
Merrimack High School April 2011 Trumpets Sound for 2010-2011 Mr. MHS!

Becca Maille questions. Not knowing the question they would receive, the contestants had to answer on the spot. Despite this, The work of many students each contestant answered his question and teachers coordinating together thoughtfully and tried to put forth what helped to bring about the second suc- he would bring to the table if he was cess of the Mr. MHS pageant at Merri- crowned Mr. MHS. As the last question mack High School. Strong teamwork was answered, the judges left to reach between the members of both SADD a decision about who would receive the and NHS helped to make the event run crown. In the meantime, the audience smoothly and be as enjoyable as last enjoyed performances from Broadway year's. From the early stages of just for- Bound dancers who put on an excellent mulating the idea to working together in-between show. to plan and plot each moment of the Then the contestants re- production, there was a consistent and turned to the stage and hosts Jimmy ever present feeling of teamwork and Bigwood and Bethany Bucciarelli an- definitely a sense of accomplishment nounced the winner. Congratulations to with the final minutes of the evening. runner-up Kevin Grosso and the new In the words of the NHS president sen- Mr. MHS Cody Gladstone, both of ior Kara Jolly, "It went wonderfully!" whom put forth an excellent effort and But SADD and NHS were not the only showed the school what being Mr. ones who helped create a much en- MHS is all about. The support you joyed show. gave to your teammates and the school The eight participants- Cody spirit you exhibited is something all Gladstone, Kevin Grosso, Mike Barry, students and teachers at MHS appreci- Jacob Serrentino, Jack Luk, Kyle Val- ated seeing. lace, Artie Costa, and Travis Gillian - Talents ranging from play- put on a fabulous performance. Each ing Mario to juggling to playing the category (Talent, Outrageous Arm, guitar with Spiderman and even yo- Dance Move, and Q & A) roused a sup- yoing - the student body has been rep- portive laugh and cheer from the 300 resented through yet another great Mr. people in the crowd. Each contestant MHS pageant. Great job contestants for gave his all and worked hard after showing the many talents, gifts and school to help make sure that the show personalities that make MHS great. was the best it could be. Congratula- A special thanks goes to all tions to the guys and their sponsors! the performers between contests, in- When it came down to the cluding The Disputed , Broadway final cut, the audience members were Bound, and soloist Luisa Forger. Also, thank you to the judges for taking the sitting on the edge of their seats. After Photo: Becca Maille such great performances the choice time to find the Mr. MHS of 2011. would be hard. Having four contestants Newly crowned Mr. MHS, Cody Gladstone, smiles for the camera with his fel- left, it came down to one last set of low candidates and their sponsors. The Yearbook Seeks New Advisors Alison Amante she has gotten more involved in activ- help design page layouts, add pictures ities that she may not have been in- and text, type senior write ups, and volved with otherwise. work on paperwork relating to parent According to Ms. Monty a great ads. Kaleigh adds that working hard on Current yearbook advisors challenge in advising is, "Editing! Ed- the yearbook pays off and "if you work Mrs. Cloutier and Ms. Montemerlo iting! Editing! Even if you look at a hard enough, not only do you get a free will be resigning after this year and page a thousand times you can still yearbook, but you also gain the satis- will pass on the title to future advisors. find something that can be improved." faction that you put your all into some- The position of year book advisor has On top of editing, she finds that meet- thing, and came together with others to not been filled for the 2011-2012 ing deadlines can be a bit of a concern reach a common goal." school year. The position of yearbook because if a certain part of a yearbook Another volunteer and former year- advisor is first opened up to the is not submitted by the given time, book class student, senior Lauren school's faculty members, but if the po- there is a late fee. Calvino enjoys working on the year- sition is not filled, administrators will The school is not only look- book because it allowed her to make seek volunteers within the community, ing for prospective yearbook advisors, new friends, get to be creative, and add according to Assistant Principal Berg- but also in volunteers to complete this her own spin to the yearbook. "In a few eron. years yearbook. This semester, there months the yearbook will be out and Current yearbook advisor, Ms. only seven people in the yearbook completed and I will feel greatly satis- Montemerlo, who has advised the class, which contributes greatly to the fied knowing I contributed," she said. yearbook for 4 years, commented that yearbook's completion. The yearbook Students interested in volunteering being a yearbook advisor lets her see staff has sought help in volunteers to can contact either Ms. Monetmerlo or students in a different light, where the complete this years yearbook. Mrs. Cloutier. focus is more on their creativity and Photo: Rachel Lewis One of those volunteers and for- imagination. She also notes that mer yearbook class student, senior through her job as yearbook advisor Kaleigh Craig, said that volunteers 2 The Hawk April 2011

Photo: Sara Engelsman Leaders Jen and John flash the "I love you" hand sign; the students were instructed to do they same each time they wanted to show respect and sympathy for their peers.

Three hundred NHS students and seventy-five lenge Day. Both became involved in the program MHS teachers attended a program called "Chal- six years ago, however both took a different path lenge Day" at Merrimack High School over a Challenge Day Surprises the to get there. Jen was an actress who felt completely three day period. This program entails a six and a unfulfilled with her life. When she was going half hour session that encourages teens to ac- through some hard times, she attended a Challenge knowledge issues they deal with everyday such as Students of Merrimack High Day with a friend and said it changed her life and harassment, gossip, stereotypes, negative judg- knew it was what she wanted to do. During Chal- ments, and drug abuse. lenge Day, as she shared her personal stories with Founded by couple Yvonne and Rich Dutra St. the crowd tears streamed down her face but she John in 1987, the program has helped over School was not ashamed, even encouraging others to do 1,000,000 students in 400 cities, 45 U. S. states Sara Engelsman the same. and Canada. On average, the 25 leaders, in pairs, For Jon, a high energy individual who contin- attend 900 schools per year where 90,000 teens uously rapped and danced even when he wasn't participate in the program, according to the addressing the crowd, the process of becoming a group's website. question of which 300 students would attend. Se- don't think we have a problem, maybe I just don't Challenge Day leader was "pure dumb luck." In- From the beginning of the 2010-2011 school lected randomly, students were informed by mail see it," said senior Ciara Grubbs. jured and laying in bed for three months, he felt year, students were hesitant about the idea of Chal- that they had been chosen to participate. However, When the morning of March 8th came around, that he needed something more in his life. By lenge Day coming to the high school. What was not many replied to their invites. Due to lack of in- students were surprised to hear that not only was chance, he saw an advertisement for it on the in- known about the program was strictly from the terest, permission slips were available to anyone in the program full for all three days, but there were ternet, and although he thought it was cheesy at show "If You Really Knew Me" which aired the the student body that remained curious. Some stu- waiting lists of students hoping to attend as well. In first, the travel opportunities, no working summers, summer of 2010 on MTV; a day of sharing feel- dents admitted to signing up just because it would the beginning, the tension in the room was high as and no strict dress code seemed promising. ings, deep secrets, and crying. Additionally, when get them out of class for the day, "I was invited but students sat on blue plastic chairs in a circle, risk- Even having experienced many different Chal- the student body was informed that $10,000 would really I don't want to go to class Senioritis," ex- ing side glances at each other in attempt to see lenge Days they knew Merrimack's experience was have to be raised, the idea became a laughing mat- plained senior Michael Murgo with a laugh. what their peers' reactions were to what was about one of a kind. "Although we've traveled to a lot of ter to many. Although skeptical, some students to take place. schools and places we can say without hesitation Mrs. Larkin-Perez, inspired by her husband's ex- began to sign up and encouraged others to join Jennifer Wilson of San Francisco, Cali- you've got a special place here," said Jon. perience with the program in another school, them as well. Nevertheless still others remained fornia and Jon Gordon of San Lendaro, California The overall response to Challenge Day brought the idea to Merrimack. Larkin-Perez against the idea of Challenge Day altogether. "I led Merrimack High School in its first ever Chal- was positive. "Students learned things about each teamed up with Mrs. Cirelli and Ms. Mandra, to other they didn't know, The way they get there is present ideas to raise the money needed. Craig always different, but ultimately they get to the Caron, owner of the Mobil station located at the same spot," said Jen. end of Baboosic Lake Road always generous and It was a day of being yourself, being real, and looking to support the school, donated a large everyone took it to heart. It gave people the op- sum of money. The program $2 Tuesdays, where portunity to talk to others they would normally students brought in money every Tuesday dur- pass by in the hall without acknowledgement. "I ing homeroom in competition against the other talked to kids I haven't talked to since eighth grade homerooms for a Dunkin Donuts breakfast, and it wasn't because we were mean to each other, raised about $500. More donations were given we were just friends with different people," said by the community, past students, parents, the po- senior Cody Gladstone. Many said it was an eye- lice department, the class of 2011, the class of opening experience. "Challenge Day=best expe- 2012 and even a donation of $2000 from the rience of my life," posted senior Emily Spencer to class of 2007. Additional money was raised at her Facebook later that night. Others, such as Jun- lunches, bake sales, the craft fair and bowling iors Sadie Doran and Amanda Bantham, who did nights at Merrimack Ten Pin. not get the opportunity, made comments about try- Many students complained about the amount ing harder to get the program back next year after of money needed, suggesting it could go to bet- hearing their friends rave about their experiences. ter causes at MHS. However, what was unknown "Every experience is different for everyone, to the student body was the money was needed to that's why it's so hard to explain what Challenge pay for the Challenge Day program for three sep- Day is. You can't sum it up. It's what you take arate days, flights for the two program leaders away from it, the impact it has on you, that is the from California, the lodging for the leaders over experience," said Mrs. Cirelli. the three day period, a rental car for the leaders, Photo: Sara Engelsman and lunch for 375 participants. Challenge Day Poster Once the money was raised, it was a The Hawk

April 2011 MHS Presents Invisible Children By: Rachel Lewis bers because of the conflict. Robert now is being raised, another set to use on the 25th the ordeals the youth of Uganda face, the a mentor for young kids in the Legacy explaining why the person is silent and a more we can get involved and help them." Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK), Scholarship program created by Invisible lanyard to hold the two sets of cards. Mrs. Mandra said, "I think it [the presen- along with representatives from the organ- Children. The movie focused on another MHS has hosted Invisible tation], number one opened their [stu- ization Invisible Children, aired the new young man, Tony, who had grown up in the Children for the past two years. Gateway dents'] eyes to the world and also made movie, "Tony: Lose All. Gain Everything" war zone and was a former night commuter teacher and one of the RAOK advisors, them think about things globally rather at MHS on March 18. along with numerous other children. A Ms. Mandra said, "the reason they called than locally so I think that was very bene- Invisible Children Inc. is a non- night commuter is what children in Uganda us, was we did our Battle of the Bands and ficial." During several parts of the movie, profit group that is focused on long-term who left their homes at night to sleep in the the proceeds from that were going to build many students in the audience discretely development of war-affected areas. safety of the city were called. They were schools, their Schools to Schools program tried to fight back their tears. However suc- Currently its efforts are focused on the forced to do this for their own safety, so that's how it actually happened, cessful people were in covering up the twenty-five year long war in Uganda, unsure where or when the L.R.A. would although we would have been on their New tears, they were unable to hide the impact Africa. It seeks to create jobs and provide raid next. This young man, Tony, perse- Hampshire list to contact." There was an the movie had on them when the merchan- valuable education to the future genera- vered against incredible obstacles includ- article in the Nashua Telegraph about the dise tables were bombarded with students tions there to ensure the well-being of the ing night commuting, losing both parents, Battle of The Bands event which some of after the presentations eager to donate their country, according to its website. and struggling to get an education. the coordinators from Invisible Children money and support the cause. By showing their original documentary According to the Invisible Children web- saw and contacted the school. "From there On May 13, 2010 Congress passed the "Invisible Children: Rough Cut" it hopes to site, it uses a portion of its budget for it was: 'of course we'll do it,' " said bill "The LRA Disarmament and Northern expose the truth about the war and inspire awareness programs such as a national Mandra. Uganda Recovery Act" which aims to stop people to join the movement. The Lord's tour, political advocacy, and numerous A portion of the movie was focused on the current violence and eventually the Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel group awareness events along with the promotion twenty- five-year-old Nate Henn, a roadie conflict as a whole. President Obama pre- controlled by Joseph Kony, and the of international peace talks. A larger por- for Invisible Children, was killed in a sui- sented Congress with his strategy for help- Ugandan government have been at war for tion of the budget goes toward programs cide bombing in Kampala, Uganda's capi- ing to stop the violence. His plan is known the past 25 years. Recently Kony has directly in Uganda which focus on funding tal, during the finals of the World Cup. He as the "Strategy to Support the moved out of Uganda but has retreated into local initiatives in the country. The organi- joined the organization in 2010 and as a Disarmament of the Lords Resistance the regions of the Dominican Republic, zation has also created innovative plans roadie spent his time traveling around the Army." However Joseph Kony and his Congo, South Sudan, and Central African such as the ‘Schools for Schools' program, US advocating for the rights of children in rebel army have yet to be apprehended and Republic terrrorizing the inhabitants. Kony which provides an opportunity for schools Uganda. Referring to the death of Nate face the consequences. and the LRA are now going where there across the United States to directly raise Henn, Ms. Mandra said , "that wasn't the It is very important to bring to light the are no roads or phones for communication funds and awareness for the effort to re- only reason for us saying 'absolutely,' but it circumstances that these children, who are in order to avoid capture. build schools in war-affected countries. definitely contributed to it." abducted and forced into war, face. This is The movie had quite and impact on stu- The representatives from the organiza- Invisible Children's mission statement, a program purely based on helping chil- dents. Students were even able to hear tion who travel to each venue also bring taken from its website reads, "Invisible dren in war-affected countries. The volun- from a man, Robert, in person about his items to sell at the end of each presenta- Children uses film, creativity, and social teers spend a great deal of time working personal experience as a former night com- tion. The New England Team for Invisible action to end the use of child soldiers in towards bringing awareness and the pro- muter and child in Uganda who lost Children, Bailey Cox, Justin Mauldin, and Joseph Kony's rebel war and restore motion of peace through the various pre- numerous family mem- Katrina Aucoin, set up two tables of mer- Northern Uganda to peace and prosperity". sentations and programs they organize. It chandise to be sold at the end of each show For the five years that Invisible Children was an unforgettable event to say the least. in the cafeteria lobby. Some of the items has been airing its movies, they have been included t-shirts, movies, homemade viewed by over four million people at over bags and bracelets made by people in ten thousand venues. Senior Rebecca Uganda, and the 25 Action Kit. On April Maille commented, "I had heard of 25th Invisible Children is hoping to Invisible Children in school and raise twenty-five thousand dollars by through my brother's friends. The pur- encouraging people to remain silent for suit of helping the people- adults and 25 hours and pledge 25 dollars in children- of Uganda find peace is honor of the 25 year long war, and important. These are people who recently deceased 25 year old deserve to live peacefully and to help Invisible Children roadie Nate Henn. contribute a positive lifestyle for their This kit includes the exclusive "25" families. I do not know an extensive t-shirt to wear on April 25th, a set of amount about the subject, however. small cards explaining why the That is why I would like to attend money is this presentation. With more knowl- edge of the world and

Center Photo left to right: Bailey Cox, Sam Theriault, Paige Gibson, Rayna Fillios, Robert, Allie Kuhn, Ethan McGarry, Jacob Gruber, Justin Mauldin 4 The Hawk April 2011 Snow, The Power of Voice: Public Snow Speaking Go Away Class

Kiona Bright Eric Starr

Six days of school-can- Mrs. Johnson's and Mrs. Plantier's public speaking classes will be taking the stage once celling snow fell this winter, caus- again for the MHS Comedy Shows at the end ing the last day of school for MHS of the spring semester in the theater. Until then, students and faculty to be pushed students will spend hours upon hours develop- ing the mechanics necessary to be effective back to June 22 from June 16. public speakers. Mid-terms for semester one 21 years ago at MHS, Mrs. Plantier was cho- were scheduled for the week of sen to teach a new class called public speak- ing. The class had shaky beginnings, which January 17th to the 21st before the Mrs. Plantier described as "almost a failure," snow proved to be a big impedi- with very few students signing up for the class. ment. With snow days on both the But, over time more students began taking it. http://columbian.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/croppedphotos/2010/05/20/IMG_5498_t640.jpg?a6 Back then, she said, the students would per- 19th and the 21st the exams did not An example of a crash simulation, part of the Mock DUI form a teacher roast, which featured the stu- end until the following week on dents making fun of the teachers of MHS, the 26th. Courtney Bright, a junior instead of a comedy show. After a couple of years it became apparent at MHS said, "Finals dragged on that the teacher roast wasn't working. Not [and] teachers cram all [of the] every student had the same teacher which work together." Then, snow de- The Influence and made it hard for the students to make jokes everyone would get. So Mrs. Plantier decided cided to pay another visit on Janu- to change the show to a "Saturday Night Live ary 12th and again on February style" sketch comedy show which has lead to 2nd, bringing the total number of Impact of Merri- many memorable characters like former stu- dent Steve Johnson's " the Librarian," a snow days to 5 and this year's total personal favorite of Plantier's. snowfall to 76.3", according to These days Mrs. Plantier isn't the only WMUR. teacher of public speaking. Those who enroll mack's Mock DUI in the class may also learn under Mrs. Johnson, Now, the students and fac- Kaleigh Craig makes it seem as if time has passed be- who has been teaching the class for four years. ulty of Merrimack High School "It's a great course it's very different from nor- tween the person's death and the de- must attend school for 5 more days mal English classes," said Johnson, who also This year's senior class is set to wit- fendant's court date. This year will be mentioned that her class has no tests or manda- this June. Events, such as Mr. ness the Mock DUI, taking place April the second year the trial is included. tory note-taking. The class is for anyone who wants to be in any sort of public forum, "from MHS, had to be pushed back due 19th at 10 o'clock on O'Gara Drive. Brittany Beland, a senior, and presi- to the snow days. Although teach- sales to McDonald's, you will always need The Mock DUI is put on and devel- dent of SADD believes the scenario good communication skills," she said. ers may be rushing to get back on oped by Merrimack High School's should be changed every year, even if Senior Josh Frumkin, currently a student in track with their original course out- SADD, and has the club's officers par- that change is not seen by everyone. Mrs. Johnson's public speaking class, under- lines, many are used to the unpre- "If it's the same every year, people will stands what Mrs. Johnson is saying. "My fu- ticipating in the scenario. The Mock ture depends on me being able to speak well," dictability of New Hampshire DUI's purpose is to impact graduating know what to expect and it won't make he said. This summer, Josh will be attending winters. But, Ms. Quinn-King, a seniors, and educate them on the dan- a huge impact on them" she said. basic training for the Army. He described the faculty member at MHS says that gers and effects of driving under the The goal of Mock DUI is after all, to first half of public speaking saying that it fo- impact as many people as possible. cuses on speeches including a Rotary speech, a she is "Not trying to catch up be- influence. The advisors of this year's process speech, and a "best story competition." cause we have days at the end we'll Mock DUI are confident about this The Mock DUI was started by SADD Senior Mike Soifert admitted he signed up founder and hockey coach Robert finish everything." year's scene, but the details of this for the class just for the comedy show, "but Anastas at Wayland High School, in then I quickly realized it is so much more than As June approaches, only year's scenario are kept secret until the 1981 after some of his team lost their a comedy show You have to write so many one thing seems to be on the minds day of the accident, so the impact will freaking speeches," Mike said with a laugh. hit students hard. lives in drunk driving accidents. of seniors at MHS: how are the Mrs. Plantier added "We do a lot of other Ms. Bonin, a 3 year SADD Mrs. Fitzgerald, also a 3 year things than the comedy show." snow days impacting graduation advisor believes that this year's Mock SADD advisor as well as former EMT Mrs. Plantier noted that all the classes main- and senior week? Kim Fontaine, a believes Mock DUI will affect the ma- tain a very supportive atmosphere, which DUI scenario is very different from comes naturally when combined with all the senior at MHS unhappily noted, any previous year. "This year is super jority of students, but it "depends on work that is put into the comedy show. "Most "[the snow] is pushing graduation different since we [are] working in the where they're in their lives." She be- people have no idea how much time is put into back." Students spent the winter prescription drugs." She said it will be lieves it is important to see the whole [the comedy show]," said Plantier, "and it's the rundown of the scenario, right down to first time on stage for most people." months wondering about the date "eye opening to realize it's still a DUI," Senior Colby Mear knows the feeling. Colby of graduation. After weeks of an- when the influence is prescription spraying the blood off the pavement at performed in Mrs. Johnson's comedy show last ticipation, the school district fi- drugs. the end. Having seen many impaired January and it was his first time on stage. "Per- forming was a lot easier than I thought it would nally confirmed the date of In the past few years, SADD has in- accidents, she wants to make the most impact, and help prevent more acci- be," he said, "but I was really nervous before graduation: June 18th. corporated real helicopters, funeral the show." Colby and his class spent a great dents from occurring. In the meantime, the stu- videos, and actors representing the vic- deal of time working on their show, which All 3 officers hope to impact spoofed everything from the Chilean Miner dents and faculty of MHS can only tims' families. They all agreed the Mock DUI that had the most impact the senior class, who will be leaving news story to MTV. "We spent the entire quar- wait out the next few months, hop- ter working on it, but it was great because we was when an actress played the mother for college in the fall. Fitzgerald says ing that no more snow will fall and had a lot of creative control." of a victim shouting "My baby, my her overall goal is to make students re- This spring each class will perform their the end of the year will come soon. baby!" The audience was reportedly in alize that there are "many types of im- show in front of an audience three separate As the snow is finally starting to tears. However, the scenario changes pairment, not just alcohol." She hopes times in one day. Hidden within each show are melt, spirits of the students and students realize that, "with one bad de- dozens of hours of hard work developing the every year now that the Mock DUI is skills necessary to perform effectively. Mrs. faculty are rising, making the end held annually. In recent years the ad- cision there can be life changing ef- Johnson likes to say "what happens in public of the year more exciting and dition of a trial scene to the crash has fects." speaking stays in public speaking." That may brightening the faces of everyone "really solidified the impact," said be true, but what the students learn will last a lifetime. at MHS. Bonin. The trial makes it real, and The Hawk April 2011

Making a Connection: The Key to a Student's Development

Doug Illsley partment head are the resources a sub utilizes to run that the absences break up the flow of the classroom. But, some think more can be done to bet- an effective class. Eleven year veteran substitute MHS seniors Phil Gerard and Jeremy Fitzemeyer ter prepare substitutes for the classroom. Mrs. Pope, teacher Mrs. Count explained that detailed and un- said their classes often fall behind others of the same an art teacher at MHS since 2000, believes that sub- derstandable directions are imperative to being a suc- subject due to the absences of their teachers. Gerard stitutes should partake in workshops to help prepare Collaboration days, introduced two years ago, have cessful substitute. She praised Merrimack High acknowledged in one of his classes that "[I] didn't get them for a classroom environment. Mr. Bergeron re- become a new way to help teachers work on specific School teachers for their preparation stating, "they to learn everything I wanted to" because the teacher iterated this point, saying that he'd like to implement goals in education, but have also increased the need prepare us very well." was out for an extended period of time due to an ill- a workshop day for substitute teachers to be increas- for substitute teachers. Teachers are afforded two weeks of sick days and ness." ingly educated on properly handling classroom situ- On average, according to assistant principal Peter three personal days, like family emergencies, every Both teachers, as well as substitute Mrs. ations. Bergeron, 6-10 substitutes are needed every day to year. However, many teachers dislike missing school Grantham believe making a connection with the stu- Teachers, substitutes, and administrators are al- fill the vacancies left by absent teachers. On collabo- because of the negative impact is has on the class pro- dents is crucial to the educational system. Mr. Berg- ways looking to find the most effective way to ac- ration days that number jumps to 12-16 subs. gression. Teachers, substitutes, and students agree eron, a former substitute teacher, maintains that "kids commodate the educational needs of students, and the Substitute teachers begin the day by picking up these absences cause disturbances in the learning rely on a familiar face" when entering the classroom, common consensus is no matter if you are a full time their assignments in the main office, then finding the process. Mrs. Count claimed that "consistency is key" and that excessive teacher absences can have an "ad- or substitute teacher, making a connection with the room they've been designated to. A classroom roster, to ensuring growth in the classroom and that "substi- verse effect" on a student's development. Mrs. Count students is the first, most important step toward pro- detailed instructions, and a quick brief from the de- tutes can't answer all the questions." Mrs. Moynihan- agreed, "having the teacher in the classroom is the viding an adequate learning experience. Cooney, the English department head agreed, stating most beneficial for the student." Stressed Kendo Club Started at MHS Over The Derrick Chow Test? Hello my name is Derrick Chow and I'm Ashley Gallant the founder and teacher of the Merrimack High School Kendo Club. I'd like to tell you what kendo is and where it came from. Mrs. Otavsky and Mr. Delude are conducting Kendo translated to English means "the SAT review sessions covering both math and English for Merrimack students over the next way of the sword." Kendo follows the an- ten weeks. cient teachings of the samurai of Japan, but Merrimack High School has been hosting this program for about ten years now. Over the is modified to fit modern day society. We years it has been run by many teachers offering follow the seven virtues of kendo which their time to help kids further their education. In recent years Mr. Filiault and Mr. Wiley ran the have been passed down since the first samu- program, but have passed the torch onto another rais. These virtues are: Yuki - courage, set of teachers. Photo: Derrick Chow The class helps prepare students in many valor, bravery; Jin - humanity, charity, Advisor Mr. Wiley and founder Derrick Chow pose with a few members ways, providing knowledge of good study benevolence; Gi - justice, righteousness, in- for the Kendo Club. skills, what to expect on the test and how to write an essay in 25 minutes. tegrity; Rei - etiquette, courtesy, civility; The math portion of the review course is Makoto - sincerity, honesty, reality; Chugi - being run by Mrs. Otavsky. Mr. Delude, a math teacher here at Merrimack High School, is ac- loyalty, fidelity, devotion; and Meiyo - tually teaching the English portion of the re- honor, dignity, prestige. They are followed view course. "The weird thing is I did better on the English portion of the SAT's," he said "but strictly, similar to a code of law. I liked math." Kendo is a sport which can be compared When Mr. Filiault and Mr. Wiley were run- ning the program back in 2009 the student pop- to European fencing because they both fol- ulation in the class was up around the winter, low the skill of sword work. In kendo we but as the weather got nicer and the sports got going the student involvement went down, ac- have armor called bogu which consists of a cording to Mr. Wiley. men ( meh ) which is a helmet, kote ( ko-te) The SATs seem to be a big worry for juniors and some seniors who are applying to colleges. thick gloves, do (do) chest armor ,and tare ( A good score, GPA, class rank and the essay are ta-re) the waist protector. The sword that is other necessary parts to the application process. Mr. Walczak a guidance councilor suggested used during practice is called a bokken or that students preparing for college use College- bokuto which is a thick wooden sword Photo: Derrick Chow Board.com to help with the organization and Members Jacob Gruber and Lorenzo Gonzalez practice the chudan po- application process to college along with col- shaped similar to the curved samuria sword. sition. lege application requirements when applying. The other sword that is used is called a shi- The English portion of the SATs seems to be a mix of general questions in everyday life, the nai which is a sword completely made of level of difficulty gets progressively harder as bamboo and strings. The shinai is used for you go through the test. Mr. Delude said, "It's long." combat competition. The math portion of the SAT's ranges from Kendo originated in Japan from kenjutsu geometry up to algebra II with some statistics thrown in. "It's [statistics] recommended but the ancestors of kendo. Japanese clans in the not necessary," said Mr. Delude. 1100s would teach their warriors kendo and Thomas Lee, a junior enrolled in the review course said; "the course helps in some aspects, the values of being a good human being. but is basically just spending an hour and a half If you want to find out more about on more school." He plans to take the test at least two or three times, admitting "without the Kendo, learn the techniques, feel closer to course I wouldn't study much," he said. Japanese culture, or you're just plain inter- Although he seems to be getting the help from the course he believes that $150.00 is still ested please come on by. We meet on Tues- too much to pay. "Hopefully the price of the days and Thursdays at 2:30 to 3:30 in the class will show in my score," he said. Mr. Wiley believes that "the course is beneficial, but with cafeteria. Photo: Derrick Chow no practice you'll get what you put into it." Founder Derrick Chow leads members of the Kendo Club in strikes. 6 The Hawk April 2011

Photo: Spencer Damon

Rachael Carter's 1,000 point bas- ketball in the Merrimack High School trophy case.

Making Her Mark Spencer Damon 1,000. Those five because of all the Corbett and Daniele MHS girls rallied points would make stress" said Rachael. Donahue. back to beat Rachael Carter of her the fifth girl in The girls ended the "Rachael is a Manchester in over- the Merrimack High Merrimack High historic game with a leader" said coach time, 48-46. School Girls School history to 58-44 win breaking Amy Larkin- Perez, The Lady Basketball team ever hit this number. their two-game skid. recalling when she Tomahawks ended a made school history Shannon Hassan is When Rachael began stayed after practice tough season finish- at the Spaulding the only other to play at the age of to help a girl with ing with an 8-10 game by being the female basketball five, basketball was free throws. record and unfortu- fifth girl in the player to ever have all fun and games. Following the nately lost a close school's history to the recorded number But when Rachael Spaulding game, the game in the first reach 1,000 points of 1,000 points. The stepped on the floor girls faced a tough round of playoffs to scored in a career on other three girls do her freshman year as Manchester a strong Dover team. February 8th, 2011. not have basketballs a starter, it was a Memorial team at No matter where "I knew at the in the trophy case. whole new game. home. To celebrate she plays next, beginning of the sea- At the Spaulding "The first time I saw Rachael's accom- Rachael can be sure son I was coming game Rachael took her play was her plishment the team of one thing. She close; friends and little time complet- freshman year and got to the gym early has left her mark on family were keeping ing her task. As she was good" said to decorate and to Merrimack sport's track" said Rachael Rachael scored the Merrimack A.D. prep their new history. "It will with a smile on her last points needed in Andy Krahling. "Rachael 1,000 always be there, face. As Rachael and the first period, the Rachael's senior year point" shirts for the every time I walk by her team were in the game was stopped came and she took game. The Crusaders the case its going to Spaulding High and her team ran her title as captain came into the game be there" said School gym that day onto the floor to very seriously; a role with a 10-3 record, Rachael. all she needed were congratulate her. "I she shared with the but left with one five points to hit the was excited and also other two captains more loss thanks to historic number of relived it was over seniors Paige Merrimack. The April 2011 The Hawk 7 Urinetown Gets Ready for Opening Night Rebecca Giacapuzzi

Urinetown, a play about the government banning the use of private bathrooms and having citizens pay a fee every time they use them, is being staged here at MHS by students. The Broadway play, directed here by Mr. L'Ecuyer, stars many MHS students. Urinetown will be performed April 14-16 at 7:00pm, with a matinee at 2pm on Saturday, in the Little Theatre at MHS. For students the admission fee is $9.00 and for adults it is $11.00. Mr. L'Ecuyer, a former student at MHS, was involved in plays in high school and has continued to be a part of MHS theatre even now as an English teacher. Many students and faculty members are involved with Urinetown. Jenn Naber, a senior, plays the role of a rebel in the chorus. "I didn't really want a role going into it" said Jen about her role of a rebel. But when it comes to casting, Mr. L'Ecuyer said that he looks Photo: Rebecca Giacapuzzi for the best role for each stu- Some members of the Urinetown cast shown rehearsing the dance number for "Don't Be the Bunny." dent as well as the best student for each role. Jen has been involved in many other plays best performance they can. them. Whatever the budget, designs and so doesn't want that MHS has produced, includ- Rehearsals are usually from Ms. Pope, an art teacher here Ms. Pope and Mr. L'Ecuyer are anyone to see them until the ing Little Shop Of Horrors, 2:30 to 4:30 or 5:00 but some- at Merrimack since 2005, is the making it work. They ask cast performance. Taking a bite of Almost Maine, and times even run until 6:00pm. set designer for the production. members and faculty for any- her yogurt, and laughing, Ms. Metamorphoses. "The fact that Rehearsals consist of a warm Looking at her date book, Ms. thing that can be used as a prop Pope said, "It's a surprise, I'll it was a musical," Jenn said of up, running through choreogra- Pope says that she already has 5 to enhance the designs of the give you that." Urinetown, "and the name of it phy, and on some days, learning drawings done for the set that production so that they can stay But those set designs attracted me to the play." new dance numbers. took her 6-8 hours to design. within budget. They are also won't be a secret for long, they The students involved Although the director and She explained how hard it is to looking for organizations to will be revealed to all on open- in Urinetown work hard every cast members work hard on the make set designs with a budget donate items. ing night, April 14th. Don't day after school to put on the production of Urinetown, the of $300, which is separate from Ms. Pope has worked miss it! hard work doesn't stop with the production budget. odd hours on creating the set MHS Hockey: Worst to First Mike Robidoux want to skate and do drills." They might have The championship game Merrimack High School's lost in the cham- against Dover was held at the hockey team ended the regu- pionship game, Verizon Center in lar season with a 16-1-1 Manchester, New Hampshire. record, the best record in but that doesn't In the end, Dover proved too MHS hockey's history and in take away from strong and beat Merrimack 5- the state this season. 1 to win the state champi- www.Unionleader.com The team were the the season they onship. Andy Krahling, the Members of the Merrimack hockey team. comeback kids in the play- had. AD of Merrimack didn't offs, beating Bedford on anticipate Merrimack's suc- straight goals to win 3-2. As the season went on, the tryout. If a forward didn't step March 9th, 3-2 after going cessful season. "I saw them After the game captain Chris team kept piling up the wins up and become a goalie, there into the third period trailing 4th or 5th place." Kinney didn't pause to cele- and piling up the confidence. wouldn't even have been a 2-0. They scored three goals But the boys were well brate, saying only "On to the Senior Zach Harris, a dedicat- team. Little did they know in three minutes and avoided prepared. They worked out next one." ed fan for three years said, three years later they would a first round upset. MHS all preseason, doing dry land, The championship was "you can tell that they were be playing in the state cham- played Bow in the second and lifting weights. held five days after the game playing as more of a team and pionship as the number one round of the playoffs. At their first official prac- before and Kinney said, "The had better talent out there on seed in the state. They might Historically, Bow has provid- tice of the season, Kinney hardest thing about that was the ice." have lost in the championship ed Merrimack with a chal- said "everyone was battling practice, because when you When this year's sen- game, but that doesn't take lenge, and this year was no for their spot on the team," have the most important iors showed up to tryouts away from the season they different. Again, MHS was but found their roles quickly. game of your life, you don't They became a "family." their sophomore year, there had. They made history. down 2-0 before scoring three wasn't even a goalie at the The Hawk 8 Battle of the Bands Rocks MHS Jon Winkler

If there were ever a night to drop your worries and just rock out, the Battle of the Bands was that night. Five bands came to the MHS cafeteria and brought their A-game. The bands brought a mess of rock, prog, and punk to the stage. The night was full of big guitars, big hair, and big fun. The band Legal Zebra was scheduled to take the stage first, but a complication came up. This led to Legal Zebra members Cody Gladstone and Bryce Fischer taking the stage for an interesting acoustic instrumental per- formance. After Gladstone and Fischer played, alternative- progressive trio Apnea took the stage. Apnea took second place last year, so they had something to Photo: Mrs. Foster prove. Apnea brought an Cat Cage preforms at Battle of the Bands in December. impressive showcase to the table, including bigger riffs. Disputed veterans from last year, the stage was the returning victorious once again. “Parhelion”, the two-part played a pretty fun show- played next. Cat Cage is champions Jimboslice and Jimboslice received the “The Tide Pulls Me Under/ case which included a known for its great punk- the 7 Fish. Jimboslice best reaction from the As Waves Crash Down”, cover of Rancid’s “Radio”. pop and high energy, and came out just as vicious as judges and gained a mas- and a cover of Stone Disputed definitely had the was a favorite among the they did last year, with sive fan reaction. But every Temple Pilot’s “Creep”. greatest fan reaction, with crowd. The band played a heavy guitar riffs and band that competed that Next up was Disputed, a the audience jumping great set, concluding with screeching vocals by night was a winner because punk-rock quintet who around to every song they their popular single Austin Martin. each band, despite different came onstage with big hair, played. “Sandwich”. At the end of the music styles, proved that big mustaches and even Cat Cage, who are also The final band to take night, Jimboslice came out rock and roll will never die. Movie Review: The Green Hornet

Jon Winkler menace Chudnofsky (Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz), he Vintage style wants The Green Hornet exterminat- The superhero movies these ed. days are mostly overblown, multi- tries to meet The dialogue of The Green million dollar franchise films Hornet comes off as rather silly, but (Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, X- it's funny when it comes from Men). It’s the same heroes, the same modern Rogen, who co-wrote the script. clichés and the same old song and Rogen uses his frantic one liners to dance. But if someone could take a humor in this provide more comic relief than seri- superhero from years ago that not ousness to the film. He’s more of the http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kC39RFTYIDo/TVEK6Sn1mdI/AAAAAAAABoI/omPa9oDy- many people have heard of, they jumbled film. loveable goofball than an action The legendary Green Hornet car from the radio program and would be free to be given a different hero, which takes away some of the comic, created in the 1930s, comes alive in this modern day film. atmosphere. With its raunchy one- debonair that comes with most over the fact that he has contributed boss, but when he talks, he’s almost chicken with its head cut off. As a liner comedy, suave style and all superheroes. That leads the real nothing to society, Britt finds an odd threatening the audience through the comedy, this formula is somewhat around fun atmosphere, The Green action part of this movie to Chou, friendship in Kato, (Taiwanese screen. successful. But there is not enough Hornet is a rare, enjoyable movie. who fills in Bruce Lee’s shoes of music sensation Jay Chou) the Reid's It is clear that The Green Hornet humor for this to be a full on come- The Green Hornet follows Britt Kato quite nicely (Lee was Kato in mechanic and coffee maker. Kato’s would be pretty useless without his dy, and there’s not enough real action Reid (Seth Rogen), the rich playboy the short lived 60’s television series). mechanical and fighting skills pique toys, especially his black Imperial for this to be an action movie. It’s heir to the throne of Los Angeles He talks in monotone, but he lets his Britt’s imagination. He convinces car. Fighting sequences are slowed more of a jumble of genres that newspaper writer and editor James martial-arts mastery do the talking Kato to help create an alter ego in down until the hits come, which is blend well in moments instead of the Reid (Tom Wilkinson). Britt spends for him. The friendship between order to fight the crime scattered supposed to keep the film modern. whole movie. Think of The Green his evenings partying and taking Britt and Kato seems more like the around Los Angeles; thus The Green This only makes the viewer realize Hornet as Pineapple Express with shots from his overbearing father, friendship of a rich boy and his poor Hornet is born. Kato and Britt cruise how brief the fights are in this film. cooler weapons, less of its slow who writes about the horrible crimes classmate. There is no real chem- around L.A looking for trouble in a The Green Hornet is a superhero comedy, and Cameron Diaz thrown in Los Angeles. When James is istry, but there isn’t supposed to be. loaded 1966 Imperial. When the movie indeed, but comes off as more in for some strange reason. found dead from a supposed “aller- Waltz keeps his villain ruthless in news of The Green Hornet’s actions of a comedy than a true action film. gic reaction”, Britt is left to run his dialogue, not in appearance. He reaches the ear of short-fused crime The real tough guy in this movie is Rating: 3 out of 5 stars family’s newspaper. Feeling guilty doesn’t seem like much of a crime the sidekick, while the hero is just a