?''? ? daf yomi summary parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech 5780 ??- ?? ??????? EDITIO N: 32

reflect a meaningful reduction.

DO N'T WASTE A MO MENT The then moves back to a larger discussion which raises the idea of intention, a theme which dominated M asechet Shabbat. THANKS TO GREG NARUNSKY One can only carry in an enclosed area if the fence/wall was built with intention for a residential area. The idea of defining an area as private property leads to another conversation regarding land The Gemara relates on Daf 28b that when Rebbi became ownership of a convert. The issue surrounds the problem of what exhausted from his studies he would go and sit near the entrance of happens to land after a convert dies. When a Jew from birth passes, Rav Yehuda Bar Ami?s yeshiva so that when the Torah scholars came the land is automatically transferred to the next of kin. However, in and went from the yeshiva he would be able to stand for them. some instances, a convert?s land becomes ownerless. Anyone can Rebbi Zeira relates that he did this so that even if he couldn?t study come and claim it. because of exhaustion he was at least able to receive reward by To acquire a convert?s land one must make a direct improvement in rising for the Torah scholars. [We learn the obligation to rise for a the land. Plowing is an immediate benefit to the land and supersedes Torah scholar from a verse in Vayikra 19:32 which says: You shall rise the act of sowing and building a fence. Planting/sowing has a long in the presence of an old person and you shall honour the presence term and non-direct benefit. The different perspective related to of an elder. The gemara in Kiddushin 32b explains an elder to refer acquiring a convert?s land seems similar to the definition and purpose to a Torah scholar]. of an eruv itself. Is an eruv created for its recognizable symbolic What is clear from this Gemara is how important it is to utilize feature, or as a constant reminder in its delineation of boundaries. time properly. R?Zeira was not prepared to waste even one minute Similar to just a ???? and ???, sowing alone is not enough of a on anything that was not worthwhile. What is less clear is the noticeable action that changes the property in the here and now. correctness of R?Zeira?s motivation for doing so. The M ishna in Pirkei Plowing, like a ???? ????, is undeniably present; they both Avos (1:3) exhorts us not to be like servants who serve their master demonstrate full intentional and immediate purpose and action. for the sake of reward, how could R?Zeira say that the reason he was The Gemara continues with a story that actualizes this idea. A going to honour the sages was so that he could receive reward? The woman who came to seize the property of a convert builds a Bnei Yissaschar notes that the pasuk obligating one to stand for a partition/fence. A different individual plows the land minimally and is Torah scholar [Vayikra 19:32 ] ends with the words, ?and you shall awarded possession of the land. fear your G-d?. The woman cries out to Rav Nachman. Despite Rav Nachman?s He cites the Sefer Chareidim who explains that the Torah is sensitivities, he explains that her actions were not sufficient, and that teaching us that the reward for honouring Torah scholars is fear of halacha has to be done the right way even if it appears to be unfair. Heaven, yiras shamayim. Since the obligation to try and achieve fear This is similar to the conclusion of ????? ?????. Understand and of Heaven falls on every Jew a person should seek to honour Torah appreciating the nuances of Jewish law, ????? ????? led the path for scholars in order to receive the reward of yiras shamayim thus Rav Nachman with clarity and faith in the system. bringing him closer to his Creator.


Today?s Daf addresses how one can reduce an oversized The Gemara at the end of Daf 25, and leading into the discussion pseudo-public area (known as a karpaf) in order to enable carrying on Daf 26, continues the discussion regarding a karpaf, and within it on Shabbat. discusses a case where the Reish Galusa had a pavilion built around a tree as a place to relax outside. The discussion begins with assessing whether trees or columns ? ? S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3 A ? ? 1 3 0 1 6 ? 0 3 ? 1 4 6 ? 5 6 7 2 7 ? ? 1 5 ? 1 2 ? 4 5 2 3 6 5 6 ? ? 0 0 4 ? 3 ? ? ? ? 1 5 ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 0 ? ? 2 ? ? ? ? ? 2 2 ? ? 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? ?

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?''? ? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ? ???? ??? ?????? ? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??? ? ?????? ? ???? 2 | DAF YOMI SUMMARY

The Reish Galusa intended to use the pavilion on Shabbat, and requested that bar Chinana create a solution to make the SUNDAY 6 SEPTEMBER ?? ??????? area usable as such. Rav Huna bar Chinana placed a fence of sticks THANKS TO JO NATHAN GELLIS spaced less than three tefachim apart through the orchard leading to the pavilion, thereby rendering the pavilion usable on Shabbat. The Gemara spends time on this Daf discussing which plants and seeds may be used for an Eruv. The Gemara disagrees at what stage Rav Huna erected the fence because he held that due to the of growth certain fruits or seeds may be used, and which seeds are pavilion being erected after the orchard had already been closed off, Tevel (must take Terumah and M aaser) and which seeds or plants are it would otherwise be prohibited to carry in the orchard on Shabbat. not Tevel. It all depends on your intent. If you plant something for Subsequently, came and pulled out the fence posts - he held the seeds specifically, then you must take Tevel on the seeds and not that the pavilion was considered a residence, and therefore the entire the fruit or vegetable. orchard would be considered the courtyard of the pavilion, in which it is permissible to carry. The Gemara brings three cases to support Rav An example is given of a clover that people use for the seed rather Huna bar Chinana?s opinion that the fence posts were necessary, and than the vegetable associated with it - here you must take Tevel from that building the pavilion did not reclassify the orchard into a location the seed not the vegetable. prefers that you take Tevel from in which it would be permissible to carry on Shabbat. both the seed and the vegetable. The beraisa teaches them seperately in order to teach that M aaser is primarily based on the Further on the Daf, the Gemara mentions a pasuk and tangentially intention of why it was planted, according to Tosafot. discusses the lesson to be learned. It was explained that when became ill, Isaiah went and established a yeshiva next his We then learn on Daf Bet about Rabbi Zeira who, when he was door so that the merit of the people learning Torah would protect tired, used to sit outside the Beit M idrash and speak to those who him. The Gemara suggests from this that when a Torah scholar is were leaving, asking them about what they had learned. He argues taken ill, it is proper to establish a yeshiva nearby for his protection. with a student who says that one makes a Ha'adama on hops, and Ultimately, the Gemara rejects this concept, based on the reasoning Shehakol on fodder (dried hay mostly used to feed horses). Rabbi that setting up the yeshiva could lead to inciting the Satan against the Zeira argued that fodder grows from the ground, and hops grow on one that is ill. shrubs but are nurtured from the air not the bush. So fodder should be Ha'adama and hops Shehakol. SHABBAT 5 SEPTEMBER ?? ??????? The Gemara tells us that we hold like the student and not Rabbi THANKS Zeira, mainly because the hops are fully ripened produce and fodder is not. Perek 3 begins with a discussion of which foods can be used for Eruvei Techumin, Eruvei Chatzerot, and Shiftei M evo?os. The M ishna MO NDAY 7 SEPTEMBER ?? ??????? states that all foods are fit for these purposes apart from salt and THANKS RUSSEL LEVY water, adding that all types of food can be bought with M aaser Sheini apart from salt and water. The M ishna expresses that water and salt Often in M asechet Eruvin, it is hard to find halachot that apply to are not considered foods of sustenance, explaining that a person who those who have city Eruvei Chatzerot and techumin set up for them. has taken a vow to abstain from sustenance is allowed salt and water. However, our Daf poses a very interesting question: In what Finally the M ishna says that an Eruv can be made for a Nazir using conditions are we forbidden to eat onions? The main halacha around wine because it is fit for others to drink. onions is the prohibition from eating uncooked, peeled onions that Rav Yochanan says we cannot derive that something is always true were left out overnight. In our Gemara, a separate prohibition is based on a stated rule, even if the rule gives exceptions (there could discussed: eating the leaves of onions, and eating raw onions in always be more exemptions than those explicitly stated). The Gemara general. says that Rav Yochanan is referring to the concept that in time-bound M edically, all parts of the onion plant (and its cousin, garlic), both positive mitzvot men are obligated and women are exempt, whereas the root that we eat, and the leaves, contain N-propyl disulphide, both men and women are obligated in non time-bound positive which causes hemolysis in many mammals, such as dogs and cats, mitzvot. and to a lesser extent in humans. When the Gemara quotes a Braita The Gemara asks, "Is it a rule that women are always exempt from which forbids all consumption of onions ?due to the snake inside?, it is positive mitzvot that are time bound? Yet we see women are possible that this is referring to the effects of this chemical on our obligated in the waiting of matzah, rejoicing on Yom Tov and body, which in certain situations can lead to illness or even death. Hakhel." Similarly there are positive mitzvot that are not time-bound Though this is not normative halacha for most communities, Rav that women are exempt from, such as procreation, learning Torah Nachman from Breslov is quoted in Sichot Haran as forbidding all and the redeeming of a first born son. consumption, based on our Gemara.

Therefore, as Rav Yochanan says, we cannot derive that something There are various opinions in the in understanding the is always true based on a stated rule, even if the stated rule gives ?snake inside?. explains that it refers to the juice inside the exceptions. onion; Rabbenu Chananel explains it refers to the central core of the onion, which looks similar to a snake; finally, the Ritva quotes a third opinion that says that there may be worms inside that are as poisonous as the venom of a snake.

We have taken care not to use '? ?? or quote full ????? ?. Accordingly, this sheet does Daily Daf images kindly provided by Style·A·Daf. - Rabbi NTahtea n? ZFiacrhbreur .- RMeecmeiovrey SCtoyrlnee Ar ?D sauf mthmroauryg h aWsh kaitnsdAlyp pb e(enm apirlo svtidyeleda bdya fZ@icghmraui (l.c)o.m Fo) ro fru frrtohmer t heir not need to be placed in shaimos but should be disposed of in a respectful manner. website www.style-a-daf.com. Also icnhfoercmk ahttitopns :a/n/dw two wre.ycuetiovera dha.oilryg c/osnetaerncth /fr?otmea Zcihcehrr=u 8p3le2a1s6e R vaishiti Dwawf wfo.zri cehverury.c Roamshi on the daf! ?''? ? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ? ???? ??? ?????? ? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??? ? ?????? ? ???? 3 | DAF YOMI SUMMARY

TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER tithes that you receive from the Israelites; and from them you shall ? ??????? bring the gift for the LORD to Aharon the Priest." This pasuk THANKS TO DAVID GRO SS discussed the separating of Terumot and M aaserot. The words "gam atem" teach that another Jew similar to the person who needs to There is an interesting crossover on Daf ? between Eruvin and perform the action may appoint someone else, a Shaliach, to perform Nedarim in defining which food may or may not be used when one it on his behalf. makes a vow. The sugya expands by considering whether a person The M ishnah on this Daf discussed who can and cannot be a may make an eruv on food which is forbidden to them. Three shaliach to complete an Eruv. During the discussion of the M ishnah, examples are given: a Nazir and wine; a Yisrael and Terumah; and the Daf relates an important concept about the shaliach: one who swears off all food. ???? ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?? ????? ? ????? Beit Shammai is of the opinion that one would not be able to make ??????? ?? ?? an Eruv in any of these three cases, as the food must be permitted for the one who makes the Eruv. Beit Hillel hold that in the first case, a Nazir would indeed be able to make an Eruv on wine. The reason for M aybe we are concerned that the shaliach did not complete the this is found within a question by Tosafot as to why the Gemara task he was assigned to do. Rabbi Yechiel assures that when dealing doesn't make a distinction between vows pertaining to eating, and with a shaliach we assume the following principal - that the shaliach vows relating to the benefit from a particular food or category of filled his agency, meaning the Shaliach completed the task. food. If one can't assume that the shaliach will complete his appointed The answer that is given there, and is mentioned on the next Daf, is job then how can one appoint a shaliach at all? that since mitzvot were not given for the purpose of benefit ( ????? ?????? ??? ?????) then an oath or vow swearing off a particular The ability to appoint another person to fulfill a M itzva or an action food does not apply. is a halachic innovation. It demonstrates that, in some cases, fulfillment of an action does not need to come through the person who requires the M itzva or action; it can be transferred onto another WEDNESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER ?? ??????? person for its completion. THANKS TO DR YARDAENA O SBAND - TALKING TALMUD PO DCAST The Daf introduces us to the important halachic concept of the shaliach. A shaliach is an emissary, appointed by a person to fulfill a specific legal action on behalf of another person. The concept of a shaliach has a few sources in the Torah.

The first comes from the rules of Korban Pesach. Shemot 12:6 states

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You shall keep watch over it until the fourteenth day of this month; and all the assembled congregation of the Israelites shall slaughter it at twilight."

It would be impossible for everyone to slaughter their own Korban Pesach and therefore it is understood that someone?s Korban Pesach will be slaughtered by a shaliach. The second case where a shaliach is mentioned is in Gittin. 24:1 states:

?? ???-?? ,?????? ??-???? ??-?? ???? ;????? ,?? ? ? ?? ???-?? .????? ???? ? ,???? ???? ????? ??? ?? ????--??? ????

A man takes a wife and possesses her. She fails to please him because he finds something obnoxious about her, and he writes her a bill of divorcement, hands it to her, and sends her away from his house." The word "ve'shilicha" is unusual and indicates that a person may use a shaliach to send the Get and not deliver it personally. Another important concept about the shaliach is mentioned in the Gemara in Gittin 23b which quotes a pasuk from Bamidbar 18:28:

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So shall you on your part set aside a gift for the LORD from all the

We have taken care not to use '? ?? or quote full ????? ?. Accordingly, this sheet does not need to be placed in shaimos but should be disposed of in a respectful manner.