Chief Executive’s Office Please ask for: Mrs D Scambler Direct Dial: (01257) 515034 E-mail address: [email protected] Date: 9 June 2006 Town Hall Chief Executive: Donna Hall Market Street Chorley PR7 1DP

Dear Councillor


You are invited to attend a meeting of the Development Control Committee is to be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Chorley on Tuesday, 20th June 2006 at 6.30 pm .


1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Any Interests

Members of the Committee are reminded of their responsibility to declare any personal interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct. If the personal interest is a prejudicial interest, then the individual Member should not participate in a discussion on the matter and must withdraw from the Council Chamber and not seek to influence a decision on the matter.

3. Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 23rd May 2006 of Development Control Committee (Pages 1 - 18)

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Development Control Committee held on 23 May 2006 (enclosed).

4. Planning Appeals and Decisions - Notification (Pages 19 - 22)

5. Householder Design Guidance - Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Pages 23 - 26)

Report of Director of Development and Regeneration (enclosed)

6. Planning Applications Awaiting Decision (Pages 27 - 28)

(a) A1:06/00423/FULMAJ - 1 & 3, Southport Road, Chorley (Pages 29 - 36)


 (01257) 515151 Fax (01257) 515150 (b) A2:06/00494/FULMAJ - Vale Works, Star Lane, Horwich, Bolton (Pages 37 - 44)

(c) A3:06/00499/FULMAJ - Healey View Care Home, Botany Brow, Chorley (Pages 45 - 52)

(d) B1:06/00216/FUL - Land 100m South East Off Back House Farm, Hall Lane, Mawdesley (Pages 53 - 64)

(e) B2:06/00385/FUL - 89, Highways Avenue, Euxton, Chorley (Pages 65 - 68)

(f) B3: 06/00469/FUL - 57, Lancaster Lane, Clayton-Le-Woods (Pages 69 - 74)

(g) B4:06/00547/FUL - 77 Water Street, Chorley (Pages 75 - 82)

(h) B5:06/00563/FUL - Land to rear of 243, Chapel Lane, Coppull, Chorley (Pages 83 - 90)

7. A Report of the Director of Development and Regeneration on selected cases determined following consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee (Pages 91 - 92)

(a) D1: 06/00400/FUL (Pages 93 - 98)

(b) D2: 06/00405/FUL (Pages 99 - 104)

(c) D3:06/00420/FUL (Pages 105 - 108)

(d) D4:06/00465/TPO (Pages 109 - 114)

(e) D5:06/00484/FUL (Pages 115 - 120)

(f) D6:06/00508.FUL (Pages 121 - 126)

(g) D7:06/00532/FUL (Pages 127 - 132)

(h) D8:06/00566/TEL (Pages 133 - 138)

(i) D9:06/00577/FUL (Pages 139 - 146)

8. A List of Planning Applications Determined by the Chief Officer under Delegated Powers between 8 May 2006 to 2 June 2006 (Pages 147 - 166)

9. Enforcement Report - 57, Lancaster Lane, Clayton-Le-Woods (Pages 167 - 170)

10. Enforcement Report - 89, Highways Avebue, Euxton (Pages 171 - 176)

11. Any other item(s) that the Chair decides is/are urgent

Yours sincerely


Chief Executive



1. Agenda and reports to all members of the Development Control Committee, (Councillor Harold Heaton (Chair), Councillor David Dickinson (Vice-Chair) and Councillors Kenneth Ball, Thomas Bedford, Eric Bell, Francis Culshaw, Alan Cain, Henry Caunce, Dennis Edgerley, Daniel Gee, Roy Lees, Adrian Lowe, Miss June Molyneaux, Geoffrey Russell, Shaun Smith, Ralph Snape and Christopher Snow) for attendance. 2. Agenda and reports to Jane Meek (Director of Development and Regeneration), Brown (Senior Solicitor), Wendy Gudger (Development Control Manager) and Dianne Scambler (Trainee Democratic Services Officer) for attendance.

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3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 1 Agenda Item 3

Development Control Committee

Tuesday, 23 May 2006

Present: Councillor Harold Heaton (Chair), Councillor David Dickinson (Vice-Chair), Councillors Thomas Bedford, Eric Bell, Francis Culshaw, Alan Cain, Henry Caunce, Dennis Edgerley, Roy Lees, Adrian Lowe, Miss June Molyneaux, Geoffrey Russell, Shaun Smith, Ralph Snape and Christopher Snow

Officers : Jane Meek (Director of Development and Regeneration), Rosaleen Brown (Senior Solicitor), Wendy Gudger (Development Control Manager), Nicola Bisset (Planning Officer) and Dianne Scambler (Trainee Democratic Services Officer)


Apologies for absence were received by Councillors K Ball and D Gee.


In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct, the following Members declared an interest in relation to the Planning Applications listed below, which were included on the meetings agenda for determination.

Councillor H Heaton – Item 6a, B1: Planning Application 05/00688/FUL

Councillor D Dickinson – Item 6d, B4: Planning Application 06/00205/FUL


The Chair on behalf of the Committee requested that a letter of thanks be sent to all former Members of the Development Control Committee, who had not been re-elected on 4 May 2006. A particular mention was made to the valuable contributions made to the Committee by Ex-Councillors A Whittaker and T Gray over the years. They had both been valued Members of this Committee and the Chair wished them well for the future.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the Development Control Committee held on 25 April 2006 to be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Development and Regeneration giving notification of the lodging of one appeal that had been lodged against the refusal of planning permission, two appeals that had been dismissed and one appeal that had been allowed by Lancashire County Council.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 1 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 2 Agenda Item 3


The Head of Customer, Democratic and Office Support Services and the Director of Development and Regeneration submitted a joint report to Members to seek the Development Control Committee’s comments on the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s proposals to recommend the introduction of procedures to allow members of the public to address the Development Control Committee.

The Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee was requested in February 2005 to conduct a scrutiny inquiry into public partcipation in the Council’s decision making process.

The principal objective of the inquiry was to identify the means whereby the Council could introduce Area Forums/Committees and public speaking at the various Council meetings to enable effective engagement with the local community in the Council’s political decision making process.

The Panel had formed two Sub-Groups to examine the two distinct elements of the enquiry (ie Area Forums/Committees Sub-Group and Public Speaking/Questions Sub- Group). The Public Speaking/Questions Sub-Group has attended and observed a number of neighbouring Lancashire Districts’ full Council Meetings as part of its evidence gathering process. In addition, Members of the Sub-Group had attended meetings of Ribble Valley, Hyndburn and West Lancashire Council’s Planning Committees.

The results of a questionnaire sent to all Lancashire District Councils, and the two Unitary Authorities of with Darwen and Blackpool Borough Councils, has revealed that each of the Authorities allow some form of public participation in one or more of their Member meetings.

The Panel considered that, if the Council was to improve its engagement with the public and enhance service provision, it must allow an opportunity for members of the public to express their views and, in some instances, ask questions at specific meetings.

RESOLVED 1. That the Development Control Committee supports the proposals of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel set out in paragraph 10 of the report for the introduction of public speaking at meetings of the Development Control Committee, subject to the preparation and implementation of appropriate Procedure Rules to regulate the public participation in the meetings. 2. That the Development Control Committee support the proposals of the Panel for a review of the current accommodation in the Town Hall to be undertaken to allow the presentation of planning applications and public speaking at meetings of the Development Control Committee.


The Director of Development and Regeneration submitted reports on a number of planning applications to be determined by the Committee.

RESOLVED – That the planning applications, as now submitted be determined in accordance with the Committee’s decisions as recorded below.

(a) B. 1:05/00688/FUL - Charnock Richard Football Club

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 2 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 3 Agenda Item 3

(Councillor H Heaton declared an interest in the following application and left the meeting during the discussion and voting on the proposal).

Application No: 05/00688/FUL Proposal: Erection of changing facilities, spectator stands and fence to enclose existing football pitch. Location: Charnock Richard Football Club, Land To West Of Charter Lane, Charnock Richard. Decision: It was proposed by Councillor Edgerley, seconded by Councillor R Lees, to defer the decision to allow the Site Inspection Sub-Committee to visit the site of the proposed development. Upon being put to the vote the motion was lost (5:7)

It was further proposed by Councillor Snow, seconded by Councillor Culshaw and subsequently RESOLVED (8:2) to grant full planning permission subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Title: 1 July 2005 Technical area and pitch perimeter fence 1 July 2005 Spectator shelter 1 July 2005 Spectator shelter plans and elevations 1 July 2005 Spectator shelter detail 1 July 2005 Existing football ground plan 1 July 2005 Location plan 2 March 2006 Proposed football ground plan 13 March 2006 Dressing room facilities detail (elevations) 2 March 2006 Dressing room facilities detail (floor plan) Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

3. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the position, height and appearance of the proposed boundary fence, gates and turnstiles (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plan(s)) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No building shall be occupied or land used pursuant to this permission before all walls and fences have been erected in accordance with the approved details. Fences and walls shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details at all times. Reason: To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development, to protect the amenities of occupiers of nearby property and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and DC1 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may have previously been submitted. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted,

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 3 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 4 Agenda Item 3

their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on the previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. That part of the access extending from the kerb line/edge of carriageway for a minimum distance of 10 metres into the site shall be paved in permanent construction, in accordance with details to be first approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted. Reason: To prevent loose surface material from being carried into the public highway thus causing a potential source of danger to other road users and in accordance with Policy No.TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1985, or any Order revoking or re-enacting the Order, there shall not at any time in connection with the development hereby permitted, be erected or planted, or allowed to remain, upon the land hereinafter defined, any building, wall, fence, hedge, tree, shrub or another device which will obstruct the view above a plane 1 metre above the crown level of the adjoining highway. The land affected by this condition shall be: that part of the site in front of a line drawn from a point 2.4metres measured along the centre line of the approved car park access from the carriageway of Charter Lane to points measures 90metres in each direction along the nearer edge of the carriageway of Charter Lane from the intersection of the centre line of the approved car park access. Reason: To ensure adequate visibility, in the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policy No. TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

9. No system of external illumination shall be installed at the premises hereby approved. Reason: To define the permission and the interests of the visual amenities and character of the area and to safeguard the amenities of local residents in accordance with Policy Nos. DC1 and EP21A of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

(b) B. 2:06/00163/COU - Holland Fold Farm, Long Lane, Heath Charnock DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 4 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 5 Agenda Item 3

Application No: 06/00163/COU Proposal: Change of use and alterations to Farmhouse and Barn to form extension to existing Farmhouse. Location: Holland Fold Farm, Long Lane, Heath Charnock, Chorley It was proposed by Councillor E Bell, seconded by Councillor S Smith, and subsequently RESOLVED (11:1) to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the amended plan(s), received on Reason: To define the permission and ensure a satisfactory form of development.

3. The permission hereby granted does not imply or grant consent for the demolition and rebuilding of any external walls of the building to be converted, except as may be delineated on the approved plans or specifically approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the works of conversion are first commenced. Reason : To define the permission and to prevent inappropriate rebuilding or new build within an area subject to policies of development restrain and in accordance with Policy Nos. DC7A, DC7B, HT2 and HT7 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. Before the development commences, full details of the treatment of all the proposed windows and doors shall have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted details shall include the proposed method of construction, the materials to be used, fixing details (including cross sections) and their external finish including any surrounds, cills or lintels. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. Before the development commences, full details of the proposed rainwater goods, including the eaves detail, to be used on the building shall have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. No works shall take place until the applicant, or their agent or successors in title, have secured the implementation of a programme of building recording and analysis. This must be carried out by a professionally qualified archaeological/building recording consultant or organisation in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which shall first have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Upon completion of the programme of building recording and analysis it shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Reason : To ensure and safeguard the recording and inspection of matters of archaeological/historic importance associated with the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT6 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. Before work commences, full details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in relation to the type of mortar to be

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used on the building. The required details shall include the ratio of the materials to be used in the mortar, its colour and the proposed finished profile of the pointing. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building and in accordance with Policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the type, coursing and jointing of the natural stone to be used in the construction of the external faces of the building(s) (notwithstanding any detail shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5, DC8A, DC8B, HT2, HT3, HT7, HS4, HS9, EM3, EM4A and EM5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

9. Before development commences details of a scheme for painting/powder coating the proposed flue shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme as approved shall be implemented in full and retained thereafter. Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the listed building and in accordance with policy HT2 of the Adopted charley borough Local Plan Review

10. Before development commences full details of natural stone roofing material to be used on the proposed porch shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full and retained thereafter. Reason. In the interests of the appearance of the listed building and in accordance with policy HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

11. Before development commences full details of the re-slating of the roof shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include a methodology for removing the existing slates and their re- use and the method of fixing. Where re-use of slates is shown not to be practical full details of replacement slates including the submission of a natural slate sample to match as far as possible in size, form and colour shall provided. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full. Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

12. Before development commences full details including the method of the proposed floor construction shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full. Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

13. Before development commences full details of the method of damp proofing of the barn shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full. Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

(c) B. 3:06/00164/LBC - Holland Fold Farm, Long Lane, Heath Charnock

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 6 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 7 Agenda Item 3

Application No: 06/00164/LBC Proposal: Change of use of former barn together with alterations to facilitate extension to existing farmhouse. Location: Holland Fold Farm, Long Lane, Heath Charnock, Chorley Decision: It was proposed by Councillor E Bell, seconded by Councillor S Smith and subsequently RESOLVED (11:1) to grant the listed building consent subject to the following conditions: 1. The Development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved plans, except as may otherwise be specifically required by any other condition of this permission or unless otherwise first agreed to in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

2. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

3. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the amended plan(s), received on Reason: To define the permission and ensure a satisfactory form of development.

4. The permission hereby granted does not imply or grant consent for the demolition and rebuilding of any external walls of the building to be converted, except as may be delineated on the approved plans or specifically approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the works of conversion are first commenced. Reason : To define the permission and to prevent inappropriate rebuilding or new build within an area subject to policies of development restrain and in accordance with Policy Nos. DC7A, DC7B, HT2 and HT7 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. Before the development commences, full details of the treatment of all the proposed windows and doors shall have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted details shall include the proposed method of construction, the materials to be used, fixing details (including cross sections) and their external finish including any surrounds, cills or lintels. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. Before the development commences, full details of the proposed rainwater goods, including the eaves detail, to be used on the building shall have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. No works shall take place until the applicant, or their agent or successors in title, have secured the implementation of a programme of building recording and analysis. This must be carried out by a professionally qualified archaeological/building recording consultant or organisation in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which shall first have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Upon completion of the programme of building recording and analysis it shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 7 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 8 Agenda Item 3

Reason : To ensure and safeguard the recording and inspection of matters of archaeological/historic importance associated with the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT6 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. Before work commences, full details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in relation to the type of mortar to be used on the building. The required details shall include the ratio of the materials to be used in the mortar, its colour and the proposed finished profile of the pointing. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the Listed Building and in accordance with Policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

9. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the type, coursing and jointing of the natural stone to be used in the construction of the external faces of the building(s) (notwithstanding any detail shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5, DC8A, DC8B, HT2, HT3, HT7, HS4, HS9, EM3, EM4A and EM5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

10. Before development commences details of a scheme for painting/powder coating the proposed flue shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme as approved shall be implemented in full and retained thereafter. Reason: In the interests of the appearance of the listed building and in accordance with policy HT2 of the Adopted charley borough Local Plan Review

11. Before development commences full details of natural stone roofing material to be used on the proposed porch shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full and retained thereafter. Reason. In the interests of the appearance of the listed building and in accordance with policy HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

12. Before development commences full details of the re-slating of the roof shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include a methodology for removing the existing slates and their re-use and the method of fixing. Where re-use of slates is shown not to be practical full details of replacement slates including the submission of a natural slate sample to match as far as possible in size, form and colour shall provided. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full. Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

13. Before development commences full details including the method of the proposed floor construction shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full. Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

14. Before development commences full details of the method of damp proofing

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 8 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 9 Agenda Item 3

of the barn shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details as approved shall be implemented in full. Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with policy No. HT2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

(d) B. 4:06/00205/FUL - Moss Side Farm, Bury Lane, Withnell

(Councillor D Dickinson declared an interest in the following application and left the meeting during the discussion and voting on the proposal).

Application No: 06/00205/FUL Proposal: Erection of Golf Club House and associated car-park together with machinery store to service 9 hole golf club. Location: Moss Side Farm, Bury Lane, Withnell Decision: It was proposed by Councillor A Lowe, seconded by Councillor E Bell, and subsequently RESOLVED (12:0) to grant planning permission subject to a Section 106 Agreement and the following conditions: 1. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail, which may be shown on the approved plans. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

2. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced full details of existing and proposed ground levels and proposed building slab levels (all relative to ground levels adjoining the site) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail shown on the approved plan(s). The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To protect the appearance of the locality, in the interests of the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 10 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until samples of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review. DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 9 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 10 Agenda Item 3

5. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all hard ground surfacing materials (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plans and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, a plan of the car park shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority detailing the provision of 3 no. additional disabled car parking spaces. Reason: To ensure adequate on site provision of car parking and manoeuvring areas and in accordance with Policy No. TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. Before the clubhouse building is first used for the purposes associated with the golf course and fishing lakes, the car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall be surfaced or paved, drained and marked out all in accordance with the details approved pursuant to the other conditions attached to the permission hereby granted. The car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than the parking of and manoeuvring of vehicles. Reason: To ensure adequate on site provision of car parking and manoeuvring areas and in accordance with Policy No. TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a scheme for the disposal of foul drainage to a septic tank has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No part of the development shall be brought into use until such treatment plant has been constructed and completed in accordance with the approved plans. Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment.

9. There shall be no form of illumination to the car park or any of the external areas within the site and there shall be no external illumination of the buildings hereby permitted. Reason : In the interests of visual amenity in this open countryside location and to accord with policy LT12 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review .

10. The clubhouse building hereby approved shall be used as a golfers changing area and rest facilities for golfers and fishermen. The café/refreshment area shall only provide snack facilities and not multi course meals, and shall not be available to the general public not using the leisure facilities at the golf course and fishing lakes. The café/refreshment area shall not be open beyond the opening hours of the golf course itself. The shop facilities shall not be open to the public as a general retail outlet and shall also not be open beyond the opening hours of the course itself. Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to retain control over the use of this facility; usage beyond those playing golf or fishing may be inappropriate in terms of leisure uses appropriate in the Green Belt and the impact of such usage would have to be considered separately by the Local Planning Authority; also to accord with the provisions with policies LT12, DC1 and SP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

11. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of facilities to be provided for the cleaning of the wheels of vehicles leaving the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The wheel wash facility shall be provided, in accordance with the

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 10 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 11 Agenda Item 3

approved details, before the use of the site hereby permitted is first commenced and thereafter retained at all times during operation of the site. Reason: To prevent the tracking of mud and/or the deposit of loose material upon the highway, in the interests of public safety and in accordance with Policy No.TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

12. The development shall only be carried out in accordance with the recommendations contained within the Ecological Assessment by the Environmental Research and Advisory Partnership that was submitted with the application dated February 2006 and no potential bird breeding habitat including trees and shrubs shall be removed during the bird breeding seasons of March to August inclusive unless a bird survey has first been conducted immediately prior to the work to show that the areas to be developed are clear of all breeding birds and the details submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To meet the provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to protect breeding birds and in accordance with Policy No. EP4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

13. Prior to the first use of the clubhouse building hereby permitted and the golf course, the first ten metres of the access road to the site from Bury Lane shall be hardsurfaced in a material to be first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the access improvements shall be implemented in accordance with the approved plans. Reason : In the interests of highway safety at the site junction and to accord with policy LT12 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review .

14. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

15. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Title: WGAC/406/04 9th May 2006 Reduced Clubhouse Design & Car Park Details ------10 th May 2006 Proposed Site Entrance from Bury Lane 346/06/1 27 th February 2006 Location Plan ------15 th February 2006 Machine Store Details WGC/AC/206/02 15 th February 2006 Site Plan Showing Machine Store Position ------27 th February 2006 Ecological Assessment Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

16. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Title: WGAC/406/04 9th May 2006 Reduced Clubhouse Design & Car Park Details

------10 th May 2006 Proposed Site Entrance from Bury Lane

346/06/1 27 th February 2006 Location Plan

------15 th February 2006 Machine Store Details

WGC/AC/206/02 15 th February 2006 Site Plan Showing Machine Store Position

DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 11 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 12 Agenda Item 3

------27 th February 2006 Ecological Assessment Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

(e) B. 5:06/00332/FUL - Coppice Smithy, Coppice Lane,

Application No: 06/00332/FUL Proposal: Proposed 40m X 20m Sand Paddock Location: Coppice Smithy, Coppice Lane, Anglezarke Decision: It was proposed by Councillor S Smith, seconded by Councillor E Bell, and was subsequently RESOLVED (13:0) to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. No external lighting or floodlighting shall be erected or installed without express planning permission first being obtained from the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area and to ensure compliance with policy GN5 of the Local Plan.

3. The permission hereby granted is for the use of the sand paddock for the keeping and the riding of horses and ponies for private use only. The sand paddock shall not be used for any business purpose in connection with the training or schooling of horse and pony riders or for the holding of any events, competitions, trials, horse/pony club meetings or gymkhanas. Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the amenities of the occupiers of surrounding properties and highway safety in accordance with Policy No. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

(f) B. 6:06/00349/COU - 17, Hatton Street, Adlington

Application No: 06/00349/COU Proposal: Retrospective planning application to vary the details and position of the disabled access ramp and alterations to the single storey rear extension, approved ref 04/00684 for change of use of property from a dwelling house to offices. Location: 17 Hatton Street, Adlington, Chorley Decision: It was proposed by Councillor R Snape, seconded by Councillor D Edgerley, and subsequently RESOLVED (11:2) to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 2 months of the date of the permission hereby granted, the external walls of the single storey rear extension shall have been rendered and painted in accordance with details, which shall first have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the amenities of the locality and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

2. The use hereby permitted shall be restricted to the hours between 8:30am and 5:30pm on weekdays and Saturdays and there shall be no operation on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy Nos. EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. No materials or equipment shall be stored on the site other than inside the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 12 Tuesday, 23 May 2006 Agenda Page 13 Agenda Item 3

building. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No. EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail, which may have previously been submitted. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. The fence that marks the boundary between the existing garden curtilage of 17 Hatton Street and the builders yard must be retained at all times. The details of any replacement fence must first be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and only erected in accordance with the approved details and retained at all times thereafter. Reason: To prevent the yard area encroaching closer to the residential properties on Harrison Road thus resulting in undue detriment to the residential amenities of these properties and in accordance with Policy No. EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


The Committee received the minutes of the meeting of the Site Inspection Sub- Committee held on 22 May 2006.

The Sub-Committee had visited, at the request of the Development Control Committee, the site of the following applications.

a) Planning Application 06/00099/FUL

Planning Application 06/00099/FUL had sought permission to demolish an existing outdoor store/toilets and construct a Sunday school/meeting rooms/kitchen and toilet facilities at the Church Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Towngate, Eccleston. The Sub-Committee after taking all the factors into account had recommended the Development Control Committee to grant planning permission for the proposal.

It was proposed by Councillor A Lowe, seconded by Councillor T Bedford and was subsequently RESOLVED (11:2) to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

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2. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all external materials to the proposed building, including mortar mix and the type, coursing and jointing of the natural stone to be used in the construction of the external faces of the building (notwithstanding any detail shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HT3 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agent or successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the Planning Authority. Reason: The site is of archaeological importance because of its location in the churchyard of a medieval church and in accordance with Policy No. HT12 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. Notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification, no fascias or bargeboards are to be used on the approved building.

Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HT3 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. Notwithstanding the provision of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any Order revoking or re0enacting that Order, with or without modification), no windows other than those expressly authorised by this permission, or as subsequently agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, shall be inserted or constructed at any time in the west elevation of the building hereby permitted. Reason: To ensure privacy to the memorial garden situated to the west of the building and in accordance with policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. All windows in the buildings west elevation shall be fitted with obscure glass and obscure glazing shall be retained at all times thereafter. Reason: IN the interests of the privacy of the memorial garden to the west of the building and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping for the proposed hedging has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may have been previously submitted. The scheme shall indicate the size, species, stature, distribution and location of the proposed hedges shown on plan no. 1630-13- SLP1. All planting comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting season following the occupation or completion of the building, whichever is sooner and the hedgerows thereafter retained, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy no. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the means of foul water drainage/disposal shall have been submitted to and approved

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in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The building shall not be occupied until the works for foul water drainage/disposal have been completed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure property drainage of the development and in accordance with Policy No. EP17 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

9. Before the development commences, full details of the treatment of all the proposed windows and doors shall have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The submitted details shall include the proposed method of construction, the materials to be used, fixing details (including cross sections) and their external finish including any surrounds, cills or lintels. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT3 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

10. Before the development commences, full details of the proposed rainwater goods, including the eaves detail, to be used on the building shall have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason : In the interests of the character and appearance of the building and in accordance with Policy No. HT3 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review

b). Planning Application 06/00252/FUL

Planning Application 06/00252/FUL sought permission to change of use of existing shop (A1) to A3 (Restaurants, snack bars or cafes) at Nevins Ltd, 2, Lawrence Lane, Eccleston. The Sub-Committee, after taking all the factors into account had recommended the Development Control Committee to refuse planning permission for the proposal.

It was proposed by Councillor A Lowe, seconded by Councillor S Smith and subsequently RESOLVED (13:0) to refuse planning permission for the following reasons The proposed development by virtue of its location in close proximity to residential properties is likely to result in noise and disturbance to such a degree that would be detrimental to nearby residential amenity and this is contrary to policy EP20 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

c). Planning Application 06/00252/FUL

Planning Application 06/00252/FUL sought approval to build an extension of existing premises and the erection of a new building at Rema Tip Top Ltd, Mill Lane, Coppull. The Sub-Committee, after taking all the factors into account had recommended the Development Control Committee to grant planning permission.

It was proposed by Councillor G Russell, seconded by Councillor S Smith and was subsequently RESOLVED (10:0) that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping for the site boundaries has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows along the boundaries; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted and their distribution along the site boundaries, those areas to be hard surfaced; and detail any changes of ground level or landform associated with the provision of the boundary landscaping.

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Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

2. All planting comprised in the approved details of boundary landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting season following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 10 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HT3 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on the previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. The tank and polytunnel frame structure currently sited adjacent to the western boundary shall be permanently removed from the site within one year of the date of the permission hereby granted. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities of the site and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5, HT3 and EM3 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. There shall be no outside storage of products, raw materials, waste materials and associated equipment on any part of the site .All storage of such products and materials shall only take place inside the existing buildings and those approved by the permission hereby granted. Reasons: In the interests of the visual amenities of the site and locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5, HT3 and EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. All working activities shall at all times be carried out only within the existing buildings and those approved by the permission hereby granted. There shall be no working activities undertaken outside of these buildings on any part of the site apart. Reason: To safeguard residential amenity and in accordance with Policy No. EP20 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


The Committee received for information, reports by the Director of Development and Regeneration on the following Category ‘B’ development proposals which had, or

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were intended to be, determined by the Chief Officer under the adopted scheme of delegations, following consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee.

Application No: 06/00083/FUL Proposal: Formation of new shop front and erection of single storey rear extension. Location: 163, Chorley Road, Adlington Decision: Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 06/00363/FUL Proposal: Two storey Rear extension to existing offices. Location: 23 Queens Road, Chorley Decision: Planning permission granted.

Application No: 06/00378/FUL Proposal: Two storey side extension to existing offices. Location: Old Savings Bank, 213, Preston Road, Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley Decision: Planning Permission granted

Application No: 06/00386/FUL Proposal: Construction of new club comprising of hall. Stage, toilets, cloakroom and meeting room (Renewal of Planning Permission 01/00255/FUL) Location: Bateman Hall, Sagar Street, Eccleston Decision: Planning permission granted.

Application No: 06/00404/COU Proposal: Change of use to convert first floor unused storage area of shop premises to living accommodation this to include a retrospective planning application of new windows and shop front. Location: 2, Eaves Lane, Chorley Decision: Planning permission granted.

Application No: 06/00419/COU Proposal: Change of use of a retail unit to parent supervised children’s play centre with associated car parking unit area 1000 sq feet. Location: Unit 1, 60A, Westhoughton Road, Adlington, Chorley Decision: Planning permission granted.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


The Director of Development and Regeneration presented, for Members information, a schedule listing the remainder of the planning applications that had been determined by the Chief Officer under delegated powers between 10 April 2006 and 5 May 2006.

RESOLVED – That the schedule be noted.


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The Committee considered the report of the Director of Development and Regeneration on the expediency of taking enforcement action in respect of the removal of six lighting units and posts to a menage on land at Clayton Hall Stables, Spring Meadow, Clayton –Le-Woods.

It was brought to Members attention that a complaint had been received that lighting affixed to wooden posts had been erected to the perimeter of a menage on land in the vicinity of the stables; a subsequent site visit having confirmed this allegation. The attention of the landowner had been drawn to this development and an application for retrospective planning has been refused under delegated authority.

The ménage is positioned within the designated Green Belt, and no very special circumstances for this development have been promoted by the applicant.

RESOLVED – That it is expedient to issue an Enforcement Notice in respect of the following breach of planning control:

1. Without planning permission the erecting of six lighting units affixed to posts that measure 2.6m from ground level to the northern and southern perimeter of the ménage situated on land at Clayton Hall Stables.

a. Remedy for Breach

Remove the six lighting units and posts from the land edged Red on the attached plan, plan SA/1.

b. Period for Compliance

28 Days

c. Reason

The development is contrary to Policies DC1 Of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review and Planning Policy Guidance Note 2, in that the development is inappropriate and harmful to the character and appearance of the Green Belt. There is no justification or no very special circumstances to justify an exception in this case to the presumption against inappropriate development in the Green Belt.


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Report of Meeting Date

Director of Development and Development Control Committee 20.06.2006 Regeneration



1 To advise Committee of notification received from the Planning Inspectorate, between 8 May and 6 June 2006, of planning and enforcement appeals which may have been lodged or determined. Also of notification of decisions received from Lancashire County Council and other bodies.


2 This report does not affect the corporate priorities


3 The report contains no risk issues for consideration by Members.


4 Appeal by Mr P R Sharples against the refusal of planning permission for a single storey extension to the front, conversion of garage to a cloak room and a chimney stack at Meadowcroft, Springfield Mews, Whitebeam Close, Heath Charnock (Application No. 05/01100/FUL).

5 Appeal by Mr and Mrs Walsh against the refusal of planning permission for two storey rear extension and a single storey side extension at Scale Hill Farm, Windmill Lane, Brindle (Application No. 05/00870/FUL).

6 Appeal by Mr and Mrs S Almond against the refusal of planning permission for the erection of a two storey side extension at 10 Balmoral Road, Chorley (Application No. 06/00051/FUL).

7 Appeal by Carol Kirk against the refusal of planning permission for the subdivision of

existing property into one dwelling and one retail unit with living accommodation above and two storey side extension (with living accommodation in roof space) at 72 New Street, Mawdesley (Application No. 05/00819/FUL).

8 Appeal by Primelight Advertising Ltd against the refusal of planning permission for advertisement consent for two single sided free standing display units at 219- 221 The Green, Eccleston (Application No. 06/00156/FUL)

9 Appeal by Mr S J Wignall against the refusal of planning permission for the demolition and rebuild of existing workshop at Jumps Farm, 147 South Road, Bretherton (Application No. 06/00035/FUL).


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10 Appeal by Mr J Thompson against the refusal of planning permission for outline development of 1 No new two-storey dwelling at land adjacent to 383 Langton Brow, Eccleston (Application No. 05/00933/OUT).

11 Appeal by Mr Nozir Ali against the refusal of planning permission for the change of use from A1 (newsagents) to A3 (hot food take-away) at 355 Preston Road, Clayton-le- Woods (Application No. 06/00013/COU).


12 Appeal by OCA UK Ltd against the refusal to fell oak tree (T9) covered by TPO 6 (Ulnes Walton) 1997 at Four Oaks, Ulnes Walton Lane, Ulnes Walton (Application No. 05/00630/TPO).

13 Appeal by Ms K Leigh against the refusal of advertisement consent for the erection of non- illuminated shop sign and projecting sign at first floor, 238 Pall Mall, Chorley (Application No. 05/01150/ADV).


14 Appeal by Mr and Mrs Kirkman against the refusal of planning permission for a revised house type for a replacement dwelling at 97 Rawlinson Lane, Heath Charnock (Application No. 05/01048/FUL).


15 Appeal by Mr J Manning against an enforcement notice issued for a breach of planning control, namely the change of use from livery to mixed use of livery and siting of mobile home for residential purposes at land at Clayton Hall Stables, Spring Meadow, Clayton-le- Woods (EN 600).

16 Appeal by Mr J Manning against an enforcement notice issued for a breach of planning control, namely the formation of hardstanding, erection of 2 wooden sheds, erection of a dog kennel and 2 wooden balustrades at land at Clayton Hall Stables, Spring Meadow, Clayton-le-Woods (EN 601).

17 Appeal by Mr & Mrs Gill against an enforcement notice issued for a breach of planning control, namely the change of use of land from agricultural use to a mixed use for agriculture and the siting of a residential caravan at land at Lostock Bridge Farm, Ulnes Walton Lane, Ulnes Walton (EN 599).



18 That the report be noted


Agenda Page 21 Agenda Item 4

Background Papers Document Date File Place of Inspection 4 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 12.05.2006 05/01100/FUL Union Street Offices 5 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 17.05.2006 05/00870/FUL “ 6 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 18.05.2006 06/00051/FUL “ 7 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 8 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 22.05.2006 05/00819/FUL “ 9 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 31.05.2006 06/00156/FUL “ 10 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 01.06.2006 06/00035/FUL “ 11 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 02.06.2006 05/00933/OUT “ 12 Letter from Govt. Office for the 02.06.2006 06/00013/COU “ North West

13 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 14 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 30.05.2006 05/00630/TPO “ 15 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 06.06.2006 05/01150/ADV “ 16 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 09.05.2006 05/01048/FUL “ 17 Letter from Planning Inspectorate 24.05.2006 EN 600 “ 24.05.2006 EN 601 “ 25.05.2006 EN 599 ”

Report Author Ext Date Doc ID Louise Taylor 5346 08.06.2006 ADMINREP/REPORT

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Report of Meeting Date Local Development Framework and 19 th June 2006 Director of Development and Community Strategy Working Group Regeneration Development Control Committee 20 th June 2006

Executive Cabinet 29 th June 2006



1. To update Members on the progress of the above document and to seek endorsement for the instigation of a formal consultation process in relation to the document which will form part of the Local Development Framework.


2. The production and implementation of the guidance within this document will have a direct link to the Strategic Objective that seeks to ‘Develop the character and feel of Chorley as a good place to live’.


3. The issues raised and recommendations made in this report involve risk considerations in the following categories:

Strategy X Information Reputation X Regulatory/Legal X Financial X Operational X People Other

4. The production of this Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will contribute to Long Term Outcome 5.3 of the Corporate Strategy Overview 2006/07-2008/09, which seeks an improved local environment.

5. Members may be aware that the Council is committed to the production of a number of Supplementary Planning Documents at specific times within the Local Development Scheme. Document production targets have been set out, which the Council is required to meet to avoid a risk that the Council will be penalised in the assessment of the next Planning Delivery Grant settlement. Linked to this is the potential loss of reputation if these agreed targets are missed.

6. The document will extend the guidance and advice available to Council Officers and the public, assisting in the interpretation and consistent delivery of design objectives, as held within Local Plan Policies DC8A, DC8B & HS9.

Updated Template April 2006

Agenda Page 24 Agenda Item 5


7. Members will be aware, following the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, that the former Development Plan system has been replaced. No longer are drafts of all the policies published in one Local Plan and consulted upon in their totality at Consultation and Deposit Draft stages, with subsequent changes to wording made in response to representations.

Under the new system the LDF comprises a suite of documents prepared over a period of time and the stages through which each document must pass are:

• Issues and Options • Preferred Options • Submission

8. Early on within the LDF process, it had been noted by Officers that the existing House Extension Design Guidelines (HEDG), adopted in 1998 was becoming somewhat out of date. More seriously, it was failing to further the Councils aspiration to achieve high standards of design throughout the Borough and aspiration supported by a shift in Government policy.

9. The purpose of the new guidance is to assist anyone wishing to extend a residential dwelling, in either urban or rural areas, and to promote a higher standard of design. It will be used as a guide to how the policies in the Development Plan will be applied to householder developments. It is also expected that the document will assist in the interpretation and ensure consistent delivery of design objectives as held within Local Plan Policies DC8A, DC8B & HS9, including replacement dwellings and garden extensions in the countryside. The published version of the draft guidance will be fully illustrated to help understanding.

10. The principle changes can be summarised as:

a) Much more specific guidance regarding the need to ensure that design solutions understand and respect their context and achieve cohesion with their surroundings. b) Detailed guidance regarding the mass, scale and detailing of extensions including some new guidelines to help achieve a satisfactory proportional relationship. c) Expanded information regarding the need to ensure that extensions do not cause detriment to the amenity of neighbours. d) New guidance specifically relating to the extension of buildings situated on corner plots. e) Expansion of guidance relating to extensions in rural areas. f) Specific guidance relating to conservatories, balconies and terraces. g) Specific guidance relating to renewable energy sources and their impact upon domestic buildings. h) Greater guidance about outbuildings, boundary treatments and the treatment of space.

11. The document has been the subject of some informal consultation, during its drafting. The document continues to be circulated within the Council for comments and where possible those comments will be incorporated prior to formal consultation taking place. It is not envisaged that any fundamental changes will be necessary.

12. It is emphasised that the images shown within the draft document attached are for illustrative purposes only, in order to provide a better understanding of the text. These will be altered and improved during and after the consultation process.

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4. There are no HR implications associated with this report.


5. There are no financial implications associated with this report.


6. That members endorse the draft document and recommend that Executive Cabinet approves it for consultation and community involvement purposes subject to ratification by Full Council with any minor textural and illustrative amendments being delegated to the Director of Development and Regeneration.


7. The only other option considered was to do nothing (retain guidelines in existing House Extensions Design Guide SPG). Testing of this option was carried out in April 2006 to identify how it performed against social, economic and environmental objectives in the Sustainability Appraisal Framework. Following this it was concluded that the most sustainable option for this document was its revision, and thus the Draft SPD prepared.


Background Papers Document Date File Place of Inspection

Existing House Extension Union Street 1998 *** Design Guide Gillibrand Street

Report Author Ext Date Doc ID th Andrew Tegg 5327 5 June 2006

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Report of Meeting Date

Director of Development Development Control and Regeneration 20.06.2006 Committee


Item Application Recommendation Location

A. 1 06/00423/FULMAJ Permit Full Planning 1 & 3 Southport Road Chorley Permission

A. 2 06/00494/FULMAJ Permit Full Planning Vale Works Star Lane Horwich Permission

A. 3 06/00499/FULMAJ Permit Full Planning Healey View Care Home Botany Brow Chorley Permission

B. 1 06/00216/FUL Permit Full Planning Land 100m South East Of Back House Farm Permission Hall Lane Mawdesley

B. 2 06/00385/FUL Refuse Full Planning 89 Highways Avenue Euxton Permission

B. 3 06/00469/FUL Refuse Full Planning 57 Lancaster Lane Clayton-Le-Woods Permission

B. 4 06/00547/COU Permit Full Planning 77 Water Street Chorley Permission

B. 5 06/00563/FUL Permit Full Planning Land To The Rear Of 243 Chapel Lane Permission Coppull

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Item A. 1 06/00423/FULMAJ Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Caron Taylor

Ward Chorley North West

Proposal Refurbishment of existing hostel and hotel to form 16 self contained flats with office space and sleep over area,

Location 1 & 3 Southport Road Chorley PR7 1LB

Applicant Stonham Housing Association

Proposal: The application is for the refurbishment of an existing hostel and hotel to form 16 self contained flats with office space and sleep over area at 1 & 3 Southport Road, Chorley.

Background: 1 and 3 Southport Road are a pair of large Victorian semi detached houses located just outside Chorley town centre as shown in the Local Plan. Stonham Housing Association were granted permission for a 9 bed person hostel at no. 1 in 1980 (80/01169/FUL) and no. 3 was granted permission in 1988 (88/00128/FUL) as a guest house, but is now vacant. Stonham purchased no. 3 in June 2005.

Stonham propose to expand the service provision currently provided at no. 1 into no. 3 to accommodate 16 ex-offenders. No. 1 will comprise 8 studio flats, offices, staff accommodation, laundry and training room, while no. 3 will comprise of 8 self- contained 1 bed flats comprising move-on accommodation from no. 1. The service will be staffed on a 24 hour basis. The application states that there will be a maximum of 4 staff members on site at any one time and residents are not car owners.

Planning History: 80/01169/FUL: 9 person hostel for the single homeless people at No. 1 88/00128/FUL: Change of use to guest house at No. 3

Planning Policy: GN1: Settlement Policy - Main Settlements Windfall Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance HS17: Special Needs Housing

Consultations: Strategic Housing Services Support the planning application made by Stonham Housing Association to increase the provision for ex-offenders in Chorley at 3 Southport Road, Chorley.

Improving services to ex-offenders was highlighted in the Council's Prevention of Homelessness Strategy 2003, and increasing the provision of accommodation for ex-offenders is a specific objective of the 2005 Housing Strategy. These priorities for action have been identified through consultation events during the development of both strategies. During 2004 and 2005 sub regional homelessness strategy consultation events were held with Preston City Council and South Ribble Borough Council, amongst the significant issues raised at those events was the need for more ex-offender accommodation.

Agenda Page 30 Agenda Item 6a

The Draft Homeless Review 2006 shows that during the period Jan 03 to Jan 06, 341 referrals were made to the current scheme, only 78 (23%) were accepted and temporarily housed. Evidence suggests that these referrals are in addition to those applicants seen by Chorley Borough Council's Homeless Assessment team as only 2% of those referrals were from Chorley Borough Council.

Move on accommodation is also in very short supply in Chorley and they state that this scheme would have a positive impact on improving the stability of current ex-offender accommodation.

Lancashire County Council Highways: Planning permission would not be required to create an access/parking off Ashfield Road, as it is not classified. Parking off Southport Road already exists and there is a dropped kerb. However, backing out onto Southport Road should not be encouraged. The erection of a low wall at the front of no. 3 may encourage people to turn round using the space in front of the property first.

Chorley Community Safety Partnership/MAPS: State that their only concern relates to the rear boundary wall of No. 3 as it is in a poor state of repair and access can be gained through a metal gate to the rear garden and therefore the building without check. They therefore recommend a suitable boundary be constructed to prevent such access.

Environmental Services: The Director of Streetscene, Neighbourhoods & Environment Directorate state that they have no comments.

Applicants Case: To meet the government’s objectives, Stonham in Chorley aims to reduce the impact of homelessness for low risk offenders being released from custody who otherwise would be excluded from obtaining independent accommodation. They support those who have suffered from drug and alcohol misuse, and enable them to access health services, permanent accommodation, education and local leisure activities, to enhance future prospects and remain free of substance misuse. At a local level they meet the council’s objective by offering temporary accommodation and support services for the homeless in Chorley.

The service at Southport Road has operated successfully for the past 20 years and they state they will continue to adhere to our policies and procedures regarding the selection and support of our service users, thus ensuring best practice at all times.

In order to be considered for housing within the Chorley service applicants must be:

• Homeless following release from a custodial sentence and at risk of re-offending.

• Be a single homeless person in need of supported accommodation.

• Be aged between 18 and 65 years.

Agenda Page 31 Agenda Item 6a • Must not be currently using any illegal substances, unless they are in a recognised programme of support and rehabilitation.

Stonham aim to consider applications from all sectors of the community and have a stringent process of application, interview and inclusion. They state they work closely with other statutory and voluntary agencies, such as the Probation Service, Police etc and have access to all relevant documentation. This enables them to complete an assessment of needs, risk assessment and risk management, which is regularly reviewed to ensure that our service users are supported to work toward positive outcomes. All referrals are considered individually and their acceptance would be based on a thorough assessment of risk, considering the safety and welfare of the person, other service users, staff and the local community.

At the Southport Road service we do not take applications from those people whose offences place them in a high risk category.

Representations: Eight letters have been received in response to notification of the application. Objections to the proposal can be summarised as: • It is inappropriate and irresponsible to extend the existing facilities of the hostel close to a children’s play area. • The behaviour of many of the young men in this area over the last 3 years has become apparent through many complaints. • Drug taking has been witnessed on the rear car park. • They do not object to the rehabilitation of offenders into the community yet they feel as many of the offenders are of a serious nature, their home is too close and their children play in the area. • Noise is experienced very late at night from the existing hostel from people stood outside shouting up to the rooms to try and gain access. • Tenants sit on the window sills with the windows open playing loud music and shouting at passing people. • Police or ambulances visiting the property create a major disturbance for their young children. • Residents of the hostel have knocked on the door of neighbouring properties asking to borrow things. • Many disturbances and problems have not been reported by residents as they are aware that many of the occupants are violent criminals, drug addicts, sex offenders and paedophiles so fear for the safety of their family if they are seen to be complaining to the supervisors. • The application has the potential to double to number of ex-offenders and windows on no. 3 overlook the neighbouring children’s nursery play area. • Since the existing hostel opened there has been a steady increase in petty crime. • There appears to be no internal access between no. 1 and no. 3 to facilitate supervision. Therefore security has not been satisfactorily addressed. • When the existing hostel was converted the residents parking on the driveway and forecourt of no. 10 caused

Agenda Page 32 Agenda Item 6a substantial nuisance. A doubling of the accommodation has the potential to again result in unauthorised parking. The application contains no proposals to mitigate this. • The proposal would be adjacent to Pipers Day Nursery that caters for children aged 2-5 years of age. Parents and staff have raised serious concerns as to the appropriateness of siting such a hostel adjacent to an existing nursery. Several parents have indicated they would be unhappy leaving their children in close proximity to such an establishment. • There is concern over loss of privacy and disruption including parking, as it will exacerbate what is already a difficult situation. • Residents have broken into neighbouring yards and homes, car windows have been smashed and valuables stolen. • Fighting has taken place in the street and various police raids have taken place at the premises. • Visitors may park on the forecourt of 10 Ashfield Road and groups of young people congregate on the forecourt. • There are concerns over security and supervision during the night and at weekends.

Initially the ‘red edge’ of the application included land not owned by the applicants and has a right of access over to garages. The red edge of the application has been amended in light of these comments.

Assessment: Highways/Parking It is proposed to provide eight parking spaces at the properties. Two within a double garage at the rear, three off Ashfield Road and three off Southport Road. The applicants state that there will be no more than four staff on site at any one time and therefore the other spaces will be available for visits. The access and parking off Ashfield Road would not require planning permission, as Ashfield Road is not a classified road.

The three spaces accessed off Southport Road where there is a dropped kerb already exist and were created when the property was a guesthouse. Although highways state that backing onto Southport Road should not be encouraged, it would be difficult to refuse the application on these grounds as the application does not propose to change the parking situation on this side of the property from what exists at present.

Residents have stated concerns about cars parking in front of garages and rights of access at the rear of the property. However, this is private issue between residents, not a planning issue.

Neighbour Amenity In terms of overlooking the main issue is the windows of no. 3 that look over the front garden on no. 7. Although these windows already exist, they are bedroom windows and the proposal will involve these windows serving living and kitchen areas creating a potential for greater overlooking. The ground floor windows do not pose a problem as there is sufficient screening on the boundary and the windows towards the rear on all floors conform with the Agenda Page 33 Agenda Item 6a interface guideline that states there should be 10m between a habitable room window and the boundary of a neighbouring property. The windows at second floor level are of less concern due to their height.

There are two windows of concern at first floor level. Amended plans have been received fully obscuring one of these windows, as it is not the only window that serves the room. The other window of concern is a bay window. While it would be unreasonable to require the whole of this window to be obscure glazed as it is the only window to the room, the main front window pane overlooking the garden has been obscured and the two side panes have been left clear glazed. It is therefore considered that the issue of overlooking has been overcome through the use of obscure glazing in selected windows. A condition will be placed on any permission requiring this glazing to remain in the future.

The concerns of neighbours have been noted in regards to problems with the residents of the properties, however, the Community Safety Partnership Liaison Officer has not objected to the plans and it is therefore considered it would be difficult to refuse the application on these grounds, particularly as the property is on a main road and this part of Southport Road has a number of commercial properties in the vicinity, including a solicitors to the rear and Age Concern on the other corner of Ashfield Road.

Design and Appearance The Community Safety Partnership stated a suitable boundary should be constructed to prevent access from the rear of the building. The applicants have confirmed that this will be erected to the rear and a condition will be attached to any permission requiring details of a boundary treatment to be submitted. The external appearance of the building will otherwise remain the same.

Windfall SPG There are currently restrictions on new dwellings in the Borough, so the proposal will need to meet one of the exceptions.

Exception (j) allows for the re-use and conversion of empty buildings within 400m of a designated shopping centre and is within 400m of the bus route/railway station. The site fulfils this criteria so is not contrary to the policy. In addition the proposal would also meet exception (a) that it will meet an identified housing need not met by the housing market.

Policy HS17 This policy covers Sheltered Housing, Rest Homes, Nursing Homes and Other Special Needs Housing. It states that they will be permitted provided that all of the folowing criterita are satisfied: a) the design and scale of the development is in keeping with its surroundings; b) there is no adverse effect on the amenity of the residents of neighbouring properties through overlooking, noise transmission or other disturbance; c) the development will be easily accessible by a choice of means of transport other than the private car.

Agenda Page 34 Agenda Item 6a In terms of the design and scale there will be no additions or external alterations to the existing buildings. In terms of criteria (b) the Community Safety Partnership that includes representatives from the police have not objected to the proposal. It is therefore considered that it would be difficult to refuse the proposal on the concerns of residents.

Criteria (c) is satisfied as the property is right on the edge of Chorley Town Centre.

Conclusion: Although I accept the concerns of residents, Stonham has been operating from no. 1 Southport Road since the early 1980’s. There is a clear shortage in the provision of this type of accommodation and given that there are commercial properties in the vicinity as well as residential it is considered it would be difficult to resist.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The windows marked as obscure glazed on the amended plan received 1 June 2006 (Drawing No. 03-597-PO2 Revision B) shall be fitted with obscure glass and obscure glazing shall be retained at all times thereafter. Reason: In the interests of the privacy of occupiers of neighbouring property and in accordance with Policy No. GN5.

3. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Title: 03-597-PO1 Rev A 1 June 2006 Proposed Scheme Development Plans 03-597-PO2 Rev B 1 June 2006 Proposed Scheme Development Elevations Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

4. Before the use of the premises hereby permitted is first commenced, the car parking shall be marked out in accordance with the approved plans. The car parking shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles. Reason: To ensure adequate on site provision of car parking and manoeuvring areas and in accordance with Policy TR4of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. Before the use of the premises hereby permitted is first commenced, details of a boundary treatment to be erected to the rear of the building to prevent rear access, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interest of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No. GN5.

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Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E357949 06/00423/FULMAJ 1:1,250 A. 1 N:417606 Agenda Page 36

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Item A. 2 06/00494/FULMAJ Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Mr Simon Pemberton

Ward Adlington & Anderton

Proposal Residential development comprising 15 houses and 6 flats and associated works (amendments to part of that previously approved on applications 03/00214/FUL and 03/00529/FUL).

Location Vale Works Star Lane Horwich Bolton Greater Manchester

Applicant Barratt Manchester

Background Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council granted permission, subject to a Section 106 Agreement, for the demolition of industrial buildings and erection of 141 dwellings on land at Crown Lane/Star Lane, Horwich in 1999. An adjoining area of this former industrial site lies within Chorley Borough, the boundary of which is defined by the River Douglas on which planning permission has also been granted in the past for residential development.

Permission was sought in 2003 to erect 20 dwellings and 9 two- bed flats on the part of the site falling within Chorley Borough situated at the north western end of the larger development (reference 03/00529/FUL). An application for a further 61 dwellings in the area to the south of the site and falling with Bolton MBC was also considered by them at that time. The element of the site within Chorley consisted of the access road from the point where it crosses the River Douglas at the eastern end of the site to the point where it crosses back into Bolton at the western end. Off this spine road on its northern side will be two cul-de-sacs serving the 29 units which will comprise of 1 no. 4-bed detached, 10 no. 3-bed semi-detached, 9 no. 3-bed terraced (3 rows of 3 dwellings) and one block of 9 no. 2-bed flats. Those permissions were granted planning permission subject to a legal agreement and various conditions in August 2005.

An additional application, also submitted at that time, also within Chorley, reference 03/00214/FUL, was submitted and approved for 3 dwellings on an adjoining piece of land.

Proposal The current application is for the substitution of certain plots within the site. The reasoning behind the application was that the site was previously going to be developed by both Barratt Homes and Fairclough Homes. Since that time the site is Faircloughs have relinquished their interest in the site and Barratt Homes will now develop the entire site. As a consequence, Barratt Homes are seeking to substitute the Fairclough house types with their own.

The proposal comprises 12 semi detached and terraced 3 bed properties, 6 two bed apartments, 2 three bed detached houses, and 1 four bed detached house. The total number of units has been reduced from that previously approved by one unit.

Agenda Page 38 Agenda Item 6b Policy The site is excluded from the Green Belt and within the settlement area wherein Policy GN1 of the Adopted Local Plan Review states that there is a presumption in favour of appropriate development.

PPG3 requires that housing proposals be assessed against a number of criteria. As well as encouraging the re-use of previously developed sites and empty or underused buildings, consideration should also be given to a site’s location and accessibility of potential development sites to jobs, shops and services by travel modes other than the car and the potential for improving such accessibility. Priority is to be given to urban sites.

Policy HS6 of the Local Plan states that residential development of unallocated sites within settlement boundaries will be permitted subject to: • The overall housing requirement of the Lancashire Structure Plan for this Borough not being exceeded; and • Various criteria (relating to accessibility, infrastructure, compatibility with surrounding uses, amenities of local residents, adequacy of access and drainage) being satisfied.

Approved Interim Supplementary Planning Guidance on Windfall Housing Developments is now relevant. In this respect planning permission for any new residential development, not meeting the exceptions will normally be refused upon the basis of being unwarranted additional development that would contribute towards an inappropriate excess of housing provision in the Borough.

History In addition to the applications referred to above, the following previous applications are also relevant:

9/99/00791/FUL – Erection of 24 dwellings and associated screen planting – approved on land to the east of the site.

9/01/1052/FUL – Erection of 16 dwellings (substitution to plots F59 to F74 of planning permission 9/99/00791).

Consultations LCC (Planning) considers that the application raises no matters of strategic significance and therefore makes no comment on the application.

United Utilities have no objections.

Anderton Parish Council has no objection providing that neighbouring properties are satisfied and that all building works comply with current building regulations.

The Highways Agency has no objections to the proposal subject to a direction that certain planning conditions are imposed.

Third Party Representations No letters of objection received at the time of writing the report.

Assessment This application represents a simple substitution of house types from that previously approved. The house types now proposed were approved for that part of the site, which Barratt Homes was originally to develop. In design terms the proposal have largely already been considered acceptable.

Agenda Page 39 Agenda Item 6b The number of units is being reduced. Therefore, in relation to Windfall policies that restrict the supply of new housing this proposal will comply with that. Exception (e) of the Supplementary Planning Guidance allows for the substitution of house types and minor changes to the density of developments previously approved.

In relation to affordable housing, the previous permission secured 17 affordable units. The applicant is proposing to provide the same number of units as part of this scheme, albeit on slightly different plots.

Conclusions In summary it is considered that the proposed plot substitution raises no new issues over and above that considered at the time of the previous application. Given that the principle has already been established by that approval, the current application is recommended for approval subject to the imposition of the same conditions and the applicant entering into a further S106 Agreement to secure the same matters as the legal agreement signed pursuant to the previous permission.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The Development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved plans, except as may otherwise be specifically required by any other condition of this permission or unless otherwise first agreed to in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

2. This consent relates to the following plans:

Reason: To define the consent and to ensure all works are carried out in a satisfactory manner.

3. No development shall take place until :

a ) a methodology for investigation and assessment of ground contamination has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The investigation and assessment shall be carried out in accordance with current best practice including British Standard 10175:2001 “Investigation of potentially contaminated sites – Code of Practice”. The objectives of the investigation shall be, but not limited to, identifying the type(s), nature and extent of contamination present to the site, risks to receptors and potential for migration within and beyond the site boundary;

b ) all testing specified in the approved scheme (submitted under a) and the results of the investigation and risk assessment, together with remediation proposals to render the site capable of development have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority;

c ) the Local Planning Authority has given written approval to the remediation proposals (submitted under b), which shall include an implementation timetable and monitoring proposals. Upon completion of the remediation works, a validation report containing any validation sampling results have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the environment and prevent harm to human health by ensuring that the land is remediated to an appropriate standard for the proposed end use and in accordance with Policy No. EP16 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

Agenda Page 40 Agenda Item 6b

4. The development hereby permitted shall only be carried out in conformity with the proposed ground and building slab levels shown on the approved plan(s) or as may otherwise be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority before any development is first commenced. Reason: To protect the appearance of the locality and in the interests of the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. No dwelling shall be occupied until all fences and walls shown in the approved details to bound its plot, have been erected in conformity with the approved details. Other fences and walls shown in the approved details shall have been erected in conformity with the approved details prior to substantial completion of the development. Reason: To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development, to provide reasonable standards of privacy to residents and in accordance with Policy No.HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the position, height and appearance of all fences and walls to be erected to the site boundaries (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plan(s)) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No building shall be occupied or land used pursuant to this permission before all walls and fences have been erected in accordance with the approved details. Fences and walls shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details at all times. Reason: To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development, to protect the amenities of occupiers of nearby property and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. No development shall take place until:- a) a scheme for monitoring landfill gas migration has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; b) all monitoring specified in the approved scheme (submitted under a) above), has been carried out and the results of the monitoring exercise, together with recommendations and specific proposals to render the site capable of development for housing have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority; and c) the Local Planning Authority has given written approval to the development proceeding having regard to the results of the monitoring exercise and the recommendations and proposals submitted under b) above), and the carrying out of any required works in a manner and to a timetable to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Upon completion of the works of remediation and treatment, a Validation Report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of safety and in accordance with Policy No. EP16 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the measures to be incorporated into the development to prevent the ingress of landfill gas shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development hereby permitted shall only be constructed in accordance with the approved scheme of landfill gas ingress prevention measures. Reason: To protect occupiers from the ingress of landfill gas and in accordance with Policy No. EP16 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

9. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may have previously been submitted. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

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10. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

11. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on the previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5, DC8A, DC8B, HT2, HT3, HT7, HS4, HS9, EM3, EM4A and EM5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

12. The integral/attached garage shall be kept freely available for the parking of cars and shall not be converted to living accommodation, notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. Reason: To ensure adequate garaging/off street parking provision is made/maintained and thereby avoid hazards caused by on-street parking and in accordance with Policy No.TR8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

13. The windows in the first floor of the western elevation of the dwelling on plot B1, first floor of the southern elevation of the dwelling on plot B6, first floor of the southern elevation of the dwelling on plot 87F and the first floor of the western elevation of the dwelling on plot 86F shall be fitted with obscure glass and obscure glazing shall be retained at all times thereafter. Reason: In the interests of the privacy of occupiers of neighbouring property.

14. There shall be no direct vehicular or pedestrian access of any kind between the site and the M61 motorway. To this end a close-boarded fence or similar barrier not less than two metres high shall be erected along the frontage of the site with the motorway details of which shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any works associated with the development hereby permitted. The approved fence shall be erected, prior to the substantial completion of the development, a minimum of one metre behind the existing motorway boundary fence on the developer’s land and independent of the existing fence and retained thereafter. Reason: The use of a motorway by pedestrians is prohibited by law, a fence of the type specified is considered to be the minimum safety requirement for this type of development adjacent to the motorway

15. There shall be no development on or adjacent to any motorway embankment that shall put any embankment or earthworks at risk. Reason: To protect the stability of the motorway.

16. Surface water must drain separate from the foul and no surface water will be permitted to discharge to the foul sewerage system. Reason: To secure proper drainage and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP17 and EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

17. No development shall take place until details of the proposed surface water drainage arrangements have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. No part of the development shall be occupied until the approved surface water drainage arrangements have been fully implemented. Reason: To secure proper drainage and to prevent flooding and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP18 and EP19 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

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Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 362506 06/00494/FULMAJ 1:1,250 A. 2 N: 411169 Agenda Page 44

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Item A. 3 06/00499/FULMAJ Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Mr David Stirzaker

Ward Chorley North East

Proposal Replacement Care Home for the Elderly

Location Healey View Care Home Botany Brow Chorley

Applicant Orchard Care Homes Ltd

Background Members will recall that planning permission was granted for a replacement care home on this site in January of this year (ref no. 05/01103/FULMAJ). Following the grant of planning permission, the applicant wished to amend the design of the care home and alter its siting. This was not considered acceptable as a minor amendment hence the submission of the application, which forms the basis of this report.

Proposal This, like the previous one is a detailed application for the erection of a new care home principally on land on Daisy Fold although there is a partial site frontage to Botany Brow. There was previously a three storey LCC care home on the site, which has now been demolished. The building was built in grey brick with an awkward gabled roof detail. It utilised quite steep gable details at either end adjacent existing residential properties.

The proposed replacement care home is predominantly of two and three storeys akin to the previous care home on site. The main element of the care home is a three-storey block running east/west, which reaches a total height of 10.5m whilst a further gabled element projecting from this in the centre reaches a height of approx. 12m. A two-storey block links the main three-storey block to a single storey wing, which runs east/west parallel to the main three-storey element at the front. The proposed care home would have a somewhat larger footprint than the existing one although the distances from the site boundaries remain similar to the care home that occupied the site previously.

For the most part it is a larger building than the one it replaces. It would be dominant in the street scene to Daisy Fold as well as the south elevation being apparent at certain angles from Botany Brow. The north elevation would be visible from the M61 and the canal over a wider distance, but the trees to be retained would diminish shorter views from Botany Brow.

13 car parking spaces are proposed in a new car park at the rear of the site, although this would result in the felling of five trees between the existing building and 44, 46 & 48 Botany Brow and at the back of the existing building. In addition, two additional trees would require to be felled at the east side of the existing building in order to accommodate the new building footprint.

Planning Policy GN1 – General Settlement Policy HS17 – Sheltered Housing Care Homes etc GN5 – Design of New Development & Landscaping

Agenda Page 46 Agenda Item 6c EP9 - Trees & Woodlands TR4 – Highway Development Control Criteria TR8 – Parking Standards (superseded by Policy 7 of JLSP)

Planning History 00/935 – The laying out of 12 space car park (approved) 03/634 – Outline application for residential development (withdrawn prior to determination) 05/1103 – Erection of replacement Care Home (permitted)

Consultations LCC Environment Directorate (Highways) raises no objections to the application.

The Head of Public Space Services (Tree Officer) comments in relation to the previous application can be carried over to this application given the minor change to the siting and given that only the same number of trees are proposed to be felled. The comments where that the trees are not currently protected by a TPO; there are several notable silver birches and alders that contribute to the setting of the existing building and which would be worthy of a TPO; however the proposed footprint of the revised building and the new car park would conflict with the idea of retaining the trees and these would have to be amended if the identified trees were to be retained.

The Urban Design Officer comments that the design of this amended proposal is an improvement over that already approved.

The Highways Agency has no objections to the proposal.

The Head of Public Space Services (Traffic & Highways) raises no objections to the proposal.

Representations One letter making comments has been received, the contents of which can be summarised as follows: -

• There will be ample parking facilities for the replacement care home as this was a problem when it was Healey View Care home • The trees and hedge abutting the Daisy Fold to the front of the site should be retained

Applicant’s Case The applicants stated in support of the original application (05/01103/FULMAJ) that they are an experienced provider of this type of home; the new development has been designed to take account of both the siting, massing and form of the existing building in order to allow it to fit satisfactorily into its setting; it is a logical re- use of the site given the long established use on site for residential care; the hipped roofs adjacent the site boundaries will minimise the impact of the proposal; the grounds are spacious with established planting, much of which will be retained; impact upon adjacent residential amenity should be minimal with the spacing standards meeting or exceeding Council privacy standards upon residential developments.

Assessment The principal matters for consideration are those of the design and massing of the amended care home building as well as any further impact upon residential amenity together with impact upon trees on site.

The west facing elevations of the care home have been moved Agenda Page 47 Agenda Item 6c closer to the residential properties on Botany Brow with the west facing elevation of the three storey element which runs east/west moved approx. 1.7m closer although the separation distance is still considered sufficient at 17m and all windows in this elevation remain to non habitable rooms. The west facing elevation of the two storey element linking the single storey block to the three storey block will be sited 30m from the properties on Botany Brow. The roof space of this part of the building is now to be used to provide a laundry area, changing facilities, staff room and plant room thus facilitating the need for roof lights. In terms of the relationship with the properties on Botany Brow, the roof lights will be 18m from the boundaries and 30m from the properties themselves, distances, which are considered sufficient to mitigate detrimental overlooking.

In terms of the relationship with the properties to the east, the footprint of the care home has been moved approx. 2m further to the west which is considered sufficient to mitigate the 1m increase in the overall height of the two storey part of the building. The east facing elevation of the three-storey element closest to the eastern site boundary remains the same utilising a hipped roof. There are no objections in terms of the impact on residential amenity as a consequence of this relationship.

The original care home building was of poor quality in terms of its design and appearance and the approved care home represents a good quality replacement development. The fact alone that the new care home building would be an improvement upon its predecessor is insufficient justification for granting planning permission.

However, in terms of the design of the care home, the Council’s Urban Design Officer has commented that the amended building is actually an improvement over that already approved and accordingly, the amended design, which comprises of the utilisation of gables to the north and south facing elevations of the care home rather than hipped roofs is considered to be acceptable. In all other respects, the external appearance of the care home remains as per that already approved.

As previously approved, the use of materials in the elevations has been rationalised to a simple brick form throughout and the windows are to utilise cast stone heads, cills, jambs and mullions. The roof detail on the building nearest the site boundaries is in juxtaposition to the properties on Botany Brow and 8 Daisy Fold in that it is hipped thus having a less austere impact than the sharp gables of the original building. The institutionalised use of the proposed building undoubtedly results in fenestration detail that is somewhat repetitive though the gables to the south and north facing elevations help to add an element of visual interest and focus whilst there is sufficient variety in other aspects of the design and detailing to mitigate against this. Accordingly, it is considered that the care home accords with Policy Nos. GN5 and HS17.

The number of trees, which are proposed to be felled remains as per the original permission granted earlier this year whereby a total of seven trees of varying maturity are to be felled to enable the construction of the care home. Accordingly, as with the previous permission, a landscaping condition is recommended requiring the applicant to submit details of a scheme of replanting which should over time help to soften the outward impact of the care home.

Agenda Page 48 Agenda Item 6c The access into the site and car parking spaces essentially remain the same although by virtue of the footprint being moved closer to Botany Brow, the access is closer to the properties on Botany Brow although the dimensions and number of parking spaces remains as per the approved plans and it is in the existing position of the access that served the previous care home.

Conclusion It is considered that this is an appropriate land use for this site replacing a similar one that has been long standing. The proposed building, though with a slightly larger footprint and Amore substantial overall, is now considered appropriate hence it is recommended that planning permission be granted.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may have previously been submitted. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. During the construction period, all trees to be retained shall be protected by 1.2 metre high fencing as specified in paragraph 8.2.2 of British Standard BS5837:1991 at a distance from the tree trunk equivalent to the outermost limit of the branch spread, or at a distance from the tree trunk equal to half the height of the tree (whichever is further from the tree trunk), or as may be first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. No construction materials, spoil, rubbish, vehicles or equipment shall be stored or tipped within the area(s) so fenced. All excavations within the area so fenced shall be carried out by hand. Reason: To safeguard the trees to be retained and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP9 and HT9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until samples of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all hard ground- surfacing materials (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plans and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by Agenda Page 49 Agenda Item 6c the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the position, height and appearance of all fences and walls to be erected to the site boundaries (notwithstanding any such detail shown on the approved plans) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The care home shall not be occupied until all walls and fences have been erected in accordance with the approved details. Fences and walls shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details at all times. Reason: To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development, to protect the amenities of occupiers of nearby property and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Title: CHR44-03D 17 th May 2006 Proposed Second Floor General Arrangement CHR44-05D 17 th May 2006 Proposed Elevations ------20 th April 2006 Location Plan CHR44-43 20 th April 2006 Existing Site Layout CHR44-06E 20 th April 2006 Proposed Site Layout CHR44-01B 20 th April 2006 Proposed Ground Floor General Arrangement CHR44-02B 20 th April 2006 Proposed First Floor General Arrangement Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

9. Before the development hereby permitted is first occupied, the car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall be surfaced or paved, drained and marked out all in accordance with the approved plan. The car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than the parking of and manoeuvring of vehicles. Reason: To ensure adequate on site provision of car parking and manoeuvring areas and in accordance with Policy No. TR8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review (superseded by Policy No. 7 of the JLSP)

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St Peter's Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E359322 06/00499/FULMAJ 1:1,250 A. 3 N:418670 Agenda Page 52

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Item B. 1 06/00216/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Caron Taylor

Ward Eccleston And Mawdesley

Proposal Formation of fenced-off horse exercise area with all weather surface and erection of timber isolation stable/shelter with veterinary treatment area,

Location Land 100m South East Of Back House Farm Hall Lane Mawdesley

Applicant Mr & Mrs Carr

Proposal: The application is for the formation of a fenced-off horse exercise area with all weather surface and erection of timber isolation stable/shelter with veterinary treatment area.

Background: The applicant owns approximately 20 acres of grazing land in the village of Mawdesley. The site is accessed off Hall Lane down an unmade and unadopted road leading ultimately to Back House Farm.

Planning History: There have been two previous permissions at the site in 2001 and 2002.

01/00399/FUL: Creation of stable yard including stabling, exercise area, storeroom and associated landscaping.

02/00837/FUL: Extension to stables and construction of storage areas and relocation of the midden.

The 2001 application was for an L-shape building 111m˛ in floor area and 3.15m high with an uncovered exercise area in front and parking for four vehicles. In 2002 permission was granted to double the amount of buildings on the site with another L-shaped building matching the existing that enclosed the exercise area on a further side. This second permission increased the number of looseboxes from 7 to 12 and increased the amount of undercover space for the storage of hay, tack and a pony-trap.

Planning Policy: PPG2: Green Belts DC1: Development in the Green Belt EP8: Development Involving Horses Supplementary Planning Guidance: Development Involving Horses

Consultations: Lancashire County Council Highways: State that if the Council is satisfied that the proposed development is not a commercial operation there are no objections to the application.

Head of Environmental Services: Have no objection to the proposal.

United Utilities:

Agenda Page 54 Agenda Item 6d Have no objection to the proposal.

Applicants case: Since the earlier planning approvals 9/01/00399/FUL and 9/02/00837/FUL, the approved stables have been completed, and the site has been used as a base for two registered charities, now amalgamated into one named Jigsaw. The charity deals with the care, assessment and rehabilitation of needy horses and ponies, along with providing a facility for disabled or disadvantaged adults and children to visit the stables, and either ride or care for the resident equines. For more than 2 years Jigsaw has been a full member of the National Equine Welfare Council, a body representing approximately sixty welfare organisations both in UK and Ireland including RSPCA, ILPH, RDA and BHS, and last year Mrs Carr was voted onto the National Equine Welfare Council Executive Committee.

The isolation unit/veterinary facility is located close to the site entrance, at a suitable distance from the other equine accommodation. The building will be used primarily as an isolation unit by the charity when distressed or injured animals are temporarily homed at the site. The charity often get asked by other animal welfare organisations nationally to assist with providing care for equines that have been rescued from distressed or perilous situations. These animals (which are referred to here to as visiting equines) are in need of a short period of assessment and/or treatment before being found a suitable home elsewhere or assimilated into the permanent population at Jigsaw. At present Jigsaw are unable to provide such an emergency facility to visiting equines, but if the proposal were approved, it would enable them to fit better into the structure of the horse welfare setup, incumbent on them as members of the National Equine Welfare Council.

Isolation in this case is not intended to prevent cross contamination by airborne disease; rather it is intended to visually isolate stressed animals from our permanent residents undergoing treatment for stress/behavioural issues, thereby not jeopardizing their ongoing therapy.

In addition, due to the nature and background of the equines in the charity’s care, there is need for regular veterinary treatments on site. Whilst many of these are very minor in scale and are undertaken on the animals in the existing stables, there are occasions when the treatment requires anaesthetic or strong sedation techniques, which cannot be carried out safely in the stables. The provision of a knock down box will enable such treatments to be carried out on site if appropriate, thereby avoiding, where possible, the need to move sick animals to suitable alternative facilities, with the inevitable increase in their stress levels that this would cause.

The building will be used primarily as an isolation unit by the charity when distressed or injured animals are temporarily homed at the site. In addition, part of the building will provide a treatment area/knock down box with padded wall and a sand floor. This will be used for veterinary treatments for the equines in the charity’s care.

It is not intended to fit any permanent medical equipment e.g. fixed x-ray machine, ultrasound scanner etc. When required, such equipment is currently brought to the site by the visiting vet, and Agenda Page 55 Agenda Item 6d this situation will continue should the building be approved. It would clearly be impractical for any such equipment to be installed on a permanent basis as this would necessitate far higher levels of site security, and would require much greater funding support, which is totally inappropriate for the Charity.

Funding of the overall development is to be via project specific grants from funding bodies that have already expressed their intention to support this proposal, along with existing monies already obtained from various Charitable Trusts. Furthermore, ongoing running costs will be met from other Charitable Trust Funding and grant awarding bodies, and individual donations.

Although the wording on the original application form suggests that a commercial operation of sorts, involving Hillcrest Animal Hospital, would be required to enable the facility to be implemented, this statement was merely (as noted on the form) an extract from previous correspondence done by our Planning Consultant. Unfortunately, he was unaware of the financial position, or the day-to-day operation of Jigsaw and contrary to his suggestion, it is not necessary to use the proposal as a business, rather as a facility to augment the welfare operations of the charity. The cost of constructing the building will not be funded by Hillcrest Animal Hospital.

The provision of the all-weather exercise area will enable both larger horses and arthritic ponies in the care of the charity to be exercised in a more suitable environment than is currently available in the small exercise area within the footprint of the existing stables. It is not proposed to install any lighting to illuminate the exercise area, although low level lighting to illuminate the isolation unit building, as has been provided on the existing stables, will be required on this proposal.

Representations : Twelve letters of representation have been received as a result of consultation.

Six letters of objection have been received. Their concerns can be summarise as: • The impact the scale of the proposal would have on the character of the area. • Health and safety, regarding a horse being sedated could damage or destroy a timber construction and emissions created by the use of an X-ray machine, which could not be contained within a timber building. • There are already several fully operating animal hospitals with all necessary equine facilities within a short distance. • The ‘quid pro quo basis’ on which the centre will operate involves Hillcrest Animal Hospital who are supporting the venture, which employ nine veterinary surgeons, five of which are equine practitioners. They do not have their own X-ray facility and knock-down box, which mean the proposed building, will be used full-time for their operations. These circumstances therefore cease to be a small charitable operation and evolve into a burgeoning commercial business, which is inappropriate in the Green Belt and breeches the original conditions applied to the previous permissions.

Agenda Page 56 Agenda Item 6d • There is speculation about the future use of the site as an animal hospital breeching Lancashire County Councils advice that the road is unsuitable for commercial use. • The access road is a narrow single track with blind bends and virtually no passing places. The junction with the main road has already seen a number of near misses. The traffic to and from the existing stables has proved to be vastly greater than originally projected and the deterioration of the road has been alarming. • The access road is also a public footpath where vehicles already impede walkers and the passing of a horsebox leaves them no area of safety in which to retreat. As horseboxes would become a daily event this would pose a public hazard. • The sand paddock would be better sited next to the current stables to reduce its impact. • The site is located between two ponds so surely this will affect the natural drainage of the land. • The Local Planning Authority could not control the number of visits by Hillcrest vets resulting in increased traffic. • There are no details of the proposed landscaping. The current stables have earth bunds, which are unnatural and unsightly. • The centre does open to the public and the applicant’s runs an equine laundry service from the site breeching the condition restricting commercial use (this matter has been passed to the Planning Enforcement Officer). • The proposed building is up to 4m tall, higher that the existing buildings. • The application indicated that the isolation box is sited to prevent cross-infection with the existing stables, however it is only a few metres away from other fields where horses not owned by the applicants graze. • The proposal would result in noise and disturbance and have a serious impact on residential amenity in terms of overlooking and loss of privacy. • The drainage is unacceptable. There are questions over flooding.

Since receiving these letters amended plans have been submitted changing the position of the sand paddock and isolation stable on the site. A copy of the amended plans has been sent to objectors. Any further comments made in relation to the amended plans will be placed on the addendum

Six letters of support have been received at the time of writing the report. Their comments can be summarised as follows: • The services of the Jigsaw charity make have a significant impact on mistreated and misplaced horses and ponies, which in the past may have continued with long suffering lives or worse still may have died due to the way they have been treated. To hinder the growth of these services would have a detrimental affect in their future. • Jigsaw have shown and proved the need for their services, so expansion of the site can only be a good thing. Agenda Page 57 Agenda Item 6d • This is a charity, which not only helps horses, but also the people working with them and it is hoped that they continue to thrive and help more people in the future. • It will result in a reduction in traffic, as horses will not have to be ferried to and from Jigsaw for treatment. • The charity not only helps horses but also children with learning difficulties.

Assessment: The application site is in the Green Belt where PPG2 and Policy DC1 of the Adopted Chorley Local Plan Review apply. Essential facilities for outdoor sport and recreation are acceptable in terms of Green Belt policy.

The committee report for the previous application in 2002 stated that the resulting buildings are undoubtedly of greater size than those generally permitted in the countryside for the keeping of horses for hobby purposes. However, it stated that it is not of disproportionate size in relation to the number of horses that may be kept on this 20 acre site.

The site is used by the charity Jigsaw to care for and rehabilitate horses and ponies. The applicant has provided information regarding the location of the isolation box and that it is separated from the other stables to isolate stressed animals from permanent residents undergoing treatment for stress/behavioural issues. The building is not excessive in size and the applicants have provided information justifying the level of accommodation required. In addition the building has been reduced in height to conform to the guidelines in the SPG Development Involving Horses.

The principle of a sand paddock is not of concern as they are acceptable in the Green Belt providing they are carefully sited in the landscape. The location of the proposed sand paddock has been amended at the request of the case officer, to bring it nearer to the existing stables and to respect the field boundaries. An earth bund was originally proposed which has been removed and replaced by native landscaping, details of which will be conditioned.

Highways Although the concerns of residents regarding increased traffic are noted, the applicant has clarified the use of the isolation box facility and how it will be funded. It is therefore not considered that it is a commercial facility as it is directly linked to the charity and this issue can be addressed through a planning condition to preclude business use.

Neighbour Amenity The nearest property to the proposals is Brookmere Farm. It is not considered that the proposals would have an unacceptable impact on the amenities of this neighbour. The openings of the building face away from the property into the application site, and around the rear of the building will be landscaped to provide screening. The amended plans have moved the proposed sand paddock away from Back House Farm and subject to a condition preventing illumination to the sand paddock the proposals will not have an unacceptable impact on this property or those near it.

Landscape Impact

Agenda Page 58 Agenda Item 6d The plans have been amended to ensure the proposals do not have an unacceptable impact on the landscape. Originally the sand paddock was sited away from the stables on the other side of the field. It has now been repositioned on the same side and closer to the existing stables. The isolation box has been moved to be next to the stables and landscaping is now proposed rather than earth bunds (which appear as alien and unnatural in the landscape) to provide screening.

Conclusion: While I accept the concerns of residents and although the amount of accommodation is above what would normally be granted in the Green Belt, it is considered that the application is not for the straightforward keeping of horses for leisure purposes, but is the base for a charitable institution and additional landscaping to the site will be achieved. Any permission would be granted as a personal permission to the charity and a condition will be applied requiring the isolation box to be demolished if it is no longer required in connection with the functions of the charity along with a condition restricting business use. Therefore, subject to these conditions the application is recommend for approval.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The building hereby permitted shall be used for the stabling of horses and storage of associated equipment, bedding and feed only and shall not be used for any trade or business purposes (including the keeping of horses at livery or in connection with a commercial riding school). Reason: In the interests of highway safety and the character and appearance of the area.

3. All external facing material shall match in colour, form and texture those on the existing stable building. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area.

4. The permission hereby granted shall only enure for the benefit of a horse related charitable organisation and may not be implemented or occupied by any other person, company or organisation. Should the isolation unit/treatment building and associated hardstanding hereby permitted cease be required for the purposes of the charity, it shall be removed from the land, together with all resultant materials, and the land shall be restored to its condition before the development took place. Reason: The permission was granted having regard to the special circumstances advanced in support of the application, however the use would be inappropriate to the area unless only carried on by the applicant in the manner specified on the application.

5. The permission hereby granted is for the use of the land for the keeping and grazing of animals and the riding of horses and ponies only. The land shall not be used for any business purpose including the commercial training or schooling of horse and pony riders or for the holding of any events, competitions, trials, horse/pony club meetings or gymkhanas and does not imply or grant permission for installation of any system or sound amplification. Reason : To define the permission and in the interests of the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties and highway safety and in accordance with Policy No. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may Agenda Page 59 Agenda Item 6d have previously been submitted. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Title: CF1712-50 B 6 June 2006 Proposed Exercise Area & Isolation/Veterinary Treatment Area CF1712-51 B 6 June 2006 Location, Elevations & Plan of New Building Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

9. No development shall take place until a scheme of lighting has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail, which may have previously been submitted. Such a scheme should include details of the location (where they will be attached), the number and size of the lights and their luminance. Such a scheme shall be constructed and completed in accordance with the approved plans. Notwithstanding the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 or any re-enactment or associated legislation no further lighting shall be installed unless express planning permission is first obtained. Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the residential amenities of the adjacent property and in accordance with Policy Nos. DC1 and EP21A of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

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Backhouse Barn Willow Barn ´

Pond Back House







Application Site




Brookmere Farm

Sunnybrook Barn

Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 349341 06/00216/FUL 1:2,500 B. 1 N: 415519 Agenda Page 62

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Item B. 2 06/00385/FUL Refuse Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Lyndsey Cookson

Ward Euxton South

Proposal Retrospective application for a 2m high boundary wall,

Location 89 Highways Avenue Euxton Chorley PR7 6QD

Applicant Mr D McDonnell

Proposal: This retrospective application is for the erection of a 2 metre high wall along a section of the southern boundary, adjacent to the highway.

The total length of the wall is 13.3 metres, which is constructed in an ‘L’ shape. The section of the wall which bounds the highway is 8.8 metres in length, and the remaining section is at right angles to the highway, coming within 1.2 metres of the dwelling house. The 2 metre high wall will comprise of a 0.8 metre dwarf brick wall, brick pillars 1.1 metres in height, 0.3 metres in width and finished with concrete cappings, and timber fence panels in between the pillars 1.8 metres in length.

Background: The application site comprises of a detached dwelling house and detached garage, both constructed out of brick. The site is a corner plot on Highways Avenue, which is on a housing estate built in the mid 1970s.

Policy: GN1: Settlement Policy – Main Settlements GN5: Building Design

Planning History: There have been two planning applications at the site: 87/00288/FUL – Two storey side extension. Permitted. 90/00046/FUL – Single storey rear extension. Permitted.

Consultations: CBC’s Highways Department have no comments to make.

Head of Environmental Services have no comments to make.

Representations: None

Assessment: The application site lies within a main settlement, in which there is a presumption in favour of appropriate development, subject to normal planning considerations and the other policies and proposals of the plan, as stated by policy GN1.

Design and impact on the street scene Policy GN5 states that the design of the proposed development will be expected to be well related to its surroundings. The immediate surrounding area reflects an open and sylvan character, evident by minimum boundary treatments at neighbouring properties, which include dwarf walls 0.5 metres high, and softer vegetation.

Neighbouring property no. 59 Highways Avenue to the west of the Agenda Page 66 Agenda Item 6e site, which is also a corner plot, has 3-metre high hedgerow as its boundary treatment. Neighbouring properties to the south and east of the wall incorporate dwarf walls and vegetation boundaries adjacent to the highway. These boundary treatments are softer and less prominent.

Approximately 35 metres away, property no. 40 Hawkshead Avenue has incorporated a 2.1 metre high wall, which has been constructed without planning permission. A retrospective application was refused (ref:9/05/00992/FUL) and enforcement action was approved in December 2005. An appeal against the enforcement notice has been made, which is currently ongoing. This unlawful development is also not in keeping with the area, and should not justify a similar proposal within the vicinity.

Prominent boundary treatments providing high levels of screening, enclosure and privacy, such as this proposal, are not reflected in this part of the street. The height and bulk of the wall would be visually obtrusive and detrimental to both the appearance and character of the street and the amenity of the area. The development is inappropriate, as it does not relate well to the immediate surroundings, which reflect a more open and sylvan character with softer boundary treatments.

Impact on neighbour amenity Due to the scale and siting of the proposal, it has no undue impact upon the amenities of neighbouring properties.

Impact on highway safety The proposal has no detrimental impact on highway safety.

Conclusion: The proposal will be a prominent feature in the street scene, and will have a significantly adverse impact on the character of the street scene when taking into account the absence of screening at other properties in the immediate area, and the prominent corner location occupied by the property.

I recommend the proposal for refusal, as it is out of keeping with the character of the immediate surrounding area, and overly prominent within the street scene, contrary to policies GN1 and GN5 of the Local Plan.

Recommendation: Refuse Full Planning Permission


1. The proposal, by reason of the height and siting of the boundary wall, would be visually obtrusive and detrimental to both the appearance and character of the street and the amenity of the area. This development is inappropriate as it does not relate well to the immediate surroundings which reflects a more open and sylvan character with softer boundary treatments. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy GN1 and GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

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Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E:355896 06/00385/FUL 1:1,250 B. 2 N:418080 Agenda Page 68

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Item B. 3 06/00469/FUL Refuse Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Lyndsey Cookson

Ward Clayton-le-Woods West And Cuerden

Proposal Formation of pitched roof over existing flat roof front dormer (retrospective),

Location 57 Lancaster Lane Clayton-Le-Woods Leyland PR25 5SP

Applicant P Beswick & C Kettlewell

Proposal: This retrospective application proposes the formation of a pitched roof over an existing first floor flat roof dormer. The dormer is centred on the front roof plane, facing onto Lancaster Lane. The roof measures 0.6 metres in height to the pitch, 5.8 metres in width and 3 metres in length from the ridgeline. The roof exceeds the height of the ridgeline by 0.6 metres. It is comprised of timber cladding with a bitumen finish and a felt roof. The cladding will be painted in colours to match the frame and eaves over two front bay windows.

Background: The application property was originally a detached bungalow, which has been extended to incorporate dormer windows on the front and rear, a single storey rear extension and rear conservatory. It is set back from the road by approximately 18 metres.

Policy: Planning Policy Guidance Note 3: Housing GN1: Settlement Policy – Main Settlements GN5: Building Design HS9: Residential Extensions SPG: House Extension Design Guidelines

Planning History: There have been a number of planning applications at the site: 75/00595/FUL - dormer extension for bedroom and shower room. Permitted 75/00838/FUL - dormer bedroom. Permitted 80/00260/FUL - replacement garage. Permitted 92/00176/FUL - first floor dormer extension. Permitted. 03/00637/FUL - single storey extension to side and dormer to front and rear. Withdrawn. 03/01177/FUL - single storey front extension with dormer to side and single storey side extension. Withdrawn. 05/00769/FUL - single storey rear extension, pitched roof over existing rear extension, conservatory to the rear and erection of 1.7 metre boundary wall. Permitted.

Consultations: None.

Representations: None.

Assessment: The application site lies within a main settlement, in which there is a presumption in favour of appropriate development, subject to normal planning considerations and the other policies and proposals of the plan, as stated by policy GN1.

Agenda Page 70 Agenda Item 6f

Design Policy HS9 states house extensions will be permitted provided that the extension is in keeping with the existing house and the surrounding buildings in terms of scale, size, design and facing materials. The building design must be well related to the surroundings, as stated in policy GN5.

The Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extension Design Guidelines states that dormer windows and roof extensions have a noticeable effect on the appearance of a house, or the street, because of their prominent position. It will not normally be acceptable for dormers or roof extensions to exceed the height of the roof ridge, as such extensions dominate the house. Dormers should be designed to be subordinate to the original roof of the house.

The dormer window is sited in a prominent position on the dwelling house, on the front roof plane at first floor level. Although the dormer is large in scale, the approved flat roof design did not exceed the roof ridge and was more in keeping with the property. The addition of a pitched roof has increased the bulk, scale and prominence of the dormer.

The bulk and scale of the pitched roof has a harmful effect on the appearance of the dormer, making it an overly large feature which is not subordinate to the dwelling house. The pitched roof exceeds the ridgeline, dominates the front elevation, and has a detrimental effect on the appearance of the dwelling house.

The pitched roof attempts to reflect the design features of the dwelling, by complementing two pitched roofs over the bay windows on the front elevation. However, it contributes to an unnecessarily complex array of roof patterns which clutter the front elevation, and are not in keeping with the simplistic character of the original dwelling.

Impact on street scene The property is set back from the highway by approximately 18 metres, and relatively well screened by vegetation. However, due to the bulk of the pitched roof and its siting above the ridgeline of the dwelling house, it is clearly visible within the street scene, forming an overly prominent and obtrusive feature which is out of keeping with the character of the dwelling house.

The application property is sited within an area of mixed house types, including bungalows and two-storey properties. The application site is to the north of Lancaster Lane, amongst a row of bungalow properties, none of which have incorporated dormer windows on the front roof plane. Facing the application site is a two-storey property with two dormer windows on the front roof plane, and a bungalow with planning permission for a first floor extension, which includes three dormer windows on the front roof plane. These dormers incorporate pitched roofs which are smaller in scale and bulk, and do not exceed the height of the ridgeline over the dwellings, therefore subordinate and in keeping with the respective properties.

Dormer windows with pitched roofs over which are subordinate to the dwelling house and not overly prominent, are evident within Agenda Page 71 Agenda Item 6f the vicinity. However, the proposed pitched roof is not subordinate or in keeping with the dwelling in terms of scale and siting, and is overly prominent, having an adverse effect on the appearance of the property within the street scene.

Impact on neighbour amenity The proposal would not have an adverse effect on the amenities of neighbouring residents.

Conclusion: The proposed extension is contrary to the Council's approved House Extension Design Guidelines and Policy HS9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review by reason of its design and external appearance. The proposed extension is overly prominent, poorly related visually to the existing dwelling and detrimental to the street scene and the area as a whole.

Policy Guidance Note 3: Housing states that in determining planning applications, local planning authorities should reject poor design particularly where the decisions are supported by clear plan policies and adopted supplementary planning guidance. The proposal is accordingly recommended for refusal.

Recommendation: Refuse Full Planning Permission


1. The proposed extension is contrary to the Council's approved House Extension Design Guidelines and Policy HS9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review by reason of its design and external appearance. The proposed extension is overly prominent, poorly related visually to the existing dwelling, and detrimental to the street scene and the area as a whole.

Agenda Page 72

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Pond Pond ´ 12




n 8



1 Application Site


O N 71 CL 2



5 1 6


2 53 51

41 58

54 39 e 50 Lancaster Lan 48

LB 44 42a










E NU 25 10


Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 356138 06/00469/FUL 1:1,250 B. 3 N: 422557 Agenda Page 74

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Item B. 4 06/00547/COU Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Nicola Bisset

Ward Chorley North East

Proposal Change of use from takeaway to mixed use with restaurant and takeaway, also retrospective application for the erection of a single storey rear extension and internal disabled toilet

Location 77 Water Street Chorley Lancashire PR7 1EX

Applicant Arturo Mansione And Linda Haydock

Proposal The application relates to the change of use of an existing takeaway to a mixed use development with a restaurant and takeaway. The application also includes the erection of a single storey rear extension and internal disabled toilet both of which have already been completed.

The single storey rear extension joins the main building to the existing two-storey building located within the rear yard area. The single storey extension measures 2.85 metres long by 1.6 metres wide. The two storey existing building in the rear yard area is used for storage.

The disabled toilet is internal and occupies part of the adjoining building, which is also owned by the applicant.

Planning Policy GN1- Settlement Policy- Main Settlements SP6- District, Neighbourhood and Local Shopping Centres. Policy 7- Parking. Joint Lancashire Structure Plan 2001-2016 Access and Parking SPG

Planning History 04/00532/COU- Change of Use to A3 (Take Away Restaurant). Approved July 2004.

Representations A local ward Councillor has requested that the application is brought before Development Control Committee

1 letter has been received from a neighbouring resident raising the following objections: • Permission was given two years ago to use the premises as a takeaway, which has led to considerable loss of amenity for the residents on Commercial Road. The residents experience disturbance until almost midnight. • Users of the takeaway frequently park outside the residential properties on Commercial Road. • Experience noise from car doors and conversations • Loss of amenity due to cooking smells • Impact on highway safety reducing visibility through parking on Commercial Road. • All these problems will be greatly exacerbated by adding a restaurant to the takeaway use.

Agenda Page 76 Agenda Item 6g

Consultations Lancashire County Council’s Highways Engineer has no objection to the proposal.

The Director of Street scene, Neighbourhoods and the Environment (Service Group) has no objection to the proposal.

The Director of Streetscene, Neighbourhoods and the Environment (Environmental Protection) have no objections in principle to the proposal, as the premises have been used as a takeaway for approximately 18 months.

Assessment The main issues to consider are the impact of the proposal on the shopping centre, the impact on the neighbours amenities and the impact on highway safety.

The property is located within a row of terraced properties, the majority of which are occupied by a commercial use at the ground floor. The property is located within a designated shopping centre. In accordance with Policy SP6 the use of the ground floor for a commercial use is considered acceptable in this location.

The nearest residential properties are the terraced properties located on Commercial Road and Congress Street. Planning permission was granted in 2004 to use the premises as a takeaway and this permission has been implemented. Change of use from a takeaway to a restaurant to considered to be permitted development however a condition was attached to the previous approval to restrict the use and this proposal relates to a mixed use development. Therefore planning permission is required to change the use.

A condition was also attached to the previous permission restricting the hours of use. The property is located close to a busy junction, which generates traffic noise. It was considered that the use as a takeaway would not have an adverse effect on the neighbours amenities. Similarly with this proposal it is considered that the use as a restaurant will not impact on the amenities of the neighbours. An hours condition will be attached again to ensure that trading will cease at 11.30pm.

There is parking existing to the front of the property, which serves all of the businesses in the row. Due to the nature of the proposed use the main opening hours will be in the evening when the majority of the shops in the row are shut and the available parking to the front of the property will be available. A restaurant is likely to generate long stay parking whereas a takeaway generates more short stay parking. The proposed use will be mainly a restaurant with the takeaway retained. A neighbour raised concerns in respect of people parking in front of the properties on Commercial Road, however the current use is more likely to generate this type of parking than the proposed use.

The site is located in close proximity to the town centre and accessible by a number of modes of transport. Neither Lancashire County Council’s Highway Section or Chorley Borough Council’s Highway Engineer object to the proposal and therefore the proposal is considered acceptable in terms of Policy 7 of the Joint Lancashire Structure Plan.

Agenda Page 77 Agenda Item 6g A neighbouring resident has raised concerns in relation to noise, highway safety, parking and smells. Issues relating to noise, highway safety and parking have been discussed above. The premises will use the same extraction unit as they currently have. This unit was erected in accordance with a condition attached to the previous change of use application. Environmental Services have confirmed that only one odour compliant has been received at the property soon after the takeaway opened. It is considered that the use of the property as a restaurant will not generate any more odours than the current use.

The single storey rear extension has already been erected and links the main property to a storage building in the rear yard area. it is unlikely that this extension will impact on the amenities of the neighbours.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The use hereby permitted shall be restricted to the hours between 8am and 11.30pm. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy Nos. SP6 and EP20 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. The approved plans are: Received On: Title: 2nd May 2006 Site Location Plan 2nd May 2006 Side Elevation (South) 2nd May 2006 Rear Elevation (East) 2nd May 2006 Side Elevation (North) 2nd May 2006 North Side Elevation (Showing Yard Perimeter Wall) 2nd May 2006 First Floor of Storage Building 2nd May 2006 Ground Floor of Storage Building 2nd May 2006 Proposed Floor Plan 2nd May 2006 Existing Floor Plan Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

Agenda Page 78

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ing C n i a r T


86.3m Vet Surgery



0 5 85.0m

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El Sub Sta 85.6m

Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 358515 06/00547/COU 1:1,250 B. 4 N: 418267 Agenda Page 80

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Item B. 5 06/00563/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Nicola Bisset

Ward Coppull

Proposal Proposed stables

Location Land To The Rear Of 243 Chapel Lane Coppull Chorley

Applicant Mr S Matthews

Proposal The application relates to the erection of a stable block on land to the rear of 243 Chapel Lane, Coppull. The proposal incorporates 6 stables and a tack room. A midden is also proposed to the east of the stables.

The stable block is proposed in the south west corner of the site. There is existing vegetation at this corner, which will act as a screen to the proposal.

The proposed stable block forms an L-shape. The part of the building along the southern boundary of the site measures 18.8 metres long and 3.9 metres wide. The part of the building along the western boundary of the site measures 8.2 metres long and 3.9 metres wide. The proposal is 2.1 metres high to eaves level and 3 metres high to the ridge height.

Planning Policy DC1- Development in the Green Belt EP8- Development Involving Horses Development Involving Horses SPG PPG2: Green Belts

Planning History 05/01214/FUL- Erection of stables, sand paddock, midden and ancillary works. Withdrawn January 2006.

Applicant’s Case The applicant has submitted a letter with the application stating that the family owns 6 horses which is why 6 stables are required.

Representations Coppull Parish Council have not yet commented as they are awaiting further information.

3 letters of objection has been received from neighbouring residents raising the following points: • The stables are located next the back garden and the stables will create loss of privacy, noise and disturbance. • Will attract flies and vermin and create smells • Why can’t the stables be located further into the field? • The trees at the border of the field have been damaged. • How does the applicant intend to deal with the water from the site? • The midden will create smells and attract flies and vermin.

Agenda Page 84 Agenda Item 6h • There is no access to the field proposed and existing

Consultations None received

Assessment The application relates to the erection of a stable block, which will accommodate six stables and a tack room. The proposal will be used for private use and the site is accessed via the access track which is located at the rear of 243- 261 Chapel Lane

There was a previous application at the site last year (05/01214/FUL) for a similar development. The originally submitted application incorporated a stable block of an identical size and location as this application. However the previous application also included a sand paddock and access road to the stables.

The previous application did not include enough information in respect of access to the site and the land levels of the sand paddock. After discussions with the applicants it was ascertained that vehicular access to the stables was not required nor was the need for the sand paddock. The current application reflects the requirements of the applicants and the sand paddock and access road have been removed from the plans.

The stable block proposed as part of this application is located in the south west corner of the site away from the access point to the site. The site is located within the Green Belt and although the stables will be located away from the access point there is no requirement for vehicular access to the site and the proposed location is screened by existing vegetation. Therefore it is considered that this location is the most appropriate siting as it will have an minimal impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.

The proposed stables are located approximately 30 metres away from the neighbouring residential properties and the midden will be located to the east of the stables over 50 metres away from the nearby residential properties. These distances comply with the guidelines set out in the Development Involving Horses SPG.

Stables 1-4 and the tack room have a floor area of 3.7 metres by 3.7 metres. Stables 5 and 6 have a floor area of 3.7 metres by 4.3 metres. The ridge height is below 3.5 metres. Therefore the majority of the stables comply with guidelines set out in the Development Involving Horses SPG although stables 5 and 6 slightly exceed the guidelines. The number of stables proposed exceeds the number for small private developments set out in the SPG however the applicant has provided evidence that the building is genuinely required for equestrian purposes and a condition will be attached to ensure that the development cannot be used for commercial purposes.

The building will be timber clad with a 1 metre high internal block- work wall which complies with the guidelines set out in the SPG. The proposal complies with Policy EP8 and the guidance set out in the Development Involving Horses SPG.

Agenda Page 85 Agenda Item 6h

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The stables hereby permitted shall be used for the stabling of horses and storage of associated equipment and feed only and, in particular, shall not be used for any trade, business or other storage purposes.Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the visual amenities and character of the area and in accordance with Policy No. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. Before the use of the stables is commenced the midden shall be fully constructed and available for use. Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities and character of the area and in accordance with Policy No. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

Agenda Page 86

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2 227 ´





253 Application Site

79.2m 265


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a AP



277 Graveyard

Chapel House



Beechwood Court BM 83.24m CHU Sevenoaks RCH D 10 8 FOL 4

7 5 3 2

2 1 Coppull Parish Longm Church Oakdene e 291 de

Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 356762 06/00563/FUL 1:1,250 B. 5 N: 413708 Agenda Page 88

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Report of Meeting Date Director of Development and Regeneration Development Control Committee 20.06.2006


Item Application Recommendation Location

D. 1 06/00400/FUL Permit Full Planning Bancroft Cottage Higher Simpson Fold Permission Wheelton

D. 2 06/00405/FUL Permit Full Planning 8, 10 And 10A Market Street Adlington Permission

D. 3 06/00420/FUL Permit Full Planning Land 20m South West Of Cockers Farm Long Permission Lane Heath Charnock

D. 4 06/00465/TPO Consent for Tree Works 11 Chorley Old Road Whittle-Le-Woods

D. 5 06/00484/FUL Permit retrospective Pole Green Nurseries Church Lane Charnock planning permission Richard

D. 6 06/00508/FUL Permit Full Planning 83 Wigan Road Euxton Permission

D. 7 06/00532/FUL Permit Full Planning Land Opposite Brow Cottage Preston Road Permission Charnock Richard

D. 8 06/00566/TEL Prior App not reqd – Bridge Preston Road Whittle-Le- Telecom Woods

D. 9 06/00577/FUL Permit Full Planning Land North Of 20 Union Street Whittle-Le- Permission Woods

Agenda Page 92

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Item D. 1 06/00400/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Lyndsey Cookson

Ward Wheelton And Withnell

Proposal Erection of horticultural glasshouse,

Location Bancroft Cottage Higher Simpson Fold Wheelton Chorley Lancashire

Applicant Mr & Mrs James

Proposal This application relates to a site located to the east of Blackburn Road, Higher Wheelton. The proposal is for the erection of a horticultural glasshouse located to the south of a cluster of dwellings and farm buildings, adjacent to an existing stable block and hedgerow.

The glasshouse will be used to grow fruit, vegetables and some other plants for the applicant’s own private use, with the surplus being marketed from local outlets, such as farm shops and market stalls, but not from the premises. The glasshouse will measure 15.25 metres by 7.75 metres. It will be sited on a sloping ground level, and partially built into the ground. Its ridge height will be 2.3 metres on the higher ground level (east elevation) and 3.6 metres on the lower ground level (west elevation). It will comprise of a dwarf block wall, which is 0.7 metres below ground level on the east elevation and 1.25 metres above ground level on the west elevation, metal frames 0.6 metres apart and glass panels.

Background: The property is an agricultural smallholding on approximately 6 acres/2.4 hectares of land. The agricultural use to which the land is put includes livestock, fruit and vegetables, pastureland and woodland. Existing structures on the land include a dwelling house and agricultural building. The proposal is sited to the south of these structures. The land is elevated from Blackburn Road and neighbouring properties.

Policy PPG2: Green Belts DC1: Development in the Green Belt EP7: Agricultural Development

Planning History There is no relevant planning history relating to the land at this property.

Consultations The parish council has concerns regarding the visual intrusion and whether there are any traffic issues to be considered. It is recommended that some form of screening should be considered.

The Ramblers’ Association states providing that provision is made for the retention of footpath number ‘Wheelton 10’ no objections are raised.

The LCC Highways Engineer has looked at the plans, but has no comments to make in view of the nature of the proposal.

Agenda Page 94 Agenda Item 7a LCC Property Group have the following comments to make: • The property is principally a residential dwelling with an area of land; • The glasshouse will be used for the growing of vegetables, herbs and fruit which, along with other small holding type activities, will help the applicants to live in a self sufficient way; • The produce will be grown mainly for the applicants own consumption, with any surplus being sold; • Although the applicants justify the need for the proposed development on business grounds and the property is a registered small holding, it is clear that the proposed activities on the unit relate principally to a hobby activity; • It is considered the glasshouse will be necessary for the desired types of crops to be grown; • Given that the horticultural activities will be new to the site and that the business is new, it is difficult to assess the size of any structure that will be required, but it is not considered the size of the proposed glasshouse to be inappropriately large, although it is larger than a typical glasshouse associated with a domestic dwelling.

Representations One letter objecting to the proposal has been received from the occupants of neighbouring property ‘Bancroft Farm’. The issues raised can be summarised as: • The siting of the structure and its close proximity to the neighbouring land would be intrusive and have an environment impact; • Using the proposal as a viable business will have an environmental impact in terms of traffic and disruption; • Inability to grow produce due to nature of the land; • Unclear on the potential impact to the community, through increased traffic flows and noise pollution.

Argument put forward by the applicant

• The land is at a significant altitude and mostly on a north facing slope. It is only realistic to grow fruit and vegetables under glass or polythene; • The use to which the greenhouse would be put fits the definition of agriculture, as it would be used for fruit and vegetables and some other plants; • The land is registered under the government’s single payment scheme for a variety of agricultural purposes, which are livestock (chickens, sheep, pigs, bees and horses), fruit and vegetables, pasture and woodland; • It is the intention to make this a viable business. The property is a registered smallholding, with a small business number, and VAT registered. The applicant has completed a 2-year RHS General Horticultural course at a local college in preparation; • An estimate of the exact surplus cannot be made, although it is expected to be significant. It is intended that the surplus will be marketed from local outlets, such as farm shops and market stalls, but not from the premises; • The greenhouse is for the applicant’s use only, and will not result in employing anyone to work in it, nor would it be accessible to the public; • There is no hard surfacing required in connection with the greenhouse.

Assessment The site lies within the Green Belt as defined by policy DC1 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review. Planning Policy Guidance Note 2 ‘Green Belts’ states that development in the countryside for agricultural purposes is appropriate in principle.

Agenda Page 95 Agenda Item 7a Policy EP7 of the Local Plan states that planning permission will be granted for agricultural development except where it would materially worsen the impact on nearby housing or community uses or the landscape in terms of noise, smell or appearance.

The main issues to consider are: impact on the Green Belt; scale, design and appearance; neighbour amenity and highway safety. Each is dealt with in turn:

Impact on the Green Belt The erection of a glasshouse for agricultural purposes is not necessarily inappropriate in the Green Belt. Horticultural uses, where all the plants and produce are grown on the holding, are considered to be agriculture and therefore generally acceptable in the countryside. It is intended that the glasshouse will be used for the applicant’s private use, and any surplus would be sold from local outlets. It is considered that the size and scale of the proposed development is not inappropriate for this activity.

The glasshouse would be on an elevated site, which has a sloping gradient. The applicant has demonstrated that the proposal would be built into the land, as opposed to the land being built up to accommodate the glasshouse. This would reduce its prominence, and lessen its visual appearance. The structure would be relatively well screened by existing vegetation, and it is not considered that additional screening is necessary. The proposal would be approximately 5 metres from an existing agricultural building, and would not have a harmful effect on the openness of the Green Belt.

It is not considered the proposal would appear unduly intrusive, in view of its scale and siting, and would not detract from the visual amenity of the Green Belt in principle.

Impact on neighbour amenity The nearest residential property to the greenhouse is ‘Bancroft Farm’ which is approximately 45 metres to the north of the proposal. The nearest part of its curtilage is sited 5 metres away. The field to the west of the proposal is currently used as grazing land for horses.

The greenhouse would be scarcely visible from neighbouring property ‘Bancroft Farm’, due to the topography of the land, the screening provided by vegetation along the boundary, and the distance between the proposal and this property. The greenhouse will be partially screened by existing vegetation from the grazing land to the west.

There would be no resultant smells or noise resulting from the proposal and there would be no undue loss of visual amenity for neighbouring residents in line with policy EP7.

Highway safety There would be no employees, visiting public, or produce sold from the premises as a result of the proposal, which can be prevented by conditions. Any increase in traffic flows, for example when the produce is being transported to a local outlet, would not be so detrimental to neighbouring residents or highway safety to justify refusal.

Agenda Page 96 Agenda Item 7a A public footpath runs to the east of the site on neighbouring land, and will not be affected by the proposal.

Conclusion: The proposal is accordingly recommended for approval. It has a dual purpose of being incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling and reasonably required for agricultural purposes. It is sited close to an existing agricultural building, relatively well screened by existing vegetation, built into the land to minimise its visual impact, and would not have an adverse impact on the openness of the Green Belt or on nearby neighbouring residents in terms of noise, smell or appearance.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Location Plan 18 th April 2006 Site Plan 18 th April 2006 Proposed Roof Plan 18 th April 2006 Proposed Elevations 2nd June 2006 Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

3. The glasshouse hereby permitted shall only be used for the growing of plants, fruit and vegetables, and where such a use ceases for a period exceeding six months within ten years of its substantial completion, the glasshouse shall be removed from the site and the land restored to its condition prior to the development. Reason: To protect the character and appearance of the locality and to avoid a proliferation of buildings in the Green Belt for which there is not a continuing need and in accordance with Policy Nos. DC1 and EP7 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. Any surplus produce grown in the glasshouse shall not be sold from the site to visiting members of the public. Reason: To protect the amenities of local residents and the character and appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. DC1 and EP7 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

Agenda Page 97 Agenda Item 7a

Simpson Higher Simpson Fold

Fold Farm

1 )

(um 2 th a P Higher Simpson

Fold Barn

Bancroft ´ Stables





Fold Farm Bancroft Bancroft Cottage


Application Site

Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E:360640 06/00400/FUL 1:1,250 D. 1 N:421982 Agenda Page 98

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Item D. 2 06/00405/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Mr David Stirzaker

Ward Adlington & Anderton

Proposal Change of use to convert 2 properties to 6 apartments

Location 8, 10 And 10A Market Street Adlington Chorley PR7 4HE

Applicant Mr S Ashburn

Proposal This application proposes the conversion an empty shop and residential accommodation to six apartments. The property comprises of 8, 10 and 10A Market Street, Adlington, which has been in occupation as a single property being linked internally. The property at the moment comprises of two shop units and a lounge and kitchen on the ground floor whilst the first floor comprises of four bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The proposed apartments are made up of five one bedroom apartments and a single two bedroom apartment. No major external alterations are to be undertaken to the frontage of the property and five car parking spaces are to be provided in the yard/garden area of the property accessed via Walton Street.

Background The shop unit/s have not been in retail use for a period of approx. 10 years and as such have been paying council tax as a single residential property.

Planning Policy GN1 - General Settlement Policy GN5 - Building Design & Landscaping TR4 - Highway Development Control Criteria TR8 - Parking Provision Levels (superseded by Policy 7 of the JLSP) SP6 - District, Neighbourhood & Local Shopping Centres SPG - Windfall Housing

Planning History 05/01137/FUL - Conversion of 2 properties to form 6 apartments. This application was refused as insufficient information was submitted regarding the period the shop not been in retail use and no car parking was proposed.

Representations One letter of objection has been received, the contents of which can be summarised as follows: -

• Access to the parking area for the flats is over Walton Street which is a private road for which the applicant does not have a legal right to use • Five parking spaces would be inadequate for six apartments • The stone boundary wall would have to be knocked down to provide access to the new parking area • The surface of Walton Street is already being broken up by unauthorised traffic and cars blocking the street is a continual nuisance

Agenda Page 100 Agenda Item 7b • Lower Adlington is losing its local facilities and further shop premises should not be converted into residential property

Consultations LCC (Highways) make no objection to the proposal.

British Waterways make no objection to the proposal.

CBC (Highways) have objected to the application as the property abuts a private street (Walton Street), residents of which have complained in the past of shoppers/visitors to Market Street parking and also causing obstruction. The comment is also made that parking on Market Place/Street is limited and this will be exacerbated by vehicle owners living in the apartments.

Assessment The main issues warranting consideration are set out as follows: -

Planning Policy

Property nos. 10 and 8 are within a designated Local Shopping Centre whereby Policy SP6 of the CBLPR specifies that the change of use of retail or commercial uses on the ground floor will be refused unless it is shown that there is no demand for retail/commercial use of the property or the property was last occupied by a non retail/commercial use. In this case, the properties have not been used for retail purposes for a period of approx. 10 years and have been paying normal Council Tax as residential properties only. Accordingly, it is considered that this period of non-retail use for approx 10 years, meets with Policy SP6 as the last use was clearly non-retail. Property no. 10A abuts the shopping centre designation hence it meets with the criteria (j) of the Windfall Housing SPG.

Impact on Residential Amenity

The upper portions of the properties are in residential use as existing and the only issue arising from the conversion scheme is the insertion of a bedroom window in the gable end at first floor level. However, the applicant has agreed to a condition requiring this window to be fitted with obscure glass to mitigate overlooking. The small single storey extension to provide an entrance and WC to the basement flat does not raise any issues and any additional windows will not prejudice the amenities of the occupiers of adjacent properties. The proposal is therefore considered to accord with Policy SP6.

Design Matters

The property is one of the older buildings in the lower Adlington street scene and is constructed from stone with a slate roof. The property does have a certain character that makes a positive contribution to the locality and in terms of the changes resulting from the conversion scheme, these are kept to a minimum with the frontage of the property remaining as existing whilst only minor changes to the fenestration in the other elevations are proposed. The plans do state that the roof is to be stripped and recovered using reclaimed slate and that the rear is to be rendered. The slate can be covered with an appropriate materials condition and the rendering of the rear elevations does not raise any issues. It is therefore considered that the proposal will not prejudice the Agenda Page 101 Agenda Item 7b character and appearance of the locality hence accords with Policy GN5.

Highways Matters

Lancashire County Council Environment Directorate (Highways) has not objected to the proposal. With regards to the objections raised by CBC (Highways), it is noted that the development is accessed via a private road. However, there is an existing gated access to the rear of the property that has clearly been in place for numerous years and the applicant has confirmed that the previous owner of the property has always gained access to the rear via Walton Street. Written confirmation of this has been sought from the applicant and the details will be outlined in the addendum.

This matter aside, the applicant is proposing the provision of five parking spaces, meaning one of the apartments will not have a parking space. However, the apartments are in a highly sustainable location within walking distance of Adlington Train Station and there is a bus stop immediately outside the apartments on Market Street hence the level of parking provision is therefore considered to be in line with LCC standards. Notwithstanding this, it should be borne in mind that the property does not currently have dedicated parking space and it is considered that 6 apartments will generate less vehicular traffic movements than the previous retail use and residential accommodation. Whilst the car parking layout is tight and two of the spaces may facilitate the need to back onto Walton Street due to space constraints, this street is relatively quiet where vehicle speeds are going to be low. It is therefore considered that on balance the car parking layout is acceptable given it provides five off street spaces thus insofar as possible, additional on street parking will be kept to a minimum. It is therefore considered that the proposal accords with Policy TR4 of the CBLPR and Policy 7 of the JLSP.

Conclusion On the basis of the above, it is considered that the proposal accords with the requisite planning policies hence it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until samples of all new or replacement external facing materials to the existing building and facing materials to the extension (notwithstanding any details shown on the approved plans and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced full details of a bin storage facility/area shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The bin storage facility/area shall be provided prior to the first occupation of the apartments in accordance with the approved details.

Agenda Page 102 Agenda Item 7b Reason: To protect the appearance of the locality, in the interests of the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy No. HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of the colour, form and texture of all hard ground surfacing materials (notwithstanding any such detail shown on the approved plans) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. The bedroom window to the apartment in the first floor of the building’s south facing elevation shall be fitted with obscure glass and obscure glazing shall be retained at all times thereafter. Reason: In the interests of the privacy of occupiers of neighbouring property and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5, HS4 and HS9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. The approved plans are: Plan Ref. Received On: Title: ------6th June 2006 Proposed Elevations ------31 st March 2006 Site Plan ------31 st March 2006 Location Plan & Existing Basement Plan ------31 st March 2006 Existing First Floor Plan ------31 st March 2006 Existing Ground Floor Plan ------31 st March 2006 Existing Elevations ------31 st March 2006 Proposed Ground Floor Plan ------31 st march 2006 Proposed First Floor Plan ------31 st March 2006 Proposed Basement & Ground Floor Plan Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the proper development of the site.

7. Before any development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the surfacing, drainage and marking out of the car park and vehicle manoeuvring area shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall be provided in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation of the apartments hereby permitted. The car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than the parking of and manoeuvring of vehicles. Reason: To ensure adequate on site provision of car parking and manoeuvring areas and in accordance with Policy Nos. TR4 and TR8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review as superseded by Policy 7 of the JLSP.

Agenda Page 103 Agenda Item 7b

Bank 97.2m


PO 18 to 20



2 KE 1 Depot R

MA ´

Bank 8


2 to A 6







Clayton White Bear Arms (PH)

Application S ite

a 6





10a WALTON STREET 94.5m 14 4 4 1

17 1


Play Area M








8 TCB Church


8 2 32



18 Ad li ng B usin ton S e o ss uth V il la ge


23 Filling Station 4 8 7 to 1 1 1

Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 360056 06/00405/FUL 1:1,250 D. 2 N: 412925 Agenda Page 104

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Item D. 3 06/00420/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Nicola Bisset

Ward Heath Charnock And Rivington

Proposal Proposed stable block

Location Land 20m South West Of Cockers Farm Long Lane Heath Charnock Chorley

Applicant Mr C Kay

Proposal The application relates to the erection of a stable block on land to the south west of Cockers Farm. The proposal incorporates five stables, which will house four horses and a tack room/feed store. A midden is proposed to the west of the stable block and landscaping is proposed along the northern boundary of the field next to the stable block.

The applicant owns 4 horses one of which is in foal which is why 5 stables are required. The stable block will be used for private use and access to the stables is through the Cockers Farm development.

The proposed development measures 19.2 metres long and 4.2 metres wide. The stables measure 2.5 metres to the eaves height and 3.3 metres to the ridge height. The development also incorporates a midden, which measures 3 metres by 3 metres and an area of hardstanding to the front of the stables.

Planning Policy DC1- Development in the Green Belt EP8- Development Involving Horses Development Involving Horses SPG PPG2: Green Belts

Planning History 06/00153/FUL- Proposed Stable Block. Withdrawn April 2006

Applicant’s Case The applicant has provided the following information in support of the application: • The stable block will provide stables for four horses and one stable will be used as a tack room and feed store • The contents of the midden will be removed weekly • The provision for parking of vehicles is on the hardstanding outside the gate to the field

Representations 1 letter of objection has been received raising the point that the access arrangements have not been taken into consideration. The has been a long standing concern from the relevant Highway Authorities in respect of access from Long Lane to the site. Previous planning applications have been refused at Cockers Farm due to the access.

The Ramblers Association have commented that Footpath Heath Charnock 43 is near the proposed development

Agenda Page 106 Agenda Item 7c

Consultations Lancashire County Council’s Highways Engineer has commented that although the applicant has not completed Part 2 forms he assumes that the development is not for commercial use. Subject to a suitable condition, which ensures this there are no objections to this proposal.

The Director of Streetscene, Neighbourhoods and the Environment (Service Group) has no objections to the proposal.

The Environment Agency have commented that the proposal is similar to the previous application although the location has been amended so that it will be over 8 metres away from the River Yarrow. Access will be maintained and the risk of pollution will be minimal. The Agency has no concerns in relation to the proposed development. They do suggest that a lip or something similar is installed at the front of the midden to ensure that any rainwater contaminated by the manure does not freely drain away.

The Director of Streetscene, Neighbourhoods and the Environment (Environmental Protection) have no comments to make.

Lancashire County Council’s Ecologist has no comments to make.

Assessment The application relates to the erection of a stable block, which will accommodate five stables, one of which will be used as a tack room. The proposal will be used for private use and will be accessed through the Cockers Farm site.

There was a previous application at the site earlier this year (06/00153/FUL) for a similar development. The originally submitted application incorporated an L-shaped development close to the River Yarrow. Amendments were sought to relocate the stables away from the River Yarrow closer to the existing complex of buildings at Cockers Farm. The application was withdrawn in order to address the concerns raised in respect of the location and the proposed screening.

The stable block proposed as part of this application is located close to the access gate to the field, close to Cockers Farm. The site is located within the Green Belt and it is considered that this location is the most appropriate location for the development as the stables will visually form part of the complex of buildings forming the built up farmstead.

The proposal also incorporates screen planting along the north boundary of the site to reduce the impact of the proposal on the openness and character of the Green Belt. The screening will be located along the entire north boundary which is more appropriate than providing a small area of planting which would appear artificial.

The proposed stables have a floor area of 3.7 metres by 3.7 metres and the ridge height is below 3.5 metres. Therefore the proposal complies with guidance set out in the Development Involving Horses SPG. The number of stables proposed exceeds Agenda Page 107 Agenda Item 7c the number for small private developments set out in the SPG however the applicant has provided evidence that the building is genuinely required for equestrian purposes and a condition will be attached to ensure that the development can not be used for commercial purposes.

The building will be timber clad with a 1 metre high internal block- work wall which complies with the guidelines set out in the SPG. There is no need for an access road to the site as the proposal is located close to the access gate to the site. The proposal complies with Policy EP8 and the guidance set out in the Development Involving Horses SPG.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a scheme for the containment and storage of manure has been approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall be constructed and completed in accordance with approved plans. Reason : To prevent the pollution of the water environment and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. The stables hereby permitted shall be used for the stabling of horses and storage of associated equipment and feed only and, in particular, shall not be used for any trade, business or other storage purposes.Reason: To define the permission and in the interests of the visual amenities and character of the area and in accordance with Policy No. EP8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

Agenda Page 108

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Item D. 4 06/00465/TPO Consent for Tree Works

Case Officer Mrs Helen Lowe

Ward Clayton-le-Woods And Whittle-le-Woods

Proposal Crown and thin two sycamores and remove a third covered by TPO1 Whittle Le Woods 1985

Location 11 Chorley Old Road Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley LancashirePR6 7LB

Applicant Mr Graham Dunn

Proposal This application proposes to crown thin two sycamore trees and to fell a third covered by TPO1 (Whittle le Woods) 1985.

Planning Policy The following policies in the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review are considered to be relevant:

EP9 Trees and Woodlands

Planning History Recent planning applications at the application site relevant to the current proposals are:

9/03/00343/FUL Erection of detached dwelling and felling of tree T3, protected by TPO No. 1 (Whittle le Woods) 1985 Approved 11/07/03

9/03/00385/TPO The pruning of trees protected under Tpo1 (Whittle le Woods) 1985 Approved 03/09/03

Consultees Responses The Councils Arboricultural Officer has made the following comments on the proposals: • The trees appear in reasonably good condition; • The two trees with pruning requests stand around 13m high and form part of a small copse; • The third tree requested for a fell is standing close to the house and is 9 metres high. The canopy is suppressed to some extent by the larger surrounding trees; • The reasons given for the pruning appear valid. I am less convinced by the need to fell the sycamore in the centre, although it is close to the property. However, its removal not drastically change the look of the area and would also remove any potential future problems; • Recommend approval (crown thinning up to 25%); • It is not considered that the works would have a harmful effect on neighbouring protected trees.

Third Party Representations Two letters of objection have been received from neighbouring residents, making the following comments: • The trees form part of a small copse located in teh grounds

Agenda Page 110 Agenda Item 7d of the old smithy at the top of Dolphin Brow. They visually soften the horizon and add to the rural aspect of the area; • The trees act as a windbreak, sheltering adjacent properties. Crowning the trees may have an adverse effect on these properties; • The proposal will have a drastic negative effect on the amenity of the area; • Consideration should be given to how the proposals would affect an adjacent protected tree (at No. 7Chorley Old Road) as this could cause problems with the tree in the future, i.e. with protection now lowered due to pruning etc. and wind loading

Whittle le Woods Parish Council: The tree warden felt that these trees were healthy and there would be no reason for removal. The Parish Council objects to the felling of healthy trees.

Applicant’s Case The applicant has put forward the following reasons for the proposed works: • Branches overhang house which are potentially dangerous; • To allow more light into the garden; • Tree to be felled is unattractive with little lateral branching due to position and limited future potential. Poor amenity value; • Proximity of tree to be felled to house. • Propose replacement tree to north of garden.

Assessment The trees form a visually important and prominent feature within the street scene. They add considerably to the level of visual amenity in the area and provide an attractive feature within an area of housing. Crown thinning of two of the trees, however, would not unduly impact on the outward appearance of the trees nor harm their amenity value.

The tree to be felled is sited in the centre of the group of trees and due to its location and restricted size adds little to the external appearance of the group of trees. It is not considered that its loss would unduly harm the amenity value of the trees. Although the tree is healthy, subject to the imposition of a condition requiring a suitable replacement, it is not considered that the loss of the tree would be unduly harmful.

The Council’s Arboriculturalist has indicated that the proposed works would not have a negative impact upon the amenities of the adjacent trees.

Conclusion The proposal is recommended for approval.

Recommendation: Consent for Tree Works Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Before any tree felling is carried out full details (including species, number, stature and location) of the replacement tree planting shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Agenda Page 111 Agenda Item 7d Planning Authority. The replacement tree planting shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details within nine months of the tree felling. Reason: To safeguard the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy Nos.EP9 and HT9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

3. The tree works for which consent is hereby granted are as specified below only, namely:- • Crown thinning of sycamore trees T1 and T2 (as shown on approved plan dated 12 April 2006) up to 25%; • Felling of sycamore tree T4 (as shown on approved plan dated 12 April 2006); Reason: To define the consent, to safeguard the appearance and health of the tree(s) and in accordance with Policy Nos. EP9 and HT9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

Agenda Page 112

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Application Site 4

32 3



Dolphin Farm


Green Bridge

FB Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 358122 06/00465/TPO 1:1,250 D. 4 N: 421386 Agenda Page 114

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Item D. 5 06/00484/FUL Permit retrospective planning permission

Case Officer Miss Lyndsey Cookson

Ward Chisnall

Proposal Erection of retrospective greenhouse (16m x 27m),

Location Pole Green Nurseries Church Lane Charnock Richard

Applicant Mr G Brennand

Proposal This retrospective application relates to an additional greenhouse structure on the site of Pole Green Nurseries in Charnock Richard. The greenhouse is located to the south of the site, and measures 27 metres by 16 metres, with a height of 3.6 metres to the ridge. It covers an area of 432 square metres, and comprises of a 0.35 metre concrete block wall, metal frames 0.7 metres apart and glass panels.

The greenhouse adjoins onto an existing structure at right angles in an easterly direction. It is sited to the south of a further greenhouse structure. The greenhouse is used in connection with the activities undertaken at the nursery.

Background: The application site of Pole Green Nurseries is located to the south of Church Lane, to the east of a residential area and public footpath, and to the west of a railway line, in the rural settlement of Charnock Richard.

Policy GN4: Rural Settlements GN5: Building Design

Planning History There is no relevant planning history relating to this site.

Consultations The parish council has no objections.

The Ramblers’ Association have stated providing that provision is made for the retention of footpath number ‘Charnock Richard 18’, no objections are raised.

An Area Officer at the Environment Agency, who is aware of the drainage provision, confirmed verbally that as the proposal is retrospective, there is no need for a formal consultation.

Representations Two letters objecting to the proposal have been received from the occupants of neighbouring properties 9 and 11 Meadowlands. The issue raised can be summarised as: • The drainage system is inadequate, and any additional water into the system will overflow, flooding the public footpath and neighbouring garden areas.

Argument put forward by the applicant • The surface water drains into the existing pond, where there is sufficient capacity to accommodate it.

Agenda Page 116 Agenda Item 7e Assessment The site lies within the rural settlement of Charnock Richard, as defined by policy GN4 of the Local Plan, in which development is limited. The proposal could be seen as meeting an employment need, which is specified as being an acceptable form of development.

Policy GN5 states that the design of the proposed development will be expected to be well related to its surroundings. The immediate surrounding area comprises of greenhouses and structures associated with the nursery.

The main issues to consider are: impact on the rural settlement; scale, design and appearance; and neighbour amenity. Each is dealt with in turn:

Impact on the Rural Settlement The erection of a greenhouse within the site of a garden centre, which is seen against a backdrop of similar structures and does not project nearer to any boundary than existing greenhouses, would not harm the rural settlement character in which the site is located.

Scale, Design & Appearance The size and design of the greenhouse is in keeping with adjacent structures in terms of bulk, scale and materials. It is sited against existing greenhouses, approximately 20 metres from the eastern boundary and 45 metres from the southern boundary. The additional greenhouse does not adversely increase the cumulative sprawl of structures on the site.

The site is on a level surface, elevated from the rail track. The greenhouse is well screened by existing vegetation on the east and south boundaries. It is not considered that additional screening is necessary. The greenhouse would not be visible when entering the site, as it is screened by existing structures.

The proposal does not form an overly prominent feature on the site, or when seen from the adjacent highway, rail track and public footpath.

Impact on neighbour amenity The nearest residential property to the greenhouse is ’41 Church Lane’ which is approximately 60 metres to the north of the proposal. Residential properties on ‘Meadowlands’ to the west of the site are at least 70 metres away.

The greenhouse is scarcely visible from the neighbouring properties, due to the screening provided by existing structures, and the distance between the proposal and these properties.

With regards to the excess surface water, the applicant has confirmed the existing structure has sufficient capacity to accommodate the water from this greenhouse. The Environment Agency is aware of the drainage capacity, but did not consider that consultation with them for additional or alternative provision was necessary. The contribution of surface water by this greenhouse, in comparison with the cumulative contribution made, is not considered to be significant, and would not justify refusing the application.

Agenda Page 117 Agenda Item 7e Conclusion: The proposal is accordingly recommended for approval. It does not have an adverse impact on the character of the rural settlement, is in keeping with the site and existing structures in terms of scale, design and appearance, and does not have a detrimental effect on neighbour amenities.

Recommendation: Permit retrospective planning permission

Agenda Page 118

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Cricket Ground 76.5m

Three Arch Application Site Bridge ´ BM 76.68m

73.5m 41

1 Tr






Sub Sta 1 1 M EA D OWL



15 Water


10 2 5 MP 13.25





1 5


1 L NURSERY CLOSE 9 C Charnock N E


74 4

Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E:356026 06/00484/FUL 1:1,250 D. 5 N:415785 Agenda Page 120

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Item D. 6 06/00508/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Mrs Helen Lowe

Ward Euxton North

Proposal Proposed replacement dwelling and double garage.

Location 83 Wigan Road Euxton Chorley PR7 6JU

Applicant Mr Craig Nuttell

Proposal This application proposes the demolition of an existing bungalow and the erection of a replacement two storey detached dwelling and detached double garage.

Planning Policy The following policies from the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review are considered relevant: GN1: Settlement Policy – Main Settlements GN5: Building Design and Retaining Existing Landscape Features HS4: Design and Layout of Residential Developments Interim SPG on windfall Housing Developments Planning History An application for a replacement dwelling was refused earlier this year, ref. 9/06/00191/FUL. This application was refused as it was considered that the proposed dwelling, by reason of its siting and design, would have a detrimental impact upon the amenities of neighbouring occupiers.

Consultees Responses Lancashire Councty Council (highways): no objections subjection to the imposition of a number of conditions.

Third Party Representations Two letters of objection have been received from the occupants of nearby residential properties. They object on the grounds that the proposed dwelling would overlook their properties and cause a loss of privacy. They also express concern that the proposed dwelling would appear out of the character with the area. An additional letter expressing no objections has also been received.

Assessment The main issues to consider in determining this application are considered to be: windfall housing, design and appearance, street scene and neighbour amenity.

Windfall Housing The one for one replacement of existing dwellings is an exception (c) to the current controls on windfall housing developments, therefore it is not considered that there is any conflict with the Interim SPG.

Design and Appearance The design, appearance, materials, bulk and scale of the proposed dwelling are considered to be acceptable. The building is to be largely rendered with some timber framing, reconstituted stone heads and cills and a brick plinth. Details of the exact colour and type of these materials have not been provided

Agenda Page 122 Agenda Item 7f therefore it is considered appropriate to attach a condition requiring details to be submitted and approved.

Street Scene The existing property on the site is a true bungalow. As the proposed replacement dwelling is a two-storey house, the proposed dwelling would have a greater impact on the street scene than the existing dwelling. However, this part of Wigan Road is characterised by a variety of house styles, types and designs. The property would also be set back from Wigan Road by approximately 10 m. It is not considered that the proposed dwelling would form an incongruous or unduly prominent feature within the streetscene.

Neighbour Amenity As the proposed dwelling would be two storey, rather than single storey as at present and have a greater footprint than the existing dwelling, the proposed dwelling has the potential to have a greater impact on the amenities of the surrounding properties than the existing dwelling.

The adjacent property to the rear (east), No. 29 Grange Drive is a bungalow. A letter of objection has been received from the occupant of this property. There would be a minimum distance of approximately 28.5m between the first floor windows to the rear of the proposed dwelling and windows to the rear of No. 29 Grange Drive. The Council’s interface standards recommend a distance of 21m between first floor windows to habitable rooms and any facing windows. Although the occupants of No. 29 Grange Drive at present do not experience any overlooking from first floor windows it is considered that as the distance between the two properties is considerably in excess of the Council’s Guidelines a reason for refusal could not be sustained on these grounds.

The adjacent property to the south, 85 Wigan Road, is a dormer bungalow. There are no windows in the side elevation of this property. The application property is set closer to the road than No. 85 and as a consequence the rear of the proposed dwelling would be 5.5m to the west of the front elevation of No. 85. The proposed first floor window in the rear elevation of the application property would therefore cause some degree of overlooking to No. 85. However, due to its position and distance from the boundary between the two properties it is considered that it would be difficult to gain views of the from of No. 85 from this window and there is sufficient distance (approx 18m) between the window and the rear garden of No. 85 to prevent any undue loss of privacy. The only windows to habitable rooms proposed in the south facing, side elevation of the application property are a ground floor window to a kitchen and a secondary window to a dining room. As these would overlook the front garden area of No. 85 which is visible from the public highway and there is a fence along the boundary between the two properties and two intervening driveways it is not considered that this window would cause any undue loss of amenity. For these reasons it is not considered that there are sufficient grounds to refuse the proposal on the basis of loss of privacy/increased overlooking to No. 85.

The proposed dwelling would not comply with a 45 degree guideline taken from the nearest ground floor window in the front elevation of No. 85. However, due to the distance between the two Agenda Page 123 Agenda Item 7f properties and their orientation it is considered that the proposed welling would have little overshadowing and overbearing impact for the residents within No. 85. The overbearing impact would be much greater within the front garden, however, given the large size of the garden, it is considered that this is also not sufficient reason to warrant refusal of the proposal.

The adjacent property to the north, No. 81 Wigan Road is a true bungalow. There a re a number of windows ion the side facing elevation of this property that would look onto the proposed dwelling, including the dining room window, which is the only window to this room. There would be one ground floor window to a games room in the north facing elevation of the application property. There would be a distance of 12m between the first floor elevation of the proposed dwelling and the dining room window of No. 81. This accords with the Council’s Guidelines.

To the west of the application side lies Wigan Road. Beyond this the nearest house to the west is No. 6 Rose Hill. A letter of objection to the proposals has been received from this property. There would be a distance of 51m between the first floor windows in the proposed dwelling and No. 6 Rose Hill. It is considered that this distance is sufficient to prevent a loss of privacy/increased overlooking to properties on Rose Hill.

The boundary hedging on the site is somewhat patchy at present and a number of trees have been felled from the site. It is considered appropriate to attach a landscaping condition. Additional planting along the eastern boundary would also lessen the impact on No. 29 Grange Drive.

Conclusion Whilst the concerns of the local residents are noted, it is not considered that these would amount to sufficient reasons to warrant refusal of the proposal and it is accordingly recommended for approval.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until samples of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 and HS4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

2. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

3. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may have previously been submitted. The scheme shall indicate all existing trees and hedgerows on the land; detail any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development; indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform.

Agenda Page 124 Agenda Item 7f Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. Before the access is used for vehicular purposes, that part of the access extending from the highway boundary for a minimum distance of 5m into the site shall be appropriately paved in tarmacadam, concrete, block paviours, or other approved materials. Reason: To prevent loose surface material from being carried onto the public highway thus causing a potential source of danger to other road uses and in accordance with Policy No. TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. The vehicle turning area shall be laid out and available for use prior to first occupation of the dwelling hereby approved. Reason: Vehicles reversing to and from the highway are a hazard to other road users and in accordance with Policy No. TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. The vehicle footway crossing shall be extended to reflect the widened driveway. The kerbing of the vehicular crossing shall be widened in accordance with the Lancashire County Council specification for Construction of Estate Roads prior to first occupation of the replacement dwelling. Reason: To limit the number of access points to, and to maintain the proper construction of the highway and in accordance with Policy No. TR4 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

Agenda Page 125 Agenda Item 7f


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Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 355400 06/00508/FUL 1:1,250 D. 6 N: 419740 Agenda Page 126

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 127 Agenda Item 7g

Item D. 7 06/00532/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Mr Simon Pemberton

Ward Chisnall

Proposal Amendment to design of crematorium building previously approved incorporating an extension to the building.

Location Land Opposite Brow Cottage Preston Road Charnock Richard ChorleyLancashire

Applicant Petersgate Crematoria Ltd

Background: This application for full planning permission follows a series of previous applications for a crematorium on this site. Outline planning permission was first granted in 1999 under reference 99/00445/CO4. This was subsequently renewed in 2003 (reference 02/01232/CO3MAJ). A further application was submitted in 2004, reference 04/01277/FUL for amendments to the access into the site. A reserved matters application was subsequently submitted (reference 04/01376/REMMAJ) for the erection of the crematorium and chapel with the ancillary parking.

The site is set back to the west of Preston Road with an access approximately opposite Stan Stocks Depot. Details of the access are subject of a planning application 04/1277 which was approved on the 19 th January 2005. Some work has commenced on the access, although they remain incomplete at the time of writing this report.

Proposal: Application 04/01376/REMMAJ, approved on the 19 January 2005, proposed a single storey building of 440sqm, car park for up to 57 cars, formal garden area and an access road with a gated entrance to the A49. The changes proposed in the current application only relate to the building previously approved. All other details remain the same.

The applicants advise that the UK has signed up to OSPAR Convention (Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic) which requires that all new crematoria constructed after October 2006 are fitted with Mercury abatement equipment. There are further targets that 50% of all crematoria (including existing) are fitted with the equipment by 2012 and that all crematoria are suitably equipped by 2020. Mercury emissions do not cause particular local health concerns, however, mercury is dispersed over a large distance and affects the population primarily through the consumption of fish.

The abatement equipment is bulky and needs and extension to the building to accommodate it.

Policy: The relevant policies include: Chorley Borough Local Plan Review 2003 – DC1, GN5, EP4, and EP9 Joint Lancashire Structure Plan (2005) – Policy 21 and 25

Agenda Page 128 Agenda Item 7g Representations: A single letter of objection has been received from a resident of Back Lane on the basis of increased scale of building imposing on the character of rural land designated Green Belt and the effect on the highway of increased capacity at the crematorium.

Consultations: Head of Public Space Services – Access to be agreed with the County Council. Lancashire Environment Director (Ecology) – Refers to the need to safeguard habitats for bats and breeding birds, including hedgerows and to provide habitat management plans. The Wildlife Trust – Reiterates the above concerns and asks a close inspection of the site for newts and water voles be maintained.

Assessment: The outline permission and subsequent reserved matters approvals has set the principle of a crematorium in this location.

The building is a brick built structure under a slate effect roof set well back from the road. Existing hedge lines and trees reduce its visibility. There is a small car park on the North side. A garden of remembrance is located at the beginning of the development and access is across the ‘front field’ closest to Preston Road. The building has a chimney incorporated into its roof and rising 3m above the ridge.

The proposed extension measures 5.7m by 8.6 metres. It adds an additional 49m2 of floorspace to the building. This increases the floorspace of the overall building to 489m2. This is broadly in accordance with the scale of the building envisaged at the outline application stage.

It is solely designed to accommodate the additional mercury abatement equipment and is not intended to increase the capacity of the crematorium in any way. It therefore should not have any significant impact on the adjacent highway network. In this respect the Councils Highways Officers raise no objections to the current application.

The site lies within the Green Belt where there is strict control of new development. Only limited forms of development are appropriate. These are set out in Planning Policy Guidance Note 2: ‘Green Belts’ and Policy DC1 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review 2003. One of the indicated criteria is essential facilities for cemeteries. It is clear from the applicant submission that the provision of this equipment is necessary and essential for the operation of the crematorium in the longer term.

In terms of landscape impact, the proposal represents a modest increase to the scale of the building previously permitted. Bearing in mind its isolated location and significant landscape screening, the proposal will not unduly increase the impact of the proposal over and above that which has been previously permitted.

Conclusion: In summary, the proposal represents appropriate development in the Green Belt and broadly accords with the principles previously established for the development of the site. The application is therefore recommended for approval subject to the following conditions.

Agenda Page 129 Agenda Item 7g

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: This condition is required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Prior to the commencement of development full details of the colour, form and texture of all hard landscaping (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plans and specification) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All works shall be undertaken strictly in accordance with the details as approved, unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, and shall be completed in all respects before the final completion of the development and thereafter retained. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interest of the visual amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy GN5 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review (2003).

3. Prior to the commencement of any development, full details of the alignment, height and appearance of all fences and walls to be erected to the site boundaries (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plan(s)) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No building shall be occupied or land used pursuant to this permission before all walls and fences have been erected in accordance with the approved details. Fences and walls shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details at all times. Reason: To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development and to protect the amenities of occupiers of nearby property and in accordance with Policy GN5 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review (2003).

4. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until samples of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality in accordance with Policy GN5 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review 2003.

5. Before the development is commenced, proposals for the landscaping of the site, to include provision for the retention and protection of existing trees and shrubs, if any, thereon, together with any means of enclosure proposed or existing within or along the curtilage of the site shall be submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority by means of a large scale plan and a written brief. All proposed and existing trees and shrubs shall be correctly described and their positions accurately shown. Upon approval such new planting shall be carried out during the planting season October/March inclusive, in accordance with the appropriate British Standards for ground preparation, staking, etc., in BS4428:1989 (1979), immediately following commencement of the development. The landscaping shall thereafter be maintained for five years during which time any specimens that are damaged, dead or dying shall be replaced and hence the whole scheme shall thereafter be retained. Reason: Pursuant to Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and to protect and enhance the appearance and character of the site and the locality and in accordance with Policy GN5 and EP10 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review 2003.

6. The previously approved Mitigation / Management Plan and Proposals shall be implemented in full accordance with the programme and timescales indicated in the approved document. Reason: In the interests of nature conservation in accordance with policy EP3 and EP4 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review 2003.

7. Before the development or use of the land hereby permitted is first commenced a scheme of off- site field edge and hedge planting shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved planting scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the previous condition.

Agenda Page 130 Agenda Item 7g Reason: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area in accordance with policy GN5 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review 2003.

8. Before the development hereby permitted first being brought into use the access, as approved on application 04/01277/FUL, shall have been implemented in full. Reason: In the interest of highway safety in accordance with Policy TR4 of the Chorley Borough Local Plan Review 2003.

Agenda Page 131 Agenda Item 7g

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Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 355101 06/00532/FUL 1:5,000 D. 7 N: 417390 Agenda Page 132

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 133 Agenda Item 7h

Item D. 8 06/00566/TEL Prior App not reqd - Telecom

Case Officer Mr Alistair Gemmell

Ward Clayton-le-Woods And Whittle-le-Woods

Proposal Telecommunications Installation Comprising 14.7m High monopole Supporting 3 No Antennas, 1 Dish with Development Ancillary

Location Shaw Hill Bridge Preston Road Whittle-Le-Woods

Applicant T Mobile Uk Ltd

Proposal This prior notification application proposes the installation of a 14.7 metre high monopole supporting 3 antennas and 1 dish with ancillary development. The three antenna are contained within a shroud 320mm wide with a small dish, 300 mm in diameter fixed below this at the top of the structure. At the base of the monopole are two cabinets, one measuring 500 x 600 x 1235 high, the other 900 x 800 x 1240 mm high. This ancillary development would be located immediately south of the monopole. All equipment is grey in colour.

The installation would be located approximately 95 metres north of the junction of Dawson Lane and Preston Road (A6) and approximately 115 metres south of the junction of School Brow with Preston Road. The proposed development would be sited on the pavement on the west side of Preston Road, approximately 1.6 metres in from the kerb.

In October 2005 it was determined that prior approval was not required for the same development 15 metres to the north. It is now necessary to resite this installation due to a redundant pipe the Highways Agency have advised is soon to come back into use for drainage purposes. The installation is required to enable T- Mobile to provide/improve the 3G digital telephone network in the area.

Planning Policy PPG8 (Telecommunications) states that Government Policy is to facilitate the growth of new and existing telecommunication systems. Where possible it encourages the mounting of antenna on existing buildings and mast sharing. It indicates operators should look carefully at materials, colours and design, to minimise obtrusiveness.

Policy PS12 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review states that the Council will only permit utility services where there are no overriding environmental objections to either the siting or appearance of the installation and when all of the following criteria have been met:

(a) Development is part of a planned expansion; (b) No operational suitable sites elsewhere with less environmental impact; (c) No reasonable possibility of sharing existing facilities;

Agenda Page 134 Agenda Item 7h (d) No reasonable possibility of erecting antennae on an existing building or structure; (e) The visual impact of the development on the landscape has been minimised, subject to technical limitation.

Planning History As noted above, it was determined that prior approval was not required for the same development 15 metres to the north (application 05/00897/TEL). Approximately 55 metres to the south of the site subject to this application a 12m high installation has been erected by Vodaphone following the determination that prior approval was not required in May 2005.

Consultations At the time of the previous application The Council’s Highways department advised the development would not have any adverse effect on highway safety or traffic therefore did not object to the proposal.

Representations The consultation period runs until 27 June 2006 and to date just one letter of representation has been received. The letter opposes the installation on the grounds that the mast would look unsightly and would be of detriment to the rural view and value of the objector’s property. Health and safety concerns are also raised.

The previous application received twenty letters of objection from local resident and one letter of objection from Cllr Perks. In summary, the following issues were raised:

• The monopole is a physically unattractive structure, with a detrimental impact upon the landscape and property values; • The monopole would impact upon the health of all residents and children nearby and is in close proximity to a doctor’s surgery and a school; • Too little is know on the potential health implications these masts may/may not create and as countries such as Holland, Australia, New Zealand and America take health issues seriously, the UK should mirror this approach: • There are already more than enough telecommunication masts in the area; • The development will have a detrimental impact on highway safety due to the reduction in size of the footway: • Telecommunication masts should be sited away from residential areas: • Mobile phone reception in the area is good enough without the need for more masts.

Assessment The main issues to consider in determining this type of application are the siting and appearance of the proposed development.

With reference to the concerns of the local residents and councillors about possible health implications, the proposed development meets the ICNIRP guidelines and therefore in line with Policy PPG8, it is not necessary to consider further health aspects and concerns as part of processing this application. The operator enclosed an ICNIRP Certificate ‘Declaration of conformity with ICNIRP public exposure guidelines’ signed with the application.

Agenda Page 135 Agenda Item 7h With regard to Policy PS12 it is accepted that the proposed development would be part of a planned expansion. The applicant has submitted information to support compliance with criteria (b) – (d) in that it is argued no other sites are considered more suitable. The applicant has enclosed information on other sites considered prior to the application being submitted.

In terms of siting and visual impact, street lamps, telegraph poles and road signs are all urban features around the application site. The proposed development would be sited against the backdrop of existing mature trees, which would both offer an element of screening and lessen the impact of the installation. The lampposts around the site are 10 metres in height and the trees measure between 8 and 11 metres in height. In terms of design, the monopole is a slim-line structure designed without additional bulk in order to reduce visual intrusion. The proposed monopole and ancillary development will essentially be viewed as additional street furniture within the streetscene; in addition to the existing street lamps. It is considered that the proposed development would not be visually intrusive and would not stand out as an alien feature in the surrounding landscape. It is considered that the siting and design of the proposed development is acceptable.

The nearest neighbouring property is situated approximately 50 metres from the application site. This distance is considered to be sufficient enough to ensure that the proposal would not cause a significantly detrimental outlook or form an unduly obtrusive feature from the property. In addition there is 8-11 metres of mature vegetation screening the property from the application site.

Recommendation: Prior App not reqd - Telecom

Agenda Page 136

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 137 Agenda Item 7h


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Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 357852 06/00566/TEL 1:1,250 D. 8 N: 421213 Agenda Page 138

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 139 Agenda Item 7i

Item D. 9 06/00577/FUL Permit Full Planning Permission

Case Officer Miss Helen Green

Ward Clayton-le-Woods And Whittle-le-Woods

Proposal Erection of offices and store

Location Land North Of 20 Union Street Whittle-Le-Woods Lancashire

Applicant Mr G Thompson/ Mr F Wood

Proposal The application proposes the erection of offices and a store on a parcel of land north of 20 Union Street, Whittle-Le Woods. The application is a resubmission of a previous application 06/00196/FUL for the erection of offices and a store which was withdrawn on 18 th April 2006.

The proposed offices and store are small in scale measuring 70sqm in floor space. The proposed offices and store are located adjacent to an industrial unit and Hall located to the west of the site and to the east by No’s 1 and 2 Hillsyde and Mount Pleasant Cottage on Carwood Lane.

Access to the site is gained from Union Street, the access turns into a narrow footpath, which connects Union Street with Carwood Lane, past the application site vehicular access is not possible onto Carwood Lane.

The site is currently lying in waste and is characterised by rough grassland and brambles. There is currently a lean-to building located on the western boundary of the site adjacent to the industrial building. The lean-to is constructed from block and part brick with a corrugated roof and a garage style door facing the entrance to the site.

The application proposes a building measuring 18 metres in length and 4 metres in width located up to the western boundary of the site. This is sited hard up against the adjoining industrial building. To this extent whilst it is detached from it, it will appear like the roof line of the existing building is continued over the proposal as a lean to style roof. The building is to be constructed from brick with a slate roof. There are three velux roof lights with a glass brick fronted reception area facing the rear gardens of the properties located on Carwood Lane.

Three car parking spaces are proposed on the site, there are two spaces located close to the eastern facing side elevation of the proposed building and one space located 2.5 metres from the rear boundary of the adjoining gardens.

Policy GN1 – Settlement Policy GN5 – Building Design and Retaining Existing Landscape Features and Natural Habitats EM7 - Employment development in residential areas

Agenda Page 140 Agenda Item 7i EM2 – Development criteria for Industrial/Business Development TR8 – Parking provision levels

Planning History 83/00713 – An outline application was submitted in 1983 for a bungalow on the piece of land subject of this application. The application was refused on 3 rd January 1984 due to the close proximity of adjoining industrial and residential properties and constraints and restrictions on the proposed development of the land would not conform to modern standards. The application was also refused on the amenity of adjoining residential property.

Consultations Chorley BC Highways - Highways have commented that they are satisfied that there is adequate space for vehicles to park and manoeuvre within the site.

Landscape Assistant - No response received at the time of writing report

Environment Agency – Agency’s response is contained within the Local Planning Guidance document.

Parish Council – No response received at time of writing report. A response is expected after 12 th June.

Representations Letters of objection have been received from the following neighbours :

Standish House, 1 Carwood Lane; Mount Pleasant Cottage, Carwood Lane 2 Hillsyde, Carwood Lane

Objections have been raised on the following grounds:

• Existing noise, traffic and parking problems in the area as a result of housing development on Carwood Lane and refurbishment of the community centre; • Increase in noise, traffic movement and office staff; • Potential security problems out of office hours; • Offices would be out of character for the area; • Uncertainty over what the offices and store would be used for; • Concern over the design and appearance of the offices and store; • Concern over the proximity of windows and overlooking; • Uncertainty over the days and hours in which the offices will be operating; • Concern over the proximity of the proposed landscaping to the rear boundary wall; • Height restriction on proposed landscaping; • Concern over storage of dangerous substances being stored on the site; • Noise and light pollution from the proposed office building; • Fire spreading form one building to another due to the close proximity of the adjoining building.

Agenda Page 141 Agenda Item 7i Assessment The application site is located to the north of 20 Union Street on a parcel of land which adjoins the rear gardens of No’s 1 and 2 Hillsyde and Mount Pleasant Cottage on Carwood Lane. To the west of the site there is an industrial unit and Village Hall.

Access to the site is gained from Union Street, the access turns into a narrow lane, which connects Union Street with Carwood Lane, past the application site vehicular access is not possible onto Carwood Lane.

I consider that the main issues to address are that of neighbour amenity in terms of noise, nuisance and disturbance and parking issues.

The properties adjoining the site to the east all have small rear garden areas backing onto the application site. A wall varying in height between 1 metre and 0.75 metres extends along the rear garden boundary of Mount Pleasant Cottage which adjoins the site. There is an increase in the height of the wall directly behind No.’s 1 and 2 Hillsyde where the wall varies in height between 1.8 and 2 metres in height.

The properties located on Carwood Lane are positioned at a slightly higher level in relation to the application site. The site itself appears to have been used as a builders yard and various material has been dumped on the land. Within the site the level of the land is elevated towards the north of the site due to the deposition of material over a number of years. Prior to any development taking place the tipped material will be removed and this will result in the rear garden of Mount Pleasant Cottage being positioned at a slightly higher level in relation to the application site.

There are no windows proposed in the side elevation of the proposed offices which are directly facing the rear of the properties backing on to the application site. The applicant proposes a glass brick reception area in the side elevation of the building with one small window and a door. The entrance door is positioned away from the facing properties. There are three small roof lights to be positioned in the roof, which will not allow for any overlooking. It is therefore considered that there will be no adverse impacts in terms of overlooking from the proposed office building.

After discussions with the applicant a landscaping scheme has been proposed along the northern and eastern boundaries of the site adjacent to the rear gardens of the properties adjoining the site. The applicant proposes a mix of vegetation including trees and shrubs. The positioning of the vegetation will act as a buffer between the application site and the rear gardens of the adjoining properties and will provide some screening to the application site. A condition would be placed on any permission, which will ensure that the vegetation is kept at a suitable height and to ensure that the amenity of the neighbours is protected. The Councils Landscape assistant has also been consulted to ensure that the species planted are appropriate in close proximity to residential property. These are matters that can be secured by appropriate conditions.

There are three parking spaces proposed on the site which are located close to the eastern facing side elevation of the proposed

Agenda Page 142 Agenda Item 7i building. There are two issues, which need to be dealt with in respect parking which are manovering and noise and disturbance as a result of the parking.

The Councils Highways department are satisfied that there is adequate space for vehicles to park and manoeuvre within the site which will allow them to enter and exit the site in a forward gear. This will reduce any conflict with users of the adjacent footpath.

There is also an issue regarding noise and disturbance as a result of the parking spaces. After discussions with the applicant it has been agreed to reposition the proposed parking spaces from the northern facing boundary of the site closest to the rear garden of Mount Pleasant Cottage further down the site. Two parking spaces will now be provided close to the eastern facing side elevation of the proposed building with an additional space located 2.5 metres from the rear garden boundary of the adjacent properties. Repositioning the spaces will reduce any adverse impacts on the adjoining properties in terms of noise and disturbance. Moving the parking spaces further down the site will also allow for additional landscaping to be located on the northern boundary of the site providing further screening to the adjacent properties.

Taking the above points into account it is considered that due to the provision of landscaping along the boundary with the adjoining properties and the repositioning the parking spaces further away from the rear boundary of the adjoining gardens it is considered that any impacts on the amenity of neighbours will not be so significant as to warrant a refusal of the application.

Bearing in mind the use of the building adjacent to the application site and the design of this building, it is considered that offices would not be out of character in the area.

Other issues raised by 3 rd parties in relation to operating hours, security measures and outside storage could be dealt with by conditions should the application be approved.

Taking the above points into consideration I would recommend approval of the application.

Recommendation: Permit Full Planning Permission Conditions

1. The proposed development must be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission. Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced, full details of the position, height and appearance of all fences, walls and gates to be erected to the site boundaries (notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plan(s)) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No building shall be occupied or land used pursuant to this permission before all walls and fences have been erected in accordance with the approved details. Fences, walls and gates shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details at all times. Reason: To ensure a visually satisfactory form of development, to protect the amenities of occupiers of nearby property and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review. Agenda Page 143 Agenda Item 7i 3. No development shall take place until a scheme of landscaping has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail which may have previously been submitted. The scheme shall indicate the types and numbers of trees and shrubs to be planted, their distribution on site, those areas to be seeded, paved or hard landscaped; and detail any changes of ground level or landform. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No.GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

4. Before the development hereby permitted is first commenced full details of existing and proposed ground levels and proposed building slab levels (all relative to ground levels adjoining the site) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, notwithstanding any such detail shown on previously submitted plan(s). The development shall only be carried out in conformity with the approved details. Reason: To protect the appearance of the locality, in the interests of the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

5. The use hereby permitted shall be restricted to the hours between 8.00am and 6.00pm on weekdays, there shall be no operation on Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy No. EM2 and EP7 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

6. No materials or equipment shall be stored on the site other than inside the building. All existing materials currently on the site shall be removed prior to first occupation. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the area and in accordance with Policy No. EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

7. Before the use of the premises hereby permitted is first commenced, the car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall be surfaced or paved, drained and marked out all in accordance with the approved plan. The car park and vehicle manoeuvring areas shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than the parking of and manoeuvring of vehicles. Reason: To ensure adequate on site provision of car parking and manoeuvring areas and in accordance with Policy No. TR8 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

8. The development hereby permitted shall not commence until samples of all external facing materials to the proposed building(s) (notwithstanding any details shown on previously submitted plan(s) and specification) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall only be carried out using the approved external facing materials. Reason: To ensure that the materials used are visually appropriate to the locality and in accordance with Policy Nos. GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

9. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. Reason: In the interest of the appearance of the locality and in accordance with Policy No GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

10. Any tree or shrub planted as part of the landscaping scheme shall not be allowed to grow over a height of 2 metres, within 2 metres of the eastern boundary. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of neighbouring residents and in accordance with Policy No.EM7 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

11. The premises shall be used for office use; and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Class B; of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order).

Agenda Page 144 Agenda Item 7i Reason: To protect the amenities of local residents and in accordance with Policy No. EM2 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

12. No external illumination shall be erected unless express planning permission has been granted by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of residential amenity of the area and in accordance with policy EP21A of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.

Agenda Page 145 Agenda Item 7i


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Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and Regeneration Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley Borough Council Chorley B.C. 100018509

Application Number: Grid Ref: Scale: Agenda Item No. E: 358136 06/00577/FUL 1:1,250 D. 9 N: 421551 Agenda Page 146

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 147 Agenda Item 8

Report of Meeting Date

Directo r of Development and Development Control Committee Regeneration 20.06.2006


Between 8 May and 2 June 2006

Plan Ref 05/00949/CLPUD Date Received 26.09.2005 Decision Grant Certificate of Lawfulness Ward: Euxton North Date Decided 19.05.2006

Proposal : Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed conversion and building works to existing garage/office to form staff accommodation Location : Runshaw House Runshaw Lane Euxton Lancashire PR7 6HE Applicant: Mr James Knox Runshaw House Runshaw Lane Euxton Lancashire PR7 6HE

Plan Ref 06/00046/LBC Date Received 16.01.2006 Decision Refuse Listed Building Consent Ward: Brindle And Date Decided 26.05.2006

Proposal : Listed Building Consent for the erection of conservatory and single storey extension to garage block and replacement of doors on existing house, Location : School House Blackburn Old Road Hoghton Lancashire PR5 0SJ Applicant: Mr C Hanton School House Blackburn Old Road Hoghton Lancashire PR5 0SJ

Plan Ref 06/00047/FUL Date Received 16.01.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Brindle And Date Decided 26.05.2006 Hoghton

Proposal : Erection of conservatory and single storey extension to garage block and replacement of doors on existing house, Location : School House Blackburn Old Road Hoghton Lancashire PR5 0SJ Applicant: Mr C Hanton School House Blackburn Old Road Hoghton Lancashire PR5 0SJ

Continued.... Agenda Page 148 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00148/FUL Date Received 06.02.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 17.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Dormers to the front and rear and a rear conservatory Location : 6 Smith Street Whittle-Le-Woods Lancashire PR6 7NE Applicant: Mrs K Ingham 6 Smith Street Whittle-Le-Woods Lancashire PR6 7NE

Plan Ref 06/00158/FUL Date Received 07.02.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 23.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Erection of rear fence and conservatory Location : 14 Clover Field Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley Lancashire PR6 7RP Applicant: Mr M Hewson 14 Clover Field Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley Lancashire PR6 7RP

Plan Ref 06/00197/FUL Date Received 14.02.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Wheelton And Date Decided 15.05.2006 Withnell

Proposal : Proposed single storey side extension. Location : Admergill The Close Withnell Fold Lancashire PR6 8AZ Applicant: Mrs A Mason Admergill The Close Withnell Fold Lancashire PR6 8AZ

Plan Ref 06/00222/FUL Date Received 21.02.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 17.05.2006 West

Proposal : Formation of car parking and turning space at front, Location : 119 Park Road Chorley Lancashire PR7 1QZ Applicant: Mr R Rigby 119 Park Road Chorley Lancashire PR7 1QZ

Plan Ref 06/00251/FUL Date Received 27.02.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Euxton South Date Decided 18.05.2006

Proposal : Erection of rear conservatory, Location : 15 Earls Way Euxton Chorley PR7 6QA Applicant: Mr & Mrs Bentham 15 Earls Way Euxton Chorley PR7 6QA

Agenda Page 149 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00277/FUL Date Received 01.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 08.05.2006 West

Proposal : Erection of single storey rear extension, Location : 19A Highfield Road South Chorley PR7 1RB Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mills 19A Highfield Road South Chorley PR7 1RB

Plan Ref 06/00294/FUL Date Received 07.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 15.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Construct two dwellings - Amended house type to that previously approved incorporating conservatories to rear elevations, Location : 39 & 41 Chorley Old Road Whittle-Le-Woods Lancashire Applicant: Gebworth Construction Ltd Farm Runshaw Hall Lane Euxton Chorley

Plan Ref 06/00299/FUL Date Received 08.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chisnall Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Demolition and rebuilding of garage, Location : 146 Wood Lane Heskin Lancashire PR7 5NP Applicant: Mr & Mrs Rose 146 Wood Lane Heskin Lancashire PR7 5NP

Plan Ref 06/00315/FUL Date Received 09.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Lostock Date Decided 15.05.2006

Proposal : Demolish existing flat roof rear extension and construct single storey pitched roof extension Location : 81 Moor Road Croston Leyland PR26 9HN Applicant: Mr And Mrs Bretherton 81 Moor Road Croston Leyland PR26 9HN

Plan Ref 06/00286/COU Date Received 10.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Coppull Date Decided 22.05.2006

Proposal : Retrospective change of use of Off Licence to Beauty Salon Location : 246 - 248 Spendmore Lane Coppull Chorley PR7 5DE Applicant: Wendy May Garforth Orchard Cottage 6 Shaw Brow Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley

Agenda Page 150 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00306/FUL Date Received 10.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 15.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : Formation of a sand paddock Location : Rigby House Farm The Common Adlington Chorley PR7 4DP Applicant: Mr Stuart Ashburn 6 Ellerbeck View Castle House Lane Adlington Chorley PR7 4DL

Plan Ref 06/00308/FUL Date Received 10.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 15.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : Formation of a sand paddock Location : Land 70m North Of 6 Ellerbeck View Castle House Lane Adlington Chorley Applicant: Mr Ian Asburn Coppull Brow Farm Wigan Lane Coppull PR7 4BN

Plan Ref 06/00313/FUL Date Received 10.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Heath Charnock Date Decided 12.05.2006 And Rivington

Proposal : Single storey side and rear extension with a converted roof void Location : 170 Rawlinson Lane Heath Charnock Chorley PR7 4DJ Applicant: Mr And Mrs Fogg 170 Rawlinson Lane Heath Charnock Chorley PR7 4DJ

Plan Ref 06/00316/FUL Date Received 10.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Euxton South Date Decided 26.05.2006

Proposal : First floor extension to the front and side over the garage, two storey extension to the side and rear of the property Location : 57 Church Walk Euxton Chorley PR7 6HL Applicant: Mr B McCann 57 Church Walk Euxton Chorley PR7 6HL

Plan Ref 06/00322/FUL Date Received 10.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Lostock Date Decided 18.05.2006

Proposal : Construction of garage with w/c and first floor with dormer windows, Location : 110 South Road Bretherton Leyland PR26 9AJ Applicant: Mr K Jackson 110 South Road Bretherton Leyland PR26 9AJ

Agenda Page 151 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00307/FUL Date Received 13.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Heath Charnock Date Decided 08.05.2006 And Rivington

Proposal : Erection of single storey extension to form workshop & store, Location : L And L Cruises Ltd The Bungalow Rawlinson Lane Heath Charnock Chorley Applicant: L & L Cruisers The Bungalow Rawlinson Lane Heath Charnock Lancashire

Plan Ref 06/00319/LBC Date Received 13.03.2006 Decision Grant Listed Building Consent Ward: Brindle And Date Decided 08.05.2006 Hoghton

Proposal : Retrospective application for emergency repairs to two separate three flue chimney stack on ridge line of south wing Location : Hoghton Tower Blackburn Old Road Hoghton Preston PR5 0SH Applicant: Hoghton Tower Presevation Trust Hoghton Tower Blackburn Old Road Hoghton

Plan Ref 06/00320/CLPUD Date Received 13.03.2006 Decision Refuse Certificate of Lawfulness Prop Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 08.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed use to accommodate up to six children with learning disabilities and carers. Location : Daulby House Farm Meadow Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 2QA Applicant: Peter Watson Oliver House Hallgate Astley Village Chorley PR7 1XA

Plan Ref 06/00330/FUL Date Received 13.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 19.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Alteration and extension of existing porch/conservatory Location : The Oaks Blue Stone Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 2RJ Applicant: Mr & Mrs Dobby The Oaks Blue Stone Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 2RJ

Plan Ref 06/00303/CTY Date Received 14.03.2006 Decision Object to LCC Reg 3/4 application Ward: Chorley N W Date Decided 23.05.2006

Proposal : Erection of a two storey detached eight bedroomed house, garden and car-parking for up to 6 cars, Location : Rydal House Chorley Hall Road Chorley PR7 1RJ Applicant: Lancashire County Council Property Group PO Box 26 County Hall PR1 8RJ

Agenda Page 152 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00317/FUL Date Received 14.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 16.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Erect two storey outbuilding with store at first floor. Location : 29 Gorsey Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 3TE Applicant: Mr P Meldrum 29 Gorsey Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 3TE

Plan Ref 06/00324/ADV Date Received 14.03.2006 Decision Advertising Consent Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 09.05.2006 West

Proposal : Erection of internally illuminated modular sign, Location : Lancashire College Southport Road Chorley PR7 1LF Applicant: Lancashire College Southport Road Chorley PR7 1LF

Plan Ref 06/00325/FUL Date Received 14.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley South Date Decided 08.05.2006 East

Proposal : New vehicular access from Bolton Road (A6) Location : 4A Springwood Drive Chorley PR7 4AD Applicant: Ms J Coupe 4A Springwood Drive Chorley PR7 4AD

Plan Ref 06/00326/FUL Date Received 14.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 08.05.2006 West And Cuerden

Proposal : Single storey side and rear extension with bay window to front elevation. Location : 72A Lancaster Lane Clayton-Le-Woods Leyland PR25 5SP Applicant: Mr And Mrs Crompton 72a Lancaster Lane Clayton-le- Woods

Plan Ref 06/00327/FUL Date Received 14.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 08.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Demolish existing detached garage and erect a two storey side extension Location : 12 Ridley Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 2RF Applicant: Mr And Mrs Winstanley 12 Ridley Lane Mawdesley Ormskirk L40 2RF

Agenda Page 153 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00331/FUL Date Received 14.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 17.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : Single storey rear extension including kitchen and sun room Location : 6 St Pauls Close Adlington Chorley PR6 9RS Applicant: Mrs Monica Taylor 6 St Pauls Close Adlington Chorley PR6 9RS

Plan Ref 06/00334/FUL Date Received 15.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 10.05.2006 West

Proposal : Erection of first floor side extension, Location : 39 Millfield Road Chorley PR7 1RF Applicant: Mr Hinchcliffe 39 Millfield Road Chorley PR7 1RF

Plan Ref 06/00369/FUL Date Received 15.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley South Date Decided 10.05.2006 East

Proposal : A detached garage Location : South Cottage South Avenue Chorley PR7 3AT Applicant: Mr D Heyes South Cottage South Avenue Chorley PR7 3AT

Plan Ref 06/00338/FUL Date Received 16.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 22.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : Erection of a two storey rear extension Location : 12 Chapel Street Adlington Lancashire PR7 4JL Applicant: Mr J Parkin 27 Newbrook Road Over Hulton Bolton BL5 1EP

Plan Ref 06/00339/FUL Date Received 16.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Heath Charnock Date Decided 10.05.2006 And Rivington

Proposal : Erection of conservatory to side, Location : 1 Springfield Mews Whitebeam Close Heath Charnock Chorley Lancashire Applicant: Mr Donnellon 1 Springfield Mews Whitebeam Close Heath Charnock Chorley

Agenda Page 154 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00340/FUL Date Received 17.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 10.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Erection of single storey rear extension, Location : 5 Juniper Croft Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7UF Applicant: Mr & Mrs Smethers 5 Juniper Croft Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7UF

Plan Ref 06/00342/FUL Date Received 17.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 22.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Erection of first floor extension to rear, Location : 27 Birch Field Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7RE Applicant: Mr & Mrs Corbridge 27 Birch Field Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7RE

Plan Ref 06/00380/FUL Date Received 17.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Pennine Date Decided 12.05.2006

Proposal : Amendment to planning application 04/01454/FUL, the provision of a chimney to the cottage and repositioning of windows and doors to the whole property Location : Phillipsons Farm Tithe Barn Lane Heapey Chorley PR6 9BX Applicant: Mr A Cross Phillipsons Farm Tithe Barn Lane Heapey Chorley PR6 9BX

Plan Ref 06/00329/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 22.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : A Two storey and single storey rear extension, garage to the side and a replacement conservatory to the rear Location : 42 Thirlmere Close Adlington Chorley PR6 9QD Applicant: Mr & Mrs Makinson 42 Thirlmere Close Adlington Chorley PR6 9QD

Agenda Page 155 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00346/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 12.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Demolish front conservatory and erection of single storey front extension and erection of part single and part two storey side extension. Location : 3 Rowan Croft Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7UU Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Courts 3 Rowan Croft Clayton-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7UU

Plan Ref 06/00347/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Coppull Date Decided 15.05.2006

Proposal : Single storey rear extension Location : 8 The Brambles Coppull Chorley PR7 4NW Applicant: Mr And Mrs B Taylor 8 The Brambles Coppull Chorley PR7 4NW

Plan Ref 06/00348/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 12.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : single storey rear extension beside kitchen and first storey rear extension over kitchen Location : 49 Harrison Road Adlington Chorley PR7 4HN Applicant: C Massey Esq 49 Harrison Road Adlington Chorley PR7 4HN

Plan Ref 06/00350/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Lostock Date Decided 12.05.2006

Proposal : Formation of new vehicular access and driveway, Location : Mill House End Farm Barn Grape Lane Croston Leyland PR26 9HB Applicant: Mr G Unsworth Mill House End Farm Barn Grape Lane Croston Leyland PR26 9HB

Plan Ref 06/00352/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 11.05.2006 West

Proposal : Conversion of loft including dormer window to rear and construction of a single storey rear extension. Location : 70 Highfield Road South Chorley PR7 1RH Applicant: Louise Parkinson 70 Highfield Road South Chorley PR7 1RH

Agenda Page 156 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00353/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chisnall Date Decided 12.05.2006

Proposal : Erection of two storey rear and single storey side extension, Location : 341A Wood Lane Heskin Lancashire PR7 5NT Applicant: Mr & Mrs Horrocks 341A Wood Lane Heskin Lancashire PR7 5NT

Plan Ref 06/00354/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Euxton South Date Decided 09.05.2006

Proposal : Single storey rear extension. Location : 2 Mallom Avenue Euxton Chorley PR7 6PU Applicant: Mr T Brown 2 Mallom Avenue Euxton Chorley PR7 6PU

Plan Ref 06/00358/FUL Date Received 20.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 12.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : First floor side extension over garage and a two storey rear extension Location : 2 The Ridings Whittle Le Woods Chorley PR6 7QH Applicant: Mr S Prescott 2 The Ridings Whittle Le Woods Chorley PR6 7QH

Plan Ref 06/00344/TCON Date Received 21.03.2006 Decision No objection to Tree Works Ward: Wheelton And Date Decided 15.05.2006 Withnell

Proposal : Felling and Crown Lifting of trees within Withnell Fold Conservation Area, Location : Leeds Liverpool Canal Withnell Fold Withnell Lancashire Applicant: British Waterways British Waterways Office Lowerhouse Lane Rosegrove Burnley

Plan Ref 06/00351/FUL Date Received 21.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 15.05.2006 East

Proposal : Form timber decking to rear yard area, creating outdoor drinks area, apply top coat and allow for 2 no parking spaces for private use and rehang existing gate Location : Queens Tavern 6 Preston Road Chorley Lancashire PR7 1PZ Applicant: Admiral Taverns Penn House, 30 High Street Rickmansworth Herts WD3 1EP

Agenda Page 157 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00360/TPO Date Received 22.03.2006 Decision Consent for Tree Works Ward: Pennine Date Decided 24.05.2006

Proposal : Proposed felling of tree and removal of remaining stump (Tree Preservation Order No. 8 Whittle -le-Woods 1999) Location : Rambler Cottage 86 Preston Road Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7HE Applicant: Mr And Mrs G Hodgkins Rambler Cottage 86 Preston Road Whittle-Le-Woods

Plan Ref 06/00361/FUL Date Received 22.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 15.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Single storey side extension and conversion of loft space with two dormer windows to the front of the house Location : 3 Chorley Old Road Whittle-Le-Woods Lancashire PR6 7LB Applicant: Mrs N Thwistlethwaite 526 Leyland Lane, Leyland, PR25 1LA

Plan Ref 06/00343/FUL Date Received 23.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 18.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Demolish existing garage and construct single storey side extension Location : 124A Towngate Eccleston Chorley PR7 5QS Applicant: Mr And Mrs Marples 124A Towngate Eccleston Lancashire PR7 5QS

Plan Ref 06/00345/FUL Date Received 23.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chisnall Date Decided 15.05.2006

Proposal : Proposed demolition of existing porch to gable and to be replaced with single storey extension with pitched roof. Location : 8 Hill View Drive Coppull Chorley PR7 5DG Applicant: Mr A Rainford 8 HIll View Drive Coppull PR7 5DG

Plan Ref 06/00362/FUL Date Received 24.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 15.05.2006 West And Cuerden

Proposal : Rear conservatory. Location : 12 Hampson Avenue Clayton-Le-Woods Leyland PR25 5TH Applicant: Mr And Mrs Edgar 12 Hampson Avenue Clayton-Le-Woods Leyland PR25 5TH

Agenda Page 158 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00382/FUL Date Received 24.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Euxton North Date Decided 12.05.2006

Proposal : Erection of single storey rear extension, Location : 85 Milestone Meadow Euxton Chorley PR7 6FB Applicant: Mr & Mrs Helmn 85 Milestone Meadow Euxton Chorley PR7 6FB

Plan Ref 06/00370/FUL Date Received 27.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 16.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Conversion of existing garage to living accommodation, construction of single storey extension at rear. Location : 6 Gillcroft Eccleston Chorley PR7 5SF Applicant: Mr And Mrs Clyburn 6 Gillcroft Eccleston Chorley PR7 5SF

Plan Ref 06/00375/FUL Date Received 27.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 26.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Demolish existing dwelling and construct replacement dwelling on new site adjacent to Parr Lane with in-out drive. Location : Nursery House Farm Parr Lane Eccleston Chorley PR7 5SL Applicant: Lytham Properties 316 Clifton Drive North Lytham St Annes FY8 2PB

Plan Ref 06/00379/FUL Date Received 27.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 01.06.2006 West

Proposal : Conversion of garage and single storey side extension. Location : 62 Collingwood Road Chorley PR7 2PN Applicant: Mr And Mrs Taylor 62 Collingwood Road Chorley PR7 2PN

Plan Ref 06/00387/FUL Date Received 27.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 22.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Demolish existing single storey lean-to and construct replacement single storey extension Location : 6 Rock Villa Road Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7LL Applicant: Mr T Chettle 6 Rock Villa Road Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7LL

Agenda Page 159 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00365/FUL Date Received 28.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 30.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : Retrospective application for the erection of an open hay/tractor store Location : Greenlands House Grimeford Lane Anderton Chorley PR6 9HP Applicant: Mr And Mrs Anderson C/o Agents

Plan Ref 06/00366/FUL Date Received 28.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Wheelton And Date Decided 26.05.2006 Withnell

Proposal : Single storey rear extension Location : Tower View 124 School Lane Brinscall Lancashire PR6 8JP Applicant: Mr & Mrs Nicol Tower View 124 School Lane Brinscall Lancashire PR6 8JP

Plan Ref 06/00368/FUL Date Received 28.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 26.05.2006 And Whittle-le- Woods

Proposal : Proposed first storey extension over existing garage and a two storey extension to the side and rear of the property Location : 39 Cliffe Drive Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7HT Applicant: Mr B Cook 39 Cliffe Drive Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7HT

Plan Ref 06/00388/FUL Date Received 29.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Astley And Date Decided 24.05.2006 Buckshaw

Proposal : Demolish existing rear conservatory and erect a single storey side and rear extension Location : 87 The Farthings Astley Village Chorley PR7 1SH Applicant: Mr Roger Walton 87 The Farthings Astley Village Chorley PR7 1SH

Plan Ref 06/00389/FUL Date Received 29.03.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 01.06.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Demolition of existing garage and erection of granny flat to rear, Location : 27 Hawkswood Eccleston Chorley PR7 5RW Applicant: F J Taylor 27 Hawkswood Eccleston Chorley PR7 5RW

Agenda Page 160 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00391/FUL Date Received 29.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Pennine Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Single storey rear extension with pitched roof. Location : 5 Chasden Close Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7JX Applicant: Mr C Kenyon 5 Chasden Close Whittle-le-Woods Chorley

Plan Ref 06/00406/FUL Date Received 29.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chisnall Date Decided 22.05.2006

Proposal : Two storey side and rear extension. Location : Oak Dene 16 Town Lane Charnock Richard Lancashire PR7 5HP Applicant: Mr And Mrs Pollitt Oak Dene 16 Town Lane Charnock Richard Lancashire PR7 5HP

Plan Ref 06/00408/FUL Date Received 29.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Pennine Date Decided 22.05.2006

Proposal : Single storey rear extension. Location : 48 Town Lane Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7DH Applicant: Mr And Mrs Facer 48 Town Lane Whittle-Le-Woods Chorley PR6 7DH

Plan Ref 06/00393/FUL Date Received 30.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Clayton-le-Woods Date Decided 15.05.2006 North

Proposal : Single storey rear extension. Location : 47 Maypark Bamber Bridge Preston PR5 8JD Applicant: Mr And Mrs A Barry 47 Maypark Clayton Brook PR5 8JD

Plan Ref 06/00395/FUL Date Received 30.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 15.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : Erection of single storey rear extension, Location : Woodbank Shawes Drive Anderton Chorley PR6 9HR Applicant: Mrs Slater Woodbank Shawes Drive Anderton Chorley PR6 9HR

Agenda Page 161 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00397/FUL Date Received 30.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Adlington & Date Decided 25.05.2006 Anderton

Proposal : Single storey side extension with a pitched roof Location : 18 Granville Street Adlington Chorley PR6 9PY Applicant: Mr Michael Chappell 18 Granville Street Adlington Chorley PR6 9PY

Plan Ref 06/00398/FUL Date Received 30.03.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 30.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Conservatory to the side Location : 19 Anchor Fields Eccleston Chorley PR7 5UW Applicant: Mr & Mrs Peel 19 Anchor Fields Eccleston Chorley PR7 5UW

Plan Ref 06/00215/ADV Date Received 03.04.2006 Decision Advertising Consent Ward: Chorley East Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Erection of 1 internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 internally illuminated projecting sign Location : 246 Eaves Lane Chorley PR6 0ET Applicant: Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd Sapphire Court Walsgrave Triangle Coventry

Plan Ref 06/00415/FUL Date Received 03.04.2006 Decision Permit retrospecti ve planning permisison Ward: Chorley South Date Decided 26.05.2006 West

Proposal : Retrospective application for a conservatory, Location : 18 Long Meadow Chorley PR7 2YA Applicant: Mr & Mrs Sutcliffe 18 Long Meadow Chorley PR7 2YA

Plan Ref 06/00425/FUL Date Received 03.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Brindle And Date Decided 22.05.2006 Hoghton

Proposal : Self contained office building for use with dwelling Location : The Coach House Chorley Road Withnell Chorley PR6 8BG Applicant: Mr And Mrs McGuigan The Coach House Chorley Road Withnell Chorley PR6 8BG

Agenda Page 162 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00428/FUL Date Received 03.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Astley And Date Decided 26.05.2006 Buckshaw

Proposal : Demolish existing rear conservatory, erect single storey rear extension and a pitched roof to garage Location : 37 Long Croft Meadow Astley Village Chorley PR7 1TR Applicant: Mr R Sculfor & Mrs A Foster 37 Long Croft Meadow Astley Village Chorley

Plan Ref 06/00383/ADV Date Received 04.04.2006 Decision Advertising Consent Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 26.05.2006 West

Proposal : Erection of 2 internally illuminated fascia signs, 2 internally illuminated projection signs and 1 non-illuminated wall box sign, Location : 96 Devonshire Road Chorley PR7 2DJ Applicant: Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd Sapphire Court Walsgrave Triangle Coventry

Plan Ref 06/00417/FUL Date Received 04.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Heath Charnock Date Decided 30.05.2006 And Rivington

Proposal : Demolish existing detached garage and erect a two storey side extension and rear conservatory Location : Lee House Back Lane Heath Charnock Lancashire PR6 9HB Applicant: Mr D Ashworth Lee House Back Lane Heath Charnock Lancashire PR6 9HB

Plan Ref 06/00401/FUL Date Received 05.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Euxton North Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Raising ridge/eaves height of existing dwelling and construct single storey side and rear extensions, Location : Copper Cottage 101 Wigan Road Euxton Chorley PR7 6JU Applicant: Mr Spennetii Copper Cottage 101 Wigan Road Euxton Lancashire PR7 6J

Plan Ref 06/00410/FUL Date Received 05.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Coppull Date Decided 23.05.2006

Proposal : Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension with conservatory. Location : 9 The Brambles Coppull Chorley PR7 4NW Applicant: Mr And Mrs A Ashcroft 9 The Brambles Coppull

Agenda Page 163 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00427/COU Date Received 05.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley North Date Decided 22.05.2006 East

Proposal : Change of use from a dry cleaners (A1) to a letting estate agent (A2) Location : Dry Cleaning Centre 79 Water Street Chorley Lancashire PR7 1EX Applicant: Mr Geoffrey Dyer 45 Highland Drive, Buckshaw Village, Leyland, PR7 7AB

Plan Ref 06/00434/FUL Date Received 06.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Eccleston And Date Decided 24.05.2006 Mawdesley

Proposal : Rear Conservatory Location : 39 Beechfields Eccleston Chorley PR7 5RF Applicant: Mr And Mrs Hunter 39 Beechfields Eccleston Chorley PR7 5RF

Plan Ref 06/00435/FUL Date Received 06.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Coppull Date Decided 26.05.2006

Proposal : Rear Conservatory Location : 6 Hewlett Avenue Coppull Chorley PR7 5AD Applicant: Mr Manson And Mrs Duckworth 6 Hewlett Avenue Coppull Chorley PR7 5AD

Plan Ref 06/00436/FUL Date Received 06.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Lostock Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Rear conservatory Location : 8 Shevington Causeway Croston Leyland PR26 9JN Applicant: Mr D Massam 8 Shevington Causeway Croston Leyland PR26 9JN

Plan Ref 06/00440/FUL Date Received 06.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley South Date Decided 26.05.2006 East

Proposal : Conservatory to the rear Location : 7 Kingsmead Chorley PR7 3JY Applicant: Mr A Davies 7 Kingsmead Chorley PR7 3JY

Agenda Page 164 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00430/ADV Date Received 07.04.2006 Decision Advertising Consent Ward: Coppull Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Erection of 1 internally illuminated fascia sign and 1 internally illuminated projecting sign, Location : 209 Spendmore Lane Coppull Chorley PR7 5BY Applicant: Lloyds Pharmacy Ltd Sapphire Court Walsgrave Triangle Coventry

Plan Ref 06/00433/ADV Date Received 07.04.2006 Decision Advertising Consent Ward: Brindle And Date Decided 31.05.2006 Hoghton

Proposal : Retrospective application for promotional illuminated display unit Location : Boars Head Hotel Blackburn Old Road Hoghton Preston PR5 0RX Applicant: Whitbread Restaurants PLC Whitbread Court, Dunstable, Hoghton Hall Park, Bedfordshire, LU5 5XE

Plan Ref 06/00442/FUL Date Received 07.04.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Lostock Date Decided 02.06.2006

Proposal : Single storey side extension. Location : 4 Home Farm Mews Grape Lane Croston Leyland PR26 9JT Applicant: Mr Alun Muir 4 Home Farm Mews Grape Lane Croston PR26 9JT

Plan Ref 06/00439/FUL Date Received 10.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Euxton South Date Decided 26.05.2006

Proposal : Erection of conservatory to rear Location : 14 Talbot Drive Euxton Chorley PR7 6PD Applicant: Mr & Mrs Carter 1 Princess Way Euxton Chorley PR7 6PH

Plan Ref 06/00445/FUL Date Received 10.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Coppull Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Single storey rear extension Location : 32 Clayton Gate Coppull Chorley PR7 4PS Applicant: Mr And Mrs Wane 32 Clayton Gate Coppull Chorley PR7 4PS

Agenda Page 165 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00455/FUL Date Received 10.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley East Date Decided 26.05.2006

Proposal : Demolish existing car-port, garage and front porch and erect a two storey front, a two storey side and rear extension and detached garage Location : 24 Rosklyn Road Chorley PR6 0NJ Applicant: Mr & Mrs Bromley 24 Rosklyn Road Chorley PR6 0NJ

Plan Ref 06/00447/FUL Date Received 11.04.2006 Decision Refuse Full Planning Permission Ward: Chorley South Date Decided 01.06.2006 East

Proposal : Replacement of existing shopfront and re-location of entrance door, Location : 18 New Market Street Chorley PR7 1DB Applicant: Chorley Health Food Store Ltd 18 New Market Street Chorley PR7 1DB

Plan Ref 06/00448/FUL Date Received 11.04.2006 Decision Permit Full Planning Permission Ward: Chisnall Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Proposed barn extension Location : Green Farm Wood Lane Heskin Lancashire PR7 5NP Applicant: Mr B Thornley Green Farm Wood Lane Heskin Chorley PR7 5NP

Plan Ref 06/00457/TPO Date Received 11.04.2006 Decision Refuse for Tree Works Ward: Heath Charnock Date Decided 26.05.2006 And Rivington

Proposal : Removal of Sycamore tree covered by TPO4 (Heath Charnock) 1981 Location : 2 Heathfield Heath Charnock Chorley PR6 9LA Applicant: Mr Jason Butcher 2 Heathfield Heath Charnock Chorley PR6 9LA

Plan Ref 06/00474/ADV Date Received 13.04.2006 Decision Advertising Consent Ward: Chisnall Date Decided 01.06.2006

Proposal : Erection of 1 externally illuminated promotional sign (retrospective) Location : Bowling Green Inn Preston Road Charnock Richard Lancashire PR7 5LA Applicant: Whitbread Restaurants Plc Whitbread Court Houghton Hall Park Dunstable Beds

Agenda Page 166 Agenda Item 8

Plan Ref 06/00506/CTY Date Received 05.05.2006 Decision No objection to LCC Reg 3/4 Application Ward: Euxton North Date Decided 26.05.2006

Proposal : Infill to court yard to provide staff room Location : Primrose Hill Primary School Primrose Hill Road Euxton PR7 6BA Applicant: Lancashire County Council PO Box, Guild House, Cross Street, Preston PR1 8RD

Agenda Page 167 Agenda Item 9

Report of Meeting Date

Head of Development & Development Control Committee 20.06.2006 Regeneration



1. To consider whether it is expedient to take enforcement action in respect of the above case.


2. This report does not affect the corporate priorities.


3. The report contains no risk issues for consideration by Members.


4. A retrospective planning application for the formation of a pitched roof over an existing flat roof front dormer to property 57 Lancaster Lane, Clayton-le-Woods (application reference 06/00469/FUL), appears on this agenda. My recommendation is for planning permission to be refused. If members agree with the recommendation, given that the application is submitted in retrospect, then it would be expedient to take enforcement action for the reasons set out in the main report.


5. No comments.


6. No comments.


7. That it is expedient to issue an Enforcement Notice under Section 172 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in respect of the following breach of planning control - without planning permission the formation of a pitched roof over an existing flat roof front dormer.

(a) Remedy for Breach


Agenda Page 168 Agenda Item 9

i. Remove the pitched roof over the dormer, and replace with a flat roof which does not exceed the ridge roof, as permitted in a previous planning application (ref: 9/92/00176/FUL).

ii. Remove all material resultant from the works carried out under 9(ai) from the land.

(b) Period for Compliance

6 months

(c) Reason

The proposed extension is contrary to the Council’s approved House Extension Design Guidelines and Policy HS9 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review by reason of its design and external appearance. The proposed extension is overly prominent, poorly related visually to the existing dwelling, and detrimental to the street scene and the area as a whole.


Report Author Ext Date Doc ID Lyndsey Cookson 5230 5 June 2006 Background Papers Document Date File Place of Inspection Planning Application 06/00469/FUL Union Street Offices


Agenda Page 169 Agenda Item 9

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Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and RegenerationUnauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and Chorley Borough Council may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley B.C. 100018509 Enforcement Item: SCALE 57 Lancaster Lane 1:1,250 Clayton Le Woods PR25 5SP Agenda Page 170

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Page 171 Agenda Item 10

Report of Meeting Date

Head of Development & Development Control Committee 20.06.2006 Regeneration



1. To consider whether it is expedient to take enforcement action in respect of the above case.


2. This report does not affect the corporate priorities.


3. The report contains no risk issues for consideration by Members.


4. A retrospective planning application for the erection of a 2 metre high boundary wall to property 89 Highways Avenue, Euxton (application reference 06/00385/FUL), appears on this agenda. My recommendation is for planning permission to be refused. If members agree with the recommendation, given that the application is submitted in retrospect, then it would be expedient to take enforcement action for the reasons set out in the main report.


5. No comments.


6. No comments.


7. That it is expedient to issue an Enforcement Notice under Section 172 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in respect of the following breach of planning control - without planning permission the erection of a brick wall adjacent to a highway used by vehicular traffic, which is over 1 metre in height.

(a) Remedy for Breach


Agenda Page 172 Agenda Item 10

i. Reduce the heights of the brick pillars and the close boarded timber fence panels between points A and B, as shown on the attached plan, to a height of 1 metre when measured from ground level, thereby benefiting as permitted development granted by virtue of, Schedule 2, Part 2, Class A, The Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995.

ii. Remove all material resultant from the works carried out under 9 (ai) from the land.

(b) Period for Compliance

56 days

(c) Reason

The height of the brick pillars would be visually obtrusive and detrimental to both the appearance and character of the street and the amenity of the area. This development is inappropriate, as it does not relate well to the immediate surroundings, which reflect a more open and sylvan character with softer boundary treatments. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies GN1 & GN5 of the Adopted Chorley Borough Local Plan Review.


Report Author Ext Date Doc ID Lyndsey Cookson 5230 5 June 2006 Background Papers Document Date File Place of Inspection Planning Application 06/00385/FUL Union Street Offices


Agenda Page 173 Agenda Item 10



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53 89

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5 44

7 46





Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the Jane E Meek BSc(Hons) DipTP MRTPI permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Director of Development and RegenerationUnauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and Chorley Borough Council may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Chorley B.C. 100018509 Enforcement Item: SCALE 89 Highways Avenue 1:1,250 Euxton PR7 6QD Agenda Page 174

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