® www.withoutprejudice.co.za OOvveerrssiigghhtt aanndd aarrrrooggaannccee 66 UUsseedd ccaarr ssaallessmmeenn aarree bbeetttteerr 12 Oops 2222 BBuussiinneessss rreessccuuee 3300 PPiinncchhiinngg yyoouurr ttrraaddeemmaarrkk 4400 HHoolleess iinn tthe puubblliic ppuurrssee 4488 R40.00 (Inc. VAT) Vol 12 No 7, August 2012 TThhee LLaaww MMaaggaazziinnee ENS WPBestOct2011 10/11/11 3:09 PM Page 1 CMY CM MY CY CMY K Composite August 2012 1 ithout prejudice is officially supported by a number of Wcorporate law firms and corporate law advisers. This support underlines the importance placed by many cor - porate attorneys on the magazine’s ability to reflect current issues and to comment on these. This does not mean that the opinions carried in without prejudice in any way reflect those of the supporting firms. Indeed, without prejudice’s editorial independence and integrity is jealously guarded. To give effect to this, an editorial advisory board provides direction and counsel and meets three times a year. EDITORIAL The corporate law firms supporting without prejudice are: Editor Myrle Vanderstraeten Correspondents: Carmel Rickard, David Rees, Eben van Wyk, Dewaldt van Wyk Michael Avery, Vaughn Williams Design and Layout Janine Harms - Gleason Design Studio e-mail
[email protected] ADVERTISING Rates available on request from Vanessa Aitken +27 (0) 83 775 2995 e-mail:
[email protected] HEAD OFFICE GLEASON PubLICATIONS (PTy) LTD Publisher David Gleason 30 Tudor Park, 61 Hillcrest Avenue, blairgowrie, Randburg, 2194 P O box 1332, Pinegowrie, 2123 Tel +27 (0) 11 886 6446 Fax +27 (0) 11 886 6448 e-mail:
[email protected] Directors: E.D. Gleason, M.L.