THE MAGAZINE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS JUNE 20 1 0 > POAL Handles NZ’s Biggest Container Ships > Hamburg Sud On Equipment & Capacity Management > McKay’s & PIL – A long & Happy Relationship This will avail us with a significant 1.6ha across a wireless system to a dedicated refuelling every day which was previous in the key area of the currently located server. With the focus on Safe Driving, practice. CONTENTS Pack Operation, the Empty Depot, Shuttle Productive Driving and Equipment Care, and the Rail Exchange areas. We are Aggregate Reports are produced from Since implementation, Sattel’s success POAL carefully considering future applications the stored data. These chart performance in improvement in equipment care has 2-3 for this valuable space. The demolition and incident information and are used by been phenomenal. Since August the 4-5 means a move for the POAL Container Performance Coaches to review drivers’ cost of repairs arising from damage to POAL OPERATIOnS Pack/Unpack Service which enables an performance, accident incidence and equipment, straddles and containers, FOCUS FOCUS upgrade in Pack’s operation for greater damage and to help drivers with additional has plummeted. That’s great for POAL REVIEW coaching where necessary, to improve efficiency and productivity. At this early and a very important outcome for our Seamless exchanges safe driving skills, equipment care and stage of the project I can say that some of customers. for NZ’s biggest ever the newly available space will be repaved productivity. containerships. to accommodate a much expanded POAL The monitoring of driver behaviour Major Upgrades for Empty Depot operation. (See pgs 4 & 5). Productivity is important and that’s 6-7 identifies the potential for risk well SeaPACK & Empty Depot all about such factors as driver route FaCe tO FaCe: in advance of a possible accident. selection, navigation and driving Services Hamburg Sud on the Secrets FIRSt IN aUSTRALASIA Grant JOrey technique. It is NOT about speed. Sattel Enhancement in training practices and of Success For General does measure speed but we definitely improvements in driver technique means Equipment & Capacity ManaGer POAL Meanwhile we are reaping the early Ports of Auckland straddle operations will OPeratiOnS & benefits of our new Sattel container don’t want drivers driving faster! It also Management COntainer monitors fuel levels which enables POAL also become safer as they become more 8-9 handling monitoring system. an productive. terMinalS australasian first, this puts POAL to immediately detect underperformance far out in front of any other port in in equipment. This is not only aGENCy/ environmentally beneficial but it also And for the future – watch this space as australia or nZ. Designed to increase enables us to refuel equipment on a Just we intend to fit Sattel technology into our PRINCiPAL 10-11 ThE first quArter 2010 safe straddle carrier driving, to reduce in Time basis rather than each machine cranes in the near future. Mackay’S & PIL hAS been A buSy one driving accident damage and to improve mAdE iN productivity, Sattel has shaved a – The Happy fOr POrts Of AuCkland Couple CHINA dramatic 78% off accident damage costs in the first eight months of its Geely – NZ’s First and fOr Our ShippiNg Chinese Cars Line CustomErS duriNg implementation at the Port. A bumper peak ExporT Based on a Military GPS system DGPS, season. While ThE which uses many more satellites than standard GPS to deliver highly accurate consolidation Of Our positioning, Sattel has been installed 12-13 container operations into all POAL’s mobile container handling at Fergusson Container equipment such as straddle carriers. POAL Impact sensors have been attached in TErminal hAS bEddEd various positions on the POAL straddle 14-15 NEWS down we hAvE EmbArkEd fleet. If a straddle (or the cargo it’s carrying) collides with anything – eg a MARKET on A mAjOr PrOject container in the stack, that impact is rOUnD UP recorded and reported. bACk That includes ThE PAgE dEmoliTion Of Our Sattel records, monitors and reports DIRECtORY biggest ShEd. information on a range of activities and performance which it transfers in real-time PerforManCe COaCh Matt KniGht monitOrS the Sattel SySteM JUNE 2010 03 MaJOr UPGRADeS us all the information upfront with more repaved to provide a greatly expanded area FOr bOTH SEAPaCK transparency”. He says that a growing to accommodate POAL’s upgraded Empty POAL HANDLES number of SeaPACK’s customers are working Depot operation. AND eMPTY DePOt more closely to a Just-In-Time system which SERViCeS means their orders for the SeaPACK service, As Grange Pole explains, the move will nZ’s BIGGeSt are being sent in much closer to vessel enable major expansion of the Empty Depot Ports of Auckland’s specialised pack and cut-off times. “That makes it imperative for service range including container wash, unpack service now renamed SeaPACK, is us to get the pre-planning done and to get inspection, decontamination and pre-trip plus on the move. Although not moving far from eVER CONTAINER a much greater level of transparency in the its current central location at POAL, Pack’s all the rail exchange and empty container OPErATiONS information flow than the manual/fax system new facility will bring better utilisation exchange facilities. “It’s going to enable ever allowed.” empty depOt / paCk Changes rEviEW: SHIPS of space and efficiency improvements in total reorganisation to achieve greater the Unit’s way of working, according to efficiency and throughput. The Empty SeaPACK Manager Grange Pole. “The end eMPTY DePOt Depot is a vital element in POAL’s service Since then POAL has hosted a more ‘very satisfied’ with the exchange and with the result will be improved productivity and a UPGRADe response to increased hubbing over Auckland frequent visitor. in april auckland was berth window. “Everything held to schedule more competitive SeaPACK product for our the firstn Z port call on the 4,578 TEU and went smoothly” he responded. customers” he says. Once SeaPACK has moved out of its present and the demand for ever faster container OOCL New Zealand’s maiden voyage. also premises, that shed will be demolished and turnaround.“ introduced as an extra-loader during the The arrival of these larger vessels supports the PaCK e-nOTE peak export season, the 400 reefer plug continued trend experienced at POAL where OOCL New Zealand is part of the weekly increased hubbing of international shipping A major step towards improvements at nZX service to Malaysia and Singapore. services on Auckland is seeing fewer ship SeaPACK was undertaken in May 2010 with Berthing the OOCL new ZeaLand visits but with significantly bigger container the development of the Pack e-Note. This is Not only did the OOCL New Zealand enjoy exchanges. Over the last few years POAL has an electronic, web-based e-Note enabling As neW ZealanD’S larGeSt problem-free arrival, berthing and container built on its natural advantages to prepare for Pack customers to book a range of Pack container port, POrtS of exchange on her first visit (and subsequent the arrival of these larger container vessels. services on the web. AucklanD iS PrePareD anD visits) but she did so in the company of A naturally deep harbour and dredging of the “the Pack e-note will On ‘StanD-by’ tO hanDle the Maersk Duffield which joined her on commercial shipping lane in the Rangitoto the same berth. According to POAL Chief containerShips up tO 7,000 Channel, caters for vessels up to 7,000 TEU. alleviate the need for Pilot Nigel Meek, the entire process was TEU. Until reCently, the The port company also has consent to further fax bookings and totally trouble-free: “The OOCL New Zealand was deepen one of the ship berths at Fergusson larGeSt containerShips upgrade the efficiency of the larger vessel but at 261 metres, she was to 15.5 metres. POAL Managing Director Jens SerVinG nZ Were Maersk’S our reservations and service in fact shorter than the 281 metre, 4,100 Madsen says: booking system. this is 4,100 TEU VesselS. laSt TEU Maersk Duffield. It was a busy night on DeCeMber POAL WaS able tO 9th April. She joined the Maersk Duffield part of our efficiency drive DemonStrate itS ability tO at Fergusson while we had another vessel “ We have the resource to prepare for anticipated accommodate the larGer berthed on the western side of the adjacent Consent which means volume growth for Pack” container Ships When Freyberg Wharf. It required a bit of juggling comments Grange Pole. up and down the berth to access all the that we are in position it beCaMe One of two nZ He explains that the Pack e-Note has been cargo on the OOCL New Zealand but we did to move quickly to berth port CallS for the 5,042 on trial since May and is now available it without any problems.” TEU Maersk DetrOit – the deepening when and if for all SeaPACK customers. “It is a clear, concise and reliable format that enables larGeSt container Vessel NZ General Manager OOCL, Peter it’s needed.” much improved reporting as well as better GranGe pole eVer tO ViSit nZ. Sutherland, confirmed that the Line was planning and scheduling. It also gives JUNE 2010 05 FaCe tO FaCe With: haMbUrG Sud haS been SailinG In that environment in 2009 Commercial and General Manager intO the POrtS of AucklanD Hamburg Sud fared better than most Finance, Logistics and Operations Simon edwards SinCe the line PiOneereD shipping lines. Contributing to that respectively. containeriSatiOn On the nZ performance was Hamburg Sud NZ, Here they talk about Equipment and traDe in the early 70S.
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