Crafting a MOSAICin Support of Discovery

FY2O12 | Annual Report Contents

SCIEncein SoCIETY SCIEncein PROGRESS 4 SfN Mission, Vision, and Values Exploring the progress and potential of 6 Message from the President research and its impact on the world around us.

8 Creating Venues for Great Science 9 Annual Meeting: Neuroscience 2011

11 The Journal of Neuroscience 12 Tackling Group Behavior Neuroscientists are exploring the biological roots of individual and group behaviors and determining how the world we live in affects Supporting the Neuroscience the decisions we make. 16 Community 12 Neuroeconomics: A Window into Human Behavior 17 Membership and Chapters 14 Group Think: The Science of the Social Brain 19 Professional Development

Educating and Engaging the Public 26  27 Public Information and Outreach 22 Understanding and Treating ADHD 28 Science Advocacy Scientists are putting the causes and treatments of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder under the microscope in hopes of 30 one day curbing its prevalence.

22 Confronting Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Financial and Organizational 24 Brain Chemical Transporters: 32 Highlights Solving the Ritalin Paradox Mission

Advance the understanding of the brain and the Promote public information and general education nervous system by bringing together scientists of diverse about the nature of scientific discovery and the results backgrounds, by facilitating the integration of research and implications of the latest neuroscience research. directed at all levels of biological organization, and by Support active and continuing discussions on ethical encouraging translational research and the application issues relating to the conduct and outcomes of of new scientific knowledge to develop improved disease neuroscience research. Values treatments and cures. Inform legislators and other policymakers about In carrying out all of its activities, the Society for Neuro- Provide professional development activities, new scientific knowledge, recent developments, and science is committed to the following: information, and educational resources for neuroscien- emerging opportunities in neuroscience research and ■■ Identifying and serving the evolving needs of SfN tists at all stages of their careers, including undergradu- their implications for public policy, societal benefit, and members as well as the field of neuroscience. ates, graduates, and postdoctoral fellows, and increase continued scientific progress. participation of scientists from diverse cultural, ethnic, ■■ Actively promoting the idea that progress in and geographic backgrounds. understanding the nervous system depends on the honest pursuit of scientific research and the truthful representation of findings.

■■ Continuing to promote greater diversity of representa- Vision tion of women, minorities, and young investigators, along with geographic and specialty balance, in SfN’s Guided by its mission and its values, the vision of the social, ethical, and technical dimensions. Some of these meetings, conferences, committees, and governance (SfN) is that the next ten years challenges are common to biomedical research in general processes. should be a decade of breakthrough discovery in neurosci- and to its subdisciplines of bioinformatics and scientific ■■ Seeking new and innovative ways to utilize technology ence and breakthrough translation of scientific advances to ethics. Others are unique to neuroscience by virtue of the in ongoing activities to better serve members and improve the health of people everywhere. tremendous complexity of neural circuits and their role in to help manage the problems of scale as a successful SfN represents the entire range of scientific research controlling behavior. This entails opportunities as well as association in the 21st century. endeavors aimed at understanding the nervous system responsibilities for the neuroscience community to develop and translating this knowledge to the treatment and novel tools and approaches for integrating and advancing ■■ Fulfilling its Mission in a socially, economically, prevention of nervous system disorders. It fosters the broad our understanding of the nervous system. and environmentally responsible fashion, including interdisciplinarity of the field that uses multiple approaches SfN will play a key role in confronting new issues as they minimizing SfN’s environmental footprint through (e.g., genetic, molecular, cellular, anatomical, neurophysi- challenge and energize the field. This will require active energy efficiency, recycling, and other initiatives, and ological, system, comparative, evolutionary, computational, dialogue between SfN and federal funding agencies (NIH, being mindful of the broader impact of its day-to-day and behavioral) to study the nervous system of organisms NSF, and others) to define current needs and to develop practices, decisions, and actions. ranging from invertebrates to humans across various stages strategies for meeting them. SfN’s perspective on the ■■ Developing effective strategic relationships and collab- of development, maturation, and aging. SfN facilitates current nature of the field and its future trajectory permeates orative initiatives with appropriate external partners, the translation of this fundamental knowledge into all the elements of this strategic plan and will guide the including other scientific societies and associations, strategies for the treatment of nervous system disorders, initiatives aimed at enhancing the key scientific functions health advocacy groups, foundations, public agencies, including neurological, neurosensory, neurodevelopmental, of SfN, including the annual meeting and The Journal of government entities, educational institutions, corporate psychiatric, addictive, and other related illnesses. It also Neuroscience. This perspective will guide the ways in which entities, information technology service providers, etc. encourages information transfer from the clinic back to SfN will strive to serve its membership and will frame the the basic research arena. In these ways, SfN contributes to public outreach and governmental interactions of SfN. ■■ Building a model of iterative planning into the fabric the breadth of the field of neuroscience, its highly dynamic SfN supports the open exchange of scientific informa- of SfN governance and management processes, incor- nature, and its creative use of all the tools of modern biol- tion both among scientists and between scientists and porating regular evaluation of the impact and success ogy to understand neural function in health and disease. the public. The Society is committed to ensuring that of initiatives and activities, and periodic revisiting of Neuroscience is a rapidly evolving field that benefits its published materials are scientifically accurate and are major programs and activity clusters. greatly from, and helps to drive, the ongoing develop- widely accessible to interested audiences. The Society ment of powerful new tools for acquiring and analyzing seeks to ensure that its access policies and practices for experimental data. The effort to make efficient use of the information dissemination are consistent with these goals, staggering amounts and diversity of information known and with the sustainability of a system requiring careful about the nervous system raises challenges that have scientific review prior to publication.

4 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 5 MESSAGE from the President

t a time of both unparalleled opportunity and con- the organization also investigated new ways of enhancing platform for discussing the progress and promise of brain Asiderable challenge in the neuroscience community, their offerings. Outstanding science at the 2011 annual research. Both U.S. and global advocacy initiatives also Changing Member Professional the Society for Neuroscience made significant progress meeting drew the second largest attendance in the expanded, including a partnership with the Federation Demographics Development in FY2012 on programs that support and strengthen the Society’s annual meeting history, and Neuroscience of European Neuroscience Societies to enhance the field. Several initiatives have been launched by SfN 2012 plans include a new meeting mobile app and a work of national societies in Europe and worldwide. Council and committees while others are developing, demonstration of “dynamic posters” using flat screens. Continued dialogue with U.S. policymakers occurred creating a strong mosaic of activities that serve an Additionally, The Journal remained the most frequently through Capitol Hill visits, laboratory tours, and coalition increasingly global, diverse, and growing membership. cited peer-reviewed journal in the field, while SfN made partnerships, including Research!America, One Mind for Social Media and A major theme of my presidency has been to emphasize significant enhancements to its online and mobile access. Research, and the American Brain Coalition. The Society Technology advocacy and greater funding for neuroscience research. also engaged with the White House Office of Science and A major theme of my presidency Technology Policy to discuss significant new opportunities Sustaining High-Value Programs, “ and strategies for promoting neuroscience research. Establishing New Targets has been to emphasize A number of leading SfN members provided ideas for SfN continues to implement successful programs that innovative and interdisciplinary approaches for the future. advocacy and greater funding Annual Meeting Public Outreach members value — one reason that membership hit of the Future and Web another new record high of more than 42,000 members for neuroscience research. Addressing Evolving Needs and in 2012, with representation in nearly 100 countries. ” Challenges Those programs include a vibrant annual meeting that ■■ SfN also enhanced efforts to support the diverse The future of neuroscience is bright, with many exciting brings together all aspects of neuroscience research; The and growing neuroscience community. The Society discoveries, new partnerships, and new opportunities to Journal of Neuroscience, which is highly respected; media launched a new online educational resource portal advance our field. At the same time, SfN is keenly aware Strategic opportunities and outreach and advocacy initiatives worldwide; and a range that is funded by NSF and guided by a scientific of deep funding pressures in many nations and other initiatives serve a highly of professional development programs. editorial board. NeurOnLine continued to grow as a way hurdles facing neuroscientists. In this environment, it is dynamic, diverse, and global- At the same time, Council has identified five priority to discuss many topics ranging from research protocols especially important that the field’s largest professional izing field. They take advantage areas for the Society’s strategic attention and expansion: to animal research advocacy. At the annual meeting, society is working to serve the community’s evolving of and enhance SfN’s unique abilities and strengths. 1) ensuring programs and services reflectchanging mem- professional development programs continued to be needs. SfN Council continues to focus on those activities ber demographics, as the Society becomes increasingly widely attended. The Neuroscience Scholars Program where the Society can make a meaningful impact on young, diverse, and international; 2) exploring new celebrated 30 years of excellence in training under- public awareness, research funding, and the coordination options and opportunities for the annual meeting of the represented diverse scholars in neuroscience, and the of resources. Above all, SfN’s strengths have been to pro- future, to stay on the leading edge of member expecta- NSF-funded Department Chair Training to Increase mote communication among neuroscientists through the tions; 3) leveraging the Web for public outreach and Women in Neuroscience project drew the participation annual meeting, professional development, publication, advocacy; 4) expanding professional development for many of many department chairs and administrators. education, and outreach. I thank you for the opportunity neuroscience career paths at every professional stage; ■■ Public advocacy and outreach expanded globally, with to serve as your president this year and welcome your and 5) leveraging social and Web technologies to expand novel partnerships and transformative new commu- continuing thoughts on how we can work together to the reach and scale of SfN programs. nications platforms. In May, I was particularly pleased advance understanding of the brain and nervous system. to help launch, a public information Key Achievements, Building for the Future initiative of The Kavli Foundation, the Gatsby Chari- Sincerely, ■■ Continuing vibrant, scientific exchange within the table Foundation, and SfN. With an editorial board of neuroscience field was a major emphasis in FY2012. leading neuroscientists from four nations and nearly Both Neuroscience 2011 in Washington, DC, and The 1,000 resources about the brain and nervous system, Journal of Neuroscience experienced successful years while the site provides an exciting and accessible global Moses V. Chao

6 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 7 Creating Venues Top: Mu-ming Poo of the University of California, Berkeley, and the Institute for of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Great delivered a Presidential Special Lecture at Neuroscience 2011 called “Neurotrophins: From Axon Growth to Science Synaptic Plasticity.”

Neuroscience 2011: Connecting With the Field and the Public

ashington, DC, is always a popular city for officials from both the U.S. House of Representatives Wneuroscience and Neuroscience 2011 upheld the and U.S. Senate for poster floor tours and opened its trend with the second highest annual meeting attendance doors for public events. The Dialogues Between Neuro- ever — 32,357. science and Society lecture featured a timely discussion The Presidential Special Lectures ranged in topic from of economic decision-making by Robert Shiller. Shiller, a synaptic plasticity to the interplay between genes and the leading Yale economist and best-selling author, pre- environment. Mu-ming Poo presented a retrospective view sented his findings about “Animal Spirits: How Human of the evolving concepts in the study of neurotrophins, Behavior Drives the Economy” and engaged a panel of highlighting recent findings on their role in axon develop- distinguished neuroscientists to explore the interplay ment and synaptic plasticity. summarized between economics and the brain. evidence of flexibility in neural activity in cortico-basal The public and neuroscientists alike learned about “The ganglia circuits related to value-based decision-making Brain on Trial: Neuroscience and the Law” during the Fred and adaptive behavior. explained C. Kavli Public Symposium. The Public Advocacy Forum, titled The Society Above: More than 500 elegans research that shows how genes and the environment “The Obesity Epidemic: How Brain Science Is Leading the companies exhibited advances the under- interact to generate flexible behaviors. Andrew Feinberg Way to Better Health and Prevention,” shared neuroscience their products, publica- discussed the epigenetic basis of common human disease. clinical discoveries related to obesity issues, pointing to the tions, and services at Rett Syndrome, the evolution of modern humans, the importance of emerging discoveries for public policy. Neuroscience 2011. standing of the brain and vestibular system, and the history of neurodegenerative Right: More than 16,000 nervous system by bringing diseases were the subjects of other featured lectures, which Innovating to Serve Attendees scientific presenta- included The Peter and Patricia Gruber Lecture by Huda As part of SfN’s ongoing commitment to serve the evolving tions were given at together scientists from Zoghbi, The David Kopf Lecture on Neuroethics by needs of meeting attendees, the Annual Meeting Advisory Neuroscience 2011 in Svante Pääbo, the Albert and Ellen Grass Lecture by Dora Group, appointed by the SfN Council, initiated a survey of Washington, DC. around the world and Angelaki, and the History of Neuroscience Lecture by both meeting attendees and members who have not attended facilitating the integration Anne Young. Thematic special lectures ranging from basic the meeting in the past five years to identify opportunities science to clinical applications and new technologies also to enhance the meeting experience. The survey results will of research spanning enriched the Neuroscience 2011 scientific program. help SfN maintain and enhance the meeting’s scientific Held in the political heart of the United States and dynamism and ensure successful implementation of new the discipline. crossroads of public advocacy, Neuroscience 2011 drew initiatives, particularly those involving new technologies.

8 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 9 Strong Science Drives Strong Attendance The Journal of Neuroscience: Publishing Cutting-Edge Neuroscience Research

as the five most recent issues.The there is still free access to articles Journal experience is interactive on older than six months. JNeurosci, with searchable abstracts The Journal continues to provide and full-text articles complete reliable news to local, national, and with side navigation and internal international media outlets that hyperlinks. Devices registered serve a broad public. In FY2012, with an institutional subscriber SfN engaged reporters around the can easily browse images, article world and nearly 7,000 media hits sections, and references in text and featured content from The Journal. downloadable PDF formats whether Online coverage, which constituted the subscriber is on or off-campus. the majority of media coverage, JNeurosci also tracks reading history included Yahoo! News, The Examiner and allows users to electronically in Canada, The New York Times, The s in the past 10 years, in share content from sections of The Wall Street Journal, MSN Canada, Acalendar year (CY) 2011 The Journal with colleagues. Discovery, ABC in Australia, Top Journal of Neuroscience continued to Subscribers can easily News Arab Emirates, Irish Medical be the most highly cited journal in navigate every section of The Times, and The Independent in the the field of neuroscience, maintain- Journal on any mobile device United Kingdom. ing its position as the premier using its website, now Strong abstract submission numbers and the second-highest attendance in history showcased Neuroscience 2011 as continuing to publishing platform for neurosci- optimized for small screens. All The Learn more: provide importance and value to SfN members and the neuroscience community. ence research. The Journal expects Journal content remains accessible to publish more than 17,500 pages to subscribers via the website, where in CY2012. It also maintained a highly selective acceptance rate of As part of SfN’s ongoing 29 percent in CY2011. The Journal’s Editorial Pages Published From 2001–2012 (Projected) efforts to increase the vibrancy impact factor remains high at 7.27. and effectiveness of the meeting’s The median time from submis- scientific program, SfN prepared to Strategic Milestones sion to first decision was 30 days and hold a dynamic poster demonstration the median time from acceptance at Neuroscience 2012. A dynamic to publication was 55 days under poster is a multimedia presentation • The Journal of Neuroscience • Neuroscience 2011, held in the leadership of Editor-in-Chief displayed on a flat screen with mov- celebrated 30 years of Washington, DC, had the John Maunsell. This fast turnaround ies, animation, digital images, and scientific publishing in 2011. second highest attendance was made possible by The Journal’s sound. The dynamic poster concept is • It’s easier to read The Journal of any SfN annual meeting, dedicated editorial team of eight designed to provide a different level on the go with the new with 32,357 total attendees. senior editors and 29 reviewing of engagement with science. Nine JNeurosci app for iPhone • Anticipating annual meetings editors from nearly 30 institutions volunteers from the eight themes will and iPad. The Journal of the future, SfN prepared in six countries. Also crucial to The present a dynamic poster at Neurosci- website is also optimized for dynamic poster demon- Journal’s peer review process are the ence 2012, with the intention of for small screens to make strations at Neuroscience 161 associate editors. expanding the use of new technology it more compatible with 2012. Dynamic posters are A new mobile strategy now and presentation modes on the poster smartphone Web browsers. multimedia presentations makes it easier to access the latest floor in future years. displayed on a flat screen neuroscience discoveries anywhere. with digital audio and video iPhone and iPad users can access Learn more: capabilities. The Journal’s free mobile app, JNeurosci, which provides the The Journal is projected to publish more than 17,500 editorial pages in 2012, current issue of The Journal as well demonstrating its stable reputation as a premiere venue for scientific publishing.

10 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 11 SCIENCE in SOCIETY Neuroeconomics: Tackling Group Behavior AWindow into Human Behavior

In 2008, the markets crashed, that economics is not just a rational Linking Behavior to Understanding sending economies worldwide endeavor. It is also driven by what Economist Robert Shiller discussed the Economy the drivers behind into a tailspin. While economists John Maynard Keynes called “animal how human behavior drives the Clearly, such behaviors can have an had noticed fluctuations in certain spirits” — internal drives that govern economy during the “Dialogues impact on the world economy. The individual and group sectors, according to Robert Shiller, much of human behavior. Between Neuroscience and Society” question, however, is how much an economist from , Neuroscience is starting to shed lecture at Neuroscience 2011. of an impact. Dialogues panelists decision-making may no one actually had predicted the some light on the brain-based fac- Wolfram Schultz, a neuroscientist fall. During “Dialogues Between tors that affect economic behavior, from the University of Cambridge, lead to insights into Neuroscience and Society,” SfN’s sparking a subfield called neuroeco- and Antonio Rangel, a neuroecono- annual presentation highlighting nomics. The focus of this subfield is mist from the California Institute of money he would make. Similarly, the ways brain research touches the the science of individual and group and accumulate debt. As soon as Technology, had a lively discussion the economy. the researchers believed cortisol human experience, Shiller turned decision-making. A growing body confidence declined, so did the about this issue, with Shiller and SfN levels would rise if the day’s trading to the language of neuroscience to of research in neuroeconomics is spending. President Susan Amara pointing out resulted in above-average losses. discuss these events. helping to identify the connections a couple of possible scenarios. The results of the study did As described in his book, Animal between financial behavior and Hormones on the Schultz suggested that perhaps Trading Floor show a positive correlation between Spirits: How Human Behavior Drives brain activity. a relatively small number of people testosterone and profits. Cortisol, the Economy, Shiller pointed out For example, Shiller described What can neuroeconomics tell made the risky decisions that led however, rose not in the face of a recent study in the Journal of us about the decisions stock to the crash, and others followed actual losses but in anticipation of Economics that measured brain traders make as they move in suit because of herding behavior. market volatility and the prospect of activity during an economic exercise. to close a deal? During a small Alternatively, Rangel speculated that increased profits. Researchers believe When “shareholders” were told study conducted at the University an aggregate of individual decisions that for a period of time, elevated of the possibility of an unexpected of Cambridge, Shiller explained, moves the system along, resulting in cortisol can result in increased financial windfall — a special researchers measured the hormone booms and busts. motivation and focus. dividend — brain imaging showed a levels of 17 young male traders At this point, whether the Sometimes, however, there spike in neuronal activity. Yet when to see how they corresponded to economy is driven by one — or both can be too much of a good thing. the shareholders received the actual behavior. Specifically, the research- — of these scenarios is unclear. “We The study suggests that if both reward, no response was observed. ers looked at testosterone, the male can’t conduct controlled experiments testosterone and cortisol levels This finding suggests expectation sex hormone linked to aggression, in economics,” concluded Shiller. remain high, the two hormones is a driver of economic behavior. and cortisol, a hormone secreted “No government in the world would could work in opposition to each Shiller noted that when animals are during stress. Their findings pro- let us raise interest rates in one other, with testosterone promoting presented with the possibility of a vided a glimpse of the relationship country and compare its behavior to risk-taking and cortisol leading to reward, they, too, will do what they between physiological responses countries with lower rates. Therefore, risk-averse behavior. Receiving these need to receive it. and financial actions. what’s called for now is more conflicting signals may make it Research suggests another driver The hypothesis guiding the research about individual decision- difficult for traders to conduct sound of economic behavior is personal study was that the higher a trader’s making and how individuals interact risk assessments. outlook. The more optimistic people testosterone levels were at the in the economic arena,” he said. Researchers study stock traders to determine the felt about the economy, the more beginning of the day, the more brain’s link to economic decision-making. likely they were to spend money

12 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 13 SCIENCE in PROGRESS Tackling Group Behavior Group Think: The Scienceof the Social Brain

What are the drivers behind human interactions may be rewarding, espe- and . Chronic stress Social neuroscience interactions in social situations? How cially among women. Neuroscientists Like humans, savanna also has been linked to an array do people behave in groups? Can used functional magnetic resonance baboons suffer from of diseases, including high blood is helping shed light biological responses and processes imaging (fMRI) to scan women’s anxiety and stress based pressure, hardening of the arteries, on the powerful link provide clues about how people brains while they played a collabora- on their social standing in and abdominal disorders. make choices in the financial arena? tive game. When players cooperated, the group, which often has Studies with savanna baboons The growing field of social neurosci- the researchers observed activation adverse health effects. are helping researchers better between biology ence focuses on questions such as in parts of the brain related to understand social stress. Like people, these and has made headway in reward — the nucleus accumbens, baboons live in social groups and and behavior. explaining the complex relationship caudate nucleus, ventromedial spend plenty of time interacting. between biology and behavior. frontal/orbitofrontal cortex, and the Many of these interactions generate Understanding how people rostral anterior cingulate cortex. Later stress, much of it built around process social information is an studies conducted with men had a The Social Hormone Building on this work, other competition for social rank. important area of research for social slightly different result. Their reward Brain chemistry plays a role researchers showed oxytocin In general, among baboons in a neuroscientists. Brain imaging studies pathways were more activated when in modifying social behaviors. increased trust in a financial stable dominance hierarchy, lower show people respond differently to they had an opportunity to punish Researchers found that the hormone situation. In a game that tested ranked animals are more stressed, other members of their own social players who were cheating. Similar oxytocin is important in some trust, participants who sniffed indicated by increased levels of stress group than to outsiders. This research is examining the benefits social behaviors. Released by the oxytocin invested more money hormones. And while higher ranked research supports the importance and biological underpinnings of pituitary gland, oxytocin has long than those who sniffed an inactive baboons are generally more relaxed of social information in how people the social concepts of generosity, been known for its involvement in substance. Furthermore, brain than those ranked below them, interact with the world around them. empathy, and social justice both in childbirth and in helping mothers imaging studies suggest that even alpha males are the exception — Other research indicates social people and in animals. bond with their babies. Its impact on after their trust had been violated, they are markedly more stressed social behaviors, however, has only investors who had sniffed oxytocin than their peers. recently become apparent. showed no signs of fear, and they Rank is not the only factor that Exploration of Familiar Mice One study found mice unable to did not decrease their investments. determines stress levels in baboons. produce oxytocin could no longer Economic decisions, decisions made Personality matters as well. Those recognize mice they had previously by individuals in a social setting, and that are isolated or perceive even encountered. But when oxytocin was decisions made by groups are all benign social activities, such as a rival Mice normally lose interest in mice they injected into the amygdala, the part studied by social neuroscientists. sleeping nearby, as a threat are more have met before, spending less time of the brain responsible for process- stressed — and less healthy overall. Stress in Everyday Life Social neuroscience studies sniffing or investigating them. How- ing this kind of information, the mice’s ability to engage socially was Neuroscientists also monitor the like these are helping to uncover ever, mice without oxytocin (oxytocin restored. Another study reported effects of social constructs, such as why we behave the way we do. knockout mice) fail to recognize the fa- children with autism have decreased socioeconomic status, and chronic Although still a relatively new field, miliar mice, exploring them more than levels of oxytocin. Although the stress. Research has shown that living social neuroscience is illustrating the control mice do. This suggests oxytocin causes of autism are varied and in a state of chronic stress can impair inextricable connection between plays a role in social engagement. complex, this suggests oxytocin may the hippocampus, which is key for the brain, the mind, interpersonal play a role. interactions, and the body.

14 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 15 Supporting the Neuroscience

Top: SfN supports professional development for neuroscientists across a range of career stages, paths, and transition points. COMMUNITY

Membership and Chapters: Building Value for a Growing Global Community

fN’s strong and growing membership reflects the number of student and postdoctoral members, Council Sdynamism, diversity, and global reach of the field, as created an advisory group of trainees to provide guid- well as SfN’s continued success in delivering compelling ance on issues of concern to young scientists. The group value to its members. Membership has increased by has begun its work and will present recommendations to more than 50 percent in the past decade. In 2011, Council in FY2013. membership grew by 3 percent to a record 42,576 members in nearly 100 countries. Students and post- Acting Globally and Locally doctoral fellow members increased by 6 percent in 2011 SfN continued to be attentive to creating greater value to comprise 42 percent of all members, while members for its significant and growing international membership residing outside the United States grew to more than and ensuring that geographic diversity is reflected in 38 percent. Institutional Program membership also SfN’s volunteer leadership. In 2012, there were 2 percent increased in 2011 by 10 percent to 188 neuroscience more non-U.S. members serving on SfN committees and departments and programs. Council than in 2011, and SfN’s international members

Above: Members in Tempe, Ariz. To meet the demands SfN continues to monitor the pulse and evolution of the are participating across the Society’s numerous programs established a new chapter, joining the field as reflected in its growing and changing membership. and initiatives. network of 152 SfN chapters around of busy, tech-savvy, The results are being used to align the Society’s strategies, SfN chapters continue to play a vital role in advanc- the globe. programs, and services to meet member needs in innovative ing the mission of the Society. With 152 chapters in 22 and international ways now and in the future. countries and 47 U.S. states, SfN enables members to Right: Joanne Berger-Sweeney, the Professional Development Committee members, an SfN focus engage locally to network, share information, educate co-chair, helps celebrate the 30-year Translating Feedback Into Action communities about neuroscience, and participate in anniversary of the Neuroscience in the future will be new Based on findings from member surveys and other local advocacy. To support these initiatives, the Society Scholars Program. research, a Council-appointed working group drafted a awarded more than $120,000 in chapter grant funding online resources, leveraging strategic vision, desired outcomes, and action plan to in FY2012. Additionally, the new Distinguished SfN chapters and address the priority needs of members, aimed at raising Traveling Scientist Program allows chapters to host awareness and engagement of members and increasing high-caliber guest lecturers, while the new Professional building partnerships with membership value. Development Chapter Grants Program supports the Additionally, supporting the next generation of neu- implementation of chapter-organized career develop- organizations globally. roscientists is key to SfN’s mission. Given the significant ment workshops and other activities.

16 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 17 At Neuroscience 2011, the fifth annual Chapters Workshop drew a Professional Development: Supporting the Career Lifecycle record turnout and offered best prac- tices and tools for science advocacy in local communities. The Lehigh n 2011, SfN put its new profession- expanded array of topics including career-related resources. Valley Chapter was recognized as Ial development strategic plan into the art of networking, careers NeurOnLine, SfN’s members-only the 2011 Chapter-of-the-Year for its action, adding new opportunities beyond the bench, and negotiating online community, serves neuro- outstanding achievements in public for learning and career development a senior position. The mentoring scientists worldwide as a venue for outreach and education. The Next and laying the groundwork for future roundtable drew more than 200 real-time discussions and network- Generation Award went to student programming. To meet the demands participants, while SfN’s first career ing, allowing members to advance members of the Greater New York of busy, tech-savvy, and international fair featured representatives from their science. Active discussions Chapter for excellence in public members, SfN will focus in the future organizations around the world. are taking place, with nearly 12,000 communication and education. on new online resources, leveraging Beyond the annual meeting, subscribers in at least one of the SfN chapters and partnering with SfN established a new grant pro- more than 30 sub-communities. The Learn more: organizations globally. gram to support local professional mentoring program on NeurOnLine development initiatives, and the grew to include nearly 600 mentors Expanding Career and enhanced NeuroJobs Online Career and mentees, and the feature will Online Resources The Lehigh Valley Chapter hosted an event for the public during Center was launched to offer users be used to offer a new annual Brain Awareness Week 2012 at the Da Vinci Science Center Professional development workshops a more robust job bank and serve meeting mentoring program for in Allentown, Penn. at Neuroscience 2011 covered an as the future home for multimedia Neuroscience 2012.

Diverse and Evolving Membership Shows Consistent Growth

SfN’s first career fair featured representatives from organizations around the world. Participants used the fair to explore options for their next career move and engage in face- to-face meetings with potential employers.

SfN’s membership continued to grow in 2011, with a record-breaking 42,576 members in nearly 100 countries.

18 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 19 training via the eighth Ricardo scientific communications was also Miledi Neuroscience Training the topic of SfN-organized sympo- Program, held in Argentina, with siums at the IBRO World Congress, Below: A breakout discussion group during funding from The Grass Foundation. which featured top neuroscience the SfN-Chinese Neuroscience Society Europe: The third Federation of journal editors, and at the CNS Workshop on “Responsible Scientific Com- European Neuroscience Societies annual meeting. munications” at Peking University in Beijing. (FENS)-International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)-SfN Neurosci- Recognizing Scientists ence School was held in Italy for 30 Recognizing and fostering scientific students and postdoctoral fellows excellence remains a top goal for from throughout Europe. the Society. In FY2012, 134 Africa: Twenty-nine African individuals received scientific university-based neuroscience educa- awards and prizes, fellowships, and tors took part in the fourth “Teaching travel awards. Recognition included Tools in Neuroscience” workshop, a outstanding research and career collaboration with IBRO. achievements, the promotion Above: A panel of editors representing the world’s top neuroscience journals, including Asia: SfN participated in a and mentoring of women in The Journal of Neuroscience, discussed responsible scientific communications at joint international symposium at neuroscience, recognition for young the International Brain Research Organization World Congress in Florence, Italy. the Japan Neuroscience Society scientists, and science education Left to right: Nancy Ip, Stephen Lisberger, Jean-Marc Fritschy, Atsushi Iriki, John Maunsell. annual meeting on the topic of and outreach. Dozens of travel neuroscience higher education and awards supported the attendance BACs, TRAPs, and Targeted Mutations: training. In a new collaboration of promising young and diverse Revealing Secrets of the Mammalian Brain Using Advanced Genetic with the Chinese Neuroscience scientists from around the globe Training and career development Approaches was the topic of a “ Society (CNS), SfN conducted a at the annual meeting. short course at Neuroscience 2011 opportunities for the global neuroscience workshop on responsible scientific where David Ginty presented. communications in Beijing for 52 Learn more: community remained active both graduate students and junior faculty from throughout China. Responsible at the annual meeting and beyond.” Broadening and Training Department Chair Training to members. The site was previewed the Neuroscience Increase Women in Neuroscience at the Annual Spring Conference Workforce project. Leaders from 23 institutions of Neuroscience Departments and The SfN Neuroscience Scholars attended workshops this year and Programs, which focused on “Sus- Program, a highly lauded and the project concludes next year taining Training Program Vitality Strategic Milestones effective program funded by the with a meeting of 43 participating During Challenging Times.” National Institute of Neurological institutions and dissemination of Disorders and Stroke, celebrated lessons learned. Supporting Training • SfN membership reached a new record of • The Educational Resources in Neuroscience its 30th anniversary in 2011. This Neuroscience faculty now have Around the World 42,576 members in FY2012, with member- portal launched, containing nearly 600 syllabi, multifaceted program for U.S. a rich new supply of high-quality Training and career development ship 50 percent larger than a decade ago. lab exercises, textbooks, and other resources underrepresented diverse trainees teaching material with the launch opportunities for the global Thirty-eight percent of SfN’s members live that SfN members can contribute to and rate. benefited 56 scholars in FY2012, of Educational Resources in neuroscience community remained outside of the United States. • The Neuroscience Scholars Program bringing the total to more than 550 Neuroscience, an online communi- active both at the annual meeting • To serve the professional development needs celebrated 30 years of advancing the careers participants over 30 years. ty-based Web portal of catalogued and beyond, and SfN offered of an evolving membership, SfN awarded of underrepresented diverse trainees. Recruitment, promotion, and and reviewed resources. Launched them with strategic partners more than $120,000 to chapters in grants fostering productive work climates last spring and funded by NSF, the around the world: and other funding. The awards included for women and underrepresented portal already contains hundreds of Latin America: Fifteen competi- funding for the new Distinguished Traveling diverse faculty remained a top SfN syllabi, lab exercises, textbooks, and tively selected young investigators Scientist Program and the Professional priority through the NSF-funded other resources contributed by SfN from Latin America received Development Chapter Grants Program.

20 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 21 SCIENCE in SOCIETY Understanding and Treating ADHD Confronting Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The growing prevalence Most of us can remember a Between 5 and 8 percent of Potential Causes classmate who could never sit still. school-aged children in the United Researchers are learning more While some high-energy behavior is and cost of ADHD If he wasn’t getting up and pacing States have been diagnosed, with about what causes ADHD. Twin and normal for healthy children, behaviors the room, he was tapping his pencil boys outnumbering girls nearly family studies show that ADHD has a that disrupt daily life can be a warning calls for research on the desk or kicking his feet. And three to one. About 60 percent of strong genetic influence. One study sign for ADHD. then there was the one who sat in children diagnosed with ADHD will found that more than 25 percent to better understand the corner, daydreaming and looking continue to show symptoms well of parents with ADHD had children out the window. She never disrupted into adulthood. ADHD is prevalent in with the disorder. ADHD. Currently, between 4 and 6 the class, but when called on to many other industrialized nations as Genes involved in the transmis- the disorder. million children in the United States participate, she might not know well. Recent studies suggest that the sion of the neurotransmitters take one of these medications, what was going on. prevalence in Canada and Europe dopamine and norepinephrine have which reduce hyperactivity and Today, both of these children is comparable to that in the United been implicated. In addition, recent impulsivity, help improve the ability might be evaluated for ADHD. First States. This becomes particularly imaging studies have shown reduc- to focus, and even improve physical diagnosed 100 years ago, the dis- evident when those countries use tions in the transmission of these includes the ability to maintain and coordination. In fact, medications order is characterized by excessively similar diagnostic criteria. so-called catecholamine neurotrans- manipulate information in the short are so effective in helping people inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive Regardless of location, ADHD mitters in at least some people with term, as well as planning and motor with ADHD that a recent shortage behaviors. Symptoms include also comes with a steep economic the disorder. Because prefrontal control. Particular deficits have been wreaked havoc for many families. having trouble focusing, interrupting price. Based on a 5 percent preva- brain circuits, which are normally reported in processing visual-spatial Nonetheless, many parents express conversations or activities, and lence rate, recent estimates indicate involved in cognitive control, require information. This can translate into concern about giving their children missing important social cues. ADHD costs between $32 billion and an optimal level of catecholamine specific academic issues, such as a drug that is potentially addictive. In recent years, the diagnosis $56 billion each year in the United stimulation, reduced catecholamine difficulties with math skills related to Cocaine and methylphenidate, the of ADHD has become common. States alone. transmission could potentially lead to geometry, difficulty reading maps, active ingredient in Ritalin, act simi- the weakened regulation of attention and problems with spatial relations. larly to inhibit their brain targets, the and behavior in ADHD. catecholamine transporters. Further, Altered brain activity also has Treatment Options many wonder whether ADHD is over- been observed in circuits connecting Treating ADHD often includes diagnosed, leading to the diagnosis the cortex, striatum, and cerebellum, More than 5 percent of young behavioral and pharmacological and treatment of high-energy children particularly in the right hemisphere. Americans have been diagnosed approaches. On the behavioral side, who have difficulty in the classroom, Recent studies show a delay in corti- with ADHD, according to a children can be taught strategies for but are medically normal. cal development in some children 2007 survey by the CDC. staying on task, such as following a Only better understanding of with ADHD, although most individu- detailed schedule, or for organizing ADHD and the medications used to als with ADHD do not outgrow the materials. Sometimes a physician treat it will answer these concerns. disorder as they mature. determines that behavioral support Many researchers are pursuing this Children with ADHD often is not enough. Many children with path, studying ADHD’s underlying have cognitive deficits as well. ADHD may also need medication. mechanisms and working toward Research has shown that many Since the late 1960s, stimulants such developing new tools for managing people with ADHD have difficulties as Ritalin® or Adderall® have been and deepening knowledge of this with executive functioning, which prescribed to treat children with increasingly common disorder.

22 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 23 SCIENCE in PROGRESS Brain Chemical TRANSPORTERS: Understanding and Treating ADHD Solving the Ritalin Paradox

For decades, researchers have been This finding opened the door to a Brain chemical transporters, like the Studying dopamine studying attention deficit hyperac- new research path. Research by SfN one for glutamate shown in yellow, tivity disorder (ADHD), but identify- Past President Susan Amara made may be important in human health and transporters has helped ing the scientific underpinnings of studying dopamine transporters the disorder has been challenging. in depth possible. Amara and her disease, including ADHD. solve the mystery of In recent years, painstaking colleagues figured out how to clone research at the molecular and the gene for another transporter, for why stimulants have a cellular level has yielded important the brain chemical norepinephrine. The study suggested that people new insights. This breakthrough allowed Amara with ADHD have lower levels of both calming effect on people What has been particularly and others to identify and study dopamine receptors and transporters puzzling is why stimulants such as the genes for many other neu- than other healthy adults. with attention deficit methylphenidate (Ritalin®) have a rotransmitter transporters, including Recently, researchers in the calming effect on people with ADHD the dopamine transporter. Now, laboratory of Randy Blakely, one of hyperactivity disorder. — the so-called Ritalin paradox. researchers could study how drugs Amara’s early collaborators, identi- Interestingly, studying addictive interact with transporters, how fied a change in the gene sequence drugs such as cocaine has helped the transporters function under of the dopamine transporter associ- answer this question. That’s because different conditions, and how they ated with ADHD in people. Research cocaine and methylphenidate are are regulated. They could also create showed this genetic change altered quite similar. Research has shown mice without any transporters at all. the distribution and function of that cocaine and other stimulants dopamine transporters in cells. This block cells from disposing of Calming hyperactivity research brings us one step closer dopamine, a brain chemical that in mice to understanding the cellular and produces pleasurable feelings. The role for dopamine transporters with many children with ADHD who the knockdown mice were also molecular underpinnings of ADHD. How does dopamine work? in the Ritalin paradox became clear take Ritalin, the drugs calmed the hyperactive. And similarly, stimulant Viewed together, this body of During pleasurable experiences, it is once researchers in Marc Caron’s rats down, suggesting that without drugs calmed the knockdown mice. work is beginning to make the released into the synapse, the space laboratory began studying their dopamine transporters, stimulants This study provided additional case that ADHD is the result of between communicating brain function in “knockout” mice — mice behave quite differently. evidence of the connection between impaired function of the dopamine cells. It then binds to receptors in bred to lack dopamine transporters. Further investigation, however, hyperactivity and the dopamine system. Beginning with Amara’s the receiving cell that specifically Studies showed these mice were raised the concern that knockout transporter. initial basic science investigation of recognize and respond to dopa- unable to clear dopamine. Behavior- mice were too far removed from transporter function, researchers are mine. In the sending cell, the ally, the mice were hyperactive, children with ADHD, who did not Research extends to getting closer to identifying how dopamine transporter is responsible much like children with ADHD. At lack dopamine transporters, to be a humans ADHD affects the brain and why a for the re-uptake and storage of this point, the relationship between good research model. To address this Research in people has validated stimulant is an effective treatment. the extra dopamine in the synapse. dopamine and ADHD began to issue, scientists made “knockdown” these mouse studies. Using positron This research may one day identify Cocaine blocks the transporters, emerge. It was further clarified when mice, mice that made fewer emission tomography (PET) scans, medications that can better target causing dopamine to accumulate in the researchers gave the knockout dopamine transporters. Although researchers compared brain activity this system, easing problems associ- the synapse. mice cocaine or amphetamines. As not as impaired as the knockouts, of adults with and without ADHD. ated with ADHD.

24 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 25 and Top: Capitol Hill Day Educating Engaging brought neuroscientists to Washington, DC, to talk with representatives about the need the for science funding. Left to right: Bill Mobley of University of California, San Diego; SfN Public President Moses Chao; and Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA).

Public Information and Outreach: Building New Venues for Engagement

fN has continued to launch and sustain effective Created by Shiree Heath, a graduate student at the Uni- Sprogramming to engage the public and increase versity of Queensland in Australia, the animation tells civic understanding and excitement about brain science. of a child’s quest to uncover his grandfather’s “buried” Building on the organization’s historic public outreach words, much like a treasure hunt. Heath was honored strengths, SfN developed transformative resources for at Neuroscience 2011 and by the Australian Embassy in educators, policymakers, and the public in 2012, while Washington, DC, for her exceptional contribution to continuing other major initiatives that have enduring public outreach. value for the field. The Society also maintains a strong role in the Brain In May 2012, with fellow founding partners The Kavli Bee program, cosponsoring and organizing the 2012 Foundation and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, SfN local Washington, DC, Bee. More than 20 students from launched, a website dedicated to com- 13 local high schools and one home-schooled group municating the progress and potential of brain research participated in this competitive test of neuroscience to a public audience. shares high-quality, knowledge in February. Aidan Crank was the winner scientifically vetted public information about the wonders of the U.S. Brain Bee, held in Baltimore, while Teresa SfN advocacy of the brain and mind and will continue to grow by Tang was the winner of the International Brain Bee, Above: SfN members visited more and public outreach encouraging a public dialogue about brain research. The which took place in Cape Town, South Africa. than 70 congressional offices project’s scientific leadership spans three continents and Both the video contest and the Brain Bee are part during Capitol Hill Day 2012. around the globe have content partnerships with leading neuroscience organiza- of SfN’s long-standing commitment to brain awareness, tions worldwide are underway. See page 30 for more about which culminated in the 17th Annual Brain Awareness Right: SfN co-sponsored the this initiative. Week Campaign, March 12–16. In collaboration with the 2012 Washington, DC, Brain become even more Bee, where more than 20 local SfN continues to innovate by leveraging crowdsourcing, Dana Foundation, the founder of Brain Awareness Week, high school students tested their critical to ensuring among other approaches, to develop novel and engaging SfN members took part in hundreds of events worldwide neuroscience knowledge. greater awareness educator resources. SfN received nearly 50 video submis- to foster greater interest in brain science and health. sions in the first annual Brain Awareness Video Contest, SfN also maintains a strong commitment to serving about neuroscience all of which were evaluated by scientists for creativity science educators. For the ninth consecutive year, SfN and accuracy. “The Treasure Hunt” took top honors delivered neuroscience resources to educators at the annual progress and potential. and focused on aphasia, the loss of the ability to speak National Science Teachers Association conference attended or understand language due to brain disease or injury. by more than 8,000 science teachers. SfN managed a

26 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 27 high-traffic exhibit and two workshops where neuroscientists offered lessons Science Advocacy in hands-on classroom activities.

Working With the Press ith deep uncertainty surround- activities focused on young research- countries. Plans for a third year of 28 signatories. A copy is available on Recognizing the sustaining power of Wing science funding in many ers, and bringing new scientists to grant funding in 2013 are underway. IBRO maintains the list of the media to communicate science countries, SFN member advocacy has Washington, DC, for Capitol Hill Other SfN-supported international organizations that have also endorsed news, SfN makes engaging reporters a become even more critical to ensuring Day in 2013. advocacy activities include con- the statement. The initiative has priority. The Society forges important the voice of the biomedical research SfN continues to work closely tinued support for the Canadian helped continue to spark interest in relationships with reporters year- community is heard. with coalition partners such as Association for Neuroscience in its shared global advocacy on supporting round to accurately report scientific Research!America, the Ad Hoc Group successful multi-organizational effort animal research. studies generated across the field, Expanding U.S. Efforts for Medical Research, the Coalition to establish a brain research fund in SfN has maintained active including The Journal of Neuroscience. In the United States, 52 SfN for Life Sciences, and the Coalition Canada and a newly launched advo- leadership in communicating about In addition, media are encouraged members participated in 2012 for National Science Funding, making cacy effort underway in Mexico. SfN the importance of animals in research to attend the annual meeting and Capitol Hill Day, held in March the case about the imperative of strong along with FENS played a catalytic to the public. Through report on emerging discoveries. At in Washington, DC. SfN leaders, federal research investments. role in supporting the formation of and the newly produced Brain Facts Neuroscience 2011, media registration chapter representatives, institutional the International Brain Research publication, the Society prominently and attendance reached near-record program members, and volunteers Pursuing International Organization (IBRO) Global highlights animal research success Shiree Heath (left), a graduate visited more than 70 congressional Collaboration Advocacy Committee. stories and the role of animals in the levels, reflecting an ever-growing student at the University of interest in new findings about the Queensland in Australia, won offices to make the case for strong This was the second year of the joint next century’s medical advances. A brain and a highly lauded, compre- the inaugural Brain Awareness NIH and NSF funding. More than 80 advocacy grant program between Supporting Responsible generous grant from the Klingenstein hensive on-site media program. News Video Contest, which included percent of participants in this year’s SfN and the Federation of European Animal Research Fund also funded enhanced visibility on coverage about the meeting sustained a trip to Neuroscience 2011 to Capitol Hill Day had never partici- Neuroscience Societies (FENS). The Statement on the Use of Ani- for dedicated resources receive her award, presented pated previously. Hill Day continues Following an advocacy planning mals in Biomedical Research — origi- about this topic (see page 30). historic high interest, with more than by Public Education and Com- 1,300 articles running in news outlets munication Committee member to be a key way to identify members session in June 2011 that convened nally developed in collaboration with around the globe. Patricia Trimmer (right). interested in engaging in advocacy dozens of leaders from across Europe, FENS and the Japan Neuroscience Learn more: activities throughout the year. ten grants were awarded to FENS Society — has expanded with the Lab tours also continued this member societies to implement addition of the IBRO, which is now year, with six led by SfN members advocacy programs in their home home to the statement and has added for their local members of Congress. SfN, along with the American Ten European neuroscience societies received advocacy grants in 2012, funded by SfN and FENS Strategic Milestones Brain Coalition, remained an active

sponsor of the new Congressional Spanish Society for Neuroscience Build public awareness around Spain’s 2012 “Year of the Brain”; educate public officials Neuroscience Caucus, which hosted •, a public information • Ten European national societies Hellenic Society for Initiate an advocacy campaign aimed at local, national, and Europarliament members several briefings on Capitol Hill (Greece) initiative of the Gatsby Charitable launched public advocacy efforts showcasing the promise of research. Croatian Society for Neuroscience Support the foundation of the “Croatian Brain Council,” a coalition of researchers, clinicians, patient Foundation, The Kavli Foundation, funded by SfN and the Federa- To deepen and expand advocacy advocates, and others and SfN, launched in tandem with tion for European Neuroscience year-round, the Society has begun Neuroscience Ireland Organize an advocacy workshop for the Neuroscience Ireland Committee and members to learn the publication of the most recent Societies (FENS). a regular conference call series to about advocacy best practices; develop an advocacy strategy for neuroscience in Ireland edition of Brain Facts the book. • The International Brain Research share advocacy news and activities Société des Neurosciences (France) Develop a Web-based tool for policymakers to learn about the costs of brain-related diseases; develop a standardized set of documents for brain-related advocacy Together these communication Organization is now home to the with members. Call participants get tools leverage the Web to reach Statement on the Use of Animals the latest legislative news, hear from Italian Society for Neuroscience Develop a year-long series of events supporting a competition among students on brain-related subjects the public in novel ways. in Biomedical Research, an original Congressional staff, engage with col- British Neuroscience Association Launch a series of events including a workshop on the “Policy and Politics of Neurodegenerative • 2012 Hill Day attendees visited collaboration between FENS, leagues in peer-to-peer learning about Diseases; Social Challenges for the 21st Century” more than 70 congressional offices SfN, and the Japan Neuroscience advocacy, and get action “assign- Slovenian Neuroscience Association Promote brain awareness and unite stakeholders on a joint set of priorities and messages to promote to make the case for strong NIH Society. It has added 28 signatories. ments.” Planning is also underway to brain research and NSF funding levels. • The public read more than 1,300 engage more young scientists. This Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurociências Initiate an advocacy campaign aimed at the national parliament in Lisbon and national European Parliament deputies in Brussels articles about Neuroscience will involve traditional SfN com- 2011 that ran in print and online munications channels, increased use Hungarian Neuroscience Society Develop a program focused on specific policymakers representing Debrecen City, which includes a major research center and is home to several prominent national policymakers publications across the globe. of social media, engaging in coalition

28 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 29 is a public information initiative of The Kavli Foundation, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, and the Society for Neuroscience.

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA), a prominent supporter of neuroscience, and SfN President-Elect Larry Swanson at the Welcome launch event at SfN headquarters in Washington, DC.

hat goes on in the brain worldwide. The site also highlights and accessible online platform. The charitable objectives. The Gatsby make expanding interactivity a A new website Wduring sleep? How do brain emerging tools and technologies in site is filled with authoritative, acces- and Kavli Foundations generously prominent goal. cells communicate? Why do children neuroscience, the responsible use sible content, and plans are in place donated a total of $1.53 million SfN and current international transforms the learn faster than adults? Answers to of animals in research, and ground- to add additional content and features over six years to build and sustain content partners on both sides of these and thousands of other ques- breaking research discoveries. such as blogging, as well as other the Atlantic Ocean celebrated field’s ability to tions about the brain and mind are In the first month following site tools that meet audience needs and Recognizing that exceptional the launch of with available at, a public launch, nearly 40,000 visitors came leverage emerging technologies. It is public information material is scientific events in Washington, DC, share the wonders information initiative of The Kavli to — a high level of also a great resource for SfN members, created in research organizations and London. The Washington, DC, Foundation, the Gatsby Charitable activity for a new site of its kind. In science educators, and others who around the globe, event featured a talk by editorial Foundation, and SfN. its first four months, the site has tal- interact with the public and need a features content both from its board member Terrence Sejnowski of the brain provides a new lied more than 285,000 page views. place to send people for authoritative founding partners and six initial on learning and memory. At the way for people of all ages to learn Approximately half of all visitors are information. Notably, content partners on launch: the London launch event, Russell Foster and mind. more about how the brain functions, from the United States. Many users features the newly updated, seventh Dana Foundation; the Canadian spoke about visual systems involved how it drives thought and behavior, come to from the edition of its companion book, Brain Institutes of Health Research– in circadian rhythms. and how it is affected by diseases United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Facts, which can be downloaded in Institute of Neurosciences, Mental and disorders. Parents and teens can the Philippines, India, Germany, and full from the website. Health and Addiction; the Interna- explore the maturing brain and what Norway, among other nations. With, SfN tional Brain Research Organization; factors influence its development. Under the guidance of Editor-in- partners with two organizations the National Institute of Mental Stay updated on the latest Family members can understand Chief Nick Spitzer, devoted to basic science and its Health; the National Institute of brain discoveries the underlying causes of diseases invites the public to engage in the communication. The Kavli Founda- Neurological Disorders and Stroke; and disorders affecting loved ones. excitement of scientific discovery at tion, established by , is and the Wellcome Trust. @Brain_Facts_org on Twitter Educators can access teaching tools a time of growing fascination with dedicated to advancing science for The site is guided by an inter- and information on relevant issues the brain and mind, and critical need the benefit of humanity, promoting national editorial board of leading like autism, ADHD, and sleep loss, for continuing science education. As public understanding of scientific neuroscientists from four countries. which may affect student achieve- part of SfN’s enduring public outreach research, and supporting scientists Over time, expects SfN YouTube channel, ment. Policymakers and concerned mission, helps bridge and their work. The Gatsby Chari- to forge new content partnerships citizens can learn more about the the gap between brain scientists and table Foundation is a trust set up by with organizations worldwide, and scope of neuroscience research the general public through a dynamic Lord David Sainsbury to realize his the editorial board continues to

30 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 31 Financial and

Top: SfN recently expanded office space in its head- quarters building located in Organizational downtown Washington, DC. As part of this expansion, the backlit “word cloud” display highlights key terminology and concepts in the dynamic and growing Highlights neuroscience discipline.

Investing in the Mission million as of June 30. The Society’s investment strategy Careful planning and management by SfN Council and continues to be overseen by the Investment Committee, staff resulted in a strong SfN financial and organizational which includes three pro bono investment professionals to performance in FY2012. In a volatile global economic ensure appropriate diversification and discipline and help environment, SfN has maintained its posture of modest achieve goals established by Society leadership. but strategic expansion to serve its growing membership and continues to leverage external funding to build External Partnerships Strengthen Mission member value. SfN continues to build on a growing stream of external In FY2012, operating net revenue totaled $1.9 million funding to advance activities and initiatives beyond SfN’s on total revenue of $29.2 million. The revenue was operating budget revenue. In FY2012, external funding driven by: revenue grew by 17 percent to a total of more than $1.6 ■■ Record membership of 42,576 million. This growth resulted from a combination of ■■ Stable library subscriptions to The Journal of positive factors including new and increased levels of SfN has maintained Neuroscience support for the annual meeting and its events, corporate its posture of modest but ■■ The second-largest annual meeting ever, with more funding, and new program funding sources. This revenue Above: The SfN president role than 32,000 attendees, 16,000 abstract submissions, was applied to key functional areas such as annual transitioned at Neuroscience strategic expansion to serve and 1,000 exhibitor booths meeting events, awards and prizes, and program support 2011 from Susan Amara of the ■■ Full occupancy for 1121 Properties LLC, SfN’s office for new initiatives such as, Engaging the University of Pittsburgh to Moses building and headquarters Public about Animals in Research, and the Neuroscience Chao of New York University. its growing membership, and ■■ Continued grant support from NIH and NSF Scholars Program 30th anniversary video. Right: The Society’s headquarters continues to leverage external ■■ Private grants, corporate support, and individual building had full occupancy in donations Expanding Programs, Leveraging FY2012, helping to drive an funding to build member value. Reflecting prudent financial stewardship principles Technology increase in revenue. developed by Council, SfN increased investments, SfN made significant long-term investments in totaling $1.75 million, in its long-term reserves in FY2012, professional development, global programs, and consistent with the Society’s Financial Reserve Strategy, public education in FY2012, enhancing and expanding which takes into account the volatility and uncertainty member experiences, and engaging the public. SfN also of today’s markets. Long-term investments totaled $38.1 continued to invest in capital projects for facilities,

32 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 33 Photography systems, and information technology Credits Front Cover, Inside Front Cover, Back Cover: Confocal mice overexpressing truncated amyloid-β. In these animals, Page 20: Copyright 2011, Society for Neuroscience. All infrastructure to ensure efficient reconstruction of the cone photoreceptor mosaic of a 5 formation of a highly neurotoxic amyloid-β species, pyro- rights reserved. Photo by Eun-Joo Chang. day old zebrafish. UV (purple), S (cyan) and L (red) cones Glu-Aβ, induces progressing astrogliosis and neuronal loss. Page 23: Percent of Youth 4-17 ever Diagnosed with are labeled by expression of distinct color fluorescent operations. Courtesy, with permission: Anca Alexandru, Wolfgang Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: National Survey proteins in a triple transgenic line. M (green) cones are SfN made significant Jagla, Sigrid Graubner, Andreas Becker, Christoph Bäuscher, of Children’s Health, 2007. Courtesy of Centers for Disease distinguished by digitally subtracting the L cone signal Technology is also a key part of Stephanie Kohlmann, Reinhard Sedlmeier, Kerstin A. Control. “ after labeling of both L and M cones by the antibody, zpr1. SfN’s strategy to enhance the member Raber, Holger Cynis, Raik Rönicke, Klaus G. Reymann, Image used under license from long-term investments in Image by Sachihiro C. Suzuki. Courtesy, with permission: Elisabeth Petrasch-Parwez, Maike Hartlage-Rübsamen, experience. As part of a comprehen- Rachel Wong. Steffen Rossner, Stephan Schilling, Alexander P. Osmand, Page 26: Sequential in utero labeling of earlier-born projection neurons electroporated at embryonic day 14.5 Page 2: Artistic interpretation of a retinal section from Hans-Ulrich Demuth, and Stephan von Hörsten, 2011, The (E14.5) (green) and later-born neurons electroporated sive mobile strategy, SfN launched an embryonic mouse that expresses the transcription Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 12790-12801 professional development, global at E15.5 (red) in developing mouse neocortex. Dab1, a factor Foxd1 (blue) in the temporal area. Axons arising in Ultrastructural transmission electron microscope image downstream effector of Reelin, was knocked down in two mobile offerings for browsing The the temporal retina (red) will exit the retina, traverse the of Xenopus laevis retina, with colors overlain to reveal the later-born neurons, and the image was obtained at developing brain, and finally innervate the anterior part GABAergic (red) and glycinergic (green) amacrine cells Journal of Neuroscience: an iOS app programs, and public education postnatal day 7. Reelin (cyan) is an essential regulator of the superior colliculus, which is represented as a yellow- with their processes in the inner plexiform layer, as well of the “inside-out” development of the neocortex. blue semi-ellipse in the bottom of the image. as glutamatergic (blue) excitatory cell classes, including available in the Apple Store and a Knockdown of Dab1 caused terminal translocation failure bipolar cells and ganglion cells. in FY2012, enhancing and Courtesy, with permission: Maria I. Carreres, Augusto of later-born neurons, thus disrupting the inside-out mobile website for all mobile devices. Escalante, Blanca Murillo, Geraud Chauvin, Patricia Gaspar, Courtesy, with permission: Damian C. Lee, W. Drew Ferrell, pattern. Magenta is nuclear staining. Celia Vegar, and Eloisa Herrera, 2011, The Journal of Beatrice M. Tam, Bryan W. Jones, Robert E. Marc, and Courtesy, with permission: Katsutoshi Sekine, Takao In addition, a new mobile app for Neuroscience, 31: 13906-13915 Orson L. Moritz, 2012, The Journal of Neuroscience, 32: Honda, Takeshi Kawauchi, Ken-ichiro Kubo, and Kazunori expanding member experiences, 2121-2128 Neuroscience 2012 links to the Page 3: Copyright 2011, Society for Neuroscience. All Nakajima, 2011, The Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 9426-9439 rights reserved. Photos by Jeff Nyveen. Page 12: Photo by Spencer Platt, 2012, used under license Copyright 2012, Society for Neuroscience. All rights Neuroscience Meeting Planner and from and engaging the public. Page 3, 25: A neuronal glutamate transporter clusters at reserved. Photos by Joe Shymanski. post-synaptic sites. Confocal image of 11 day old cultured Page 13, 19, 21, 28: Copyright 2011, Society for provides navigation tools. An app is Copyright 2012, Society for Neuroscience. All rights ” hippocampal neurons co-transfected with constructs Neuroscience. All rights reserved. Photos by Jeff Nyveen. expressing soluble cyan fluorescent protein (blue) and reserved. Photo by Jeff Nyveen. also being developed for social media Page 14: The social recognition deficit and its rescue by full-length glutamate transporter, EAAT3, fused to a yellow Page 31: Copyright 2012, Society for Neuroscience. All intracerebroventricular injections of OT. a, Different female engagement on NeurOnLine. fluorescent protein (yellow). EAAT3 is seen in clusters on rights reserved. Photo by Jandee Ferland. the dendritic surface and on spines and filopodia, whereas trials: male mice were exposed to two novel ovariectomized Page 32: A scanning electron micrograph of the surface A new website is also the soluble cyan fluorescent protein fills the entire cell. stimulus females for 5 min each. After an interexposure interval of 30 min, a novel female was paired with each of the amphibian papilla showing hair cells (yellow) in in development for launch in 2013. Courtesy, with permission: C. Cheng, G. Glover, G. Banker, male. The data are presented as the RDI ± SEM. Neither the sensory epithelium. The diffusion barriers created by and S.G. Amara, 2002, The Journal of Neuroscience, 22: OTKO nor WT males showed a significant decline in the the synaptic ribbon and its vesicles may play a key role in Following the successful launch of 10643-52 amount of time spent investigating the females presented synchronizing vesicle release. Page 5: Pseudocolor image of an organotypic during the second trial. b, Same female trials: after the Courtesy, with permission: Cole W. Graydon, Soyoun Cho, — SfN’s new public hippocampal slice showing glial cells loaded with the initial 5 min social encounter and a 30 min interexposure Geng-Lin Li, Bechara Kachar, and Henrique von Gersdorff, calcium-sensitive dye Calcium Orange (dentate gyrus at interval, each male was paired with the same female to 2011, The Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 16637-16650 website about the brain and nervous top right, CA3 at bottom, and CA1 at left). Calcium Orange whom he had been previously exposed. Asterisks denote was used to monitor astrocyte calcium responses to single- social recognition, measured as a decline in the duration of Copyright 2006, Society for Neuroscience. All rights system funded by The Kavli Founda- neuron stimulation. investigation during the second trial (p < 0.05). reserved. Photo by Joe Shymanski. tion, the Gatsby Charitable Founda- Courtesy, with permission: Chris Salmon, Emma V. Jones, W. Modified from: J. N. Ferguson, J. M. Aldag, T. R. Insel, Copyright 2011, Society for Neuroscience. All rights Todd Farmer, David Stellwagen, and Keith K. Murai, 2011, and L. J. Young, 2001, The Journal of Neuroscience, reserved. Photos by Joe Shymanski. tion, and SfN — the new site The Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 8905-8919 21(20):8278–8285. Page 34: Mouse dentate gyrus immunolabeled for the will focus on communicating with Page 8: Cortical maturation in a 14-week-old infant Page 15: Tom Adams, Photographer, used under Creative transcriptional repressor REST (red), which is required for as revealed by a maturation index computed from a Commons license. neural stem cell quiescence and controls the initiation and normalized T2-weighted magnetic resonance image and progression of neurogenesis in adult hippocampus. Yellow the neuroscience community and its Page 16: Dentate granule cells generated in the adult projected onto a three-dimensional mesh of the gray– fluorescent protein (black) is expressed in quiescent and mouse hippocampus labeled by retroviral expression of white matter cortical interface. The scale goes from dark activated type 1 neural stem cells. key constituencies and audiences. green fluorescent protein. This pseudocolored image blue to yellow-red as maturation increases. On this image, was obtained by two-photon microscopy in 400-μm-thick Courtesy, with permission: Zhengliang Gao, Kerstin Ure, which is centered on the posterior sylvian scissure, the early The site’s content will be organized sections. Artwork by M. Georgina Davies and Nicolás A. Peiguo Ding, Mostafa Nashaat, Laura Yuan, Jing Ma, maturation of primary cortices in the central region and Morgenstern. Robert E. Hammer, and Jenny Hsieh, 2011, The Journal of for easy searching and browsing, and Heschl’s gyrus stands in contrast to the immature middle Neuroscience, 31: 9772-9786 temporal gyrus. Courtesy, with permission: Verónica C. Piatti, M. Georgina feature embedded social networking Davies-Sala, M. Soledad Espósito, Lucas A. Mongiat, Inside Back Cover: Artistic rendering of time-frequency Courtesy, with permission: François Leroy, Hervé Glasel, Mariela F. Trinchero, and Alejandro F. Schinder, 2011, The plots of electrocorticographic signals recorded subdurally Jessica Dubois, Lucie Hertz-Pannier, Bertrand Thirion, Jean- capabilities from NeurOnLine and Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 7715-7728 while human subjects said monosyllabic words. These François Mangin, and Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, 2011, signals revealed unique spectral patterns associated with connectivity with By The Journal of Neuroscience, 31: 1500-1506 Courtesy, with permission: Society for Neuroscience Tempe, different speech activities. Ariz. Chapter. leveraging investments made in SfN’s Copyright 2011, Society for Neuroscience. All rights Courtesy, with permission: Charles M. Gaona, Mohit reserved. Photo by Joe Shymanski. Copyright 2011, Society for Neuroscience. All rights Sharma, Zachary V. Freudenburg, Jonathan D. Breshears, association management system over Page 11: Pseudocolored image of immunofluorescent reserved. Photo by Joe Shymanski. David T. Bundy, Jarod Roland, Dennis L. Barbour, Gerwin labeling of neurons (NeuN, red) and astrocytes (GFAP, blue) Page 18: Courtesy, with permission: Society for Schalk, and Eric C. Leuthardt, 2011, The Journal of the past several years, the site also in the hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell layer of transgenic Neuroscience Leigh Valley Chapter. Neuroscience, 31: 2091-2100 will offer a more personalized member experience; over time, this strategy will enable site users to identify what Sustaining information they want and when they want it, maximizing member time Associate Members and ensuring effective communica- Platinum Sustaining Silver Sustaining tions in an ever more competitive Associate Members Associate Members information landscape. Carl Zeiss Microscopy Charles River David Kopf Instruments F. Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. FPO: Eli Lilly Company Nikon Instruments Inc. FSC ICON Gold Sustaining Nonprofit Sustaining Associate Members Associate Members HERE Elsevier Grete Lundbeck European Brain Lundbeck Research USA Research Foundation Olympus America, Inc. Montreal Neurological Institute Sutter Instrument NIH-NIDA Parkinson’s Action Network

34 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT C r afting a M o sai c i n S upp o rt of D ISC O VER Y | 35 2011-2012 Society Past Society for Neuroscience for Neuroscience Presidents Council Officers and Staff Susan G. Amara, PhD, 2010-11 Councilors Michael E. Goldberg, MD, 2009-10 Officers Marty Saggese, Executive Director Human Resources & Meeting Services Professional Moses V. Chao, PhD Thomas J. Carew, PhD, 2008-09 President Eve E. Marder, PhD, 2007-08 Robert M. Doucette, Deputy Administration Elvia Gonzalez, Assistant Director, Development & Global Executive Director (Operations) Adrianne Troilo, Director, Human Exhibits & Registration Programs Larry W. Swanson, PhD David C. Van Essen, PhD, 2006-07 Resources & Administration President-Elect Mona Miller, Deputy Executive Dawn Keane, Assistant Director, Mark Storey, Director, Professional & Stephen F. Heinemann, PhD, 2005-06 Director (Programs) Global Programs Jennifer Grant, Office Manager Housing & Logistics Darwin K. Berg, PhD Treasurer Carol A. Barnes, PhD, 2004–05 Senior Director, Christopher LaPrade, Manager, Eun-Joo Chang, Christina Burnett, HR Coordinator Elizabeth Rumsey, Assistant Director, Global Affairs Anne B. Young, PhD, MD, 2003–04 Membership & Professional Annual Meeting Program Brenda J. Claiborne, PhD Development Juanita Young, Receptionist Treasurer-Elect Huda Akil, PhD, 2002–03 Allison Burns, Exhibits Manager, Melanie McGraw, Acting Manager, Professional Development Programs Kate Hawker, Senior Director, Meeting Services Fred H. Gage, PhD, 2001–02 Planning & Information Donald S. Faber, PhD Information & Decision Kimberly Joyce, Professional Past Treasurer Sharon Kerley-Bowles, Logistics Donald L. Price, MD, 2000–01 Paula Kara, Senior Director, Meeting Support Manager Development Programs Coordinator Services Hollis T. Cline, PhD Dennis W. Choi, MD, PhD, 1999–00 Melissa Garcia, Director, Information Ramona Sawyer, Registration Kristyn Fusco, Professional Secretary Lara C. Moninghoff, Senior Director, & Decision Support Manager Development Programs Assistant Edward G. Jones, MD, DPhil, 1998–99 Finance & Administration/CFO Councilors Nicholas Fletcher, Project Manager Kelly McCabe, Global Programs Lorne M. Mendell, PhD, 1997–98 Erin Dalder-Alpher, Annual Meeting Howard B. Eichenbaum, PhD Alicia Torres, PhD, Senior Director, Assistant Melanie Willis, SQL Developer Coordinator Bruce S. McEwen, PhD, 1996–97 Communications & Public Affairs Nancy Y. Ip, PhD Tiffany Park, Information & Decision Stephanie Embrey, Meetings Frances E. Jensen, MD Pasko Rakic, MD, PhD, 1995–96 Coordinator Public Information & Support Coordinator Marina R. Picciotto, PhD Finance Outreach Carla J. Shatz, PhD, 1994–95 Janel Johnson, Annual Meeting John H. Morrison, PhD Matthew Barager, Director, Finance Larry R. Squire, PhD, 1993–94 The Journal of Program Assistant Debra Speert, PhD, Director, Michael E. Greenberg, PhD Public Information & Outreach Craig Reed, Budget & Financial Neuroscience Samara Pagan, Annual Meeting Sacha B. Nelson, PhD, MD Ira B. Black, MD, 1992–93 Systems Manager Program Assistant Sarah Bates, Manager, Suzanne Rosenzweig, Director, Li-Huei Tsai, PhD Joseph T. Coyle, MD, 1991–92 Irena Reese, Accounting & Scientific Publications Jennifer Evans Carr, Science Writing Robert H. Wurtz, PhD, 1990–91 Compliance Officer Membership & Manager Jackie Perry, Editorial & Production 2011-2012 Society for Marketing Services Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic, PhD, 1989–90 Paul Troxell, Procurement Manager Manager Emily Dilger, PhD, Public Outreach Neuroscience Manager David H. Hubel, MD, 1988–89 Keith Woods, Revenue Manager Sola Yu, Production Coordinator Melissa Ferrari, Director, Committee Chairs Membership & Marketing Services Melissa Malski, Communications Albert J. Aguayo, MD, 1987–88 Darshelle Freeman, Staff Zachary Dourafei, Editorial Assistant Officer Howard B. Eichenbaum, PhD Accountant, Payroll Barry Black, Director, Membership & Audit Committee Mortimer Mishkin, PhD, 1986–87 Chanelle Grannum, Production Marketing Michael Richardson, Public Rena James, Staff Accountant, Assistant Sharon L. Juliano, PhD Bernice Grafstein, PhD, 1985–86 Marcia Leach, Sales & Marketing Information Assistant Accounts Receivable Committee on Animals in Research Manager William D. Willis, Jr., PhD, MD, 1984–85 Dante Graves, Subscriptions Assistant Patricia Swayne, Public Education Arvind Lemuel, Financial Analyst Hollis T. Cline, PhD Nicole Power, Editorial Assistant Amit Kumar, Senior Graphic Designer Assistant Gerald D. Fischbach, MD, 1983–84 Brian McMichael, Staff Accountant, Committee on Committees Dominick P. Purpura, MD, 1982–83 Accounts Payable Christian Vazquez, Editorial Assistant Amanda Scanlon, Graphic Designer Technology Services David R. Riddle, PhD David H. Cohen, PhD, 1981–82 Emily Richardson, Procurement Nadia Maseda, Production Committee on Neuroscience Scott Moore, Director, Technology Coordinator Media & Member Coordinator Departments and Programs Eric R. Kandel, MD, 1980–81 Services Communications Aimee Shaw, Membership & Darwin K. Berg, PhD Solomon H. Snyder, MD, 1979–80 Chapters Coordinator Nelson Miranda, Customer Relations Grants & Development Todd Bentsen, Director, Media & Finance Committee Manager Torsten N. Wiesel, MD, 1978–79 Member Communications Bryan Boeskin, Director, Grants & Hannah Bohbrink, Membership & Yan Zhu, Application Development Bruce S. McEwen, PhD W. Maxwell Cowan, PhD, MD, 1977–78 Development Marketing Assistant Kat Snodgrass, Media Manager Manager Government and Public Affairs Committee Floyd E. Bloom, MD, 1976–77 Sheden Alsaaty, Grants & Melissa Thompson, Member Operations & Rigo Espinosa, Web Developer Bruce R. Ransom, MD, PhD Development Coordinator Communications Manager International Affairs Committee Robert W. Doty, PhD, 1975–76 Governance Harjit Jathoul, Help Desk Technician Lawrence Dortch, Multimedia Edward V. Evarts, MD, 1974–75 Raymond J. Dingledine, PhD Specialist Julie Orlando-Castro, Director, Investment Committee Operations & Governance Theodore H. Bullock, PhD, 1973–74 Jandee Ferland, Web Editor Walle J.H. Nauta, PhD, MD, 1972–73 Mildred Reyes, Governance Manager Jim W. Geddes, PhD Charlotte Hancock, Communications Membership and Chapters Committee Neal E. Miller, PhD, 1971–72 Coordinator David Shellard, Operations & Evaluation Manager Moses V. Chao, PhD Vernon B. Mountcastle, MD, 1970–71 Elizabeth Hurst, Member Nominating Committee Communications Coordinator Jenna Welch, Operations & Edward R. Perl, MD, 1969–70 Governance Coordinator Michael Neal Lehman, PhD Professional Development Committee

Policy & Advocacy Joanne E. Berger-Sweeney, PhD, MPH Professional Development Committee Allen Segal, Director, Policy & Advocacy Barry J. Everitt, PhD Ashley Walton, Policy & Advocacy Program Committee Coordinator James O. McNamara, MD Paul Libus, Policy & Advocacy Public Education and Assistant Communication Committee

Diane Lipscombe, PhD Scientific Publications Committee

36 | F Y 2 O 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT