Suggested. and Activities Are Outlined on Three Levels: Level 1. Basic Movement
DOCUMENT BOSUNS ED 029 445 EC 003 994 Physical Activities for the Mentally Retarded Ideas for Instruction. American Association for Vealth, Physical Education and Recreation, Washington, D.C. Pub Date 68 Note-146p. Available from- American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 1201Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036 (S2.00). EDRS Price MF-S0.75 HC Not Available from (DRS. Descriptors- Athletic Equipment,Athletics, Body Image, *Exceptional Child Education, Games, vientally Handicapped Perceptual Motor Coordination, Physical Activities,*Physical Education, Physic::: Eduwtion Facilities, Psychomotor Skills, Recreational Activities,Skill Development, Student Evaluation, *Teachima Methods, Unit Plan A viewpoint regarding physical education and recreationfor the retarded is presented. and the development of fundamental motor skills,including postural orientation,locomotor, and otherskills,isdetailedTeaching techniques are suggested. and activities are outlined on three levels:level1. basic movement patterns, fundamental motor skills, initial perceptualdevelopment, primitive conceptual formation, and development of self awareness, body concept. and self image;level 2. activities of low organization in which patterns, movementsand skills developed at level 1 are applied to increasinglycomplex situations; and level 3. adapted and lead-up activities in which patterns, movements, and skills are used to preparethe individual for participation in sports. games. and higher organized activities.Sample units on bowling and softball (level4 activities), a classification index of all activities. a 15-item annotatedbibliography, and a form for evaluation of and suggestionsfor the document are also included. (JD) PROCESS WITH MICROFICHE AND PUBLISHER'S PRICES. MICRO- FICHE REPRODUCTION ONLY. A physical activities for the mentally retar e k) ( ideas for iffstriretiom qr. Qt ROCESS WITHMICROFICHE UBLISHER'S AND PRICES.
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