「光麗科技控股有限公司」呈獻: 東華三院LOVE Actually LIVE Actually 抗疫慈善音樂會
POSTAGE PAID Economy PERMIT HONG KONG 優惠級 NO. E CHINA 特許編號 中國香港 03285 郵資已付 通訊 TUNG WAH NEWS 五月號 2020 May Issue 總機 General Hotline | 2859 7500 編輯室電話 Editorial Hotline | 2859 7860 捐款熱線 Donation Hotline | 1878 333 地址 Address | 香港上環普仁街十二號 12 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 出版 Publisher | 東華三院企業傳訊科 TWGHs Corporate Communications Division www.tungwah.org.hk 文頴怡主席(中)、冠名贊助人暨籌委會主席李澤浩總理(左三),聯同 籌委會委員鼎力支持是次音樂會。 Ms. Ginny MAN (centre), the Chairman, Mr. LEE Chak Hol, Michael (left 3), Title Sponsor cum Chairman of Organising Committee, and members of Organising Committee, showed their staunch support to the Concert. 2 「光麗科技控股有限公司」呈獻: 5 東華三院LOVE actually LIVE actually 抗疫慈善音樂會 本院早前於網上播放抗疫慈善音樂會,獲一眾歌手、醫護人員組成之樂隊等戮力演出及呼籲捐款,並獲 華懋集團旗下如心海景酒店暨會議中心贊助場地。音樂會於本院Facebook專頁及Youtube頻道同步 串流播放,連同各播放平台錄得近80萬總人次收看,為居家抗疫的市民及醫護打氣。 所有籌得的善款將用以補助本院抗疫援助計劃的資源,提供防疫用品、措施、相關服務,以及緊急經濟 援助等予社會上有需要人士,助其度過難關。 Apex Ace Holding Limited presents: TWGHs Charity Concert “LOVE actually LIVE actually” Organised by TWGHs, the online Concert was supported by an array of singers, and bands formed by medical staff who appealed for donations with their splendid performances, and backed by L’hotel Nina et Convention Centre of Chinachem Group as the Venue Sponsor. The Concert, broadcast on TWGHs Facebook page, Youtube channel and cross-posting platforms, recorded nearly 800,000 views, providing positive energy and support for medical staff, as well as citizens who stayed home in their fight against the epidemic. The fund raised will be used to finance a series of the TWGHs anti-epidemic projects, including provision of anti-epidemic materials, measures, related services and emergency financial assistance to people in need and help them get 參與演出之歌手及嘉賓包括: 蔡一傑、楊千嬅、梁詠琪、容祖兒、梁漢文、薛凱琪、鄭融、周柏豪、 through this difficult time.
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