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ח' אב תשפ“אShabbos, Jul 17 2021 This month’s Daf Digest is dedicated l'ilui nishmas Yisrael Tzvi ben Zev, Mr. Israel Gotlib of Antwerp and Petach Tikva, 24 Av. Yosef ben Chaim haKohen Weiss, Mr. Joseph Weiss 8 Elul & Rivke Yenta bas Asher Anshel, Mrs Yenta Weiss 13 Elul By the Weiss family, London, England OVERVIEW of the Daf Distinctive INSIGHT 1) Building one sukkah on top of another (cont.) Mitzvah messengers and the sukkah אתמר וי סוכה המופלגין ממה רב חמן אמר כשרה. ורב חסדא -R’ Yirmiyah concludes explaining the four different sce ורבה בר רב הוא אמרי פסולה .narios regarding one sukkah built on top of another The Gemara identifies which of the four cases contains a novel ruling. R av Chisda and Rabbah bar Rav Huna hold that the sus- pended sheets hanging below the schach causes the sukkah to become disqualified. When these two Amoraim came to סכך The space between the two layers of (2 The Gemara questions how much space must be between the house of Reish Galusa, Rav Nachman had them sleep in -in order to disqualify the lower sukkah. such a sukkah. They did not protest. Rav Nachman won סכך the two layers of Three opinions, R’ Huna, R’ Chisda with Rabbah bar R’ dered whether they had changed their minds, now agreeing Huna and Shmuel, present their opinions together with their that such a sukkah was kosher. When he asked them about rationale. it, they told him that they still held that such a sukkah was they were , שלוחי מצוה Shmuel’s opinion is unsuccessfully challenged. invalid, but because they were 3) MISHNAH: The Mishnah discusses the halacha of spread- temporarily exempt from dwelling in a kosher sukkah. ing out a sheet either on the sukkah or on the bed that is in There is a discussion among the Rishonim whether mes- the sukkah. sengers sent to do a mitzvah are exempt from other mitzvah observance only when doing so directly interferes with their 4) A sheet spread over the top of the sukkah original mission, or if they are exempt from other mitzvos R’ Chisda teaches that the disqualification of spreading a even if they would technically still be able to fulfill their origi- sheet over the top of the sukkah applies only when it is done nal mission. Tosafos explains that the Amoraim in our Ge- because of falling leaves, but if it was done for beauty it is mara were exempt only because by performing the mitzvah of valid. sukkah they would lose the opportunity to complete their This ruling is unsuccessfully challenged. original mission. This suggests that the messengers are not The Gemara attempts, unsuccessfully, to prove R’ Chis- excused from all mitzvos, but rather only those mitzvos which da’s qualification as correct. would interfere with their original goal. An incident involving a sheet spread over a sukkah is It is interesting to note that the mitzvah with which Rav related. Chisda and Rabbah bar Rav Huna were involved was that of points out that מצפה איתן .Sukkah decorations visiting their rebbe on the festival (5 R’ Nachman maintains that sukkah decorations separat- sukkah is a Torah mitzvah, while visiting one’s rebbe is only a do not invalidate the sukkah, rabbinic mitzvah. How could their involvement in a rabbinic סכך ed four tefachim from the whereas R’ Chisda and Rabbah bar R’ Huna hold that it (Continued on page 2) does. A related incident is recorded. Daf DIAGRAM סיככה כהילכתא ועיטרה וכו ‘... דילמא מן הצד Sleeping inside a kilah-canopy (6 Shmuel rules that it is permitted to sleep in a kilah- canopy in the sukkah even if it has a roof as long as it is not I f one decorated his sukah with col- ten tefachim high. ored cloths, embroidered linens, or if This ruling is unsuccessfully challenged. he hung nuts, almonds, peaches, pome- Shmuel rules that one who sleeps unclothed in a kilah- granates, clusters of grapes or wreaths canopy may stick his head out of the canopy and recite Krias of stalks the sukkah is kosher. This statement, however, is Shema. not a proof for Rav Chisda, because it may be referring to This ruling is unsuccessfully challenged. where the decorations were placed along the side. סוכה י‘—Number 560 HALACHAH Highlight REVIEW and Remember Presenting something to someone who holds it is prohibited 1. What are the three opinions regarding the space between that would constitute a sukkah סכך the two layers of אגיהו ר ‘ חמן בסוכה שוייה מפולגין ממה ארבעה טפחים R’ Nachman gave them lodging in sukkah whose decorations were beneath a sukkah? .four tefachim סכך separated from the 2. Under what condition is it permitted to spread a sheet 1 ? סכך R itva infers from this incident that one who holds that under the something is permitted is allowed to present that item to an- other person who holds that it is prohibited, as long as it is rec- ? סכך How far may the decorations be from the .3 ognizable as that prohibited item. This is evident from the fact that R’ Nachman sat R’ Chisda and Rabbah bar R’ Huna in a sukkah which they held was invalid. Since they could easily 4. What are the two types of canopies? discern that this was a sukkah they held was invalid, R’ Nachman did not violate any prohibition by presenting them applies only when the one לפי עור with the opportunity to sit in this sukkah. sion. The dispute regarding There is a dispute, however, whether the prohibition of who permits the item maintains that the other person is mak- -is violated if the item is something that can not easily ing an error. If, on the other hand, everyone agrees that accord לפי עור be discerned. The Pri Chadash 2, maintains that if the one pre- ing to the letter of the law the item is permitted and the other senting the questionable item holds that the item is permitted person chooses to be strict, it is certainly prohibited to present The Ksav Sofer 3 that person with the questionable item since he has made that . לפי עור he does not violate the prohibition of disagrees and writes that presenting this type of item to a recipi- item into a prohibited entity 5. .1 ריטב“ א הכא ד“ה ent who may perceive that item as being permitted is no worse .2 פרי חדש מהגי איסור סי ג“כ‘ .3 “שו ת כתב סופר יו“ ד סי ז“ע‘ -than knowingly offering someone bad advice, which is includ .4 שדי חמד מערכת ו כלל כו אות כח . לפי עור ed in the prohibition of .5 ע “ ע שו “ ת יבי “ א ח “ א או “ ח סי ‘ כ “ ט אות י “ ב וספר לפי עור מה “ ר יצחק -The Sdei Chemed 4 adds an important point to this discus אליהו הכהן אדלר סי “י‘ א עמ ס‘ ‘ on our daf regarding hiddur mitzvah. ever, there is no difference between the and the sukkah. Every mitzvah ארבע מיים -The Chazon Ish, zt”l, was very particu . זה א - לי ואוהו STORIES Off the Daf lar about ensuring that the walls of his suk- has an added obligation of Beautifying the Mitzvah kah were whole, strong, and nice looking. Why should they only fulfill this with their and not with their sukkah? If ארבע מיים He would pay a handsome sum toward ועיטרה בקרמין ובסדיין המצוירין these ends. To anyone curious about why anything, one should beautify the sukkah It is the . ארבע מיים T he Gemara in Shabbos (133b) teaches he spared no expense for the sukkah walls even more than the means alone, he would explain: “People are very first example of hiddur mitzvah brought in זה א- לי ואוהו that the verse that all mitzvos should be made beautiful. careful about how much they spend on Masseches Shabbos!” because everyone knows ארבע מיים On today’s daf we find that there is a spe- their cial emphasis of applying this precept to that this is a mitzvah for which you must (Insight...Continued from page 1) the ornamentation of the sukkah. The be willing to pay considerable sums to mer- pursuit exempt them from a Torah obli- Avnei Nezer, zt”l, explains that the phrase, it a mehudar set. And this is all the more gation? Some commentators answer that . פרי עץ הדר this is my G-d and I will beautify Him” is true of the esrog itself—the“ actually rendered by the Targum as, “This “But when it comes to the sukkah, once their mission was a mitzvah, even is my G-d and I will build a sanctuary for people are willing to settle for the bare though it was only rabbinic in nature, עוסק Him.” The sukkah represents the Beis minimum. That is why we often see people they qualified for the exemption of which is learned from the verse במצוה Hamikdash, as we see from the Targum’s banging a bunch of dilapidated boards It is only when a person is . בלכתך בדרך interpretation of the verse in Tehillim: together and sometimes the structure is “And His sukkah will be in Shalem”—“And barely holding together. Many people even involved in an elective, personal endeav- the Beis Hamikdash will be in manage to build their sukkos without or that he must stop to perform the Yerushalayim.” It is therefore most fitting spending a penny! mitzvah of Shema, but not if he is pur- that the sukkah merits a distinct mention “As far as the Torah is concerned, how- suing a mitzvah.