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Page 1480 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 1113 (Pub § 1113 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION Page 1480 (Pub. L. 88–363, § 13, July 7, 1964, 78 Stat. 301.) ment of expenses or salaries for the administra- tion of the National Wilderness Preservation § 1113. Authorization of appropriations System as a separate unit nor shall any appro- There are hereby authorized to be appro- priations be available for additional personnel priated to the Department of the Interior with- stated as being required solely for the purpose of out fiscal year limitation such sums as may be managing or administering areas solely because necessary for the purposes of this chapter and they are included within the National Wilder- the agreement with the Government of Canada ness Preservation System. signed January 22, 1964, article 11 of which pro- (c) ‘‘Wilderness’’ defined vides that the Governments of the United States A wilderness, in contrast with those areas and Canada shall share equally the costs of de- where man and his own works dominate the veloping and the annual cost of operating and landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where maintaining the Roosevelt Campobello Inter- the earth and its community of life are un- national Park. trammeled by man, where man himself is a visi- (Pub. L. 88–363, § 14, July 7, 1964, 78 Stat. 301.) tor who does not remain. An area of wilderness is further defined to mean in this chapter an CHAPTER 23—NATIONAL WILDERNESS area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its PRESERVATION SYSTEM primeval character and influence, without per- manent improvements or human habitation, Sec. which is protected and managed so as to pre- 1131. National Wilderness Preservation System. 1132. Extent of System. serve its natural conditions and which (1) gener- 1133. Use of wilderness areas. ally appears to have been affected primarily by 1134. State and private lands within wilderness the forces of nature, with the imprint of man’s areas. work substantially unnoticeable; (2) has out- 1135. Gifts, bequests, and contributions. standing opportunities for solitude or a primi- 1136. Annual reports to Congress. tive and unconfined type of recreation; (3) has at least five thousand acres of land or is of suffi- § 1131. National Wilderness Preservation System cient size as to make practicable its preserva- (a) Establishment; Congressional declaration of tion and use in an unimpaired condition; and (4) policy; wilderness areas; administration for may also contain ecological, geological, or other public use and enjoyment, protection, preser- features of scientific, educational, scenic, or his- vation, and gathering and dissemination of torical value. information; provisions for designation as (Pub. L. 88–577, § 2, Sept. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 890.) wilderness areas SHORT TITLE In order to assure that an increasing popu- lation, accompanied by expanding settlement Pub. L. 88–577, § 1, Sept. 3, 1964, 78 Stat. 890, provided and growing mechanization, does not occupy that: ‘‘This Act [enacting this chapter] may be cited as the ‘Wilderness Act’.’’ and modify all areas within the United States and its possessions, leaving no lands designated § 1132. Extent of System for preservation and protection in their natural (a) Designation of wilderness areas; filing of condition, it is hereby declared to be the policy maps and descriptions with Congressional of the Congress to secure for the American peo- committees; correction of errors; public ple of present and future generations the bene- records; availability of records in regional of- fits of an enduring resource of wilderness. For fices this purpose there is hereby established a Na- tional Wilderness Preservation System to be All areas within the national forests classified composed of federally owned areas designated by at least 30 days before September 3, 1964 by the Congress as ‘‘wilderness areas’’, and these shall Secretary of Agriculture or the Chief of the For- be administered for the use and enjoyment of est Service as ‘‘wilderness’’, ‘‘wild’’, or ‘‘canoe’’ the American people in such manner as will are hereby designated as wilderness areas. The leave them unimpaired for future use and enjoy- Secretary of Agriculture shall— ment as wilderness, and so as to provide for the (1) Within one year after September 3, 1964, protection of these areas, the preservation of file a map and legal description of each wilder- their wilderness character, and for the gathering ness area with the Interior and Insular Affairs and dissemination of information regarding Committees of the United States Senate and their use and enjoyment as wilderness; and no the House of Representatives, and such de- Federal lands shall be designated as ‘‘wilderness scriptions shall have the same force and effect areas’’ except as provided for in this chapter or as if included in this chapter: Provided, how- by a subsequent Act. ever, That correction of clerical and typo- graphical errors in such legal descriptions and (b) Management of area included in System; ap- maps may be made. propriations (2) Maintain, available to the public, records The inclusion of an area in the National Wil- pertaining to said wilderness areas, including derness Preservation System notwithstanding, maps and legal descriptions, copies of regula- the area shall continue to be managed by the tions governing them, copies of public notices Department and agency having jurisdiction of, and reports submitted to Congress regard- thereover immediately before its inclusion in ing pending additions, eliminations, or modi- the National Wilderness Preservation System fications. Maps, legal descriptions, and regula- unless otherwise provided by Act of Congress. tions pertaining to wilderness areas within No appropriation shall be available for the pay- their respective jurisdictions also shall be Page 1481 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 1132 available to the public in the offices of re- other units of the national park system and gional foresters, national forest supervisors, every such area of, and every roadless island and forest rangers. within the national wildlife refuges and game (b) Review by Secretary of Agriculture of classi- ranges, under his jurisdiction on September 3, fications as primitive areas; Presidential rec- 1964 and shall report to the President his recom- ommendations to Congress; approval of Con- mendation as to the suitability or nonsuit- gress; size of primitive areas; Gore Range-Ea- ability of each such area or island for preserva- gles Nest Primitive Area, Colorado tion as wilderness. The President shall advise The Secretary of Agriculture shall, within ten the President of the Senate and the Speaker of years after September 3, 1964, review, as to its the House of Representatives of his recom- suitability or nonsuitability for preservation as mendation with respect to the designation as wilderness, each area in the national forests wilderness of each such area or island on which classified on September 3, 1964 by the Secretary review has been completed, together with a map of Agriculture or the Chief of the Forest Service thereof and a definition of its boundaries. Such as ‘‘primitive’’ and report his findings to the advice shall be given with respect to not less President. The President shall advise the United than one-third of the areas and islands to be re- States Senate and House of Representatives of viewed under this subsection within three years his recommendations with respect to the des- after September 3, 1964, not less than two-thirds ignation as ‘‘wilderness’’ or other reclassifica- within seven years of September 3, 1964 and the tion of each area on which review has been com- remainder within ten years of September 3, 1964. pleted, together with maps and a definition of A recommendation of the President for designa- boundaries. Such advice shall be given with re- tion as wilderness shall become effective only if spect to not less than one-third of all the areas so provided by an Act of Congress. Nothing con- now classified as ‘‘primitive’’ within three years tained herein shall, by implication or otherwise, after September 3, 1964, not less than two-thirds be construed to lessen the present statutory au- within seven years after September 3, 1964, and thority of the Secretary of the Interior with re- the remaining areas within ten years after Sep- spect to the maintenance of roadless areas with- tember 3, 1964. Each recommendation of the in units of the national park system. President for designation as ‘‘wilderness’’ shall (d) Conditions precedent to administrative rec- become effective only if so provided by an Act of ommendations of suitability of areas for Congress. Areas classified as ‘‘primitive’’ on preservation as wilderness; publication in September 3, 1964 shall continue to be adminis- Federal Register; public hearings; views of tered under the rules and regulations affecting State, county, and Federal officials; submis- such areas on September 3, 1964 until Congress sion of views to Congress has determined otherwise. Any such area may be (1) The Secretary of Agriculture and the Sec- increased in size by the President at the time he retary of the Interior shall, prior to submitting submits his recommendations to the Congress any recommendations to the President with re- by not more than five thousand acres with no spect to the suitability of any area for preserva- more than one thousand two hundred and eighty tion as wilderness— acres of such increase in any one compact unit; (A) give such public notice of the proposed if it is proposed to increase the size of any such action as they deem appropriate, including area by more than five thousand acres or by publication in the Federal Register and in a more than one thousand two hundred and eighty newspaper having general circulation in the acres in any one compact unit the increase in area or areas in the vicinity of the affected size shall not become effective until acted upon land; by Congress. Nothing herein contained shall (B) hold a public hearing or hearings at a lo- limit the President in proposing, as part of his cation or locations convenient to the area af- recommendations to Congress, the alteration of fected.
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