Amal Carby Types

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Amal Carby Types Amal Carburettor Type Number and Use Prepared by Dennis Wright Data solely from Amal Publications: List No. 601/3 (Issue No. 2) & List No. 601/4 (Issue No. 4) Needle Type Use Bore Pilot Cutaway Main Jet Position 375/1 375/2 BSA 250cc 1955-56; C10L sv 25/32" 25 3.5 120 0.105 2 375/3 375/4 BSA 250cc 1955; C11G 25/32" 25 3.5 140 0.105 3 BSA 250cc 1955; C11G with air filter 25/32" 25 3.5 100 0.105 3 BSA 250cc 1956-57; C12 25/32" 25 3.5 140 0.105 3 375/5 Ariel 197cc 1955-58; LH Colt 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.106 2 375/6 Excelsior 250cc 1955-60; 2 str TT3 and TT4 25/32" 30 3 100 0.105 2 Excelsior 250cc 1955-60; 2 str STT4 Talisman Twin 25/32" 30 3 100 0.105 2 Excelsior 250cc 1955-58; STT6 25/32" 30 3 100 0.105 2 375/7 Douglas 350cc 1955-59; Twin Dragonfly 15/16" 30 3.5 130 0.106 3 375/8 Anzani 242cc 1955-56; Twin 2 stroke 25/32" 25 3 130 0.106 2 Greeves 242cc 1956-58; 25D Fleetwing 25/32" 25 3 130 0.106 2 Norman 242cc 1955-58 Twin Anzani 2 Str 25/32" 25 3 130 0.106 2 Tandon 242cc 1955-56;Twin 25/32" 25 3 130 0.106 2 375/9 Excelsior 150cc 1955-56; Courier 2 str 7/8" 30 3.5 140 0.105 2 375/10 Indian 250cc 1956-57; Fire Arrow 25/32" 25 4 120 0.105 3 Royal Enfield 250cc 1955-62; Clipper, Series 1 25/32" 25 4 120 0.105 3 375/11 Panther (P&M) 250cc 1955-61; 65 Model 25/32" 30 4 120 0.105 3 375/12 375/13 375/14 375/15 Motobecane 150cc 1956-57; Twin 7/8" 25 3.5 120 0.105 3 375/16 Royal Enfield 250cc 1955-61; Mod C6 Crusader 7/8" 25 3.5 120 0.105 3 Royal Enfield 250cc 1955-63; Clipper, Series 2 7/8" 25 3.5 120 0.105 3 375/17 Radior 175cc 1956-58 13/16" 25 3.5 120 0.105 3 375/18 375/19 375/20 Excelsior 250cc 1956-58; Twin Sports STT5 & 6 7/8" 30 4 150 0.105 2 Excelsior 328cc 1957-58; Berkeley Twin 2 Str 7/8" 30 4 150 0.105 2 375/21 375/22 375/23 Triumph 350cc 1958; T21 Twin 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.105 3 375/24 Indian 250cc 1957-58; Enduro Indian & Hounds Fire Arrow 7/8" 25 3 130 0.105 3 375/25 BSA 250cc 1957-58; C11, C12 25/32" 25 3.5 140 0.105 3 375/26 Royal Enfield 250cc 1957-58; Pacific Crusader (Export) 23/32" 25 4 80 0.105 3 375/27 375/28 375/29 375/30 BSA 250cc 1957; C10L sv 25/32" 25 3.5 120 0.105 2 375/31 BSA 175cc 1957-65; D7 Bantam Super 7/8" 25 3.5 140 0.105 2 375/32 Triumph 350cc 1957-61; T21 25/32" 25 3.5 100 0.105 3 375/33 Ariel 247cc 1958-65; Twin 2 str "Leader" 7/8" 30 3.5 170 0.105 3 Ariel 247cc 1962-65; Twin 2 str "Arrow" 7/8" 30 3.5 170 0.105 3 375/34 BSA 250cc 1959-61; C15 Trials and Std 7/8" 25 4 140 0.105 3 BSA 250cc 1962-66; C15 Star (Home) 7/8" 25 4 140 0.105 4 375/35 Triumph 500cc 1959-65; 5TA 7/8" 25 3 160 0.105 3 375/36 Norton 250cc 1958-63; Jubilee Twin De-Luxe 25/32" 25 3.5 130 0.1065 3 375/37 Francis Barnett 150cc 1958-61; 15T 2 Str & Plover 86 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.105 2 Francis Barnett 150cc 1963-66; Fulmar 88, 90 & Plover 95 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.105 2 James 150cc 1958-61; 15T 2 str 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.105 2 James 150cc 1964-66; Scooter SCI & Cadet 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.105 2 375/38 375/39 BSA 175cc 1959; D7 Pastoral 7/8" 25 3 150 0.106 3 375/40 BSA 175cc 1960-63; D7 Pastoral 7/8" 25 3 150 0.106 3 375/41 Excelsior 250cc 1959-60; Frisky car 25/32" 30 3.5 120 0.105 3 375/42 James 150cc 1960-61; 15H 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.105 2 375/43 Norton 250cc 1958-66; Jubilee Twin Standard 25/32" 25 3.5 130 0.1065 3 Type Use Bore Pilot Cutaway Main Jet Position 375/44 Triumph 200cc 1960-61; T20T Std Cub 25/32" 25 3.5 100 0.105 3 Triumph 200cc 1963-66; T20 Trials & WD 25/32" 25 3.5 100 0.105 3 375/45 375/46 375/47 Norton 350cc 1961-63; Navigator Twin De-Luxe 7/8" 25 3.5 170 0.105 4 375/48 Norton 350cc 1962-65; Navigator Twin Standard 7/8" 25 3.5 170 0.105 4 375/49 Francis Barnett 150cc 1962; 2 Str 15T 13/16" 25 3.5 110 0.105 2 375/50 BSA 175cc 1962-65; D7 Pastoral (TOO) 7/8" 25 3.5 140 0.105 2 375/51 BSA 175cc 1962-65; C15 Police Trials Pastoral 7/8" 25 4 140 0.105 4 375/52 375/53 375/54 Norton 350cc 1963-65; 384EEBB, ESB & ES400 7/8" 25 3 190 0.105 4 375/55 375/56 BSA 175cc 1963-65; D7 (USA) 7/8" 25 3.5 110 0.105 2 375/57 Ariel 200cc 1964-65; Arrow 13/16" 30 3.5 120 0.104 3 375/58 Royal Enfield 250cc 1964-66; Clipper & Olympic 7/8" 25 3.5 95 0.105 3 375/59 375/60 BSA 175cc 1966; D7 De-Luxe and Silver Bantam 7/8" 25 3.5 100 0.105 2 375/61 375/62 Triumph 350cc 1962-66; T21 & 3TA 25/32" 25 3.5 100 0.106 3 Amal Carburettor Type Number and Use Prepared by Dennis Wright Data solely from Amal Publications: List No. 601/3 (Issue No. 2) & List No. 601/4 (Issue No. 4) Needle Type Use Bore Pilot Cutaway Main Jet Position 376/1 BSA 650cc 1955-57: A10 Golden Flash Twin (Spring Frame) 1 1/16" 25 3.5 240 0.106 3 376/2 BSA 350cc 1955-56; B31(Home) 1" 30 3.5 260 0.106 2 376/3 BSA 350cc 1955-60; B31(for Air Filter) (Export) 1" 30 3.5 200 0.106 2 376/4 BSA 500cc 1955-56; A7 15/16" 25 3.5 210 0.106 2 376/5 AJS 347cc 1955-61; 16M, 16MS, 16MCS 1 1/16" 30 3.5 210 0.106 3 Matchless 347cc 1955-61; G3L, G3LS, G3LC Single 1 1/16" 30 3.5 210 0.106 3 376/6 AJS 498cc 1955-58; 20 Twin 1" 30 4 220 0.106 3 Matchless 498cc 1955-58 G9 Twin 1" 30 4 220 0.106 3 376/7 Ariel 497cc 1955-58; KH Fieldmaster Twin 1" 30 3.5 200 0.106 3 376/8 Ariel 350cc 1955-58; NH Hunter, 1957-58 HT3 "R" Hunter Trials 1" 25 3.5 200 0.106 3 376/9 BSA 500cc 1955-57; B33 (for Air Filter) (Export) 1 1/16" 25 3.5 210 0.106 3 376/10 BSA 500cc 1955-57; B33 and M33 (Home) 1 1/16" 25 3.5 260 0.106 3 376/11 Ariel 497cc 1955-59 VH Hunter 1 1/16" 30 3.5 200 0.106 3 376/12 Ariel 646cc 1955-59 FH Huntmaster Twin 1 1/16" 25 3.5 240 0.106 3 376/13 Ariel 598 cc 1955-58 VB 1" 30 5 220 0.106 2 376/14 376/15 BSA 500cc 1955-56; A7 Shooting Star (Home and Export) 1" 30 3.5 270 0.106 3 376/16 BSA 500cc 1955; A7 Shooting Star (Export) 1" 30 3.5 270 0.106 3 376/17 Norton 500cc 1955-63; ES2, 19R 1 1/16" 30 4 270 0.106 3 Norton 596cc 1956-58; 19S 1 1/16" 30 4 270 0.106 3 376/18 Norton 500cc 1955-56; Dominator 88 Deluxe Twin 1" 30 3.5 240 0.106 2 376/19 Norton 500cc 1955-56; Dominator Std Twin 1" 30 3.5 240 0.106 2 376/20 376/21 BSA 500cc 1955-56; M20 (Home and Export) 1" 30 5 240 0.106 3 376/22 376/23 BSA 600cc 1955-56 M21 (Home and Export) 1 1/16" 30 5 250 0.106 2 376/24 376/25 Triumph 498cc 1955-60; 5T Speed Twin 15/16" 30 3.5 200 0.106 4 376/26 376/27 376/28 376/29 Royal Enfield 350cc 1957-61; Clipper 1" 30 4 180 0.106 3 Royal Enfield 350cc 1955-57; G2 Bullet 1" 30 4 180 0.106 3 376/30 Panther 600cc 1955-56; Mod 100 1 1/16" 30 3.5 250 0.106 2 376/31 Vincent 998cc 1955; Black Knight & Rapide 1 1/16" 30 4 240 0.106 2 376/32 376/33 AJS 347cc 1955-56; 16M, 16MS, 16MC, 16MCS 1 1/16" 30 3.5 200 0.106 3 Matchless 347cc 1955-56; G3L, G3LS, G3LC 1 1/16" 30 3.5 200 0.106 3 376/34 AJS 498cc 1955-56; 20 Twin 1" 30 4 230 0.106 3 Matchless 498cc 1955; G9 Twin with Air Filter 1" 30 4 230 0.106 3 376/35 Triumph 498cc 1955-61;TR5, T100 15/16" 25 3.5 220 0.106 4 376/36 Indian 500cc 1956-57; Twin Tomahawk 15/16" 25 3.5 230 0.106 2 Royal Enfield 500cc 1955-58; Twin 15/16" 25 3.5 230 0.106 2 376/37 Panther 350cc 1955-66; Mod 75 1" 30 4 180 0.106 2 376/38 Anzani 325cc 1956 Twin 2Str Car 1" 25 3.5 260 0.106 2 Greeves 325cc 1955-57; 32D Fleetmaster 1" 25 3.5 260 0.106 2 Tandon 322cc 1955-56; Viscount 1" 25 3.5 260 0.106 2 376/39 376/40 Triumph 650cc 1955-61; Tiger 110, TR6 1 1/16" 25 3.5 250 0.106 3 Triumph 650cc 1962-63; TR6 S/S 1 1/16" 25 3.5 250 0.106 3 376/41 Indian 692cc 1956-60; Twin Trailblazer 1 1/16" 30 3.5 240 0.106 3 Royal Enfield 692cc 1957-63; Constellation & Super Meteor Twin 1 1/16" 30 3.5 240 0.106 3 376/42 Triumph 650cc 1955-60; TR6 and 6T (Export) 1 1/16" 25 3.5 270 0.106 4 376/43 BSA 350cc 1955-57 B32 Comp Scrambler 1 1/16" 25 4 260 0.106 3 376/44 376/45 376/46 376/47 Type Use Bore Pilot Cutaway Main Jet Position 376/48 Velocette 349cc 1955-60; MAC 15/16" 25 3.5 200 0.1055 3 376/49 Velocette 499cc 1955-66; MSS Endurance 1 1/16" 25 3.5 240 0.1055 3 376/50 Norton 596cc 1955; 19R Twin (Export) 1 1/16" 25 3 250 0.106 3 376/51 Norton 350cc 1956; Mod 50 1" 30 3.5 210 0.106 2 376/52 376/53 376/54 376/55 Matchless 347cc 1955-57; Scrambler G3LC 1 1/16" 30 3 240 0.106 3 376/56 376/57 Anzani 325cc 1956 Twin 2Str Car, 1957 Unitwin 1" 25 3.5 260 0.106 2 Greeves 325cc 1955-57; 32D Fleetmaster 1" 25 3.5 260 0.106 2 376/58 AJS 600cc 1955-57; 30 Twin 1" 30 4 260 0.106 3 Matchless 600cc 1956-57; G11 Twin 1" 30 4 260 0.106 3 376/59T AJS 350cc 1956-63; Trials 16MC, 16C 1 1/16" 30 3 210 0.107T 3 Matchless 350cc 1956-61; Trials G3LC 1 1/16" 30 3 210 0.107T 3 Matchless 348cc 1962-63; G3C 1 1/16" 30 3 210 0.107T 3 376/60 376/61 Velocette 349cc 1956-66; Viper 1 1/16" 30 3.5 270 0.106 3 376/62 376/63 376/64T Ariel 497cc 1956-58; HT5 "R" Hunter Trials 1 1/16" 30 3 200 0.106T 3 376/65 376/66 Norton 500cc 1956-63; Dominator 88 Std and Deluxe Twin 1" 30 3.5 240 0.106 2 376/67 Norton 596cc 1956-62; 77, 99 1 1/16" 25 3 250 0.106 3 376/68 Norton 350cc 1957-63; Mod 50 1" 30 3.5 210 0.106 2 376/69 376/70 376/71 376/72 376/73 376/74 376/75 376/76 James 197cc 1957; Competition 2 stroke 15/16" 20 3.5 180 0.105 2 376/77 Triumph 500cc 1957-60; T100 (Export) 1" 25 3.5 200 0.106 3 376/78 AJS 600cc 1957-58; 30 Twin, 30CS 1 1/16" 30 3.5 280 0.106 3 Matchless 600cc 1958; G11, G11CS, Mod 30 1 1/16" 30 3.5 280 0.106 3 376/79 Excelsior 328cc 1959-60; Berkeley Car 1" 25 4 230 0.106 2 376/80 BSA 650cc 1957-59; A10 Twin Gold Flash 1 1/16" 25 3.5 240 0.106 3 376/81 BSA 350cc 1958-59; B31 (Home) 1" 30 3.5 260 0.106 2 376/82 BSA 350cc 1957-59; B31 (Export) 1" 30 3.5 200 0.106 2 376/83 BSA 500cc 1957-59; A7 Twin 15/16" 25 3.5 210 0.106 2 376/84 BSA 500cc 1957-59; B33 (Export) 1 1/16" 25 3.5 210 0.106 3 376/85 BSA 500cc 1957-60; B33 and
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