Courier Gazette
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c A SIL E N T SESSIO N . LABOR PARADE. THEY WENT TO PIECES. MEN AND WOMEN Miss G. Louise Ayers is visiting friends in THE LEADING STORE! Roston. Meeting of Maine Deaf Mute Mission. Labor Day Celebrate:! with Imposing Tire Rocklands After Putting Up a Fine Personal Paragraphs ot More or Less John Holbrook is home from I3o?ton fora Closing Out Sale. Ceremonies nt Thomaston. Gnrr.e for Four Innings, Make Interest' to Our Readers. vacation. I The meeting of the Maine Deal Mute Numerous Errors and Become September 1st Iras gained Miss JoHe Bradbury is spending the week at The* mam mot I j stock at the; Boston j Mission in this i ity on Saturday and Sunday, a standing in the Easy Victim s to the John ! Fdw. 8. Snow rrdnrns to Boston today. calender which it lias not pn- Variety store, amounting to over £.S,DO'\ j may safely he pronounced one of the most piously' pn-*<.--cd, F. Morrills. M-p V. .1 rimer is visiting friends in Blue- j ^onhport. will In; sold regardless of post. hill. Mrs. Frank Robbins is visiting friends in interesting gatherings ever assembled here. having been set apart for t !; purpose of the Being desirous *»f making a change in various labor orcani/.ation- in the county to The Game at Thomaston Yesterday — Miss M. P. Morrill leaves on the Katahdin Bucksport. busine ss, we; liavi; decided to (dose out I The mutes hegan to arrive Friday night. celelirate the advatvc and p rind pics of labor Other News of the Diamond. tonight for Chicago. Mrs. L. It Campbell has returned from our entire stock, consisting «>f crockery, Saturday morning’.- Huston hoai brought i glassware*, ttnwnrn, wooehm-warc. rail.-, about forty, :u enmpanied by the- Rev. Dr. reform. This year the vari .•us labor unions It was a large ami exreetant crowd that tiled Mrs. Martha Barrows has returned from a Cambridge, info thr- n.omlway grounds Friday afternoon velocipedes, wheel-burrow*. bn-ket*. I Thomas Gallaudet. There were t20 dele-! in thi- pan of the state held their celebration two weeks visit in Boston. James Kernald nnd wife are visiting friends to witness iIn? contest bptwocn the home team on Vlnulbaven. lamps, vtraes, toys, dolls, books, station j gates in all. Most of them were from differ* jat Thomn-ton, being entertained by Local Mrs. Lucius E. Cobb returned from h • visit ary, Ladies’ Gent's hosiery, towels, ! and the John F. Morrill a, reputed to he ur.e ol Hall Is the guest of Miss cut parts of .uir own -late. 1ml thete were .t A •• - inhly No. fi"}.}. 'Pile day was In autiful, t > Manchester last week. Miss Hattie V lmnd ket ch ids laces, band bags, purses the treats in fine condition, and the weather die strongest, if not (h strongest amateur Annie P. Wight. and e*te. few fmm icarly every tale in New England. team In Ma-sachusytts. For the first four ! Mi-s Miner, of Chicago, is the enest of i :-t cool enough to make everything comfort* Mis* Alice McNamara is attending Normal Wo shall also elo-c out tho larg"-t It vas a curious sigh to see them in 1»t f I• • , innings the home trim lead and enthusiasm , Rev. and Mrs. 1). V. Hatch. school at Gorham. portion of our stock of watches clocks, gro ips at the hotels, in thc store- and .... ran high. Hut it li l not list long. I . W. Wight nnd wife are on a visit to Mrs. At an early hour the people from adjoining Mr* J. P Bradbury bus returned from a jew elry rind silver^vare. M ain St., R ockland, tile streo cummmii. ting with each tithti In Hu* iirtli Inning the visitors made six i Wight’s relatives in Dexter. towns began to assemble to witness or take visit to Northport. -0 niml with their lingers that only an , ycores which rcsullnl in Grey’s being replaced | Mr*. Li lira Snow Evans and children of part in the exercise-. With the morning Notice to Sportsmen. expert c fid possibly follow or understand ! in the "hex" by Cowing of the Huston Grays i Philadelphia nr*’ in tlie coy. c ’nrtnee Brown and brother John returned train from Rockland came the members of the who had been retained to stiengthen the to Boston last week. ti. n. it i;- perfectly wonderful hew quick Miss Grzce Crockett of Charlestown, Mas*.. home nine, lies may bar Den 11 wise move i I ImviiJust pill in anew line of <rnn-. ami ingenious most or them are in expressing two labor assemblies in company with many Is visiting friends in this city. Thomas McDonough, formerly of this city, singlo atul iluublo wliinh I liooplit very of the citizen*; of that < ity. At nine o’clock but it was unlucky <o say the least, (lowing ir j is attending college at Van Huron. \ theim-clve- by signs as well as by the use said to have piiched a good game, being Mi»s Etta Burk of East Boston is visiting low anil am prepal'eil lo give the lioit lh schooner l.agonia in tow the tug F.llen M.i> Dcnimt, who has spent thc\summer^ trades in jriins Hint was ever known in of the alphabet. 1 poorly supported, but as \. ot the IA hits were j Mrs. Wm. Holt rook, Ihi* city. brought about 200 from St. (jenrge and else* with Sn.ii* Perry, returned t*» New YorVop the" this oily. Jn-t N ok al our prices: tlnulili- Many of them have enjoyed the 1> st made during the three innings be pitched, j Mrs. M C. Vcazie, < f Boston, is in the city wli -i - rcju senting the (Iranitc Cutters’ steamer Lucy Miller Saturday. bbl. breach loading shot puns from*" educational advantages in their own institu some hing more than field big errors mav lie and will visit at Crescent Beach. l iiiwii, Paving (’titter-* I’nion, and Knight- Mrs. J. A. Frasier and daughter Nellie re upwards. tion-; and a large proportion of them are very said to liuvi caused the somewhat numerous , Mrs. Joseph Abbott goes to Jackson, Michl Sinplo barrel broueh loaders from "I Labor. At eleven o’clock a special train turn d to Boston Saturday, after a pleasant intelligent notwithstanding the natural dis score. The game its*-11 was highly inrereitine gun, to visit her daughter Mabel. .$.'!()(> upwards. We have tlm lurpest and 1 .. e n d . .. arrived fr*on Hath bringing the Local Assem sojourn here ot about four weeks. advantages under which they labor. until it became too one-sided, the features Miss Mattie Dexter of Malden, Mass., is the liest line of puns in tbe city. bly No. ,S 138. accompanied by the Continental Mrs. j. o. Rhoades and children of Omaha, 'I’herc are but few mutes in this city, and being mainly the batting at which Cotter. gu "■( ol Mi-s Ada J. Simonton. Don't forpet the place, opposite Ilerrv Drum Corps. Lyons and Sullivan won distinction. The Neb., who have Den the guc-t- of Mrs. W. B. Mr. Allan Howler and wife, Mr. Hrown and Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Tapley ot llevere, were Bros. Siitbln. Hil'J Main Si , Rocklai.ii, • ^Tli( visitors had three pitchers in the box the first II ix, bavo returned to their home. Me., Wc will i xehanpe new puns ha- Mr. Flagg made themselves exceedingly u Cn> gue-os ot R. W. Mes«er last week. S . cutters from FricmDIiip Long Island, made of whom was none other than Toby Lyons, Rev. J Herbert Yeoman and wife ot the old ones and also trade puns for watches fnl to thcii visiting friends. c.,r.:cli..s Ki,M.,-ror return.',! tn Vail »nr«l> | Con(|., thur,,b ot Quinc, ( Mafi, , ure visiting a large and line looking body of men. The ! the old Rockland favorite. A h be stepped to BOSTON VAHIKTY STORK 'rhe meetings on Saturday were in the Lily yesterday where he attends college procession formed at the foot of Knox street the bat lor the first time he received u hearty Mrs. II. O. Hewett, Camden street. F. L, SHAW, Hall. The opening session was at two o'clock round of npphiuse, testifying that he has by Mi-s Lottie Man’ll^from Waldoboro is the in the following order : Miss Cora J. Loring has lately returned from 1‘ropri tor. in the afternoon. All the proceedings were no means lost the admiration of tho friends cue t of Lottie llarderivjjracc Portland greatly improved in health. Miss • I \Y pMtlioilv, Mnrslml of 11.• • I>ny. conducted in the sign language interpreted by .V. .1 ID-..I, 1 l,|,.f M-.utit. il Ai.l. I"? won while pitching tor ihe Rockland- three James Murphy of UosfwnBoston spe-pent a few .lays nt Justo-on, one. of tho students of Dr. Young's C lo th ih<r D ept. Rev. Dr, Gallaudet. The 1’resident ol the t.’av.i]«-:i«h* »»f lli.M. itirii. seasons ago. The game by mutual consent, hi* old home in this tto* pn t week. Institute is with her nt '1'2 Myrtle St. *iml of Polio*-. Mi-don. Hiram I*. Hunt of I »inv, . ailed up -u 1)2111(1. was stopped at the eighth inning. Following Mr-. Carrie M. Genii, Lirlotn, N. Y., is Pearl Wight nnd family left for New Orleans is the detailed score : " ^ W e have* added it lar Rev.