Introduction: the 1930S Revolution
PROPERTY OF MIT PRESS: FOR PROOFREADING AND INDEXING PURPOSES ONLY Introduction: The 1930s Revolution The theory of computability was launched in the 1930s by a group of young math- ematicians and logicians who proposed new, exact, characterizations of the idea of algorithmic computability. The most prominent of these young iconoclasts were Kurt Gödel, Alonzo Church, and Alan Turing. Others also contributed to the new field, most notably Jacques Herbrand, Emil Post, Stephen Kleene, and J. Barkley Rosser. This seminal research not only established the theoretical basis for computability: these key thinkers revolutionized and reshaped the mathematical world—a revolu- tion that culminated in the Information Age. Their motive, however, was not to pioneer the discipline that we now know as theoretical computer science, although with hindsight this is indeed what they did. Nor was their motive to design electronic digital computers, although Turing did go on to do so (in fact producing the first complete paper design that the world had seen for an electronic stored-program universal computer). Their work was rather the continuation of decades of intensive investigation into that most abstract of subjects, the foundations of mathematics—investigations carried out by such great thinkers as Leopold Kronecker, Richard Dedekind, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, David Hilbert, L. E. J. Brouwer, Paul Bernays, and John von Neumann. The concept of an algorithm, or an effective or computable procedure, was central during these decades of foundational study, although for a long time no attempt was made to characterize the intuitive concept formally. This changed when Hilbert’s foundation- alist program, and especially the issue of decidability, made it imperative to provide an exact characterization of the idea of a computable function—or algorithmically calculable function, or effectively calculable function, or decidable predicate.
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