TUCCÊNENNATIVE AMERICAN JOURNALISM ASSOCIATION ANDTHE SOCIETY MVSKOKE OF PROFESSIONAL NEWS JOURNALIST AWARD WINNING PUBLICATIONPAGE 1 FEBRUARY 1, 2020 | “HOTVLE HVSE” WIND MONTH | VOL. 50, ISSUE 3 LEGISLATION APPROPRIATES FUNDS FOR MCN AG TO JOIN THREE OTHER TRIBES IN THE FEDERAL SUIT DISCOUNTED PROPANE GOV. STITT RAISES THE ANTE OFFERED TO MCN CITIZENS ONEFIRE PARTNERS WITH HOPKINS PROPANE TO PROVIDE A SPECIAL RATE Gale Postoak INTERN OKMULGEE, Oklahoma-One- Fire Holding Company has recently partnered with Hop- kins Propane to provide pro- pane at a special rate. Mvskoke Propane is offer- ing a special discounted rate for propane tanks to citizens for propane fueled utilities as well as the option for payment plans. “We are excited to offer value and service to our MCN citizens,” said Eli McIntosh Director of OneFire Holdings. “Rates are $1.57 per gallon, a savings of 23 cents per gallon at the current rate,” said McIn- tosh. “We also receive 6 propane tanks a year to provide to cit- Recent legislation approved by MCN National Council passed in Extraordinary Session on Jan 21. will appropriate $500,000 to the budget of the MCN Attorney General. The money will make the izens whose tanks are un-re- MCN a one-fourth stakeholder in the legal suit filed in federal court asking for ruling on the tribes gaming compacts. (MN File Photo) pairable or not safe,” said McIn- tosh. MCN’s newly elected leaders make Angel Ellis The program is separate good on a promise during the Executive REPORTER from the MCN LIHEAP pro- Branch Inauguration. MCN Principal gram as well as the Tribal OKMULGEE, Oklahoma–Oklahoma State Chief David Hill stated the Muscogee Energy Program, which assists Governor Kevin Stitt has filed an injunction (Creek) Nation would stand united with low-income households toward in federal court seeking to prevent the tribes other sovereign nations of Oklahoma. cooling and heating bills. from conducting Class III gaming in Okla- Recent legislation presented by the Exec- homa. utive Branch prepares funding to make PROPANE– 2 Just before the New Year the Choctaw, good on the pledge by tribal leaders by Chickasaw and Cherokee Nation filed a federal appropriating funds to join the gaming suit in the United States Court for the Western lawsuits. (Photo Provided) District asking for judgment on gaming com- SCOTUS pact renewal and seeking remedy from Gover- nor Stitt’s inference in tribal business. ‘The National Council’s approval of the Choctaw Nations as an intervener to the Fed- With appropriations passing through the budget request once again solidifies the Mus- eral lawsuit filed on Dec. 31, 2019.’ ASKED TO MCN National Council the Muscogee (Creek) cogee (Creek) Nation’s unified support of According to the legislation, Oklahoma’s Nation will be financially set to join the law- the legal action taken by our fellow Nations,’ Gov. Kevin Stitt’s position that Tribal Gaming DECIDE suit and pick up a portion of the legal fees. a statement from the Office of Chief and Compacts are now expired ‘has made it nec- In an Extraordinary Session held on Jan. Second Chief said. ‘Requesting a federal judi- essary for Tribes including the Muscogee 21, legislation introduced by the Office of the cial decision on Gov. Stitt’s dispute of our com- (Creek) Nation to enter the lawsuit.’ MURPHY Principal Chief, and sponsored by National pact renewal ensures a swift resolution for all ‘The Nation must act to protect its gaming OKLAHOMA PETITION IN Council Speaker Randall Hicks asking for an involved.’ compact by intervening in litigation filed appropriation of $500,000 for the Attorney ‘It is unknown when the Muscogee (Creek) MCGIRT APPEAL ASKS FOR Generals 2020 budget passed unanimously. Nation will join the Chickasaw, Cherokee and GAMING – 2 MURPHY DECISION Angel Ellis ART COUNCIL FUNDS AIHC ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM REPORTER CENTER FOR TRIBAL STUDIES PRESENTS NSU 48TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE AMERICAN INDIAN WASHINGTON–The U.S. Supreme Court has yet to make Lani Hansen Symposium a year in advance,” Alisa a decision on the question Douglas CTS Coordinator for Stu- brought before the court in the REPORTER dents Programs said. case of Murphy vs. Sharp. That The keynote speakers for the case has not made its way back OKMULGEE, Oklahoma– Symposium include: Mark Trah- onto the Supreme Court case The Northeastern State University ant (Shoshone-Bannock), editor of roster. Center for Tribal Studies (CTS) and Indian Country Today and board McGirt vs. Oklahoma has American Indian Heritage Com- Chair for Vision Maker Media; Adri- been accepted for review by mittee (AIHC) are preparing for enne Keene (Cherokee), assistant the U.S. high court. Much like the 48th Annual Symposium on the professor of American and Ethnic the Murphy case, at the core of American Indian. Studies at Brown University; and the McGirt case is a question The AIHC is made up of stu- Kainoa Embernate (‘Ōiwi Hawaii), about tribal jurisdiction and dents leaders, faculty and staff at founder of Hālau ‘Ōlelo, an online the jurisdiction of the State of NSU. school for the Hawaiian Language. Oklahoma. According to a press release “Mark Trahant will be speak- The new case is a review of from CTS, the Symposium on the ing about Native voice and litera- an appeal from Jimcy McGirt, American Indian will be held April ture in media and how it affects our who was convicted of child The NSU Symposium Powwow wraps up their week long festivities with gourd dancing. 13-18, 2020, centered on the theme, future generations,” Sara Barnett sex crimes. McGirt was con- “Visionaries of Indian Country.” The (Submission) Director of Center for Tribal Studies victed of first-degree rape, meaning of the theme is Ameri- sions made today will impact future community, environment and sov- said. “Then Adrienne Keene will be lewd molestation and forcible can Indians who carry with them generations. This concept of the sev- ereignty. speaking about her efforts to address sodomy in 1996 while having the knowledge, traditions and lan- enth generation is a way of life for Each year the committee selects cultural appropriation and main- prior convictions and offenses. guage of their ancestors as they serve many indigenous people, a method keynote speakers who are sup- stream society in media, and talk McGirt was sentenced to as leaders within their family, tribe of integrating the past, present and ported by the Oklahoma Human- about the importance of accurate, 500-year sentences and a life and community. These visionaries future. The visionaries of Indian ities Council. respectful and appropriate represen- are not just focused on the here and Country are vital to the preservation “We usually discuss who our key- now, but are cognizant of how deci- and sustainability of our languages, note speakers will be for the coming AIHC– 2 MCGIRT– 2 • P.O. BOX 580 - OKMULGEE, OK 74447 • 918.732.7720 • MVSKOKEMEDIA.COM • @MVSKOKEMEDIA PAGE 2 THE MVSKOKE NEWS HOKKÔLEN McGirt returned,’ on Aug. 5 2019. Continued from Page 1 The State of Oklahoma has FORMER PRINCESS SERVES AS COLLEGE TEACHER imprisonment sentence for filed brief in the McGirt case FORMER MCN PRINCESS HELPS WITH A LANGUAGE DOCUMENTARY AND forcible sodomy. saying that the outcome of McGirt’s appeal argues that McGirt is contingent upon the TEACHES MVSKOKE LANGUAGE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA the state did not have authority outcome of Murphy. to convict him. ‘Petitioner in this case, who Lani Hansen He claims the jurisdiction claims to be an enrolled tribal REPORTER should have been handled by member, sought release from federal courts due to the fact incarceration by arguing that OKMULGEE, Oklahoma– the crime took place within the state lacked jurisdiction Mvskoke Media continues the tribal jurisdiction boundaries. to convict him for sex crimes series of “Former MCN prin- Nothing in McGirt’s appeal committed against a child cesses: Where are they now?” shows evidence that the crime within the historical Creek with series seven featuring Mel- took place on restricted land. boundaries,’ Oklahoma’s brief anie Frye. Frye served as Mus- McGirt’s case presents the stated. cogee (Creek) Nation Princess opportunity for all nine jus- ‘The court below affirmed in 2006-2007. tices to hear and give opinion the denial of his post-con- When Frye competed in on the case. viction petition as premature 2006 for the title, she knew In the last session, Justice pending this Court’s decision what to expect. She competed Neil Gorsuch did not partici- in Murphy.’ in the pageant the previous pate on the Murphy case opin- Ian Gershengorn, who has year which was her first time ion leaving eight justices to familiarity with the Murphy and said she was nervous. hear the case. case having made oral argu- Frye enjoyed the pageant The high court did not ments in Nov. 2018, is repre- and meeting new people. From render an opinion and instead senting McGirt’s appeal. her experience the commit- on Dec. 4, 2018 the court According to the State of tee taught the contestants how directed the parties, Solicitor Oklahoma the cases of McGirt to sit, walk and present as the General and Muscogee (Creek) and Murphy pose an ‘identical princess. Nation to present supplemen- question.’ During her reign Frye was a tal briefs addressing two more The question listed on the student at the University of Okla- questions for the court. petition filed for McGirt states, homa (OU), but as princess they The questions were, ‘Whether Oklahoma Courts kept her busy with traveling and ‘Whether any statute grants the can continue to unlawfully attending events. A couple of the state of Oklahoma jurisdiction exercise, under state law, crim- events she attended was Gather- over the prosecution of crimes inal jurisdiction as ‘justicia- ing of Nations and Council Oak.
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