Digestive System

1. General organization of the internal organs 2. Digestive system – overview 3. Anterior digestive tract 4. Gastrointestinal tract 5. Rectoanal region 6. Hepatobiliary system 7. Peritoneum SPLANCHNOLOGY Internal organs of human body

 Internal organs – viscera (splanchna):  organs of the digestive, respiratory and urogenital systems  located primarily in the thoracic and abdominal cavities  functions – organs of vegetative state (vegetative organs)  metabolism  reproduction  structural and functional differentiation  hollow organs (tube or pouch) or parenchymal organs

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 2 SPLANCHNOLOGY Internal organs  Digestive system:  from cranial to caudal end of the body, mostly in the abdominal cavity  Respiratory system:  mainly in the thoracic cavity  Urogenital system:  lower part of the abdominal cavity and in the pelvis

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 3 SPLANCHNOLOGY Tissue structure of the internal organs

 Main tissues:

 epithelial tissue – functionally distinct tissue

 smooth muscle tissue

 connective tissue:

 loose connective tissue

 dense connective tissue

 reticular tissue

 cartilage tissue  nervous tissue:

 nerve cells (neurons)

 autonomic nerves

 sensory receptors

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 4 SPLANCHNOLOGY General structure of hollow organs  mucosa, tunica mucosa:  lamina epithelialis – covering  lamina propria – loose connective tissue  blood and lymph vessels  lymph follicles (MALT, GALT, BALT)  elastic fibers, nerves and nerve structures  mucosal glands – in stomach and gut  lamina muscularis mucosae – smooth muscle (membrana elastica)  tela submucosa  blood vessels  submucosal plexus (plexus of Meissner)  glands – in esophagus and duodenum  tunica muscularis  inner circular layer  myenteric plexus (plexus of Auerbach)  outer longitudinal layer  tunica serosa (adventitia) Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 5 SPLANCHNOLOGY General structure of parenchymal organs Parenchyma vs. Stroma  Solid organs, organa solida:  epithelial tissue – parenchyma  connective tissue – stroma  blood and lymph vessels  nerve structures  Structure principle:  structural units  lobules, segments, lobes  fibrous capsule  adventitia or serosa  Main functions:  secretion and excretion  gas exchange  formation of sex cells  Representatives:  liver, pancreas  kidney, spleen  ovary, glands Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 6 SPLANCHNOLOGY Digestive system  Digestion:  mechanical breakdown of food  chemical breakdown – enzymes  traveling down of the bolus (peristalsis)  absorption of the chyme  elimination of waste material (defecation)

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 7 SPLANCHNOLOGY Digestive system

 Digestive system, systema digestorium, apparatus digestorius:  alimentary canal – length 9 m  mouth  anus  accessory digestive glands:  salivary glands  liver  pancreas

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 8 SPLANCHNOLOGY Alimentary canal  Anterior part:

 mouth and oral cavity

 throat, pharynx

 gullet (esophagus)  Middle part – GI tract:


 small intestine  Posterior (terminal) part:

 large intestine, incl. rectum and anus

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 9 SPLANCHNOLOGY Oral cavity, cavitas oris

 Cavitas (cavum) oris Gr. stoma, stomatos:  in the facial region of the head  rima oris  isthmus faucium  Parts of the oral cavity:  oral vestibule, vestibulum oris  oral cavity proper, cavitas oris propria  boundaries o gums and teeth o hard palate o part of the o diaphragma oris  content o tongue o teeth  fauces – the troat

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 10 SPLANCHNOLOGY Lips, labia oris  Macroscopic :  oral fissure  angle of mouth  labial frenulum  Upper lip, labium superius  Lower lip, labium inferius  Structure – orbicularis oris muscle:  cutaneous portion – hairy skin  marginal (red) portion  mucosa– stratified squamous epithelium

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 11 SPLANCHNOLOGY Cheeks, buccae

 Structure – two membranous walls:  enclose the mouth laterally  similar to lips structure  skin  muscle layer – buccinator muscle  subcutaneous fat tissue, – buccal fat pad (Bichat)  buccal mucosa

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 12 SPLANCHNOLOGY Palate  Palate, palatum:  separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity  palatum durum  palatum molle  Hard (bone) palate, palatum durum (osseum) – anterior ⅔:  processus palatinus maxillae  lamina horizontalis ossis palatini  transverse palatal ridges  Soft palate, palatum molle – posterior ⅓  velum palatini with uvula  pharyngopalatine arch  skeletal muscle  glandular tissue, no bone

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 13 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gums, gingivae

 Gums, gingivae:  pars fixa  pars libera s. marginalis  Macroscopic anatomy:  gingival margin  gingival sulcus  papilla gingivalis (interdentalis)  vestibular  oral  Microscopic anatomy:  lamina epithelialis  stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium  lamina propria – papillae  abundant blood supply  rich innervation Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 14 SPLANCHNOLOGY Teeth, dentes  Teeth, dentes (Gr. odus, odontos ):  mechanical breakdown (chew) of food  help in phonation  derivatives of oral mucosa  Characteristics of human dentition:  close contact between teeth  heterodont – teeth differ morphologically  diphyodont – two successions of teeth  in a process of evolution – reduction in number

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 15 SPLANCHNOLOGY Human dentition

 Permanent teeth, dentes permanentes:  32 teeth into two symmetrical halves  upper dental arch , arcus dentalis superior  lower dental arch , arcus dentalis inferior  anatomical and functional groups:  incisors, dentes incisivi  canine (dogteeth), dentes canini  premolars, dentes premolares  molars, dentes molares

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 16 SPLANCHNOLOGY Human dentition

 Deciduous (milk) teeth, dentes decidui:  the first set of teeth in the growth development of humans  20 teeth into two symmetrical halves  distinguishing features (traits):  similar morphology but smaller in size  slightly blue tone of enamel  shorter roots  wider root canals and cavity  anatomical and functional groups:  incisors, dentes incisivi 2  canine teeth, dentes canini – 1  molars, dentes molares – 2

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 17 SPLANCHNOLOGY Basic tooth structure  Principal parts of a tooth:  tooth crown, corona dentis – surfaces  margo incisialis (incisivus) – incisors  facies occlusalis (masticatoria) – premolars and molars o tuberculum dentale (cuspis dentalis)  facies vestibularis (labialis, buccalis)  facies lingualis  facies contactus (mesialis et distalis)  anatomical vs. clinical crown  tooth neck, cervix dentis  root, radix dentis – in dental alveolus  apex radicis dentis  cavity – cavitas dentis (pulparis)  cavitas coronae  canalis radicis dentis  tooth pulp, pulpa dentis  pulpa coronalis  pulpa radicularis Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 18 SPLANCHNOLOGY Tongue, lingua (Gr. glossa)  Parts of the tongue:  body, corpus linguae  apex linguae  root of tongue, radix linguae  divided by the sulcus terminalis  Surface anatomy of the tongue:  upper surface, dorsum linguae  pars presulcalis (anterior, oralis)  pars postsulcalis (posterior, pharyngealis)  sulcus terminalis  foramen cecum  sulcus medianus linguae  lower, facies inferior linguae  plica fimbriata  frenulum linguae  caruncula sublingualis  plica sublingualis  margin of the tongue, margo linguae

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 19 SPLANCHNOLOGY Papillae of the tongue

 Papillae linguales – 4 distinct types:  papillae filiformes (conicae)  papillae fungiformes  papillae vallatae  papillae foliatae

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 20 SPLANCHNOLOGY Taste perception  taste buds, caliculi (gemmae) gustatorii – 20009000:  vallate papillae – most numerous, plentiful in the posterior ⅓ of tongue  fungiform and foliate papillae  soft palate, epiglottis and pharynx  reduction in number (up to ⅓) with age  our sense of taste can and do change over time!

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 21 SPLANCHNOLOGY Glands of the tongue

 Glandulae linguales – minor salivary glands:  mixed (seromucous) glands – near the tip anterior lingual (Nuhn’s) glands  serous glands – in the vallate papillae gustatory (von Ebner’s) glands  mucous glands – in the tongue root posterior lingual (Weber) glands

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 22 SPLANCHNOLOGY Lingual tonsil  Tonsilla lingualis:  small, rounded mass of lymphoid tissue in the posterior ⅓ of the tongue  tonsillar papillae, tonsillar crypts  Weber’s salivary glands  covered with stratified squamous epithelium

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 23 SPLANCHNOLOGY Muscles of the tongue  Skeletal (extrinsic) lingual muscles – move the tongue:  m. genioglossus – most well developed  m. hyoglossus  m. styloglossus  m. palatoglossus  m. chondroglossus – inconstant

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 24 SPLANCHNOLOGY Muscles of the tongue  Proper (instrinsic) lingual muscles – alter its shape:  m. longitudinalis superior  m. longitudinalis inferior  m. transversus linguae  m. verticalis linguae

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 25 SPLANCHNOLOGY Salivary glands

 Small salivary glands, glandulae salivariae minores:  mixed glands:  labial  buccal  molar  anterior lingual glands (Nuhn)  serous glands:  von Ebner ’s glands in the tongue  mucous glands:  palatine glands  posterior lingual glands (Weber)

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 26 SPLANCHNOLOGY Salivary glands  Large salivary glands, glandulae salivariae majores:  Parotid gland, glandula parotidea (parotis)  Submandibular gland, glandula submandibularis  Sublingual gland, glandula submandibularis

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 27 SPLANCHNOLOGY Fauces, fauces  Isthmus faucium  Fauces:  velum palatinum – superiorly  uvula palatina  palatoglossal arch  palatopharyngeal arch

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 28 SPLANCHNOLOGY Waldeyer’s tonsillar ring  NALT – NasalAssociated Lymphoid Tissue  Anulus lymphoides Waldeyeri:  lingual tonsil  pharyngeal (adenoid) tonsil  tubal tonsil  palatine tonsil von Waldeyer (1836-1921)

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 29 SPLANCHNOLOGY Throat, pharynx

 food and airconduction crossroad  part of the digestive and respiratory systems  important in vocalization  coneshaped muscular membranous sac:  length– 1215 cm  diameter – upper portion: 3.5 cm lower portion: 1.5 cm

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 30 SPLANCHNOLOGY Macroscopic anatomy

 Three general areas:  epipharynx (nasopharynx)  mesopharynx (oropharynx)  hypopharynx (laryngopharynx) Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 31 SPLANCHNOLOGY Pars nasalis pharyngis synonyms: nasopharynx, epipharynx  Part of the respiratory system:  fornix pharyngis – tonsilla pharyngealis (adenoidea)  tonsilla tubaria

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 32 SPLANCHNOLOGY Pars oralis pharyngis synonyms: oropharynx, mesopharynx

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 33 SPLANCHNOLOGY Pars laryngea pharyngis synonyms: laryngopharynx, hypopharynx

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 34 SPLANCHNOLOGY Muscles of the pharynx  Skeletal muscles  tunica muscularis pharyngis:  deep layer of longitudinally oriented muscles  superficial layer of circular skeletal muscle

 Two functional groups:  mm. levatores pharyngis  mm. constrictores pharyngis Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 35 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gullet, esophagus  Straight muscular tube 25-30 cm long:  begins at the level of

cricoid cartilage – C6  pass through the mediastinum and penetrates the diaphragm

– Th 10  meets the stomach

– Th 11

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 36 SPLANCHNOLOGY Macroscopic anatomy  Anatomical parts:  cervical part – 56 cm  thoracic part – 1619 cm  abdominal part – 14 cm

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 37 SPLANCHNOLOGY Anatomical constrictions  Three anatomical constrictions:  pharyngoesophageal – 15 cm from the incisors  bronchoaortic – 24 cm from the incisor teeth  phrenic – 40 cm from the incisor teeth

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 38 SPLANCHNOLOGY Physiological constrictions  Two physiological constrictions – due to the muscle contractions of the esophagus

1. Aortic – at the site of bifurcation with the aortic arch

2. Cardiac – the lower entrance to the stomach

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 39 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic structure

 Lamina epithelialis mucosae: stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium – 2024 layers  Lamina propria mucosae:  cardiac glands  Lamina muscularis mucosae:  longitudinal smooth muscles  Tela submucosa :  esophageal glands  plexus submucosus (Meissneri)  Tunica muscularis – transition  internal circular layer  external longitudinal layer  plexus myentericus (Auerbachi)  Tunica adventitia:  loose connective tissue  serosa below the diaphragm

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 40 SPLANCHNOLOGY Stomach, gaster (ventriculus)

 the dilated portion of the alimentary canal, pouchlike, Jshaped organ:  stores food – 11.7 l  in the upper left part of the abdomen, below the diaphragm  4 anatomical regions:  cardiac region, cardia  fundic region, fundus  body, corpus  pyloric region, pylorus  Two walls:  anterior  posterior  lesser and greater curvature

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 41 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic structure  3 histological regions:  cardiac pars cardiaca  fundic  fundus et  corpus gastricum  pyloric pars pylorica

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 42 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gastric wall  Three tissue layers:

 gastric mucosa, tunica mucosa  tela submucosa  muscle layer, tunica muscularis  serosa, tunica serosa

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 43 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gastric mucosa

 lamina epithelialis – simple columnar glandular epithelium: surface mucous cells (47 days) и pit cells  lamina propria mucosae – gastric glands  lamina muscularis mucosae – gastric rugae

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 44 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gastric glands

 gastric glands proper – 35 million glandulae gastricae propriae  pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid  gastric intrinsic factor  cardiac – glandulae cardiacae  pyloric – glandulae pyloricae, 3.5 million

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 45 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gastric glands  glandulae gastricae propriae – parts: isthmus, cervix, pars principalis (corpus, fundus)  cells:  epitheliocyti nondifferentiati glandulae pyloricae : stem cells  exocrinocyti principales: pepsinogen and gastric lipase  exocrinocyti parietales: HCl, intrinsic factor  mucocyti cervicales – PASpositive  endocrinocyti gastrointestinales: gastrin , SOM, VIP, SER, histamine, ghrelin, bombesin

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 46 SPLANCHNOLOGY Histological structure  Tela submucosa:  connective tissue with blood and lymph vessels

 Tunica muscularis:  inner oblique layer, fibrae obliquae  middle circular layer (m. sphincter pyloricus)  outer longitudinal layer (stratum longitudinale)  Tunica serosa:  part of peritoneum Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 47 SPLANCHNOLOGY Small intestine, intestinum tenue

 Small intestine – convoluted tube:  longest part of the digestive tract  from pylorus to the ileocecal valve  length – 68 m  diameter – 43 cm  capacity – 4 l  functional peculiarities  Three portions:  the duodenum, duodenum – first 2530 cm

 the jejunum, jejunum – 2/5

 the ileum, ileum – 3/5

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 48 SPLANCHNOLOGY Duodenum in situ  Location and anatomical parts:  shortest, widest and most fixed intestinal part  Cshaped curve around pancreatic head  superior part – 5 cm  descending – 7.5 cm  horizontal – 10 cm  ascending – 2.5 cm

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 49 SPLANCHNOLOGY Mesenteric small intestine

 Mesenteric small intestine:  intraperitoneal position  projected in:  regio mesogastrica  regio hypogastrica  The jejunum, jejunum:  horizontal arrangement of its loops  located largely toward the upper left of the intestinal coils

 begin from duodendojejunal flexure (L 2)  The ileum, ileum:  vertical arrangement of its loops  located largely toward the lower right of the intestinal coils

 ends at the ileocecal junction (L 4) Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 50 SPLANCHNOLOGY Intestinal wall  Three major layers:  tunica mucosa – spiral ridges  circular folds, plicae circulares  tela submucosa  tunica muscularis  tunica serosa

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 51 SPLANCHNOLOGY Intestinal mucosa  Mucosa, tunica mucosa:  intestinal villi – cells  intestinal glands  duodenal glands

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 52 SPLANCHNOLOGY Large intestine, intestinum crassum

 Large intestine:  end part of the digestive tract  length 1.52 m, diameter 6.5 cm  capacity 23 l  functions:  formation and evacuation of bolus  water absorption  degradation of food matter – cellulose, waste material, mucus  Parts:  cecum (caecum)  colon  rectum

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 53 SPLANCHNOLOGY Cecum and appendix  Cecum:  blind pouch in lower right abdominal quadrant  inferior to ileocecal valve  intraperitoneal position  Appendix vermiformis:  blind tube 78 cm long  intraperitoneal  mesoappendix

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 54 SPLANCHNOLOGY Colon

 Four sections:  ascending, colon ascendens  transverse, colon transversum  descending, colon descendens  sigmoid, colon sigmoideum  Anatomy:  longitudinal ribbonlike muscular strips, taeniae coli  taenia libera  taenia omentalis  taenia mesocolica  pouches, haustrae coli  clublike fatty pouches of peritoneum, epiploic appendages  semilunar folds, plicae semilunares coli

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 55 SPLANCHNOLOGY Colon wall  Three major layers:  mucosa, tunica mucosa  intestinal glands, no intestinal villi  tela submucosa  submucosal plexus (Meissner)  muscle layer, tunica muscularis  internal circular layer  external longitudinal layer – in teniae  myenteric plexus (Auerbach)  serosa, tunica serosa (adventitia)

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 56 SPLANCHNOLOGY Rectum, Gr. proctos  Anatomy of rectoanal region:  3 transverse folds, rectal valves  length 1215 cm, Sshaped  rectal ampulla  anal canal – final 3 cm  longitudinal ridges, anal columns  anal sinuses  anal verge, anus  internal and external anal sphincter

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 57 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic anatomy

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 58 SPLANCHNOLOGY Liver, hepar  Largest internal organ and largest gland in the human body:  volume – ~1500 cm3  weight – 1.52.4 kg  unequal size and shape  soft, reddishbrown, triangular organ  Location:  beneath the diaphragm  right hypochondriac and epigastric regions  Dual blood supply:  7080% – hepatic portal vein: venous blood from the spleen, entire gastrointestinal tract and its associated organs  2030% – hepatic arteries: arterial blood  > 500 vital functions – production of bile, major role in metabolism Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 59 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gross anatomy  Two surfaces:  superior diaphragmatic  inferior visceral – porta hepatis  posterior – bare area  Hepatic lobes:  right lobe  left lobe  quadratus and caudatus lobes  Hepatic segments

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 60 SPLANCHNOLOGY Microscopic anatomy

 serosa, tunica serosa  fibrous capsule of Glisson , tunica fibrosa  hepatic lobules, lobuli hepatis:  total number – ~1 000 000  shape – hexagonal  size – 0.7 x 2 mm  content: • parenchyma, hepatocytes • central vein • sinusoids

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 61 SPLANCHNOLOGY Functional units of liver  “classical” lobule – anatomical model  portal lobule – bile secretion  liver – blood flow and metabolic

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 62 SPLANCHNOLOGY Gallbladder, vesica biliaris (fellea)

 hollow pearshaped organ:  concentrates bile  aids in fat digestion  volume: 4060 cm3  three sections:  fundus  body, corpus  neck, collum  cystic , ductus cysticus

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 63 SPLANCHNOLOGY Biliary tree  bile canaliculi  bile ducts (canals of Hering )  interlobular bile ducts  left and right hepatic ducts  common hepatic duct  cystic duct  common bile duct

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 64 SPLANCHNOLOGY

 Gr. πάγκρεας Pancreas pan “all” , kreas, “flesh”  A large glandular organ:  weight – 80 g (30180 g)  size – 15 cm long, 2.5 thick  exocrine and endocrine gland  location – retroperitoneal:  hidden behind the stomach

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 65 SPLANCHNOLOGY Macroscopic anatomy

 5 anatomical parts:  head, caput pancreatis  uncinate process  neck, collum pancreatis  body, corpus pancreatis  tail, cauda pancreatis  Pancreatic structure:  exocrine part – pancreatic acini  endocrine part – pancreatic islets

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 66 SPLANCHNOLOGY Exocrine pancreas, pars exocrina pancreatis  Exocrine tissue – pancreatic juice:  secretory acini – serous acinar cells  duct system:  intercalated ducts  intralobular ducts  interlobular ducts  main pancreatic duct (of Wirsung)  accessory pancreatic duct (of Santorini)  pancreatic lobules, connective tissue septa  thin pancreatic capsule, capsula pancreatis

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 67 SPLANCHNOLOGY Endocrine pancreas, pars endocrina pancreatis  Islets of Langerhans, insulae pancreaticae:  > 1 million (12% of the volume)  weight ~ 1 g  diameter 100300 µm  most numerous in the tail  Cell types:  A cells – 1520%, glucagon  B cells – 6080%, insulin  D cells – 510%, somatostatin  PP cells – 25%, pancreatic polypeptide

 D1 cells – 0.51%, VIP  EC cells  G cells – gastrin, Y cells – ghrelin

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 68 SPLANCHNOLOGY Peritoneum

 Serous membrane:  visceral peritoneum  parietal peritoneum  meso- and ligaments  Peritoneal cavity  peritoneal fluid  Microscopic anatomy:   subserous connective tissue  Peritoneal positions of organs:  intraperitoneal  mesoperitoneal  retroperitoneal, extraperitoneal

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Lazarov 69 “The fate of a nation has often depended on food or bad digestion of a prime minister”

Voltaire (1694 ---1778) Thank you ... 70