successful bid for the debt. and existing under and by virtue of for the debt. WI must be paid to the sheriff at the sale The above property is located the Condominium Ownership Act for The above property is located DESCRIPTION: LOT 18 AND in cash, cashier’s check or certified at: 11918 W Dearbourn Ave the State of Wisconsin by a Declara­ at: 4308 N 49th St Milwaukee, WI THE WEST 2 FEET OF LOT 19, funds, payable to the Milwaukee Wauwatosa, WI 53226‑3913 tion recorded on October 30, 1973, 53216‑1310 BLOCK 177, IN SUBDIVISION OF County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal 11568025/6‑29/7‑6‑13 in Reel 753, Image 253, as Docu­ 11568379/6‑29/7‑6‑13 THE WEST 4 ACRES OF LOTS 12 AND 13, IN THE EAST ½ OF THE checks cannot and will not be NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE ment No. 4802390; and Supplement NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE SOUTHEAST ¼ OF SECTION 31, accepted). The balance of the Doc# 180945 thereto recorded on March 14, 1977, Doc# 180942 IN TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE successful bid must be paid to the Case No. 17‑CV‑010819 in Reel 998, Image 987, as Case No. 17‑CV‑002882 Document No. 5082232; and 22 EAST, IN THE CITY OF clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Amendment thereto recorded June MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE check or certified funds no later than COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 2, 1977, in Reel 1019, Image 1493, COUNTY, WISCONSIN ten days after the court’s U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for JPMorgan Chase Bank, National confirmation of the sale or else the as Document No. 5105940; and PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1410 W LSF9 Master Participation Trust Association, Successor by Merger 10% down payment is forfeited to Second Supplement recorded on Washington St Milwaukee, WI Plaintiff, vs. Phetsamone to Chase Home Finance, LLC, the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as December 12, 1984, in Reel 1708, 53204‑2275 Vannavong, Inthaly B. successor by merger to Chase is’ and subject to all liens and Image 154, as Document No. DATED: June 1, 2018 Vannavong, John Doe Manhattan Mortgage Corporation encumbrances. Vannavong, Milwaukee Habitat for 5772988, and Second Amendment Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Plaintiff, vs. Thor E. Wright a/k/a PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West Humanity, Inc. and Jane Doe to Declaration of Condominium of Attorneys for Plaintiff Thor Wright, Wanda J. Wright State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, Vannavong Defendants. Servite Woods Condominium Homes 16345 West Glendale Drive a/k/a Wanda Wright, Giovanni WI PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by recorded December 10, 2001, as New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Safina, Jane Doe Safina, Allstate DESCRIPTION: The East virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Document No. 8182232, and in the (414) 224‑8404 Insurance Co., Waukesha Fifty‑four (54) feet of Lots numbered entered on January 23, 2018 in the Articles of Incorporation of Servite Please go to www.gray‑ to Memorial Hospital Inc. and Aurora One (1) and Two (2) and the East amount of $183,351.43 the Sheriff Woods Homes Association, Inc. and obtain the bid for this sale. Health Care Metro Inc. Fifty‑four (54) feet of the North will sell the described premises at in the By‑Laws of said Corporation, Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Defendants. Fifteen (15) feet of Lot numbered public auction as follows: said Condominium being located in attempting to collect a debt and any PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Three (3) in Block numbered One (1) TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee information obtained will be used for virtue of a judgment of foreclosure in Keefe Avenue Subdivision No. 2, TERMS: Pursuant to said County, Wisconsin on the real estate that purpose. If you have previously entered on January 23, 2018 in the being a part of the Northeast judgment, 10% of the successful bid described in said Declaration and received a discharge in a chapter 7 amount of $131,626.33 the Sheriff One‑quarter (1/4) of Section Eight must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Amendments and incorporated bankruptcy case, this communication will sell the described premises at (8), in Township Seven (7) North, in cash, cashier’s check or certified herein by this reference thereto. should not be construed as an PROPERTY ADDRESS: 8620 N public auction as follows: Range Twenty‑two (22) East, in the funds, payable to the Milwaukee attempt to hold you personally liable City of Milwaukee, County of Servite Dr Milwaukee, WI TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal for the debt. Milwaukee and State of Wisconsin. checks cannot and will not be 53223‑2514 TERMS: Pursuant to said The above property is located PROPERTY ADDRESS: 215 W accepted). The balance of the DATED: June 29, 2018 judgment, 10% of the successful bid at: 1410 W Washington St Vienna Ave Milwaukee, WI successful bid must be paid to the Gray & Associates, L.L.P. must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Milwaukee, WI 53204‑2275 53212‑1586 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s Attorneys for Plaintiff in cash, cashier’s check or certified 11568376/6‑29/7‑6‑13 DATED: June 29, 2018 check or certified funds no later than 16345 West Glendale Drive funds, payable to the Milwaukee PAGE 4 B | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

PLACE: 821 W. State Street, DATE/TIME: July 23, 2018 at NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Safety Building, Room B12 (Level 10:30 AM. Case No: 17 CV 1809 Sheriff’s Sales G), Milwaukee, WI 53233 TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash, Docket No. 180916 TERMS: Pursuant to said cashier’s check, money order, or STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE located at 821 W State Street, judgment, 10% of the successful bid certified funds, at the time of sale; COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Doc# 180946 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale balance due within 10 days of confir­ Bank of America, N.A. Plaintiff vs in cash, cashier’s check or certified mation of sale; failure to pay balance Case No. 17‑CV‑012462 DESCRIPTION: LOT FIVE (5), IN DANIEL MULCAHY, et al. funds, (personal checks cannot and due will result in forfeit of deposit to STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT BLOCK FIVE (5), IN ASSESSMENT Defendant(s) will not be accepted). The balance of plaintiff. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY SUBDIVISION NO. 61, BEING IN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by the successful bid must be paid to 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all Ditech Financial LLC f/k/a Green THE SOUTHEAST ONE‑QUARTER virtue of a judgment of foreclosure the clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s legal liens, encumbrances, and Tree Servicing LLC Plaintiff, vs. (1/4) OF SECTION SEVENTEEN entered on November 7, 2017 in the check or certified funds no later than payment of applicable transfer taxes Scott Zalewski and Lori Ann (17), IN TOWNSHIP SIX (6) amount of $85,798.22 the Sheriff will ten days after the court’s by purchaser. Zalewski Defendants. NORTH, RANGE TWENTY‑TWO sell the described premises at public confirmation of the sale or else the PLACE: In Room B‑12 (Level G) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by (22) EAST, IN THE CITY OF auction as follows: down payment will be forfeited. of the Milwaukee County Safety virtue of a judgment of foreclosure MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 AM Pursuant to Statute, the Purchaser is Building, 821 West State Street, entered on January 23, 2018 in the COUNTY, WISCONSIN. TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff also required to pay the costs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 amount of $127,741.73 the Sheriff PROPERTY ADDRESS: 159 sale, prospective buyer is consenting sale, any applicable Real Estate PROPERTY LEGAL will sell the described premises at West Crawford Avenue, Milwaukee, to be bound by the following terms: Transfer Tax, and applicable DESCRIPTION: Lot 28 in Block 6 in public auction as follows: WI 53207 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due recording fees. Harder’s Oak park Subdivision, within 10 days of confirmation of TIME: July 30, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. TAX KEY NO.: 549‑0116‑X LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Five being a part of the Northwest ¼ of TERMS: Pursuant to said Dated this 1st day of June, 2018. sale; failure to pay balance due will (5), in Block Three (3), in BACON Section 13, in T Township 6 North, result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. judgment, 10% of the successful bid /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt HOMESITES, Range 21 East, in the City of must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Milwaukee County Sheriff 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all being a Subdivision of lands in the Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) in cash, cashier’s check or certified Hunter R. Felknor Northeast One‑quarter (1/4) of Wisconsin. funds, payable to the Milwaukee BP Peterman Law Group LLC Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Section Seventeen (17), and the PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3402 Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal State Bar No. 1094978 Northwest one‑quarter (1/4) of South 39th Street, Milwaukee, WI checks cannot and will not be 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ Section Sixteen (16), in Township 53215 tiff opens bidding on the property, accepted). The balance of the Brookfield, WI 53005 Eight (8) North, Range Twenty‑two TAX KEY NUMBER: 532‑0154‑X successful bid must be paid to the 262‑790‑5719 either in person or via fax and as (22) East, in the Village of Fox Point, Dated this 29th day of June 2018. recited by the sheriff department in clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s BP Peterman Law Group LLC is Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Richard R. Schmidt, check or certified funds no later than the creditor’s attorney and is the event that no opening bid is Tax Key No. 091‑0018‑000 Acting Milwaukee County Sheriff offered, plaintiff retains the right to ten days after the court’s attempting to collect a debt on its Address: 411 East Bradley Road, Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, confirmation of the sale or else the behalf. Any information obtained will request the sale be declared as Fox Point, WI 53217 LLC invalid as the sale is fatally 10% down payment is forfeited to be used for that purpose. DATED: June 29, 2018 Attorney for Plaintiff the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as The above property is located defective. /s/ Richard R. Schmidt, Acting Mark R. Cummisford, State Bar # PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the is’ and subject to all liens and at: 159 West Crawford Avenue, Sheriff of 1034906 Milwaukee County Safety Building encumbrances. Milwaukee, WI 53207 Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. 7071 South 13th Street, Suite #100 located at 821 W State Street, PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West 11569050/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Sayas, Schmuki, Rondini & Plum Oak Creek, WI 53154 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, S.C. 414‑761‑1700 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE DESCRIPTION: Lot 18 and the WI Attn: Attorney Michael P. Plum Cummisford, Acevedo & Case No. 17 CV 15304 West 1/2 of Lot 17, Block 7, Grange DESCRIPTION: That part of the 11430 West Bluemound Road, Suite Associates, LLC is the creditor’s Docket No. 181039 Avenue Subdivision, in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 28, 200 attorney and is attempting to collect STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Southeast 1/4 of Section Township 5 North, Range 22 East, in Wauwatosa, WI 53226 a debt on its behalf. Any information COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 26,Township 6 North, Range 22 the City of Oak Creek, County of 414‑771‑3802 obtained will be used for that JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA East, in the City of Cudahy, Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin, Pursuant to the Fair Debt purpose. bounded and described as follows: Plaintiff Vs. EARL BROOKS, et al. Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Defendants Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. The above property is located Commencing at a point on the East Section 1962), we are required to PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3711 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by at: 3402 South 39th Street, line of said 1/4 Section which point is state that this firm is a debt collector, East Adams Avenue, Cudahy, WI virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Milwaukee, WI 53215 810.00 feet North of the Southeast this is an attempt to collect a debt, 53110 entered on April 9, 2018 in the 11577959/6‑29/7‑6‑13 corner thereof; thence South 89° 17’ and any information obtained will be TAX KEY NO.: 635‑0521‑000 amount of $151,412.42, the NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 40” West and parallel to the used for that purpose. Dated this 29th day of June, 2018. Milwaukee County Sheriff will sell Case No. 17‑CV‑3344 Southerly line of said 1/4 Section, The above property is located /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt the premises described below at Docket # 181051 245.00 feet to a point; thence North at: 411 East Bradley Road, Fox Milwaukee County Sheriff public auction as follows: Case Code: 30404 and parallel to the East line of said Point, WI 53217 Hunter R. Felknor DATE/TIME: July 23, 2018 at (Foreclosure of Mortgage) 1/4 Section, 101.00 feet to a point; 11578073/6‑29/7‑6‑13 BP Peterman Law Group LLC thence 89° 17’ 40” East and parallel 10:30 AM. STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT State Bar No. 1094978 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY, to the South line of said 1/4 Section TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash, 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Case No. 16CV008564 BRANCH 13 245.00 feet to a point; thence South cashier’s check, money order, or Brookfield, WI 53005 Docket No. 181050 SUMMIT CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff, on and along the East line of said certified funds, at the time of sale; 262‑790‑5719 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT MU INVESTMENTS, LLC, AVA 1/4 Section, 101.00 feet to the place balance due within 10 days of confir­ BP Peterman Law Group LLC is COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY HOUSING, LLC, CITYSCAPE of beginning, reserving the East 45 mation of sale; failure to pay balance the creditor’s attorney and is THE CHALET OWNERS ASSOCI­ ARCHITECTURE/ feet for public highway purposes. due will result in forfeit of deposit to attempting to collect a debt on its ATION, INC., Plaintiff, v. ESTATE DEVELOPMENT, S.C., PROPERTY ADDRESS: 10161 S plaintiff. behalf. Any information obtained will OF VERA J. BRYANT, et al., CITY OF MILWAUKEE, Nicholson Rd Oak Creek, WI 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all be used for that purpose. Defendant(s). Defendants. 53154‑5846 legal liens, encumbrances, and The above property is located By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE by virtue DATED: May 31, 2018 payment of applicable transfer taxes at: 3711 East Adams Avenue, sure made in the above‑entitled of a Judgment of Foreclosure Gray & Associates, L.L.P. by purchaser. Cudahy, WI 53110 action on February 21, 2018 in the entered on December 28, 2017, in Attorneys for Plaintiff PLACE: In Room B‑12 (Level G) 11569054/6‑29/7‑6‑13 of the Milwaukee County Safety amount of $7,470.58, I will sell at the amount of $287,178.46, the 16345 West Glendale Drive NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Building, 821 West State Street, public auction in Room B12 (Level Sheriff of Milwaukee County, New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Case No: 16 CV 2639 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 G), of the Safety Building, 821 West Wisconsin, will sell at public auction (414) 224‑8404 Docket No. 180935 PROPERTY LEGAL State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Milwaukee County Safety Please go to www.gray‑ to STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION: Lot 12 in Block 16 in 53233, on July 23, 2018 at 10:30 Building, located at 821 W. State obtain the bid for this sale. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Menomonee River Hills, being a part a.m., all of the following described Street, Rm. B‑12, Milwaukee, Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Federal National Mortgage of the South ½ of Section 21, Town­ premises, to wit: Wisconsin on July 23, 2018 at 10:30 attempting to collect a debt and any Association (“Fannie Mae”), a ship 8 North, Range 21 East, in the Unit C, Building 6010 in the Chalet a.m., the real estate and mortgaged information obtained will be used for corporation organized and existing City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Condominium(s) created by a premises identified in said Judgment that purpose. If you have previously “Declaration of Condominium” under the laws of the United County, Wisconsin. and directed by said Judgment to be received a discharge in a chapter 7 recorded on February 3, 1984, in the States of America Plaintiff vs PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6466 sold therein, legally described as bankruptcy case, this communication Office of the Register of Deeds for ANGELIQUE S. SEIDLER, et al. North 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI follows: should not be construed as an Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, as Defendant(s) 53224 Lot Nine (9), in Assessment attempt to hold you personally liable Document No. 5691034, and any PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by TAX KEY NUMBER: 143‑0437‑X Subdivision No. 3, being a part of the for the debt. amendments thereto, and by its West 100 acres of the Northwest one virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Dated this 12th day of June 2018. The above property is located Condominium Plat. Said land being quarter of Section Thirty (30), in entered on November 17, 2016 in Richard R. Schmidt, at: 10161 S Nicholson Rd Oak in the City of Milwaukee, County of Township Seven (7) North, Range the amount of $201,009.36 the Acting Milwaukee County Sheriff Creek, WI 53154‑5846 Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. Twenty‑two (22) East, in the City of Sheriff will sell the described Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, 11568380/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Tax Key No. 083‑0647‑1 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, premises at public auction as LLC THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Wisconsin. follows: NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Attorney for Plaintiff SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL ENCUM­ Tax Parcel No.: 389‑0011‑3 TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 AM Case No: 17 CV 11279 Mark R. Cummisford, State Bar # BRANCES. Property Address: 2314 West TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff Docket No. 180937 1034906 TERMS OF SALE: 10% down Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233. sale, prospective buyer is consenting STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 7071 South 13th Street, Suite #100 (cash, certified check or cashier’s The above‑described property is to be bound by the following terms: COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Oak Creek, WI 53154 check down payment at sale, sold “AS IS” and subject to unpaid 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due Bank of America, N.A. Plaintiff vs 414‑761‑1700 balance due within ten (10) days of and/or accruing real estate taxes within 10 days of confirmation of BRENT BOUVAT, et al. Defend­ant(s) Cummisford, Acevedo & Court approval). and assessments, interest and sale; failure to pay balance due will PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Associates, LLC is the creditor’s BUYER TO PAY ALL penalties, and any liens and/or result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure attorney and is attempting to collect APPLICABLE WISCONSIN REAL encumbrances, if any. A third party 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all entered on April 17, 2018 in the a debt on its behalf. Any information ESTATE TRANSFER TAX purchaser is responsible for payment legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) amount of $231,790.20 the Sheriff obtained will be used for that DATED: June 29, 2018. of the Wisconsin Real Estate Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin will sell the described premises at purpose. Dale R. Schmidt, Sheriff of Transfer Fee ($3.00 per each Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition public auction as follows: The above property is located TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 AM Milwaukee County, Wisconsin $1,000.00 of the purchase price). to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ at: 6466 North 84th Street, TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff Husch Blackwell LLP TERMS OF SALE: Cash. tiff opens bidding on the property, Milwaukee, WI 53224 sale, prospective buyer is consenting Attorneys for Plaintiff DOWN PAYMENT: Ten percent either in person or via fax and as 11577949/6‑29/7‑6‑13 to be bound by the following terms: The above property is located at (10%) by cash or certified check. recited by the sheriff department in 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 6010 W. Calumet Road, Unit C, Balance to be paid upon the event that no opening bid is within 10 days of confirmation of SALE NO. 181041 Milwaukee, WI 53223 confirmation of sale. offered, plaintiff retains the right to sale; failure to pay balance due will Case No. 2018‑CV‑003002 11579538/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Dated at Milwaukee: June 29, request the sale be declared as 2018. result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. Case Code: 30404 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE invalid as the sale is fatally Richard R. Schmidt 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all Foreclosure of Mortgage Case No. 17 CV 4866 defective. Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) STATE OF WISCONSIN : CIRCUIT Docket No. 181040 PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the Wisconsin Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin COURT : MILWAUKEE COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Milwaukee County Safety Building Kimberly P. Sebranek Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition INFINITY FUNDING LLC Plaintiff, COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY located at 821 W State Street, State Bar No. 1031923 to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ Vs. BUYERS EDGE LLC And JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Eustice, Laffey, Sebranek & Auby, tiff opens bidding on the property, CITY OF MILWAUKEE Plaintiff Vs. ESTATE OF DESCRIPTION: LOT THIRTEEN S.C. either in person or via fax and as Defendants. PATRICIA J. HOLLAND, et al. (13), IN BLOCK TWENTY (20), IN Attorneys for Plaintiff recited by the sheriff department in PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Defendants HALE PARK HIGHLANDS 100 Wilburn Rd., Ste. 202 the event that no opening bid is virtue of a judgment of foreclosure PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by ADDITION NO. 2, BEING A SUBDI­ Sun Prairie, WI 53590 offered, plaintiff retains the right to entered on June 8, 2018 in the virtue of a judgment of foreclosure VISION OF A PART OF THE (608) 837‑7386 request the sale be declared as amount of $337,107.06, the Sheriff entered on April 3, 2018 in the NORTH WEST ONE‑QUARTER The above property is located invalid as the sale is fatally of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin will amount of $152,532.94, the (1/4) OF SECTION SIX (6), IN at: 2314 West Wells Street, defective. sell the premises described below at Milwaukee County Sheriff will sell TOWNSHIP FIVE (5) NORTH, Milwaukee, WI 53233 PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the public auction as follows: the premises described below at RANGE TWENTY‑ONE (21) EAST, 11579525/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Milwaukee County Safety Building TIME: July 23, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. public auction as follows: IN THE CITY OF FRANKLIN, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 5 B

NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLACE: Room B‑12 (Level G) of 408 Case No. 15 CV 3912 the Safety Building, located at 821 Milwaukee, WI, 53203 Sheriff’s Sales Case Code No. 30404 West State Street, Milwaukee, Phone: 312‑541‑9710 Docket No. 181046 Wisconsin. Mailing Address: MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Northwest 1/4, Southwest 1/4, and STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION: Lots Twenty‑one 230 W. Monroe St., Suite 1125 WISCONSIN. Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 COURT CIVIL DIVISION (21) and Twenty‑two (22) in Block Chicago, Illinois, 6060 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6548 of Section 20, Township 8 North, MILWAUKEE COUNTY Twelve (12) in NORTH MILWAUKEE Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, South 122nd Street, Franklin, WI Range 21 East, in the City of NEW PENN FINANCIAL LLC D/B/A IMPROVEMENT COMPANY LLC. is the creditor’s attorney and is 53132 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 1, in the attempting to collect a debt on its TAX KEY NO.: 703‑0173‑000 Wisconsin SERVICING Plaintiff Vs. JOSEPH Southeast One‑quarter (1/4) of behalf. Any information obtained will Dated this 29th day of June, 2018. Tax Key No. 145‑0686‑009 S. WALKER A/K/A JOSEPH Section Two (2), in Township Seven be used for that purpose. /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt Address: 6475‑6477 North 105th WALKER; UNKNOWN SPOUSE (7) North, Range Twenty‑one (21) The above property is located at Milwaukee County Sheriff Street, Milwaukee, WI 53224 OF JOSEPH S. WALKER; East, in the City of Milwaukee, 5653 W JOLENO LN, BROWN Hunter R. Felknor THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD UNKNOWN TENANTS; 5740‑52 Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. DEER, WISCONSIN 53223 BP Peterman Law Group LLC SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL NORTH 94 STREET LLC; ASSET Note: Tax Key Number and 11579515/6‑29/7‑6 State Bar No. 1094978 ENCUMBRANCES. ACCEPTANCE, LLC; MARQUITA Address are shown for informational NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 TERMS OF SALE: MASON; EVETT HICKS; purposes only. Doc# 180813 Brookfield, WI 53005 1. At the time of sale: a down MILWAUKEE COUNTY CLERK PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4104 Case No. 17‑CV‑005272 262‑790‑5719 payment (CASH or CASHIER’S OF CIRCUIT COURT; UNITED North 50th Street, City of Milwaukee STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT BP Peterman Law Group LLC is CHECK only) in an amount not less STATES OF AMERICA, TAX KEY NO.: 248‑0217‑5 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY the creditor’s attorney and is than 10% of the successful bid; and INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; Richard R. Schmidt U.S. Bank National Association, as attempting to collect a debt on its 2. No later than ten (10) days after STATE OF WISCONSIN, Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Trustee for Bear Stearns Asset behalf. Any information obtained will the Court confirms the sale: DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; WI Backed Securities I Trust be used for that purpose. a. The balance due on the sale; STATE OF WISCONSIN O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. 2006‑AC1, Asset Backed Certifi­ The above property is located b. The amount of the transfer fee DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN Attorneys for Plaintiff cates, Series 2006‑AC1 Plaintiff, at: 6548 South 122nd Street, due under Section 77.22, Wis. AND FAMILIES; CITY OF 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 vs. Chapman Management LLC, Franklin, WI 53132 Stats., if any; and MILWAUKEE; MORTGAGE Wauwatosa, WI 53213 DD Estates LLC and Andre 11569053/6‑29/7‑6‑13 c. The amount of the fee due ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION (414) 727‑1591 Chapman Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE under Section 59.43(2), Wis. Stats., SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Docket No. 180782 to record the deed and any other FOR MILA, INC., Defendants attempting to collect a debt and any virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Case No. 17CV012628 document required for such PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by information obtained will be used for entered on January 31, 2018 in the Code No. 30404 recordation. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure that purpose. amount of $163,393.04 the Sheriff Foreclosure of Mortgage DATED at Milwaukee, Wisconsin entered on September 15, 2015, in If you have previously received a will sell the described premises at Dollar Amount Greater Than on, June 29, 2018. the amount of $81,592.22, the Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, public auction as follows: $10,000.00 /s/ Richard R. Schmidt, Acting Sheriff, or Designee, will sell the this correspondence should not be TIME: June 25, 2018 at 10:30 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Sheriff described premises at public auction construed as an attempt to collect a a.m. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Sheriff of Milwaukee County, as follows: debt TERMS: Pursuant to said TCF NATIONAL BANK Plaintiff, vs. Wisconsin TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 am The above property is located judgment, 10% of the successful bid JOHN EDWARD SOKOLY and Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash, at: 4104 North 50th Street, City of must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Attorneys for Plaintiff UNKNOWN SPOUSE of John cashier’s check or certified funds at Milwaukee in cash, cashier’s check or certified Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. is a law Edward Sokoly and CITY OF the time of sale; balance due within 11568385/6‑29/7‑6‑13 funds, payable to the Milwaukee firm / debt collector representing a MILWAUKEE Defendants. 10 days of confirmation of sale; County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal creditor in the collection of a debt NOTICE OF ADJOURNED PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by failure to pay balance due will result checks cannot and will not be owed to said creditor. We are SHERIFF’S SALE virtue of a judgment of foreclosure in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. accepted). The balance of the attempting to collect such debt and Case No. 12 CV 5549 entered on January 18, 2018 in the 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all successful bid must be paid to the any information obtained from this Case Code No. 30404 amount of $36,049.42 the Sheriff will legal liens and encumbrances. clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s sell the described premises at public communication will be used for that Docket No. 180826 check or certified funds no later than purpose. 3. Buyer to pay applicable STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT auction as follows: Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. ten days after the court’s TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 The above property is located COURT CIVIL DIVISION confirmation of the sale or else the at: 6475‑6477 North 105th Street, PLACE: ROOM B12, LEVEL G MILWAUKEE COUNTY o’clock a.m. OF 821 WEST STATE STREET, 10% down payment is forfeited to TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or Milwaukee, WI 53224 WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as 11568056/6‑29/7‑6‑13 MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE certified funds at the time of sale; Property description: is’ and subject to all liens and OF STANWICH MORTGAGE encumbrances. balance due within 10 days of confir­ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE LOT 16 AND THE SOUTH 20 mation of sale; failure to pay balance LOAN TRUST A Plaintiff Vs. PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West Case No. 17 CV 6359 FEET OF LOT 17, IN BLOCK E, IN due will result in forfeit of deposit to SHIRLEY J. GATES; SHIRLEY J. State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, Case Code No. 30404 SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST 1/2 plaintiff. GATES LIVING TRUST DATES WI Docket No. 181017 OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SOUTH­ 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all 4/23/12; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DESCRIPTION: Lot 5, in Block STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT WEST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWN­ legal liens and encumbrances. SHIRLEY J. GATES; 10, in Sheridan Park, being a Subdi­ COURT CIVIL DIVISION SHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 22 EAST, 3. Buyer to pay applicable HOUSEHOLD FINANCE vision of part of the Subdivision of MILWAUKEE COUNTY IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OF Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax, CORPO­RATION III; WEST part of the Southeast ¼ of Section WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Plaintiff MILWAUKEE, STATE OF costs of recording and all costs of NOTTINGHAM ACADEMY; 11, Township 7 North, Range 21 Vs. RONDA R. VAUGHN; WISCONSIN. sale within 10 days of confirmation of BACHMAN FURNITURE; East, in the City of Milwaukee, UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF RONDA 323‑1524‑100 sheriff’s sale. Tax Key No.: MECHANICAL CONCEPTS INC.; County of Milwaukee, State of R. VAUGHN; UNITED STATES 2602 NORTH PLACE: Room B‑12 (Level G) of Property Address: JM REMODELING LLC; Wisconsin. OF AMERICA; Defendants 9TH STREET, MILWAUKEE, WI the Safety Building, located at 821 Defendants PROPERTY ADDRESS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by 53209 West State Street, Milwaukee, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by 5030‑5032 W Roosevelt Dr virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Shannon K Cummings Wisconsin. virtue of an amended judgment of Milwaukee, WI 53216‑3221 entered on November 1, 2017, in the State Bar No. 1033710 DESCRIPTION: Lot Twenty‑nine foreclosure entered on July 21, That upon information and belief, amount of $144,895.76, the Sheriff, Attorney for Plaintiff (29), in Block Two (2), in RAINBOW 2014, nunc pro tunc to December the mortgage held by the plaintiff is a or Designee, will sell the described 633 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite RIDGE NO. 2, being a Subdivision of 13, 2013, in the amount of junior and subordinate mortgage premises at public auction as 408 a part of the Southeast One‑quarter $282,819.57, the Sheriff, or against the premises and the plaintiff follows: Milwaukee, WI, 53203 (1/4) of Section Eleven (11), in Designee, will sell the described makes no representations or warran­ties TIME: July 23, 2018, at 10:30 Phone: 312‑541‑9710 Township Seven (7) North, Range premises at public auction as regarding the priority of its mortgage.­ a.m. Mailing Address: Twenty‑one (21) East, in the City of follows: DATED: May 25, 2018 TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or 230 W. Monroe St., Suite 1125 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, TIME: June 25, 2018 at 10:30 am Gray & Associates, L.L.P. certified funds at the time of sale; Chicago, Illinois, 60606 Wisconsin. ADJOURNED TIME: July 9, 2018 Attorneys for Plaintiff balance due within 10 days of confir­ Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, Note: Tax Key Number and at 10:30am 16345 West Glendale Drive mation of sale; failure to pay balance LLC. is the creditor’s attorney and is Address are shown for informational TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 purposes only. due will result in forfeit of deposit to attempting to collect a debt on its (414) 224‑8404 certified funds at the time of sale; PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3368 plaintiff. Please go to www.gray‑ to behalf. balance due within 10 days of confir­ North 45th Street, City of Milwaukee 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all obtain the bid for this sale. Any information obtained will be mation of sale; failure to pay balance TAX KEY NO.: 288‑0651‑0 legal liens and encumbrances. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is used for that purpose. due will result in forfeit of deposit to Richard R. Schmidt 3. Buyer to pay applicable attempting to collect a debt and any The above property is located plaintiff. Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. information obtained will be used for at: 2602 NORTH 9TH STREET, 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all WI PLACE: ROOM B12, LEVEL G that purpose. If you have previously MILWAUKEE, WI 53209 legal liens and encumbrances. O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. OF 821 WEST STATE STREET, received a discharge in a chapter 7 11578088/6‑29/7‑6‑13 3. Buyer to pay applicable Attorneys for Plaintiff MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 bankruptcy case, this communication NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 Property description: should not be construed as an Docket No. 180831 PLACE: ROOM B12, LEVEL G Wauwatosa, WI 53213 LOT THIRTY‑FOUR (34) IN attempt to hold you personally liable Case No. 18CV000765 OF 821 WEST STATE STREET, (414) 727‑1591 BLOCK EIGHT (8) IN SAMPSON’S for the debt. Code No. 30404 MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is SUBDIVISION, BEING A PART OF The above property is located Foreclosure of Mortgage Property description: THE attempting to collect a debt and any THE NORTHEAST ONE‑QUARTER at: 5030‑5032 W Roosevelt Dr Dollar Amount Greater Than FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL information obtained will be used for (1/4) OF SECTION THIRTY‑THREE Milwaukee, WI 53216‑3221 $10,000.00 ESTATE, TOGETHER WITH THE that purpose. (33), IN TOWNSHIP EIGHT (8) 11552787/5‑25/6‑1‑8 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT RENTS, PROFITS, FIXTURES AND If you have previously received a NORTH, RANGE TWENTY‑ONE The above sale is hereby COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY OTHER APPURTENANT Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, (21) EAST, IN THE CITY OF adjourned to July 23, 2018, at the TCF NATIONAL BANK Plaintiff, vs. INTERESTS, IN MILWAUKEE this correspondence should not be MILWAUKEE, COUNTY OF same time and place as above RICHARD YANG and UNKNOWN COUNTY, STATE OF WISCONSIN: construed as an attempt to collect a MILWAUKEE, STATE OF named. SPOUSE of Richard Yang and LOT 2 IN BLOCK 9 IN FAIRY debt WISCONSIN. 11578124/6‑29/7‑6 NALEE HER and UNKNOWN CHASM MANOR, BEING A SUBDI­ The above property is located Tax Key No.: 187‑0221‑000 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE SPOUSE of Nalee Her VISION OF THE SOUTHWEST ¼ at: 3368 North 45th Street, City of Property Address: 8142 W. Doc# 180765 Milwaukee Defendants. AND THE SOUTHEAST ¼ OF THE SCRANTON PL., MILWAUKEE, WI Case No. 17‑CV‑006277 11568384/6‑29/7‑6‑13 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by NORTHWEST ¼ OF SECTION 2, IN 53218 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT virtue of a judgment of foreclosure TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH, RANGE 21 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Shannon K Cummings COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY entered on April 23, 2018 in the EAST, ALSO THE NORTHWEST ¼ Case No. 2017CV013588 State Bar No. 1033710 US Bank National Association as amount of $29,939.82 the Sheriff will AND THE NORTHEAST ¼ OF THE Docket No. 180930 Attorney for Plaintiff Trustee for CMALT REMIC Series sell the described premises at public SOUTHWEST ¼ OF SECTION 2, STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 633 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 2007‑A6 ‑ REMIC Pass‑ Through auction as follows: TOWNSHIP 8 NORTH, RANGE 21 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 408 Certificates Series 2007‑A6 TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 EAST, ALSO THE NORTHWEST ¼ AmeriFirst Financial Corporation, Milwaukee, WI, 53203 Plaintiff, vs. Felix Fonseca Jr., o’clock a.m. OF THE SOUTHEAST ¼ OF Plaintiff, vs. John Timothy, Nicole Phone: 312‑541‑9710 Wendy A. Fonseca a/k/a Wendy TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or SECTION 2, IN TOWNSHIP 8 Timothy Defendants Mailing Address: A. Wetzel a/k/a Wendy A. Wetze certified funds at the time of sale; NORTH, RANGE 21 EAST, IN THE By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ 230 W. Monroe St., Suite 1125 and Mortgage Electronic Registra­ balance due within 10 days of confir­ VILLAGE OF BROWN DEER, sure made in the above‑entitled Chicago, IL 60606 tion Systems Inc., acting solely as mation of sale; failure to pay balance COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE, STATE action on April 17, 2018, in the Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, a nominee for St Francis due will result in forfeit of deposit to OF WISCONSIN. amount of $116,927.76, I will sell at LLC is the creditor’s attorney and is Mortgage Corporation plaintiff. Tax Key No.: 0090186 public auction in Room B‑12, (Level attempting to collect a debt on its Defendants. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all Property Address: 5653 W G) of the Safety Building, located at, behalf. Any information obtained will PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by legal liens and encumbrances. JOLENO LN, BROWN DEER, 821 West State Street, Milwaukee be used for that purpose. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Wisconsin, 53233 on July 23, 2018, 3. Buyer to pay applicable WISCONSIN 53223 entered on December 14, 2017 in The above property is located at 10:30 AM, all of the following Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax, Shannon K Cummings the amount of $186,058.01 the at: 8142 W. SCRANTON PL., described premises, to wit: costs of recording and all costs of State Bar No. 1033710 Sheriff will sell the described MILWAUKEE, WI 53218 Lot 3, Block 11, in Millwood Park, sale within 10 days of confirmation of Attorney for Plaintiff premises at public auction as 11578079/6‑29/7‑6‑13 being a Subdivision of part of the sheriff’s sale. 633 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite follows: PAGE 6 B | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

2018, at 10:30 AM, the following NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE collect a debt on our client’s behalf described premises: Case No. 2017CV013575 and any information we obtain will be Sheriff’s Sales THE NORTH 35 FEET OF THE Docket: 181010 used for that purpose. SOUTH 45 FEET OF LOT 5, IN STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT The above property is located TIME: June 18, 2018 at 10:30 Please go to www.gray‑ to BLOCK 6, IN FAIRVIEW, IN THE COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY at: 4932 N. 72nd Street, a.m. obtain the bid for this sale. SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, Ditech Financial LLC Plaintiff, v. Milwaukee, WI 53218 TERMS: Pursuant to said Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is IN TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE David L. Seymour; et. al. Defend­ 11575571/6‑22‑29/7‑6 21 EAST, IN THE CITY OF judgment, 10% of the successful bid attempting to collect a debt and any ant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE must be paid to the sheriff at the sale information obtained will be used for MILWAUKEE, COUNTY OF By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ MILWAUKEE AND STATE OF Doc# 180927 in cash, cashier’s check or certified that purpose. If you have previously sure made in the above‑entitled Case No. 17‑CV‑006292 funds, payable to the Milwaukee received a discharge in a chapter 7 WISCONSIN action on April 23, 2018 in the Local Address: 203 N 66th Street, STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal bankruptcy case, this communication amount of $78,559.06, I will sell at COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY checks cannot and will not be should not be construed as an Milwaukee, WI 53213 public auction in Room B‑12, Level TERMS OF SALE: Specialized Loan Servicing LLC accepted). The balance of the attempt to hold you personally liable G, of the Safety Building, located at Plaintiff, vs. Marshall A. Barlow successful bid must be paid to the for the debt. Down payment of not less than 821 W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI ten percent (10%) of the bid price in and Marjorie K. Barlow clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s The above property is located 53233, on Defendants. check or certified funds no later than cash, or certified or cashier check, at: 3647 S 46th St Greenfield, WI July 30, 2018 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by ten days after the court’s balance due within ten (10) days 53220‑2128 At 10:30AM, all of the following virtue of a judgment of foreclosure confirmation of the sale or else the after confirmation of sale. Property 11541603/5‑11‑18‑25 described premises, to wit: entered on September 25, 2017 in 10% down payment is forfeited to will be sold “AS IS,” is subject to real The above sale is hereby THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED the amount of $96,727.82 the Sheriff the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as estate taxes, and a third party adjourned to July 30, 2018, at the REAL ESTATE IN MILWAUKEE will sell the described premises at is’ and subject to all liens and purchaser is responsible for payment same time and place as above COUNTY, STATE OF WISCONSIN: public auction as follows: encumbrances. named. of the Transfer Fee. LOT 1 IN BLOCK 2 IN SUNNY TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West 11578127/6‑29/7‑6‑13 Sheriff of Milwaukee County SIDE ADDITION, BEING A SUBDI­ TERMS: Pursuant to said State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, Wisconsin NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE VISION OF PART OF THE NORTH­ judgment, 10% of the successful bid WI Document drafted by: Docket No. 170857 EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, IN DESCRIPTION: Lot 17, Block 3, James Hiller, Esq. of counsel must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Case No. 18CV779 TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH, RANGE 22 in Melody Acres, being a Subdivision Wisconsin State Bar No.: 1016709 in cash, cashier’s check or certified Code No. 30404 EAST, IN THE CITY OF of part of the Southeast ¼ of Section The Sayer Law Group, P.C. funds, payable to the Milwaukee Foreclosure of Mortgage MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE 31, Town 6 North, Range 22 East, in 925 E 4th St. County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Dollar Amount Greater Than Waterloo, IA 50703 COUNTY, WISCONSIN. checks cannot and will not be the City of Milwaukee, County of Street Address: 3203 South 6th Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. $10,000.00 Phone: 319‑234‑2530 accepted). The balance of the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Fax: 319‑232‑6341 Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215 successful bid must be paid to the PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1441 W Tax Key No. 536‑1624‑1 Granada St Milwaukee, WI COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY E‑Mail: [email protected] clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC The above property is located New Tax Key 5361624000 check or certified funds no later than 53221‑5109 THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD That upon information and belief, and DENNIS J. PETRUS; and at: 203 N 66th Street, Milwaukee, ten days after the court’s AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY the mortgage held by the plaintiff is a UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF DEN‑ WI 53213. confirmation of the sale or else the AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, junior and subordinate mortgage NIS J. PETRUS; and AMERICAN 11570260/6‑15‑22‑29 10% down payment is forfeited to GENERAL FINANCIAL SERV‑ SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER against the premises and the plaintiff NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as ICES OF WISCONSIN, INC., LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. makes no representations or warran­ties Docket No. 180968 is’ and subject to all liens and Defendants and ALLIANCE TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASH­ regarding the priority of its mortgage.­ Case Number: 17CV12468 encumbrances. CREDIT SERVICES INC, Added IER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED DATED: May 18, 2018 STATE OF WISCONSIN: CIRCUIT PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West FUNDS (10% down payment at sale, Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Defendant. COURT: MILWAUKEE COUNTY State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, balance due within ten (10) days of Attorneys for Plaintiff PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, a WI Court approval; down payment to be 16345 West Glendale Drive virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Delaware Limited Liability DESCRIPTION: The North 20 feet New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 entered on October 17, 2017 in the Company, Plaintiff, vs. Princess forfeited if payment not received of Lot Thirty‑one (31) and the South (414) 224‑8404 amount of $85,343.59 the Sheriff will Gerhardt a/k/a Princess C. timely). Buyer to pay applicable 15 feet of Lot Thirty‑two (32), in Please go to www.gray‑ to sell the described premises at public Gerhardt, et al, Defendants. Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax Block Twelve (12), in North obtain the bid for this sale. auction as follows: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by in addition to the purchase price. Milwaukee Lawndale No. 1, in the Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure DATED on 06/7/2018. Northwest One‑quarter (1/4) of attempting to collect a debt and any o’clock a.m. entered on January 30, 2018, in the /s/ Richard R. Schmidt Section One (1), Township Seven (7) information obtained will be used for TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or amount of $68,875.32, the Sheriff Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, North, Range Twenty‑one (21) East, that purpose. If you have previously certified funds at the time of sale; will sell the described premises at Wisconsin in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee received a discharge in a chapter 7 balance due within 10 days of confir­ public auction as follows: Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. County, Wisconsin. bankruptcy case, this communication mation of sale; failure to pay balance ORIGINAL TIME: July 30, 2018 Attorneys for Plaintiff PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4642 N should not be construed as an due will result in forfeit of deposit to at 10:30AM 50‑17‑02362 40th St Milwaukee, WI 53209‑5810 attempt to hold you personally liable plaintiff. TERMS: 1. 10% of the successful The above property is located DATED: May 29, 2018 for the debt. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all bid is due at the time of sale. at: 3203 South 6th Street, Gray & Associates, L.L.P. The above property is located legal liens and encumbrances. Payment must be in cash, certified Milwaukee, WI 53215 Attorneys for Plaintiff at: 1441 W Granada St Milwaukee, 3. Buyer to pay applicable check, or cashier’s check. The 11571252/6‑15‑22‑29 16345 West Glendale Drive Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax, balance of the successful bid must WI 53221‑5109 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 costs of recording and all costs of be paid to the Clerk of Courts in 11541634/5‑18‑25/6‑1 Docket No. 181012 (414) 224‑8404 The above sale is hereby sale within 10 days of confirmation of cash, cashier’s check or certified Please go to www.gray‑ to sheriff’s sale. funds not later than ten days after Case Number: 16CV8301 adjourned to July 23, 2018, at the STATE OF WISCONSIN: CIRCUIT obtain the bid for this sale. same time and place as above PLACE: Room B‑12 (Level G) of the court’s confirmation of the sale; Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is the Safety Building, located at 821 COURT: MILWAUKEE COUNTY named. failure to pay balance due will result attempting to collect a debt and any West State Street, Milwaukee, in forfeiture of deposit to Plaintiff. Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, 11578125/6‑29/7‑6 information obtained will be used for Wisconsin. 2. The property is sold “as is” and Plaintiff, vs. Clarence B. Young, et that purpose. If you have previously NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DESCRIPTION: Lot Eleven (11) in subject to all legal liens and encum­ al, Defendants. received a discharge in a chapter 7 Doc# 180739 Block One (1) in Savings and brances. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by bankruptcy case, this communication Case No. 17‑CV‑013696 Investment­ Association Subdivision 3. Buyer to pay applicable virtue of a judgment of foreclosure should not be construed as an STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Numbered One (1) in the City of Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax entered on March 14, 2017, in the attempt to hold you personally liable COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, in addition to the purchase price. amount of $153,959.33, the Sheriff for the debt. American Mortgage & Equity State of Wisconsin. PLACE: in the Safety Building will sell the described premises at The above property is located Consultants Plaintiff, vs. The Note: Tax Key Number and Room B‑12, 821 West State Street, public auction as follows: at: 4642 N 40th St Milwaukee, WI Estate of Deborah S. Holger, Address are shown for informational Milwaukee, Wisconsin ORIGINAL TIME: July 30, 2018 53209‑5810 Deceased, by Erin I. Hallinan, as purposes only. Property description: at 10:30AM 11567503/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Personal Representative PROPERTY ADDRESS: 922 Unit 20, in Building 3 and so TERMS: 1. 10% of the successful Defendant. South 34th Street, City of Milwaukee much of the undivided interest in bid is due at the time of sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by TAX KEY NO.: 435‑1011‑600 the common areas and facilities Payment must be in cash, certified Doc# 180919 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Richard R. Schmidt appurtenant to such unit in the check, or cashier’s check. The Case No. 17‑CV‑004044 entered on March 8, 2018 in the Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, percentage specified and balance of the successful bid must STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT amount of $94,196.66 the Sheriff will WI established in the hereinafter be paid to the Clerk of Courts in COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY sell the described premises at public O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. mentioned Declaration in a cash, cashier’s check or certified Specialized Loan Servicing LLC auction as follows: Attorneys for Plaintiff Condominium commonly known funds not later than ten days after Plaintiff, vs. The Estate of Charles TIME: June 11, 2018 at 10:30 as Mill Valley Condominium 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 the court’s confirmation of the sale; E. Cornelius, Deceased a.m. Homes, created under the Unit Wauwatosa, WI 53213 failure to pay balance due will result Defendant. TERMS: Pursuant to said Ownership Act of the State of (414) 727‑1591 in forfeiture of deposit to Plaintiff. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by judgment, 10% of the successful bid Wisconsin by Declaration O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is 2. The property is sold “as is” and virtue of a judgment of foreclosure must be paid to the sheriff at the sale recorded August 22, 1972 in the attempting to collect a debt and any subject to all legal liens and encum­ entered on February 26, 2018 in the in cash, cashier’s check or certified Office of the Register of Deeds for information obtained will be used for brances. amount of $79,760.43 the Sheriff will funds, payable to the Milwaukee Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, in that purpose. 3. Buyer to pay applicable sell the described premises at public County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Reel 671 Images 1143 to 1204 If you have previously received a Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax checks cannot and will not be inclusive, as Document No. auction as follows: Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, in addition to the purchase price. accepted). The balance of the 4699599 and any and all amend­ TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. this correspondence should not be PLACE: in the Safety Building successful bid must be paid to the ments thereto. Located in the TERMS: Pursuant to said construed as an attempt to collect a Room B‑12, 821 West State Street, clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s Southwest 1/4 of Section 19, in judgment, 10% of the successful bid debt Milwaukee, Wisconsin check or certified funds no later than Township 8 North, Range 23 East, must be paid to the sheriff at the sale The above property is located ten days after the court’s in the City of Milwaukee, Property description: in cash, cashier’s check or certified at: 922 South 34th Street, City of confirmation of the sale or else the Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. The South 20 feet of the South funds, payable to the Milwaukee Milwaukee 10% down payment is forfeited to Tax Key No: 147‑0070‑4 40 feet of Lot 6 in Block 7, also the County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal 11580067/6‑29/7‑6 the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as Property Address: 11936 W. Mill North 40 feet of Lot 5 in Block 7, checks cannot and will not be is’ and subject to all liens and NOTICE OF ADJOURNED Rd., Building 3, Unit 20, Milwaukee, all in Wellington Park, being a accepted). The balance of the encumbrances. SHERIFF’S SALE WI 53225 subdivision of the Southwest 1/4 successful bid must be paid to the PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West File No. 2013CV009688 Randall S. Miller & Associates, LLC of Section 34, in Township 8 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, WI12195 Attorney for Plaintiff North, Range 21 East, in the City check or certified funds no later than WI STATE OF WISCONSIN : CIRCUIT 120 North LaSalle Street of Milwaukee, County of ten days after the court’s DESCRIPTION: Lot 18, Block 2 in COURT: MILWAUKEE COUNTY Suite 1140 Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. confirmation of the sale or else the Town View, being a Subdivision of a FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPO­ Chicago, IL 60602 Tax Key No: 212‑0749‑5 10% down payment is forfeited to part of the South East 1/4 of Section RATION, Plaintiff, vs.PHILLIP (414) 937‑5992 Property Address: 4932 N. 72nd the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as 14, Township 6 North, Range 21 JURCEKA, et al. Defendants. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Street, Milwaukee, WI 53218 is’ and subject to all liens and East, in the City of Greenfield, By virtue of and pursuant to a Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Randall S. Miller & Associates, LLC encumbrances. Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Judgment of Foreclosure entered in Section 1692), we are required to Attorney for Plaintiff PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3647 S the above‑entitled action on August state that we are attempting to 120 North LaSalle Street State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, 46th St Greenfield, WI 53220‑2128 11, 2014, in the amount of collect a debt on our client’s behalf Suite 1140 WI DATED: May 11, 2018 $264,436.25, I will sell at public and any information we obtain will be Chicago, IL 60602 DESCRIPTION: The North 11 feet Gray & Associates, L.L.P. auction in the Milwaukee County used for that purpose. (414) 937‑5992 of Lot 7 and the South 28 feet of Lot Attorneys for Plaintiff Courthouse, 901 North 9th St., The above property is located Pursuant to the Fair Debt 6 in Block 4 in Buckley, Buehner and 16345 West Glendale Drive Milwaukee, WI 53233‑1458, at: 11936 W. Mill Rd., Building 3, Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Buckley’s Subdivision No. 1, a New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 originally scheduled for June 04, Unit 20, Milwaukee, WI 53225 Section 1692), we are required to Subdivision according to the 11575587/6‑22‑29/7‑6 (414) 224‑8404 2018, at 10:30 AM, on August 06, state that we are attempting to recorded Plat thereof, City of FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 7 B

2774 Hidden Drive, Unit 114 in cash, cashier’s check or certified and, if desired, the cost of title 5842043 funds, payable to the Milwaukee evidence. Sheriff’s Sales 2796 Hidden Drive, Unit 131 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Dated this 13th day of June, 2018, 5842048 checks cannot and will not be at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 2866 Hidden Drive, Unit 141 accepted). The balance of the /s/Richard R. Schmidt, acting Sheriff State of Wisconsin. SALE NO. 181049 5842052 successful bid must be paid to the of Milwaukee County PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3343 N Case No. 17‑CV‑6811 2870 Hidden Drive, Unit 142 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s Richard R. Schmidt, acting Sheriff of 38th St Milwaukee, WI 53216‑3628 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 5842053 check or certified funds no later than Milwaukee County DATED: May 29, 2018 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 2874 Hidden Drive, Unit 143 ten days after the court’s SHERIFF OF MILWAUKEE Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Eric D. Lenz and Laura L. Smiley 5842054 confirmation of the sale or else the COUNTY, WI Attorneys for Plaintiff Plaintiffs, v. Hidden Ponds Condo­ 2878 Hidden Drive, Unit 144 10% down payment is forfeited to or 16345 West Glendale Drive miniums, LLC and Securant Bank 5842055 the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as RICHARD R. SCHMIDT and/or New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 & Trust Defendants. 2850 Hidden Drive, Unit 151 is’ and subject to all liens and EDWARD H. BAILEY (414) 224‑8404 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that by 5842056 encumbrances. INSPECTOR OF MILWAUKEE Please go to www.gray‑ to virtue and pursuant to Judgment of 2854 Hidden Drive, Unit 152 PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West COUNTY, WI 5842057 State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, KOHNER, MANN & KAILAS, S.C. obtain the bid for this sale. Foreclosure in the amount of 2858 Hidden Drive, Unit 153 WI Attorneys for Plaintiff Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is $2,254,239.15 entered in the above 5842058 DESCRIPTION: Residential Unit 4650 N. Port Washington Road attempting to collect a debt and any entitled action on June 13, 2018 in 2862 Hidden Drive, Unit 154 302 and Parking Unit RPU 16 Milwaukee, WI 53212 information obtained will be used for favor of Securant Bank & Trust, the 5842059 together with said unit’s undivided PH: (414) 962‑5110 that purpose. If you have previously Sheriff of Milwaukee County, 2834 Hidden Drive, Unit 161 1.70374% interest in the common Pursuant to the Fair Debt received a discharge in a chapter 7 Wisconsin, will sell at public auction 5842060 elements and the exclusive use of Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. bankruptcy case, this communication as Sale Number 181049 in Room 2838 Hidden Drive, Unit 162 the limited common elements appur­ Section 1692), we are required to should not be construed as an B12, Level G, of the Milwaukee County Safety Building, 821 West 5842061 tenant to said unit all in Declaration state that we are attempting to attempt to hold you personally liable 2842 Hidden Drive, Unit 163 of Water Street Lofts Condominium, collect a debt on our client’s for the debt. State Street, in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, 5842062 a condominium declared and behalf and any information we The above property is located 2846 Hidden Drive, Unit 164 existing under and by virtue of the obtain will be used for that at: 3343 N 38th St Milwaukee, WI Wisconsin on: July 23, 2018, at , all of the real estate and 5842063 Condominium Ownership Act of the purpose. 53216‑3628 10:30 a.m. mortgaged premises in the City of 2899 Hidden Drive, Unit 171 State of Wisconsin and recorded by The above property is located 11566173/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, 5842064 a Declaration as such condominium at: 5848 North 78th Street, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Wisconsin, described in said 2895 Hidden Drive, Unit 172 in the Office of the Register of Deeds Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53218 Doc# 180918 mortgage and Judgment as follows: 5842065 for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, on 11575577/6‑22‑29/7‑6 2891 Hidden Drive, Unit 173 August 15, 2002, as Document No. Case No. 18‑CV‑000541 Parcel A: NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 5842066 8331075 and Amendment No. 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Units 61‑64, 71‑74, 81‑84, 91‑94, Doc# 180922 2887 Hidden Drive, Unit 174 recorded on October 30, 2002 as COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 101‑104, 111‑114, 131, 141‑144, Case No. 18‑CV‑000325 5842067 Document No. 8377003, said condo­ Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC 151‑154, 161‑164, 171‑174, STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 2883 Hidden Drive, Unit 181 minium being located in the City of Plaintiff, vs. Joseph L. Fields a/k/a 181‑184, 191‑194, 201‑204, COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 5842068 Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, Joe L. Fields Defendant. 211‑214, 221‑224, together with an Wilmington Savings Fund Society, 2879 Hidden Drive, Unit 182 State of Wisconsin on the real estate PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by undivided interest in and to the FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, as 5842069 described in said Declaration Incor­ virtue of a judgment of foreclosure common elements and facilities set indenture trustee, for the CSMC 2875 Hidden Drive, Unit 183 porated herein by this reference entered on April 17, 2018 in the forth in the declaration of 2015‑RPL1 Trust, Mortgage‑ 5842070 thereto. amount of $24,285.86 the Sheriff will condominium for Hidden Ponds Backed Notes, Series 2015‑RPL1 2871 Hidden Drive, Unit 184 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 200 S sell the described premises at public Condominiums, a condominium Plaintiff, vs. The Estate of Clara 5842071 Water St Unit 302 Milwaukee, WI auction as follows: declared and existing under and by Mallett, Deceased, Midland 2867 Hidden Drive, Unit 191 53204‑1489 TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. virtue of the Condominium Funding LLC and City of 5842072 DATED: May 29, 2018 TERMS: Pursuant to said Ownership Act of the State of Milwaukee a/k/a Milwaukee City 2863 Hidden Drive, Unit 192 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. judgment, 10% of the successful bid Wisconsin, according to the Defendants. 5842073 Attorneys for Plaintiff must be paid to the sheriff at the sale declaration of condominium recorded PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by 2859 Hidden Drive, Unit 193 16345 West Glendale Drive in cash, cashier’s check or certified in the Office of the Register of Deeds virtue of a judgment of foreclosure 5842074 New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 funds, payable to the Milwaukee on October 24, 2006 as Document entered on April 10, 2018 in the No. 9326164 and as amended. 2855 Hidden Drive, Unit 194 (414) 224‑8404 amount of $123,369.24 the Sheriff County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal 5842075 Please go to www.gray‑ to checks cannot and will not be Located in the City of St. Francis, will sell the described premises at Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. 2851 Hidden Drive, Unit 201 obtain the bid for this sale. public auction as follows: accepted). The balance of the 5842076 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is successful bid must be paid to the Parcel B: TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Parcel One (1) of Certified Survey 2847 Hidden Drive, Unit 202 attempting to collect a debt and any TERMS: Pursuant to said clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s 5842077 information obtained will be used for check or certified funds no later than Map No. 7827, recorded in the Office judgment, 10% of the successful bid 2843 Hidden Drive, Unit 203 that purpose. If you have previously must be paid to the sheriff at the sale ten days after the court’s of Register of Deeds for Milwaukee 5842078 received a discharge in a chapter 7 in cash, cashier’s check or certified confirmation of the sale or else the County, Wisconsin on October 24, 2839 Hidden Drive, Unit 204 bankruptcy case, this communication funds, payable to the Milwaukee 10% down payment is forfeited to 2006, as Document No. 9326163, being a part of the Northeast 5842079 should not be construed as an County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as One‑quarter (1/4), Northwest 2835 Hidden Drive, Unit 211 attempt to hold you personally liable checks cannot and will not be is’ and subject to all liens and One‑quarter (1/4), Southeast 5842080 for the debt. accepted). The balance of the encumbrances. One‑quarter (1/4) and Southwest 2831 Hidden Drive, Unit 212 The above property is located successful bid must be paid to the PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West One‑quarter (1/4) of the Northeast 5842081 at: 200 S Water St Unit 302 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, One‑quarter (1/4) of Section Twen­ 2827 Hidden Drive, Unit 213 Milwaukee, WI 53204‑1489 check or certified funds no later than WI ty‑two (22), Township Six (6) North, 5842082 11566169/6‑22‑29/7‑6 ten days after the court’s DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1: That Range Twenty‑two (22) East, in the 2823 Hidden Drive, Unit 214 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE confirmation of the sale or else the part of Lot One (1), in Subdivision of City of St. Francis, Milwaukee 5842083 CASE NO.: 18‑CV‑557 10% down payment is forfeited to the South 613.46 feet, except the County, Wisconsin. Excepting Hidden Ponds 5849008 FORECLOSURE CASE the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as West 358.71 feet, of that part of the therefrom the Easterly 27.00 feet, The terms of the sale are down CODE‑30404 is’ and subject to all liens and Southwest One‑quarter (1/4) of encumbrances. Dedicated for Public Street payment of ten (10%) percent of the SALE NO.: 180898 PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West Section Six (6), in Township Six (6) purposes. amount bid at the time of sale and STATE OF WISCONSIN : CIRCUIT State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, North, Range Twenty‑two (22) East, Street Addresses and Parcel Iden­ the balance within ten (10) days of COURT : MILWAUKEE COUNTY WI lying West of Muskego Road (now tification Nos.: All in the City of St. confirmation in cash, certified check WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF South Muskego Avenue) in the City Francis, WI or cashier’s check in United States Plaintiff, vs. THE ESTATE OF THE NORTHWEST ¼ OF SECTION of Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, 2720 Hidden Drive, Unit 61 currency. Property is sold AS IS and SILVERIA L. LECLAIRE, et al., 6, IN TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, State of Wisconsin, bounded and 5842020 WHERE IS subject to all legal Defendant(s). RANGE 22 EAST, IN THE CITY OF described as follows: Commencing 2724 Hidden Drive, Unit 62 encumbrances. Successful buyer to By virtue of a Judgment of Fore­ pay transfer taxes as may be appli­cable. MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE at a point 152 feet West of the North­ 5842021 closure made in the above entitled Sheriff of Milwaukee County COUNTY, WISCONSIN BOUNDED east corner of said Lot; thence South 2728 Hidden Drive, Unit 63 action on 4/17/2018, in the amount Richard R. Schmidt AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 55 feet to a point; thence East 48 5842022 of $65,767.11, I will sell at public Joseph E. Fenzel, S.C. BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS feet to a point; thence North 55 feet 2732 Hidden Drive, Unit 64 auction at the Milwaukee County Attorneys for Defendant Securant 1361.02 FEET, MORE OR LESS, to a point; thence West 48 feet to the 5842023 Sheriff’s Department, 821 West Bank & Trust WEST OF THE EAST LINE AND place of beginning. 2740 Hidden Drive, Unit 71 State Street Room B‑12 (Level G), P.O. ADDRESS: 588.28 FEET NORTH OF THE Parcel 2: That part of Lot 1 5842024 City of Milwaukee, County of 757 N. Broadway, Suite 201 MIDDLE LINE OF THE SOUTH ½ commencing 187.0 feet West of the 2744 Hidden Drive, Unit 72 MILWAUKEE, State of Wisconsin on Milwaukee, WI 53202 OF SAID NORTHWEST ¼ OF Northeast corner of Lot 1; thence 5842025 7/23/2018 at 10:30 AM, all of the (414) 224‑1601 SECTION 6, WHICH POINT IS IN South 55.0 feet; thence East 35.0 2748 Hidden Drive, Unit 73 following described mortgaged prem­ The above property is located THE WEST LINE OF NORTH 24TH feet; thence North 55.0 feet; thence 5842026 ises, to wit: STREET; RUNNING THENCE West 35.0 feet to point of beginning, 2752 Hidden Drive, Unit 74 at: 2720 Hidden Drive, Unit 61 Lot Eight (8), in Block Twelve (12), 5842020 NORTH ALONG THE WEST LINE in the Subdivision of the South 5842027 in Gran Tosa Heights, being a Subdi­ OF NORTH 24TH STREET, 42.27 11575585/6‑22‑29/7‑6 613.46 feet except the West 358.71 2760 Hidden Drive, Unit 81 vision of the East One‑half (1/2) of FEET TO A POINT; RUNNING feet of part of the Southwest ¼ of 5842028 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE the THENCE WEST 158.96 FEET TO A Section 6, Township 6 North, Range 2764 Hidden Drive, Unit 82 Doc# 180923 Southeast One‑quarter (1/4) of POINT; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 22 East, West of Muskego Road, 5842029 Case No. 17‑CV‑007272 Section Twenty‑eight (28), in 42.01 FEET TO A POINT; AND City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee 2768 Hidden Drive, Unit 83 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Township Eight (8) North, Range RUNNING THENCE EAST 158.96 County and State of Wisconsin. 5842030 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Twenty‑one (21) East, in the City of FEET TO THE PLACE OF PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2401 W 2772 Hidden Drive, Unit 84 Deutsche Bank Trust Company Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, BEGINNING. Grant St Milwaukee, WI 53215‑2532 5842031 Americas, as Trustee for Residen­ Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4579 N DATED: June 22, 2018 2733 Hidden Drive, Unit 91 tial Accredit Loans, Inc., Mortgage The above property is located at: 24th St Milwaukee, WI 53209‑6272 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. 5842032 Asset‑Backed Pass‑Through 5848 North 78th Street, Milwaukee, DATED: May 29, 2018 Attorneys for Plaintiff 2729 Hidden Drive, Unit 92 Certificates Series 2006‑QS14 Wisconsin 53218 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. 16345 West Glendale Drive 5842033 Plaintiff, vs. The Estate of Andrew Tax Key No.: 176 0228 4 Attorneys for Plaintiff New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 2725 Hidden Drive, Unit 93 Hollis, Deceased, Water Street TERMS OF SALE: Cash, 16345 West Glendale Drive (414) 224‑8404 5842034 Lofts Condominium Association, Cashier’s Check or Certified Check. New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 (414) 224‑8404 Please go to www.gray‑ to 2721 Hidden Drive, Unit 94 Inc., Milwaukee County, State of DOWN PAYMENT: 10% of Please go to www.gray‑ to obtain the bid for this sale. 5842035 Wisconsin, Department of amount bid by Cash, Cashier’s obtain the bid for this sale. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is 2749 Hidden Drive, Unit 101 Children and Families, Water Check or Certified Check due at time 5842036 Street Lofts Condominium Associ­ of sale. Balance of purchase price Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is attempting to collect a debt and any attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for 2745 Hidden Drive, Unit 102 ation Inc and Milwaukee County must be paid within ten (10) 5842037 Clerk of Circuit Court Defendant. business days after confirmation of information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously that purpose. If you have previously received a discharge in a chapter 7 2741 Hidden Drive, Unit 103 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by the sale. Failure to pay balance due 5842038 received a discharge in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case, this communication virtue of a judgment of foreclosure will result in forfeit of deposit to plain­tiff. 2737 Hidden Drive, Unit 104 entered on April 17, 2018 in the This property is sold “as is” bankruptcy case, this communication should not be construed as an 5842039 amount of $186,114.88 the Sheriff subject to all legal encumbrances should not be construed as an attempt to hold you personally liable 2780 Hidden Drive, Unit 111 will sell the described premises at and any outstanding and accruing attempt to hold you personally liable for the debt. 5842040 public auction as follows: real estate taxes, special for the debt. The above property is located 2778 Hidden Drive, Unit 112 TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. assessments, and penalties and The above property is located at: 2401 W Grant St Milwaukee, WI 5842041 TERMS: Pursuant to said interest, if any. Upon confirmation of at: 4579 N 24th St Milwaukee, WI 53215‑2532 53209‑6272 2776 Hidden Drive, Unit 113 judgment, 10% of the successful bid the sale by the Court, purchaser will 11567506/6‑22‑29/7‑6 11566170/6‑22‑29/7‑6 5842042 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale be required to pay all recording fees PAGE 8 B | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

or Designee will sell the described NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNIT 165 all in Landmark on the premises at public auction as Doc# 180884 Lake Condominium, a condominium Sheriff’s Sales follows: Case No. 14‑CV‑008576 declared and existing under and by TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 am STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT virtue of the Condominium NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Court approval; down payment to be TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Ownership Act of State of Wisconsin Doc# 180926 forfeited if payment not received certified funds at the time of sale; JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and recorded by a Declaration as Case No. 17‑CV‑004583 timely). Buyer to pay applicable balance due within 10 days of confir­ Plaintiff, vs. Iyana S. Dixon, City such condominium in the Office of STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax mation of sale; failure to pay balance of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin, the Register of Deeds for Milwaukee COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY in addition to the purchase price. due will result in forfeit of deposit to Department of Children and County, Wisconsin, on March 10, The Huntington National Bank /s/ Richard R. Schmidt plaintiff. Families and The Estate of Carol 2006, as Document No. 9197162 Plaintiff, vs. Marilyn D. Paty a/k/a Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all A. Dixon Defendant. and corrected by Affidavit of Marilyn D. Paty‑Johnson, Antonio Wisconsin legal liens and encumbrances. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Correction recorded May 19, 2006, Jones, Mortgage Electronic Regis­ Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. 3. Buyer to pay applicable virtue of a judgment of foreclosure as Document No. 9238675, said tration Systems, Inc., The United Attorneys for Plaintiff Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax. entered on February 3, 2016 in the condominium being located in the States of America acting by and 50‑18‑00690 PLACE: ROOM B12, LEVEL G amount of $53,102.45 the Sheriff will City of Milwaukee, County of through the Administrator of the The above property is located OF 821 WEST STATE STREET, sell the described premises at public Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin on Small Business Administration, at: 6221 W Leon Tr, Milwaukee, WI MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 auction as follows: the real estate described in said State of Wisconsin, Dept. of 53218 Property description: LOTS 40 TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Declaration and incorporated herein Children and Families, Stonegate 11574070/6‑22‑29/7‑6 AND 41 IN BLOCK 3, IN CONRAD TERMS: Pursuant to said by this reference thereto. HILLS, IN THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF Mgmt. LLC, Wisconsin Electric NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE judgment, 10% of the successful bid PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1660 N Power Co. a/k/a WE Energies, SECTION 32, IN TOWNSHIP 7 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Prospect Ave Unit 701 Milwaukee, Case No: 17 CV 11045 NORTH, RANGE 21 EAST, IN THE Capital One Bank USA NA and Docket No. 180854 in cash, cashier’s check or certified WI 53202‑6704 CITY OF MILWAUKEE, COUNTY RMC Corporation Defendants. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT funds, payable to the Milwaukee DATED: May 16, 2018 OF MILWAUKEE AND STATE OF PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Gray & Associates, L.L.P. WISCONSIN. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Bank of America, N.A. Plaintiff vs checks cannot and will not be Attorneys for Plaintiff Tax Key No.: 416‑1206‑100‑7 entered on January 25, 2018 in the ESTATE OF SUSAN M. BIERI, et accepted). The balance of the 16345 West Glendale Drive Property Address: 431 S. 94TH amount of $60,832.52 the Sheriff will al. Defendant(s) successful bid must be paid to the New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 STREET, MILWAUKEE, sell the described premises at public PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s (414) 224‑8404 WISCONSIN 53214 auction as follows: virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Please go to www.gray‑ to Shannon K Cummings check or certified funds no later than TIME: July 23, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. entered on April 2, 2018 in the obtain the bid for this sale. State Bar No. 1033710 ten days after the court’s TERMS: Pursuant to said amount of $165,264.16 the Sheriff Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Attorney for Plaintiff confirmation of the sale or else the judgment, 10% of the successful bid will sell the described premises at attempting to collect a debt and any 633 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 10% down payment is forfeited to must be paid to the sheriff at the sale public auction as follows: the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as information obtained will be used for TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 AM 408 in cash, cashier’s check or certified is’ and subject to all liens and that purpose. If you have previously TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff Milwaukee, WI, 53203 funds, payable to the Milwaukee encumbrances. received a discharge in a chapter 7 sale, prospective buyer is consenting Phone: 312‑541‑9710 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West bankruptcy case, this communication to be bound by the following terms: Mailing Address: checks cannot and will not be should not be construed as an 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due 230 W. Monroe St., Suite 1125 State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, accepted). The balance of the attempt to hold you personally liable within 10 days of confirmation of Chicago, Illinois, 60606 WI successful bid must be paid to the DESCRIPTION: Lot Thirty‑two for the debt. clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s sale; failure to pay balance due will Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, (32) in Block Two (2) in Rainbow The above property is located check or certified funds no later than result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. LLC is the creditor’s attorney and is Ridge No. 2, being a Subdivision of a at: 1660 N Prospect Ave Unit 701 ten days after the court’s 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all attempting to collect a debt on its part of the South East One‑quarter Milwaukee, WI 53202‑6704 confirmation of the sale or else the legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) behalf. Any information obtained will (1/4) of Section Eleven (11), in 11558549/6‑15‑22‑29 10% down payment is forfeited to Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin be used for that purpose. Township Seven (7) North, Range the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition The above property is located at NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ Twenty‑one (21) East, in the City of is’ and subject to all liens and 431 S. 94TH STREET, Doc# 180883 tiff opens bidding on the property, Milwaukee. encumbrances. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 53214 Case No. 17‑CV‑013480 either in person or via fax and as PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West 11574067/6‑22‑29/7‑6 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3386 N STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT recited by the sheriff department in State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, 45th St Milwaukee, WI 53216‑3327 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY the event that no opening bid is NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE DATED: May 17, 2018 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National WI offered, plaintiff retains the right to Doc# 180887 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Association Plaintiff, vs. William F. DESCRIPTION: Lot 11, in Block request the sale be declared as Case No. 18‑CV‑000402 2, in Forest Park Subdivision, and STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Attorneys for Plaintiff Frahm II a/k/a William Frahm II invalid as the sale is fatally 16345 West Glendale Drive Lot 35, in Block 3 in Warner Bros. defective. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY and Jane Doe Frahm Defendants. and Wambold’s Subdivision No. 2, in U.S. Bank National Association, not New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the (414) 224‑8404 the Southeast ¼ of Section 12, in Milwaukee County Safety Building in its individual capacity but solely virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Please go to www.gray‑ to Township 7 North, Range 21 East, in located at 821 W State Street, as trustee for the RMAC Trust, entered on April 10, 2018 in the obtain the bid for this sale. the City of Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Series 2016‑CTT Plaintiff, vs. The amount of $190,732.51 the Sheriff Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION: Lot Seven (7) in Estate of Helen A. Bruckbauer Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is will sell the described premises at PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3254 N Block Fourteen (14) in Honey Acres a/k/a Helen Antoinette Bruckbauer attempting to collect a debt and any public auction as follows: 30th St Milwaukee, WI 53216‑3822 Subdivision No. 7, being a a/k/a Helen Antonette Bruckbauer, information obtained will be used for TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. DATED: May 30, 2018 Subdivision of a part of the Deceased Defendant. that purpose. If you have previously TERMS: Pursuant to said Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Southeast One‑quarter (1/4) of PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by received a discharge in a chapter 7 judgment, 10% of the successful bid Attorneys for Plaintiff Section Nine (9), Township Six (6) virtue of a judgment of foreclosure bankruptcy case, this communication must be paid to the sheriff at the sale 16345 West Glendale Drive North, Range Twenty‑one (21) East entered on April 10, 2018 in the should not be construed as an in cash, cashier’s check or certified New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 and a Resubdivision of all except the amount of $178,018.86 the Sheriff attempt to hold you personally liable funds, payable to the Milwaukee (414) 224‑8404 Southeasterly Twenty‑five (25) feet will sell the described premises at for the debt. County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Please go to www.gray‑ to of Lot Eighteen (18) Block Eight (8) public auction as follows: The above property is located checks cannot and will not be obtain the bid for this sale. of Honey Acres Subdivision No. 4, TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at: 3386 N 45th St Milwaukee, WI accepted). The balance of the Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is being a subdivision of a part of the TERMS: Pursuant to said 53216‑3327 successful bid must be paid to the attempting to collect a debt and any Southeast One‑quarter (1/4) of judgment, 10% of the successful bid 11558587/6‑15‑22‑29 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s information obtained will be used for Section Nine (9), Township Six (6) must be paid to the sheriff at the sale NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE check or certified funds no later than that purpose. If you have previously North, Range Twenty‑one (21) East, in cash, cashier’s check or certified Doc# 180889 ten days after the court’s received a discharge in a chapter 7 in the City of West Allis, Milwaukee funds, payable to the Milwaukee Case No. 17‑CV‑000233 confirmation of the sale or else the bankruptcy case, this communication County, State of Wisconsin. County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 10% down payment is forfeited to should not be construed as an PROPERTY ADDRESS: 8026 checks cannot and will not be COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as attempt to hold you personally liable West Dreyer Place, West Allis, WI accepted). The balance of the 53219 PNC Bank, National Association, is’ and subject to all liens and for the debt. successful bid must be paid to the encumbrances. The above property is located TAX KEY NO.: 516‑0247‑000 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s successor by merger to National City Dated this 22nd day of June, Mortgage, a division of National City PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West at: 3254 N 30th St Milwaukee, WI check or certified funds no later than State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, 53216‑3822 2018. ten days after the court’s Bank Plaintiff, vs. John T. Doyle, /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt WI 11567501/6‑22‑29/7‑6 confirmation of the sale or else the Roberta L. Doyle, Landmark on the Milwaukee County Sheriff DESCRIPTION: Lot 18, in Block 10% down payment is forfeited to Lake Condominium Association, NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Hunter R. Felknor 2, in Willowbrook Estates, being a the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as Ltd., PNC Bank, National Case No. 2014CV003031 BP Peterman Law Group LLC subdivision of a part of the is’ and subject to all liens and Association, successor by merger to Docket: 181025 State Bar No. 1094978 Southeast ¼ Section 11, in encumbrances. National City Bank and Capital One STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Township 8 North, Range 21 East, in PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West Bank USA NA Defendants. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Brookfield, WI 53005 the Village of Brown Deer, State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by PennyMac Loan Trust 2011‑NPL1 262‑790‑5719 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. BP Peterman Law Group LLC is WI Plaintiff, v. Dante Phillips, Sr.; et entered on April 10, 2018 in the PROPERTY ADDRESS: 8325 N the creditor’s attorney and is DESCRIPTION: Lot Thirty‑two al. Defendant(s). amount of $230,375.32 the Sheriff 49th St Brown Deer, WI 53223‑3603 attempting to collect a debt on its (32) in Block Nine (9) in Central By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ will sell the described premises at DATED: May 16, 2018 sure made in the above‑entitled behalf. Any information obtained will Improvement Company Subdivision public auction as follows: Gray & Associates, L.L.P. action on March 31, 2015 in the be used for that purpose. No. 1, in the Northwest One‑quarter TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Attorneys for Plaintiff amount of $217,516.28, I will sell at The above property is located (1/4) of Section Three (3), in TERMS: Pursuant to said 16345 West Glendale Drive public auction in Room B‑12, Level at: 8026 West Dreyer Place, West Township Six (6) North, Range judgment, 10% of the successful bid New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 G, of the Safety Building, located at Allis, WI 53219 Twenty‑One (21) East, in the City of must be paid to the sheriff at the sale (414) 224‑8404 821 W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI 11562769/6‑22‑29/7‑6 West Allis, County of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin in cash, cashier’s check or certified Please go to www.gray‑ to 53233, on NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1548 S funds, payable to the Milwaukee obtain the bid for this sale. July 23, 2018 Case No. 11 CV 13210 73rd St West Allis, WI 53214‑4717 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is At 10:30 AM, all of the following Case Code No. 30404 DATED: May, 17, 2018 checks cannot and will not be attempting to collect a debt and any described premises, to wit: Docket No. 181037 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. accepted). The balance of the information obtained will be used for LOT 13, IN BLOCK 7, IN STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Attorneys for Plaintiff successful bid must be paid to the that purpose. If you have previously FRANKLIN GARDENS, BEING A COURT CIVIL DIVISION 16345 West Glendale Drive clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s received a discharge in a chapter 7 SUBDIVISION OF A PART OF THE MILWAUKEE COUNTY New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 bankruptcy case, this communication NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 3, U.S. BANK, NATIONAL check or certified funds no later than (414) 224‑8404 should not be construed as an IN TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR ten days after the court’s Please go to www.gray‑ to attempt to hold you personally liable 21 EAST, IN THE CITY OF TRUSTEE TO BANK OF confirmation of the sale or else the obtain the bid for this sale. for the debt. MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE AMERICA, N.A. AS SUCCESSOR 10% down payment is forfeited to Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is The above property is located COUNTY, WISCONSIN. TO LASALLE BANK, N.A. AS the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as attempting to collect a debt and any at: 8325 N 49th St Brown Deer, WI Street Address: 6221 W Leon Tr, TRUSTEE FOR THE MERRILL is’ and subject to all liens and information obtained will be used for 53223‑3603 Milwaukee, WI 53218 LYNCH FIRST FRANKLIN MORT­ encumbrances. that purpose. If you have previously 11558557/6‑15‑22‑29 Tax Key No. 2260352000 GAGE LOAN TRUST, MORT­ PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West received a discharge in a chapter 7 THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD GAGE LOAN ASSET‑BACKED State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE bankruptcy case, this communication AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007‑3 WI Doc# 180885 should not be construed as an AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, Plaintiff Vs. DANIEL J. DESCRIPTION: UNIT 701 Case No. 17‑CV‑002310 attempt to hold you personally liable SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER BOHRINGER; VICTORIA J. together with said unit’s undivided STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT for the debt. LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. BOHRINGER; Defendants appurtenant interest in the common COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY The above property is located TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASH­ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by elements and the exclusive use of Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Plaintiff, at: 1548 S 73rd St West Allis, WI IER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED virtue of a judgment of foreclosure the limited common elements vs. James E. Garron a/k/a James 53214‑4717 FUNDS (10% down payment at sale, entered on May 7, 2015, in the appurtenant­ to said unit including Garron, Jane Doe Garron a/k/a 11558528/6‑15‑22‑29 balance due within ten (10) days of amount of $176,874.96, the Sheriff, PARKING UNIT 25 and STORAGE Charlene Garron and Secura FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 9 B

ASSOCIATIONS SUBDIVISION NO. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE attempting to collect such debt and 2, BEING IN THE SOUTHWEST Case No. 17CV006881 any information obtained from this Sheriff’s Sales ONE‑QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION Docket No. 181019 communication will be used for that EIGHT (8), TOWNSHIP SEVEN (7) STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT purpose. Insurance Defendant. New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 NORTH, RANGE TWENTY‑TWO COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY The above property is located PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by (414) 224‑8404 (22) EAST, IN THE CITY AND WHISPERING HILLS OWNERS at: 4314 North 64th Street, virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Please go to www.gray‑ to COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE, STATE ASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff, v. Milwaukee, WI 53225 entered on May 18, 2017 in the obtain the bid for this sale. OF WISCONSIN. KAISER PROPERTY 11574068/6‑22‑29/7‑6 PARCEL II: amount of $50,531.50 the Sheriff will Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is INVESTMENTS, LLC, NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE sell the described premises at public attempting to collect a debt and any LOT EIGHTEEN (18), IN BLOCK Defendant(s). Case No: 17 CV 1116 auction as follows: information obtained will be used for SEVEN (7), IN MILWAUKEE By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ Docket No. 180858 TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. that purpose. If you have previously SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT sure made in the above‑entitled STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT TERMS: Pursuant to said received a discharge in a chapter 7 ASSOCIATION SUBDIVISION NO. action on October 18, 2018 in the COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY judgment, 10% of the successful bid bankruptcy case, this communication 2, BEING IN THE SOUTHWEST amount of $3,599.10, I will sell at Federal National Mortgage must be paid to the sheriff at the sale should not be construed as an ONE‑QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION public auction in Room B12 (Level Association (“Fannie Mae”), a in cash, cashier’s check or certified attempt to hold you personally liable EIGHT (8), TOWNSHIP SEVEN (7) G), of the Safety Building, 821 West corporation organized and funds, payable to the Milwaukee for the debt. NORTH, RANGE TWENTY‑TWO State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin existing under the laws of the County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal The above property is located (22) EAST, IN THE CITY AND 53233, on July 16, 2018 at 10:30 United States of America Plaintiff checks cannot and will not be at: 411 W Keefe Ave Milwaukee, COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE, STATE a.m., all of the following described vs MICHELLE R. JAKSIC FKA accepted). The balance of the WI 53212‑1461 OF WISCONSIN. premises, to wit: MICHELLE BROOKS AKA successful bid must be paid to the 11558548/6‑15‑22‑29 Street Address: 3414 N 11th Unit 8753‑1 in Building 2 in the MICHELE BROOKS, et al. Street, Milwaukee, WI 53206 Whispering Hills‑Stage 1 Condomini­ clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Defendant(s) Tax Key No. 283‑0277‑100‑8 um(s) created by a “Declaration of check or certified funds no later than Case No. 17CV6689 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Condominium” recorded on ten days after the court’s Docket No. 181026 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY November 1, 1977, in the Office of confirmation of the sale or else the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT entered on July 6, 2017 in the AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, the Register of Deeds for Milwaukee 10% down payment is forfeited to COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY amount of $142,348.31 the Sheriff SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER County, Wisconsin, as Document will sell the described premises at the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as Nationstar Mortgage LLC, Plaintiff, LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. No. 4718055, and any amendments public auction as follows: is’ and subject to all liens and vs. Thomas G. Hoover, Jackie TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASH­ and/or corrections thereto, and by its TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 AM encumbrances. Hoover Defendants IER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED Condominium Plat and any amend­ TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ FUNDS (10% down payment at sale, ments and/or corrections thereto. sale, prospective buyer is consenting State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, sure made in the above‑entitled balance due within ten (10) days of to be bound by the following terms: WI action on December 22, 2017, in the Said land being in the City of Court approval; down payment to be 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due DESCRIPTION: Lot 1, in Block amount of $145,718.97, I will sell at Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, forfeited if payment not received within 10 days of confirmation of 13, in Milwaukee Savings and public auction in Room B‑12, (Level State of Wisconsin. timely). Buyer to pay applicable sale; failure to pay balance due will Investment Association Subdivision G) of the Safety Building, located at, Tax Key No. 044‑0051‑3 Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. No. 2, in the Southwest ¼ of Section 821 West State Street, in the City of THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD in addition to the purchase price. 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all 8, in Township 7 North, Range 22 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL ENCUM­ DATED on 06/08/2018. legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) East, in the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 16, 2018, at BRANCES. /s/ Richard R. Schmidt Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 10:30 AM, all of the following TERMS OF SALE: 10% down Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3249 N described premises, to wit: (cash, certified check or cashier’s Wisconsin to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ 12th St Milwaukee, WI 53206‑2755 Lots 8 and 9 in Block 44 in check down payment at sale, Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. tiff opens bidding on the property, DATED: May 17, 2018 Addition No.3 to the Townsite of balance due within ten (10) days of Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Attorneys for Plaintiff Court approval). either in person or via fax and as South Milwaukee in the Southwest recited by the sheriff department in Attorneys for Plaintiff 50‑18‑00766 BUYER TO PAY ALL 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 North, the event that no opening bid is 16345 West Glendale Drive The above property is located APPLICABLE WISCONSIN REAL Range 22 East, in the City of South offered, plaintiff retains the right to New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 at: 3414 N 11th Street, Milwaukee, ESTATE TRANSFER TAX Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, request the sale be declared as (414) 224‑8404 WI 53206 DATED: June 12, 2018. Wisconsin. invalid as the sale is fatally Please go to www.gray‑ to 11571251/6‑15‑22‑29 Richard R. Schmidt, Tax Key No. 7720100 defective. obtain the bid for this sale. Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Address: 315 Menomonee NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Wisconsin Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI 53172 Case No. 18 CV 568 Milwaukee County Safety Building Husch Blackwell LLP attempting to collect a debt and any THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Docket No. 180933 located at 821 W State Street, Attorneys for Plaintiff information obtained will be used for SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 The above property is located at that purpose. If you have previously ENCUMBRANCES. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 14, in Block received a discharge in a chapter 7 TERMS OF SALE: SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING 8753 N. 72nd Street, Unit 1, 3, in Wilbur Estates, being a Subdivi­ bankruptcy case, this communication 1. At the time of sale: a downpay­ Plaintiff Vs. ESTATE OF DIXIE Milwaukee, WI 53223 sion of a part of the Southeast 1/4 of should not be construed as an ment (CASH or CASHIER’S CHECK JUST, et al. Defendants 11574066/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Section 17, in Township 6 North, attempt to hold you personally liable only) in an amount not less than PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Range 21 East, in the City of for the debt. 10% of the successful bid; and virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Case No. 2016CV009575 Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, State The above property is located 2. No later than ten (10) days after entered on April 9, 2018 in the Docket No. 181016 of Wisconsin, according to the plat at: 3249 N 12th St Milwaukee, WI the Court confirms the sale: amount of $81,731.91, the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT thereof recorded in Volume 86 of 53206‑2755 a. The balance due on the sale; Milwaukee County Sheriff will sell COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Plats at Page 20. 11558584/6‑15‑22‑29 b. The amount of the transfer fee the premises described below at Nationstar Mortgage LLC, ultimate PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3637 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE due under Section 77.22, Wis. public auction as follows: assignee of Mortgage Electronic South 93rd Street, Milwaukee, WI Doc# 180888 Stats., if any; and DATE/TIME: July 16, 2018 at Registration Systems, Inc. as 53228 Case No. 17‑CV‑000404 c. The amount of the fee due 10:30 AM. nominee for Bridge Mortgage TAX KEY NO.: 561‑0136‑3 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT under Section 59.43(2), Wis. Stats., TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash, Bank of America, Plaintiff, vs. Dated this 22nd day of June, COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY to record the deed and any other cashier’s check, money order, or Daniel Knueppel; Tameka 2018. Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. document required for such certified funds, at the time of sale; Knueppel, Defendants. /s/ Cooper Plaintiff, vs. Maezel Hill, recordation. balance due within 10 days of confir­ By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt Austin Hill, Airoldi Brothers Inc DATED at South Milwaukee, WI mation of sale; failure to pay balance sure made in the above‑entitled Milwaukee County Sheriff Hunter R. Felknor and City of Milwaukee June 22, 2018. due will result in forfeit of deposit to action on February 16, 2017, in the BP Peterman Law Group LLC Defendants. /s/ Richard R. Schmidt, plaintiff. amount of $105,304.23, I will sell at State Bar No. 1094978 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Acting Sheriff 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all public auction in room B12, Level G, 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Sheriff of Milwaukee County, legal liens, encumbrances, and of the Safety Building, located at, Brookfield, WI 53005 entered on April 10, 2018 in the Wisconsin payment of applicable transfer taxes 821 W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI 262‑790‑5719 amount of $56,559.68 the Sheriff will BASS & MOGLOWSKY, S.C., by purchaser. 53233, on July 16, 2018, at 10:30 BP Peterman Law Group LLC is Attorneys for Plaintiff 3. Eligible bidders at foreclosure a.m., all of the following described sell the described premises at public the creditor’s attorney and is Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. is a law sales must meet all of the premises, to wit: auction as follows: attempting to collect a debt on its TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. firm / debt collector representing a qualifications required by Wisconsin Lot 16, in Block 1, in Linden creditor in the collection of a debt Statute Section 846.155. behalf. Any information obtained will TERMS: Pursuant to said Gardens, being a Subdivision of a be used for that purpose. judgment, 10% of the successful bid owed to said creditor. We are PLACE: In Room B‑12 (Level G) part of the Southeast 1/4 of Section attempting to collect such debt and of the Milwaukee County Safety The above property is located must be paid to the sheriff at the sale 3, in Township 7 North, Range 21 at: 3637 South 93rd Street, in cash, cashier’s check or certified any information obtained from this Building, 821 West State Street, East, in the City of Milwaukee, communication will be used for that Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Milwaukee, WI 53228 funds, payable to the Milwaukee Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. 11563048/6‑22‑29/7‑6 County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal purpose. PROPERTY LEGAL Tax Key No. 250‑0916‑003 checks cannot and will not be The above property is located DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 9, in Address: 4314 North 64th Street, NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE accepted). The balance of the at: 315 Menomonee Avenue, Oak View Subdivision No. 2, being a Milwaukee, WI 53225 Case No: 16 CV 4344 successful bid must be paid to the South Milwaukee, WI 53172 part of the North ½ of the Southeast THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Docket No. 180856 clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s 11574065/6‑22‑29/7‑6 ¼ of Section 35, in Township 5 SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT North, Range 22 East, in the City of COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY check or certified funds no later than NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ENCUMBRANCES. Oak Creek, Milwaukee County, Federal National Mortgage ten days after the court’s Case No. 2017CV006072 TERMS OF SALE: Wisconsin. Association (“Fannie Mae”), a confirmation of the sale or else the Docket: 181013 1. At the time of sale: a downpay­ PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3711 corporation organized and existing 10% down payment is forfeited to STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT ment (CASH or CASHIER’s CHECK East Becker Road, Oak Creek, WI under the laws of the United the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY only) in an amount not less than 53154 States of America Plaintiff vs is’ and subject to all liens and Deutsche Bank National Trust 10% of the successful bid; and TAX KEY NUMBER: JOAN H. MILLER, et al. Defendant(s)­ encumbrances. Company, as trustee for the regis­ 2. No later than ten (10) days after 968‑0013‑000. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West tered holders of Morgan Stanley the Court confirms the sale: Dated this 22nd day of June 2018. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, ABS Capital I Inc., Trust a. The balance due on the sale; Richard R. Schmidt, entered on October 17, 2016 in the WI 2007‑NC3 Mortgage b. The amount of the transfer fee Acting Milwaukee County Sheriff amount of $141,535.78 the Sheriff DESCRIPTION: The North Ninety Pass‑Through Certificates, Series due under Section 77.22, Wis. Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, will sell the described premises at (90) feet of Lot Three (3), and the 2007‑NC3 Plaintiff, v. Barbara J. Stats., if any; and LLC public auction as follows: North Ninety (90) feet of the West Johnson; et al. Defendant(s). c. The amount of the fee due Attorney for Plaintiff TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 AM Three (3) feet of Lot Two (2), in By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ under Section 59.43(2), Wis. Stats., Mark R. Cummisford, State Bar # TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff Block One (1), in V. SCHUETTE’S sure made in the above‑entitled to record the deed and any other 1034906 sale, prospective buyer is consenting SUBDIVISION of part of the West action on February 27, 2018 in the document required for such 7071 South 13th Street, Suite #100 to be bound by the following terms: One‑Half (1/2) of the Southwest amount of $57,305.57, I will sell at recordation. Oak Creek, WI 53154 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due One‑ Quarter (1/4) of Section Eight public auction in the Room B‑12, DATED at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 414‑761‑1700 within 10 days of confirmation of (8), in Township Seven (7) North, Level G, of the Safety Building, on June 12, 2018. Cummisford, Acevedo & sale; failure to pay balance due will Range Twenty‑two (22) East, in the located at 821 W. State Street, /s/ Richard R. Schmidt, Associates, LLC is the creditor’s result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. City of Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, WI 53233, on Acting Sheriff attorney and is attempting to collect 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. July 16, 2018 Sheriff of Milwaukee County, a debt on its behalf. Any information legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 411 W At 10:30AM, all of the following Wisconsin Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin obtained will be used for that Keefe Ave Milwaukee, WI described premises, to wit: BASS & MOGLOWSKY, S.C., Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition purpose. 53212‑1461 PARCEL I: Attorneys for Plaintiff to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ The above property is located DATED: May 17, 2018 THE SOUTH 15 FEET OF LOT Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. is a law tiff opens bidding on the property, at: 3711 East Becker Road, Oak Gray & Associates, L.L.P. SEVENTEEN (17), IN BLOCK firm / debt collector representing a either in person or via fax and as Creek, WI 53154 Attorneys for Plaintiff SEVEN (7), IN MILWAUKEE creditor in the collection of a debt recited by the sheriff department in 11567500/6‑22‑29/7‑6 16345 West Glendale Drive SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT owed to said creditor. We are the event that no opening bid is PAGE 10 B | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West PLACE: Milwaukee Co. Safety Survey Map No. 8582, all being a State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, Building, Room B‑12 part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Sheriff’s Sales WI 821 W. State St., Milwaukee, Northeast 1/4 and part of the South­ DESCRIPTION: Lot 27, Block 4, Wisconsin east 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of offered, plaintiff retains the right to The above property is located in Wilson and Meyer’s Subdivision TERMS: Pursuant to said Section 30, Town 5 North, Range 22 request the sale be declared as at: 8621 West Daphne Street, No. 1, being a Subdivision of Lands judgment, 10% of the successful bid East, in the City of Oak Creek, invalid as the sale is fatally Milwaukee, WI 53224 in the Southwest ¼ of Section 31, must be paid to the sheriff at the sale Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. defective. 11567511/6‑22‑29/7‑6 Township 8 North, of Range 22 East, in cash, cashier’s check or certified PROPERTY ADDRESS: 9846 S. PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the in the City of Milwaukee, County of funds, payable to Milwaukee County 20th St., Oak Creek, WI NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. Sheriff’s Dept. (personal checks TAX KEY NO.: 903‑9041‑000 Milwaukee County Safety Building Doc# 180886 located at 821 W State Street, PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4861 N cannot and will not be accepted). Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Case No. 17‑CV‑013800 The balance of the successful bid Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 20th St Milwaukee, WI 53209‑5710 this 15th day June, 2018. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT must be paid to the Clerk of Courts DESCRIPTION: Lot numbered DATED: June 15, 2018 Richard R. Schmidt COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY in cash, cashier’s check or certified One (1), in Block numbered One (1), Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Caliber Home Loans, Inc. Plaintiff, funds no later than ten (10) days in Rite Realty Co. Rolling Green Attorneys for Plaintiff Wisconsin or his Designee vs. The Estate of Tonia Findley after the court’s confirmation of the This document was prepared by: Add`n. No. 5, being a Subdivision of 16345 West Glendale Drive a/k/a Tonia L. Findley, sale or else the 10% down payment John M. Van Lieshout a part of the North East One‑quarter New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Deceased, The United States of is forfeited to the plaintiff. The Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. (1/4) of Section numbered Sixteen (414) 224‑8404 America acting by and through the property is sold “as is” and subject to 1000 North Water Street, Suite 1700 (16), In Township numbered Six (6) Please go to www.gray‑ to Secretary of Housing and Urban all real estate taxes, liens and Milwaukee, WI 53202 North, Range numbered Twenty‑one obtain the bid for this sale. Development and State of encumbrances. Telephone: 414‑298‑1000 (21) East; In the City of Milwaukee, Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is Wisconsin, Department of PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Facsimile: 414‑298‑8097 County of Milwaukee and State of attempting to collect a debt and any Revenue Defendants. UNIT 1004, IN BUILDING 10, The above property is located Wisconsin. Together with the information obtained will be used for PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED at: 9846 S. 20th St., Oak Creek, WI easterly 10 feet of the vacated alley that purpose. If you have previously virtue of a judgment of foreclosure received a discharge in a chapter 7 INTEREST IN THE COMMON 11558606/6‑15‑22‑29 lying adjacent to said land by Reso­ entered on April 10, 2018 in the ELEMENTS AND THE EXCLUSIVE bankruptcy case, this communication NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE lution adopted by the Common amount of $163,142.29 the Sheriff USE OF THE LIMITED COMMON should not be construed as an Case No: 16 CV 9132 Council of the City of Milwaukee and will sell the described premises at ELEMENTS APPURTENANT TO recorded on May 12, 1976 in Book attempt to hold you personally liable Docket No. 180850 public auction as follows: for the debt. SAID UNIT, IN WILLOW CREEK 927 Page 12 of the register of deeds. TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. HOMES, A CONDOMINIUM STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3719 The above property is located COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY TERMS: Pursuant to said at: 4861 N 20th St Milwaukee, WI CREATED AND EXISTING UNDER South 83rd Street, Milwaukee, WI judgment, 10% of the successful bid AND BY VIRTUE OF THE CONDO­ CIT Bank, N.A. Plaintiff vs ESTATE 53209‑5710 OF NANCY L. BROWNE, et al. 53220 must be paid to the sheriff at the sale MINIUM OWNERSHIP ACT OF THE 11558573/6‑15‑22‑29 Defendant(s) TAX KEY NO.: 559‑0901‑100‑X in cash, cashier’s check or certified STATE OF WISCONSIN BY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Dated this 22nd day of June, funds, payable to the Milwaukee NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE DECLARATION RECORDED ON virtue of a judgment of foreclosure 2018. County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal Case No. 17 CV 11248 NOVEMBER 12, 1971, IN REEL entered on April 24, 2017 in the /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt checks cannot and will not be Case Code No. 30404 620, IMAGE 1711, AD DOCUMENT amount of $224,969.75 the Sheriff Milwaukee County Sheriff accepted). The balance of the Docket No.: 180938 NO. 4635590, AND ANY AND ALL will sell the described premises at Hunter R. Felknor successful bid must be paid to the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT AMENDMENTS, ADDENDUMS public auction as follows: BP Peterman Law Group LLC clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s COURT CIVIL DIVISION AND/OR CORRECTIONS TIME: July 9, 2018 at 10:30 AM State Bar No. 1094978 check or certified funds no later than MILWAUKEE COUNTY THERETO. INCORPORATED TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 ten days after the court’s WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE sale, prospective buyer is consenting Brookfield, WI 53005 confirmation of the sale or else the Vs. ESTATE OF DOMINIC S. THERETO IS THE REAL ESTATE to be bound by the following terms: 262‑790‑5719 10% down payment is forfeited to ALIOTO, SR.; WELLS FARGO DESCRIBED IN AND MADE 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due BP Peterman Law Group LLC is the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as BANK, N.A. Defendant SUBJECT TO SAID within 10 days of confirmation of the creditor’s attorney and is is’ and subject to all liens and PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by DECLARATION, WHICH IS sale; failure to pay balance due will attempting to collect a debt on its encumbrances. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure LOCATED IN THE CITY OF result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. behalf. Any information obtained will PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West entered on March 20, 2018, in the MILWAUKEE, COUNTY OF 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all be used for that purpose. State Street, RM B12, Milwaukee, amount of $107,805.64, the Sheriff, MILWAUKEE, STATE OF legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) The above property is located WI or Designee, will sell the described WISCONSIN. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin at: 3719 South 83rd Street, DESCRIPTION: LOT 1, BLOCK 3 premises at public auction as PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5141 S. Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition Milwaukee, WI 53220 IN ED PORTH & SONS ADDITION follows: 13th St., Unit D, Milwaukee, WI to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ 11562757/6‑22‑29/7‑6 NO. 1, BEING A RESUBDIVISION TIME: July 9, 2018 at 10:30 am 53221 tiff opens bidding on the property, OF LOUIS AVENUE LAND COMPA­ TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or Dated: May 31, 2018 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE either in person or via fax and as certified funds at the time of sale; Richard R. Schmidt, Sheriff Case No. 13‑CV‑496 NY’S SUBDIVISION NO 1, IN THE recited by the sheriff department in balance due within 10 days of confir­ Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Docket No. 180975 SOUTHEAST ¼ OF SECTION 6, IN the event that no opening bid is mation of sale; failure to pay balance Michael A. Sosnay STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 22 offered, plaintiff retains the right to due will result in forfeit of deposit to Attorney for Plaintiff COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY EAST, IN THE CITY OF request the sale be declared as plaintiff. Darnieder & Sosnay U.S. Bank National Association, MILWAUKEE, COUNTY OF invalid as the sale is fatally 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all 735 N. Water St., Suite 205 Plaintiff, vs. Felicia Perkins a/k/a MILWAUKEE, AND STATE OF defective. legal liens and encumbrances. Milwaukee, WI 53202 Felicia A. Perkins; John Doe WISCONSIN PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the 3. Buyer to pay applicable The above property is located Perkins; Anchorbank, FSB; PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1500 W Milwaukee County Safety Building Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax at: 5141 S. 13th St., Unit D, Community Memorial Hospital of Capitol Dr Milwaukee, WI located at 821 W State Street, pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Milwaukee, WI 53221 Menomonee Falls, Inc., 53206‑2934 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 846.167. 11566189/6‑15‑22‑29 Defendants. DATED: May 16, 2018 DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 and the PLACE: ROOM B12, LEVEL G By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ Gray & Associates, L.L.P. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S South 1/2 of Lot 6 in Block 2 in OF 821 WEST STATE STREET, sure made in the above‑entitled Attorneys for Plaintiff FORECLOSURE SALE Bexell‑Deswarte Subdivision, being MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 action on October 4, 2013, in the 16345 West Glendale Drive Case No. 17‑CV‑12513 a Subdivision of a part of the North­ THE EAST amount of $119,769.14, I will sell at New Berlin, WI 53151‑2841 Property description: Foreclosure of Mortgage ‑ 30404 west 1/4 of Section 4 and part of public auction in Room B12, Level (414) 224‑8404 100 FEET OF LOT 7, IN BLOCK 2, Money Judgment ‑ 30301 Assessment Subdivision No. 276, in G, of the Safety Building, located at, Please go to www.gray‑ to IN OAK RIDGE SUBDIVISION, A Unclassified (Replevin) ‑ 30703 Township 8 North, Range 22 East, in 821 W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI obtain the bid for this sale. RE‑SUBDIVISION OF CLARK’S Sheriff’s Docket No. 180777 the Village of Bayside, Milwaukee 53233, on July 16, 2018, at 10:30 Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is SUBDIVISION, IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT County, Wisconsin. a.m., all of the following described attempting to collect a debt and any SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY PROPERTY ADDRESS: 9305 premises, to wit: information obtained will be used for IN TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE FIRST BANK OF HIGHLAND PARK, North Lake Drive, Milwaukee, WI Lot Twenty‑one (21), in Block Six that purpose. If you have previously 21 EAST, IN THE CITY OF Plaintiff, v. BLACK BEAR 53217 (6), in Menomonee River Hills, being received a discharge in a chapter 7 WAUWATOSA, COUNTY OF BOTTLING GROUP, LLC, et al., TAX KEY NO.: 017‑0152‑000 a part of the South One‑half (1/2) of bankruptcy case, this communication MILWAUKEE AND STATE OF Defendants. Hunter R. Felknor Section Twenty‑one (21), Township should not be construed as an WISCONSIN. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by BP Peterman Law Group LLC Eight (8) North, Range Twenty‑one attempt to hold you personally liable Tax Key No.: 337‑0024‑0 authority of the Revised Judgment of State Bar No. 1094978 Foreclosure and Sale in the amount (21) East, in the City of Milwaukee, for the debt. Property Address: 2677 N. 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 of $583,393.45 (with interest, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. The above property is located 117TH STREET, WAUWATOSA, Brookfield, WI 53005 attorneys’ fees and costs to be Tax Key No. 143‑0138‑004 at: 1500 W Capitol Dr Milwaukee, WISCONSIN 53226 262‑790‑5719 added thereto) which was entered in Address: 8621 West Daphne WI 53206‑2934 Shannon K Cummings Dated this 14th day of May, 2018. the above‑captioned action on April Street, Milwaukee, WI 53224 11558550/6‑15‑22‑29 State Bar No. 1033710 /s Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt Attorney for Plaintiff 2, 2018 (and which was amended on THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Milwaukee County Sheriff 633 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite May 8, 2018) (the “Judgment”), the SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL Doc# 180882 BP Peterman Law Group LLC is 408 undersigned Sheriff of Milwaukee ENCUMBRANCES. Case No. 17‑CV‑012124 the creditor’s attorney and is Milwaukee, WI, 53203 County, Wisconsin, will sell the Mort­ TERMS OF SALE: STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT attempting to collect a debt on its Phone: 312‑541‑9710 gaged Premises described in the 1.At the time of sale: a downpay­ COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY behalf. Any information obtained will Mailing Address: Judgment at public auction as ment (CASH or CASHIER’s CHECK Planet Home Lending, LLC Plaintiff, be used for that purpose. 230 W. Monroe St., Suite 1125 follows: only) in an amount not less than vs. Shiretha L. Williams a/k/a The above property is located Chicago, Illinois, 60606 TIME: July 9, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. 10% of the successful bid; and Shiretha L. Caldwell, Donald Ray at: 9305 North Lake Drive, Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, TERMS: The Sheriff will accept as 2.No later than ten (10) days after Williams a/k/a Donald Williams Milwaukee, WI 53217 LLC. is the creditor’s attorney and is a deposit or down‑payment from a the Court confirms the sale: and United States of America 11562677/6‑15‑22‑29 attempting to collect a debt on its purchaser, other than the Plaintiff, of a.The balance due on the sale; Defendants. behalf. Any information obtained will an amount of at least 10% of the NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE b.The amount of the transfer fee PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by be used for that purpose. purchaser’s bid, which deposit or Case No: 12 CV 5069 due under Section 77.22, Wis. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure The above property is located at down‑payment shall be paid by cash, Docket No. 180852 Stats., if any; and entered on April 10, 2018 in the 2677 N. 117TH STREET, WAUWA­ certified check or cashier’s check at STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT c.The amount of the fee due amount of $100,075.49 the Sheriff TOSA, WISCONSIN 53226 the time of sale. The remainder of COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY under Section 59.43(2), Wis. Stats., will sell the described premises at 11566143/6‑15‑22‑29 the bid is to be paid in cash, certified Bank of America, N.A. Plaintiff vs to record the deed and any other public auction as follows: check or cashier’s check within ten DAVID M. HINTZKE, et al. document required for such TIME: July 16, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE (10) days of the date the sale is Defendant(s) recordation. TERMS: Pursuant to said Case No: 17‑CV‑013739 confirmed. Any purchaser other than PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by DATED at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, judgment, 10% of the successful bid Docket No: 180909 the Plaintiff is responsible for virtue of a judgment of foreclosure on June 5, 2018. must be paid to the sheriff at the sale STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT payment of any and all transfer entered on August 7, 2012 in the /s/ Richard R. Schmidt, Acting in cash, cashier’s check or certified COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY fees/taxes, which amount shall be amount of $153,234.47 the Sheriff Sheriff funds, payable to the Milwaukee WILLOW CREEK HOME OWNERS paid out of the bid amount. will sell the described premises at Sheriff of Milwaukee County, County Sheriff’s Dept. (personal ASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff, v. PLACE: Milwaukee County public auction as follows: Wisconsin checks cannot and will not be ESTATE OF STEVEN J. Sheriff’s Office Safety Building 821 TIME: July 9, 2018 at 10:30 AM Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. accepted). The balance of the BARTACZEWICZ, et al., West State Street, Room B‑12 TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff Attorneys for Plaintiff successful bid must be paid to the Defendants. Milwaukee, WI 53233 sale, prospective buyer is consenting Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. is a law clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 of to be bound by the following terms: firm / debt collector representing a check or certified funds no later than virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Certified Survey Map No. 8633, 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due creditor in the collection of a debt ten days after the court’s entered on May 16, 2018, in the recorded in the office of the Register within 10 days of confirmation of owed to said creditor. We are confirmation of the sale or else the amount of $8,994.00, the Sheriff will of Deeds for Milwaukee County, sale; failure to pay balance due will attempting to collect such debt and 10% down payment is forfeited to sell the described premises at public Wisconsin on October 29, 2014 as result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. any information obtained from this the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as auction as follows: Document No. 10407728, being all 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all communication will be used for that is’ and subject to all liens and DATE: July 9, 2018 of Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) purpose. encumbrances. TIME: 10:30 a.m. 623 and all of Lot 1 of Certified Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018 THE DAILY REPORTER WNAXLP | PAGE 11 B

following real estate and mortgaged will sell the described premises at NORTHWEST ONE‑QUARTER (1/4) premises directed by said Judgment public auction as follows: OF SECTION NINE (9), IN Sheriff’s Sales to be sold, to‑wit: TIME: July 9, 2018 at 10:30 AM TOWNSHIP SIX (6) NORTH, Legal description: That part of the TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff RANGE TWENTY‑TWO (22) EAST, Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Northeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township sale, prospective buyer is consenting IN THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ Docket No. 180727 6 North, Range 22 East, in the City to be bound by the following terms: COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE STATE tiff opens bidding on the property, Case No. 17CV013564 of Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due OF WISCONSIN. either in person or via fax and as Code No. 30404 State of Wisconsin, bounded and within 10 days of confirmation of Street Address: 110 East recited by the sheriff department in Foreclosure of Mortgage described as follows: sale; failure to pay balance due will Clarence Street, Milwaukee, WI the event that no opening bid is Dollar Amount Greater Than Commencing at a point which is result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 53207 offered, plaintiff retains the right to $10,000.00 101.0 feet West of the West line of 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all Tax Key No. 4990273000 request the sale be declared as STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT South 15th Place and 330.0 feet legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD invalid as the sale is fatally COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY South of the South line of West Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY defective. FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Arthur Avenue; thence West and Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the ASSOCIATION Granite Park VII parallel to the South line of West to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER Milwaukee County Safety Building Plaintiff, vs. PATRICIA E. Arthur Avenue, 101.0 feet to a point tiff opens bidding on the property, LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. located at 821 W State Street, LOFTON and UNKNOWN in the East line of South 16th Street; either in person or via fax and as TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASH­ Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 SPOUSE of Patricia E. Lofton and thence South along said East line, recited by the sheriff department in IER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED DESCRIPTION: LOTS 7 AND 8 AARON BUSHONG and LESLIE 45.0 feet to a point; thence East and the event that no opening bid is FUNDS (10% down payment at sale, IN BLOCK 2 IN AMANN`S SUBDIVI­ PAULSON a/k/a LES PAULSON parallel to the South line of West offered, plaintiff retains the right to balance due within ten (10) days of SION NO. 2 OF PART OF THE and HEATHERS PARK OWNERS Arthur Avenue, 101.0 feet to a point; request the sale be declared as Court approval; down payment to be NORTHEAST ¼ OF SECTION 1 IN ASSOCIATION, INC. Defendants. thence North and parallel to the East invalid as the sale is fatally forfeited if payment not received TOWNSHIP 6 NORTH, RANGE 21 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by line of South 16th Street, 45.0 feet to defective. timely). Buyer to pay applicable EAST, IN THE CITY OF virtue of a judgment of foreclosure the place of beginning. PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax MILWAUKEE, MILWAUKEE entered on April 6, 2018 in the (Tax Key No. 496‑9939‑2) Milwaukee County Safety Building in addition to the purchase price. COUNTY, WISCONSIN amount of $59,180.48 the Sheriff will Address of property: 2546 S. 16th located at 821 W State Street, DATED on 06/5/2018. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1649 sell the described premises at public St., Milwaukee, WI 53215 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 /s/ Richard R. Schmidt South 28th Street, Milwaukee, WI auction as follows: Terms of Sale: 10% down, in cash DESCRIPTION: That part of the Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, 53215 TIME: July 9, 2018 at 10:30 or certified funds, at sale; the Southwest 1/4 of Section 23, in Wisconsin TAX KEY NO.: 458‑0128‑100‑5 o’clock a.m. balance due within 10 days of confir­ Township 8 North, Range 21 East, in Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. Dated this 14th day of May, 2018. TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash or mation. SUCCESSFUL BIDDER the City of Milwaukee, County of Attorneys for Plaintiff /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt certified funds at the time of sale; SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR Milwaukee and State of Wisconsin, 50‑18‑00342 Milwaukee County Sheriff balance due within 10 days of confir­ APPLICABLE TRANSFER FEE. bounded and described as follows: The above property is located Hunter R. Felknor mation of sale; failure to pay balance Said real estate is sold as is and Commencing at a point in the West at: 110 East Clarence Street, line 534.10 feet South of the North BP Peterman Law Group LLC due will result in forfeit of deposit to subject to all liens and Milwaukee, WI 53207 line of said 1/4 Section; thence East State Bar No. 1094978 plaintiff. encumbrances. 11567518/6‑15‑22‑29 and parallel with the North line of 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all Dated: June 2, 2018 said 1/4 Section 331.79 feet to a NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Brookfield, WI 53005 legal liens and encumbrances. Richard R. Schmidt point; thence South 65.85 feet to a Case No. 17 CV 10832 262‑790‑5719 3. Buyer to pay applicable Milwaukee County Sheriff point; thence West 331.76 feet to a Docket No. 180963 BP Peterman Law Group LLC is Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax, STUPAR, SCHUSTER BARTELL, point; thence North 65.85 feet to the STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT the creditor’s attorney and is costs of recording and all costs of S.C. point of beginning, excepting the COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY attempting to collect a debt on its sale within 10 days of confirmation of By: Todd T. Nelson East 140.70 feet thereof; and further JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA behalf. Any information obtained will sheriff’s sale. Attorneys for Plaintiff excepting therefrom the West 45 feet Plaintiff Vs. NORA SHERIDAN, et be used for that purpose. 3. Buyer to pay applicable 633 West Wisconsin Avenue, #1800 for highway purposes. al. Defendants The above property is located Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax, Milwaukee, WI 53203 PROPERTY ADDRESS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by at: 1649 South 28th Street, costs of (414) 271‑8833 6708‑6710 North 60th Street, virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Milwaukee, WI 53215 recording and all costs of sale The above property is located Milwaukee, WI 53223 entered on December 4, 2017 in the 11562691/6‑15‑22‑29 within 10 days of confirmation of at: 2546 S. 16th St., Milwaukee, WI TAX KEY NO.: 139‑9943‑110‑5 amount of $161,171.79, the sheriff’s NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 53215 Dated this 14th day of May, 2018. Milwaukee County Sheriff will sell PLACE: Room B‑12 (Level G) of Case No: 18CV972 11566159/6‑15‑22‑29 /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt the premises described below at the Safety Building, located at 821 Case Code: 30404 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Milwaukee County Sheriff public auction as follows: West State Street, Milwaukee, DATE/TIME: July 9, 2018 at Docket: 180907 Case No. 2014CV000967 Hunter R. Felknor Wisconsin. 10:30 AM. Judge: William S. Pocan Docket: 180974 BP Peterman Law Group LLC DESCRIPTION: Unit No. C‑23 TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash, STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT State Bar No. 1094978 and so much of the undivided cashier’s check, money order, or COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 interest in the common areas and certified funds, at the time of sale; Old National Bank, Plaintiff, v. U.S. BANK NATIONAL Brookfield, WI 53005 facilities appurtenant to such unit in balance due within 10 days of confir­ Thomas L. Kloskey, Angela L. ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, v. 262‑790‑5719 the percentage specified and estab­ mation of sale; failure to pay balance Kloskey and City of Milwaukee, Victoria C. Mason; et al. Defendant(s).­ BP Peterman Law Group LLC is lished in the hereinafter‑mentioned due will result in forfeit of deposit to Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ the creditor’s attorney and is Declaration, in a Condominium plaintiff. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by sure made in the above‑entitled attempting to collect a debt on its commonly known as HEATHERS 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure action on August 8, 2014 in the behalf. Any information obtained will PARK CONDOMINIUM, created legal liens, encumbrances, and entered May 21, 2018, in the amount amount of $61,966.55, I will sell at be used for that purpose. under the Condominium Ownership payment of applicable transfer taxes of $89,371.50, the Milwaukee public auction in Room B‑12, Level The above property is located County Sheriff will sell the described Act of the State of Wisconsin by by purchaser. G, of the Safety Building, located at at: 6708‑6710 North 60th Street, property at public auction as follows: Declaration recorded on July 31, 3. Eligible bidders at foreclosure 821 W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee, WI 53223 DATE/TIME: July 9, 2018, at 1978 in the Office of the Register of sales must meet all of the 53233, on 11562685/6‑15‑22‑29 10:30 a.m. Deeds for Milwaukee County, qualifications required by Wisconsin July 9, 2018 DOCKET: 180907 Wisconsin in Reel 1133, Images NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Statute Section 846.155. At 10:30AM, all of the following PLACE: Safety Building, 821 West 1338 to 1356 inclusive, as Document Case No. 2012CV006819 PLACE: In Room B‑12 (Level G) described premises, to wit: State Street, Rm B‑12, Milwaukee, No. 5237155, and by the Docket: 180976 of the Milwaukee County Safety LOT 8, IN BLOCK 6, IN FIRST WI 53233 Amendments thereto. STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Building, 821 West State Street, CONTINUATION OF R. MACK’S TERMS: 10% of successful bid Note: Tax Key Number and COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 SUBDIVISION, BEING A PART OF must be paid to the Sheriff at sale in Address are shown for informational DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL PROPERTY LEGAL THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF cash or by certified check. Balance purposes only. TRUST COMPANY, as Trustee DESCRIPTION: Lot 26, Block 5, in SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, due within 10 days of court approval. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6244 for HOME EQUITY MORTGAGE Zingen & Braun’s Ruby Park, being a RANGE 21 EAST, IN THE CITY OF Purchaser is responsible for West Port Avenue, Unit C‑23, City of LOAN ASSET‑BACKED TRUST Subdivision of a part of the MILWAUKEE, COUNTY OF payment of all transfer taxes and Milwaukee Series INABS 2006‑E, HOME Northeast ¼ and Southeast ¼ of EQUITY MORTGAGE LOAN recording fees. Sale is AS IS in all TAX KEY NO.: 083‑0313‑5 MILWAUKEE, STATE OF Section 3, in Township 7 North, ASSET‑BACKED CERTIFICATES respects and subject to all liens and Richard R. Schmidt WISCONSIN. Range 21 East, in the City of Series INABS 2006‑E Plaintiff, v. encumbrances. If the sale is set Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Street Address: 4440 N 54th Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Maria Lou Sanchez; et al. Defend­ aside, the Purchaser may be entitled WI Street, Milwaukee, WI 53218 Wisconsin. ant(s). to only a return of the sale deposit O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Tax Key No. 227‑0345‑1 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4458 By virtue of a judgment of foreclo­ less any applicable fees and costs Attorneys for Plaintiff New Tax Key 2270345000 North 64th Street, Milwaukee, WI sure made in the above‑entitled and shall have no other recourse 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD 53218 action on December 11, 2012 in the against the Mortgagor, the Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) AS IS AND SUBJECT TO ANY TAX KEY NUMBER: 226‑0940‑9 amount of $123,128.68, I will sell at Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s 727‑1591 AND ALL REAL ESTATE TAXES, Dated this 15th day of June 2018. public auction in Room B‑12, Level attorney. O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is SUPERIOR LIENS OR OTHER Richard R. Schmidt, G, of the Safety Building, located at DESCRIPTION: The West 35 feet attempting to collect a debt and any LEGAL ENCUMBRANCES. Acting Milwaukee County Sheriff 821 W. State Street, Milwaukee, WI of the East 38 feet of Lot 6, Block information obtained will be used for TERMS OF SALE: CASH, CASH­ Cummisford, Acevedo & Associates, 53233, on 11, in Yates and Wolcott’s that purpose. IER’S CHECK or CERTIFIED LLC July 9, 2018 Subdivision, according to the If you have previously received a FUNDS (10% down payment at sale, Attorney for Plaintiff At 10:30AM, all of the following recorded map or plat thereof, in the Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, balance due within ten (10) days of Mark R. Cummisford, State Bar # described premises, to wit: City of Milwaukee, County of this correspondence should not be Court approval; down payment to be 1034906 THE WEST SEVEN (7) FEET OF Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin. construed as an attempt to collect a forfeited if payment not received 7071 South 13th Street, Suite #100 THE SOUTH ONE‑HALF (1/2) OF PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3239 W. debt. timely). Buyer to pay applicable Oak Creek, WI 53154 LOT TWENTY‑SIX (26) AND THE McKinley Blvd., Milwaukee, WI The above property is located Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax 414‑761‑1700 WEST SEVEN (7) FEET OF LOTS 53208 at: 6244 West Port Avenue, Unit in addition to the purchase price. Cummisford, Acevedo & TWENTY‑SEVEN (27) AND TWEN­ The common address is for C‑23, City of Milwaukee DATED on 06/4/2018. Associates, LLC is the creditor’s TY‑EIGHT (28), ALL IN BLOCK reference purposes only. 11558562/6‑15‑22‑29 /s/ Richard R. Schmidt attorney and is attempting to collect FOUR (4), IN DR.E. CHASE’S Eckberg Lammers is attempting Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, a debt on its behalf. Any information NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE SUBDIVISION IN THE to collect a debt on our client’s Wisconsin obtained will be used for that FORECLOSURE SALE NORTHWEST ONE‑QUARTER (1/4) behalf and any information we Codilis, Moody & Circelli, P.C. purpose. Case No. 17‑CV‑6771 OF SECTION NINE (9), IN obtain will be used for that Attorneys for Plaintiff The above property is located Branch No. 13 TOWNSHIP SIX (6) NORTH, purpose. If you are currently in 50‑17‑02227 at: 4458 North 64th Street, Foreclosure of mortgage/30404 RANGE TWENTY‑TWO (22) EAST, bankruptcy or have been The above property is located Milwaukee, WI 53218 Docket No. 180911 IN THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, discharged in bankruptcy, this is at: 4440 N 54th Street, Milwaukee, 11566161/6‑15‑22‑29 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE, STATE not an attempt to collect the debt WI 53218 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY OF WISCONSIN, ALSO THE EAST NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE from you personally. 11567520/6‑15‑22‑29 NORTH SHORE BANK, FSB, TWENTY (20) FEET OF GREELEY Case No: 16‑CV‑007743 Richard R. Schmidt, Plaintiff, vs. JOSE LOPEZ, et al., NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE STREET VACATED IN FRONT OF Docket No: 180908 Milwaukee County Sheriff Defendants. Case No: 17 CV 2776 ABOVE DESCRIBED LOTS AND STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Eckberg Lammers, P.C. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, by Docket No. 180851 PART OF LOT SAID TWENTY (20) COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Nicholas J. Vivian (#1047165) virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT FEET BEING THE EAST LANDMARK CREDIT UNION, as Attorneys for Plaintiff entered in the above‑entitled action COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY ONE‑HALF (1/2) OF GREELEY Servicer for FEDERAL HOME 430 Second Street on December 18, 2017, in the CIT Bank, N.A. Plaintiff vs ESTATE STREET, VACATED IN FRONT OF LOAN MORTGAGE Hudson, WI 54016 amount of $102,243.44, the under­ OF ELIZABETH ANN NEAULT, et THE SOUTH ONE‑HALF (1/2) OF CORPORATION, Plaintiff, v. (715) 386‑3733 signed Sheriff will sell at public al. Defendant(s) LOT TWENTY‑SIX (26) AND ALL ROBERT G. SITZBERGER, et al., The above property is located auction in Room B‑12 (Level G) of PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by OF LOTS TWENTY‑SEVEN (27) Defendants. at: 3239 W. McKinley Blvd., the Safety Building, 821 West State virtue of a judgment of foreclosure AND TWENTY‑EIGHT (28) IN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Milwaukee, WI 53208. Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on entered on August 2, 2017 in the BLOCK FOUR (4) IN DR.E. virtue of a judgment of foreclosure 11566156/6‑15‑22‑29 July 09, 2018, at 10:30 a.m., the amount of $154,788.71 the Sheriff CHASE’S SUBDIVISION IN THE entered on March 10, 2017, in the PAGE 12 B | WNAXLP THE DAILY REPORTER FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

to be bound by the following terms: TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff entered in the above‑entitled action 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due sale, prospective buyer is consenting on June 13, 2017, in the amount of Sheriff’s Sales within 10 days of confirmation of to be bound by the following terms: $156,913.97, the undersigned Sheriff sale; failure to pay balance due will 1.) 10% down in cash; balance due will sell at public auction in Room amount of $44,519.30, the Sheriff as of February 5, 2018, and as to the result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. within 10 days of confirmation of B‑12 (Level G) of the Safety will sell the described premises at second claim for relief in the amount 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all sale; failure to pay balance due will Building, 821 West State Street, public auction as follows: of $527,478.60 as of February 5, legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 09, DATE: July 9, 2018 2018, I will sell at public auction in Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin 2.) Sold “as is” and subject to all 2018, at 10:30 a.m., the following TIME: 10:30 a.m. Room B12 (Level G), of the Safety Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition legal liens and encumbrances. 3.) real estate and mortgaged premises PLACE: Milwaukee Co. Safety Building, 821 West State Street, to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin directed by said Judgment to be Building, Room B‑12 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233, on tiff opens bidding on the property, Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition sold, to‑wit: 821 W. State St., Milwaukee, July 9, 2018 at 10:30 a.m., all of the either in person or via fax and as to the proceeds of the sale. 4.) Plain­ Legal description: Lot 21 in Block Wisconsin following described premises, to wit: recited by the sheriff department in tiff opens bidding on the property, 2, in Sunnyside Slope, a Subdivision TERMS: Pursuant to said Lot 1 of Certified Survey Map No. the event that no opening bid is either in person or via fax and as of a part of the Northwest 1/4 of judgment, 10% of the successful bid 7668, recorded on November 7, offered, plaintiff retains the right to recited by the sheriff department in Section 11, Township 7 North, must be paid to the sheriff at the sale 2005, as Document No. 9126318, request the sale be declared as the event that no opening bid is Range 21 East, in the City of in cash, cashier’s check or certified being a redivision of Parcel 1 of invalid as the sale is fatally offered, plaintiff retains the right to Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, funds, payable to Milwaukee County Certified Survey Map No. 3207 and defective. request the sale be declared as Wisconsin. Sheriff’s Dept. (personal checks lands in the Southeast 1/4 of the PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the invalid as the sale is fatally (Tax Key No. 266‑0739‑1) cannot and will not be accepted). Northwest 1/4 of Section 30, Town 5 Milwaukee County Safety Building defective. Address of property: 3922 North North, Range 22 East, in the City of The balance of the successful bid located at 821 W State Street, PLACE: in Room B‑12 of the 52nd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53216 Oak Creek, Milwaukee County, must be paid to the Clerk of Courts Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Milwaukee County Safety Building Terms of Sale: 10% down, in cash Wisconsin. in cash, cashier’s check or certified DESCRIPTION: Lot numbered 8, located at 821 W State Street, or certified funds, at sale; the Address: 2025 W. Southbranch funds no later than ten (10) days Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 balance due within 10 days of confir­ Boulevard, Oak Creek, WI 53154 in Block numbered 2, in Opportunity after the court’s confirmation of the Addition, being a subdivision of a DESCRIPTION: Lot 180 in Hidden mation. SUCCESSFUL BIDDER Tax Key No. 903‑9034‑000 Lakes Addition No. 3, being a Subdi­ SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR sale or else the 10% down payment THE PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD part of Lot numbered 1, in is forfeited to the plaintiff. The subdivision “B”, in the Southwest 1/4 vision of a part of the Northeast 1/4, APPLICABLE TRANSFER FEE. SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL ENCUM­ Southeast 1/4, Northwest 1/4, and Said real estate is sold as is and property is sold “as is” and subject to BRANCES. of the Northeast 1/4 of Section all real estate taxes, liens and numbered 7, in Township numbered Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 subject to all liens and TERMS OF SALE: 10% down of Section 1, in Township 5 North, encumbrances. encumbrances. (cash, certified check or cashier’s 7 North, Range numbered 22 East, Range 21 East, and a replat of Lot Dated: June 2, 2018 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot check down payment at sale, in the City of Milwaukee, County of 114 of Hidden Lakes Addition No. 2, Richard R. Schmidt 27, in Block 1, in Wauwatosa Manor, balance due within ten (10) days of Milwaukee, and State of Wisconsin in the City of Franklin, Milwaukee Milwaukee County Sheriff being a Subdivision of a part of the Court approval). PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3540 County, Wisconsin. STUPAR, SCHUSTER BARTELL, Northeast ¼ of Section 9, in BUYER TO PAY ALL North 19th Street, Milwaukee, WI PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3801 S.C. Township 7 North, Range 21 East, in APPLICABLE WISCONSIN REAL 53206 West Cypress Lane, Franklin, WI By: Todd T. Nelson the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee ESTATE TRANSFER TAX TAX KEY NO.: 271‑1416‑300 53132 Attorneys for Plaintiff County, Wisconsin. DATED at Milwaukee County, Hunter R. Felknor TAX KEY NO.: 739‑0232‑000 633 West Wisconsin Avenue, #1800 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3634 N. Wisconsin on this 15th day of June, BP Peterman Law Group LLC Dated this 14th day of May, 2018. Milwaukee, WI 53203 77th St., Milwaukee, WI 53222 2018. State Bar No. 1094978 /s/ Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt (414) 271‑8833 Dated: June 15, 2018 Richard R. Schmidt, 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Milwaukee County Sheriff The above property is located Richard R. Schmidt, Sheriff Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Brookfield, WI 53005 Hunter R. Felknor at: 3922 North 52nd Street, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Wisconsin 262‑790‑5719 BP Peterman Law Group LLC Milwaukee, WI 53216 Mark C. Darnieder Document drafted by: Dated this 14th day of May, 2018. Attorney for Plaintiff Husch Blackwell LLP State Bar No. 1094978 11566153/6‑15‑22‑29 /s Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt 165 Bishops Way, Suite 100 Darnieder & Sosnay 555 East Wells Street, Suite 1900 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Milwaukee County Sheriff Brookfield, WI 53005 735 N. Water St., Suite 205 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Docket No. 180903 BP Peterman Law Group LLC is 262‑790‑5719 Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 273‑2100 Case Number: 17CV786 the creditor’s attorney and is BP Peterman Law Group LLC is The above property is located Attorneys for Plaintiff STATE OF WISCONSIN: CIRCUIT attempting to collect a debt on its the creditor’s attorney and is at: 3634 N. 77th St., Milwaukee, WI The above property is located at COURT: MILWAUKEE COUNTY behalf. Any information obtained will attempting to collect a debt on its 53222 2025 W. Southbranch Boulevard, Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, be used for that purpose. behalf. Any information obtained will 11566188/6‑15‑22‑29 Oak Creek, WI 53154 Plaintiff, vs. Dawn M. Murphy, The above property is located be used for that purpose. 11566160/2‑30/6‑15‑22‑29 Defendants. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE at: 3540 North 19th Street, The above property is located NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Case No. 17CV11716 Milwaukee, WI 53206 at: 3801 West Cypress Lane, Case No: 15 CV 330 virtue of a judgment of foreclosure Docket No. 180899 11562681/6‑15‑22‑29 Franklin, WI 53132 STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Docket No. 180849 entered on September 18, 2017, in NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE 11562680/6‑15‑22‑29 COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT the amount of $46,629.43, the FIRST MIDWEST BANK, Plaintiff, v. COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Case No: 17 CV 5859 NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE Sheriff will sell the described TRIWIRE, LLC F/K/A 2025 W Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Docket No. 180853 FORECLOSURE SALE premises at public auction as SOUTHBRANCH BLVD, LLC, Champion Mortgage Plaintiff vs STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Case No. 16‑CV‑9588 follows: Defendant. UNITED STATES OF ESTATE OF HENRIETTA TYLER, COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY Branch No. 20 ORIGINAL TIME: July 2, 2018 at AMERICA, GRUNAU COMPANY, et al. Defendant(s) PennyMac Loan Services, LLC Foreclosure of mortgage/30404 10:30AM INC. Additional Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by Plaintiff vs MELANIE L. WEEKS, Honorable Ellen R. Brostrom TERMS: 1. 10% of the successful By virtue of and pursuant to a virtue of a judgment of foreclosure et al. Defendant(s) Docket No. 180910 bid is due at the time of sale. Stipulated Order for Judgment entered on October 8, 2015 in the PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Payment must be in cash, certified entered in the above‑entitled action amount of $121,208.89 the Sheriff virtue of a judgment of foreclosure COURT MILWAUKEE COUNTY check, or cashier’s check. The on March 12, 2018 and Judgment will sell the described premises at entered on March 22, 2018 in the ASSOCIATED BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, balance of the successful bid must entered in the above‑entitled action public auction as follows: amount of $324,019.05 the Sheriff vs. RICHARD WILLIS, JR. a/k/a be paid to the Clerk of Courts in on March 20, 2018, granting TIME: July 9, 2018 at 10:30 AM will sell the described premises at RICHARDWILLIS, et al., Defendants.­ cash, cashier’s check or certified judgment as to the first claim for TERMS: By bidding at the sheriff public auction as follows: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, by funds not later than ten days after relief in the amount of $992,879.51 sale, prospective buyer is consenting TIME: July 9, 2018 at 10:30 AM virtue of a Judgment of Foreclosure the court’s confirmation of the sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit to Plaintiff. 2. The property is sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encum­ brances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition to the purchase price. PLACE: in the Safety Building Room B‑12, 821 West State Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Property description: Part of the West 50 Acres of the North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 25, in Township 8 North, Range 21 East, in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point 777 feet East of the West line and 250 feet North of the South line of said 50 acre tract; running thence East 127 feet to a point; running thence North 50 feet to a point; running thence West 127 feet to a point; running thence South 50 feet to the place of beginning. Also known as Lot 18, in Block 3, in the unrecorded plat of Gehl Park. Tax Key No: 171‑9677‑3 Property Address: 5832 North 41st Street, Milwaukee, WI 53209 Randall S. Miller & Associates, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 120 North LaSalle Street Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60602 (414) 937‑5992 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. The above property is located at: 5832 North 41st Street, Milwaukee, WI 53209 11566181/6‑15‑22‑29