More photos from White House Medal of Honor, Pentagon induction of PRESORTED Woodrow Keeble into Hall of Heroes ceremonies Sota Per Copy STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE S.D. Governor Rounds holds ceremony honoring Master Sergeant Keeble Sota Iya Ye Yapi PAID this Monday at state capitol; Photo highlights next week c/o Earth & Sky Enterprises production office WILMOT, SD PERMIT NO. 1 Heipa District members recognized with healthy lifestyle awards P.O. 5 ¢ HJ ProVoice expands broadcast services Wilmot, SD 57279 Depression screening program coming to Sisseton 50 Sota news, editorial: S.D. Attorney General Larry Long attends Roberts Co. Postmaster: Commissioner meeting, referees dispute Contents -- Time-Dated News Do Not Delay Next week: SWO Tribe takes leadership role on environmental issues This edition mailed at Wilmot, SD on March 17, 2008 Vol. 39 March - Ista Wicayazan Wi - “Moon of Snow Blind Eyes” - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 No. 12

Serving the Sisseton and Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation since 1968 Sota news, editorial feature --

It has been difficult to watch the most recent public smear campaign in other local and regional newspapers and across the television screen against Roberts County Sheriff Vince Owen. It is not that what has been reported is not true, it is, but as Paul Harvey would say, it neglects “. . . the rest of the story!” Yes, as Commissioner Kenneth Buck reported investigating officers it was all just a “joke.” to the media, he was the object of comments A hearing, originally set for this week, has by the Sheriff against him, allegedly threatening been re-scheduled for Monday, April 14, 2008, simple assault during an executive session of the at 3:30 p.m. at the Roberts County Courthouse South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long meets with Roberts County Commissioners last Commissioners. to determine the merit of Buck’s allegations and Tuesday morning. (Photo courtesy of Kevin Deutsch, Sisseton Courier.) And yes, at Buck’s request, the South Dakota whether or not his temporary restraining order will Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) has come become permanent. have limited rights over the Sheriff’s office. to the County to investigate the allegation, which Friends and supporters of the Sheriff are Commissioners meeting. He noted that there seems to be disagreement was the basis for Commissioner Buck to seek and encouraged to come and show their support in the The Attorney General requested that about what authority the Commissioners have over receive a temporary restraining order against Sheriff courtroom. Already many have indicated they will the meeting be held in executive session but the Sheriff’s office, and told the Commissioners they Owen. attend, including law enforcement officers from Commission Chairman Louie Voeltz said the really have no power or control over the Sheriff or What has been ignored is the fact that the DCI several jurisdictions. meeting needed to be kept open to the public and it his staff. is also investigating Kenneth Buck for comments he It seems that common sense continues to was. There were about ten people present to watch He handed out a copy of his opinion on a similar allegedly made at his place of business, comments elude several of our County Commissioners who what was happening. case, #06-07 Beadle County. which sparked the Sheriff to say what he did at the remain fixated on removing the Sheriff and Jail First order of business was for the Attorney He said he had been States Attorney of Bennett Commissioners meeting. Administrator (Chad Ward) from office. General to clarify that after his office’s investigation County for 18 years, and it was similar to what Commissioner Buck allegedly earlier had The restraining order fiasco seems to be the of complaints against Sheriff Owen no charges Roberts County is today. told someone in his place of business to “get the result of two Commissioners not getting the entire will be filed. Readers may recall the alleged “So I’ve been down this road before,” he said. troublemakers,” that he would furnish “names and Commission and the S.D. Attorney General’s office sexual harassment charge against the Sheriff the Basically, he explained that if the Sheriff takes addresses.” To Sheriff Owen, this sounded like on board with their most recent call for removing Commissioners made in order to remove Vince disciplinary action and the Commissioners don’t Kenneth Buck was hiring somebody to go after his the Sheriff from office. Owen from office -- that and a $20,000 bribe. Larry agree they cannot enforce it more or make it any family and relatives, and he responded accordingly The escalating conflict has captured attention Long announced that there would be no charges for less. The Sheriff can hire, fire, and discipline his during the Commissioners meeting. not only of the local and regional media but of state either the alleged complaint or for a counter-charge staff, including jail employees, as he chooses. By the way, when confronted about the government. by Sheriff Owen against the County Commissioners statement, Commissioner Buck and the other South Dakota Attorney General Larry that he had been offered a “bribe.” Sota news, editorial feature person did not deny what was said but told Long attended last Tuesday’s Roberts County Second, he clarified that the Commissioners Continued on Page2

eipa District members JoAnn Sharpfish and Kelsey Jayne Kampeska were honored for District. She is in the 8th Grade at Sisseton Middle This session is one in a series of ongoing monthly Hliving and promoting healthy lifestyles during the March 7th session of SWO Tribal Council. School and worked for the Summer Youth at Heipa presentations that recognize the many individuals on Certificates were presented to the recipients in behalf of the District, Tribal Council, and Human District this past summer. the Lake Traverse Reservation that live and promote Services Board. The recipients were recognized with an honor song. Kelsey Jayne Kampeska healthy lifestyles. This activity is a step in implementing Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Health Plan Strategic Issue are Joanna Frenier (maiden name) and Levi DuMarce Heipa District Youth JoAnn Sharpfish Kelsey Jayne Kampeska is the daughter of LaVoy A. To support and promote healthy lifestyle choices. Sr. and Rose Phillips and Narcisse Sharpfish. JoAnn is Heipa District Adult T. Kampeska and Dina K. Owen. Her grandparents Strategy 1: Provide positive examples to the community JoAnn Sharpfish is the daughter of Janice DuMarce the oldest of nine (four sisters and four brothers). She is are Mike and Sylvia Owen & Irene Kampeska. She has by recognizing people from the Districts for living and (maiden name) and Larry Sharpfish Sr. Her grandparents the mother of four (two sons and two daughters and a a brother, Patrick Wayne Hopkins, and two sisters, promoting healthy lifestyles. grandson). Miranda Lila Hopkins and Memory LaVon Kampeska. The Human Services Board selected these individuals Reflecting on why she was selected for this award, She also has a wonderful nephew, Joriyah JaVon because the District recognizes that they demonstrate the JoAnn writes: “My family is my main priority and Hopkins, that she loves with all her heart . She teaches following healthy lifestyle qualities: I feel that I need to provide a safe, healthy, positive him things and baby sits a lot. Her family includes many *”Well-balanced” (living and promoting a lifestyle environment for my children to grow up and live in. And more aunts and uncles. that is healthy in body, mind and spirit). for me living an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle, soon to Kelsey was selected for this recognition because *Abstinence from alcohol, habitual use of tobacco be three years, has brought on a lot of exciting and new she is drug free, alcohol free, smoke free, and promotes (cigarettes, chew), illegal (non-prescription) drugs, and challenges.” healthy living and lifestyles. Her proud parents write: all other addictive substances. “I am not sure if this is going to make any sense “She loves every cat and dog she sees. She is still in *Caring, empathetic, and has respect for others. to some readers, but the of a loved one, to me school. She is happy to be home with her parents or at *Well respected in the community. I will say it was a spiritual awakening or call, because the rollerskating rink instead of out on the streets.” I was soon into inipi ceremonies and prayer in which has changed my ways. I was given a gift of life in which she has helped me to remain strong and to look at life differently.” “I am proud of my older sons and my other daughter and happy to be a young grandma. I have become a more dependable and successful employee for four years at Dakota Magic Casino and Hotel and am also on the “There’s Hope” Suicide Prevention Group, in If moods are negatively affecting your life or you Heipa Youth Committee Board.” cooperation with Catholic Family Services, is offering are witnessing them in someone you love, and you don’t “I am so thankful for my family and companion a free depression screening program Thursday, March know what to do, then attend the depression screening for believing in me and thankful to my District for 27th, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Catherine’s Hall in program to understand the many aspects of depression. JoAnn Sharpfish of the Heipa District is Sisseton. The program will cover: recognized for living and promoting a healthy nominating me for this award. I really appreciate it that you recognize me for being who I am.” Do you ever feel that life might now be worth *Education. lifestyle. The award was presented by Human Kelsey Kampeska, the youth selected by the Heipa living? Are you often too sad, anxious or moody to carry *Free assessment. Services Board representative Vern Donnell. District for living and promoting a healthy lifestyle, out your daily responsibilities? *Consultation. Her daughter Brittany and grandchild were was not present but will receive the award through her Do you channel these emotions into misdirected The public is invited to attend. present as she accepted the award. anger? Due to increasing costs, individuals receiving a complimentary subscription, or whose subscription due date has expired, will no longer be included in our weekly mailing — effective immediately. This is especially difficult for us to do for incarcerated Oyate members — please contact family members to have your subscription renewed. The prison libraries will continue to receive complimentary subscriptions. Also, please note the change in mailing address for the Sota to: Sota Iya Ye Yapi, c/o Earth and Sky Enterprises production office, P.O. Box 5, Wilmot, SD 57279. Thank you for understanding that thse changes in policy are important to help continue our publishing the Oyate Tribal newspaper. -- the Sota Staff Page 2 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 that is, if any of us are to survive. The unremitting devastation caused by coal-burning power plants requires that we insist that not one more plant be created and that the operations of existing plants immediately desist. Another coal- burning power plant jeopardizes all plant and animal life in this region, as well as the human communities including the Lake Traverse Reservation and the Dakota reservations of Lower Sioux, Upper Sioux, and Prior Lake in the Minnesota River Valley, who live down-wind, down-grade, and down-stream from Big Stone. In addition to the devastation to water supplies by Big Stone II as it threatens to drain Big Stone Lake and the Veblen Aquifer, the mercury emitted should be enough for all of us to insist that we do not want our power from that toxin-producing source, especially when alternative green technologies exist. NASA scientist James Hanson who launched concerns about global warming 20 years ago when he testified Sota news, editorial feature before Congress on the issue, has recently asserted that the planet can tolerate only 350 parts per million Continued from Page 1 of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere before devastating global changes threaten the survival of all of us. We are currently at 383 parts per million, meaning that we absolutely must take drastic action right now. We After Long had served as “referee,” Commissioners Buck and Glen Hull were not satisfied and simply cannot afford another producer of millions of tons of CO2 every year that Big Stone II would surely challenged the Attorney General’s opinion. be. We do not want the power produced at Big Stone II, nor do we want the transmission lines that would They still wanted action taken against Sheriff Owen; they wanted him removed from office. carry that tainted energy into Dakota homeland. Larry Long explained state statutes in detail, but Commissioner Buck continued to press the issue. Pidamayaye ye (Thank you). Buck said, “I’m an elected official and I can’t do my job because the Sheriff said I can’t talk to any of his Waziyatawin (Pezihutazizi Otunwe) family and they’re all related (what does that mean -- all Tribal people are related?)” “How can I talk to my constituents and be afraid he’ll hurt me?” Sota guest editorial -- The Attorney General said that law enforcement does not comment unless there are charges filed. “If a person is not charged and it’s in the papers it can cause that person to be beat up on, abused, and may never “8,000 Drums” on March 21st at noon get their reputation back.” The statement might have been a direct admonishment to Commissioner Buck Passing along the word to bring healing for our Mother Earth for releasing negative information about the Sheriff to the media. (Editor’s note: The following has been submitted to the Sota from several sources.) The Attorney General did comment on the merit of the assault charge against the Sheriff, however, Support our Brothers and Sisters . . . Let us Stand Together as One Proud United Nation. saying his office would not prosecute the case. This special event will take place 12 noon EST. It is also a full moon that day and spring equinox (which Sheriff Owen was not present at the meeting, due to the temporary restraining order and also due to his is March 20, 2008). (if you are on the west coast, your time will be 10am) (this will be your time to be working the night shift, but the Attorney General said he would be talking with him later. aligned with us here in EST etc.) Chairman Voeltz and Commissioner Stickland indicated their satisfaction with the Attorney General’s Hello, greetings, Aniin, Tansi, Han, Hakoda! decision not to file charges against Sheriff Owen. Darlene Courchene was contacted by Gilles Novaks who is a Montagnais Indian from Montreal. He is Chairman Voeltz said he hopes that now the county can have a new start . . . and we need to all work a Medicine Man and a Healer. He has asked that we get as many Tribal people to participate in a worldwide together to get our new jail open. ceremony called the “8,000 Drums” as possible. He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from We would like to express optimism also, but how can we with a County Commission that seems to up there in Canada and they asked him to help spread the word to all Indians everywhere. remain so deeply divided? It will take place on March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon. All you need to do is play a drum either alone, or Next chapter in this on-going drama takes place at the courthouse on April 14th. with a group or have the whole tribe participate. Stay tuned! The purpose is to fulfill the Otomi Prophecy. -- CDF The Otomis are Mayan Olmec and Toltec descendants. P.S. Sheriff Owen is not prepared to release a public statement about the charges, counter-charges, and The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the now the restraining order, but he has given us these words for readers: Healing Process of our Mother Earth. I have watched a child bleeding on the road as his mother held him and asked God to help. I have had People are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs our prayers. a rifle pointed at my chest but I’m still here. I have wrestled pistols away from people who felt they had no Thank you. Ewo-wox-co-dah-wa. reason to live. I held the hand of a grandma as she sat crushed in a car, telling her things will be okay, only to find later, I was wrong. I have had my Highway Patrol car crashed into and could hear the other Trooper yelling, “Vinny, you okay?” I missed getting pinned by a fraction of a second. I will remember the panic in his voice forever. I will remember the sounds of rounds as a person is shooting at my fellow Troopers. And the thought of these words told: “Vinny, if he comes out that door, take the shot.” I remember hugging a semi-driver as he was trying to understand why his wife had to die. I asked God why as I watched the jaws of life try to pry a newlywed from her crushed car, because another driver took her life when he chose to drive drunk. I could go on and on, but I think you are getting the message. Wrap up all those emotions into one big ball and then you will have a small idea of what I have been Our thanks to Kathryn Akipa for sharing family We have been informed that a pow wow in Salem, going through since I took this job. photos from the White House and Pentagon ceremonies Oregon, at Willamette University, held an honor dance Now you my be wondering; why does he stay? Because I know what is going on here and besides, I can’t honoring her step-father receiving the Medal of Honor for Master Sergeant Woodrow W. Keeble. help it, it’s in my blood to help people. and being inducted into the Hall of Heroes at the This information comes from the daughter of Elaine --Sheriff Vincent Owen Pentagon. (Halbert) Parsons of Veblen, who attended the pow wow. Please see her photos in this issue. ***** Sota guest editorial -- Also, see the full page notice of the Master Sergeant Watch for a special feature next week on the regional Akicita Yuonihanpi Wabdake; (I’ve Witnessed Woodrow W. Keeble homecoming and honoring forum on the Big Stone II power plant project, held last ceremony planned at Dakota Connection Convention week and hosted by the SWO Office of Environmental the Honoring of a Dakota Warrior) Center Saturday afternoon, March 22nd. Protection. If possible, please come and show support for the There were about 70 people in attendance, some By Joe Williams It is hard to describe the feeling of pride that I witnessed last week, when I had the opportunity to be awarding, finally, of the United States’ highest military from a long way off the Lake Traverse Reservation, present when the president of the United States, President Bush, awarded one of our tribal members the honor to this SWO akicita, who will stand for ages as a but all united in the desire to see that Mother Earth is highest Medal of Honor. model of courage. protected from further abuse. The oyate akicita have experienced many conflicts throughout time. They have demonstrated bravery ***** ***** and protection of their people in these battles. Master Sergeant Woodrow Wilson Keeble exhibited this This Monday, the 17th, Governor Mike Rounds Take notice of our news/editorial commentary, and quality of the akicita Dakota. The following is a quote from President George Bush: is hosting an honoring ceremony for Master Sergeant the open letters, on the current state of affairs with the “…after days of fighting, the officers in Woody’s company had fallen. Woody assumed command of one Keeble at the state capitol. Roberts County Commissioners. If you are able, come to platoon, then a second, and then a third, until one of the hills was taken, and the enemy fled in retreat…and We plan to bring readers photo highlights in the the April 14th hearing and support Sheriff Vince Owen. that is where, on October 20, 1951, Master Sergeant Woodrow Wilson Keeble made history.” next Sota. ***** It has taken over 60 years for the United States of America to recognize this historical feat of bravery. ***** Rez music update! It took persistence from Woody’s family, friends, and congressmen to ensure that Woody received Woodrow Keeble is receiving recognition across the Check out new sounds by Gage: the recognition that was long overdue. Woodrow Wilson Keeble was the first Dakota to receive the country. His myspace spot is . . . Congressional Medal of Honor. Woody yuoniha (honored) the Oyate . In our present day, all of us need to take notice and to start caring for one another. This will allow us to all have a better future, and for us to be positive role models for Sota Iya Ye Yapi our children. Woody was such a person. Official newspaper of the Pidamaya do, Woody. Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Sota guest editorial -- Of the Lake Traverse Reservation Since 1968 Dakota writes letter to judge in opposition Sota Iya Ye Yapi Staff For more information concerning news, advertising, C.D. Floro...... Managing Editor or subscriptions, contact the Sisseton-Wahpeton to Big Stone II Earth and Sky Enterprises...... Production Oyate Tribal Chairman’s office at (605) 698-3911, (Editor’s note: The Sota is reprinting the following statement, which was submitted to the judge at the Annual Subscription Rates or the Sota production office: voice-mail (605) January 10, 2008 public hearing on the Big Stone II power plant project at Ortonville, Minnesota. The SWO Enrolled Tribal members...... $36 938-4452; fax (605) 938-4676; or send e-mail to hosted a regional forum on the project last week; watch for photo highlights and more information next Tribal incarcerated/elderly-fixed income...... $30 [email protected] week in the Sota.) All others/U.S. domestic...... $46 Visit the Sota Iya Ye Yapi site on the World Wide Web: As a member of the Dakota Oyate (or Nation), I want to express deep opposition to both the proposed Foreign...... $92 coal-fired power plant Big Stone II, and Big Stone II’s plan to connect to Minnesota’s power grid through Classified Advertising Rates Policy for editorials and open letters to the Oyate constructed transmission lines. Classified Ad, min. (20 words or less)...... $3 If you are writing an opinion letter, please note that it Minisota Makoce (or Land Where the Waters Reflect the Skies), is the ancient homeland of the Dakota Each additional word, add...... $.15 must be signed and the author’s name will appear Nation. This Minnesota River Valley, especially, is cherished among our people. From the moment our Deduct for each repeat CA, pd. in advance...... 25% in print. Letters must not contain libel and must ancestors woke up in the morning, took their first drink from the river, purified themselves, and offered Sunshine Advertising Rates be brief, ideally 500 words or less. Letters may be their morning prayers standing on the banks, the river was central to our daily lives. It provided our Rate, 1 col. no photo...... $3.00 edited for content. Views expressed are those of the drinking and cooking water and we regularly consumed the fish, mussels, turtles and other wildlife in the Rate, 1 col. with photo...... $7.00 authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions of river eco-system. Now our beloved river is so toxic that our children cannot even swim in it for fear the Rate, 2 col. with photo...... $14.00 the staff or the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the poisons will leach through their skin and harm them. Note: Please enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope Lake Traverse Reservation. Assertions and charges Our ancestors lived on these lands for thousands of years until the processes of invasion, conquest, if you want photos returned. made in open letters are opinions of their authors. genocide, ethnic cleansing and colonization separated our people from the land. Settler society summarily Display Advertising Rate Editorials by the staff do not necessarily reflect the dismissed Dakota ways of being as primitive, inferior, and irrelevant to modernity and thus attempted Rate, per column inch...... $3.85 official opinion of the Tribe. to destroy our way of life and steal our land. The devastation to our people is a mirror reflection of what SWO Candidates Political Advertising Rate Fair Use Notice has happened to our homeland. Since Euro-Americans removed us as the primary caretakers of the land, Rate, per column inch...... $2.50 The Sota Iya Ye Yapi sometimes includes copyrighted the natural environment has been severely altered through the elimination of biodiversity, the draining of Notice to Contributors material – primarily in guest editorials – the wetlands, the stripping of forests, the desertification of the prairies, the extraction of natural resources, Submit news, advertising copy, and subscriptions to: use of which has not always been specifically unrelenting development, and the continuous pollution of the waters, air, and land. Prior to invasion, we Sota Iya Ye Yapi, P.O. Box 628, Agency Village, authorized by the copyright owner. This material occupied this land sustainably for thousands of years without this kind of wholesale, and in some instances, SD 57262. Deadline for receipt of all copy to be is made available in an effort to advance readers’ irreversible destruction. Because the fate of our people is intertwined with the fate of our homeland, considered is 10:00 a.m. Thursday prior to the week understanding of environmental, human rights, we grieve when she is harmed. Since achieving statehood 150 years ago, Minnesotans have perpetrated of publication. (FAX and e-mail communications social justice, economic, political issues, etc. It is unprecedented harm upon Dakota homeland on a magnitude that is almost incomprehensible. Given the may be submitted to the Sota production office by our belief that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any current environmental crisis facing the globe, Dakota ways of being that include an environmental ethic 12:00 noon Friday, with the exception of letters to such copyrighted material as provided for in section founded on a relationship of reciprocity, respect, and , have proven their relevance and superiority the editor/Oyate, or “opinion” letters, which are to 107 of U.S. Copyright Law. For more information to the Euro-American ways of being based on the values of profit, a blind drive toward a warped notion of be submitted by 10:00 a.m. Thursday.) go to: progress, and a total exploitation of the environment. It is time for Dakota people to reclaim and reassert Notice to subscribers: A handy clip-out form is available shtml/. our ethics and it is time for those ethics to be adopted and practiced by the contemporary settler society, for your convenience. Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 3 and women, because there are still many serving in the ***** war zones. We recommend checking out the following website, Please pray for peace! especially devoted to Native youth: ***** Those who have internet access can read the Sota ***** news and view photo highlights from each weekly issue – andy Hannasch, pictured above with SWO Tribal Chairman Michael I. Selvage Sr., presented Here is a link to the 91-page Shadow Report by the in full color – at the following website, which is updated STribal Council with this floral headdress arrangement last Thursday morning. The headdress International Indian Treaty Council to be presented when weekly (more frequently when needed): was a gift in appreciation for the one-year anniversary of a contract between the Tribe and Rose the U.S. periodic report on compliance with the UN & Lily’s to provide flowers for special occasions throughout the year. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racism to ***** which the U.S. is a bound party: There is no way your Sota staff could possibly cover Council was convened at Dakota Connection arrangement to be displayed at Dakota Magic all the many activities in the schools and Districts of the while auditors from Joseph Eve & Company used Convention Center this Saturday afternoon, March Indigenous_Shadow_Report%20amended.pdf Lake Traverse Reservation. We encourage our readers and Council chambers for their current audit of Tribal 22nd, during the homecoming and honoring This Shadow Report details the ways in which the friends to submit material and pictures whenever you accounts. ceremony for Master Sergeant Woodrow W. U.S. has severely limited the life quality of Native people. can! Following the presentation, Chairman Selvage Keeble. Thanks to Angelique Eaglewoman for forwarding us Submission of articles, ideas and rough drafts, and asked if Sandy would create a special floral the link to this document. photographs, are always welcome. ***** If you have an interesting family story, or news you Tusweca Tiospaye is organizing a Lakota/Nakota/ would like to share, please contact the editor. Dakota Language Summit 2008 to unite the seven Besides news updates of interest to the Oyate, we council fires to save the language. are always open to publishing historical features, stories, The language summit will be held in November and legends. Keeping the traditions alive is one of the 2008. missions of the Tribal newspaper, and is too often ignored For more information, contact Tusweca Tiospaye, in the rush of current events. Language Summit, P.O. Box 693, Pine Ridge, SD 5770. ***** ***** OnCall Medical Radio, an audio podcast produced Please note copy deadlines, at South Dakota State University, is now available on the policies for submission; Breaking Sota website. Each week, listen to a new 3-minute audio interview news, emergencies, and obituaries conducted by Dr. Rick Holm. are always accepted Check it out! Copy to be considered for publication – news, advertising, editorial opinion letters, etc. – are to be ***** For more information about the group of Sisseton- submitted either to Tribal headquarters (SWO Mail Wahpeton Oyate (Sissetonwan Wapetonwan Bde-Hda- Room, TiWakan Tio Tipi) or to the Sota U.S. Post Office Kin-Yan Dakota Oyate) calling for a return to traditional box (Sota c/o Earth and Sky Enterprises production government, check out their website: office, P.O. Box 5, Wilmot, SD 57279) by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday. FAX and e-mail submissions will be accepted The traditional Indian government group has an until 12:00 noon on Friday (with the exception of letters office now in the former Tiospa Zina Tribal School/ to the editor/Open letter to the Oyate, or “opinion” former YouthBuild building. The public is invited to letters, which must be received no later than 10:00 a.m. their weekly meetings at 1:00 p.m. every Wednesday Thursday). and Saturday. Instead of being held at the elderly center, If you are writing an opinion letter, please note that these meetings are now being held at their office. it must be signed and the author’s name will appear in print. Letters must not contain libel and must be ***** Words to consider: brief, ideally 500 words or less. Letters may be edited “If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up for content. Omissions will be identified with periods . where we’re going.” Professor Irwin Corey (1914 - ) . . editor’s explanations will be provided in [brackets]. “First secure an independent income, then practice Readers who want access to unedited versions will need virtue.” Greek Proverb to contact the authors. “If the automobile had followed the same Earlier receipt of copy is always appreciated. So, development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would if you are aware of a date or message that needs to be today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and publicized or advertised, please let us know about it in explode once a year, killing everyone inside.” Robert X. advance of the weekly deadline. Cringely, InfoWorld magazine For more information, contact Tribal headquarters, “He who praises you for what you lack wishes to Agency Village, (605) 698-3911. Also, a 24-hour take from you what you have.” Don Juan Manuel (1282 dedicated fax line is installed at the Sota production - 1349) office: (605) 938-4676. Voice-mail messages can be “To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same sent to the production office at (605) 938-4452. The as to be right in doing it.” G. K. Chesterton (1874 - preferred way to submit typed articles and ads, art, and 1936) photos (if you happen to have access to a digital camera “Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s or scanner), is by e-mail. Sending photos as moderately cowardice.” George Jackson (1941 - 1971) compressed jpeg files, each approximately 150-300 KB in size, is preferred, attached to an e-mail message The Design South Dakota Team needs your ideas Later on Thursday evening, the regional community ***** Please remember, we need to continue praying for containing information about the pictures. and input April 2-4. The 3-plus day is invited to a Town Hall Meeting/FREE Dinner at the all of our soldiers serving in all branches of the military The editor can be reached at the following e-mail “Design:SD” event, called a “charrette,” is described by Sisseton High School Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. Community in harm’s way today, by prayer, by letters, by sharing our address: project leaders as a “mixing bowl” of local knowledge, members are invited to share food and ideas with each concern with them and with others of the community. [email protected] ideas and visions for the future, with the expertise and other and the Design Team. We pray that their service helps bring peace and Digital files are also accepted on disc/cd by mail and experience of professionals from outside the community. On Friday, from 12:30pm - 1:30pm in the new stability to the world, and that they all come home safe at Tribal headquarters. The “Design:SD” team of volunteer architects, Sisseton High/Middle School Multi-Purpose Room, and sound. CDF planners, engineers and community developers from the Design Studio will be open to the public. This will We need to continue to remember our servicemen across the region will arrive in Sisseton on the evening give community members a chance to watch the team of April 2. On Thursday, April 3, the team will be set work. On Friday at 7:00pm , the Team will make a up at the new Sisseton High/Middle School Multi- presentation to the community in the Sisseton High Purpose Room from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm to learn from School New Practice Facility. afternoon, March 17th, at 2:00 p.m. at the community community members. From 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, the The “Design:SD” event will be a busy one for the center, Agency Village. team invites the public to share ideas and visions about Sisseton area community. You can see the details and An all-night wake was held Sunday. the future of this region at “Community Roundtables.” print a schedule from or sisseton. The Cahill Funeral Chapel, Sisseton, is in charge of Each table will have a focused conversation about one If you have questions, contact The arrangements. topic, like Regional Economy, Local Housing, Recreation, Rural Learning Center at 605-772-5139. Cordelia Williams-Keeble, 80, of Sisseton, passed Watch for a complete obituary in next week’s Sota. Transportation, Education, etc. away on March 13, 2008 at a Milbank care center. Funeral services were scheduled this Monday

By Betty Ann Owen-Gross necessary for change and to bring to justice those that The Minority Resource Center a non-profit seek to create collision points within a governmental/ organization with full 501 c3 status, established in 1993 community, tribal entity or state entity without cause has three listed activities and the active one named adding to conflict and oppression which will no longer the Dacotah Territory Office of Civil Rights located in be tolerated amongst and with our people. Injustice Sioux Falls and with upcoming branches in Sisseton and anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, MLK. Watertown, SD is seeking out highly motivated and Contact people: Claudia Boehlman, Sisseton area; empowered individuals to serve for now on a volunteer Lauren German and Cheri Ludwig, Watertown area, Vice basis in the following positions: President and Secretary-Treasurer; Betty Ann Owen- a. Human/Civil Rights Committee Members. The Gross, President, Sioux Falls area. selected individuals will be responsible for receiving For membership and becoming a card carrying complaints, processing them and moving on with member of a new vision and pathway for our people decision making, mediation/consultation and/or PUSH contact the listed members. efforts for change. Together we can create change. b. Tracking system of selected organizations and Betty Ann Owen-Gross Founder/establisher, President programs to ensure high quality services without of Minority Resource Center 1993 Sioux Falls, South violating the rights of people. Non disclosure. Dakota 605-306-1026. c. Education on the Indian Treaties aka Sacred Pledges, US Constitution and the rights of people. We are of the blood who died so we can use wisely that which they left behind for us, we are all civil and human Pictured here last week are three of seven auditors provided by Joseph Eve & Company rights, empowerment through education. to do the current audit of Tribal government and program accounts. Four of the CPA firm’s d. Strong networking system amongst a majority of accountants have been spending the days away from Tribal headquarters checking accounts civil, human, Indian, White Rights based organizations. of Tribal programs. Once selected individuals will be trained in areas Page 4 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Venture Vision Cable Television taking from the Tribe, this is my Future plans for HJ include Subscribers in the Sisseton and opportunity to give something back moving into a larger building and Old Agency area now have the that’s positive. It’s been over 6 years adding more local shows to their opportunity to access Native since a daily broadcast of this nature programming schedule including a By Columnist David Kranz American Programming on their was available to the Native American morning talk show covering topics of Argus Leader television. For the past three years Community in the Sisseton area. interest in the area. March 10, 2008 HJ ProVoice has been streaming I believe that it’s something the HJ ProVoice can be heard To hear political analysts tell their unique programming (a blend Native American Community can on TV channel 990 by Venture it, this election’s promise of getting of area sports & events, Native be proud of…my dad taught me Vision customers or on the internet more young voters involved in American music and news and to pursue my dreams and never to at For more politics is nothing but media hype. Classic Rock) worldwide from their quit. Getting to this point hasn’t information on services provided The “kids” might show up to cheer offices in Sisseton. Until recently been easy, but with the backing of by Venture Communications call Barack Obama, maybe sometimes their programming could only be loved ones (some who have taken 1-800-824-7282. for Hillary Clinton or John McCain, heard on computers with an internet the Journey to the Spirit World) To inquire about programming but ultimately the rap is that they connection and while the number it’s given me the push I needed to or advertising on HJ ProVoice won’t even know how to find their hits and listeners have steadily grown pursue my dream of being a radio contact Harold Bernard at polling place on Election Day. (Over 5,000 since Feb. 1st) HJ announcer, producer and manager in 698-6535. But if they met Amy Hulstein, expects even faster growth through the broadcasting field.” Bernard also Current Audio Broadcast Matt Thompson, Dan Hodges or Augustana College’s Amy Hulstein (far left), Matt their partnership with Venture stated that, “Without good people schedule follows. Erik Nyberg, they might become Thompson of Watertown High School, Erik Nyberg of Communications. and the good Lord, I don’t think this believers. They might even gain a bit Monday through Friday Lincoln High School and Dan Hodges of the University “We started HJ ProVoice as a project would have happened and 5-8 a.m. - Native American Mix of hope for the future. production company to offer the even though HJ still has a long way 8-12 p.m. - Rock mix The four area high school and of Sioux Falls at last week’s roundtable discussion Tribe’s Casino properties a local, to go, I hope that I can count on 12-1 p.m. - Native American college students sat down with me to with columnist David Kranz. Photo by Elisha Page/ Native American owned source for the backing from my Tribal people Mix talk politics last week, practicing the Argus Leader. Radio Ad Production.” HJ Manager to help continue bringing some of 1-5 p.m. - Rock mix type of ritual that gives them license Harold Bernard said. “But, it wasn’t the best music in the world into our 5-6 p.m. - Native American Mix to offer knowledgeable commentary a lot of information at one time, and Thompson took issue with that. long until everyone was asking homes and computers at work.” 6-6 a.m. - Rock mix about the 2008 presidential when they don’t handle it then, it “After eight years of George about Pow-Wow Music and when Rod Kusser with Venture Saturday candidates and the races they are is natural for them to kind of shut W. Bush, I don’t think experience would the Tribe get their own Radio Communications sees this as a 6-8 a.m. - Native American Mix running. down and become apathetic about really matters. With the combined Station back. Once you lose a station positive for everyone involved. 8-12 p.m. - Rock mix During the forum - you can the situation.” experience of Dick Cheney, Donald license it’s almost impossible to get “When we heard what HJ ProVoice 12-4 p.m. - The Great Rocking- watch the discussion online at Hulstein agrees that there is a Rumsfeld and George Bush, with another and even though a group was doing and who their target Oldies - they expressed degree of apathy in her generation. the mistakes they put our country recently filed an application for a audience was, we felt that airing HJ 4-6 p.m. - Rock mix their views and dissected the strong She said it is important that young in, I don’t think experience really new station it’s still years away from Pro Voice on our digital TV system 6-7 p.m. - Native American Mix and weak points of the final three. people realize the importance of matters. We need effective change,” becoming a reality . . . if it ever does. could be a win, win situation. We 7-6 a.m. - Rock mix Hulstein, an Augustana College voting. Thompson said. HJ ProVoice is on the air now! “I ‘m are excited to work with the HJ Sunday student, and Nyberg, attending “The problems that we face now As of now, Nyberg is for McCain proud of what we’ve been able to Pro Voice people and feel that the 6-8 a.m. - Native American Mix Lincoln High School, are the are not going to end with the current but said he will continue to weigh accomplish with this technology,” programming is an added value to 8-3 p.m. - Rock mix conservatives. Hodges, attending generation that is in office, and we the candidates’ strengths. Hodges is We’ve taken Native American music, our quality TV entertainment line- 3-6 p.m. - Rocking Country the University of Sioux Falls, and will have to step up. We have to take on the Democratic party side, hoping sports and news around the world, up.” 6-7 p.m. - Native American Mix Thompson, a Watertown High a step up, and that has affected us for change. He looked at the Clinton but now we can bring it back to HJ management is currently 7-6 a.m. - Rock mix School student, identify themselves now.” and Obama campaigns before he the local area and make it available in negotiations with other cable All schedules are tentative and as moderates. Both are supporting Thompson says Obama is the decided. to any home with in the area with systems to add their programming. can change without any given notice. Democrats in this year’s presidential candidate who energizes the minds Regardless of who wins, Venture Vision. And I like to think “We want this to be the first of Any program changes will be posted election. of this generation, emobldening Hulstein said, the world to which the that with all the talk of people many.” Bernard said. on the website - To understand the potential and representing the change that new president must respond will not for a blossoming youth vote, the students want to see. change. Minnesota Legislature for flood relief. students discussed the perception “He goes out and inspires people “So this rhetoric of change is Those residents impacted by the that Obama’s candidacy is the reason who we can relate to. It is an issue great but highly unlikely to happen,” flood who have received financial for any spike in involvement. not of experience but wanting to do she said. “I support John McCain help, received those funds from Nyberg said those who think things, make a foundation to succeed now because he does have the private donations. Obama’s candidacy will help ignite in this country. experience ready to handle [any] Last week marked the one-year says most residents want. In all, the Mayor reports that student interest have the right idea. Clinton’s campaign in particular changes.” anniversary of the early-morning That’s the focus of Browns $280,000 was privately donated. “It is an accurate perception, brings the issue of experience to the (Editor’s note: Matt was elected flood waters that broke through ice Valley’s funding effort. The city has distributed $107,000 especially if Obama is the nominee. table, often criticizing Obama for his Chairman of the Obama campaign jams and covered much of this South The Upper Minnesota River to residents who needed flood You will see a turnaround in the lack of it. for Codington County, he’s working Dakota/Minnesota border down that Watershed District determined that assistance; residents could apply for participating and voting,” Nyberg “Generally, I like the candidates with the regional director to open lies along the Little Minnesota River. creation of a channel around the $1,000 in aid. said. that we have. I am very disappointed an office in Watertown which he And while Browns Valley Mayor city as a diversion could prevent In a second distribution by Hodges said young people want with the experience some candidates will run and manage. He is expected Jeff Backer reports that “most future flooding. That option will cost the Browns Valley Flood Relief to vote, want to know what is going have. I think if you haven’t to bring the campaign to the Lake residents” have received funding to $5,700,000. Houston Engineering, Fund, residents could apply for an on politically. completed a senatorial term, you Traverse Reservation.) help cover their losses, others tell Inc., of Maple Grove, Minn., is additional 3,000. “I think the downfall of young lack the experience necessary to lead him they’ve been neglected. developing the design. Altogether, residents had access people is they feel bombarded with the country,” Hulstein said. He calls the situation hectic. Minnesota Senator Norm to $4,000. the wrong statute; the 180-day rule was missed for Myrna Thompson. “The flood is the easy part. The Coleman pushed through legislation Mayor Backer also said the other; they incarcerated another tribal member for (Editor’s note: We thank Myrna for her open letter. hard part is the recovery,” Backer a bill that would allocate money $160,000 of donated money will be four years who didn’t even commit the crime he was Vince’s court hearing will be held on Monday, April said. — about $735,000 — for Browns used to match grants available from convicted of! And they took four years of his life without 14th, at 3:30 p.m. We would like to clarify one point, Finding money to pay for a Valley’s diversion project. Another the Minnesota Dept. of Natural even an apology or compensation! Unbelievable! about the jail policies and procedures. We too have workable diversion project is what he $2 million has been set aside by the Resources (DNR). And still no one that can make a difference is been deeply troubled by how loudly and how often the looking at the practices that go on in the Roberts County Roberts County Commissioners and States Attorney have They know that more people need to see that, be courtroom. cried about the Jail Administrator not having drafted proud of that and stand behind our brothers/sons! When the US Commission on Civil Rights Office these policies. Well, how many years has it been since the We have a voice and we can all band together and from Denver was here a few years ago, Silke Hansen Commissioners began pushing the new jail onto county make that difference. said it was obvious we needed a Mediation to take taxpayers? A long time. And they are complaining This is Indian Country, this is our family! place between the Tribe and County. She could see our because they don’t have any policies and procedures? Lauren Owen-German. We need to have a tribal meeting on this issue problems, the racism . . . she tried to visit with the What does that tell you about their planning process for soon (Commissioner Buck’s request for a permanent Mayor, Sheriff and School Superintendent . . . I think she this multi-million dollar facility? Oh, and by the way, restraining order against Sheriff Owen)! His hearing is on got lucky with two out of three, then she got called to just so the public knows, the new Roberts County Jail the 20th at 1:00 p.m. (Note: Postponed until Monday, the Katrina/New Orleans disaster and retired after that Policies and Procedures have been completed! Thank April 14, at 3:30 p.m.) And we need to really truly show she ran out of time and never made it back here to follow you, Jail Administrator Chad Ward!) support, speak up and take action. through with the Mediation. This is Indian Country and these are our family Boycott Buck’s! Hit them where it hurts, in their And now this is going on. members. pocketbook! Will Vincent Owen be wrongfully convicted and I was in the Commissioners meeting Tuesday It’s time to unify and stand up against racial lose his job? Will they determine that Chad Ward when the Attorney General was there. He told the injustices in Roberts County. It’s about time we exert is incompetent because the jail policies are not done Commissioners they are walking a fine line with the our tribal strength; our leadership must lead the charge and fire him? I hope not. But it appears the county Protection order on sheriff! $20K bribe they offered Vince on unfounded, false or whatever we do as grassroots people will not matter commissioners want them both gone. I would like to see check this out 5’1” Lil Native girl asked for accusations of harassment. to the leaders in Roberts County. Can they call for a the SWO leaders and the tribal people get behind him protection order on city police officer. No deal! Girlie The Attorney General also told the Commissioners government-to-government meeting and say “Stop, and help him fight this fight for what is right. man county commissioner asked for protection order there was no threat in his eyes in regards to an alleged enough is enough!?” I believe it’s the Indian people that keep the from Native sheriff. Okay. simple assault charge against Vince because of a What they’re doing to Vincent is what they’ve been businesses in Sisseton alive, including Buck’s at the It was a year ago almost at the end of the month. my comment he made to Kenny Buck. What the media and doing to our people all along . . . it’s nothing new . . . it’s Peever exit. They need us more than we need them. We daughter was manhandled by a Sisseton police officer. people do not know and what they SHOULD know is just more publicized. all need to support our tribal gas stations . . . drive a few She is 5’1”, 135 lbs., she had bruises on her arms, that Kenny Buck made a violent threat against Vince Is it because Vincent refuses to be their puppet and more miles to Dakota Connection . . . head banged off of a deck. She was hurting for about a and his family prior to Vince confronting Kenny Buck on refused to resign so now they created the Big Lie to Let me know when his court appearance is, I’ll be week. it. discredit him and ruin his reputation!? there. I asked the judge for a protection order on the I’m sorry but Vince has a right to protect himself, his It seems they want him gone and they don’t care small kids and his wife. how. Tribal members also don’t know how on every They were in executive session . . . who really knows Tuesday during the Commissioners meetings, how Vince if they are not simply collaborating their lie, I mean, (Editor’s note: The following comes from the editor’s to the editor/Open letter to the Oyate, or “opinion” and Chad are subject to constant racial tension, constant story? column and the Sota “deadlines and policies” statement letters, which must be received no later than 10:00 a.m. verbal abuse and mental abuse those Commissioners And they’re not stopping there; they are discrediting published weekly in the Sota.) Thursday). impose on them each and every Tuesday during their Chad, too! Copy to be considered for publication – news, If you are writing an opinion letter, please note that “meetings.” This judicial system has been treating our people, advertising, editorial opinion letters, etc. – are to be it must be signed and the author’s name will appear Vince and Chad have amazing courage and you don’t young and old, unfairly for way too long. They need to submitted either to Tribal headquarters (SWO Mail in print. Letters must not contain libel and must be see them backing down or reporting all the abuse they be investigated; all the cases need to be reviewed so we Room, TiWakan Tio Tipi) or to the Sota U.S. Post Office brief, ideally 500 words or less. Letters may be edited endure on a daily basis with the Commissioners because can see the disparity in sentencing. box (Sota c/o Earth and Sky Enterprises production for content. Omissions will be identified with periods . they know what’s important, their integrity and what Two people were released from prison (unfortunately, office, P.O. Box 5, Wilmot, SD 57279) by 10:00 a.m. on . . editor’s explanations will be provided in [brackets]. benefit our Native people have to having them in those they’re back in now), but they had filed appeals to the Thursday. FAX and e-mail submissions will be accepted Readers who want access to unedited versions will need positions. SD Supreme Court and won. One was charged with until 12:00 noon on Friday (with the exception of letters to contact the authors. Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 5 comfortable being around non-Indian veterans, which the history of the Village Bowl. She Roger you stand behind them, and Sheriff Owen and Jail is kind of ironic, because most of us Indian veterans accomplished her feat on the first Administrator Chad Ward. were held in high regard and were affectionately called game of her three-game series. Her It’s time we let them know taxpayers have the say “Chief ” by our non-Indian comrades. (At the Quantico other scores were a 176 and a 192 to not two or three commissioners and their little petty Navy Hospital a Marine Brigadier General once told me finish a 668 series. group. that he always liked Indians in his outfit.) Meanwhile, “There was a lot of shaking, I As for harassment against me, that won’t keep me back in Sisseton, the unfortunate reality is that we (Editor’s note: The following so proud of her and her bowling was very nervous,” said Joseph, who away from meetings. have always lived in a segregated society, maybe, not article was published in the March accomplishments. Whitney is the bowls for the North 40 Barn team in My ole FBI buddy that’s retired is coming for a visit as segregated as it once was. As a result, strangely, we 8, 2008 edition of the Aberdeen great granddaughter of Florence the Federal Employee Mixed League. soon and he will be by my side for awhile. Till then Chief actually “enjoy” our self-imposed segregation. I won’t American News. The clipping came BlueDog-Christenson with many “The bowling alley pretty much Hess his officers and the Sheriff’s Department will see call it racism or prejudice. The simple fact is we all feel to us from Whitney’s parents Karen relatives living in the Enemy went quiet.” I’m okay. more comfortable being around our own people. Back in and Frank Joseph, who write the Swim/Waubay area. Her paternal With a career average of 186, I’ll stay with a friend when my employer is out of early 1968 I went into the local VFW for a beer and was following: Enclosed is an American grandfather, Albert Joseph lives Joseph has been bowling since she town if need be. turned away at the door. I am not sure if that incident News article about our daughter, in Wagner, S.D.; and her paternal was six years old. She had come close Thanks for all the support, phone calls, visits and the was racially motivated or just some over-zealous door Whitney Joseph, who is a member grandmother Emma Jackson- to perfection before, with a previous beautiful flowers. I’ve said on a whole Roberts Co is full keeper. Whatever, I never went back to the VFW. I of the SWO, Enemy Swim District, Mitchell lives in Wood, S.D.) high game of 296, and had some of marvelous people. belong to the American Legion but I only go on Veterans who we believe is the first Native close calls in practice games, as well. God Bless you all! By the American News Days to pay my dues and eat, even though the Post bears woman to bowl a 300 game. “It was exciting for me because Claudia Boelman. Sport Staff my brother’s name. I like to think I get along as well as Whitney also captured titles that Patrons at the Village Bowl got one of the things I’ve wanted since P.S. Frank Nelson de Padilla totally misstated anyone, but having a choice, which I do, I would rather qualified her to compete at Nationals to see history in the making Friday I was a little kid was to get a 300 everything about the organization I belong to in the hang out with other Indian vets. That doesn’t make me a in 2005 and 2006 vying for a spot night courtesy of Whitney Joseph of in Aberdeen,” said Joseph, who will Courier. We are under the Federal Discrimination and racist it is just the way it is. In the same regard, we have on the USBC Junior Team USA to Aberdeen. participate in the state tournament Civil Rights Act, this branch came in in 1993. We do not four SWO veteran organizations and as far as I know represent the USA in national and Joseph, 20, became the first being hosted by the Village Bowl in even have a website unless you want to look up federal no non-Indian is a member. I am sure they would be international competition. We are female bowler to roll a 300 game in a couple of weeks. civil rights. He needs to get his facts straight before he starts throwing stones. welcomed but they would probably feel out of place. So, I conclude that it is not about race, it is just the way it is Sisseton police officer but he said no. with us human beings. Are these County Commissioners just girlie men or A young Dakota Indian goes into the military, does drama queens? their time and gets out, end of story. Or, they go into DCI came and did what the they do not much. the military, come home, and hope their service means What a joke! something to someone. Like the VA, which provides I called KELO-land, did they put on the news? No. Well, here is another chapter of the two Recent events have compelled me to write this medical care and guarantee’s home loans; or the federal The Watertown Public Opinion knew about it. Did commissioners going after the Sheriff and Jail letter. You know I was born in Sisseton, grew up on government which gives employment preference to the they put it on the front page? No. Administrator because they won’t be their “boys.” 2nd Ave. and with the exception of college, have made veteran you kind of expect our tribal government to also What a bunch of girlie men you should be ashamed Buck failed to mentioned he asked someone “to my home here. I really like Sisseton. I am proud to be provide some kind of benefits or preference for being a of your self. take care of the troublemakers” -- that’s those two, their from here. I have traveled extensively throughout the veteran. At different times in my life I have possessed When a little girl can get manhandled and still families, and anyone that stands up for them. U.S. and wherever I went, people had heard of Sisseton. both attitudes. When I came home in 1967, up until my sand up I wonder if these so-called men question their Of course, I’m very vocal so I’m on of the list Tribal people (the SWO) have put us on the map by trouble with the last tribal council, I took my military manhood. Not much of a man. and believe me I’ve been harassed. To the point I got being a progressive, innovative, and modern nation. service for granted. I didn’t want anything or expect Boys get real! physically sick and had to go on medicine for anxiety. Lowell Lundstrom put us in the nation’s eye with anything from the tribe. I did my time in the service and Todd Kampeska. Then they say it was just a joke?!?! S.I.S.S.E.T.O.N on his broadcasts. that was that. When my troubles with the tribe began Harassing a senior citizen is funny? I have to admit that I, too, have my faults. I don’t in 2004 I actually thought my status as a tribal veteran Strange sense of humor and quite sick and evil in my like illegal immigrants, didn’t care for Asians because would mean something. Surely, tribal councilmen book. What hurts is I respected Buck and thought he my brother was killed in Vietnam, don’t like foreigners veterans Scott German, Myron Williams, Ron Dumarce was just being led around by the nose by Hull and would who move here and can’t or won’t talk English. I think and Mike Peters would take my veteran status into wake up. I hate it when I’m wrong about people. it really has to do with respect. I can’t respect someone consideration. (Incidentally, I recall a time in Vietnam I was told months ago that if people didn’t agree who is not going to respect me, my people and my The article in the Public Opinion dated 03-12-08 when I was cold, wet, hungry, dirty, lonely, too pissed with this bunch of egomaniacs (think they own the country. Every individual deserves respect. By not giving regarding Attorney General (AG) Larry Long “visit” off to be scared, standing in the driving monsoon rain, county and he was one of them) they’d run them out of a person the chance to show how respectful they are (or with The Roberts County Commissioners (RCC) should eating cold c-rations, and I thought to myself, when I get the county. I’m still here. I just have to get well again not) you’re being prejudice. concern all tribal members. I’m glad Commission home everything will be okay, the rest of my life will be and get over this fear. The older I get, the more I think about racism. A Chairman Louis Voeltz kept the meeting open to gravy, all gravy) Hull doesn’t want me doing AA meetings in the jail! lot of the time I think its bull, especially in a community the public. Regarding Commissioner Kenny Buck’s Certainly, the tribe pays a lot of lip service and They’ve never had anyone who cared about such as ours. We all know one another, lived amongst allegations, a few things should be made clear. How spends over a million dollars a year on the elderly the inmates getting a chance to change and he wants to each other for years. Hell, some of us even married come what could be perceived as a personnel issue with and tribal veteran organizations. So, I was kind of get rid of someone who does. whites, and there certainly are lots of Native and White the Sheriff is open to public discussion, but any and expecting that my veteran status would be taken into Pierre couldn’t believe there had never been an AA mixed babies. all preceding statements Buck made are closed? What consideration. I was sadly mistaken. Being a tribal meeting there now they want it gone. There have been attempts at reconciliation between statements did Commissioner Buck make to the Sheriff’s member veteran didn’t mean jack-cesdi to the former And they want Federal inmates? Do they not the tribal and non-tribal people, and then some jerk family? Were they made in his official capacity as a tribal council. Whereas, non-Indian, non-tribal member, know the Feds like AA and other programs during comes along and makes their small-minded and petty spokesman for the RCC, as he seems to indicate in the non-veteran Travis Carrico, the former CEO of Dakota confinement? remarks. That’s fear and insecurity. You know what; article? If so then why hasn’t he written a pubic letter to Nation Gaming, was the lad that Big Nick, Smokey, How happy are they going to be and how many everyone in the community should take a look around that effect? Is he so limited that he thinks talking is the Barb, Ron, Myron, JC, Scott, Mike, Kevin, and Karen inmates they going to send when they find this out? Nil, and realize that we all need each other. If it wasn’t for only form of communication, or is it that he can’t string listened and looked up too. No white person, on or off they can go else where. the tribe and local farmers, this town would have blown sentences together in an understandable manner? Can this reservation, has ever disrespected me like SWO BIA, who is looking at closing their jail and away a long time ago. he only run his mouth in a closed executive session and tribal veterans Scott, Myron, Ron, and Mike did. All the contracting with Sheriff and Jail Administrator to take I always say, if you don’t like it here then move away, not in a public meeting? I say tribal members should while they were shafting me our veteran leaders were theirs, that would be a big contract! But do these two get a different life. Or change your attitude. It is the 21st support Sheriff Owen by boycotting Kenny Buck’s place “promoting and protecting” their own self-interests. commissioners care? No, they just want to be Boss. As Century, we could possibly have a woman or BLACK of business; then see what tune he sings. Here is what the last tribal council veterans Scott, Glen Hull says as he hits the table, “We’re the Boss president, how’s that jive with racist minds and lifestyles? A comment by Commissioner Glen Hull, regarding, Myron, Ron, and Mike received in wages, incentives, because we got the check book.” Martha Renville. “a common thing among many businesses,” needs further annual leave and severance pay from January 2003 to He’s delusional. He needs to go to commissioners exploration. This pertains to the bribe that Roberts December 2006. Scott German received $429,436.84. school and see what his role really is. County Sheriff Vincent Owen stated was offered by the Myron Williams was paid $386,987.51. Mike Peters BIA will not contract here if Sheriff Owen and Chad RCC to not perform his sworn duties. As a Monday- was paid $428,814.35 and Ron Dumarce was paid Ward are gone. Call and talk to them. Neither will other morning-quarterback, I think he should have taken the $392,907.27. Additionally, Scott German took 30 trips Sheriffs so you’ll sit with your 7 million dollar jail with check cashed it and continued on the job, then let the that he still owes $11,775.10 for. Myron “The Traveler” just regular inmates and you can’t run the jail on that. RCC wipe the egg off their faces (as in, egg-sucking- (Editor’s note: Grady’s letter is being published without Williams took 72 trips and still owes $11,637.99. Ron Shows these people think more of their own agenda dog). Let the RCC produce a budget for the taxpayers any editorial changes, but readers should be aware that took 35 trips and still owes $6,763.82. The report that I than of the county. that shows the extra monies to pay this amount of money the Sota cannot verify any of the salaries/compensation am quoting from also shows that Scott, Ron, Kevin, and Oh well, another county has offered me pay for to one individual. If the RCC’s rubberstamping attorney, packages or trip reports/debts owed he states here as Big Nick attended a workshop in Sioux Falls on October doing alcohol and drug counseling at their jail and to Kay Nikolas, is a mouthpiece for the RCC and they fact.) 26, 2006, entitled “Surviving the Single Audit Act.” I do AA meetings. I don’t take pay anymore because I’m were so concerned with their acknowledgement (bribe) Several years ago I was reading an early remind you that in October 2006 they only had two retired so those commissioners okayed mileage, meals about Sheriff Owen’s dependents, why didn’t they offer explorer’s account of the eastern Dakota Indian. months left on their four year terms. Pretty funny huh, and motel. Said these commissioners were idiots not to a bigger salary to start with? If their concern is genuine, Years ago it seems the Dakota called the Lakota “The they couldn’t seem to get the tribal audits done on time want me. why not raise his salary now? He’s certainly put up with Braggers.” At that time the Lakota’s were the largest and after three years and ten months in office they go to I quote their chairman’s statement “Who better enough redneck BS from the RCC to deserve it. and most feared nation in the region and I suppose they an audit workshop. I don’t make this stuff up! Ask your to help the inmates than someone who’s been there Hopefully, Nikolas will be removed from office had a tendency to boost and brag around the “lesser” council person to see the same report. and been sober a long time. Oh well, Roberts County ASAP for gross incompetence, as the statements by AG Dakota’s. Let me do a little bragging of my own. I Switching gears, several people have asked me who I Commissioners, some of them have been acting like Long showed. She could’ve called the AG’s office and would stack up the Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota warrior think reported me to the State Banking Division. I don’t kindergartners lately.” got the information. “A common thing among many against any band or tribe of Indians. The modern day know, but I am sure it was an Oyate. If the rat-finks “Don’t know how Chairman Voeltz stands it, he’s businesses” (other counties) is that the Sheriff runs his Sisseton Wahpeton warriors have did their share of want to report some real crime and save society here a good man, I know him and we hear Stickland has his personnel, not a micro-managing bunch of would- fighting for this great country. On Monday March 3, is something to report to the Federales. Listen up! The head on too.” End of quote. be-politicians who cannot follow their budget. Again, 2008 tribal member Woodrow Keeble was awarded the last tribal councils received a $19 million dollar IHS They even know there’s a deputy backstabbing the produce for the taxpayers of Roberts County the budget Medal of Honor. On Wednesday March 5, 2008 , Ulysses construction contract to build the new healthcare facility. Sheriff and a courthouse employee doing the same. showing the Office of Sheriff has an amount budgeted Abraham, former POW, journeyed to the spirit world. I Well, it seems they took $1.8 million dollars of that All Sheriffs are watching to see what happens, as that is double his hired salary PRIOR to offer. Nikolas was told about another Korean War veteran, Henry Grey federal money and transferred it into tribal accounts to are other commissioners. Even the States Attorney I should’ve been backing Sheriff Owen on all the recent Buffalo, who came home on furlough before shipping out make tribal payroll, etc. This is a big no-no. You don’t had so much respect for has fallen in with them and personnel matters when the RCC was sticking their noses to Korea and he sensed that it would it would be his last take federal money appropriated to build a healthcare they’re even blackening her name. She had in paper she’s into matters where they didn’t belong. trip home. At the train station his mother held him and facility and use it to make tribal payroll. As a result a writing policies and procedures by American Corrections AG Long’s prejudicial statements of his past issues in just sobbed. Despite his apprehension Henry got on the financial crisis may be in the making (Again). To address Association guidelines. Only nine SD correction places Bennett County should be disregarded. Tribal members train and the troop ship that took him to Korea where the latest crisis the tribal executive officers recently put a have this and they are all juvenile facilities except in that county should have equal time in response. AG he would met his final fate. In all wars twenty-six brave freeze on all payroll related expenditures (bonuses, raises, Pennington County, and they did because of their Long’s statements that the a couple Bennett County Sisseton and Wahpeton’s gave their lives in service to our cost of living increases, etc). It is very likely that our juvenile facility. It doesn’t fit our adult jail. Sheriffs were “oil and water” make it seem like Sheriff country. Brave, faithful, and loyal Sisseton Wahpeton broke tribe will have to pay the $1.8 million dollar back. Of course commissioners want liability covered and Owen is the same type, which I do not believe is the case. Akicitas! At this time no one is sure where the $1.8 million dollars I’m sure it is. A final question I have is where is the Oyate on Recent events have gotten me thinking about what it will come from. (May I suggest Shakopee. They owe us All you have to do is call Chad and he’ll tell you. this matter? Where are the Tribal Executives and Tribal means to be a Sisseton Wahpeton veteran. I think most for getting us kicked out of Minnesota). So there you You are a taxpayer its your jail. Otherwise I’m told Council? As Long Hollow District member, I support of us Sisseton and Wahpeton veterans don’t think of go “haters” check that out and go report it to someone. that’s it. Other Sheriffs don’t have this problem, say once Sheriff Owen. Schedule some public meetings to address ourselves as Sisseton vets or Roberts County veterans Leave me alone, I am just a nickel and dime Indian commissioners find out they are covered for liability as this matter, and I’ll take time-off work to attend. or South Dakota veterans. We are more inclined to business man trying to survive in Oyate-land where much as possible, then they’re happy. Respectfully, Francis M. Simon, SWO member, think of ourselves as Sisseton Wahpeton veterans. Sure, sometimes being a decorated veteran doesn’t Leave the rest to Sheriff and Jail Administrator. Sisseton. some of us belong to the local American Legion and mean jack-cesdi. Until next time, peace and fry bread All their bickering, just shows they will do anything Veterans of Foreign War organizations, but for the most grease. to get rid of these two Indian men and don’t care how part we consider ourselves Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Grady Renville, [email protected]/. low they have to stoop. Tribe veterans. Why is that? It would be my guess Residents of Roberts co please attend commissioner that many Indian veterans don’t exactly feel welcomed at meetings in droves and let Louie, Dean and I’m hoping basically non-Indian veteran organizations or don’t feel Page 6 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008

iospa Zina’s Elementary Destination Imagination team took first place in its division, Hit or TMyth, at the Northeastern Regional Destination Imagination Competition, held Saturday, March 8th 2008 at Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD. Coaches for the team were Lacey The team will advance to state Schimmel-Boik and Basil Knebel. competition On April 5th in Pierre. Here is the current menu for Tiospa Zina Tribal School. Monday, March 24: breakfast -- bran muffin, applesauce, cereal, juice, milk; lunch -- chicken pot pie, rice, fresh vegetables, PB&J sandwiches, apples with caramel sauce, salad, milk/chocolate milk. Tuesday, March 25: breakfast -- sausage bagel, cereal, juice, milk; lunch -- Mr. McRib Patie and bun, Jo-Jo seasoned potatoes, Kosher dills, chocolate pudding, salad, milk/ chocolate milk. Wednesday, March 26: breakfast -- pancakes, syrup, ham pattie, cereal, juice, milk; lunch -- potato nacho supreme, corn, brownie, Jello with fruit, salad, milk/chocolate milk. Thursday, March 27: breakfast -- blueberry muffins, bananas, Students pictured are, from left: front -- Taylor Anderson, Noelle Robertson, Jada Congratulations to the Tiospa Gayton, Tina Genia, Frank Goodsell, cereal, juice, milk; lunch -- meat Redday, Samantha Guerue, Maycee Crawford; back (between Knebel and Schimmel) Zina Tribal School National Cedric Jensen, Conrad Hisgun, loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, -- Tara Genia. Not pictured is Felicity Nicolar. Breakfast Week winners. Seth Martinez, Sheldon Bird, Alyssa California blend, strawberry short Grades K-12: Brown, Belle Brave Bull, Phillip cake, salad, milk/chocolate milk. pudding with fruit, salad, milk/ fresh veggies, ranch, cheese sticks, Rayanna Big Horn, Stevie Ray Jackson, DeJon Jayden Hansen, Tyra Friday, March 28: breakfast -- chocolate milk. apricots, salad, milk/chocolate milk. Shepherd, Alexis St. John, Rebecca Messerly, Darius Matthew Montana, breakfast casserole, toast, jelly, cereal, Monday, March 31: breakfast -- Note: Menu is subject to Shepherd, Hannah Genia, Morning Rose Sierra Brandon, Mariah Dianna. juice, milk; lunch -- chili dogs, bun, omelet, sausage pattie, cereal, juice, change. Star Shania DuMarce, Sharnell *All winners received a $25 gift tri-taters, chocolate chip, vanilla milk; lunch -- beef stew, biscuits, Seaboy, Danielle Seaboy, DeCoteau, card from Wal-Mart Super Center.

haun’s 4th grade recently worked on a readers theatre during Read Across America Week. SThe title was “Blame it on the Wolf.” They performed for the kindergarteners. Here are some photo highlights of the project. Here are the wolf (Mona), Hansel (kasey), Gretel (Myra), Judge (Mikel) and Officer (Hunter).

The three pigs (left to right): Jurae, Avery, and Malvin.

Pictured: front -- Chicken Little (Hunter), Iggie the Piggie (Jurae), Big Bad Wolf (Mona), and Gretel (Myra); back -- Old Red (AVery), Little Red (Malvin), Henny Penny (Jacob), Hansel (Kasey), Judge (Mikel), and Turkey Lurkey (Paige).

TIOSPA ZINA TRIBAL SCHOOL CAREER DAY 2008 April 4, 2008 • 9:00 a.m. - Noon Tiospa Zina Tribal School Gym The Kindergarteners watching the performance. For further information contact Lisa Red Wing at 605-698-4901 Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 7

hole Shebang is a group for students in grades 7-12 who Ware committed to living a healthy lifestyle, exhibiting our five Dakota values, and staying alcohol, drug and violence free. Together they strive to develop projects and community service. alternative fun activities and to These students and others positively affect the attitudes of earned this trip to Andes Tower others in our community through Hills, in Alexandria MN. involvement in educational

Chyna Simon, Michael German, Austin German. Raymond Hadiz, Katlynn Renville, Casey Heminger.

Leilani Bernard.

Elias Iron Heart, Jory Bird, Aaron Hill.

Ashley King, Butchie Eastman, Austin German.

Truck Mesteth.

Lane Quinn, Casey Heminger, Samantha Heminger, LeeAnne LaVoy Jackson, Kegg. ViJay Crawford.

Maria Heminger, Katlynn Renville, Casey Heminger, Aaron Hill, Leilani Bernard, Gabby Neilan.

iospa Zina Elementary celebrated Dr. Seuss’ TBirthday and Read Across America Week on March 3-7. Students dressed up according to a different Dr. Seuss book each day. On Monday, a shared DEAR time was held in the 3-5 Commons. The fun week ended on Friday with students participating in stations where they read Dr. Seuss books and completed an activity based on the book.

Cat in the Hat visiting first graders.

Thing 1 (Carrie Azure), Cat in the Hat (Karen Medhaug), and Thing 2 (Lacey Schimmel).

Cat in the Hat visiting Kindergarten class. Here are 3rd-5th grade students reading in the Commons. Page 8 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008

he past few months have been cold but the TZTS fifth graders have been burning up the Tbooks by reading, reading, and more reading. During the months of January and February, report and making a life size drawing of that the students focused on reading a biography person. They were then put up in the hallway about someone of interest to them, writing a for all to enjoy. Nice job, Fifth Graders!

Cetan Heminger and Leif Ericson. Jack Crawford and Martin Luther King, Jr. Austin Shepherd and Squanto. Brandy Heminger and Mother Belle BraveBull and Theresa. Pocahontas.

Ceyanna and Elvis. David and Richie Valens. Gokoh and Marco Polo.

Daphne and Pocahontas. Jarrell Adams and Yao Ming.

Jeffery and Albert Einstein. Tara and Sacagawea.

Sheridan and Rosa Parks. Laney Iron Hawk and Jane Goodall.

Tyrel Fallis and Jim Thorpe.

Starr and Helen Keller. Lucille and Jane Goodall. Middle School PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) and the Parent Resource Connection. Student of the Month for Peter and Henry Ford. February 6th: Natalie Prins, Dakota Looking Ahead Thursday, March 20 - End of participating. Students will sign Redding, Keith Rolstad, Jacob 1st Quarter up in the Middle School office to Jayson Gill and Michael Haug. Friday, March 21 - No School - be participants in the ‘game show’. Jordan. 7th: Weston Leverson, Good Friday Five partner groups will be selected Jordan Rolstad, Dusty Powelson, Monday, March 22 - No School to participate. The winner from Grade Fear Factor - 12:00-1:00 in come and support the Sisseton Courtney Heminger, Olivia Rice, - Easter Monday each grade will be advanced to the the multipurpose room Middle School in our attempt to Sonya Klemm, William Benson. The Week of March 31st - Grand Finale ‘Fear Factor’ on Friday Thursday March 27th - 6th kick off testing in a positive way 8th: Aaron Peterson, Lexie Testing where they will take on each other Grade Fear Factor - 12:00-1:00 in and encourage our students to be Barse, Austin Goodteacher, John FEAR FACTOR as well as some teacher groups! the multipurpose room confident and successful testers! Farmen, Brittany Guy, Megan ‘Take the FEAR out of testing’ PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED Friday March 28th - Grand A reminder that testing will Bostrom, Brent Archer, Brittany Jasmine Crawford and Sally Cleveland. The Sisseton Middle School is TO ATTEND! The grade schedule Finale Fear Factor - 2:00-3:00 in begin on Monday March 31st and Ride. going to have a kick-off to testing is as follows: the multipurpose room (if space run through Friday April 4th. lease week. The festivities will begin Tuesday March 25th - 8th allows). make an extra effort to make sure Tuesday March 25th and continue Grade Fear Factor - 12:00-1:00 in Each session will be concluded your students are in attendance on through Friday March 28th. Each the multipurpose room with testing tips that will help ‘take these days! day there will be a different class Wednesday March 26th - 7th the FEAR out of testing’. Please Sponsored by the Sisseton Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 9

OST runs Monday-Thursday Teacher Conferences 2-7 p.m.; 3-5 p.m. There is no OST on Family Movie Night 7 p.m. Fridays or where otherwise noted “Enchanted.” on the calendar. Thursday, March 20: Spring Character Counts Pillar of the Break; First Day of Spring. Month: Caring, “Waonsidanun.” Friday, March 21: Spring Here are current activities Brfeak planned at Enemy Swim Day Sunday, March 23: Easter. School. Monday, March 24: Spring Tuesday, March 18: Begin 4th Break. quarter; OST spring celebration; Tuesday, March 25: BIA Fire Parent Training. Safety Presentation, 4th/5th Wednesday, March 19: No grades 9 a.m. OST; 1 p.m. early release; Parent-

n March Hapan Danley started Ia new project with Afterschool students – cooking. llan Owen of the FACE program at Enemy Swim Day School was awarded the February Students will be learning how “Employee of the month” award. to make simple nutritional snack A with her. Allan achieved the most criteria for the The Enemy Swim Day School drum group sang in This week they got started; month in the areas of attendance, being on time, his honor. here are several pictures. completing a time card each day, documenting work The FACE center-based adults have been accomplished, leaving a neat work space at the end learning about and practicing good work habits as of the day, and volunteering for extra duties in the part of their adult education time. Two other adults classroom. Allan has been an active participant were also recognized this month for their excellent in the FACE program for three years. Allan was work habits – Marlys Robertson and Desirae Ortley. honored during culture class with Danny Seaboy.

ach day during ESDS Afterschool time students are given Ethe opportunity to participate in Service Projects. These can be thank you gifts They did the limbo, had After all the physical activity to school staff members, table hoola hoop relays, danced the there sampled exotic fresh fruit favors for area nursing homes, hokie pokie freeze danced and all and had ice cold water. decorations for elderly housing, sorts of fun activities. cards to soldier, or a number The students were also of other projects to help make rewarded with Hawaiian lays. their community better and give something back to their community. This week those students who have participated in 5 or more service projects this year were treated to a Hawaiian luau in the gym.

Limbo -- Jordee.

Hoola- he first graders at ESDS have been studying about up a Tmagnets. storm! This week we read the story magnets using a needle and a “Mickey’s Magnet” and did magnet. They had a great time some fun activities. The students learning about magnetism. learned how to make their own

Doin’ the Hokie Pokie!

wheat toast; lunch -- fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, peas and carrots, whole wheat bread, Here is the current menu at pineapple; snack - Krispie bar, SWO Head Start. apple juice. Tuesday, March 18: breakfast Tuesday, March 25: breakfast -- apple cinnamon muffin, -- cinnamon/raisin oatmeal, applesauce; lunch -- Swedish peaches, whole wheat toast; meatballs, noodles, carrots, wheat lunch -- lowfat pizza, tossed bread, apricots; snack -- Graham salad, applesauce; snack -- Animal crackers, grape juice. crackers, orange juice. Wednesday, March 19: Wednesday, March 26: breakfast -- Kix, pears; lunch breakfast -- Corn Chex, banana; -- beef taco, cheese, tomato and lunch -- tator tot hot dish, mixed lettuce, Mexican corn, mixed fruit; fruit, whole wheat bread; snack -- snack -- raspberry yogurt, milk. strawberry shortcake, grape juice. Thursday, March 20: breakfast Thursday, March 27: breakfast -- French toast, pineapple, peanut -- biscuits and gravy, pears; lunch butter; lunch -- chili, peas and -- beef stew, crackers, corn bread, carrots, wheat bread, peaches; apricots; snack -- breadsticks, snack -- pumpkin bar, orange pizza sauce, orange juice. Prescription for fun and learning! juice. 1% milk served to children 3-5 Monday, March 24: breakfast years in Head Start. -- Wheaties, grapefruit, whole Menu subject to change. Page 10 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Find the Decorated Egg which has been hidden somewhere on the Lake Traverse Reservation


You Could WIN a $100 Gift Certificate from Super Valu! Check out the Sota to read the clues that are going to help you find the Easter Egg! Here are the FINAL clues: Open to all High School Boys & Girls Teams $100.00 entry fee & registration due by March 26th, 2008 at 4:30 p.m. * I’ll HUFF & puff & I’ll blow your house down. * Tournament brackets will be available the following week. Please submit Our ARCH isn’t golden. roster with entry fee. Players must be in high school. * I can see a CLOUD from where I sit. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th place Trophies “A scavenger, like an offender, will prey on your vulnerability . . . do not Championship & All Tourney Jackets to be awarded. fall victim . . . BE AWARE” Other activities: Deadline for finding the egg and claiming the prize is BEFORE NOON on Friday, *Three point shot contest. March 21st as we will be closing in observance of Good Friday. If the egg is *Slam dunk contest. found before this date, the finder is welcome to bring it in and claim the prize. *Hot shot contest boy & girl team. Otherwise, everything must be done before noon on Good Friday. *Free throw contest. Our usual business hours are 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. For more information call: Sisseton-Wahpeton Victims Assistance Program Travis Max Sr. (605-698-7131) or (605-932-3713) ( cell 268-4150) P.O. Box 509 - Agency Village, SD 57262 Felix Renville Jr. (605-698-7131) or (605-742-0256) 605-698-3151 1-888-252-0082 (after hrs.)

Congressional aides meet with SWO Head Start Director during recent visit to Lake Traverse Reservation. Pictured, from left, are: $5 Admission includes skates, Easter bag, and Easter egg hunt (with Tonya Peterson, outreach prizes). aide to U.S. Senator Tim Come Skate with the Easter Bunny! All ages welcome. Johnson; Head Start Director Pictures can be taken with the Easter Bunny for $3. Renetta Goeson; and Connie Proceeds from the pictures will go to the new Teen Center in Sisseton. Williams, outreach aide for U.S. Representative Center; and Russell Hawkins, these meetings. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin. Superintendent, Sisseton Agency. In As always, if there are any addition, Tonya attended the SWO further concerns, please do not Wind Feasibility Study meeting held hesitate to contact us at my at the Community Center. Aberdeen Office at 605-226-3440 These Outreach Days help or on our toll free line at information and feedback that she me maintain communication with 1-800-537-0025. received from local citizens and local communities regarding their Sincerely, Tim Johnson, United community leaders during her visit. local needs and concerns. Much of States Senate. Tonya had the opportunity this information is also very helpful to meet with several community as we draft legislation that will affect the citizens of South Dakota. leaders while visiting Agency Visit Sota on-line Senator Johnson thanks Oyate for Village. She met with Dustina Gill Again, I thank everyone who shared hosting outreach aide -- in Chairman Selvage’s office; Gary information and opinions during sota.html Gaikowski, Chief of Police; Renetta March 11, 2008 met with my Staff Assistant, Tonya Goeson, Director of SWO Head I would like to thank the people Peterson during a recent Outreach Start; Lester Crawford, Director of of Lake Traverse Reservation who Day. Tonya updated me on the Sisseton-Wahpeton Elderly Nutrition Pizza Hut invites you to come and support . . . Kindergarten Screening and Registration Sioux Voices Club at SHS Wednesday, March 19th, 2008 For the Sisseton School District 54-2 4:00-8:00 p.m. Will be held on Sisseton Pizza Hut March 18th, 19th, 20th 2008 Phone 698-4191 At Westside Elementary School Pizza Hut will donate 20% of your purchases on the “Fun”Draiser Night Areas screened will be: to Sioux Voices! *Gross and Fine Motor Skills. *Conceptual Skills. *Language Skills. Any child in the Sisseton School District that will be five years old on or before 9-1-07 is eligible. For more information, call 698-7613 menu #1. 9-4tc

Monday-Thursday: the teachers introduce & demonstrate “special needs activities” in their classrooms. Parents & grandparents are invited to attend & participate with the children.

Friday, March 28, 2008 In Honor of Disabilities Awareness Week DR. ERICH LONGIE Will Present Topic: “The Power Of Appreciation and How To Focus On The Well- Parent & Teacher Involvement In Special Education ness of Children.” WHEN: Friday, March 28, 2008 Speaker: Mary Beth Kirk, School Counselor, Enemy Swim Day School. Time: 9:30 a.m.-12:00 noon (for teachers/aides/professionals) Lunch: 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. Date: Thursday, March 20, 2008. Time: 1:00 pm – 3:30 p.m. (for parents/guardians/professionals) Location: Dakota Connection Conference Room. WHERE: Sisseton-Wahpeton College Log Cabin Center, Agency Village, SD 57262. Time: 5:00 to 7:00 p.. ---- YOU ARE INVITED --‑ Supper will be served. Parents, guardians, teachers, teacher aides, professionals (continental breakfast served: 8:30-9:00 a.m.) For more information, cotact Amy Crawford or Dr. Sonia Magat at FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 698-4400, Ext 300. Call SWO Head Start: 605-698-3103, ext. 20 or 21 Vol. 39 Section Two - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 No. 12

(Editor’s note: We are grateful to have these photographs taken at the March 3rd, 2008 White House Medal of Honor presentation and ceremony later at the Pentagon inducting Master Sergeant Woodrow W. Keeble into the Hall of Heroes.)

Russell Hawkins, Kurt Blue Dog and the Secretary of the Army at the unveiling of Woody’s picture and citation for the Hall of Heroes Induction at the Pentagon.

Kurt BlueDog, Russell Hawkins and George Bush in the East Room of the Zion Zetina with grandfather White House, Medal of Honor ceremony. Woody Keeble’s Medal of Honor poster at the Pentagon.

Woody’s place in the Hall Woody Keeble’s family in the Blue Room of the White House: Sandra Melius, KurtBlue of Heroes. Dog (back), Charlotte Rockwood Strutz, Brian BlueDog, Kaya Fitz Hawkins holding Holden Hawkins, Cyrus Hawkins, Woodrow Hawkins, Russ and Diana Hawkins, Shobi Zetina, Kathryn H. Akipa, Jasmin Zetina, Gabe Guy and Zion Zetina. Not pictured, but present, were Patrick Woodrow Rockwood, Andrea Melius and daughters Versailles and Isabella.

Here are Shobi Zetina, Woody’s granddaughter, Kathryn Akipa, Woody’s grandchildren Jasmin and Zion Zetina, and great grandson Gabriel Guy.

Sisseton-Wahpeton Vietnam Veterans Honor Guard members Dayton Seaboy, Commander Lincoln DeMarrias, Darrell White, and Duane “Doc” Wanna at the White House.

Camille Sine, Imogen Red Elk, Jasmin Zetina, Rachael German, Diana Hawkins, Shobi Zetina, Sarah Crawford, Rachel Sine, granddaughters of Woody Keeble.

Pictured, from left, are Kathryn Akipa (Woody’s daughter), Ama Dwimoh, Audrey German, Teri Erdrich, Debbie Crawford, Lois Crawford (all Woody’s nieces). Page 12 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Washington, DC, March 13, 2008 -- The United in construction or repair of Native American health States Senate Thursday overwhelmingly passed an facilities. amendment authored by Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) The increase will also strengthen contract health to increase funding for Indian Health Care by $1 billion. services, which allows the Indian Health Service (IHS) The final vote was 69 to 30. and tribal health facilities to purchase medical care and This increase is another step forward for Indian urgent health care services when they can’t provide it. health care in recent weeks but still leaves a long way to It is common in Indian Country to hear “don’t get sick go. after June” because IHS funding has usually run out by “The Senate today recognized the need to fund then, if not earlier. Indian health care and I am very pleased that we’ve “Standing up and doing the right thing for Native taken the first step toward meeting our obligations to Americans has been a long time coming. We promised First Americans. My top priority as Chairman of the to provide their health care and we haven’t come close to Indian Affairs Committee has been to improve Indian keeping that promise. We started today,” Dorgan said. K.M. Venkat Narayan, M.D., chief of the Diabetes and women. “Exercising thirty minutes per day, five health care, first by passing the Indian Health Care “When over $800 million is spent in Iraq for health care Epidemiology Section at the Centers for Disease Control to seven times a week and keeping your weight under Improvement Act, which we did overwhelmingly in projects, it’s high time to start spending some money and Prevention in Atlanta, Ga. control with a healthy diet,” explains Narayan. February. Now we need to fund it,” Dorgan said. here at home.” Although the number of people suffering from The funding means increases for both Indian health By Indian Health Service’s own admission it is SOURCES diabetes is at an all-time high, there are measures people Bhasin S, Enzlin P, et al. Sexual dysfunction in men care services, such as hospital services and mental health underfunded by at least 40 percent or roughly $2 billion. can take to cut their risk. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and women with endocrine disorders. Lancet. 2007 Apr care, and facilities, which are currently crumbling The funding passed today will only cut the deficit in half. can lower the chance of getting diabetes for both men 21; 369 (9570): 1346. across the country. There is a nearly $3 billion backlog Most parents are in the dark regarding the Statement from NCAI President Joe Garcia -- Health and wellness column – popularity and dangers of inhalant use. But children are quickly discovering that common household products are inexpensive to obtain, easy to hide and the easiest way to get high. According to national surveys, inhaling dangerous products is becoming one of the most widespread problems in the country. It is as popular WASHINGTON—March 13, 2008—National health of Native Americans seriously and it is more than as marijuana with young people. More than a million Congress of American Indians (NCAI) President Joe A. encouraging. Improving health care for Native people is people used inhalants to get high just last year. By the Garcia release the following statement on Sen. Byron a moral obligation that must be dealt with now. time a student reaches the 8th grade, one in five will Dorgan’s (D-ND) amendment (amendment #4198) to With the recent passage of the Indian Health have used inhalants. the U.S. Senate’s budget resolution that would increase Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) reauthorization in What is inhalant use? Inhalant use refers to the funding to the Indian Health Service by $1 billion. the U.S. Senate and now this $1 billion amendment to intentional breathing of gas or vapors with the purpose “On behalf of Indian Country, I applaud Congress the Senate budget resolution that would fund Indian Week of March 16-23 -- of reaching a high. Inhalants are legal, everyday products in recognizing the need to end the health crisis Indian Health Services, we are making substantial advances which have a useful purpose, but can be misused. You’re Nations are enduring. Today’s 69-30 vote proves that in working to improve the health and well being of probably familiar with many of these substances -- paint, Congress is willing to take this giant step forward Native people. We now must continue to work to ensure glue and others. But you probably don’t know that there in an effort to put real action where it is needed. I that this budget resolution not only passes in the U.S. are more than 1,000 products that are very dangerous commend Sen. Dorgan along with co-sponsors Sens. House and Senate, but that the appropriators fund it at when inhaled -- things like typewriter correction fluid, Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Tim Johnson (D-SD), Russell the budgeted amount. I also call on the House to pass air-conditioning refrigerant, felt tip markers, spray Feingold (D-WI) and the U.S. Senate for passing this the base legislation, the IHCIA, during this session of paint, air freshener, butane and even cooking spray. See landmark amendment. Congress is taking the lives and Congress.” Products Abused as Inhalants for more details. Who is at risk? Inhalants are an equal opportunity method of substance abuse. Statistics show that young, Submitted by Peggy Johnson, RN, PHN white males have the highest usage rates. Hispanic and Public (Community) Health Nursing American Indian populations also show high rates of About Inhalants -- usage. They’re all over your house. They’re in your child’s What can inhalants do to the body? Nearly all school. In fact, you probably picked some up the last abused products produce effects similar to anesthetics, BROOKINGS, S.D. – Colon cancer is the fourth produced by South Dakota State University Cooperative time you went to the grocery store. Educate yourself. which slow down the body’s function. Varying upon level most common cancer in American men and women. Age Extension. Find out about inhalants before your children do. of dosage, the user can experience slight stimulation, is a risk factor, as colon cancer is most common in people “On Call” is the only medical program endorsed ages 50 and older. by the South Dakota State Medical Association and the On the March 20 “On Call®” episode, medical South Dakota Department of Health. It is made possible editor Dr. Rick Holm and host Tami Watson will talk by major underwriter support from Avera Health and the about colon cancer with guest Dr. Robert Suurmeyer, South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care. Additional who practices at Internal Medicine Associates in sponsors include Dakotacare, Brookings Health System, Aberdeen. Rapid City Regional Hospital, South Dakota American Viewers can learn more about the importance of College of Physicians, Swiftel Communications, and screening for colon cancer and hear about opportunities Friends of SDPB. for free colon cancer screenings. The March 27 episode of “On Call” will focus on “On Call” airs Thursdays on South Dakota Public geriatrics. Viewers can learn more about the program at Broadcasting-Television at 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. the “On Call” Web site, Mountain. “On Call” is a weekly program about health

By Jennifer Wider, M.D. metabolic syndrome should also be prioritized,” the study Society for Women’s Health Research authors wrote. Hyperprolactinaemia is the presence March 13, 2008 of abnormally-high levels of the hormone prolactin in Diabetes can take a toll on a person’s overall health, the blood. Unusually high amounts of prolactin are but amidst all of the possible problems that may arise suspected to be responsible for impotence and loss of sexual dysfunction is not often talked about and is more libido common than most people realize. According to the Women with diabetes who suffer from sexual Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, Mass., roughly 35 dysfunction often have a wide variety of complaints. percent of women with diabetes may experience some Nerve damage from the disease can result in a decrease form of sexual dysfunction related to their disease. of sexual arousal and lowered libido. Diabetic women Most of the past research about diabetes’ impact on are also more prone to problems with decreased vaginal sex has focused on men. But it has become quite clear lubrication. In addition, some women with diabetes may that women suffering from diabetes may experience suffer from recurring vaginitis, or inflammation of the sexual difficulties as a result of complications from vagina, as a result of yeast infections, which can make the disease. A recent study in the journal Lancet sexual intercourse painful. revealed that diabetes frequently impairs normal sexual There are treatments available for sexual functioning in both men and women. dysfunction, which vary based on the underlying cause. According to the study’s research team from the The key is to have an open, honest discussion with a Department of Endocrinology at the Boston University health care provider who can assist patients in narrowing School of Medicine, “The effect of diabetes on women’s in on the cause and finding the proper therapy. sexual function is complex: the most consistent finding is Diabetes results from the body’s inability to produce a correlation between sexual dysfunction and depression.” or respond to insulin, a hormone necessary for the In addition to the psychological effects of the absorption of sugar. There are several types of diabetes— disease, the study’s authors were quick to point out that the main ones are type 1 and type 2. Type 2 is the most more research in body physiology was needed to fully common and usually affects overweight people who are understand the toll diabetes can take on the female older than 45 with a history of the disease in their family. patient. “More research on the sexual effects of abnormal “Increases in obesity and sedentary behavior are adrenal and thyroid function, hyperprolactinaemia, and the major drivers of the diabetes surge,” says Dr. Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 13 feeling of less inhibition or loss of consciousness. The user excessive sweating, hand tremors, muscle cramps, can also suffer from Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome. headaches, chills and delirium tremens. Follow-up This means the user can die the 1st, 10th or 100th time treatment is very important. If you or someone you he or she uses an inhalant. Other effects include damage know is seeking help for inhalant abuse, you can to the heart, kidney, brain, liver, bone marrow and other contact the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition at organs. Results similar to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may 1-800-269-4237 for information on treatment centers also occur when inhalants are used during pregnancy. and general information on inhalants. Through a Inhalants are physically and psychologically addicting network of nationwide contacts, NIPC can help (but and users suffer withdrawal symptoms. not guarantee) finding a center in your area that treats What can I do if someone I know is huffing and inhalant use. appears in a state of crisis? If someone you know is What should I tell my child or students about huffing, the best thing to do is remain calm and seek inhalants? It is never too early to teach your children help. Agitation may cause the huffer to become violent, about the dangers of inhalants. Don’t just say “not my experience hallucinations or suffer heart dysfunction kid.” Inhalant use starts as early as elementary school which can cause Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome. and is considered a gateway to further substance abuse. Make sure the room is well ventilated and call EMS. Parents often remain ignorant of inhalant use or do If the person is not breathing, administer CPR. Once not educate their children until it is too late. Inhalants recovered, seek professional treatment and counseling. are not drugs. They are poisons and toxins and should Can inhalant use be treated? Treatment facilities be discussed as such. There are, however, a few age for inhalant users are rare and difficult to find. Users appropriate guidelines that can be useful when educating suffer a high rate of relapse, and require thirty to forty your children. days or more of detoxification. Users suffer withdrawal Zani un! symptoms which can include hallucinations, nausea,

By Richard P. Holm, M.D. for a little purpose … and fun along the way. Many were It is human nature to strive for independence and quite self-sufficient, and some were frankly and totally self-sufficiency, but it is arrogant to think we can get by dependent on others, but all of them realized that they without assistance. needed some help. It was my senior year in medical school and I was It became obvious to me that the value of each invited to volunteer for a camp for the blind in rural individual there was not determined by their level of Georgia. I knew really no one there, and blundered independence, but more by how they interacted with into a diverse group of young and old, white and black, each other. We’re not talking control; rather it’s the male and female, people with blindness from congenital give and take, the interdependence that mattered most. causes, diabetes, trauma, and so on. The one common These people had the humility to accept that no one is an characteristic was that they were blind. island. I remember learning how to lead people with my My mom helped me when I came into this world, arm, and spent time with this group fishing, singing, and now I am helping her. The blind truth is that none with lots of talk and laughter. I watched a romance of us can make it through this life without some help. bloom, helped a panicked camper away from home for This editorial was written by Dr. Rick Holm for “On the first time, baited a hook or two, and learned how to Call®,” a weekly program about health on South Dakota properly tune a guitar. I especially remember spending Public Broadcasting-Television that is produced by the time hiking and listening to the sounds of the woods. South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service. “On Call” It left me with the realization that in most ways airs Thursdays on South Dakota Public Broadcasting- these people were no different than those with sight. Television at 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. to increase funding for tribal police officers and federal provide funding for environmental expenses relating to They were no more or less happy, but simply searching prosecutors as part of the Fiscal Year 2009 Appropriation the clean-up of toxic chemicals used to produce meth. cycle. Meth producers frequently dump waste into streams, The Senate also passed Senator John Thune’s rivers, fields, and sewage systems. bipartisan amendment that would provide an additional Last month, the U.S. Senate also passed S. 1200, the $99 million in budget authority for funding of the COPS Indian Health Care Improvement Act, which included Meth Hot Spots program for 2009. The COPS Meth Hot Senator Thune’s amendment to require a Government WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Senate has passed Thune’s amendment would provide an additional Spots program trains state and local law enforcement to Accountability Office study of the tribal justice systems Senator John Thune’s reservation crime amendment to $200 million in budget authority over the next five years investigate and prosecute meth offenders. of North and South Dakota. the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Resolution by unanimous to 1) increase the Bureau of Indian Affair’s Public Safety Senator Thune’s COPS amendment would also consent. The amendment seeks additional funding for and Justice Account, which funds tribal law enforcement, police and prosecutors to address the growing problem of tribal court systems, and tribal detention centers, by crime on American Indian reservations. $25 million a year for the next five years; and 2) increase “The spike in violent crime on our reservations is funding for U.S. Attorneys to prosecute crimes in Indian alarming,” said Thune. “Tribal leaders recognize that Country by $15 million a year for the next five years. Meeting to be held Tuesday, March 18th, 2008, at the SWO improving the justice system in Indian Country is an “It is critical that we act now to help restore the Health Care Center in the Main Conference Room. important part of improving the quality of life. I applaud basic levels of public safety and security in Indian This will be an informal gathering to discuss future group meeting the Senate for recognizing this need by passing my Country,” Thune said. times and places. amendment.” Senator Thune’s amendment would allow Congress If you have any questions, please call Peggy Johnson, Public Health Nurse, at (605) 742-3769.

If you or a group would like to become involved in losing weight and becoming more healthy, please call Public Health Nursing at (605) 698-7606 to find out more! Page 14 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 27: 15 For: own Tax Attorney. MOTION PASSED. Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-014 Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); MOTION NO. 31: made by Terri Larsen, second Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Audrey MOTION NO. 22: made by Winfield Rondell, Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Bernard, to acknowledge receipt of the Buffalo Jr., second by Virginia Max, question by Terri 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not Lake District Minutes for the meeting held Larsen, in resolution form, to enroll into the Voting: Tribal Chairman. January 27, 2008. Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate the six applicants MOTION PASSED. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 31: 15 For: REGUAR TRIBAL COUNCIL MINUTES MOTION PASSED. listed in Exhibit B as presented by Enrollment Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 10:00 AM Clerk Zelma Flute. Big Coulee District Minutes for meeting Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); TiWakan Tio Tipi Council Chambers MOTION NO. 9: made by Norma Perko, second Gill, Fredy Ebarsisto Paul, Eliana Irene held January 27, 2008: Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Jerry Flute, Pratt, Mia Janae Shepherd, Jenae Leeann New memberships: Richard W. Hill, Melissa Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: to authorize a $500 deposit at the Sisseton- Rose Bird, Alexandra Bohn, Wahca Ackerman and 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not BIG COULEE: Norma Perko Wahpeton Federal Credit Union for Public Tweten, Cole Michael Walking Bull, Arlene Courtney Wolfe. Approve Vera Heminger Voting: Tribal Chairman. BUFFALO LAKE: Terri Larsen Defender Adam Bridges’ Court Filing Fees and Hope pending relinquishment from Heipa District. MOTION PASSED. ENEMY SWIM: Audrey Bernard all receipts are to be given to Accounting for WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 22: 14 For: Approve the relinquishment of Cinnamon HEIPA/VEBLEN: Winfield Rondell audit purposes. Audrey Bernard (3); Terri Larsen (1); Norma Heminger and Louis Heminger. Buffalo Lake District Minutes for meeting LAKE TRAVERSE: Jerry Flute WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 9: 15 For: Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Jerry Flute Reactivate the Constitution Revision held January 27, 2008: (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Committee. Approved adult membership for Gary Louis LONG HOLLOW: Virginia Max Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri session. Ms Faber is an enrolled member of the OLD AGENCY: Floyd Kirk (10:14) Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Opposed. 0 Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Alvah Quinn re-selected for the Judicial Maestas, Katrina Giles and Richard Giles. Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe. The main topic Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Committee. Approved Youth membership for Lillie Parisian. Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2). 0 was to get feedback on a Tribal Court system TRIBAL EXECUTIVES PRESENT: Tribal Opposed. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Council Representative be in support of the in South Dakota. The main issue was to get MOTION PASSED. length of service awards. MOTION NO. 32 made by Audrey Bernard, Chairman Michael I. Selvage, Sr., Tribal Vice- Not Voting: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). our Tribal Judge declared a federal magistrate. Chairman Jacob Thompson. MOTION PASSED. RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-015 TERO look into compliance of Indian Preference second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by and that contractor’s meeting Indian Terri Larsen, to acknowledge receipt of the MOTION NO. 16: made by Winfield Rondell, Jr., TRIBAL EXECUTIVES ABSENT: Tribal MOTION NO. 10: made by Jerry Flute, second MOTION NO. 23: made by Terri Larsen, second Preference are hiring a percentage of qualified Enemy Swim District Minutes for the meeting second by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Virginia by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Norma SWO Tribal members. held January 19, 2008. Secretary Delbert Hopkins, Jr. by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Floyd Max, to accept the Forensic Audit bid from Eide Kirk, Jr. that effective March 31, 2008, the Perko, in resolution form, to enroll into the Council Representative to find out how Red WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 32: 15 For: Bailly of Fargo, North Dakota, and the Legal Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate the eleven applicants Shield, Red Arrow Housing Projects were paid Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield CALL TO ORDER: Tribal Chairman Michael Little Voices Group Home will be closed due Counsel will do the contract with Tribal CFO to Selvage, Sr., called the meeting to order at to financial constraints. Tribal Council will listed in Exhibit C as presented by Enrollment and also who pays Ed Red Owl’s per diem to Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); be a part of the development of the Eide Bailly Clerk Zelma Flute. go on trips with Mike. (Per diem not paid by Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); 10:08 AM with two (2) Executives and seven offer a 30 day severance package and any contract. (6) Council members from seven (7) Districts accrued Annual Leave. Part-time employees Brant, Ivory Inez Cochran, Marisa Jo the Tribe). Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 16: 17 Finley, Chaboi Raven Hawk Finley Halo 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not answering Roll Call. Opening Prayer for the will receive severance according to their hours For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri Buffalo Lake District said by Jerry Flute in worked. Simon MOTION NO. 28: made by Terri Larsen, second Voting: Tribal Chairman. Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Goodsell, Jarace Kenny Hoeger, Nikki by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Audrey MOTION PASSED. Dacotah. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 10: 16 Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri Stephanie Bernard, to acknowledge receipt of the Old Vice-Chairman (1);Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Jones, Cade Okokipe LaCroix, Pharrell Harry Agency District Minutes for the meeting held Enemy Swim District Minutes for meeting MOTION NO. 1: made by Terri Larsen, second Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Opposed. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 by Jerry Flute, question by Floyd Kirk, Jr., to Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Spencer January 28, 2008. held January 19, 2008: Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Morsette, Aubrianna Sage Murrey, Lew WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 28: 15 For: Approve membership for Franklyn L. Badten, approve, with corrections, the Regular Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. MOTION PASSED. Council Minutes held Tuesday, January, 8, 2008. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal William Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Cody Gill, Clara Eagle, and John Cadotte. Schram, Tessa Jae Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Approve relinquishment for Claude Kampeska WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 1: 15 For: Chairman. MOTION NO. 17: made by Jerry Flute, Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Jerry MOTION PASSED. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 23: 14 For: Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Jr. second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Audrey Bernard (3); Terri Larsen (1); Norma Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Tribal Council to approve all Tribal budgets. Flute (2); Terri Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Terri Larsen, to do a Dakota Nation Gaming Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Virginia Max (2). 0 MOTION NO. 11: made by Audrey Bernard, Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Jerry Flute 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not Tribe to go back to the original Personnel Enterprise Forensic Audit beginning with 2006 (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Voting: Tribal Chairman. Policies, pay everybody what is due to them Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 Absent From Vote: second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by and to go back as far back as 2004. Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Virginia Max to approve the tentative FY 2008 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: MOTION PASSED. and if the Council wants to change it, that WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 17: 17 Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 they go through the proper channels. Chairman. Tribal Operating Budget in the amount of For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri MOTION PASSED. $33,303,673.92, at the current rate of salary, a Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Old Agency District Minutes for meeting Have Tribal Council establish a Budget Office Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, MOTION PASSED. held January 28, 2008: and appoint an Executive Director who will be 1.5% COLA retroactive to October 1, 2007, with Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal MOTION NO. 2: made by Jerry Flute, second the exception of JOM and Section 7. RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-016 Have Councilman Kirk bring Tribal Executives responsible over all the programs within the Vice-Chairman (1);Tribal Secretary (1). 0 monthly report to District. Tribe. by Norma Perko, question by Floyd Kirk, Jr., to WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 11: 16 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 approve the Regular Tribal Council Minutes For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri MOTION NO. 24: made by Virginia Max, Councilman Kirk to get a copy of all previous Approve the new Board/Committee members Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. second by Terri Larsen, question by Audrey Executives and Councilman’s cell phone records Andy Grey Sr for the Housing Board with held Wednesday, January 9, 2008. Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, MOTION PASSED. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 2: 15 For: Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Bernard, in resolution form, to relinquish at the time of the meeting in Thief River Falls. Duane His Law Sr as the Alternate and Evelyn from the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate the two Approved memberships: April Keoke, Heather Crawford Akipa for the Judicial Committee Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Jerry Vice-Chairman (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Note: A written report was handed in by Flute (2); Terri Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal applicants listed in Exhibit D as presented by Fineday, Robert J. Keoke III, and Elaine R. Rice. with Sandra Melius as the alternate. Dianne Desrosiers for the THPO Office. Charnel Enrollment Clerk Zelma Flute. Relinquishments: Jonita Barse and Janessa Have the Sisseton-Wahpeton College include Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Virginia Max (2). 0 Chairman. Hill told Council that two draft resolution will Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 Absent From Vote: MOTION PASSED. Taylor, Clinton Lavern to enroll with mother’s Barse the Enemy Swim Community Center as one be presented to Tribal Council after they have Leech Lake Chippewa Tribe. of the five districts considered as a satellite Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Not Voting: Tribal been presented to RPC. The Reports from EDA, Chairman. MOTION NO. 12: made by Jerry Flute, second Plummer, Bruce Joseph to enroll with father’s MOTION NO. 29: made by Jerry Flute, second program. THPO, GIS and Emergency Management will Fort Belknap Tribe. by Norma Perko, question by Terri Larsen, MOTION PASSED. by Terri Larsen, question by Virginia Max that not have to be made on a monthly Reports. for the superior work performance by Garryl WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 24: 14 For: to acknowledge receipt of the Lake Traverse MOTION NO. 33: made by Terri Larsen, second Only if action is required from Council will Audrey Bernard (3); Terri Larsen (1); Norma District Minutes for the meeting held February by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Norma MOTION NO. 3: made by Terri Larsen, second Rousseau and Laura Valadez on the Tribal they request Agenda time slots then the by Norma Perko, question by Audrey Bernard, Operating Budget, that we give them 40 hours Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Jerry Flute 2, 2008. Perko, to approve the DCA Report as presented requests should be submitted to the Recording (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 29: 15 For: by Elwood Grey Buffalo, Garryl Rousseau, to approve, with corrections, the Regular paid time off and a star quilt as well as a Secretary in advance so she can submit them Tribal Council Minutes for the meeting held Certificate of Appreciation. Opposed. 0 Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Lincoln DeMarrias, Francis Crawford, Mike for Council review prior to the meeting with Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); LaFontaine, Danny Seaboy, Lloyd LaBelle, Jr., Thursday, January 10, 2008. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 12: 16 Council. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 3: 15 For: For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); and Gerald Heminger, Jr. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Jerry Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, MOTION PASSED. Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 33: 15 For: MOTION NO. 18: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., RESOSLUTION No. SWO-08-017 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Flute (2); Terri Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal second by Norma Perko, question by Jerry Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Virginia Max (2). 0 Vice-Chairman (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Voting: Tribal Chairman. Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Flute, to approve the Tribal Vice-Chairman Enrollment Statistics: January MOTION PASSED. Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 Absent From Vote: 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal Report as presented by Jacob Thompson. Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Report-12,333, February Enrollees-22, Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 18: 17 Relinquishments-2, February Deceased Lake Traverse District Minutes for meeting 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not Chairman. MOTION PASSED. For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri MOTION PASSED. Report-07 and February Late Deceased held February 2, 2008: Voting: Tribal Chairman. Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Report-07. Total Enrollment-12,339. We do not hire Steve Sandven to rewrite our MOTION PASSED. Action Item: Vice-Chairman to review the Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal MOTION NO. 4: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., second proposal to establish an Office of Budget for Chapter 55 or to be the Special Prosecutor that Vice-Chairman (1);Tribal Secretary (1). 0 District Registered Statistics: Big would prevent people from running for office. MOTION NO. 34: made by Terri Larsen, second by Jerry Flute, question by Terri Larsen, to contracts, grants and Indirect Cost. Opposed. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 approve the Regular For-profit Tribal Council Coulee-806, Buffalo Lake-461, Enemy Go referendum vote reservation-wide regarding by Winfield Rondell, Jr., to adjourn. Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Swim-1,212, Heipa-1,125, Lake Traverse-872, this. ADJOURNED 4:47 PM. Minutes for the meeting held Wednesday, MOTION NO. 13: made by Audrey Bernard, MOTION PASSED. January 23, 2008. second by Jerry Flute, question by Floyd Kirk, Long Hollow-789 and Old Agency-1,038. Reinstate the length of service award for 10% Registered voters-630. 20% Registered Tribal employees due to the SWO Personnel Respectfully Submitted, WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 4: 15 For: Jr., to go into Executive Session at 4:13 PM to Floyd Kirk, Jr., was excused from the meeting Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Jerry discuss a Personnel issue. voters-1,260 and 30% Registered voters-1,890. Policies were still in place and was not revised ______to attend a meeting with CITGO in Rapid City, in the proper manner as stated in the SWO’s Sharron Rice, Recording Secretary Flute (2); Terri Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 13: 16 South Dakota. Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Virginia Max (2). 0 For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri MOTION NO. 25: made by Terri Larsen, second Personnel Policies and pay them the full by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Audrey amount. The employee Appreciation Incentive REGULAR TRIBAL COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE DAY Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 Absent From Vote: Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, MOTION NO. 19: made by Winfield Rondell, Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Bernard, to approve the Enrollment Report as Award was a Christmas Bonus to all the MINUTES Jr., second by Audrey Bernard, question by presented by Zelma Flute. employees irregardless if they worked three Thursday, February 7, 2008 10:00 AM Chairman. Vice-Chairman (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Vice-Chairman Jacob Thompson, to approve MOTION PASSED. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 25: 14 For: months. TiWakan Tio Tipi Council Chambers the Tribal Elderly Board Report as presented by Audrey Bernard (3); Terri Larsen (1); Norma Give the youth and churches first opportunity Chairman. Lester Crawford, John Redday, Dayton Seaboy, MOTION NO. 5: made by Jerry Flute, second MOTION PASSED. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Jerry Flute and set the amount at $200 per stand for the DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob LaFromboise, Doris Burshiem and Geno (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 duration of the PowWow. BIG COULEE: Norma Perko by Floyd Kirk, Jr., to adopt the draft resolution DeMarrias. putting Andrew Grey on the Housing Board. MOTION NO. 14: made by Terri Larsen, second Opposed. 0 Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Have Butch Felix and Jerry Dearly (MC at this BUFFALO LAKE: Terri Larsen WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 19: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 year’s PowWow). ENEMY SWIM: Audrey Bernard Withdrawn. The proper protocol is to wait by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Jerry Flute, to 15 For: Audrey Bernard (3); Terri Larsen (1); until the Enemy Swim District Minutes are come out of Executive session at 4:33 PM. Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. New memberships: Lisa White, Rose Kennedy HEIPA/VEBLEN: Winfield Rondell Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); MOTION PASSED. and Jim Kennedy. LAKE TRAVERSE: Jerry Flute presented, then enact the resolution. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 14: 16 Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Vice- For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri Approve voting results for the Youth LONG HOLLOW: Virginia Max Chairman (1);Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 MOTION NO. 26: made by Virginia Max, Committee: Shari Armell and Liberty Goodsell. OLD AGENCY: Floyd Kirk (1:34) MOTION NO. 6: made by Terri Larsen, second Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., by Norma Perko, question by Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by If anyone has been convicted of drugs that (2). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Norma Perko, to acknowledge receipt of the they not be allowed to sit on any boards/ TRIBAL EXECUTIVES PRESENT: Tribal Jr., to approve Tribal Chairman’s Report as Vice-Chairman (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. MOTION PASSED. presented by Michael I. Selvage, Sr., 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal Long Hollow District Minutes for the meeting committees. Chairman Michael I. Selvage, Sr., Tribal Vice- held January 31, 2008. Chairman Jacob Thompson, Tribal Secretary WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 6: 16 For: Chairman. Action Item: Norma Perko will join the Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri MOTION PASSED. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 26: 15 For: MOTION NO. 30: made by Winfield Rondell, Delbert Hopkins, Jr. Elderly Board meeting with Jeanne Faber to Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Jr., second by Terri Larsen, question by Audrey Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, discuss Elderly issues on March 11, 2008. Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal MOTION NO. 15: made by Terri Larsen, second Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Bernard, to acknowledge receipt of the Heipa CALL TO ORDER: Tribal Chairman Michael Vice-Chairman (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. by Floyd Kirk, Jr., to adjourn. Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); District Minutes for the meeting held January Selvage, Sr., called the meeting to order at Tribal Council Regular March meetings will Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 20, 2008. 10:12 AM with three (3) Executives and six 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal MEETING ADJOURNED 4:34 PM. be held March 6, 7, 13, 2008. Chairman. 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 30: 15 For: (6) Council members from seven (7) Districts MOTION PASSED. Respectfully Submitted, Voting: Tribal Chairman. Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield answering Roll Call. Opening Prayer for the MOTION NO. 20: made by Terri Larsen, second MOTION PASSED. Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Buffalo Lake District said by Jerry Flute in ______by Jerry Flute, question by Winfield Rondell, MOTION NO. 7: made by Jerry Flute, second Sharron Rice, Recording Secretary Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Dacotah. Jr., to approve the Sisseton-Wahpeton Housing Long Hollow District Minutes for meeting Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Norma Perko, to Authority Report as presented by Leroy Quinn, direct Dakota Sioux Casino and Hotel General REGULAR TRIBAL COUNCIL MEETING held January 31, 2008: 1 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not MOTION NO. 35: made by Winfield Rondell, Jr., Angie Johnson, Pat Deutsch and Lynn Approved Adult memberships: Billy Ray Voting: Tribal Chairman. Jr., second by Jerry Flute, question by Manager John Rondell to pay $4,450.00 out Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 10:00 AM DuBoise. of the Sales and Marketing budget at Dakota TiWakan Tio Tipi Council Chambers DuMarce, Robert Henry Fielder III, Mary Ann MOTION PASSED. Virginia Max, to authorize a limited waiver WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 20: Horn Lohnes, Elias Lee Jones, Seth White of sovereign immunity to allow Beatrice Sioux Casino for a Moccasin and Hand Game 15 For: Audrey Bernard (3); Terri Larsen (1); Tournament to be held February 16, 2008 in DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: from District Youth Roster and one adult Heipa District Minutes for meeting held Wanna to file a claim in Tribal Court Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); relinquishment: April Ranette Lucille Hayes. January 20, 2008: against the Dakota Connection with a cap of recognition of the Treaty of February 29, 1867. BIG COULEE: Norma Perko Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Vice- WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 7: 15 For: BUFFALO LAKE: Terri Larsen Youth Memberships: Jacia Delilah Amos, Serena Accept results of Healthy Lifestyle Awards $100,000.00 to be paid for by the insurance Chairman (1);Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Tiwahe Gill, Amelia Lydia Rosely Laughter and results for; Elderly – Jacqueline Wanna; Adult – carrier for compensation which includes Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri ENEMY SWIM: Audrey Bernard Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, HEIPA/VEBLEN: Winfield Rondell one youth relinquishment for DaVonte Hislaw Joann Sharpfish and Youth – Kelsey Kampeska. lost wages and pain and suffering with an (2). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. from Long Hollow. Because of what the year 2002-2006 Tribal additional payment for medical expenses and Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2). 0 LAKE TRAVERSE: Jerry Flute MOTION PASSED. Opposed. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 LONG HOLLOW: Virginia Max Accept election results of Bonita Hart-Block Council did to us, these former Tribal medications. to the Judicial Committee, Robert Starr and Council and Tribal Executives never sit in WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 35: 15 Not Voting: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). OLD AGENCY: Floyd Kirk MOTION NO. 21: made by Audrey Bernard, MOTION PASSED. Bruce DuMarce to the District Construction these positions again or on any boards or For: Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Committee. Lorae Mercado to the PowWow committees, Tribal and District level. Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia TRIBAL EXECUTIVES PRESENT: Tribal Norma Perko, in resolution form, to enroll MOTION NO. 8: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., second Chairman Michael I. Selvage, Sr., Tribal Vice- Committee, Eliphelet J. Simon Sr to the Fish Set a cap of $300 within a period of six months Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman into the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate the five and Wildlife Committee and Russ Quinn to the for the Emergency Assistance Program under (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 by Terri Larsen, question by Norma Perko, Chairman Jacob Thompson; Tribal Secretary applicants listed in Exhibit A as presented by to authorize a Tribal Council delegation of Delbert Hopkins, Jr. District Economic Development Board. Dr Dory. The reason this motion was made Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., Enrollment Clerk Zelma Flute. Danny White be removed from his position is so this Program will be able to help more (2). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. six to attend the March 11, 2008 Shakopee DeMarrias, Darwin Jonas DuMarce, Mdewakanton Sioux Community General CALL TO ORDER: Tribal Chairman Michael based upon the letter from Steven Sandven people. MOTION PASSED. Natella Lynn where he threatened him. Accept two relinquishments for Vera Heminger Council meeting to request a loan assumption Selvage, Sr., called the meeting to order at Hopkins-Iyarpeya, Damien Curtis held by the Wells Fargo Bank to remove the 10:27 AM with three (3) Executives and seven District adult Alcohol and Drug-free Awardee: and Mary A. (Horn) Lohnes. MOTION NO. 36: made by Audrey Bernard, Price, Dlayne Michelle Tom Wilson. Youth: Jessica Budack. Oppose the proposed cuts to the TANF Program. second by Norma Perko, question by Terri Bank from Tribal gaming revenue stream. (7) Council members from seven (7) Districts Wolfe, James Alexander WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 8: 15 For: answering Roll Call. Opening Prayer for the Get a representative to come to our District to Larsen to support two attorneys contracts for WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 21: 14 For: go through the Tax Agreement; it covers four the Tribe. WITHDRAWN. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Terri Buffalo Lake District said by Jerry Flute in Audrey Bernard (3); Terri Larsen (1); Norma MOTION NO. 27: made by Norma Perko, Larsen (1); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Dacotah. second by Virginia Max, question by Winfield or five tax issues. The Tribal Chairman and Perko (2); Winfield Rondell, Jr., (3); Jerry Flute the Tax Director should be the ones to come to MOTION NO. 37: made by Audrey Bernard, Jr., (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2). 0 (2); Virginia Max (2); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Rondell, Jr., to acknowledge receipt of the Big Opposed. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Jeannie Faber of Senator Thunes’ Office came Coulee District Minutes for the meeting held our District to explain the agreement. second by Norma Perko, question by Tribal Opposed. 0 Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Support the Tax Commissioner to hire their Secretary Delbert Hopkins, Jr., to hire two On- Not Voting: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). before Tribal Council for a question and answer Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 January 27, 2008. Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 15 staff Attorneys for the Tribe. second by Virginia Max, question by Jerry MOTION NO. 54: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Selvage, Sr., called the meeting to order at MOTION NO. 70: made by Audrey Bernard, MOTION NO. 76: made by Norma Perko, WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 37: 15 For: Flute, to approve the draft resolution adopting second by Norma Perko, question by Virginia 10:12 AM with two (2) Executives and six (6) second by Terri Larsen to adjourn. second by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Virginia Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield the Tribal Wage Scale to be reviewed from Max, to adopt the draft resolution authorizing Council members from seven (7) Districts MEETING ADJOURNED 4:00 PM. Max, to approve the Dakota Nation Gaming Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); time to time by the Tribal Employment Rights the Tribal Planning Department to submit answering Roll Call. Opening Prayer for the Enterprise Report as presented by Assistant Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Commission. a grant application to the Bureau of Indian Buffalo Lake District said by Jerry Flute in Respectfully Submitted, Corporate Financial Officer Fran Quinn, Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 46: 16 Affairs Integrated Resource Management Grant Dacotah. ______Acting Corporate Financial Officer Weston 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Program to develop a plan in the amount of Sharron Rice, Recording Secretary Quinn, Corporate Marketing Officer John Voting: Tribal Chairman. Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry $100,000.00 to be administered by the Tribal MOTION NO. 62: made by Winfield Rondell, Jr., Loukas, Corporate Operations Officer Jeremy MOTION PASSED. Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Chairman’s Office. second by Audrey Bernard, question by Norma CONTINUED FOR-PROFIT MEETING High Eagle and Executive Assistant Heather Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 54: 13 For: Perko, direct Dakota Western Corporation Thursday, February 27, 2008, 10:00 AM Williams. Action Item: Interview applicants Thursday, Absent From Vote: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma to hire a Sales and Marketing person to sell TiWakan Tio Tipi Council Chambers WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 76: 17 For: February 14, 2008 at 8:00 AM. Teleconference Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. Perko (2); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); products for Dakota Western Corporation and Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Thin Elk. MOTION PASSED. Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). SWO Plastics. DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-020 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 4 Absent From Vote: WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 62: 15 For: BIG COULEE: Norma Perko Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- MOTION NO. 38: made by Terri Larsen, second Winfield Rondell (3); Terri Larsen (1). 1 Not Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma BUFFALO LAKE: Terri Larsen Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. by Virginia Max, question by Jerry Flute, to MOTION NO. 47: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Voting: Tribal Chairman. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); ENEMY SWIM: Audrey Bernard 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not approve the Legal Counsel Report as presented second by Virginia Max, question by Jerry MOTION PASSED. Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal HEIPA/VEBLEN: Winfield Rondell Voting: Tribal Chairman. by Brenda Bellonger. Flute, to activate the PowWow Committee RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-021 Secretary (1). 2 Opposed: Virginia Max (2). 0 LAKE TRAVERSE: Jerry Flute MOTION PASSED. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 38: 15 For: effective today, February 7, 2008, with the Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: LONG HOLLOW: Virginia Max Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield understanding that stipends come out of the MOTION NO. 55: made by Norma Perko, Tribal Chairman. OLD AGENCY: Floyd Kirk (3:17-Housing MOTION NO. 77: made by Norma Perko, Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); District funds and concurrence will come to second by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Virginia MOTION PASSED. Mtg) second by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Jerry Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal Council. This Committee will be on the Max, to adopt the draft resolution supporting Flute, due to the fact that Construction Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Agenda every month. a joint public lands discretionary fund request Action Item: Direct EDA Manager Bruce TRIBAL EXECUTIVES PRESENT: Tribal Management funds are not currently available 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 47: 17 For: up to $9 million as applied to 14.4 miles of BIA Renville to prepare a grant application for the Chairman Michael I. Selvage, Sr., Tribal Vice- as anticipated on February 8, 2007, to amend Voting: Tribal Chairman. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Highway 15 roadway to be administered by position of the Sales and Marketing position for Chairman Jacob Thompson, Tribal Secretary Motion No. 50 to read: to authorize $300,000.00 MOTION PASSED. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); the Tribal Chairman’s Office in a P.L. 63-938 Dakota Western Corporation and SWO Plastics. Delbert Hopkins, Jr. for the construction of an Elderly Center to Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- contract. come out of the Dacotah Bank line of credit. David Flute a sergeant in the South Dakota Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 55: 13 For: MOTION NO. 63: made by Terri Larsen, second CALL TO ORDER: Tribal Chairman Michael WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 77: 4 nd National Guard in the Bravo Company 82 Air 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Winfield Rondell, Selvage, Sr., called the meeting to order at For: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Perko (2). 13 Borne returning from Afghanistan returned Tribal Chairman. Perko (2); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Jr., to approve the Dakota Western Corporation 1:38 PM with three (3) Executives and six (6) Opposed: Audrey Bernard (3); Winfield Rondell a glass-box picture of the Sisseton-Wahpeton MOTION PASSED. Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). and SWO Plastics Report as presented by Council members from seven (7) Districts (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Oyate Flag because the original flag was stolen 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 4 Absent From Vote: General Manager Robert Huff and Larry Moen. answering Roll Call. Opening Prayer for the Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal when he arrived in Iraq. He was given a War MOTION NO. 48: made by Terri Larsen, second Winfield Rondell (3); Terri Larsen (1). 1 Not WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 63: 17 For: Buffalo Lake District said by Jerry Flute in Secretary (1). 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Club, as a Star quilt of freedom was draped by Delbert Hopkins, Jr., question by Floyd Kirk, Voting: Tribal Chairman. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Dacotah. Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. over his shoulders. Arnold Williams sang an Jr., to go into Executive Session to discuss a MOTION PASSED. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); MOTION DEFEATED. Honor song personnel issue with the Gaming Commission RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-022 Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- MOTION NO. 71: made by Terri Larsen, second Chairman Verlyn Beaudreau at 4:42 PM. Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Jerry Flute, MOTION NO. 78: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., MOTION NO. 39: made by Winfield Rondell, Jr., WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 48: 17 For: MOTION NO. 56: made by Winfield Rondell, 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: to direct the three gaming properties to do a second by Jerry Flute, question by Virginia second by Audrey Bernard, question by Terri Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Jr., second by Norma Perko, question by Tribal Chairman. Tribal Contribution break down on specific Max, that due to the fact that Construction Larsen, to allow Michael Never-Missing-A-Shot Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Terri Larsen, to detail Fran Quinn as for a MOTION PASSED. line items and their amounts back to October Management funds are not currently available a limited waiver of sovereign immunity to Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- maximum of 60 days, as needed, to assist 1, 2006 and to continue to report this break as anticipated on February 8, 2007, to amend file in Tribal Court for a wrongful termination Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Sisseton-Wahpeton College in their 2004 IRS tax MOTION NO. 64: made by Terri Larsen, second down to Tribal Council on a monthly basis. Motion No. 50 to read: to authorize $300,000.00 against Dakota Sioux Casino. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: penalties and appeal on unpaid payroll taxes. by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Jerry Flute, to WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 71: 15 For: for the construction of an Elderly Center to WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 39: 11 For: Tribal Chairman. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 56: 17 For: approve the Gaming Commission Report as Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield come out of Section 7 Economic Diversification Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Winfield MOTION PASSED. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma presented by Dusty Kirk. Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Funds. Rondell (3); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 64: 16 Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 78: 12 For: Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 6 Opposed: MOTION NO. 49: made by Terri Larsen, second Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Jerry Norma Perko (2); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Norma Perko, to Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); (2). 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not come out of Executive Session at 5:04 PM. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Voting: Tribal Chairman. Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). Voting: Tribal Chairman. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 49: 17 For: Tribal Chairman. Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 MOTION PASSED. 5 Opposed: Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell MOTION PASSED. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma MOTION PASSED. Absent From Vote: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 (3). 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. MOTION NO. 72: made by Terri Larsen, second Voting: Tribal Chairman. MOTION NO. 40: made by Jerry Flute, second Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- MOTION NO. 57: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., MOTION PASSED. by Audrey Bernard, question by Winfield MOTION PASSED. by Terri Larsen, question by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. second by Jerry Flute, question by Winfield Rondell, Jr., to go into Executive Session with to adopt the draft resolution authorizing 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Rondell, Jr., to pay the remaining taxes that is MOTION NO. 65: made by Terri Larsen, second Dakota Magic General Manager to discuss a MOTION NO. 79: made by Audrey Bernard, the Dakota Nation Housing Development Tribal Chairman. currently in escrow due to the IRS for the 2005 by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Norma Perko, to personnel issue at 2:38 PM. second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Corporation to pursue, develop and build tax MOTION PASSED. and 2006 unpaid Payroll Taxes for the Sisseton- approve the Fuel Inc Report as presented by WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 72: 15 For: Floyd Kirk, Jr., that Construction Management credit housing projects on behalf of the Oyate. Wahpeton College. Dale Kaufman and Richard Varns. Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield give Tribal Council a full accounting of WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 40: 17 For: MOTION NO. 50: made by Jerry Flute, second WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 57: 17 For: WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 65: 17 For: Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); projects and financial status of their Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Floyd Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); construction projects. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Kirk, Jr., to assign our Legal Counsel the issue Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 79: 17 For: Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- of document requirements for international Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2). 1 Not Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. travel by Tribal Members, specifically Canada. Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Voting: Tribal Chairman. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 50: 17 For: 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: MOTION PASSED. Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Tribal Chairman. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Tribal Chairman. Tribal Chairman. Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. MOTION PASSED. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); MOTION PASSED. MOTION PASSED. MOTION NO. 73: made by Terri Larsen, second 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-018 Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Audrey Voting: Tribal Chairman. Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. MOTION NO. 58: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Action Item: Direct Fuel Inc to get two bids Bernard, to come out of Executive Session at MOTION PASSED. MOTION NO. 41: made by Terri Larsen, second 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: second by Norma Perko, question by Winfield for a new 5,000 gallon propane truck and two 3:19 PM. by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Jerry Flute, to Tribal Chairman. Rondell, Jr., to approve the Sisseton-Wahpeton 30,000 gallon propane storage tanks. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 73: 17 For: MOTION NO. 80: made by Jerry Flute, second approve the Construction Management Report MOTION PASSED. College Report as presented by President Diana Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma by Audrey Bernard, question by Floyd Kirk, Jr., as presented by Ed RedOwl and Vernon Cloud. Canku with Board member Dawn A. Eagle. MOTION NO. 66: made by Terri Larsen, second Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); to approve $32,879.85 for 58 Tribal Members WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 41: 17 For: MOTION NO. 51: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 58: 17 For: by Norma Perko, question by Jerry Flute, to Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- to travel to Washington DC to attend the Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma second by Audrey Bernard, to adjourn. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma approve the Dakota Connection Report as Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Woodrow W. Keeble Medal of Honor ceremony. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); MEETING ADJOURNED 5:08 PM. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); presented by Acting General Manager Brenda 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 80: 17 For: Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Greybuffalo and Dickie Johnson. Voting: Tribal Chairman. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Respectfully Submitted, Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 66: 14 For: MOTION PASSED. Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: ______0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Audrey Bernard (3); Norma Perko (2); Winfield Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Tribal Chairman. Sharron Rice, Recording Secretary Tribal Chairman. Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); MOTION NO. 74: made by Audrey Bernard, Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. MOTION PASSED. MOTION PASSED. Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not QUARTERLY SCHOOL BOARDS MEETING WITH 0 Abstained. 2 Absent From Vote: Floyd Kirk, Terri Larsen, to approve the Dakota Magic Voting: Tribal Chairman. MOTION NO. 42: made by Audrey Bernard, TRIBAL COUNCIL MOTION NO. 59: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Jr., (2). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). Casino and Hotel Report as presented by MOTION PASSED. second by Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Virginia Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 10:00 AM second by Norma Perko, question by Winfield MOTION PASSED. General Manager Cheryl Owen. Max, to adopt the draft resolution appointing TiWakan Tio Tipi Council Chambers Rondell, Jr., to approve the Head Start Report WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 74: 17 For: MOTION NO. 81: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Andrew Grey, Sr., on the Sisseton-Wahpeton as presented by Director Renetta Goeson with MOTION NO. 67: made by Audrey Bernard, Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma second by Norma Perko, question by Winfield Housing Authority Board as the Enemy Swim DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: their Policy Council members Beverly Gill, Tim second by Winfield Rondell, Jr., question by Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Rondell, Jr., that Tribal Council goes on record District Representative. BIG COULEE: Norma Perko White, Janell Bear Hill and Curtis Bisonette. Floyd Kirk, to approve the Dakota Sioux Casino Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- to authorize the name change of the SWO WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 42: 16 BUFFALO LAKE: Terri Larsen WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 59: 15 For: and Hotel Report as presented by General Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Health Care Center to the Woodrow Wilson For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); (1:30-funeral) Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Manager John Rondell. 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Keeble Health Care Center. Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry ENEMY SWIM: Audrey Bernard Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 67: 16 Voting: Tribal Chairman. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 81: 17 For: Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); HEIPA/VEBLEN: Winfield Rondell Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); MOTION PASSED. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 (1:30-funeral) Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Absent From Vote: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 LAKE TRAVERSE: Jerry Flute 2 Absent From Vote: Virginia Max (2). 1 Not Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); MOTION NO. 75: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. LONG HOLLOW: Virginia Max (10:44) Voting: Tribal Chairman. Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. second by Norma Perko, question by Terri Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. MOTION PASSED. OLD AGENCY: Floyd Kirk MOTION PASSED. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Tribal Vice- Larsen, to accept the written resignation 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not RESOLUTION No. SWO-08-019 Chairman (1). from John Loukas as Acting Corporate Voting: Tribal Chairman. TRIBAL EXECUTIVES PRESENT: Tribal Action Item: Get a copy of Head Start’s Biting MOTION PASSED. Executive Officer. He shall remain Corporation MOTION PASSED. MOTION NO. 43: made by Jerry Flute, second Chairman Michael I. Selvage, Sr., Tribal Vice- Policy to Winfield Rondell, Jr. Marketing Officer. by Terri Larsen, question by Winfield Rondell, Chairman Jacob Thompson, Tribal Secretary MOTION NO. 68: made by Jerry Flute, second WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 75: 14 MOTION NO. 82 made by Norma Perko, second Jr., to direct the Dakota Sioux Casino General Delbert Hopkins, Jr. MOTION NO. 60: made by Virginia Max, by Floyd Kirk, question by Terri Larsen, to For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); by Floyd Kirk, Jr., to adjourn. Manager John Rondell not to honor the second Floyd Kirk, Jr., question by Norma approve the Quarterly Bonus Plan as presented Norma Perko (2); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max MEETING ADJOURNED 5:50 PM. invoices from Greeter Company owned by CALL TO ORDER: Tribal Chairman Michael Perko, to authorize the Tribal Chairman to by Acting Chief Financial Officer Weston (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Barry Wilfahrt and his spouse. Selvage, Sr., called the meeting to order at negotiate an attorney contract with Monique Quinn. Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. Respectfully Submitted, WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 43: 16 10:21 AM with three (3) Executives and four Vandell-Rieke and Debra Flute. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 68: 13 3 Absent From Vote: Winfield Rondell (3). 1 Not ______For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); (4) Council members from seven (7) Districts WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 60: 12 For: For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Voting: Tribal Chairman. Sharron Rice, Recording Secretary Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry answering Roll Call. Opening Prayer for the Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Norma Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry MOTION PASSED. Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Buffalo Lake District said by Jerry Flute in Perko (2); Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Flute (2); Terri Larsen (1). 2 Opposed: Virginia Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 1 Dacotah. Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 3 Max (2). 0 Abstained. 1 Absent From Vote: Absent From Vote: Tribal Vice-Chairman (1). 1 Opposed: Winfield Rondell (3). 0 Abstained. 0 Tribal Secretary (1). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Vice- Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. MOTION NO. 52: made by Audrey Bernard, Absent From Vote. 2 Excused from vote: Jerry Chairman (1). MOTION PASSED. second by Norma Perko, question by Floyd Kirk, Flute (2). 1 Not Voting: Tribal Chairman. MOTION PASSED. Jr., to approve the Enemy Swim Day School MOTION PASSED. One three (3) bedroom Farm house located three (3) miles east of MOTION NO. 44: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., Report as presented by Dr. Sherry Johnson with MOTION NO. 69: made by Virginia Max Sisseton, SD on Highway 10 (SE of Dakota. Connection) second by Terri Larsen, question by Norma attending Board members Ramona Bear Hill, MOTION NO. 61: made by Norma Perko, that the Dakota Nation Gaming Enterprise Perko, to adjust the Close-up Trip Budget for a Lynn Halbert-DuBoise, Darrell DeCoteau and second by Floyd Kirk, Jr., to adjourn. Managers and Supervisors do not get the twice Includes: Two garages. Two bedrooms upstairs. One bedroom on main total amount of $15,000 for Tiospa Zina Tribal Janell Bear Hill. MEETING ADJOURNED 4:23 PM. bonus amount. Died lack of second. floor. Full basement. School. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 52: 13 For: All bids must be submitted before 4:30PM, March 28, 2008 to SWO WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 44: 17 For: Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Respectfully Submitted, Continued For-Profit meeting: Dakota Realty. Any questions call 698-3911 #213. Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma Perko (2); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); ______Magic Casino and the Corporate Report shall Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). Sharron Rice, Recording Secretary be made at 1:30 PM Wednesday, February 27, Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 4 Absent From Vote: 2008. Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Winfield Rondell (3); Terri Larsen (1). 1 Not TRIBAL COUNCIL FOR-PROFIT MEETING 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: Voting: Tribal Chairman. Thursday, February 21, 2008, 10:00 AM Senator Thune with Judy Vercoda, Steve Tribal Chairman. MOTION PASSED. TiWakan Tio Tipi Council Chambers Barnett and Jeannie Faber came before Council MOTION PASSED. for an hour to listen and learn how to help. The SWO-TERO office will be having CDL classes April 14, 15, 16, 17 MOTION NO. 53: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Discussion topics were the IHS Improvement for classroom training and April 18, 19 and 20 will be for driving MOTION NO. 45: made by Floyd Kirk, Jr., second by Jerry Flute, question by Norma BIG COULEE: Norma Perko Act, to start a dialogue with the Bureau of practice. second by Jerry Flute, question by Norma Perko, to approve the Tiospa Zina Tribal School BUFFALO LAKE: Terri Larsen Indian Affairs on modernization of BIA, Treaty The training will start at 6:00 pm each night the 14th through the Perko, to approve the Tribal Secretary Report as Report as presented by Dr. Frank Palleria with ENEMY SWIM: Audrey Bernard Tribes getting pushed out by the IRA and presented by Delbert Hopkins, Jr. attending Board members Garryl Rousseau, HEIPA/VEBLEN: Winfield Rondell other small Tribal groups, the Road System 17th. WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 45: 17 For: Lyndon Haug and Dustina Gill. LAKE TRAVERSE: Jerry Flute formula set up was implemented with reduced Please remember that if you are interested in getting a bus CDL you Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma WEIGHTED VOTE ON MOTION NO. 53: 13 For: LONG HOLLOW: Virginia Max funding and Great Plains Acting Regional will have to get your physical rust, stop in at the TERO office for Perko (2); Winfield Rondell (3); Jerry Flute (2); Audrey Bernard (3); Floyd Kirk, Jr., (2); Norma OLD AGENCY: Floyd Kirk (10:14) Director Michael Black, who did not push the forms. Virginia Max (2); Terri Larsen (1); Tribal Vice- Perko (2); Jerry Flute (2); Virginia Max (2); for all reservation roads. We have a nice IHS Talk to Dan on your, training nights to see what is available for driving Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). 0 Opposed. Tribal Vice-Chairman (1); Tribal Secretary (1). TRIBAL EXECUTIVES PRESENT: Tribal facility but there is a concern for not enough 0 Abstained. 0 Absent From Vote. 1 Not Voting: 0 Opposed. 0 Abstained. 4 Absent From Vote: Chairman Michael I. Selvage, Sr., Tribal Vice- money for medical transportation, Dakota times. Tribal Chairman. Winfield Rondell (3); Terri Larsen (1). 1 Not Chairman Jacob Thompson, Tribal Secretary language education, GSA contracts for this If you have any questions please call the TERO office at 698-3549. MOTION PASSED. Voting: Tribal Chairman. Delbert Hopkins, Jr., (10:23) Tribe, a Detention facility needed and Cross Classes will be held at the TERO office conference room. No need for MOTION PASSED. deputization difficulty. pre-registration. MOTION NO. 46: made by Norma Perko, CALL TO ORDER: Tribal Chairman Michael Page 16 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Shane’s Story -- For Grandpa Cyril you for the last time Happy Belated Birthday March 14, 2008 If I don’t get tomorrow I want you to know When tomorrow comes I’d tell you that I Love that you were the best You grandpa in the world When tomorrow comes I’d get to see your When tomorrow comes I’d get to see your It’s March 10, 2008, Monday morning at 6:46 a.m. He is alone in a cold jail cell, and face one last time smile one last time his life just ended. Shane had a life sentence from his first breath. He came into this world If I don’t get tomorrow I want you to know I When tomorrow comes I’d get to hear your fighting. His mother was addicted to Cocaine and used cocaine while she carried him miss u laugh once again inside of her, the minute Shane came into this world, he wanted cocaine, he screamed When tomorrow comes I’d give you one last If I don’t get tomorrow who will I tattle to alone for days in the nursery, because he was withdrawing, and because he wanted to live. hug when mom gets mad at me Shane was given up to a loving non-native adoptive family who cared and nurtured him, When tomorrow comes I’d give you one last When tomorrow comes I’d get to go for one and worked hard to create a strong life for him, but he was still empty, his inner craving kiss last walk with you was for his place in his family of origin, a Dakota/Lakota family. As with most Dakota/ If I don’t get tomorrow I want you to know If I don’t get tomorrow I want you to know Lakota children who have been adopted, this craving for his Oyate became strong enough you’ll always and forever that there’s nothing to drive him to begin seeking his family. His family of origin had also been dismantled by remain in my heart until the end of time in this world that I wouldn’t do for you abuse of drugs and alcohol, so he continued a search to fill the emptiness, all the time he When tomorrow comes I’d get to hear your was accompanied by his fight with an addictive personality. Shane came into our lives in voice once more Love always and Forever When tomorrow come I’d get to sit and visit Heather Fae Renville November 2007. He was tall and gangly with black curly hair, he was soft spoken and ready to give. As we are taught, we took him as a family member . Shane stood by us through the fun times as well as the tough times. Shane was easy to love and trust, he always ready to help. We held him in our arms, we told him we loved him, and we thanked him for loving us. For Grandpa Cyril Happy Belated Birthday All the birthdays you won’t get to see Shane became our family. March 14, 2008 anymore, Shane’s young, short life was a tragedy because from the moment he was born, he All the things left undone especially mine, who will I go see then? fought his life sentence and ended up losing. He left us on March 10, 2008 at 6:46 a.m. All the things left unsaid All the strawberries you didn’t get to pick for inside a lonely, cold jail cell. We had an opportunity to love Shane, for him to love us, and All the things we never got to do me I am thankful for the brief time he shared his life with us. All the things you left behind All the candybars I won’t get to eat from you Shane was born addicted and died addicted. He finished his life sentence at the age of All the things that were once cherished no more 25. We loved him unconditionally, and miss him deeply. by you will be no more forever All the grandpas ( Can I Have)? All the things we did together will be missed All the grandpas ( Can I Have a Dollar)? by me the most All these things I will TRULY miss -- Vivian Gill-Chasing Hawk and Family All the laughter I didn’t get to hear I will truly miss Love Always your Granddaughter All the smiles I won’t get to see anymore Heather Fae Renville All the hugs I won’t get to have no more Phone: 202-224-5842. While talking to their staff, provide much needed assistance to make sure to tell them: the people of Kivalina. 1. You are a constituent and a The complaint we filed -- Dear Oyate: international affairs budget, and, ONE member. available here for those who would I wonder why Senator Thune while we will deliver our petition 2. You want them to support like to read it -- is the product of asking senators to restore the the Feinstein-Smith amendment relocate its village. The U.S. General and Senator Tim Johnson are holding Dear Oyate: years of research. I hope you’ll take a funding, there is still much more we to restore $2.6 billion to the Accounting Office estimates the up Making Poverty History? We not the only ones fighting moment look at it -- the conspiracy should do. It’s going to be a close international affairs budget, to relocation could cost upwards of Please read and know who you big money --See N.A.R.F with claims, starting on page 47, details vote to save the funding, and to match the House of Representatives $400 million, something far out of are voting for. Alaskan Natives in fight against Big how major corporations in the U.S. make sure that Senators John Thune funding level. reach of this subsistence hunting and Pidamiya, Elwood GreyBuffalo Energy and Global Warming. have used tobacco industry tactics to and Tim Johnson vote for a budget Then, please report your call on- fishing Inupiaq community. Through Jr. Peace. Sincerely, Elwood deny global warming. that reflects our values, we need to line at the suit we are seeking damages ONE: the Campaign GreyBuffalo Jr. We hope that you will stand start making some phone calls. You Uganda is home to one of the from the companies responsible for a Support NARF & with us as we fight for Kivalina to make Poverty can reach their Washington offices earliest African success stories in the large percentage of total U.S. global Alaskan Natives Fight and Alaskan Natives [AK Global here: Senator John Thune Phone: fight against AIDS. Thanks to the warming gas emissions. [Kivalina History Warming Donate Button] on Dear ONE Member, I am 202-224-2321. Senator Tim Johnson work of groups like TASO, they have Against Big Energy youth] this issue of global warming that writing you from Kampala, Uganda. Our NARF Alaska attorneys and Global Warming affects us all. You can also stand I just visited TASO (The AIDS Heather Kendall-Miller and Natalie You may have heard or read with us by making a tax-deductible Support Organization) Mulago, one Landreth have been passionately about the landmark case filed contribution today to support our of the largest treatment, prevention, committed to defending the rights of on February 26th by the Native work on this case and the many and care centers in Uganda. Alaska Natives and have been very American [Kivalina] Rights Fund other important Native rights issues They tell us that often there are successful in recent years in winning (NARF), the Center on Race, NARF is currently working on. more people in line than they have Any new members wanting to join the Church or for any significant victories for those Alaskan Poverty & the Environment and Many thanks for helping NARF medication for. The need is greater new baptisms must contact Rev. Enright Bighorn at Native peoples we have represented. six other law firms on behalf of an Stand Firm for Justice for Native than the funding here. This funding 938-4175. You need to schedule counseling time for new It is NARF’s hope that our joint Inupiaq Village in Kivalina, Alaska. Peoples, comes from the international affairs membership and baptism. legal and advocacy efforts on this It received major coverage on CNN, John E. Echohawk, NARF budget. Also, all new requests need to be submitted by Good Friday, case will establish the climate change MSNBC, The New York Times Executive Director Unfortunately, the Senate March 21, 2008 for Session approval. equivalent of the tobacco cases and and other major media outlets. The is poised to slash billions of Thanks. lawsuit was filed against Exxon Single and two parent families are needed for dollars from the president’s 2009 Mobil Corporation and 23 other children that desperately need a safe and major energy corporations for their nurturing home. Both for a short stay or a role in emitting large quantities of long stay. If you are interested in caring for greenhouse gases. Kivalina faces children please attend our FOSTER PARENT imminent destruction from global TRAINING classes. warming due to the melting of A full (20) twenty hours of Foster Parent Training is sea ice that formerly protected the required to be fully licensed as a foster parent. If village from coastal storms during you are a two parent home both adults will need the fall and winter. The diminished to attend. The foster parent training will be sea ice due to global warming has held at the Child Protection Program building. caused a massive erosion problem The building is located seven (7) miles south that threatens the village’s existence of Sisseton, SD on BIA Hwy #700. Turn right and urgently requires the village be toward the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribal relocated. The suit seeks damages Headquarters and it is the long blue building from global warming caused by these on the south side of the road. Big Energy corporations. The Foster Parent Training will be held on Thursday NARF has been representing and Friday, March 27th and 28th, 2008 from Kivalina for years on issues of tribal 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The training will be sovereignty, subsistence and more Agency Village, S.D. Alco Store Watertown, S.D. completed on Saturday, March 29th, 2008 from recently climate change. In addition Agency Village C-Store Pamida Dakota Sioux Casino Gift Shop 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or until finished. to advancing the climate change SWO Tribal Headquarters K & K C-Store Dakota Express C-Store If you are interested or have any questions please litigation, NARF has been assisting SWC Bookstore Stillson Service call (605)698-3993 and ask for Shirley. Pearson Rexall Waubay, S.D. the community in its efforts to Peever, S.D. Dakota Nation Art & Gift Store Welch’s Grocery Buck’s Sunoco Sisseton Super Valu Char’s Cafe Wilmot, S.D. Sota Subscription Order Form Browns Valley, Minn. Liebe Drug New Effington, S.D. Country Co-op of Browns Valley I would like to subscribe to the Sota Iya Ye Yapi. Ceroll Grocery Hankinson, N.D. Dakota Magic C-Store Enclosed is $______for ____ years(2). Sisseton, S.D. Summit, S.D. (Annual subscription rate is $36 for enrolled members of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Connection Casino L & L Summit Grocery Oyate living in South Dakota and in Minnesota and North Dakota counties on and Holiday Amoco C-Store adjoining the Lake Traverse Reservation; $30 for enrolled members incarcerated and/or elderly on fixed incomes; $46 for all others living in the United States; and $92 for foreign subscribers.)

Name ______.

Mailing Address ______

City ______State ____ Zip ______Please mail this subscription form (or a photocopy) to: Sota Iya Ye Yapi P.O. Box 628 Agency Village, SD 57262-0628 Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 17

Happy Golden Ryannen Roberts On March 22nd (Chickie) Shane’s Story -- “BearPaw” If I was a queen Friends we will be I would give you my gold Always good friends, If you were to tell me a secret You and me! It would never be told Because we are true friends Happy Birthday, Chickie Friends we will stay I have much love for you. May your life always be blessed and merry Love and prayers, This I will always pray Armine Though our paths may be separate Ryannen Roberts (Chickie)

Love, In your happiest and most In your gray days we will help Dad exciting moments you search one by one our hearts celebrate and for the colors of the rainbow smile with you So when you look in the Lord, Lordy In your lowest lows our love mirror in the days ahead will be there smile because you will see Happy 40th to keep you warm, to give through our eyes Birthday you strength the loving, sensible, strong, On March 17 and to remind you sunshine beautiful and precious will surely come lady To Sylvana Flute In your accomplishments we whose loving and joyous Love, will be totally filled with spirit is reflected there U Know Who pride In moments of Happy Birthday, Chickie cut the number of people in Uganda disappointment, we will “Golden Birthday” living with HIV by more than half. be a shoulder to cry on, March 16th, 2008. By restoring this funding we’re one a hand to hold, and a love step closer to making sure that the that will gently enfold Lots and lots of love, Please contact Emmett Redday at 1-800-921-1681 for a short meeting to make final preparation. U.S. adequately funds programs you hugs and kisses Please bring your regalia along for a photo for a poster which will be produced to advertise the like TASO and others that help until everything is okay Rachel (Rae) and Armine provide basic education, clean water, weekend event. and lifesaving medicines. Making a A concession booth will be needed for Native crafts, and another one for traditional foods. phone call is the single best way to wanted us to convey her thanks to make this happen. I was invited to all those people who make it possible a woman’s home this morning who for her to be receiving treatment. was receiving AIDS treatment from Thank you for your voice, Josh TASO. I asked what message she’d Peck, like to send back to America. She I would like to take this time to say Nina Executives and Council, Dustina Gill, Dori and yet lags behind its neighbors Wopida Tanka on behalf of family. It was one Abraham, DMC Management & Staff, Peever when it comes to energy generated year ago on March 13, 2007 that my family and Lutheran Church, Jr. German, Josh Kohl & from that wind,” said Senator John many others were forced to leave our homes Jonathan Gill (SWO Tribal Roads), TZTS Thune. “The wind energy industry do to the flood waters from the snow melt Elem. and Middle School Staff and Students, is poised to grow, but an extension which engulfed our town. This was something Dakota Magic Casino Hotel Staff, Browns of the PTC is needed to avoid the I thought I would never experience in my life. Valley School Faculty & Staff, DJ Roberts, boom and bust cycles. I will continue Even now it is still hard to believe that the flood Ruth Ellen Robertson, University of Minnesota to work to expand the wind energy even occurred. My family was fortunate and we Morris Circle of Nations Indian Club, Julie, industry in South Dakota and I were able to return to our home in one month. Becca & Bonnie UMM Faculty, Northwest WASHINGTON, DC, March responsibility that TERAs require. believe a long-term extension of the Some people are still displaced and have no Angle #37 Reserve, and Emory White. I 10, 2008 – Assistant Secretary The new regulations, which can PTC is a necessary component of home to return to. It is for this reason that I am apologize if I may have forgotten someone, – Indian Affairs Carl J. Artman be found at 25 CFR Part 224, fully moving this industry forward. There writing and would like to take this opportunity there were so many people that helped us and today announced that the Interior implement the provisions of 25 USC are companies interested in putting to acknowledge all of the considerate caring generously gave of their time to help in any Department has published final 3504, which lay out the process by our wind resources to work, but people of this community that came to our way possible. I don’t even know the names of regulations in the Federal Register which a tribe can consult with the progress will not happen without a aid in our time of need. These people include: the two couples from out of town which came implementing Title V of the Energy Interior Department on whether a continuation of the PTC.” Dan Hansen and the Biel brothers Josh & in on Saturday and Sunday to help clean out Policy Act of 2005 (P.L. 109-58) TERA is a viable means for it to use Senator Thune is also the Jake who evacuated us from our home, Jodi everything and drain our basement without regarding Tribal Energy Resource for energy development, what the primary sponsor of the Wind Energy & Kole DeSpeigler, ? Serocki and wife w/front your help this would have been so much more Agreements (TERAs) under the TERA requirements and application Development Act of 2007, which end loader, Elias Mendoza (SWO Emergency difficult. We are forever grateful to have had Indian Tribal Energy Development consist of, and what the Secretarial would extend the current PTC Management), Joe Kohl & Stacy Miller (SWO the help we did from our relatives, friends and and Self-Determination Act. The decision-making process is. The through 2012. Fish & Wildlife), Daniel Buffalo, Josh Herzog, community. Once again . . . regulations will become effective on regulations also provide for a periodic “South Dakota could and should Audrey German & Family, Katherine Akipa, Thank You. April 9, 2008. review of the tribe’s compliance with be a national leader in producing Scott German, Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate -- Dianne Desrossiers “The Tribal Energy Resource the approved TERA’s provisions. electricity harnessed through our Agreement is a major step for “We stand ready to work closely abundant wind supply,” Thune said. hard to get to the point they’re at.” tribal self-determination and self- with any tribe that chooses to Currently, the existing PTC UTTC President David Gipp governance that will usher in a new establish a TERA with the Interior incentive of 2 cents per kilowatt hour was one of the presidents who era of tribal economic development,” Department by ensuring access to is scheduled to expire at the end declined to participate in the photo Artman said. “It is a new tool for the expertise and data necessary for of 2008. Senator Thune and other shoot. He praised UND’s programs tribes who want to directly manage this level of wind energy leaders in the Senate for American Indians, but called their energy resources and develop decision-making responsibility,” are working to extend the PTC so the nickname “incessantly and their renewable and non-renewable Artman said. “I have directed the that wind energy developers have AP, Grand Forks, ND -- Five UND vice president. For a second increasingly a topic of dissension energy resources to benefit their Indian Affairs Office of Indian certainty when it comes to future current and former tribal college round of the posters, UND had among the various communities - communities and the nation.” Energy and Economic Development projects both in South Dakota and presidents have decided not to take planned to take a group photo of the tribal and non-tribal.” TERAs further the goal of to put these resources in place across the country. part in a photo shoot for a University 14 UND graduates who are past or The others who declined to Indian self-determination by immediately.” Michael C. Robinson, Deputy of North Dakota student recruiting present tribal college presidents. Five participate are Cynthia Lindquist, promoting tribal oversight and The IEED intends to hold a Director of the National Renewable campaign because of their opposition graduates declined to take part. Cankdeska Cikana tribal college management of energy and mineral national information and discussion Energy Laboratory (NREL) in to the Fighting Sioux nickname, a “These are all people for whom president in Fort Totten; Laurel resource management on tribal session for tribes on the TERA Golden, Colorado, has said South UND official says. I have a great deal of respect,” Vermillion, Sitting Bull College trust lands. With a TERA, a tribe regulations in the near future with Dakota is capable of producing 566 The first round of the Beyond Boyd said. “(The photo shoot) is president in Fort Yates; Donald Day, may, at its discretion, and with the dates, times and location to be GW of electrical power from wind, Beads and Feathers campaign began something that would have a great ond du Lac tribal and Community Secretary of the Interior’s review announced. which is the equivalent of 52% of the about two years ago with posters deal of impact on Native American College president in Cloquet, and approval, enter into business The Office of Indian Energy nation’s electricity demand. NREL’s of nine American Indian UND students as they think about their Minn.; and Elizabeth Yellow Bird, agreements and leases for energy and Economic Development was estimates indicate that the wind graduates who went on to successful own university careers and the kinds former Fort Berthold tribal college resource development as well as established within the Office of the energy potential in South Dakota careers. The posters were distributed of things they can accomplish. These president. grant rights-of-way for pipelines or Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs is twice as large as states such as to reservation high schools and are people who have worked very electric transmission or distribution to provide high-level support for the Montana, Minnesota, and Wyoming. tribal colleges and displayed in the lines across its trust lands. The new Interior Department’s goal of serving American Indian Student Services regulations are optional for federally tribal communities. It does so by house on campus, said Bob Boyd, a recognized tribes, some of whom providing access to energy resources may choose not or find they are and helping tribes with stimulating unable to assume the greater level job creation and economic of oversight and administrative development in their communities. 1 column with no picture $3 1 column with picture $7 2 with picture $14 (Remember to send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you’d like your photo returned.) No charge for engagement, wedding or birth announcements or congratulating graduates! WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last amendment provides the authority yo week, as part of the Fiscal Year 2009 within the budget for Congress m u Budget debate in the Senate, the to extend the Production Tax e c bipartisan wind energy amendment Credit (PTC) for up to five years, ‘ a (SAMDT 4200) offered by Senator which is critical for the continued Show re! Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Senator development of wind energy. John Thune (R-SD) was added to “South Dakota continues to the Senate budget resolution. The lead the country in wind potential, Page 18 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Featuring . . . Roberts County All Your On-the-Go Needs At One Stop National Bank Live Bait Peever, S.D. 5 East Maple St. All Your Fishing Needs We Accept WIC, Sisseton, S.D. Cold Beer - Groceries - Ice EBT & USDA Food Stamps Phone 698-7621 Open 12 Hours - 7 to 7 HOME FOR SALE Internet Banking 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Large Living Areas, Monday thru Friday Separate Kitchen & Dining, Lots of Closet 7 to 3 on Saturday at East Hwy 10 & Jct 127 Space! Basement finished. Attached Gas - Diesel - Grocery Sisseton, S.D. Garage, Big Back Yard. Located at 308- 8th Beer - Video Lottery - EBT Open 7 a.m.-11 p.m. Ave. East in Sisseton. Call 605.698.3765 to 932-3636 Video Lottery Member FDIC - Equal Housing Lender inquire. The Official I-29 Peever Exit Powerball 11-3tp Fuel of NASCAR “We now have 24 hr. pay-at-the-pump” Scratch Tickets

HOME FOR RENT NEED EMBROIDERY? LD Enterprises Nice and quiet, 3-bedroom house for rent Watertown, South Dakota *In house logo specialist Charles A. Broberg, D.C. in Claire City. Central heat/air, single *Affordable custom Call Edwin Williams at Sharp Automotive for your 301 Veterans Ave. garage, full basement, 12x20 outbuilding, next vehicle! embroidery AMAZING Professional, friendly, with NO PRESSURE! Sisseton, S.D. *No minimum order on deck. $450/month plus deposit. Call STITCHES R US embroidery 742-7555. 800-288-5168 (Ask for Edwin) or 605-886-8081 direct. *Volume discounts available 11-2tp *Accept screen printing and other promotional items Located at Lake Traverse, SD Dakota Sioux Casino Larry & Deb Halbert, Owners Job Announcement Kevin Chilson, Funeral Director Sisseton and the Shop: (605) 694-2848 Position: Porter (1 Full -Time). 200 Fairlawn Ave. W. Lake Traverse Reservation Cell: (605) 237-3124 Reports to: Porter Manager. Winsted, MN 55395 Call Emmett Redday [email protected] 1-320-485-4447 Toll-free 1-800-921-1681 General function: Serves as janitorial/ Hours: housekeeping staff for guests and casino to Human Resources Department, 16849 .Diploma/GED. Must obtain a Key License Tuesday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. operations. 102nd Street SE, Hankinson ND 58041. For upon hire. Thursday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Position requirements: High school complete Job Description contact Marla Opening Date: March 12, 2008. diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Must obtain Raffety at 701-634-3000 ext. 475. Closing Date: March 18, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. For Appointments call: an Employee Non Gaming License upon Indian Preference will apply/EEO. Indian Preference will apply/EEO 698-3686 Ron DuMarce, Operator hire. Light to moderate bending, lifting, (Please Provide Tribal Enrollment.) Employer. 100% Native American Operated and stretching for short periods of time. Must be licensable by the SWO Gaming If you already have an application on file East Hwy 10 - Sisseton, S.D. - (605) 698-3363 skills. Must be able to effectively handle Indian preference will apply. Commission. with the Human Resources Department sensitive situations, must be able to Closing date: March 26, 2008. and would like to be considered for within the past 6 months. Apply with independent judgment, and be If interested please submit an application Dakota Connection Casino these positions please call us or stop by the Human Resources Department, call or able to maintain strict confidentiality. to: Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel, Human Job Opening the HR office to have your application write for job description. Must be in good physical condition. Resources Department, Security Department: Officer (1) full-time, reactivated. Your application must have Submit application to: Human Resources Must be able to work flexible hours. 16415 Sioux Conifer Rd., Watertown, SD rotating shifts, day, swing, graveyard, been on file within the past 6 months. Department, Dakota Connection Casino, Previous experience is preferred. Must 57201. weekends & holidays. Applicants should Apply with the Human Resources 46102 SD Hwy 10, Sisseton, SD 57262. be at least 18 years old. Must have a have good communication skills both Department, call or write for job High School Diploma/GED. Must obtain Dakota Magic Casino written and verbal, basic computer skills, description. a Key License upon hire. Job Openings excellent people skills, and mechanical Submit application to: Human Resources Opening Date: March 12, 2008. Slots Department: Administrative skills. Must be able to effectively handle Department, Dakota Connection Casino, Closing Date: March 18, 2008 4:00 p.m. Assistant (1 Full-Time); Day Floor sensitive situations, must be able to 46102 SD Hwy 10, Sisseton, SD 57262. Indian Preference will apply/EEO Attendant (3 Full-Time); Graveyard exercise independent judgment, and be Employer. Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Technician (1 Full-Time) Graveyard. able to maintain strict confidentiality. Dakota Connection Casino If you already have an application Lake Traverse Reservation Closing Date: March 21, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. Must be in good physical condition. Must Job Opening on file with the Human Resources State of South Dakota Starting Wage: D.O.E. High School Diploma be able to work flexible hours. Previous Security Department: Officer (I) full-time, Department and would like to be In Tribal Court or G.E.D. required. Two identification experience is preferred. Must be at least rotating shifts, day, swing, graveyard, considered for these positions please Case No.: D-08-253-106 documents required upon hire. 18 years old. Must have a High School weekends & holidays. Applicants should call us or stop by the HR office to have ORDER FOR AND NOTICE OF HEARING If interested please submit application have good communication skills – both your application reactivated. Your In the matter of the change of name of written and verbal, basic computer skills, application must have been on file Teresa K. White-Rodriquez, Petitioner. excellent people skills, and mechanical NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Petitioner’s request for a change of name from Teresa Synergy Advantage Group, Inc. Kay White-Rodriquez to Teresa Kay White, shall be heard before the Honorable B.J. In Browns Valley, MN Jones of the Tribal Court, in the Courtroom Is of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Tribal Court at Agency Village, S.D. at 2:30 p.m. on the Now Hiring! 26th day of March 2008. Looking Customer Service Reps High School Students (Minimum Dated this 20th day of Febrtuary 2008. to work in fun and friendly age 14) By the Court: B.J. Jones, Chief Judge. environment! Day shifts available M-F Attest: K. Kohl, Clerk. No experience necessary – we Open as late as 9:00 pm on 10-3tc will train! weekdays and weekends are also Full Time and Part Time available! Shifts are Available! Call or stop by for an application! Notice of Open Meetings Make up to $10.00/hr 201 West Broadway Open meetings for victims of domestic violence will be held on 40 hours per week Full Time Browns Valley, MN 56219 Mondays at 10:00 a.m. at the Dakotah Pride rehab center 25 hours per week Part Time (320) 695-2000 March 21-22 in the conference room. Also accommodating shift for Ask for Dan Bob & The Beachcombers (Variety) Sponsored by the Women’s Circle. Women’s Circle

The Early Childhood All services available to anyone who is a victim of domestic Intervention Program violence, sexual assault, or The Early Childhood Intervention Program other crimes of violence. provides services to children from birth *Emergency Shelter to 5 years---The critical years in a child’s *Transportation development. *Personal Advocacy Early intervention can enhance development *Counseling Referrals and reduce the effects of developmental *Legal Advocacy delays. *Crisis Intervention Early intervention services are equally available *Medical Advocacy to all. Contact information: Phone: (605) 698-3151 Phone: 698-4400 Ext. 300 After Hours: 1-888-252-0082 Fax: 698-4429 Email: [email protected] SWO Fuel,

P.O. Box 509 Inc. Agency Village, SD 57262 Commercial – Residential Heating & Air Conditioning Showtimes: Fri.-Sat. 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.; One hour sets with 1/2 hour breaks. LENNOX Quality products Propane – Heating Oil – Diesel Minimum charge (20 words or less)...... $3 Bulk Deliveries Additional, each word add...... $.15 Estimates Call 698-3521 or 698-4374

2202 SD Hwy 10 Sisseton, SD 57262 Business Hours: Monday thru Friday 8-5; Saturday 8-12 noon Insurance and Trust not FDIC Insured. Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 19

Washington, DC—U.S. “Native Americans have the highest charter include the American Legion, Anyone interested in having a stand, please attend this meeting, and any persons Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) per-capita rate of military service of Disabled American Veterans, and having specials please attend also as this will be the last meeting for your introduced legislation to grant the any ethnic group in the nation. It the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the information to be included on the poster. National American Indian Veterans is time they have a voice on Capitol United States. Association a federal charter, which Hill.” Johnson supported this would allow the organization to A federal charter does not legislation in the 108th Congress and for such important projects. This is represent Native American veterans grant any special privileges, but introduced it in the 109th Congress. a first step in my fight to reverse the before the Congress and the will provide the Native American In 2004, the bill passed the Senate President’s cuts and fund these high Administration. Veterans Association the same but failed to pass the House of priority water projects.” “Anyone who puts their life on status other veterans’ organizations Representatives before Congress Once approved, the Senate the line for this country deserves enjoy. Federally-chartered veterans’ adjourned. frivolous spending. The Senate Budget Resolution is a blueprint to have their concerns heard before organizations often have members Similar legislation was Washington, DC—The Senate Budget Committee has acted on my for the Senate Appropriations Congress and the Administration,” who testify before Congress and introduced in the House of Budget Committee passed the request and included language to Committee to use in making funding said Johnson, a member of the provide input to legislators. Representative last year by Rep. Fiscal Year 2009 Senate Budget clearly spell out that water projects decisions for the federal government. Senate Indian Affairs Committee. Organizations that currently have a Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD). Resolution, which included language that U.S. Senator Tim Johnson in South Dakota are a necessity,” Johnson is a member of the powerful Special Go Green! Update -- (D-SD) requested emphasizing the Johnson said. “Throughout my years Senate Appropriations Committee importance of fully-funding water in Congress I’ve supported vital and has used his seat on that projects like Lewis & Clark Regional water projects and I was extremely Committee to secure federal dollars Water System, the Mni Wiconi disappointed that President Bush that keep these drinking water Has your community the contest will be hosted on the CO, ND, SD, MT, UT, WY Rural Water System and the Perkins would propose zero federal dollars projects moving forward. organization cleaned up a stream? photo sharing site People ) Environmental Education County Rural Water System. The Have you enjoyed a day in the around the world are encouraged Coordinator Web Content resolution will now be considered by woods? Has a wild animal ever to enter. The contest will run as Coordinator, 1595 Wynkoop Street, the full Senate. Attention sparked your imagination? follows: 8OC, Denver CO 80202-1129; dew. “It is important for the Senate Enemy Swim Elderly Meeting If you’ve caught anything like March 24: entries due. [email protected]; 303-312-6605; to make it clear from the start of those moments in a photo, share it April 1: Finalists announced, the budget process that drinking Thursday, March 13, 2008 with us! We want to see how you public voting for winners begins. water projects are critical, not 2:00 p.m. would show EPA’s mission to protect April 15: voting ends. The meeting will be at the Enemy Swim Gym Cultural Center. human health and the environment. April 22 (Earth Day): winners Please call the kitchen or office if you need a ride. (605-947-4386 Send us your best photos in three announced. Notice or 605-947-4353). categories: Finalist and winning photos will Old Agency District Members Celebrating March Birthdays! Come and be a part of it. Enjoying the environment be featured on EPA’s Web site. Full Helen Pipe, PHN, RN: Helen will be giving an important Protecting the environment Nature details about the contest and how to District Meeting informational presentation on Colon Cancer at 1:00 p.m. and wildlife enter are online at http://www.epa. Monday, March 24, 2008 To encourage participation and gov/earthday/photocontest/. provide maximum public access, Wendy Dew Region 8 ( 6:00 p.m.

One Hour Makes A Difference! Attention Heipa District Members Lake Traverse District Veblen-Heipa Elderly Meeting Members Saturday, March 15, 2008 7 p.m. Every Thursday The Regular District Meeting for April will be held April 24, 11:00 a.m. In the Waubay Library 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lake Traverse District Center. & 7 p.m. Tuesday & Friday Hardship Meeting Old Community Center - Peever Also, the Lake Traverse Sisseton-Wahpeton Housing Authority Representative’s term will expire on 4/30/2008. If you are Saturday, March 15, 2008 One Hour interested in sitting on this Board, please submit a letter 1:00 p.m. Makes A Difference! of intent to the Lake Traverse District Coordinator Peggy Regular District Meeting King before 4:00 p.m. April 23, 2008. This will be voted on during the Regular District meeting on April 23, 2008. Sunday, March 16, 2008 1:00 p.m. Toka Nuwan Attention Mondays - 5-6 p.m. at the Elderly Complex. Contact District Center for info: 947-4319. Big Coulee District Members Special Meeting Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate March 27, 2008 Health Care Center 5:30 p.m. HOURS of OPERATION Concerning the tea project. Monday -Friday: 8 AM-8 PM (Including Regular District Meeting Holidays) Saturday -Sunday: 1 PM-5 PM March 30, 2008 NOTE: DOORS WILL CLOSE ½ HOUR PRIOR TO THE END 1:00 p.m. OF THE DAY. THIS WILL ALLOW MEDICAL CARE TO BE COMPLETED. All eligible patients can visit the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Health Care Center outpatient clinic for their ambulatory, urgent/acute and chronic care medical needs. Attention For the following medical conditions, you should seek care at the nearest emergency room. Examples: Long Hollow District Members *Sudden onset of chest pain or shortness of breath. Loan applications can be picked up and dropped off at the *A blow to the head resulting in a loss of consciousness, confusion District center, the front office at the Tribal building, or by or contacting individual Board members. nausea/vomiting. Please do not disturb the District Treasurer at her place of *Bleeding lasting longer than 10 minutes that can’t be controlled employment. with a bandage. You can call 605-268-3736 for information about your loan. *New onset of numbness, tingling or weakness on one side of the Please leave a message on voice mail. body. Loans will be processed on Thursdays and checks can be picked *Onset of labor pains/delivery of infant. up on Fridays from one of the Board members. *Suicidal and/or overdose situations. If you have any questions you can contact one of the following In general, all other medical needs can be provided during the expanded hours of operation at the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Board members: Lyndon Haug, John Ross, Nicolette Simon, Health Care Center. If you have questions, please contact the Russell Quinn, or Gretta Simon. Sisseton IHS CEO’S office at 698-7606. Thank you for your cooperation. 8-8tc Page 20 “Wo’okiye waste qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dakota Magic Casino and Hotel 16849 102nd St. SE North Dakota Exit No. 1, Interstate 29 South Dakota/North Dakota Border Hankinson, ND 58041 (1-800-325-6825) SPONSORED BY Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Council Michael I. Selvage Sr., Tribal Chairman - Jacob E. Thompson, Tribal Vice Chairman - Delbert Hopkins, Tribal Secretary - Norma Perko, Big Coulee District Councilperson - Terri Larsen, Buffalo Lake District Councilperson - Audrey Bernard, Enemy Swim District Councilperson - Winfield Rondell Jr., Heipa/Veblen District Councilman - Jerry Flute, Lake Traverse District Councilman - Virginia Max, Long Hollow District Councilperson - Floyd Kirk Jr., Old Agency District Councilman Woodrow Wilson Keeble Medal of Honor Presentation Attendees

Photo by David Derry Sr.