Infundibulum As the 'Trichter' and the Caudal Half As the 'Tube'
Arch. histol. jap. Vol. 23, n. 5 (July 1963). P. 447-459. Dept. of Anim. Husb., Fac. of Fish. and Anim. Husb., Hiroshima Univ., Fukuyama, Japan. Histological and Histochemical Studies on the Oviduct of the Domestic Fowl with Special Reference to the Region of Uterovaginal Juncture. 鶏 の 卵 管, と く に 子 宮 と 腟 の 移 行 部 の 組 織 学 的 お よ び 組 織 化 学 的 研 究. Shunsaku FUJII 藤 井 俊 策. (Received May 30, 1963.) The histological structure of the oviduct of the domestic fowl has almost com- pletely been investigated by many workers, including SURFACE (1912), GIERSBERG (1921, 1922), FROBOSE (1928), BRADLEY (1928), and RICHARDSON (1935). SURFACE studied mainly the histological structure of the oviduct itself. RICHARD- SON observed in detail the function and histological s structure of the gland of the ovi- duct. At present, the oviduct is generally divided into five portions: the infundi- bulum or funnel, the magnum or albumen secreting portion, the isthmus, the uterus or shell-gland region, and the vagina. Each portion has its particular structure and physiological function for egg production. In addition, some workers have identified another portion as the region of juncture, where one type of mucosa intermingles with another type. For instance, GIERSBERG (1922) distinguished the cranial half of the infundibulum as the 'Trichter'and the caudal half as the 'Tube'. RICHARDSON, (1935)also subdivided the infundibulum into 'funnel'without glandsand the 'chalazi- ferous region'with glands, and insertedthe 'isthmo-uterineregion' between the isthmus and the uterus. In spite of such large number of histological observations as these, little has been reported on the histochemistry of the oviduct.
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