Accuracy in Media Award Winners The Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Awards were established in 2005 to honor for their coura- geous and principled reporting in the tradition of AIM founder Reed Irvine, who was America’s original media watchdog. 2015 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Reed Irvine Award for Excellence in Journalism

Judge Jeanine Pirro, Host of the weekly Fox Chris Plante, Host of WMAL’s “The Chris program “Justice with Judge Jeanine” Plante Show” Reed Irvine Award for Accountability in Journalism

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Founder and Chairman of the Media Fairness Caucus 2014 Reed Irvine Award for Reed Irvine Award for New Media

Bill Gertz of The Washington Free Beacon Author and Law Professor, Glenn Harlan and The Washington Times Reynolds, of the Instapundit 2013 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism Reed Irvine Award for New Media

Catherine Herridge, Chief Intelligence Cor- Jim Hoft, Proprietor of Gateway respondent for the Channel and Washington Times Investigative Reporter

2012 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism Reed Irvine Award for Grassroots Journalism

Sharyl Attkisson, CBS Investigative Report- Dana Loesch, Editor-in-Chief of Big Jour- er and two-time Investigative Emmy Award nalism, regular CNN Contributor and Host Winner of the St. Louis-based The Dana Show: The Conservative Alternative

Reed Irvine Lifetime Achievement Award for his service to his country, and to AIM.

Captain Charles Rozier (USN Ret.), Distinguished WW II Veteran, Engineer, Patriot, and Dedicated AIM Volunteer 2011 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism

Tucker Carlson, Co-Founder and Editor-in- Kenneth R. Timmerman, New York Times Chief of The Daily Caller Bestselling Author and Contributing Editor for Newsmax Magazine

2010 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism

Andrew Breitbart, Publisher of , Editor and Chief Correspon- dent for 2009 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism Reed Irvine Award for Grassroots Journalism

M. Stanton Evans, Founder, National Jour- Karl S. Denninger, Founder of The Market nalism Center, Author, and Contributing Ticker blog Editor to Human Events 2008 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism

Dr. Lee Edwards, Historian, Author, and Chairman of the Victims of Com- munism Memorial Foundation

2007 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism Reed Irvine Award for Grassroots Journalism

Michelle Malkin, Syndicated , Mark M. Alexander, Executive Editor and Bestselling Author, and FOX News Channel Publisher of The Patriot Post Contributor

2006 Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Journalism

Harry MacDougald “Buckhead” and Air Force Officer Paul Boley aka “Tanker KC” Bloggers on Free who broke the Rathergate scandal.