Creating a Better World

An Interview with David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer,

EDITORS’ NOTE From 1973 to Our culture is also attractive to Where did the idea come about for 1975, David Rubenstein practiced people with whom we invest. There patriotic ? law in New York with Paul, Weiss, is still nothing that beats hard work, I worked in the government early in my Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. From courtesy, some humility, and a real career, so I have some sense of history and the 1975 to 1976, he served as Chief desire to do something useful in the importance of the government, and living in Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary world, which is to build a firm and Washington perpetuates that interest as well. I Committee’s Subcommittee on take the profits from that to do things stumbled into buying the Magna Carta and real- Constitutional Amendments. From that are probably better for the world ized that preserving historic documents might 1977 to 1981, during the Carter than just accumulating money. be a good thing. I determined to buy things Administration, Rubenstein was With the growth of the firm, is like the Emancipation Proclamation and the Deputy Assistant to the President it harder to maintain culture? Declaration of Independence so people could for Domestic Policy. After his White Yes. We have about 1,600 employ- see them and maybe be inspired to learn more House service and before co-found- David M. Rubenstein ees, so the firm is still at a size where we about American history. ing Carlyle, Rubenstein practiced can get the senior people together fairly law in Washington with Shaw, Pittman, Potts & regularly so everyone knows what’s going on. Trowbridge. David Rubenstein is a 1970 magna We have a flat structure – it’s not hard to cum laude graduate of Duke and graduated in access the top executives. 1973 from The Law School. Nobody has perfected how to build a global firm – all the firms with COMPANY BRIEF The Carlyle Group ( whom we compete are still very much in their is a global alternative asset manager with $158 first generation. All of us have been looking for billion of assets under management across ways to build our culture and have it survive. 281 investment vehicles as of December 31, The core of The Carlyle Group is integ- 2016. Carlyle’s purpose is to invest wisely and rity, quality, and the responsibility that you create value on behalf of its investors, many of exercise. Does it ever frustrate you that whom are public pensions. Carlyle invests across there isn’t more understanding about the good four segments – Corporate Private Equity, Real that business does? Assets, Global Market Strategies and Investment Going back over the past few hundred Solutions – in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, years, it’s the case that businesses are not beloved the Middle East, North America, and South by the average person. America. Carlyle has expertise in various indus- What we’re seeing now is not something tries, including aerospace, defense and govern- new but because of the media attention, it has ment services, consumer and retail, energy, changed. The wealth of individuals who run financial services, healthcare, industrial, real these public companies is now available in a estate, technology & business services, telecom- way it wasn’t before. munications and media, and transportation. People are increasingly sensing that these Rubenstein announces his $7.5 million gift to help repair the The Carlyle Group employs more than 1,600 firms have some social value. They are creating earthquake-damaged . people in 35 offices across six continents. or preserving jobs, they are paying taxes, and they are not spoiling the environment. Many When the Washington Monument suffered What has been the secret to the success of of those who have built these firms are taking earthquake damage, I decided to give them the The Carlyle Group? the wealth they’ve created and doing something money to fix it right away. I then thought I could We’ve always tried to have a One Carlyle that others might consider to be more socially do things with other symbols, like the Iwo Jima culture, which means everybody pulls together. useful than accumulating wealth, which is giv- Memorial and . There are an infi- Even though we have 35 offices around the ing it away in a productive manner. nite number of things to do and I’m trying to world, we try to bring people together regu- How do you decide where you want to encourage other people to do this as well. larly and to make sure everyone knows what is focus your philanthropic efforts? Are those projects more focused on going on inside the firm. I try to determine what I can do that will influencing the next generation? I don’t have any animus toward Wall Street have some impact on the world even in a mod- We’ve largely given up on civic educa- itself but the fact that Carlyle’s founders didn’t est way during my lifetime. tion, because everybody is rushing to STEM. At come out of Wall Street might have given us a I try to find something that has a connec- around 70 different colleges in the U.S., one can different culture. Our way has been to do things tion to my family so it has meaning for me. I do major in history but not have to take a single that are friendlier toward the professionals who it myself – I don’t have consultants helping me. course in U.S. history. work at our firm and give them great leeway to Much of my money goes to education, core By having museums or other institutions do what they think is appropriate. medical research, or things like that. that inspire people to learn more about American

12 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. VOLUME 40, NUMBER 2 history, they might turn out to be better citizens. In turn, if we have better and more informed citizens, we might have a better democracy. Take the National Museum of African American History and Culture: I currently serve as the Chairman of the Smithsonian and that museum is part of it. When it opened in September of last year, we knew it would be a very good museum, but we underestimated how much appeal it would have to people. We have since had about one million visitors, and the aver- age person is spending 6.5 hours touring the museum. The point is, if we have a really creative museum and it touches on American history, Americans will visit it. But we have to improve the museums we already have to make sure we preserve the past and that people understand it, and hope- fully they will be better citizens. When I do have events on American history, I’m amazed at how many are really interested in it, and I hope more people will learn about our country’s back- Rubenstein speaks at the opening of the eponymously-named gallery at the National Archives. The Record of Rights exhibit features the 1297 Magna Carta, ground and heritage. which he has permanently loaned to the Archives. What areas of education have you focused on? I don’t have the resources to solve all No one knows if giving a large sum of The K-12 situation in the United States is K-12 problems so I have done some very mod- money to an institution will suddenly make the not great. In Washington, D.C., where I work, est things. In Washington, D.C., I developed a university much better, but what else can we do? 25 percent of the people do not graduate from scholarship program to give two college schol- I give money to programs I’m interested in that high school. If one doesn’t graduate from high arships every year to the best two graduates address areas I feel are important, and time will school, their chance of having a better life and of every D.C. charter and public high school. I tell if it will have the benefit I want. income is reduced. Sadly, about 12 percent of then provide awards to the best teachers and Why hasn’t there been more of an all Americans are functionally illiterate, mean- best principals in the D.C. public school system. impact on K-12 education? ing they have little chance of having a good These programs are just a modest way of hav- We are talking about educating tens of mil- economic or successful life barring a few ing some impact by rewarding the best. lions of children across the U.S. with a ton of exceptions. I have been more involved in higher edu- lower-income challenges, so it’s not easy. I wish Right now, two-thirds of all of the people cation. I’m the Chairman of the Board at Duke I knew what the answer was. Those who have who are in our juvenile court system are func- University. When I leave that role in July, I will spent more money and time on it don’t know tionally illiterate, as are about three-quarters of join the Harvard Corporation board. I have also the answers. I could say I would try to find prisoners. been on the Johns Hopkins board for 12 years the answer with my resources or I could put my We clearly burden our criminal justice sys- and the University of Chicago board for about money into some areas where I can see there will tem and make it easier for more people to end 10 years. be impact, even if it’s less significant, to society. up in it by not having people who can read I’ve made good size gifts to all of those insti- I’m not sure if I put my money into K-12 if it and write. tutions, and I’m pretty involved in their capital would even have an impact because the issues campaigns. I think K-12 education is are so large at this point. very important, but higher education is Where have you focused your efforts on also important. The U.S. leads the world the health side? in higher education – we are the envy In health, it’s difficult to know if one has a big of the world in that regard. impact or not. I’m on the board of Johns Hopkins Great private institutions like Medicine, and I have created a hearing center those I have mentioned are ones there to help those with hearing challenges and that people around the world want to support their research on regenerating hearing. to emulate. To the extent we can Everyone is born with roughly 20,000 nerves in improve these institutions, we will each ear, and as people age, those nerves die. The see people getting better education in trick is to figure out how to get them to regener- the United States. We will also attract ate. In birds, these cells regenerate so we have to good foreign students who might go figure out how to make that happen in humans. back to their countries and ultimately Additionally, certain people are born with con- Rubenstein and Sally Jewell, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, inspect the top of the do good things there, which will ulti- genital hearing problems so this would provide a exterior of the Washington Monument during repairs. mately benefit the U.S. way to fix those.

VOLUME 40, NUMBER 2 POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. LEADERS 13 Second, there wasn’t enough money going People should spend into pancreatic cancer research, so I created a more time on these kinds of pancreatic research center at Sloan Kettering, areas. In part, it gives one even though I’ve been fortunate enough not to pleasure. What is life about have suffered through this with anyone in my but the pursuit of happiness, family. With that terrible disease, which only assuming one isn’t hurting has a 2 to 3 percent survival rate after five years, someone else? What is the hopefully we can make some progress. pursuit of happiness? If peo- I have also been involved with Michael ple can appreciate concerts, Bloomberg and Dan Doctoroff in the effort to pro- ballet, symphonies, and mov- vide money for ALS research. It’s another impor- ies, it will improve their brains tant area that doesn’t get enough research money. and they will be happier. How important is it to also maintain I try to provide support a focus on arts and culture for the next for institutions to give people generation? a chance to appreciate the When governments are cutting budgets, incredible things the human the first thing they cut in general education is brain has accomplished. I have arts and culture because it seems the people tried to be involved in the pro- that benefit from those expenditures don’t have grams at Lincoln Center and the political power to fight back. Kennedy Center. I feel strongly Rubenstein and his daughters pose with giant baby panda Bao Bao at the National Zoo, where The most amazing thing that has ever devel- that the greatest legacy we David and his family fund the panda conservation program (above).; Rubenstein and Morley oped on the face of the earth is the human brain. have for future generations is Safer inspect Bao Bao during a taping of a profile on David for 60 Minutes (below). When Homo sapiens first appeared on earth, it our culture. would have been hard to imagine that we would On the philanthropic side, are there met- As someone who has had careers across effectively conquer the earth. The reason we have rics you try to put in place to track full impact? the private and public sectors, do you feel been able to rule the earth is that the human brain There are some very good philanthropists real change will need to be driven by busi- is the most capable device that anybody could that are very focused on metrics and on mea- ness and the private sector or will it be imagine. When we take a look at what the human suring the impact of what they’ve done. I have through public/private partnership? brain has been able to do, we think about the tried to be involved in those organizations I Businesspeople are more results oriented most amazing things like paintings by Picasso, donate to, so I’m not just writing a check and because there is more of a profit/loss motive sculptures by Michelangelo, concerts and sym- then not paying attention, but it’s hard to know and incentive than there is in government. In phonies by Mozart or by Beethoven, and works how to measure success in the arts. When we business, it’s also somewhat easier to get things by Shakespeare, Milton, or Hemingway. What is get people coming to events and they leave done than in government because there are so life all about other than appreciating what the excited and talk about them, I worry less about many checks and balances within government. human brain can accomplish? What separates profit and loss in those areas. When decent people go into govern- humans from other animals? We have created What makes The Giving Pledge ment, it’s often frustrating that it’s harder to get a culture that lasts past those who are currently important? things done, and when people who are stars alive, so what Shakespeare created 400 years ago When Bill Gates called me about this, I in government go into business, they are often is still alive today. Animals, other than humans, said yes, because I was going to give the money confounded by the challenges that business don’t have that capability. away whether or not I signed the pledge. But presents, which are different than government. The human brain has been able to create by signing the pledge, I felt I would be part of I have been involved in both and both have this incredible, wealthy culture, and people a group that would draw attention to the their pluses and minuses. should learn more about it. Perhaps it will importance of philanthropy generally. People who understand business and go inspire them to create their own additions to this We now have about 170 people who have signed into government can add value. I helped develop great culture or to learn more about what others and a few others who haven’t signed, but are a program at Harvard’s Kennedy School and have done before to create a better world. still increasing their philanthropy. By talking to the Business School where people can get a joint others who have signed The degree and learn about business and public pol- Giving Pledge, I have also icy. Ultimately, those people will end up being found I learn about what valuable contributors in both areas. people are doing and get I have enjoyed the fact that I have been some other good ideas. involved in both. It might not work for every- Dealing with all of the body to be in both, but there is some benefit to issues of wealth, what to having served in government and understand- do for our children, how ing what challenges are there and also under- to measure the success of standing what makes business work. the money we’re giving Do you take moments in the process to away, all of those things celebrate the wins? are helped by The Giving I love what I’m doing. I wish I was Pledge. One of the areas I younger – I would give up all the money I have want The Giving Pledge to be younger because living is such an adven- to move forward on is to ture, but I don’t sit down and pat myself on the inspire younger people who back and look for recognition. Clearly, when might not currently have the doing an interview like this, it’s about telling wealth to sign The Giving people I’m doing good and I expect something Pledge and be inspired to to be written, so I can’t say that I’m a monk liv- become involved in philan- ing in a monastery. I want to get as much done thropic efforts. as I can before my brain or body is done.• 14 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. VOLUME 40, NUMBER 2