See 1910/1911 Bulletin 7-1 (Pdf Images
· - . -_ -I . I .-- ~ ·· : ... SCties VII. '· .OF _THE UniyerSit}r of .·1\lotre . Dame .r~TOTRE . DAIV!E?.IND I.f\.1\T}~ . - ' · ~ _.· - ..._ · ..... ~ . : ·: . ~ . ·- ._-. -. -. --. .GE!~ERAI., . CATP1.LOGTJE . / •' . ~. - -!4J(}-i9J r- · ', .• ' _· .· <PUBLISHEJ? QUARTERJ~ X AT NOTRE -DL~~ll.E . THE U~ITVERSITY - PRE~S ..·· . ' . ·· .. J~dy, J9JJ . · .: -: ... , _· . .,i · : . ..-. ·..... I I . .. ": ~ . ! <;:;'· - J·j · ' . ...A ~/ '- r //~ UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE D A M E Notre Dame, In d ian a Series VII. N um ber L BULLETIN OF TH E University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA t GENERAL CATALOGUE 1910-1911 s/ PUBLISHED QUARTERLY AT NOTRE DAME THE UNIVERSITY PRESS Ju ly , J911 Entered at the Postoffice, Notre Dame, Indiana, as second-class matter, July 17 , 1905 b u l l e t in o f t h e \ ^ 2 \ ‘ DIRECTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY T he Faculty —Address: THE UNIVERSITY OR NOTRE DAME N o t r e D a m e , I n d i a n a . The STUDENTS—Address: As for the Faculty, except that the name of the H ade in which the student lives should be added. A Postoffice, a Telegraph Office, a Long Distance Telephone, and an Express Office are at the University. The University is two miles from the city of South Bend, Indiana, and about eighty miles east of Chicago. The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, the Grand Trunk, the Vandalia, the Indiana, Illinois & Iowa, the Chicago and Indiana Southern, and the Michigan Central railways run directly into South Bend. A trolley line runs cars from South Bend to the University every fifteen minutes.
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