Calendar of Events

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Calendar of Events CALF NDAR OF EVENTS Compiled by Beryl M. Benjers, Ph .D. Technical Information Specialist NOTE: An asterisk at the end of a citation Beach Convention Center, CA, May 4-6. (For indicates a new entry to the calendar. information: Jim Hay, Tower Conference Manage- ment Co ., 331 West Wesley St., Wheaton, IL 60187)* 1988 Human and Organisational Issues of Expert Sys- ATEC, International Rehabilitation Week, Conven- tems, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, May 4-6. (For tion Center, New York, NY, May 1 . (For informa- information : Bell Howe Conferences (EXSYS), tion : Wendy Morris, ATEC . Tel . (212) 563-5350) Gothic House, Barker Gate, Nottingham NG1 1JU, UK. Tel . 0602-410679)* Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Annual Meet- ing, Stouffers Hotel, Cleveland, OH, May 1-3 . (For International Back Pain Society, Montreaux, Swit- information: SME, One SME Drive, PO Box 930, zerland, May 4-6. (For information: International Dearborn, MI 48121)* Back Pain Society Secretariat, 36 Howletts Lane, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 7RS, Great Britain)* Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 1-6. Annual Day Conference on the Growing Points in (For information : Geri Goodenough, FASEB, 9650 the Treatment of Rheumatic Disease, Harrogate, Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814)* Great Britain, May 5 . (For information: Dr . H .A. Bird, Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Royal Bath Hos- Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmol- pital, Cornwall Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, Great ogy, Sarasota, FL, May 2-6 . (For information : H. Britain)* Quigley, MD, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Wilmer Eye Institute, Maumenee Building 1100, Baltimore, AAMSI Congress 1988 : Informatics in Medicine and MD 21205)* Healthcare, San Francisco, CA, May 5-7. (For information : AAMSI, 1101 Connecticut Ave. NW, Congress on Rehabilitation in Psychiatry, 4th Inter- Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 . Tel . (202) 857- national, Orebro, Sweden, May 2-6. (For informa- 1189) tion : S . Rost, MD, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Dept ., Regional Hospital, S-700 04 Orebro 4, Sweden) Canadian Association of Speech-Language Patholo- gists and Audiologists Session/Workshops, Banff, 34th Annual ASAIO Conference, Bally's Hotel, Alberta, Canada, May 5-7. (For information : E. Reno, NV, May 3-6 . (For information : Mrs. Karen Haynes, Speech Pathology, Calgary General Hospi- Burke, Executive Director, American Society for tal, 841 Centre Ave. East, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Artificial Internal Organs, Inc . (ASAIO), PO Box T2E OAl)* C, Boca Raton, FL 33429. Tel . (305) 391-8589)* International Medical Society of Paraplegia, 1988 Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computer Meeting, The Merlin Hotel, Perth, Western Austra- Technology, Conference and Exhibition, Long lia, May 8-14 . (For information: International Med- 125 126 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol . 25 No . 2 Spring 1988 ical Society of Paraplegia, Ms . Lesley Hudson, 2020 Acoustical Society of America, 115th Meeting, Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta, GA 30309) Seattle, WA, May 16-20. (For information: Acousti- cal Society of America, 335 East 45th St ., New Trade Fair and Congress on Orthopedic and Reha- York, NY 10017) bilitation Techniques, Exhibition Centre, Nuremberg, West Germany, May 10-13. (For infor- Computing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care : Fifth mation : NMA Nurnberger Messe and International Symposium, San Diego, CA, ay Ausstellungsgesellschaft mbH, Objektleitung, 16-20. (For information : UC San Diego School of Messezentrum, D-8500 Nurnberg 50, West Ger- Medicine, Office of Continuing Medical Education, many) M-017, La Jolla, CA 92093 . Tel . (619) 534-3940)* Royal Society of Medicine Section of Rheumatology First European Conference on Information Technol- and Rehabilitation Presidential Address, London, ogy for Organisational Systems, Athens, Greece, Great Britain, May 11 . (For information : Miss J. May 16-20. (For information: Conference Office Cook, Royal Society of Medicine Section of EUROINFO 88, c/o GINIS Vacances Ltd, 23-25 Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, 1 Wimpole St ., Ermou St ., 10563 Athens, Greece . Tel . (1) London, W1M 8AE, Great Britain)* 32.29 .808 ; Telex: 21949; Fax: (1) 32.27 .703)* Audiological Society of Australia Conference, Uni- Third Congress of the European Society of Knee versity of Western Australia, W . Australia, May Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESKA), Amsterdam, The 12-14. (For information : Helen Goulios, Perth Netherlands, May 16-20. (For information : Con- Hearing Centre, 2 St . Georges Terrace, Perth, W .A. gress Secretariat ESKA '88, Organisatie Bureau 6000)* Amsterdam bv, Europaplein 12, 1078 GZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands)* AAOP Academy Continuing Education Conference 2-88 and New York State Chapter Combined Meet- Institute of Orthopaedics Course on the Radiology ing: "Current Clinical and Technical Concepts in of Bones and Joints, London, Great Britain, May Lower Limb Prosthetics Management," Albany 18-20. (For information: Postgraduate Secretary, Marriott Hotel, Albany, New York, May 13-14. Institute of Orthopaedics, Royal National (For information : American Academy of Orthotists Orthopaedic Hospital, 45-51 Bolsover St., London, and Prosthetists, National Headquarters, Tel. (703) Great Britain)* 836-7118)* Second S.M. Dinsdale International Conference on AOPA, Region IX, COPA, and the California Rehabilitation: "Visions and Controversies in Reha- Chapters of the Academy Combined Annual Meet- bilitation," May 18-20. (For information : Carol ing, To be announced, May 13-15. (For informa- Clarke, Education Coordinator, The Rehab Centre, tion: American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, 505 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1H National Headquarters, 717 Pendleton St ., 8M2. Tel . (613) 737-7350, Ext . 602) Alexandria, VA 22314. Tel . (703) 836-7116) AOPA, Regional V Annual Meeting, Charleston, AAMI Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, May WV, May 19-21 . (For information: American 14-18. (For information : Debra Shaver, AAMI, Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, National 1901 North Fort Myer Drive, Suite 602, Arlington, Headquarters, 717 Pendleton St ., Alexandria, VA VA 22209) 22314. Tel . (703) 836-7116) Society of Neurological Surgeons, Meeting, Colum- The AAOS course Patellofemoral Joint (535), Port- bus, OH, May 15-18. (For information : Society of land, OR, May 19-21, Course Chairman : Stanley L. Neurological Surgeons, c/o Dept . Neurosurgery, James, MD. (For information: American Academy University of South Carolina, 171 Ashley Ave ., of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 222 South Prospect Ave ., Charleston, SC 29425) Park Ridge, IL 60068)* 127 Calendar of Events The AAOS Course The Shoulder : 1988 Philadel- American Orthopsychiatric Association, Meeting, phia, PA, May 19-21, Course Chairman : John M. Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, CA, May 27-31 . (For Fenlin, MD . (For information : American Academy information : American Orthopsychiatric Associa- of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 222 South Prospect Ave ., tion, 19 West 44th St ., New York, NY 10036) Park Ridge, IL 60068)* Current Concepts in Knee Surgery: Sponsored by American Geriatrics Society, Disneyland Hotel, The Medical University of South Carolina, Depart- Anaheim, CA, May 19-22 . (For information : Amer- ment of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Omni Hotel at ican Geriatrics Society, Suite 400, 770 Lexington Charleston Place, Charleston, SC, May 31-June 4. Ave ., New York, NY 10021)* (For information : Sandpiper Meetings & Conven- tions, Inc., 1575 Savannah Hwy ., Greenhurst Bldg ., American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilita- Suite 5, Charleston, SC 29407 . Tel. (803) 571-5208)* tion, Meeting, Kahler Hotel, Rochester, MN, May 20-25. (For information : American Board of Physi- 26th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Cana- cal Medicine & Rehabilitation, Suite 674, Northwest dian Rehabilitation Council for the Disabled, Center, 21 First St . SW, Rochester, MN 55902) Sheraton Cavalier, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 2-3 . (For information: CRCD, One Yonge St ., Suite Society of Surgical Oncology and Society of Head 2110, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E5, Canada. Tel. and Neck Surgeons, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, (416) 862-0340)* LA, May 22-24. (For information: Mrs. Charlene Terranova, Society of Surgical Oncology, 13 Elm Third International Conference on Computerized St ., Manchester, MA 01944) and Single Fiber Electromyography, Cyprus, June 3-8. (For information : Dr. L . Middleton, Secretar- SPSE—The Society for Imaging Science and Tech- iat, Third International Conference on Computer- nology, Annual Conference, Hyatt Regency Crystal ized and Single Fiber EMG, Wingate PO Box 4134, City Hotel, Arlington, VA, May 22-27 . (For infor- Nicosia, Cyprus . Tel. (02) 45 13 00 ; Telex: 2706)* mation : Joseph Kitrosser, SPSE, 7003 Kilworth Ln., Springfield, VA 22151)* Exhibition: Medical China '88, Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou, China (PRC), June 4-8. (For West Coast Orthopaedic Review Course, Miramar information : Gerald G . Kallman, Pres ., Kallman Sheraton Hotel, Santa Monica, CA, May 23-29. Assoc., Five Maple Court, Ridgewood, NJ . 07450- (For information: Chadwick F . Smith, MD, Course 4431 . Tel. (201) 652-7070; Telex: 264-715 GDWD Chairman . Tel. (213) 481-1122 or (213) 482-8094)* UR ; Fax: (201) 652-3898)* Human Factors in Telecommunications, The Hague, International Congress of Audiology, Jerusalem, The Netherlands, May 24-27. (For information: Israel, June 5-9. (For information: Nineteenth Inter- Leon van Noorden, HFT '88, PO Box 30088, 2500 national Congress of Audiology, PO Box 50006, Tel GB,
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